Hughes Group, Road, Howden, , Y043 4BU

Tel: 01904 437140 Email: [email protected]

Hughes Mushrooms are a leading player in the mushroom industry in the UK and Ireland and are a trusted supplier to many of the large UK retailers. With over 54 years of experience, the company operates from three sites, using state of the art facilities, designed and operated to the highest quality standards. Hughes Group have recently opened a ‘world leading’ mushroom growing facility on the outskirts of Holme upon Spalding Moor. This leading-edge facility is now looking to grow its team to match the demands of customers.

Further investment in your local McDonald’s

We are excited to announce our plans to refurb. Your local McDonald’s. The dining area has been closed since 2nd March to undergo a complete re- image and extension with an entirely new décor scheme and further 45 seats.

The Drive-thru will be operating until 10 pm on Sunday 15th March. After this the restaurant will be completely closed for 24 days.

We’re really excited as the new dining area will look great. Furthermore, this refurbishment has created 10 more new jobs for the local community! Get applying on-line.

We will re-open on 8th April and we can’t wait to see you there.

We can’t do this without your support. Last year McDonald’s at Shiptonthorpe restaurant has raised £3310.22 for the Ronald McDonald House Charity (RMHC), which helps families stay together when they need each other the most when their child is very ill in hospital. Any donation you make -no matter how big or small will make a difference to the children who need care.

Did you know you can now donate to RMHC through the kiosks?

We would love to hear from you and support the local charity events. Please let us know if we can provide you with a tombola/raffle prize. For further info please contact: [email protected]




Thursday 7th May

Holme on Spalding Moor School will be holding a WW2 theme day. All school staff and children will be asked to attend in WW2 style clothing and classes will have lessons during the day to help the children gain a better understanding of WW2 and VE Day. There will also be an assembly. At lunchtime WW2 themed food will be served for the children to taste. Celebratory games and activities will take place in the afternoon similar to ones children took part in on VE Day in 1945.

Friday 8th May

Allsortz Swing Band and The Mood Swing 1940’s duet have been booked to play in the Village Hall. See poster on the back page of Grapevine for times etc. Those attending will be encouraged to dress in 40s style clothing. Please bring any war time memorabilia with you to show around the room. The bar will be open and raffle tickets will be sold. Tickets from Kirsty’s Salon, Margaret’s DIY, the village hall and committee members

Kirsty’s Salon will be opening from 11 am to 1pm to restyle hair for the VE Day celebrations. Booking is essential. A special rate of £7.50 (normally £17) will be charged for each restyle.

The church bells will be rung and the village beacon will be lit at approx. 6-50pm.

Scouts will be providing war-time themed refreshments and food (e.g. spam fritters subject to availability) from 11am – 2 pm in the Scout Hall which they intend to decorate as a NAAFI. From 10 am – the children should love the experience. Please come and support us on this important day

The Village Hall will be sandbagged and the windows taped up to reflect a typical wartime building with a WW2 vehicle parked in front.



MEMORIES OF AN EVACUEE - BY KATHLEEN BATCHELOR with additional contributions and special thanks to Lindsay Chambers

I was born in Hull in 1933 and attended Francis Askew School. I left the school on 1st September 1939 with many others on a coach bound for Paragon Station (see photograph). We all went to Tollerton, North Yorkshire as evacuees. I don’t remember too much except that we ended up in the village hall where we were placed with families who would take us in. My mother, sister (Sheila) and I were fortunate to be taken in by Mr. and Mrs. Dunning of the Malt Kilns; they had no children of their own. My sister and I plus many others attended the village school and soon made friends with the local children. We only stayed until March 1940 when dad came home to Hull from the sea. Dad worked as a Captain for Ellerman Wilson Line and he hadn’t been home for months. He had played a very important role during the war working with MI6. My sister and I were shadowed by a detective (unknown to us at the time).

Mum took us back to Hull to be with him. We kept in touch with Mr. and Mrs. Dunning until well after the war. They were a lovely couple.

Malt Kiln was a building which had 2 cottages and Mr. and Mrs. Dunning lived in one of them. Mr. Dunning used to grow wheat, oats and barley then he laid it down on the big floors they owned, it was dried out in this building before it was prepared into malt and then taken to the brewery to make beer.

Rations were really tight and when we went shopping we were only allowed about 4oz of food.

My granddaughter Lindsay met Alice at Holme on Spalding Moor School and by strange coincidence they had connections with Tollerton and their grandparents remembered the evacuees. Unfortunately Alice’s family left HOSM and we have lost contact with them. I returned to Tollerton in 2019 and everything had changed Malt Kiln and associated building had gone.

The following photograph was taken on 1st September 1939 of children from Francis Askew School when I was 6 years old, my sister Sheila was 8









Arrangements are being made for a community information day to be held on Friday 3rd July 2020. If clubs haven’t received an email or communication about this event then we haven’t got your contact details. Please contact Mike Worsey by email [email protected] or telephone 01430 427856 or any Parish Councillor.

The purpose of the day is to inform residents about the clubs and associations within the village and surrounding areas, general information, and health and safety that affect you. If you state you will attend it is important that you do as it may restrict others from attending due to lack of space.

The HOSM organising team have met and decided that:-

Venue: - HOSM village hall, social club (may be open), car park and committee rooms. Depending on the weather there may be an opportunity to over spill onto the playing fields.

Event Date: - Friday 3rd July 2020 Event time: - 2 pm to 7 pm.

