Part III


A. Bain, D. Crisan, Fundamentals of Stochastic Filtering, DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76896-0, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009 A Theory

A.1 Monotone Class Theorem

Let S be a . A family C of subsets of S is called a π-system if it is closed under finite intersection. That is, for any A, B ∈Cwe have that A ∩ B ∈C. Theorem A.1. Let H be a vector space of bounded functions from S into R containing the constant function 1. Assume that H has the property that for any (fn)n≥1 of non-negative functions in H such that fn % f where f is a bounded function on S,thenf ∈H. Also assume that H contains the indicator function of every set in some π-system C.ThenH contains every bounded σ(C)- of S. For a proof of Theorem A.1 and other related results see Williams [272] or Rogers and Williams [248].

A.2 Conditional Expectation

Let (Ω,F, P) be a space and G⊂Fbe a sub-σ-algebra of F. The conditional expectation of an integrable F-measurable ξ given G is defined as the integrable G-measurable random variable, denoted by E[ξ |G], with the property that   ξ dP = E[ξ |G]dP, for all A ∈G. (A.1) A A

Then E[ξ |G] exists and is almost surely unique (for a proof of this result see for example Williams [272]). By this we mean that if ξ¯is another G-measurable integrable random variable such that   ξ¯dP = E[ξ |G]dP, for all A ∈G, A A

A. Bain, D. Crisan, Fundamentals of Stochastic Filtering, DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76896-0, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009 294 A Measure Theory then E[ξ |G]=ξ¯, P-a.s. The following are some of the important properties of the conditional expectation which are used throughout the text. a. If α1,α2 ∈ R and ξ1,ξ2 are F-measurable, then

E[α1ξ1 + α2ξ2 |G]=α1E[ξ1 |G]+α2E[ξ2 |G], P-a.s. b. If ξ ≥ 0, then E[ξ |G] ≥ 0, P-a.s. c. If 0 ≤ ξn % ξ,thenE[ξn |G] % E[ξ |G], P-a.s. d. If H is a sub-σ-algebra of G,thenE [E[ξ |G] |H]=E[ξ |H], P-a.s. e. If ξ is G-measurable, then E[ξη |G]=ξE[η |G], P-a.s. f. If H is independent of σ(σ(ξ), G), then

E[ξ | σ(G, H)] = E[ξ |G], P-a.s.

The conditional probability of a set A ∈Fwith respect to the σ-algebra G is the random variable denoted by P(A |G) defined as P(A |G)  E[IA |G], where IA is the indicator function of the set A. From (A.1),  P(A ∩ B)= P(A |G)dP, for all B ∈G. (A.2) B This definition of conditional probability has the shortcoming that the condi- tional probability P(A |G) is only defined outside of a which depends upon the set A. As there may be an uncountable number of possible choices for A, P(·|G) may not be a probability measure. Under certain conditions regular conditional as in Definition 2.28 exist. Regular conditional distributions (following the nomenclature in Breiman [23] whose proof we follow) exist under much less restrictive condi- tions.

Definition A.2. Let (Ω,F, P) be a , (E,E) be a measurable space, X : Ω → E be an F/E-measurable random element and G asub-σ- algebra of F. A function Q(ω, B) defined for all ω ∈ Ω and B ∈E is called a regular conditional distribution of X with respect to G if (a) For each B ∈E,themapQ(·,B) is G-measurable. (b) For each ω ∈ Ω, Q(ω, ·) is a probability measure on (E,E). (c) For any B ∈E,

Q(·,B)=P(X ∈ B |G) P-a.s. (A.3)

Theorem A.3. If the space (E,E) in which X takes values is a Borel space, that is, if there exists a function ϕ : E → R such that ϕ is E-measurable and ϕ−1 is B(R)-measurable, then the regular conditional distribution of the variable X conditional upon G in the sense of Definition A.2 exists. A.2 Conditional Expectation 295

Proof. Consider the case when (E,E)=(R, B(R)). First we construct a reg- ular version of the distribution function P(X

Mr,q  {ω : Qr q r,q∈Q It is clear from property (b) of the conditional expectation that P(M)=0. Similarly define for q ∈ Q,  

Nq  ω : lim Qr = Qq r↑q and  N  Nq; q∈Q by property (c) of conditional expectation it follows that P(Nq)=0,so P(N) = 0. Finally define ⎧ ⎫ ⎧ ⎫ ⎨ ⎬ ⎨ ⎬ L∞  ω : lim Qq =1 and L−∞  ω : lim Qq =0 , ⎩ q→∞ ⎭ ⎩ q→−∞ ⎭ q∈Q q∈Q and again P(L∞)=P(L−∞)=0. Define ⎧ ⎨ lim r↑x Qr if ω/∈ M ∪ N ∪ L∞ ∪ L−∞ |G  r∈Q F (x ) ⎩ Φ(x) otherwise, where Φ(x) is the distribution function of the normal N(0, 1) distribution (its choice is arbitrary). It follows using property (c) of conditional expectation ∈ Q ↑ applied to the functions fri =1(−∞,ri) with ri a sequence such that ri x that F (x |G) satisfies all the properties of a distribution function and is a version of P(X

Lemma A.4. If X is as in the statement of Theorem A.3 and ψ is a E- measurable function such that E[|ψ(X)|] < ∞ then if Q(·|G) is a regular conditional distribution for X given G it follows that  E[ψ(X) |G]= ψ(x)Q(dx |G). E Proof. If A ∈Bthen it is clear that the result follows from (A.3). By linearity this extends to simple functions, by monotone convergence to non-negative functions, and in general write ψ = ψ+ − ψ−. 

A.3 Topological Results

Definition A.5. A metric space (E,d) is said to be separable if it has a countable dense set. That is, for any x ∈ E, given ε>0 we can find y in this countable set such that d(x, y) <ε. Lemma A.6. Let (X, ρ) be a separable metric space. Then X is homeomor- phic to a subspace of [0, 1]N, the space of of real numbers in [0, 1] with the topology of co-ordinatewise convergence. Proof. Define a bounded version of the metricρ ˆ  ρ/(1 + ρ); it is easily checked that this is a metric on X, and the space (X, ρˆ) is also separable. Clearly the metric satisfies the bounds 0 ≤ ρˆ ≤ 1. As a consequence of sepa- rability we can choose a countable set x1,x2, . . . which is dense in (X, ρˆ). Define J =[0, 1]N and endow this space with the metric d which generated the topology of co-ordinatewise convergence. Define α : X → J,

α : x → (ˆρ(x, x1), ρˆ(x, x2),...).

Suppose x(n) → x in X;thenbycontinuityofˆρ it is immediate that (n) (n) ρˆ(x ,xk) → ρˆ(x, xk)foreachk ∈ N and thus α(x ) → α(x). (n) (n) Conversely if α(x ) → α(x) then this implies thatρ ˆ(x ,xk) → ρˆ(x, xk) for each k. Then by the triangle inequality

(n) (n) ρˆ(x ,x) ≤ ρˆ(x ,xk)+ˆρ(xk,x)

(n) and sinceρ ˆ(x ,xk) → ρˆ(x, xk)itisimmediatethat

(n) lim sup ρˆ(x ,x) ≤ 2ˆρ(xk,x) ∀k. n→∞

As this holds for all k ∈ N and the xks are dense in X we may pick a sequence → (n) → →∞ xmk x whenceρ ˆ(x ,x) 0asn . Hence α is a homeomorphism X → J.  The following is a standard result and the proof is based on that in Rogers and Williams [248] who reference Bourbaki [22] Chapter IX, Section 6, No 1. A.3 Topological Results 297

Theorem A.7. A complete separable metric space X is homeomorphic to a Borel subset of a compact metric space.

Proof. By Lemma A.6 there is a homeomorphism α : X → J.Letd denote the metric giving the topology of co-ordinatewise convergence on J.Wemust now consider α(X) and show that it is a countable intersection of open sets in J and hence belongs to the σ-algebra of open sets, the Borel σ-algebra. For ε>0andx ∈ X we can find δ(ε) such that for any y ∈ X, d(α(x),α(y)) <δimplies thatρ ˆ(x, y) <ε.Forn ∈ N set ε =1/(2n)and then consider the ball B(α(x),δ(ε) ∧ ε). It is immediate that the d-diameter of this ball is at most 1/n. But also, as a consequence of the choice of δ,the image under α−1 of the intersection of this ball with X hasρ ˆ-diameter at most 1/n. Let α(X) be the closure of α(X) under the metric d in J. Define a set Un ⊆ α(X) to be the set of x ∈ α(X) such that there exists an open ball Nx,n about x of d-diameter less than 1/n,withˆρ-diameter of the image under α−1 of the intersection of α(X) and this ball less than 1/n. By the argument of the previous paragraph we see that if x ∈ α(X) we can always find such a ball; hence α(X) ⊆ Un. For x ∈∩nUn choose xn ∈ α(X) ∩ k≤n Nx,k.Byconstructiond(x, xk) ≤ 1/n,thusxn → x as n →∞under the d metric on J. However, for r ≥ −1 −1 n both points xr and xn are in Nx,n thusρ ˆ(α (xr),α (xn)) ≤ 1/n,so −1 (α (xr))r≥1 is a Cauchy sequence in (X, ρˆ). But this space is complete so −1 there exists y ∈ X such that α (xn) → y.Asα is a homeomorphism this implies that d(xn,α(y)) → 0. Hence by uniqueness of limits x = α(y) and thus it is immediate that x ∈ α(X). Therefore ∩n Un ⊆ α(X); since α(X) ⊆ Un it follows immediately that * α(X)= Un. (A.4) n

It is now necessary to show that Un is relatively open in α(X). From the definition of Un, for any x ∈ Un we can find Nx,n with diameter properties as above which is a subset of J containing x. For any arbitrary z ∈ α(X), by (A.4) there exists x ∈ Un such that z ∈ Nx,n; then by choosing Nz,n = Nx,n it is clear that z ∈ Un. Therefore Nx,n ∩ α(X) ⊆ Un from which we conclude that Un is relatively open in α(X). Therefore we can write Un = α(X) ∩ Vn where Vn is open in J   * * α(X)= Un = α(X) ∩ Vn , (A.5) n n where Vn areopensubsetsofJ.Itonlyremainstoshowthatα(X)canbe expressed as a countable intersection of open sets; this is easily done since * α(X)= {x ∈ J : d(x, α(X)) < 1/n} , n 298 A Measure Theory therefore it follows that α(X) is a countable intersection of open sets in J. Together with (A.5) it follows that α(X) is a countable intersection of open sets.  Theorem A.8. Any compact metric space X is separable. Proof. Consider the open cover of X which is the uncountable union of all balls of radius 1/n centred on each point in X.AsX is compact there exists a n n finite subcover. Let x1 , ..., xNn be the centres of the balls in one such finite subcover. By a diagonal argument we can construct a countable set which is the union of all these centres for all n ∈ N. This set is clearly dense in X and countable, so X is separable.  Theorem A.9. If E is a compact metric space then the set of continuous real-valued functions defined on E is separable.

Proof. By Theorem A.8, the space E is separable. Let x1,x2, . . . be a countable dense subset of E. Define h0(x) = 1, and hn(x)=d(x, xn), for n ≥ 1. Now define an algebra of polynomials in these hns with coefficients in the rationals # $ → n0,...,nr n0 nr n0,...,nr ∈ Q A = x qk0,...,kr hk0 (x) ...hkr (x):qk0,...,kr .

The closure of A is an algebra containing constant functions and it is clear that it separates points in E, therefore by the Stone–Weierstrass theorem, it follows that A is dense in C(E).  Corollary A.10. If E is a compact metric space then there exists a countable set f1, f2, . . . which is dense in C(E). Proof. By Theorem A.8 E is separable, so by Theorem A.9 the space C(E) is separable and hence has a dense countable subset. 

A.4 Tulcea’s Theorem

Tulcea’s theorem (see Tulcea [265]) is frequently stated in the form for product spaces and their σ-algebras (for a very elegant proof in this vein see Ethier and Kurtz [95, Appendix 9]) and this form is sufficient to establish the existence of stochastic processes. We give the theorem in a more general form where the measures are defined on the same space X, but defined on an increasing family of σ-algebras Bn as this makes the important condition on the atoms of the σ-algebras clear. The approach taken here is based on that in Stroock and Varadhan [261]. Define the atom A(x)oftheBorelσ-algebra B on the space X,forx ∈ X by * A(x)  {B : B ∈B,x∈ B}, (A.6) that is, A(x) is the smallest element of B which contains x. A.4 Tulcea’s Theorem 299

Theorem A.11. Let (X, B) be a measurable space and let Bn be an increasing ∞ family of sub-σ-algebras of B such that B = σ( n=1 Bn). Suppose that these σ-algebras satisfy the following constraint. If An is a sequence of atoms such ∞ that An ∈Bn and A1 ⊇ A2 ⊇··· then n=0 An = ∅. Let P0 be a probability measure defined on B0 and let πn be a family of probability kernels, where πn(x, ·) is a measure on (X, Bn) and the mapping x → πn(x, ·) is Bn−1-measurable. Such a probability kernel allows us to define inductively a family of probability measures on (X, Bn) via 

Pn(A)  πn(x, A)Pn−1(dx), (A.7) X with the starting point for the induction being given by the probability measure P0. Suppose that the kernels πn(x, ·) satisfy the compatibility condition that for x/∈ Nn,whereNn is a Pn-null set, the kernel πn+1(x, ·) is supported on An(x) (i.e. if B ∈Bn+1 and B ∩ An(x)=∅ then πn+1(x, B)=0). That is, starting from a point x, the transition measure only contains with positive probability transitions to points y such that x and y belong to the same atom of Bn. Then there exists a unique probability measure P defined on B such that P| Bn = Pn for all n ∈ N.

Proof. It is elementary to see that Pn as defined in (A.7) is a probability measure on Bnand that Pn+1 agrees with Pn on Bn. We can then define a set function P on Bn by setting P(Bn)=Pn(Bn)forBn ∈Bn. From the definition (A.7), for B ∈Bn we have defined Pn inductively via the transition functions  

Pn(Bn)= ··· πn(qn−1,B)πn−1(qn−2, dqn−1) ···π1(q0, dq1) P0(dq0). X X (A.8) To simplify the notation define πm,n such that πm,n(x, ·)isameasureon M(X, Bn) as follows. m,n If m ≥ n ≥ 0andB ∈Bn, then define π (x, B)=1B(x) which is clearly m,n Bn-measurable and hence as Bm ⊇Bn, x → π (x, B)isalsoBm-measurable. m,n If m

= ··· πn(yn−1,B) ···πm+2(ym+1, dym+2)πm+1(x, dym+1). X X 300 A Measure Theory

It therefore follows from the above with m = 0 and (A.8) that for B ∈Bn,  0,n P(Bn)=Pn(Bn)= π (y0,B)P0(dy0). (A.10) X ∞ We must show that P is a probability measure on n=0 Bn, as then the Carath´eodory extension theorem† establishes the existence of an extension ∞ to a probability measure on (X, σ ( n=0 B)). The only non-trivial condition which must be verified for P to be a measure is countable additivity. A necessary and sufficient condition for countable additivity of P is that if Bn ∈ n Bn,aresuchthatB1 ⊇ B2 ⊇··· and n Bn = ∅ then P(Bn) → 0 as n →∞(the proof can be found in many books on measure theory, see for example page 200 of Williams [272]). It is clear that the non-trivial cases are covered by considering Bn ∈Bn for each n ∈ N. We argue by contradiction; suppose that P(Bn) ≥ ε>0 for all n ∈ N.We must exhibit a point of n Bn; as we started with the assumption that this intersection was empty, this is the desired contradiction. Define 0 0,n Fn  x ∈ X : π (x, Bn) ≥ ε/2 . (A.11) 0,n n Since x → π (x, ·)isB0-measurable, it follows that F0 ∈B0.Thenfrom (A.10) it is clear that 0 P(Bn) ≤ P0(Fn )+ε/2. 0 As by assumption P(Bn) ≥ ε for all n ∈ N, we conclude that P0(Fn ) ≥ ε/2 for all n ∈ N. 0 0,n+1 Suppose that x ∈ Fn+1;thenπ (x, Bn+1) ≥ ε/2. But Bn+1 ⊆ Bn,so 0,n+1 π (x, Bn) ≥ ε/2. From (A.9) it follows that  0,n+1 0,n π (x, Bn)= πn+1(yn,Bn)π (x, dyn), X for y/∈ Nn, the probability measure πn+1(y, ·) is supported on An(y). As Bn ∈Bn, from the definition of an atom, it follows that y ∈ Bn if and only ⊆ ∈ if An(y) Bn,thusπn+1(y, Bn)=1Bn (y)fory/Nn.Soonintegrationwe 0,n 0,n+1 n obtain that π (x, Bn)=π (x, Bn) ≥ ε/2. Thus x ∈ F0 .Sowehave n+1 n shown that F0 ⊆ F0 . n Since P0(F0 ) ≥ ε/2 for alln and the Fn form a non-increasing sequence, ∞ n it is then immediate that P0( n=0 F0 ) ≥ ε/2, whence we can find x0 ∈/ N0 0,n such that π (x0,Bn) ≥ ε/2 for all n ∈ N. Now we proceed inductively; suppose that we have found x0,x1,...xm−1 such that x0 ∈/ N0 and xi ∈ Ai−1(xi−1) \ Ni for i =1,...,m − 1, and

† Carath´eodory extension theorem: Let S be a set, S0 be an algebra of subsets of S and S = σ(S0). Let μ0 be a countably additive map μ0 : S0 → [0, ∞]; then there exists a measure μ on (S, S) such that μ = μ0 on S0. Furthermore if μ0(S) < ∞, then this extension is unique. For a proof of the theorem see, for example, Williams [272] or Rogers and Williams [248]. A.4 Tulcea’s Theorem 301

i,n i+1 π (xi,Bn) ≥ ε/2 for all n ∈ N for each i = 0, ..., m − 1. We have already established the result for the case m = 0. Now define

m m,n m+1 Fn  {x ∈ X : π (x, Bn) ≥ ε/2 }; from the integral representation for πm,n,  m−1,n m,n π (x, Bn)= π (ym,Bn)πm(x, dym), X

0 it follows by an argument analogous to that for Fn ,that

m m−1,n m+1 m ε/2 ≤ π (xm−1,Bn) ≤ ε/2 + πm(xm−1,Fn ), where the inequality on the left hand side follows from the inductive hypoth- m m esis. As in the case for m = 0, we can deduce that Fn+1 ⊆ Fn .Thus   *∞ m m+1 πm xm−1, Fn ≥ ε/2 , (A.12) n=0 ∞ m m,n which implies that we can choose xm ∈ n=0 Fn , such that π (xm,Bn) > m+1 ε/2 for all n ∈ N, and from (A.12) as the set of suitable xm has strictly positive probability, it cannot be empty, and we can choose an xm not in the Pm-null set Nm. Therefore, this choice can be made such that xm ∈ Am−1(xm−1) \ Nm. This establishes the required inductive step. n,n Now consider the case of π (xn,Bn); we see from the definition that this n,n is just 1Bn (xn), but by choice of the xns, π (xn,Bn) > 0. Consequently as xn ∈/ Nn, by the support property of the transition kernels, it follows that An(xn) ⊆ Bn for each n.Thus An(xn) ⊂ Bn and if we define n Kn  i=0 Ai(xi)itfollowsthatxn ∈ Kn and Kn is a descending sequence; by the σ-algebra property it is clear that Kn ∈Bn, and since An(xn)isan atom in Bn it follows that Kn = An(xn). We thus have a decreasing sequence of atoms; by the initial assumption, such an intersection is non-empty, that is, An(xn) = ∅ which implies that Bn = ∅, but this is a contradiction, since we assumed that this intersection was empty. Therefore P is countably additive and the existence of an extension follows from the theorem of Carath´eodory. 

