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Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

3-16-1898 Santa Fe New Mexican, 03-16-1898 New Mexican Printing Company

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Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing Company. "Santa Fe New Mexican, 03-16-1898." (1898).

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for GERMANS SAILED FROM CRETE. asakM ths tood -- - Ripple of Excitement Turkey. Royal purs, "SO. FOUR BAKERY"- PERISHED IN FLAMES wkolssom and SPAIN'S ATTITUDE Constantinople, March 16. There was dslldoaa. excitement In the Yldiz' great palace Destinies of the Island Now in Hands of vesterday evening owing to an k War on Acoount of Cuba Would Be among the Albanian and Kurdish Many Lives Lost in Burning France, Russia and England. troops in the barracks. All approaches Crime and to the were su of Dead and Against Humanity palace immediately BuildingList C'anea. Island of Crete, March 16.- rounded, and many arrests made. HJ.Cartwright Civilization. Injured. The German flag was hauled down to NATIONAL CAPITAL NEWS. day and tho Gerinau marines embarked on tho German JUMPED FROM 7TH FLOOR battleship Oldenburg. GROCERS SENATOR ELKINS' OPINION The departure of the German battleship THE Eeo- - Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs Oldenburg does not signify a cessation lip of concert merelv means ommends Annexation of Hawaii powers, but feBroj Crushed on the Stone Pavements in At- that now the affairs of German credi- Said to Be Out Filibustering Expeditions Proceedings of House, tors of Greece have been settled and to Loss of Stock fitting Change in Tone of Madrid tempts Escape Germany has but little interest in the Lower Navel oranges and Half destinies of Crete, which concern France, prices Press Island of Cuba Hot For . March 16. The Buildings Nearly per box Washington, senate Russia, and England. than ever before committee on relations Million Dollars, in Santa Fe - 3.25. Sale at Any Price. foreign today FoiinPure quoted A load to recommend the Hawaiian Ahaolutaty ar agreed that Budded Seedling Lemons, per islands be annexed by legislation in open NEW MEXICO MINING NEWS, March 10. Hie war 16. A of oranges, per box,, 20c and Washington, session, and agreed upon a joint resolu- Chicago, March number 3e. preparations being made by the United tion for the accomplishment of this pur people Were forced to jump from the States have couie to the official atten pose. Later, in tne senate, Chairman fire In the Mogollon District. Lemons, per Conduces upper windows, by today, Health and tlon of the and the Davis reDorted a ioint resolution nrovid bulldlne occupied bv tho National Music The shaft of the Little Fan box, Appetite Spanish government, for annexation of tho Hawaiian working j views of the Spanish cabinet thcroou lng the company, and tho Conover Piano com ni$ 3t Mogollon i&Jeleg reMmbered. $3.50. helps Digestion. islands. It went calendar but A. & have been communicated to the stato t yie pany, in waoasti' avenue ana Adams The Confidence mine at Mogollon Is B. CARTWRICHT BRO. ranges An excellent Mr. Davis did not any notice of Edward cashier of just what everybody department here, it does not appear give street. Binns, turning out 80 tons of ore per day with of claims or time or calling it up. Sweet-Wallac- h & Co., from the needs this time spring that the Spanisli government leaped 70 miners. com- diet. asserts to sucn meas Right-of-wa- y tiranted. sixth story and was dashed to death. Two The Kansas City Placer Mining the year. the right question & Knox have opened is in a niachluu ures as The amendments by the house to the others are reported killed. The number Martyr, Manning pany putting dry placer the might adopt, a good body of and galena ore San Lazarus are of a to indi bill the right-of-wa- y to the Is said to be 15. Several explo- pyritic at gulch. although they character granting injured near Oak Grove and will develop it. cate lor war. Oniaha &. northern Kailway company-wa- sions occurred, and there was a panic Curry & Lopez received an assay of preparations & are It Is rather the way of agreed to by the senate and tho bill on the crowded business streets in the Thomas Johnson, who working 8558 per ton on a sample of ore from by representa- tho Deadwood mine at have TELEPHONE 4 tions, conveyed in a friendly spirit and passed. vicinity. The fire was brought under Mogollon, their property near Tularosa. Down and will treat without as to the serious influ- l'owderly's Appointment Confirmed. control shortly before noon. Fatalities eased the Deep mill are into the Ca- - threat, their ore in it. have six men at Prospectors rushing ences these preparations will have in en- The senate confirmed T. V. according to the latest estimates will They bello mountains near Garfield, where Powderly work ore. The aver-ag- o couraging the Cuban insurgents at a as commissioner of Immigration. Sev not bo more than 15, although estimates breaking general rich float has been discovered. moment when the is to as as 60 were made, but It is be- of the ore is 810 gold and 821 silver autonomy plan eral Democrats voted for him. high Adam Laudenslagcr is shipping ore to have its crucial test the Cuban lieved theseareNnuch exaggerated. per ton. Jrire Proof and Mteam Heat through Territorial Home Rule Hill Killed. the Mary smelter from his property, lo- EUROPEAN AND elections, and in this way defeat the re Tho guests at the Wellington hotel, Kliind Mining; New and Klevato The home rule bill was de- cated three miles north of Cerrillos. AMERICA PLAN. Kleetrlc Light forms Premier is out. territorial across the street from the lire, wore with The Lone Star is shipping steadily to K thine FlrBt-Clag- s Sagasta seeking feated house committee on ter- The Bonton mine near Cerrillos is very In the same of friendly represen- by the difficulty restrained from jumping into the Bland mill. spirit ritories a vote of 6 to 4 on ore to Pueblo. The ore values tation, Spain has pointed out that war today by the street. A number of people in the Over 300 miners and mechanics are shipping lines. Tho bill was introduced of tho from 820 to sfftio by the United States against Spain un party by burning building did jump, sonic being now in the Cochiti. property range per Delegate Smith, of Arizona, to allow the killed Fifteen others were working ton. der such circumstances would be un- outright. The of before and a citizens of the territories to elect thuii in The loss average daily arrivals strangers The Santa Fe is mak- justifiable the world, crime injured jumping. greatest at Bland Is estimated at ten. Copper company and civilization. own governor, secretary, auditor and of life occurred among those who did uot ing to open their San against humanity of received preparations Henator Elklns' treasurer instead having those officers even have a chance to get to the win The Alboinarlo people have Pedro properties. New machinery will HOTEL. Opinion, the a on their of mines. dows. of the was CLAIRE 10. Elk-In- s, appointed by president. Tho front building patent group be installed. New York, March, Senator blown out a terrific which The recent clean-u- p the Bland mill In a signed statement In the World, l'ostofllce Appropriation Bill. by explosion, at Gustav Wormser, a to this moment the United The house passed tho bill extondine was followed by several others in rapid showed most satisfactory results. recently purchased 850,000 says: "Up and the was capitalist, States has no cause for war with Spain. the time in which the Arkansas, Texas succession, entire building W. L. Trimble is delivering the pipe worth of mining property at Cook's Peak & covered with flames. It seemed SANTA M. M. Spain is simply trying to hold what be- Mexican Central railroad may con quickly for the line between Peralta canon and near Doming. FE, to and what has been hers for struct a Drancn tno Ter- Impossible that anyone in tho front part the Albermarle mine. longs her, tnrougn inuian The Monte Crlsto Mining company of the who did not jump could the past century or more, just as the ritory, and then resumed consideration building The Golden Cochiti is commanding the at Golden, contemplate put- of have escaped. The police could scarcely operating American Plan, $3.50 and 3.00 per day. United States did in the civil war. When the postoffice appropriation bill. attention of thn mining experts and all ting in 100 tons of new machinery on it becomes and for the United President Has Xot Fixed Date for carry the dead and Injured to places of just right Adjourn on account of the dense crowd. reports are favorable. their placer. European PIan 1.00 per day and up. States to recognize the independence of ment. safety The Dead. Bruce & Wilson, who have a contract At a depth of 65 feet, a hard quartz Cuba, it will be just and right for other Mr. Grosvenor (Ohio) in tho house this The dead so far as known are: for running the drifts intheCrown Point, seam was struck in the Rosedale mine nations to do the same thing. If Spain afternoon, denied that the to 8220 In emphatically Miles A. who from the report that tho ore continues improve. near San Marclal. which returns should disavow, any knowledge of par- president desired that congress Clark, jumped ton. adjourn w. A. (Mm Geo. Hoflieiu is work on his gold per ticipation in the blowing upof the Maine in the immediate future. ; "The sugges- fourth floor, employed by pushing IF1. stead Scientific contract to furnish tho Albemarle mill Development work on the New Years Gr. and insist on submitting the paying of tion that the president has fixed a date company. 1 with of stone claim In Six Mile Is an indemnity to a court of arbitration, for or wishes to fix a Unidentified man taken from 1,700 pieces cut building canon, being pushed ERB adjournment, date," for foundations. with The from the lead at the same time expressing a willing- said without founda- Wabash avenue, burned beyond recogni machinery vigor. quartz PROPRIETOR. he, "is absolutely well in ness to abide by the decision of the tion, and ridiculous." tion. The Bland Herald says: We have not pans gold. court, I do not think tho United States W: A. Olmstead; president of tho Olm only gold and silver mines and opal de J. F. Williams is developing a galena could well afford to refuse. If stead Scientific company, who, when the in the Cochiti Dut, is miles lead near the Cash mine at q Spain CHANGE IN REPRESENTATION posits district, Entry had nothing to do with tho blowing up explosion occurred, ran to the rear of northwest of Bland are some of the which returns 63 per cent lead of the Maine, and it .was the act of ir- the seventh floor and lias not been seen greatest deposits of pure sulphur to be and 23 ounces silver. Oj-- sinco. Is he is hurled In the responsible parties, it was a crime It thought found on earth. A $16,000 hydraulic plant and steuin qazliejsttis and Vote of Methodist Conferences Indicate That ruins. against humanity civilization as will be on the 900 acres STPrarETG-S.- ) General Mining. dredges placed much against Spain as against the Unit- Has Chas. Anderson, by Sweet. of Chama river (HOT ' Lay Representation Carried. employed placer ground recently ed States." Wallach & Co. Hlllsboro produced 180 tons of ore last purchased by Kansas City parties. Added to Naval Service, Phillip Farley, employed as a piano week. Carrera, Luna & Baldonado have March 16. The from The Herald says that the government Chicago, returns mover by the Conover Piano company. The Lillie K mine at Kingston is pro- - opened a good body of ore on their t....t..... W has purchased the steam yacht May- the first 13 Methodist conferences voting Miss Kate Carney, lorowoman ol tne claim in Coyote canon near Tularosa. of a National Music believed to to commence soon. flower, capable maintaining speed on the question of lay representation, company, The Lincoln-Luck- y mine, in Santa Fe. They expect shipping of more 20 knots an hour sea. have in the flames after The of has than at indicates that the proposition will be pertshed help county, has resumed operations. Mary smelter, Cerrillos, hhe is the first vessel of the merchant adopted. Tho vote of theso conferences ing to safety the 40 girls in her charge. leased the Modoc mine, located on the The Copper Queen mine at Cooney is A. marine to be added to the naval ser- ast year was: For, 200: 709. The In lured. west Slope of the Organ mountains. against, a mill witn ore...... '. supplying will vice, i ; This is- - For, (i6t; Tho are: Samuel G. cononftrator- be put in on tlm year thoyoto against, injured Snyder, arc The American line steamer (St. Louis, 310. '. Sweet-Wallac- h & Co., Tho Silver City Reduction Co., property. V employed by and sailed today. The board for inspection nurnod severely; I'i. A. w iso, employed enlarging Improving their plant. Dorsey & Sullivan, who have been Rhode Island Ticket. Sweet-Wallac- old in of auxiliary cruisers decided they would Republican by h & Co., burned severe- Tho (silver npoons property, near working some abandoned claims not require the steamer for armament Providence, R. I., March 10. The Re ly; H. B. Cunningham, employed by the Hillshoro, is being actively developed. the Telegraph district, recently made a 600 ounces at present. publican stato convention today nomin- Northern Pacific Express company, head The new mill for the Alton M. & M. shipment that returned them Advised of em- in silver per ton. Spain Filibustering Kxpedltions. ated the following ticket: and body burned; Mary Lapere, Co., in Hell canon, will be running this 1(1. Sweet-Wallac- h & burned A. M. Watson, of Creek, has Madrid, March The government uovernor rJUsha Uyer; lieutenant ployed by Co., week. Cripple has been advised consuls while the fire Her- secured the management of the Ortiz Celebrated Hot Spring's are located in the midst of the Ancient by Spanish governor William J. Gregory; secretary descending escape; Robins & Crews are working the e man who fell from the lire es mine. He proposes to sink the working THESE Dwellers, twenty-liv- miles west of Titos, and tifty miles north of that filibustering expeditions are organ of state Charles P. Bennett; attorney Herman, Lindeuer lease on the Snake mine near Fe, and about twelve miles from Barrunoa Stntion on the Denver in New York and Florida