Setting up time: - from 10 am

Maximum exhibition space for each organisation: - equivalent to 6 foot table

Should there be too many organisations applying then local groups / clubs will take preference and it will then be decided on a 'first come first served' basis


PLEASE SEND THEM TO THE EDITOR [email protected] Deadline date: - Monday 4th May 2020

DISCLAIMER Every effort will be made to ensure all items are present and correct. There may be the odd occasion that items will be edited so as to fit the page limits or held back until the next issue. Grapevine is produced and edited by a volunteer and we rely on advertisers to fund this every two months. Adverts are not affected by editing. The placing of adverts in Grapevine does not mean any endorsement by the publishers or councillors.


Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council are urgently looking for a Piper to play at the VE Commemorations on 8th May. If anybody is interested or has any suggestions on somebody to contact could they please email Maggie Fuller, Clerk to the Parish Council: [email protected]



To Advertise in Holme on Spalding Moor Grapevine

Contact [email protected] to advertise your business in this parish magazine. Grapevine is delivered to 1,300 residencies and therefore a potential gateway to over 4,000 readers. It is the advertisers who help pay for this Grapevine newsletter and the Parish Council thanks them all – please help us to continue this valuable asset


It is important, if possible, that we keep production costs to a minimum to ensure we give value for money and therefore there may be occasions when items that could have been repeated in future issues may not be in the next Grapevine. Please ensure that important telephone numbers, club information and parish council contact information is kept for future reference.


Many of the public who use the green wheelie bin in the church graveyard may not be aware that it is not the council who empty this bin but myself as a volunteer. I try to keep on top of emptying the bin as much as possible but sometimes this is difficult at busy times. Therefore, I would greatly appreciate your assistance in this matter by taking as much rubbish home with you as possible. Also, the compost heap is ONLY for real flowers and greenery, not plastic flowers and wire wreaths. Thank you in advance for your kind co-operation. Helen Williamson

Messy Church at the Methodist Church (for adults and children together) Come and enjoy, games to play, things to make and do, Celebrate and eat together!

Thursday 9th April 3.45pm onwards, Theme: Zacchaeus Thursday 14th May 3.45pm onwards, Theme: Loving Easter Thursday 11th June 3.45pm onwards, Theme: God’s power to change





Anyone wishing to: receive notice of meetings; give notice to speak at a meeting; view current Planning Applications or any Parish Council document, please contact by email:- [email protected]

The PC minutes are printed in the HOSM Grapevine newsletter; they are put on the website and are also placed on the 3 village notice boards.

The newsletter is distributed to some 1,300 homes in the village; the Clerk (Maggie Fuller) will email this to you, on request, if you email [email protected]

Other important local information is also put into the newsletter, please take notice. Parish Council minutes (after sign off) and agendas will be available on the following website, along with diary dates, village news and announcements:

There are always recurring issues and these are shown below – it is your responsibility to report issues – the PC cannot be everywhere all the time. If you don’t let them know don’t complain!

Street-light and Pot-hole Problems If you notice a street-light not working please either phone the number on the lamp-post, report it via the Council website or email Maggie (see above), the Clerk with the name of the road, the location and the number on the lamp-post. The East Riding of Yorkshire Council is responsible for our street- lights and will rectify all problems. Pot-holes are the bane of our lives and the East Riding of Yorkshire Council is again responsible for repairing them, it appears that in cold weather they only make a temporary repair which is then done properly once the road surface is warmer. To report problems ring 01482 887700 and ask for Highways or report via the East Riding of Yorkshire Council website with exact location and if possible a picture, the picture seems to help get the repair done more quickly!!

Doggie Bag Dispensers and Litter Bins The village is now well covered with bins. Parish Councillors are alarmed at the number of bags having to be bought and therefore paid for out of public funds. Would dog owners please make their own arrangements for buying doggie bags (bags such as nappy bags are very inexpensive from many stores) and use the doggie bag dispensers as a backup. The Parish Council has set up a maximum budget for doggie bags and you may therefore find dispensers empty at certain times, please be a responsible dog owner and pick up your pets droppings.

Recording of PC meetings, legislation allows residents to record meetings

Child Protection The main message from experts is to listen to vulnerable people and always report suspicions, they will always be investigated, Ward Councillor Victoria Aitken has given out a “Golden number” to report suspicions 01482 395500

External grants If any voluntary groups in the village need help in sourcing external grants please contact the Parish Council Clerk Maggie Fuller

Defibrillators, we have two defibs available 24/7 with one attached to the outside wall at the Village Hall entrance plus one on Margaret’s DIY external wall. If you have a medical emergency phone 999, the operator will give you the code for the defib box if it is needed, defibs if used quickly can help keep people alive until the emergency services get there



Severe weather, the Parish Council has updated the village severe weather plan to make sure we are as ready as possible for bad weather. Burial grounds, the Church Graveyard and Parish Council Cemetery have the grass cut by our Parish Council handyman Pete who does a great job for the village. Lots of people have said that they would be willing to volunteer some time, the Parish Council is aware that some people do look after their family graves and this is perfectly acceptable to the Church and Parish Council. This is an important part of village life and the more people that wish to get involved the better

Parish Council Meetings

Residents are able to see the Parish Council in action at monthly meetings that are held at the Methodist Church Hall, Selby Road every third Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm, the next meetings are 15th April 2020 and then 20th May 2020. Everyone is welcome and if you wish to speak in the public session, please contact Maggie Fuller, clerk to the parish council and five days before the meeting so that the parish council are aware ahead of the meeting.