A.4.1 The Daniell–Kolmogorov–Tulcea Theorem

The Daniell–Kolmogorov–Tulcea theorem gives conditions under which the law of a can be extended from its finite-dimensional distri- butions to its full (infinite-dimensional) law. The original form of this result due to Daniell and Kolmogorov (see Doob [81] or Rogers and Williams [248, section II.30]) requires topological conditions on the space X; the space X needs to be Borel, that is, homeomorphic to a 302 A Measure Theory

Borel set in some space, which is the case if X is a complete separable metric space as a consequence of Theorem A.7. It is possible to take an alternative probabilistic approach using Tulcea’s theorem. In this approach the finite-dimensional distributions are related to each other through the use of regular conditional probabilities as transition kernels; while this does not explicitly use topological conditions, such condi- tions may be required to establish the existence of these regular conditional probabilities (as was seen in Exercise 2.29 regular conditional probabilities are guaranteed to exist if X is a complete separable metric space). I We useC the notation X for the I-fold product space generated by X,that I BI is, X = i∈I Xi where Xis are identicalC copies of X, and let denote the I I product σ-algebra on X ;thatis,B = i∈I Bi where Bi are copies of B.If V U and V are finite subsets of the index set I,letπU denote the restriction map from XV to XU .

Theorem A.12. Let X be a complete separable metric space. Let μU be a family of probability measures on (XU , BU ),forU any finite subset of I. Suppose that these measures satisfy the compatibility condition for U ⊂ V

V μU = μV ◦ πU .

I I Then there exists a unique probability measure on (X , B ) such that μU = I μ ◦ πU for any U a finite subset of I.

Proof. Let Fin(I) denote the set of all finite subsets of I. It is immediate from the compatibility condition that we can find a finitely additive μ0 which is a I I −1 probability measure on (X , F ∈Fin(I)(πF ) (BF )), such that for U ∈ Fin(I), I −1 μU =(πU ) ◦ μ0. If we can show that μ0 is countably additive, then the Carath´eodory extension theorem implies that μ0 can be extended to a measure μ on (XI , BI ). We cannot directly use Tulcea’s theorem to construct the extension mea- sure; however we can use it to show that μ0is countably additive. Suppose I −1 An is a non-increasing family of sets An ∈ F ∈Fin(I)(πF ) (BF ) such that An ↓∅; we must show that μ0(An) → 0. ∈ I −1B Given the Ais, we can find finite subsets Fi of I such that Ai (πFi ) Fi for each i. Without loss of generality we can choose this sequence so that ⊂ ⊂ ⊂··· F  I −1 B ⊂B F0 F1 F2 . Define n (πFn ) ( Fn ) I . As a consequence of the product space structure, these σ-algebras satisfy the condition that the intersection of a decreasing family of atoms Zn ∈Fn is non-empty. I For q ∈ X and B ∈Fn,let  %! "  ! " % −1  −1  % Fn B I I πn(q, B) μFn % πFn−1 ( Fn−1 ) πFn (q), πFn (B) ,

where (μFn |G)(ω, ·)forG⊂BFn is the regular conditional probability dis- tribution of μFn given G. We refer to the properties of regular conditional A.5 C`adl`ag Paths 303 probability distribution using the nomenclature of Definition 2.28. This πn is I I n a probability kernel from (X , Fn−1)to(X , Fn), i.e. π (q, ·) is a measure I on (X , Fn)andthemapq → πn(q, ·)isFn−1-measurable (which follows from property (b) of regular conditional distribution). In order to apply Tul- cea’s theorem we must verify that the compatibility condition is satisfied i.e. πn(q, ·) is supported for a.e. q on the atom in Fn−1 containing q which is c denoted An−1(q). This is readily established by computing π(q, (An−1(q)) ) and using property (c) of regular conditional distribution and the fact that c q/∈ (An−1(q)) . Thus we can apply Tulcea’s theorem to find a unique proba- I ∞ ∞ bility measure μ on (X ,σ( n=0 Fn)) such that μ is equal to μ0 on n=0 Fn. Hence as An ∈Fn, it follows that μ(An)=μ0(An)foreachn and therefore since μ is countably additive μ0(An) ↓ 0 which establishes the required count- able additivity of μ0. 

A.5 C`adl`ag Paths

Ac`adl`ag (continuea ` droite, limitea ` gauche)pathisonewhichisrightcon- tinuous with left limits; that is, xt has c`adl`ag paths if for all t ∈ [0, ∞), the limit xt− exists and xt = xt+. Such paths are sometimes described as RCLL (right continuous with left limits). The space of c`adl`ag functions from [0, ∞) to E is conventionally denoted DE[0, ∞). Useful references for this material are Billingsley [19, Chapter 3], Ethier and Kurtz [95, Sections 3.5–3.9], and Whitt [269, Chapter 12].

A.5.1 Discontinuities of C`adl`ag Paths

Clearly c`adl`ag paths can only have left discontinuities, i.e. points t where xt = xt−.

Lemma A.13. For any ε>0,ac`adl`ag path taking values in a metric space (E,d) has at most a finite number of discontinuities of size in the metric d greater than ε; that is, the set

D = {t ∈ [0,T]:d(xt,xt−) >ε} contains at most a finite number of points.

Proof. Let τ be the supremum of t ∈ [0,T] such that [0,t) can be finitely subdivided 0 0 and since a left limit exists at τ− it is clear that the interval [0,τ) can be thus subdivided. Right continuity implies that  there exists δ>0 such that for 0 ≤ t −t<δ,thend(xt ,xt) <ε; consequently the result holds for [0,t), which contradicts the fact that τ is the supremum unless τ = T , consequently τ = T . Therefore [0,T) can be so subdivided: 304 A Measure Theory jumps of size greater than ε can only occur at the tis, of which there are a finite number and thus there must be at most a finite number of such jumps. 

Lemma A.14. Let X be a c`adl`ag stochastic process taking values in a metric space (E,d);then {t ∈ [0, ∞):P(Xt− = Xt) > 0} contains at most countably many points.

Proof. For ε>0, define

Jt(ε)  {ω : d(Xt(ω),Xt−(ω)) >ε}

Fix ε, then for any T>0, δ>0 we show that there are at most a finite number of points t ∈ [0,T] such that P(Jt(ε)) >δ. Suppose this is false, and an infinite sequence ti of disjoint times ti ∈ [0,T] exists. Then by Fatou’s lemma ! " c c P lim inf (Jt (ε)) ≤ lim inf P ((Jt (ε)) ) i→∞ i i→∞ i thus   P ≥ P lim sup Jti (ε) lim sup (Jti (ε)) >δ, i→∞ i→∞ so the event that Jt(ε) occurs for an infinite number of the tis has strictly positive probability and is hence non empty. This implies that there is a c`adl`ag path with an infinite number of jumps in [0,T] of size greater than ε,which contradicts the conclusion of Lemma A.13. Taking the union over a countable sequence δn ↓ 0, it then follows that P(Jt(ε)) > 0 for at most a countable set of t ∈ [0,T]. Clearly P(Jt(ε)) → P(Xt = Xt−)asε → 0, thus the set {t ∈ [0,T]: P(Xt = Xt−) > 0} contains at most a countable number of points. By taking the countable union over T ∈ N, it follows that {t ∈ [0, ∞):P(Xt = Xt−) > 0} is at most countable. 

A.5.2 Skorohod Topology

n Consider the sequence of functions x (t)=1{t≥1/n}, and the function x(t)= 1{t>0} which are all elements of DE[0, ∞). In the uniform topology which we used on CE[0, ∞), as n →∞the sequence xn does not converge to x;yet considered as c`adl`ag paths it appears natural that xn should converge to x since the location of the unit jump of xn converges to the location of the unit jump of x. A different topology is required. The Skorohod topology is the most frequently used topology on the space DE[0, ∞) which resolves this problem. Let λ :[0, ∞) → [0, ∞), and define A.5 C`adl`ag Paths 305

γ(λ)  esssup | log λ(t)| t≥0 % % % % % λ(s) − λ(t)% =sup%log % . s>t≥0 s − t

Let Λ be the subspace of Lipschitz continuous increasing functions from [0, ∞) → [0, ∞) such that λ(0) = 0, limt→∞ λ(t)=∞ and γ(λ) < ∞. The Skorohod topology is most readily defined in terms of a metric which ∈ ∞ induces the topology. For x, y DE[0, ) define a metric dDE (x, y)by

  ∞  ∨ −u dDE (x, y)= inf γ(λ) e d(x, y, λ, u)du , λ∈Λ 0 where d(x, y, λ, u)=supd(x(t ∧ u),y(λ(t) ∧ u)). t≥0 It is of course necessary to verify that this satisfies the definition of a metric. This is straightforward, but details may be found in Ethier and Kurtz [95, Chapter 3, pages 117-118]. For the functions xn and x in the example, it is → →∞ clear that dDR (xn,x) 0asn . While there are other simpler topologies which have this property, the following proposition is the main reason why the Skorohod topology is the preferred choice of topology on DE.

Proposition A.15. If the metric space (E,d) is complete and separable, then ∞ (DE[0, ),dDE ) is also complete and separable.

Proof. The following proof follows Ethier and Kurtz [95]. As E is separable, it has a countable dense set. Let {xn}n≥1 be such a set. Given n,0=t0 < + t1 < ···

The set of all such functions forms a dense subset of DE[0, ∞), therefore the space is separable. To show that the space is complete, suppose that {yn}n≥1 is a Cauchy ∞ sequence in (DE[0, ),dDE ), which implies that there exists an increasing sequence of numbers Nk such that for n, m ≥ Nk,

≤ −k−1 −k dDE (yn,ym) 2 e . ≤ −k−1 −k Set vk = yNk ;thendDE (vk,vk+1) 2 e . Thus there exists λk such that

 ∞ −u −k −k e d(vk,vk+1,λk,u)du<2 e . 0

As d(x, y, λ, u) is monotonic increasing in u, it follows that for any v ≥ 0, 306 A Measure Theory  ∞  ∞ e−ud(x, y, λ, u)du ≥ d(x, y, λ, v) e−u du =e−vd(x, y, λ, v). 0 v

Therefore it is possible to find λk ∈ Λ and uk >ksuch that

−k max(γ(λk),d(vk,vk+1,λk,uk)) ≤ 2 . (A.13)

Then form the limit of the composition of the functions λi

μk  lim λk+n ◦···λk+1 ◦ λk. n→∞

It then follows that ∞ ∞ −i −k+1 γ(μk) ≤ γ(λi) ≤ 2 =2 < ∞; i=k i=k thus μk ∈ Λ. Using the bound (A.13) it follows that for k ∈ N,   −1 −1 sup d vk(μk (t) ∧ uk),vk+1(μk+1(t) ∧ uk) t≥0   −1 −1 =supd vk(μk (t) ∧ uk),vk+1(λk ◦ μk (t) ∧ uk) t≥0

=supd (vk(t ∧ uk),vk+1(λk(t) ∧ uk)) t≥0

= d (vk,vk+1,λk,uk) ≤ 2−k.

−1 Since (E,d) is complete, it now follows that zk = vk ◦μk converges uniformly on compact sets of t to some limit, which we denote z. As each zk has c`adl`ag paths, it follows that the limit also has c`adl`agpaths and thus belongs to DE[0, ∞). It only remains to show that vk converges to z in the Skorohod −1 topology. This follows since, γ(μk ) → 0ask →∞and for fixed T>0,   −1 lim sup d vk ◦ μk (t),z(t) =0. k→∞ 0≤t≤T 

A.6 Stopping Times

o In this section, the notation Ft is used to emphasise that this filtration has not been augmented.

Definition A.16. A random variable T taking values in [0, ∞) is said to be o o an Ft -, if for all t ≥ 0, the event {T ≤ t}∈Ft . A.6 Stopping Times 307

The subject of stopping times is too large to cover in any detail here. For more details see Rogers and Williams [248], or Dellacherie and Meyer [77, Section IV.3]. o Lemma A.17. A random variable T taking values in [0, ∞) is an Ft+- o stopping time if and only if {T0

o o it follows that {T ≤ t}∈Ft+ε for any t ≥ 0andε>0, thus {T ≤ t}∈Ft+. o Thus T is an Ft+-stopping time. o Conversely if T is an Ft+-stopping time then since ∞ {T

Thus {Ta ≤ t} may be written as a countable union of Ft-measurable sets and so is itself Ft-measurable. Hence Ta is a Ft-stopping time.  Theorem A.20 (D´ebut Theorem). Let X be a process defined in some (S) (with its associated Borel σ-algebra B(S)). Assume that o X is progressively measurable relative to a filtration Ft . Then for A ∈B(S), the mapping DA =inf{t ≥ 0; Xt ∈ A} defines an Ft-stopping time, where Ft o is the augmentation of Ft . 308 A Measure Theory

For a proof see Theorem IV.50 of Dellacherie and Meyer [77]. See also Rogers and Williams [248, 249] for related results. We require a technical result regarding the augmentation aspect of the usual conditions which is used during the innovations derivation of the filtering equations. o Lemma A.21. Let Gt be the filtration Ft ∨N where N contains all the P-null o  sets. If T is a Gt-stopping time, then there exists a Ft+-stopping time T such  o that T = T P-a.s. In addition if L ∈GT then there exists M ∈FT + such that L = M P-a.s.

+ Proof. Consider a stopping time of the form T = a1A + ∞1Ac where a ∈ R o and A ∈Ga;inthiscaseletB be an element of Fa such that the symmetric  difference A  B is a P-null set and define T = a1B + ∞1Bc . For a general Gt-stopping time T use a dyadic approximation. Let ∞ (n) −n S  k2 1{(k−1)2−n≤T

(n) (n) n Clearly S is GT -measurable and by construction S ≥ T .ThusS is a (n) Gt-stopping time. But the stopping time S takes values in a countable set, so (n) −n S =inf k2 1A + ∞IAc , k k k (n) −n where Ak  {S = k2 }. The result has already been proved for stopping (n) (n) times of the form of those inside the infimum. As T = limn S =infn S , consequently the result holds for all Gt-stopping times. As a consequence of o o this limiting operation Ft+ appears instead of Ft . To prove the second assertion, let L ∈GT . By the first part since L ∈G∞  o  there exists L ∈F∞ such that L = L P-a.s. Let V = T 1L + ∞1Lc a.s. Using o   the first part again, Ft+-stopping times V and T can be constructed such that V = V  a.s. and T = T  a.s. Define M  {L ∩{T  = ∞}} ∪ {V  = T  < ∞}. o Clearly M is FT +-measurable and it follows that L = M P-a.s.  The following lemma is trivial, but worth stating to avoid confusion in the more complex proof which follows. o Lemma A.22. Let Xt be the unaugmented σ-algebra generated by a process o  X. Then for T an Xt -stopping time, if T (ω) ≤ t and Xs(ω)=Xs(ω ) for s ≤ t then T (ω) ≤ t.

o Proof. As T is a stopping time, {T ≤ t}∈Xt = σ(Xs :0≤ s ≤ t)from which the result follows. 

o Corollary A.23. Let Xt be the unaugmented σ-algebra generated by a process o  X. Then for T an Xt -stopping time, if T (ω) ≤ t and Xs(ω)=Xs(ω ) for s ≤ t then T (ω)=T (ω). A.6 Stopping Times 309

Proof. Apply Lemma A.22 with t = T (ω) to conclude T (ω) ≤ T (ω). By symmetry, T (ω) ≤ T (ω) from which the result follows. 

o Lemma A.24. Let Xt be the unaugmented σ-algebra generated by a process o X. Then for T a Xt -stopping time, for all t ≥ 0, o Xt∧T = σ {Xs∧T :0≤ s ≤ t} .

o Proof. Since T ∧ t is also a Xt -stopping time, it suffices to show o XT = σ {Xs∧T : s ≥ 0} . The definition of the σ-algebra associated with a stopping time is that

o o o XT  {B ∈X∞ : B ∩{T ≤ s}∈Xs for all s ≥ 0} .

o If A ∈FT then it follows from this definition that T if ω ∈ A, TA = +∞ otherwise,

o defines a Xt -stopping time. Conversely if for some set A,thetimeTA defined o as above is a stopping time it follows that A ∈XT . Therefore we will have established the result if we can show that A ∈ σ{Xs∧T : s ≥ 0} is a necessary and sufficient condition for TA to be a stopping time. o For the first implication, assume that TA is a Xt -stopping time. It is  necessary to show that A ∈ σ{Xs∧T : s ≥ 0}. Suppose that ω, ω ∈ Ω are such  that Xs(ω)=Xs(ω )fors ≤ T (ω). We will establish that A ∈ σ{Xs∧T : s ≥ 0} if we show ω ∈ A implies that ω ∈ A.  If T (ω)=∞ then it is immediate that the trajectories Xs(ω)andXs(ω ) are identical and hence ω ∈ A. Therefore consider T (ω) < ∞;ifω ∈ A then o TA(ω)=T (ω) and since it was assumed that TA is a Xt -stopping time the  fact that Xs(ω)andXs(ω ) agree for s ≤ TA(ω) implies by Corollary A.23   that TA(ω )=TA(ω)=T (ω) < ∞ and from TA(ω ) < ∞ it follows that ω ∈ A. We must now prove the opposite implication; that is, given that T is a stopping time and A ∈ σ{Xs∧T : s ≥ 0}, we must show that TA is a stopping time.  Given arbitrary t ≥ 0, if TA(ω) ≤ t and Xs(ω)=Xs(ω )fors ≤ t it follows  that ω ∈ A (since TA(ω) < ∞). If T (ω) ≤ t and Xs(ω)=Xs(ω )fors ≤ t, since T is a stopping time it follows from Corollary A.23 that T (ω)=T (ω).  Since we assumed A ∈ σ{Xs∧T : s ≥ 0} it follows that ω ∈ A from which we   deduce TA(ω)=T (ω)=T (ω )=TA(ω ) whence

  {TA(ω) ≤ t, Xs(ω)=Xs(ω ) for all s ≤ t}⇒TA(ω ) ≤ t,

o o which implies that {TA(ω) ≤ t}∈Xt and hence that TA is a Xt -stopping time.  310 A Measure Theory

For many arguments it is required that the augmentation of the filtration generated by a process be right continuous. While left continuity of sample paths does imply left continuity of the filtration, right continuity (or even continuity) of the sample paths does not imply that the augmentation of the generated filtration is right continuous. This can be seen by considering the event that a process has a local maximum at time t which may be in Xt+ but not Xt (see the solution to Problem 7.1 (iii) in Chapter 2 of Karatzas and Shreve [149]). The following proposition gives an important class of process for which the right continuity does hold. Proposition A.25. If X is a d-dimensional strong Markov process, then the augmentation of the filtration generated by X is right continuous. Proof. Denote by X o the (unaugmented) filtration generated by the process X.If0≤ t0

=1{X ∈Γ ,...,X ∈Γ }P(Xt ∈ Γn+1,...,Xm ∈ Γm | Xs). t0 0 tn n n+1

The right-hand side in this equation is clearly Xs-measurable and it is P-a.s. P ∈ ∈ |F equal to (Xt0 Γ0,...Xtm Γm s+). As this holds for all cylinder sets, o o it follows that for all F ∈X∞ there exists a Xs -measurable random variable o which is P-a.s. equal to P(F |Xs+). o o o Suppose that F ∈Xs+ ⊆X∞; then clearly P(F |Xs+)=1F .Asabove o there exists a Xs -measurable random variable 1ˆF such that 1ˆF =1F a.s. o Define the event G  {ω : 1ˆF (ω)=1},thenG ∈Xs and the events G and F differ by at most a null set (i.e. the symmetric difference GF is null). o Therefore F ∈Xs, which establishes that Xs+ ⊆Xs for all s ≥ 0. It is clear that Xs ⊆Xs+. Now prove the converse implication. Suppose that F ∈Xs+, which implies that for all n, F ∈Xs+1/n. Therefore there ∈Xo  exists Gn s+1/n such that F and Gn differ by a null set. Define G ∞ ∞ o m=1 n=m Gn. Then clearly G ∈Xs+ ⊆Xs (by the result just proved). To show that F ∈Xs, it suffices to show that this G differs by at most a null set from F . Consider   ∞ ∞ G \ F ⊆ Gn \ F = (Gn \ F ), n=1 n=1 where the right-hand side is a countable union of null sets; thus G \ F is null. Secondly     *∞ ∞ c ∞ *∞ c F \ G = F ∩ Gn = F ∩ Gn m=1 n=m  m=1 n=m ∞ *∞ ∞ ∞ c c = F ∩ Gn ⊆ F ∩ Gm = (F \ Gm), m=1 n=m m=1 m=1 A.7 The Optional Projection 311 and again the right-hand side is a countable union of null sets, thus F \ G is null. Therefore F ∈Xs, which implies that Xs+ ⊆Xs; hence Xs = Xs+. 

