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Red River Prospector, 1901-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

1-24-1907 Red River Prospector, 01-24-1907 Fremont. C. Stevens

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TV vol. vii s iivm, taos , new Mexico. uub3JLay, January 21, mn. No 25.

jiiciilir Li'tlc!' fiv THE NEW STORE in Siirvi'vcr h'niiT! effleal Directory. will make first class preiidinr off' leers. OnTaeadaj Governor Hhjt-- ' .JOHN MELSO, L. JLt. FENN DEI AlvTYIEXT OK NK'V MKNtCO. Pl'tlllltl dtklirPfPil ltia ... 3l innaLnnn M II. A r,,tr. IVIPrfRlp t'ntiprP-- - TIIK . t0 1VTKRIOH 8ei,pion & '!.', if merman Tr.,prnnr ioint of both honse.. It j MELSON J f . S, PENN S'l' veyor General' ifhVe, tw. nvnoM soprr.i of a , .., .rv treated nmn'ier of snbiect, cf Kor IIih l.tiRtrtct of New ftWIcn. ii ii i . . inrPrn' 'rvti DO vital , important Staple and Fancy Groceries Santa Fe, N. M.. Anfrtut 1. 1000 y O, T.lBn-Ryr- Miirvpvor t?onpr t The folloninff in nn petlmatn of the W r. i;piri Atto-n- n f:p,... the 'territory Rm iint whleh will hereafter hareqnir. n f TfordVPr IT. S. M Sol Fresh and Salt Meats ed tn tip l) ftj nMt-- in thp r.r nf tnP if It. Otprn l?Per(jtpr I ,ant liij ,n I Hip Raton BlUlga Hav and Grain. TrnsnniPr of the nifrt B'atet tocov- - Pppnlvpr T ,id f'il is coming to r th" of nfti-- e cost work n nts nnice; W. r,lwoiifn f t ntHf) thu fmnt as a yeneial uewsp tper for he Hitrvpv nf mining TT'",T" I'nblip nim. u""'f T...T.,pMn I. v ... M One mfnit-i- ' t o'm, one Incttion. Inrto TrpOQiirp rirw liieaid FrutH Our GENERAL MERCHANDISE cr plrr 10,00. to, f!. Srir.Tpnt Arti.w jder its-edito-r is proud of its late hmti Lode and tniii..:;:. embraced It one me'tnir A'Tt-'o- r issues t, Cimarron is to a Candies an;: Nuts, Tobacco and Cigars. survey SM.tO. 't"!n o.Qino unit Fish have nev live tl . T"1 immir.Rinnpr of Fnlillp and dollar Mote!, 'luo Mlttfttt In connection with pron- - f Kn T ."nts, CAI.,1, ND8EK I S AT T FT K POSTOFFICE. building it has tlready buen le'. , rtilrnn ftt'.'n.nn 'rthnr Tro'f,,r, WntiPrltttpn'Ipnt nf 'UdlT PrJCFt) ft ETA Ii lb ''lllui'p, uppprrttp t,nfiif'nf lirr, NliW MKVier.VS Op. I h e:ir!bi;i ike at Kineto'i, .Tat ra Two pon'tnono Inde ptiims. nr low than T Mil'R C!hipf .Tntloe HnprpmR wat raurn hoitlMil than the Sun tr:.t.-,i8-0o,- 11 rnnlKjunus lode claim?, nmirt. (Or.TiNLIY. - wV'-- r Ton w. l(Mt lrtPt0n. Wi.O0 Tnt.n if "pVlp rt'otrlPt- iivee .e a'. Ki - - Tt. Bond Gusdorf- Kleven nr rnnr poi timionq in- - r1. PiRtrlpt A'tortirv ton, aijti ii... httrbur .d town lactQi . McCarthy f Kl I' t i' rli W Hi the con. eluded in one purvey, each location. A. M. Hprc-r- t)iiitrlpt Plprk 'initpil iitcrea m the tparket prtoe S'i'iOO. T i mi orVTY. VhsAaata IV Kail way itny 'ja Company. j Affidavits nf 70 expenditure nf lm. ol Dopner, inaNy minct anil jints. ntnnio ' Tl llliMn ) let the coiiTjc', t out a unw titan" ur- - . after approval of (Jn'ntana Cummimlnni"" :;ivs th y i i)r oW-atr-- 1ino"ni" f Mra through the s. . vi' vpv .Tnae A , 1 liaou inoiintiit !' P5.fin. Lore? ' i ' i ikt tVilh feet, Kich todp ft i in within unit ine'iirtVol V,in!Rii Anav,t TrenRlirrpi be uiiioy lower than ibe old uine lEADQT AR'I'ELtS FOll 'liliilT sn !,, ': l to KtjRy tn survey of a eiirn. $ Kfqi,hl Fppoi- Inr The old tunnel tviii be ituiiro' tt an i n AmeiuVfl onrvpvu no i.ver 2') for m rinp tt) it, san s'nrlo dims Snp't pf School Itv nn", ifl idtl. i! and It "will bn uMU I r o. and Cfonpn, n n""'p'' Rho-- .Tpriir M; .T n pay to deverope Grocer? Gtolhing, Boots and Shoas ''prin Probate tr properties that freight while the uenroue wii'b li" 8n amended ordr )vi" fopr hv would T'lflnTOn (OM7ps A "noficpr not have returned ; prdfit west liortod i(rif,. filintf n Bmondod Inflation not'oe, used lot fr Dnnaclnna Orahatn Shdrlff with copper nt Farming Implements and Miners or other emtse, "fll'inn deposit the old rates, r2 Supplies of will he reqiird. cents or thereabouts, if New Mist. L Ttie liiiustin, a very .il .t The arannnrn quoted above enti-- j , are nans Mexico docs not leaj) trwat'd yonuif lady of I.h Vesa-.- cumin 'm frlai aware and Furniture. lnateR. and it nnon convdetlon of th dunno1 this period of wftV suicide by ibe heaJ.ic powder mate work the arttul p.nsts HT found to ex- Tr.e was ily oyer l ing turn" imdnhte a lo; ceed the deno-i- t' made. 8t. Lonis, Lead 50 .Ui activity and prrces it to cover snchexeress will bereqnir will be not because she has airair. ne wits found d'uJ in bedoa BOND GUSDORF McCARTY CO. e'l before the Rnrvev wid hp apnroved. Denver, Lead, S i.oo the morning ol the ilth, but had left not the pay ok?, hqt hecatise he Nfafco deposit In NAVfK OFOLAT f lr.',tei'a tn con- vSilvet, 68 C. people tline directed t'rlt!.d, th" ANT In a U. s. nepositorv to the cred-- ' are not alive to the great tents of wiiich have uot - au .nail?, pub- JLaos, New Mexico. i of th" TrPBRur of the ITntted StpR opportunity presented. lic The depository will ian duplicate an I Xew Mexico trlplicatji pprtlllpa'p of dftpOltlt, the bit - is among the very tjbrewn Mlpn'ppf whtph J he Rrownville nfl'itir is riches thecoun-try- (tnvwnoc Itajfurtuin was raiiRt he transmittpd tfs n mineral regions in . Sttbserib to tlie tn tliis oIVipp. froni his home while out horaeb". rld The Columbian Hotel Proaeetof: to be ii ciiontniit. In the ohl days it was fa. ' United State depositories m New in the ni mat-ttn- ne.-t- Sins .' MUX ICO. mous producer but unfortunately mif TAOS, NEW Mpxico Kir-- t ., . It is the 'Official Organ of the are as fo'lowR: Nutionnl Th uliaiduri iml tull nn t. I. w Nex-ico- . some ol niont-e- r Hank of Sinta Ke. ant.a F' New tl.c nnneis were ... - Red River Miuiug District. Tito r,igislatnre hotly of New I He extrioeten troip iipi n." First National Hunk of Albu-quurq- inclined to take only 'Rates $2.00 Per Day. whut wes n L tojiUYd Albnquerqup, New Mexico. Mexico, BeOfni to he Btnrtiurr out bet the ic .varaor wis tfl Good It is the Oldest Paper in Taos handed to them and to skate auy Kieat extent aod had to Yiik ii Fine Sample Rooms and First National Kank of Clayton, Clay- alright. Couuty. the problem of real mining. niU'soackto town m bti bona ied .Accami lation. ton, New Mexico. It is the Only Paper Published M O. LLEWELLYN, They not only left enormous val c ape J J- - E. II ARTMAN, is Assem- MRS u the Gold aod C toper Belt ot I". 8. Surveyor (ieneral for It hoped the lieneral ues in the ground but they 1'ioprietor. ' N0,.theri. Taos County. New Mexicn. ble will amend the present Coid New Mexico a blow to her pres. VjiiiI fymtft Ml! il' I)' StltS Oil Law or repeal it. The present uge tn?.r sue Das uot yet wholly recovered from. law i.a dead letter with lite ex- The Direofcor of the Mint no th tlntWf, The mineral is there, plenty of ception that the inspector 10th ot this Month UtMied . P CASH it. Som of the prospecte Vn YOU WANT attached to the r IF the large aalary liiHinary Estitnate . taa Br New Mexico are so sensational in office. For Ycur Real Estate or Busin ess indicated value that if they were dnetion of Gold a'nl feiilfer in situated am where else they would the Cirittd S'ates Dnritig tb t The election of Hon. Frank cause a I CAN GET IT stampede. But some or. Calendar Year 190.". Stitplin of the I'lirmington Euteri ganied eftorl should be made to Worth, or in Town. City. No Master What Your Property is What State prise, to Chief Clerk of the Tcrri interest capital and get real min. Bt:tte. Gold. 8,lv. r. or Territory it is Located toriul House of liepretieutatives is ers to undertake the development Alaska il,lBit.1O0 Tllt,7U0 of oarUlnly onuld the territory. One hig swindle Arizona 2, 17 1 W If I did nt i pl.ility and lullltie to Btll j our property, verj pleasina to his many friend: 868800 ncfu.ront to fuy lor min iuihI. 'ibis "ad" f like all my othtf d'') U will ;nlo the C.lifornia lS.aiVOJ 1,551 VJ I ua prui.tioBliy turn la u- -' number of new propertlen, ami uui just in Taos county where he lived for pay of a decade. Cloiado 28.7Hii!J l,2'510.i ure o MU 'htse promrtl. mt umke euouKb lucuey iu couuiuisuinus to for tue -- I bo largo a DOBlber of yeart. ue one of her l,3tv. ot of theM .(id. " una ui-- airood profll bHiae. ibut ia why Big eowcemf! are going into Ilaho l,'.;i:u.) 8,: a real estate btuuutxi today. most prominent citizen. lie rep. Xontina t5W.SU H,W,00 Duaibur that will be Hold ai a result of New V.Lico copper, and Ithel Wfcy not put yvur )opVtf uiong the Xevitna 9.U1&X) Write - ttUi$i theae 'ada!'' resented liio Arriba, Sm Juan and probabiUty that another live i, Hell quickly. 53,Sr03 HDOsSOO I will not oiil b. Ml to sell It aouie time but will he able to it S'w Mii ci equip-meu- Taos in pf. years vil! New II hx- - J 1 oispitM aud eoantioa the House liep dfltttoustrate I n'r o apt' lall.t in q'.iok aalei. tbe moat Oregon t3 i'J 9;)0 1Q0400 u torce of uieu to I braUi L ofHctii turoURbout tbe country aud field tat ive few years K"o .by. rights to the fa. bae reeen a ago. Smi'h Otkota 6 Si2 7' "J l7,3.i . tind buytre. motta COpiptT belt of of Arizona- - j carried by the ordinary real etute ut'i'H. 1 Texae S8l) X) I do not ban lie all Hue usually at of I cmi a.aute you MUST .SI2I.I. iua,e Bl aud lots of it or k out bu.ineas. The on onr railroads are I" tall 5172oOO 11,5?? o,; clo-- e of uot'g.'lui. - OD ,be voutrary, I expect to Hod. at tie tbe ma uoe- Waeitinuion :.."" 2, ') M0, 1 yenr, rjl . 1 as many properties as did tbe oaal but it getting to he a little to freiiuenU '. ytar tta. be e OiJ '.wice hr jMgh. tn th of ' I want to list YOUKS aad M:e Wyjiitlng 3o(V flr-- l b.' MNHiry l... ii e to Hat" mote prup.rtiet. Um a borne witboui auy lsiid, or 1 on cunno' at a general thing pick HELL it. It dosn't lealtor wbetbar you bavo a farm, natural fi' itn 2'M d 8'b 9 Is -- ortb, or wbere it in located. If you till out bulDM; It di s.. tiuiier wbm Once. up a daily paper theae. days with Totals f.ti.f me today, 1 will tell you bow aud tVClillOO tb Hank Latter ul luquiij belotv ai it to cash, and will give ycu my complete out of two or now W III Itu r. Nc M. x.c. po d Mb wby I can quickly cjc.t.l toe ptopeny Into reading three re nt petee with Canada, to ic i SfS.n,s it) worn of popper - in MC plan. train wrecks and a iumher of lives S'etvt . iy Boot will pty a vUH to htif tha teirUjry u)ro4v(UKi l,ll7,!ij) Wjri Free of Charge lost on account of the wrecks. lf'tlJ e;. rsj, if troablej iuforiuatiou I will give you will be of great value l.i lii! rt v dexio . Ul. ,t mi' and lermi lor l.uu.tnog it. The m few r'1trwing, Keorelary TnfffNHlldl You bad better write today before persons wl:o were toiou, uol to .ell. r of ne.v r airoads. O ily sev a i'a.ej . . eible for the cause of tbtM v.Tecks V u-- . i youTautw or Business, iu auy ,..rt of tbe coun- - la toe i boat more lle, If buy any kind of a Farm, Houso . I will guarautee to bll tbcm prompt aud were .ent to for a lo; t.y, till e your. iirison g term For lire wfaeBi Uqfiori. ci-gn- of years, the Prospector helieve and David The laud Man, 41o Kansas Avenue, lopekt, cail at li. T. Figcnbriyht's Miff, im railroad wreaks would he aiinont h thing of the past. and Mail If You Want to ee! U Yen Want to Sell Fill in Cut Out Buy Fill in, Cut Uut and Mail Pc.'fiftl 91JM atitionery Today. Steve. Today. Thirty seventh Legislative Undiug I desire lo buy property correipoudiug IMeai-- send, without coit ti me, a plau oi cao approximately wltb of New Mexico, mot id tba following specifications: Town or CZrVIA and PILES buyer lo r.j propertf v. bltii constat of city Santa Fe lat M.ouday and org" sutB FREE K'11""'' bt' n is to guffer.I muty aused by electiut; Charles A frlce between will iv r'UEE Q$ UHAftQBi to way Tti.r. . rmm o4 in the Unliall if ieenrlrtl t and 1 wijl pay iMUer, v Tula it tfi Spices of La v , Jefltietod, a pose, - curd for Rcania ... Idem) doun aud batuuee Ubeuiu, y hj of tbe Council an ilt Kiys.iteli., Piled aud Skin Uumarks iubiib. rci. .. u'iqi suiter Name ol Svla Vt. a X'xwrite V. W. WIM.IAMM Ann Icin I Addref I. a.' VyeKaei York. t 9n h n.;t THE AGE OF CLAY. Red River Prospector Rapidly Supplanting Iron and Steel for iJrartiral Utility nf Many Uses. CO. In spite of the fact that the largest corporation In the world is devoted to Atraljtp a fomg Wag ff the exploitation of Iron and steel the people who like to look ahead aie al- College Influence. ready prophesying the end of the Iron By those who have watched th By JOHN RITCHIE. age. It Is pointed out that we can al- JR., ready compute the amount of Iron ore rapid growth of colleges and uni- Boston Scientific Society. the INVOLVED IN still in sight, and the number of years versities fears are often expressed SENATOR FRAUDS which It will require to exhause these that personal contact between presi- deposits. Francis Emroy Warren, whose name hai and between professors is anil question which Is what Is dent students, HIS an interesting important question, about which been dragged Into In Investigation of westen The arises not to be the substitute for on. The ex- and pupils, will be lost, If It has much is written in a very optimistic way. Man has been ex- land frauds. In which millions of dollars wort! already; so the perts have an answer ready. We will been lost and that perimenting along two different lines of investigation with a of property is said to have been stolen from tht return to the age of clay. best part of a college education will government, Is a United States senator fron Iron, according to the late Professor be forfeited. The definite charge, by view to the solution of the problem of flying through the air Wyoming. He was Wyoming's first state gov Shaler, is first to go out of use for re- a writer In a recent number of the with balloons and with aeroplanes. ernor and was twice governor of the territory. taining vessels. After a while ther will be no more Iron and bath- Outlook, in one college At a federal grand Jury Inquiry In Salt Lakt buckets that at least Although the balloon has been fairly familiar to us for tubs and boilers. The retaining ves- City Michael A. Meyendorff, a Bpeclal agent oi this condition has already come to more than 100 years and has done many things that it was sels of the future, like those of our sav- brought out some Interesting the government, submitted affidavits alleging ho age forbears, will be made