The Open Astronomy Journal, 2010, 3, 123-125 123 Open Access Mansouri-Sexl Test for Light Speed Anisotropy via Cosmic A. Sfarti*

CS Department, 387 Soda Hall, UC Berkley

Abstract: The Mansouri-Sexl theory is a well known test . In the current paper we will derive the Man- souri-Sexl formalism for the light aberration and we will show how to improve on the theoretical and experimental basis by constraining both the Mansouri-Sexl parameter a( ) and the parameter b( ) . In the process of constraining the Man- ! ! souri parameters we devise a novel experiment for measuring and constraining light speed anisotropy as well. An over- whelming number of experiments dealing with light speed anisotropy are laboratory-bound and they are limited to con- straining only parameter a( ) ; we will also take the approach of setting up an astronomical experiment instead of a lab- ! based one as it befits the relativistic aberration effect. Our paper is organized as follows: in the first section we give a new and more complete derivation of the Mansouri-Sexl aberration effect. In the second part, we apply the newly expanded Mansouri-Sexl aberration formalism in order to devise an astronomical experiment used for constraining both the parame- ter a( ) and the parameter b( ) . This turns the Mansouri-Sexl aberration experiment into a very powerful tool for con- ! ! straining light speed anisotropy. Keywords: Mansouri-sexl test theory, relativistic aberration, light speed Anisotropy.

1. THE ROBERTSON-MANSOURI-SEXL TEST 1 v" v THEORY X = ( ! )x + t b a a (1.2) The test theories of differ in their as- t !"x " 1 sumptions about the form of the Lorentz transforms. The T = = ! x + t a a a main test theories of special relativity (SR) are named after their authors, Robertson [1], Mansouri and Sexl [2-4] Exactly as in the original Mansouri-Sexl paper we start with (RMS). These test theories can also be used to examine po- the line element that allows us to calculate the light speed in tential alternate theories to SR - such alternate theories pre- frame S as a function of the isotropic light speed in frame Σ: dict particular values of the parameters of the test theory, 2 2 2 2 2 1 v" 2 c " 2 which can easily be compared to values determined by ex- 0 = X ! c T = (( ! ) ! 0 )x periments analyzed with the test theory [5-20]. The existing o 2 b a a (1.3) experiments put rather strong experimental constraints on 2 2 2 v 1 v" c " 2 c ! v 2xt( ( ) 0 ) t 0 any alternative theory. RMS starts by admitting by reduction + ! + ! 2 to absurd that there is a preferential inertial frame Σ in which a b a a a the light propagates isotropically with the speed c0. All other 2 2 2 1 v" 2 c " x x v 1 v" frames in motion with respect to Σ are considered non- (( ) 0 ) 2 ( ( ) ! ! 2 2 + ! + preferential and the light speed is anisotropic. The light b a a t t a b a (1.4) speed in the non-preferential frames can be deduced via sim- 2 2 2 c0 " c0 ! v ple calculations described in [3]. We start with the Mansouri- ) ! = 0 a a2 Sexl transforms: The anisotropic propagating along the x axis in x b(v)( X vT ) = ! S is: y = d(v)Y (1.1) a a a (v( v ) ac 2 ) (v( v ) ac 2 )2 (c 2 v2 )(( v )2 c 2 2 ) z = d(v)Z ! ! " + 0 " ± ! " + 0 " + 0 ! ! " ! 0 " c b b b ± = t = a(v)T +"(v)x = (a ! b"v)T + b" X a 2 2 2 ( ! v") ! c0 " b where v is the relative speed between S and (1.5) v2 v2 Σ, a(v) ! 1+" ,b(v) ! 1+ # and (x, y, z,t) are the co- The two separate solutions exist for c2 c2 a a ordinates in S and ( X ,Y,Z,T ) represent their correspon- v( ! v")+ ac 2")2 + (c 2 ! v2 )(( ! v")2 ! c 2" 2 > 0 (1.6) b 0 0 b 0 dents in Σ. Inverting, we obtain: 1 v In SR a(v) = ,b = !(v)," = # so c = c = c . (v) 2 + ! 0 *Address correspondence to this author at the CS Department, 387 Soda ! c Hall, UC Berkley; Tel: 1-408-567-4108; E-mail: [email protected]

1874-3811/10 2010 Bentham Open 124 The Open Astronomy Journal, 2010, Volume 3 A. Sfarti

