2016年1月 January 2016




50 加拿大 Canada 山色軌跡 Rocky railroad 乘坐觀光列車欣賞 北美最壯麗的風光 See the spectacular scenery of North America by train

30 20 潮流時尚 澳門 Fashion Macau 眾裡尋她 單騎逍遙遊 The seeker Pedal Power 愛冒險旅人的時尚衣飾 踏單車遍尋澳門美景 Fashion for the See Macau’s hidden adventurous traveller corners on two wheels

16 人物 24 香港 40 澳洲 46 台北 57 攝錄機 Profile Australia Taipei Cameras 天賜良才 逸遊南區 聖靈之旅 醇美天地 動感十足 Heaven on Southern Any way the Mixed Game a plate Comforts wind blows Messages on

徐德強承傳福臨門基業 體會香港另一面風情 到昆士蘭群島遨遊大堡礁 在台北細酌特色雞尾酒 配合不同活動的攝錄機 Duncan Chui’s Fook Discover the charm of Reef life in Queensland’s Savour your favourite There’s an action cam Lam Moon’s inheritance Hong Kong’s south side Whitsunday Island cocktail in Taipei for whatever you play

January 2015 Horizon 3 目 CONTENTS 錄 生活專欄 DEPARTMENTS

10 地平線上 On the horizon 70 澳門、香港及全球盛事指南 Events highlights in Macau, Hong Kong and the world 38 心動精品 First Look 令生活昇華的高雅時尚產品 What you need in your life 64 醇美佳釀 Wine 冰酒是珍貴非凡的瓊漿玉液 Icewine is a specialty wine like no other 8 66 美食紛陳 Dine out 嶄新人氣餐廳 Hot restaurant openings

68 恬謐居停 Horizontal 推介一流酒店 Check out where to check in

70 時尚家居 Home 讓家居充滿大自然的氣息 66 Brighten the home with hints of nature 74 噴射飛航 TurboJET 創意科技 公司簡介 About our company 72 船隊資料 Vessel information Tech 服務全面周到 Servicing every need 2016年最型格科技產品 推廣優惠 Promotions A look at some of the coolest tech 美食與飲品 Food & beverages coming in 2016 點滴與心聲 Some thoughts to share

4 Horizon January 2016


大三巴牌坊是澳門光影節中其中一幢綻放迷 人光芒的世遺歷史建築 The iconic Ruins of St Paul’s was just one of the UNESCO sites illuminat- ed in style during the Macao Light Festival

Happy New Year, and welcome to 2016! As I was writing this note, Macau was holding the 2015 Macao Light Festival – a Journey of Light with 3D mapping, light installations and interactive games at many of Macau’s landmark UNESCO sites. It turned the venues into bright, col- ourful wonderlands and bid farewell to 2015 in spectacular fashion. This month, Horizon introduces you to some of the world’s most 入2016年,在此謹祝各位新年進步、身體健康﹗執筆 breathtaking nature. There is no shortage of urban experiences for 期間,澳門正舉行2015光影節,以光影奇緣為主題, visitors, but there’s another side to Macau, one that appeals to the 踏在世遺地標展出精彩的光雕匯演,還有亮麗的燈飾及互 nature lover in all of us. Macau’s wetlands, rated as one of the 10 best 動遊戲,為市民呈獻有趣的娛樂及仙境般的聖誕及新年裝置,為 in , are home to a a variety of birds and aquatic life. 2015年劃上完美的句號。 Or you can take it slow by cycling, a popular family pastime that in 新一期的《飛航天地》會帶大家投入世界各地優美及壯觀的自 Macau can put you on a track that runs along along the waterfront 然景致。澳門是個多姿多采的國際都會,前來度假的旅客可以有 from the Macau Peninsula to the Sai Van Bridge. In this issue, we 不同的選擇,活動包羅萬有,然而熱愛大自然的旅客,澳門也不 reveal the best routes to take. And after you’ve returned your rental 會讓你失望。這個小城有入選全國十大最美的濕地,亦有沿途風 bike, head to Broadway Macau, an exciting new hub for family shop- 景秀麗的單車徑。單車遊是近年十分受歡迎的親子活動,今期我 ping and dining. 們介紹的單車徑,沿澳門半島連接西灣大橋,騎車後還可到百老 An ocean away, the Rocky Mountains loom in North America. 匯大街品嚐美食,適合一家大小。 We board a train that takes in western Canada’s dramatic mountains, 要欣賞北美的名山大川,請不要錯過今期推介的加拿大洛磯山 plunging valleys and historic towns. Closer to home, we sail into 脈火車之旅,這條連接東西部的幹線,沿途經過多個市鎮,還有 Queensland, Australia and the Whitsunday Islands in the heart of the 高峰和峽谷,令人嘆為觀止。如果你想往海邊度假,澳洲昆士蘭 Great Barrier Reef, one of the seven natural wonders of the world, on a 的聖靈群島可能較適合你。上山、下海,甚至在空中欣賞大堡礁 sailboat or under water. 的美景,又或揮桿作樂,投入大自然的懷抱。 Wherever you go, have a wonderful trip, and I wish you a wonderful, 在此,謹祝閣下旅途愉快! healthy and prosperous 2016.

麥慶儀 Vivian Mak

編輯 Editor Lao Casli IMAGES. Cover:

6 Horizon January 2016


Published by

Room 2408, 24/F, Dominion Centre, 59 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel: +852 3921 7000 Fax: +852 3921 7099 Paul Robinson Nathan Taylor Simon Upton Website: www.bauermedia.com.hk Paul認為在大堡礁聖 有20年報道科技發展經 今期的時裝專輯,攝影 Editorial enquiries: [email protected] 靈群島清澈的海水上 驗的Nathan,仍然樂此 師Simon以鏡頭捕捉在 揚帆,猶如身處世外 不疲,花不少時間去把 宏偉古皇宮中流連的遠 桃源。 玩新科技產品。 方訪客。 Executive General Manager, BauerWorks Niall Murphy Paul says that sailing the Nathan has been In his photo shoot Whitsunday islands, in covering technology for for this issue, Simon Editorial Consultant Susan Skelly balmy waters sheltered over 20 years and still captures a very modern Editor Vivian Mak 麥慶儀 by the Great Barrier spends too much of his traveller caught against Deputy Editors Joanna Hughes 何愛琳, Dennis Lee 李家聰 Reef, is pretty close to life playing with high- the backdrop of an Chief Sub Editor Paul Robinson paradise on earth. tech toys. ancient palace. Photo Editor Janet Gomes Senior Designer Alice Cheung 張淑敏 Designer Howard Leung 梁德榮


Managing Director Peter Jeffery +852 3910 6388 | [email protected]

Hong Kong Edward Lee +852 3910 6378 | [email protected]

Hong Kong Arthur Au Yeung Peter Bourne Amy Lo Steven Crook +852 3910 6392 | [email protected] 品酒達人Peter很欣賞冰 香港作者Amy訪問知名 愛早起的Steven喜歡在 Singapore & Malaysia Joseph Yap 酒,原因是它有高濃度 粵菜食府福臨們的舵手 樹林裡漫步,不過作為 +65 6337 6996 / +65 9683 9530 | [email protected] 的果糖,卻又有清爽的 徐德強,了解他如何讓 英國人,他也不抗拒在 果酸,平衡圓融。 一個60多年的老字號與 城中酒吧喝一杯,輕鬆 現代接軌 。 一番。 Horizon magazine is published monthly by TurboJET and is produced for TurboJET by Bauer Media Hong Kong Limited. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of TurboJET. All rights Wine guy Peter enjoys Hong Kong writer Amy An early riser, Steven reserved. Copyright © 2016 by TurboJET. Opinions in Horizon magazine are the writers’ and not necessarily endorsed by TurboJET. icewine because its talks to Duncan Chui is more usually found TurboJET and Bauer Media Hong Kong Limited accept no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, transparencies or other material. Manuscripts, intense sweetness is of Fook Lam Moon in Taiwan's forests photographs and artwork will not be returned unless accompanied by balanced by a crystal who explains how to than the island's bars, appropriate postage. clear, mouth-watering connect a 60-year-old but the British expat 中華商務彩色印刷有限公司承印 acidity. brand with a modern seldom turns down a 香港新界大埔汀麗路36號中商大厦14樓 business model. chance to celebrate. Printed by C&C Offset Printing Company Limited 14/F, C&C Building, 36 Ting Lai Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong

8 Horizon January 2016


至 UNTIL / 非凡購物樂 Shop to Win

澳門銀河綜合渡假城的「時尚匯」購物中心,現 正舉行大型的購物推廣活動 —「時尚滙」矚目購 「時尚匯」匯聚超過200家國 物賞,旅客在購物之餘,還有機會贏取總值港幣一億 際名店,中國名模李丹妮也 元的獎賞。 很享受在這裡的購物體驗 賓客於購物賞期間,在「時尚滙」或「澳門百老 200 international brands at Galaxy Macau's The 匯」即日及單一消費滿澳門幣/港幣1,000元或以上 Promenade appeal to (不包括餐飲),即可參加抽獎,有機會個人獨得 sophisticated shoppers like model Danni Li 總值港幣60萬元的獎賞,亦有機會成為終極大獎得 主,獲得澳門幣50萬元的購物簽賬額及專屬禮遇。此 外,賓客於即日消費(最多兩張收據)滿澳門幣/港 幣5,000元(不包括餐飲),除了可參加抽獎外,亦 The Promenade, the Galaxy Macau’s luxury 可即時兌換優越獎賞,尊享酒店、餐飲、水療、私人 shopping mall, is hosting Macau’s biggest-ev- 活動巡禮 式電影放映體驗等禮遇。 er shopping promotion in which visitors have HOT DATES 「時尚滙」匯聚逾200家國際名店及旗艦店,其中 a chance to win their share of HK$100 million Alexander McQueen、Alexander Wang、Delvaux和 worth of rewards. All they have to do is shop 香港 HONG KONG Murano Art Glass等都是首度進駐澳門,部分品牌包 at Galaxy Macau. 括迪奧、Chaumet、Moschino、Delvaux、Mulberry、 Shoppers who spend over MOP/HK$1,000 on 紫色牛牛綜藝合家歡 Roger Vivier和雷達表等,更推出只限「時尚滙」發 a single same-day receipt (excluding dining) at Udderbelly Festival Hong Kong 售的獨家秋冬時尚精品系列。 The Promenade or Macau Broadway are entitled 至2月14日 to enter a lucky draw where the prizes total til 14 February www.udderbelly.asia HK$600,000 in rewards, with a Grand Prize of MOP/HK$500,000 worth of shopping credits and 世界盃場地單車賽香港站 VIP perks. Visitors who spend MOP/HK$5,000 UCI Track Cycling World Cup: with a maximum of two same-day receipts Hong Kong (excluding dining) are eligible to able to redeem 1月16至17日 rewards that include selected hotel and spa ser- 16-17 January 「時尚匯」網羅鑽飾(順 trackworldcup.hk 時針上圖起)、香水及時 vices, dining and private movie screenings. 尚配飾等,是搜羅情人節 The Promenade has over 200 international 香港國際室內樂音樂節 禮品的最佳熱點 brands under its roof, including some that are The perfect Valentine’s Hong Kong International Chamber Day gift of (clockwise from new to Macau, such as Alexander McQueen, Music Festival top) jewellery, fragrance or Alexander Wang, Delvaux and Murano Art 1月20至27日 accessories can be found Glass. Look for special limited editions from the 20-27 January at The Promenade autumn/winter collections of Dior, Chaumet, www.pphk.org Moschino, Delvaux, Mulberry, Roger Vivier and Rado, among others, available only at their shops 澳門 MACAU at The Promenade. 占士.高威長笛演奏會 www.galaxymacau.com/shopandwin Sir James Galway Flute Recital 1月29日 29 January www.macauticket.com by Choi Jeong Hwa: Courtesy of the artist by Choi Jeong Hwa: Courtesy Orhan. Relatum-World IMAGES. Lang Lang: Yann 至 UNTIL / 文化觸碰 ART ACROSS THE NORTHEAST

香港藝術中心的年度旗艦展覽《文化碰撞:穿越 東北亞》,以探索東北亞地區的藝術為主題,展出 14位當代藝術家/團隊在文化碰撞下的創作,作品 打破政治分野和跨越地域界限,從四個角度探討 東北亞的藝術發展。 展覽於香港藝術中心包氏畫 廊舉行。

This year’s flagship exhibition at the Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Arts Centre is Familiar Otherness: Art Across Northeast Asia. The works of 14 artists transcend

南韓藝術家崔正化的作 current socio-political differences to trace back the 品《關係項—世界》 similar histories and traditions of the countries in the Relatum-World by Northeast Asian region. South Korean artist Choi Jeong Hwa www.hkac.org.hk

至 UNTIL / 禁城風采 A FOREIGNER LOOKS AT THE FORBIDDEN CITY 郎朗演奏會,是本 月香港的焦點活動 由澳門民政總署、澳門藝術博物館及澳門特別行 之一 政區政府文化局合辦的《矩墨皇城──喬得龍紫禁 Superstar Lang Lang in Hong 城水墨畫展》,展出現旅居於澳門的法裔西班牙 Kong this month 籍藝術家夏爾.喬得龍81幅描繪北京故宮景物的水 墨畫作。他是首位獲故宮博物院准許進入院內非 / 開放區域描繪紫禁城的外籍人士,作品透過這位 西方畫家的視角,展現紫禁城獨特建築的風采。

琴音縈繞 A VIRTUOSO RETURNS Forbidden City in Ink-and-Wash — Paintings by Charles Chauderlot showcases 81 ink-wash works by Charles Chauderlot, a Franco-Spanish artist who has 世界級著名鋼琴演奏家郎朗相隔兩年再度來港,在香港紅磡體育館舉行一場 settled in Macau. He was the first foreigner permitted 《郎朗音樂會》,一眾古典樂迷定必引頸以待。郎朗去年先後在紐約林肯中 by the Palace Museum to paint inside the restricted 心、法國國慶慶典音樂會及美國獨立日慶祝活動等盛典中表演,並發行了全 areas of the Forbidden City. Through the perspective 新專輯《郎朗在巴黎》。 of a foreign painter, his works bring to life the unique architectural styles of the Forbidden City. The exhibition World-renowned pianist Lang Lang returns to Hong Kong after two years with is organised by Macau’s Civic and Municipal Affairs the Lang Lang Live in HK concert at the Hong Kong Coliseum, an event fans will Bureau, Macao Museum of Art and Cultural Affiars not want to miss. Last year Lang Lang performed at Lincoln Center in New York, the Bureau of the Macao SAR Government. Bastille Day concert in Paris and the Independence Day celebrations in the United States. He also released a new album, Lang Lang in Paris. www.mam.gov.mo

by Choi Jeong Hwa: Courtesy of the artist by Choi Jeong Hwa: Courtesy Orhan. Relatum-World IMAGES. Lang Lang: Yann www.urbtix.hk

11 Horizon January 2016 地平 ON THE HORIZON 線上 寰宇 GLOBAL

至 UNTIL 28/3 閃爍瑰寶 Hidden Gems

倫敦維多利亞和阿爾伯特博物館過去一年舉辦了 多個令人著迷的展覽,然而沒有一個比全新的 《Bejewelled Treasures: The Al Thani Collection》 珠寶展覽更令人目眩神迷。100件展品來自單一私人 珍藏,它們闡述了印度鑲嵌珠寶的發展歷史,以及對 現代西方珠寶設計例如卡地亞和JAR等品牌的影響。 展品包括鑲滿寶石的雀鳥首飾、刀劍、蒙古翡翠和精 雕細琢的綠寶石等瑰寶。

In the past year, London’s Victoria and Albert Museum has hosted a number of dazzling exhibits, but Bejewelled Treasures: The Al Thani Collection outdazzles them all. One hundred pieces from a single private collection tell the bejewelled history of India, as well as its influence on modern West- ern jewellery from Cartier and JAR. Expect jewelled birds, swords, Mughal jades, carved emeralds and magnificence.


倫敦巴特西公園舉 19-24/01 行的展覽會,匯聚 06/01 – 16/02 設計靈感 Design inspiration 靈感湧現 大破慳囊 READY, SET, SHOP aplenty at London’s Battersea Park GET SOME IDEAS 巴黎冬季購物節與法國傳統慶節無關,卻滿 倫敦巴特西公園舉行的裝飾古董及紡織品 載節日氣氛。購物節為期六周,各樣貨品以優 展,是尋覓設計靈感的盛會。超過140個參 惠折扣出售,部分貨品折扣更低至三折。盡情 展商各施各法,在會場展出充滿創意的產 購買心頭好之餘,別忘記了申請退回 VAT 增 品,希望打動參觀者的心,把它們帶回家。 值稅!