of clay. Al- ,pa8S, not expected to do, still as a means of the it is correspondence. Ono woman mentions navigating air men were picked up In the streets of Denver ant ready a new spirit. Is entering the pot- 1 were paid four to sign tery of world, In- a professor who not only knew all practically as unmanageable as when in 85 our own Dr. dollars each their namei the and the ceramic to powers of attorney, relinquishments and afft dustry Is recovering the lost glories they were his Jeffries, of Boston, crossed the channel to "his boys" while under from England davits which were used by railroads to acquirt of Its antiquity. Sheet Iron will be- Instruction and helped them by per- France in a balloon filled with gas. It. is perfectly true that the dreams of title to coal lands In Wyoming. come too expensive for roofs, and tiles social inter- will be more used. Even now they sonal advice and friendly to-d- Meyendorff efforts had become the realities of but for aerial navigation the declared that beet are regaining a vogue In American course, but has kept In touch with made by Influential men to Induce him to cease the investigation of the coal been a and the has not yet A country houses. one of they were dream has long one morrow surely dawned. land frauds, naming In Warrer; and Clark, ol every them since this connection Senators Iron for structural purposes will fol- graduated. Once a year he sends trilling discovery may at any time bridge the gap between theory and prac- Wyoming, and others. low the way of iron for retaining ves- them all a letter, and nearly all of tice, but the actual advance is not yet much to boast about. Senator Warren was a poor boy In Massachusetts who served as a prl sels. For all Its shell of brick and jthem reply. The atmosphere Is vate In the civil war. He went west with a construction gang and helped stone, New York Is a steel city, a build the Chicago & Rock He in Cheyenne, masked of age, a like that of one great family. Island road. settled became inter dream the iron metal It is not to be understood that the balloon is not of any use at all. for ested in live stock and took to ranching. He owns 100,000 sheep, skeleton, Incased. Sometime its steel of one Is the concern The misfortune on the contrary, as was suggested at the beginning of this article, it has besides cattle, horses and real estate. He Is president of the Cheyenne Fuel, skyscrapers and its ster-- ' bridges will iof all, and all help to repair it. The Light and Gas company. be curiosities. The houses and bridges 'correspondents cite other colleges helped in many ways that were not expected of it. By its means very much of the future, many of them, will be Inter- has been learned of the conditions existing in the upper air, conditions built of cement. Many of them are be- and other men to show that ing built of cement. course between faculty and students which have everything to do with our weather and the day after. f?N ECONOMICAL The cement house Is a modified ver- :1s growing more Intimate instead of The balloon has been of a good deal of ephemeral value, when, as at Paris, sion of the adobe dwelling of the In- more remote; and no one has consid- dians of the Southwest. It Is tho clay it has been the means of conveying messages, and even an ardent astron- No one admires the beauty, vivacity and wit age In a it necessary to cite for every reassarting Itself novel form. ered of American women more King and In this form Indeed age al- system which omer, over the heads of the besiegers to places of neutrality and safety. than Edward that is ionc knows the definite he duke of Connaught. Both constantly seek ready on the scene, shouldering out ;most of the colleges have for bringing Then, again, they have been of use in a military way, not in the dread work the society of their cousins from across the sea, the iron age In a thousand places. jail the students under the direct per-ison- of carrying aloft quantities of high explosives and dropping them into tho but In this the king's motives are more unselfish America produced only about a mil- lion and a half Influence of some of the pro- than those which actuate his brother. The king barrels of cement In camps of the enemy, but as vantage posts from which to inspect his en- 1897 Last year the output wps 2CV fessors of other Instructors. Candid sks only to be entertained spiritually, so to say; trenchments or his movements. And then again thev have furnished a new 000,000 barrels. The supply Is practi- graduates of 40 or 50 years ago, If the duke looks to his material welfare. cally Inexhaustable. It Is claimed for they are familiar with present college sport for the rich, one which has the advantages of being expensive, ex- When the duke of Connaught goes to his the cement house that It can be conditions, nearly always admit that clusive and thrilling. But toward the practical navigation of the air the London house for a week he always arranges to erected In half the time of another dine out every night. Stiff English society house and at much less expense. the relations are simpler and balloon has contributed very little appreciable aid since Montgolficr and bores old-tim- the duke and his wife; they must be "drawn out." more familiar. The e professor, Jeffries made their memorable ascents a century and more ago. It Is very difficult really to amuse them. But beneficent, his Influence, wa3 the The Little Tin Soldier. however generosity of American women appeals to the !too often a man of austere dignity, Vance Thompson, In the Christmas to uke, as well as their wit and beauty. Indeed Iwhich made him unapproachable. His Nor have the aeroplanes contributed the science as much as one Everybody's, writing of "Where the the duke of Connaught is developing a miserll- - Toys Come from," Nur- may regard-le- might wish. Although ever since the days of Leonardo da Vinci, geologist, describes the modern representative be ess worthy of his ancestors, the Georges. He allows only IH.500 a year to emberg home of the toy soldier. with less awe, but not with less poet, artist and engineer, experiments have been made and hosts of them, his son. Prince Arthur, who belongs to a crack cavalry regiment. "The soldiers are sold by the , ;ffectlon. One thing must be remem-'bered- still the question of Darius Green, "The birds can fly and why can't I?" The duke of Connaught is Prince Arthur, third son of the late Queen he Bays, "and lust year remarks Youth's Companion, It Victoria. At present he Is Inspector general of the British forces, and Is said nearly 50,000 quintals were sent Into has not been satisfactorily answered. As a question in physics there seems the United States. A pound box. which itukes two to form friendship as well to have arranged a winter trip to India and Burmah at public expense. The not to be sufficient an aero- duke was born in 1850 and was married in 1879 to Louise of Prussia contains about 150 pieces infantry, 'is to make a quarrel. The student the slightest doubt about it, that with power Princess cavalry, artillery, with such accessor- His daughter Is the wife of the eldest son of the crown prince of Sweden ftnust meet advances half way. If he plane can maintain itself and its load in the air. The mathematical por- ies as trees, bastions, enmps, the idoes, there Is little danger In any col-Jeg- wounded soldiers and the dead you tion of the problem Las been so far developed that according to the testi- may buy In he will go yonder the Troedel market large or small, that mony of one of my friends, himself among the foremost of the physicists, for 60 cents. As every one knows, with-jou- MISS JILTED A DUKE Ithrough the course friendless or t Wr0 there are two of toy the principal matters for study are the and alighting. But still the kinds soldiers the helpful Influence of close con-Itac- t starting those stamped out of flat metal, and and acquaintance with "praeses aeroplane has not made much for practical man flight. There has been the Miss Theodora Shonts, the daughter of Theo the finer kind made In molds. Mod- ern machinery as you may see In the high-power- dore P. cana: et professores." hope that the great invention of light weight, engines that Shonts, president of the Panama great factories outstde the city walls the automobile has demanded might solve the difficulty, and it can hardly commission, did not say she was not engaged tc has stripped the process of romance. Heroines. be married to Due de Chaulnes. She said The only hand-wor- is the painting of be that this will not be an efficient factor, but the practical results, the ac- From the earliest times It has been Instead: "I am not guilty." This Is taken bj the little figures, which Is done by wo- friends of Miss Shonts as being an exceedlnglj men and girls." of men that they shall be complished flights are far from satisfactory. It is true that the Wright idemanded direct way ot rapping the ducal pride. Thf ad- brothers have made flights of some miles, and have, it is said, interested ;strong and brave; as civilization Frenchman has been an untiringly persistent required vances. It begins to be that the French government in their work, but they are, themselves, but at the wooer, and If this "not guilty" slap does not ooo Denver Directory jthey shall be gentle as well be very beginning of the problem. his ardor probably nothing will. No less Is it tfue, although Miss Shonts and her sister, Marguerite, II lesi often recognized, that as the has been widely announced, will enter Washing A Saddle for mild-ma- $40 it were a question of navigating with or against some n 'standard of man's gentleness has been If ton society this winter. As a matter of fact, the cour-iage- . were reasonably constant day been in way In a iralsed, so of woman s nered trade wind whose direction and force have society for more than $28co.d. has that year. They romances, when day, the present condition might be considered perhaps a sensible were presented at half the courts For a short time only In the old after In Europe year King we offer thla saddle, Imperiled last and Edward was si teel horn, double danger threatened, the advance. But in the weather of the northeastern United States the matter charmed with their wholesome rlnehen. wool-line- 28- - Americanism that he had the queen invite lnch skirts. 2 Inch heroine fainted, and the ever-read- one. our variable conditions of direction and them twice to afternoon tea. stirrup leathers, steel is a very different Under leather - covered stir- hero happened along and rescued her, Due de Chalnes met the Shonts sisters in Paris and he fell In love with rups, warranted In ev velocity of wind the minimum of speed developments must needs be very ery respect, and equal a bundle of inert loveliness. When the younger one. Of course Miss Shonts is rich, and the duke needs monej to saddles sold for 140 high. my own judgment, this should be not less than 100 miles an hour. llkt- - everywhere. Catalogue trouble lowered, she did not brace In most of the French , but people who saw the duke's devotion declare free. iherself to meet It; she poured forth A less strongly powered oeroplane, caught by one of our ordinary gales, that there is no doubt that he would be glad to marry the American girl il The Fred Mueller didn t a cent, but ifloods of feeble tears and pages of would be blown to sea perhaps, or at least driven before the wind, with no she have she has said "not guilty," and that probably hat Saddle HarneuCo De 1413-141- lamentations. Nothing more was settled It as far as Chaulnes is concerned. I'fl 9 Larimer St.. possibility of return till the wind had subsided. This is not a pleasant pre- Ilenver. Colo. of her. The modern woman, dicament to consider and is a highly dangerous one. Unless such a possi- QTnVF RMPA1K8 of every knowu max. ilf she does not always keep cool In Qlvllli of move, furnace or ranee. Oeo. A. 1331 Uwreuti. 'leaver. Phone Itlmes of peril and how often she bility be guarded against it would be unsafe to start even in a calm. Thus BUILDER OF BIG TUNNEL 1'ullen. 75. .does! and If we still forgive much the minimum for bare safety in air flight must actually equal or exceed our cfcTTll. WILSON STOCK SADDLES for iof her nerves, and her lesser training present maximum for locomotive engines under the best of conditions. William Gibbs McAdoo, president of the New Ask your dealer them. Take no other. danger, has learned at York & Jersey Railroad company, is about to real Jto encounter view, becomes evident safe and successful AMERICAN HOUSE weak-mes- With this fact in it that K,raJ, not to pride herself upon ize the dream of his life in the completion of his The beat $2 per day hotel In the least rieuoL plan. Swoonine and hysterics are man flight is a problem which we seem hardly to have begun gigantic system of railroad tunnels under the West American was begun years ago. .things to be ashamed of nowadays. to attack, and whose solution seems to be - Hudson river. The work U BROWN PALACE HOTEL More than $60,000,000 has been expended on the (Moreover, we have come to perceive to i mo, .uu uuu upward. a matter for the distant future J4j?t. and The great $8,000,000 r.uroiifsn In which four tubes terminals. that there are circumstances accomplish. (y station, occupying two square courage terminal E. E. BURLINGAME & CO., a woman Is bound to show blocks in the heart of New York's downtown sec- ibound In honor, as a man Is bound tion, can handle 600,000 passengers a day. For ASSAY OFFICE laboratory and is disgraced if flic prove a cow the last four years, ever since Mr. McAdoo took Inside of 6ix years, and Hit sMithrd in Colorado,1866. Samples by mall or rd. Even In the days of fainting direct charge of the project, 3,500 men have been express will receive prompt and careful attenlion loveliness some forms of heroism In ten at the most, we will working night and day on the "bores" and Bold & Sitter Bullion women were admitted and praised have roads that will make Concentration Tests "rtK.E'r100 ,&KVfoVu.!oU' G. McAdoo was In 1736-173- that of the mother protecting her the commercial automo William born Marietta, 8 Lawrence St.. Denver. Colo. Ga., In 1863. He practiced law In Chattanooga children, that of the daughter cour- bile one of the biggest, and went to New York In 1892 as attorney for a