International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2, July 2019

Performance of ZF and CB Techniques for Large-Scale MU-MIMO System

Jagtar Singh, Deepak Kedia

 shift from MIMO to MU-MIMO [4]. MU-MIMO technology Abstract: Large Scale Multi User-MIMO (MU-MIMO) is a key has earned a lot of attention from the last many years and now technology with reference to 5G to achieve higher spectrum as has been integrated into wireless broadband standards [5]. well as energy efficiency. The new technology refers to the use of a Currently, this new research field known as large-scale large number of antennas at the base station serving many user terminals in the same time and frequency resource allowing the MU-MIMO (a.k.a Hyper MIMO, Massive MIMO) attracted a channel vectors nearly orthogonal as a result, there is a reduction lot of research attention [6-12]. This new emerging in inter-user interference and users may be served with the technology will fulfill the demands of the future wireless significant data rate. The linear precoding techniques play a vital communication system. Large Scale MU-MIMO is based on role in the reduction of interference among users and cells. In this the use of more antennas as compared to conventional paper, we have derived, analyzed and compared two important MU-MIMO technology, especially at the transmitter side. precoding techniques i.e. Zero-forcing (ZF) and Conjugate (CB) for large-scale multiuser-MIMO. We analyze The use of large number of base station (BS) antennas as well these precoding techniques with respect to spectral efficiency and as on the user terminal side will significantly enhance the downlink power with imperfect channel state information (CSI) energy as well as spectral efficiency [13]. Interference is the as well as with perfect CSI. It is shown that ZF performs better as main limiting factor in a large-scale multiuser-MIMO compared to CB precoding for achieving higher spectral communication system which diminishes throughput. efficiency and requires lower downlink power. CB outperforms the ZF in terms of downlink transmit power when there is a Precoding plays an important role to diminish the interference requirement to achieve low spectral efficiency and also for cell- in the multiuser-MIMO system and studied in the last few edge users, hence energy efficient in these cases. It is shown from years [13-17]. In [15], the performance for uplink large simulation results that ZF precoding is the better choice for MIMO using maximum ratio combining (MRC), zero-forcing attaining higher spectral and energy efficiency for a large scale (ZF), and minimum mean square error (MMSE) filters were multiuser-MIMO communication system. Index Terms: MU-MIO, Large Scale MU-MIMO, Precoding, investigated. It was presented that the transmitted energy can Spectral efficiency, Energy efficiency, downlink power, Conjugate be scaled inversely proportional to the antennas (M) with Beamforming, Zero Forcing perfect CSI and 1/√M with imperfect CSI, where M represents the antennas at the base station [15]. In [16-19], I. INTRODUCTION multicell processing is considered for the reduction of pilot Huge data throughput is needed in next-generation wireless contamination effect in large MU-MIMO. In [20], the communication systems as the demand for higher data rate is performance of MISO broadcast channels is studied with rapidly growing more in the near future [1-3]. In past years, precoding techniques as Regularized-ZF, maximal ratio the wireless data traffic has been growing fast and is expected transmission (MRT), and ZF in the case of a single cell. In to become 200 to 1,000 times up to 2020 [1]. In future also, [21], the precoding techniques are studied as ZF and MRT the demand for higher data rates will be even more [2, 3]. To and downlink rates are shown in the case of multicell large meet this future demand for higher throughput, new MIMO systems. From the previous research works, it is technologies are required. The new technology known as observed that no deep analysis was performed on spectral large-scale MU-MIMO will cater the needs without efficiency for ZF and CB precoding especially for exact increasing bandwidth and power. As there is always a scarcity mathematical expression and that is challenging for a of bandwidth, the new technology should improve the spectral large-scale MU-MIMO communication system. efficiency without increasing bandwidth. The widely known The specific contributions of the paper are: method to enhance spectral efficiency by deploying a couple  In this work, the performance analysis of linear precoders of antennas on the transmitter as well as on user terminals such as Conjugate beamforming (CB), zero-forcing (ZF) known as MIMO technology. MIMO technique is a is performed. It is considered that equal power is conventional known method to increase the spatial distributed between the users. The user terminals are multiplexing gain and reliability of a wireless communication considered to be fixed. system. To enhance gain due to spatial multiplexing there is a  We have derived detailed and exact expressions for spectral efficiency and achievable rate for a large scale Revised Manuscript Received on July 17, 2019. MU-MIMO system with CB and ZF precoding Jagtar Singh, Research Scholar, Department of Electronics and techniques. Communication Engineering, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar, Haryana, Dr. Deepak Kedia, Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar, Haryana,

