Queen Victoria School Raising to Distinction

Admissions Deadline 15 Jan each year

Queen Victoria School in is aco-educational boarding school for the children of UK Armed Forces personnel who areScottish, or who have served in or who have been members of aScottish regiment.

The QVS experience encourages and develops well-rounded, confident individuals in an environment of stability and continuity.

The main entry point is into Primary 7and all places arefully funded for tuition and boarding by the Ministry of Defence.

Families arewelcome to find out morebycontacting Admissions on +44 (0) 131 310 2927 to arrange avisit. Queen Victoria School Dunblane Perthshire FK15 0JY www.qvs.org.uk Why should YOU contact the Federation? Welcome The RAF Families Federation is funded by the RAF but sits outside the Chain of Command as an independent organisation. We represent all RAF from the editor personnel –bethey Regular,Reserve, single, married or in apartnership, together with their families. This issue marks the end of the summer rush of families days for us, so thank We provide avoice for the issues and concerns you for the invites many of you have sent for us to join you. you have about life in the RAF,and we have direct With more dates marked on our calendar this year,wewelcomed an extra helper access to senior RAF and MOD staffs as well as in Chloe (pictured below) who has been with us during the summer holidays. Government Ministers. Chloe has helped to lighten the load preparing for each of our events and making up an endless supply of freebie bags, as well as helping to generally clear the To do all this, we need to hear from you on issues decks in the office too. With parents who also both served, Chloe hit the ground such as quality of life, accommodation, health, running and I’d like to say ahuge thank you from us all for being part of this small, education, pay and allowances Everyone’s views and mad team. We all wish her well in returning to her final year at university. concerns are important to us. Don’t forget that Envoy magazine is free to subscribe to and many married quarters on units now have copies sent directly to each address. If you are living in one of those Keythings to remember: patches however,who don’t yet receive Envoy –and you would like acopy –please •Wework with the RAF/MOD and not against them do contact us. The same goes for those of you who are living in your own home(s) away from base and even your wider family members. We •Wedon’t undermine the chain of command; we are frequently told, it helps you feel alittle more connected work with them but will dig them in the ribs on to the RAF,which is very encouraging. your behalf when necessary This actually leads me nicely on to welcome To rJohnson to the team. In her article, To rgives an insight into abrand •Wewill signpost you to the ‘best’ experts to help new Dispersed Families Project for which the Federation you if required has been awarded funding. Iwon’t steal her thunder on this great project –I’ll leave To rtotell all and share how •Wealways maintain your anonymity and respect you can get involved –starting on page 24. your privacy As always, please feed in if you would like to see particular Chloe Goldsmith. •Wealways maintain afair and balanced approach content. We are very much here for singlies as well as Reservists and your families too so I’m always on the lookout for awide range of subjects. One of the ‘lighter’requests Ihad, whilst on astation visit, was the need for an RAF Remember: dating site. Now there’s aas spousalpousal business opportunity for someone! If you don’t tell us, we can’t tell them.

FrontCaption: TG14: The RAF Photography Tr ade -awinning photo in last year’s photography competition by SACPhil Dye RAF. UK MOD Crown Copyright 2016.

CONTACT Evidence Assistant (Housing): Stan Brathwaite Te lephone: 01780 781650, Policy and Plans: Graeme Spark MBE email: [email protected] Regional Covenant Managers: or via the website raf-ff.org.uk Jo Wilkinson, Lisa Thipthorp, Dani Robertson and Jen Brooksbank Tr ansition Liaison Manager: Louise Briggs Envoy –The magazine of the RAF Families Federation, Dispersed Families Project Manager: To rJohnson published 4times ayear. Office Manager: Ruth McClelland To have your FREE copy delivered quarterly to your home, Published quarterly by Method Publishing, adivision email [email protected] or via our website of Scottish Provincial Press Limited, on behalf of Envoy raf-ff.org.uk Design and Ty pography: ©Method Publishing 2017 Director: Bill Mahon Editorial Matter and Illustrations: ©Envoy Printed in Great Britain by: Warners Midlands plc Communications Manager: Caroline Woodward Advertisement Office (UK): Method Publishing, 64 Main St, Communications Assistant: Nick Crouch Main Street, Golspie, Sutherland, KW10 6TG Evidence Manager: Colin Jones Contact Chris Cappie on 01463 732223 or Evidence Assistant: To dd Fellows email [email protected]

Views expressed in Envoy,unless stated otherwise, are those of the author alone and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of Envoy,the RAF or the Ministry of Defence. No responsibility for the quality of goods or services advertised in Envoy can be accepted by the Publishers or Printers and advertisements are accepted on the express condition that the advertiser warrants that they in no way contravene the provisions of The Trades Descriptions Act 1968 nor any other prevailing legislation in the . The Publishers reserve the right to refuse acceptance of any advertisement without stating areason. raf-ff.org.ukraf-ff.org.uk Autumn 2017 Envoy 1 | Injured Serving Personnel | Struggling RAFFamilies | Lonely Veterans RAFheroes need you

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©UKMOD CrownCopyright2016 Photograph by:Ian Forshaw

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Patron: Her MajestyThe Queen Registered Charity226686 (England &Wales). SC037673 (Scotland). Contents


6 In the News FINANCIAL FEATURES 26 Whathappened to Charlotte? The Forces Pension Society explains whyitisvital to 8 Service Lifeand the Future ensureyour ArmedForcesPensionScheme death Envoymagazine talkstoAir Vice-Marshal Chris Elliot, benefit nomination is correct anduptodate. the ChiefofStafffor Personnel (COS Pers)abouther thoughts regarding RAFfamilies concerns forService COVENANT lifeand the future. 8 11 The RAFPhotographerTrade 28 Covenantgrantsare helping Numbering justshort of 100 personnel, the RAF Jo Wilkinson, Regional CovenantManager(South) Photographer Trade canbeconsidered one of the explains how the ArmedForcesCovenant Local Grants smallestinthe RAF. Even so,the reach of these help to integratemilitaryand civilian communities. well equipped, talentedand capable professionals stretches across the whole RAFand widerUKDefence HEALTH ANDWELLBEING community. 32 InvictusGames RESERVES The 2017 InvictusGames willbeheld in Toronto, 14 Canada.Weshareaspotlightontwo competitorsfrom 14 On the FrontlineofTrauma Care the RAF delegation. In the operations room of the RoyalAir Forcemedical facility aradio crackles into life. The assorted medical 34 Reflecting on the first half of 2017 staffimmediately take notice –newsiscoming in of The ServiceComplaints Ombudsman forthe Armed an IED explosion and small-arms firehitting anearby Forces is nowinits secondyear of operation. This patrol. Medical Reservists giveaninsightintotheir article takesalook at whatthe Ombudsman’s office service role. has beendoing in the first six months of 2017. 16 Atruly Reservistoccasion After months of planning by asmall team, the Families’ 36 Sing,Shareand Support Dayfor 4624Movements SquadronRAuxAF,based at 24 With the unpredictable natureoflifeinthe RAF, RAF BrizeNorton went ahead in glorioussunshine. lots of pressureisput on families and the feeling of isolation canbecommon. Nikki, who sings as partof FEDERATION WaddingtonMilitaryWives Choir,explains how the 20 AccommodationMatters choirhelpscombatthisisolation. Housing informationand accommodationupdates from your Federation. OF INTEREST 22 Thinking about Transition? 38 Aim forthe ‘helper’s high’ Our project on families’ transition, funded by the Without volunteersthe RAF Association would not be Forces in Mind Trust, has beenrunning for10months. 28 able to deliver as much of their welfareand fundraising Transition Liaison Manager,Louise Briggs, shares some work to those in the RAF familywho really need it. of the the issues, facts and services thathaveemerged so far. 40 RAF BBMF 24 Dispersed Families withinthe RAF The RAF Battle of Britain Memorial t(Fligh BBMF) is celebrating its 60thanniversarythis year.The operator TorJohnson,Dispersed Families Project Manager, gives the backgroundtoafunded two-year Dispersed of 12 historic aircraftprovides informationonthe Families project which willgather evidence from organisation and it’s ‘warbirds’. families to ensurethatinthe futuretheyreceivethe 40 information dsan upportthattheyneed. raf-ff.org.uk Autumn 2017 Envoy 3 DIRECTOR DirFROM THE ector