In addition to the meetings, the PC holds “Surgeries” on the Saturday morning before a PC meeting, to allow anyone to have access to some Parish Councillors who are usually available to listen to concerns and views. Planning applications information and planning decisions are available to view. One of our Ward Councillors will hopefully be available and subject to work patterns one of our Police Community Support Officers will attend. The next surgeries are on, Saturday 11th April 2020 and 16th May 2020 between 10 am and 12 noon in The Coffee Shop, this is located in the Courtyard opposite the Blacksmiths Arms. So - if you have concerns or questions then please come down to the Coffee Shop Surgery.

Anyone wishing to: receive notice of meetings and/or a copy of the agenda by email; give notice to speak at a meeting; wishes to view current planning applications or any PC document they can contact Maggie Fuller, Clerk to the PC email [email protected] . If you have any questions, problems or concerns you can contact either Maggie or any Parish/Ward Councillor, the list is shown within this copy of Grapevine


Kirsty Allen 07791839589 Ian Baxter 01430 860071

Ann Dowson 01430 860070 Laird Evans 01430 861411

Margaret Hobson 01430 860890 Madge Johnson 01430 860948

Tim Laverack 01430 860320 Richard Pickering 07740 171251

Ernest Smith 01430 860837 Grant Walker 07510 714911

Anthea Waudby 01430 860740 Helen Williamson 07771 914974

Mike Worsey 01430 427856


Victoria Aitken 07721 411620

Linda Bayram 01430 422373 and Nigel Wilkinson 07903 725436



PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES Parish Council minutes can only be included in Grapevine after they have been signed off by the council as a true reflection of what was discussed. For example, the meeting for January was signed off at the February meeting and has been included in the March / April Grapevine. To know in advance why not attend a council meeting.


Village notice boards are constantly monitored and any inappropriate items and out of date will be removed by members of the Parish Council and those residents approved by the Parish Council.

Minutes of the Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council held on Wednesday 18 December 2019 in the Methodist Church Hall

Present: Helen Williamson (Chairman), Kirsty Allan, Ian Baxter, Ann Dowson, Laird Evans, Margaret Hobson, Madge Johnson, Tim Laverack, Richard Pickering, Ernest Smith, Grant Walker, Anthea Waudby, Mike Worsey

Clerk: Steve Young, [email protected] Telephone 01757 288234, there were 6 members of public present

Public session

The new Parish Clerk Maggie Fuller was introduced to Parish Councillors in advance of starting work on 1 January 2020, Maggie will start training towards the Introduction in Local Council Administration and is getting equipment in place and plans to buy a computer/printer etc. Parish Councillors welcomed Maggie and looked forward to working with her

Residents of Sands Lane were in attendance so the planning application for 39 houses was considered in the public session. Many concerns were expressed about the access to Sands Lane from Baileywood and Selby Road plus concerns about the type of dwellings fronting Sands Lane and the state of the road. It was resolved to ask the planning officer and Head of Planning and Development to attend a public meeting in early January so that residents and Parish Councillors could express the concerns about this large development that will affect Sands Lane residents

Mel Raper attended to make points about the Christmas Event, (1) the funfair was small and disappointed many people (2) Grapevine front page should have had a picture of the HOSM Christmas Tree rather than one downloaded from the internet (3) Not enough road marshals were in place and Mel offered to ask work colleagues in the future at a cost £15 per hour

Ann Dowson noted that the funfair was always better when on the Village Hall car park and that a procession from School of the School choir needs to be reinstated



It was resolved to look again at the Christmas event at the January meeting to start planning early,

Chairman thanked the Parish Councillors who attended the Christmas Event

Vacancy for Parish Councillor, 2 applications had been received namely Kay Strickland and Kirsty Allan, they each spoke briefly to Parish Councillors before Parish Councillors voted to co-opt Kirsty. Ernest Smith abstained from voting. Chairman thanked Kay for her interest and asked her to apply again in the future. Kirsty was invited to join the meeting, Kirsty signed the necessary paperwork

Clerk read out Paula Mountain-Agar’s letter of resignation as requested

81/19 Minutes of PC meeting 20/11/19, these were approved and signed by the Chairman

Declaration of Interest. To record any declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interest by any Member in respect of items on this agenda, Village Hall committee members non-pecuniary in Village Hall matters

82/19 Matters arising

 Youth Club, Youth Leader Rebecca will attend the January meeting to discuss the future direction of the older Club particularly. The recent Christmas party was reported as being successful by Kirsty Allan from comments passed to her  Handyman issues, it was again noted that Pete Wiles should if at all possible buy locally  Grapevine, November edition analysis was presented by Mike Worsey. It was felt that a separate meeting was needed to discuss Grapevine in depth and this will be planned once the date of a public planning meeting is known. Various general comments were made about content and layout, it was noted that 7 pages of adverts and 9 pages of Parish Council content were most important and that discussion should centre on other content. Mike was given authority to use the same printing company as used previously  Community Day update. Mike Worsey has a list of 18 organisations that would like to attend and coupled with some 15 village groups it was thought that this would make a full Village Hall. Bethany Jenkins has other contact details and is willing to attend a meeting to help discussions. The cost of hiring the Village Hall would be met by the Parish Council. A date to be set for a meeting to discuss further  Cemetery, new Clerk Maggie will be briefed on information to consecrate the second half of the Cemetery at a cost of £735 plus disbursements  Dog fouling issues, Mel Raper advised the Parish Council that he sees dog poo in different areas in the village. The Playing Field is currently used by dog walkers and this is to be discussed by the Village Hall Committee  Community Led Housing, grant expires at the end of January and it was resolved to return the grant as there has been little interest shown. The proposed development by Yorkshire Housing adjacent to Southgates Garage contains affordable housing and these will be let to villagers first before being offered outside. Various ideas of names for this development were discussed and it was resolved to offer Rose Garth and Rose View as names  Tree planting on rail trail, a grant of £450 has been awarded to the East Riding Council and Parish Councillors have offered to help decide on planting  VE Remembrance day 8/5/2020, Louise Ratcliffe will attend the January meeting when a full discussion will take place  Christmas event on 6 December, review discussed in the public session  Standing water Port Royal plus A163 Road signs plus hedge at Snowdrop, Clerk reported on information about these ongoing issues