railroad company. He Is six ageously standing by her parent, that tlj? Airtnmnbtb factors in the economic feet three inches in height, as raw-bone- as Lincoln, as straight as an Indian, BOOK OF FIFTY girl defending her lover, nut of the sallow-faced- , lantern-jawed- , with a beak so much like the bird of freedom worn-ie- question of the day. "OLD FAVORITE SONGS" ito-da- says Youth's Companion, that his Intimates have styled him "The American Eagle." In that which he wider oblig- By EDWARD HEWITT. The saving in freight Worda and Music sent FREE on receipt of recognize other and undertakes he is intense and fearless. He eats but little, drinks not at all. your name and address with name of ona-o-r Automobile Expert. more persons thinking of buying a ations; those of the nurse to her rate and consequent sav occasionally smokes, and is always as full of go as President Roosevelt's Piano. Organ or Talking Machine. the teacher to her pupils, the favorite bull moose. THE KNIGHT-LOCK- S PIANO CO.. ing to the consumer that 518-5S- 1 Hlvterntti St.. Denver, college girl to her chum, tho fore-iwom- Colo will come through good roads for commercial automobile transportation to her girls, the girl who can PIANOS AND swim or ride or run or shoot to any are bound to make the road question one that will have to be considered by VISIT SETS STATESMEN THINKING ORGANS iperson In danger whom her skill may legislatures. Bend your mime with ililn iid. for Hit of Him h isave. Whoever reads the dally Is the antagonism of Greece to the llomac in plantMand orKaua, ...... n ,..,,,,,,,, otvime. for what Is fine In them, rather with an appropriation sufficient to interlace the church breaking down? This Is the big queUlor BmSS from lfl to WS up. Hiiyer A state commission flanoa, Is sordid or horrible, in the minds of churchmen and statesmen ran lie played by than for what York state and Jersey with freight auto roads would be one anyone, 1130 up. Imtru-uien- Incidents roads of New following the visit of King George of Greece t( aold on eauy term may recall a score of recent buyer. talk-nu- most commendable of all the commissions that we could have at pros Vatican. The king was accompanied by utault Vlrtor llllustrattng the ready courage of wom-i,- of the the hi murulneii lold ut leads to Long Island City is daughter, Grand Duchess Michaelovltch of Rus prlree on eauy teriua. on behalf of others. And the rec- cnt. I)ng Island has only one road that that write for rataloaa of sla. The pope and his court received them wltt our different Instrument ord, already nobly ample, grows dally. worth the name. royal honors and the audience lasted half an hour Till: KNItiUT-CAMPSK- deeds as gracious and It Is a record of That should not be. King George himself has not shared his peo munio womanly as they are heroic. Hayard CUHPANV, The freight hauling of Long Island could even now be done by auto pie's antipathy to all things Roman. He was Taylor's lines written of fighting 18 1086-3- CullfornUSt. saving to the consumer if there were roads that admitted Danish prime of when he ascended the Hel ,men abroad are no less true today mobiles with great lenlc throne. His foreign birth may have led th QUI ST. Colo. of peaceful women at home who do of it. Greeks to be more outspoken against Rome that brave deeds. France, Germany and Switzerland have been using the freight auto they ordinarily would, but during Lis long relgi King George has carefully regarded yet we think we are a progressive nation. their wishes The honor of having the first real mobile for years, and He was the only sovereign who did not congratu American senator In congress will be- late Pope Leo on his jubilee. In Greece orthodoxy means more than rellgloui a factor of manufacture to the long to Oklahoma If she concludes to Tim nlensure car must weive wav M schism, being since the fourth century Iti the nature of a political and national send one of her distinguished red men commercial car, and as soon as the men whi control the big output of cars antagonism on the part of the Hellenic against the Latin world. It Is the previous course of King George In bowing to the will of his peo to Washington. movement toward WO kind of roads we must have realize that then the pie and the high regard in whloh they hold him, that lends color to the bellel the very near A man In the west has killed him- must begin to take shape, and it is coming in) future. that a change of sentiment may have come over the Greeks. 1 78,000,000, through self by eating llmburger cheeBe, but The Greek church numbers some scattered Russia When the eastern and western & average man who is tired of life as soon as the big controllers in the manufacturing market sec Greece. Roumanla and Asia Minor. churchet Colo. Tent Awning Co. the Just drifted apart there were three patrlachs, In Rome, Alexandria and Antloch will prefer to die an ejtsler death. big profit lies in or car, and that they I hat their future ami thefj ,.! The eastern church now has Ave, where the west has still one. Id cere BLANKETS, COMFORTS I lie get! the newspapers to and two churches are almost Identical. rbe automobile may have its faults, need good roads for same, thygtf monies, beliefs practices, the Larireat canvai goods Knuae In the. was one of dreams of the late Pope Leo to unite the two (real Want. catalog. run lay when a small start an agitation sufficiently Ww kind of legialu It the Write for illustrated butTwon't JM k't bodies, but the opposition of GrMce made this Impossible. ROBT. S. QUTSHAULo Preat. Ik BBBUijLaV!A Lion they ueel for the sam 1(21 Lawrence St., Denver, Colo. Red River Prospector! pie as a whole shall bo irnpertr, OJln? MENACE TO ALL Such general prosperity as may exist HOUSEHOLD FRIEND. Mavmb Unman cannot be retained if the institutions RED RIVER. NEW MEXICO. of the already larger and wealthier Giant Mail communities are to continue to be Uljn gl?nulh Not rad? Order Concerns built up by contributions that should Are Sapping Country of be spent at home from the thousands of Incompetent Wives. By smaller communities. MR. ALBERT E. WINSHIP. Its Wealth. Tho need of country, a desper- There Is no greater the injustice thai Editor of Journal of Education. ate need upon which of can the welfare be Inflicted upon a girl than for a the Individual depends, Is for tho mother to allow a daughter SMALLER TOWNS CRUSHED to enter iir.nh are theoretical reasons why a married woman teacher upbuilding and continued progress of womanhood or wifehood without a tho smaller communities, so that the should be excluded froia the profession, and others why she practical knowledge of a household By Assisting in the Centralization wealth of the country may be distrib- Its should be sperifii n v retained. There arc also practical rea- uted over the entire country, and not and roquiremet ts. It matters not of Wealth, Patrons of These In- how easy her life may be made for sons for exclusion and retention. congested and controlled In large stitutions Contribute to Their In her, how everything may provided amounts a comparative few centers be It is not enough to say that each ease should he decided Own Injury. of population. for her by generous parents when she on its own merits with no guiding principles. Practically Therefore, tho man who sends away lioginB her new career, nor how many (PopyrlRht, 1!W, by Alrrert C. Clark.) every city in the country is vexed over this question, and there from his own community money which servants she may have at her call, a Every year millions upon millions of he might have spent at home and per- is woman is cruelly handicaped who no need to study the principles involved. dollars find their way from the towns, mitted a fair profit to home mer- villages the comes to her own home without an There are as inanv reasons whv an unmarried woman and rural districts of the coun- chant to be retained there for the try to the coffers of the mail order intelligent conception of Its manage- should not why benefit of the community, Is injuring teach permanently as there are a manlcd houses in the cities, and go to tho up- ment. It is a popular thing In cervaln hlB community, and thereby the pros- woman should not, and it would he considered impertinent to array the building of enormous institutions In pects for own "smart sets" to scoff at the utility of his future prosperity. objections to an unmarried woman's remaining in the profession, and the centers of population. Naturally, In a large number of instances ho la housekeeping, but nothing more Bure-l- the sources from which the contribu- doing more than this. Unwittingly, or stamps really it is as impertinent to discuss the objections to a married wotnt.n's the Intellectual caliber of a tions are made suffer accordingly. unthinkingly, perhaps, he Is violating girl than an Indulgence In such feather-bra- teaching. Figures ever tell a better story than his own principles of right and justice, ined words. Here are figures commonplaces. The girl It stands to reason that a woman should not teach if her husband Has which tell for, at the expense of his own com- who believes she becomes fashionable a story so stupendous that Its full sig- munity, ho is needlessly contributing no specific interest in teaching or in the questions that arise in connec- nificance by being untrue to the best Instincts cannot be grasped In a mo- profits to the capitalistic combinations tion therewith, or, she is ment, but the mere sight of of her sex Is the girl who some day if unfortunately married as regards the honor, which are which ho continuously cries out are awe Inspiring: menacing country. wakes up to wonder why other wo- integrity or morality or her husband, or if she is harassed in any vay the In the year 1905 two mall order The mail order giants direct their men are so happily married, by the temper, disposition or habits of husband, or if she has hur-denso- and she her houses, located In Chicago, did a busi- energies particularly peo- still toward the retains her single blessedness. home or social duties resulting from her marriage. ness amounting In round numbers to ple of the smaller towns and the agri- Wealth does not $80,000,000. In year lessen the necessity Of course, it may be answered that there are as many conditions in the 1904 these cultural districts. In hundreds of of a knowledge of home-makin- g and same concerns did a business of about thousands of the homes of these the home-keepin- g the life of an woman in family and relations which on the part of the girl, unmarried personal $62,000,000, a gain of $18,000,000 or catalogue of the mall order house Is as says New York Weekly. The unfit her for the best work. nearly 30 per cent. In a single year be- regularly received as the home paper. largest ing retinue of On the other to a do thus exhibited. The man on the farm last year sent a servants requires a head, hand, it stands reason that woman can much These figures represent and an intelligent the sale last very large portion of eighty millions one, just as the hotter work in the schoolroom if she has a husband who is vitally inter- year of one dollar's worth of largest merchan- of dollars to two of these institutions, business requires a master; ested in education, as a superintendent, principal, specialist, or educa- dise for every man, woman and child in one community, alone. and servants, whether in a home or in In the country by two tional enthusiast, so that her home comradeship enriches Iter life, or if catalogue houses In all sincerity we aBk: Admitting, an office, are quick to discover inca- alone, and those operating from the purely for the sake of the argument, pacity and take advantage of it. The she has no cares, burdens and anxieties growing out of insufficient income same central point. Dozens more of that the farmer or the resident of the woman who comes closest to the solu- and insecure tenure, and if she is more comfortable, contented und affec- varying size and Importance are oper- small community can save a few dol- servant-gir- ating all over the country from on tion of the l problem is the tionately circumstanced than before marriage, or if she has a good home coast lars some of his purchases, or even woman whom her servants know is so that she can have her salary for personal and professional luxuries. as capable of doing their work as they is a a bc-yo- are themselves. of any When a married woman candidate for position as teacher Servants kind Peruna is a household work best and only under direction, the ordinary questions asked as to scholarship, experience and per- friend more and proper direction requires knowl- sonality, there should be laid before the committee the conditions of her than a million homes. This edge. No study is more vital to a married life and the effect that it will probably have upon her value as a number is increasing every day. girl than this. Many a girl mar- become after teacher. If it will enhance her interests and influence, she should by all Peruna has a household word riage has wished that she knew more be if is liable to and all over the English speaking world. about cooking. The strongest love of means retained, while it distract, irritate burden her, is an old tried remedy all ca- a husband for a wife is not a safe- she should be excluded for these reasons, regardless of her efficiency other- It for diseases guard for the discontent which is sure wise. tarrhal of the head, throat, lungs, stomach, kidneys, bladder and to enter a home where the wife be- There are issues that in the public mind complicate the situation, trays organs. constant domestic incapacity. such as first: She does not need the money; second, there are others who female ,If the husband be the master of his Ask Your Druggist for Free Peruna to stay at home. business, he expects his wife to be need the job; third, she ought Almanac for 1907. the mistress of her home. Writers As to the first, it may be said that the schools authorities have no Rich Men Work and public speakers have done much to take into account the personal advantage or disadvantage o! a for Pleasure. right Theodore Gill, the world's greatest harm in referring to cooking as a person's being in or out of a position. It is a question of efficiency of authority on fishes, works for the homely art; on