destined was burned and received internal shaft of the mine 200 feet deeper and & izing general W. B. Launer; general treas cape, Hlllsboro. Rio (iranilB Kallwav. from which uoint a daily line of staves run to the for Cuba. The is to land in colored in add considerable new machinery to the The of these waters is from 900 to 122' . The plan Porto urer W. A. Rood; general G. injuries; waiter jvonisaat it Springs. temperaturo gases Kico. adjutant Co.'s broken the fall The Snake mine at Hlllsboro shipped facilities. pre carbonic. Altitude 6,000 feet. Climate very dry and dolightfid the year The Spanish minister at Wash- M. Sackett; auditor A. C. Lands; sup- restaurant, leg by milling round. is now commodious hotel for the convenience. of invalids two car loads of ore to tho Silver City D. B. Gillette, has assumed charge! There a ington has been instructed to make of education T. B. Stock-wel- l. ing of a wall; Police Othcer Rogers, over Jr., and tourists. These waters contain 1HSS.24 of alkaline suits to the erintendent mill last week. of Silver Reduction in grains earnest representations such a All Reed arc come by smoke and taken to a hospital; the City works, gallon; being the richest Alkaline Hot Springs in the world. The efficacy against except and Gregory behalf of the estate of the late Senator of these waters has been thoroughly tosted by the miraculous cures at- violation of the international law, and renoininations. JJavid Schacler, arm broken wnue trying La Belle will have two new stamp Fox-Edis- works will tested tn in the following diseases: Paralvsis. Rheumatism, Nenralsria. Spanish war vessels on the coasts of" to catch a man who jumped from the mills. The machinery is Hearst, of California. The Malaria, Disease of the Kidneys, Syphilitic uud be remodelled and Increased In size. Consumption. Bright's both islands will henceforth display FRANCE PREPARING FOR TROUBLE. sixth floor; Josio Baxa, jumped from the now on the road. Mercurial Affections, scrotum, uatarrn, i.a urippo, all Female com- Mrs. Hearst, mother of W. R. Hearst, etc Hoard, Lodging and Uuthing, $2.50 per day. Reduced more rigor In dealing with filibusters, second floor, right ankle broken; Anna A n smelter will be erected near plaints,srivenetc,bv of New York rates the month. This resort is attractive at all seasons nnd is Change of Sentiment In Madrid. Baxa, jumped from a second story win East Las for trcatmontof the the Journal, accompanied open all winter. Passengers for Ojo Caliente can leave Santa Fe at 10 .OS Vegas the London and San Francisco friends, 5 The of Madrid dow, ankle sprained and body bruised; Zarca ores. by a. in. and reaoh Ojo Caliente at p. in. the same day. Fare for the round majority the press lias Arsenals and Shipyards Working Over Time Agua visited Silver Cltv week. Mrs. from Santa Fe to Ojo Caliente, $7. , For further address Andrew wasuton, employed by tue w. last trip particulars suddenly changed tone, recommending Chas. O'Ncil has opened a three-fo- over a of a million to cool to Naval Force Increased. A. Olmstead Scientific company, face and Hearst has quarter the people keep and have no vein of galena in the Jicarilla mountains dollars invested in Silver and Pino ANTONIO of or hands burned; Fred Smith, driver for City JOSEPH. Prop., fear American naval military in Lincoln countv. Altos. or credit men- Conover Piano company, cut in the face Ojo Taoa New Mexico preparations, any jingo Paris, March 16. The Aurore today Caliente, County, aces. are it Is by falling glass; Emil Boesmaun, jumpod They merely intended, affirms that the French fleet is will W. declared, to elbow Spain into conces- being from sixth story, probably die; sions in all prepared for mobilization, and adding H. Murphy, burned about face and pending questions, virtually shoulders. amounting to a recognition of American feverish anxiety prevails in all t(ie ar- to mediate or interfere in senals and which are In loss than half an hour after the lire -- THE- pretensions shipyards, working broke out the seven stories rTTTLD CP Cuban affairs. until 10 o'clock every night. The Aurore structure, 1 100-fo- waslevel l ' 1,1 Cuba Not for Sale. says that the French northern squadron high, front by I59deep. de- with the The semi-offici- at Cherbourg is ready for immediate ground. agency today pub- Fire Started In Sixth Floor. lished the following announcement: "It parture. In order to complete the neces- Is useless to talk of the sale of Cuba. sary number of officers, the second-yea- r Tho fire started in tho sixth floor, students are to be as which was bv Sweet-Wallac- h The sale cannot be arranged except by appointed shlpmen. occupied All admirals have been Instructed to & Co., dealers In photographic supplies. LIFE parliament, and it is impossible that any EQUITABLE Bank would sell to reach Paris within 24 hours According to some of those who escaped, Firstlational Spanish chamber agree to the arrange ex- - floor was flames five island at any price." after being summoned. The Aurore the, entire swept by that the mobilization of the minutes after the lire broke out. Thirty Court of at West. frialns navy OF Inquiry Key with preparations for the girls were employed by this firm and a Key Wost, Fla., March 16. The support of Russia by naval demonstra- panic ensued, the unfortunate women ASSURANCE SOCIETY United States light house tender, Man- tion In the far east. being trampled under foot by their grove, arrived here this morning from comrades in frantic efforts to escape. 'Havana having on board the members Cut off from the elevators N. M. PATRIOTIC OHIOANS. escape by Santa of the United States court of inquiry and stairways, the began jump- OF THE UNITED STATES. Fe, peoplo Into the loss of the battleship Maine. ing from the windows, and although Final Contract Hlgned. firemen and others held nets and can Men of Have London, March 1(1. The liual con- Young Canton, 0,, Organised vas shoots, many wore crushed on the for the sale of the war tract, providing a Regiment for Actual 8ervioe. stone sidewalks. Accord ag to eye UNITED STATES DESIGNATED DEPOSITARY ships Amazonas and Almirantn Abrouall witnesses as many as ten persons to the United States, has been signed. ' jumped at once from the top floor and Outstanding Assurance Dec, 31, '97 $951,165,837 00 The price Is something over 82,500,000 Canton, O., March 16. Officers have others were seen shortly after to fall for both An American crew ships. from been named for the regiment of pro- back into the flames. ijisDon is to take of fire startdtl the front - expected possession visional troops organized. In this city, to Shortly after the New Assurance written in '97 156,955,693 00 R. J. PALEN President. the Amazonas on Friday. The Brazilian wall fell, the tracks of the Union elevat- to be known as the "President's government, according dispatches re .company." ed loop being completely covered with ceiven toaay, win noi sen any more war- The regiment is composed of more than tho debris. for Assurance Examined and ships for the present, except the two 600 volunteers at present, Including ' Proposals H. VAUGHN Cashier some of the best men In the Occupants and Owner of Hulldlng. J. coast defense ships, being built In young city. were Emerson Piano was be- Harry Frease, who commanded Occupants the France. There spirited bidding company Chi- 00 States and I, Ohio National Guard, is col- company, Conover Piano company, 24,491,973 tween the United Spain for Eighth Decorators' Wall the Amazonas and Abrouall to the last. onel; James McKlnlcy, a nephew of the cago Cottage company, National Music company, H. -V- lnt-ClaM is said Brazil Is sergeant. Within 34 hours company, la all Partlenla- r- It that strongly sympa- president, Holtzman & Income 53 thizes with the Cubans. after the call for troops has been made Company (piano stools) 48,572,269 will to Presbyterian Board of Publication; Al- Spain Can Not Raise Money In London. the Canton regiment be ready march to the front, fred Borll, sheet music publisher; Sweet' The Rothschilds deny . that Spain is Wallach & Company, photographic sup- Assets Dec. 31, '97 236,876,308 04 -- to raise loans to W. - trying amounting plies; A. Olmstead, school supplies. The flotel- and adds that Spain could not MARXBT RETORT. The building was owned by Fred K. Palace here. raise any money Ayres, of Lowoll, Mass., and was worth Reserve on all existing policies, 4 percent Commander of Department of the South about 875,000. Insurance men stated Now March 16. on call , Arrived. York, Money that the loss on the contents would be WM. Atlanta, Ga., March, 16. Brigadier nominally at 2K per cent; prime mer- In the neighborhood of 8350,000. The standard, and all other liabilities. 186,333,133 20 VAUGHN, Pron. General M. W. Graham, commanding cantile paper, 4!' 5. Silver, 55. elevated railway tracks, which pass the the new department of the south, and Lead, 83.50. Copper, 10. building, were badly damaged, and the chief of staff, Lieutenant Adams, Chicago. Wheat, May, 1.04; Julv there will be a loss of 810,000 or 815,000 Surplus, 4 per cent standard 50,543,174 84 arrived in Atlanta today. 84 84. Corn, March, 28; May, from the breaking of the plate glass in Frank Clerk Trying to Make Cheap Purchases. 29X 29. Oats, March, 34 stores on the opposite sloe of Wabash Hudson,. ' y Policy-fiolde- rs 14 March 16. Senor Sandoval, 8SJ. avenue. The building adjoin- Paid 21,106,314 Berlin, on the north was' the Spanish financial agent, is negotiat- Kansas City. Cattle, receipts, 6,500; ing badly damaged, (To expense will be spared to make this famoua hoatelrv up to date in for the of the old and slow best steady, others slow; Texas steers, the contents soaked with water and HEXRY B. ing purchase burned. HI DE, President. aolieited going steamers of the North German 83.50 84.05; Texas cows, 82.90 84.35; partially all reapeeta. Patronage V.-- P. Lloyds Steamship company. native steers, 83.50 85.50; native cows J. W. ALEXANDER, and heifers, 83.25 84.70; stockers and Michigan Bank Bobbed. feeders, 83.50 85.20; bulls, 83.00 - Death of Santa Fa Official. Over Sold 1897 WALTER X. General 83,000 in Mount Pleasant, Mich. March 16 85.00. Sheep, receipts, 4,000, market, March 16. W. F. White, PARK1HRST, manager, An 84.00 85.20; muttons, Chicago, honest wheel at an honeit prices 30, 35, 30 for Juve- The People's bank vault weak; lambs, Xew Mexleo and Arizona 50 for T5 and chnlnless. Call Savings safety 83.50 84.60. passenger traffic manager of the Santa Department, nile; adult.; for tandems was of last-nigh-t. see robbed 83,000 duplicate Cattle, receipts, 14,500; mar- Fe railroad, is dead, aged 47. He had and sample wheels. - Chicago. ALBUQUERQUE, X. M. keys were used. The bank- Is In the ket for best, to been with the Santa Fe railroad 25 hands of a receiver. today, steady weaker; BEST beeves, 83.90 85.50; cows and heifers, years. . 82.20 84.50; Texas steers, 83.60 WHEEL , Japan WaraUpa. Buying 84.50; stockers and feeders, 83; 40' ON London, March 15. A from Ojyalera and Fltb. Baddant THE dispatch 84.50. Sheep receipts, 15,000; steady; Ajranta Kiel says that the Japanese have pur- lambs, weak; natives, 83.25 84.65; Fresh oysters and fish received every 9. E. LAABtAllD. Crescent MARKET g Blschoff A Muller. Prices at GEO. SANTA Friday by W. FE '9$ chased the Corvette, which was being westerns, 83.50 84.65; lambs, 84.00 KJMJftEL, :he lowest notch. ED. S. ANDREWS, Local Agent. built there by tho Krupps for Brazil. 9 85.50. possible (ioVRKXiHi Otero Intends to visit every in the south and west, where land is Maurice Gallaeher, of Elizabethtown, SOCIETIES. has a ranch at Martinez. The New Mexican section (it Now Mexico before the com plenty and cheap. The headquarters purchased Daily & as - in The Pouil Moreno Valley Cattlu lug winter in order to thoroughly fauiil- of the association are Washington Col sociation has been merged Into the Montezuma No. 1, A inrlzo himself with the needs and condi- and it Is officered by Lodge The... city, Congressman fax uountv Stockgrowers .Mutual Pro P. A A. M. Regular com- THE NEW MEXICAN PRINTING CO. tions of to James of as and tective association. munication first Monday in the territory and gather sug tiunu, Idaho, president, each month at Masonic Hall gestions to be made in his message to the George E. Girling, as secretary. at 7:30 Election Proclamation. p'm. F. 8. Davis, Second-Clas- s Thirty-thir- d This The association is rfEntered as matter at the legislative assembly. purely philanthrop- I, the undersigned mayor of the city W.4T. Sinta i'e Post Office. is commendable and and ic in its and has no lands to sell J. K. Bkadv, MAXWELL LAND highly proper objects, of Sauta Fe, hereby give notice that the Secretary. GRANT, will certainly be productive of good re- or town lots to give away to prospective annual election of officers for the city of BATK8 Of SUB90BIPTION8. Santa In of New Mex- - sults. builders. Its whole aim is to secure the Fe, the territory Santa Fe Chapter No. 1, 8- - A. Dally, ner week, by oarrler $ K co, will be held on the first Tuesday In M. Kegular convocation second 1 of homeless o in Dally par month, by oarrler 00 removal people from the on the 5th of A. Monday in each month at (Situated New Mexico and Colorado, 1 April, being day April, Hall at :30 m. Dally, per month, by mall The offices of the Albuquerque Demo large cities to the lands of the south and D. 1898. p. Dally, three months, by mail J James B. Beady, Pally, six months, by mall 00 crat, Bland Herald and Solomonville west where they may acquire homes by The officers to be elected at such elec H..P. On the Atchison, & Oanta Fe mail. i JO Topeka Daily, one year, by re- tion are as follows: One mayor to serve Arthur Smjqmas, Weekly, per month 28 Bulletin were swooped down upon their own Industry. It is not the inten- Secretary. TO for term of one one treasurer Weekly, par quarter New Mexican tion of to the year; and Union 1 fearless girls the association & Gulf Weekly, per six monta 00 cently by transplant to serve for the term of one year; one Pacific, Denver Weekly, per year OC and the scribes led to the confirmed paupers and other undesir- clerk to serve for the term of one year, Santa Fe Commandery No. 1, unsuspecting K. T. Regular conclave fourth haltar of matrimony. Verily, there Is able persons to the southern and west and each of which shall be elected by a Monday In eaoh month at he New Mexican is the oldest news- of tho votes of the qualifiod elec- Hall at 7:30 p. m. no safety when women, with impunity, ern states, since that would defeat the plurality Max. E. C. paper In New Mexico. It Is sent to every tors of the city of Santa Fe; also four al Frost, Postofiice In the Territory and has a large beard the liars in their dens. In conse objects of the promoters, and likewise be term of two the intelli-- q dermen to serve for the Addison Walker, and growing circulation among offices are to the liv- nnt and progressive people of the southwest. quence many in the territory objectionable people already years, and two aldermen to serve for the Reoorder. being fortified, while others have been ing In them. While on the other hand term of one year each, as follows: Two nnn ADVERTISING RATES. one alderman Mil abandoned former a warm welcome will be accorded the aldermen in ward No. 1; X. O. O. 3T. Acres of Land for Sale. and their occupants in ward No. two aldermen in ward No. uuu Wanted-Oneee- word each Insertion. 