The Decorative Antiques & Textiles It’s not exactly a national holiday, but the Fair at London’s Battersea Park is a must Paris Winter Sales might as well be. For six for anyone looking for design inspiration. The more than 140 exhibitors outdo each weeks, expect discounts of up to 70 percent. other to create imaginative displays you’ll Don’t forget to get your VAT refunded too. want for your own home. goparis.about.com www.decorativefair.com

12 Horizon January 2016 7-26/01

This year, The Sydney Festival celebrates 40 由瓷釉以至紅寶石、 綠寶石、鑽石和黃金 繽紛悉尼 years of comedy, music, dance, theatre, cabaret, 等瑰寶,為展覽倍添 FULL-ON SYDNEY art installations and even architecture. There’s too 高貴氣質 much going on for this space, but two to look out Precious: enamel, 悉尼節今年踏入 周年,精采活動包括喜劇、音樂、 rubies, emeralds, 40 for are La Verità – circus, clowning, acrobatics, diamonds and gold 舞蹈、戲劇和歌舞表演,還有裝置藝術及建築展覽。 dance and music against a backdrop of a recently take flight at the V&A 節目多不勝數,有兩項特別值得留意,包括匯聚馬戲、 rediscovered painting by Salvador Dalí – and Sym- 小丑、雜技、舞蹈及音樂的大型表演《La Verità》, phony in The Domain, a free classical concert under 表演更以一幅出自著名畫家達利手筆、近年重見天日 the stars in the Royal Botanic Gardens. Not keen 的作品為背景。此外,在皇家植物園舉行的晚間免費 on classical? The Flaming Lips (psychedelic rock) 古典音樂會《Symphony in The Domain》也不容錯 and Matthew E White (Southern pop-gospel and 過。若對古典音樂不感興趣,可欣賞The Flaming Lips country-soul) are also on the bill. 樂隊(迷幻搖滾音樂)及歌手Matthew E. White(美 國南部流行福音及鄉謠騷靈音樂)的演出。 www.sydneyfestival.org.au

悉尼節節目豐富, 歡樂氣氛瀰漫全市 (右圖) No January blues in Sydney, thanks to The Sydney Festival (right)

15-18/01 松露清香 TAKE A SNIFF

納帕谷舉行的松露節是全球最多姿多采 the location in California’s wine coun- 的松露美食節之一,而選擇在這個加州 try couldn’t be better. Visitors can 酒鄉舉行更是理想不過。訪客可以預訂 sign up for degustation menus by 米芝蓮星級大廚的品嚐餐單、參觀松露 Michelin-starred chefs, watch truffle 犬受訓情況、觀看烹飪示範、 享用柴燒 hounds being trained, take in cooking 黑松露意大利薄餅等美食,還可到市集 demonstrations and snack on wood- 到納帕谷享用最美 購買松露回家享用。 fired truffle pizzas, among others. 味的松露美饌 Sniff out the best There’s even a market where you can truffle cuisine in The Napa Valley Truffle Festival buy truffles to bring back with you. Napa Valley is one of the top celebrations of

IMAGES.Bird installation: Victoria and Albert Museum. Truffles: Kelly Cline. IMAGES.Bird installation: Victoria and Albert Museum. Truffles: everything truffles in the world – and www.napatrufflefestival.com

13 Horizon January 2016 特約 SPONSORED FEATURE 專題

魔法幻影 Abracadabra! 一張門票、三個魔幻劇院、 四位魔術大師,「魔幻間」 讓你驚喜連連 The House of Magic: One ticket. Three theatres. Four magicians

一張門票,為你開啟魔法大門,進入全亞洲最精采的 魔幻世界。澳門新濠影滙呈獻的「魔幻間」,由享譽 全球的魔術大師法蘭茲.哈拉瑞 (Franz Harary)率領 一眾國際級魔術高手輪流獻技。他們人人身懷驚世獨 門秘技,讓觀眾大開眼界。 精采魔術表演每天呈獻,你的90分鐘亞洲魔幻 旅程由「法寶廳」揭開序幕,你可點叫一杯「迷魂 湯」(含酒精或不含酒精)淺酌細賞。擅長幻影戲 法的魔術大師,會以千變萬化的魔法使物件消失, 然後在你在最意想不到的地方出現。旅程下一站是 「魅影劇院」,這裡的佈局以「魔術謎團」為主 軸,魔術師創造目不暇給的視覺謎題,挑戰觀眾眼 力,看看他們能否揭開魔法底牌。 魔術種類眾多,「古堡劇院」準備了另一種魔術 讓你大開眼界。這裡佈置成中世紀森林亦即古代偉大 巫師的家鄉,魔術師將不可思議的魔法力量,帶到 觀眾眼前。最後,「大師魔法劇院」為你送上壓軸巨 獻——法蘭茲.哈拉瑞風靡全球、最引人入勝的幻影 魔法。技驚四座的法蘭茲.哈拉瑞曾經「變走」泰 姬陵和太空穿梭機,亦曾為麥當娜、Usher及Justin Timberlake等巨星的演唱會,設計令人驚嘆的魔幻視 覺效果。這個魔法劇場的設計有別於一般演唱會場 地,能讓觀眾近距離體驗魔術表演的懾人效果。 劇院每個座位都能夠為觀眾提供一流視覺體驗,而 部分座位會為觀眾帶來額外的奇妙體驗。在「魅影劇 院」和「古堡劇院」,若你想挑戰魔術師,不妨選擇 靠近舞台的前三行座位。然而,如果你希望感受「大 師魔法劇院」令人讚嘆的場效,我們建議你選擇距離 舞台遠一點的中央座位。 當魔法棒最後一次揮動、最後一個咒語施放,魔術 之旅在此圓滿結束。此時不妨到魔幻間禮品店搜羅一 件小魔法道具帶回家,為你的孩子帶來一點歡樂,並 為你的朋友帶來驚喜。我們總要為人生加添一點點魔 法,期待你再次駕臨體驗我們的奇幻旅程。

14 Horizon January 2016 for concerts by Madonna, Usher and Justin Timberlake, among others. Unlike concert venues, this theater brings the full effect closer than ever to audiences. All seats are good seats; some are more magical than others. At The Majestic and The Lair, if you dare to challenge the magicians, sit in the first three rows closest to the stage, but for the full-on effect of Mega Magic, we recommend center seats a bit further back from the stage. When the last wand is waved, the final spell cast, stop at the gift shop where you can pick up a little magic to take home with you, to amuse your children and amaze your friends. And come back for more, because we all need a little magic in our lives. 以法蘭茲.哈拉瑞為首的 頂級駐場魔術師,為觀眾 帶來連場驚喜(左圖); 簡單的魔術示範足以令人 目不轉睛(右圖);法蘭 茲.哈拉瑞在「大師魔法 劇院」表演精采的焰火魔 法(左下圖) Top magicians in residence led by Franz Harary (second left); a wizardly warm-up (right);Mega Magic dragon fire by Franz Harary (below left)

One ticket is your open sesame to an experience like no other in Asia. The House of Magic at Studio City Macau is where a rotating list of the world’s top magicians reside, led by the acclaimed illusionist Franz Harary, each with their own magical specialty.

The show runs seven days a week and your 90-min- 售票處 Box Office ute journey into “Asia’s epicenter of magic” begins 新濠影滙一及二樓 Level 1 and 2, Studio City Macau 票價 Ticket Price with a “magic potion” (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) in 成人 $450 (Adult), 小童 $360 (Child) the Illusion Laboratory, where a master of sleight-of- hand magic makes things appear and disappear in the 票務熱線 Ticket Hotline 澳門 Macau: +853 8868 6767 most surprising places and ways. Then it’s on to The Majestic, an intimate setting for “Puzzle Magic”, where 免費查詢 Toll Free a magician creates visual puzzles which the audience is 中國 China: 400 616 3120 香港 Hong Kong: 800 900 783 challenged to solve. 台灣 Taiwan: 008 0187 6037 Another type of magic awaits you in The Lair, where the magician displays mysterious powers of enchant- 資料只供參考,如有更改,恕不另行通知 All information is for reference only and is subject ment in a medieval forest, home to the great wizards to change without notice. of old. The Mega Magic Theater is the grand finale, featuring Franz Harary’s most spectacular illusions, the www.studiocity-macau.com ones which have mystified audiences around the world. 官網預訂門票 Official Site Franz Harary made the Taj Mahal and a space shuttle Online Ticketing “disappear” but also created show-stopping illusions

15 Horizon January 2016 人物 PROFILE 專訪 徐德強 DUNCAN CHUI TAK-KEUNG

16 Horizon January 2016 天賜良才 HEAVEN ON A PLATE

作為福臨門第三代接班人,徐德強矢志 傳承家族基業 Duncan Chui Tak-keung, the third-generation director of restaurant Fook Lam Moon, aims to enhance the family brand by keeping up with the times

文/Text Amy Lo

踏進位於澳門銀河二期的福臨門粵菜餐廳,即被那與香港總店一模一樣的天 甫花圖案所懾,這種氣勢不凡的裝潢,正好表達了福臨門進軍濠江的決心;而 這幕後推手正是福臨門的第三代接班人、執行董事徐德強。一派「管理人」 作風的他解釋道:「我從小到大都很受家裡做福臨門這生意的影響,所以讀書時的取 向,一直是選擇一些研究如何解決問題的科目。」 正因預期終有一天會接管家族生意,所以他在讀書、工作和旅遊時盡量接觸不同 行業和階層的人,期望豐富人生體驗,增進營運知識。他從父親接手福臨門後,順 理成章把管理概念應用於品牌的發展上。「要突圍而出,不單是煮一碟好菜或找多 點客人就可以,還要觀察和判斷整個餐飲業形勢,讓公司做出合適的營運決策或調 整。」而當中最重要的是,不論經營環境如何仍堅持品牌的核心價值,令福臨門屹 立至今。 與此同時,徐德強也喜歡體驗消費者的心態,常常藉着到外地公幹或度假,到處 嘗試不同酒店或餐廳的服務或特色出品。 日本及法國的餐飲業向來享譽國際,徐德強對兩者亦心悅誠服。「日本人的服 務很專業也很客觀,會搜羅好材料,加上深入研究和堅持理念,把菜式做得非常精 緻。法國人則較傲慢,服務不如日本人細心,但他們廚藝專業,也著重原材料的質 素。」他坦言有時會扮成特別挑剔的客人,靜觀服務員如何應對。 愛吃的他空閒時會下廚煮簡單的牛排或龍蝦,也會專程到法國訪尋美食。只有在 注重創意和傳統的法國,才能讓他感受到超過半個世紀前,他的祖父是如何以具創 意的粵菜,發展成今天名聞遐爾的傳統菜。 徐德強繼承祖業,一路走來殊不輕鬆。今時今日,福臨門的競爭對手不再是傳統 福臨門執行董事徐德強是 中菜館,而是遍佈香港及澳門的高級法國菜、意大利菜、西班牙菜、日本菜餐廳, 餐廳的第三代接班人 他認為要以好的出品及體貼的服務去迎戰。他熱切地表示,除了美味之外,還希望 Fook Lam Moon Restaurant 為顧客提供一種歡樂的體驗,「你在這裡消費 元,我們給你 元的價值,當 Executive Director 100 120 Duncan Chui Tak-keung 中有食物的原材料,有我們的招呼,也有環境因素。」

17 Horizon January 2016 人物 PROFILE 專訪 徐德強 DUNCAN CHUI TAK-KEUNG

ntering the Galaxy Macau’s Cantonese “It is not just about cooking a delicious dish 福臨門尚品首間設於香港的 restaurant Fook Lam Moon, customers or getting more customers. In order to stand 零售店(上圖)於2015年開 幕; 精緻的澳門麗思卡爾頓 Ewill be stunned by the spectacular out from the pack, you have to observe the 酒店(右下圖) decorations on the ceiling, which features the environment of the catering industry and make Inside Fook Lam Moon Fine same patterns as the flagship restaurant in Hong good judgments, so that you can make the right Foods first gourmet shop in Kong. In a way, it is a demonstration of the decision and adjustments for your business Hong Kong opened in 2015 (above); the Ritz-Carlton company’s determination to be just as successful operations,” Chui adds. The most important Hotel in Macau (below right) in Macau. thing is to uphold the brand’s core values in Duncan Chui, Executive Director of Fook Lam whatever environment. This is the key to Fook Moon Restaurant Ltd., is the driving force behind Lam Moon’s long lasting success. the expansion. As the third-generation scion in Chui likes to observe customer experience by charge of the family business, he is focused on being a consumer himself. While on business improving the company’s management. “Ever trips or travelling, he tries different hotels and since childhood, I have been affected by the fact restaurants, or interesting products. that Fook Lam Moon is our family business. As Japan and France are renowned for their a result, when I was attending school, I tended to outstanding dining industries and Chui admires study subjects that could help me solve problems,” both. “The Japanese offer professional services Chui says. and are more humble and objective. They are Knowing that he would one day take over the persistent in their cooking concepts. They family business, Chui seized every opportunity source quality ingredients and carry out in-depth to be in touch with people from different sectors research to create delicate dishes,” Chui says. and all walks of life while studying, working and By comparison, Chui sees the French as a travelling. He aimed to enrich his life experience bit more aloof, noting, “Their service is not as and business know-how to prepare for the attentive as the Japanese. But their culinary succession. When Chui finally took over Fook skills are excellent and they emphasise the Lam Moon from his father, he was prepared importance of using quality ingredients.” Chui to apply his management concepts to further admits that sometimes he would play the role of

developing the family brand. a picky customer in order to observe the service Ltd IMAGES. Clapper Production Co

18 Horizon January 2016 放眼世界 WORLD FARE 關於徐德強 在香港長大,美國讀高中,分別於 旅途上如何打發時間? 1991及1992年於美國康乃爾大學獲物 看電郵、新聞;最喜歡看電影。 理學學士學位及工業工程碩士學位。 第一份工作在Andersen Consulting 你最喜歡的餐廳? and A.T. Kearney當管理顧問,主要 巴黎的Pavillon Ledoyen,餐廳所在的 幫助香港或亞洲區其他工業或跨國企 物業由法國政府擁有。他們近年換了廚 業研究如何改善經營效率和效益, 師,但仍是我到過的法國二、三星餐廳 五、六年後效力Transpac Capital 當中最出色的。 Limited,負責風險投資。他於1999 年投入家族企業福臨門, 2013年,為 你最喜歡的酒店? 慶祝福臨門創業65周年,他成立「福 在日本覺得Park Hyatt最好,法國我喜 臨門尚品」品牌,2015年「福臨門尚 歡Le Bristol,香港是文華東方,澳門 品」首間零售店開幕,同年,在澳門 則是麗思卡爾頓。 開設首間福臨門。

How do you spend your time when About Duncan Chui travelling? Chui grew up in Hong Kong and Reading emails and news, but I love attended high school in the United watching movies. States. He received a Bachelor of Science in physics and a Master’s of What is your favourite restaurant? Engineering from Cornell University Pavillon Ledoyen in Paris. The in 1991 and 1992, respectively. His restaurant is in a property owned by first jobs were as a management providers’ response to his demands. the French government. Although the consultant at Andersen Consulting, Being a foodie himself, he cooks simple chefs have been replaced, it is still then multinational efficiency con- dishes such as steak and lobster as a pastime the best among the two and three sultancy A.T. Kearney, and venture and arranges special trips to France in search of Michelin-starred restaurants I have capital investment firm Transpac fine foods. French cuisine blends creativity with visited in France. Capital Ltd six years later. In 1999, traditional taste so well that it is only in France he joined the family business, Fook that Chui can appreciate how his grandfather, What are your favourite hotels? Lam Moon Group. When the Group more than half a century ago, injected innovative In Japan, I think the Park Hyatt is celebrated its 65th anniversary in ideas into traditional to create the best; my favourite in France is Le 2013, Chui launched FLM Fine his signature dishes. Bristol; in Hong Kong it’s Manda- Foods. In 2015, FLM Fine Foods Inheriting a family business and keeping rin Oriental and in Macau it’s The opened its first gourmet shop and it strong has not been easy. Nowadays, Fook Ritz-Carlton. the Group opened its first Fook Lam Lam Moon not only faces competition from Moon Restaurant in Macau. other traditional Chinese restaurants, but also from upscale dining outlets that have sprung up all over Hong Kong and Macau, offering fine dining from Italy and Spain in addition to France and Japan, among a host of others. Chui believes that good product and attentive service are the keys to remaining competitive. He hopes that his restaurants offer customers an array of tasty, quality dishes as well as provide a pleasant experience. “You spend HK$100 here, but we offer you an experience worth HK$120. This includes the ingredients we use for cooking, our service and the cosy environment,” Chui says. As the French

IMAGES. Clapper Production Co Ltd IMAGES. Clapper Production Co would say: Bon appétit.

19 Horizon January 2016 旅行 TRAVEL 專題 澳門 MACAU


PEDAL POWER 自選行程:你可選擇在氹仔 的海濱(上圖),或是路環 富田園風情的路徑(右上及 右圖)上踩單車 在澳門踏單車欣賞美景,尋訪迷人的角落 Pick your tour: cycle along the Taipa waterfront (above) A great way to see Macau's hidden corners or head to the leafy lanes of is on two wheels Coloane (top right, right)

文 /Text Brittany Panter IMAGES. All images: Rob McGovern

20 Horizon January 2016 IMAGES. All images: Rob McGovern 在十月初五馬路左轉,小島單車店就在小廣場旁邊。 區 式,例如清湯牛腩及牛尾煲的李家菜。 傳統蝦子撈麵馳名的皇冠小館,以及精於烹調街頭菜 加坡菜式的加東餐廳,招牌菜是黑胡椒炒蟹;還有以 而建,由西灣大橋橋口為起點,全長 氹仔海濱休憩區單車徑沿著澳門與橫琴島之間的水道 單車家庭樂 在輪子上享受旅遊樂趣。 但氹仔和路環有一些既安全又怡人的騎乘路徑,讓你 亦嚴禁在連接澳門半島和氹仔的兩座大橋上踏單車。 路騎單車不太安全,尤其有兒童同行更不適合,當局 時的車程,就會發掘到許多被忽略的漂亮角落。在公 身心的康樂活動,騎單車便是不錯的選擇。短短數小 澳 從亞馬喇前地乘巴士 前往方法: 前宜先致電確認。 任何保護裝置,氣候欠佳時不營業,因此前往租車之 位置,招牌葡撻不能錯過。小島單車並不提供頭盔或 菜,價格相宜。想吃甜品的話,安德魯餅店就在轉角 在視線範圍內。餐廳供應粵菜及葡萄牙風味的澳門 憩花園餐廳,享受露天餐飲風情之餘,又可確保單車 以及聖方濟各聖堂。想稍事休息,可到聖堂前方的雅 一個小時欣賞歷史古蹟,包括天后古廟和觀音古廟, 端。回程時最好沿相同路徑折返,返抵路環村不妨花 中等難度的短斜坡,即抵達通往竹灣海灘的階梯頂 輛罕至的鄉村馬路,然後踏踩不到兩公里,征服一段 村。在路環小島單車店租一輛單車,穿過村莊騎到車 在澳門踏單車,最具田園風情的路徑可能是在路環 體能大挑戰 MT4 從亞馬喇前地搭乘巴士 前往方法: 芝蓮指南香港澳門 景酒店之後即到達澳門百老匯,這裡有三間榮獲《米 泳館圓形地時,右轉到蓮花海濱大馬路。經過皇庭海 之後,可沿東亞運大馬路往南步行,到達奧林匹克游 澳門百老匯不到一公里。享受過騎乘之樂並歸還單車 好。租好單車之後,可沿著海濱來回踩踏,此處距離 頭盔(由出租店提供),出發前務須確定單車狀況良 根據規定,單車只能在單車徑上踏踩,並且必須配戴 時份可眺望珠海的日落美景,涼風習習,倍感愜意。 有遊樂場、噴水池和長櫈,適合一家大小遊玩。黃昏 從澳門旅遊塔(站名:旅遊塔 -1 下車向西走,經過圓環,沿著戴紳禮街向前行, 抵達東亞運圓形地。 間開闊,氹仔亦較為安靜,可享受各種有益 不盡然是寧靜的度假天堂。相比之下路環空 門半島大街小巷車水馬龍、人潮熙來攘往, 2016 21A January 2016 9A 、 》推介的餐廳,包括供應新 25 前往澳門旅遊塔,然後 或 / 行車隧道)轉乘巴士 26A ,在車站路環市


Horizon 米,沿途

21 旅行 TRAVEL 專題 澳門 MACAU

hile the bustling streets of the Macau peninsula aren’t exactly a haven Wof tranquility, the open spaces of Coloane and the relative calm of Taipa offer a handful of recreational opportunities that include cycling, a great way to spend a few hours exploring the often overlooked areas of the SAR. While road cycling may not be the safest idea, particularly with children, and crossing the bridges to the peninsula is strictly prohibited, there are a couple of options that offer a fun and, most importantly, safe cycling experience. FAMILY FUN Running alongside the channel that separates Macau from Hengqin is the Taipa Waterfront cycle track. Extending from Sai Van Bridge, the short, 1,250-metre track is family-friendly and has a playground, water fountains and benches along the way. Sunset views of neighbouring Zhuhai and a cooling breeze are nice bonuses. When you hire your bike, be sure to make sure the bike is in good working condition before you do a few circuits along the waterfront. Bikes cannot be taken off the cycle track and helmets (provided) are mandatory. Ready to refuel? The Broadway Macau is less than a kilometre away. Head south on Avenida dos Jogos da Asia Oriental, veer east to Rotunda da Piscina Olimpica and finally right on Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus. Broadway Macau is just past Pousada Marina Infante. Enjoy a casual bite at one of the three restaurants recommended by the 2016 Michelin Guide: Katong Corner’s signature Singapore-style black pepper stir-fried crab; traditional shrimp roe noodles from Wong Kun Sio Kung; and street-style beef brisket and oxtail casserole from Lei Ka Choi. HOW TO GET THERE: From Praça Ferreira Amaral take bus 9A to Macau Tower. At Macau Tower (bus stop: Torre/ Tunel Rodoviarios) take bus MT4 to Rotunda Dos Jogos da Asia Oriental.