Published By: Retrieval Number: B3283078219/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B3283.078219 5529 & Sciences Publication

Performance of ZF and CB Precoding Techniques for Large-Scale MU-MIMO System

 Our simulation results show that as antennas at BS h11 h 12.. h 1M increases, the spectral efficiency in the case of ZF precoding h h.. h improves as compared to CB precoding scheme. It is also 21 22 2M shown that as the downlink power decreases the spectral H  ..... (1) efficiency for ZF as well as CB precoding decreases.  ..... Simulation results also show that ZF precoding is the better  choice to obtain higher spectral and energy efficiency as hK12 h K.. h KM compared to CB precoding technique. This paper is arranged into six sections as follows. In Assume that H K×M, here kth column of channel matrix section II system model for a large MIMO is presented. H is represented by hk, denotes the channel vector M × 1 Section III provides detailed mathematical derivations for ZF th and CB precoding techniques. In section IV, signal to among k user terminal and base station. Generally, the interference plus noise (SINR) is derived for ZF and CB propagation channel is designed by assuming large-scale and precoding. We also analyze expressions for achievable data small-scale fadings. Here, we have considered small-scale rate and spectral efficiency. Section V, discusses the fading, assuming that components of matrix H are simulation results. Section VI provides the conclusion of the independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.) Gaussian paper. distribution with unit variance and zero mean. The K users will receive their corresponding message II. SYSTEM MODEL signal from the vector K x 1, so the signal received y is y Hx n (2) A downlink of the large-scale multiuser-MIMO Here x represents precoded signal for input vector v and n communication system with a base station having M transmit represents the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) having antennas with K number of single-antenna user terminals is i.i.d. elements n CN (0;N ). considered here. Figure 1 shows the system model. The base k o th station is serving simultaneously K number of user terminals. The energy of the i component in v is * Here it is the assumed that K user terminals share the same E vii v  1, i=1, 2,...... K (3) time and frequency resources and the base station is The base station utilizes CSI for precoding of the symbols. considered to have perfect CSI. The channel knowledge is Consider W is the complex value M x K precoding matrix acquired at the BS during the training duration. The having ||W||=1 and P represents the transmitted power from particular training schemes depend on time-division duplex the base station. Signal transmitted from BS is given by (TDD) and frequency-division duplex (FDD) protocols. When employing FDD at the base station, it becomes x PWv (4) challenging to obtain CSI since the amount of downlink The transmitted signal on the ith antenna is written as resources required for training pilots becomes proportional k to antennas at the base station. (5) xi p w ij v j j1 The kth user terminal received signal can be M

yk p h k, m x m n k m1 KM = p h w v n (6)  k,, m m j j k jm11

By looking for the desired signal part when j=k, the Eq. (6) can be written by MM y p h w v  p h w v  n Figure 1. A downlink large scale MU-MIMO system k kmmkk,,,,  kmmjjk (7) model m11 j  k m  On the other hand, when employing TDD operation, the Here the first part of above equation is a useful signal part. base station can acquire CSI form uplink training phase For kth user terminal, the signal to interference plus noise due to the use of channel reciprocity. Therefore, the (SINR) is written from Eq. (7) as overhead due to pilots becomes proportional to the users and TDD operation is preferred in most of the cases in large-scale MU-MIMO system [8, 13, 16]. Consider H be the channel matrix among base station antennas and users terminals is represented by

Published By: Retrieval Number: B3283078219/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B3283.078219 5530 & Sciences Publication

International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2, July 2019

M The derivative of the least square cost functions is given as E p hk,, m w m k v k  dd m1 yHx2  yyTTTTT 2 xHyxHHx  SINR  dx dx   (15) M (8)  22HTT y  H Hx E p h w v n (16)  k,, m m j j k j k m 1 To obtain minimum value, the derivative of the least squares

