The Indianapolis Times EXTRA Rain tonight and Sunday; colder Sunday. PRICE TWO CENTS County, as Outside Marion 3 Cents * Fntered Second Class Matter 1SC/UPP^^towSro VOLUME 44—NUMBER 177 INDIANAPOLIS, SATURDAY, DEC. 3, 1932 at Postoffice, Indianapolis PROBE HAMMER MURDER MYSTERY GARNER FIRM Bulletin BLOW OF TWO THEY WOO, AND THEY DIE TRADE WAR IS Louis E. Hamilton was ’ FOR REPEAL convicted of the murder of WEEKS AGO IS Eighth ‘Kiss ofDeath Victim Shot Down Lafayette Jackson by a Dec. FACED IF U. S. ,man, 27, was in 3.—50Motherl Feld-Cab- Boone circuit court jury rini hospital today in critical con- ‘SHOWDOWN’ FATALTO MAN dition from a policeman’s bullets this morning. The death and superstitious gangsters and police, who have watched the tra- COLLECTS DEBT Speaker Determined to Ride penalty is mandatory. One-Armed Assailant Is dition of the “kiss of death” grow up shrugged their shoulders with Over Heads of Die-Hard Said to Have Hurled an “I-told-you-so” expression. Veiled Threats Contained in British and Drys in House. Wins $30,000 Death Missile. The “kiss of death” is wistful --aw. ; :svS® Margaret Mary Collins, now a fjm French Notes, Urging Delay in "N platinum blond of 28. ■ SNAPS ROOSEVELT on Charge of INTERFERED She w'as 18 and a brunet when Payment of Obligations. WHIP IN FIGHT her first sweetheart met sudden death and started off the legend. False Arrest There have been six since then Obstructionists Are Warned Ire of Battler Roused by who have wooed the fatal Mar- DEMAND TURN OF EXPORT TIDE garet Mary, and now she is nurs- of Future If They Peace-Meeting Attempt, ing Feldman whom physicians fear may become the eighth vic- New Tariff Barriers Will Be Erected and Block Path. Causes Attack. tim in the strange history. BY LEO R. SACK Back in 1922, Margaret Mary Relations Grow More Strained, A'mystery hammer slaying watched an officer kill Jack In- * Times Staff Correspondent with a bullet WASHINGTON, Dec. 3.—Obstruc- case is faced today by police Sheehy through the Sheehy two dication Given to Washington. tactics of a coalition of south- result death heart after had shot tive as a of the in city case were ern Democrats and Republican employes because they BY WILLIAM PHILIP dry slow in serving the girls order. SIMMS “lame ducks” has not weakened hospital Friday of Charles Scripps-Howard Editor He was No. 1. Foreirn Speaker Pohn N. Garner’s determi- Caldwell, Cor- 27, son of Mrs. Next Dion O’Banion, slain WASHINGTON, Dec. 3.—Serious trade and other forms nation to force repeal of the eight- came in one of most eenth amendment through the house rine Edwards, 555 Woodrow Chicago’s famous of economic reprisals against the were in pros- • WBgL*iHf early gang Untied States wars. Margaret Mary Collins, “jinx girl,” with a Chicago detective. of representatives within a few avenue. pect today, in view of the almost certain refusal of congress hours after congress convenes Mon- Then there was Irving (Sonny) A blow behind an ear. said to Schlig, bootlegger. and Eugene (Red) McClaughlin was ridiculous. He was shot to postpone Europe's December payments or grant day. the Wednesday a po- to im- The coalition did its utmost within have been caused by a hammer And Johnny Phillips was braved superstition and died. by South Park Last June, Samuel No. 7 in attempt to escape mediate, general, and radical reduction of war debts. the house judiciary committee late which a one-armed man hurled killed in circumstances almost the Katz. liceman an Mary’s list, died re- after a fur coat the Friday to prevent prompt execution Nov. 18, caused death. same as those that brought death on Margaret stealing from The British and French notes—forwarded after tele- of the mandate of American voters Caldwell, who served in the to Sheehy. sisting arrest. window of a Michigan avenue (Jew phonic exchanges between Downing street and d’Orsay to wipe out the dry law by finding United States navy, appeared at his David Boy Bates) Jerus Feldman said the superstition shop. Quai technical objections to the Garner home Nov. 19 in company with a —both contained thinly veiled threats in that direction. young plan for a favorable report on the man, after having been miss- Both stressed the impossibility of war debt resolution providing straight out re- ing twenty-four hours, following his payments peal in accordance with the Demo- return from Cincinnati, where he *Model Boy’ Killer’s Fate unless the tide of trade is turned against the United States, cratic platform pledge. went with two men on a truck to WARN OF PERIL to give Europe the necessary excess of exports over imports. Garner’s course for quick action return a load of lead to a' local on repeal is in sharp contrast to