83/19 Planning applications

19/04008/PLF Erection of general purpose building (retrospective) at Rowan Displays Unit 14 Holme Industrial Estate Skiff Lane for Gemcast, supported

19/03952/PHAZ Hazardous Substance Consent for the storage of Part 2. Entry 18 Liquified Flammable Gases, Category 1 or 2 (LNG) and oils/other hazardous substances, the maximum quantity proposed to be present is 49 tonnes at Inztec Duck Nest Farm Cliffe Lane for Victoria Thornton, Parish Council made no comment

18/04164/REM Erection of 39 dwellings following outline permission 14/03761/OUT (Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale to be considered) (Amended plans) at Sands Land Nurseries Sands Lane for Northvale Homes and East Coast Electric Generating Co Ltd, objection as per public session

84/19 Planning decisions as advised by East Riding of Yorkshire Council

19/01967/VAR Variation of condition 8 (approved plans) of application 17/04360/PLF (Erection of two detached dwellings and garages) to allow changes to design at land and Outbuildings West of 33 High Street for Mr Mike Wright, granted

19/02905/PLF and 19/02906/PLB Alterations to existing domestic outbuilding to create an annex, including construction of dormers to the rear and roof terrace to the side at Station House Harswell Lane for Mr Peter Aarosin, granted

19/02321/PLF Conversion of farm building including alterations and extensions to provide an agricultural workers dwelling (Resubmission of 18/02330/PLF) at Sand Hill farm, Arglam Lane for Mr & Mrs Richard and Kathleen Smith, granted

19/03433/PLF Change of use from dwelling (C3) to offices (B1a) and associated works and infrastructure at 86 High Street for Marriage’s Specialist Foods, granted

Revised application by Yorkshire Housing was discussed by ERYC Western Area Planning Committee on 5 December with provision for a lay-by, this was deferred

85/19 Accounts, balances of £31,072.73 current account, £2,248.64 saver account (reserves £1,500 towards election 2019, includes £2,600.00 Community Led Housing Grant))

Cheques confirmed £10.00 ERYC to pay VAT on job vacancy advert, £190.00 James Reid for organ at Christmas event

Cheques approved: £886.47 Peter Wiles handyman (£806.33 salary plus £80.14 expenses), £245.18 Mel Raper litter picker , £1167.04 Steve Young Clerk (inc £31.80 postage £9.99 flash drive), £288.48 Rebecca Watkins Youth Club Leader, £155.13 Michelle Parker Youth Club Leader, £700.20 CR Wright & Sons Christmas Trees, £51.66 R&JM Henley tree for Old Lea, £1,311.03 HM R&C Tax on salaries Q3, £51.17 Autela payroll support Q3, £105.77 XBM copier cost

2019/20 to date figures for Newsletter/copier Income £2792.20 Expenditure £3858.02 (ex VAT)

Youth Club to date: Income £16,186.95, Expenditure £10,987.24 ex VAT

86/19 Reports

 Grant Walker reported that Cliffe Lane was in a dangerous state due to mud



 Mike Worsey asked that notice-boards be recorked as they are untidy  Tim Laverack reported that the litter bin in the village centre was always full and the one in the lay-by on the Shiptonthorpe road needs to be repaired, also bins are never locked  Anthea Waudby reported again that the streetlights on Howden Road had not been repaired plus that the Dairy is being featured on Channel 4 in January  Ann Dowson reported that salt bins need to be checked to ensure enough for a cold spell of weather  Chairman reported potholes on Drain Lane and around to Hasholme plus asked if Parish Councillor training could be arranged for Kirsty Allan plus reminded Parish Councillors of the need to respond quickly to requests for information  Ernest Smith reported that a salt bin is needed on the Village Hall car park and approval was given for purchase, Peter Wiles to liaise with Ian Baxter re siting location

87/19 Correspondence, nil

Meeting closed at 9.00pm

The next meeting of Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council will be held at 7.00pm on Wednesday 15 January 2020 in the Methodist Church Hall.

Minutes of the Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council held on Wednesday 15 January 2020 in the Methodist Church Hall

Present : Helen Williamson (Chair), Kirsty Allan, Ian Baxter, Ann Dowson, Laird Evans, Margaret Hobson, Madge Johnson, Tim Laverack, Richard Pickering, Ernest Smith, Anthea Waudby, Mike Worsey.

Apologies: Grant Walker

Clerk: Maggie Fuller, [email protected] Telephone 01430 827614.

There were 2 members of the public present.

