CT&F Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro ISSN: 0122-5383 [email protected] ECOPETROL S.A.

Rodríguez-Forero, Guillermo; de la Parra-Bonilla, Felipe; Vargas Fúquene, María- Carolina; Bedoya-Martínez, Omar-Giovanni PALYNOLOGY OF THE AGUARDIENTE AND LOWER CAPACHO-FORMATIONS, CATATUMBO BASIN, COLOMBIA CT&F Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro, vol. 7, núm. 1, diciembre, 2017, pp. 31-41 ECOPETROL S.A. Bucaramanga, Colombia

Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=46553766002

How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative CT&F - Ciencia, TecnologíaPALYNOLOGY y Futuro OF - Vol.THE 7 AGUARDIENTE Num. 1 Dec. 2017 AND Pag.LOWER 1 - 2CAPACHO - FORMATIONS, CATATUMBO BASIN, COLOMBIA

ISSN Print 0122- ISSN Online 22-1 Journal of oil, gas and alternative energy sources




Guillermo Rodríguez-Forero 1*, Felipe de la Parra-Bonilla 1, María-Carolina Vargas Fúquene 1 and Omar-Giovanni Bedoya-Martínez 1.

1Ecoetrol S.A  In tituto Colom iano el Petr leo, m 7 ía Pie ecue ta, Santan er, Colom ia.

e-mail guillermo.ro rigueecoetrol.com.co

(Received: Dec. 30, 2014; Accepted: Ago. 23, 2017)

ABSTRACT e Catatum o Ba in i locate in te Nort Ea t o Colom ia an i te oo ite i e o te Maracai o a in in Veneuela. Altoug te main y rocar on re eroir elong to te Cenooic, te Cretaceou Tal o a reorte goo re ult in oil ro uction. Te Aguar iente Formation i one o te main Cretaceou re eroir o te a in. ey a ect o ti Formation inclu ing age an eo itional enironment are till unclear. In ti aer, e analye te alynology o  amle rom te Aguar iente an te Caaco Formation . Palynology ugge t an Al ian-Early age or te euence. Te Aguar iente accumulate in tran itional enironment ile te Caaco accumulate in allo marine enironment .

Keywords: Catatumbo basin Colombia, , Palynology, Capacho Formation, Aguardiente Formation.

How to cite: Ro rigue-Forero, Guillermo., De la arra- Bonilla, Felie., Varga , María.C., Be oya, Omar,G. 2017. Palynology o te Aguar iente an Loer Caaco Formation , Catatum o a in, Colom ia. CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro , 71, 1 - 2.

*To whom correspondence should be addressed

CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro - Vol. 7 Num. 1 Dec. 2017 31 GUILLERMO RODRGUE-FORERO et al.


a cuenca el Catatumo e encuentra localiaa en la arte nororiental e Colomia y e la contra arte e la cuenca e Maracaio en Veneuela. Lo rinci ale reer orio e encuentran en Lla ecuencia Cenooica. Sin emargo, itricamente la ecuencia Cretcica a re ortao ueno reultao en t rmino e rouccin e irocaruro. Ete eco a reno ao el inter  en e lorar y roar eta ecuencia tanto ara Hirocaruro con encionale como ara no con encionale. A ete re ecto, la ormacin Aguariente e uno e lo rinci ale reer orio e la cuenca. Aun ue a io erorao y etuiao en ierente oo, a ecto cla e como u ea, amiente e e ito y relacin cronoetratigrica con otra uniae an no e claro. En ete traao e reentan lo reultao el anlii alinolgico eectuao en  muetra e la Formacin Aguariente y la arte aa e la Formacin Ca aco. Dico ato ermitieron etalecer un marco ioetratigrico aao en alinomoro y con el cual ue oile etalecer una erie e e ento ue ugieren una ea Aliano  Cenomaniano ara el inter alo analiao. Aicionalmente e reentan e iencia alinolgica e un oile amiente e e ito marino omero e eta uniae.