function is set to be zero. So setting Eq. (16) to zero we get From Eq. (7) it is observed that first part is the desired signal, d 2 the second part is the interference known as multi-user y Hx  2HTT y  2 H Hx  0 interference and third part represents additive white Gaussian dx 2 Therefore the estimate of x is given by noise (AWGN) for each user having mean zero, variance   TT1 2 (17) i.e CN( 0, ) for all users. Here W is precoding matrix and v x () H H H y is transmitted signal vector for K users. The zero forcing scheme for a complex channel matrix H is  HH1 x () H H H y (18) III. PRECODING SCHEMES The quantity (HHH)-1HH is known as pseudo inverse for Precoding techniques are designed to separate data streams complex channel matrix H. This quantity is known as zero and reduce the inter-user interference in a MU-MIMO system. forcing precoding matrix. Base station pre-filters the signal for desired users in HH1 (19) WHHHZF  () downlink and base station post-filters received signal from all With the increase of BS antennas, the calculation of inverse users. The CSI is needed at the base station to perform these of matrix (HHH)-1 becomes challenging and sometimes the processings. In downlink [22], the optimum precoding is matrix (HHH)-1 does not yield a stable inverse. In ZF Dirty paper coding (DPC) in the sense that it attains the precoding scheme the matrix HHH is invertible if the sum-rate capacity. Successive interference cancellation condition M≥K is satisfied. detection achieves capacity in the uplink [23]. These schemes are the non-linear schemes that are more complex in practice. B. Conjugate Beamforming Precoding Linear schemes are low complexity and have suboptimal The Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) algorithm is performance in conventional MU-MIMO system [24-25]. As intended for minimizing error among the transmitted and antennas at transmitter increases, the linear schemes become received symbol caused by interference as well as from noise near-optimal. So we carry out the detailed mathematical  distortions. Consider the linear estimate of x is x cT y derivations of the linear precoding schemes in case of large MIMO system and performance evaluation is carried out with which minimizes the MSE. Consider y, x be the zero mean. respect to spectral efficiency and required downlink transmit The Mean Square Error (MSE) is 2 2 power. T MSE E x  x   E  c y  x  (20) A. Zero forcing Precoding  The Eq. (20) can be ZF is a linear transmission approach permitting a multiuser T TT transmission without producing multiuser interference. This MSE E c y  x c y  x (21) type of beamforming is feasible when the antennas M at base  station satisfy M ≥ K and user terminals having single E cTT y  x y c  x antenna. The zero forcing precoding is a prominent linear   precoding technique. By using ZF precoding the MUI can be E cTTT yy c 2 c yx  x2 made to zero at each user. Consider the system of equations as TTT 2 y H x (9) cEyy  c 2 cEyx   Ex  KX11 KXM MX e y Hx (10) TT c Ryy c 2 c r yx  p d (22) A natural estimate of x would be that will minimizes ||e||2 2 2 To determine the optimum combiner c which minimizes the min||e|| = min || y-Hx|| (11) MSE, differentiate with respect to c and put equal to zero. The estimate of x which minimizes || y-Hx||2 is named as least ddTT square solution. MSE c Ryy c 2 c r yx  p d   dc dc xarg min y Hx 2 22R c r (12) yy yx x To find minimum value differentiate with respect to x and put Therefore the optimal combiner c is d equal to zero. Least square cost function can be written in a MSE  0 simplified manner as dc 2 T y Hx ()() y  Hx y  Hx (13) 2Ryy c  2 r yx  0

(yTTT  x H )( y  Hx ) c R1 r yy xy yyTTTTTT  yHx  xHy  xHHx (23)

yTTTTT y 2 x H y  x H Hx (14)

Published By: Retrieval Number: B3283078219/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B3283.078219 5531 & Sciences Publication