Public session

Youth Club Update

Rebecca Watkins provided a comprehensive update on the Youth Club which will have been running for 2 years in April 2020. The younger group meets every Monday in the Scout Hall and typically has between 20-30 attending. In the last year they have been on several trips including to Inflate Nation in which took place in conjunction with Selby Youth Club. The older Youth Club is held in the Social Club, also on a Monday evening where they can play darts, pool and snooker and socialise. At the last session 11 young people attended including some new members. The older group would like to have a more permanent base which could be used Mon-Fri from 7-9pm. Rebecca has met with the Youth Club Leader in Market Weighton to discuss possible ideas for finding a permanent meeting location. Rebecca felt strongly that because the older Youth Club gave the youngsters an opportunity to speak to Youth Workers about issues that concern them, there had been a reduction in anti-social behaviour in the village. The older group also help out with the younger children in their Youth Club


MARCH / APRIL 2020 which she felt was a very positive move. Rebecca advised that she would also like to hold an event at the end of the summer looking at the Heritage and Archaeology of the village which she felt that those attending the Youth Clubs would really enjoy.

The Chair congratulated Rebecca on what she has achieved with the Youth Club after a difficult start. A number of suggestions were made regarding a possible alternative venue including the Blacksmiths Arms or the Hare and Hounds. Rebecca stated that she would continue to try and source other venues in the village and asked if there might be funding available for future projects. She was advised that funding was available and that Karen Adams was a good archaeological contact to speak to regarding the project she would like to organise for the Youth Club.

VE Day Update

Louise Ratcliffe provided an update on the VE Day Commemorations which are due to take place on 8th May 2020. During the day the Scouts will be providing war-time themed refreshments and food (e.g. spam fritters) in the Scout Hall which they intend to decorate as a NAAFI. The Village Hall will be sandbagged and the windows taped up to reflect a typical wartime building with a WW2 vehicle parked in front. On Friday evening a Swing Band has been booked to play in the Village Hall along with some singers who will sing war time songs. Ticket prices are expected to be in the region of £15 and those attending will be encouraged to dress in 40s style clothing. The church bells will be rung and the village beacon will be lit. It is also planned to re-open the “NAAFI” at 11.00pm to serve hot chocolate drinks. On Thursday the 7th May the School is having a 1940s themed day when the children will be encouraged to dress in 1940s style clothing. Louise was advised to advertise the VE commemoration plans for the village in the Grapevine Magazine (the next publication deadline is 3rd March). Louise asked if the Parish Council would consider providing a grant to support this event. Any money granted would go to subsidising the cost of the band (£500) or the singers (£200) and the purchase of some Union Jack bunting to decorate the village. Any money raised from these events will go to the Scout Group. Ernest Smith proposed a grant of £500 which was seconded by Margaret Hobson and approved by the Parish Council Committee.

01/02 The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 18th December 2019 were approved and signed by the Chair.

Declaration of Interest

To record any declaration of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interest by any Member in respect of items on this agenda, Village Hall committee members non-pecuniary in Village hall matters.


 Youth Club. Mike Worsey suggested asking in the Grapevine for volunteers to help with the Youth Clubs. The question was also raised about whether if the older youths were helping supervise the younger children they would require DBS clearance.   Handyman Issues. No issues were reported.

 Grapevine. Mike Worsey advised that the current edition of the Grapevine was produced a week before the deadline. Because the number of pages had been reduced from 40 to 32, Mel Raper advised that it was easier to deliver. The deadline for the next issue is 3rd March. It was decided not to hold a separate meeting to discuss the Grapevine. Mike also advised that Steve Young had attracted some more sponsorship for the magazine from Charles Ward.



 Community Day update. Mike reported that he had sent 30 emails about the Community Day and received 15 positive responses. In addition, 30 outside organisations had also expressed an interest in attending. However, Tim Laverack advised that this was probably too many groups for the Community Hall to accommodate and that the maximum number would be 20/25 groups. Local Clubs should have priority and any new clubs in the village should be encouraged to attend. A date for the Community Day was provisionally set for 22nd May 2020. A meeting for all Parish Councillors to discuss and plan for this issue would be arranged for Wednesday 22nd January.

 Cemetery Consecration. A date for the Consecration will be arranged with the Bishop of Selby’s office.

 Dog Fouling. The ongoing issue of dog fouling in the village was again raised by a number of Parish Councillors. Specific areas highlighted as being particularly bad were Runner End, the road beyond the Dairy, Spen Lane and Holme Close. Anybody witnessing dog fouling incidents in the village was strongly encouraged to report the matter to the ERYC Dog Warden. It is an offence to breach a Public Space Protection Order by failing to clear up after your dog and offenders could be issued with a fixed penalty notice of £75. The Clerk will also ask for a notice about this matter to be placed on the website.

 Community Led Housing. The Parish Council Members confirmed that the grant of £2,600 should be returned to ERYC.

 Tree Planting on Rail Trail. We are still awaiting an update on this issue.

 VE Day Celebrations 8th May 2020. Ann Dowson advised that she was trying to find a piper to play at this event but currently without success and asked if anybody had any ideas. It was suggested that maybe she approach the Pipers to see if they were available.

 Christmas Event Review. Discussion on this would be deferred until a later date.

03/20 Planning Applications. 19/03925/STPLF Change of use of land and outbuilding from equestrian use to be used for bird breeding and rearing and erection of five additional outbuildings for bird breeding and rearing including removal of an existing outbuilding and improvements to site access (part retrospective) at Rose Tree Farm Howden Road for J Isherwood. Supported by Parish Council.

04/20 Planning Decisions as advised by East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

19/03365/PLF Conversion of existing garage to form self-contained annex ancillary to the existing dwelling at Sycamore House Port Royal for Mr O’Halloran, granted.