2; IjUUUj are a hot foot for the Arliona arrival of Industrious, honest persons PAHADISK LODGE Locnl-T- en cents per line each insertion. making and one alderman In ward No. 4; each Reading Local-Prefer- red position Twen line. who are willing to assist in building up of which shall be elected by a plurality No. 2, l.O.O. V., meets of electors of every Thursday even-In- s nisnlaved Two an inch, single the communities in which they settle. the votes of the qualified Odd Fellows' dollars re- at column, per month in Daily. One dollar an The president will sign the bill passed Governors of different southern and each of the lour waras oi saiu ciiy hall. ' Si OLE Lkbow, N G. inch, slnels column, in either English or H. W. Stevens, Recording: Secretary. by the United States senate on yester- spectively. apanisn weeKiy. western states and the territories have Ana notice is Additional and given on further lierooy given CENTENNIAL ENCAMPMENT No. 8, 1.0. O. FARMING LANDS UNDER IRRIGATION SYSTEM. prices partlculary day providing for the permanent loca- an Interest in the work and in addition election of receipt oi oupy ui w wo ...w. mu. expressed that to the city F. : Regular communication the second and uuir tion of New Mexico's capital In this city. are what can to make the officers aforesaid, there shall be elected fourth Tuesday of each month at Odd Fel- doing they welcome. This is to honest and four members of the board of education lows' hall ; visiting patriarchs good news the experiment a success. In a number of Thos. A. Goodwin, C. P. In traota 80 acre and with water WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16. nf the c.ltv of Suntfl. Fe. each to serve A. V. upward, perpetual rights citizens of the but have al f masley, Scribe. on terms of 10 annual territory, eastern cities, public meetings for the term of two years, as follows, to cheap and eaty payments with 7 per cent bad news for the boodlers and legisla- been held to interest the wit: One member of the board of edu- MYRTLE REBEKAH LODGE. No. 9. 1. O. O. interest Alfalfa, drain and Fruit of all kinds grow to perfection. ready people F. : Rearular meetlnir who on and one of first and third Tuesday A dog has more sense than some peo. tive brokers thrive plunder who are to be benefited, and during the cation in ward No. 1; member of each month at Odd Fellows' hall. Visiting in No. He won't eat onions. spoils during the legislative sessions, a will be the board of education ward 2; nroiners ana sisters welcome. pie. coming summer convention of in Theresa Noble Grand. The New Mexican some of these one member of the board education Hattik hewhali,, CHOICE PRAIRIE 0RM0UNTA1N GRAZING LANDS. may, held for the purpose of discussing plans ward No. 3, and one member of the board Wagner, Secretary. A Klondike says: "Seal in black recent report days, in cold, black type and and making arrangements- for carrying of education in ward No. 4, each of which AZTLAN LODGE No. 3. I O. O. F.. meets skins are worn the year round in Alas' on a few little incidents of the shall be elected a of the every Friday evening in Odd Fellows hall, Well watered and with with fine white, give out the objects of the association. by plurality wel- good shelter, interspersed of each of San Franolsoo street. Visiting brothers ranches suitable for and fruits in sice of tract to ka." By the seals? doings of some of theso fellows in past In this connection it can be said that votes of the Qualified electors come. Nate Goldorf, N. O. raising grain the four wards of said respectively. A. F. Easlet. suit purchasers. legislative assemblies, just for fun you New Mexico offers advant city Secretary. The Democrats of Socorro county many And 1, the said mayor, do also give know. Wouldn't there be fun though, to the in the of will be and have a candidate in the Held, A fence ages association, way notice that tho polls open ZEO OF I?. LARGER PASTURES FOR for terms of if the New Mexican did show a few said election held at the LEASE, long years, up cheap and unoccupied lands, while the following places, SANTA No. K. fenced or facilities over two railroads. should be built around the field. and the aro named to FE LODGE 2, of P. Regular unfenced; shipping fellows in that line. climate will prove an Inducement to following persons meeting every Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock act as judges and clerks to conduct said at Castle hall. Visiting knights given a cor- TnE Optic says that Grover Cleveland many people who are anxious to leave election: dial welcome. R. H. ItowLEK, in Lkb Muehi.eiben, C. C. has been heard from again. Who The Bill. the cities, and who will make desirable In ward No. 1, at the house of Sixto n. ot K. s. with Juan Sixto Garcia GOLD MINES. blazes is Grover Cleveland, anyhow? One of the made citizens, if an opportunity is given them Garcia, Garcia, great complaints and Ramon judges; George A. RANCH. the time is to make the change of residence and Ortega, INHtr se- against railroads at present Johnson and Manuel Delgado, clerks. On this Grant near its western boundary are situated the A new species of alfalfa has been manner of that all forms of tickets for passengers living. In ward No. 2, at the ollice of the jus- S.B.LANKARD, famous Gold Mining Districts of Elisabethtown and Baldy, where cured by of Agriculture Wil- new Secretary aro surrounded bv a seemingly unlim tice of the peace, with Canuto Alarid, Insuranoe Agent. Office: Griffin Building, mines have been successfully operated for 26 years, and rich son. Wonder if he was from Kansas? A New Claim Augustin Salcido and Tomas Baca y Palace avenue. Represents the lanrest com discoveries were made in 1895 in the vicinity of the new camps ited amount of red tape, and that many Mining Ruling. panies doing business In the territory of of interior Martinez, judges; Seferino Baca and Ni New in both fire and accident of Hematite and Harry Bluff as rich as any camp in Colorado, but forms those used for Secretary Bliss the depart Mexico, life, A man In Philadelphia got drunk the issued, particularly ment has iust rendered a decision of colas Baca, clerks. insurance. with lots ofas yet unlocated ground open to prospectors on terms No. with similar and as favorable United States Governmei other day and "soaked" his wooden foet. excursion purposes, are not transfera- interest to prospectors and nila In ward 3, at Fireman's hall, to, as, the great Victor Ambrosio Ortiz and Abe Laws and - he was with the gout. ble from one person to another. oral claim holders of the west. In this Garcia, Regulation. Perhaps suffering Gold, Facundo Ortiz and Patri- There is a bill before congress at this he rules that where the application for judges, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. embraces several locations held cio Sandoval, clerks. Oh sugar! Because, big beet bounties time intended to the patent remedy objectiona in of of In ward No. 4, at tho house of Pru leaves except from beets better - be common, proof an expenditure Stage every morning, Sundays, Springei betoken big booms, ble features of tickets as now issued, 8500 on the will be sufficient and dencio Garcia, with Enrique Pacheco, DENTISTS. for these camps. - group best bloom- "anti-scalpin- Simon and Ramon boosted beautifully. Betcher known as the g bill." This an expenditure of that amount used need Segura Ortega, D. W. MANLEY, judges; Apolonio Martinez and Tcodosio bill has been indorsed by nearly all of the not be shown to have been mado upon Dentist. Office, Southwest Corner of Plaia, TITLE founded on United States Patent and con-Arm- or for the benelit of each location em Castillo, clerks. over Fischer's Drug Store. perfect, and boards of 9 m, by decision of the U. 8. Supreme Court Mayor Harrison has turned looso 250 transportation companies bracod in the application. The polls will open at o'clock a. in the and after severat and closed at 0 p. on said election AT LAW. Chicago policemen. It would be well for trade country, The decision completely reverses tho in., ATTOKMKH uar-man- day. to increase militias, comprehensive and exhaustive hearings recent ruling of Jjanu (Jommissioner western states their in several California and a Colo In witness, whereof, I, Chas. A. Spless, MAX. FROST, For further particulars and pamphlets apply to by the senate and house committees on They may come this way. rado cases, that S500 worth of work must mayor of the city of Santa e, torritory Attorney at Law, Santa Fe, New Mexico. and commerce, has of New affixed to Interstate foreign be done on each location of a group, and Mexico, have this pro There is an opening for a good di- been advanced to the calander of the also extends the ot clamation my official signature and GEO. W. ENAEBEL, ruling secretary caused the same to be attestod the Office In Griffin Block. Collections and THE MAXWELL LAND GRANT CO. vorce at The Woman's senate by a vote of eight to three and to Lamar, of 1885, that the expenditure of by lawyer Eddy. clerk of the said and the. seal there searching titles a specialty. of 8500 on a group must be so made as to city New Mexico Literary club of that burg has taken up the house by a vote fifteen to two. of 15th A. IK Raton, benefit the entire group. The effect of this ilay of March, 1898, EDWARD L. BARTLETT, the woman The hill the abolition of Chas. A. suffrage question. contemplates tho decision will ho to require far less Spiess, Lawyer Santa Fe, New Mexico. Offioe In traffic by Irresponsible and unauthori- work to be done, and for this reason Attest: C. II. Conklin, Mayor. uatron biock has an office for re- - Clerk. Eddy enrolling zed persons, in railroad and steamship whilo beneficial to applicants for pa- City with mm CHAS. F. EASLET, cruits in the coming war Spain. tickets, and confines such transactions cnts, it will not be lavorabio to the new ors needed to develope prospects or PROPOSALS FOR ERECTION OF (Late Surveyor General.) COAL & The Socorro Advertiser says the constituted of the Santa N. M. Land TRANSFER, to the duly agents Denver SCHOOL BUILDINGS. U. S. Indian Attorney at Law, Fe, and will cain" In Cuba. claims. Republican. mining business a specialty. regiment "raise transportation companies, and obligates service, Phoonlx Indian Industrial all common carriers to promptly and school, February 24, 1898. Sealed pro- E. A. FISKE, LUMBER AND FEED. Never put off paying a bill if you can SIFTINGS. indorsed for erection r redeem passage tickets when, TERRITORIAL posals, "proposals Attorney and Counselor at Law, P. O. Box avoid it, because you never know how equitably of school buildings," and addressed to "F," Santa Fe, New Mexico. Practices In , All kinds of Rough and Finished Lumber; Texas I loo ring ai for any reason, unused In whole or in A. Supreme and all Distrlot Courts of New the lowest Market Windows and Doors. Also on a you may be Inconveniencing some poor tho undersigned at Phoonlx, T., win mexioo. Prioe; oarry be received school until 1 o'clock Transfer Business and deal in is worse off are. part. I'nlou County. at this general Hay and Grain. devil who than you T. F. w. A. The, interstate commerce commission Frank Chilton, 'a former resident of p. m.'Of Thursday, March 24, 1898, for Cojiway, Hawkins, materials CONWAY in In to Union died in 111. furnishing the necessary and HAWKINS, The number of Democratic editors Its annual report congress has county, Charleston, AHnm.n aurl rV.tmMal.iM ... T .... Cll m.- - of labor required In the construction and CHAS. W. last week, New New Mexico, who lost fortunes owing to again and again reviewed the evils of consumption. at this school of tho follow- Mexico. Prompt attention' given to all DUPROW, Prop Ricardo with as. completion euiruscea to our oare. are in and up- Sandoval, charged viz: One brick uuuuni Secretary Long's utterances, ticket scalping uniformly urged to was bound ovor ing buildings, dining sault with Intent kill, hall and water and' sewer one A. B.RENEHAN, at an alarming rate, on congress the expediency and justice to week, system; creasing the grand jury at Clayton last brick school house and water closet; Attorney at Law. Praotlces in all Territorial to the and the railways, Courts. traveling public Lincoln County. one brick bath house; one brick laundry Commissioner Court of Claims. H A the Collections and 8 Ti man is willing to take title searching. Rooms and m always to ef of amendments the m such interstate In ono in The Hamilton will court brick all uog building; workshop; Block. of weak Judge open DSplegelherg burden from the shoulders a commerce act as would abolish tho prac- White Oaks this week. strict accordance with plans and specifi with the 111 be woman when she is encumbered tice and limit sales of passage tickets to Josus Sandoval, of White Oaks, is cations which may examined at the SILVER CITY, NEW MEXICO. Indian office, D. the care of a large and paying property. and authorized and not to live Washington, C, responsible properly expected offices of the "Nkw Mexican," of Santa channels. Attorney E. W. Hulbert of Lincoln Pecos On the European Plan, or Board and Room 1.50 to 83 per Lords-bur- g Fe, N. M.; the "Evening Express," of Valley Railway A hobo pushed a side out of the is 111 with at White Oaks. As a rule, the ticket scalper, in his pneumonia Los Angeles, Cal.; the Builders' and day. Special rates by the week. calaboose, in an attempt to escape, P. S. Tate and E. .T. Grumm, of White Traders' at ii'imo cara in effect January 31. 