the plant. At present the United aid Rests in Hands of Judge attitude of Joseph T. Robinson, sen- The mother sought police and IF FAILS States sells abroad consider- all of when DRIVE ate Democratic leader, who is will- called hospitals the city ing to compromise with the drys by the son did not return at the time ably more than it purchases weakening the repeal resolution to she expected, but. found no trace. Alienists’ Report Calls Hammer Murder of WOMAN SLAIN abroad. Washington, there- Became Involved in Fight Fund Must Go Over Top, “include some form of protection in for the dry states”—one of the Hoo- Caldwell was brought to 1808 East Step-Grandmother ‘Emotional Explosion’; fore, is informed, effect, Washington Mrs.' Bur- Baxter Asserts. ver plan proposals. street where BYEX-MATE that if the United States con- ton Dovey operates a rooming Challenge Indianapolis to Crime Held Not Seeks to Face Showdown house, and where his mother, and to Premeditated. tinues to insist upon collect- Robinson’s willingness to modify pledge $200,000 more to the Com- stepfather, Ed Edwards, then lived. BY ROBERT T. LOUGHRAN Former Husband Is Hunted ing, the Democratic pledge is believed made munity Fund welfare and relief Britain and France will They had preparations to United Press Staff Correspondent to have stiffened the opposition of move to the Woodrow avenue ad- mobilization drive, “if Indianapolis for Marion Murder. feel obliged to erect new tariff 3.—The fate Charles Bertram Arnold, 15-year-old the die hard drys in the house. ’ dress at the time Caldwell was miss- is to be an orderly city this winter” CHICAGO, Dec. of The Vice-President-elect, however, ! ing. was issued today by Arthur R. Bax- “model” high school youth, who slew his step-grandmother with a ham- By United Press or other barriers against the vast of the office ter, chairman, and Lig- mer, rested today with Chief Justice John Prystalski of the criminal MARION, Ind., Dec. 3. One ] using powers * .. According to the mother, Caldwell drive David American goods. of is over the heads ff gett, fund manager. court. woman was shot to death and her Speaker, going stated that on his return from Cin- *' i to- ; Hectic days are seen ahead, ac- of dry congressmen to force an im- cinnati, he went to a residence in Their statement came at the Tweny Witnesses were called to a marble wainscoted courtroom in mother wounded critically here * companied, perhaps, by ® $7,000,000 criminal courts to Roy Eobo, 41, the slain i a straining mediate showdown vote. He be- ! the Vicinity ’of ‘ St. Clair and Da- luncheon meeting of campaign the building on the west side tell of the life day by of of slight, studious youth in hope mitigating former husband, police international relations such as lieves he will succeed. So does Rep- j vidson streets, in the company of workers, who reported new subscrip- the of his sentence. woman’s has not been witnessed between which is $246,619.58 charged. resentative Fiorella H. La Guardia, the two men with whom he had tions of $5,961.31, The boy, who had been considered America and Europe for upward of New York traveled and there met a young of the estimated need of a normal American The victim was Mrs. Oda Lip- belligerent Republican, short youngster until with her a hundred years. It will be America w ho as man and an older man, his father- $1,052,632. in sud- pens, 38, who was living is acting Garner's lieutenant. SLAYER OF BEAUTY he killed his grandmother a Mrs. against three-quarters of the globe. “I going to keep faith with in-law, said to be relatives of the “We are not trying to scare any den of frenzy, already mother, Mrs. Anna McClain. am moment has taken to a hospital Twenty nations are involved in the the American people,” Garner an- William S. Kuhn Jr. and Miss other two. one,” Baxter and Liggett joined in entered a plea of guilty to an indict- McClain was with a serious abdominal wound. drive for revision of war debts. nounced after learning of obstruc- Marion Wright. The young man and father-in- saying. “We just want the people IDENTIFIED, IS CLAIM ment containing both murder and Bobo Stalemate Is tive tactics by drys at an all-day By United Press law. the mother related, became in- to know the truth. Unless some manslaughter counts. She told authorities that Likely capie their home early today. session of the judiciary committee. Dec. 3.