Like most boys, when Iwas a at heart when it comes to bringing the RAF.I’m very grateful to AVM youngster and my school gave home to the family information the Chis Elliott, the Chief of Staff for me apiece of paper to take RAF has gone to much trouble to Personnel and Air Secretary at HQ home about some event coming produce and ask them to pass on Air,for finding time in her busy up –aschool trip or aparents to their loved ones. Whether its schedule to write for us. As aworking evening –the piece of paper stuff that will affect families directly mum herself,she absolutely gets was often completely forgotten, or just stuff for their information, many of the issues faced by spouses staying in my schoolbag never it invariably ends up staying at the and partners and tells us about what to see the light of day unless bottom of that schoolbag. Spouses the RAF is doing to try to help our my mum rummaged around to and partners then remain in ignorance people cope. find it amongst the sticky sweet or,worse still, find out via social wrappers and assorted small boy media groups, where rumour and Enjoy the magazine  junk lurking in the depths of the counter-rumour often hold sway over bag. Sometimes, if the event was the facts. not something that in my opinion (aged 7) my parents needed to So Imake absolutely no apology for know about, the piece of paper including in this edition of ‘Envoy’ bypassed my bag entirely on its acouple of articles about initiatives way into the bin. that are happening that you either should or might want to know about, It seems that many (invariably male) whether you are serving yourself RAF personnel are still small children or family of aserving member of

4 Envoy Autumn 2017 raf-ff.org.uk Jon Gower, FPS Member

Jonnh hadad ana naggingagging fefeelingeling thathattheh he hadad not rereceivedceived his pepensionnsion supplemensupplementtb basedased on his peperiodriod as a commissioned officer.Wereviewedhis circumstances and concluded he wasright. As aresult,hereceived asupplementarytax free lump sum payment, back paymentofpension and interest too. His pension has also been increased to the correctrate. He tells us he’s busy advising others to join the Forces Pension Society.

INDEPENDENT,NOT-FOR-PROFIT PENSION HELP WHEN YOUNEED IT At the ForcesPension Society, we value our independence. It enables us to serve the interests of We deal with hundreds of such enquiries everymonth our c. 50,000 Members as the Armed ForcesPension from our Members,helping them through the AFPS watchdog.Wehold governments to account, arguing pension maze. Join us and see howwecan help you. forbetter pensions and campaigning against Or simply become aMember forthe peaceofmind of unfairness in the schemes.For example,our 2015 knowing we’reheretohelp youwhen youneed us. campaign wonthe rightfor all widows to retain their VALUABLE MEMBERSHIP OFFERS pension on remarriage. Our Members also have access to arange of exclusive offers with significantdiscounts from trusted Affiliates JOIN ONLINE NOWAND RECEIVE including our exclusiveno-age-limit Annual Travel AFREE £150 RAMBLING &ADVENTURE InsurancePlan. HOLIDAYVOUCHER Visit our websiteatwww.forcespensionsociety.org quoting Promo Code ENY2017 (T’s &C’s apply). Annual membership foryou and your partner costs just £37. JOIN US AND GETMORE FROM YOUR PENSION Forces Pension Society 68 South Lambeth Road,Vauxhall, London, SW8 1RL Tel: 020 7820 9988 -email: [email protected] -www.forcespensionsociety.org

raf-ff.org.uk Autumn 2017 Envoy 5 IN THE NEWS

THE News

IN 

Chief of the air RAuxAF at Future Results arein staffvisit RIAT 17 Accommodation

Results areinfor Tri-service Families The Chiefofthe Air Staff has visited Royal 4624 Squadron has playedasignificant The FutureAccommodation Model Continuous Attitude Survey (FAMCAS) Air ForcepersonnelinRomania whoare role at RoyalInternationalAir Tattoofor (FAM) is still under development and no 2017. Visit ourwebsitefor the results. conducting theTO NA air policing mission numerous years. Based at BrizeNorton, firm decisions have yetbeenmade on its which safeguards the integrity of Allies’ 4624Sqn provide the entireATaircraft adoption. w,Ne useful informationabout sovereign airspace. handling capability eachyear at RIAT. theFAM concept is available online. Shoes to Flexible working Familythat lives Compensation seamines forArmed Forces away from base? Scheme fact sheet

Millionsofmetresofmud have been Newarrangements to attract andretain We arepleasedtoannounce the launch DIO haslaunched anew compensation dredged, clearing the wayfor Britain’s the bestmen and women forour Armed of anew twoyear project aiming to scheme in theUKtocover missed newest aircraft carrier to sail safely into Forces by adapting service etomlif eet understand the issues faced by the RAF’s appointments andsignificantissuesat her newhome at PortsmouthHarbour. their modern needsand aspirations were Dispersed Families,and to makesurethat move-in forSFA.Details on howtoclaim is Itemsfound includedanaircraft engine. announced in the Queen’sSpeech. they receivethe support that theyneed. included in thefact sheet. Typhoononshow Latest SSAFA Post-traumatic High-techTyphoon in Bucharest Ambassador stress disorder Defence

Thousandsofvisitorstothe International SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity, has just Anovel approach could soon playa Defence Secretary has announcedan Air Show at Budapesthad thechance to appointedOlympian Will SatchMBE as its significantrole in helping British military investmentof£40 million to improvethe see one of the RAF’s Typhoon aircraft that latest Celebrity Ambassador.The charity’s veterans overcome post-traumatic stress defence of the Typhoon sustaining over is currently deployedbyNATOtoenhance ambassadorsinclude DameVeraLynn, disorder (PTSD), thanks to anew Cardiff 100 British jobs. Contract awarded to theAir Policing of theregion. Dan Snowand Kate Adie. University research project. UK-based company Leonardo. USAF anniversary 30 hoursfree F-35 Lightning Familyplanning showaspectacle childcare training squadron andfertility

Aseries of spectacularflypastsand jaw- HM Revenue &Customs andthe Thesquadron whichwilltrain future Fertilitypreservation is something that dropping displays ensuredthe USAF’s Departmentfor Education have RoyalAir Forceand RoyalNavyF-35B manyofusrarely consider,but it does 70th anniversarywas celebrated in style confirmed therollout date for30hours Lightning pilots at RAF Marham has provide an option to safeguardand plan at asold out Air TattooatRAF Fairford. free childcare. The relevant MOD policy been announced as 207 Squadron. forthe future. The CDP Service Personnel The airshowtook place over threedays. has now been finalised. Support team at MOD explains.

6 Envoy Autumn 2017 raf-ff.org.uk Furththerer details on all these storiescan be found on raf-ff.org.uk Search forthe headlinesonour website

Keeping in touch Makingthings SSAFACelebrates withyour family possible 100years

LittleTroopersTreasuresisafree, easy Remap is acharitycoveringthe UK, SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity, is to use app thatcan make story time helping over 3,500 peopleevery year celebrating 100 yearssince women were precious everyday andwillensure to become moreindependent. Remap legally permitted to serve in the British childrennever miss abedtime story provides custom-madeequipmentfor military. Today, theystand shoulder to from their parentsagain. disabled of all ages, free of charge. shoulder with their male counterpart. Aircraftengineer RAFDisabled Newleadership Self employment takes charge Holiday Trust options

Aircraft engineer GroupCaptain Like everyone else,disabled people The RoyalAir Forces Association Areyou aself-employedveteran,reservist, Tony Keeling (47) takesthe Station needaholiday. Thatcan be moreeasily hasannounced theappointmentof or militaryspouse? Areyou considering Commander’schair at RoyalAir Force said than done since theyneedspecially Air MarshalSir BazNorth as itsnew aself-employment career path?Then the Wittering,bringing with him over adaptedaccommodation within normal President, replacing Air Marshal Sir University of Warwick needs your help! 30 years’ experience. holidaysurroundings. Dusty Miller.

Areyou leaving Is thereatleast 9months left to the the RAF? Service person’s last day of service?

We arareel lookingooking forforf familiesamiliestot to takeakep partartinat in a twowo yearyear researchresearch project to help us betterunderstand the transition process forfamilies. If youbecome one of our case study families you will receive a ‘thank you’ gift courtesyofESS. Interested in helping?