1897. province of a agent, is Exchange, Omaha, Neb.; the other day. Prisoners will hereafter Oaks, are hunting in the Oscura nioun the U. S. Indian Warehouse, 1602 State (Central Time): Leave Pecos, Tex., dally unablo, were he so to discrim- at 3:40 a. N. SPACIOUS SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. be hobbled out on the disposed, tains. stroet, Chicago, 111., and at this school. m., arriving at Roswoll, M., and turned plains. or at 13:30 m. Leave Roswell inate touching the legitimacy regula- Juan Roybal and Juanita Lopez de For additional information apply to p. daily at vsuv ff. uit UIIMIU o,u A OH lis The S. P. C. A. is because tion of tickets tendered and purchased Anodaca were married at White Oaks S. M. McCOWAN, Superintendent, uvlia lU.Ui) When in Silver Clty worrying A. T. m., connecting with tho Toxas & Pacific FRANK E. MILSTED, is off In the course of his transactions. It last week. Phoenix, ti .. m 1, ...... Stop at tho Best Hotel. Prop. the South African monkey dying ior uu points norm, soutn, east ana therefore follows that his office creates a The White Oaks Dramatic company west. at a rate that threatens its extermina- PROPOSALS FOR ERECTION or will repeat "A Mountain Boy" next OF for tion. Never mind; we'll send some of convenient market for lost, stolon SCHOOL BUILDING. U. S. Indian Stages Lincoln, White Oaks and Wednesday. icavo tiosweu on Wed down thcro fraudulent tickets. This feature of the Santa Fe Indian Industrial wogai Monaays, our Democratic politicians Jose Llal, an employe of the Talia service, nesdays and at 7 a. m. '. t, Fob. Fridays fill business of the ticket scalper being school, Santa Fe, N. M., 81, 1898. low rateu H,nd HOTEL WELLINGTON- - next fall to the ranks. ferro Mercantile company at White For infnrmn.tlmi .ottoi Formerly Welcknr's. should condemn his transac- is ill. Sealed Proposals, indorsed: "Proposals the resources of Oaks, reported seriously for the erection of school and lng this valley, and the A to the San Marcial building" of lands, or other of correspondent tions from a moral Damacio Chaves, charged with horse price any . matters standpoint. addressed to the undersigned at Santa (...... L. 1.1 ,. .. Bee says: "America has women that The business of the ticket scalper does stealing, was discharged by Justice ei Fe, N. M., will be received at this school American and Plans. at White Oaks last week E. O. FAULKNER, European would drive the Spaniards into the sea, not appear, in any essential way, lamy until 1 o'clock p. m., on Thursday, Receiver and General Oraut County. March for nec- Manager like a pack of monkeys." toservethc convenlenceor wel- 17, 1898, furnishing the N. M. 15th Street, Near U. S. chattering oconomy, Wm. Hogden' died in Doming last materials and labor in Kddy, Treasury, Will some of the New essary required recently spliced fare of the traveling public; conversely, Wednesday. tho construction and completion of one The California Limited. Mexican scribes ask that man If unlawful D. C. please the unfair and manipulation Judge Field, of Doming, is recovering (1) brick dormitory building at Santa The finest train in tho world. East Washington, nees-saril- y Fe New lie's married? of excursion tickets to which he from the grip. Santa school, Mexico, in strict bound Mondn.v VVnHnnauv ntirt fialnr European Plan, 81.00 per day and Upward. First Class Restaurant and accordance with and dav. WestbniinH MnnHnv. Wmlnntirlfln Cafe. resorts to obtain a profit from the Isaac H. Grey died of heart disease at plans specifications The Socorro Advertiser proposes to which may be examined at tho Indian and Friday. Luxuriously furnished American Plan, 93.00 per day and Upward. Transient and Permanent business, compels the railways to sur- Ulllsboro last week. D. the offices two of office seekers to office, Washington, C, of imviuuiDu aiuupura. car service Guests. send regiments round such forms of with Miss Ella Guinev, a teacher in the of uuiing transportation the "Citizen," Albuquerque, N. M., unsurpassed. o extra rare. L. M. the front in case of war with Spain. If school, is ill. . FITCH, Proprietor. restrictive conditions militating against Deming the Builders' and Traders' Exchange, H. S. Lutz, Agent. they run from the Spaniards as often as Grant county yearlings are on sale at Omaha, Neb., the U. S. Indian Ware- Santa N. M. The Daily Nkw Mexican will bo found convenient and economical use by legiti- Fe, on office is that Deming at $18 per head. house No. 1002 State street, Chicago, W. J. G. P. flic at theHotel Wellington, . they run for it possible mate and not Black, A., purchasers, infrequently Wm. H. Hudson will leave 111., and at this school. For any addi- Kas. they will get too far away to be avail- Deming Tcpeka, the ticket scalper's methods compol the and make his home in California shortly. tional information apply to THOMAS able as political timber. M. JONES, railways, in a reasonable protection of E. L. Medler, court stenographer, has Superintendent. . to decline meritorious left Silver to his home in Now that the war department has their interests, City returning CHICAGO SPECIAL decided to its Klundike relief ex- applications for excursion fares, par- Albuquerque. On, Denver to Chicago. drop Boone fell and cut his face night! some duffer should ticularly when such concessions involve Judge Commencing Sunday, March 6th, the pedition, enterprising badly at Deming Thursday. Ho is at THE SEVENTH Beet Sugar in the United 184 induce to important commercial centers or move- Burlington Route's famous train, the factory separate analysis, chiefly carload lots, ahowed AN , the government pension the the Ladies' hospital. will leave Denver States was erected at Eddy, New Nexico, in 1896, AVERAGE of 17.01 cent in ments of large bodies of people. Chicago special, at per sugar beet; 84.1 ptr indigent speculators who remained in Cattle buyers are bidding on Grant 9:30 a. m., arrival of the Denver and made its first "campaign," beginning November oent Tho moral Influence of the ticket (after purity. the states and invested their last year's county stock, but tho prices offered aro & Rio- Grande and Colorado Midland ISth, 1896, and closing February 16th, 1697. avocation Is from too low to suit the natives. REMARKABLE wages in Klondike stocks. scalper's deplorable trains from the West), roaching Lincoln THIS RESULT wm aooomplshed by whatever point of view it may be con- Rector's ranch, located on the south- at 10:30 p. in., Omaha at 11:55 p. m. and raw farmers, unacquainted with tho culture of beet bo 3:15 m. THE CONTENT OF "SUGAR in the beet" of the on new The New Mexican is In of and in the interest of ern boundary of Grant county, will Chicago at p. next day in ample crop root, land and under very trying circum- receipt sidered, public sold to Kansas and Denver time to connect with the fast afternoon grown in the Eddy and Roswell sections of tho val- stances, asthe was not assured of City parties factory untilMay, ard many letters from various portions morals and fair dealings, the ley has proven to be more than any-oth- er a of was J. L. Vaughn is repairing the Mainas trains for the east. uniformly high majority the acreage planted between JUNE the the of should The SpeciaV'--th- e part of the United States, 1st AND AUGUST 10th. territory,' highly commending thinking people the country building at Doming, preparatory to mak- "Chicago only fast di- east Den- course of Governor Otero in the recent raise their voice and influence in the ing his residence there". bound morning train out of ver the Denver-Chicag- o territorial appointments. The voice of rection of securing enactment of the The ranch located near only train OO people making close connections at FORTUNATELY the land is blessed GOOD BOIL the is heard in of have sold Beeler & of Chtoago makes the seed germ people favor Governor measures now under consideration by Deming, Jones, with afternoon trains for New York, inate. Kinsley, Kas., 800 head of yearlings. with the to Otero's action. It is well. congress. Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore and all just fertility produoe Of1 TUB Major Neil Bailey, of Deming, has other eastern cities. high grade beeta, and THE SUGAR BOVL The two worst enemies of New Mexico been appointed major-genera- l, in com- Its equipment consists of sleeping, re- WATER makes the plant grow. A mand of division of New U. live Inside the boundaries of the terri- Philanthropic Association. the Mexico, clining chair, dlninlng and smoking cars. 8. C. V. Meals are served on the European MORE FORTUNATELY the Peoos are the tax and the For past there has been a plan SUNLIGHT tory. They dodger many years Sisters of Charity are selling trinkets you pay only for what vou order. puts tho sugar in the Inefficient tax collector. The removal great rush of people from the farms and own make In for the The will be in addi- Irrigation and Improvement Oo. GREAT Is the Rich BEET. of their Deming Chicago Special and Roswell Land Water of the from office and ap- towns to cities of of tion to and in no interfere with the the and latter the country the large the benefit the Fort Davis, Tex., charity way Oo. have an of school. "Vostibuled which irrigation system de-sir- pointment of a competent, capable man east and middle states, caused in a Burlington's Flyer," of THE ONLY THING left to he ed great will continue to leave Denver at 9:50 great magnitude, covering a vast Valley in his will have effect of demand for labor Robert Hannigan is improving a tract p. of BEST tho Pecos Valley has place the put- measure by the arising m., Omaha at 4 p. in. the next body the SUGAR BEET that of land 12 miles east of Deming, prepara- reaching on- - Rio Pecos. on band la abundance le fol-in- lands earth. The water is the not ting an end to the former. from the establishment of large manu- afternoon, and at 8:30 tho g ap- tory to moving his cattle up from Blue Chicago to the orop WHEN NEED PEOPLE. Wo seed thrifty farm- - facturing concerns, the Improvement of Creek, A. T. morning. plied 600 heads of families each on For tickets and full information call "ere; The only way to the on streets and other kindred enter- em- . a40-aor- e farm. put territory city Chas. Dempsey, a Harvey bouse at offices of lines or write to ZN a sound financial basis is, for the asses- For a time demand for at and brother of Jack connecting TH1 COUNTIES OF prises. the ploye Deming, G. W. Vallery, general agent, 1039 sor to let no tax payer escape assess- skilled and common labor absorbed the Dempsey, preserved the family honor by Seventeenth Denver. CHE SUN SHINES more hours in or conditions of out a the other street, MO FAIRER terns ment and for the collector to collect the but that condition since knocking foraging tramp eels of beet and fruit landa ware Influx, long . the and more in taxes or know day. Eleotrio sad BeoUning Chair day days the year !EDDY"CHAVES ovor made.".. due, the reason to one where men are more Light . why. Only changed Miss Joan Warren has as ' in Eddy and Chaves counties, New a few resigned Cars. examples will need to be made of numerous than positions, and a wretched teacher in the Silver City school, On Fe Mexico, than in any other seotion OF NEW MXXICO. public trains leaving Santa dally, fast of west. tax dodgers to bring about a much need- life is now eked out by thousands of and will prepare for the time and good service via the Santa Fe the WRITE for particulars. ed Stanford reform in the matter of paying taxes. persons who, under favorable circum university. Route, Pullman tourist Bloopers are McGrath. of on these trains between stances, could earn a comfortable liv- Justice Lordsburg. gave running dally Alfred Webber, charged with stealing Chlcasro. Kansnx flltv ami I.ns Anvnlna An Iron case, lined with to be ! felt, ing. coal, 30 days in the county jail and M. nd San Francisco, weekly tourist serv-Burk- e clamped on the floor in front of the So pronounced has this state of and Andrew Navls 25 days each lco nas bocn established via the Santa PECOS IRRIGATION AND IUPROVEIIENT GO. theater patron, is the latest invention of affairs become that men interested for assault and battery. Fe Route, between Boston, New York, St. EDDY, inrwtiExico. a London genius, for the protection of In social economy have turned their Coif m Count. Pittsburg, Pa., Paul, Minneapolis, Stock Is In condition at Mar- - St. Louis, Kansas City and Los Angeles the feet of.ladies from the fiends who go energies to solving the question. To splendid nd San tlM , Francisco, through reservation oat between the acts "to see a friend." this end the National Homeseekers on theso weekly lines, for particulars in f. t. HAGBRMAN. OR EOOY7DLL LAND AITD 7ATER CO. Eastern cattlemen are flocking into .