19/03474/PLF Erection of detached 4 bay garage following demolition of stables at The Croft 44 Back Lane for Mr Richard Potts, granted.

05/20 Accounts. Balances of £26,860.67 current account, £2,248.64 saver account (reserves £1,500 towards election 2019, includes £2,600 Community Led Housing Grant).

Cheques to be approved : £836.04 Pete Wiles Handyman (£806.03 salary plus £30.01 petrol), £195.99 Mel Rapper Litter Picker (includes £6 petrol), £1138.55 Steve Young Clerk (incl £22.75 postage), £288.48 Rebecca Watkins Youth Club Leader, £155.13 Michelle Parker Youth Club Leader,



£616.20 Maggie Fuller Clerk, £72.00 Parish Online, £741.00 Press Green printing of Grapevine. £140.00 Holme on Spalding Moor Scout Group (hire of hall for Youth Club)

2019/2020 to date figures for Newsletter/copier Income £3613.04 Expenditure £3946.16 (ex VAT).

Youth Club to date: Income £16,186.95, Expenditure £11,430.85 ex VAT.

A cheque number 200610 was returned by the bank because it was undated.

06/20 Reports

 Mike Worsey reported that the footpath on the entrance to the Village Hall was breaking up and that a large hole had developed.  Tim Laverack reported that the grates were full on the High Street close to the Blacksmith Arms Car Park.  Kirsty Allen reported that parking around the School was atrocious and dangerous. It was suggested that we ask our local PCSO Bill Mell to visit the School at dropping-off times in the morning and after school. It was felt that his presence may act as a deterrent for the current appalling parking. The Clerk was requested to contact PCSO Mell asking for him to attend school at the worst times.  Madge Johnson reported that concerns had been raised with her regarding Duck Nest Farm. It was advised that anybody with concerns should write to ERYC.  Ann Dowson asked if a donation of £50 could be sent to the Market Weighton Fire Service as a thank you from the Parish Council for their continued support of our Christmas Lights Switch-on Event. She also reported that the number 8 lamp post on Sands Lane was broken. Furthermore, she reported that she had attended a meeting at Western Planning regarding the Sands Lane Development. It would appear that there are still concerns regarding water, sewerage and parking. She recommend that the Parish Council keep a close eye on this development as residents still have a number of concerns about it.  Ian Baxter thanked Steve Young for arranging for the prompt delivery of the salt bin. He asked if BT could be contacted to ascertain the date for the removal of the phone box on the Green so that the refurbished red box could be installed prior to the VE Day commemoration events. The Clerk was requested to contact BT to ascertain the planned removal date for the phone box.  Helen Williamson asked if Pete Wiles could be reminded to move the bench that is currently on the grass at Bailey Wood/Runner End.

07/20 There was no correspondence.

The Chair, Helen Williamson ended the meeting by thanking Steve Young for his outstanding contribution as Clerk to the Parish Council over the last 12 years. On behalf of the Parish Council she wished him all the very best for the future and presented him with a gift as a token of appreciation for everything that he has done for Holme on Spalding Moor.

Meeting closed at 9.00pm

The next meeting of Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council will be held at 7.00pm on Wednesday 19 February 2020 in the Methodist Church Hall.



Holme Local History Society Meetings

7pm at the Social Club – Entry £2 Monday, 16 March Life of a River Bargeman – David Lewis

Monday, 20 April Titanic – Life on Board – Sheila Dixon

Monday, 18 May Windermere (a film with commentary) Janet and Graham Marshall

Film Night at the Methodist Church in Holme on Spalding Moor

Join us on the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm.

Dates: April 7th, May 5th, June 2nd

Everyone Welcome (no tickets just give a donation)

(To find out details of future films please look on church notice board or contact Suzanne Patrick Email: [email protected], Tel. No. 01430 861774.)


The Bishop of Selby will be visiting the Church on the Hill here in HoSM on Sunday May 3 for a Confirmation service at 10.45.

If anyone wants to be confirmed – you have to be at least Year 6, but there’s no upper limit! – Please let the Revd Stephen Cope know on (01430) 626728 or via [email protected]




Grapevine is produced every 2 months and delivered to all the houses in Holme on Spalding Moor. We are looking for some person / people to deliver Grapevine around the village. The role will become available from May 2020 and will require approximately 20 hours commitment and is a paid position. Or maybe you could volunteer and deliver down your street – please help, may be 30 mins. or 1 hour is all we need!

Are you interested? If so please contact Maggie Fuller by email [email protected] or by telephone 01430 827614



Swantech Limited JOB VACANCIES Swantech Limited is looking for general operatives to work in their busy saw mill at Breighton Airfield. No prior experience needed although a good work ethic and time management are essential. Attractive National rates of pay, overtime and production bonus structure available along with on-site training. Contact details: email: [email protected] tel. 01757 288695


A full list of items for Terracycle has been included a many occasions. The following is a list of new items:-

Baby food pouches, all brands (must be washed and dried) and yoghurt pouches

Please ensure that all wet pet food sachets are thoroughly washed and dried, apart from smelling, they go mouldy and contaminate everything else. It will then get thrown into the bin to go in to landfill!

Thank you to everybody that is saving their waste for us and saving it from landfill. Everything we collect (apart from printer cartridges) is sent to a company called Terracycle and is shredded and made into other products such as park benches. Terracycle guarantee that nothing we send in is sent to landfill or incinerated.