—William S. volved in a fight and Caldwlel tried word of courage can be given those The hearing today is to aid the to A stalemate is foreseen as a dis- he was admittance, “There is not a man living who Kuhn young Chicago to separate them. who are down and out, there is dan- Texas Murderer Not Yet in 50-year-old justice in naming When denied tinct possibility here. There is wide- CHICAGO.Jr., a broke through the door, fired at can say that I ever have broken broker, had a jury verdict of ger to life and property. sentence. Witnesses called included he spread sentiment in congress Struck Behind Ear Custody, Police Admit. them and fled, Mrs. McClain said. a pledge to my constituents. In $30,000 damages today as vindi- “We have ‘nothing up our sleeves.’ the boy’s father, a well-to-do manu- against what members call “rushing By Mrs Lippens returned here six this instance they are all of the cation in his suit for false arrest The older man, who has but one All large gifts have been reported.” United Press his stepmother, his into revision,’’ and a well-nigh uni- DALLAS, facturer: chums ago from the federal wom- American people,” he asserted. and malicious prosecution, brought arm, had a hammer. He became The “give a dollar” drive of the Tex., Dec. 3.—Hand- at Riverside and months versal opposition to reduction unless experts high school, a en's prison at Alderson, W. Va„ Democratic Cracks against four persons concerned enraged at Caldwell, due to the Community Fund will be continued writingg today studied char- number of and until Europe shows some sign Whip acters in mysterious found alienists. where she served eighteen months Despite the 13-to-6 vote within in his arrest two years ago on , peacemaking effort, and started to through Monday. People who al- a note An “Emotional Explosion” of willingness to participate in a beside the nude and strangled body on conviction of using the mails to the committee against bringing out charges of writing extortion let- ; attack him. Caldwell sought to run ready have given a dollar are urged In addition. Judge Prystalski had world-wide scaling down of arma- of attractive, blond Mrs. Lena defraud. She was found guilty after a favorable report on the repeal ters to a young debutante. from the house, but the hammer to give another, if they possibly can, a 7,000-word study of the boy s ca- ments and otherwise give the and those who not Smiley Buchanan as police an- being implicated in a matrimonial resolution, Garner feels that this Damages were ordered paid by was hurled as he reached the door, have contributed reer drawn up by Dr. Henry R. agency, in which several persons at American taxpayer some kind of are urged to “help in this crisis.” | nounced they have learned the does not adequately represent the , William Wright, wealthy manu- and he was struck behind an ear. Hoffman, director of the criminal also were run for his money. Subscriptions may be to identity of her slayer. Crawfordsville involved. views of the house. facturer, Chief Investigator Al- Apparently Caldwell lost con- mailed court behavior clinic. Bobo, a World war veteran, was That this stalemate contains cer- the Community Fund office in Authorities, however, refused to “It is up to the Republicans,” he| exander Jamie of the "Secret I sciousness, as he could not recall the Hoffman likened the conduct of divorced from Mrs. Lippens several tain elements of peril, observers de- Majestic building, or left at any ! name of the person said. “The Democrats are going to Six"; Edgar Dudley, former “Se- any of the next ensuing twenty- A. reveal the who the quiet brown-eyed boy to an years ago. Later she married | clare, is clearly indicated by historic & P., or Kroger you John cret Six” investigator, and Dr. four, hours. store. left a strange note—“So don’t “emotional explosion.” Lippens, I precedent. France and the United vote for it. There will be solid del- me, but had become separated. egations voting from many states— Ferdinand Watzek of Vienna, The man who brought Caidwell love eh?”—beside the woman’s Young Arnold killed ihs grand- Authorities immediately started States almost went to war in the Texas. , Georgia and Mary- criminologist. ! home had a suitcase containing his body after strangling her to death mother, Mrs. Ellen Saxe, with a a search for Bobo. 1830s as a result of a quarrel arising with flimsy silk 1 land. for example. Miss Marion Wright, daughter clothing which had been taken on a stocking. The single hammer,blow when she re- i out of an almost identical situation. ! trip to suspect is not in custody, they ad- The Democratic whip is cracking of the manufacturer and recipient the Cincinnati. Some of the LUDLOW CONTINUES fused him permission to use her COMING The sum involved at that time over the heads of many of the of the extortion letters, was j clothing, believed that worn at the mitted. automobile. He was arrested two COOf~WAVEJS amounted to less than $5,000,000. weak-kneed southern drys. They are cleared by the jury’s verdict. time