22 Horizon January 2016 CHALLENGE AND REWARD Perhaps the most idyllic place to cycle is Coloane Village. Hire a bike from Island Bicycle and cycle through the village to the virtually traffic- 租車自駕遊 free Estrada da Aldeia. Less than two kilometres Bicycle Rental – and a short, mildly challenging climb – along the road will take you to the top of a staircase 氹仔海濱單車出租服務 that leads down to Cheoc Van Beach. Because Taipa Waterfront Bicycle Rental 營業時間:周一至周五下午2時至晚上7時,周末及公眾假 of traffic, head back to town the same way you 期上午9時至晚上7時 came. Back in Coloane Village, history buffs Opening hours: 2pm to 7pm Mon to Fri, can spend a good hour admiring the temples 9am to 7pm Sat, Sun and PH and colonial buildings, including Tin Hau and 成人 Adult:每小時澳門幣20元 MOP 20/hour 小童 :每小時澳門幣 元 Kun Iam temples, and the Chapel of St Francis Child 10 MOP 10/hour 查詢電話 Tel : + 853 2833 7676 Xavier. When you’re ready for a break, Café Nga www.iacm.gov.mo Tim lies in the shadow of the chapel and is a great alfresco option that allows you to keep an 注意:必須持澳門有效身份證明文件,或繳付每輛單車澳 eye on your bike. The restaurant serves great 門幣500元可退還訂金 food at reasonable prices, both Cantonese- and Note: A valid ID or a MOP500 refundable deposit per bike is required Portuguese-inspired dishes. For dessert, it has to 騎單車暢遊澳門,沿途欣 be an egg tart from Lord Stow’s just around the 賞海濱(順時針左上圖 小島單車 起)、古教堂和特色街道 corner. Island Bicycle does not offer helmets or Island Bicycle 的景色,並品嚐著名安德 safety protection and closes during bad weather, 營業時間:周二至周日上午10時半至晚上6時半, 逢星期一休息 魯餅店的葡撻 so call ahead. Take in the sights of Macau Opening hours: 10:30am to 6:30pm Tue to Sun, closed Mon (clockwise from far left): 成人 Adult:每小時澳門幣20元 MOP 20/hour waterfront, a historic chapel, HOW TO GET THERE: 小童 Child:每小時澳門幣20元 MOP 20/hour Taipa, a sleepy square and From Praça Ferreira Amaral take bus 21A, 25 or 查詢電話 Tel : +853 6636 0060 / 6638 2583 the famous Lord Stow's 26A. Alight at Vila de Coloane 1 and head west, www.facebook.com/islandbicyclecoloane Bakery past the roundabout. Follow Rua do Tassara turning left on Avenida de Cinco de Outubro. 安全貼士 The bike rental shop is in the small square. SAFETY TIPS • 配戴頭盔,並繫緊安全扣帶。頭盔是將頭部受傷風險減至 最低的最佳裝置。 • 坐在單車座墊時,雙腳應可碰觸地面。 • 檢查單車,確定後照鏡穩固,煞掣正常,換檔順暢,輪胎 充氣飽滿。 • 長或寬鬆的衣服可能會勾住單車鏈或輪胎輻條,因此應穿 着適當的衣服和鞋履。 • 照顧兒童,確定他們有能力自行踩單車才上路。 • 留意並尊重其他單車及道路使用者。

• Wear a helmet. When fastened securely, a helmet is the single best way to minimise the risk of head injury. • When sitting on the seat your feet should be able to touch the ground. 安全第一:配備適當的保 • Check your bike. Make sure the reflectors are secure, brakes 護裝置,包括衣服和鞋 work properly, gears shift smoothly, and tyres are properly 履,才能盡情享受安全單 inflated. 車的樂趣(右圖) • Long or loose clothing can get caught in chains or spokes, so wear appropriate clothes and footwear. Safety first: Proper protective • Supervise children until you are comfortable they are able to gear, from clothing to ride on their own. footwear, is a must for a safe • Pay attention and be respectful of other cyclists and road users. and enjoyable experience (right)

January 2016 Horizon 23 旅行 TRAVEL 專題 香港 HONG KONG

24 Horizon January 2016 逸遊南區 SOUTHERN COMFORTS 遠足徑、名牌特賣店、美食及特色街區……, 讓你體會香港另一面風情 Hiking trails, designer sales, tasty treats, and cool streets... See a side of Hong Kong you never knew existed

文/Text Janice Leung Hayes

多利亞港的天際線閃爍繽紛,對大多數遊客 or most visitors, Hong Kong is defined 來說,它是香港最具代表性的景致。其實港 by its glittering skyline elegantly arrayed 維島還有許多有趣面貌,例如綠意盎然的郊野 along Victoria Harbour. But there’s 公園、遠足徑、漁村、時尚精品酒店和悠閒的海灘。 IMAGES. Jumbo: Stephanie Kam. Murray House: Alamy fmore to Hong Kong Island, like its lush country 其中一個愈來愈多人喜歡探索的地區是南區,原因之 parks, hiking trails, fishing villages, hip boutique 一是交通網絡得到改善,由中環乘的士到南區僅30分 hotels and chilled-out beaches. More people are 遷到赤柱的歷史建築物 美利樓(左上圖)和著 鐘。區內有不少新發展,但原有的魅力絲毫無減。 discovering Hong Kong’s Southern District – just 名海上餐館珍寶海鮮舫 探索漂亮的南區,不妨以時尚精品酒店Ovolo南岸 30 minutes by taxi from Central – in part because (左圖),是南區最鼎 為起點,它是由工業大廈改建而成。黃昏時分登上酒 of improved transport links that are sparking new 鼎大名的地標 店的天台酒吧Above,一邊享受習習涼風,一邊思索 developments while retaining the area’s charm. The relocated heritage building Murray House 第二天的旅遊路線。 Start with a late check-in at Ovolo Southside, a (above left) and the 早上到3/3rds享用豐盛早餐,或到Elephant boutique hotel in a converted industrial building. legendary Jumbo Floating Grounds來一杯手沖的單一產地咖啡。兩間咖啡店均 Head up to Above, the breezy rooftop bar, for a Restaurant (left) are two of the Southern District’s 位於轉型的工廈,距酒店僅幾分鐘步程。事實上南區 sundowner while you consider your options for most notable landmarks 交通方便,巴士和小巴路線多,乘的士也很方便。 exploring the south the next day.

January 2016 Horizon 25 層都是購物天堂,有時尚家品、嬰兒及兒童用品、鞋 隔,可乘公共交通工具或的士前往。新海怡廣場每一 洲新海怡廣場搜羅心頭好。鴨脷洲與香港仔僅一水之 香港仔碼頭,搭乘免費接駁小輪前往珍寶海鮮舫。 同樣耀眼。你可從深灣碼頭或位於香港仔海濱公園的 天當你享用美味的點心時,餐廳內飾有金龍的圓柱也 垂,明晃晃的燈光亮起,將船身照得燈火通明;而白 括《龍爭虎鬥》及《鐵金剛大戰金槍客》。當夜幕低 鮮舫。這間水上海鮮餐廳曾於多部著名電影亮相,包 塢之間。最引人注目的,是裝飾得富麗堂皇的珍寶海 消防船、駁船、舢板和遊艇等等,不時穿梭於沿岸船 三個小時。 往太平山,屬於港島徑其中一段,走畢全程大約需要 小時即可繞水塘走一圈,另一條難度較高的山頂徑通 也是兩條遠足徑的起點,較平坦的家樂徑只需約一個 範圍內有多棟法定古蹟建築包括前看守員房舍。此處 識香港歷史。這是香港第一個水塘,建於 野公園內的薄扶林水塘。沿著遠足徑漫步,可順道認 尺。從酒店登上的士,經過一小段路程即抵達位於郊 專題 旅行 午飯後,喜歡購物的遊人可遠離人潮,前往鴨脷 中午前往香港仔碼頭,你會看到漁船、水警輪、 南區自然環境優美怡人,適合遠足的地點近在咫 香港 TR A

HONG KONG VE L 壁裱上一系列舊照,讓遊人 (右圖),在中式風格的牆 Promenade (right)featuring 翻新後的香港仔海濱公園 TherenovatedAberdeen a photowallhighlighting 回味該區的漁業歷史 the area’shistory 1863 年,

Ovolo Southside(below) The breezy, relaxingAboveat 徐徐微風 Above 在精品酒店 酒吧(下圖),享受 Ovolo 南岸的 咖央西多,又或到法式小餐館 檔泗益的招牌港式奶茶,和夾著馬來西亞椰子果醬的 一瓦地拆下後搬到現址重建。美食方面,別錯過大排 感受與別不同的風情。美利樓原本坐落中環,是一磚 市集、海邊咖啡館、餐館及歷史建築物美利樓,讓你 點赤柱和石澳。在赤柱,出售各式各樣紀念品的赤柱 眾多,貨品琳琅滿目。 高級的餐廳都有。到日落時分,在 不同形式的餐廳,例如風格休閒的灘畔食肆以至品味 烤。在石澳村漫步閑逛,沿路會經過建於 多本地居民來享受日光浴,或在附近的公眾燒烤場燒 嚐腌肉冷盤及法國麵包。 2014 類和著名品牌特賣場。連卡佛和 愜意的一天劃上圓滿句號。 一邊品嚐沙灘小吃和創意雞尾酒,一邊欣賞晚霞,為 之一,海灘旁邊的 最美妙的終點。海邊山坡上是香港最昂貴的物業地段 餅,享受徐徐海風輕拂。 飯份量十足值得一試,或到黑羊餐廳享用啤酒搭配薄 廳呈奉美味佳餚,石澳中泰式海鮮酒家的炸魚球和炒 後走到壯觀的懸崖及一望無垠的大海。海灘後面的餐 后廟、簡樸的雜貨店,以及髹上繽紛色彩的小屋,最 若想優哉游哉地輕鬆閒逛,可前往南區最著名的景 石澳是香港最受歡迎的海灘之一,每逢周末吸引許 不論你遨遊南區的行程包含那些地點,淺水灣都是 年開業的購物中心匯聚精品店和雜貨店,以及 The Pulse Chez Patrick Deli 商場同樣高檔,這個在 Joyce Limewood 特賣場的品牌 19 世紀的天 餐廳 嚐

IMAGES. Aberdeen Promenade and sampans: Stephanie Kam. Promenade garden: Alice Cheung IMAGES. Aberdeen Promenade and sampans: Stephanie Kam. Promenade garden: Alice Cheung 香港仔海濱公園(下圖) 水面(右圖);修葺後的 香港仔隨處可見舢舨穿梭 sights inAberdeen(right), Promenade welcomesa Sampans arecommon leisurely stroll(below) while therejuvenated 是區內休閒勝地 Restaurant that has starredinanumberofmovies all isthegorgeouslydecorated JumboFloating boatyards that line the shore. At the centre of it and yachtsstillplythewaters betweenthe fishing, policeandfireboats, barges,sampans hour trektoVictoriaPeak. (one stage of the Hong Kong Trail) is a three- reservoir, whilethemoredemandingPeakTrail Walk isaneasyone-hourlooparoundthe Cottage. Twohikingroutesstarthere:theFamily buildings, amongthemtheoldWatchman’s the park is home to a number of listed heritage in 1863,itwastheterritory’sfirstreservoirand trails andasliceofHongKong’shistory.Built inside acountryparkthatalsofeatureshiking Pok Fu Lam Reservoir is a short taxi ride away, nature, thegreatoutdoorsisclosebytoo.The always flagdownataxitoyournextstop. and minibusesrunthroughtheareayoucan also occupyconvertedindustrialspaces.Buses are justafewminutes’walkfromthe hotel and dripped coffee at Elephant Grounds. Bothcafés breakfast at3/3rdsorasingleoriginhand- For lunch head to Aberdeen Harbour, where If youfancyahiketakingintheisland’s In themorning,fuelupwithawholesome January 2016


27 旅行 TRAVEL 專題 香港 HONG KONG

including Enter the Dragon and The Man with from Aberdeen and accessible by transit and the Golden Gun. At night it is outlined in lights, taxi. The plaza boasts floor after floor of stylish but by day, when you come for dim sum, the home furnishings and accessories, baby and wonderful dragons amid the gilt pillars of the children’s items, shoes and discounted fashion dining hall stand out. Take a free sampan to brands, and even more brands at Lane Crawford Jumbo from Shum Wan Pier or the Aberdeen and Joyce outlets. Pier at the beginning of the Aberdeen Promenade. If you have a more relaxed day in mind, then After lunch, die-hard shoppers can leave the you want Stanley and Shek O, probably the city crowds behind and head to Horizon Plaza Southern District’s best known areas. Stanley on Ap Lei Chau, an island across the harbour is renowned for the souvenir and samples- heavy stalls of Stanley Market, seaside cafés, restaurants, and Murray House, the heritage building formerly in Central, relocated to the south side brick-by-brick. Try - style snacks like Hong Kong’s singular milk tea and deep-fried French toast filled with kaya (Malaysian coconut jam) at stalwart Si Yik Cafe or charcuterie and baguettes at French bistro Chez Patrick Deli. Shek O is one of Hong Kong’s most popular 鴨脷洲新海怡廣場(左圖) beaches, and weekends provide a real cross- 商戶眾多,售賣各式各樣的 貨品 section of Hong Kongers working on their tans There’s something for every or barbequing in the public pits. An easy stroll home in Horizon Plaza at Ap

through Shek O Village, past its 19th century Lei Chau (left) IMAGES. The Pulse and Repulse Bay beach: Stephanie Kam

28 Horizon January 2016 坐落於南區海邊的商場The Pulse (左圖),是眺望淺水灣(下圖) 日落美景的最佳地點 Perched on southern shores, The Pulse (left) is the perfect spot from which to enjoy the sunset at Repulse Bay Beach (below) 旅遊資訊 INFORMATION

Tin Hau Temple, rustic stores and brightly Ovolo南岸 Ovolo Southside coloured houses, leads to a stunning view of www.ovolohotels.com rocky cliffs and the sea. Right behind the beach are restaurants such as Shek O Chinese & Thai 3/3rds for basic but hearty fish cakes and fried rice, and www.three-3rds.com Black Sheep for a beer and a rustic pizza with a side of sea breezes. Elephant Grounds Whatever you decide, Repulse Bay – whose www.elephantgrounds.com hillsides are the location of some of Hong 薄扶林水塘 Kong’s most expensive property – is where you Pok Fu Lam Reservoir want to end the day. The equally elite The Pulse hiking.gov.hk opened in 2014 and is home to a mix of specialty boutiques, grocery stores and dining outlets that 新海怡廣場 run from beachside casual to fine dining, all Horizon Plaza spread across a sandy promenade. Finish with www.discoverhongkong.com a sunset backdrop at Limewood for globally- 珍寶海鮮舫 inspired beach eats and creative cocktails. www.jumbokingdom.com

泗益 Si Yik Cafe 赤柱市場道2號 2 Stanley Market St, Stanley +852 2813 0507

Chez Patrick Deli www.chezpatrick.hk

石澳中泰式海鮮酒家 Shek O Chinese & Thai 石澳石澳村303號地下 G/F, 303 Shek O Village, Shek O +852 2809 4426

黑羊餐廳 Black Sheep 石澳石澳村330號地下 G/F 330 Shek O Village, Shek O +852 2809 2021

The Pulse www.thepulse.com.hk

Limewood www.limewood.hk IMAGES. The Pulse and Repulse Bay beach: Stephanie Kam

January 2016 Horizon 29 潮流 FASHION 時尚


她沉醉於神秘的國度,置身旖旎湖畔的浮華宮殿 She finds herself somewhere in time, by a lake, in a palace

30 Horizon January 2016 Stella McCartney 連身裙 Dress by Stella McCartney

攝影 Photography Simon Upton 形象指導 Styling Karla Clarke 髮型 Hair Leon Gorman at Cutler NYC 化妝 Makeup Claire Thomson at Company 1 模特兒 Model Bridget Malcolm at Chic 地點 Location Taj Lake Palace, Udaipur, India tajhotels.com

January 2016 Horizon 31 潮流 FASHION 時尚

左圖: Céline 連身裙及上衣 Andrew McDonald 平底鞋 Blake Watson 復古水壼 bassike 耳環

右圖: Dries Van Noten 恤衫 Andrew McDonald 平底鞋

At left: Dress and top by Céline Shoes by Andrew McDonald Vintage bottle from Blake Watson Earrings by bassike

At right: Shirt by Dries Van Noten Shoes by Andrew McDonald

32 Horizon January 2016 January 2016 Horizon 33 潮流 FASHION 時尚

Dries Van Noten 外套及長褲 Blake Watson 復古手袋 Kalmar Antiques 手戴頸飾 Trésor 手鐲 鞋由造型師提供

Jacket and pants by Dries Van Noten Vintage bag from Blake Watson Necklaces worn on arm from Kalmar Antiques Bangles by Trésor Stylist’s own shoes

