The Effect of a Tonic Drone Accompaniment on the Pitch Accuracy of Scales Played by Beginner Violin and Viola Students Disserta

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The Effect of a Tonic Drone Accompaniment on the Pitch Accuracy of Scales Played by Beginner Violin and Viola Students Disserta The Effect of a Tonic Drone Accompaniment on the Pitch Accuracy of Scales Played by Beginner Violin and Viola Students Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Charles Clair Laux, Jr., B.M., M.M. Graduate Program in Music The Ohio State University 2015 Dissertation Committee: Dr. Robert Gillespie, Advisor Dr. Jan Edwards Prof. Mark Rudoff Copyright by Charles Clair Laux, Jr. 2015 Abstract The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of drone-based accompaniment on the development of pitch accuracy of C-major and D-major scales on beginning-level violin and viola students. Participants were 50 second-year, beginning- level violinists and violists from three middle schools in a large suburban school district in the Southeast. Six orchestra classes were randomly assigned to one of three groups; pitch matching (n=15), drone (n = 15), and pitch matching plus drone (n = 20). Groups differed only by the audio accompaniment used during testing and treatment. The audio accompaniments were made using synthesized square waves that provided pitch- matching, a tonic drone, or pitch matching with tonic drone accompaniment. This quantitative study used a quasi-experimental pre/posttest design. Each group practiced the D- and C-major scales with the accompaniment track over seven string class periods as part of their daily warm-up routine. Participants were tested performing the scales under accompanied and unaccompanied treatment conditions. Performed pitches, excluding open strings, were analyzed for cent deviation from equal temperament. The Intonia software program was the measurement tool. In addition to the cent deviations, directional cent deviation data was converted to absolute values and nonparametric sharp/flat values. Participants’ pitch adjustments were also tallied and analyzed. Results indicated no significant improvement in intonation in any of the three ii groups, and there was an inclination for students to perform flat across the study. It is important to note that pitch adjustments were more frequent, though not significant, in accompanied conditions across all groups in the pretest and significantly greater during accompanied conditions in the posttest. iii Dedication Dedicated to my loving family, Tricia, Charlie, and Anderson. iv Acknowledgments I would like to express appreciation to my advisor, Dr. Robert Gillespie, for his time and assistance with this project and for his inspiration, wisdom, and advice that have helped shape and guide me in my career as a string teacher. I owe you so much! In addition, I would like to thank the members of my committee, Dr. Jan Edwards, and Prof. Mark Rudoff for their time and interest in my project. In addition, I would like to thank Ms. Blair Williams, for assisting me with items while off campus. You are a lifesaver! Thank you to my many friends and colleagues who have also helped with my dissertation. Dr. Harry Price: You are not only a wonderful colleague and friend, but also a phenomenal researcher and thinker. I thank you for your friendship and always being there for me. To Dr. Patricia Flowers: You have been an inspiration beyond words and I will never forget our talks. Thank you for believing in me. Dr. Jeff Yunek: You are the best editor on the planet. I appreciate your attention to detail and value our friendship. Thank you to Dr. Michael Hopkins, University of Michigan, for introducing me to the world of SPSS and being such an inspiring string pedagogue and researcher. Thank you to all of the students, faculty, and staff at the Kennesaw State University School of Music. It has been an honor and pleasure to work with such fine musicians, scholars, and pedagogues. To Dr. Lewis VanBrackle, Kennesaw State v University, for the generosity of your time in assisting me on multiple occasions with statistics. I have learned so much from you. Go Owls! I would like to thank the students, parents, faculty, and administration of the schools and school district, as I would not have been able to complete this document without your time, energy, and willingness to help. I would like to send special thanks to Ms. Corie Benton, Ms. Ashley Culley, Ms. Tricia Laux, Mr. Jacob Bitinas, Mr. Paul O’Keefe, and Mr. Michael Tompkins for your pedagogical expertise and willingness to work with me on this project. Most importantly, I would like to thank my beautiful wife, Tricia, and wonderful sons Charles III and Anderson for your continued love, patience, and understanding over the years. You are everything to me. This Never Happened Before… I love you!! vi Vita 1992................................................................Mentor High School, Mentor, Ohio 1996................................................................B.M. Music Education, Ohio University 1996-2003 ......................................................Orchestra Director, Clark County School District, Las Vegas, Nevada 1996-2007 ......................................................Adjunct Faculty, College of Southern Nevada, North Las Vegas, Nevada 2001................................................................M.M. Music Education, University of Nevada, Las Vegas 2003-2007 ......................................................Orchestra Director, Orange County Public Schools, Orlando, Florida 2006-2008 ......................................................Adjunct Faculty, Valencia College, Orlando, Florida 2007-2008 ......................................................Graduate Teaching Associate, Department of Music, The Ohio State University 2008-2009 ......................................................Orchestra Director, New Albany-Plain Local Schools, New Albany, Ohio 2009-2012 ......................................................Orchestra Director, Hilliard City Schools, Hilliard, Ohio vii 2012-present ...................................................Assistant Professor of Music Education, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia Publications Laux, C. (2010). String Education Technology Blog. Laux, C. (2008). Practical musician: Music & musicians - podcasting 101. Strings, 22(8), 26-28. Laux, C. (2007). "A Christmas Festival." Ed. Littrell, D, Racin, L. R & Allen, M. (2007). Teaching Music through Performance in Orchestra. Vol. 3. Chicago: GIA Publications, Inc. (343-347). Laux, C. (2007). "Finale, Symphony No. 2 in C." Ed. Littrell, D, Racin, L. R & Allen, M. Teaching Music through Performance in Orchestra. Vol. 3. Chicago: GIA Publications, Inc. (165-169). Fields of Study Major Field: Music Minor: Educational Technology viii Table of Contents Abstract ............................................................................................................................... ii Dedication .......................................................................................................................... iv Acknowledgments ............................................................................................................... v Vita ................................................................................................................................... vii List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... xi List of Figures .................................................................................................................. xiii Chapter 1: Introduction ....................................................................................................... 1 Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature .......................................................................... 16 Chapter 3: Research Design and Methodology ................................................................ 47 Chapter 4: Results ............................................................................................................. 66 Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusions, Recommendations, and Implications ....................... 99 Bibliography .................................................................................................................. 124 Appendix A: Questionnaire ........................................................................................... 145 Appendix B: Assent Form ............................................................................................. 147 Appendix C: Permission Form ...................................................................................... 151 ix Appendix D: Scale Sheet Music for Violin and Viola ................................................... 155 Appendix E: Lesson Script for Classroom Teachers ..................................................... 158 Appendix F: Directions for Research Assistants ........................................................... 165 Appendix G: Institutional Review Board Approval Letter ............................................. 169 Appendix H: Raw Cent deviation Scores for Each Participant ...................................... 171 x List of Tables Table 3.1: Participants by group and site .......................................................................... 49 Table 3.2: The combinations of scale delivery during testing .......................................... 54 Table 4.1: Participants by group ....................................................................................... 69 Table 4.2: Shapiro-Wilk Test of normality ......................................................................
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