of the attack, had been laun- Police revealed the apartment days later in a restaurant in a small Continued Mild Weather Is Forecast Between 1800 and 1820. the French being reminded vigorously that n n dered for the purpose of removing DRY LAW STRADDLE house manager, E. Buchwald,. told town. Until Sunday Night. committed numerous depredations straight-out repeal of prohibition jury voted the damage blood stains. them he heard a woman kicking The slaying was described by the Continued mild weather, with against American shipping. America was one of the Democratic, award Friday might after a Mrs. Edwards took her son to a the door of the dead woman’s court alienists as without premedita- showers tonight and Sunday, is the asked for indemnification and, in chief THE apartment and calling out, “Smiley, platform promises. lengthy trial in which Miss doctor who advised hospital treat- Declines to Say How He’ll tion. There was no doubt, said the forecast of the weather bureau. 1831, France signed a treaty to pay Smiley,’.’ her maiden name, the They are being warned, also, of Wright testified of her acquaint- ment. An operation was performed report, that the boy actually loved The central west late this after- American citizizens 25,000,000 francs, night before Mrs. Buchanan was * the dangers involved of openly op- ance with Kuhn. iin which some bits of shattered Vote on Repeal. his grandmother. noon will feel effects of a unsettled the United Statesc to pay counter- ! removed from skull. found murdered. Buchwald identi- “He wanted area moving toward the claims amounting to $300,000. posing the wishes of President-Elect She said he had taken her to bone were the By Times Special his grandmother's Atlantic Didn't Notify Police fied the voice, but police withheld car in from west. Temperatures Franklin D. Roosevelt at the first her first speakeasy, and attempt- WASHINGTON. Dec. 3.—Repre- order to take his friends to the will Senate-Rejects Idea Asked by his he the name. a to impress drop noticeably Sunday test of party loyalty after the elec- ed to kiss her in a taxicab just mother if did not sentative Louis Ludlow of dance them,” said the night, it was to notify police, Indian- report. grandmother Lowest mercury reading Then, as now, the tion. prior to receipt of the extortion wish Caldwell is apolis today still was astraddle the ’His refused forecast. settlement was Rainey to Make Motion letters. quoted as saying: prohibition question. SLUGS NIGHT WATCHMAN him permission. Friday night was 53 as compared to unpopular in France. Two install- ‘‘l'll 44 ments due These Democrats can be punished Kuhn had asked the damages tell them when I get a little He was not prepared say Life Compared to Gun Powder Thursday night. fell without the French to how Garage Prowler Then Wreck- through withdrawal of patronage as compensation for injury to his * strength.” he would repeal Steals “This refusal may have seemed chamber of deputies doing anything vote on the reso- er, Abandons and in other ways. They can feel reputation. He charged the prose- The man who brought him home lution scheduled to It. to her insignificant, but to the boy about it. when it did act, it was come before the After slugging Alonzo Potter, Ne- the stigma of critical party opin- cution was instituted after an in- is said to have given the name of house Monday. it*was an unexpected frustration of only to reject the agreement. gro, night Shopping ion, too. It is because of this that vestigation by the “secret six,” Howard Alley. Caldwell insisted The resolution now watchman, a thief late important plans and desires. He Thus matters stood, when in 1834, contemplated night a car 1 Q Garner is not worried over Demo- despite the fact that the defend- Alley had nothing to do with the is a naked repeal resolution, Friday stole wrecking flew into uncontrollable rage, and, President Jackson dealt with the which a garage at Maple Mc- cratic support. ants were warned not to proceed attack. Ludlow does not like, despite the from and with no premeditation, struck nis J-O Days debt in a message to congress. The La Guardia feels that Republican o nwhat evidence they had. Caldwell while in the navy, made fact that it is in accord with plat- Carty streets, but abandoned the ve- grandmother on the head with a I United States, he said, might bar wets and "patriotic Republicans who A motion for anew trial was nine trips around the world, his forms adopted by both the national hicle a short distance away after it hammer, causing her death. Till Christmas French goods from entering the are inclined to heed the will of the made by counsel for the defense mother said. He spoke seven and state con- careened