contrary, prac- the no the general service. The second is like unto it. The school board United States government, receiving tical art exists which is more grace- one dollar a month for his He is bound to furnish positions for anyone, and no one has any right services. ful. A woman who fills her home In not is a rich man on whom many univer- every sense of the word elicits more to claim service, least of all that a place be made for him. The third sities have conferred titles and de- true applause, worthy at all of the is more seductive. If a woman has no family and no ennobling occupa- grees. Dr. Harrison G. Dyer, another wealthy man, having, than the woman endowed lack any worthy of who knows more about tion, life is often burdensome from of employment bur mosquitoes any with any other quality. than othsr living per- time, or enervating through the silly or frivolous devotion to aimless so- son, devotes much of his time to gov- In real or supposed imitation of col- cial functions. To insist that a woman stay at home during all the ho.U's ernment, receiving $25 a month. Glf-for- lege youths, still more youthful stu- husband is absent is beneath the dignity of Pinchort, a millionaire, is head of of the day in which her lay the United States forestry service, dents In high schools and preparatory but manly man or womanly woman. he is comparatively well paid, his sal- schools have adopted strange head- woman should he ex- ary being $45 per annum. Several gears. Instead of the modest boyish Finally, a married married lessens other rich men are on the government cap and the neat soft or stiff felt hat cluded from teaching if being pay roll at nominal figures, working for "dress up," some fantastic boys her efficiency, but not otherwise. for the pleasure of "doing things," as have topped themselves with slouch-hats- , President Roosevelt puts it. variously distorted in the shape A Big Bargain for i2 Cents Postpaid. of brims, with "discovery of the The "Man Behind the Plow" last year contributed a large portion of the vast the and even decorated The The year of 1906 was one of prodigal markings and devices. The principal north pole" is, of course, number of millions which found their way into the coffers of the mail plenty on our need farms. Never before houses. The smaller comm unities to which it belonged, and which vegetable seeds such of one high school has asked the boys ordinar- order did and farm return what everybody Uato of IJnlar were thus deprived of it, suffered accordingly. enormous yields. to cast off the crazy cus- ily pictures as the goal of Now we wish to Rain 200,000 new The matter of decency and simplicity to coast and from border to border. that he could do so on all of them, can tomers this year and hence offer for 12e in of Is really important. The boy arctic exploration, and lExplnrattmt A fact not generally known is that he afford to continue to Impoverish postpaid dress 1 pkg. Garden City Beet 10c who deliberately wears something itself this feat would be hundreds of concerns throughout the his own community, upon which his 1 " Earliest Kipe Cabbage lite doing own prosperity, very 1 " 15c that draws attention to himself may one that would fill the country which now are business the value of his Earliest Emerald Cucumber By J. W. SMITH, through the regular trade channels are lane depends? 1 " La Crosse Market lettuce 15c be pardoned by oneone with humor profound-es- t 1 " 13 Dav Radish 10c world with the Of U. S. Weather Bureau. awaiting only a parcels post law to If he will ask himself this question enough to understand boyish folly. 1 " Blue Blood Tomato 15c interest and admira unloose literature, already prepared and consider It soberly and fairly In 1 " Juicy Turnip 10c Nevertheless, the habit of unobtrus- many which would pro- all of Its phases, including many 1000 gloriously beautiful flow- tion. Yet it was not tne In instances, the kernels ive dress is a good one to cultivate ject them into the mail order field, and which cannot be touched upon within er seeds IBs discovery of the pole that led the first explorers in that direction ; the ear- of single early. this does not take into account the the limits a article, we think Total $100 liest object of arctic voyages was a northwest passage to the Indies. This, hundreds and perhaps thousands of his answer must be that he cannot. All for 12c postpaid in order to intro- Menelik is a man of striking ap- entirely new mail order concerns The wonderful productivity of this duce our warranted seeds, and if you however, has become a matter of slight consideration, it having keen package of pearance. Capt. Powell Cotton of the which inevitably would spring into ex- country has been sufficient to over- will send 16c we will add one Earliest Cauliflower, together useless to all intents and purposes. come In- Berliner British army found him sitting on found istence under such friendly auspices. the various adverse economic with our mammoth plant, nursery stock, cushions on a dais, surrounded by The commercial advantages to be gained were for a number of years The two Chicago institutions re- fluences which have existed during the vegetable and farm Beed and tool catalog. occupying period of years in wMch or- This catalog is mailed free to all in- about 20 attendants, and he thus des- motive that inspired many expeditions, which were not without great ferred to, already immense the mall the buildings, found themselves cramped der business has accomplished its tending purchasers. Write cribes him: "His is a very dark, but John A. Salzer Seed Co., Box W, La value. Such expeditions led to the establishment of large and profit- for room. One of them expended not greatest growth. Kveryone has been not black face, marked by smallpox, Crosse, Wis. able whaling enterprises, the fur trade of the Hudson bay regions, the less than $1,000,000, and probably more, "getting along pretty well." While the rather even but not very white teeth, new The other lately has increasing flow of golden millions from catching of seals and the extensive fisheries of the banks of Newfoundland. for a home. Shakespeare as Novel Hero. a short, grayish beard and whiskers, secured a new location and also will their source In the land of the coun- William Shakespeare Is the hero of To-da-y, in the polar regions is a face that is full of strength and however, the chief interest not commercial. expend at least $1,000,000 for an im- try to the already great centers of a new and striking twrrel by the Dan- shrewdness, quick in altering expres- The scientific investigator is deeply interested in the exploration of the mense new building. money and population has held back ish woman writer Sophus Banditz. the growth of the smaller communi- sion, and a pleasant smile and hearty polar regions, and the explorations of more recent years have been largely, Anyone who will reflect even casual- Moreover, British and American read- laugh. His head was covered with ly on the subject must become Im- ties, it has not yet occasioned a great ers will probably soon have a chance some of them wholly, in the interest of science. The test will come white muslin, drawn tight on the and pressed that the influence of the mail disaster. with the to read this tale, for Queen Alexandra, is interested to learn more of the earth's surface Nad Is toward the central- first pinch of "hard times," a condi- who recently read It In the original, skull. A fine rose-cu- t diamond In the The geographer order business wealth, and how enormous tion which no country ever has been was so much impressed by it that she left ear, a plain gypsy ring on the physical phenomena under certain unusual and extreme conditions, and of ization of a part it is playing In this direction able to escape at recurring intervals. advised the authoress to have it right hand, trousers, a of and water around the poles, all of which would white coat the character of the land will be understood from a Becond When this time arrives those com- translated into English. This transla- green yellow and striped silk, a black be valuable in the construction of maps. Certain observations would be glance at the figures which have been munities will best stand the test which tion Is now proceeding and the Eng- gold have best conserved satin cloak with braid and lined' to the meas- given above. and husbanded lish version is to be dedicated to the of great benefit to geodesy in many matters relating terrestrial their resources. with pink, was his costume." is due to himself that every patron aueen, who is herself a Dane. urements. It JOHN S. POTTS. of the mall order house Bhould inquire many years of Tanker-vill- e and Doge. For the The science of botany, and more so that of zoology, are benefited by of himself what the final out- Life of Horses honestly The Puzzle Solved. been made that has preached Christianity, and the search for the pole. The northern waters teem come Is to be If the mail order busi- The statement has arctic exploration and Some time ago a merchant in average 20 to 30 years of now he has given practical proof of ness shall continue to make the great horses from life. The anthropologist, too, is interested in the human inhabitants Mass., was discovered in his 12 to 14 yeara. A the sincerity of his convictions. For with strides which have marked its prog- life, and dogs from store at a very late hour, and in reply- French encyclopedist credits the horse the purpose of mitigating local dis- of the frozen north. ress during the last half decade. ing to Inquiries, he said: polar exploration the promise with 30 to 40 years, the dog with 20 tress, his lordship has reopened the The meteorologist sees in of much It Is useless to repeat the well worn "My confidential clery is missing." range of concerns to 14. There is a sufficient lead mines on his estate at Sallbeach, which he now lacks. The present state of the science of me- argument of the mail order "And what of it?" figures cause information selling goods enough uncertainty In these to Shropshire, and has offered the men investigation and knowledge that they are "Why, I'm looking over the books, study has been teorology requires a more thorough of the cheaply the merchants In doubt whether detailed all the profits, while he contents him- more than but they seem to be all right." subject and particularly that of the arctic and antarctic regions. regular channels of trade to leave you made of the self with taking the royalty and a earth's surface, the "Have counted your cash?" is, to large extent, their customers more money than "Yes; and it Is correct to a percentage on on The climate of the temperate zones a especially at cer- dollar." small the outlay ever to devote to home enterprises "Looked over your bank book?" by the atmospheric conditions of the north, and a machinery. tain seasons, affected and institutions. The fallacy of this "1 have, and it is satisfactory. record of the various elements embraced is recognized as been proved over and was more complete statement has That's the puzzle, you see. He's Afghanistan's ameer married, by and minute com- very important. over again actual skipped, and I can't make out what while he was still a little more than parisons of goods, as to their quality numerous reasons why polar exploration haa been for." a boy, to seven wives, each the daugh- One might cite and prices. Te refute it finally and "Been home since noon?" ter of a powerful chief He now haa and will continue to be of great value and importance. The fact that indisputably by a simpler and more "No." necessary only four wives, the eldest of whom is a polar explorations are not valuable from a purely commercial point of view direct method it is to "Perhaps he's eloped with your shrew, whose fierce outbreaks his ask the reliable business men of any wife." no reason for abandoning them. Milton, the great poet and his highness is said to bear with almost is of the smaller communities to show He hurried home, and found this to attempts books ac- Christian fortitude. torian, in alluding to the earlier the evidence from their and be the case. to the polar regions, said: "They of the harm the mail order ii:h habit is doing their communities. Wise David. hr.-- e heroic any A Michigan woman wants a divorce might seemed almost if It is a truth as old as the hills and Wife "Why do you always sit at because her husband wouldn't allow higher end than excessive love for gain and as certain as the rising and setting of the piano, David? You know you her to talk. She ought to be able to traffic had animated the design." the Bun that no country or section of can't play a note!" David "Neither get It on the ground of extreme a country can prosper unless the peo- - can anyone else, while 1 am licit I" cruelty. a

