Feminist Screening Resources. This annex accompanies a policy screening and resource guide produced by the Feminist Green New Deal Coalition, with specific resources linked to each of the 10 Feminist GND principles, which you can find at our website

Type of Name, Author, Principle Description Resource Year

Facing Change Through Justice Explains what intersectionality and and Intersectionality (Majandra Rodriguez are and how they relate of TierrActiva on 350.org, 2015) to each other

Gender and : A Closer Cites multiple cases of how climate Look at Existing Evidence (Global Gender change and climate-related and Climate Alliance, 2016) impact people differently by gender

Climate Justice Calls for Gender Justice: Summarizes ways in which funders can Putting Principles into Action (MADRE, collaborate with NGOs and grassroots 2014) women's organizations in putting Require principles of climate justice & gender intersectional Civil society justice into action 1. gender analysis resource across all actions Women Speak: Stories, Case Studies, Outlines case studies and stories of and Solutions from the Frontlines of solutions created and sustained by Climate Change (WECAN, 2017 - ongoing women on the frontlines of fighting to 2020 and beyond) climate change

Intersectionality: A Tool for Gender and Provides a theoretical explanation of Economic Justice (AWID, 2004) intersectionality and how it can be applied to projects and policies

Intersectionality Based Policy Analysis Provides twelve key questions to shape (IBPA) Framework (Olena Hankivsky, an intersectional policy analysis 2012)

Feminist Foreign Policy: Key Principles & Explains how a feminist foreign policy can Accountability Mechanisms (International be put into action in several sectors and Women's Development Agency, issues including climate change (p. 12) International Center for Research on Women, and NYU Center for Global Affairs, 2019)

Toward a Feminist Foreign Policy in the Provides key principles and priorities of a United States. (Lyric Thompson, Gayatri feminist foreign policy in the US and Patel, Gawain Kripke, and Megan O'Donnell, recommendations on how these can be 2020) translated into structural/policy changes

Gender and (Liane Outlines principles of gender-responsive Schalatek, Heinrich Böll Stiftung North climate finance and different existing America and Smita Nakhooda, Overseas climate funds worldwide and how they Development Institute, 2016) have (not) responded to gender needs

Recognize that Offers recommendations on how to there is no such Civil society Discussion Paper: A New Climate-Friendly transition to a climate-friendly 2. thing as domestic resource Approach to Trade (Sierra Club, 2016) international trade model and how this can climate policy. be implemented

Key Questions to Shape a Feminist Green Offers six key questions to be considered New Deal (MADRE, 2019) to help jumpstart a feminist Green New Deal that advances global justice.

Discusses how climate change is Uprooted By Climate Change (Oxfam, fostering displacement worldwide and 2017) provides recommendations on how to address the problem

Evicted by Climate Change: Confronting Explains how climate-induced the Gendered Impacts of displacement affects women and girls Climate-Induced Displacement (CARE, differently, offers recommendations on 2020) how to implement gender-transformative response to climate displacement

A Vision for a Feminist Peace: Building a Outlines principles for feminist peace & Movement-Driven Foreign Policy (MADRE, movement-driven policy and strategic Women Cross DMZ, Grassroots Global approaches to implement these principles Justice Alliance, 2020) Aim to redirect Pentagon savings toward domestic health care, housing and child care. Type of Name, Principle Description Resource Author, Year

Amendment to the NDAA to cut the Aim to redirect Pentagon savings toward Pentagon Budget by 10% (Introduced by domestic health care, housing and child Rep. Barbara Lee and Rep. , care. and Sen. and Sen. Ed Markey, 2020)

Green Climate Fund Authorization Act Authorizes U.S. contributions to the (Introduced by Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Green Climate Fund, a fund established 2019) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to Recognize that finance projects to address climate there is no such change. Specifically, the bill authorizes 2. thing as domestic Policy example contributions as necessary to (1) climate policy. achieve the emissions reduction goals under the , and (2) exceed the commitment by developed countries to jointly mobilize $100 billion for climate financing each year.