Performance of ZF and CB Precoding Techniques for Large-Scale MU-MIMO System

Finally, the MMSE estimate is 1  2 T x HHH H I H y TT11  x c y  Ryy r xy y  r yx R yy y Pd   (24) 1 T HH1 x rxy R yy y (25) x H H I H y SNR (30) Where Ryy is covariance of y and Rxy is the cross-covariance For the low values of SNR in Eq. (30), the second term of x,y. Now, since the symbols are i.i.d having power Pd with dominates and the first term can be neglected. Therefore H 2 E xx PdM I the Eq. (30) is written as noise variance is  ,   and H H 2 x H** SNR y (31) E nn   IK hence The quantity H H is known as conjugate beamforming R E yyH precoding matrix. So conjugate beamforming precoding is yy   WH H (32) E( Hx  n )( Hx  n )H CB   Eq. (32) is known as conjugate beamforming precoding E( Hx  n )( xHHH H  n ) matrix. CB is a linear precoding technique that maximizes the signal gain at the desired users. This equation is also called HHHHHH E() Hxx H  nx H n  nn matched filtering in connection with the uplink transmission.   The advantage of the beamforming precoding is that it does HE xxHHHHH H  E nx H  HE nn       (26) not require the inverse of matrix, as a result, complexity Assuming independent channel symbols and noise, we reduces in case of CB precoding as compared to ZF have precoding. With the increase in antennas, the size of channel H H matrix H increases. As a result, the inverse calculation of E nx  0 E xn  0 H   and   matrix HH becomes challenging in the case of ZF precoding. So with the increase in antennas, the conjugate beamforming R HE xxHHH H E nn yy     (27) precoding becomes easier to implement with low complexity. H 2 Pd HH I (28) IV. SPECTRAL EFFICIENCY Also, H H A. Spectral Efficiency for CB precoding Technique Rxy  E xy  E x Hx  n   Consider h be the channel vector between antennas and kth HHH k Rxy  E x x H n  user. The components of the matrix H are complex Gaussian   variables i.i.d. having mean zero and unit variance CN (0, 1). R E xxHHHH H  xn  p H xy  d The received vector is given by Hence the least MMSE estimate is y  P d Hx n (33) 1 12HH In matrix form xRRyPHxy yy  d PHH d  I y (29)   y1   h 11 h 12.. h 1M   x 1   n 1  Consider now the following:         y2   h 21 h 22.. h 2M   x 2   n 2  HHHHHH22        P H HH H  P H HH  H ...... Pd (34) dd         ...... HHHHH P HH 22 I  P HH  I H          dd           yK   h K12 h K.. h KM   x M   n K  11 HHHH22 Pdd HH  I H  H P HH  I  The input precoded signal is written as 11 HHHH22 PPHHd d  I H  PHPHH d d  I  x PWv (35) Hence the Least MMSE estimate is The Eq. (34) in compact form is written as 1  x Rxy R yy y y PdM h12 h.. h x n (36)  1 P HHH P HH 2 I y Now consider the application of the conjugate dd  beamforming 1 H P P HHHH 2 I H y r H y (37) dd  1 2 HH Substituting Eq. (36) in Eq. (37) and writing in matrix form H H I H y P d

Published By: Retrieval Number: B3283078219/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B3283.078219 5532 & Sciences Publication

International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2, July 2019

HH hh    rx11 11      The spectral efficiency can be defined as achievable data rx HH      22 hh22      rate divided by channel bandwidth, so  .. PdM..  h12 h.. h     n R      k log (1  SINR ) ..    Spectral efficiency 2 bits/s/Hz (46)  ..      B rx HH      MM hh   MM    So the spectral efficiency (  ) for the Conjugate Where r1, r2...... rM are corresponding Beamforming can be written using Eq. (42) as received signals from the user terminals. Consider r1 corresponding to user 1.   x 4 1 Phd 1  CB log2  1 bits/s/Hz (47) x2 M 2 HH HH22 r h h h.. h. h n (38) Pdi h11 h h 1 1 1 2M 1   i2 .  xM B. Spectral Efficiency for ZF precoding Technique

Eq. (38) can be written as The equation for system model is HHH rPhxPhhx2 .  ...... Phhxhn  (39) y Pd Hx n 1d 1 1 d 1 2 2 d 1 M M 1 The ZF precoding matrix is as derived in equation (19) is WHHH ()HH1 The first term of Eq. (39) is the intended signal for the user 1 ZF and power for the desired signal can be written as Here W denotes precoding matrix and satisfies the condition 2 24 W.H=I (48) E Pdd h1 x 1 P h 1 (40)   In this case, W is known as the left inverse of channel matrix H. The second term of Eq. (39) is the interference and known as Then by applying the zero-forcing precoding technique multiuser interference (MUI). MUI power can be r Wy.()  WP Hx  n  PWHxWn  dd M 2 HHH2 (41) r Pd  x Wn EPhhx d1 2 2...... Phhx d 1 M M P d hh 1 i i2 We are able to suppress MUI with ZF precod ing. Noise The third term of Eq. (39) is the noise; therefore the noise co-variance can be written as power is given by E nnH    2 I (49) HH2 E h n  22 h (42) 11 LetWn n the co-variance of n is   , Now H H For the kth user, signal to interference plus noise (SINR) ratio E nn  E Wn Wn  from Eqs. (40), (41) and (42) is HH  E Wn n W  2 H   WW (50) Put the value of WZF from Eq. (19) we get H 1 E nn  2 HH H (51) Ph4     SINR  d 1 (43) k M 2 The value of SINR for ZF precoding using equation (48) HH22 Pdi h11 h h can be i2 P SINR  d (52) 1 Achievable data rate for a particular user in case of downlink  2 HHH  large MU-MIMO system is Now, achievable data rate with the use of ZF precoding is