34 Horizon January 2016 January 2016 Horizon 35 潮流 FASHION 時尚

36 Horizon January 2016 左圖: Victoria Beckham 連身裙 Blake Watson 古董吊帶 及手袋 Andrew McDonald 平底鞋

右圖: Calvin Klein Collection 外套及長褲 Andrew McDonald 平底鞋 Kalmar Antiques 頸鏈

At left: Dress by Victoria Beckham Antique harness and bag from Blake Watson Shoes by Andrew McDonald

At right: Jacket and pants by Calvin Klein Collection Shoes by Andrew McDonald Necklace from Kalmar Antiques

January 2016 Horizon 37 心動 FIRST LOOK 精品 太陽來了 HERE COMES THE SUN

換新裝不可能缺少一副型格的太陽眼鏡,加入抽象元素的經 典設計最叫人心動,如Fendi的Paradeyes便是上佳之選。 Update your cool with edgy sunnies, especially those with an 愛不釋手 abstract take on classics, like Paradeyes from Fendi. 澳門壹號廣塲G11-G12號舖 Shop G11-G12, One Central Macau MOST WANTED www.fendi.com

讓生活昇華的高雅時尚產品 Start the new year with a little self-indulgence

文/Text Joanna Hughes


傳奇賽車手冼拿1983年在首屆澳門格蘭披治三級方程式賽事勇奪冠軍, 澳門賽道亦一夜成名,被譽為是最具挑戰性的街道賽。冼拿當年戴著泰 格豪雅品牌的腕錶衝過終點,他後來更成為品牌大使。 泰格豪雅是澳門格蘭披治大賽車的官方時計,近日推出限量版F1冼拿 特別版計時碼錶。腕錶上刻有代表冼拿的紅色「S」字樣,錶盤選用煙 灰色,並備有三個小計時盤和測速刻度。

Ayrton Senna’s win at the inaugural Macau Formula 3 Grand Prix in 1983 established it as the circuit’s most challenging street course. Senna, later a brand ambassador, was wearing a TAG Heuer wristwatch when he won. As the Macau Grand Prix’s official timekeeper, TAG Heuer is issuing the limited Formula 1 Chronograph Senna Edition. Accented with the stylised Senna ‘S’ in Legend red, it features an anthracite grey dial, three counters and a tachymeter scale. 澳門新濠影滙購物大道一樓1077舖 Shop 1077, Level 1, The Boulevard at Studio City, Macau www.tagheuer.com

藍天白雲 內外兼備 NOTHING BUT BLUE SKIES NECESSARY VIRTUE Delvaux最新推出的奢華手袋和小配飾系 Vertu的Signature Touch智能手機 列,採用了比利時藝術家René Magritte 結合科技和奢華,機身使用牛仔 的招牌藍天設計。 皮配鈦金屬和藍寶石水晶屏幕。 Delvaux’s newest luxury collection Vertu’s Signature Touch marries of bags and small accessories technology and luxury materials, celebrates Belgian artist René including calfskin, titanium and Magritte’s signature blue skies. sapphire crystal. 澳門銀河時尚匯1033舖 澳門壹號廣塲G21號舖 Shop 1033, The Promenade, Shop G21, One Central Macau Galaxy Macau www.vertu.com www.delvaux.com



在昆士蘭的聖靈群島揚帆遨遊大堡礁,讓人有如置 身人間樂園 An ideal way to explore the waters of Queensland's Great Barrier Reef is on a leisurely sail through the natural splendour of the Whitsunday Islands

文/Text Paul Robinson

40 Horizon January 2016 January 2016 Horizon 41 旅行 TRAVEL 專題 澳洲 AUSTRALIA

漢密爾頓島高爾夫俱樂部前 臨一望無際的海景(右圖) Dramatic windswept holes at the Hamilton Island Golf Club (right)

堡礁是世界上最大的珊瑚礁群,沿著昆士 蘭海岸綿延2,300公里。在這900個島嶼 大當中,74個組成了充滿自然奇觀的聖靈群 島。島嶼主要覆蓋著熱帶叢林和松樹林,還有崎嶇的 海岸線,這裡的尼哥洛原住民會在特定的季節到島上 居住。1770年,探險家庫克船長來到群島,由於當 天剛好是聖靈節,他便將群島命名為「聖靈群島」, 並以那次航程的贊助人為其他小島命名。 現在,遊客在聖靈群島度假,可遊覽未受污染的國 家公園(聖靈群島和富克島),又可入住精緻的五星 級豪華度假酒店(海曼和漢密爾頓島)。大堡礁孕育 出豐富的海洋生態,計有海豚、魔鬼魚、海牛、海龜 和逾1,500種魚類,大小和顏色五花八門, 還有壯觀 的珊瑚礁,令這裡成為浮潛和水肺潛水的勝地。島上 還設有多條行山徑和多個營地,你可在此盡情享受叢 林徒步旅行的樂趣,還可觀賞鳥類和蝴蝶,以及體驗 露營生活。 往返群島可以利用Proserpine的機場 (Proserpine距離艾爾利海灘約20分鐘車程)和漢 密爾頓島(可在凱恩斯或布里斯本接駁國際航線)。 艾爾利、舒特港和漢密爾頓島均提供快速雙體船, 作為連接各個主要度假村的交通工具;也有遊艇 接載遊客出海到聖靈群島的著名勝地,比如聖靈島 上、擁有純淨白沙的白色天堂海灘。位於群島中心 的漢密爾頓島度假村是舒緩身心與盡情享樂的好去 處,度假村內設有18洞的漢密爾頓島高爾夫俱樂部 (hamiltonislandgolfclub.com.au),住宿方面則 包括豪華及注重環保的Qualia(qualia.com.au), 它以日間水療中心和頂級餐廳而馳名。 你還可以乘直升機或水上飛機,在大堡礁和 群島上空翱翔(Hamilton Island Air:www. hamiltonislandair.com;Air Whitsunday: www.airwhitsunday.com.au),從不同角度欣 賞海藍寶石之美,甚至乘快速雙體船到280公里 外的珊瑚礁去,在船上度宿一宵,「與礁同眠」 (fantasea.com.au)。 時間較充裕的旅客,揚帆出海逍遙遊可說是最佳選 擇,自己開船或找船員代勞皆可。不論去到哪裡,都 可以隨意停下來;或找個寧靜的海灣,在沙灘上搭營 露宿,沉浸在這個人間天堂的天然美景中。

42 Horizon January 2016 he Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef system, stretching for T 2,300 kilometres along the Queensland coast. Among its 900 islands are 74 that comprise the Whitsunday group – a collection of natural wonders. Primarily covered in tropical jungle or pine forest, with rugged coastlines, the islands were seasonally occupied by the Ngaro Aboriginal people. Sailing up the east coast of what would become Australia in 1770, Captain James Cook named the group after the day he arrived (Whitsunday) and the individual islands after financial backers of his expedition. These islands now offer visitors everything from unspoiled national park (Whitsunday Island, Hook Island) to sophisticated five- star luxury resorts (Hayman and Hamilton islands). The abundant marine life of the reef – dolphins, rays, dugongs, turtles and more than 1,500 species of colourful fish – not to mention magnificent corals, make snorkelling and

順時針左起:乘坐遊船是 scuba-diving mandatory. And with many well- 欣賞珊瑚礁群的另一方 maintained tracks and campsites, the islands 法;不少遊客揚帆出海環 offer bushwalking pleasure, birdlife, butterflies 繞群島,觀賞島嶼及珊瑚 海的景致;大堡礁的珊瑚 and good camping. 和海洋生物種類之多,令 The region is well-served by airports at 人嘆為觀止 Proserpine (from which it’s a 20-minute Clockwise from left: cruise boats are another way to see drive to Airlie Beach) and Hamilton Island the sights; the islands are (international connections can be made at Cairns popular with yachtsmen of or Brisbane). From Airlie, Shute Harbour and all stripes; magnificent corals are the stars of the barrier Hamilton Island, fast catamarans link with the reef other resort islands and cruises depart to such iconic destinations as the snowy white sands of Whitehaven Beach on Whitsunday Island. Hamilton Island resort in the centre of the archipelago is a good spot for reprovisioning and taking time out to indulge a little. The resort boasts the 18-hole Hamilton Island Golf Club (hamiltonislandgolfclub.com.au), while accommodation options include the luxurious and eco-sensitive Qualia (qualia.com.au) with its therapeutic day spa and fabulous restaurant. You can fly over the Great Barrier Reef and the islands by helicopter or seaplane (Hamilton Island Air, hamiltonislandair.com; Air Whitsunday, airwhitsunday.com.au) or zoom out on a high-speed catamaran and “reef sleep” overnight, 280 kilometres from the mainland (fantasea.com.au).

January 2016 Horizon 43 旅行 TRAVEL 專題 澳洲 AUSTRALIA

位於群島中心的漢密爾頓 島度假村是舒緩身心的理 想選擇(右圖); 豪華酒店擁有無邊際泳池 (右下圖),欣賞海天一 色和日落(最右下圖)景 致最適合不過 Indulge at the Hamilton Island Resort at the centre of the archipelago (right); visitors are never far from the clear blue waters (below right) and beautiful sunsets (bottom right)

揚帆出海是當地四季皆宜的活動,這裡由年初至 9月吹著信風,平均風速約為每小時15至25海浬,非 常適宜揚帆。珊瑚礁和多山的島嶼均有助於保護水 域,使海面平靜如鏡,也方便船隻隨時停下;不過, 若自己駕駛帆船則必須具備導航能力,才能安全地 穿梭於珊瑚礁水域。當地夏季氣候和暖,1月至2月最 為炎熱,也有頻密驟雨;冬季的氣候最佳,乾燥宜 人;7月是最清涼的月份,不過晚間溫度普遍不會低 於攝氏17度,日間也甚少高於32度。6月至9月也是 在海邊觀鯨的季節,8月更有多項帆船大賽舉行,包 括Airlie Beach Race Week和Hamilton Island Race Week等,讓業餘帆船愛好者大開眼界。 聖靈群島提供多種一天遊的遊船服務,接載遊客 到訪多個景點觀光,也有數天行程的觀光團,由廉價 至豪華團任君選擇。如果想自在休閒一點,可以考 慮到遊艇租賃公司租船出海;Queensland Yacht Charters(www.yachtcharters.com.au)和 Sunsail(sunsail.com.au)都是獲保育生態認證 的租船公司。他們會提供設備一應俱全的先進遊艇和 雙體船,也有不同尺寸的船隻可供選擇;船公司並且 提供各種安全和導航裝備,甚至可以為旅客安排膳食 服務。有駕駛帆船經驗的旅客,則可以選擇「淨租船 隻」服務,即是只租船隻,然後自行安排一切。船公 司會向你簡介船隻的性能和安全步驟,然後由你決定 行程、安排糧食及航行路線。要租船自駕,必須向船 公司證明你擁有航海技術及資格,否則就要準備交學 費上課了。 此外,旅客還可以選擇搭乘真正的高桅帆船出海, 例如古典木船Coral Trekker,體驗昔日航海的情 懷,為精采絕倫的旅程加添一點浪漫氣氛。這艘由 Sailing Whitsundays(sailing-whitsundays. com)營運的23平方公尺橫帆船,船上的私人包廂可 容納最多十位乘客。帆船在珊瑚海上悠然前行,你便 有充分的時間放鬆心情。當船在人跡罕至的海灣泊岸 後,就是大家盡情暢泳、浮潛、划獨木舟或上岸探險 的時候了。 不管你喜歡哪一種方式,這種輕鬆的海上歷奇之 旅,你很快便可適應自如。

44 Horizon January 2016 A multitude of cruise boats offer day trips from various locations to Whitsunday attractions, while multi-day packages are offered over a broad price range – from backpacker to luxury. Charter companies such as the eco-certified Queensland Yacht Charters (yachtcharters.com. au) and Sunsail (sunsail.com.au) supply fully equipped modern yachts, including skipper, and catamarans sleeping various-size groups. They can also arrange provisions. For those with previous sailing experience, a “bareboat” charter is ideal. You get a quick tour of the boat and are shown safety procedures and how everything works. Itinerary, provisions and navigation are then up to you. You’ll need some proof of sailing proficiency or be prepared to have tuition. Then there’s sailing in a genuine tall ship. Climb aboard a wooden classic such as the Coral Trekker for a voyage back in time. Operated by Sailing Whitsundays (sailing-whitsundays.com), the 23-metre square rigger caters for a maximum of 10 wannabe seafarers in private cabins. However, if you have the time, the windblown Cruising sedately through the Coral Sea, there’s option is by far the best. Whether skippering 倘佯在這間名為白日夢 plenty of time to relax. Mooring in a secluded 島溫泉度假酒店,令人 a boat for yourself or having someone else do 有如置身人間天堂的感 cove means it’s time to swim, snorkel, kayak or the work, a leisurely sail through these waters – 覺(下圖) venture ashore to explore. dropping anchor wherever the mood takes you, This white sand retreat is Whichever trip you choose, this style of relaxed called “Daydream Island” perhaps finding a secluded bay in which to camp for a very good reason adventuring is something you can get used to on a deserted beach – is the best way to absorb (below) very quickly indeed. the beauty of this natural paradise. The yachting is good all year round, with the trade winds blowing through to September, and an average wind speed of around 15-25 knots making for some serious sailing. The reef and mountainous islands safeguard these waters, meaning generally smooth seas and calm anchorages, although skippers need to be confident navigators to safely negotiate the reefs. Summers are warm, hottest between January and February, with frequent showers; winters are perfect, dry and balmy with July the coolest month, although in general the temperature rarely drops below 17°C at night or climbs above 32°C in the day. The June-September period has the bonus of being whale-watching season. Sailing events during August (Airlie Beach Race Week, Hamilton Island Race Week) give the leisure sailor something else to keep a weather eye on.

January 2016 Horizon 45 旅行 TRAVEL 專題 台北 TAIPEI


無論你喜歡典雅格調或輕歌妙韻, 以下精選的台北雞尾酒吧定合你心意 If you prefer classy to brassy as you savour your favourite cocktail, take a shot of Taipei's urbane but selective bar scene

文/Text Steven Crook

46 Horizon January 2016 在城中好好品嚐杯中物,能夠勝過台北的 here are few better cities in which to enjoy 想城市猶如鳳毛麟角。如果你正打算造訪當 a drink than Taipei. If you’re heading that 地,不妨考慮以下這幾家格調高人一等的 Tway, here are some stylish spots that raise 時尚酒吧。 the bar. 紫艷酒吧 YEN BAR 既可品嚐最頂級的飲品,還能同時欣賞台北101大樓 For some top-notch drinks and views of Taipei 的景致,位於台北W酒店的紫艷酒吧堪稱無與倫比。 101,W Taipei’s Yen Bar in Xinyi District is 高級調酒師Jay Liao雖然在此上班,卻沒有太多餘暇 perhaps unbeatable. Senior bartender Jay 欣賞落地玻璃窗外的大樓風景,或坐在酒吧招牌的紫 Liao, however, seldom has time to gaze at the 色沙發上休息。 skyscraper through the bar’s floor-to-ceiling 他只是準備雞尾酒的材料,就花掉了大半的上班 windows, or lounge on the signature purple 時間。調配烏龍Martini時,Liao不會用泡好的烏龍 sofas. He spends more than half of his working 茶,而是將烏龍茶葉浸泡在冰涼的氈酒裡,以免茶水 hours preparing cocktail ingredients. 沖淡酒味,他的鐵觀音Mojito用上了鐵觀音茶葉,而 For his Oolong Martini he steeps oolong tea 且以伏特加取代冧酒作為基酒。他偏愛使用黃蔗糖, leaves in cold gin rather than use an oolong 以帶來獨特風味和口感。 beverage, which would dilute the spirit. His Ti 請Liao推薦威士忌時,他表示最常介紹台灣的噶瑪 Kuan Yin Mojito is flavoured with Iron Kuanyin 蘭經典獨奏雪莉桶威士忌。釀製這款深色單一麥芽威士 oolong leaves and he uses vodka rather than 忌的原班人馬,以噶瑪蘭經典獨奏Vinho葡萄酒桶威士 rum, preferring brown cane sugar for its flavour 忌原酒,在2015年《Whisky》雜誌的世界威士忌競賽 and crunch. 中,榮獲世界最佳單一麥芽威士忌殊榮,他說:「絕大 When asked to suggest a whisky, Liao often 部分初次嘗試噶瑪蘭的客人均對此佳釀讚不絕口。」 introduces Kavalan Solist Sherry, an exceptionally dark single malt made by the people behind OUNCE TAIPEI Taiwan’s Kavalan Solist Vinho Barrique, named Ounce Taipei酒吧的設計靈感來自美國禁酒令時代 the world’s best single malt whisky at Whisky 的地下酒館,其室內同樣以深色木材及燭光布置,入 Magazine’s World Whiskies Awards in 2015. 口隱藏在一間咖啡店的後面。酒吧環境清幽,最宜於 “Nine out of 10 guests trying Kavalan for the first 暗淡燈影中閒坐,細心品酒。 time think it’s excellent,” he says. 酒吧的老闆之一Soong Yee-Hung 表示台北的雞 尾酒文化主要受日本影響,而Ounce Taipei其中一 OUNCE TAIPEI 個目標則是讓客人認識21世紀北美地區調製及享用雞 Just like the Prohibition-era speakeasies that 尾酒的方式。 inspired the bar’s dark wood, candlelit interior, 他說:「我們重新演繹一些經典的雞尾酒,加入現 Ounce Taipei is reached through a secret door 代的新創意。我們的雞尾酒會使用日本威士忌、噶瑪 at the back of a coffee shop. The surroundings 蘭威士忌,甚至本地的高粱酒調製。」 are perfect for sitting back in the shadows and savouring your drink. Co-owner Yee-Hung Soong explains that Taipei’s cocktail culture is highly influenced by Japan and that one of Ounce’s goals is to educate its guests about the way cocktails are made and 供應大量單 Marsalis Home enjoyed in 21st-century North America. 一麥芽威士忌,酒吧經理Ben Hsiao炮製雞尾酒亦有心得 “We do twists on old favourites and spur-of- Famed for its range of single the-moment innovations,” he says. “As well malts, Marsalis Home’s Ben as several Japanese whiskies, we use Kavalan Hsiao is also a dab hand at whisky and even kaoliang [a clear local liquor cocktails, including new takes on classics made from sorghum] in our cocktails.”