Climate Displaced Persons Act Creates formal protections for people (Introduced by Rep. Nydia Velasquez, who have been forcibly displaced by 2019) climate change or climate disaster

Fumes Across the Fence Line: The Health Discusses how environmental pollution Impacts of Air Pollution from Oil and Gas and the use of gas facilities & oil Facilities on African American refineries impact Black people Communities (NAACP and Clean Air Task disproportionately (with case studies) and Force, 2017) makes several recommendations to confront the issue Civil society resource Man Made Disaster: How Patriarchy is Provides foundation and evidence on how Ruining the Planet (Do the Green Thing, the patriarchy created and sustains 2019) climate change

Confront Gender and Climate Change in the United Literature review of gendered impacts of institutional States: A Reading of Existing Research climate change 3. patriarchy and (WEDO and Sierra Club, 2020) racism. Green New Deal for Public Housing Act Aims to modernize & decarbonize public (Introduced by Rep. Alexandria housing stock Ocasio-Cortez, 2019) Policy example The Breathe Act (Electoral Justice Project Calls to close all federal prisons and of the Movement for Black Lives, 2020) immigration detention centers, abolish ICE & DEA, and reallocate police & surveillance funds for social welfare (including programs for climate action)

“Racialized Disaster Patriarchy: An This article introduces a model for making Academic Intersectional Model for Understanding intersectional sense of Hurricane Katrina article Disaster Ten Years after Katrina” (Rachel with lessons for the study of other E. Luft, 2016) disasters.

Secure Indigenous and Community Land Provides examples of Indigenous Rights Contribute to Fighting Climate communities' solutions to the climate Change (Land Rights Now, 2018) crisis and makes a case for Indigenous land rights

Tested, Cost-Effective and Practical: Explains how land rights and tenure for Securing the Land Rights of Indigenous Indigenous Peoples are integral for Center Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities is a Key effective climate action; cites several Peoples’ rights and Civil society Solution to Climate Change (Land Rights examples 4. leadership resource Now, 2019)

Rights of Nature and Mother Earth: Outlines numerous reasons why rights of Sowing Seeds of Resistance, Love and Mother Earth framework should be utilized Change (Movement Rights, Indigenous and implemented, including case studies Environmental Network, WECAN and Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature, 2017)

Explains how land sector plays a role in Missing Pathways to 1.5 Degrees C: The climate action, specifically tackling role of the land sector in ambitious Indigenous and Community Land Rights climate action (Climate Land Ambition and (p. 5), ecosystem-based restoration, and Rights Alliance, 2018) agriculture Type of Name, Principle Description Resource Author, Year

Discusses key policy recommendations Civil society to advance a just recovery from the resource Towards an Indigenous Women-Led Just COVID-19 pandemic centering the Recovery (MADRE, 2020) values, rights and solutions of Indigenous women and girls

Discusses how Indigenous communites Academic The Role of Indigenous Peoples in have been on the frontlines of article Combating Climate Change (Linda combating climate change and provides Etchart, 2017) case studies from the Amazonian region

Universal Declaration of the Rights of Enumerates rights of Mother Earth and Mother Earth (declared in 2010 at the obligations of people to protect it World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth)

Indigenous peoples and local A statement on the Intergovernmental communities response to the IPCC Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Special Report on Climate Change and Report on Climate Change and Land from Land (2019) Indigenous Peoples and local communities from 42 countries

Green New Deal Must Be Rooted in a Just Discusses what actions are needed for Transition (Indigenous Environmental the Green New Deal to be just (such as Network and Climate Justice Alliance) ensuring Free, Prior and Informed Consent)

Indigenous Principles of Just Transition Outlines principles of a Just Transition (Indigenous Environmental Network) rooted in Indigenous values & tradition Center Indigenous Peoples’ rights and Position Paper: Mobilizing an Indigenous Points out sections/amendments where leadership Green New Deal (NDN Collective, 2019) Green New Deal can be improved, 4. especially when it comes to Indigenous rights

"The Red Deal, a movement-oriented Iterates principles of "The Red Deal," Movement vision composed of three interconnected rooted in the fight for Indigenous demand platforms (2019): liberation; highlights how these End the Occupation (divest from police principles can be implemented through and military institutions), three key areas (end occupation, heal Heal our Bodies (reinvest in care and our bodies, heal our planet) people-centered institutions and services), and Heal our Planet (create jobs by reinvesting in clean, , traditional and sustainable agriculture, land, water, air, and animal restoration, protection and restoration of sacred sites, and enforcement of treaty rights and other agreements)"

Plank #1 in “A People’s Orientation to a Provides recommendations on how to Regenerative Economy,” Indigenous and implement Indigenous & tribal Tribal Sovereignty (United Frontline Table, sovereignty principles for a regenerative 2020) economy

The Green Path: A Just Transition (Honor Provides framework & principles on how the Earth) a just transition can be rooted in Indigenous sovereignty & tradition

UN Declaration on the Rights of Foundation for the rights of Indigenous Indigenous Peoples (2007) Peoples