- This means another boom for the foun association has been with tho regard to tourist service call on orad-sponger- r uAuMft s formed, a dries of the If de- of Industrious to agent of the 8anta Fe Route I. 0. FAnNER, Mo9mUmi. XX3T7ZXnOTIZ2lI0O. country, Chicago girls object Inducing people Swift A Co Will unload 30.000 head of "y h. 8. mand for feet, leave overcrowded cities and seek homes Lrm, Agent protection their t cattlo at Springer this year. Santa Fe, N. M Ob. a warm Suicide Said to be Epidemic. Sir Walter Surpassed. what wel are And tho lawyrr knew the man was telling come the first little traveler i Dr. La Run, the famous French The days of chivalry gone' whom Heaven guides to RIO GRANDE SANTA FE No we meet; tho truth. Mr. Brown took out $10 for & on abnoraa.1 puenomona, lias, courtesy bis fee for which he was told the door of a woman's!!, exhaustive comoarison of facts in No Raleigh now" would throw his clonk services, heart receives from the If after would later lw needed, uuU gave back the and the At good Queen Hess's feet. ... France, Belgium, England change. Jobn Dawson took the come Ms chango thought and care is eiven United States, to tlio conclusion Yet Raleigh merely used cloak. ami was out, of trouble. to the comfort and well (J Announcement! to is a mania, that the Inclination suicide While I, in raptures gone. He worked just as hurd at the federal being of the new comer J and is No learned f epidemic. authority Have thrown my suit at Mabel's feet building, but he paid cash nt the grocery. after it has entered into the has as with exactitude on. of life yet discovered For her to trample His wlte went itown town with monev, portals and taken its r Com- whether malaria is epidemic or endemic, hud to out. place at the tamily The New Mexican Printing and they enough Not another fireside. DENVER RIO GRANDE R but It has beou a matter of notoriety mnn on tho could as niuoh. the most Cheeked by the Sheriff. job say Yet during the-ti- I for nearly half a century, that "If you luiva $10,000," said desires to state that it is 01 me Lawyer when baby is pany reliable preventive and curative 'What's the reason your baggage isn't don't some of is here? Brown, "why you get good expected various forms of malaria Hostetter's Wasn't it checked?'' It? Live In a better house. Make tbe few wom- a of its celebra- Restored the trouble. was check- making specialty Stomach Bitters. patients "That's just It money pay for some of the things you need en do all seal of their ap- ed an have not only set the by attachment.'' some of thethlngsTrther men luivo in this they The Scenic Home of tbe World. ted FREY'S PATENT FLAT probation upon It In malarial cases, but for wife. Give should to ana world. Buy things your insure commended lor rneumatism, money her an easier time. Do something for the liver trouble, nervousness dyspepsia and THE rORGOTTEN GRAVE. the little OPENING BLANK BOOK. children. First thing you know some one one's consti- constipation. Out from the rour will find out where you got it and will tell tutional city's giant 40. Rule them to order. Can Consolation. You wandered through the open door, the man that lost it, and you'll have to Time Table No. give Paused at a little pail aud spade give It up. strength "There's no fate bad that It not a hillock laid and vigor. of might Across cried Daw - tiny "I'll kill him first!" John AST BOUND WEST BOUt- D you the finest kind binding, both De said the man who had been Then noted on your dexter side No moth- worse," son. His hands were clinched above his No. 426. MILKS JK). 425. room from sunset Some moneyed magnate's "love or er wants walking the till dawn pride," head, his teeth were set, his eyes were 10:08 with his And so, bey ond a hawthorn tree, to have a m...... Ly. Santa Fe.Ar Ittpm for durability and finish, and it is baby. Ha rain of staring, his breath came heavily. He a U:08pm Lv.Bipauola. Lv.. 40.. 4:55 pm "I'm are so Showering rosy bloom suit. S9.. 3:25 glad you philosophic," re Aline on low and lofty tomb really would have done it. weakly, sickly baby yet unless she herself l:10pm Lv.Bmbudo.Lv... pm plied his wife. lived in flat. be is in the 1:55pm Lv. Barranca. Lv.. 68.. 2:45 pm the sole makers. You came upon it suddenly. They a cozy Dawson entirely healthy special, delicate 8:27 pm....Lv.Trea Piedraa.Lv 97.. 1:19 pm "Yes; I have a great deal to be thank- haved himself. The neighbors respeoted structure which makes motherhood possi- 5:23 p m Lv.Antonlto.Lv... 131. .11:40 a m I Tile ful for. I have be,en told that away up How strange very grasses' growth, bim and admired bis children. The wife, ble, the baby is certain to Buffer in some 7:00 p m Lv.Alamoea.Lv.. 160.. 10:30 a m Vi I Vi 10 Vn V ilia n rrti (i -- n alv i r n t o 1tnfr '' Around it seemed forlorn and luath ; way for her weakness or :60 p m Lv . Salida Lv.. . 246 . . 6 :50 a m .,wtuu UIO 311 U1UUVU3 IWMgi like women, was oapable of neglect. lllgUH The very Ivy seemed to turn njest strug The surest way to avoid this is for the 1:50 a m Lv. Florence. Lv.. 311.. 4:00 a m with or of the halls Lv. Askanco that wreathed the neighbor urn. gllng penury adorning mother to reinforce her own strength by 3:10am Pueblo. Lv... 843,. 2:40am Sunk was the slab the head 'iecl ned of plenty. Her home was a bower. use of Dr. Favorite 4:40am Lv.Colo Spgs.Lv.88., 1:02 am the Pierce's Prescrip- 7:30am Ar. Denver. Lv... 46J.. 10 :00 m MAGICALLY And left the rails u wreck behind. The preacher called on John Dawson tion during the time of anticipation. It p No name. You traced a "6," a "7," and the family went to ohurch. The chil will make her perfectly healthy. It will Connections with the main line and EFFECTIVE Part of "affliction" and of "heaven," dren were in Sunday school. The wife lighten and brighten the time of waiting. branches as follows: And then oh, irony, austere! from e It will make the ordeal of motherhood ab- free learned something everything-sh- At Antonlto for Durango, Silveiton You read in letters sharp and clear, saw. There was a servant in tho kitchen. solutely safe and comparatively free from TREATMENT TO ALLI lost to to and will insure con- and all points in the San Juan I '"Though sight, memory dear." for an Invest- pain a strong, healthy country. Austin Dobbon in Uood Words, 1876. Lawyer Brown, looking stitution for the At Alamosa for Jlmtown. Creede, Del advised the of 800 feec of baby. FOR WEAK MEN ment, purchase Mrs. Nannie of Lovelace, Hill Norte, Monte Vista and nil In the in J. Taylor, Co., points mehj land Washington avenue. On that they Texas, says: "I atn the mother of eight chil- san lAiis vauey. OF ALL AGES built a row of houses, the affair dren. I suffered from female weakness. I tried A CAPITALIST. financing 1 At Salida with main line for all from the basis of a clear title. John Daw physicians with no avail. When last became points HO MONEY Iff ADVANCE. Won. with child I saw the advertisement of Doctor east and west, including Leauvllle. derfal appliance and Mlenufle rem- son superintended tho construction, and Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I bought two At Florence with F. & C. C. It. R. for edies sent o to any reliable In a force of work- men of associated with him. When bottles and took according to directions. When world-Wid- trial that time when big quality tho of Creek and man. A e reputation back of he went into the be found the cash baby was born I had a very easy time and have gold camps Cripple this offer. Every obstacle to happy married men was busy tearing down the old gov- bank, not suffered one hour since, from female weak- Victor. ernment will be ier respected him, talked to not with ness. is as fat and as can life removed. Full strength, development building, it reniombered, him, Baby healthy be." At Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Den- and tone given to every portion of the body. something to stop work on the him much, for John Dawson was a shrewd mothers should send to the Failure impossible; age no barrier. ( , happened Prospective ver with all Missouri river lines for all southwest oorner. All of ly man. World's Medical - No C..O. D. scheme. ' . the rest the quiet Dispensary Association, points east. building had melted away, crumbled be- He found the most amazing thing of Buffalo, N. Y., for a copy of Dr. Pierce's from Santa Fe ERIE MEDICAL CO a a A Common Sense Medical which Through passengers neath the picks of the men, but the seo-tio- n all that man word was snored. Adviser, will In one-cen- t have reserved berths sleepers from at Clark and Jackson streets still promise was kept. An obligation was dis will be sent free on receipt of 21 to the cost or Alamosa if desired. JOB WORK A was fullilled. He stamps pay of mailing only, Resentful stood a good two stories charged. duty began cloth-boun- hih, though 31 stamps for d copy. For further Information address the teams were hauling foundation stones to understand the things thut a son and a "Mamma," asked the pretty bride, be undersigned. des- "how will I .know when the from the opposite angle. daughter might proud about. T. J. Uki.m. General Of all kinds done with neatness and honeymoon John 98 The row in avenue was Agent. is at an end?" Dawson, a laborer, years old, Washington How She Looks. Santa Fe, N. M. husband of one wife aud fatber of chil bought before the were fin com- "You can tell the buildings Did ever the of S. k. Hooi'wt' G. P. A., a and very easy," snapped dren, oaroe down irom his home at ished. People seemed to recognize In John you notice expression patch. Carry large old who nates to be dally tho face of the Venus de, Jhlo? Denver, Colo. gentleman, ignored Eighteenth street, every step of Dawson a lucky man. They showered "Oh, "It breaks up In a cyclone." walking she looks all broke line of commercial always toe way and carrying his pick and shovel offers upon biiu. Ho wore pretty good yes; up.'" plete stationery - He had been was clothes the tailor made them I have been afllicted with rheumatism busy until the work anyway, Euphonious. of Then he was told day after and earned $200 a month without strik cards, business for fourteen and seemed stopped. day named the liabv consisting wedding years nothing to "come back in the morning." And he ing a blow with bis hands. "Have you Virginia-- - Dinah'.' I'hear call her to give any relief. I was able to be did come back In the niorniug. But the t you Vlrgle." etc, "Oh. laws! no, missus; not cards, programs, around all the time but suf work of demolition was unaccountably de In December Brown said : Virgluny. constantly Lawyer a sure-nn- tl wn's and he was destitute. .No use look found out who She Christian chile, and fering. I had tried everything I could layed "I lost that $10,000. His bound to her Bible name. Name's ing elsewhere for employment. Vork was name is (five a hear of and at last was told to Cham We Jes' call her try here in plenty as soon as this mysterious But John Dawson had dived throuah Virgin Mary, missus, BOOK "WOREI Pain which for short.'' berlaln's Balm, I did, and delay wus ended. No one soeinou to know the door with a thunderous crash, had Vlrglo was relieved and in a short the-pic- had stopped on this corner. tumbled down and was mill immediately why fairly stairs walk In the West. This is time cured. I am to that it But John Dawson and his waiting com- ing blindly, insanely down the street. the best equipped establishment happy say each with shovel care Friend So have found has panions, pick and He came back after two days. you think you not since returned. Josh. Edgar, - fully guarded from purloining, saw men "Who was it?" he said. your affinity at last? F. TIME TABLE in the whole southwest for this line of Germantown, Cal. For sale by A. C. in good clothes bunting about in tho dis "Who was what?" The Fiancee (many times divorced) U.&S. Ireland. mantled rooms of the remaining corner-s- aw "Who lost the money?" Yes, Indeed! I start 011 my farewell brid- work, and our unequalled facilities them through the grated windows, a He was calm now, but desperately dls al tower next Wednesday'. Papa Wriggles Out. dozen of them and wondered. ouraged. (Effective, January 17, 1898.) enable us to turn out work the Little Eddie Is it proper to call a Looking at them so one day, John Daw "It was Caleb Browning, one of the An Unjust Charge. at a man-of-wa- conscious of battleship son, absolute destitution, re clerks. His father, Jabez Browning, made is to prove that so- Yes. membered brcaki-- Somebody trying Papa the slender st he left It good, and no one but them and tbe ac- ciety is responsible for murders." lowest possible figures. Little Eddie Is the Texas a man-of- - untouched at on Eighteenth street pre- counting officers know anything about it. "Well, that's wrong; society is made war? tense that he had eaten heartily and need Of course no one knows where it Head Down. East Bound. Read Up. is." up of people who want to kill one an- No. 2. No. 22. No. 17. No. 1. - Of course. ed no more; bad left untouched that the "Of oourse not. Give Papa It back." other and never do." 12:15a 9:40pLv..SantaFe..Ar. 7:0Op 7:00p Little Eddie Then why did you say wife and the children might have some "WhaatV" 4:00 a 2:0! a Ar. .Las Vegas. .Lv 3:05 p 1:10 p "she and the Maine were sister ships?" thing, conscious of the long walk with The lawyer was almost as wild as his Thousands are Trying It. 7;30a 6:00a Ar....Huton....Lv 11:25 a 9:05 a You the shovel and which heavier 9:lUa 7:47aAi. Trinidad. .Lvl0:00n 7:lMa Papa (after deep study) mustn't pick, grew client had been. In order to the great merit of 9:35a 8:05a Ar.. El 9:40a 6:59a of fell prove Moro...Lv asK sucn questions when ladles are pres dally conscious many things "Give It back. It belongs to him." Croam Balm, the most effeotive oure 12:30pl2:30p Ar... Puoblo... Lv 7:00 a it seemed to men Ely's 2:32 Lv ent. and him the "But my dear sir" for Catarrh and Oold in Head, we have pre- 2:32l pArCol. Springs. 5:80o a full and line of all in the dismantled rooms there, Give back. BsjOp 5.00p Ar... Denver ..Lv 3:00a Carry complete passing "It isn't mine. it I will pared a generous trial size for 10 cents, 11:50 a 11:20 a Ar... La Junta. Uv 7:10a 4:25 a Rev. E. of the and before the iron bound win for oost 12 :35 . . . . . :45 5 Edwards, pastor Eng repassing pay you what trouble It has you." (let it of your druggist or send 10 cents to a Ar Newton . Lv 8 p :20 p those lish Church dows of what bad once been the subtreas- - Men una respected him. Women re 4:50a Ar.. Topeka ...Lv l:23p Legal Blank, including required Baptist at Mlnersville, Pa., ELY BUOS., 56 Warren St., N. Y. City. 7 :05 a Ar Kunsas Lv 2 :30 11 :20 a ury, were looking for money. And be spected his wife. Many people smiled on City p when suffering with rhoumatism, was find of of worst 9 .00p ...... Ar.. Chicago ..Lv 2:43a 10:00p Brand Law enacted tne wished he might it Instead they. his children. He wanted to deserve all I suffered from catarrh the kind (Dearborn St. Station.) by the by ad viced to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. What would he do with it? this, oven if, deserving, he lost it. ever since a boy, and I never hoped for Ho "A of First he would spend 3 cents for a loaf Brown saw Jabez cure, but ('ream Balm seems to do Koud Down West Bound Read ui? says: few applications this Lawyer Browning and Ely's No. 1 No. 17 No. 22 No. 2 last legislature. of bread. The other laborers bad each a ottered to even thut have used liniment proved of great service to me. give back tha money. Many acquaintances 3:aa p p LiV..nunta i'e..Ar 11:45 p 2:10 a brown crusted, long, round loaf, and tbey "How much will you keep out for your it with excellent results. Oscar Ostrum, 5:47p ArLoB CerrlllosLv 9 .so p Itsubdued the inflammation and relieved broke off bits now and then and ate of it, services. 