Formoreinformation: FUNDEDBY Visit www.raf-ff.org.uk/transition or contact Louise Briggs: louise.briggs@raf-ff.org.uk 07849847067

Imagecredit: RoyalAir ForceBenevolentFund www.raf-ff.org.uk raf-ff.org.uk Autumn 2017 Envoy 7 FEATURES Service Life and the Future

The Chief of Staff for Personnel (COS fits all model, therefore, Iencourage local Pers) looks after the interests of our management discretion over short-term, servicemen and women and their ad-hoc arrangements without the need for families. It is such abusy time and Air adopting formal administrative processes. Vice-Marshal Chris Elliot’s teams are For those who wish longer-term and working tirelessly to improve Service more frequent flexible working patterns, life and keep people connected. they can request to adopt working Envoy magazine talks to the AVM practices which include compressed exclusively about her thoughts hours, variable start and finish times or

regarding our families concerns for working from home. I‘m also cognisant Crown Copyright 2017. Service life and the future. that for some of our personnel, flexible AVMChris Elliot. working –doing the same amount of Families have raised concerns over the work but in adifferent way –isnot always flexible working measures, which are lack of flexibility for their airmen and the solution. To address this, we have due to come into effect in 2019, will be women to support family life. What is introduced aFlexible Duties (FD) trial, introduced into Parliament via the Armed the RAF doing about it? which runs until 31 Mar 19 and is open to Forces (Flexible Working) Bill. all RAF Regular personnel but does not The RAF recognises the need for aquality include RAF personnel working in Defence Forsome families, shared of life and Iamexcited to say that the Equipment and Support. In essence, the parental leave is seen as complex RAF has been able to introduce arange of Tr ial is looking to explore new forms of and inaccessible, and partners in the policies over the past 18 months to assist flexible working by providing participating Service are unlikely to have it approved our personnel to achieve an improved personnel with some protection from anyway due to Service need. What is work-life balance. Iunderstand that deployment in addition to allowing less the RAF’s view on this? flexibility in the workplace is not aone size than full time working. These additional Shared Parental Leave was introduced by the Government in 2014 and allows the mother or primary adopter to share their maternity or adoption leave with their partner.Wehave been working hard over the last six months to simplify our advice and processes so they are better understood. The MOD have implemented policies which allow us to pay our personnel above the statutory rate. And, if aservice person has their Shared Parental Leave deferred due to operational commitments, it can be taken outside of the 12-month limit and is also paid at full pay.Please speak to your Unit HR staff for further advice.

Childcare is abig concern for Service Families, both its availability and costs in rw oyih 2017. Copyright Crown certain areas of the country.Does the RAF recognise this and what measures is it putting in place to offer support?

Being aworking mother,this is atopic close to my heart. The availability of accessible and affordable childcare is an issue that affects all parents and can be “Childcare is an issue that affects all parents and can be acause of particular concern to Service Families”

8 Envoy Autumn 2017 raf-ff.org.uk FEATURES “The MOD has committed that FAMwill continue to support subsidised housing” acause of particular concern to Service Families when parents are posted from one region to another.The RAF is very fortunate to have the support of the Benevolent Fund in providing high quality facilities in the vast majority of locations to meet needs; however, the variation in costs between different parts of the country continue to present challenges. Asignificant number of station nurseries are operated in partnership with anational charity Action for Children, the same charity that delivers Airplay.Stations work closely with providers to monitor costs and to ensure that opening times meet the needs of parents. Following extensive feedback from our Families Crown Copyright 2017. Federations, the MOD Directorate we deliver accommodation in different RAF going to ensure that families have a for Children and Young People are locations will change -recognising that welfare team to support them when they currently working on an MOD Childcare there will always be aneed for some SFA. need it? Policy and are examining anumber of issues, including options to reduce price One of the concerns about FAMisthe Iampleased that RAF Community Support differentials between areas; the RAF have availability of rental accommodation is already considering how to support maintained asignificant involvement in near to sought after schools and the dispersed families. RAF HIVE are looking at a this work. We continue to explore ways availability of places within those new model of information provision, which in which we can support families with schools. What is the RAF doing to will further exploit online communication children of all ages, in their early years and ensure our families still have access to methods such as websites and social media. through schooling and holiday support. the schools of their choice? Similarly,the enhancements to the SSAFA telephone referral system under the new Many families have told us that We know that schooling is asignificant contract is afirst step in ensuring that our they feel worse off because of all issue for our people. As aService, we dispersed families can stay connected to the the changes in the last few years. are proud that our average return of specialist welfare support that is currently Are you concerned that if families’ service across the ranks is 19 years and delivered at our Units. Work also continues accommodation is no longer part as such schooling has been one of my with the Armed Forces Covenant Te am in of the package under the Future top issues throughout the development ensuring that the local communities play Accommodation Model (FAM), the of FAMand indeed, support for families their part to ensure that our families are offer may diminish further? with schooling and childcare needs is one not disadvantaged as result of their military of the Chief of the Airs Staff’s Guiding service. By forging relationships with local Ithink that the opposite is true! While Principles for FAM. With afamily of authorities and utilising our Covenant FAMhas some way to go, and my team my own, Itotally understand that the Champions, in tandem with the work of is working tirelessly to influence it’s schools admission process is complex and the RAF Families Federation Covenant development, FAMaims not to remove emotive. With around 50% of schools Managers, we are looking to exploit those accommodation from the ‘package’ but in local authorities now academies (who relationships to ensure afair provision for presents acrucial opportunity to address operate their own admission policies families, which could extend to welfare the inequalities in the current system, under their own authority) and schools, support provided in the community.Itis redefine who we support (FAM’s intent regardless of the positive strides made essential that we offer our Service families is to embrace the ‘21st century family, by the Armed Forces Covenant, bound opportunities to integrate with society thereby supporting more of our people) by oversubscription criteria, the need to by offering the chance of stability and and enable greater choice and flexibility understand this landscape has never been undisrupted education. based on our people’s aspirations at more critical. Under the FAMproject, different times in their career and the RAF continues to be the key voice on The RAF Families Federation plays an personal lives. FAMintends also to schooling in consultations with the Dept extremely important role in our welfare provide financial support for personnel for Education and MOD Directorate system and are our eyes and ears on to purchase ahouse if family stability of Children and Young People. Ihave the ground, Icannot stress enough the is the priority,while also supporting also asked my team to think career importance of our Service personnel to those who we need to be mobile. The management may need to adapt. get in touch with them if they have any MOD has committed that FAMwill problems. Family lives are complexand continue to support subsidised housing; There is ageneral concern that in the changeable and it is my intent to ensure the total amount of subsidy allocated to future, families could be spread over that across the ‘people space’ we are accommodation won’t change -but how awider geographical area. How is the flexible, open, and remain engaged.  raf-ff.org.uk Autumn 2017 Envoy 9 WINALIMITEDEDITION ASTONMARTIN VANQUISH SRED ARROWS CAR



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10 Envoy Autumn 2017 raf-ff.org.uk FEATURES

Photographer Tr ade By SAC SACN Nicholasicholas Egan

Numbering just short of 100 personnel, the RAF the tools at aPhotographers disposal, including the relationship Photographer Tr ade can be considered one of the between aperture, shutter speed, ISO settings and various smallest in the RAF.Even so, the reach of these well- camera functions. Following on, trainees learn to capture equipped, talented and capable professionals stretches professional imagery in avariety of roles. These include: across the whole RAF and wider UK Defence community. •Precision engineering technical photography •Portraiture and identity photography Becoming aPhotographer •Aircraft crash investigation RAF Photographers are direct entrants, and must successfully •Reconnaissance and surveillance complete their Phase One recruit training at RAF Halton, •Dental and medical photography before moving to Phase TwTwoot traderade training at the Defence •F• Formalormal and informal groups School of Photography (DSOP), RAF Cosford. • Ceremonial and VIP photography • Uncontrolled action Tr ade training at DSOP consists of an intensive seven- • Media and Public Relations (PR) imagery month course, bringing together theory and practical based photographic training to provide military professional ‘phots’ All aspects learned help to develop a photographer’s ability with all the knowledge and skills needed to complete given to assess and make decisions in relation to circumstances tasks. This begins with basic camera handling, to understand and conditions they face whilst out on a task. This freedom

raf-ff.org.uk Autumn 2017 Envoy 11 as well as vital engineering support. Currently aRAF Photographer ‘back- seats’ as Circus 10 during the RAFAT flying season.

Air Combat Service Support Unit (ACSSU) Photographic Operations – Located at RAF Halton, ACSSU photographers provide arapid high- readiness capability to respond to any Contingency Operations or Humanitarian can often lead to creative and striking Missions across the globe in support of imagery. UK Defence Policy.Inrecent years this role has seen photographers deploy to On completion of training at DSOP, West Africa, the Middle East, the US and photographerswill be posted to their the Far East to deliver timely,informative first unit, usually into aPhotographic media packages to great success. The Section on aMain Operating Base. They unit also offers wider media support for will then return to DSOP to augment RAF and Defence KeyMessaging. their training on the Defence Media Operations Photographer Course; a Joint Air Delivery Te st &Evaluation two week course honing skills to output Unit (JADTEU) – Working out of Media and Public Relations imagery. RAF Brize Norton (the RAF’s main RAF Photographers are also required to Air Tr ansport Gateway) JADTEU complete the Defence Professional Video photographers primarily support awide Airborne Delivery Wing (ADW) – The Te chniques Course, designed to train variety of ground and airborne trials, sole Photographer based at ADW, RAF Photographers in the discipline of video often travelling globally in the process. Brize Norton, records safety assurance capture, editing and output. This can involve anything from equipment footage of all parachute training carried- being deployed by parachute, to the out by UK Airborne and Special Forces in transportation of vehicles and aircraft the UK and overseas. Day-to-day in a within the RAF’s transport fleet. Photographic Section Directorate of Defence RAF Photographers can expect to carry- Reconnaissance Intelligence Communications – Working mainly out awide variety of tasks in support Geographic Centre (Northern in the greater London area, this single of station activities. This could include Ireland) (RIGC (NI)) – Photographers photographic role captures and provides engineering tasks on aircraft, vehicles working within the RIGC (NI) maintain stills and video imagery for proactive or weaponry,scenes of crime and RAF the last bastion of RAF wet-film news-based content to enhance the Police support, or tasks supporting capability in support of UK Security reputation of UK Defence. public relations and station media plans. Operations. Working alongside Photographers also get the opportunity personnel from the and RAF Photographers are also situated to accompany station sections and flying colleagues from other RAF trades, in overseas posts, both on rolling squadrons on avariety of exercises in photographers have contributed detachments and in permanent the UK and abroad, as well as covering towards successful security operations Photographic Sections. These include VIP visits, sports events and ceremonial during the London 2012 Olympics and permanent posts at RAF Akrotiri (Cyprus) duties. the 2013 G8 Summit. and RAF Gibraltar in support of British Specialist roles As photographic subject matter experts within the RAF,photographers can also find themselves engaged in dedicated, specialist roles across the UK, and worldwide. These roles include:

The Royal Air Force Aerobatic Te am (RAFAT)–Photographers travel far and wide in this demanding, high profile role. Every display,whether for the public or training, is captured on video for debriefing and Civil Aviation Authority regulation purposes. The RAF Scampton based photographers also travel with the team to provide breathtaking PR imagery,

12 Envoy Autumn 2017 raf-ff.org.uk Forces, as well as asingle post in the Conference, Her Majesty The Queen’s Falkland Islands to provide support to Birthday Celebrations, and various British Forces in the South Atlantic. multinational training exercises across the globe. To name one would be With an increased emphasis on video difficult, but in 2016 Iwas fortunate production, the RAF Photographer Tr ade enough to travel to the Mojave has ahealthy future ahead of it supporting Desert in California. There, Icovered UK Defence at home and abroad. RAF Chinooks working alongside Time: 40 Commando , and 4Regiment Army Air Corps. To We at the FF turned the tables onto successfully capture all three branches Nick and asked him afew questions. of the British Military working in unison, in achallenging and alien •Explain what the best bit of the role environment, was incredibly fulfilling.” is for you as an RAF Photographer? •What words of wisdom would you “In the past six years Ihave had offer to someone reading this and some incredible opportunities, from inspired to become aPhotographer? countless air-to-air photographic tasks across the globe, to photographing “Confidence is key.Learning to capture VVIPs, including President Barack stills and video footage will come Obama. During and after,Ioften think naturally with time, especially with the Further information to myself how fortunate Iamtoget training we receive. To take control of •Defence School of Photography: such opportunities, and furthermore, asituation as asubject matter expert is raf.mod.uk/rafcosford/aboutus/dsop.cfm how lucky Iamtobepaid for it. incredibly important. We find ourselves •Recruitment: raf.mod.uk/ Variation in the tasks we do keeps it working in challenging conditions, recruitment/roles/roles-finder/ enjoyable and exciting as well.” whilst having to deal with much higher intelligence/photographer/ ranks, including Royals and VIPs. •Follow the photographers •Your best project and why? Effectively it’s your domain, and you on Facebook: facebook.com/ have to project yourself accordingly defenceschoolofphotography “I have been involved in several high to get the results expected as a •orflickr.com/photos/dsop2013/ profile jobs, including the 2013 G8 Professional Photographer.”  ll photos MOD Crown Copyright 2017. ©A raf-ff.org.uk Autumn 2017 Envoy 13 RESERVES

Medical Reservists on the Frontline of Tr auma Care By SACIwan Benneyworth PhD In the operations room of the Royal Air Force medical facility aradio crackles into life. The assorted medical staff immediately take notice –news is coming in of an IED explosion and small-arms fire hitting anearby patrol.

Within moments an Initial Response Te am sets off in specialist military ambulances carrying doctors, paramedics and trauma nurses. The remaining medical staff launch into their much-practiced procedures while they wait for the casualties to arrive. They are based at aRole 1 Enhanced Medical Tr eatment Facility,atemporary tent structure designed to treat minor injuries and stabilise more serious casualties. When those casualties arrive, the clinical team are prepped and ready to treat injuries ranging from gunshot wounds to traumatic loss of limbs. "Our personnel bring extensive clinical experience from their NHS roles,"

All of this has taken place not on some dusty desert battlefield, but in rural Shropshire; at the Nesscliff Tr aining Area and at RAF Shawbury.The blast and gunfire are simulated, the wounded civilians and soldiers played by air cadets or airmen. The amputees are real, but are covered in impressive makeup. It has been one of many scenarios undertaken during the two-week Exercise Meddygol Ops involving more than 200 personnel from the Royal Air Force and Army Medical Reserves and the US Army and Air Force Reserve. The incident may be fictional, but the training value is very real.

"My clinical skills have massively increased thanks to exercises like these, as well as an operational deployment," said Corporal Liz Drain, aFlight Nurse with 4626 Squadron and an A&E nurse in Leeds. "During Op Herrick, my confidence grew hugely.Ihad to be an autonomous practitioner,caring for patients on my own at 35,000 feet when flying back to the UK. Inow stand up for my patients in the NHS more than ever if I believe the form of care Isuggest is the right one."

As the RAF commemorates the centenary of the first aeromedical evacuation conducted in 1917, the immersive and realistic training provided by such large-scale medical exercises ensures that RAF medical personnel remain at the cutting edge of battlefield medicine and specialist trauma care.

"Our personnel bring extensive clinical experience from their NHS roles," said Wing Commander Colin Mathieson of 4626 (Aeromedical Evacuation) Squadron, based at RAF Brize Norton. "Many have gained unique experience from deployed operational roles. We offer aunique opportunity to share that knowledge with new personnel to ensure we continue to offer highly valuable capability."

More information about medical careers in the RAF Reserves can be found at raf.mod.uk/recruitment.  OD Crown Copyright 2017. ©M

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raf-ff.org.uk Autumn 2017 Envoy 15 RESERVES Reservists of 4624 Movements Squadron RAuxAF Families’ Day –atruly Reservist occasion By Flt Lt CJ Krolikowski

After months of planning by asmall team, the Families’ Day for 4624 Movements Squadron RAuxAF,based at RAF Brize Norton, went ahead in glorious sunshine. This was despite the possibility of the day becoming a mini Glastonbury due to the week- long wind and rain. Over 320 serving atotal of 209 passengers on the trip of a worthwhile cause. The only dedicated squadron personnel, their families lifetime. Passengers were given full access end of life care provider in the Swindon, and friends gathered to make the day to the flight deck in-flightand the crews Marlborough and north east Wiltshire truly memorable. were fantastic, especially towards the area, it is funded through voluntary more nervous passengers. Families were donations. “The £300 could pay for Following the opening address by the even treated to flying with the ramp open, five families to be fully supported by Commanding Officer,Wing Commander alittle daunting for some at first, but our Family Support team” said their Bev Peart, the annual Medals and it offered fantastic views of the local Events and Community manager Squadron Awards ceremony began, this area and drew jealous comments from Genevieve Arney. year held on Squadron lines in front of squadron members yet to experience this! alarge and appreciative audience. The Presenting Officer was the Squadron’s Passengers were processed solely by Honorary Air Commodore, Air Marshal squadron personnel; an opportunity for Philip Sturley CB MBE FRAeS CCMI RAF the Operational Flights to showcase (Rtd) who graciously presented firstly the Airport of Embarkation (APOE) the Volunteer Reserve Service Medals element of their Logistics (Movements) (VRSM) and Clasp before moving onto role. The ATSy role was carried out by the Squadron awards. These awards take corporals from No.3 (RAuxAF) Tactical various forms from HAC’sCertificates Police Squadron from RAF Honington. through to the Commanding Officer’s Passengers were scanned, bags checked Tr ophy,and ultimately,the highly coveted and given the security brief following Honorary Air Commodore’s Tr ophy which they boarded the coach to their awarded this year to SACPauline allocated aircraft. This was the closest Griffiths-Jeans. any family member will get to going through the same process squadron For the first time in the Squadron’s history, personnel undertake when deploying the opportunity was given to families overseas on operations. and friends to experience military flights. The Officer Commanding 622 Sqn, There were plenty of activities on offer; Sqn Ldr Roisin O’Brien, originally offered around the Squadron the Operational the squadron acouple of C130 Hercules Flights hosted their own activity areas flights-brilliant we thought. Aweek including an auction and tombola before the event, she also offered an arranged by AFlight. It was so popular A400M! This was quite unprecedented that they quickly ran out of tickets to sell! and music to our ears and we are so appreciative of the support and personal Proceeds went to one of the Squadron’s assistance she gave us. Ultimately 3x chosen charities –Prospect Hospice C130 and 2xA400M flights flew, taking in Swindon –raising £300 for this very 3TPS carrying out Sy checks.

