v Ray Master / Spiritual Hierarchy for Earth v Divine Qualities: Purity, Discipline, Harmony v Chohan of Ray Three, Divine Intelligence v Priest Guardian of the White Flame of Purity in v Keeper of the White Flame of Purity v Keeper of the Ascension Flame at Luxor v Teacher of Ascension & Path of Discipline v Guardian of Ascension Flame At Temple of Life’s Victory

Serapis Bey serves from the White Ray of Purity, which comes the action of the Ascension Flame. In past embodiments such as Priest Guardian of the Flame in Atlantis, designer of the Parthenon in Greece, Akhenaton IV and Amenophis III in , this great Ascended Master serves the Earth from his etheric retreat over the Temple of Luxor in Egypt. Serapis Bay has legions of Seraphim Angels in his command. As a great disciplinarian in assisting seekers along the path of spiritual , Serapis Bey's Sacred Fire Love works with us primarily on the level of our Higher Mental Body (Christ Self). We may call to the white fire flames of this Being along with his legions of angels for great assistance in our purification of the entire human energetic hologram and the raising of our vibrational frequencies and light quotients.

Serapis Bey is Chohan (Lord) of the third Ray and is Master of the Ascension flame and the Resurrection flame. The 3rd ray is the ray of Active Intelligence and is connected with the principle of taking intelligence (of all sorts) that has been made available for the world, and then organizing it in a concrete manner to aid our evolutionary path. He used to be Chohan of the 4th ray, but as the world is evolving and there is becoming more emphasis on the 3rd ray, the Mahachohan has assumed more responsibility in his role and Serapis Bey has been asked to head the 3rd ray. His involvement with the 4th ray still continues however, as the Chohan of the 3rd ray is responsible for absorbing energies from the 3rd ray and distributing them to rays 4, 5, 6 and 7. Although these rays are complete in their own right, you may describe them as being subdivisions of the 3rd ray, which controls all aspects of civilization. Accordingly Serapis Bey works closely with the Chohans of these rays and with the Mahachohan. He has an Etheric retreat called the "Retreat and Temple of the Ascension" over Luxor in Egypt. … It is here in Egypt in the Etheric realms that he still is responsible for carrying out Ascension initiations. … Those who work with the 3rd ray need to be very adaptable and able to react to changing situations and not be caught up in a specific mind set. The ray has deep connections with the science of Astrology and with the source of what we refer to as electricity (which is our word for a particular form of energy). Serapis works especially with the throat chakra and is aware of the need for us and our energies to be fully grounded in order to live our lives and follow our paths in the most efficient way. He very much influences us in living in the "here and now" and in acquiring the self-discipline essential for the path to Ascension.