15 Warren Ave., Chicago, III.' 7:50 n 8:00 n ArAlhuauera'e Lv 8:00 p 10:45 p - 2 :47 a Ar . Socorro. . . Lv 4:30p the pain. Should any sufferer profit by Over In the dismantled rooms the search You dollar." m NEW MEXICAN PRINTING COMPANY "Nothing. get every Ely's Cream Balm ia the acknowledged 3 :50 a Ar ami Mnrcial Lv :i.:u ers were it and the contractor's be 9 :45 . . 10:55 giving Pain Balm a trial It will please giving up interest would about the fair cure for catarrh and contains no cocaine, a Ar Denung. Lv a foreman at tbe door was. stirring himself wouldn't it?" asked the 1:00 d Ar. Silver Citv.Lv 8:15 a me." For sale by A. C. Ireland. thing, capitalist nor 8:11 a Cruoes.Lv 11:15 a into a profane heat, so that work father of vault clerks. His nerve was mercury any injurious drug. Price, Ar.Las might 60 cents. At druggists or by mail. 9:50a Ar.. .Kl Paso.. .Lv :50o presently and proporly begin. proverbial among his friends. 8:40d LvAlbuuuero'e Ar 10:25 p . An Embarrassing Situation. e "You will no interest 12:10 p Ar.. Ash Fork.. Lv 8:05 a got money," said March. 4:30 I hate most borrow- He Variable 3:10 p Ar.. 1'rescott ,.l.v a Plunge Infernally When the subtreasury was running, Lawyer Brown. never lost his pres 9;20p Ar.. Phoenix ..Lv 10:00) from One. have ence The weather man welcome with smil- 8 :30 ing monoy any I always Caleb Browning, being a bonded vault oi minu. a Ar Los Angeles Lv 9:50 a the feeling that sooner or later I'll have one Bo he gave to Jabez Browning $10,000 ing demure 1:15 p Ar, San Diego Lv 7 :00 a olerk, had lost package oontainlDg Tho mouth some call an affliction: 6 :45 p ArSan Frano'coLv 4;30p to pay it back. 910,000 in various miscellaneous bills In new $100 bills. that Sponge Oh, pshaw! that's not what silver certificates and national bank notes. e Ho Is tranquilly sure CHICAGO & CALIFORNIA LIMITED troubles mo. It's the of how e'e'e A few hours will secure thought He really had lost It. He had not stolen Nuit morning after the transfer John Rend Down East Hound Read Up much more will be A 4 3 difficult it to borrow It. And when he could not account for Dawson came in with his dusty digger's fulfilment of any prediction. No. No anything from him next time. it his father, Jabez bad clothes on, offered bU br.nd and said Monday, Wednesday Monday, Wednesday Browning, paid ana Saturday anu r rituiy the loss in full without a word, and Caleb, "Goodby." Unexpected Speed. 3:55 p Lv.. Santa Fe..Ar 10;l0a with no stain upon him, bad and "Where are She Well, knew I was to 8:55 p Ar. Lus Vegas.. Lv 7:15 a resigned you going?" you going it Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. accepted a situation with a com- "Back to the and shovel. I have a account! 12:01a Ar.. .. Raton. ...Lv :50 a ' railway pick open running 1:18a Ar. Trinidad. .Lv 2 30a VIA THE The romody is intended specially for pany. bad my holiday. . lie Yes; but I didu t Hiiow it would 3:40a Ar..La Junta.. Lv ll:50p ' There was a shout, a rush, a clamoring "Why are you going back?" be constantly running against its own 1:00 p Ar... Newton... Lv 3;05p coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough from' men shovels. "Because I 6:10p ArKunsns City Lv ...... 9:40a with picks and The have no money." record. ..Lv and influenza. It has become famous contractor's now but have of 0:43a Ar,. Chicnaro 6;00n foreman, swearing very "Oh, you plenty money." Monday, Wednesday Saturday, Monday l.jOJi for its cures of these diseases, ovor a easily, was sending laborers hero and there "Where?" and Friday and Wednesday : on tbe southwest and "In hands. I have over to ' part of the civilized world. The delayed section, tbe my $60,000 West Bound Rend large well dressed men who had been credit." Read Down Up most testimonials have been searching your m mm No. 3 No. 4 flattering went over to their La SalJe street offices "Over 60,000 what?" Monday, Wednesday Monday, Wednesday received, giving accounts of its good and wondered where Caleb "Dollars." h ot Taat Are nud Friday and Saturday Browning's people n 8:50 a Lv Santa Fe ..Ar of the and 910,000 of bills bad gone. " Where did you them?' ' ick or "Just Dont nil 7:00p works; aggravating persist- paokage get eel 11:55 a ArAlbuquerq'e Lv 4:05p ent of severe colds John Dawson, sitting on a block of "Bought wheat at 63, sold It at 70; i Well." rlLLa 6:00 p Ar... Gallup.. Lv ....10:55 a coughs it has cured; ONLY stone, knew of the shout, of the at 67, sold at 80; at 76, ONI mi Bflu 12 20 a Ar.. Lv 5:08a have to sooth- clamoring, bought bought lemoves Pimples, cures Headache, ana 2:40 a Ar..Ash 2:40a that yleldod promptly its of the rush to the knew even of sold at at 94, sold 10G. Dyspepsia Fork..Lv work, the 100; bought at JGJ"vcneis. 6 a box at druitglats or br mall 2:15 p Ar.. Bnrstow ..Lv l:40p ing effects, of the dangerous' attacks of easy, satisfying profanity of the contract- Bought sugar at 110, sold at 148. Bought Samples Free, address Dr. BossnkoCo. Phils. Pa, 3:55 p ArSan Beru'noLv 9:50 a 6:50 Ar Los Lv 8:00 a croup It has cured, often saving the life or's foreman. But he oould not rise. That West Chicago when it was cheap and sold p Aueeles added to his troubles. Ho was when it was dear. 9:45 n Ar. San Diego .Lv 3:00 a of the child. The extensive nso of It apparently Bought whisky when Tuesday, Thursday Sunday, Tuesday unconscious. He was helpless. Yet It was down and sold it when it was Desert Land, Final Proof Notice for and and for has really up. Saturday Friday whooping cough shown that it he knew all the horror of that final re- Alan that ean't make money in such a Publication. robs that disease of all of work and bis to season as this doesn't deserve ) dangerous sumption Inability go just passed United States Land Office, CHICAGO & CALIFORNIA LIMITED It Is specially prized by forward, , to eat. Santa Fe, N. M., March 5, 1898. S TCCKET8 ON SAI.K TO Presently tbe contractor's foreman "I have paid tbe 910,000, and here's a Notice is hereby irlven that Julian Sanchez, Trains 3 4 tri- mothers for children as it never falls to of Kio Arriba has filed notice of his number and running shook in full for it. You oan't be trou county, first-clas- s him, swearing cordially, and he receipt to mane in each direction carry only effocta speedy euro, and because they smiled bled. now to intention proor of his desert land weekly PORTLAND, SAN FRAN- gasped, weakly and gripped tbe I have youroredlt 971,000, claim No. f85, for the se. M, se. H. sec. 4, w. H, vestibulod Pullman sleepers and VICTORIA, havo found that there Is not the least piok and shovel I will charge you 3 per cent on the total aw. , se. sw hii sec. fs, tp. 2fi n, r 5 e, be- protectingly. fore dining cars between Chicago. Kansas In vxou've been work," said the Bum I had before with the probate clerk of Rio Arriba county, CISCO AND SEATTLE. dangor giving it, even to babies, as it wanting settling Browning at Tlerra Amarilla, on tbe 13th day of April, City, St. Louis, Los Angeles and San foreman. "Why don't at it ?" $1,440. That leaves you 109,560. You 1898. first-clas- s contains nothing injurious. Sold by A. you git Diego. Only tickets honored Have you icen our new clcetrlc lighted cunt! Ana Jonn uawson tried to riso. but have a little balance on your own account, He names the following; witnesses to prove on these trains. Uncut C. Ireland. really he could not So the earned sinoo business into the complete irrigation and reclamation of They are the thing; on wheel. foreman, you put your sum innu: Flntt knowing tnuob, as a foreman must, mo- hands. What will do with it?" MEXICO & CALIFORNIA Tleket offiec, National bank building. my you Antonio D. Martinez, Braullo Trujillo, Ga- CHICAGO, W. f. . S. No for Kim. tioned a lounger, and tbe two carried John "With all of it?" lileo Martinez. Tomas Martinez, of Canjilon, BLACK, I. A., II. LIT5E, Agent. Respite LINE. Kiin. X. !H. Hev. Bruddor am Dawson and his pick and bis shovel to a "Yes, with all of it." B.Sl. MANUEL a. UTBHO, Topeka, Santa Fe, Coly Johnsing, I Register. No. carries n Clark street restaurant south of Jackson, John Dawson bonds I, westbound, through much grieved to lieah dat reputa-shu- bought government youah and tbe very immoral but while he Pullman sleepors tourist cars to Los fer truthfulness am not good. As sympathetic could get them at a reasonable Notice Tor Publication. food before him In un- I Angeles and San Francisco. a membah ob church you ought not proprietor placed ngure. Then he lived happy ever since. Homestead Entry No. 4093. my known abundance. e e a No. 2, eastbound, carries same equip- be lies. - Land Office at Santa Fe. N. M ) telling How bard be worked when be did come March 4, 1888. f ment to Kansas City aud Chicago, also Brother Johnson Parson, de fault The moral of this tale is that honest ex- - back I How muob be wished the and Nntlen Is hnrnhv frivon that the Pullman ror uonver, via. r.1 am not wlf ob dls wurl'. Fish- wife ample is often effective even on lawyers fnllnipinir sleeper me, but the little ones have had such a meal named settler nas men notioe or nia intention Moro and D. &R. G. railroad. time ain't ober till election might ana laboring men. Chicago Post. to make final proof in sunnort of his claim. ing hardly as I How be him- No. 32, eastbound, is a local train and come on, and arter election comes hunt- that resolutely promised and that said proof will be made before the self tbey should have suoh a meul I And English Diplomatic Salaries. reif isier or receiver hi ctoiiiu r e, uu April 11, makes all stops, carries through chair ing, and soon fishing again; and it 1898, viz : Gomez v for s. purty how amazed he was when, working away Tbe London Standard aays: Our most Pedro Gonzales, the car lor Denver, anu Pullman siooper tor j 1st seems as ef a pusson doand have no V,,w, Si, sw. v4,se. a, aeo. 4, tp. 19 n, r. 0 e. there at tho inner of tbe embassador Is tbe British fnllnu-ini- Kansas uitv. chance to started iu de troof. angle mighty highly paid rep Hfl minuM thfl 1tiiAMMtnnrmn git telling wall, his pick pulled up of paper rosentative In Paris, who receives 9,000. his continuous resiilenpe unon anil cultivation No. 17 carries free chair car, Denver iiiliipni Austria-- of said land, viz: Juan Gonzales, Alejandro to Pullman with tbe brick and oeuent! At first he Britain's embassadors to Gormany, - : r. 1 11 El Paso,' palace sleepers, I'v.i wn f.niirn, rvntns DVUUtHV VU111IUI1U, Geo. B. Secord, the well known con- brushed It aside with the refuse, but it Hungary and Turkey receive 8,000 a of N.M. uibmiuIi Chicago to El Paso, connecting with Hobart, Mex- tractor of Towarida,' N. Y., rolled back toward him. Then he pushed year each. The representative in St Pe- MANUEL IX. UTERO, Mexican Central for all points in says: "I Register. ico. have used Chamberlain's it ungently with his foot, and the dust fell tersburg has the next largest salary, Cough Remedy from Its and and while 800 less Is considered For information, time tables and lit- ST. LOUIS, lite away tissues, its greens enough Notice for Publication. In my family for a long, time and have its letters and Its for the British embassador who takes erature to the Santa Fe whites, figures, peered up Homestead No. 4095. pertaining CHICAGO, to him. residence In Entry call on or address, TO found It superior any other.";, For up at He worked away at tbe inner his tho Eternal City. For M route, of Land Office at Santa Fe, N. ) II. 8. NEW snlo A. C. Ireland. -. angle the great wall for a few moments, some reason, known only to the diplomatio 24, 1898. J Lutz, Agent, YORK, by February Santa N. M. for be was grateful to the contractor's fore mind, our representative in Washington Notice li hereby arlven that the follow Incr- - Fe, BOSTON, Ladies man, and then he almost fainted, for tbe Is muoh worse off, but 6,500 a named settler haa filed notice of her Intention W. J. Black, G. P. A., receiving ' Hie Opinion.- - consciousness came to him that this was though be has probably to work far to make final proof In support of her claim, Topeka, Kas. year, and that said proof will be made before the "What are Jlmmle?" money. harder tor his country. The embassador of and children you doing, ' Probate clerk Rio Arriba county at Tlerra i There were bean- - 1898, 1 "Readln' the dictionary through." other men near him. to Spain receives 5,600, while the repre- Amarilla, on April 6, viz Maria Paula who take tho Burlington route ro rIvpii "How do like It?" Ing rubbish on the same with him. sentatives In China and Persia draw 500 Romero, widow of Hllarlo Ksqulbel, for the you pile lot 1, 1, 27 4 3 4, Free Cars, care and attention. To illus- see of tee. ti. n, r e, and lots aud see. Reclining particular Oh, some of the words Is good, but They might It They certainly would each less., The beads the legations la 6. tp. 27 n. r 5 e. trate what that means: A few months II be dived down and picked It uo. So he each receive 0, names others hain't much sense In 'em." Japan, Brazil and Egypt ane tne touowina; witnesses to prove ago five, children, whose ages ranged hammered with his piok not see- but Lord Cromer has besides her continuous residence upon and cultivation Pullmans, blindly, 1,000 of said from 3 to 11 years, traveled a thousand the wall, and then he took off his hat a allowance." The British land, viz: ing "personal lose uufraolo r.squlhei, feriecto r.soulbel, miles over the line kxtiukly rx ac- and laid it on the money. agent at Pretoria, who Is paid by tho colo- Rafael Velarde, Manuel Esquibel, of Tierra Diners, Ask After ten minutes be Amarilla, N.M. companied. your pulled the hat nial office, receives only 8,000 a year. Omaha, Kansas St. CATARRH from tbe cement and brick dust, Manuel it. utero,'".Register. Annual Subscriptions to Chicago, City. Druggist carefully Louis AU. points east. Tickets 'at of- -- tbe of bills with Boudoir for generous ant brinalng up paokage it Standard Magazines are Coaches, fices of lines. WW and tucked hal and all within the bosom connecting Notice for Publication. 