16 Envoy Autumn 2017 raf-ff.org.uk RESERVES

to afamilies’ day as well organised as yours”. This event did not happen by chance, an enormous amount of effort was put into the day by so many individuals, both within and outside RAF Brize Norton. We are extremely grateful to all those who gave their time to make this the truly amazing day that it was; it is going to be avery hard act to follow!

Brief Facts This squadron was formed in 1982 as adirect result of the Falklands conflict. It is also the largest squadron in the RAF Reserves.

Reservists of 4624 Squadron work alongside RAF regular personnel, handling passengers and freight at airfields around the world.

Families Day activities. As part of their training, they undergo initial movements training, Cadets from 2120 (Witney) Air Tr aining generously donated by the RAF Families consisting of 12 weekends and a Corps Squadron kindly supported the Federation also proved very popular. 17-day residential phase. This is event with their flight simulator which was then followed by further on-the-job afantastic opportunity for all ages to test Since the Families’ Day we have received training. their skills. The Regiment Section brought many letters and messages of thanks. out all their big guns (literally) with avast Flt Lt Mike Caffrey,OC2120 (Witney) Further information array of weapons on display; for the younger ATCSqn summed it up “I appreciate raf.mod.uk/rafbrizenorton/ members the bouncy castle and goodie bags that seats were limited and it was an organisation/no4624sqn.cfm incredible act of generosity on the part of your Squadron to include my Cadets raf.mod.uk/recruitment/lifestyle- and Staff …. In my 17 year military and benefits/life-as-a-reserve/  military reserve career,Ihave not been

Hon Air Cdre presenting the HAC’s trophy to SAC Griffiths-Jeans. raf-ff.org.uk Autumn 2017 Envoy 17

FEDERATIONAccommodation Matters By Stan Brathwaite, Your RAF FF Housing Specialist

Aside from CAASissues, there was home, ‘lock stock and barrel’ is one of adramatic decline in the number of the more stressful activities that families SFAand SLA cases brought to our undertake and we do hear from families attention during the summer months. who have had problems. If you’d like to We can only speculate, based on the share your experience –both good and improving KeyPerformance Indicator not so good –ofa(recent) house move, statistics we receive on amonthly please do get in touch. basis from DIO that, more than two years into the five year contract, the Integrated ‘white goods’ in delivery of the services provided SFAs policy. by CarillionAmey is at last on track. For those families lucky enough to This improvement is very welcome occupy anew-build SFA, normally on but we know that both the company the outskirts of the town nearest to the and the DIO still have more to do Station, let me quickly remind you of the and we’ll continue to present your policies that apply if you have integrated concerns to them. white goods –such as fridge freezers, washing machines and dishwashers –in Removal and Storage Services – the house. Agility Logistics Limited (Agility) is the MOD approved service provider •Integrated Cookers – these will be for removals and is part of the Global maintained and replaced within the Removal Management Services (GRMS). CarillionAmey (CA) contract on alike Knowing that all occupiers of SFAshare for like basis. acommon pastime of moving house regularly,regularly,Ie I expectxpect that your collective ••I I ntegrated white goods – these will experiences are many and varied. Moving be removed after the fi first rst occupation

Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. MOD Crown Copyright 2015.

20 Envoy Autumn 2017 raf-ff.org.uk or following abreakdown (whichever is the earliest event). Following removal of the appliance, CA will make good the space to allow the occupants to fit their own white goods.

There are in the region of 1500 SFA that have been fitted with integrated appliances. However,future builds will be fitted for,and not fitted with, white goods and DIO will try to limit appliances with any future purchases. Future occupants will be advised on move in of this process. Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. MOD Crown Copyright 2015. Combined Accommodation Assessment System (CAAS). Since transport/walking mode of travel to each housing and services; crime; and living the distribution of revised CAASband of the eight amenities to give an overall environment. letters in May ‘17, we have seen arise measure of average accessibility and does in the number of CAASChallenges not relate to the amenity that the SFA That’s it in anutshell, the Location occupants are making. Changes to the resident may choose to use; rather it element of CAAS. The 2other areas of a location criteria seem to be the main, relates to the amenity that is recorded as CAASChallenge are on Condition and on but not exclusive, theme and Ithought it closest to or within the postcode. Scale but I’ll save those for another day – might help to provide asummary of the if you have the appetite!! official explanation for how decisions are Step 3Broadband – The issue of reached, especially as some of the letters broadband speed and connectivity is Fire Safety – In light of the tragic we have seen announcing achange have one of the criteria that has caused most Grenfell To wer fire earlier this year, not been particularly clear about the fuss.The data for broadband speed is we would recommend that, should reasons why. provided by Ofcom and it is the statistic you have aconcern about the safety for the best broadband speed available of your electrical appliances –such The Location Factor for CAASis from an Internet Services Provider,not as arefrigerator,washing machine, described in JSP 464 Vol3Part 2Chapter the broadband provision that an occupant microwave, cooker,dishwasher or 5, and provides the MOD policy for may elect to take up (so it’s about tumble dryer,that you contact the calculating that component of CAAS. availability,not use or cost) that is used manufacturer to see if they have issued as ameasure. However,the data does asafety recall. You’ll need to provide Put simply,arriving at the Location Factor not allow for the degradation of signal the make, model and serial number of is a4-step process: bandwidth at peak periods of use –an the equipment. obvious disadvantage. The baseline for Step 1. Geographical Classification – broadband is set at the national average We are aware of at least one SFAfire this This considers the Urban to Rural level of provision (17.8 Mbps), against year that was started by afaulty fridge- classification as defined by the acurrent government recommended freezer.Itcaused around £50k worth Department for Communities and Local provision of 2Mbps (due to rise to 24 of damage to the kitchen in the SFA. Government geographical classification Mbps in 2018). The policy requires Fortunately the family concerned were system, base-lined at the 2011 Output broadband speed and connectivity to be not injured but it’s atimely reminder Areas. The Output Areas were calculated re-assessed annually and we know of at to think seriously about taking out the from the 2011 Census data and are least one unit where the introduction recommended liability insurance for unlikely to be recalculated until after the of high-speed broadband in the last 12 SFA–details are on our website –as 2021 Census. In other words, there’s months has led to rent increases, even damage to the quarter will not normally some science behind the calculation though occupants have to pay more to be covered by contents insurance. and it’s not just a‘finger in the wind’ access the new broadband service. judgement call. Next time …………….. Step 4–Indices of Multiple Ground maintenance –Headless families, Step 2. Accessibility – assesses Deprivation (IMD) – this measure ISS. Compensation scheme progress the relative proximity to 8key sweeps up many of the other factors that report. amenities considered by government are used across society to provide away as essential requirements in everyday to evaluate things like accommodation Finally –weurge you to continue to life and accessible to the wider civilian charges. Calculated from the National contact us on any SFAand SLA issues that population.They are: Food store, GP, Census every 10 years, they are not may be of concern to you…..and please employment centre, primary school, adjusted outside this time interval. The be on the lookout for our online surveys. secondary school, further education factors are weighted and include: income; institution, hospital and town centre. employment; health and disability; Further information: The assessment is based on the public education; skills training; barriers to raf-ff.org.uk/housing.asp  raf-ff.org.uk Autumn 2017 Envoy 21 FEDERATION Thinking About Transition? –It’s about families too By Louise Briggs, Tr ansition Liaison Manager

Our project on families’ transition, funded by the Forces in Mind Tr ust has been running for 10 months now and in that time, Ihave been researching and talking to families and organisations about all things relating to transition.

Here are some of the issues, facts and services that have emerged so far: CareerTransition Partnership (CTP) and MOD Services: Service Leavers receive their entitled level of support and assistance from the CTP as part of their resettlement (those with under four years of service are eligible for support under the Future Horizons programme) but did you know that as spouse or partner you can also attend the Finance and Housing briefings offered by the CTP? They also publish useful and informative guides on their website: ctp.org.uk/resettlement-guides

All service leavers and their families can access the Service Leaver’s Guide, available on GOV. UK. It offers guidance and advice relevant to service leavers and their families, including atimeline for transition which some families have told us would be useful: gov.uk/government/publications/service-leavers-pack Employment assistance: As well as the resettlement services from CTP for the Service leaver,there are many services that also assist families – here are just two examples:

1. NHS Step into Health is the first access pathway of its kind, aimed at highlighting the many career opportunities available within the NHS for those have served in the armed forces, spouses, partners and dependents. It is a partnership between NHS employers and organisations, Health Education England, the Royal Foundation and Walking with the Wounded. The innovative programme offers information days, mentoring and work experience placements towards discussion and hopefully applications for available vacancies. For more information – militarystepintohealth. nhs.uk

2. Lifeworks is an employment support service to discover new opportunities, develop your employment skills and build your confidence. Fully funded by Armed Forces Charities and run by adivision of RBLI, Lifeworks is offered to serving and ex-serving personnel and also their families – wearelifeworks.org.uk Three great shares Service Pupil Premium in England: Did you know that your children, (between Reception and Year 11) remain eligible for SPP for up to six years after leaving? Make sure your children’s school is aware of this and they can continue to claim the £300 per child.