possible space fron. the right. Would Buffalo Herd. least AID WOMEN MARRIED HIM. BRING GOOD HEALTH increase floors. The highest point of observa-- 1 Plans for the propaRatlon of the tlon by the stairway will be above 175 Remarkable Excuse Put Forward by Dr. William' Pink Pills, Used After American buffalo were discussed at a feet. A higher point will be reached French Bigamist. the Grip, Arrest Fatal Decline and recent meeting of the American Bison by a wnll ladder. Rebuild the System. Association in New York. It wna "Brick, stone and terra cotta, the At Versailles, France, recently stated that there were 2,250 in North Any bodily weakness caused by a In materials to be used In this tower, will was on polyg- - America, of which 1,400 are the baker tried a charge of deficiency In the blood can be cured make It solid and strong,' said Mr. amy, having women, United States, and that In view of tho married five by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Fills Garden. "We are trying to make this who are living rapidity with which the animals have and undivorced. The because these pills actually make new decreased In recent years it was the handsomest tower In the West, j pentagamlst's was ai defense that he blood. After attacks of the grip the gued they will soon become extinct Much of the tower's beauty will come: had not married the women; they had the unless effectual steps are taken to from the gothlc arch windows." 'married blood Is generally run down and him. When they proposed to decline. foBter them. F. H. Ludington, who donates he had courage say no. patient continues The society ef- the not the to "About three years ago," says Mrs. decided to make an to Is of money to purchase re- tower the church. president j Neither nor love, he Bald, had Cowan, of 718 N. Henry fort practically all tho Jennie maining In the H. & L. Chase Pag company of prompted his nuptials; he was the Street, West Bay City, Mich., "I buffaloes this country nnd St. Louis. He was born September 3. j victim of the stronger wills of his severe cold, which ran Into Canada and present them to tho caught a United government. Dy do- 1886, in Boston. At 16 the death of successive spouses. Of the five wives grip. I was confined to my bed States so the ing It hopes government will his him on his own re- two weeks. At end of that the set father threw three appeared as witnesses, but did for the BBlde large tracts of land - I to be about, but was where tho sources. He obtained employment in not prosecute, saying that their com- time was able bison may be on a completely I was so weak raised large scale. a grocery. He saved money and em mon husband was a toper of whom run down. The society decided to look Into the Phillips Exeter academy at they were glad to get rid. He was I could hardly stand, my cheekB had tered the My practicability of locating several herds Andover and the Phillips collegn acquitted on what ground does no color and I felt faint. heart of buffaloes on later not was difficult for the Flathead Indian at Brldgewater, Mass. He graduated appear. As all the years In which would flutter and it reservation In northwestern Montana, me to breathe at times. Neuralgia with honors at 23. the multiplex husband took wives and In the Crow reservation in south- settled In the back of my head and western Wyoming. Morton J. Elrod, He taught school In Massachusetts were leap years except 1881, In which I suffered from rheuma- I stomach and of the University of Montana, will bo JftCQMP baJTI3T CHVBCH . KIM6S Hl6HWAf . JKN"l.Utf3TbwItvV for five years. Among his ac- It would seem in tW valuable that four out of tism In my shoulders. asked to report to the society upon quaintances were the Chase brothers the five cases the women had the "I had the care of the best doctor the possibilities of the Flathead of Boston. In 1856 this firm opened 3 right to propose. But the man had in town but became no better until a St. Louis branch and sent young Lud the right, even In the leap years, to friend told me one day how she had ODD GIFT TO A CHURCH ington here in charge. Later Mr. Lud decline, and it was up to him ic least been cured by Dr. Williams' Pink THE SALE OF KENT1K KV JACKS Ington was taken Into the firm. In to explain to his fair suitors Oxat he Pills and I decided to try them. I On February 12th. at the City Stock soon using YnrdB, Denver, will be of that, 1896, his partners having died, Mr was engaged. To establish tht pMn-clpl- e felt better and continued interest to 8T. LOUIS MAN BUILDING $40,000 tural finish. Aside from a feeling I was entirely cured. They the horse breeders nf the state. The a man Is them until raising of well-bre- d it was right for me to contribute my Ludington severed his connection that not responsible up a paying mules has proved TOWER. for of wives, built me again to perfect health Investment In the West. share toward the progress of the with the Boston house and organized the number his unless I now I feel he and use them whenever church I had at'ended so long 1 want- the H. & L. Chase Bag company ol himself does the courting, would at all sick and they always help me." be plainly public inval-unabl- Decorative Shaft Copied From the ed to se the new buildings so Joined St. Louis. against policy. If Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are e Denver Directory "Barkis is willln'," Campanile at Venice To Be together as to add another attraction Mr. Ludington is identified with that at once puts In such cases, as well as In all the responsibility on him, no diseases, because they not THE Made the Mott Beautiful to the city." banking and Insurance corporatloat other blood famous J. n. WILoUfl ulUUK SAUULtS The in St. Louis. He Is an active officer matter who managed the prelimi- only drive off the germs of the disease AR your dealer for them. Take no in the West. windows of the tower will be other. of "art glass," the pattern conforming of the Second Baptist church. He de naries. but build up the system. The pills cured anaemia, rheumatism, after- AMERICAN HOUSE to the general style of architecture of votes much time and means to church OF ECZEMA. have St. Louis. One of the most remark- AWFUL EFFECT -effects of fevers, neuralgia and Union Depot. The hem 12 per day hotel In the work. He a son trie West. American plan. able features of St. Louis will soon be whole group of buildings and the and benevolent has many other severe disorders. interior finish will Elliott K. Ludington. "Lud's tower," an enormous structure be in the same Covered with Yellow 8ores Grew Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold RRflWN PAI Hfllf-- I Abeolutely woodB, tr.F which a citizen Is erecting at a cost colors and marbles as are good Worse Parents Discouraged by all druggists, or sent, postpaid, on European in lan, ftl.50 ami Upward. of $40,000 on King's highway. Rising the church auditorium. EAT PEA SOUP AND LIVE LONG. Drove Sores Away. receipt of price, 50 cents per box, $2.50, by Dr. CTQYF KEPAIUN nf every known make from one of the highest points in the The celling of the main auditorium six boxes the Williams of ntnvp, furnace or rantre. fleo. A. will be in brown oak walls girl, year Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. l'liMon. 13.11 Denver. Phone 75. city, it will be a conspicuous object and the Henry Tabor, Ninety-Tw- o Years Old, "Our little one and a Louis, it will In warm-tinte- plasters, relieved by half old, was taken with eczema or from all parts of St. and Dines on It Exclusively. THE COLORADO SADDLERY CO. probably perpetuate for all time the mosaic stenciling in colors. The cler- that was what the doctor called it. Makes Plea for Dance. estory Factory ISO 9 Market fti Denver. name of the gentleman who conceived arches will be supported by Sprucewood, Ont. If you want to We called in the family doctor, and It seems a very great pity that green so" Harrietts in every style. Saddles of every the idea. marble columns with dull glid- live to be a hundred years old and he gave some tablets and said she effort cannot be made to description. determined Auk your dealer for "the KnumtheNt I.lne In the Went. "Lud's tower" will rise from the site ed capitals. The pulpit and choir gal- never feel old, live exclusively on pea would be all right In a few days. make dancing more popular. Nowa- lery are planned In and mold- grew we of the new Second Iiaptlst church to carved soup, Is what Henry Tabor is telling, The eczema worse and days, when exercise is a kind of re- E. E. BURLINGAME & CO., a height of more than 200 feet. The ed oak. The organ will be in the same all his neighbors. Mr. Tabor isn't a called In doctor No. 2. He said she ligion to men and women alike It Is wood. cost of the structure will be more than centenarian, but as he Is 92 and feela was teething, as soon as the teeth odd that one recommended by all doc- ASSAY OFnCELABEoRSfo,v by mem- "Lud's tower" Is to be well lighted were through she would be all right $40,000. It has been named as chipper as a boy of a dozen years, tors and recognized all the world over Established in Colorado.1866. Samplesby mail or bers of the Second Baptist congrega- and the stairways constructed to make he expects to round out more than But she still grew worse. Doctor and in all ages as an attractive pas- express will receive prompt and careful attem ion tion, who call It "Lud's tower," after ascent easy. The windows will be 100. No. 3 said It was eczema. By this time, into which the art of fascination Gold & Silver Bullion "Vu'ScmmmT-Concentratio- n Luding-ton- , placed at the landings, which are to was nothing but a yellow, the millionaire donor, F. H. Mr. Tabor was born in Montreal In time she largely enters, should be more and Tests 100 1r"i.orfcar.Io"d Iotfc be broad enough to permit many per- sore. Well, could of Louis. 1814, since of 1879 greenish he said he Pic- 1736-173- St. and the spring he more neglected among us. Lady's 8 Lawrence St.. Denver. Colo The style of the church which this sons to observe the surrounding sec- lias lived almost entirely upon pea help her, so we let him try It about torial. campanile Is to overtop will be Lom- tions of St. Louis at the same time. soup. When he took to this diet he a week. One morning we discovered following bard gothlc. The structure is to be The base of "Lud's tower," 25 feet was suffering from what doctors said a little yellow pimple on one of By the directions, which PIANOS AND ORGANS square, will be of eyes. Of we 'phoned for are plainly printed On each package of executed in brick and terra cotta. The outside dimensions, was cancer of the stomach. They told her course Send your name with three fot six inch walls pf granite and doctor No. 3. Ho came over and Defiance Starch, Men's Collars and this ad. ror lint of fine roof will be of title. The brick will be him that he had only a short time to bargains In pianos and cot- brick, resting on a concrete founda- live, his general appearance looked her over, and said that he Cuffs can be made Just as stiff as de- organs. Ptanoe from deep yellow in color and the terra and bore $75 up. Organ seven-foo- t sired, with gloss or domestic from ta a buff. The main buildings of this tion with a footing sunk out this statement. He was pale, could not do anything more for either SIR to $26 up. IMaver seven finish. Try it, 16 oz. for 10c, sold by Piano, can bo played new place of worship will be a church feet below the grade. wan and weak, for he could retain lit- her, that we had better take her by nnyon, $450 up. The thickness of the walls will leave some eye specialist, was all good grocers. Instruments sold on to the left of the campanile and a tle nourishment and had little hope of to since it eay terms to suit two struc- the inside dimensions about 18 feet ever recovering his an ulcer. So we went to Oswego to buyer. Victor talking chapel to the right. The health. People who are fond of music usu- machines sold at fac- by loggin on square. The tower is to taper upward day doctor No. 4, and he said the eye- tory prices on easy tures will be connected a One a vender of herbs told him ally draw the line at amateur con- terms. the front and by two arcades on the to a belfry, the base of which will be that he could prolong his life by eat- sight was gone, but that he could Write for catalog of 18 certs. our different Instru- east or in the rear. inches smaller than the base of the ing pea soup, and Mr. Tabor prompt- help It. We thought we would try ments. Midway between the two main edi- structure. ly tried it. The food "set" well, and doctor No. 5. Well, that proved the I'U.rM I'HED IN a TO 14 DATS, THE KNKiHT-CAHPBKL- in same, only charged $10 more PAZO OINTMKNT Is Kilurnnteed totmre any CMI MUSIC fices and dividing the arcades and the Chimes the Belfry. at the end of a week he had gained a he than of Itcbtntr. Wind, lileedniK or Protruding pile to COMPANY. 4. dis- H lo H days or uiunuy refunded. 60c. loggia will rise the tower, to be com- The belfry will be 18 feet in diam pound, as well as some strength. He doctor No. We were nearly 1025-3- 1 California St.. eter, and ocvagonal in shape. The couraged. I saw one of the Cutl-cur- a !cnver. Colo. posed of the same materials as are felt encouraged, and kept on with the If you want to see a man act silly floor of the belfry will be concrete. advertisements in the paper and used in the church and chapel. Around soup, little by little discarding all hunt up one who is jealous. the base and in the open spaces be- The tower will weigh 3,250,000 other articles of diet. Ultimately he thought we would try the Cuticura NOCK ft tween the chapel and church will be pound! and Mr. Garden of the firm of regained his full health and became Treatment, so I went and purchased Mri, Wlnatow'n Soothing- - Syrup. architects says it will be strong a set of Cuticura Remedies, which For children teething, BoftenR the Riimi, reduces In GARSIDE flower gardens, with a fountain in as hardy as a knot. flaniinallou, allay, pain, cure, wind colic. 