10 OINT EALWJ of his shirt and worked bareheaded and Notice for Publication. , offered as prizes for saving G W. VALLERY, tten'l Agt. I I Homestead No. 8894. TRIAL SIZK. feverishly until night. He went home, Homestead Entry No. 3460.1 Kntry the from 1039 17th, St., Denver. secure. N. M.. Lard Office at Santa Fe, N. M. ) wrappers stolidly He bad found money. If Land Offici, Santa Fe, 1898. he would not to March 3,1898. J February 12, f CUOAHY'8 he said nothing, have give 1m Ely's Cress Bab KotiM ia tlftrwhv Crlvnn thitt tli fnllnwlno. Nntlna linrphv sriven that the following. It back. named hn named settler has filed notice of his intention Code of Civil lroeed lire. contains so eocslne, nrttlor filed notice of his Intention hie Saves 4 Hours Denver to mercury nor say etbtr tO maRB final nmnf In .limim. tt him mlalm tn mult flnnl nrnnf in fllinnort of nlalm. DIAC0UDOS0AP In the ter- and that will be made before and that said proof will be made before pro- Every practicing attorney Injurious drag. 'Where did you get this money?" asked aaldjnroof pro- of Rio Arriba Tlerra New York. One of should havo a copy of tho New It Is quickly Absorbed. bate elerk, Rio Arriba county, at Tlerra bate elerk oounty, at Change ritory Amur I on March 21, 18W, each Code of Civil Gives Belief William Brown, reputable lawyer, eying 1, on April 13, 1898, vis Rafael Ve- Amanita, vis: lionaciano Explanation on wrap- Mexico Procedure, hound stones. for ne. U, sec M, Lueero. for the i. M, nw. H. n.'A, aw. See. :. , ' 9100 bill which a man a very larde, the Tp. V n, r. 4 e. !. Cars. In form with alternate blank It opens snd- cleanses laboring He nantea the witnesses 18, Tp. 27 n, R.5e. . the best separate man following to prove - per laundry soap annotations. The Now Mex- the Nsssi rssasges. CUDMIEAD dusty and pronounced laboring his continuous residence upon and cultivation He names the following- witnesses to prove pages for Allan lusmmsnoa. placed In bis hand. of said land, vis: Vicente Hontoya, David his continuous residence upon and cultiva- for sale all ican company has such an edi- sad tfe BaatonstlM , Daslderlo by grocers. Printing Basis Protects. Vmtt. TOuna Lpman. David Tafpj-a- Manuel Montano, of tion of said land, via: Sanchez, 0.X.BA-P80- tion on sale at the Sen MS of ana taw, roll Met Sws, Trial "I it"- Tlerra Aniarllln, N.M, Antonio Maria Sanchez, Juan D. Valdes, o N. following prices: i nM saaU. Oommaroial 81.85: full I..1IM st ntmwlats or he "You stole It." MASVtl. OTBTtO, Valdes, all of Tlerra Amarilla, N. M. Agent, Leatherette binding, law "You're liar," said John Dawson. Register. MtNUKL K. UTKKO Register. DanvM, Cola sheep, $2j flexible morocco, 82. 50. TRAHSM1SS1SSIPPI EXPOSITIOH. PERSONAL MENTION. LETTER FROM ALASKA. SMALL LAND HOLDINGS. Awarded Honors World'! Fair, ON JM.lHK.tiT- - Highest MOST RELIABLE WHEEL THE . Business Transacted at the Meeting of Com Three New Mexico Boys Write of Their Ex Delegate Tergusson Has introduced Bill to Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair, Patrocino Lopez is assessments taking Klondike. Amend Law Time for missioners Held on Tuesday, in the upper precincts. periences on the Trail to Governing be at the head Will F. G. a Denver Insurance man. Title. of the procession White, Securing in 1898. The board of commissioners of the is registered at the Palace. An Alaska letter from upper Pecos year is Transmississippi exposition met at 10 Captain Hudson, county assessor, boys to relatives reads as follows; Mr. Fergusson has introduced tho fol In on business. o'clock yesterday morning. Among the Albuquerque ' We started on the ship Rosilee, Janu lowing amendment to the act establish Governor Otero todav In Raton isitors present were C. E. of spent ary 17, and have been very fortunate. the court of land in Llewellyn, with his manv friends in that city. ing private claims, Omaha, Mr. Cliver, of Albuquerque, Mr. On the ship preceding us, one man was the house of and feels A. C. Appleby, a Dallas, Texas, com representatives, Sol. Luna and others. re Ex- killed by a falling timber and another certain of its m The Encouraging mercial man, Is registered at the passage: gambler, which OIEaT.1 ports were received from the various change. washed overboard. The Corona, Be it enacted by the senate and house for the counties relative to New Mexican repre- Mrs. Luis E. Alarid is In Las Vegas followed us, was wrecked. of representatives of the United States Catalogue asking. of America In sentation. on a visit to her sister, Mrs. N. C. de 'We are camped a mile below Sheep's congress assembled, That S, section 18 of an act of the senate and Baca. Mr. Llewellyn addressed the board re camp 13 mlli from Dyea and about of of the Prince the In house representatives United the progress of the exposition spent day Dye miles from the summit of "An Act to a garding after and land Dyea States, entitled establish in Omaha, ana the general interest mani- Albuquerque looking legal mountain. The snow is about four feet court of private land claims, and to fested in all the states from the Missis- business. but the roads are and as hard provide for tho settlement of private BBE to the Pacific coast and also In a Mr. Olln E. Smith, of Durango, is vis deep good, claims In certain states and terri sippi and AGENT. A deal of the number of the most important eastern iting In the city. He registers at the as rock. great newspaper tories." and approved on the 3d of A Pare Cream of Tartar Powder. about this Is false. The day drape states. Bon Ton. talk country March, 1891, be, and tho same is here ill 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Mrs. Vogalsang and Mrs. Perkins wore S. H. of A. T., stop teams used here are large, young horses, amended out the words Allen, Phoeniz, from to by by striking present at the meeting and reported In tho registering at weighing 1,200 1,500 pounds, "within two years," near the middle of ped city yesterday,' and fat. haul from 2,200 to 2,300 Watch Repairing concerning the proposed models of New the Exchange. They said section, and inserting ,ln llou there- Diamond, Opal, Turquols First-Clas- s. load to Tho At the Hotels. a Strictly Mexico buildings and industries, that man came in pounds per Sheep's camp. of the words "within ton years," so Settings Specially. of small amount of L. F. Logan, a traveling are. now, the At the Claire: A. M. Balue, E. Hutch in consequence the from and freighters cutting prices that the said section 18, when amended, funds the of the last night Antonito, registered charge being 1 cent per pouitd. Our ison, Cerrlllos; J. McKake, at disposal committee, at the Bon Ton. shall read as follows: "That all claims Philadelphia it was impossible to give the proper rep- outfits weighed 3,400 pounds. We have under either of the two next At the Exchange: H. Corrant, Den re- Hon. Sam Eldodt, territorial treasurer, best and warmest. arising resentation, but that they hoped to everything the preceding sections of this act shall be ver; A. u. Appleby, uauas, Tex.; a. h. went to on Chtl-ko- 7M ceive sufficient aid from commercial up Chamlta this morning's "Alaska is cold and windy. The til. K...... ,nH nnnn..l Allen, Phoenix, a. T. S. to the do- - Rio Grande train. , reminds one of the SPITZ, clubs and individuals attain pass crossing proper state or territory within ten At the Paloce: F. G. White, Denver: over Trouches. is above timber line and MANTJFACTTJBEB, 07 sired results. H. Conant, of Denver, stopped It years next after the passage of this act; Jno. R. McFie, Las Cruces; Edward to and Is tho last we can . !J-- The matter of a superintendent yesterday en route to Durango, Sheep's camp place ana tlie class oi cases ior m Hazard, San Francisco; Jas. G. Mc of New ex wood until we cross the Wo ex- proviueu take charge the Mexico registered at the Exchange. get pass. said two next preceding sections shall Grath, Omaha, Neb. was of by the unanimous E. of coun pect to have all our goods over by March or the hibit, disposed Luis Alarid has charge the not be considered adjudicated by Bon-To- Frank Po-- of the resolution: At the Romero, MEXICAN . FILIGREE JEWELRY passage tollowing ty assessor's office during the absence court created by this act; and no tract Jose De La Luz Las .j "We can see about a dozen ice joaque; Roybal, Kesoivea, mat uomraissioner j. of Captaiu Hudson and Mr. Lopez, glaciers of such land shall be subject to entry to Visit different from where we are camped. They are Vegas; xnomas Martinez, umrieia; uei. Leeson be requested W. the under tho land laws of the United C. S. narts of the In order to collect J. Douglas, representing from 50 to 300 feet deep. Last Nbvem Young, Cerrillos; F. Murphy, Rico; --AND DEALER IN territory Spaulding-Ha- y wood Arms Co, in Slates." rueu-lo- ; articles suitable for the exhibition of our Denver, ber, an avalanche from one of the gla- h. Logan, Antonito; J. M, uisdoo, left for the north this Olln agricultural, horticultural, mineral and morning. ciers slid down on Sheep's camp and A PECULIAR FACT. E. Smith, Durango. Jas. G. of who has WATCHES, SILVERWARE, other resources and products, and to McGrath, Omaha, buried a number of men and teams. received a new stock of DIAMONDS, ex been the winter in Phoenix, is of Just brand stimulate the making of such spending "Four tho passengers from the and West at Schouf-- and at tho Palace. lie is en route Seattle landed and Havana Key cigars hibits, on the part of counties registered steamship yesterday Thousands of People Have Dyspepsia in Its ic's. and to for the home. walked up town. It was so windy and individuals, arrange Worst Form and Do Not Know It. GUT GLASS, DECORATED CHINA. transportation thereof to Omaha, J. McKabe, of Philadelphia, formerly cold that they got disgusted with the Kansas City Meats. and thereafter, as executive commiS' on the JNorth American staff, in j'nna' country and bought return tickets homo Bischoff & Muller handle a full line of sioner, to take charge of our exhibit at delphla, who has been registered at the without waiting to unload their ireigut. A weak stomach is the cause of about Kansas City meats, including sausago of we had about 30 miles of Omaha, under the direction this board, Claire, loft today for Denver. "Coming up nine-tenth- s of all diseaso, yet in most Give them a trial. Examine Eyes free of Charge for Prescription Lenses. so long as such arrangement shall be Marion of the rough water in Queen Charlotte Sound cases tho is treated and the Captain Balue, manager a to wrong thing mutually satisfactory. Cerrillos smelter, and E. Hutchinson, of "Dyea would be line place open true cause overlooked. a business of some kind. The hotels Kesolved, That as the law proniuus Cerrlllos, are in tho on mining busi This is because a weak digestion pro OFFICE FITTINGS. of to a couimis city are crowded to their utmost the pavment any salary ness and register at the Claire. capacity, duces symptoms resembling nearly every eabinets ofevery descrip sioner, the sum $100 per month be al- and more are being built. disease because It weakens ana aistui'DS Filing Leeson for his John Q. Otero, who lias been visiting "Tom and I left this tion, document boxes and nics, lowed to Commissioner of camp morning tho action of every norvo and organ in in service his father, Hon. M. R. Otero, rogister Mr. Bullock in Each pigeon hole eases, legal blank expenses while engaged the leaves leaving charge. tho bodv; poor digestion causes heart office and every the land office, for the past week, of us hauled a load of goods three miles, cases, ticklers aforesaid. in trouble, kidnoy troubles, lung weakness, office board to meet at for his liomo Albuquerque tonight. then came onto 10 miles, and conceivable kind of flttings H.S.KAUNE The then adjourned ' Dyea, and especially nervous break down or and furniture can be bad of the 4' CO, the call of the chairman. Captain S. S. Mathers, special land got in at 4 p. m. We expected some cannot nervous prostration, the nerves New Mexican company. agent, with office in the federal build- mail but were disappointed. unless Printing from stand the woar and tear goner Write for descriptive, illustrated ing, left last evening for Roswoll, "Our expenses from Santa Fe, to fed well wholesome which ho will to Old Mexico. ously by digested, puniphlets. To Cure a Cold in One Say place go Dyea, including one year's provisions, food. Mrs. I. N. Mrs. Horace utensils, meats and all Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Vogelsang, clothing, camp sleeping bags, Keep the digestion good and no oin The best Kansas City Perkins and Mr. J. J. Leeson left last etc., did not exceed $350 per man." of kinds of in season at the Bon Ton. All druggists refund the money If it fails need fear tho approach disease. game for territorial south, in The Pecos valley boys who are mak of N. Y. to cure. 35 cents. The genuine cas u evening points Mrs. II. M. Loo, Rochester, tho Interests of the ex- lug the Alaska trip are T. Stewart, of human Still B. Q. on each tablet. Transmississippi writes: For tho sako suffering m H. Bullock. Class. Alfred Viles and J. First Fi! position. They ity I want to say that from a child Strictly am left Santa Fo 2 and arrived at i: man W. January and restaurant Mrs. II. Manderliold and daugh- ' had a very weak stomach, threw up Housokoepers Seattle 8. ters, who havo been visiting relatives in January They purchased food very often after oating and after agers can save money Dy purcnasmg of Kinds 1,000 of etc. Bischoff Fresh Oysters, Fish, Poultry all MINOR CITY TOPICS. Philadelphia for six months past, are in pounds provisions, clothing, fow years norvous dysposia resulted and meats, fish and oysters from Las Mr. E. H. Salazar, at Seattle, tor more than twenty years nave sin & Muller. Only strictly first-clas- s meats Vegas visiting i ' ' Received Twice a Week. and will reach Santa Fe in a few days. To Cure Cold in One fered inexpressibly. sold. a Day tried and advertised Little Johnnie, mother's ious .Judge McFie returned from Las Cruces I many physicians I Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablots, relief for Civil little loafer last night, where he spent Sunday with remedies with only temporary Code of froccdure. Kvery night you coll, yoii bet, All druggists refund the money if It falls nervous and not till I com' in the ter- hid sof n ! his and on Monday attended the dyspepsia Evory practicing attorney He's behind the family, to cure. 35 cents. The genuine has L mencod Tab Now formal opening of the new buildings at ' taking Stuart's Dyspepsia ritory s'hould havo a copy of tho U. S. weather