A.7 The Optional Projection

Proof of Theorem 2.7

Proof. The proof uses a monotone class argument (Theorem A.1). Let H be the class of bounded measurable processes for which an optional projection exists. The class of functions 1[s,t)1F ,wheres

E[1F |FT ]=E[Z∞ |FT ]=ZT whence E[1F 1{T<∞} |FT ]=ZT 1{T<∞} P-a.s.

To apply the Monotone class theorem A.1 it is necessary to check that if Xn is a bounded monotone sequence in H with limit X then the optional projections o Xn converge to the optional projection of X. Consider

o Y  lim inf Xn1{| lim inf oX |<∞}. n→∞ n→∞ n

We must check that Y is the optional projection of X. Thanks to property (c) of conditional expectation the condition (2.8) is immediate. Consequently H is a monotone class and thus by the monotone class theorem A.1 the optional projection exists for any bounded B×F-measurable process. To extend to the unbounded non-negative case consider X ∧ n and pass to the limit. In order to verify that the projection is unique up to indistinguishability, consider two candidates for the optional projection Y and Z. For any stopping time T from (2.8) it follows that

YT 1{T<∞} = ZT 1{T<∞}, P-a.s. (A.14)

Define F  {(t, ω):Zt(ω) = Yt(ω)}.SincebothZ and Y are optional pro- cesses the set F is an optional subset of [0, ∞)×Ω.Writeπ :[0, ∞)×Ω → Ω for 312 A Measure Theory the canonical projection map π :(t, ω) → ω. Now argue by contradiction. Sup- pose that Z and Y are not indistinguishable; this implies that P(π(F )) > 0. By the optional section theorem (see Dellacherie and Meyer [77, IV.84]) it follows that given ε>0 there exists a stopping time U such that when U(ω) < ∞, (U(ω),ω) ∈ F and P(U<∞) ≥ P(π(F )) − ε. As it has been assumed that P(π(F )) > 0, by choosing ε sufficiently small, P(U<∞) > 0. It follows that on some set of non-zero probability 1{U<∞}YU =1 {U<∞}ZU . But from (A.14) this may only hold on a null set, which is a contradiction. Therefore P(π(F )) = 0 and it follows that Z and Y are indistinguishable. 

o Lemma A.26. If almost surely Xt ≥ 0 for all t ≥ 0 then Xt ≥ 0 for all t ≥ 0 almost surely.

Proof. Use the monotone class argument (Theorem A.1) in the proof of the existence of the optional projection, noting that if F ∈Fthen the c`adl`ag version of E[1F |Ft] is non-negative a.s. Alternatively use the optional section theorem as in the proof of uniqueness. 

A.7.1 Path Regularity

Introduce the following notation for a one-sided limit, in this case the right limit lim sup xs  lim sup xs =inf sup xu, s↓↓t s→t:s>t v>t t

Proof. It is sufficient to consider the case of lim sup. Let b ∈ R be such that b>0, then define −n −n n sup −n −n Xs if b(k − 1)2 ≤ t

For every t ≤ b, the supremum in the above definition is Fb-measurable since n X is progressively measurable; thus the random variable Xt is Fb-measurable. n For every ω ∈ Ω, Xt (ω) has trajectories which are right continuous for n t ∈ [0,b]. Therefore X is B([0,b]) ⊗Fb-measurable and is thus progressively n measurable. On [0,b] it is clear that lim supn→∞ Xt = lim sups↓↓t Xs, hence lim sups↓↓t Xs is progressively measurable.  A.7 The Optional Projection 313

In a similar vein, the following lemma is required in order to establish the existence of left limits. For the left limits the result is stronger and the lim inf and lim sup are previsible and thus also progressively measurable. Lemma A.28. Let X be a progressively measurable stochastic process taking values in R;thenlim infs↑↑t Xs and lim sups↑↑t Xs are previsible.

Proof. It suffices to consider lim sups↑↑t Xt. Define n Xt  1{k2−n0 (k−1)2

n from this definition it is clear that Xt is previsible as it is a sum of left n continuous, adapted, processes. But as lim supn→∞ Xt = lim sups↑↑t Xs,it follows that lim sups↑↑t Xs is previsible. 

Proof of Theorem 2.9

o Proof. First observe that if Yt is bounded then Yt must also be bounded. There are three things which must be established; first, the existence of right limits; second, right continuity; and third the existence of left limits. Because of the difference between Lemmas A.27 and A.28 the cases of left and right limits are not identical. The first part of the proof establishes the existence of right limits. It is sufficient to show that   o o P lim inf Ys < lim sup Ys for some t ∈ [0, ∞) =0. (A.15) s↓↓t s↓↓t

The following steps are familiar from the proof of Doob’s martingale reg- ularization theorem which is used to guarantee the existence of c`adl`ag modi- fications of martingales. If the right limit does not exist at t ∈ [0, ∞), that is, o o if lim infs↓↓t Ys < lim sups↓↓t Ys, then rationals a, b can be found such that o o lim infs↓↓t Ys

The lim sup and lim inf processes are progressively measurable by Lemma A.27, therefore for rationals a 0 then this implies P(Sa,b < ∞) > 0. Thus a consequence of the assumption that (A.15) is false is that we can find a, b ∈ Q,witha 0. This will lead to a contradiction. For the remainder of the argument we can keep a and b fixed and consequently we write S in place of Sa,b. Define o A0  {(t, ω):S(ω) (1 − 1/2)P(S<∞). Define

o A1  {(t, ω):S(ω) b} and again by the optional section theorem we can find a stopping time S1 such that on {S1 < ∞},(S1(ω),ω) ∈ A1 and

2 P(S1 < ∞) > (1 − 1/2 )P(S<∞).

We can carry on this construction inductively defining −2k o A2k  (t, ω):S(ω) b . A.7 The Optional Projection 315

We can construct stopping times using the optional section theorem such that for each i,on{Si < ∞},(Si(ω),ω) ∈ Ai,andsuchthat ! " −(i+1) P(Si < ∞) > 1 − 2 P(S<∞).

−i On the event {Si < ∞} it is clear that Si

P(Si = ∞,S <∞)=P(S<∞) − P(Si < ∞,S <∞) i+1 = P(S<∞) − P(Si < ∞) ≤ P(S<∞)/2 .

Thus ∞ P(Si = ∞,S <∞) ≤ P(S<∞) ≤ 1 < ∞, i=0 so by the first Borel–Cantelli lemma the probability that infinitely many of the events {Si = ∞,S <∞} occur is zero. In other words for ω ∈{S<∞}, we can find an index i0(ω) such that for i ≥ i0, the sequence Si converges in o o a decreasing fashion to S and YSi bfor odd i. Define Ri =supj≥i Sj, which is a monotonically decreasing sequence. Al- most surely, Ri = Si for i sufficiently large, therefore limi→∞ Ri = S a.s. { ∞} o and on the event S< ,fori sufficiently large, YRi bfor i odd. Set Ti = Ri ∧ N.On{S

But since Ti is bounded by N, from the definition of the optional projection (2.8) it is clear that o E E |F E E[ YTi ]= [ [YTi 1Ti<∞ Ti ]] = [YTi ]. (A.16)

Thus, since Y has right limits, by an application of the bounded convergence E → E →∞ theorem [YTi ] [YT ], and so as i

o o E[ YTi ] → E[ YT ]. (A.17)

Thus E o E o E o E o lim sup [ YTi ]=limsup [ YT2i ] and lim inf [ YTi ] = lim inf [ YT2i+1 ], i→∞ i→∞ i→∞ i→∞ P E o so, if (S 0 we see that since a

N was chosen arbitrarily, this implies that P(S = ∞)=1whichisacon- o tradiction, since we assumed P(S<∞) > 0. Thus a.s., right limits of Yt exist. o o Now we must show that Yt is right continuous. Let Yt+ be the process of right limits. As this process is adapted and right continuous, it follows that it is optional. Consider for ε>0, the set

o o Aε  {(t, ω): Yt(ω) ≥ Yt+(ω)+ε}.

Suppose that P(π(Aε)) > 0, from which we deduce a contradiction. By the optional section theorem, for δ>0, we can find a stopping time S such that on S<∞,(S(ω),ω) ∈ Aε,andP(S<∞)=P(π(Aε)) − δ.Wemaychooseδ such that P(S<∞) > 0. Let Sn = S +1/n, and bound these times by some N, which is chosen sufficiently large that P(S 0. Thus set Tn  Sn ∧N and T  S ∧ N. Hence by bounded convergence

o o o lim E[ YT ]=E[ YN 1S≥N ]+E[ YT +1S

o o Bε = {(t, ω): Yt(ω) ≤ Yt+(ω) − ε}, which allows us to conclude that P(π(Bε)) = 0; hence

o o P ( Yt = Yt+, ∀t ∈ [0, ∞)) = 1,

o and thus, up to indistinguishability, the process Yt is right continuous. The existence of left limits is approached in a similar fashion; by Lemma o o A.28, the processes lim infs↑↑t Ys and lim sups↑↑t Ys are previsible and hence optional. For a, b ∈ Q we define o o Fa,b  (t, ω) : lim inf Ys(ω)

We assume P(π(Fa,b)) > 0 and deduce a contradiction. Since Fa,b is optional, we may apply the optional section theorem to find an optional time T such that on {T<∞},thepoint(T (ω),ω) ∈ Fa,b and with P(T<∞) >ε. Define

o C0  {(t, ω):tε. A.8 The Previsible Projection 317

Then define

o C1  {(t, ω):R0(ω) b}, which is optional and by the optional section theorem we can find a stopping time R1 such that on R1(ω) < ∞,(R1(ω),ω) ∈ C1 and again R1 ε. Proceed inductively. We have constructed an increasing sequence of optional times Rk such that { ∞} o on the event T< , YRk bfor odd k. Define Lk = Rk ∧ N for some N; then this is an increasing sequence of bounded { } E o stopping times and clearly on T

The results used in the above proof are due to Doob and can be found in a very clear paper [82] which is discussed further in Benveniste [16]. These papers work in the context of separable processes, which are processes whose graph is the closure of the graph of the process with time restricted to some countable set D. That is, for every t ∈ [0, ∞) there exists a sequence ti ∈ D such that ti → t and xti → xt. In these papers ‘rules of play’ disallow the use of the optional section theorem except when unavoidable and the above results are proved without its use. These results can be extended (with the addition of extra conditions) to optionally separable processes, which are similarly defined, but the set D consists of a countable collection of stopping times and by an application of the optional section theorem it can be shown that every optional process is optionally separable. The direct approach via the optional section theorems is used in Dellacherie and Meyer [79].

A.8 The Previsible Projection

The optional projection (called the projection bien measurable in some early articles) has been discussed extensively and is the projection which is of im- portance in the theory of filtering; a closely related concept is the previsible (or predictable) projection. Some of the very early theoretical papers make use of this projection. By convention we take F0− = F0.

Theorem A.29. Let X be a bounded measurable process; then there exists an optional process oX called the previsible projection of X such that for every previsible stopping time T ,   p XT 1{T<∞} = E XT 1{T<∞} |FT − . (A.20)

This process is unique up to indistinguishability, i.e. any processes which sat- isfy these conditions will be indistinguishable. 318 A Measure Theory

Proof. As in the proof of Theorem 2.7, let F be a measurable set, and define Zt to be a c`adl`ag version of the martingale E[1F |Ft]. Then we define the previsible projection of 1(s,t]1F by   p 1(s,t]1F (r, ω)=1(s,t](r)Zr−(ω).

We must verify that this satisfies (A.20); let T be a previsible stopping time. Then we can find a sequence Tn of stopping times such that Tn ≤ Tn+1 < T for all n. By Doob’s optional sampling theorem applied to the uniformly integrable martingale Z;

E |F E |F [1F Tn ]= [Z∞ Tn ]=ZTn , now pass to the limit as n →∞, using the martingale convergence theorem (see Theorem B.1), and we get

E |∨∞ F ZT − = [Z∞ n=1 Tn ] and from the definition of the σ-algebra of T − it follows that

ZT − = E[Z∞ |FT −].

To complete the proof, apply the monotone class theorem A.1 as in the proof for the optional projection and use the same optional section theorem argu- ment for uniqueness. 

The previsible and optional projection are actually very similar, as the following theorem illustrates. Theorem A.30. Let X be a bounded measurable process; then the set

o p {(t, ω): Xt(ω) = Xt(ω)} is a countable union of graphs of stopping times.

Proof. Again we use the monotone class argument. Consider the process 1[s,t)(r)1F , from (2.8) and (A.20) the set of points of difference is

{(t, ω):Zt(ω) = Zt−(ω)} and since Z is a c`adl`ag process we can define a sequence Tn of stopping times corresponding to the nth discontinuity of Z, and by Lemma A.13 there are at most countably many such discontinuities, therefore the points of difference are contained in the countable union of the graphs of these Tns.  A.9 The Optional Projection Without the Usual Conditions 319 A.9 The Optional Projection Without the Usual Conditions

The proof of the optional projection theorem in Section A.7 depends crucially on the usual conditions to construct a c`adl`ag version of a martingale, both the augmentation by null sets and the right continuity of the filtration being used. The result can be proved on the uncompleted σ-algebra by making suitable modifications to the process constructed by Theorem 2.7. These results were first established in Dellacherie and Meyer [78] and take their definitive form in [77], the latter approach being followed here. The proofs in this section are of a more advanced nature and make use of a number of non-trivial results about σ-algebras of stopping times which are not proved here. These results and their proofs can be found in, for example, Rogers and Williams [249]. As o usual let Ft denote the unaugmented σ-algebra corresponding to Ft. Lemma A.31. Let L ⊂ R+ × Ω be such that  L = {(Sn(ω),ω):ω ∈ Ω}, n

o o where the Sn are positive Ft -stopping times. We can find disjoint Ft -stopping times Tn to replace the Sn such that  L = {(Tn(ω),ω):ω ∈ Ω}. n

Proof. Define T1 = S1 and define

An  {ω ∈ Ω : S1 = Sn,S2 = Sn,...,Sn−1 = Sn}. ∈Fo Then it is clear that An Sn . From the definition of this σ-algebra, if we define  ∞ c Tn Sn1An + 1An , then this Tn is a stopping time. It is clear that this process may be continued inductively. The disjointness of the Tns follows by construction. 

Given this lemma the following result is useful when modifying a process as it allows us to break down the ‘bad’ set A of points in a useful fashion.

Lemma A.32. Let A be a subset of R+ ×Ω contained in a countable union of graphs of positive random variables then A = K∪L where K and L are disjoint measurable sets such that K is contained in a disjoint union of graphs of op- tional times and L intersects the graph of any optional time on an evanescent set.† † AsetA ⊂ [0, ∞) × Ω is evanescent if the projection π(A)={ω : ∃t ∈ [0, ∞) such that (ω, t) ∈ A} iscontainedinaP-null set. Two indistinguishable processes differ on an evanescent set. 320 A Measure Theory

Proof. Let V denote the set of all optional times. For Z a positive random variable define V (Z)=∪T ∈V {ω : Z(ω)=T (ω)}; consequently there is a useful decomposition Z = Z ∧ Z,where

 Z = Z1V (Z) + ∞1V (Z)c  Z = Z1V (Z)c + ∞1V (Z).

From the definition of V (Z) the set {(Z(ω),ω):ω ∈ Ω} iscontainedinthe graph of a countable number of optional times and if T is an optional time then P(Z = T<∞) = 0. Let the covering of A by a countable family of graphs of random variables be written ∞ A ⊆ {(Zn(ω),ω):ω ∈ Ω} n=1

  and form a decomposition of each random variable Zn = Zn ∧ Zn as above. ∞  Clearly n=1{(Zn(ω),ω):ω ∈ Ω} is also covered by a countable union of graphs of optional times and by Lemma A.31 we can find a sequence of disjoint optional times Tn such that ∞ ∞  {(Zn(ω),ω):ω ∈ Ω}⊆ {(Tn(ω),ω):ω ∈ Ω}. n=1 n=1 Define ∞   K = A ∩ {(Zn(ω),ω):ω ∈ Ω} = A ∩ {(Tn(ω),ω):ω ∈ Ω} n=1 n ∞   L = A ∩ {(Z (ω),ω):ω ∈ Ω} = A \ {(Tn(ω),ω):ω ∈ Ω}. n=1 n Clearly A = K ∪ L, hence this is a decomposition of A which has the required properties. 

Lemma A.33. For every Ft-optional process Xt there is an indistinguishable o Ft+-optional process.

Proof. Let T be an Ft-stopping time. Consider the process Xt =1[0,T ),which is c`adl`ag and Ft-adapted, and hence Ft-optional. By Lemma A.21 there exists o    an Ft+-stopping time T such that T = T a.s. If we define Xt =1[0,T ),then o o since this process is c`adl`ag and Ft+-adapted, it is clearly an Ft+-optional process.   P(ω : Xt(ω)=Xt(ω) ∀t)=P(T = T )=1, which implies that the processes X and X are indistinguishable. We extend from processes of the form 1[0,T ) to the whole of O using the monotone class framework (Theorem A.1) to extend to bounded optional pro- cesses, and use truncation to extended to the unbounded case.  A.9 The Optional Projection Without the Usual Conditions 321

Lemma A.34. For every Ft-previsible process, there is an indistinguishable o Ft -previsible process.

 Proof. We first show that if T is Ft-previsible; then there exists T which is o  Ft -previsible, such that T = T a.s. As {T =0}∈F0−, we need only consider † the case where T>0. Let Tn be a sequence of Ft-stopping times announcing o T . By Lemma A.33 it is clear that we can find Rn an Ft+-stopping time such that Rn = Tn a.s. Define Ln  maxi=1,...,n Rn; clearly this is an increasing sequence of stopping times. Let this sequence have limit L. Define An  {Ln =0}∪{Ln

Since the sets An are decreasing, the stopping times Mn form an increasing  sequence and the sequence Mn announces everywhere its limit T . This limit   o is strictly positive. Because T is announced, T is an Ft -previsible time and T = T  a.s. Finish the proof by a monotone class argument as in Lemma A.33. 

The main result of this section is the following extension of the optional projection theorem which does not require the imposition of the usual condi- tions.

o Theorem A.35. Given a stochastic process X, we can construct an Ft op- tional process Zt such that for every stopping time T ,   ZT 1{T<∞} = E ZT 1{T<∞} |FT , (A.21) and this process is unique up to indistinguishability.