from the street onto a “The previous events in his life, country, or Rrench ships with the tsatement, that ap- lan- Democratic i from using people" will vote for the resolution. an guages. ventions. sidewalk. day dreaming, a continuous desire Get Ready for Santa’s our ports, but that wo6ld injure peal would if new He estimates that more than 123 be made the Mr, and Mrs. Edwards Ludlow wants the resolution Potter told police he was slugged for popularity, and his unstable Christmas Contest. America as much as it would trial was denied. formerly French for repeal. operated Hilltop amended to provide federal prohi- with a heavy object by a man, about emotional makeup, may be com- | trade. Republicans will vote the barbecue stand Monday! Sumners Tex.), on bitions against return of 21, who wore a cap and a red sweat- pared to gunpowder. Starts Everybody will Hatton iDem., | the Three-Notch road five miles the saloon. . . side, French property, however, might er. He not injured seriously. “The be taking part . east chairman of the resolutions com- SENIORS PRESENT PLAY south of Indianapolis. was continued refusal of his par- north side, mother, dad. sis and be seized in this country—a weapon J ents, grandmother ... mittee, indicates he will not accept and his for the brother all will be trying to the French then were using VETERAN JUDGE DEAD win of the 672 prizes that against recognition from Garner on Mon- Torch Bearers” Is Given Boy, 8, Killed by Auto use of the car could be compared to one the Portuguese. “The by a will be awarded. It’s going to JoJhn D. Megee, 82, Succumbs at Foreign Exchange fuse. , day to move to suspend the rules Tech L-Z Division. | By United Press be easy, interesting and fascinat- The senate refused to go along ■■ ■ “And the slap or tap his grand- to bring in the repeal. Instead, Ind., 3.—The Home in Rushville. ing. Mori* than S2OO in merchan- with Jackson, but not PLAINFIELD. Dec. By mother gave him when be given with the house Garner probably will recognize Rep- "The Torch Bearers,” a three-act > body of Lowell United Press •By Abbott. Hoppin & Cos.) she refused dise certificates will only upheld the treaty, E. Williams. 8. son —Dec. 3 the 28 daily prizes and 168 grand but called Henry T. Rainey of Illi- comedy, was presented riday night Mr. and RUSHVILLE, Ind., Dec. 3.—Death him car, was the match which for “preparations” resentative |of Mrs. Frank Williams, Open. caused his emotional prizes, ’so let's get ready. Full to “meet any leader, in Keith’s theater by pupils in the of Judge John D. Megee, 82. here, Sterling. Eneland $3.18% explosion which pub- nois, the house Democratic Three Oaks, Mich., was returned Franc. France details and rules will be emergency” thus created. high brought Italy 0390% in the tragedy.” lished Monday. who will make the motion. L-Z division of the Tech school | there today, following his death on to a close a long career s Lira. ....- 0506% culminated jurist Franc. Belgium .' 1386 French Are Roused for rising) vote will senior class. The play was a farce ; the a and attorney. He formerly Germany A teller fol- National road near here. The Mark. 2376 Hourly Temperatures Santa’s Question Box be at first test on ameteur dramatistis. In the boy was struck was judge of the circuit court. Guilder. Holland 4018 low, and it will this ; apparently while Rush Spain 6 a. m 53 8 a. m 53 France flamed with excitement. dry leading roles were Ernest Mallory Peseta. 0816 of wet and strength that the j walking to the scene of another au- Funeral services will be held Mon- Krone. Norwav 1640 7 a. m 54 9 a. m 53 Starts Monday She recalled her minister at Wash- to a and Virginia tomobile accident. Krone. Denmark 1660 drys will seek prevent roll call. Maier. -1 day. Yen. Janan 2025 10 a. m 55 ington. She offered the American Sumners Is Indifferent minister in Paris his passport. She Defeat of the Garner plan within prepared for war. In a huff, now, the judiciary committee was at- SO THIS IS the chamber appropriated the tributed partly to the indifference INDIANAPOLIS! WELL, LET'S PROVE IT’S A CITY WITH A HEART money to pay three installments, of Sumners, who told Texas voters but stipulated that it was not to this Indianapolis? on a line, leering in their last summer that he would support frail Call Riley 5551—0 r write —and ask for the Clothe-a-Child editor into the city “jungles” with their You spend your owm money! be paid until America apologized. ISFlour-sacks are worn for un- raggedness. of The Indianapolis Times. bedless homes and bean suppers This “Old Hickory” refused to do. the party platform. derwear by children attending Is | You decide just how much to given aside from tljis Indianapolis? He