January 2016 Horizon 47 旅行 TRAVEL 專題 台北 TAIPEI

MARSALIS HOME Marsalis Home珍藏近100種威士忌,並以單一麥 芽威士忌馳名。它位於台北時尚社區信義區,擁有設 計經典的裝潢和氛圍,配上光可鑒人的木地板,以及 擺設了舒適的皮革背椅。 酒吧經理Ben Hsiao說:「我們提供各種蘇格蘭威 士忌和多款日本威士忌,還有到訪台灣時非試不可的 噶瑪蘭。」他也透過愛丁堡的蘇格蘭麥芽威士忌協會 進口威士忌。 他補充說,Marsalis有不少客人會點雞尾酒,而酒 吧的招牌雞尾酒Name of the Samurai,以浸過生 薑、葡萄乾和新鮮薰衣草的清酒調配而成。

三重奏 這間酒廊式酒吧設備完善,信步即可到達台北數家最 豪華的酒店,其格調亳不炫耀造作,卻能讓客人享受 到滿意的品酒時光。單就室內的燈光和裝潢來看,若 說三重奏是時尚酒吧,倒不如說它更像一間咖啡館。 酒吧內有一塊黑板列出十來款雞尾酒精選,客人 亦可要求調酒師為他們特別調配雞尾酒。Betel Nut Shot是其中一款受客人追捧的招牌雞尾酒,雖然 名稱的意思是檳榔,但雞尾酒內並沒有加入這種台 灣人喜歡咀嚼提神的果實,反而加了冰凍的龍舌蘭 “We have all kinds of Scotch, a great many Ounce無論裝潢和雞尾酒 酒,並放了一片撒了糖粉的青檸及鮮磨咖啡,製造 都以美國禁酒令時代的地 Japanese whiskies and of course Kavalan 下酒館為靈感(上圖); 提神的效果。 for people visiting Taiwan,” says manager 台北W酒店的紫艷酒吧以 酒吧老闆兼經理王靈安推介多款以水果和茶調製的 Ben Hsiao who also buys supplies from the 景致和招牌紫色沙發著稱 (右圖) 雞尾酒,用來調酒的材料包括香蕉、藍莓、葡萄、金 Edinburgh-based Scotch Malt Whisky Society. Marsalis’ guests include cocktail drinkers, he Prohibition-era speakeasys 桔和荔枝等。 and their well-heeled adds. One of the bar’s signature cocktails is the clientele inspired decor and ALCHEMY Name of the Samurai, which uses sake infused with cocktails at Ounce (above); 這間酒吧內的酒吧毗鄰台北101大樓,已成為時尚熱 ginger, raisins and a touch of fresh-cut lavender. W Taipei’s Yen Bar has great views and exuberantly purple 點。酒吧創辦人是台灣知名調酒師鄒斯傑,他調製 sofas (right) 雞尾酒的技巧讓人嘆為觀止,創作的多款雞尾酒均 TRIO 使用火槍將烈酒加熱,或令裝飾材料變得香脆。儘 A well-established lounge-style bar within 管創意洋溢,鄒斯傑依然推崇Old Fashioned等經 walking distance of some of Taipei’s swankiest 典雞尾酒。 hotels, Trio delivers an unpretentious yet wholly 客人進入酒吧需先穿過Marquee Restaurant and satisfying drinking experience. In lighting and Lounge,並需於至少一天前預約。這間酒吧的氛圍 décor it is more akin to a coffee shop than a 像美國在1930年代專為精英分子而設的地下酒吧,室 trendy bar. 內放置真皮扶手椅和古董大理石桌,每周兩晚有現場 A blackboard lists a dozen or so suggested 爵士樂演奏。 drinks, but guests are free to request bespoke cocktails. One tipple Trio fans rave about is the MARSALIS HOME Betel Nut Shot, which contains no trace of the Stocking almost 100 whiskies, Marsalis Home palm nut some Taiwanese chew to stay alert. has become well known for its single malts. Rather, it is a chilled shot of tequila that follows The bar is another located in Taipei’s chic a thinly sliced lime disc flavoured with sugar and Xinyi District and has a classic appearance and freshly ground coffee to provide the wake-up kick. atmosphere, with polished wooden floors and Owner-manager William Wang talks up his

leather-backed chairs. fruit-based and tea-infused cocktails, among them Photography Co Bar: Tooten IMAGES. Ounce: Sean Marc Lee. Yen

48 Horizon January 2016 酒吧資訊 INFORMATION

紫艷酒吧 Yen Bar 台北市信義區忠孝東路五段10號31樓 31st Floor, 10 Zhongxiao East Road Section 5, Xinyi District, Taipei 電話 Tel:+886 2 7703 8887 營業時間: 周一至周日早上11時至凌晨1時 Opening hours: 11am-1am, Mon-Sun www.wtaipei.com/en/yenbar

Ounce Taipei 台北市大安區敦化南路二段63巷40號 40, Lane 63, Dunhua South Road Section 2, Da’an District, Taipei 電話 Tel:+886 2 2708 6885 營業時間: 周一至周六晚上7時至凌晨2時 Opening hours: 7pm-2am Mon-Sat drinks incorporating bananas, blueberries, with a butane torch. Despite his flair, Zou grapes, kumquats and lychees. is equally adept at classics like the Old Marsalis Home Fashioned. 台北市信義區松仁路90號3樓 3rd Floor, 90 Songren Road, Xinyi District,Taipei ALCHEMY Entry is via the Marquee Restaurant 電話 Tel: +886 2 8789 0111 This bar-within-a-bar close to Taipei and Lounge, and only for those who make 營業時間: 101 has emerged as a place to see and reservations at least a day ahead. Like a 周日至周四晚上7時至凌晨2時; 周五及周六晚上7時至凌晨3時 be seen. It was established by one of speakeasy for the elite in 1920s America, Opening hours: 7pm-2am, Sun-Thu; Taiwan’s best-known bartenders, Angus Alchemy presents an interior furnished 7pm-3am, Fri and Sat Zou, whose cocktail-crafting skills are with leather armchairs and antique www.facebook.com/marsalishome absorbing. For a number of his creations marble tables. There‘s also live jazz twice 三重奏 Trio he heats the liquid or crisps the garnish a week. 台北市大安區敦化南路二段63巷54弄12號 12, Alley 54, Lane 63, Dunhua South Road Section 2, Da’an District, Taipei 電話 Tel:+886 2 2703 8706 營業時間: 周一至六晚上6時至午夜12時 Opening hours: 6pm-12am, Mon-Sat www.facebook.com/williamsworks

Alchemy 台北市信義區信義路五段16-1號2樓 2nd Floor, 16-1 Xinyi Road Section 5, Xinyi District, Taipei 電話 Tel:+886 2 27200080 營業時間: 周日至周四晚上9時至凌晨2時; 周五及周六晚上9時至凌晨3時 Opening hours: 9pm-2am, Sun-Thu; 9pm-3am, Fri and Sat www.facebook.com/BarAlchemy IMAGES. Ounce: Sean Marc Lee. Yen Bar: Tooten Photography Co Photography Co Bar: Tooten IMAGES. Ounce: Sean Marc Lee. Yen

January 2016 Horizon 49 旅行 TRAVEL 專題 加拿大 CANADA


乘搭Rocky Mountaineer列車欣賞北美最 壯麗的風光,遊歷眾多有趣的歷史景點 The Rocky Mountaineer train travels through some of the most spectacular scenery in North America, with plenty of historical interest along the way

文/Text Paul Robinson

50 Horizon January 2016 Rocky Mountaineer列 車駛經卑詩省富含歷史 意義的羅傑斯隘口 The Rocky Mountaineer at the historic Rogers

Pass in British Columbia IMAGE. Rocky Mountaineer

January 2016 Horizon 51 旅行 TRAVEL 專題 加拿大 CANADA

路旅遊公司Rocky Mountaineer在觀光路線 鐵Journey Through the Clouds的宣傳單張 上,形容沿途「自然美景無與倫比」,這絕 非誇誇其談。《國家地理雜誌》也盛讚這條800公里 的火車之旅是「全球最佳旅程之一」,一路上風光壯 麗,讓乘客回味鐵路旅遊的黃金年代。 Rocky Mountaineer是北美最大型私營載客鐵路 公司,成立25年來承載無數乘客穿梭加拿大洛磯山 脈。現時五條路線當中,有部分路段是建於逾125年 前加拿大太平洋鐵路興建時期;當年的工程不但開闢 了這片荒蕪之地,還將加拿大東西部連接起來。 Journey Through the Clouds行程為期兩天,往 來加拿大太平洋沿岸的大都會溫哥華,與艾伯塔省歷 史古鎮傑士伯。東行及西行線在4月底至10月初,每 周分別開出三班車。乘客日間穿越洛磯山脈,晚上在 卑詩省歷史悠久的鐵路中途站甘露市入住酒店。 Rocky Mountaineer列車分為兩級,當中豪華的 GoldLeaf級是雙層列車,乘客可於上層的弧形車廂欣 賞美景,並在下層餐廳享用美酒佳餚。SilverLeaf級 車廂僅一層,乘客可於座位上享用美食。 西行列車起點傑士伯市建於1801年,當時是皮草商 人的補給站。早上7時車站已運作得井井有條,乘客 完成登記及託運行李後,即可登上GoldLeaf的J04觀 景車廂。車廂可容納72人,上層座位區的拱形車頂用 玻璃打造;下層是餐廳及廚房,後方還設有觀景廂, 愛好攝影者最愛在此流連。 列車首25公里穿越的傑士伯國家公園,是加拿大 洛磯山脈一眾國家公園中面積最大的一個;接著橫跨 大陸分水嶺,直達卑詩省內陸、海拔1131米的黃頭隘 口。途中列車經常要停靠一旁,等候其他列車通過, 因為觀光或貨運列車是使用同一路軌,有些貨運列車 更長達一哩。路軌兩旁雪峰綿延,當列車經過弗雷澤 河及一哩長的隧道之後,洛磯山脈第一高峰羅布森山 (海拔3,954米)的壯麗景色即進入眼簾。 服務員沿途介紹富有歷史意義及有趣的景點,並向 乘客講述有關皮草貿易、淘金熱、伐木、鐵路興建、 松木甲蟲和河狸壩的軼聞,還有一些冷知識,例如帝 王三文魚每年均沿著弗雷澤河游1,200公里到瓦倫蒙 特產卵。服務員亦認真地講解豎立在卡努河橋旁邊的 石碑,是為紀念1950年的列車車禍而設,當年導致17 名前往參加韓戰的軍人及四名列車職員喪生。從列車 溫哥華總站鋪上紅地毯歡迎 和歡送乘客 的觀景廂眺望,沿途美景令人目不暇給,計有冰川覆 A red carpet send-off – or 蓋的普利米爾山脈、在鐵軌旁傾瀉而下的100米高金 welcome – for passengers at

字塔瀑布,以及艾布雷達冰川。 Vancouver Station IMAGES. Mountain and lake: Getty Images. All others: Rocky Mountaineer

52 Horizon January 2016 加拿大西部群山巍峨雄偉、 湖泊清澈剔透(左圖),安 坐於Rocky Mountaineer車廂 (下圖)從弧形車頂欣賞如 此美景,是人生一大樂事 Western Canada’s soaring mountains and crystal clear lakes (left) as seen from the Rocky Mountaineer’s domed coaches (below)

接下來片片農地呈現眼前,列車以平穩的步伐前 進,經過十字路口時響起警笛。此時鐵路旁邊出現愈 來愈多民居和伐木場,伐木業是卑詩省僅次於旅遊業 的第二大產業。抬頭看看,紅隼乘著氣流在高空翱 翔,在河邊乘涼的鹿兒則盯著火車。甘露市愈來愈近 了,聞說這裡是頂級的牧放之地,北美第二大牧牛場 Douglas Lake便坐落於此,區內牛隻與居民的比例 是三比一。原住民舒斯瓦普族數千年前已經開始在甘 露做生意,甘露在他們的語言中意思是水域交匯,也 就是南、北湯普森河的匯流處。 翌日早上,列車駛過沙塵滾滾的乾旱山區,經過 150米深的甘露冰湖。在這個路段,列車經過更多貫 穿陡峭紅石山崖的隧道,途經的地方名稱亦令人不寒 而慄,例如鬼門關峽谷、雪崩小巷和地獄之門。離開 乾旱的山區之後,迎來鬱蔥的森林。鐵軌沿著迂迴的 山壁向前延伸,列車穿過隧道、駛過100米高的橋, 有時沿著一條急湍的河流前進,有時又會跨越它。 之後登場的是野生生態。禿鷹在列車上空掠過;樹 上熊寶寶依偎著熊媽媽;看看荒廢磨坊旁邊的電話線 杆頂端,大鶚在那裡築起高高的巢,另一隻大鶚則倚 著列車向下游飛去,嘴巴還叼著一條肥美的大魚;山 上,一隻大角羊威風凜凜地站立著。 鐵路穿過弗雷澤河谷,一邊是海岸山脈的嶙峋花崗 岩,另一邊是喀斯喀特山脈的火山熔岩。途經的河岸 可見釣魚營地、魚網及曬網架。當地原住民「第一民 族」獨享在峽谷釣三文魚的權利。然後列車途經多個 小鎮,首先是耶魯鎮,淘金熱全盛期鎮上有16家酒館 之多;還有米遜市,當年大批滿懷希望的淘金者由溫 哥華坐汽船到此,這裡也是加拿大史上首宗銀行劫案 的案發地點。 快樂的時光過得特別快,窗外景色慢慢從森林變 成農田,未幾溫哥華郊區出現眼前,最後來到北美最 繁忙的加拿大國家鐵路貨運場,也就是觀景列車的總 站。Rocky Mountaineer乘客步出車廂,受到紅地 毯式歡迎。 IMAGES. Mountain and lake: Getty Images. All others: Rocky Mountaineer

January 2016 Horizon 53 旅行 TRAVEL 專題 加拿大 CANADA

n its publicity for Rocky Mountaineer’s “Journey Through the Clouds” route, the Icompany promises “unparalleled natural beauty”, and it’s not hyperbole. National Geographic tags it “One of the world’s greatest trips”, running 800 kilometres through spectacular scenery and harking back to the golden age of rail travel. Carrying passengers through the Canadian Rockies for 25 years, the Rocky Mountaineer is the largest privately owned passenger rail service in North America. It offers five routes, some of which date back more than 125 years to the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway, which opened up this vast wilderness, linking the country from east to west. The journey through the clouds is a two-day adventure between cosmopolitan Vancouver on Canada’s Pacific coast and historic Jasper in Alberta. The train departs three times a week (both the eastbound and westbound service) from late April to early October, travelling through the Rockies during the day the track – some up to a mile in length – and 乘客在列車餐廳內一邊享用 佳餚,一邊回味鐵路旅遊的 and overnighting in a hotel at the historic rail the Rocky Mountaineer often pulls into sidings 黃金年代(上圖),在前往 whistle-stop of Kamloops, British Columbia. to wait. There are snow-capped mountains on 溫哥華途中觀賞冰冷的皮拉 There are two levels of service, ranging from both sides of the track. Across the Fraser River 米德瀑布(右圖)以及有趣 的野生生態(右下圖) the deluxe GoldLeaf service, where passengers and through a mile-long tunnel, passengers get relax in a custom-built bi-level domed coach and their first uninterrupted view of majestic Mount Train travellers recall old- world glamour (above), awe full à la carte meal and bar service in the lower- Robson, the highest peak (3,954 metres) in the at the glacier-fed Pyramid level dining car, to the SilverLeaf class featuring Canadian Rockies. Falls (above right) or spot single-level dome coaches where guests receive Members of the guest-services team indicate wildlife (right) en route to Vancouver seat-side culinary service. historical and natural points of interest along This westbound journey begins in Jasper, the way. We learn about the fur trade, gold founded in 1801 as a supply depot for fur rush, logging, building the railroad, pine traders. At the station at 7am, everything runs beetles and beaver dams; that Chinook salmon like clockwork as bags are checked in and swim 1,200 kilometres up the Fraser River to guests board GoldLeaf observation car J04. spawn at Valemount; that a cairn at Canoe River The 72-passenger railcar has an upper deck Bridge commemorates a 1950 crash that killed with glass roof. On the lower deck is the dining 17 troops en route to the Korean War, as well car, kitchen and outdoor vestibule, the perfect as four crewmen. The glacier-topped Premier photographer’s perch. mountain range; Pyramid Falls, cascading The first 25 kilometres roll through Jasper down 100 metres right beside the tracks; the Park, largest of the Canadian Rockies National Albreda Glacier – the view from the observation Parks, crossing the Continental Divide into the deck never pales. British Columbia interior at Yellowhead Pass, Farmland makes an appearance. The train

1,131 metres above sea level. Freight trains share has a steady rhythm, whistle blowing at railway IMAGES. Dining quarters: LA Times via Getty Images. All others: Rocky Mountaineer

54 Horizon January 2016 crossings. Settlements become more frequent and there is more evidence of logging, the big earner in British Columbia after tourism. A kestrel rides thermals above as a deer cools off in the river, watching the train pass. Approaching Kamloops we hear this is prime ranching land, home to Douglas Lake, second- largest cattle ranch in North America – there are three cows for every person in these parts. In the language of the local Shuswap, who have traded here for thousands of years, Kamloops means “merging of the waters” – where the North and South Thompson rivers meet. The next morning, the Rocky Mountaineer winds through dry, dusty desert hills past Lake Kamloops, a glacial lake 150 metres deep. Tunnels through craggy red-rock cliffs become more frequent, placenames more menacing – Jaws of Death Gorge, Avalanche Alley, Hell’s Gate. Leaving the desert, the forest presses in again. The iron road curves around valley walls, through tunnels, across bridges 100 metres high, alongside and occasionally crossing the turbulent river. Wildlife sightings come in. Overhead a bald eagle, in the tree line a bear and cubs. A large osprey nest sits atop a telegraph pole by an abandoned mill. Another osprey flies downriver beside the train, a fat fish in its beak. A bighorn sheep strikes a pose on a rocky bluff. Through Fraser Valley the track runs between the jagged granite of the Coast Mountains and the volcanic lava of the Cascade Range. There are fishing camps, nets and drying racks on the riverbank. First Nations people have sole fishing rights to salmon in the canyon. More tiny towns appear: Yale, in goldmining days, big news with 16 saloons; and Mission, where steamships from Vancouver once disgorged hopeful gold miners – and was also the site of Canada’s first bank robbery. All too soon, forest becomes farmland then Vancouver suburbs and the Canadian National Railway freight yard, the busiest in North America, where a red-carpet welcome awaits at the Rocky Mountaineer Station.