Proof. By the optional projection theorem 2.7 we can construct an Ft-optional process Z¯t which satisfies (A.21). By Lemma A.33 we can find a process Zt o which is indistinguishable from Z¯t but which is Ft+-optional. In general this o process Z will not be Ft -optional. We must therefore modify it. Similarly using Theorem A.29, we can construct an Ft-previsible process o Yt, and using Lemma A.34, we can find an Ft -previsible process Y¯t which is indistinguishable from the process Yt. Let H = {(t, ω):Yt(ω) = Zt(ω)}; then it follows by Theorem A.30, that this graph of differences is contained within a countable disjoint union of graphs of random variables. Thus by Lemma A.32 we may write H = K ∪ L

† A stopping time T is called announceable if there exists an announcing sequence (Tn)n≥1 for T . This means that for any n ≥ 1andω ∈ Ω, Tn(ω) ≤ Tn+1(ω) < T (ω)andTn(ω) T (ω). A stopping time T is announceable if and only if it is previsible. For details see Rogers and Williams [248]. 322 A Measure Theory

o such that for T any Ft -stopping time P(ω :(T (ω),ω) ∈ L)=0andthere o exists a sequence of Ft -stopping times Tn such that  K ⊂ {(Tn(ω),ω):ω ∈ Ω}. n E |Fo For each n let Zn be a version of [XTn 1{Tn<∞} Tn ]; then we can define  Yt(ω)if(t, ω) ∈/ n{(Tn(ω),ω):ω ∈ Ω} Zt(ω)  (A.22) Zn(ω)if(t, ω) ∈{(Tn(ω),ω):ω ∈ Ω}. o It is immediate that this Zt is Ft -optional. Let us now show that it satisfies F o ∈Fo ∩{ } (A.21). Let T be an t -optional time and let A T .SetAn = A T = Tn ; ∈Fo \ ∈Fo thus A Tn .LetB = A n An and thus B T . From the definition (A.22), E |Fo ZT 1An 1T<∞ = Zn1An 1Tn<∞ =1An [1Tn<∞XTn Tn ] E |Fo E |Fo = [XTn 1An 1Tn<∞ Tn ]= [XT 1An 1T<∞ T ]. Consequently E E |Fo E E[1An ZT 1T<∞]= [1An [1T<∞XT T ]] = [1An XT 1T<∞].

So on An the conditions are satisfied. Now consider B,onwhicha.s.T = Tn for all n; hence (T (ω),ω) ∈/ L.SinceP((T (ω),ω) ∈ K) = 0, it follows that a.s. (T (ω),ω) ∈/ H. Recalling the definition of H this implies that Yt(ω)=ζt(ω) a.s.; from the Definition A.22 on B, ZT = YT ,thus o E[1BZT ]=E[1BζT ]=E[1BE[XT |FT +)] = E[1BXT ].

Thus on An for each n and on B the process Z is an optional projection of X. The uniqueness argument using the optional section theorem is exactly analogous to that used in the proof of Theorem 2.7. 

A.10 Convergence of Measure-valued Random Variables

n ∞ Let (Ω,F, P) be a probability space and let (μ )n=1 be a sequence of random measures, μn : Ω →M(S)andμ : Ω →M(S) be another measure-valued random variable. In the following we define two types of convergence for se- quences of measure-valued random variables: n 1. limn→∞ E [|μ f − μf|] = 0 for all f ∈ Cb(S). n 2. limn→∞ μ = μ, P-a.s. We call the first type of convergence convergence in expectation.Ifthere exists an integrable random variable w : Ω → R such that μn(1) ≤ w for all n, n n then limn→∞ μ = μ, P-a.s., implies that μ converged to μ in expectation by n ∞ the dominated convergence theorem. The extra condition is satisfied if (μ )n=1 is a sequence of random probability measures, since in this case, μn(1)=1 for all n. We also have the following. A.10 Convergence of Measure-valued Random Variables 323

Remark A.36. If μn converges in expectation to μ, then there exist sequences n(m) n(m) such that limm→∞ μ = μ, P-a.s.

Proof. Since M(S) is isomorphic to (0, ∞)×P(S), with the being given by ν ∈M(S) → (ν(1),ν/ν(1)) ∈ (0, ∞) ×P(S), it follows from Theorem 2.18 that there exists a countable convergence deter- mining set of functions†

M  {ϕ0,ϕ1,ϕ2,...}, (A.23) where ϕ0 is the constant function equal to 1 everywhere and ϕi ∈ Cb(S)for any i>0. Since lim E [|μnf − μf|]=0 n→∞ for all f ∈{ϕ0,ϕ1,ϕ2,...} and the set {ϕ0,ϕ1,ϕ2,...} is countable, one can n(m) find a subsequence n(m) such that, with probability one, limm→∞ μ ϕi = μϕi for all i ≥ 0, hence the claim. 

If a suitable bound on the rate of convergence for E [|μnf − μf|]isknown, then the sequence n(m) can be specified explicitly. For instance we have the following.

Remark A.37. Assume that there exists a countable convergence determining set M such that, for any f ∈M,

cf E [|μnf − μf|] ≤ √ , n

m3 where cf is a positive constant independent of n, then limm→∞ μ = μ, P-a.s.

Proof. By Fatou’s lemma ( ) ∞ % % n 0% %1 % 3 % % 3 % E %μm f − μf% ≤ lim E %μm f − μf% n→∞ m=1 m=1 ∞ ≤ 1 ∞ cf 3/2 < . m=1 m

Hence ∞ % % % 3 % %μm f − μf% < ∞ P-a.s., m=1

† Recall that M is a convergence determining set if, for any sequence of fi- nite measures νn, n =1, 2,... and ν being another finite measure for which limn→∞ νnf = νf for all f ∈M, it follows limn→∞ νn = ν. 324 A Measure Theory therefore 3 lim μm f = μf for any f ∈M. m→∞ Since M is countable and convergence determining, it also follows that m3 limm→∞ μ = μ, P-a.s. 

Let d : P(S) ×P(S) → [0, ∞) be the metric defined in Theorem 2.19; that is, for μ, ν ∈P(S), ∞ |μϕi − νϕi| d(μ, ν)= i , i=1 2 where ϕ1,ϕ2, . . . are elements of Cb(S) such that ϕi∞ =1andletϕ0 = 1. We can extend d to a metric on M(S) as follows. ∞ M S ×M S → ∞  1 | − | dM : ( ) ( ) [0, ),d(μ, ν) i μϕi νϕi . (A.24) i=0 2

The careful reader should check that dM is a metric and that indeed dM induces the weak topology on M(S). Using dM, the almost sure convergence 2. is equivalent to

 n 2 . limn→∞ dM(μ ,μ)=0, P-a.s. If there exists an integrable random variable w : Ω → R such that μn(1) ≤ w for all n, then similarly, (1) implies  n 1 . limn→∞ E [dM(μ ,μ)]=0. However, a stronger condition (such as tightness) must be imposed in order for condition (1) to be equivalent to condition (1). It is usually the case that convergence in expectation is easier to estab- lish than almost sure convergence. However, if we have control on the higher moments of the error variables μnf − μf then we can deduce the almost sure convergence of μn to μ. The following remark shows how this can be achieved and is used repeatedly in Chapters 8, 9 and 10.

Remark A.38. i. Assume that there exists a positive constant p>1anda countable convergence determining set M such that, for any f ∈M,we have   cf E |μnf − μf|2p ≤ , np where cf is a positive constant independent of n. Then, for any ε ∈ (0, 1/2− 1/(2p)) there exists a positive random variable cf,ε almost surely finite such that cf,ε |μnf − μf|≤ . nε n In particular, limn→∞ μ = μ, P-a.s. A.11 Gronwall’s Lemma 325 ii. Similarly, assume that there exists a positive constant p>1andacountable convergence determining set M such that   n 2p c E dM(μ ,μ) ≤ , np

where dM is the metric defined in (A.24) and c is a positive constant in- dependent of n. Then, for any ε ∈ (0, 1/2 − 1/(2p)) there exists a positive random variable cε almost surely finite such that

cε |μnf − μf|≤ , P-a.s. nε n In particular, limn→∞ μ = μ, P-a.s. Proof. As in the proof of Remark A.37, ( ) ∞ ∞ 1 E 2εp| n − |2p ≤ ∞ n μ f μf cf p−2εp < , n=1 m=1 n since p − 2εp > 1. Let cf,ε be the random variable   ∞ 1/2p 2εp n 2p cf,ε = n |μ f − μf| . n=1

2p As (cf,ε) is integrable, cf,ε is almost surely finite and

ε n n |μ f − μf|≤cf,ε.

n Therefore limn→∞ μ f = μf for any f ∈M. Again, since M is countable n and convergence determining, it also follows that limn→∞ μ = μ, P-a.s. Part (ii) of the remark follows in a similar manner. 

A.11 Gronwall’s Lemma

An important and frequently used result in the theory of stochastic differential equations is Gronwall’s lemma. Lemma A.39 (Gronwall). Let x, y and z be measurable non-negative func- tions on the real numbers. If y is bounded and z is integrable on [0,T] for some T ≥ 0,andforall0 ≤ t ≤ T ,  t xt ≤ zt + xsys ds, (A.25) 0 then for all 0 ≤ t ≤ T ,  t  t  xt ≤ zt + zsysexp yr dr ds. 0 s 326 A Measure Theory !  " − t Proof. Multiplying both sides of the inequality (A.25) by yt exp 0 ys ds yields

  t   t    t  xtyt exp − ys ds − xsys ds yt exp − ys ds 0 0 0   t  ≤ ztyt exp − ys ds . 0 The left-hand side can be written as the derivative of a product,         d t t t xsys ds exp − ys ds ≤ ztyt exp − ys ds , dt 0 0 0 which can be integrated to give

 t    t   t   s  xsys ds exp − ysds ≤ zsys exp − yr dr ds, 0 0 0 0 or equivalently

 t  t  t  xsys ds ≤ zsys exp yr dr ds. 0 0 s

Combining this with the original equation (A.25) gives the desired result. 

Corollary A.40. If x is a real-valued function such that for all t ≥ 0,

 t xt ≤ A + B xs ds, 0 then for all t ≥ 0, Bt xt ≤ Ae .

Proof. We have for t ≥ 0,

 t B(t−s) xt ≤ A + ABe ds 0 ≤ A + ABeBt(e−tB − 1)/(−B)=AeBt. 

A.12 Explicit Construction of the Underlying Sample Space for the Stochastic Filtering Problem

Let (S,d) be a complete separable metric space (a Polish space) and Ω1 be the space of S-valued continuous functions defined on [0, ∞), endowed with A.12 Explicit Construction of Sample Space 327 the topology of uniform convergence on compact intervals and with the Borel σ-algebra associated denoted with F 1,

Ω1 = C([0, ∞), S), F 1 = B(Ω1). (A.26)

1 1 1 Let X be an S-valued process defined on this space; Xt(ω )=ω (t), ω ∈ 1 1 Ω . We observe that Xt is measurable with respect to the σ-algebra F and consider the filtration associated with the process X,

1 Ft = σ(Xs,s∈ [0,t]). (A.27)

Let A : Cb(S) → Cb(S) be an unbounded operator with domain D(A)with 1 ∈D(A)andA1 =0andletP1 be a probability measure which is a solution of the martingale problem associated with the infinitesimal generator A and 1 the initial distribution π0 ∈P(S), i.e., under P , the distribution of X0 is π0 and  t ϕ 1 Mt = ϕ(Xt) − ϕ(X0) − Aϕ(Xs)ds, Ft , 0 ≤ t<∞, (A.28) 0 is a martingale for any ϕ ∈D(A). Let also Ω2 be defined similarly to Ω1, but with S = Rm. Hence

Ω2 = C([0, ∞), Rm), F 2 = B(Ω2). (A.29)

2 2 2 We consider also V to be the canonical process in Ω , (i.e. Vt(ω )=ω (t), ω2 ∈ Ω2)andP2 to be a probability measure such that V is an m-dimensional standard Brownian motion on (Ω2, F 2) with respect to it. We consider now the following.

Ω  Ω1 × Ω2, F   F 1 ⊗F2, P  P1 ⊗ P2, N  {B ⊂ Ω : B ⊂ A, A ∈F, P(A)=0} F  F  ∨N.

So (Ω,F, P) is a complete probability space and, under P, X and V are two independent processes. They can be viewed as processes on the product space (Ω,F, P) in the usual way: as projections onto their original spaces of definition. If W is the canonical process on Ω, then

W (t)=ω(t)=(ω1(t),ω2(t)) X = p1(ω)wherep1 : Ω → Ω1,p1(ω)=ω1 V = p2(ω)wherep2 : Ω → Ω2,p2(ω)=ω2.

ϕ Mt is also a martingale with respect to the larger filtration Ft,where 328 A Measure Theory

Ft = σ(Xs,Vs,s∈ [0,t]) ∨N.

Let h : S → Rm be a Borel-measurable function with the property that    T P h(Xs) ds<∞ =1 forallT>0, 0

Finally let Y be the following stochastic process (usually called the observation process)  t Yt = h(s, Xs)ds + Vt,t≥ 0. 0 B Stochastic Analysis

B.1 Martingale Theory in Continuous Time

The subject of martingale theory is too large to cover in an appendix such as this. There are many useful references, for example, Rogers and Williams [248] or Doob [81].

Theorem B.1. If M = {Mt,t≥ 0} is a right continuous martingale bounded p p p in L for p ≥ 1, that is, supt≥0 E[|Mt| ] < ∞, then there exists an L - integrable random variable M∞ such that Mt → M∞ almost surely as t →∞. Furthermore, p p 1. If M is bounded in L for p>1,thenMt → M∞ in L as t →∞. 1 2. If M is bounded in L and {Mt,t≥ 0} is uniformly integrable then 1 Mt → M∞ in L as t →∞.

If either condition (1) or (2) holds then the extended process {Mt,t∈ [0, ∞]} is a martingale.

For a proof see Theorem 1.5 of Chung and Williams [53]. The following lemma provides a very useful test for identifying martingales.

Lemma B.2. Let M = {Mt,t≥ 0} be a c`adl`ag adapted process such that for each bounded stopping time T , E[|MT |] < ∞ and E[MT ]=E[M0] then M is a martingale.

Proof. For s

Then T is a stopping time and

E[M0]=E[MT ]=E[Ms1A]+E[Mt1Ac ],

A. Bain, D. Crisan, Fundamentals of Stochastic Filtering, DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76896-0, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009 330 B Stochastic Analysis and trivially for the stopping time t,

E[M0]=E[Mt]=E[Mt1A]+E[Mt1Ac ], so E[Mt1A]=E[Ms1A] which implies that Ms = E[Mt |Fs]a.s.whichto- gether with the integrability condition implies M is a martingale. 

By a straightforward change to this proof the following corollary may be established.

Corollary B.3. Let {Mt,t≥ 0} be a c`adl`ag adapted process such that for each stopping time (potentially infinite) T , E[|MT |] < ∞ and E[MT ]=E[M0] then M is a uniformly integrable martingale.

Definition B.4. Let M be a stochastic process. If M0 is F0-measurable and there exists an increasing sequence Tn of stopping times such that Tn →∞ a.s. and such that T { − ≥ } Mn = Mt∧Tn M0,t 0 is a Ft-adapted martingale for each n ∈ N,thenM is called a and the sequence Tn is called a reducing sequence for the local martingale M.

The initial condition M0 is treated separately to avoid imposing integrability conditions on M0.

B.2 ItˆoIntegral

The stochastic integrals which arise in this book are the integrals of stochastic processes with respect to continuous local martingales. The following section contains a very brief overview of the construction of the Itˆointegralinthis context and the necessary conditions on the integrands for the integral to be well defined. The results are presented starting from the previsible integrands, since in the general theory of stochastic integration these form the natural class of integrators. The results then extend in the case of continuous martingale integrators to integrands in the class of progressively measurable processes and if the quadratic variation of the continuous martingale is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure (as for example in the case of integrals with respect to Brownian motion) then this extends further to all adapted, jointly measurable processes. It is also possible to construct directly the stochastic integral with a continuous martingale integrator on the space of progressively measurable processes (this approach is followed in e.g. Ethier and Kurtz [95]). There are numerous references which describe the material in this section in much greater detail; examples include Chung and Williams [53], Karatzas and Shreve [149], Protter [247] and Dellacherie and Meyer [79]. B.2 Itˆo Integral 331

Definition B.5. The previsible (predictable) σ-algebra denoted P is the σ- algebra of subsets of [0, ∞) × Ω generated by left continuous processes valued in R; that is, it is the smallest σ-algebra with respect to which all left con- tinuous processes are measurable. A process is said to be previsible if it is P-measurable. Lemma B.6. Let A be the ring† of subsets of [0, ∞)×Ω generated by the sets of the form {(s, t] × A} where A ∈Fs and 0 ≤ s

As Ht is adapted it follows that H(i−1)/n ∈F(i−1)/n,thuseachterminthe sum is A-measurable, and therefore by linearity so is the whole sum.  Definition B.7. Define the vector space of elementary function E to be the space of finite linear combinations of indicator functions of elements of A.

Definition B.8. For the indicator function X =1{(s,t]×A} for A ∈Fs,which an element of E, we can define the stochastic integral  ∞ Xr dMr  1A(Mt − Ms). 0

For X =1{0}×A where A ∈F0, define the integral to be identically zero. This definition can be extended by linearity to the space of elementary functions E. Further define the integral between 0 and t by

 t  ∞ Xr dMr  1[0,t](r)Xr dMr. 0 0  ∈E t F Lemma B.9. If M is a martingale and X then 0 Xr dMr is a t-adapted martingale.

Proof. Consider Xt =1A1(r,s](t)whereA ∈Fr. From Definition B.8,

 t  ∞ Xp dMp = 1[0,t](p)Xp dMp =1A(Ms∧t − Mr∧t), 0 0 and hence as M is a martingale and A ∈Fr, then by considering separately the cases 0 ≤ p ≤ r, rsit follows that

† A ring is a class of subsets closed under finite unions and set differences A \ B and which contains the empty set. 332 B Stochastic Analysis  %  t % % E Xr dMr % Fp = E [1A(Ms∧t − Mr∧t) |Fp] 0  p =1AE(Ms∧p − Mr∧p)= Xs dMs. 0 By linearity, this result extends to X ∈E. 

B.2.1 Quadratic Variation

The total variation is the variation which is used in the construction of the usual Lebesgue–Stieltjes integral. This cannot be used to define a non-trivial stochastic integral, as any continuous local martingale of finite variation is indistinguishable from zero.