26c a bottle. front. There will be an inclosed floral enough to support the weight of bells On several occasions the man at- cost me $1, and in three days our Manufacturer, garden about 75 feet square. or of a single big bell and to resist the tempted to eat cereals and meats, but daughter, who had been sick about Love your enemies but not John ef The tower will rise, narrowing strain of the sounding either. He be- each time he was made ill, so he stuck eight months, showed great improve- Demijohn. Electric, Hydraulic, lieves al- slightly to almost the full height, and chimes will be Installed, to soup, and now and then meals of ment, and in one week all sores had Belt Power then will be topped with a spire. though that has not been definitely peas baked after the manner of beans. disappeared. Of course it could not we Hand and Sidewalk Most Beautiful in the West. decided. Once a week Mr. Tabor eats a little restore the eyesight, but if had The stairways will be construe- - I am It is the intention of the architects steel fruit, but outside of this his diet is used Cuticura in time confident tion and placed so as to up up peas. eye. We to make the tower the most take the made of that it would have saved the ELEVATORS beautiful is no remedy so good for In the West. The new church will think there RHEUMATISM any trouble or Impurity of the be located on the west half of the skin AND Phone S4 Wailing-Plac- blood as Cuticura. Mr. and Mrs. Frank 18.10 WniM square facing King's highway and ly- e of the Jews. S, Abbott, R. F. D. No. 9, Fulton, Os- DE.NVKIl, OOI.O. ing between McPherson and Wash- NEURALGIA wego Co., N. Y., August 17, 1906." ington avenues. The complete struc- THE DENV ER ture is to cost about $250,000. No Longer Novel. The only dry climate loca-hut- The builders have studied the com- When James P. Magenis was chief tnanuliu'tif rod, of Europe to lunch Hi) per cent panies southwestern and deputy in the internal revenue service of fertile eggs. Write for cir- will attempt to incorporate their many was with a cular I). bHU all nloul them he stricken severe attack and the l"- -t brnodorH beauties In the St. Louis tower. Mr. of typhoid fever, and it was some earth, can l cloned In one nmmte. Tin; it Ludington, who makes the campanile weeks before he was able to resume INCUBATOR his donation to the church, was much bis duties. ulii'nriiiu Mn-t-t- impressed by the famous campanile in Before his illness his hair was lux- Venice which fell four years ago. uriant, but after it a bald spot besan The historic Campanile of Venice, to show, which was noticed by a dep- after which "Lud's tower" is modeled, uty, who speke to him about it. ST. The Jack Sale weathered ten centuries before it fell. "Pardon me, Jim," he said, "but It collapsed on the morning of July you are getting bald, and you know a On Tuesday, Ftb. 12, 1907 14, 1902, and lay in a heap 100 feet bead of hair like yours is quite a JACOBS we Hell (20 high. A I SL " i,ts'i'" ''Issssssssl will at unction. nr enrlond corner of the royal palace '"THttsssHssssssssssff novelty these days." bend) of litith-clii- H Kentucky Jneka. was torn, but St. Mark's and 'ff! "Yes," said Magenis, "I have been They are three to seven years old and the measure from fourteen to fifteen and doge's palace were unharmed. told my was quite a novelty, OIL one-ha- lf hair hands high. They have been Lud's tower" will be so solidly con- do you know," said, a carefully selected from celebrated mule but he and The Proved Remedy producing1 families, by an expert In structed that the elements and age gleam of fun was In his eye, "I no- For Over SO Years. the keeping the Idea alw.tys are not expected to Injure It for many tice since my illness, that every time in in i ml l JnckH that will lirluv Price 25c and 90c largre-alae- d and good-bone- d ram lea and centuries. It will have many windows There is one remnant of the Temp)' wall at Jerusalem which Is known as I run my hand over the top of my from such sires as "Blak SMmaoa." Wailing-place.- " ehiiiiiplnii of nil the Kentucky Jack and observation openings. "the There devout Jevs gather to recite the lamentations and head the novelty is wearing off." ' at the Ml ate and In I cm. 111 The new St. Louis campanile will be to mourn for the Jerusalem that passed away at the conquest of Titus. "Hoaeiif John,' "MnmnaOth Boy" o tall that it will Thoroughly Reliable. and utheni equally Kod. 'I' lies'- Jackjsi dominate all the ure nearly all black In color with surrounding buildings. To the base If ever there was a reliable and safe white points; each and every one a of the spire It will be more 15 remedy it is that old and famous por- HEADACHE good performer and a sure foal getter than SEES KNIFE; FEELS IT NOT. To Tax All in SICK a prove high. Stairways Titles France. ous plaster Allcock's. It has been in and without doubt will In stories will lead up Paris. The chamber of deputies Positively cared by best mule getters ever brought to Col- this full distance. hai use for sixty years, and is as popular orado and will produce the highest There will be eight Newly Discovered Anesthetic Works been busy discussing and voting new these Iiittie Pills. priced mules. floors finished y as ever and we doubt if there They also relieve Dis and furnished for use. Marvels on Patients. taxes in connection with the budget carter's! There la pOMlllvely nothing In tbe The second floor will be furnished for Is a civilized community on the face tress from Dyspepsia. In way of live atoek breeding that pay After voting a tax of eight shillings pel digestion Too Hearty ao tvell aa tbe ralalng of mule. a meeting room for deacons and St. Louis, Mo. Dr. Hal W. Foster of of the globe where this wonderful pain ITTLL and It la not you board annum on upright pianos and 16 sbll Eating. A perfect rem- If convenient for to pay members. Kansas City, Mo., using an reliever cannot be found. In the selec- I all cash we will take your note for a anesthetic lings per annum on grand pianos, ai IVER edy for Dizziness, Nausea, ahnrt time. St. of own by Dr. tion of the Ingredients and in their John's Methodist church, imme- his discovery, assisted well as a tax of $20 per annum on all Imp Drowsiness, Dad Taste Descriptive catalog will be ready for diately King's Young manufacture the greatest care Is taken mailing In a few days and will be ed across highway, will be John Brown of this city, has of organs, ia the Mouth, Coated on kinds hand the chamber dls to keep each plaster up to the highest application, lie member tu completely overtopped by "Lud's tow- performed four operations at the city cussed a proposal to tax the Tongue. Pain In the Side, date, TueMdny, February 12tb. transmls standard of excellence, and so pure TORPID LIVER. They er." Beautiful Forest park, near by, hospital which bid fair to work a revo- sion of titles of when Inherit will be directly and simple are the Ingredients that regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. & under the vision from lution in surgical science. ed as well aB a tax on all persons now Geo. L Goulding Co, higher In even a child can use them. SMALL SMALL DOSE. SMALL the stories. all of the operations the patients using titles in France. The president PILL. MICE. J. . Coffey, Auctioneer. Allcock's are the original and gen- I v When Lud's tower" Is completed were perfectly conscious during the of the chamber, speaking for the gov CI Slock Tnrdi, Denver. Colorado, (he photographer can to uine porous plasters and are sold by Gertuina Must Bear take a better ordeal, talked the operator and ernment, said that the tax would be CARTERS panorama of the new St. espe- his closely. One Druggists all over the world. Signature Louis, watched movements levied on all the titles of the old mon JlTTLE cially of the west end "f the operations was for residence sec- strangulated archlal nobility that were still In use Japanese Hot batna. IVER THE NAVY tion, than has ever before hernia, a most delicate and dangerous JOIN been taken and also on the titles conferred by Na In Japan hot baths are used at a PILLS. uhli h enlists for four years youna; men nf from the roof of the highest west end undertaking. Despite the gravity of I. J food character nnd uutind phytilcal con- poleon and Napoleon III, Present temperature of 104 degress. Fahren- REFUSE dition between the age. of 17 and 26 aa Apartment or hotel. the operation it was performed quick- SUBSTITUTES. apprenticed seamen; opportunities for ad- users of titles would be required tc heit, immediately they leave this vancement; pay 116 to $70 a mmith "I looked over the plans for the new ly, successfully and without pain to prove their right to make use of such bathers plunge Into perfectly cold machinists, blacksmiths, copper- the smiths, yeomen (clerks), carpenters, ship-fltter- church," Bald Mr. Ludington, patient. mufh-ians- "and I the titles. water. A European doctor who has TO SURE ECZEMA. firemen, cooks, etc., en- thought the edifice ought to be com- Dr. Foster has not yet listed in special ratings with sultablu pay. announced spent many years in Tokio declares hospital apprentices 18 to 'H yeurs. Re- plete. I did not know anything which the lngrtdientB in the manufacture of Finds Art In Asia's Wilds. The one Infallible method by which tirement on three-fourth- s pay and allow that, after a bath of this heat and the Ectema can be quickly and permanently ances after 30 years' service applicants would be more imposing his new "pain Is not dan- he w n than a cam- killer." It Berlin. Dr. Von Lecoq of the Berlin subsequent douche, he used to i; . eured u by the use or IliiaKki t.'s Oikt-JI- must American citizens; $45 th of I For a century clothing free to recruits. Cpon discharge panile and suggested one, offering gerous and the evil resultB to be museum, who half Ibiaf reel remedy 4 Ethnological made dls warm all day In the coldest "winter bas been tbe nieana of curing akin travel allowance cents per mile to plaMe pay expense of it. from administering every dlaea.a of enlistment. Bonus four months pay and to the feared ether and coveries of Buddhist antiquities In weather, while in summer the bath of nature. Kryalpclaa.Tetter, Uleara, t per month Increase in pay upon re "My only object In doing thie was chloroform need not be feared. Turkestan, in Pimple., Ringworm, Bloloby Hltln, Erup-tlou- enlistment within four months of dis- northeast has arrived had the exactly contrary effect, aod Kourb Skin, Halt Rheum, Scald charge; tt per month increase each suc- to keep the church from being over- Persons with a weak heart and Berlin. H1b most precious discovery was most cooling refreshing. Head all yield as readily to the marvelous ceeding re enlistment. by big curative vlrtuea of Hbimkcll's V. 8. NAVV km i;t mm. HTATIONN: shadowed the hotel to the north other constitutional weaknesses can be says, consists of fifteen chestf Kn Ointment Kuiim 2, IMoueer Hulldlng, Itenver, Coin. the dread dlaaaae Koaeuia. Before apply- 4(8. and to join the church and chapel edi- go under the knife without fear. filled with manuscripts In fen ing the ointment, bathe the arrected parte, IW111 Cedent! Huildlng, Cueblu. ..!., lan Wonderful Incandescent. unlng fices In a harmonious group. Those who saw the operations are guages. These with other article! Zuzel, an chemist, la HlISKILL'a MsDtCINAL Bo A Hans Austrian Mi htm Blood and LivaK Pills tone HOWARh F BURTON "I think," said Mr. Ludington, "such convinced that Dr. Foster has made dug out of the sand are relics of said to have perfected an incandescent up the liver and cleanae the blood. Oint- unit wr( tx iiiiftt. Is a which will prove Incal- ment, 60 cent a box ; Soap, 26 easts a cake; Specimen pi 1. es Oold.t allver. lead. SI I a tower absolutely necessary to give discovery of highly cultured and artistic peopli lamp which is made of filaments of Pllla, a, oenta bottle at all druggina. old. silver, T&a; gold line or copper. Send f r 11. vaniue tests. Mttimii envelopes ana the new church the proper architec culable value to mankind. that once Inhabited those regions. cheap material, but of great durability Interesting book of teatlmonlaia to on Johnston, Holloway A Co.. 631 full price list sent application. Control 3,600 Commerce anl umpire work solicited Ijoadvllle. Co lew and capable of burning hours. Btr!t, Philadelphia, Pa. lUfurence, Carbonate National Bank. com Chnlrnian Shonts of the canal TRYING EXPERIENCE. Anyone can dye with PUTNAM FADE- Fine Silver Service for Cruiser. To See Husband s Statue Unveiled. NEWS OF THE WEEK1 mission has announced that bidders LESS DYES; no experience required; One thousand five hundred ounce Mrs. Ellen M. McClellan, widow of success guaranteed. tor completion of the Panama canal Spent Over 9100 In a Vain Search for of metal will be used In the silver ser- Gan. George B. McClellan and mother I will be limited to American firms. Health. vice to be presented to the new ar- of the mayor of New York, has ar- I According to the last census there It has been reported to the United re- well-borer- mored cruiser Washington by rived In New York. She has been re 11 female s hi the the Most Important Happenings cf the States government that two regi Miss Frances Gardner, of 369 Jack- United States. people of the state after which the siding abroad, but will remain In this c,ut Seven Days. ments of Japanese completely offi- son boulevard, Chicago, 111., writes: ship la named. The service Is com- country to be present at the unveiling cered are in Honolulu. "Gentlemen: I Give Defiance Starch a fair trial-- try posed of 53 pieces, and will cost $5,-00- In Washington next April of the m Attorney General Hadley, of Mls-cou- rl, heartily Indorse it for both and cold starching, The chief piece Is the punch mortal statue of Gen. McClellan. tnterr-atlna- r hot ltrma Gathered from All has filed a motion In the su- Doan's Kidney and If you don't think you do better bowl, In the shape of a gallot, orna- parts of the World Coadeaaed preme court for a rehearing In the anti-p- Pills, as I have work, In less time and at smaller cost, mented with a figure representing laio Small Spa for the ool selling case. He contends that found by personal return It and your grocer will give Triton, the trumpeter of Neptune. Beaeflt of Oar Reader. the court's recent decision is In con- experience you money. SIGK HEADACHE that back your New Hobby flict with the act of the legislature they are an Ideal for Collectors. Positively cured by "r 1 Ingenuity Personal. of 1906. kidney remedy. I Sermon In Lieu of Fine. The of collectors In the these Little Pills. George discovery of new fields having been CARTER'S Dis- Burnham, jjr., general coun Andrew Carnegie, In a speech be suffered with com- Rev. Charles H. Tyndal of Mount They also relieve exhausted, there Is still open to them tress Dyspepsia, in- sel for the mutual Life Insurance com fore plications of kid- Vernon, N. Y., was caught overspeed-ln- g from the National Civic Federation at of digestion and Too Hearty pany recently convicted of larceny has ney complaint for and summoned to court, but the that collecting the finest specimen iTTLE New York declare(1 that the grenter of forged or Eating, A perTjct rem- been sentenced to two years in the nearly five years, judge got him by telephone and told spurious works of art and of lhp estate of enormougly capable IVER edy for Dizziness, Nausea, state prison. spent over $100 on him he need not appear, but that he this is of becoming a hobby wealthy men should go to the state scarcely less Interesting or admirable PILLS. Drowsiness. Bod Taste William H. Moody formerly attorney useless remedies, while five boxes of might square things by preaching a In the Mouth, Coated upo the q 088e8Sor than the pursuit of arti- t,rnri ai hub upon ilia Doan's Kidney Pills cured me In a few good sermon next Sunday. the genuine Tongue, Fain In the Bide, emeiuu uuuta The attorneyM general of Minnesota cle. as associate justice of the supreme short weeks. I am now enjoying the Art Journal. TORPID LtVTtlt. They has rendered an opinion the re- court of the United that best of health, have a fine appetite, Cannot Be Cured regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. States. cent Increase in capital stock of Catarrh National Pure Food and Drugs Act. the the best of digestion, and restful With LOCAL AI'PLIC ATItlN. they cannot retch SMALL DOSE. E:lMayor Rose of Kansas City, I Serial No. 384, assigned SMALL PILL SMALL PRICE. the Great Northern railway is invalid the "it of the dteftao. Catarrh a M or by the Govern- Ran., against whom the Kansas su- sleep, all due to your splendid pills." disease, and In order lo rnre It vtu muat take ment, and Guaranty tnat the preparations under the state laws. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Internal remedies. Hall'a Catarrh Cure la taken In- comply in every respect with the require- Genuine Must Bear preme court assessed a fine of 1,000 ternally, aud acta directly on the timid and n nut Foster-MUbur- n of Komi CARTERS The Interstate Commerce commis- Co., Buffalo, N. Y. iirfacoii. Hall'a Catarrh Cure li not a quark I ments the Pure and Drug. Act, for contempt for assuming the du- appear on every Signature sion set Texas It wat prescribed hy one of the oast physlt lana package of the Garfield iTTtE ties of mayor after having been oust- has the hearing of the In thtlr'tilntry fur years and la a regular prescription. 'lea Company's preparations. Cuttle Raisers' association against BROKE THE WILDCAT'S BACK. It Is composed of the best tonlrs known, combined IVER ed by the court, has paid the fine with (be bet lib tod purifier", actlnir directly on the g PILLS. and costs amounting to $1,5G2.64. the M. K. & T. railroad for January mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the Says a woman: "I care not who 7 at Chicago. Philadelphia Man Victorious In Hand- - two InifrrdtrMs ts what produces such wonderful John C. Moore, on trial for the mur- In curlnir rntnrrh. Send for teHttnioiilala. free. does the thinking so long as I am per- REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Muller, of d Combat. F. ,1. CHENEY A CO.. Props., Toledo, O. to der of his wife in Arkansas City, Edouard vice president Sold bv PruiiKlsts. price TSc. mitted do the talking." Kansas, was found guilty of murder the federal council, has been elected Take Hall'a Family Fills forconstlpatlan. PATKXT ATTOtt W. I.?, president confederation Unarmed and alone, Thomas Dyke When a man Is broke his friends in the first degree. of the Swiss Waiaet. ('(pnan, i '.. li A t n ir was by a on Where Lawyers Are Unpopular. give ad- I). Advu-- In succession to M. L. Frerre. attacked wildcat Locust are always ready to him ne, YVtMhiiiimtn. O. William Lanyon of lola, Knn., has mountain, south of Mount Carmel, Pa. A lawyer made his appearance at vice. PATENTS frwe. TeruiH low. Higtiuttt rtf. - Clyde Rumsey, who robbed sold his Interests In the smelter syn- Jesse He had been In Ashland and started Colobar. West Africa, the other day plead-Cane- y Mrs. TVInsInw'a Sontlitnir "Irrnp. two near Glasgow, Mo M dicote at lola and his smelters at trains to drive home. HIb horse stepped on and a Gold Coast newspaper, noting For children teething, softens the (rums, reduces h JOHN W. MO KRIS Hamtuellou .allays OL and Deerlng to New York i eti guilty and was sentenced to a term paln.curae wind uoliu. 26c a botUa. Washington, li. and a nail and he put the animal In a sta the fact, said: "It Is very unsafe for PCriMO-r- Proeocutea Claims. Boston capitalists. f 2" years in the state penitentiary, IT. Boreas, ' ble. the people for lawyers to practice at When money few of us are Examiner 8. Pension tlle minimum sentence under the talks John Speer, who figured. In the Then he started to walk home and this place. Their appearance in this of hearing. U., NO. 51, 1906. B0llrl law- hard W. N. DENVER, free Btate troubles died recent- - was on the mountain when the cries river will soon Inveigle everyone who ly in Denver, Col. Mr. Speer was The famous divorce case of Augus-printin- g of a wildcat alarmed him. A few Is not careful Into litigation, and they paper the Lawrence Tribune at the tus Hartje, the millionaire minutes later he saw the beast ten will feed on their folly, thereby ruin- - time of thp Lnwrencp Massacrp hv i manufacturer of Pittsburg, Pa., has feet in front of him. The animal ing them." Quantrell's men and his printing plant been decided in favor of the wife, finally sprang. He jumped aside and was destroyed and his two sons killed. Mrs. Hartje retains control of the as the body of the cat struck the road Laundry work at ho-.ii- would be The best He escaped by hiding in a corn field. children. The costs of the trial were he leaped upon It. For several min- muci more satisfactory If the right -- e Hagan of Topeka, Kan., an assessed against Hartje. utes the fight between the wild ani Starch were used. In order to get the in the land is not attorney and prominent in democratic Six of the negroes of the Twenty-fift- h mal and the man went on. At length desired stiffness. It is usually neces- sary to so political circles Is dead. Infantry, recently discharged by a quick awing he broke the ani- use much starch that the always the most costly. complicity the beauty and fineness of the fabric Is A twenty-ounc- e baby was born re- without honor for in mal's back. ap hidden behind a paste of varying cently to Mr. and Mrs. Claw-so- n Brownsville, Tex., affair, have A physician dressed the several Robert thickness, of Thomas, Ok. plied to Secretary Taft for reinstate deep scratches on his face and hands. which not only destroys the ment. but otherwise he was uninjured. appearance, but also affects the Wear- S. E. Howell, president of the Oma-n- n BAKING ing quality of the goods. This trouble Coal Exchange, charged with 79 In an address before the Oklahoma TORTURED WITH ECZEMA. can be entirely overcome by using De- Iff! constitutional convention at Guthrie others with maintaining a trust, has fiance Starch, as It can be applied been convicted. Oscar B. Colquitt, a member of the POWDER great- Texas railroad commission, declared Tremendous Itching Over Whole Body much more hinly because of Its IW Gen. Nog'i, the Japanese command- Until Bled Wonder- strength makes. ounces the railroad law of his state was a Scratched er thar other 25 for 25 cenis er who captured Port Arthur, was ful Cure by Cuticura. failure so far as the making of rates recently thrown from his horse in Pugilist's Sudden Conversion. is the purest and most efficient baking was light-weigh- Tokio and seriously injured. concerned. year I "Kid'' Wedge, a t pugi "Last suffered with a tremen help in the It's An epidemic of robbery seems to dous itching on my back, which grew list who claimed to be champion of country. a waste of Con urrenM Ion .OUNCES nl. be prevalent In the southwest. Banks worse and worsa, Arkansas, was training for a fight money to more for baking powder president has sent plctorlally until It spread over pay The a at Morris, I. T., Ashen, Ok., and whole body, only my with Guy Buckles In Omaha. Sudden- illustrated message to congrses por- the and face and not half so good ! K C Baking Powder Drexel, Mo., were dynamited and hands were free. four or ly he "got religion" and sent word to traying conditions as he found them For months robbed In one night recently, and the so I suffered torments, and I had to the management of the club where is made and guaranteed by on the Isthmus during his recent vis- safe in the post office at Zinclte he was to appear explaining why they scratch, scratch, scratch, until I bled. 71 it. near Joplin, Mo., was blown up and At night when I went to bed things would have to make other arrange- Jaques fg. Co., Both houses of congress have agreed the building burned by the bandits got worse, and I had at times to get ments. At the same time he mailed Chicago. that the holiday adjournment shall Gov. Hoch brands the stories sent up and scratch my body all over, until a copy of the New Testament to Mr. "IS MAHr be to January 3. out from Topeka to eastern newspa I was as sore as could be, and until I Buckles, who, as he fully expected to The senate has agreed to a resolu- pers regarding suffering In the south suffered excruciating pains. They told win the fight which had been ar- tion directing the department of com- western of Kansas us an me that I was suffering from eczema. ranged, is not yet entirely resigned. merce and labor to Investigate the har- Then I made up my mind I would "outrageous exaggeration." that The Evils of Constipation, use the Remedies. I vester trusts. Complaints filed by shippers Cuticura used se- IWWT Y I I l 1 J . are many; In fact almost every tab 1 1 llll.l.L JIHI: rv f I ar i m lav. bm I 3 n The president has recommended to them according to instructions, and i' ii'.'ii Bvevavav?""aEsBTavavi throughout the west with the Inter rious Illness has its origin In consti- BBBaaaaaavasraBaisfauvanaiBauBanBrHai MBaaEaaaaaaMB ill I very soon indeed I was greatly re iiiiin.aiii axiim ills congress the transfer of the charge state Commerce commission reveal pation, and some medicines. Instead of lieved. I continued well, f the national parks from the secre- an appalling stnte of affairs brought until and preventing constitution, add to It. now I am ready to recommend the Cu- tary of the interior to the secretary of about by the failure of the railroads This is of most cathartics, which, ticura Remedies to any one. Mrs. true agriculture. to supply cars to transport freight. first used, a beneficial ef- Mary Metzger, Sweetwater, Okla., when have Send 4 Cents in Stamps for Aluminum Combined Comb and Paper Cutter to A memorial from the cattle raisers In are belli the dose to be contin- WORTH-WAL- the southwest cattle June 28, 1903." fect, but has WOOD ACE COLLEGES, DENVER, COLORADO. of the west has been presented to turned lose on the prairies, while In ually increased, ind before long the congress regarding the shortage of the northwest grain lies rotting along VISION SHOWED SON DEAD. remedy ceases to have the slightest curs and asking for relief. the railroad tracks. Much suffering effect. There is one preparation, how- A bill has been Introduced in the s reported In the northwestern states Italian Mother's Dream Followed by ever, that can be relied upon t j pro- house to amend the railroad rate law 0y th? shortage of fuel Discovery of Body. duce the same results with the same WINCHESTER - so that newspapers can exchange ud- A court martial has been ordered dose, even after fifty years' daily vertising space for transportation. to try Penrose and Capt. Maclc- - A strange case of telepathy In con- use, and this Is Brandreth's Pills, Smokeless Powder Shells The house by a decisive vote nni who commanded the negro nection with a murder is arousing which has a record of over 100 years agreed to an Increase of the salaries trops at Brownsville, Tex., (luring the much Interest in Milan. . A wo- as the standard remedy for constipa- "LEADER" and " REPEATER" .nf members of the cabinet, vice nres- - Meant tronlilp man named awoke sudden- tion and all troubles arising from an Ident and the speaker, but refused to president Roosevelt has rescinded ly at three o'clock the other morning, impure state of the blood. fine The superiority of Winchester increase the pay of senators and rep- - to public printer to use and calling her son John, who lives Brandreth's Pills are the same nB order the tonic pill your grandparents resentatives in congress by a vote of 8impufied spelling In public docu In her house, told him that his laxative Smokeless Powder Shells is tne used, and are for sale everywhere, 188 to 107. ments. younger brother, Leopold, living In undisputed. Among either plain or sugar-coate- intelligent The agreement made by the pow- Monsignor Montagnlnl, who was re the outskirts of the town, was dead. mother was deeply affected, shooters they stand first in pop- ers at the Morocco conference held cently expeiled from Fiance, visited The One Peril of Ballooning. John to comfort her by as Algeclras, Spain, hae been rati- the pope upon his arrival at Rome but tried One of the Btrange experiences of ularity, records and at criblng fears to a bad At shooting fied by the senate. and gave a detailed acount of his ex her dream. balloonlBt is that of falling into "a dawn, however, Leopold Lazztroni, a a qualities. Always use Roosevelt has sent to the pulsion. He presented rather a dark hole in air," which Mr. Rolker re- them President handsome and strong young man, the the In executive session an agree- picture of the sltuutlon. ports as follows: "So you continue senate owner of a dairy, was found dead at For Field Trap the powerB to prohibit the The president has consented to ad sailing, enjoying the present with or Shooting. ment of a spot some distance from his dwel- importation of arms, opium the National Editorial assocla thought of the startling sur- sale or fire dress ling. After having muiie an examina- little Ask Your Dealer For Them. liquors to South tion at Its meeting at the Jamestown prises may be before you. Ahead or intoxicating the tion of the body, the doctors affirmed that exposition In June. of you, unseen, may be what the bal- Sea Islands. that Leopold had been murdered ac- nom- A plan is conslderr.tion by calls a 'hole In the air,' re- The Benate has confirmed the under tually o'clock In morn- loonist for formation at three the sembling vortex of a maelstrom, inations of William H. Moody to be the administration the ing. the justice of the supreme of a big corporation by the govern and down this you may literally fall an associate The next day the culprits were ar- Nothing pleasea eye so at- ment and the Indian tribes for the pur at a rate which is terrifying until, by the much court; Charles J. Bonaparte as rested. as a well made, dainty pose of holding and developing the sacrificing two or bagfuls of torney general; Victor H. Metcalf, us The of the mother's vision, three of Indian territory. facts once, your pilot checks your secretary of the nuvy and Oscar S. coal lands the which been duly sand at have authenticated, flight. But Straus, asecretury or commerce and Joseph E. Smith, president of the subject of downward these 'holes'' are the endless discussion. scarce, rule, atmos- labor. Mormon church, and a director of are and, as a the Is of power." Shirt By a vote of 142 to 25 the house the Union Pacific railway and two important to Mothers. phere uniform carrying Magazine. has gone on record as opposed to other officials of the road residin Examine carefully erery bottle of CASTOH1A, American In Lake, have been summoned a aare and sure remedy for infinite and children, the simplified spelling as advocuted Salt Hindoos' Day of Prayer. to in the federal and aee that It by President Roosevelt. answer Indictments In order best to Influence the Brit- Waist unlawful The resolution offered by Represe- court for discrimination Bears the ish government a meeting of Hindoos by ntee Miller, of Kansas, providing for It has been decided a board of Signature of opposed to the partition of Bengal employed by city that an Investigation of the "Lumber engineers the la Dm For Over 30 Year.. decided the other day to observe the Suit trust" has been adopted by the house. the tunnel under the Chicago river Tuf Kind You Dave Always Bought. anniversary of "Partition Day" by Salle must be abandoned The Indian appropriation bill for at La street "fasting, praying and bathing in the I permanently. Picturesque German Custom. if properly laundered. 