The new Veterans Gateway: Arecently launched helpline service providing information advice and support to Ex-Forces families and acting as the name suggests and is an informed gateway to the huge network of organisations out there supporting the Armed Forces community.It’s funded by the Armed Forces Covenant too! Find out more on veteransgateway.org.uk/ or phone them on 0808 802 1212 –24hrs aday.

22 Envoy Autumn 2017 raf-ff.org.uk FEDERATION

Housing options –Where will you live? If you are still deciding where to set down your civilian roots, there are some really great places to go for reference when you are thinking of certain areas. The Tr ansition section on the RAF FF website has ahousing options page where you can dip in and out of areas that may interest you: raf-ff.org.uk/housing-options.asp

Transition Survey: We are also now conducting atri-service electronic survey to gather your experiences of transition. If you are transitioning in the next two years or left up to two years ago, then please complete the survey for us and help ensure that your voice is heard. Please go to raf-ff.org.uk/surveys.asp Youhave until the end of October to let us have your experiences, thoughts and opinions!

We are still looking for families for our case studies So if you are transitioning now,with the service leaver’s last date of service before June 2018 then please get in touch with me at [email protected]

Youcan also follow all the latest news on our transition web pages, including links to many organisations and services that can help families in transition raf-ff.org.uk/transition  MK Car Finance

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raf-ff.org.uk Autumn 2017 Envoy 23 FEDERATION Dispersed Families within the RAF By Tor Johnson, Dispersed Families Project Manager

The military is one of the few in a privately owned home. So organisations in the UK that the demand is certainly there. continues to offer housing as part On the other hand the Future of the employment package. And Accommodation Model (FAM) is yet the traditional concept of ‘the still being assessed and debated patch’ is being challenged, and is but is likely to see a decrease in likely to change signifi cantly over availability of SFA and SLA, paired the coming years. On the one with some form of incentive hand plans to reduce mobility and towards private ownership or the Forces Help to Buy scheme rental. Although there are many have made home ownership a unknowns, it does seem clear that more realistic prospect. The 2016 the proportion of RAF families living Families Continuous Attitudes in privately owned or rented homes Survey (FAMCAS) showed that is likely to increase over the coming that the RAF’s Dispersed Families – over 60% of RAF personnel own years. Given this context, the RAF those who live away from their their home but only circa 36% are Families’ Federation is keen to unit – experience unique advantages actually living it, while 71% of identify the impact of this change on and challenges that need to be fully RAF families would like to live families. In particular it recognises understood.

24 Envoy Autumn 2017 raf-ff.org.uk FEDERATION

So hence the Families’ Federation away during the week. Iamkeen to work In order to do this we need decided to run our new Dispersed with families, the RAF and other welfare your help! Families project; this two-year study organisationsover the next two years will gather evidence from such families, to ensure that the voices of Dispersed We are looking for families who are willing and will work to ensure that in the Families are heard. to take part in short, informal interviews future they receive the information about life away from the unit. If you live and support that they need. My role as “If you live more than 10 miles away more than 10 miles away from your Project Manager is an exciting one as this from your parent unit we would love to parent unit we would love to hear from is aunique project (with little equivalent hear from you…” you, regardless of whether you live in your research carried out so far for any UK own house, SFA, or some other form of forces on this scale) and it is therefore It is difficult to guess what trends might accommodation. We are also interested to an excellent opportunity to make sure start to emerge as we gather views from hear from those in long term relationships that the issues that matter to RAF our Dispersed Families. We know that who share amain address during the families are understood and addressed. communication with the parent unit is working week. To wards the end of 2017 Ipersonally have seen things from both acommonly reported issue, especially we will be running asurvey,and would like sides –Ipreviously served in the RAF during deployments or other periods as many families as possible to take part in myself and my husband is currently when families need additional support. this. More information to follow later! serving, and for many years we lived in We also know that many Dispersed private accommodationaway from his Families value their distance from the If you would like to participate in this workplaces but have now moved back serving partner’s work and the ability to project, please email me at into SFAwith our current posting. So I keep astable family base which is not [email protected] or call the have experienced the benefits of stability affected by their postings. It will be really main office on 01780 781650 to register of employment and education, but also interesting to discover whether these your interest. We will then send you disadvantagessuch as isolation from the families feel that the pros outweigh the more information about the study,so military community and the pressure on cons, and to get their ideas of what might that you can decide whether you would family time when the serving partner is be done better. like to take part. 

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raf-ff.org.uk Autumn 2017 Envoy 25 FINANCIAL Have you heard what happened to Charlotte Mary Petley of the Forces Pension Society explains what happened and why.

Sergeant Andy Hughes was deployed nomination form and the death lump sum to Afghanistan in 2013 and being a is paid automatically to the spouse, civil single person, he saw nothing amiss partner,children or the estate). in nominating afriend to receive any lump sum due under Armed Forces The MOD’s current interpretation of the Pension Scheme 05, should he die. rules is that the nomination remains valid Andy survived his deployment and unless: returned to the UK. Three years later •The nominee dies before the member; in August 2016, he married Charlotte. •The nominee and the member were married or in acivil partnership and In October 2016 Andy Hughes died as that relationship is dissolved, or aresult of acar crash. Although he had •The nominee is convicted of the murder visited his orderly room and changed his or manslaughter of the member. will and next of kin details –and thought Mary Petley. he had done everything right, he had not In every other circumstance, the changed his death benefit nomination. As nomination is treated as valid unless the alter the fact that Charlotte has had alot of such, Veterans UK paid the death in service member changes it. So, if anomination unnecessary upset at atime when her life lump sum –awhacking £120,000 –to is made and the member’s personal is quite distressing enough. Our message Sergeant Hughes’s original nominee. circumstances have changed –perhaps he from this is that although the form is easy or she has married –the nomination form to complete, it must be kept up to date if Ican hear you thinking ‘how come?’ so let must be reviewed. If it is not, the wrong it is not to become aticking time bomb. If me explain. AFPS 05 and AFPS 15 both person may get the lump sum –possibly in doubt ask Veterans UK if you have ever feature tax free lump sums paid out in the an ex-girl or boyfriend or even the bloke completed such aform and if so, ensure it event of amember’s death. If the member who was sitting next to the member when reflects your current circumstances. dies in service, the lump sum is four times he filled out the form several years ago. pensionable pay. pay.Ift If thehe member dies before If you are aaM Memberember of the Forces claiming their preserved or deferred Charlotte is appealing the MOD decision Pension Society and have questions pension, the lump sum is three times the and the Forces Pension Society is about this or any other pension-related pension earned. Members can specify supporting her because we believe that issue, email pensionenquiries@forpen. where this lump sum should be paid by the MOD has a discretion in such cases as co.uk. If you are not a Member but completing an AFPS Form 2 (this form hers, as is normal with many other pension would like to know more about us, does not apply to AFPS 75, which has no schemes. But even if she wins, this does not visit forcespensionsociety.org 

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raf-ff.org.uk Autumn 2017 Envoy 27 COVENANT

Crown Copyright. Covenant grants helping integrate military and civilian communities By Jo Wilkinson, Regional Covenant Manager (South)

The Armed Forces Covenant objectives of the RAF FF Covenant organisations, charities, schools and even is supported every year by the Te am is to raise awareness of the RAF units themselves can apply for up to £10million Covenant Fund, which fund and support units, projects and £20,000 for one of two priorities. grants awards to support the Armed organisations that want to access Forces community by removing funding for projects to ensure that Community Integration barriers to family life. It is also there RAF personnel and their families do This particular area of Covenant grant to help integrate military and civilian benefit from the money available. is more well-known and is aimed at communities, allowing the Armed improving understanding of the Armed Forces to participate as citizens and Armed Forces Covenant Forces and increasing integration providing extra support after service Local Grants between the military and civilian for those who need it. The day-to- The Covenant Fund has several different communities. Over the last two years day implementation of the Covenant elements but perhaps the one most numerous projects for RAF personnel is about much, much more than just relevant to the majority of personnel and and their families have been funded under money.Nonetheless one of the key families is Local Grants under which local this priority.Most recently the Energize

