

Each exam will have a place name location map section based on the list below, plus countries and political units. Consult the appropriate maps in the atlas and textbook to locate these places. The atlas has a detailed INDEX. Exam II will focus on place names from , and Antarctica. This sec- tion of the exam will be in the form of a matching question. You will match the names to numbers on a map. ______I. North America South America Antarctica ______II. Atlantic Indian Pacific ______III. NORTH AMERICA /Gulfs/Bays/Lakes: of Alaska Bering Gulf of Sea Baffin Gulf of Gulf of St. Lawrence Lake Winnipeg Great Lakes >> Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario

Islands: Greenland Newfoundland Vancouver Aleutians Ellesmere Baffin Bahamas Puerto Rico Hispaniola Jamaica Cuba

Straits/Canals: Bering Windward Passage Strs. of Florida Yucatan

Rivers: Mississippi Missouri Saskatchewan Mackenzie Columbia St. Lawrence Yukon Rio Grande Ohio

Mts./Plat./Highlands: Appalachian Rocky Mts. Sierra Nevada Columbia Plateau Sierra Madre Cascades Brooks Range

Peninsulas/Capes: Florida Yucatan Ungava Seward Cod Alaska Cape Hatteras

Other : Mojave Desert ______IV. SOUTH AMERICA Seas/Gulfs/Bays/Lakes: Lake Titicaca Rio de la Plata Maracaibo Guayaquil

Islands: Falkland Tierra del Fuego Trinidad Galapagos Aruba

Straits/Canals: Drake Passage Strait of Magellan

Rivers: Amazon Sao Francisco Paraguay Parana Orinoco

Mts./Plat./Highlands: Mato Grosso Mts. Brazilian Highlands Guiana Highlands

Peninsulas/Capes: Cape Horn Punta de Gallinas Cabo de Sao Roque

Other Regions: Llanos Atacoma Desert Pampa Gran Chaco ______V. ANTARCTICA Seas/Ice Shelves: Ross Ice Shelf Ronne Ice Shelf : Antarctic