4th February - 10.4kg crisp packets; 1.6kg Pringles tubes; 4.5kg sweet wrappers; 8.7kg personal care; 3.2kg bread bags A total of over 28kg saved from landfill WERE SENT TO Terracycle

21st February - Car full from collections at the Scout Hut and Chestnut Crescent, 2 big bags from End Cottage Vets and today 2 new collectors knocking on the door with items. Still more to come from collection of the items from HOSM Pharmacy.

Current Collection Points are - 30 Hawthorne Drive, HOSM; HOSM Pharmacy, End Cottage Vets Howden; 2 Allen Close, Denison Road, Pocklington; 29 Chestnut Crescent, HOSM. We also have a collection point at the Pocklington Repair Café

East Riding presented with recycling league champion trophy award 1

East Riding of Yorkshire Council has been recognised for topping the Recycling League of ’s local authorities with a recycling rate of 64.8% for 2018/19.

In the wake of figures published by the government in December, the authority was this week officially presented with the trophy for “Local Authority Recycling League Champion for England”. The council’s success has been praised by Environment Minister, Rebecca Pow, whose remit covers environmental issues including waste and recycling.




With the loss of a local business recently, we may well have an influx of new customers and we would appreciate your support to enable us to help those in and around our village who are struggling to feed themselves and their families.

Donations can be left at the Coffee Shop in the Courtyard between 10am and 1pm,

Monday to Saturday, and The Old School between 11 and noon on Fridays.

If you would like to help but aren’t sure what to buy, popular items are tinned food, including hot dog sausages, fish and meat, custard and fruit, plus breakfast cereals, fruit juice. Toiletries and sanitary products are also in demand. If you are lucky enough to be in a position to help, please do so. Thank you The Peoples Pantry volunteer team

Thank you The Peoples Pantry volunteer team PAGE 21


Western Wolds Men in Sheds


There have been many initiatives created to tackle the problem of male loneliness and isolation, including the Men in Sheds Project. It is a global initiative that saw the first ‘shed’ open in 1998 in Australia, with several variations on this theme dating back to the 1970’s. It recognised and expanded on the theory of men retreating to their shed to tackle small household jobs or pursue hobbies.

For some, the ‘shed’ could become a place of occupation following redundancy, a distraction from illness or bereavement, somewhere to share skills and knowledge with others or simply meet, make new friends and chat over a tea or coffee. It’s for men of all ages not just retirees.


Our shed, known as Western Wolds Men in Sheds, includes a cafeteria, meeting/IT room, fully fitted workshop and wood store and is located at Oakes Farm, off Bulmer Lane, HOSM. It has now been operating now successfully for a year and has become a regular place for local men to meet. We are open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10:00am until 4:00pm.

New members are always welcome. Please arrange for a visit to our shed to see our facilities and talk to our members, using any of the following contacts:

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: 07958 556 888 Facebook:

Very important - Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council have been offered a FREE one hour Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) and Basic Life Support (BLS) training sessions. This will delivered by qualified First Aid Instructors. The Parish Clerk would like to gauge interest for this training within the village before anything is arranged. You could save a life Please email Maggie Fuller, Clerk to the Parish Council [email protected] to register your interest.



CLUBS AND GROUPS Aerobics 873064 Army Cadet Force 07740 783689 Badminton Club 860830 Beavers Bowling Club 07716621721 Bridge Club 07703 360391 Cubs Holme Baby and Toddler Group: 860351 Holme Rovers: Juniors and Seniors 860183 HOSM Karate Centre: Oliver Willison 07897 335959 Royal British Legion 860873 Scouts Social Club: Derek Clayton 626050 Village Hall Bookings 07930 891035 Village Hall Committee: Richard Brook – Trustee 07701 065354 Whist Club 860303 Wildcats Baton Twirling Dance Group: Thursday 6 to 6-45 tel. 07920 289658 Lucy Dickinson 07805 004167 Women’s Institute: 861082 Holme Local History Society 860382 Pilates – Sue Haigh 0754 0695826




We invite you to the Coffee Shop

The Village Courtyard, High Street, Holme on Spalding Moor (opposite Blacksmiths Arms)

Open 10.00 to 1.00 Monday to Saturday Come in and enjoy freshly ground coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and a wide range of other drinks and refreshments in relaxed surrounding

 Books and Jigsaws to borrow  Friday 3 course lunch club twice a month (see picture of one of the tables on left)  Afternoon art and craft groups 2.00pm  Tuesday morning men's group  Café Healing – open for prayer 2.00pm 3rd Wednesday (Mar 18th/Apr 15th next)  Informal Café Service – 5.00pm to 6.0pm on 4th Sunday (Mar 22nd/Apr 26th Contacts: Robert/Helen 01430 860997 Chris/Sandra 01430 861892



Please note that for activities where it states ‘every other week’ please contact the village hall for details as these can vary due to public holidays etc.




Village Hall News from the Management Committee

Lesley White retired as Booking Clerk at the end of January. Pat Laverack, Chair of the Village Hall Committee, presents Lesley with a clock from the Committee. Lesley has been associated with the Village Hall for over 40 years, the last 20 as Booking Clerk. Lesley and Eric were caretakers for the hall for many years. The Village Hall Committee would like to thank Lesley for all she has done over the years.

June Raper - June has taken over as Booking Clerk. Her contact details: Telephone Number: 07930 891035 Email – [email protected]

Coffee Mornings

The Village Hall is holding Coffee Mornings (these replace the tabletops) from 10.00 am – 12.00 noon in the Committee Room as follows:

Saturday, 25 April; Saturday, 27 June; Saturday, 29 August; Saturday, 31 October

We will be having a few stalls - if you would like to book one please call Carole Kean on 01430 860382.