THRIVE (Transform, Heal, and Renew by Would recognize & strengthen the Policy Investing in a Vibrant Economy) sovereignty of Indigenous Nations and example Resolution, Pillar Four on “strengthening codify Free, Prior, and Informed Consent and healing the nation-to-nation relationship with sovereign Native Nations” (2020) Type of Name, Principle Description Resource Author, Year

Agroecology: Innovating for Sustainable Explains why agroecology is needed for Agriculture and Food Systems (Friends of sustainable food systems and provides the Earth International, 2018) key criteria to be met and other recommendations for policy proposals

Land Access for Beginning and Discusses historical and current Disadvantaged Farmers (Data for contexts for disadvantaged farmers, Progress, 2020) especially farmers of color (with data available) and provides policy recommendations to confront discrimination in land access

Systemically Revitalizing Farm Communities with a Summarizes how agribusinesses and confront Green New Deal (Data for Progress, 2020) multinational corporations dominate exploitative and Civil society farmlands; offers policy 5. unsustainable resource recommendations on how to center production patterns disadvantaged farm communities (usually communities of color) in climate action

Coal Blooded: Putting Profits Before Provides step-by-step plan & action to People (NAACP Environmental and address problems created and fueled by Climate Justice Program, Little Village coal, particularly in communities of color Environmental Justice Organization, the Indigenous Environmental Network)

Lights Out in the Cold: Reforming Utility Outlines key issues in utility reform and Shut-Off Policies as if Human Rights explains how they affect communities of Matter (NAACP Environmental and color disproportionately; provides Climate Justice Program, 2017) recommendations for government and utility companies for more just policies

Fertile Ground: Women Organizing at the Discusses how implementation of Intersection of Environmental Justice environmental justice and racial justice and Reproductive Justice (Movement principles impacts people's lives Strategy Center, 2009) concretely (also outlining key principles) and why and how EJ/RJ organizing is Civil society effective resource Advance Reproductive Injustice: Racial and Gender A shadow report for the UN Committee 6. reproductive justice Discrimination in U.S. Healthcare on the Elimination of Racial (SisterSong, Center for Reproductive Discrimination; addresses racial Rights, National Latina Institute for disparities in healthcare within the US Reproductive Health, 2014)

Blueprint for Sexual and Reproductive States principles of sexual & Movement Health, Rights and Justice (2019) reproductive health, rights, and justice, demand and recommendations for each principle (p. 10 specifically mentions climate)

Just Energy Policies and Practices Action Provides plans & concrete steps for Toolkit (NAACP, 2017) organizations & activists on addressing just energy-related concerns in communities - comes with a policy guide Ensure Civil society democratically resource Our Communities, Our Power: Advancing Guide on organizing & building coalitions controlled, Resistance and Resilience in Climate on climate change resilience and 7. community-led Change Adaptation (NAACP, 2019) adaptation (with goal of creating climate solutions change adaptation plans and passing climate resilience policies in communities)

Gulf Coast South for States values & principles of Gulf Coast Movement platform (launched 2019) South for a Green New Deal platform, demand and makes concrete demands for a Green New Deal (starting p.13) for climate, racial and economic justice

Portland Green New Deal and Clean In November 2018, residents of Policy Energy Fund (2018) Portland, , passed The Portland example Clean Energy Fund (PCEF), which will raise an estimated $44-$61 million annually to support local clean energy and economic justice initiatives, prioritizing grants for projects that serve low-income communities and communities of color. Read more here. Type of Name, Principle Description Resource Author, Year

Seattle Green New Deal: Values, Letter, "Values & Letter: calls for GND task Ordinance passed Sept 2019 force to determine where investments should be made Ordinance: made to create a community-led Green New Deal Policy oversight board representing frontline example communities. "

Minnesota Green New Deal Act (2018) A bill, which if passed, would create a Climate Change Advisory council, whose Ensure membership would be composed of a democratically cross section of organizations and controlled, populations facing the challenges of 7. community-led adapting to climate change and solutions organizations providing assistance to those impacted by climate change, including nonprofit organizations, tribal governments, low-income communities, people of color, Indigenous people, and residents in urban and rural parts of the state.

A People’s Orientation to a Regenerative Calls for community control and Economy, Plank on Energy Democracy governance of our energy systems and Movement (United Frontline Table, 2020) to reprioritize how we create, use, and demand distribute clean, , without nuclear. Includes policy priorities.