† Definition B.10. The quadratic variation process M t of a continuous square integrable martingale M is a continuous increasing process At starting 2 from zero such that Mt − At is a martingale. Theorem B.11. If M is a continuous square integrable martingale then the quadratic variation process M t exists and is unique. The following proof is based on Theorem 4.3 of Chung and Williams [53] who attribute the argument to M. J. Sharpe. Proof. Without loss of generality consider a martingale starting from zero. The result is first proved for a martingale which is bounded by C. For given n −n n n n ∈ N, define tj  j2 and tˆj  t ∧ tj for j ∈ N and

∞ ! "2 n St  Mˆn − Mˆn . tj+1 tj j=0

By rearrangement of terms in the summations ∞ ! " 2 2 2 Mt = Mˆn − Mˆn tk+1 tk k=0 ∞ ! " ∞ ! "2 =2 Mˆn Mˆn − Mˆn + Mˆn − Mˆn . tk tk+1 tk tk+1 tk k=0 k=0 Therefore ∞ ! " n 2 St = Mt − 2 Mˆn Mˆn − Mˆn . (B.1) tk tk+1 tk k=0

† Technically, if we were to study discontinuous processes what is being constructed here should be denoted [M]t. The process Mt, when it exists, is the dual pre- visible projection of [M]t. In the continuous case, the two processes coincide, and historical precedent makes Mt the more common notation. B.2 Itˆo Integral 333

For fixed n and t the summation in (B.1) contains a finite number of non zero terms each of which is a continuous martingale. It therefore follows that the n 2 St − Mt is a continuous martingale for each n. It is now necessary to show that as n →∞,forfixedt, the sequence n 2 {St ,n∈ N} is a Cauchy sequence and therefore converges in L . If we consider n fixed m

[2nt] ! "! " n m St − St = −2 Mˆ − Mˆ Mˆ − Mˆ . (B.2) tj tj tj+1 tj j=0

 Define Zj  Mˆ − Mˆ ;ast ≤ tj it follows that Zj is Fˆ -measurable. For tj tj j tj − F j

Hence using (B.3) and the Cauchy–Schwartz inequality ⎡ ⎤ [2nt]   ! "2 E n − m 2 E ⎣ 2 − ⎦ (St St ) =4 Zj Mtˆj+1 Mtˆj j=0 ⎡ ⎤ [2nt] ! " ⎢ 2⎥ ≤ E ⎣ − 2 − ⎦ 4 sup (Mr Ms) Mtˆj+1 Mtˆj 0≤r≤s≤t j=0 s−r<2−m ⎡⎛ ⎞ ⎤ 2 ⎢⎜ 2⎟ ⎥ ≤ 4E ⎣⎝ sup (Mr − Ms) ⎠ ⎦ 0≤r≤s≤t s−r<2−m ⎡ ⎤ ⎛ ⎞2 [2nt] ! " ⎢ 2 ⎥ × E ⎣⎝ − ⎠ ⎦ Mtˆj+1 Mtˆj . j=0

The first term tends to zero using the fact that M being continuous is uni- formly continuous on the bounded time interval [0,t]. It remains to show that  − 2 ∈ N the second term is bounded. Write aj (Mtˆj+1 Mtˆj ) ,forj ;then 334 B Stochastic Analysis ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎛ ⎞2 ⎛ ⎞2 [2nt] ! " [2nt] ⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ E ⎣⎝ − ⎠ ⎦ E ⎣⎝ ⎠ ⎦ Mtˆj+1 Mtˆj = aj j=0 j=0 ⎡ ⎤ [2nt] [2nt] [2nt] ⎣ 2 ⎦ = E aj +2 aj ak j=0 j=0 k=j+1 ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎡ % ⎤⎤ n n n % [2t] [2t] [2t] % E ⎣ 2⎦ E ⎣ E ⎣ % F ⎦⎦ = aj +2 aj ak % tˆj+1 . j=0 j=0 k=j+1 %

It is clear that since the ajs are non-negative and M is bounded by C that [2nt] [2nt] [2nt] 2 2 aj ≤ max al aj ≤ 4C aj l=0,...,[2nt] j=0 j=0 j=0 and ⎡ % ⎤ [2nt] %   % ∞ ! "2 E ⎣ % F ⎦ E − |F ak % tˆj+1 = Mtˆk+1 Mtˆk tˆj+1 k=j+1 % k=j+1 ∞ 0 1 2 2 = E M − M |Fˆ tˆk+1 tˆk tj+1 k=j+1 0 1 2 2 = E M − M |Fˆ t tˆj+1 tj+1 ≤ C2. From these two bounds ⎡ ⎤ ⎛ ⎞2 ⎡ ⎤ [2nt] ! " [2nt] ⎢ 2 ⎥ E ⎣⎝ − ⎠ ⎦ ≤ 2 2 E ⎣ ⎦ Mtˆj+1 Mtˆj (4C +2C ) aj j=0 j=0   2 2 =6C E Mt < ∞. As this bound holds uniformly in n, m,asn and m →∞it follows that n m 2 n St − St → 0intheL sense and hence the sequence {St ,n∈ N} converges 2 in L to a limit which we denote St. As the martingale property is preserved 2 2 by L limits, it follows that {Mt − St,t≥ 0} is a martingale. It is necessary to show that St is increasing. Let s

Then writing k  inf{j : tˆj >s},

! "2 ! "2 ! "2 n − n − − − − St Ss = Mtˆj+1 Mtˆj + Mtˆk Mtˆk−1 Ms Mtˆk−1 . tj >s B.2 Itˆo Integral 335

Clearly % % %! "2 ! "2% % − − − % ≤ − 2 % Mtˆk Mtˆk−1 Ms Mtˆk−1 % 2sup(Mr Ms) , 0≤r≤s≤t s−r<2−m where the bound on the right-hand side tends to zero in L2 as n →∞. Therefore in L2 ! "2 St − Ss = lim Mˆ − Mˆ n→∞ tj+1 tj tj >s and hence St − Ss ≥ 0 almost surely, so the process S is a.s. increasing. It remains to show that a version of St can be chosen which is almost surely continuous. By Doob’s L2-inequality applied to the martingale (B.2) it follows that     n m 2 n m 2 E sup |St − St | ≤ 4E (Sa − Sa ) ; t≤a

nk thus a suitable subsequence nk can be chosen such that St converges a.s. uniformly on compact time intervals to a limit S which from the continuity of M must be continuous a.s. Uniqueness follows from the result that a continuous local martingale of finite variation is everywhere zero. Suppose the process A in the above def- inition were not unique. That is, suppose that also for some Bt continuous 2 2 increasing from zero, Mt −Bt is a martingale. Then as Mt −At is also a mar- tingale, by subtracting these two equations we get that At −Bt is a martingale, null at zero. It clearly must have finite variation, and hence be zero. To extend to the general case where the martingale M is not bounded use a sequence of stopping times

Tn  inf{t ≥ 0:|Mt| >n};

Tn then {Mt ,t≥ 0} is a bounded martingale to which the proof can be applied to construct M Tn . By uniqueness it follows that M Tn and M Tn+1 agree on [0,Tn] so a process M may be defined. 

Definition B.12. Define a measure on ([0, ∞) × Ω,P) in terms of the quadratic variation of M via

 ∞  μM (A)  E 1A(s, ω)d M s . (B.4) 0

In terms of this measure we can define an associated norm on a P-measurable process X via  2 XM  X dμM . (B.5) [0,∞)×Ω 336 B Stochastic Analysis

This norm can be written using (B.4) and (B.5) more simply as

 ∞  2 XM = E Xs d M s . 0

2 Definition B.13. Define LP  {X ∈P: XM < ∞}. 2 This space LP with associated norm ·M is a Banach space. Denote by 2 2 LP the space of equivalence classes of elements of LP , where we consider the 2 equivalence class of an element X to be all those elements Y ∈LP which satisfy X − Y M =0. Lemma B.14. The space of bounded elements of E, which we denote E¯ is 2 dense in the subspace of bounded functions in LP . Proof. This is a classical monotone class theorem proof which explains the requirement to work within spaces of bounded functions. Define C = H ∈P: H is bounded, ∀ε>0 ∃J ∈ E¯ : H − JM <ε .

It is clear that E⊂C¯ . Thus it also follows that the constant function one is included in C. The fact that C is a vector space is immediate. It remains to verify that if Hn ↑ H where Hn ∈Cwith H bounded that this implies H ∈C. Fix ε>0. By the bounded convergence theorem for Stieltjes integrals, it follows that Hn − HM → 0asn →∞; thus we can find N such that for n ≥ N, Hn −HM <ε/2. As HN ∈C, it follows that there exists J ∈ E¯ such that J − HN M <ε/2. Thus by the triangle inequality H − JM ≤H − HN M +HN −JM <ε. Hence by the monotone class theorem σ(E¯) ⊂C. 

Lemma B.15. For X ∈E it follows that ( )  ∞ 2 E Xr dMr = XM . 0

Proof. Consider X =1(s,t]×A where A ∈Fs and s

Then from the definition of μM it follows that

μM ((s, t] × A)=E[1A( M t − M s)]. B.2 Itˆo Integral 337

2 We know Mt − M t is a local martingale, so it follows that ( )  ∞ 2 μM ((s, t] × A)=E 1(s,t](r)1A dMr 0 and by linearity this extends to functions in E. 

As a consequence of Lemma B.14 it follows that given any bounded X ∈ 2 n n LP we can construct an approximating sequence X ∈Esuch that X −  → →∞ ∞ n X M 0asn . Using Lemma B.15 it follows that 0 Xs dMs is a Cauchy sequence in the L2 sense; thus we can make the following definition. 2 2 Definition B.16. For X ∈LP we may define the Itˆo integral in the L sense through the isometry ( )  ∞ 2 E Xr dMr = XM . (B.6) 0

We must check that this extension of the stochastic integral is well defined. That is, consider another approximating sequence Yn → X; we must show that this converges to the same limit as the sequence Xn considered previously, but this is immediate from the isometry.

2 Remark B.17. From the above definition of the stochastic integral in an L ∞ n sense as a limit of approximations 0 Xr dMr, it follows that since conver- gence in L2 implies convergence in probability we can also define the extension of the stochastic integral as a limit in probability. By a standard result, there  ∞ nk →∞ exists a subsequence nk such that 0 Xr dMr converges a.s. as k .It might appear that this would lead to a pathwise extension (i.e. a definition for each ω). However, this a.s. limit is not well defined: different choices of approximating sequence can give rise to limits which differ on (potentially different) null sets. As there are an uncountable number of possible approx- imating sequences the union of these null sets may not be null and thus the limit not well defined.

The following theorem finds numerous applications throughout the book, usually to show that the expectation of a particular stochastic integral term is 0. 2 Theorem B.18. If X ∈ LP and M is a square integrable martingale then  t 0 Xs dMs is a martingale. n ∈E · Proof. Let X  be sequence converging to X in the M norm; then by t n t n Lemma B.9 each 0 Xs dMs is a martingale. By the Itˆoisometry 0 Xs dMs t 2 2 converges to 0 Xs dMs in L and the martingale property is preserved by L limits.  338 B Stochastic Analysis

B.2.2 Continuous Integrator

The foregoing arguments cannot be used to extend the definition of the stochastic integral to integrands outside of the class of previsible processes. For example, the previsible processes do not form a dense set in the space of progressively measurable processes so approximation arguments can not be used to extend the definition to progressively measurable integrands. The approach taken here is based on Chung and Williams [53]. Letμ ˜M be a measure on [0, ∞) × Ω whichisanextensionofμM (that is μM andμ ˜M agree on P andμ ˜M is defined on a larger σ-algebra than P). Given a process X which is B×F-measurable, if there is a previsible process Z such that  2 (X − Z) d˜μM =0, (B.7) [0,∞)×Ω which, by the usual Lebesgue argument, is equivalent to

μ˜M ((t, ω):Xt(ω) = Zt(ω)) = 0,   ∞  ∞ then we may define 0 Xs dMs 0 Zs dMs. In general we cannot hope to find such a Z for all B×F-measurable X. However, in the case where the integrator M is continuous we can find such a previsible Z for all progressively measurable X. Let N˜ be the set ofμ ˜M null sets and define P˜ = P∨N˜ ; then it follows that for X a P˜-measurable process, we can find a process Z in P such that μ˜M ((t, ω):Xt(ω) = Zt(ω)) = 0. Hence (B.7) will hold and consequently we ∞  ∞ may define 0 Xs dMs 0 Zs dMs. The following theorem is an important application of this result. Theorem B.19. Let M be a continuous martingale. Then if X is progres- sively measurable we can define the integral of X with respect to M in the Itˆo sense through the extension of the isometry ( )  ∞ 2  ∞  2 E Xs dMs = E Xs d˜μM . 0 0

Proof. From the foregoing remarks, it is clear that it is sufficient to show that every progressively measurable process X is P˜-measurable. There are two approaches to establishing this: one is direct via the previsible projection and the other indirect via the optional projection. In either case, the result of Lemma B.21 is established, and the conclusion of the theorem follows. 

Optional Projection Route

We begin with a measurability result which we need in the proof of the main result in this section. B.2 Itˆo Integral 339

Lemma B.20. If X is progressively measurable and T is a stopping time, then XT 1{T<∞} is FT -measurable.

Proof. For fixed t the map ω → X(t, ω)definedon[0,t] × Ω is B[0,t] ⊗F- measurable. Since T is a stopping time ω → T (ω) ∧ t is Ft-measurable. By † composition of functions it follows that ω → X(T (ω)∧t, ω)isFt-measurable. Now define Y = XT 1{T ≤∞}; for any t it is clear Y 1{T ≤t} = XT ∧t1{T ≤t}. Hence on {T ≤ t} it follows that Y is Ft-measurable, which by the definition of FT implies that Y is FT -measurable. 

Lemma B.21. The set of progressively measurable functions on [0, ∞) × Ω is contained in P˜.

Proof. First we must show that all optional processes are P˜-measurable. This is straightforward: if τ is a stopping time we must show that 1[0,τ] is P˜- measurable. But 1[0,τ) is previsible and thus automatically P˜-measurable, hence it is sufficient to establish that [τ]  {(τ(ω),ω):τ(ω) < ∞,ω ∈ Ω}∈ P˜.But  ∞  μ˜M ([τ]) = E 1{τ(ω)=s} d M s = E[ M t − M t−]=0; 0 the final equality follows from the fact that Mt is continuous. Starting from a progressively measurable process X, by Theorem 2.7 we can construct its optional projection oX. From (B.4),

 ∞  o  E o μ˜M ((t, ω): Xt(ω) = Xt(ω)) = 1{ Xs(ω)=Xs(ω)} d M s . 0 Define τt =inf{s ≥ 0: M s >t}; since the set (t, ∞) × Ω is progressively measurable, and M t is continuous and hence progressively measurable, it follows that τt is a stopping time by the D´ebut theorem (Theorem A.20). Hence,

 ∞  o  E o μ˜M ((t, ω): Xt(ω) = Xt(ω)) = 1{ Xs(ω)=Xs(ω)} d M s 0 ( ) M∞ E o = 1{ Xτs (ω)=Xτs (ω)} ds 0  ∞ 

E o = 1{τs<∞}1{ Xτs (ω)=Xτs (ω)} ds . 0

† It is important to realise that this argument depends fundamentally on the pro- gressive measurability of X, it is in fact the same argument which is used (e.g. in Rogers and Williams [248, Lemma II.73.11]) to show that for progressively measurable X, XT is FT -measurable for T an Ft-stopping time. 340 B Stochastic Analysis

Thus using Fubini’s theorem  ∞  o  E o μ˜M ((t, ω): Xt(ω) = Xt(ω)) = 1{τs<∞}1{ Xτs =Xτs } ds 0  ∞ o = P(τs < ∞, Xτs = Xτs )ds. 0

From Lemma B.20 it follows that for any stopping time τ, Xτ 1{τ<∞} is Fτ - measurable; thus from the definition of optional projection

o Xτ 1{τ<∞} = E[Xτ 1{τ<∞} |Fτ ]

= Xτ 1{τ<∞} P-a.s.

o Henceμ ˜M ((t, ω): Xt(ω) = Xt(ω)) = 0. But we have shown that the optional processes are P˜-measurable, and oX is an optional process; thus from the definition of P˜ there exists a previsible process Z such thatμ ˜M ((t, ω):Zt(ω) = o Xt(ω)) = 0 hence using these two resultsμ ˜M ((t, ω):Zt(ω) = Xt(ω)) = 0 which implies that X is P˜-measurable. 

Previsible Projection Route

While the previous approach shows that the progressively measurable pro- cesses can be viewed as the class of integrands, the argument is not construc- tive. By considering the previsible projection we can provide a constructive argument. In brief, if X is progressively measurable and M is a continuous martingale then  ∞  ∞ p Xs dMs = Xs dMs, 0 0 where pX, the previsible projection of X, is a previsible process and the integral on the right-hand side is to be understood in the sense of Definition B.16. Lemma B.22. If X is progressively measurable and T is a previsible time, then XT 1{T<∞} is FT −-measurable. Proof. If T is a previsible time then there exists an announcing sequence n T ↑ T such that Tn is a stopping time. By Lemma B.20 it follows for each n F that XTn 1{Tn<∞} is Tn -measurable. Recall that + F F T − = Tn , n n  so if we define random variables Y XTn 1{Tn<∞} and

Y  lim inf Y n, n→∞ then it follows that Y is FT −-measurable.  B.2 Itˆo Integral 341

From the D´ebut theorem,

τt  inf{s ≥ 0: M s >t} is a Ft-stopping time. Therefore τt−1/n is an increasing sequence of stopping times and their limit is

τˆt  inf{s ≥ 0: M s ≥ t} thereforeτ ˆt is a previsible time. We can now complete the proof of Lemma B.21 using the definition of the previsible projection.

Proof. Starting from a progressively measurable process X by Theorem A.29 we can construct its previsible projection pX, from (B.4),

 ∞  p  E p μ˜M ( Xt(ω) = Xt(ω)) = 1{(s,ω) Xs(ω)=Xs(ω)} d M s . 0

Using the previsible timeτ ˆt,  ∞  p  E p μ˜M ( Xt(ω) = Xt(ω)) = 1{ Xs(ω)=Xs(ω)} d M s 0 ( ) M∞ E p = 1{ Xτˆs (ω)=Xτˆs (ω)} ds 0  ∞ 

E p = 1{τˆs<∞}1{ Xτˆs (ω)=Xτˆs (ω)} ds . 0 Thus using Fubini’s theorem  ∞ p p μ˜M ((t, ω): Xt(ω) = Xt(ω)) = P(ˆτs < ∞, Xτˆs = Xτˆs )ds. 0

From Lemma B.22 it follows that for any previsible timeτ ˆ, Xτˆ1{τ<ˆ ∞} is Fτˆ−-measurable; thus from the definition of previsible projection

p Xτ 1{τ<ˆ ∞} = E[Xτˆ1{τ<ˆ ∞} |Fτˆ−]

= Xτˆ1{τ<ˆ ∞} P-a.s.

p Henceμ ˜M ((t, ω): Xt(ω) = Xt(ω)) = 0. Therefore X is P˜-measurable. We also see that the previsible process Z in (B.7) is just the previsible projection of X. 

B.2.3 Integration by Parts Formula

The stochastic form of the integration parts formula leads to Itˆo’s formula which is the most important result for practical computations. 342 B Stochastic Analysis

Lemma B.23. Let M be a continuous martingale. Then

 t 2 2 M t = Mt − M0 − 2 Ms dMs. 0 Proof. Following the argument and notation of the proof of Theorem B.11 define Xn by ∞ n  Xs (ω) Mtj (ω)1(tj ,tj+1](s); j=0 while Xn is defined in terms of an infinite number of non-zero terms, it is n clear that 1[0,t](s)Xs ∈E. Therefore using the definition B.8, ∞ ! ! "" n 2 2 S = M − M − 2Mˆ Mˆ − Mˆ t tˆj+1 tˆj tj tj+1 tj j=0  ∞ 2 2 n = Mt − M0 − 1[0,t](s)Xs dMs. 0

As the process M is continuous, it is clear that for fixed ω, Xn(ω) → M(ω) uniformly on compact subsets of time and therefore by bounded convergence, n X 1[0,t] − M1[0,t]M tends to zero. Thus by the Itˆo isometry (B.6) the result follows. 

Lemma B.24. Let M and N be square integrable martingales; then

 t  t MtNt = M0Nt + Ms dNs + Ns dMs + M,N t. 0 0 Proof. Apply the polarization identity

M,N t =( M + N t − M − N t)/4 to the result of Lemma B.23, to give

  t 2 2 M,N t =(1/4) (Mt + Nt) − (M0 + N0) − 2 (Ms + Ns)dMs 0  t 2 2 − 2 (Ms + Ns)dNs − (Mt − Nt) − (M0 − N0) 0  t  t  − 2 (Ms − Ns)dMs +2 (Ms − Ns)dNs 0 0  t  t = MtNt − M0N0 − Ns dMs − Ms dNs. 0 0  B.2 Itˆo Integral 343

B.2.4 Itˆo’s Formula

Theorem B.25. If X is an Rd-valued semimartingale and f ∈ C2(Rd) then   d t d t 2 ∂ i 1 ∂ i j f(Xt)=f(X0)+ i f(Xs)dXs + i j f(Xs)d X ,X s. i=1 0 ∂x 2 i,j=1 0 ∂x ∂x

The continuity condition on f in the statement of Itˆo’slemma is important; if it does not hold then the local time of X must be considered (see for example Chapter 7 of Chung and Williams [53] or Section IV. 43 of Rogers and Williams [249]).