1908 carrying $8,000,000 has been Ganaea." 1 o get best results A curious custom procures In the to by house committee on States Senator .Brown the I is to use agreed the navy it necessary Indian affairs. of Utah, who was shot in his apart German when the sailors, hav- the best laundry urgent deficiency bill carrying menta in Washington by Mrs. Anna ing served their time, pass Into the I starch. The They an appropriation of $580,500 has M. Bradley, of Salt Lake, has died reserve. don the "reserve flask" house. from the effects of the wound. also used on a similar occasion in passed the army of the Indian affairs The German society of wireless tel. the and parade the streets The chairman wearing caps Defiance In congress that egraphy has succeeded In holding with rlbbonB wh'"h committee stated Je-In- reach to ground, g Indian population Is 284,079 wireless telephonic communication be- the other ribbons the total attached to the canes they carry. and that there were 316 more births tween Berlin and Nauen, 24 miles away. than deaths last year. A8cum "You're a literary man, you The United cruiser Starch MlMfelluueoaa. States armored say." Woodby "Oh, yes, 1 do consid- Bafe In the bank Montana has been successfully Robbers looted the erable writing for the papers." As-cu- ship at Lincoln, Ark., and secured $1,800. launched at Newport News yard. "I never noticed your name " gives that finish to the clothes that all ladiea of spelling will A second general advance In wageB Woodby "Oh, no, I s The simplified form have several desire and should ob England mills In six I continue to be used in all correspond- In New cotton that use; usually 'Constant tain. It is the delight ence emanating from the White months :.. announced for January 1. Reader' or 'Pro Bono Publico' or 'Old of the experienced " house. The cotton mills employ 175.000 per- Subscriber.' laundress. Once tried patent have been Issued by sons. they will use noother. It ia pure and letters To Get Military Here. government granting a The ile vote tor representative In Pointers is guaranteed not to injure the moat the British Gen. Brugere, former minister of delicate fabric. It ia sold by the the Transvaal. Atchison, Kan., district has been constitution to the war of France, Is expected to visit beat grocers at ioc a package. Each given In by Sheffield Ingalls, re- In a speech at a dinner his decided lot. this country In the near fature to pacKage contains 10 ounces, wuier Waldorf-Astori- a by publican, being tha victor. good, sell honor at the the make an Inspection of starches, not nearly so American the same price per package, but they contain only ounces of stare American Asiatic association, Mr. Aoki, The supreme court of Arkansas has posts and study the organisation and n V. AT.I7DC ' loi Paper Consult your own interests. Ask tor lANLH b I Ala 11, get it, and ambassador to this country sustained the conviction of Senator DP buy any-- s l'hr Japanese the methods of training ths American tiring to kuow you will never use any other. people were thoroughly alive o. Butt of Kureka Springs aaaaiasaaaaaas thing advertised In aald his whwaa soldiers. Its columns should insist upon having to the magnitude of their obligations convicted of bribery in the last legis-t- o what they ask lor, refusing all substi- this country and hat talk of war lature and glveu a two year term In No, Alonzo, a bachelor Isn't neces- tutes or imitations. Defiance Starch Company, Omaha, N single-ta- x was atisurd . the penitentiary. sarily an advocate of ths Idea. . . MPB

t i! WILLIAM ioiuMlh.l M.I U Tt.O Vol Yli. LAND PKOMOTED. H. J. LUCE & lUton Rhh(jh: W. I,. Watli, Attorney t-Law, 1 Gnae.tte: Tho urn! , try Murtdoy ii' !ar 'secretary and r 01 Hk- - ( tamty, Ni v .1 nnnci nnMit wns tumle tins morrii u .''. Utah .Construct u n Loinoany lias ui'' thut .1 V (irtrlaml. chiot clerk1 Practice in all the Courts. t for 1 m i lei r finislied the ontt u un ) v.. li'ik in i !if i lii of the nupt-- in- - r k rt. c ...... I. Merchandise Undent of bridRwi mil boildiftRs IW M ne tllc General 'kin-- : .OS, NHW MEX of this div.'unti f ih Suimei. M t hv hi? company rago bef'i nan.i'd a lite s ock Bgeut of j9t luly art! loaves with the Dry Goods & Groceries Entp- - t;o it.hf road.. Tiiis in a tJiiliBtantiril grading of this TO'id completed hm1 ' & -- d R .imtio'i to Sir. Garland bin from Dos Moines Ute Creek, a Boots Shoes i.v fiwmm iu thib city wher Jjctance of 93 miles, ittid from (M F. C. (ti udalin bim today, Clifton, on the in mm line, to Ra. & ABBOTT, EA IHtYtLCitt. Salt Fresh Meats He Httcdends J. H. Fowler, who a distance of six miles. The i f ywr. Iihb been promoted t ftlaim v . f ..",,,, i DISTRICT ATTORNEY. feeki six mnntha "yent on the LI rneo division of , , . , Miner's Supplies Veekiy. thtwi months M officials of the Kncliv Monti tain n Sllfl of Oil! SANTA PE. N. M , . i .. : j n- - J .. Wvrusoian, Uncle Jame (Wltmd. companv, ami ra - all of th road We Lead in Prices Others Mr. Gailand ed Ina f.fthe. : ! trai is ruimins " lOCAT.S vi Des this a ye-,- mo- l.t(.t gnmittr except a short distance from P. J. YOUNG, n p of wanu f iemln Moines west. Two train loads of Follow f.- - intionery. mid rnaJe iitnoet hW who also congratulate him on men and materials U-- here OH Notary Public. H. Jy is brm. his liet.erved protnoti.) ). Thttrsd v, .in Trinidad. From Kt. i his week 'o . Dea Motrtfcs the work of laying ; V. I). Muse, edltOI pf PKO Plv-F.r- NEW MKT j Jnde Ue8 atta raii9 wUl be pushetf along B. YOUNG & SONS -- J. Flour, S'i.f'O llunrlmt' one . Iride jvr the Santa Roso Sui. and at ;b,e and ,j i ' hnr-d-.d-. Viieft, , it, lime editor of a paper Htbougllt t1mt fhe latter part oi DKALKKS fM FRKMONT f! :,mil()wi,,w.m,nWuu,u,ju February will find the road ac STEVPNB of ih Peace at the lar election WRvn in I ,)iMlMl Mown, call it cepted and ready 'or use, and that General . Merchandise NOTARY PrBT.TO. i s n j tin Him L" r. n"niinre regular trtnswill berunn'ftg over Jul' 8 Ticker i'-- in it by Match L. prtnspFcrnn office. Dry Goods, Staple and iAarpi Ti;E MEN!) VALLEY ASSAY OFFICE. i W FT) RIVF.R 'N.M. A. D. Luce w., in Elziheth. Boots Shoes Fancy T. CumniiiiK and Frink M. and Groceries J to PR, lat Sdesday. ( ot T"-ad- b K U. M, SuTiifK left I w iu nr-- . l!OX 57.1, t'HTWK, t1 . ta i peutl the J cnarges ABiayiotj: k het J(ft Governor Hnerm la li h appoint T)R. CLARKNCE R. BASS taroo it . Gnld, 80.7"; Silvtr, .SO.Va: Gold and tut two in ed Enriqu 1 Gin,-- 1 ., late county Suver, ai.OO; Copper, 1.00; Lead, $1.00; Come and see Our Goods and Get Physician clerk, ii notary pah ic in ami for Prices. Th Sunday eveninrj: cIihp meet .ink, $l."t); Iroo, 1.50. Taos county and bfif 'd the prayer mi el c;n Wr1- - Prices for Other detertiiinationB 3.JT eveniDgS will com ilience at Surgeou, j.'.1 , w on application. Bliaip. RMZABWHTOWN. NKW MIX All results GtARAM'KKl) and MORTS2STO T, E innil Pri 36 hae moved down THE V VI. K Y UTif river ntuJ xpects to ppend the j Subject to control. Our Monthly Publication hI triater with Mr. Mcl4 belping j Ph. Van ZUYLKN & Co. will keep yon posted on our STAGE and H. J. MORELAMD. liru dcTf-lrninji- r one of his claims. iiud methods. Mailed ASSAYKUS. work ' Free to the Geo. B ..Brown ar I C H Bii. FREIGHT LiNE MINING ENGINEER

. day j ADVEFnSiNG MAN ;., re down from 4(nel)orH Hi H. EANKINS, Manager. AND U. S. GOV'T AS AVER. ft e week a ntV report the enow jfc of any responeiblo house. crer three feet' deep at Anchor. Write For Prices And Envelopes For TOLEDO BLADE to Mailing Samples. Yjiw last Will Take You the Oold Camps of onld call the ather TOLEDO. OHIO. fjatorday f rem iut fjalirtta blizzard Western Colfax County Kansas CrTT. Misium. sv't nef he vevv far om of .the why KNOWN N KWs'F'A I'KR I Red River -l at no one need complain of the THE BSt and THE UNITED STATES. weather hi tice. La Belle flew Mex. EDWIN B. SEWARD, CIRCULATION lKa OnO. H L. F. TTansoKn. merchant at POPrjLAH IN EYl'.IIV STATE. Stations at Springer, Cimarron, Ute Attorney at Law, 9iert!i whs vi town on bueiueHS Park, the, ' Baldy and Weaterday.. lie reports weather Ill mirnv rpiwi. mTnl"tn III ide is xl " " " ' I'""" Iilizabethtown. Advice Council in Mining iffne ' 0"""t- mho' wihi (lacks the mnSt retfrk-- h e n.. ,P,w, the pros.pector. please remit. hi i 'i w ' o i .. j v i .i the iivi aliii indicates bh lliniiiim i: u Matter a Specialty. rrilv rp''inor pipi'1lv rtiO'd f'T jNa'ionnl rirmtntinn. It tins had 'he l ' ' Irt'Cfst fnr mere yenrs 1, "ii Nii IC EOF P()t' PXBDBn, ni:w MET. yon pay up al'. ii' any, cfrtiti't'ini trks if atiy PWSliapl nr'nted In Am ''Tin' ind 'tie vear i.i advance for the Knr'hrnier". i' i. t'l" pliPHpnl np.vs TEVE'S GASH STORE. l Htid 2-- ftt'd Ri Proepe 'tor ' cents tn wnrlrt on wilt hp Pxidmnpd t pappr the Tan are hpr. liv n n tha' 1. u.e ill . txtry. w. t!l h ml yon to mv Tiersern. how f,.r terms pxppn-lpf- t - H thnt irreat u,ldprsipe,i , h iv one Ima- Scenic of Bis I tip World Boprr.inppfi line an 1. 'iin' r the Toledo Blade t'li" News of that itued dollars f r 'tip vh ir tar"), in labor Mf iiP'tdp run poily ram pre ( rnnevenr. .1.7o for l.oi h pn per. hnv m.'e ai.d iinprovpmenn npi'i ta '.ttnmlore nenc. tne or rennire rum.. prnme po'-- ( ,(),le .imaf , liHr Utvur ,m. di"-- . All pnrrrt 'ontpp made o' Minion niotpii in o, r..nt nf Th, DENVER ltd n in pb Ii i".ip uy ppi'isl pdi'orial mid Territnrv of N'pn M 'xiro, and mo e disoi uiiuint; p ipei V ap DlUe I ma te.' ""iitpn rom Itteenrjna down to rally dwtcrlhed in ' he l.i T'lon n)rtlaats AND :., fk afe i ). IS ..t Wondei, Thp veal's date only i.iipr pnhlilhed for which in recorded In he nnnlns' rpporils ' !SeTada, and wj i in Geo. H. ioolp who do or do read 'heditlv of the count! nf Taos and Tenit.o.y of Hottons, . pt thir-- plain , P.-- ii thai if he had the Edison pwp'ip"". nd t for Nw Mexico on JT iy "i't-h- IS90. in Hook fiietr Iii .iiMitJon tn 'he news, the i property in Nevada he '. No. 18, on V 'B W3, iid having iaiiif ' Ccmotcs anb RAILROAD Ithide piibllahps pl.orl i'd Sei lal stories -- sell tor a hilMo'i teen located M v iti!. SHid wid.l it dollars. s and uiHny dppsrlm-nt- of mutter united mount was exteudrt i.t mid vaar, fjir f ASBlNQ THROUGH nv"v th rm'ty. Only purpose sntd plairn under Gerson G be firm of 'nmi.Ni the of boldtne Stationary. CITY onecoltar a iw. Writs f r free Rpii''i the provision or RpRtton revised SALT LAKE V1 f iiv Otipy. AdilrfHR Htneud-uipnt- tn fro.i Pacific C nd'Onsdorf Cornpaj men tatutf of the United Siatm, B thute h and 'ht of Taos, wa Luarried in Denver If "inty THF thereto. And withm XHE pbPULAfl UNC TO to M s PLflDE darn a of tlds notice by kst week Emma Wedelee after the novels to te School books for sale at all times and Shu in f dnut;Li of S W 'leleb, a To'edo, Chio. publication, von fail or itfnae to LfiadviHeGlenwood Sprinfr&.ftspQH yonr portion of such ennendi-tnr- e rent. Call and see us when you want anything ?rmor cnercbaiit i Santa E'e. Mr. as en., wa.-- r to(jet,hpr with the and mm juchc,i rod Mrs. GuBf'orl ii- - now at in our line. home GET THE BEST ri xi of this puhllPHlion of tins notice rli Te.os. your Interest, in md hide claim will be- THE Mv.'3T DtftECT I"! . JTE come the proie rt) of ti e unaerscriber, Tiiniiiail, SaitaFe Hew Mni; Pafttt Con1''' na h Icll grapt your f - K' :t !i in fi tLe prim pnl i";n- r ft u ir. In '.0 ( . r uionth to J. A. KnowU'id, cnip Colorado Utto M i Sv j. formerly Gap. THE TOURIST S Pll I E Cew denica Vol. IftlD BUYTHE STAGE iINE. TO ALL MOUNTAIN f5C3c 5. I T 10 . tilt' ' 1 ho C (ptain haa All IkfOMgJi trfiloc pqnipijocl ;.mii TuIIjiu I'Aiio V ROM ud bbcpihj Curs. I I en "iti." ,; Taos eoupty for f iirc'wm illy Ulai.ri.uU Uiscnpuvu .r frj of coil, futures 1:8S keep 1'he American ...!lffW. frS.HUCHlS. IflMKI ijing; to ti le above the plazu Ft. Garland to RedRiver. sad rn11r; tfSeUu-- i fits') P il. Igk at Taoa. i"(tH CHLOHADO Pi id gold, manager. . Mini i y n ei Recently Enlarged WITH 17si' 't(Ul i) C. t, VP i. IBHbfcdU Station at Y. O'lrlanrf, San LuU, ontilla, Cerro, (jueiita and lied .l!eiidr tun ., vest, jo.itei 25.000 New Words River. New ser of the World n lor li7 r..e will upct with in 3 titles, based ou t la- la-- i I . ' il of tbeu.' I. i . nerd be' New ic, i Dictionary , iW to u'. "f readero, A "orpvericmouolwi Ii, d.. ill, ,,!;. vA,. i.,.. 1i, O'upr Write ' brtug them by wilt retuiu otn T,ii.n.,i.r,.i., THE NEW HOIflE SEWIHC MACHINE COMPANY UiilUHl Si.ite Liuiouerol EtlucuCou. - Many Sawii la to sell regard- I STwiuSf" f""wi' PAT C NTS S I AnyosMsi".'". , d3florlr)trii ijis' Now Plr.tofc tmlioutt. Kl-- tt nir.' of qua! ly. bul 'ho THAT J sssir.iitf stm' pi,i". """."""''"" qntrlil V out opini. r freo th.-.- si Invaiilii.rll ibly ible. !. it . tT'ni I'M. VpfBco will hereafl r kx Necdet ivcryHome MaiMttriltl. rentlu'. H u.db. k . ,.M . loo of mail ip .!...' S to 6:0) p. daily, sx.i.n,, uulirUll.liroisly. jb j ..jfa iexenth jiiiterlcai). yi. in. poa Strt, : 10 00 a. ai"l freut m fcssSsMBsMBpBUMssrf a. & CO. t. tiandam re. snow ftilt'Jfl hnjrnul, , Twin. FKmB.,,.,,.1 M.rc...l11.C'Ua.n,. BM LAWYERS, . . L dti MM II FJK fZi PATENT t" ill MevtdofiimL' Opr U. 8 Mast MNn, HflSlllNBTON, 0. 0.1 - - rAa 'm"PSBOI