First Saturday of every month Coffee and Chat - Selby Rd. Methodist Church from 10 a.m.

First Saturday of April ONLY a Soup and Roll Lunch will follow the Coffee and Chat at 12 noon in Aid of Kenya Children’s Education Charity.

Saturday April 25th Concert by Circuit Choir 7.30p.m. - Selby Rd. Methodist Church

Saturday May 29th AT VILLAGE HALL Coffee morning for Methodist Circuit Funds.



9 Selby Road Holme on Spalding Moor YO43 4ES

Open Monday to Saturday tel. 07745 264322

Manicure Pedicure Gel Nails Waxing Tinting Lash extensions Lash lifting Make up Massage Hot stone massage Spray tanning Electrolysis Ear piercing Facials Dermaplaning

Microdermabrasion - lip fillers - anti-wrinkle injections - microblading clinics



Do you want to advertise your business here?

This space is available. Help save your magazine

Please contact the Parish Clerk, Maggie Fuller- Email: [email protected] Phone: 01430 827614, for current advertising rates.




Dear Residents,

Weather has posed considerable challenges for a number of Howdenshire residents and the East Riding Water Management teams and High-Ways teams have been at full stretch. A number of houses have experienced flooding; fortunately I am not aware of any properties in the HOSM Parish being inundated. I am working with officers and our MP David Davis to establish a comprehensive list of flooded properties across the ward so please email me if you have experienced personal flooding inside your home or work place.

The main road through the village (Selby Road) is once again causing problems where the road is sinking just outside Southgates Garage near to the school. The plan is to provide a full emergency road closure and undertake a major repair on or around 16 March 2020. I understand that the ground conditions at this point are particularly challenging from last time the work was done but I will be keeping a watching brief on the situation because it’s not satisfactory to have this major road closed again.

This is ERYC Budget setting time and as your Ward representatives Linda, Nigel and I have been debating the pros and cons of the next financial budget. Without getting finances right you simply cannot get anything right! Everything the council does rely upon being financially sound. Since 2010, £182m of savings have been made to meet funding reductions and increased service costs. Pressures for next year include a forecast of £17.4m increase to service costs, plus £5.6m forecast for pay awards inflation. However these are off-set by cost savings of £4.9m as well as funding increases from Central Government which we are grateful for. As a council we have to take a balanced view between services and Council Tax rates.

At the Council there are over 13,000 members of staff covering 600 services and there are a huge number of skills within each service. There are often a number of vacancies and there’s going to be a new publicity campaign to encourage people to apply to work for the council called ‘Get In’ which is hoping to inspire people to consider a career in the council ..... If you know someone who might be thinking of a career change or starting a career tell them to look out for the publicity.

If anyone would like to contact me or Nigel Wilkinson or Linda Bayram on these or any other issue please feel free to do so. We can be contacted at [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] or call me on 07721411620. Thank you once again for your trust and I look forward to working closely with you all.

Victoria Aitken, Ward Councillor - Howdenshire








Or contact Steve Warwick club chairman – 01430 860112

Pupils at Holme on Spalding Moor Primary School Great British Pie Week

This annual event sees children compete to create a new and exciting savoury pie. The competition, in association with A Laverack and Son, challenges the children to design a pie which can be made by the bakery and sold in their local shops. Entries are always of a very high standard and are judged by the Laveracks staff. Great British Pie Week runs from Monday 2nd March and the winner of the children’s competition will be announced in a special assembly on Friday 6th March

As part of this the school invites celebrities into school to enjoy lunch with the children. Mr Woodhouse, Headteacher at the school, is especially looking forward to meeting this year’s special guests. ‘We are very fortunate this year to have welcomed two international rugby stars from Papua New Guinea. Watson Boas and Jason Tali joined us on Monday 2nd March and the children couldn’t wait to meet them.’

Watson Boas recently scored for PNG in an international match against Great Britain and was one of the country’s ‘stand out’ players. Mr Woodhouse believes that this type of visit has a lasting impact on the primary aged children. ‘It’s not every day that you meet players like Watson and Jason; our children will remember the visit for many years to come.’

Accompanying the players was ex-New Zealand international and current Vice President of the Rugby Football League, Carl Hall.




We have exciting times ahead in 2020. The first one has already taken place but it gives an insight about one of our interesting talks.

1) A jewellery workshop in March

2) April 1st, and no it’s not an April fool’s trick, our speaker will be Mr. Kurt Charles, a retired prison governor who has some very interesting stories to recount.

Come along and join us for homemade cake and biscuits, tea and coffee, interesting speakers.

If you are not a member there is a small fee of £4.However joining is easy with an annual subscription so for the price of a coffee and bun each month you get to be entertained by a variety of speakers.

This year will also include chocolate makers (with samples!); turning the clock back with a 1940s grocer and hedgehog rescue plus many more interesting topics.

Other activities trips to various places for tea and coffee + CAKES!

You will be surprised at what the WI get involved with!

One such activity is our monthly coffee club. All you have to do is to turn up on the village hall car park for 10 a.m. on the second Tuesday in the month where there is sure to be a lift to a local venue for coffee and a natter + CAKES

We are a super friendly group always welcoming new members to join us for all sorts of good informative meetings as well as our fun trips and social events. Call Sue 01430 861082