28 Envoy Autumn 2017 raf-ff.org.uk COVENANT

Youth Club, on the Manor Farm Estate needed additional services and support series of resources and, in partnership of North Hykeham which mainly serves to their people. Eligible projects must with the local police and Honest Truth, RAF Waddington, received £12,000 to demonstrate how they will provide an innovative road safety organisation, set up and run a local youth club which support to serving personnel and/or they will deliver powerful, engaging and will bring together RAF families who live their families by provision of services, thought provoking road safety training to on the estate and the local community. which meet identifi ed local needs all personnel at the unit and their families Similarly, the First Responders at RAF such as mental and physical health, to benefi t them, and ultimately the local Halton received over £19,000 for new employability, social support or the community, by creation of safer roads. kit and equipment. The grant included need for fi nancial advice. The key is a small amount to hold a dinner for the to identify how the project extends How to apply First Responders’ team to acknowledge beyond the core responsibilites of The current Local Grants fund for this their valuable contribution to the the unit to meet additional needs. A year remains open for prospective community in responding to crises and fantastic example comes from RAF projects until January 2018 and all the keeping people safe and well. The grant Honington who successfully secured details about information, guidance and recognised the community integration over £12,000 for a road safety initiative how to apply go to gov.uk/government/ benefi ts of the First Responders in raising led by their MT unit. The demographic publications/covenant-fund-guidance- the profi le of the RAF across the local of their personnel is mainly young men on-how-to-apply community and providing a range of skills aged under 25. They highlighted the and experience that the service men and high degree of risk of this group whilst Within the RAF FF Covenant Team we women can take onto other careers as both on duty, and more importantly have a wealth of experience of providing and when they transition to civilian life. for the project, off duty. Indeed on the information and advice to potential local rural roads surrounding the unit applicants including several of the Local delivery of services there had been a serious of road traffi c examples above. We regularly deliver to the Armed Forces collisions, including one fatality, with workshops at units, with local authorities community catastrophic ripple effects for the unit and to other organisations about the This local grants priority is far lesser and local community. The project was Covenant fund and its different priorities. known both in terms of numbers of an excellent demonstration of how the If you are thinking about applying please applications and successful award of MT unit could greatly extend their remit contact one of the RAF FF Covenant grants. However, for many RAF units and build on their core responsibility to Te am to see how we could help: this could be an as-yet untapped source deliver road safety training to personnel raf-ff.org.uk/covenant or telephone the of potential funding and bring much on duty. They used the funds to buy a team initially on 01780 781650. 

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raf-ff.org.uk Autumn 2017 Envoy 31 HEALTH &WELLBEING Invictus Games RAF families prepare for To ronto

The 2017 Invictus Games will be held Over 60% of this year’s UK Te am are new The Legion’s Director General, Charles in To ronto, Canada from 23 –30 to the Invictus Games and were encouraged Byrne said: “The Legion is proud to be September.The UK delegation to the to apply off the back of the inaugural Invictus supporting the friends and family of the Invictus Games is once again being Games in 2014 and the success of the 2016 UK Te am athletes at the Invictus Games delivered by apartnership comprising Invictus Games in Orlando. 2017. We know how important the The Ministry of Defence, Help for support of friends and family is to the Heroes, and The . The Legion is leading the work to team, both in their performance and support the team’s friends and families recovery.The Legion is co-ordinating Founded by Prince Harry,the Invictus (including carers) in the UK and in travel, accommodation and tickets for Games is an international multi-sport Canada. Friends and family play acritical family and friends to attend the games in event that is open to all wounded, injured and often unsung role in recovery,and To ronto, to ensure that every athlete can and sick serving personnel and veterans. their support and involvement is key. enjoy the support of their loved ones.”

“Her symptoms won’t change, but how she’s dealing with it is”

One of those family members going to To ronto is John Tu rner,the husband of RAF Sargent Michelle Tu rner.John and Michelle met at RAF Waddington and have been together for 11 years.

Michelle has aheart condition which causes exhaustion, extreme dizziness and unannounced collapses. Like the majority of this year’s Invictus Games team, this is the first time Michelle has taken part in an Invictus Games.

John says “Wepushed Michelle to apply.Weknew how good it would be for her to try something new.Before Invictus she was anxious, scared of leaving the house and retreated back into herself.She was so worried about what would happen if she left the house (because of her condition) she just stopped going out.

“It was hard for us to see her sitting at home in the same spot all day not doing anything, so we all encouraged her to apply.Since making the team, she’s slowly getting back to herself.Her symptoms won’t change, but how she’s dealing with it is changing. She’s out of the house all the time training, and socialising with the other athletes. It’s helped Maya, Michelle &John Turner.©Crown Copyright. her massively.It’s helped us all.”

John and Michelle’s daughter Maya (6) presented Prince Harry with athank you letter at the UK Te am Launch in May,inwhich she thanked him for ‘helping my mummy and her friends’. rown Copyright. John and Maya will be supporting Michelle in To ronto with John’s son Ethan (12) ©C and their nephew Loui (12). Maya Turner.

32 Envoy Autumn 2017 raf-ff.org.uk HEALTH &WELLBEING “Over the last few months there has been abig difference in Michael both mentally and physically.”

Another family attending the games to work towards and he was in To ronto is Michael and Deborah determined to make it. When Mellon, and their children Ryan, Eve the date arrived and we found and Sarah. Michael served as aSenior out he’d been selected for Aircraftman in the Royal Air Force, the UK Invictus Te am Iwas so and was discharged in 2005. He is excited and happy for him. Iam Mellon family. competing in wheelchair basketball, extremely proud of what Michael athletics and sitting volleyball. has achieved over the last few months. last few months there has been abig difference in Michael both mentally and Michael’s wife Deborah said: “Last “Myself and the children are so grateful physically,which gives me great hope year Michael filled out the paper work that we’ve been given the opportunity for the future.” for the games in Florida but at the last to go along and support Michael and the minute he decided not to proceed as he rest of the team in To ronto. Michael’s The Royal British Legion is wasn’t emotionally or physically ready. parents are also joining us on this great supporting over 260 friends and This year Iencouraged and pushed for adventure and feel privileged that they family members attending the him to apply again even if it was just to get to share this wonderful experience Invictus Games 2017 in To ronto. get him back out socialising. with Michael. Iknow it means alot to britishlegion.org.uk him to have his family by his side. “During the whole selection process, For more information about myself and the children noticed positive “The last several years have been the 2017 Invictus Games, changes in Michael. He had something difficult for both of us, but over the visit invictusgames2017.com 

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raf-ff.org.uk Autumn 2017 Envoy 33 HEALTH &WELLBEING

Reflecting on the first half of 2017

in 2016, over 1,400 contacts have been recorded in an 18 month period.

Contacting the Ombudsman is the first step in the process. This can be done by anyone, including family members of Service personnel, but only aService person can make aformal application asking her to use her powers.

When making an application aService person can ask the Ombudsman to do one of three things:

1. Refer their intention to make aService for investigation made. Since the OSCO complaint to their chain of command. commenced operation in 2016, 70% of 2. Review adecision by the chain of applications made by RAF personnel that command to not accept their Service were accepted for investigation were The Service Complaints Ombudsman complaint for investigation or appeal upheld, to some degree, in favour of the for the Armed Forces (the Ombudsman) for further decision. complainant. provides independent and impartial 3. Investigate undue delay in their ongoing oversight of the Service complaints Service complaint or Service matter or, In all matters the decisions made by system. Now in its second year of where acomplaint has completed the the Ombudsman are binding on the operation, this article takes alook at internal system, to investigate alleged Service and the complainant. Although what the Ombudsman’s office has been maladministration in the handling of not binding, she can also make doing in the first six months of 2017. their complaint and/or conduct an recommendations for action or redress independent investigation into the in each case and these cannot be rejected The beginning of the year saw the substance (merits) of their complaint. by the Service without explanation. publication of the Ombudsman’s first Annual Report. Detailing the work of While not all of the applications received The independent and impartial her office and the Service complaints by the OSCO fall within her remit services of the Ombudsman are process in 2016, the report, which is laid roughly 90% do. This year,515 of open to all Service personnel, in Parliament, made 12 recommendations the applications made so far were “in whether Regular or Reserve. More for improvement to the complaints scope” and around 40% of these were information about the Ombudsman’s process. While work on the for review or investigation; keeping processes, including application forms implementation of these is ongoing, the the Ombudsman’s Investigations Te am and timeframes, can be found at core business of the OSCO continues. running at full steam. 61% of applications servicecomplaintsombudsman.org.uk. have been accepted for investigation and As of 30 June 2017, the OSCO’s Referrals 59% upheld, to some degree, in favour Contacting the OSCO and Enquiries Te am has logged over 550 of the complainant. Youcan telephone the OSCO on contacts from people seeking information 020 7877 3450 or by email contact@ about the role of the Ombudsman RAF Personnel servicecomplaintsombudsman.gsi.gov. or requesting her to use her powers. So far in 2017, RAF personnel have uk and can follow the Ombudsman on Combined with the contacts received accounted for 16% of all applications Tw itter-@SCOAF UK. 