Proof. We sketch a proof for d = 1. The finite variation case is the standard fundamental theorem of calculus for Stieltjes integration. Consider the case of M a martingale. The proof is carried out by showing it holds for f(x)=xk for all k;by linearity it then holds for all polynomials and by a standard approximation argument for all f ∈ C2(R). To establish the result for polynomials proceed by induction. Suppose it holds for functions f and g; then by Lemma B.24,

d(f(Mt)g(Mt)) = f(Mt)dg(Mt)+g(Mt)df(Mt)+d f(Mt),g(Mt) t  1  = f(Mt)(g (Mt)dMt + 2 g (Mt)d M t)  1  + g(Mt)(f (Mt)dMt + 2 f (Mt)d M t)   + g (Mt)f (Mt)d M t.

Since the result clearly holds for f(x)=x, it follows that it holds for all polynomials. The extension to C2(R) functions follows from a standard ap- proximation argument (see e.g. Rogers and Williams [249] for details). 

B.2.5 Localization

The integral may be extended to a larger class of integrands by the procedure of localization. Let H be a progressively measurable process. Define a non- decreasing sequence of stopping times

 t  2 Tn  inf Hs d M s >n ;(B.8) t≥0 0

Tn then it is clear that the process Ht  Ht∧T is in the space LP .Thusthe  ∞ n Tn stochastic integral 0 Hs dMs is defined in the Itˆo sense of Definition B.16. Theorem B.26. If for all t ≥ 0,

 t  2 P Hs d M s < ∞ =1, (B.9) 0 344 B Stochastic Analysis then we may define the stochastic integral

 ∞  ∞ Tn Hs dMs  lim Hs dMs. 0 n→∞ 0

Proof. Under condition (B.9) the sequence of stopping times Tn defined in (B.8) tends to infinity P-a.s. It is straightforward to verify that this is well defined; that is, different choices of sequence Tn tending to infinity give rise to the same limit. 

This general definition of integral is then a local martingale. We can simi- larly extend to integrators M which are local martingales by using the mini- mum of a reducing sequence Rn for the local martingale M and the sequence Tn above.

B.3 Stochastic Calculus

A very useful result can be proved using the Itˆocalculus about the character- isation of Brownian motion, due to L´evy.

i Theorem B.27. Let {B }t≥0 be continuous local martingales starting from 1 n zero for i =1,...,n.ThenBt =(Bt ,...,Bt ) is a Brownian motion with respect to (Ω,F, P) adapted to the filtration Ft,ifandonlyif

i j B ,B t = δijt ∀i, j ∈{1,...,n}.

Proof. In these circumstances it follows that the statement Bt is a Brownian motion is by definition equivalent to stating that Bt − Bs is independent of Fs and is distributed normally with mean zero and covariance matrix (t−s)I. Clearly if Bt is a Brownian motion then the covariation result follows i j trivially from the definitions. To establish the converse, we assume B ,B t = δijt for i, j ∈{1,...,n} and prove that Bt is a Brownian motion. n θ Observe that for fixed θ ∈ R we can define Mt by   θ  1 2 M = f(Bt,t)  exp iθ Bt + θ t . t 2

By application of Itˆo’sformula to f we obtain (in differential form using the Einstein summation convention)

2 ∂f j ∂f 1 ∂ f j k d(f(Bt,t)) = (Bt,t)dB + (Bt,t)dt + (Bt,t)d B ,B t ∂xj t ∂t 2 ∂xj∂xk j 1 2 1 = iθjf(Bt,t)dB + θ f(Bt,t)dt − θjθkδjkf(Bt,t)dt t 2 2 j = iθjf(Bt,t)dBt . B.3 Stochastic Calculus 345

Hence  t θ Mt =1+ d(f(Bt,t)), 0 and is a sum of stochastic integrals with respect to continuous local martin- gales and is hence itself a continuous local martingale. But for each t,using |·|to denote the complex modulus   1 |M θ| =exp θ2t < ∞. t 2

t0 Hence for any fixed time t0, Mt satisfies

t0 t0 |Mt |≤|M∞| < ∞,

t0 and so is a bounded local martingale. Hence {Mt ,t≥ 0} is a genuine mar- tingale. Thus for 0 ≤ s

However, this is the characteristic function of a multivariate normal random variable distributed as N(O, (t−s)I). Thus by the L´evy characteristic function theorem Bt − Bs is an N(O, (t − s)I) random variable. 

B.3.1 Girsanov’s Theorem

Girsanov’s theorem for the change of drift underlies many important results. The result has an important converse but this is not used here. Theorem B.28. Let M be a continuous martingale, and let Z be the associ- ated exponential martingale   1 Zt =exp Mt − 2 M t . (B.10) If Z is a uniformly integrable martingale, then a new measure Q, equivalent to P, may be defined by dQ  Z∞. dP Furthermore, if X is a continuous P local martingale then Xt − X, M t is a Q-local martingale.

Proof. Since Z is a uniformly integrable martingale it follows from Theorem B.1 (martingale convergence) that Zt = E[Z∞ |Ft]. Hence Q constructed thus is a probability measure which is equivalent to P. Now consider X,a P-local martingale. Define a sequence of stopping times which tend to infinity via Tn  inf{t ≥ 0:|Xt|≥n or | X, M t|≥n}. 346 B Stochastic Analysis

Consider the process Y defined via

Tn Tn Y  Xt − X ,M t.

By Itˆo’s formula applied to (B.10), dZt = ZtdMt; a second application of Itˆo’s formula yields

d(ZtYt)=1t≤Tn (ZtdYt + YtdZt + Z, Y t)

=1t≤Tn (Zt(dXt − d X, M t)+YtZtdMt + Z, Y t) − =1t≤Tn (Zt(dXt d X, M t) +(Xt − X, M t)ZtdMt + Ztd X, M t) − =1t≤Tn ((Xt X, M t)ZtdMt + ZtdXt) , where the result Z, Y t = Zt X, M t follows from the Kunita–Watanabe identity; hence ZY is a P-local martingale. But Z is uniformly integrable and Y is bounded (by construction of the stopping time Tn), hence ZY is a genuine P-martingale. Hence for s

EQ [(Yt − Ys)1A]=E [Z∞(Yt − Ys)1A]=E [(ZtYt − ZsYs)1A]=0; hence Y is a Q-martingale. Thus Xt − X, M t is a Q-local martingale, since T Tn is a reducing sequence such that (X − X, M ) n is a Q-martingale, and Tn ↑∞as n →∞. 

Corollary B.29. Let Wt be a P-Brownian motion and define Q as in Theorem B.28; then W˜ t = Wt − W, M t is a Q-Brownian motion.

Proof. Since W is a Brownian motion it follows that W, W t = t for all t ≥ 0. Since W˜ t is continuous and W,˜ W˜ t = W, W t = t, it follows from L´evy’s characterisation of Brownian motion (Theorem B.27) that W˜ is a Q-Brownian motion. 

The form of Girsanov’s theorem in Theorem B.28 is too restrictive for many applications of interest. In particular the requirement that the martingale Z be uniformly integrable and the implied equivalence of P and Q on F rules out even such simple applications as transforming Xt = μt + Wt to remove 1 2 the constant drift. In this case the martingale Zt =exp(μWt − 2 μ t) is clearly not uniformly integrable. If we consider A ∈F∞ defined by   Xt − μt A = lim =0 , (B.11) t→∞ t it is clear that P(A) = 1, yet under a measure Q under which X has no drift Q(A) = 0. Since equivalent measures have the same null sets it would follow that if this measure which killed the drift were equivalent to P then A should also be null, a contradiction. Hence on F the measures P and Q cannot be equivalent. B.3 Stochastic Calculus 347

If we consider restricting the definition of the measure Q to Ft for finite t then the above problem is avoided. In the example given earlier under Qt the process X restricted to [0,t] is a Brownian motion with zero drift. This approach via a family of consistent measures is used in the change of measure approach to filtering, which is described in Chapter 3. Since we have just shown that there does not exist any measure equivalent to P under which X is a Brownian motion on [0, ∞) it is clear that we cannot, in general, find a t measure Q defined on F∞ such that the restriction of Q to Ft is Q . Define a set function on 0≤t<∞ Ft by

t Q(A)=Q (A), ∀A ∈Ft, ∀t ≥ 0. (B.12)  If we have a finite set A1,...,An of elements of 0≤t<∞ Ft, then we can find s s such that Ai ∈Fs for i = 1,..., n and since Q is a probability measure it follows that the set function Q is finitely additive. It is immediate that Q(∅)=0andQ(Ω)=1. It is not obvious whether Q is countably additive. If Q is countably ad- ditive, then Carath´eodory’s theorem allows us to extend the definition of Q ! " to σ 0≤t<∞ Ft = F∞. This can be resolved in special situations by using Tulcea’s theorem. The σ-algebras Ft are all defined on the same space, so the atom condition of Tulcea’s theorem is non-trivial (contrast with the case of the product spaces used in the proof of the Daniell–Kolmogorov–Tulcea theo- rem), which explains why this extension cannot be carried out in general. The following corollary gives an important example where an extension is possible.

d Corollary B.30. Let Ω = C([0, ∞), R ) and let Xt be the canonical process o on Ω. Define Ft = σ(Xs :0≤ s ≤ t).If   1 Zt =exp Mt − 2 M t

o o is a Ft+-adapted martingale then there exists a unique measure Q on (Ω,F∞) such that % % dQ% % = Zt, ∀t dP o Ft+ o and the process Xt − X, M t is a Q local martingale with respect to {Ft+}t≥0.

Proof. We apply Theorem B.28 to the process Zt, which is clearly a uniformly t t o integrable martingale (since Zs = E[Zt |Fs+]). We may thus define a family t o Q of measures equivalent to P on Ft+. It is clear that these measures are t o s consistent; that is for s ≤ t, Q restricted to Fs+ is identical to Q . For any finite set of times t1

F o The sequence of σ-algebras tk+ is clearly increasing. If we consider a ∈Fo ⊇ ⊃· sequence Ak of atoms with each Ak tk+ such that A1 A2 , then using the fact that these are the unaugmented σ-algebras on the canonical sample ∞ space it follows that ∩k=1Ak = ∅. Therefore, using these regular conditional probabilities as the transition kernels, we may now apply Tulcea’s theorem Q F o Qtk F o A.11 to construct a measure on ∞ which is consistent with on tk+ for each k. The consistency condition ensures that the measure Q thus obtained is independent of the choice of the times tks. 

Corollary B.31. Let Wt be a P-Brownian motion and define Q as in Corol- lary B.30; then W˜ t = Wt − W, M t is a Q-Brownian motion with respect to o Ft+. Proof. As for Corollary B.29. 

B.3.2 Martingale Representation Theorem

The following representation theorem has many uses. The proof given here only establishes the existence of the representation. The results of Clark al- low an explicit form to be established (see Nualart [227, Proposition 1.3.14] for details, or Section IV.41 of Rogers and Williams [249] for an elementary account).

Theorem B.32. Let B be an m-dimensional Brownian motion and let Ft be the right continuous enlargement of the σ-algebra generated by B augmented† with the null sets N .LetT>0 be a constant time. If X is a square integrable random variable measurable with respect to the σ-algebra FT then there exists a previsible νs such that

 T  X = E[X]+ νs dBs. (B.13) 0 Proof. To establish the respresentation (B.13), without loss of generality we may consider the case EX = 0 (in the general case apply the result to X−EX). Define the space ( )  T 2 2 LT = H : H is Ft-previsible and E Hs ds < ∞ . 0

Consider the stochastic integral map

2 2 J : LT → L (FT ), defined by

† This condition is satisfied automatically if the filtration satisfies the usual condi- tions. B.3 Stochastic Calculus 349

 T  J(H)= Hs dBs. 0 As a consequence of the Itˆoisometry theorem, this map is an isometry. Hence 2 the image V under J of the Hilbert space LT is complete and hence a closed 2 2 subspace of L0(FT )={H ∈ L (FT ):EH =0}. The theorem is proved if we 2 can establish that the image is equal to the whole space L0(FT ) for the image is the space of random variables X which admit a representation of the form (B.13). 2 Consider the orthogonal complement of V in L0(FT ). We aim to show that every element of this orthogonal complement is zero. Suppose that Z is in the 2 orthogonal complement of L0(FT ); thus 2 E(ZX) = 0 for all X ∈ L0(FT ). (B.14) 2 Define Zt = E[Z |Yt]whichisanL -bounded martingale. We know that the σ-algebra F0 is trivial by the Blumental 0–1 law therefore

Z0 = E[Z |F0]=E(Z)=0 P-a.s.

2 Let H ∈ LT and NT  J(H) and define Nt  E[NT |Ft] for 0 ≤ t ≤ T . It is clear that NT ∈ V .LetS be a stopping time such that S ≤ T ;thenby optional sampling ( % )  S  T %   % NS = E[NT |FS]=E Hs dBs + Hs dBs% FS = J(H1[0,S]), 0 S % so consequently NS ∈ V . The orthogonality relation (B.14) then implies that E(ZNS) = 0. Thus using the properties of conditional expectation

0=E[ZNS]=E[E[ZNS |FS]] = E[NSE[Z |FS]] = E[ZSNS].

Since this holds for S a bounded stopping time, and ZT and NT are square integrable, it follows that ZtNt is a uniformly integrable martingale and hence Z, N t is a null process. Let εt be an element of the set St defined in Lemma B.39 where the stochastic process Y is taken to be the Brownian motion B. Extending J in the obvious way to m-dimensional vector processes, we have that

εt =1+J(iεr1[0,t])

∞ m for some r ∈ L ([0,t], R ). Using the above, Ztεt = Z0 + ZtJ(iεr1[0,t]). Both {ZtJ(iεr1[0,t]),t≥ 0} and {Zt,t≥ 0} are martingales and Z0 = 0; hence    E[εtZt]=E[Z0]+E ZtJ iεr1[0,t]

= E(Z0)=0.

Thus since this holds for all εt ∈ St and the set St is total this implies that Zt =0P-a.s.  350 B Stochastic Analysis

Remark B.33. For X a square integrable Ft-adapted martingale this result canbeappliedtoXT , followed by conditioning and use of the martingale property to obtain for any 0 ≤ t ≤ T ,  t∧T  Xt = E[XT |Ft]=E[XT ]+ νs dBs 0  t  = E(X0)+ νs dBs. 0 As the choice of the constant time T was arbitrary, it is clear that this result holds for all t ≥ 0.

B.3.3 Novikov’s Condition One of the most useful conditions for checking whether a local martingale of exponential form is a martingale is that due to Novikov.   1 Theorem B.34. If Zt =exp Mt − 2 M t for M a continuous local martin- gale, then a sufficient condition for Z to be a martingale is that   1 E exp( 2 M t < ∞, 0 ≤ t<∞. Proof. Define the stopping time

Sb =inf{t ≥ 0:Ms − s = b} and note that P(Sb < ∞) = 1. Then define 1 Yt  exp(Mt − 2 t); (B.15) E − 1 it follows by the optional stopping theorem that [exp(MSb 2 Sb)] = 1, which 1 −b implies E[exp( 2 Sb)] = e . Consider  ≥ Nt Yt∧Sb ,t0, which is also a martingale. Since P(Sb < ∞) = 1 it follows that 1 N∞ = lim Ns =exp(MS − Sb). s→∞ b 2

By Fatou’s lemma Ns is a supermartingale with last element. But E(N∞)= 1=E(N0) whence N is a uniformly integrable martingale. So by optional sampling for any stopping time R,    E − 1 ∧ exp MR∧Sb 2 (R Sb) =1.

Fix t ≥ 0 and set R = M t. It then follows for b<0,       E 1 E − 1 1Sb<Mt exp b + 2 Sb + 1Sb≥Mt exp Mt 2 M t =1.   b 1 The first expectation is bounded by e E 2 M t , thus from the condition of the theorem it converges to zero as b →−∞. The second term converges to E(Zt) as a consequence of monotone convergence. Thus E(Zt)=1.  B.3 Stochastic Calculus 351

B.3.4 Stochastic Fubini Theorem

The Fubini theorem of measure theory has a useful extension to stochastic integrals. The form stated here requires a boundedness assumption and as such is not the most general form possible, but is that which is most useful for applications. We assume that all the stochastic integrals are with respect to continuous semimartingales, because this is the framework considered here. To extend the result it is simply necessary to stipulate that a c`adl`ag version of the stochastic integrals be chosen. For a more general form see Protter [247, Theorem IV.46]. In this theorem we consider a family of processes parametrised by an index a ∈ A,andletμ be a finite measure on the space (A, A); that is, μ(A) < ∞.