IMAGES. Dining quarters: LA Times via Getty Images. All others: Rocky Mountaineer www.rockymountaineer.com

January 2016 Horizon 55


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60 Horizon January 2016 REC 00:00:09:05


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REC 00:00:13:15


寶麗來XS100攝錄機堅固耐用, 具備10米防水功能,特別適合滑 水及滑浪風帆運動。 The rugged Polaroid XS100 is waterproof to 10m so Replay XD Prime-X是一款超輕盈 especially good for water- 的攝錄機,卻具有拍攝1200p/每秒 skiing and windsurfing. 60格高清視頻及三米防水等功能, www.polaroidaction.com 並為用家提供多個安裝選擇。 The Replay XD Prime-X is super- compact, yet still able to capture 1200p/60fps. It comes with plenty of mounting options and is waterproof to 3m. www.replayxd.com

不論進行何種運動,選 擇適合的攝錄機便可記 錄每個細節 Catch your most spectacular moves with the right camera for your sport Liquid Image的Model 338 Apex-HD攝錄滑雪鏡,就像在你 兩眼之間安裝了一部 高清攝 1080p 專業防水攝錄機能將水底 影機。 世界拍得巨細無遺 The Liquid Image Model 338 Bring the undersea world Apex-HD snow goggles have a home with you on your video camera 1080p camera right between the eyes. www.liquidimageco.com 購買需知 Wear and tear 防水與抗水有什麼分別?

• 這可不是一條有簡單答案的問題,因為不同國家及各種產品都有不同的測試及標 準,因此當你有疑問時,最好查看產品說明書上的資料。仍然不確定的話,請瀏 覽製造商的網頁或到網上搜尋相關資訊。 • 抗水表示攝影機能抵禦下雨或短暫的浸水,但並不適宜在游泳或滑雪時使用。有 些攝錄機會提供IPX評—IPX4至IPX7具抗水功能,IPX8在特定深度具防水 功能。 • 防水表示你可以在水中使用該裝置,但深度只限於該部攝錄機規格所列出的 範疇。 • 防震或抗震表示該裝置可以承受撞擊,產品通常會列出該裝置由什麼高度墮下而 不會損壞電子部件。

IMAGES. Wakeboarder: Getty Images/Cultura RF. Snow skiier: Getty Images. Scuba diver: Getty Images/Stockphoto Getty Images/Cultura RF. Snow skiier: Images. Scuba diver: IMAGES. Wakeboarder: • 耐冷表示攝影機的設計容許你在規格列出的最低溫度下使用。然而,你必需弄清 楚什麼是「存放溫度」及「使用溫度」,不要將兩者混淆。 WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WATERPROOF AND WATER-RESISTANT?

• The answers are anything but simple, with different tests and standards across countries and types of products. When in doubt, check the fine print in the product’s operating manual. Still not sure? Go to the manufacturer’s website or Google the information you need. • Water-resistant means the camera can survive in the rain and maybe a brief immersion, but it’s not for swimming or skiing. Sometimes it’s given as an ‘IPX rating’ – IPX4 to IPX7 are essentially water-resistant; IPX8 is waterproof to a given depth. • Waterproof means that you can use the device in water, but only up to a certain depth listed in the device’s specifications. • Shock-proof or shock-resistant means that the device is built to take a knock. Typically it’s listed as the distance the device can be dropped without damaging the electronics. • Cold-resistant means that the camera is designed to operate in temperatures down to a certain minimum listed in the specs. Make sure you don’t confuse “storage temperature” and “usage temperature”.

January 2016 Horizon 63 醇美 WINE 佳釀


冰酒是珍貴非凡的瓊漿玉液, 非其他酒品可比擬 Eiswein is a specialty wine like no other

文/Text Peter Bourne

酒是世上最純淨的甜酒,帶有馥郁甜味,又 最馥郁的冰酒多以採摘歷 經天然霜凍的葡萄陳釀而 不失清澈剔透,主要由鮮純酸爽的riesling 成(上圖);冰酒適宜搭 冰 配苦澀的朱古力和柑橘味 葡萄釀製而成。首先,將一串串茁壯的葡萄 掛在藤蔓上的,歷經冬季第一場霜凍。當氣溫跌至攝 道的甜品享用(左圖) 氏零下10度左右時,葡萄內的水分就會凝結,工人 The most intense icewines are made from grapes left on 需趕緊在日出前把這些冰葡萄逐串摘下。它們十分堅 the vine to freeze naturally 硬,只含極少量葡萄汁,因此榨取汁液猶如從石頭捏 (above); icewine is ideal for 出水一樣艱巨。葡萄汁量甚少但含有高濃度的葡萄糖 bitter chocolate and citrusy desserts (left) 和果酸。冰酒的發酵過程非常緩慢,釀出的酒甜味出 眾,同時酸甜比例平衡圓融。冰酒的酒精濃度不高, 一般低於10%,反映酒中含有不少未發酵的糖分,可 平衡濃烈的酸味。 冰酒稀有昂貴,味道如檸檬雪葩,但清爽度要乘 上10倍。冰酒有別於Auslese、Beerenauslese和 Trockenbeerenauslese等以受到灰葡萄孢菌感染 的葡萄釀造的德國甜酒。灰葡萄孢菌又名貴腐菌,帶 有杏桃、蜜糖和橘子醬的味道;冰酒則充滿春天百花 的香氣,帶有濃烈的柑橘味道和一絲鮮明的酸爽。在 一頓豐富晚餐後細嚐一杯冰酒,比與食物一併享用更 好。若要配搭甜品,最好選配柑橘味道為主的甜品, 不宜配搭含吉士醬或忌廉的種類。 德國和奧地利是冰酒的主要產地,加拿大近尼亞加 在攝氏零下10度的低溫下 拉大瀑布地區和西岸的歐肯那根谷也出產不少冰酒。 收割riesling葡萄,最能保 一些冰酒釀造商不希望受制於氣候,他們將熟透的葡 存當中高濃度的葡萄糖和 萄人工冷藏,將冰葡萄榨出甜美馥郁的果汁,再進行 果酸(左圖) 釀造。這些「人工冰酒」味道甚佳,價錢相宜,但缺 Riesling grapes are harvested at around -10 degrees 乏了天然冰酒的馥郁和能量。頂級冰酒產量稀少,半 Celsius (left), maximising

瓶(375毫升)已價值數百美元。 sugar and acidity IMAGES. Dessert: Getty Images.

64 Horizon January 2016 rot. Botrytis has its own unique flavours of 美酒推介 WINES apricot, honey and marmalade. Icewines are pure and fragrant with spring blossom 2013 Inniskillin aromas, intense citrus flavours and a zing Riesling Icewine – of bright acidity. Icewine is almost too good 加拿大尼亞加拉半島 to share with food at its best served solo Niagara Peninsula, as a finale to a long meal. If paired with a Canada

dessert, stick to citrus-based dishes, not 用每年12月初在零下10度採摘 custard or creamy styles. 的葡萄,釀出只有9.5%酒精和 糖分高達250克的冰酒。此酒 The majority of icewine comes from 洋溢熱帶芳香,帶濃烈的檸檬 Germany and Austria with significant 和青檸味道,餘韻清爽。 volumes made in Canada near central Picked in early December at Niagara Falls and the Okanagan Valley on -10 degrees with a mere 9.5% alcohol and an amazing 250 the west coast. Some winegrowers don’t like grams of retained sugar. Rich leaving things to vagaries of our climate, and tropical aromas with intense so simply freeze the juice of very ripe grapes flavours of lemon and lime and a refreshing finish. and run the intensely sweet, flavoursome juice away from the ice before fermentation. 2012 Robert Weil While delicious, these ‘iced’ wines lack the Kiedrich Gräfenberg intensity and the energy of a true icewine, Riesling Eiswein – though are a fraction of their price. Prepare 德國萊茵高 Rheingau, Germany iswein (German) or icewine in English, to pay hundreds of dollars for a half bottle is the purest sweet wine in the world. (375 millilitres) for a top icewine – one of the 純樸的酒莊釀造出超凡的冰 酒,酒精含量僅8.5%,185 EIntensely flavoured yet refreshingly scarcest wines in the world. 克糖散發的香甜與緊湊的酸味 clear and clean, icewine is made mainly 交纏,達致無與倫比的酸甜平 from riesling grapes, a variety renowned for 衡。此酒帶濃濃的柑橘味,餘 韻令人著迷。 its pristine flavours and energetic acidity. A superlative Eiswein from this Bunches of healthy grapes are left on the pristine estate with a dainty vine exposed to the first winter frosts. At 8.5% alcohol and an incredibly taut acidity pirouetting through temperatures around -10 degrees Celsius, the its 185 grams of sweetness. water in the grapes freezes and the icy berries Peerless balance, intense citrus are picked individually before dawn. These flavours and an ecstatic finale. frozen grapes are rock hard and pressing the 2012 Weinlaubenhof scant juice from them is like squeezing water Kracher Cuvée Eiswein from a stone. This minuscule quantity of juice – 奧地利布爾根蘭邦 is super-concentrated in flavour, grape sugars Burgenland, Austria and acid. The fermentation is painfully slow, 選用Grüner veltliner和 the resulting wine both extraordinarily sweet welschriesling葡萄,酒精濃 and equally tart. The final alcohol is modest, 度達10.5%,含糖量177克。 此酒散發桃駁李和荔枝香氣, often well below 10%, which means there is 糅合濃烈的熱帶水果味道和少 lots of unfermented sugar to balance the über- 許甜美的野生蜂蜜,滋味濃郁 concentrated acidity. 適合配搭法式焦糖燉蛋。 Icewine is rare and expensive; its flavours Grüner veltliner and welschriesling grapes with 10.5% like a refreshing lemon sorbet magnified by alcohol and 177 grams of sugar. 10. Icewine differs from other Germanic sweet Aromas of white nectarine and wines such as Auslese, Beerenauslese and lychee with intense tropical fruit flavours and a touch of wild Trockenbeerenauslese, which are made from honey. Rich enough to partner grapes concentrated by the infection of a (good) with a crème brûlée.

IMAGES. Dessert: Getty Images. mould known as botrytis cinerea – or noble

January 2016 Horizon 65 美食 DINE OUT 紛陳

法式情懷 OOH LA LA

澳門麗思卡爾頓酒店的麗思咖啡廳,開業短短半年多,已入選《米 芝蓮指南香港澳門2016》推介餐廳之一,實力殊不簡單。咖啡廳裝潢 以法式小酒館為藍本,提供精緻的法國菜以及經典菜式,包括海鮮拼 盤、橙香火燄薄煎餅、韃靼牛排等,還有各款法式甜點。午後,賓客 可到佈置成花園的露天用餐區享受下午茶。

It’s been just over six months since it opened, but The Ritz-Carlton Café in Macau has already earned its keep, making it onto the recommend- ed restaurants list of the Michelin Guide Hong Kong and Macau 2016 in record time. The café décor is that of a French brasserie, with a menu to match. As in Paris, you will find fresh seafood platters, crêpes Suzette and steak tartare, along with indulgent French des- serts. Guests can also enjoy their afternoon tea in a garden set within the restaurant’s al fresco dining area.


麗思咖啡廳的招牌甜品La suprise au chocolat(上圖) 公館盛宴 和韃靼牛排(右圖) La suprise au chocolat (above) and steak tartare A melody of tastes (right) at the Ritz-Carlton Café 於荔枝角D2 Place開業的的大公館,落戶在不斷蛻 變及活化的傳統工業區,凸顯不落俗套的概念。餐 廳將美食、藝術與音樂共冶一爐,室內設計糅合裝飾 味蕾之旅 藝術風格及中式元素,還擺設了多位本地及海外藝術 SPANISH EYES 家的作品,有油畫、照片及雕塑等。除了大廳外,還 設有七間私人貴賓房、富1920年代會所風格的爵士 屹立中環18年的西班牙餐廳Ole,一直深得饕客喜愛。最近餐廳誠聘 酒吧和露天花園。行政總廚陳偉庭師傅及點心顧問張 Manuel Robles出任行政副總廚,與現任行政總廚Jesus Pascual攜手合作, 志成師傅均曾在澳門 餐廳掌勺,以豐富的經驗及創 以融合西班牙各地烹調傳統美食的方法,炮製以黑毛豬及羊肉為主的美饌, 8 意為食客呈奉賣相精緻、味美的點心,如可愛小豬造 新菜式包括酒煮西班牙豬臉頰、酒煮乳飼小羊羊肩及大西洋鱈魚釀蟹肉。由 型的黑毛豬咸水角、花盤造型的鮑魚野菌木桶酥以及 擺盤到口感及風味,都能為一眾擁戴者帶來驚喜。 黑魚子鵪鶉蛋燒賣等。粵菜方面則少不了皮脆肉嫩的 明爐燒鵝,以及時令的雙冬黑草羊腩煲和焗釀化皮乳 For the past 18 years, Olé has been defining authentic Spanish food in 豬臘味飯。 Central, building a very loyal fan base along the way. The restaurant is now set to expand its interpretations of Spanish regional cuisines with the arrival of Manuel Robles from Spain, who as executive sous-chef will work alongside group execu- The Greater China Club blends fine dining, art tive chef Jesus Pascual. They already unveiled a new menu rich in time-honoured and music, and debuted at D2 Place in Lai Chi Kok, a regional dishes, many of them based on Ibérico pork and lamb. The new dishes revitalised industrial area that continues to evolve as include Ibérico pork cheek in wine sauce, milk-fed baby lamb shoulder in Pedro a place for the creative community that mirrors the Ximenez sherry wine sauce and Atlantic cod stuffed with Basque-style crab “Txan- Club’s vision of itself. The décor is eclectic – a mix of art gurro”. All we can say is “Olé!” deco and Chinese elements – as is the art gallery which presents works by local and international artists in a www.ad-caterers.com wide range of mediums, including painting, photogra- phy and sculpture. Complementing the main dining

66 Horizon January 2016 時尚扒房 THE MAN FROM MONTE CARLO Riccardo Giraudi於10年前在摩納哥蒙地卡羅創立 的Beefbar,今年正式進駐香港,座落於中環雪廠街 西洋會所Club Lusitano內,室內設計採用皮革、白 色大理石及黃銅,締造優雅的氣氛。食材均為頂級牛 肉,行政總廚Andrea Spagoni按照餐廳特定的方法 來炮製,確保肉質內裡嫩滑多汁,表層香脆。此外, 餐廳還設有raw吧,客人可在吧枱前欣賞廚師製作牛 仔肉他他配龍蒿、吞拿魚及鱸魚他他伴血橙等。

Ten years after Riccardo Giraudi opened the first Beefbar in Monaco, the message of top-grade beef cooked to absolute perfection has come to Hong Kong’s Club Lusitano on Ice House Street in Central. The elegant interior features plush leather, white marble and brass finishes, but the emphasis is on the beef. Executive chef Andrea Spagoni is a master of the restaurant’s proprietary cooking methods, producing succulent beef, with all its juices sealed by a crispy crust. The restaurant also features a raw bar where diners can watch the chef producing dishes such as veal tartare with tarragon, and room are seven private rooms, a 1920s-style jazz bar 大公館的裝潢糅合藝術與 tuna and sea bass tartare with blood orange. 中式風格於一身(上圖) and a rooftop terrace. The food is every bit as inventive. Sophisticated interiors www.beefbar.hk Executive chef Chan Wai-ting and dim sum consultant reflect the Greater China Cheung Chi-shing, both hailing from The Eight restau- Club's own vision rant in Macau, have leveraged their wealth of experience to create dim sum that is as beautiful to look at as it is delicious to eat: deep-fried prime Ibérico pork and dried shrimps dumplings; abalone and wild mushrooms in crisp barrels; and steamed pork dumplings stuffed with quail egg and served with caviar. Its Cantonese menu features familiar dishes including roasted goose served with plum sauce, traditional stewed lamb with shiitake mushrooms and bamboo shoots, and roast suckling pig 香脆鬆化的鮑魚雞粒酥 stuffed with Chinese cured meat fried rice. (下圖) Golden bites: baked tartlets www.greaterchinaclub.com with abalone and chicken (below)

氣氛優雅的Beefbar,以頂 級牛肉烹調各款美饌佳餚 (上圖) Nothing rustic: Beefbar is an elegant setting for the best beef (above)

January 2016 Horizon 67 恬謐 HORIZONTAL 居停

與礁為伍 LIFE’S A REEF 蜥蜴島度假村坐落於澳洲大堡礁國家公園內,被24個綿 細白淨的沙灘圍繞,為水上運動愛好者提供潛水、浮潛、 釣魚等一系列多采多姿的活動。度假村擁有40間客房和套 房,由墨爾本得獎設計公司Hecker Guthrie設計。除了水 上活動,住客還可以盡情享受酒店內奢華的水療設施,或 在沙灘上舉行私人野餐或燒烤會。

Set in a national park right on the spectacular Great Barrier Reef with 24 white powder beaches, Lizard Island offers sensational opportunities for diving, snorkelling, fishing and other aquatic activities. The 40 rooms and 賓至如歸 suites have been designed by award-winning Melbourne firm Hecker Guthrie. When not in the water, guests can The butler did it indulge in luxurious spa treatments, private picnics and dining on the beach. 管家和血腥瑪莉也有共通之處 www.lizardisland.com.au What butlers and Bloody Marys have in common

瑞吉酒店的服務廣獲讚譽,過百年來有口皆碑,集團本月更把這 種優良傳統帶到澳門。

有何特別之處? 澳門瑞吉酒店設有400間客房及套房,面積由53平方米起,總統套 房達477平方米。房間陳設時尚,融合了中式建築元素,景觀也是 一絕。酒店提供瑞吉管家服務 (無分晝夜全天候滿足賓客一切需 求),並設有室外泳池及專用池畔小屋、銥瑞水療中心及瑞吉酒店 運動員俱樂部。

位於大堡礁國家公園的蜥蜴島度 餐飲設施如何? 假村四周水清見底(最上圖), 集團招牌雞尾酒血腥瑪莉,乃紐約瑞吉酒店於 年所創;現時集 自然環境美不勝收(上圖) 1934 Crystal clear waters (top) and 團旗下每間酒店都有自家獨特口味的血腥瑪莉。在澳門瑞吉酒吧, stunning natural scenery (above) 旅客可以品嚐澳門版本或所有其他地方版本的血腥瑪莉。此外,酒 on the Great Barrier Reef 店的雅舍餐廳更設有五種不同風格的用餐區。

68 Horizon January 2016 無盡海景 SEA VIEW 全新的新加坡聖淘沙索菲特水療度假酒店,是這個優美的度假 小島上,唯一一間面向南中國海的酒店。共有211間客房和高級 套房,還有四間小別墅,並設有全球最大規模的So SPA、四間餐 廳、逾1,300平方米的多功能會議設施、33米長的泳池,以及超過 27公頃的熱帶園林。Kwee Zeen餐廳全日提供亞洲、西式及法式 美食,星期天的香檳早午自助餐以鮮活海鮮、法式鵝肝以及法式 熟食為主題。

The new Sofitel Singapore Sentosa Resort & Spa is the only hotel on the holiday island with views of the South China Sea. With 211 rooms and suites, plus four villas, the hotel also fea- tures the world’s largest So SPA, four F&B options, over 1,300 square metres of MICE facilities, a 33-metre swimming pool and more than 27 acres of tropical woodlands. All-day casual dining at Kwee Zeen serves a wide selection of Asian, Western and French cuisines and a Champagne Sunday brunch featur- ing live seafood, foie gras and charcuterie.