will give you the name of a needy school child between the rather than wear poverty’s badge He did say, however, in his note to Other reasons Paper is in shoe It is. It’s just part of it—a ages yean;. spend. dry opposition, were: First, schools. chinked of 6 and 12 of shame in front of more pros- France, that no reflection on French general to keep the dampness out small part—that can be found in Each child has been checked for need by Clearing perous honor intended. A month later, proposal to refer the issue to soles the Christmas schoolmates. Lodges, fraternities, bowling was the by boys with faces that wonder any part of the city as Christmas House and the social service department of the Indianapolis public The relief of the Com- in January, 1836, in a special mes- conventions instead of legis- agencies teams, business offices, groups ot state when they see a department store comes in 1932. schools. Community Fund relief agencies are providing the names of munity Fund can not hope to sage to congress, the doughty war- latures, despite the agreement of employes, clubs can together Santa # m m worthy children to be clothed. meet this need at band rior actually proposed the closing of • conventions on the Claus. Christmas time both party The Times gives you the name of a child. Yon clothe youngster with a special gift. The agencies and take one or American ports to French vessels plan: second, oppo- One coat goes the rounds of a ATOU know it. You know the the child two chil- state convention —that’s your Christmas, that’s the child’s Christmas, and that’s our must spread their money over dren, or more if they wish. and an embargo on French imports. “seeming of the family of three children so they kidding days of sition to the haste" prosperity Christmas. Your Christmas gift not be Just when things looked black- plan can attend school every third day. twelve months of 1933. The so- will original forty-minute debate "being around the corner" as a cial service department of the ; torn up. It will not be gone est. France construed Jackson's note oratory; Is Indianapolis? business has been tough. Tougher street or wait for a traffic patrol-* ;s satisfactory, subsided, which restricted unlimited this threadbare wheeze. And you’ve city school board can not reach Christmas morn because it was the storm third, the failure of the Garner A boy begs, and begs it is. for than heck! You’ve held on to man at a school building to every one. | eaten the day before. and the ridiculous dab of small specifically pro- taken salary cuts to hang on to change paid. measure to mention you to buy his last newspaper on your employes as long as you beckon you to “go?” But YOU can, through their It will be worn thro, yd months, was for dry states as was advo- the Circle may have that job. # co-operation Clothe-a- j It will coid, protect tection so that he money “Brother’s keeper stuff,” you and the warm in by by Republicans, as well as just enough to buy a pair of Children of the unemployed could. You’ve borrowed to child campaign against Killed Bun Saw cated your pay say. “Bear stories.” of The Times. rain. It will banish the know of cuts and meet roll. You’ve done a * * Senator Robinson; and fourth, fail- cheap stockings. nothing salary * pointing finger of poverty that By United Prett to * * n ure of the resolution to specifically In a shack along the White the sacrifices they entail. They good job—but do you have plan is yours from the shames in city schoolrooms with, RICHMOND, Ind., Dec. 3.—ln- condemn “open saloons." river bank twin girls snuggle un- know only how wet their feet can walk to school in tennis shoes “bear stories.” but THEtime you call The Times. ! “You are poor. Your daddy don’t jured when he stepped backward Os the thirteen voting against in der tattered blankets for warmth. get, how cold the wind pan be and made-over clothes that are RIGHT!“bearing” the word that It is your Christmas from the time I work.” against a buzz saw, Jesse Study. 73, committtee, six. Michener, Yates, "Don’t have to go to school to- when it plays on their thin, under- rain and cold catchers? there are children, hundreds upon we give you the child’s name, so And the question can be phrased a farmer, died in a local hospital. Moore, Sparks. Christopherson, and day! Mama's washing our nourished frames. Does pneumonia walk hand-in- hundreds of them, who need de- you can clothe him warmly with again in your joy of giving with, The saw was being used to cut tim- are "lame ducfcs.” d* esses." And the dresses hang Or maybe youre a boss and hand with you as you cross a cent garb or they’ll sink back one outfit. “This is Indianapolis !’* ber on Study’s farm. Dominick *