Theorem B.35. Let X be a semimartingale and μ a finite measure. Let a B ⊗A⊗P Ht =H(t, a, ω) be a bounded [0,t] measurable process and a  t a  a a Zt 0 Hs dXs.IfwedefineHt A Ht μ(da) then Yt = A Z μ(da) is  t the process given by the stochastic integral 0 Hs dXs. Proof. By stopping we can reduce the case to that of X ∈ L2. As a conse- quence of the usual Fubini theorem it suffices to consider X a martingale. The proof proceeds via a monotone class argument. Suppose H(t, a, ω)= K(t, ω)f(a)forf bounded A-measurable. Then it follows that

 t Zt = f(a) K(s, ω)dXs, 0 and hence    t  a Zt μ(da)= f(a) K(s, ω)dXs μ(da) A A 0  t  = K(s, ω)dXs f(a) μ(da) 0 A  t   = f(a)μ(da)K(s, ω) dXs 0 A  t = Hs dXs. 0 Thus we have established the result in this simple case and by linearity to the vector space of finite linear combinations of bounded functions of this form. It remains to show the monotone property; that is, suppose that the result holds for Hn and Hn → H. We must show that the result holds for H. a  t a Let Zn,t 0 Hn dXs. We are interested in convergence uniformly in t; thus note that  %  %   % % % a a % a a E sup % Zn,t μ(da) − Zt μ(da)% ≤ E sup |Zn,t − Zt | μ(da) . t A A A t 352 B Stochastic Analysis

We show that the right-hand side tends to zero as n →∞. By Jensen’s inequality and Cauchy–Schwartz we can compute as follows, ( )   2  2 a a a a E sup |Zn,t − Zt | μ(da) ≤ E sup |Zn,t − Zt | μ(da) A t A t    a a 2 ≤ μ(da) E sup |Zn,t − Zt | μ(da) . A A t Then an application of the non-stochastic version of Fubini’s theorem followed by Doob’s L2-inequality implies that ( ) ( )  2  1 a a a a 2 E sup |Zn,t − Zt | μ(da) ≤ E sup |Zn,s − Zs | μ(da) μ(A) A t A s∈[0,T ]    a a 2 ≤ 4 E (Zn,∞ − Z∞) μ(da) A a a ≤ 4 E [ Zn − Z ∞] μ(da). A Then by the Kunita–Watanabe identity

 2 1 a a E sup |Zn,t − Zt | μ(da) μ(A) A t   ∞  a a 2 ≤ 4 E (Hn,s − Hs ) d X s μ(da). A 0

Since Hn increases monotonically to a bounded process H it follows that Hn and H are uniformly bounded; we may apply the dominated convergence theorem to the double integral and expectation and thus the right-hand side converges to zero. Thus  %  % % % % a a % lim E sup % Zn,t μ(da) − Zt μ(da)% =0. (B.16) n→∞ t A A We may conclude from this that  a a sup |Zn,t − Zt | μ(da) < ∞ a.s. A t  | a| ∞ as a consequence of which A Zt μ(da) < for all t a.s., and thus the a  a integral A Zt μ(da) is defined a.s. for all t. Defining Hn,t A Hn,t μ(da), we  t have from (B.16) that 0 Hn,sdXs converges in probability uniformly in t to a A Zt μ(da). Since a priori the result holds for Hn we have that

 t  a Hn,s dXs = Zn,t μ(da), 0 A B.3 Stochastic Calculus 353

and since by the stochastic form of the dominated convergence theorem t t →∞ 0 Hn,s dXs tends to 0 Hs dXs as n it follows that

 t  a Hs dXs = Zt μ(da). 0 A 

B.3.5 Burkholder–Davis–Gundy Inequalities

Theorem B.36. If F :[0, ∞) → [0, ∞) is a continuous increasing function such that F (0) = 0, and for every α>1

F (αx) KF =sup < ∞, x∈[0,∞) F (x) then there exist constants cF and CF such that for every continuous local martingale M,    0 ! "1 0 ! "1 cF E F M ∞ ≤ E F sup |Mt| ≤ CF E F M ∞ . t≥0

An example of a suitable function F which satisfies the conditions of the theorem is F (x)=xp for p>0. Various proofs exist of this result. The proof given follows Burkholder’s approach in Chapter II of [36]. The proof requires the following lemma. Lemma B.37. Let X and Y be nonnegative real-valued random variables. Let β>1, δ>0, ε>0 be such that for all λ>0,

P(X>βλ,Y ≤ δλ) ≤ εP(X>λ). (B.17)

Let γ and η be such that F (βλ) ≤ γF(λ) and F (δ−1λ) ≤ ηF(λ).Ifγε < 1 then γη E [F (X)] ≤ E [F (Y )] . 1 − γε Proof. Assume without loss of generality that E[F (X)] < ∞. It is clear from (B.17) that for λ>0,

P(X>βλ)=P(X>βλ,Y ≤ δλ)+P(X>βλ,Y>δλ) ≤ εP(X>λ)+P(Y>δλ). (B.18)

Since F (0) = 0 by assumption, it follows that  x  ∞ F (x)= dF (λ)= I{λλ)dF (λ). 0 Thus using (B.18) it follows that  ∞ E[F (X/β)] = P(X>βλ)dF (λ) 0  ∞  ∞ ≤ ε P(X>λ)dF (λ)+ P(Y>δλ)dF (λ) 0 0 ≤ εE[F (X)] + E[Y/δ]; from the conditions on η,andγ it then follows that

E[F (X/β)] ≤ εγE[F (X/β)] + ηE[F (Y )].

Since we assumed E[F (X)] < ∞,andεγ < 1, it follows that η E[F (X/β)] ≤ E[F (Y )], 1 − εγ and the result follows using the condition on γ.  We can now prove the Burkholder–Davis–Gundy inequality, by using the above lemma.

Proof. Let τ =inf{u : |Mu| >λ} which is an Ft-stopping time. Define Nt  2 (Mτ+t − Mτ ) − ( M τ+t − M τ ), which is a continuous Fτ+t-adapted local martingale. Choose β>1, 0 <δ<1. On the event defined by {supt≥0 |Mt| > 2 2 2 2 2 2 βλ, M ∞ ≤ δ λ } the martingale Nt must hit the level (β − 1) λ − δ λ before it hits −δ2λ2. From elementary use of the optional sampling theorem the probability of a martingale hitting a level b before a level a is given by −a/(b − a); thus   2 2 2 2 P sup |Mt| >βλ, M ∞ ≤ δ λ |Fτ ≤ δ /(β − 1) . t≥0

Hence as β>1,   2 2 P sup |Mt| >βλ, M ∞ ≤ δ λ t≥0   2 2 = P sup |Mt| >βλ, M ∞ ≤ δ λ ,τ <∞ t≥0   %   % 2 2% = E P sup |Mt| >βλ, M ∞ ≤ δ λ % Fτ 1τ<∞ t≥0 ≤ δ2P(τ<∞)/(β − 1)2.

It is immediate that since β>1, F (βλ)

2 2 sufficiently small that εγ = δ /(β − 1) < 1/KF . Therefore all the conditions of Lemma B.37 are satisfied whence    0 ! "1 E F sup |Mt| ≤ CE F M ∞ t≥0 and the opposite inequality can be established similarly. 

B.4 Stochastic Differential Equations

Theorem B.38. Let f : Rd → Rd and σ : Rd → Rp be Lipschitz functions. That is, there exist positive constants Kf and Kσ such that

f(x) − f(y)≤Kf x − y, σ(x) − σ(y)≤Kσx − y, for all x, y ∈ Rd. Given a probability space (Ω,F, P) and a filtration {Ft,t≥ 0} which satisfies the usual conditions, let W be an Ft-adapted Brownian motion and let ζ be an F0-adapted random variable. Then there exists a unique continuous adapted process X = {Xt,t≥ 0} which is a strong solution of the SDE,

 t  t Xt = ζ + f(Xs)ds + σ(Xs)dWs. 0 0 The proof of this theorem can be found as Theorem 10.6 of Chung and Williams [53] and is similar to the proof of Theorem 2.9 of Chapter 5 in Karatzas and Shreve [149].

B.5 Total Sets in L1

The use of the following density result in stochastic filtering originated in the work of Krylov and Rozovskii. Lemma B.39. On the filtered probability space (Ω,F, P˜) let Y be a Brownian motion starting from zero adapted to the filtration Yt; then define the set

   t  t    1 2 ∞ m St = εt =exp i rs dYs + rs ds : r ∈ L ([0,t], R ) (B.19) 0 2 0

1 1 Then St is a total set in L (Ω,Yt, P˜).Thatis,ifa ∈ L (Ω,Yt, P˜) and E˜[aεt]= 0, for all εt ∈ St,thena =0P˜-a.s. Furthermore each process ε in the set St satisfies an SDE of the form

 dεt = iεtrt dYt, for some r ∈ L∞([0,t], Rm). 356 B Stochastic Analysis

Proof. We follow the proof in Bensoussan [13, page 83]. Define a set

   t     ∞ m St = εt =exp i rs dYs r ∈ L ([0,t], R ) . 0

1  Let a be a fixed element of L (Ω,Yt, P˜) such that E˜[aεt]=0forallεt ∈ St. This can easily be seen to be equivalent to the statement that E˜[aεt]=0forall εt ∈ St, which we assume. To establish the result, we assume that E˜[aεt]=0  for all εt ∈ St,andshowthata is zero a.s. Take t1,t2,...,tp ∈ (0,t)with m t1

μp  lp,μp−1  lp + lp−1,...μ1  lp + ···+ l1.

Adopting the convention that t0 = 0, define a function  μh for t ∈ (th−1,th),h=1,...,p, rt = 0fort ∈ (tp,T),

whence as Yt0 = Y0 =0, p p  t   −  lh Yth = μh (Yth Yth−1 )= rs dYs. h=1 h=1 0

1 Hence for a ∈ L (Ω,Yt, P˜) (  )    p  t E˜  E˜  a exp i lh Yth = a exp i rs dYs =0, h=1 0 where the second equality follows from the fact that we have assumed E[aεt]=  0 for all ε ∈ St. By linearity therefore, (  ) K p E˜  a ck exp i lh,kYth =0, k=1 h=1 where this holds for all K and for all coefficients c1,...,cK ∈ C,andvalues lh,k ∈ R.LetF (x1,...,xp) be a continuous bounded complex-valued func- tion defined on (Rm)p. By Weierstrass’ approximation theorem, there exists a uniformly bounded sequence of functions of the form   Kn p (n) (n) (n)  P (x1,...,xp)= ck exp i (lh,k) xh k=1 h=1 such that (n) lim P (x1,...,xp)=F (x1,...,xp). n→∞ ˜ HencewehaveE[aF (Yt1 ,...,Ytp )] = 0 for every continuous bounded func- tion F , and by a further approximation argument, we can take F to be a B.5 Total Sets in L1 357

bounded function, measurable with respect to the σ-algebra σ(Yt1 ,...,Ytp ). Since t1,t2,...,tp were chosen arbitrarily, we obtain that E˜[ab]=0, for b any 2 bounded Yt-measurable function. In particular it gives E˜[a ∧ m] = 0 for ar- bitrary m; hence a =0P˜-a.s. 

The following corollary enables us to use a smaller set of functions in the definition of the set St, in particular we can consider only bounded continuous functions with any number m of bounded continuous derivatives.

Corollary B.40. Assume the same conditions as in Lemma B.39. Define the set    t  t   p  1 2 p m St = εt =exp i rs dYs + rs ds : r ∈ Cb ([0,t], R ) (B.20) 0 2 0

m where m is an arbitrary non-negative integer. Then St is a total set in 1 1 L (Ω,Yt, P˜).Thatis,ifa ∈ L (Ω,Yt, P˜) and E˜[aεt]=0, for all εt ∈ St, then a =0P˜-a.s. Furthermore each process ε in the set St satisfies an SDE of the form  dεt = iεtrt dYt, for some r ∈ L∞([0,t], Rm).

Proof. Let us prove the corollary for the case p = 0, that is, for r a bounded . To do this, as a consequence of Lemma B.39, it suffices to 1 0 show that if a ∈ L (Ω,Yt, P˜)andE˜[aεt] = 0, for all εt ∈ St ,thenE˜[aεt]=0, for all εt ∈ St. Pick an arbitrary εt ∈ St,

  t  t   1 2 ∞ m εt =exp i rs dYs + rs ds ,r∈ L ([0,t], R ). 0 2 0

First let us note that by the fundamental theorem of calculus, as r ∈ L∞([0,t], Rm), the function p:[0,t] → Rm defined as

 s ps = ru du 0 is continuous and differentiable almost everywhere. Moreover, for almost all s ∈ [0,t] dps = rs. ds n 0 m Now let r ∈ Cb ([0,t], R ) be defined as   n rs  n ps − p0∨s−1/n ,s∈ [0,t].

Then rn is uniformly bounded by same bound as r and from the above, for n almost all s ∈ [0,t], limn→∞ rs = rs. By the bounded convergence theorem, 358 B Stochastic Analysis

 t  t n 2 2 lim rs  ds = rs ds n→∞ 0 0 and also ( )  t  t 2  n  lim E˜ rs dYs − (rs ) dYs =0. n→∞ 0 0

nk Hence at least for a subsequence (r )nk>0,bytheItˆoisometry

 t  t nk   lim (rs ) dYs = rs dYs, P˜-a.s. k→∞ 0 0 and hence, the uniformly bounded sequence

  t  t  k nk  1 nk 2 εt =exp i (rs ) dYs + rs  ds 0 2 0 converges, P˜-almost surely to εt. Then, via another use of the dominated convergence theorem k E˜[aεt] = lim E˜[aεt ]=0, k→∞ k 0 since εt ∈ St for all k ≥ 0. This completes the proof of the corollary for p =0. Forhighervaluesofp, one iterates the above procedure. 

B.6 Limits of Stochastic Integrals

The following proposition is used in the proof of the Zakai equation.

Proposition B.41. Let (Ω,F, P) be a probability space, {Bt, Ft} be a stan- dard n-dimensional Brownian motion defined on this space and Ψn,Ψ be an F t 2 ∞ t 2 ∞ P t-adapted process such that 0 Ψn ds< , 0 Ψ ds< , -a.s. and

 t 2 lim Ψn − Ψ ds =0 n→∞ 0 in probability; then % % % t % %   % lim sup % (Ψn − Ψ )dBs% =0 n→∞ t∈[0,T ] 0 in probability.

Proof. Given arbitrary t, ε, η > 0 we first prove that for an n-dimensional process ϕ,  % %    % s % t P %  % ≥ ≤ P  2 4η sup % ϕr dBr% ε ϕs ds>η + 2 . (B.21) 0≤s≤t 0 0 ε B.6 Limits of Stochastic Integrals 359

To this end, define   t  2 τη  inf t : ϕs ds>η , 0 and a corresponding stopped version of ϕ, η  ϕs ϕs1[0,τη ](s). Then using these definitions  % %   % %  % s % % s % %  % %  % P sup % ϕr dBr% ≥ ε = P τη η 0 % %  % s % % η  % + P sup % (ϕr ) dBr% ≥ ε . 0≤s≤t 0

By Chebychev’s inequality and Doob’s L2-inequality the second term on the right-hand side can be bounded  % %  ( % % ) % s % % s % 2 P % η  % ≥ ≤ 1 E % η  % sup % (ϕr ) dBr% ε 2 sup % (ϕr ) dBr% 0≤s≤t 0 ε 0≤s≤t 0 ( )  t 2 ≤ 4 E η  2 (ϕr ) dBr ε 0  t  ≤ 4 E  η2 2 ϕr dr ε 0 4η ≤ , ε2 which establishes (B.21). Applying this result with fixed ε to ϕ = Ψn − Ψ yields  % %    % t % t P %  −  % ≥ ≤ P  − 2 4η sup % (Ψn Ψ )dBs% ε Ψn Ψ ds>η + 2 . t∈[0,T ] 0 0 ε

Given arbitrary δ>0, by choosing η<δε2/8 the second term on the right- hand side is then bounded by δ/2 and with this η by the condition of the proposition there exists N(η) such that for n ≥ N(η) the first term is bounded by δ/2. Thus the right-hand side can be bounded by δ.  360 B Stochastic Analysis B.7 An Exponential Functional of Brownian motion

In this section we deduce an explicit expression of a certain exponential func- tional of Brownian motion which is used in Chapter 6. Let {Bt,t≥ 0} be a d-dimensional standard Brownian motion. Let β :[0,t] → Rd be a bounded measurable function, Γ a d × d real matrix and δ ∈ Rd. In this section, we compute the following functional of B,    %  t t % β,Γ,δ  1 2 % It = E exp Bs βs ds − 2 ΓBs ds % Bt = δ . (B.22) 0 0 In (B.22) we use the standard notation

d d    i i 2 ij j 2 Bs βs = Bsβs, ΓBs = Γ Bs ,s≥ 0. i=1 i,j=1

To obtain a closed formula for (B.22), we use L´evy’s diagonalisation procedure, a powerful tool for deriving explicit formulae. Other results and techniques of this kind can be found in Yor [280] and the references contained therein. The orthogonal decomposition of Bs with respect to Bt is ! " s s Bs = Bt + Bs − Bt ,s∈ [0,t], t t and using the Fourier decomposition of the Brownian motion (as in Wiener’s construction of the Brownian motion) = s 2 sin(ksπ/t) Bs = Bt + ξk,s∈ [0,t], (B.23) t k≥1 t kπ/t where {ξk; k ≥ 1} are standard normal random vectors with independent entries, which are also independent of Bt and the infinite sum has a subse- quence of its partial sums which almost surely converges uniformly (see Itˆo and McKean [135, page 22]), we obtain the following.

d Lemma B.42. Let ν ∈ R and μk ∈ R , k ≥ 1 be the following constants

  t  β,Γ,δ 1  1 2 ν (t)  exp sδ βs ds − Γδ t t 0 6  t 2 β,Γ,δ  sin(ksπ/t) − k t  ≥ μk (t) βs ds +( 1) 2 2 Γ Γδ, k 1. 0 kπ/t k π Then ⎡ ⎛ = ⎞⎤ 2 β,Γ,δ β,Γ,δ E ⎣ ⎝ 2  β,Γ,δ − t  2 ⎠⎦ It = ν (t) exp ξk μk (t) 2 2 Γξk . (B.24) k≥1 t 2k π B.7 An Exponential Functional of Brownian motion 361

Proof. We have from (B.23), =  t  t  t  1  2 sin(ksπ/t)  Bs βs ds = sδ βs ds + ξk βs ds (B.25) 0 t 0 k≥1 t 0 kπ/t and similarly  = t 2  2 1 2 − 2 − k t   ΓBs ds = Γδ t 2 ( 1) 2 2 ξk Γ Γδ 0 3 t k≥1 k π 5 ⎛ ⎞5  5 = 52 t 5 5 5 ⎝ 2 sin(ksπ/t) ⎠5 + 5Γ ξk 5 ds. (B.26) 0 5 t k≥1 kπ/t 5

Next using the standard orthonormality results for Fourier series

 =  2 t 2 ksπ sin ds =1, ∀k ≥ 1, 0 t t  t     k1sπ k2sπ sin sin ds =0, ∀k1,k2 ≥ 1,k1 = k2, 0 t t it follows that 5 ⎛ ⎞5  5 = 52 t 5 5 2 5 ⎝ 2 sin(ksπ/t) ⎠5  2 t 5Γ ξk 5 ds = Γξk 2 2 . (B.27) 0 5 t k≥1 kπ/t 5 k≥1 k π

The identity (B.24) follows immediately from equations (B.25), (B.26) and (B.27). 

Let P be an orthogonal matrix (PP = P P = I)andD be a diagonal   d matrix D =diag(γ1,γ2,...,γd) such that Γ Γ = P DP. Obviously (γi)i=1 are the eigenvalues of the real symmetric matrix Γ Γ .

β,Γ,δ Lemma B.43. Let ai,k (t),fori =1,...,d and k ≥ 1 be the following constants d ! "j β,Γ,δ ij β,Γ,δ ai,k (t)= P μk (t) . j=1 Then ⎛ ⎞ Bd β,Γ,δ 2 β,Γ,δ 1 ai,k (t) I = νβ,Γ,δ(t) = exp⎝ ! " ⎠ . (B.28) t 0 1 t2γ C γ t2 i i=1 i k≥1 k2π2 +1 t k≥1 k2π2 +1 362 B Stochastic Analysis

Proof. Let {ξ¯k,k≥ 1} be the independent identically distributed standard normal random vectors defined by ξ¯k = Pξk for any k ≥ 1. As a consequence of Lemma B.42 we obtain that ⎡ ⎛ = ⎞⎤ 2 β,Γ,δ β,Γ,δ E ⎣ ⎝ 2 ¯ β,Γ,δ − t ¯ ¯ ⎠⎦ It = ν (t) exp ξk Pμk (t) 2 2 ξk Dξk . (B.29) k≥1 t 2k π

Define the σ-algebras * Gk  σ(ξ¯p,p≥ k)andG  Gk. k≥1

Now define ⎛ = ⎞ 2  ⎝ 2 ¯ β,Γ,δ − t ¯ ¯ ⎠ ζ exp ξk Pμk (t) 2 2 ξk Dξk ; k≥1 t 2k π using the independence of ξ¯1,...,ξ¯n,... and Kolmogorov’s 0–1 Law (see Williams [272, page 46]), we see that ⎡ % ⎤ % % * ⎣ % ⎦ E[ζ]=E ζ % Gk . %k≥1

Since Gk is a decreasing sequence of σ-algebras, the L´evydownward theorem (see Williams [272, page 136]) implies that ⎡ % ⎤ % % * ⎣ % ⎦ E ζ Gk = lim E[ζ |Gk]. % k→∞ %k≥1

Hence we determine first E[ζ |Gk] and then take the limit as k →∞to obtain the expectation in (B.29). Hence ( = ) B 2 E E 2 ¯ β,Γ,δ − t ¯ ¯ [ζ]= exp ξk Pμk (t) 2 2 ξk Dξk k≥1 t 2k π ⎛ ! " ⎞ = 2 d  t γi 2 B B ∞ 2 2 +1 x 1 ⎝ 2 β,Γ,δ k π ⎠ = √ exp ai,k (t)x − dx, k≥1 i=1 2π −∞ t 2 and identity (B.28) follows immediately. 