澳門瑞吉酒店秉承百年傳 統,客房陳設時尚而講究 Coolly contemporary, the St. Regis Macau is built on 100-year-old traditions

在聖淘沙索菲特水療度假酒店可享熱帶園林及臨海景致 Tropical woodland and sea views at the Sofitel Singapore Sentosa Resort & Spa

For over 100 years, the St. Regis has built its name on service. This month, it brings its signature style to Macau. 古都新風 POST-MODERN SONG

What’s so special about it? 開封是中國八大古都之一,全新的開封建業鉑爾曼酒店坐落 The St. Regis Macao’s 400 guest rooms and suites range from 於開封城牆內的市中心。酒店有186間客房,以新派的宋代風 53 square metres right up to the 477-square metre Presidential 格設計,並設有日本傳統的風呂沿缸。酒店內的露華軒中餐廳 Suite. Each is coolly contemporary, with Chinese architectural 為客人提供粵菜、台菜及地道的河南風味美食;喜舍酒吧是 elements and great views. Features include the St. Regis Butler 品嚐美酒、香檳、陳年威士忌、清爽雞尾酒,以及特色茗茶的 Service (no request is too small or unattainable no matter the 好去處。 hour of the day), an outdoor pool with private cabanas, Iridium Spa and the St. Regis Athletic Club. Kaifeng, one of China’s Eight Ancient Capitals, now has a Pullman Hotel within the ancient city walls. The Pullman What about food and drink? Kaifeng Jianye’s 186 guest rooms are decorated in a mod- The Bloody Mary, invented in 1934 at the St. Regis New York, ernised Song Dynasty style and include traditional Japanese is the hotel’s signature cocktail and each hotel creates its own ofuro soaking tubs in marble. Lu Hua Chinese restaurant version. You can try the Macau version or any of the others at the serves Cantonese cuisine, local Henan signature dishes and St. Regis Bar. The Manor is the signature restaurant, featuring gourmet Taiwanese, while Xi Bar offers a range of wines, aged five unique dining experiences under one roof. whisky, Champagne, cocktails and premium teas. www.starwoodhotels.com/stregis www.pullmanhotels.com

January 2016 Horizon 69 時尚 HOME 家居

一室芳華 一抹綠意 A PATCH OF GREEN Bring the Outside In 就是最不起眼的路邊小花,放在 讓家居充滿大自然的氣息 Claydies設計的Grass石花瓶內, 也顯得嬌美迷人。花瓶內藏三支小 Brighten the home with hints 管,插花變得更加輕鬆簡單。備有 of nature 大、中、小三個尺寸。 All blooms look beautiful in 文/Text Jade Lee-Duffy this stoneware Grass Vase by Claydies with three interior tubes for minimalism. Comes in small, medium and large sizes.


樹木雕塑 UP A TREE 家具公司Swedese設計的Tree Clothes Stand衣帽 架,鋼製衣架備有亮漆或橡木飾面供選擇,像一件 具備實用功能的雕塑擺設。

Swedese's Tree Clothes Stand, made from sturdy steel and lacquered or oak-veneered fibreboard, turns the functional rack into sculpture.


透光花蕾 BUD LIGHT Ross Lovegrove的Florensis座地燈和 壁燈,設計猶如一朵上揚的花蕾。採 用可調控光暗的LED燈,散發柔和優 雅的光線。

Ross Lovegrove’s Florensis floor and wall lamps feature dimmable LED light and recall a bud growing upward for a beautiful botanic display.


70 Horizon January 2016 雅淡飄逸 LILY WHITE 杭州品物流形設計工作室推出名為 「無」的宣紙燈,用上山毛櫸木作框 架,糅合紙傘和蓮花的獨特美態。

From Hangzhou’s Pinwu Design Studio comes the rice paper and beechwood Wú Rice Paper Lamp, combining the idea of a parasol with a floating lily. www.buymedesign.com

嬌艷欲滴 BRIGHT BULB Marcel Wanders最近又跟意大利品牌Cappellini合作 推出Tulip Armchair。在經典的Dalia扶手椅加上高椅 波斯玫瑰 背,並採用海綿墊和丙烯酸纖維製成,最後安裝上閃 PERSIAN ROSE 亮的鋁製底座。 1952年Marc Lalique以花朵大、香味濃、花期長的 Ispahan玫瑰作主題,創造了這款歷久彌新、優雅又嬌美 Marcel Wanders’ floral inspiration continues with 的花瓶。 his Tulip Armchair for Cappellini. The classic Dalia is upholstered in foam and acrylic and set on a shiny In 1952, Marc Lalique captured the fragrant, long-lasting aluminium “stem”. Ispahan rose’s essence in deep red satin crystal, creating a vase that is timelessly elegant and feminine. www.cappellini.it


渾圓菊花 CIRCULAR MOTION BoConcept的Flower Wall Clock掛 牆鐘中間是一個設計簡約的時計, 外框既像一朵百日菊,又像一朵大 菊花。

BoConcept’s Flower Wall Clock sets a very minimal timepiece at the centre of a black spirograph of a design that could be an abstract zinnia or a chrysanthemum.


January 2016 Horizon 71 創意 TECH 科技

微軟HOLOLENS 無線頭戴式顯示器 MICROSOFT HOLOLENS 微軟HoloLens無線擴增實境頭戴式顯示裝置,能將 虛擬影像投影在實境上。推出日期:2016年第一季 (暫定)

The wireless Microsoft HoloLens is an augmented reality headset that projects digital images onto the real world. Release date: First quarter 2016 (projected)

www.microsoft.com/microsoft-hololens 未來報告 The future is now 2016年最型格的科技產品正 陸續登場,這裡逐一檢閱 A look at some of the coolest tech coming in 2016

文/Text Nathan Taylor 聲寶ROBOHON機械人 SHARP ROBOHON 熱門程式 HOT APP 20厘米高的聲寶RoBoHoN是一部會走動的機械人,它內置 電話和短訊功能,並附有LCD屏幕、Wi-Fi和投影器。推出 FLIO 日期:2016年上半年 iPhone應用程式FLIO助 你輕鬆穿梭全球主要機 Sharp’s 20 cm-tall RoBoHoN is an ambulatory robot with a 場,它能夠提供最新的 built-in phone, messaging, LCD panel, Wi-Fi and projector. 航班資訊、Wi-Fi快速連 Release date: First half 2016 接、機場地圖、折扣優 惠,並指引你在個別機 www.sharp.com 場尋找各項設施。

FLIO is an iPhone app to help you navigate all the major airports in the world. It includes flight information, quick Wi-Fi access, airport maps as well as discount offers and tips for finding things in specific airports. getflio.com

72 Horizon January 2016 谷歌PROJECT ARA智能手機模組 GOOGLE PROJECT ARA 谷歌的Project Ara模組化智能手機原型機,讓 用家隨意增添或變更各組件,包括記憶體、鏡 頭、處理器等。推出日期:有待公佈

Google’s Project Ara‘s modular smartphone framework allows you to add or change components including memory, camera, LILY自動航拍機 processor and more. Release date: TBA LILY CAMERA 外型可愛的Lily自動航拍機,能自動追蹤和拍攝用家,鏡頭 www.projectara.com 達1080p高清解析度。推出日期:2016年2月

The super-cute Lily drone is automated so it will follow and record you on its 1080p camera all by itself. Release date: February 2016


WOVE BAND智能手錶 WOVE BAND Wove Band的錶帶不僅可以調較鬆緊度,還備有可彎曲的多點 觸控灰階屏幕。手錶作業系統為安卓5.1,附藍芽功能及震動/ 動態感應器。推出日期:2016年中 LIGHT L16相機 LIGHT L16 CAMERA The Wove Band, with adjustable wrist band and flexible, multi- 設計輕便的 相機配備 組鏡頭,由不同焦距 Light L16 16 touch greyscale display, runs Android 5.1 and includes Bluetooth 拍攝,然後將所有圖像組合起來,用家可以調節照片 and a vibration/motion sensor. Release date: Mid-2016 景深。推出日期:2016年中 www.wove.com The Light L16 camera uses 16 sensors taking images at different focal lengths which are then interpolated for ultimate depth-of-field capture. Release date: Mid- 2016 OCULUS RIFT頭戴式顯示器 OCULUS RIFT light.co 萬眾期待的Oculus Rift是真正為消費者 而設的虛擬實境頭戴式顯示器,內置虛 擬實境顯示屏幕,可選配Oculus Touch 手掣使用。推出日期:2016年第一季

The long-awaited Oculus Rift is a true consumer virtual reality headset with a built-in VR screen. The Oculus Touch physical controller is optional. Release date: First quarter 2016


January 2016 Horizon 73 噴射飛航 TurboJET // 公司簡介 ABOUT OUR COMPANY //

信德中旅船務管理有限公司擁有約20億 Shun Tak – China Travel Ship Management 噴射飛航航線 TURBOJET NETWORK 港元資產, 旗下員工逾2,100人 , 航線以 Limited, operating under the brand name 「噴射飛航TurboJET」命名。公司擁有逾50 TurboJET – has a total asset value of about 香港 Hong Kong 澳門 Macau 年船務經驗,是港澳高速客運服務翹楚,更 HK$2 billion and we employ a team of more 航行時間:約1小時 是首間提供24小時渡輪服務的船公司。2003 than 2,100 maritime professionals. We have 服務時間:每日24小時,0700至2400 年,公司與香港國際機場合力開拓海天客運碼 more than 50 years of shipping experience 每15分鐘一班 頭,並創立「機場航線」,成為海空中轉服務 and are the first ferry company to operate a Sailing Time: Approximately 1 hour 的先驅,為旅客帶來免辦出入境、行李直掛的 round-the-clock jetfoil service. We are the Service Hrs: 24 hrs daily, every 15 min 快捷海天接駁選擇。 recognised leader in the Hong Kong-Macau between 0700-2400 high-speed passenger transportation indus- 九龍 澳門 try. In 2003, the company teamed up with Kowloon Macau 航行時間:約1小時 Hong Kong International Airport to establish 服務時間:每日0700至2230每30分鐘一班 the SkyPier. We then launched the airport Sailing Time: Approximately 1 hour ferry service and became a pioneer in air-sea Service Hrs: Daily from 0700-2230, inter-modal services. As a result our guests every 30 min can enjoy an integrated ferry and airport check-in and a baggage tag-through service. 澳門 Macau 深圳機場 Shenzhen Airport 航行時間:約1小時 服務時間:每日0815至1930 Sailing Time: Approximately 1 hour Service Hrs: Daily from 0815-1930

澳門 Macau 蛇口 Shekou 航行時間:約1小時 服務時間:每日0815至2045 Sailing Time: Approximately 1 hour Service Hrs: Daily from 0815-2045

香港國際機場 HKIA 澳門 Macau 航行時間:約50分鐘 服務時間:每日0730至2200 Sailing Time: Approximately 50 minutes Service Hrs: Daily from 0730-2200

香港國際機場 HKIA 廣州 (南沙) Guangzhou (Nansha) 航行時間:約1小時 服務時間:每星期四及六0930至1115 Sailing Time: Approximately 1 hour Service Hrs: Every Thursday and Saturday from 0930-1115

香港國際機場 HKIA 深圳機場 Shenzhen Airport 航行時間:約50分鐘 服務時間:每日1120至1730 Sailing Time: Approximately 50 minutes Service Hrs: Daily from 1120-1730

74 Horizon January 2016 船隊資料 Vessel information

至尊噴射船 噴射船 Premier Jetfoil Jetfoil

乘客量 / Seating Capacity 乘客量 / Seating Capacity 普通位 / Economy Class 103/72 pax 普通位 / Economy Class 207 pax 豪華位 / Super Class 67/70 pax 豪華位 / Super Class 32 pax 尊豪位 / Premier Grand Class 28/40 pax 貴賓廂 / VIP Cabin 4 pax 貴賓廂 / VIP Cabin 4 pax (1/2 cabins)

超級噴射船 超級豪華雙體船 Foilcat Tricat

乘客量 / Seating Capacity 乘客量 / Seating Capacity 普通位 / Economy Class 169/259 pax 普通位 / Economy Class 276/282 pax 豪華位 / Super Class 136/64 pax 豪華位 / Super Class 48/45 pax 尊豪位 / Premier Grand Class 56/51 pax 貴賓廂 / VIP Cabin 4/6 pax 貴賓廂 / VIP Cabin 4 pax (4 cabins)

澳斯達雙體船 「飛貓型」雙體船 Austal Cat Flying Cat

乘客量 / Seating Capacity 乘客量 / Seating Capacity 普通位 / Economy Class 326 pax 普通位 / Economy Class 238/241 pax 豪華位 / Super Class 72/76 pax 豪華位 / Super Class 59/121 pax 貴賓廂 / VIP Cabin 4 pax (2 cabins) 貴賓廂 / VIP Cabin 6 pax

January 2016 Horizon 75 服務全面周到 Servicing every need

噴射飛航至尊貴賓室 For more details, please contact: TurboJET Premier Lounge Protocol & Guest Services 24-hour Hotline: Hong Kong (852) 5196 0951 / Macau (853) 6221 0388 噴射飛航至尊貴賓室位於信 E-mail: [email protected] 德中心地下G02舖及澳門外 Fax: (852) 2517 6256 港客運碼頭二樓離境層,特 定乘客可在此享用免費WiFi 行李搬運服務 無線上網服務及飲品小食。 Porter service 香港的貴賓室更提供預辦澳 門機場登機手續、行李寄存 香港及澳門碼頭的多個位置均可為乘客提供行李搬運服務。 和托運服務,令您的旅程更 Passengers can take advantage of the porter service available at 輕鬆。 designated points in both Hong Kong and Macau ferry terminals. The TurboJET Premier Lounge is located at G02, Shun Tak Centre and at Level 2, Departure Hall of Macau Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal. Selected passengers can enjoy free Wi-Fi service as well as food and beverages at 行李服務 the lounge. The Premier Lounge in Shun Tak Centre also provides priority Luggage service airline check-in for Macau flights, luggage check-in and storage services. 20公斤以下的自提行李可免費運送到目的地碼頭。 Self-carried luggage not exceeding 20kg will be delivered to your 乘客接待服務 destination terminal free of charge. Meet & greet service

噴射飛航一向本著以客為尊的精神,不斷優化各項顧客服務,以滿足乘客 行李寄存 的需要為目標。現推出一系列嶄新的貼心接待服務,為乘客提供專人協助 Baggage storage 及妥善的安排,包括於各碼頭/口岸的專人接待服務、辦理各項登船手續、 行李搬運及托運、以至接駁交通安排等等,務求讓乘客享受一個舒適無憂 香港信德中心G02舖之至尊貴賓室及澳門外港客運碼頭行李服務部均設有行 的海上旅程。 李寄存服務。收費為每件每小時HK$/MOP 20。 服務範圍: For maximum pre-boarding convenience, luggage storage service is • 往返各碼頭接待服務,包括全程專人接待、船票安排、行李搬運及托運服務等 available at TurboJET Premier Lounge at Shop G02 Shun Tak Centre and • 年幼乘客接待服務(7-16歲) also at the Luggage Services Counter at Macau Outer Harbour Ferry • 到澳門指定酒店預先辦理登機/登船手續(適用於機場航線) Terminal. The charge is HK$/MOP 20 per piece per hour. • 陸上接駁交通安排 • 上門行李搬運服務(只適用於澳門) 快遞服務 • 租用位於信德中心地下G02舖之服務中心或噴射飛航船隻 Courier service 詳情請聯絡: 禮賓及顧客服務 小時專線 :香港 澳門 24 (852) 5196 0951 / (853) 6221 0388 噴射飛航除了客運服務,還提供快遞運輸服務,為客戶提供港、澳及珠三角 電郵: [email protected] 等地的點對點貨運和代辦貨物報關等服務。對急件、運輸時間有要求及不宜 傳真: (852) 2517 6256 高溫的貨物特為合適,危險貨品除外。如對本貨運服務有任何查詢,請瀏覽 Taking customers’ priorities as our own, TurboJET is proud to introduce a 網址www.turbojetcargo.com,或致電客戶服務熱線 (852) 2859 7125。 comprehensive range of one-stop guest services to truly meet the needs TurboJET’s courier service between Macau, Hong Kong and the of our passengers. Our professional team will be assisting you not only Pearl River Delta is ideal for parcels with time constraints and limited when you are onboard TurboJET but also ensuring a seamless transition transit time, or those that require controlled temperatures, with the to and from your sea journey. Our range of services include full escort exception of dangerous goods. Customs clearance can be provided meet & greet service at our service ports, check-in service, porter and for unaccompanied commodities. Please visit www.turbojetcargo.com luggage service as well as land transportation arrangement, making it the or call (852) 2859 7125 for further details. one-of-a-kind guest service that caters to your every need. Services: • Meet & greet service at service ports, which include full escort by our 客艙美食 Guest Service Team, ferry ticket, luggage check-in and porter services etc. Onboard meals • Unaccompanied minors service (7-16 years old) • Advance check-in service at designated hotels in Macau 尊豪位及豪華位的乘客可免費享用船上的精選美食及冷熱飲品。同時亦備有 (for Airport Routes) 多款小食及飲品以供選購。 • Land transportation arrangement Premier Grand Class and Super Class passengers may enjoy a • Home baggage pick-up service in Macau selection of complimentary hot meals along with hot and cold • Rental of TurboJET Premier Lounge at Shun Tak Centre or charter of beverages. In addition, a variety of snacks and beverages are also TurboJET vessels available for sale onboard.

