ISSN: 1135-8408


Contenido polínico de la atmósfera de Caxias do Sul (Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) 2001-2002

Ve r g a m i n i , S. M.1; Du s o , L.1; De An t o n i Zo p p a s , B. C.1; Fe r n á n d e z -Go n z á l e z , D.2 & Va l e n c i a -Ba r r e r a , R. M.2

1 Museu de Ciências Naturais. Laboratório de Palinologia. Universidade de Caxias do Sul. Caixa Postal 1352, CEP 95001-970, Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. smvergam@ 2 Departamento de Biodiversidad y Gestión Ambiental (Área de Botánica). Campus de Vega- zana. Universidad de León. 24071 León, Spain

Recepción: 2008-11-06; Aceptación: 2009-01-20

RESUMEN: El análisis de la concentración de polen en la atmósfera de Caxias do Sul fue realizado durante los años 2001 y 2002 usando un captador volumétrico de succión tipo Hirst. Durante el periodo de estudio se han identificado 40 tipos polínicos diferentes. Los 18 siguientes constituyen el 97% del contenido de polen total y el calendario polínico: Amaranthus, Araucaria, Asteraceae, Carya, Cupressaceae, Cyperaceae, Ligustrum, Melas- tomataceae, Mimosa scabrella, Myrsine, Myrtaceae, Pinaceae, Plantago, Poaceae, Ricinus, Rumex, Sorocea y Urticaceae. Las mayores concentraciones polínicas se registran durante los meses de invierno y primavera. PALABRAS CLAVE: aeropalinología, calendario polínico, Caxias do Sul, Brazil.

SUMMARY: The pollen concentration in the atmosphere of Caxias do Sul was studied using the volumetric suction Hirst-type sampler (Burkard model), during 2001 and 2002. During the study period, 40 pollen types were identified and 18 of these were selected to compose the Pollen Calendar: Amaranthus, Araucaria, Asteraceae, Carya, Cupressaceae,

© Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca Polen, 17: 51-65, 2007 S. M. Vergamini, L. Duso, B. C. de Antoni Zoppas, 52 D. Fernández-González, & R. M. Valencia-Barrera AIRBORNE POLLEN CALENDAR OF CAXIAS DO SUL (RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL), 2001-2002 Cyperaceae, Ligustrum, Melastomataceae, Mimosa scabrella, Myrsine, Myrtaceae, Pinaceae, Plantago, Poaceae, Ricinus, Rumex, Sorocea and Urticaceae, which account for 97% of the total pollen content. Clearly distinct pollen seasons were observed, with the highest concen- trations of pollen grains in winter and spring. KEY WORDS: aeropalynology, pollen calendar, Caxias do Sul, Brazil.

INTRODUCTION we find Parapiptadenia rigida, Lue- hea divaricata, Myrocarpus frondo- The city of Caxias do Sul is located sus, Cabralea canjerana, Patagonula between 51º17’ West and 29º16’ South americana, which tend to invade the (Fig. 1), at an altitude between 760 and Araucaria forest. 800 m above sea level and a physical The main species of trees in the area of 1,588.4 km². The population is streets of this city are Acer palma- about 396,261 habitants. tum, Allophylus edulis, Brunfelsia The city has a Tropical Pluvial bio- uniflora, Cupressus lusitanica, Cryp- climate (RIVAS-MARTÍNEZ et al., 2002). tomeria japonica, Eugenia uniflora, As for the meteorological factors, the Jacaranda mimosifolia, Lagerstroemia annual mean temperature is about 15.9 indica, Ligustrum japonicum, Pla- ºC, the annual mean precipitation is tanus occidentalis, Tabebuia chyso- 1,821 mm/year and the relative humi- tricha, Tibouchina sellowiana, among dity ranges from 75% to 85%. others. In Caxias do Sul there are three dis- Therefore, the observation of the tinct types of vegetation: the mixed main species’ pollen season present shadow forest, the savanna and the in the study area is important from a deciduous forest. The mixed sha- biological perspective as well as from dow forest, also known as Araucaria the point of view of health, since many forest, is the largest formation of the species may contain allergenic proper- study zone, and is characterized by the presence mainly of Araucaria ties that may cause allergic symptoms angustifolia, as well as Campomane- in the population. sia xanthocarpa, Ilex paraguariensis, The main aim of this study is to Nectandra lanceolata, Ocotea porosa, establish the pollen calendar of the Schinus terebinthifolius, Sebastiana study zone to obtain information about commersoniana, Sorocea bonplandii, the pollen concentration of this region among others. The savanna tends to in different seasons of the year and the undergo an invasion by the Araucaria periods of highest allergenic potential forest because of the high rate of rain- for the people sensitive to pollinosis, fall, and is mainly characterized by the which represent approximately 4.8% presence of species of Poaceae and of the population of the city of Caxias Asteraceae. In the deciduous forest do Sul (VIEIRA & NEGREIROS, 1989).

© Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca Polen, 17: 51-65, 2007 S. M. Vergamini, L. Duso, B. C. de Antoni Zoppas, D. Fernández-González, & R. M. Valencia-Barrera 53 AIRBORNE POLLEN CALENDAR OF CAXIAS DO SUL (RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL), 2001-2002

FIGURE 1. Location of Caxias do Sul city in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

MATERIALS AND METHODS To obtain the airborne pollen sam- ples a Hirst type (HIRST, 1952) volu- The pollen monitoring in the city metric sampler (Burkard ®) was used, of Caxias do Sul was performed from placed on the top of the roof of the January 1st 2001 to December 31st University Hospital, in a urban perime- 2002. ter, about 20 m above ground level, in

© Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca Polen, 17: 51-65, 2007 S. M. Vergamini, L. Duso, B. C. de Antoni Zoppas, 54 D. Fernández-González, & R. M. Valencia-Barrera AIRBORNE POLLEN CALENDAR OF CAXIAS DO SUL (RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL), 2001-2002 an open space without nearby obstacles herbaceous group 23.22% (among them, that could interrupt the air current. 19.07% corresponded to Poaceae pollen The sampler keeps a constant type). entrance of air of 10L/min, which falls During the two study years, the pre- upon a capturing surface (melinex rib- sence of pollen grains in the atmosphere bon) with silicon, where the airborne of Caxias do Sul was observed every particles, including the pollen grains, week (Fig. 2). The summer (January) are fixed. This ribbon is replaced once began in both years with an average a week and then cut into seven pieces weekly concentration lower than 45 corresponding to the seven days of the grains of pollen. After that, this value week. Later, the slides were analyzed decreased until weeks 12 or 13 (March). with a Leica DMLS optical microscope A small increase in the pollen concen- following DOMÍNGUEZ VILCHES et al. tration in the atmosphere occurred in (1992). The pollen concentration was week 16 (April), and the concentration expressed as the average number of then decreased again, registering the pollen grains per day per cubic meter lowest concentration of the period bet- of air. ween weeks 18 and 26 (May and June). The pollen identification was based The amount of pollen increased during on a reference collection made with fresh the winter (July and August), between or herbarium material of the region, in weeks 31 and 35. From weeks 36 to 39 a addition to specialized bibliography small reduction was observed, and when (BARHT & BARBOSA, 1972; BARHT, 1976; the spring began (October), the pollen GRANT SMITH, 1984, 1986; VALDÉS et al., concentration in the atmosphere increa- 1987; MOORE et al., 1991; PIRE et al., sed, registering the highest mean con- 1998; BARHT & PINTO DA CRUZ, 2000). centration of the study period (weeks The 18 pollen types with percenta- 40 and 44). Between weeks 45 and 48 ges of 0.5% or more in relation to the (November), the pollen concentration total in anyone of the two years of study decreased slightly and in the last weeks were selected to compose the Pollen of the year, the pollen quantities decrea- Calendar. sed again, coinciding with the end of the spring (December) and beginning of the summer (Fig. 2). RESULTS The 18 pollen types which presen- ted the highest incidence of pollen In this study 40 pollen types were grains in the atmosphere of Caxias do identified in the total of 30,469 pollen Sul and constitute the Pollen Calendar grains registered. The highest concentra- corresponded to 97% of the total pollen tions were registered in 2001, totalizing content. The order of importance is the 16,221 pollen grains. In 2002, 14,248 following: Poaceae, Mimosa scabrella, pollen grains were totalized. Conside- Urticaceae, Myrtaceae, Cupressaceae, ring the total pollen content, the tree/ Myrsine, Sorocea, Pinaceae, Astera- group represented 76.76% and the ceae, Ricinus, Cyperaceae, Araucaria,

© Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca Polen, 17: 51-65, 2007 S. M. Vergamini, L. Duso, B. C. de Antoni Zoppas, D. Fernández-González, & R. M. Valencia-Barrera 55 AIRBORNE POLLEN CALENDAR OF CAXIAS DO SUL (RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL), 2001-2002

FIGURE 2. Average weekly pollen concentration during the years 2001 and 2002.