34 Envoy Autumn 2017 raf-ff.org.uk “Can youfeelit, therestlessness, thepull, thedesire? To go anddo, to be somewhere else,topackabag foranhour, aday or even more and just go.Tofind somewhere special, afavourite spot or anew placeto explore. We say go.Goand findyour somewhere with ournew Autumn/Winter range, nowin-storeand online at cotswoldoutdoor.com”

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raf-ff.org.uk Autumn 2017 Envoy 35 HEALTH &WELLBEING

“I have always been part of the military community as my dad served in the RAF. Nikki –Home for Christmas album recording day ® We moved around as afamily often, both in the UK and abroad, and Iwent to a As amember,I’ve had some amazing total of seven different schools growing experiences including recording our up. Imet my husband at RAF Scampton Christmas album in York. It was an and after 15 years of travelling together, incredible thing to be part of and again, With the unpredictable nature of life we settled at RAF Waddington. such abuzz to be involved! Putting the in the RAF,lots of pressure is put on headset on was brilliant. Knowing that we families and the feeling of isolation In 2012, Ihad areally horrible year. were singing the same song and standing can be common. My dad passed away suddenly and my with so many other military ladies across husband developed mental health issues all the Military Wives Choirs before There is lots of research to say that as aresult of his challenging tours. Ihad coming together as one on the album singing in groups helps to alleviate stress become somewhat of arecluse; we were was phenomenal. and improve mental health, as well as in anew posting and I'd made no friends. bringing people together.That’s why the Iwould definitely recommend joining Military Wives Choirs are so important. It was during this time that Idiscovered aMilitary Wives Choir to anyone in the Military the military community and promise Wives Choirs. that it'll be the best thing you ever do. Ihadn’t sung The support from across the network is since being a extraordinary and it takes the worry out kid so Iwasn’t of moving –you've made friends before sure what you've even packed abox!” to expect and that first rehearsal night, Inearly didn't go. I turned around three times before I forced myself to step into the rehearsal Waddington Military Wives Choir. room and York Home for Christmas album recording session now,I’m With an aim to bring women in the so glad that Idid. Ihad such abuzz military community closer together afterwards; Ihad just met 30 new The Military Wives Choirs Home through singing, there are over 70 people and everyone had been so For Christmas album is out now and Military Wives Choirs across the UK and friendly.The ladies’ continued support available from Amazon and iTunes. overseas helping to combat this isolation. and friendship helped me through an To find aMilitary Wives Choir near extremely tough time, getting me back you, visit militarywiveschoirs.org, Here, Nikki who sings as part of on my feet and I’ve now been aproud email [email protected] or Waddington Military Wives Choir,tells us member of Waddington Military Wives call 020 7463 9407.  about her experience: Choir for three and ahalf years.


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“I love volunteering,Isee it as a smallest of time commitments, here are manage asmall fundraising group. permanent thing in my life.” Says Jeni, some of the ways you could volunteer for Undertaking events such as avolunteer befriender.Volunteers are the Association: raffles, quizzes and supermarket at the heart of the RAF Association. collections, as part of our Without them, we would not be able •Caseworker: Youcould help a Wings Appeal. to deliver as much of our welfare and recently disabled client submit an fundraising work to those in the RAF application for home alterations, •Befriender: Youwould visit family who really need it. or give an isolated individual people at home, offering information about RAF Association friendship and alleviating Volunteering has long been associated Wings Breaks Hotels. loneliness. To ensure that with increased personal wellbeing and anyone in the RAF family happiness1.With so many roles to get •Fundraising team leader: You who needs us feels part of involved in and hours to suit even the would help us to establish and the community.

38 Envoy Autumn 2017 raf-ff.org.uk OF INTEREST...

Katharine Montgomery,Volunteer Manager for the Association says: “A ll of our volunteers dedicate their valuable time in avariety of ways, to support our aims. We Cameron, Fundraising Te am Leader: from parents for what we do. Parents ensure that all members of the RAF family “I think the best thing about my role often tell us how it helps their children to that need us receive the right help. We’re is the opportunity to try and reach hear mummy or daddy’s voice while they incredibly grateful to all our volunteers. out to others and get them involved in are away from home.” volunteering.” “A ll our volunteering roles have bespoke Join our team training, with some roles offering volunteers Kelly,Befriender: “Everyone you meet is If you’re interested in joining achance to gain aqualification or learn a so interesting and they all have atwinkle the Association’s growing team new skill.” in their eye about what they got up to. of volunteers, visit rafa.org.uk/ It’s brilliant!” volunteer and search for volunteering However,don’t just take our word for opportunities in your area. Or you can it. Our volunteers have something to say Ian, Storybook Wings Editor: “We call us on 0800 018 2361 to speak to about what they do: receive very kind comments and thanks the team. 

1Krueger RF,Hicks BM &McGue M(2001) Altruism and antisocial behavior: Independent tendencies, unique personality correlates, distinct etiologies. Psychological Science 12 397– 402.

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raf-ff.org.uk Autumn 2017 Envoy 39 OF INTEREST...

BBMF Lancaster, Hurricane and Spitfi re (photo: Richard Paver).

As many of you will know,the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight RAF Battle (BBMF) is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year.

As the operator of 12 airworthy, iconic, historic aircraft, the BBMF of Britain aircraft fleet includes six Supermarine Spitfires. Mk IIa P7350 is the only surviving, flying Spitfire from the Battle of Britain; Mk Vb AB910 flew 143 wartime ‘ops’, it was involved in the ‘Channel Memorial Dash’, the Dieppe Raid and flew over the Normandy beaches on D-Day; Mk IX MK356 flew 60 ‘ops’ in 60 days, it too is aD-Day veteran with ashared kill against aGerman fighter on D-Day+1; Flight Mk XVI TE311 and the two photo- reconnaissance Griffon-engine PR Mk XIXs demonstrate the later development of the Spitfire family. Preserving, The Flight proudly holds on its strength two Hawker Hurricanes of 1944 vintage, including the last Hurricane ever built, Commemorating PZ865, the ‘Last of the Many’, whilst Hurricane LF363 flew with the RAF and Inspiring during the war. Avro Lancaster PA474 is currently one of only two airworthy Lancasters in the world and C-47 Dakota ZA947

40 Envoy Autumn 2017 raf-ff.org.uk OF INTEREST... represents the dogged and courageous work of the RAF’s military transport aircraft and their crews. Finally,two De Havilland Chipmunk T10 training aircraft make up the Flight’s full complement.

The BBMF’s ‘warbirds’ wear carefully researched and authentic colour schemes that tell particular stories of inspirational human endeavour,courage and fortitude. Preserving, commemorating and inspiring At the heart of the Flight’s ethos is the long-term preservation of its authentic, and they provide aliving tribute greater The club’s membership pack makes historic aircraft in airworthy condition as than any static memorial. agreat present, full of gifts and aliving memorial to those who have gone information about the BBMF along with before. The long-term preservation of The RAF Memorial Flight Club ayear’s membership. If you’ve started these priceless artefacts of our national By becoming amember of the RAF thinking about what to buy family and heritage is planned and funded many Memorial Flight Club you can keep up to friends this Christmas, it could be the years ahead, with the ultimate aim of date with the Flight’s activities and directly perfect solution. keeping the aircraft flying forever. support the BBMF.There are many benefits to being amember,including Youcan buy amembership pack from The BBMF’s commemorative role is twice-yearly high-quality magazines, memorialflightclub.com,bycalling perhaps its most important and one you monthly email newsletters and ballot 01707 252705 or via Amazon at might like to join. The BBMF reminds prizes with some truly special prizes. amzn.to/29fPQt1.  us of the debt we owe to all those who have paid the ultimate price in the service of their country,fighting to preserve the freedom of others.

The BBMF has always symbolised excellence, dedication and service and, with its dynamic synthesis of old and modern, then and now,the Flight represents acontinuance of the core values of the Royal Air Force: professional excellence, teamwork and dedication.

There are few sights or sounds able to provoke more powerful emotions than the BBMF aircraft. In their natural element, in the air,they tug at the heart strings and make agreater statement than any history book or written account, BBMF Lancaster,Hurricane and Spitfire (photo: Richard Paver).

If you would like to advertise in the next edition of Envoy please contact Chris Cappie on 01463 732223 or email [email protected]

raf-ff.org.uk Autumn 2017 Envoy 41 11+ &13+

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