given by R Blog 1 SINR  bits/s (44) kk2  P RBlog 1 d (53) k 2 1 The achievable rate for conjugate beamfoming precoding 2 H scheme is given by  HH   Spectral efficiency using ZF precoding can be written as  Ph4 RBlog 1 d 1 (45) k 2 M 2 HH P h h 22 h di 11 i2

Published By: Retrieval Number: B3283078219/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B3283.078219 5533 & Sciences Publication

Performance of ZF and CB Precoding Techniques for Large-Scale MU-MIMO System

 efficiency decreases in the case of both precoding P techniques.  l og 1 d bits/s/Hz (54) CB 2 1  2 HHH   120

V. SIMULATION RESULTS 100 This section discusses the performance of a large scale MIMO system with precoding techniques such as Zero forcing (ZF), 80 Conjugate beamforming (CB) for a downlink single-cell scenario. The results are analyzed and compared in reference 60 to spectral efficiency, downlink transmit power versus antennas at base stations with perfect as well as imperfect 40 CSI, considering different antenna arrangements and different precoding techniques. Spectrum Effciency 20 ZF with perfect CSI ZF with imperfect CSI CB with perfect CSI 0 140 CB with imperfect CSI ZF with perfect CSI ZF with imperfect CSI 120 -20 CB with perfect CSI 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 CB with imperfect CSI Antennas M at Base Station 100 Figure 3. Spectral efficiency vs antennas M at base station 80 for ZF, CB precoding at transmitter considering perfect and imperfect CSI. In this case, users terminals K=15 simultaneously served and 60 downlink power is Pd=10 dB. Next, we show that downlink transmit power required for 40

Spectrum Effciency achieving fixed spectrum efficiency of value 15 bits/s/Hz. Figure 4 depicts the required downlink power for achieving 20 1 bit/s/Hz per terminal versus M antennas at the transmitter.

0 As the antennas M at transmitter increases there is a decrease in the downlink power. As depicted from the Figure 4 that

-20 both the precoding schemes require the same downlink 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 power for achieving 1 bit/s/Hz. Higher downlink transmit Antennas M at Base Station power is required in case of imperfect CSI. Figure 2. Spectral efficiency vs antennas M at base station for ZF, CB precoding at transmitter considering perfect 30 and imperfect CSI. In this case users terminals K=15 ZF with perfect CSI 1 bit/s/Hz ZF with imperfect CSI simultaneously served and downlink power is Pd=15 dB. 20 Figure 2 depicts spectrum efficiency (SE) for downlink large CB with perfect CSI CB with imperfect CSI MU-MIMO versus number of antennas M. The ZF and CB 10 precoding techniques are compared and analyzed considering perfect as well as imperfect CSI. Here we choose the value of 0 downlink transmitted power of 15 dB and considering the number of users to be served are 15. Assuming that each user -10 having single antenna. With the increase in BS antennas, the spectral efficiency tends to a higher value when base stations -20 having perfect CSI, but when having imperfect CSI spectral efficiency approaches to the lower value as compared to the -30 perfect CSI. With the increase in antennas (M) from 50 to TransmitPower(dB) Downlink Required 100, the spectral efficiency increases approximately 15 -40 bits/s/Hz. Performance of large MU-MIMO is better with ZF -50 precoding as compared to CB precoding. As antennas at BS 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Antennas M at Base Station increases the spectral efficiency will approach to ZF in the case of CB precoding technique. The advantage of using CB Figure 4. Required downlink power vs antennas M at base precoding is the reduced complexity, hence easier station for achieving 1 bit/s/Hz/user for CB, ZF precoding implementation. with perfect as well as with imperfect CSI. The user terminals In Figure 3, assuming a similar simulation setting as in the are fixed to K = 15, and case of Figure. 2 but considering the downlink transmit targeted SE of 15 bits/s/Hz. power P =10 dB. It is depicted from Figure 3, the spectral d

Published By: Retrieval Number: B3283078219/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B3283.078219 5534 & Sciences Publication