Patriarchy, racism and colonialism Video explaining how climate change is caused the (Jamie Margolin not a standalone issue; it is rooted in of Zero Hour, TEDxTalk, 2019) patriarchy, racism and colonialism (Margolin also discusses historical context and the development of climate crisis)

False Solutions to Climate Change Enumerates false solutions to climate (Friends of the Earth Europe) change and explains why they are harmful

Reject false and No Warming, No War: How Militarism Clearly links US militarism to the global 8. harmful responses Civil society Fuels the Climate Crisis- and Vice Versa climate crisis, citing different examples, to climate change resource (National Priorities Project and Institute showing how US militarism is that fail to address for Policy Studies, 2020) antithetical to just transition & climate root causes. action

Carbon Pricing Booklet: A Critical Explains how carbon pricing solutions do Perspective for Community Resilience not address the root causes of climate (Climate Justice Alliance & Indigenous change along with racism & colonialism, Environmental Network, 2017) and provides alternative solutions under each section.

Explains why certain "solutions" to the False Solutions to Address Climate climate crisis are false, including Change (Just Transition Alliance) , carbon markets, nuclear energy and geoengineering.

Rise for Climate to Build a Fossil Free Principles and demands for a fossil World (Women for Climate Justice, 2018) fuel-free world

Movement demand Hands Off Mother Earth! Manifesto Statement on why geoengineering is a Against Geoengineering harmful response to climate change (DAWN/collective, 2018) especially for peasant & Indigenous communities; calls for concrete steps in stopping geoengineering "solutions"

Sustainable Economy and Green Growth: Compilation of papers exploring how & Who Cares? (WEDO, LIFE and GENANET, why care economy should be Create regenerative 2013) implemented in different countries, economies that contexts, etc. center systemic, Civil society 9. feminist resource Gender Just Climate Solutions: Examples Lists concrete examples and cases of alternatives. of Best Practice 2018 (Women and climate solutions created by women and Gender Constituency, 2018) grassroots feminist organizations Type of Name, Principle Description Resource Author, Year

Explains how GDP is a sexist measure: it The Way We Measure Economies is discounts care work that mostly women Inherently Sexist (Diane Coyle on World do and it is not an accurate measure of Create regenerative Economic Forum website, 2016) welfare economies that Civil society center systemic, resource Makes concrete recommendations on 9. feminist Memo: Regenerative Farming and the how to reform monocultural crop alternatives. Green New Deal (Data for programs and move to regenerative Progress, 2020) farming

Soul Fire Farm (read their publications Farm collective of BIPOC striving for here) food sovereignty, self-determination and equitable food policy Movement demand A People’s Orientation to a Regenerative Plank 13 offers solutions on how to Economy, Plank #13, Investing in the protect, repair, and transform economy Feminist Economy (United Frontline Table, into a feminist economy (p. 42) 2020)

Building Bridges, Not Walking on Backs: A Recommendation 5 offers concrete Policy Feminist Economic Recovery Plan recommendations on how to diversify example (Hawai’i State Commission on the Status and reshape the existing economy to a of Women, 2020) more care-based one (p. 3)

Shifting Power to Young People: How Identifies vulnerabilities experienced by young people can lead and drive youth and key lessons to engage youth solutions in humanitarian action in action; provides recommendations to (ActionAid and Restless Development, support young people's leadership 2019)

The Global State of Young Feminist Highlights innovative strategies young Organizing (FRIDA and the Association for feminist organizations are using; Women’s Rights in Development’s Young identifies challenges and opportunities Feminist Activist Program, 2016) in making movements more effective Civil society “Young at Heart” guidelines for non-youth Outlines principles and values for how resource allies (2019, Sunrise Movement) non-youth allies can help center youth leadership in climate action

Rooted in Care: Sustaining Movements A storytelling project for and by young (FRIDA and Young Feminist for Climate feminists in the climate justice Justice Network, 2018) movement reflecting about the role of care in our bodies, historias and struggles

Respect the In January 2020, Seattle Mayor Jenny Seattle: Youth Climate Council (Office of leadership of young Durkan signed an Executive Order on Mayor Jenny Durkan, 2020) people as they fight advancing a Green New Deal for Seattle, 10. for future which directs “City departments to work generations. together and with the Green New Deal Oversight Board, the Mayor’s Youth Climate Council, and other stakeholders to advance the shared goals of the Green New Deal.”

Policy example HJRes 23: Proposing an amendment to Proposes to expand voting rights to the Constitution of the United States youth aged 16-17 years old extending the right to vote to citizens sixteen years of age or older (Introduced by Rep. Grace Meng, 2019)

New Jersey: Climate Change in Starting in 2020, grade school students K-12 Curriculum in NJ will be required to learn about climate change, its impacts and how to address the crisis