bureau forecast for New B. Q. on each tablet. six months ago, bound - tho ana the recep- lots last September, Mexico Code of Civil Procedure, Mexico: Fair tonight and Thursday- Agricultural college free from caused tion given at tho girls' dormitory in the have I been suffering in separate form with alternate blank Work on the Blain on LAS VEGAS HAPPENINGS. bv tho condition of nerves and stom Mex- The Sign of the improvements evening, which passed off very pleas- my pages for annotations. The New San Francisco street is progressing rap antly. ach; in short chronic nervous dyspop' ican Printing company has such an edi- idly. sia. tion on sale at the following prices: The fence surrounding St. Michael'! A now organ for St. Paul's church has I have recommended Stuart s Dyspep Leatherette binding, 81.35; full law D college is being beautified by a new coat LAND OFFICE BUSINESS. been received. sia Tablots to many of my friends and sheep, 83; flexible morocco, $2.50. of The schools of the will be now I want in a public way to say they paint. public city and I believe LIGHTPLAZA. March weather In Santa Fe Is of th closed in throe weeks. are the safest, ploasantost ILVER CITY REDUCTION WEST SIDE OF surest euro for stomach and nervo trou right brand: bright, bracing and alto' Filings on Lands Made in the Santa Fe Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilcox are the COMPANY, Silver city, CALLS ATTENTION TO bles. I write my honest opinion and I Grant N. 91. gother lovely. Oertifi-- " of a baby boy who arrived County, Land Office, and Final proud parents -- will gladly answer any letter of inquiry would do no harm to insert a few from No Man's land Monday. r" This plant has been purchased and It at any time and feci that 1 am, in my bo In cc 77 new in the of the Col cates Issued, Bic.lil will operated tho future by plauks platform Rev. J.' F. Kellogg and Mr. were small way, helping on a good cause. tho Senator street in tho estate of late lego bridge. severely bruised and battered up a Stuart s Dyspepsia xa blots is not of nnder: to be afternoon. Tho George Hearst, California, The high mass celebrated at the During the past week Register Otoro runaway Monday horse, patent medicine, but they contain only tho of D. B. cathedral tomorrow will take which to Mr. Biehl, got acids general management morning has transacted the following business In belonged away tho fruit salts, digestive and pop Gillette, Jr. business Is conducted on Business Principles. Here can be Ob- at 9 o'clock. and in the excitement which followed, tonos necessary to the weak stom Here place tho land office In this city.' holp It is tho intention of First Class Goods in the form of Liquid Refreshments to smashed the buggy into the ach to and digest tained Strictly An upper Pecos correspondent the Homestead Kutrie. repairshop. promptly thoroughly management to largely increase and New oxcollont Tho cattle board, which mot food. and Cigars, Mexican, reports San 80 sanitary the capacity of tho plant equip weather in tho Peter Pllon, Juan county, on was attended by W. H. All druggists sell Stuart's Dyspepsia R. valley. Fernando San Monday, it with every modom appliance W. PRICE, Proprietor acres; Quintana, Miguel chairman; J. A. La Rue, secretary; Tablots at 50 cents for tun sized paei successful and treat- Those holes in the College street bridge 160 acres; Castillo, San Jack, for the cheap to and county, Ilijinio T. E. Mitchell, J. F. Hinkle, F. J. Otero, ago and anyone suffering from norvous ment of ores and concentrates. are still visible tho naked eye, 160 Tolesfor Paiz, Miguel county, acres; M. N. Chaffin, members; and H. E. By-er- dyspepsia, sour stomach, headaches, and they make the eye sore. Mora 160 acres; Noborto Consignments correspondence county. inspector. Routine business was acidity, gasses, oeicmng, etc., win una solicited. Advances will bo niado Tho Indians at the Tesuque pueblo San M'iguel county, 160 acres. attended to. them not only a quick relief but a radi gave a dance today. It was witnessed Final certificate Issued: Rodney B. cal cure. by a number of tourists. Schoomaker, San 160 For Sale. Miguel county, Send to Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. Limited. The bids for the erection of a brick acres. sale at a four for little book describing causo and cure The California For great sacrifice, high East-boun- dormitory at tho Santa Fe Industrial machines, the Davis and of stomach troublos giving symptoms The finost train In the world. d The Weather. grade sowing and Satur- school will bo opened tomorrow. New Home, direct from factory, some and treatment of tho various forms of Monday, Wednesday CO. The weather was fair and Westbound Wednesday A. WALKER Some of the denizens of the American yesterday still uncrated. No agents or middle Indlgostlon. day. Monday, furnished k quartier are arranging to give a social warmer, the highest tompcrature men's profits. Party leaving Santa Fe. and Friday. Luxuriously service at the Claire In the near future. reached 50 and tho lowest 20 de- Must be sold this week. Will call on--r vestlbuled sleepers. Dining car hop being Notice to Taxpayers. No extra faro. of stockholders of the Colum- Brisk winds parties. Call at Santa Fe Mercantile unsurpassed. -- IN- - Meeting grees. prevailed during The taxpayers of Santa Fo are S. SEALERS mean relative hu- Co., or address P. this office. county H. Lctz, Agont. bia Building & Loan association Thurs- tho afternoon. Tho notified that I will commence to N. M. to officers and was 27 cent. Fair weather ts hereby Santa Fo, day night at 7i30, elect midity per receive the reports of the taxable prop' W. J. G. P. A., at General Bartlett's office. indicated for and Thursday. Monogram Note Paper, Black, directors, tonight erty of said county during tho months Tcpoka, Kas. of Carleton O. Monogram note paper Is the corroct of March and Anril. 1898. as provided Regular meeting post Tho A. R. at 7:30 p. m. sharp. Muster and thing for private correspondence. by law. And to all those who fail to make other business of to bo trans Collection of Territorial Taxes. New Mexican Printing company can their within the time STAPLE&FANCYGROCERIES importance of reports prescribed MEXICO acted. Visiting comrades cordially in Tho total amount of taxes received by furnish the latest stylos this paper by law, the penalty of 35 per cent will EW REPORTS Call and see ' New at vited. tho territorial treasurer for territorial and at very low prices. be added. J. K. Hudson, Delivered by Mexican samples. Assessor. publishers price, 93.30 per vol. Tho board of registration of ward No. purposes during the forty-eight- h fiscal 3 Is to the voters of ready register legal is $125,063.62, or 59J cent of Fischer & Co. are solo for East- hall. Don for year per agents "Fresh Lobsters, Shrimps," See tho '98 model kodak at the ward at Fireman's t the total For the appro- man's kodaks and materials. pockot to call and see name Is on appropriation. Black catfish, Fischer & Co's. Give us an order.. ... get that your priations for territorial purposes for the bass, frog legs, oysters the list if wish to vote noxt month. and eyervthtng-els- e In the market at the you forty-nint- h fiscal which began BAKERY. year, Bon-To- SANTA Gulli-for- FE d Fischer A telegram was received by W. H. Monday, Marcli 7, there has been re- Fresh candy just received at today from New York, announcing ceived the sum of $60,768.08, or 31 per & Co's. the birth of a to Mr. and Mrs. daughter cent. This is a good beginning for Alboqnerqae want choicest Smith. Mrs. Smith is the of if will a If you the fattest and daughter 1898, and kept up make better lamb to Mr. and Mrs. Gulliford. for tho than has been beof , veal, mutton, and pork, go showing territory the market of Bischoff & Muller. TELEPHONE S3 One of tho signs of better times in the made for a long time. OXFORD GLUB city is the amount of repairing and Steam painting going on. A numoer oi Busi- Laandry COM1EMT HEBOHT IIS SANTA FK ness houses have boen overhauled, now fronts put in, and tho exteriors fresh- ALBUQUERQUE ITEMS. ened up by tho application of paint. First class work guaranteed. CHOICEST The Mange Hotel, G. Voters should see that their names J. SCHUMANN, are registered for the city election, and The fire departments held their regu- Leave orders at Postal Tele- WIHES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS, then go to the polls next month and lar monthly meetings last evening. graph ofilcc. men who will do their vote for the duty Captain Campbell shipped a carload of Best Located Hotel in City. in governing tho city. The Republicans burros from here to the Klondike Mon- Santa Fe basket leaves Exclusive agency for Anheuser Beer, BOOTS, will nominate the men, If all Indi- every Blue Ribbon and SEALER IN right day. ' Tuesday afternoon. bottled and keg, T. cations amount to anything. W. F. PovPars he will have the Schlltz, bottled. Canadian Club, J. Forsha; Prop. says Clark's Pure and Times The Republicans in ward No. 3, are telegraph line between this city and We Rye Early and hold of matters in dead Bland In order pay all express charges. wlskoy, bottled In bond. SHOES, taking political running shortly. James Hennessv and a full earnest. In casting about for candi- Justice Crawford has the on the Brandy vags line of imported liquors ana cigars. Pe - N. M. dates they have about determined to gridiron,' And Is giving them all an $1.50 DAY. $2 Santa FINDINGS. place upon their ticket, as candidate for to seek work elsewhere than councilman, R. H. Bowler, and for mem- on the chain gang. ber of the board of education, Aniceto HENRY W. H. McBRYER WHISKEY. Billy Mason, charged with assault KRICK, Bpaolal ratM by the Week or Mouth Aboytia. , ELEVATION for Table Board, with or without with Intent to kill, was committed to the RYE. room. A number of the boys of the city are county jail last night, pending his trial SOLI iOINT SOB WATCH TCOBK A SPECIALTY - organizing a comedy company. Their before the petit jury, B. Corner or PIasa. instruction books have arrived from Ralph Chandler, alias J. Chandler BILLARD HALL IN CONNECTION New York and the young follows figure Breman,. was arrested here Monday, Lemp's on giving an entertainment at tho opera pursuant to a. telegram from the Los ETC. d. house in a of weeks, The cast Is THEHudson,PIONEER couple Angeles police. He wanted there for Next door to the Bon Ton Bestaurant will Include 13 artists. Beer. specialty forgery. SAD FBAN0I80O STREET. Paul McCormlck, who Is taking a herd Five Indian children have died of PLEADINGS MEXICAN FILIGREE JEWELER of cattle from Colorado to San Miguel smallpox at Isleta. The governor of J. E. LACOME, Prop county, stopped In Santa Fe to get some the pueblo refuses to consider vaccina- The trade iuddIM supplies. Mr. McCormlck says he will tion, reasoning that "when the man In Alt. KIN IMS OF from on bottle to AND DEALER IN-- not to move cattle In the the sky calls us, It is time that we should HlNKRAIi WATKK carload. Mailorder again attempt promptly nuad. PRACTICE spring, as the cost of feeding, etc., is too go." A treaty has been entered Into by Goods and Notions The McCormlck ranch In Albuquerque authorities with the gov- Watches, Clocks, Optical expensive. to conform to Coda) San Miguel county comprises two pas- ernor, whereby Indians from the pueblo GUADALUPE ST. SANTA FI (Forms are to remain from Pattlson'S Forma of Pleadlnr, tures of the finest land in the territory, away the city while under tha Hliaourl Code, have SEWING MACHINE SUPPLIES. and Is stocked with 800 head of cattle. tho disease prevails. JACOB WELTUER been placed with the Naw Max-lo-an D. B. Printing Co. for sale. The for the of Gal-iste- o Robinson, president of the St. NEW MEXICO fight straightening Louis & San A complete and oompreherolva SANTA FE street Is drawing to a close and the Francisco railway, with his book of forma, adottad to tha wife and visited in much Improvement now seems family, Albuquerque Illustrated naw Coda of Civil Proesdura agitated No. 101 The Rob- now In affaot In New Masieo. certain of success. An old deod giving special car yesterday. the between Water and San Fran inson party have been touring along the Edition Books andS Part 1 . Ordinary Proesedlnn alley lines Special In Courts of Record. Part 1. cisco streets to the city, Issued by Luis of the Mexican Central, Santa Fe, tationery Attaohmaats : Certiorari Qarn- - Gold and other has Prescott & Phoenix and Santa Fe rail- New Mexican aliment; Habeas Corpuii In- property owners, 1 llandamua: Meehan-e'- a been found and It remains for the ways, and left last night at 10:45 for St. unction: only Louis Can be had by applying at PERIODICALS Lien; Prohibition; Qao bewitzki's to close the blind alloy now known and eastern points. The Commer- Warranto and Replevin. Part Livery city office. is mat- cial this It full of S. -' as a street, and accept Mr. Blaln's club did the right thing by tender- Ulsoellaneous, CoverlnirAd- gift Mr. Robinson an Informal ter describing the mineral, SCHOOL BOOKS, vertlaementa: Affidavit; Arbi- of 15 feet along the road, to ing reception Asafammantat - proposed In the of the agricultural, horticultural trations Depoai- .table gain a thoroughfare connecting early part evening. and all the varied resources SCHOOL SUPPLIES. tlona; Naturalisation, ate., ate. the capltol grounds with the business of New Mexico. Just the Bound In full law (heap. Da received the finest hoarse in .the business men To Ours a Cold in On Say llvered at any poatoBo In Naw Bag just center of city. The to send one In- Etc. A Take Bromo thing any Stationery Sandrlea, Mexico upon reaalpt of pub-- the territory. This vehicle will be used most vitally Interested feel satisfied that Laxative Quinine Tablets. quiring about or Interested Usher' price, S3. W. Purchaser'! mayor win not prove aerenct in giv- All druggists refund the money If It falls In 10 Books not Id stock ofdsrsd at saatsro m printea on u Dooa rrae by Undertaker Wagner in connection the the territory. Price oat. Address New Mexican ing the city the benefit of tho promised to cure, m cents, xne genuine has u cents, and mailed sod sflbsotlpUonsraoslved for with Lowittkl'i livery business. B. wrapped prises, ranting Company, Santa fa, acquisition to advancement. Q. on each tablet. tor 11 cents. all pstlodioals. a. Ja.