Exactly as in the original Mansouri-Sexl paper [4] by trans- lX + mY + nZ ! = "(T # ) (2.3) forming the light cone X 2 ! c 2T 2 = 0 into S we obtain o c c(!) v where (l,m,n) are the components of the wave vector. In =1" (1+ 2#)cos! (1.7) c c the lab frame S ' , where c' is assumed to be the (anisot- 0 0 ropic) light speed, the phase (all variables in frame S ' ! ' Expression (1.7) is valid if slow clock transport synchroniza- are lowercase by convention) must have a form similar to the tion has been used. According to Mansouri, the one-way form (2.3) described in the preferential frame Σ: light speed is a measurable quantity in this case and it is di- rection dependent for ! " #0.5 . We will exploit this property in the Mansouri-Sexl theory of the aberration experiment l ' bvl ' #$ X constructed later in our paper. ! ' = " '(a # b$v + )(T # cb c' # c' bvl ' c 2. THE RMS THEORY FOR ABERRATION a # b$v + c' (2.4) In his 1905 paper, “On the Electrodynamics of Moving dm' Y dn' Z # ) Bodies” [16], Einstein produces an interesting blueprint for bvl ' c bvl ' c deriving the general formula for the Doppler effect. He starts a # b$v + a # b$v + c' c' by considering a generic electromagnetic wave of phase Φ, frequency !="/2# , and of wave-vector (l,m,n) propagat- In the lab frame, by comparing (2.4) with (2.3) we obtain the ing with speed c towards the origin O of a frame K. From Mansouri-Sexl aberration formula and the Doppler shifted the perspective of frame K, of coordinates (x, y, z,t) the frequency: phase is: (a ! b"v)l + b"c c' (a ! b"v)cos# + b"c lx + my + nz l ' = = (2.5) ! = "(t # ) : (2.1) c vl c v c b( ! ) b(1! cos#) c' c' c Let k be a system moving with the speed v along the posi- tive x axis of frame K (see Fig. 1). We want to determine the form of the phase from the perspective of k, departing where l = cos! . from the light source. A quick sanity check shows that in SR 1 v a(v) = ,b = !(v)," = # ,c' = c , so (v) 2 ! c v cos! " cos! ' = c (2.6) v 1" cos! c in perfect agreement with Einstein’s derivation [16]. Invert- ing (2.6) we obtain the aberration as a function of the aberra- Fig. (1). Reference frames K and k. tion measured in the lab frame: Since K and k are in a translation motion along the x v axis with respect to each other we replace the Lorentz trans- cos! '+ formations in Einstein derivation: cos! = c (2.7) v ! = "(x # vt) 1+ cos! ' c $ = y We will make good use of (2.7) later in the paper. % = z (2.2) 3. THE EXPERIMENTAL DETERMINATION OF THE vx & = "(t # ) MANSOURI-SEXL PARAMETERS a(v) AND b(v) c2 The Mansouri-Sexl parameter encapsulates the clock syn- 1 ! " = chronization convention. As such, ! can be expressed as a 2 2 1# v / c function of the other two Mansouri-Sexl parameters [2], a(v) and b(v) : with the corresponding Mansouri-Sexl transforms described by (1.1). In (1.1) ( X ,Y,Z,T ) represent the coordinates in v a(v) the preferential frame Σ while (x', y', z ',t ') are the corre- 2 ! = " c (3.1) sponding coordinates in the lab frame S’. In the preferential E v2 (1" )b(v) frame Σ 2 c Mansouri-Sexl Test for Light Speed Anisotropy The Open Astronomy Journal, 2010, Volume 3 125 for “Einstein” clock synchronization and: thus setting up a novel experiment for measuring and con- straining light speed anisotropy. An overwhelming number 1 da(v) 2" v ! = = (3.2) of current experiments dealing with light speed anisotropy T b(v) dv b 2 c are laboratory-bound [21-24] and they are limited to con- for the case of slow clock “transport”. It is known that the straining only parameter “ a(v) ”, so we took the novel ap- experimental results are invariant with respect to clock syn- proach of setting up instead an astronomical experiment chronization, so either method will produce the same result, based on the relativistic aberration that constrains both pa- in this particular experiment we will choose the slow clock rameters. transport scheme. Inserting (2.7) into (2.5) we obtain: REFERENCES v [1] Robertson HP. Postulate versus observation in the special theory of cos! '+ relativity. Rev Mod Phys 1949; 21: 378. (a " b$v) c + b$c [2] Mansouri R, Sexl SU. A test of special relativity. Gen Rel Grav v 1977; 8: 497. 1+ cos! ' v c [3] Mansouri R, Sexl SU. A test of special relativity. Gen Rel Grav cos! ' = (1" (1+ 2#) cos! ') (3.3) 1977; 8: 515. c v2 1" [4] Mansouri R, Sexl SU. A test of special relativity. Gen Rel Grav c2 1977; 8: 809. b [5] Müller H, Herrmann S, Braxmaier C, Schiller S, Peters A. Modern v 1+ cos! 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Received: February 11, 2010 Revised: February 24, 2010 Accepted: February 26, 2010

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