International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2, July 2019

power. So CB precoding is energy efficient to achieve lower 40 spectral efficiency. ZF with perfect CSI 2 bits/s/Hz ZF with imperfect CSI 30 CB with perfect CSI VI. CONCLUSION CB with imperfect CSI The new large scale MU-MIMO technique provides the 20 possibility to increase spectral efficiency and reduction in required downlink power when antennas M at transmitter 10 increases when compared with a conventional MU-MIMO system such as LTE, LTE-A. In this paper, the spectral 0 efficiency and required downlink power at the base station for large-scale MU-MIMO are investigated for perfect and -10 imperfect CSI. Detailed derivations and analysis for ZF, CB

precoding schemes are provided in a simplified manner. We Required TransmitPower(dB) Downlink Required -20 analyzed two linear precoding techniques, zero-forcing and conjugate beamforming for the large MU-MIMO system. -30 Simulations depict that the ZF precoding technique 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Antennas M at Base Station outperforms the CB precoding technique in terms of downlink transmit power when there is a requirement to Figure 5. Required downlink power vs antennas M at attain higher spectral efficiency. Therefore, the use of ZF base station for achieving 2 bit/s/Hz/user for CB, ZF precoding with perfect as well as with imperfect CSI. The user precoding in the large-scale MU-MIMO system provides terminals are fixed to K = 15, and targeted SE of 30 bits/s/Hz. high energy efficiency as compared to CB precoding. CB Figure 5 depicts the downlink power required for achieving precoding is energy efficient when required to attain low 2 bits/s/Hz. It is seen from the Figure 4 and Figure 5, as spectral efficiency as compared to ZF precoding. We spectral efficiency increases from the value 15 bits/s/Hz to 30 conclude that ZF precoding performs well to achieve the high bits/s/Hz i.e to double the required SE, the required downlink spectral and energy efficiency in a large MU-MIMO system power approximately increases to double. Figure 5 shows that that is required for future generation wireless communication the ZF precoding performs better as compared to CB system. precoding in terms of downlink transmit power. Therefore, to get higher SE the ZF precoding is the better choice and energy REFERENCES efficiency is also better as compared to CB precoding. 1. Boccardi, F., Heath, R.W., Lozano, A., Marzetta, T.L., & Popovski, P. (2014). Five disruptive technology directions for 5G. IEEE Communications Magazine, 52(2), 74–80. 2. Cisco. (2017). Cisco visual networking index: Global mobile data 20 ZF with perfect CSI traffic forecast update, 2016–2021.White paper. <1bit/s/Hz 3. Hassan, N., & Fernando, X. (2017). Massive MIMO wireless 10 ZF with imperfect CSI CB with perfect CSI networks: An overview. Electronics, 6(63), 1–29. 4. D. Gesbert, M. Kountouris, R. W. Heath, C. b. Chae and T. Salzer, 0 CB with imperfect CSI "Shifting the MIMO Paradigm," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 36-46, Sept. 2007. -10 5. E. Dahlman, S. Parkvall, J. Skold, and P. Beming, 3G Evolution, Second Edition: HSPA and LTE for Mobile Broadband, 2nd ed. -20 Academic Press, 2008. 6. F. Rusek, D. Persson, B. K. Lau, E. G. Larsson, T. L. Marzetta, O. -30 Edfors, and F. Tufvesson, “Scaling up MIMO:Opportunities and challenges with very large arrays,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, -40 vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 40-60, Jan. 2013. 7. V. Jungnickel, K. Manolakis, W. Zirwas, B. Panzner, V. Braun, M. -50 Lossow, M. Sternad, R. Apelfrojd, and T. Svensson, “The role of

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Published By: Retrieval Number: B3283078219/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B3283.078219 5535 & Sciences Publication

Performance of ZF and CB Precoding Techniques for Large-Scale MU-MIMO System

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Jagtar Singh received his B.Tech degree from NIT Kurukshetra, Haryana in 2003, M.Tech from N.C. College of Engineering, Israna, Panipat in 2010 and currently pursuing Ph.D. from Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar, Haryana, India. His research interest mainly focuses on advances in MIMO technology, Digital Communication, Beyond Fourth generation (B4G) wireless communications systems.

Dr. Deepak Kedia is working as Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar, Haryana, India. He received his B.Tech degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering from DCRUST, Murthal , M.Tech degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering from IIT Kharagpur and Ph.D. from GJUST, Hisar. His

Published By: Retrieval Number: B3283078219/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B3283.078219 5536 & Sciences Publication