Plantago, Ligustrum, Melastomata- The highest incidence of Mimosa ceae, Amaranthus, Rumex and Carya scabrella occurred in the winter, with (Fig. 3). the highest concentrations observed in Poaceae pollen type was registered weeks 31 to 35 (August) in both years. in all months, practically every week, The total number of pollen grains varied in the two years of the study, presen- considerably between 2001 and 2002, ting the highest incidence in the spring being almost twice higher in the first and summer, being weeks 41 and 47, in year. It occupied the second place in the 2001, the peaks. The annual total num- city’s pollen spectrum (Tab. 1, Fig. 4). ber was higher in 2001 (3,269 pollen The highest pollen concentrations of grains) than in 2002 (2,543 pollen gra- Urticaceae were found during the spring ins). It occupied the first place in the and summer in the period of study. The spectrum of atmospheric pollen of the highest quantities of this pollen type city (Tab. 1, Fig. 4). were registered in the weeks between

© Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca Polen, 17: 51-65, 2007 S. M. Vergamini, L. Duso, B. C. de Antoni Zoppas, 56 D. Fernández-González, & R. M. Valencia-Barrera AIRBORNE POLLEN CALENDAR OF CAXIAS DO SUL (RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL), 2001-2002

FIGURE 3. The pollen concentration of the 18 pollen types the higher incidence in atmosphere of Caxias do Sul (2001-2002).

44 and 46 in 2001 and between 41 and The Myrsine pollen type occurred in 47 in 2002. In the second study year, the the atmosphere of the city with many annual total number was significantly oscillations, being more constant in the higher (Tab. 1, Fig. 4). autumn. The annual total number of the The pollen type Myrtaceae was two years was much higher in 2001, and found in the atmosphere of Caxias do the highest pollen concentration was Sul during nearly the whole year, with registered in weeks 14 to 16 in 2001 and the highest pollen concentrations bet- 16 and 17 in 2002 (Tab. 1, Fig. 4). The pollen type Sorocea was found ween weeks 37 and 44. In both study mainly in the spring and summer and years, the peak occurred in week 40, the highest concentrations were regis- and the annual total number in 2001 was tered in weeks 46 and 47 in both study higher than in 2002 (Tab. 1, Fig. 4). years. The annual total number was hig- The pollen type Cupressaceae has a her in 2002 than 2001 (Tab. 1, Fig. 4). winter nature, and occurred in its hig- The pollen type Pinaceae was found hest concentration between weeks 27 in its highest concentrations in the win- and 33 (July and August). The annual ter, in weeks 27 to 37. This pollen type total number was very similar in the two did not present a significant difference years, but the maximum was registered between the annual concentration in in different weeks (Tab. 1, Fig. 4). 2001 and 2002 (Tab. 1, Fig. 4).

© Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca Polen, 17: 51-65, 2007 S. M. Vergamini, L. Duso, B. C. de Antoni Zoppas, D. Fernández-González, & R. M. Valencia-Barrera 57 AIRBORNE POLLEN CALENDAR OF CAXIAS DO SUL (RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL), 2001-2002

TABLE 1. Values characterizing pollen of 18 selected pollen types in Caxias do Sul in 2001-2002.

© Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca Polen, 17: 51-65, 2007 S. M. Vergamini, L. Duso, B. C. de Antoni Zoppas, 58 D. Fernández-González, & R. M. Valencia-Barrera AIRBORNE POLLEN CALENDAR OF CAXIAS DO SUL (RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL), 2001-2002

© Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca Polen, 17: 51-65, 2007 S. M. Vergamini, L. Duso, B. C. de Antoni Zoppas, D. Fernández-González, & R. M. Valencia-Barrera 59 AIRBORNE POLLEN CALENDAR OF CAXIAS DO SUL (RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL), 2001-2002

Figure 4. Pollen calendary of the city of Caxias do Sul, 2001-2002.

© Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca Polen, 17: 51-65, 2007 S. M. Vergamini, L. Duso, B. C. de Antoni Zoppas, 60 D. Fernández-González, & R. M. Valencia-Barrera AIRBORNE POLLEN CALENDAR OF CAXIAS DO SUL (RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL), 2001-2002

The pollen of the Asteraceae family The Melastomataceae family presen- was found in the atmosphere practica- ted low concentrations during the study lly during the whole year. The highest period. The maximum concentration pollen concentration of this family occu- was registered in week 47 in 2001 and rred in the spring and in the end of the in weeks 39 and 50 in 2002, and the summer, in weeks 43 and 45 in 2001 and difference in the annual total number in weeks 45 and 46 in 2002. The annual was not significant (Tab. 1, Fig. 4). total number was similar in both study The Amaranthus pollen type did years (Tab. 1, Fig. 4). not present important concentrations The Ricinus pollen type presented its during the two study years. It presented highest concentrations in the end of the a pollination period during spring and winter and in the spring, in weeks 43 of summer, and the mean of pollen grains 2001 and 38 of 2002 (Tab. 1, Fig. 4). registered in the period was from low to The Cyperaceae family is present in moderate. The maximum concentration the city pollen spectrum during nearly in 2001 occurred in weeks 1, 6, 13 and the whole year. The highest concentra- 52, and in 2002 in week 8 (Tab. 1, Fig. tions were registered between weeks 44 4). and 47 in 2001 and in weeks 2, 46, 47, The permanence of the Rumex 51 and 52 in 2002. The highest concen- pollen type in the atmosphere of Caxias tration of this pollen type was registered do Sul was mainly during the spring, in 2001 (Tab. 1, Fig. 4). with a low incidence. The annual total The Araucaria pollen had its highest number was similar in both study years, incidence in the city atmosphere in 2001, with the highest incidence in weeks 40 with the highest concentrations between and 41 in 2001, and in week 46 in 2002 weeks 40 and 43 (October) in both study (Tab. 1, Fig. 4). years. The presence of these pollen gra- The Carya pollen season began ins in the atmosphere is limited to a very around week 41 and lasted until week short period (Tab. 1, Fig. 4). 50. In the second study year, the annual Plantago presented its highest pollen total number was twice the one in the concentration mainly in the spring and first. Week 46 in 2002 registered the hig- summer, with the highest concentrations hest concentration of this pollen type in weeks 1 and 42 in 2001, and 39 to 41 (Tab. 1, Fig. 4). in 2002. The difference in the annual Other pollen types not included in total number in the two years of study Table 1 presented small atmospheric was not significant (Tab. 1, Fig. 4). concentrations of less than 0.5% of the The pollen type Ligustrum was regis- annual total pollen and their annual tered in the spring and summer, and total concentrations were between 20 the highest incidence of this pollen type and 70 grains of pollen. These are: in 2001 occurred in the first week, and Meliaceae, Podocarpus, Iridaceae, Cas- in 2002 in weeks 41 to 44. The pollen tanea, Acacia, Verbenaceae, Platanus, number registered in 2002 was twice as Brassicaceae, Justicia, and high as in 2001 (Tab. 1, Fig. 4). Rutaceae, in order of incidence. Finally,

© Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca Polen, 17: 51-65, 2007 S. M. Vergamini, L. Duso, B. C. de Antoni Zoppas, D. Fernández-González, & R. M. Valencia-Barrera 61 AIRBORNE POLLEN CALENDAR OF CAXIAS DO SUL (RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL), 2001-2002 the remaining pollen types were found & GRECO, 1942b) and Curitiba (SEABRA only sporadically in the atmosphere, et al., 1961; ROSÁRIO FILHO, 1983) the and their concentration did not attain 20 diversity was lower, mainly due to the pollen grains during the study period. different bio-climatic differences of these cities, situated farther north in Brazil and where the annual humidity is very high DISCUSSION and with entomophily pollination predominate. The pollen results provide a direct In South America, according to the and synthetic view of the vegetation studies consulted, the city of Santiago, of the city of Caxias do Sul and its Chile, presented the greatest variety of surroundings. In general, the image of pollen types, with 103 (ROJA VILLEGAS the current vegetation obtained from the & ROURE NOLLA, 2001), maybe due to a analysis of the pollen spectrum is that greater variety of vegetation in that city. of a set where the communities of gras- On the other hand, in the cities of La ses and rudimental species, besides the Plata and Buenos Aires, only approxi- forest areas and the ornamental flora, mately half the number of distinct pollen are plentiful. types have been registered in each one In the results, 40 types of pollen gra- of these groups (NOETINGER, 1993; NITIU ins were identified in the pollen spec- & ROMERO, 2001). GATTUSO et al. (2003) trum of the atmosphere of Caxias do Sul, found, in the city of Rosario, Argentina, out of which 18 constitute the pollen 24 pollen types pertaining to cultivated Calendar due to their concentration plants of tree-shrub size. In our analyses level. Data registered by HILGERT (1998) of the 29 types, 10 were from plants that report 12 pollen types during the sam- are found in the streets of that city. pling period (from May to November), The total annual pollen concentra- 8 of them belong to the pollen types tion of the city of Caxias do Sul did of tree and shrub taxa. In this study 29 not present a great variation in the two pollen types have been registered in this study years (16,221 pollen grains in 2001 group, corresponding on average to the and 14,248 pollen grains in 2002). These triple of the pollen of the herbaceous values are higher than those registe- taxa, 11 in the pollen calendar. Howe- red in other aeropalynological studies ver, the number is very different, possi- focusing on other Brazilian cities: Porto bly due to the methodology used and Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, to the duration of the sampling period. and Curitiba (OLIVEIRA LIMA & GRECO, It was the pollen of the tree-shrub cate- 1942a,b; BERND & OLIVEIRA LIMA, 1951; gory that predominated in both studies, SEABRA et al., 1961; ROSÁRIO F ILHO, 1983), highlighting the diversity of plants of the due to different aspects: on one hand, tree-shrub size in this region (VERGAMINI the different methodologies, especially et al., 2006). In other Brazilian cities such because of the use of distinct collection as Rio de Janeiro (OLIVEIRA LIMA & GRECO, methods and the duration of the collec- 1942a), Belo Horizonte (OLIVEIRA LIMA tions, and on the other hand, it may also

© Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca Polen, 17: 51-65, 2007 S. M. Vergamini, L. Duso, B. C. de Antoni Zoppas, 62 D. Fernández-González, & R. M. Valencia-Barrera AIRBORNE POLLEN CALENDAR OF CAXIAS DO SUL (RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL), 2001-2002 be a consequence of the differences in two years analyzed is a result of a higher climatic conditions. precipitation in 2001. In other Brazilian When analyzing the dynamics of the cities such as Brasilia, São Paulo, Rio de pollen in the atmosphere of the city of Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Florianópolis Caxias do Sul, the existence of seasonal and Curitiba, the Poaceae pollen season rhythms is clearly visible as the maxi- was during the months of May, June, mum pollen concentrations are regis- and October (OLIVEIRA LIMA & GRECO, tered in the winter (July and August). 1942a,b; MENDES et al., 1958; CARDOSO, In winter the temperatures are low and 1975; MELHEM & MAKINO, 1978; ROSÁRIO there is occasional frost, and most of FILHO, 1983; PAUL et al., 2000), leading the vegetation is in a vegetative state, to the assumption that they are distinct but there is a dominance of pollen gra- species with a different blooming period ins of tree and shrub taxa, especially in and also because of the different climate the month of August when the Mimosa of these cities. However, in other cities scabrella, Cupressaceae and Pinaceae of South America such as Buenos Aires, predominate. The aeropalynological stu- Mar del Plata, Montevideo, and Santiago, dies carried out in Buenos Aires (MAJAS the predominance of Poaceae pollen & ROMERO, 1992; NOETINGER, 1993; NOE- grains was during the same month as TINGER & ROMERO, 1997) and in Santiago in Caxias do Sul. The high quantities of (ROJAS VILLEGAS & ROURE NOLLA, 2001) Myrtaceae pollen registered in this study confirm the same winter period for their are due to the great number of trees of pollination. Undoubtedly, in these cities, this family that are found in the urban the pollen type Mimosa scabrella appears vegetation near the collector. Araucaria in a very small concentration. This is not angustifolia is a tree typical of southern what happens in Caxias do Sul, where it Brazil forming woods in the regions near ranks third in the pollen spectrum. This the city, explaining its incidence in the may be due to the fact that it is a pollen spectrum. The Moraceae family is that forms part of the open woods that mentioned in studies carried out in other surround the city and no specific edafic cities in South America, but the pollen conditions are required. type Sorocea had not been mentioned In spring, in the month of November, in any previous studies. On the whole, the pollen concentration is very high similar results have been observed in because a large number of herbaceous Argentina, in the cities of Mar del Plata plants bloom, such as: Poaceae, Cype- (LATORRE & PÉREZ, 1997), Posadas (PAUL raceae, Plantago, Amaranthus, Rumex, et al., 2000), La Plata (NITIU & ROMERO, and also tree and shrub taxa, such as 2001), Buenos Aires (NITIU et al., 2003), Urticaceae, Myrtaceae, Sorocea, Rici- Rosario (GATTUSO et al., 2003), and in nus, Araucaria and Carya. Out of all Chile, in the city of Santiago (ROJAS of these, the pollen concentration of the VILLEGAS & ROURE NOLLA, 2001). Another Poaceae family was one of the highest pollen type found in the atmosphere in the atmosphere of this city. The diffe- of Caxias do Sul during the collection rence in the quantities registered in the years is the Carya, a taxon growing in

© Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca Polen, 17: 51-65, 2007 S. M. Vergamini, L. Duso, B. C. de Antoni Zoppas, D. Fernández-González, & R. M. Valencia-Barrera 63 AIRBORNE POLLEN CALENDAR OF CAXIAS DO SUL (RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL), 2001-2002 the surroundings of the collector. Its Caxias do Sul are similar to the studies pollination period is short, in the spring of pollen concentration in the months of months. No registers of studies citing this May through November 1995 carried pollen type have been found in Brazil. out in that city by HILGERT (1998). The Similar results with regard to incidence results obtained also partly corrobo- and monthly concentration were found rate the study by VIEIRA & NEGREI- in Argentina (MAJAS & ROMERO, 1992; ROS (1989) mentioning the months of NOETINGER, 1993; LATORRE & PÉREZ, September through November as the 1997; PÉREZ & PÁEZ, 1998). period of allergic symptoms, eviden- The minimum concentrations are cing a clearly defined pollen season registered in the periods of summer and during the year. fall. Among the 18 most important pollen The data obtained in this study con- types in the atmosphere of the city of firm, to a great extent, the studies carried Caxias do Sul, we point out the pollen out in Buenos Aires (NITIU et al., 2003), type Myrsine with a blooming period Mar del Plata (LATORRE & PÉREZ, 1997), that lasts almost the whole year round La Plata (NITIU & ROMERO, 2001), Rosa- and which presents many oscillations rio (GATTUSO et al., 2003), and Posadas in the collection period, registering hig- (PAUL et al., 2000). The first four cities her concentrations in April. The species present a temperate oceanic climate Myrsine ferruginea is one of the most granting them seasonality similar to important in the city and its blooming that found in many temperate regions period is in the months of March and of the northern hemisphere. However, April. Therefore, the dominant presence even though Caxias do Sul and Posa- of this pollen in the atmosphere in the das are tropical cities, the seasonality fall is considered abnormal. No expla- reflected in the annual pollen concen- nation for this fact has been found yet, tration is due to the pluvial character of so this behavior will have to be studied their bioclimate. These results do not in further studies. In the bibliography coincide with BERND & OLIVEIRA LIMA’s concerning South America, we found data (1951), especially those about the registers of this pollen type in the study South of the country, which emphasize, by TEJERA & BERI (2002), for one year, in in a uniform way, that there is not a Montevideo, Uruguay, using a Rotorod defined pollen season in Brazil. This apparatus. The pollen types Asteraceae generic statement does not apply in the and Melastomataceae did not have a states of the extreme South, which have dominant pollen season. a severe winter followed by an exu- These patterns of seasonal beha- berant spring, as in the case of Caxias vior comprising the pollen calendar of do Sul.

© Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca Polen, 17: 51-65, 2007 S. M. Vergamini, L. Duso, B. C. de Antoni Zoppas, 64 D. Fernández-González, & R. M. Valencia-Barrera AIRBORNE POLLEN CALENDAR OF CAXIAS DO SUL (RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL), 2001-2002

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© Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca Polen, 17: 51-65, 2007 S. M. Vergamini, L. Duso, B. C. de Antoni Zoppas, D. Fernández-González, & R. M. Valencia-Barrera 65 AIRBORNE POLLEN CALENDAR OF CAXIAS DO SUL (RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL), 2001-2002

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© Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca Polen, 17: 51-65, 2007