Palabras clave: Cuenca el Catatumo Colomia, Cretcico, Palinología, Formacin Ca aco, Formacin Aguariente.


acia o Catatumo localia-e na regio norete a Colmia e a contra arte a acia e Maracaio, na Veneuela. Na e u ncia Cenooica encontram-e o rinci ai reer atrio. ANo entanto, itoricamente a e u ncia Cretcica tem re elao on reultao em termo e rouo e irocaroneto. Ete ato tem reno ao o interee em e lorar e tetar eta e u ncia tanto ara irocaroneto con encionai, uanto ara no con encionai. Nete conteto, a Formao Aguariente um o rinci ai reer atrio a acia. Emora tena io erurao e etuao em i ero oo, a ecto ca e como ua iae, amiente e e oito e relao cronoetratigrica com outra uniae aina no et claro. No eguinte traalo a reentam-e o reultao a anlie alinolgica raticaa em  amotra a Formao Aguariente e a regio aia a Formao Ca aco. Ee ao ermitiram o etaelecimento e um marco ioetratogrico aeao em alinomoro e com o ual oi oí el etaelecer uma  rie e e ento ue ugerem uma iae Aliana-Cenomaniana ara o inter alo analiao. Al m o mai, a reentam-e e iencia alinolgica e um oí el amiente e e ito marino u ericial eta uniae.

Palavras-chave: Bacia o Catatumo Colomia, Cretcico, Palinologia, Formao Ca aco, Formao Aguariente.


1. INTRODUCTION calcareous levels. It has an average thickness of 148 meters. Based on ammonites, Aguardiente has been dated as (Julivert, 1968). This unit overlies the Geological Framework Tibú-Mercedes Formation and underlies the Capacho The sedimentary record of the Catatumbo Basin Formation (Figure 1). The Capacho Formation is the (Figure 1) starts at the end of the Lower Cretaceous unit that overlies the Aguardiente. Its type section () with a shallow marine sequence (Tibú, is located in the Capacho Hill, in The Tachira State, Mercedes, Aguardiente, Cogollo and La Luna Venezuela. Gonzalez (1951, in Julivert, 1968) measured Formations). This sequence is followed by ne-grain a reference section in the Sardinata – Gramalote Road, and sequences deposited during the Late in the Riecito River. According to Sutton (1946, in Cretaceous corresponding to the Colon and Mito Jullivert, 1968) and Rod & Maynic (1954, in Jullivert, Juan Formations (Figure 1). During the , 1968)) the Capacho Formation corresponds to the and Cretaceous, Colombia was affected by stratigraphic interval located between the Aguardiente a rifting related to the separation of North and South and the La Luna Formations. This interval was also America (Jaillard, Soler, Carlier & Mourier, 1990). The called the Cogollo Group by Notestein et al . (1944) in sedimentary Cretaceous in the basin was deposited in the Barco Concession, based in the recognition of three this environment. The progressive oblique collision Formations: the Lower, Middle and Upper Cogollo. This between the Caribbean plate and the Northern margin proposal created confusion in the use of the two terms. of South America during the end of the Cretaceous and For that reason, Maync (in Julivert, 1968 and Richards, the Early Cenozoic, generated a series of deformation 1967 in Julivert 1968) proposed to use only the term events conditioning the evolution of the Northern Capacho Formation, even in the Barco Concession. and its adjacent basins (Case, Duran, Lopez, & Moore, According to Gonzalez (1951, in Julivert, 1968) in the 1971, Villamil & Pindell, 1998, Montes, Hatcher, Riecito river section, the three members of the Capacho Restrepo-Pace, 2005). (Lower, Middle and Upper Cogollo of Notestein et al ., 1944) are recognized. The Lower Member, studied in Oil production in the Catatumbo basin began in 1920. this paper, corresponds to a 138 m. series of dark gray Although the major reservoirs are found through the to black, hard, partly calcareous and micaceous shales Cenozoic, the Cretaceous sequence has also reported with interbedded limestone in the upper 60 m. These good results. Major elds including Carbonera, Petrólea limes are dark gray, argillaceous, wavy and aggy-to and Río de Oro have reported production from the slabby-bedded (Richards, 1957 in Julivert, 1968). Cretaceous. Here we present the palynological results from In recent years, the exploratory activity of five wells that drilled the Aguardiente Formation ECOPETROL in the Catatumbo basin has focused and the Lower Capacho (Table 1). A biostratigraphic on both conventional and non-conventional (mainly framework for this unit was established. Biostratigraphic gas shale ) resources in areas with high structural events including First Appearance Datum (FAD), Last complexity and deep naturally-fractured reservoirs. Appearance Datum (LAD) and ACME's (Abundances) Exploratory campaigns often comprise the testing of were evaluated by the Graphic Correlation method. multiple objectives and reservoirs from different ages. The palynological data allowed us to make inferences The Aguardiente Formation is one of the most important about the possible deposition environment of the unit, drilling objectives. Its type section is the Aguardiente Hill as well as its age. (Notestein et al ., 1944), in Norte de Santander department in Colombia. This unit was initially described as the 2. EXPERIMENTAL DEVELOPMENT upper member of the Uribante Formation (Notestein, Hubman & Bowler, 1944). Sutton (1946) dened it as a We analyzed the palynological information from four Formation (Julivert, 1968). The Aguardiente Formation wells drilled in the Catatumbo basin and one outcrop comprises a sequence of predominantly glauconite section (Figure 2, Table 1). A total of eighty-six (86) sandstone with interbedded carbonaceous shale and well- ditch cutting samples were analyzed (Table 1).

CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro - Vol. 7 Num. 1 Dec. 2017 33 GUILLERMO RODRGUE-FORERO et al.

Table 1. Analye ell an outcro ection an numer o amle Litotra- er ection. Age Litology tigra y Neceia ell aiue giue  Aal e a le Guayao Alamo-1 . 2 -7.01 7 Miocene Tiu- 0 . 0 -72.7 0 1

Neogene Leon Caronera- . 1 -72.1  Oriaya-1 ST1 .0772 -72. 2  1 Oligocene Sarinata ection .0  -72. 07 2

Caronera Samples were prepared in the Instituto Colombiano del Petróleo (ICP as per its acronym in Spanish) following the standard procedure of digesting the Miraor sediments in HCl and HF and then oxidizing (Traverse 2007). The identication of the palynomorphs was Paleogene Lo Cuer o performed by comparison with published literature and with the palynological reference collection of fossil Paleocene palynomorphs hosted at the ICP. Banco

Catatumo We produced a biostratigraphic framework using Graphic Correlation (Shaw 1964: Edwards 984), using GraphCor ® (Hood 1988). A bivariate (XY) plot Maatrictian Mito-uan (Figure 3) is use to compare the stratigraphic position of biostratigraphic events (First Appearance Datum or FAD, Last Appearance Datum of LAD and high frequencies or ACMES); a line of correlation is drawn Camanian Colon to establish the temporal equivalence between sections. The line of correlation can be traced either manually or by using statistic methods, like genetic algorithms - La Luna (Edwards, 1989, Zhang, 2000). This procedure is applied Cretaceou to all sections (in this case 5) to produce a composite section and to establish the stratigraphic range of all Cenomanian Caaco species. The new species range is expressed in terms of composite units (cu) corresponding to the measured units of the Reference Section. Because all the samples Alian Aguariente used in this study are ditch cuttings, FAD’s were not used to avoid the effect introduced by caving. The outcrop Tiu- section (Sardinata) has low sampling due to a great

Atian Uriante Gr. Mercee amount of covered interval, and low recovery due to high Rionegro thermal alteration. The Alamos-1 well was used as the LITHOLOGY Reference Section because is the most complete in terms Santone Claytone Limetone of sampling and palynological recovery. Two rounds of correlation were performed, reaching the stability Sale Coal Volcanic roc of every taxon range. Because of the biostratigraphic, events not occurring exactly at the same stratigraphic Figure 1. General Cretaceou-Neogene tratigraic column o te Catatumo Bain moiie rom Notetein et al ., 1 , Blanco et al ., level across the sections thus, their extrapolation from 200 .


-7 -72 -72 -72

7 7 7 7 -7 -72 -72 -72

Figure 2. Location o te analye ection o ti tuy.

CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro - Vol. 7 Num. 1 Dec. 2017 35 GUILLERMO RODRGUE-FORERO et al. a single section to the composite section); a spreading classoides, Afropollis spp. Callialasporites dampieri, parameter (Jaramillo et al ., 2011, Jaramillo et al ., 2005) Psilatriletes sp and Elaterosporites protensus . In two was calculated in order to evaluate the condence of the wells, (Alamos-1 and Tibu-408, see annex 1) two events position of each event (in this case LAD and LAD of an with high abundance (ACME) of the dinoagellate cyst ACME) in the Reference Section (Table 2). This is also Subtilisphaera spp. were observed in the middle part of a way to identify whether each event could be useful the Aguardiente Formation. as a correlation event. The main idea for this study was to determine how dispersed could the position of each The preliminary sequence of events is composed event be in the Reference Section. For this reason, the by seven (7) palynological events. Five palynological Spreading parameter was calculated by subtracting events were identied in the Aguardiente Formation. the position of the oldest extrapolated LAD and the Most of these events were found only in one or two youngest extrapolated LAD. wells, and very few were found across all the studied sites. From bottom to top, the events are: The LAD The Thermal Alteration Index (TAI, Staplin, 1969, of high frequencies of Subtilisphaera (Subtilisphaera 1977 in Traverse, 2007) was calculated to assess the ACME 2), LAD of high frequencies of the Classopollis thermal maturation of the organic matter. pollen genus (Classopollis ACME), the LAD of Elaterosporites protensus , again high frequencies of

GRAPHIC CORRELATION Subtilisphaera (Subtilisphaera ACME 1), and the LAD - 00 - 00 of Calialasporites dampieri and the genus Classopollis and Two events in the Capacho Formation, described -1000 -1000 by Psilatriletes <25mic. ACME (LAD of the ACME) and Dinoflagellates ACME (LAD of the ACME) -1200 -1200 (Table 2, Figure 4). In all the studied wells a change

-1 00 -1 00 in the organic matter composition is observed in the Aguardiente – Capacho´s s transition. Aguardiente is LAD o . protensus -100 -100 dominated by the continental organic matter while, amorphous organic matter dominates the lower part of -1 00 -1 00 Comoite Section the Capacho Formation.

-2000 -2000 Table 2. Seuence o t e oere alynological eent o t e Caac o  Aguariente Formation an numer o ell ere t e eent -2200 -2200 are oere. LAD o ubtilisphaera  -2 00 -2 00 reaig - 00 - 200 - 000 - 00 - 00 - 00 - 200 - 000 -7 00 T T u ell araeer Section 1 u LEGEND FAD LAD Caaco Fm. To 1 1 0  ----- Pilatrilete 2mic. ACME 1 210  1 Dinolagellate ACME. 1 10 1 Uncertain

Figure 3. Eamle o Graic correlation Aguariente Fm. To 1 0  ----- Arooli arinou LAD 1 0 2  Callialaorite amieri LAD 1 0  20 3. RESULTS Claoolli claoie LAD 1 0  Sutili aera . ACME 1 1 20 2 0 The recovery of continental organic matter is good, Elateroorite rotenu LAD 1 0 1 Uncertain and the palynoora recovery is moderated. TAI ranges Claoolli . ACME 2 010  1 from 2+ in the North to 3 at the South. Common Sutili aera . ACME 2 2 02 2 2 palynomorphs include Classopollis , sp., Classopollis


useful for dating purposes. Caliallasporites dampieri has been reported from the Jurassic in Canada, India

ACME 1 ACME 2 and Europe (Norris, 1970, Srivastava, 1966, Srivastava, ACME

ACME 1987) up to the Albian in Egypt and Canada (Fensome

2 mic ACME & Norris, 1982, Ibrahim, 1996). It also has been reported in Tanzania and South America up to the Early Cenomanian (Srivastava, 1987, Brenner, 1976, Dinoflagelates Psilatriletes Classopollis classoides Calliasporties dampieri laterosporties protensus Afropollis ardinus ubtilisphaera sp. Classpollis spp. ubtilisphaera sp. CU Herngreen, 1975, Muller, Di Giacomo & Van Erve, 1987, Jaramillo & Rueda, 2004, De la Parra et al ., 2011). 1200 Elaterosporites protensus has been reported from the 1 00 Late Albian to Early Cenomanian in South America and Africa (Jardine, 1967, Herngreen, 1975, Brenner, 1976, 1 00