Proposition B.44. Let f β,Γ (t) be the following constant B.7 An Exponential Functional of Brownian motion 363

 t  t d √ √ sinh((s − t) γi) sinh(s γi) f β,Γ (t)  √  √  0 0 i=1 2 γi sinh t γi d d ij j ij j  × P βs P βs ds ds , j=1 j=1 and Rt,β,Γ (δ) be the following second-order polynomial in δ ⎛ ⎞  d √ d d t    t,β,Γ ⎝ sinh(s γi) ij j ⎠ ij  j R (δ)  √ P βs ds P Γ Γδ i i 0 i=1 γ sinh(t γ ) j=1 j=1 ⎛ ⎞2 d √ d coth(t γi)  j − √ ⎝ P ij Γ Γδ ⎠ . i=1 2γi γi j=1

Then 4 √   Bd 2 β,Γ,δ t γi β,Γ t,β,Γ δ It = √ exp f (t)+R (δ)+ . (B.30) i=1 sinh(t γi) 2t

Proof. Using the classical identity√ (B.35),√ the infinite product in the denom- inator of (B.28) is equal to sinh(t γi)/(t γi). Then we need to expand the argument of the exponential in (B.28). The following argument makes use of the identities (B.32)–(B.34). We have that

 t 2 β,Γ,δ sin(ksπ/t) β,Γ − k t Γ,δ ai,k (t)= ci (s)ds +( 1) 2 2 ci 0 kπ/t k π and

 t  t  β,Γ,δ 2 sin(ksπ/t) sin(ks π/t) β,Γ β,Γ   ai,k (t) = ci (s)ci (s )ds ds 0 0 kπ/t kπ/t 2  t − k t Γ,δ sin(ksπ/t) β,Γ +2( 1) 2 2 ci ci (s)ds k π 0 kπ/t   2 2 t Γ,δ + c , (B.31) k2π2 i     β,Γ d ij j Γ,δ d ij  j where ci (s)= j=1 P βs and ci = j=1 P Γ Γδ . Next we sum up over k each of the three terms on the right-hand side of (B.31). For the first term we use 364 B Stochastic Analysis sin(ksπ/t)sin(ksπ/t) 2 2 2 2 i k≥1 (kπ/t) t (t γ /(k π )+1) t cos(k(s − s)π/t) − cos(k(s + s)π/t) = 2 2 2 2 i 2π k≥1 t γ /π + k    √   √  − −  − −  t π cosh (s t s ) γi  cosh (s t + s ) γi = 2 √ √ 2π 2t γi/π sinh t γi √ √ sinh((s − t) γi)sinh(s γ ) = √  √  i ; 2 γi sinh t γi hence  t  t  sin(ksπ/t) sin(ks π/t) β,Γ β,Γ   ci (s)ci (s )ds ds 0 0 kπ/t kπ/t 2 2 2 i k≥1 t (t γ /(k π )+1)  t  t √ √ sinh((s − t) γi)sinh(s γi) β,Γ β,Γ   = √  √  ci (s)ci (s )ds ds . 0 0 2 γi sinh t γi

For the second term, t2 sin(ksπ/t) (−1)k k2π2 kπ/t t2 (−1)k sin(ksπ/t) 2 2 2 = 3 2 2 2 i i k≥1 t(t γ /(k π )+1) π k≥1 k (t γ /π + k )   2 √ sinh(s γi) t π − sπ = 3 2 2 √ 3 2 π 2t γi/π sinh(t γi) 2t γi/π  √  1 sinh(s γi) s = √ − ; 2γi sinh(t γi) 2tγi hence 2  t − k t Γ,δ sin(ksπ/t) β,Γ d 2( 1) 2 2 ci ci (s)ds k π 0 kπ/t 2 2 2 i i=1 k≥1 t(t γ /(k π )+1)    t d √ β,Γ Γ,δ sinh(s γi) s c (s)c = √ − i i ds 0 i=1 sinh(t γi) t γi  t d √ β,Γ Γ,δ sinh(s γi) c (s)c = √ i i ds 0 i=1 sinh(t γi) γi  t 1  − sδ βs ds, t 0  d β,Γ Γ,δ  since i=1 ci (s)ci /γi = δ βs. For the last term we get B.7 An Exponential Functional of Brownian motion 365

! "2 2 Γ,δ 2 2   t ci /(k π ) ! "2 t Γ,δ 1 − 1 2 2 2 = ci 2 2 2 2 2 i i i k≥1 t (t γ /(k π )+1) γ k≥1 k π t γ + k π ! "   2 1 √ t Γ,δ 1 − 1 = ci + 2 √ coth(t γi) ; γi 6 2t γi 2t γi then ! "2 d 2 Γ,δ 2 2 t ci /(k π ) 2 2 2 i i=1 k≥1 t(t γ /(k π )+1) ⎛ ⎞ √ 2 2 2 d d Γδ δ coth(t γi)  j = + − √ ⎝ P ij Γ Γδ ⎠ , 6 2t i=1 2γi γi j=1

 ! "2  ! "2 d Γ,δ 2 d Γ,δ 2 2 since i=1 ci /γi = Γδ , i=1 ci /γi = δ . In the above we used the following classical identities.

cos kr π e(r−π)z +e−(r−π)z 1 = − , ∀r ∈ (0, 2π), (B.32) 2 2 πz − −πz 2 k≥1 z + k 2z e e 2z sin kr π erz − e−rz r (−1)k = − , ∀r ∈ (−π, π), (B.33) 2 2 2 πz − −πz 2 k≥1 k (z + k ) 2z e e 2z   1 1 − 1 2 2 2 = coth z , (B.34) k≥1 z + k π 2z z   B l2 sinh(πl) 1+ 2 = , (B.35) k≥1 k πl  2 2 and k≥1 1/k = π /6 (for proofs of these identities see for example, Mac- robert [201]). We finally find the closed formula for the Brownian functional (B.22).  In the one-dimensional case Proposition B.44 takes the following simpler form. This is the form of the result which is used in Chapter 6 to derive the density of πt for the Beneˇsfilter.

Corollary B.45. Let {Bt,t≥ 0} be a standard Brownian motion, β :[0,t] → R be a bounded measurable function, and Γ ∈ R be a positive constant. Then    %  t t % 1 2 2 % E exp Bsβs ds − Γ Bs ds % Bt = δ 2 0  0    t 2 β,Γ sinh(sΓ ) Γ coth(tΓ ) 2 δ = f¯ (t)exp βs ds δ − δ + , (B.36) 0 sinh(tΓ ) 2 2t where 366 B Stochastic Analysis 4    t  t  β,Γ tΓ sinh((s − t)Γ ) sinh(s Γ )  f¯ (t)= exp βsβs ds ds . sinh(tΓ ) 0 0 2Γ sinh(tΓ ) References

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A Chung, K. L. 329, 330, 332, 338, 343, 355 Adams, R. A. 165, 166 Cipra, B. 6 Aggoun, L. 192 Clark, J. M. C. 7, 8, 35, 129, 139, 348 Allinger, D. F. 35 Clifford, P. 230, 280 Cohen de Lara, M. 199 B Crisan, D. 230, 249, 279, 281, 285, 286

D Baker, J. E. 280 Baras, J. S. 179 Daniell, P. J. 301 Bayro-Corrochano, E. 194 Darling, R. W. R. 199 Beneˇs,V. E. 8, 142, 197–199 Daum, F. E. 8, 199 Bensoussan, A. 8, 9, 95, 104, 196, 356 Davis, M. H. A. 7, 149, 250 Bharucha-Reid, A. T. 7 Del Moral, P. 249, 250, 281, 286 Bhatt, A. G. 126 Dellacherie, C. 307, 308, 312, 317, 319, Billingsley, P. 303 330 Blake, A. 286 Dickinson, B. W. 8 Bobrovsky, B. Z. 196 Dieudonn´e,J. 32 Bourbaki, N. 27, 296 Doob, J. L. 18, 58, 88, 301, 329 Breiman, L. 294 Doucet, A. 285 Brigo, D. 199, 202 Duncan, T. E. 7, 9 Brockett, R. W. 8 Dynkin, E. B. 43 Bucy, R. S. 6, 7, 192 Budhiraja, A. 9 E Burkholder, D. L. 353 Efe, M. 194 C Elliott, R. J. 9, 192 Ethier, S. N. 298, 303, 305, 330 Carpenter, J. 230, 280 Chaleyat-Maurel, M. 8, 9 F Chen, J. 8 Chiou, W. L. 8 Fearnhead, P. 230, 280 Chopin, N. 280 Fleming, W. H. 196

A. Bain, D. Crisan, Fundamentals of Stochastic Filtering, DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76896-0, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009 384 Author Name Index

Friedman, A. 101, 103 L Frost, P. 7 Fujisaki, M. 7, 34, 45 L´evy, P. 344, 362 Le Gland, F. 9 G Leung, C. W. 8 Liptser, R. S. 9 Getoor, R. K. 27, 28 Lototsky, S. 202, 204 Gordon, N. J. 276, 286 Lucic, V. M. 95, 113, 114, 126 Grigelionis, B. 9 Lyons, T. J. 230, 249, 250, 281, 285, Gy¨ongy, I. 9, 139, 209 286 M H Mangold, M. 194 Halmos, P. R. 32 Marcus, S. I. 8 Handschin, J. E. 286 Maybank, S. J. 8 Hazewinkel, M. 8, 9 Mayne, D. Q. 286 Heunis, A. J. 9, 95, 113, 114, 126 McKean, H. P. 360 Hu, G.-Q. 8 Meyer, P. A. 27, 45, 307, 308, 312, 317, 319, 330 I Michel, D. 8, 9 Miclo, L. 250 Isard, M. 286 Mikulevicius, R. 9, 202 Itˆo, K. 360 Mitter, S. K. 8, 9, 35 Mortensen, R. E. 7 J N Jacod J. 249 Joseph, P. D. 192 Newton, N. J. 9 Novikov, A. A. 52, 350 K Nualart, D. 348 O K¨unsch, H. R. 279, 280 Kailath, T. 7 Ocone, D. L. 9, 126 Kallianpur, G. 7, 8, 34, 35, 45, 57 Ole˘ınik, O. A. 105 Kalman, R. E. 6 Ozbek, L. 194 Kao, J. 194 Karandikar, R. L. 8 P Karatzas, I. 51, 88, 310, 330, 355 Kitagawa, G. 286 Pardoux, E. 7, 9, 182, 193, 196 Kloeden, P. E. 251 Picard, J. 9, 195, 196 Kolmogorov, A. N. 5, 13, 31, 32, 301 Pitt, M. K. 285 Krein, M. G. 5 Platen, E. 251 Krylov, N. V. 7, 93, 139, 209, 355 Prokhorov, Y. V. 45 Kunita, H. 7, 9, 34, 45, 182 Protter P. 330, 351 Kuratowksi, K. 27 Kurtz, T. G. 9, 126, 165, 249, 298, 303, R 305, 330 Kushner, H. J. 7, 9, 139, 202 Radkeviˇc, E. V. 105 Author Name Index 385

Rigal, G. 286 Veretennikov, A. Y. 249 Rogers, L. C. G. 17, 32, 58, 293, 296, 300, 301, 307, 308, 319, 321, 329, W 339, 343, 348 Rozovskii, B. L. 7, 9, 93, 176, 177, 182, Watanabe, S. 35 202, 355 Whitley, D. 230, 280 Rubin, D. B. 286 Whitt, W. 303 Runggaldier, W. J. 9 Wiener, N. 5 S Williams, D. 17, 32, 43, 58, 293, 296, 300, 301, 307, 308, 319, 321, 329, Salmond, D. J. 276, 286 339, 343, 348, 362 Saloff-Coste, L. 166 Williams, R. J. 329, 330, 332, 338, 343, Salut, G. 286 355 Schmidt, G. C. 199 Wonham, W. M. 7 Schwartz,C.A.I. 8 Wu, X. 8 Sharpe, M. J. 332 Shephard, N. 285 X Shiryaev, A. N. 7, 9 Shreve, S. E. 51, 88, 310, 330, 355 Smith, A. F. M. 276, 286 Xiong, J. 165, 249 Stein, E. M. 166 Stratonovich, R. S. 7 Y Striebel, C. 8, 57 Stroock, D. W. 28, 298 Yamada, T. 35 Sussmann, H. J. 8 Yau, S.-T. 8 Szpirglas, J. 125 Yau, S. S.-T. 8 T Yor, M. 28, 360

Tsirel’son, B. S. 35 Z Tulcea, I. 298 V Zakai, M. 7, 196 Zatezalo, A. 93 Varadhan, S. R. S. 298 Zeitouni, O. 9 Subject Index

A Clark’s robustness result see Robust representation formula Announcing sequence 321 Class Atom 298 U 96, 97, 100, 107, 109, 110, 113, 118 Augmented filtration see Observation U¯ 109, 110 filtration U  110, 111, 113, 114, 116 Averaging over the characteristics U¯ 116 formula 182 Condition U 97, 102, 107, 110 B U 113, 114, 116 U 114 Beneˇs condition 142, 196 Conditional distribution Beneˇsfilter 141, 146, 196 of Xt 2–3, 191 the d-dimensional case 197 approximating sequence 265 Bootstrap filter 276, 286 density of 174 Borel space 301 density of the 200 Branching algorithm 278 recurrence formula 261, 264 Brownian motion 346 unnormalised 58, 173, 175 exponential functional of 360, 361, regular 294 363, 365 Conditional expectation 293 Fourier decomposition of 360 Conditional probability L´evy’s characterisation 344, 346 of a set 294 Burkholder–Davis–Gundy inequalities regular 32, 294, 296, 347 246, 256, 353 Convergence determining set 323 Convergence in expectation 322, 324 C Cubic sensor 201

C`adl`ag path 303 D Carath´eodory extension theorem 300, 347 D´ebut theorem 307, 314, 339, 341 Change detection filter see Change- Daniell–Kolmogorov–Tulcea theorem detection problem 301, 302, 347 Change of measure method 49, 52 Density of ρt Change-detection problem 52, 69 existence of 168

A. Bain, D. Crisan, Fundamentals of Stochastic Filtering, DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76896-0, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009 388 Subject Index

smoothness of 174 I Dual previsible projection 332 Duncan–Mortensen–Zakai equation Importance distribution 285 see Zakai equation Importance sampling 273 Indistinguishable processes 319 E Infinitesimal generator see Generator of the process X Empirical measure 210 Innovation Euler method 251 approach 7, 49, 70–73 Evanescent set 319 process 33–34 Exponential projection filter 201 Itˆo integral see Stochastic integral Extended Kalman filter 194 Itˆo isometry 337, 338, 349 Itˆo’s formula 343 F K Feller property 267 Kallianpur–Striebel formula 57, 59, Feynman–Kac formula 182 128 Filtering Kalman–Bucy filter 6, 148–154, 191, equations 4, 16, 72, 93, 125, 249, 308 192, 199 see Kushner–Stratonovich 1D case 158 equation, Zakai equation as a Beneˇsfilter 142, 148 for inhomogeneous test functions Kushner–Stratonovich equation 68, 69 71, 153 problem 13, 48 correlated noise case 74 discrete time 258–259 finite-dimensional 66 the correlated noise case 73–75, for inhomogeneous test functions 109 69 Finite difference scheme 207 linear case 151 Finite-dimensional filters 141, 146, strong form 179 154, 196–199 uniqueness of solution 110, 116 Fisher information matrix 199 Fokker–Planck equation 206 L Fujisaki–Kallianpur–Kunita equa- tion see Kushner–Stratonovich Likelihood function 260 equation Linear filter see Kalman–Bucy filter Local martingale 330, 344 G M Generator of the process X 48, 50, 51, 151, 168, 207, 221 Markov chain 257 domain of the 47, 50–51 Martingale 329 maximal 51 representation theorem 348 Girsanov’s theorem 345, 346 uniformly integrable 330, 346 Gronwall’s lemma 78, 79, 81, 88, 172, Martingale convergence theorem 318, 325 329, 345 Martingale problem 47 H Martingale representation theorem 35, 38, 44 Hermite polynomials 203 Measurement noise 1 Subject Index 389

Monotone class theorem 29, 31, 293, uniformly 101, 121 295, 311, 318, 336 Parseval’s equality 204, 205 Monte Carlo approximation 210, 216, Particle filter 209, 222–224 222, 230 branching algorithm 225 convergence of 213, 214, 217 convergence rates 241, 244, 245, 248 convergence rate 215, 216 correction step 222, 230, 250 Multinomial resampling see Resam- discrete time 272–273 pling procedure convergence of 281–284 Mutation step 273 prediction step 264 updating step 264 N evolution equation 230 implementation 250–252 Non-linear filtering see Stochastic correction step 251, 252 filtering evolution step 251 Non-linear filtering problem see offspring distribution see Offspring Filtering problem distribution Novikov’s condition 52, 127, 131, 218, path regularity 229 222, 350 resampling procedure 250, 252 O Particle methods see Particle filter Path process 259 Observation PDE Methods filtration 13–17 correction step 207 right continuity of the 17, 27, prediction step 206 33–40 π unaugmented 16 the stochastic process 14, 27–32 process 1, 3, 16 c`adl`ag version of 31 discrete time 258 πt see Conditional distribution of Xt σ-algebra see Observation filtration Polarization identity 342 Offspring distribution 224, 252, Posterior distribution 259 274–281 Predictable σ-algebra see Previsible Bernoulli 280 σ-algebra binomial 280 Predictable process see Previsible minimal variance 225, 226, 228, 230, process 279, 280 Predicted conditional probability 259 multinomial 275–277 Previsible σ-algebra 331 obtained by residual sampling 277 Previsible process 321, 331, 338 Poisson 280 Previsible projection of a process 317, Optional process 320 321, 340, 341 Optional projection of a process Prior distribution 259 17–19, 311–317, 338 Projection bien measurable see kernel for the 27 Optional projection of a process without the usual conditions 321 Projection filter 199 Projective product 261 P

Parabolic PDEs Q existence and uniqueness result 100 maximum principle for 102 Q-matrix 51 systems of 102 Quadratic variation 332, 335, 342 390 Subject Index

R limits of 358 localization 343 Reducing sequence 330 martingale property 337 Regular grid 207 Stochastic integration by parts 342 Regularisation method 167 Stopping time 306 Regularised measure 167 announceable 321 Resampling procedure 276 Residual sampling 277 T ρ see Conditional distribution of Xt, unnormalised TBBA see Tree-based branching density of 173, 178 algorithms dual of 165, 180–182, 233, 238 Total sets in L1 355, 357 Riccati equation 152, 192 Transition kernel 257 Ring of subsets 331 Tree-based branching algorithms 230, Robust representation formula 129, 279 137 Tulcea’s theorem 298, 303, 347, 348


Sampling with replacement method Uniqueness of solution see Kushner– see Resampling procedure Stratonovich equation, uniqueness Selection step 274 of solution, see Zakai equation, Sensor function 4 uniqueness of solution Separable metric space 296 Usual conditions 16, 319 Sequential Monte Carlo methods see Particle filter W Signal process 1, 3, 16, 47 discrete time version 257 Weak topology on P(S) 21–27 filtration associated with the 47 metric for 26 in discrete time 257 Wick polynomials 203 particular cases 49–52 Wiener filter 5–6 SIR algorithm 276 Skorohod topology 304–305 Z Sobolev embedding theorem 166 Zakai equation 62, 69, 73, 154, 177 space 166 correlated noise case 74, 111 Splitting-up algorithm 206 finite-dimensional 65 Stochastic differential equation for inhomogeneous test functions strong solution 355 69, 97 Stochastic filtering 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, see also strong form 67, 175–178, 202–203, Filtering problem 206 Stochastic Fubini’s theorem 351 uniqueness of solution 107, 109, 114, Stochastic integral 330–341 182