Caac o Fm. Muller et al ., 1987, Batten, 1996, Jaramillo & Rueda, 2004, De la Parra et al ., 2011). Afropollis jardinus has 1 00 been recorded in Africa and South America from the 2000 Middle Albian (Doyle, Jardine & Doerenkamp, 1982; Ibrahim, Aboul Ela, & Kholeif, et al ., 2001) up to the 2200 Early Cenomanian (El Beialy, Head & El Atfy., 2010).

Aguariente Fm. Herngreen & Dueñas (1995) found these two species associated with Classopollis spp., Cicatricosisporites LAD Acme venustus , and Afropollis Jardinus in the Upper part of the Formation of the and were related Figure 4. Seuence o ientiie eent an it tratigra ic oition in t e to the Albian-Cenomanian South Anerican-African comoite ection. Province (ASA, Herngreen, 1975, 1981, Herngreen and Cholonova, 1981, Herngreen et al ., 1996). This 4. RESULTS ANALYISIS association was also found in the Aguardiente. Based on this information, these events could suggest a Middle High thermal alteration of the Aguardiente Formation, Albian – Early Cenomanian age for the Aguardiente indicated by our TAI analysis, strongly affects the Formation. The events recognized within the Lower preservation and recovery of the organic matter and Capachos do not allow to make any age interpretation palynomorphs. We found the thermal alteration to be and are very uncertain. In addition the palynological higher in the South (Oripaya -1, TAI 3) than in the events could be facies-controlled and/or preservation North (Alamos -1,TAI 2+). Mondragón et al . (2002, controlled. However, the Lower part of the Capachos internal report) based on vitrinite reactance (Ro) also would be Late Albian – Early Cenomanian (Early concludes that the thermal maturity of the Uribante Canomanian?) as well, assuming that the association Group (Tibu, Mercedes and Aguardiente Formations) of the ASA Province could be extended to this part is very high, ranging from mature to the North to over of the Formation. These interpretations need to be mature to the South. complemented with more studies of more sections along the basin to calibrate the interpretations and to compare the order of the observed events. Although most of the events keep the same stratigraphic order in all wells, many of them have high spreading parameter (Table 2.) Only Callaliasporites The depositional environment of the Aguardiente dampieri records a variation of 20 composite Formation has been interpreted as transitional, whereas units, but that is not seen in all wells. Afropollis the Capacho Formation was deposited in a shallow marine jardinus , and Elaterosporites protensus LADs, good environment (Olaya & Linares, 1998). Our palynofacies chronostratigraphic markers are very uncertain. This observations suggest a decrease in the continental could be the reflection of the preservation due to supply of organic matter during the accumulation of the Thermal alteration and facies controls. Nevertheless, lower segment of the Capacho Formation. In addition, LADs of Callialasporites dampieri and Afropollis within the Aguardiente, many LADs of continental jardinus and the occurrence of Elaterosporites protesus palynomorphs ( Classopollis , sp., Cicatricosisporites were found in the Aguardiente Formation, and could be venustus , Classopollis classoides , Afropollis spp.

CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro - Vol. 7 Num. 1 Dec. 2017 37 GUILLERMO RODRGUE-FORERO et al.

Callialasporites dampieri and Elaterosporites protensus ) REFERENCES are observed (Table 2). In Alamos -1 there is a dinocyst ACME in the lower part of the Capacho. This ACME is represented by high frequencies of Palaeohystricophora Batten,D.J. (1996). Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous miospores. infusorioides , Subtilisphaera, Diphyes and Coronífera . Palynology: American Association of Stratigraphic Harris & Tocher (2003) suggest that these assemblies Palynologists . (J.Jansonius and D.C.McGregor, Editors) are related to high productivity. These evidences of Vol. 2: 807- 830 environmental changes between the Aguardiente and the Lower Capacho could suggest faces control of the Brenner, G. J. (1976). Middle Cretaceous Floral Provinces palynological events, recognized in this interval. and Early Migrations Of Angiosperms. Origin and Early Evolution Of Angiosperms. Cb Beck, Ed. In Alamos -1 and Tibu - 408 at the Northern part of the basin, two dinocysts ACME events (Subtilisphaera Blanco, V., García, D., Giraldo, B., Blanco, Y., Gallo, M. (2008). ACME 1 and 2) are recognized. These events suggest Ocurrencia de cocinas de generación activas Terciarias y some marine inuence within the Aguardiente. Toward Cretácicas y aproximación a la temporalidad de la carga de the South, marine inuence is not recognized, probably hidrocarburos en la cuenca del Catatumbo. ECOPETROL- because the depositional environments were more ICP, internal report. continental. Case, J.E., Duran, S.L.G., Lopez, R.A. and Moore, W.R., 1971. Tectonic investigations in western Colombia and 5. CONCLUSIONS eastern Panama. Geological Society of America Bulletin , Vol. 82(10): 2685-2712. ● We suggest a probable Albian – Cenomanian age for the Aguardiente – Lower part of the Capacho Formations as a palynological approach. De La Parra, F., Jaramillo, C., Rueda, M., Vargas, M., Santos, C., Mantilla, F., Montes, C., Romero, M., Silva, C., Paez, M., Moreno, C., Garzon, S., Etayo-Serna, F., Cardona, A., ● Thermal maturity of the Cretaceous Sequence in the Salazar, E., Zapata, V., Quiroz, L., Rojas, A., Ortiz, J., And Catatumbo Basin is high, being higher toward the Moreno, C. (2011). Proyecto Cronología de las Secuencias South. Bioestratigrácas del Cretácico del Piedemonte Llanero: Ecopetrol-ICP y Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. ● Palynoflora suggests transitional depositional environments for the Aguardiente Formation, while Doyle,J.A. Jardine, S., Doerenkamp, A. (1982) Afropollis, a reflecting a deepening in the Lower part of the new genus of early angiosperm pollen, with notes on the Capacho Formation. Cretaceous palynostratigraphy and paleoenvironments of Northern Gondwana. Bulletin des Centres de Recherches Exploration-Production Elf-Aquitaine Vol. 6 (1): 39- 117 ● Palynological events could be facies controlled, regarding that many LADS were found within Aguardiente and very few within Capacho. Edwards, L.E. (1984). Insights on why graphic correlation (Shaw´s method) works. J. of Geology , 92:583-597.

● It is highly recommended to conduct more palynological Edwards, L.E. (1989). Supplemented graphic correlation: a studies in the Basin, as well as Chronology studies in powerful tool for paleontologists and nonpaleontologists. order to rene age interpretations. Palaios , 4: 127-143.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Harris, A.J., Tocher, B.A. (2003). Palaeoenvironmental analysis of Late Cretaceous dinoagellate cyst assemblages using Special thanks to ECOPETROL-ICP for the high-resolution sample´s correlation from the Western permission to publish the data and to Carlos Jaramillo Interior Basin, USA. Marine Micropaleontology 48: and two anonymous reviewers for their comments and 127–148. suggestions that improved the manuscript.


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Figure A. Plate 1

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1. laterosporites protensus Stoer 1  arine 1 7 Alamo-1 1 EFW- 2. Classopollis classoides Pococ an anoniu 1 1 Alamo-1 120 EFO1-  3. Classopollis sp. Alamo-1 2 0 EFD  4. Psilatriletes 2um Alamo-1 1 00 EFacme . Callialasporites dampieri Balme 17 De 1 1. Alamo-1 2 0 EFR . ubtilisphaera spp. Letin an William 17 . Alamo-1 1 0 EFW12- acme 7. Afropollis ardinus Doyle, arine an Doere am 1 2 Alamo-1 2010 EFN111

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