76 Horizon January 2016 海空中轉平台 通行無阻 噴射飛航機場服務 Inter-modal linkage –乘客須知 TurboJET airport 機場航線 Airport routes service – passenger reminders 噴射飛航的高速渡輪航線覆蓋珠三角,貫穿香港 和澳門;更首創海空中轉接駁,提供區內唯一穿 噴射飛航機場線櫃位截止登記時間 梭三地機場的渡輪航線,銜接海上及空中客運交 TurboJET airport counter 通,與世界各地聯繫。旅客不但有更多行程選 check-in closing time 擇,更可於各碼頭同時辦理登船和登機手續,以 及行李托運安排,體驗真正一站式的海空中轉平 澳門/南沙/深圳碼頭: 台,展現真正的國際視野。 • 開航時間前30分鐘 TurboJET is a pioneer in air-sea inter-modal 香港國際機場: services, as we’re the only ferry operator • 開航時間前60分鐘(需要托運行李) that connects the airports of Hong Kong and • 開航時間前30分鐘(毋須托運行李) Macau. Along with more transit options, our Macau/Nansha/Shenzhen port: guests can enjoy an integrated ferry and airport • 30 minutes before ferry departure check-in and a baggage tag-through service. Hong Kong International Airport: • 60 minutes before ferry departure (with checked baggage) • 30 minutes before ferry departure 上游港口預辦登機服務 (without checked baggage) Upstream airline check-in service 使用空海直掛行李服務之乘客 噴射飛航與深、港、澳三地機場指定航空公司合 Passengers with air-to-sea 作,提供全球獨有的一站式「上游預辦登機服 tag through baggage service 務」,讓您可以於噴射飛航登記櫃位同時領取登 機證及托運行李,快捷方便,接連登上港澳兩地 • 乘客須於開航前最少30分鐘到達香港國際 機場之航班。 機場 ﹣噴射飛航登記櫃位 Through cooperation with Hong Kong and • 乘客使用服務前,請先向旅行社及航空公司 Macau airports as well as designated airlines, 查詢最新資料 we offer a unique one-stop check-in service 澳門上游港口預辦登機櫃位 • Passengers should arrive at the TurboJET at upstream ports. Passengers can obtain Macau Upstream Airline Check-in Counter Check-in Counter at HKIA at least 30 minutes boarding passes from participating airlines prior to ferry departure at TurboJET check-in counters and check in • Passengers should also check with their their luggage at the same time. Luggage will travel agents and airlines for updated be directly transferred to their destination for information before using this service a truly hassle-free trip.

航空公司最短接駁時間 Airline minimum 香港預辦登機櫃位 Hong Kong Upstream Airline Check-in Counter connection time

預辦登機櫃位 接駁航機之機場 • 乘客須於航機出發前110分鐘到達海天客運碼 Check-in counter Airport for connecting flight 頭辦理登機手續,個別航空公司仍需要120分 鐘前到達,詳情請瀏覽噴射飛航網頁。 香港港澳碼頭信德中心地下G02舖(的士站旁) • 乘客使用噴射飛航服務前,請預先查詢有關可 Hong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal Shop, G02, Shun Tak Centre (next to taxi stand) 於海天客運碼頭辦理登機手續的航空公司資料 澳門國際機場(直通快線) • Passengers should arrive at the SkyPier 110 九龍中國客運碼頭 Macau International Airport (Macau Express Link) China Ferry Terminal, Kowloon minutes before flight departure for airline 深圳機場福永碼頭 check-in procedures. Some airlines still Shenzhen Airport Fu Yong Ferry Terminal maintain an MCT of 120 minutes, please visit 深圳機場 TurboJET website for details 澳門外港客運碼頭二樓離境層 Shenzhen Airport • Passengers should check for the airline Level 2, Departure Hall, Macau Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal 香港國際機場 check-in facilities at the SkyPier before Hong Kong International Airport using TurboJET Airport Service

January 2016 Horizon 77 推廣優惠 Promotions

噴射飛航「個人儲值卡」優先優越一卡盡享 「個人儲值卡」持卡人每次購買噴射飛航船票均可累積分數(噴射飛航淨票價1港元=1 分), TurboJET Personalised Stored Value 所得積分可用作換取禮品。持卡人現更可於香港港澳碼頭及澳門外港碼頭候船大堂憑積分即 Card brings you exclusive benefits 時換取客位升級,有關詳情請瀏覽噴射飛航網頁。

Personalised Stored Value Cardholders can accumulate bonus points with every purchase of TurboJET ferry tickets (HK$1 TurboJET net ticket fare = 1 bonus point). Cardholders may also redeem an upgrade using bonus points whilst waiting to board in Hong Kong and Macau waiting hall.

查詢 Enquiries: 香港 Hong Kong (852) 2859 3333; 澳門 Macau (853) 2855 5025 國際免費電話 International toll-free 00800 3628 3628 www.turbojet.com.hk

嶄新「尊豪+」無縫連接 New "Premier Plus": Your seamless connection on land

「 尊豪+」全方位為尊豪位乘客提供免費專車接駁服務,行程管接管送,海陸空接駁無間。 尊豪+機場 : 香港國際機場 上環港澳碼頭 尊豪+澳門 : 澳門外港碼頭 澳門境內目的地

Extending Premier Services beyond the sea, the new "Premier Plus" provides Premier Grand Class passengers with complimentary land transfer. Premier Plus Airport : HK International Airport HK Macau Ferry Terminal Premier Plus Macau : Macau Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal Destination in Macau

* 須提早預約 Advance reservation is required

查詢 / 預約 Enquiries / Reservations: 電郵 Email:[email protected] 電話 Tel: (852) 5699 1800 / (853) 6380 9900 噴射飛航櫃檯:香港國際機場一號客運大樓第五層(E2轉機區) TurboJET Check-in Counter: Level 5, T1, HKIA (E2 Transfer Area)

購買船票賺取「亞洲萬里通」里數 Earn Asia Miles with TurboJET

「亞洲萬里通」會員購買噴射飛航香港-澳門航線「尊豪位」船票,可賺取200「亞洲萬里通」里數。會員 請於噴射飛航售票處出示「亞洲萬里通」會員卡購票便可賺取里數。

Asia Miles members can earn 200 Asia Miles with the purchase of Premier Grand Class tickets for the Hong Kong – Macau route. To earn the miles, simply present your Asia Miles membership card at the TurboJET ticketing office at the time of purchase.

須受條款及細則約束 Terms and conditions apply www.turbojet.com.hk

78 Horizon January 2016 一卡盡享禮遇 Red carpet privileges

標準及個人儲值卡 JETPASS公司商務卡 Get more with a Stored Value Card Corporate JETPASS card

噴射飛航是區內首個提供儲值卡服務的渡輪公 Stored Value Cards – both Standard and 噴射飛航JETPASS公司商務卡專為經常往 司,透過標準及個人兩款儲值卡為乘客帶來更多 Personalised – are available at a minimum value 來香港、深圳、澳門公幹的公司員工而設。 優惠。個人儲值卡持卡人可在售票處或透過網上 of HK$500 at all TurboJET ticketing offices. 職員憑此卡可尊享掛帳服務,毋須即時以現 系統 www.turbojet.com.hk增值及預訂船票, Cardholders can top up their account value 金交易。 並在售票處或自助票務機取票。個人儲值卡持卡 and book tickets at ticketing offices, or online 人可享有更多折扣優惠、參加積分獎勵計劃,並 at www.turbojet.com.hk for collection later, or The corporate JETPASS card is a frequent 獲得優先提前登船服務。兩款儲值卡的最低儲值 at one of our Self-Service Ticketing Kiosks. traveller card for company staff to issue 額皆為500港元,於各噴射飛航售票處發售。 Personalised Stored Value Cardholders can TurboJET ferry tickets on a credit basis enjoy more benefits, participate in our bonus for business travel. It’s a convenient way points programme and enjoy priority seating for staff to travel frequently by TurboJET when using our Early Departure Service. without making cash payments.

強大銷售網絡 Extensive sales network

噴射飛航於中、港、澳及海外旅行社設有100多個銷售點,各碼頭及 自助票務機 Self-Service Ticketing Kiosk 香港國際機場亦設有售票處。乘客也可以在網上或通過手機APP 預訂船票。 TurboJET tickets are available in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and overseas outlets. Ticketing counters are located within each ferry terminal and at the HKIA. Passengers can also reserve tickets online or by mobile APP.

售票處 Ticketing outlets

香港 Hong Kong 澳門 Macau 香港國際機場第五層 澳門外港客運碼頭二樓離境層 自助票務機設置於以下地點 網上訂票 / 網頁 (E2轉機區) Level 2, Departure Hall, Macau Locations of Self-Service Online booking / Website Level 5, Hong Kong International Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal Ticketing Kiosk www.turbojet.com.hk Airport (E2 Transfer Area) 氹仔臨時客運碼頭 香港港澳碼頭 (上環信德中心 Taipa Temporary Ferry Terminal 三樓東橋、西橋入口及地下G02 用App訂票更方便 信德中心三樓 舖噴射飛航貴賓室) Mobile APP reservation 3/F, Shun Tak Centre 澳門國際機場(入境大堂) Hong Kong Macau Ferry Arrival Hall, Macau International Terminal (Shop G02, TurboJET 中國客運碼頭 Airport Premier Lounge) and East & China (HK) Ferry Terminal West Bridge, 3/F Shun Tak 信德旅遊 Shun Tak Travel Centre, Sheung Wan 中旅社港九各分行 澳門外港客運碼頭 ( 二樓離境層 ) All China Travel Service 深圳機場 Macau Outer Harbour Ferry branches Shenzhen Airport Terminal 福永碼頭 Fu Yong Ferry Terminal (Level 2, Departure Hall) 信德旅遊(信德中心地庫) 深圳機場福永碼頭 Shun Tak Travel (Basement 深圳機場候機樓 Shenzhen Airport – Floor, Shun Tak Centre) Arrival Hall, Shenzhen Airport Fu Yong Ferry Terminal 噴射飛航

January 2016 Horizon 79 尊豪位/豪華位餐膳預訂系統 美食與飲品 Reserving Premier Grand Food and beverage Class / Super Class meals 1. 登入尊豪位/豪華位餐膳預訂系統 尊豪位/豪華位熱餐 Superb dining on Premier Grand Class / Super Class www.turbojet.com.hk 2. 輸入印於船票上的訂票編號、啟航 日期及時間 3. 於船票號碼選項,選取ALL以便為所有 乘客選擇同一款式的餐膳,或為每位客人 獨立選取不同款式的餐膳 4. 在完成選取餐膳款式後,點擊提交 5. 畫面會列出有關餐膳預訂之詳情,你可 打印一份作為記錄 6. 請於登船後,向船上服務員出示船票,以 便享用已預訂的餐膳

1. Access Premier Grand Class / Super Class meal reservation online at www.turbojet.com.hk 2. Enter reservation number printed on 圖片只供參考 ferry ticket, departure date and time Photo is for reference only 3. Choose ALL (ticket number) to select 尊豪位及豪華位的乘客可免費享用船上的精選美食及冷熱飲品。同時船上亦備有多款小食及飲品以供選購。 one type of meal for all the passengers Premier Grand Class and Super Class passengers may enjoy a selection of complimentary hot meals along with OR choose different meal options for hot and cold beverages. In addition, a variety of snacks and beverages are also available for sale onboard. each different passenger 尊豪位餐牌 豪華位餐牌 4. Click submit after completing the meal Premier Grand Class dining menu Super Class dining menu selection process 金沙骨配飯 叉燒飯 5. Print a copy of the booking details Golden Pork Spareribs with Rice Barbecued Pork with Rice for reference 香煎加拿大豬鞍扒配薯菜 泰式咖喱雞球飯 Pan Fried Canadian Pork Loin Chiken Curry Thai Style 6. Submit the ferry ticket to cabin 燴法式大蝦直通粉 火腿忌廉直通粉 attendant to redeem the reserved Braised Prawns with Penne Rigate Creamy Penne Rigate with Ham meal upon boarding 牛仔柳扒配意粉 日式咖喱肥牛飯 Veal Fillet with Spaghetti Beef Curry Japanese Style 香蒜雞扒配飯 雞肉漢堡意粉 服務細則 Remarks: Grilled Chicken with Garlic Sauce and Rice Chicken Burger with Spaghetti 訂餐或更改預訂均需於啟航時間前24小時 叉燒皇配飯 XO 醬海鮮炒飯 進行 Online meal reservation must be Supreme BBQ Pork with Rice Fried Rice with Seafood XO Paste made at least 24 hours prior to departure 咖喱海鮮飯 粟米肉粒飯 乘客必須依照船票上之航班時間登船方可享 Seafood Curry Pork and Corn with Rice 用預訂的餐膳 The reserved meal will not be 黑椒牛仔骨配意粉 洋蔥豬肉腸意粉 provided if there is a change in sailing time Spareribs Black Pepper Sauce with Spaghetti Onion Pork Sausage with Spaghetti 只適用於香港––澳門之航線 Only applicable 以上餐牌僅供參考,如有變更,恕不另行通知 The menu is subject to change without prior notice on HK and Macau routes

免稅煙酒 Duty free cigarettes and liquors 555金 / Gold (20支/20s) HK$15 硬盒薄荷白萬寶路 / Marlboro Menthol White KS (20支/20s) HK$21 藍健 / Kent Blue Futura (20支/20s) HK$21 硬盒薄荷黑萬寶路 / Marlboro Black Menthol KS (20支/20s) HK$22 健牌薄荷浩白 / Kent Mintek In na (20支/20s) HK$21 萬寶路黑冰 / Marlboro Ice Blast (20支/20s) HK$23 藍登喜路 / Dunhill Blue (20支/20s) HK$21 黑芙蓉王 / Furongwang Blue (20支/20s) HK$32 卡碧(特纖幼)/ Capri Superslims (20支/20s) HK$21 Choya 梅酒迷你組合 / Choya Extra Series (3 x 0.05L) HK$63 好彩 / Lucky Strike Mentha Piperita (20支/20s) HK$21 百利甜酒1公升/ Baileys Irish Cream 1 Litre HK$189 硬盒萬事發 / Mevius Original Box (20支/20s) HK$21 芝華士12年威士忌1公升 / Chivas Regal 12 Yrs Whisky 1 Litre HK$289 硬盒天藍萬事發 / Mevius Sky Blue Box (20支/20s) HK$21 麥卡倫卓越木桶單一麥芽威士忌1公升/ The Macallan Select Oak 1 Litre HK$590 硬盒薄荷綠沙龍 / Salem Menthol Green Box (20支/20s) HK$21 尊尼獲加 XR 21 年威士忌 0.75 公升 / J.W. XR 21 Yrs Whisky 0.75 Litre HK$897 中華硬盒 / Chung Hwa Box (20支/20s) HK$40 貴州茅台酒 0.375 公升/ Kwei Chow Moutai 0.375 Litre HK$1,600 硬盒萬寶路 / Marlboro King Size (20支/20s) HK$21 馬爹利藍帶干邑1公升 / Martell Cordon Bleu 1 Litre HK$1,779 硬盒白金萬寶路 / Marlboro Gold KS (20支/20s) HK$21 馬爹利XO1公升 / Martell XO 1 Litre HK$2,082

以上香煙及洋酒售價只供參考,如有變動,恕不另行通知 Cigarette and liquor prices are for reference only and subject to change without prior notice

特區政府忠告市民:吸煙引致癌症 HKSAR Government Health Warning: Smoking Causes Cancer

凡滿十八歲的旅客,可以免稅攜帶19支香煙進入香港 A passenger aged 18 or above is allowed to bring 19 cigarettes into Hong Kong

80 Horizon January 2016 飲品 Beverages 送上咖啡芬芳 Coffee on us 瑞士高比為噴射飛航的尊貴乘客獻上 PERLA MORA完美優質咖啡。嚴選自哥倫 比亞、巴西、肯尼亞及世界各地高品質的 Arabica咖啡豆,由瑞士烘焙師專業烘焙。 咖啡芬芳濃郁,餘韻回甘,令人一試難忘。 由2012年7月起,豪華位的乘客可免費享用 即磨精品咖啡,普通位的乘客則可以推廣 優惠價購買。

Presented by KOLB COFFEE, PERLA MORA is now onboard TurboJET for adventurous coffee lovers who demand superb quality. The deluxe coffee blend is roasted in Switzerland, displaying a rich almond aroma and toffee flavour to create a full palate experience. From July 樽裝及罐裝飲品 熱飲 2012, Super Class passengers have Bottled & canned drinks Hot drinks enjoyed this freshly ground coffee for 蒸餾水 / Distilled Water HK$25 大紅袍中國茶 / Da Hong Pao Chinese Tea HK$25 FREE. Economy Class passengers 維他檸檬茶 / Vita Lemon Tea HK$25 好立克高纖營與美 / Horlicks High-Fibre can continue to purchase it at a 果粒橙橙汁 / Orange Juice HK$25 Nutritious Malted Drink HK$25 promotional price. Awaken your taste 無糖可樂 / Coke Zero HK$25 朱古力 / Caotina Chocolate HK$25 buds and order from our counter now! 可口可樂 / Coca-Cola HK$25 西冷紅茶 / Ceylon Tea HK$25 寶礦力 / Pocari HK$25 港式茶餐廳奶茶 / 道地極品烏龍茶 / Hong Kong Style Cafe Milk Tea HK$25 Tao Ti Supreme Oolong Tea HK$25 咖啡 / Coffee HK$25 加多寶 / Jiaduobao HK$25 意大利濃咖啡 / Espresso HK$25 雀巢絲滑咖啡 / Nescafé S moovlatté HK$25 意大利泡沫咖啡 / Cappuccino HK$25 太興奶茶 / Milk Tea HK$25 桂格燕麥片(杞子銀耳味) / Quaker Oatmeal 藍妹啤酒 / Blue Girl Beer HK$40 (Wolfberry & White Fungus Flavour) HK$25 福佳白啤酒 / Hoegaarden Beer HK$45 紅酒-赤霞珠 / Red Wine - Cabernet Sauvignon HK$45

食品 Food 話梅 / Preserved Plum HK$15 陳皮 / Mandarin Peel HK$15 彩虹糖 / Skittles Original HK$15 四洲甘栗 / Four Seas Chestnut HK$15 淮鹽花生 / Roasted Salted Peanuts HK$15 卡樂B熱浪薯片 / Calbee Potato Chips HK$25 卡樂B蝦條 / Calbee Prawn Cracker HK$25 固力果百力滋 / Glico Pretz HK$25 辛辣麵 / Shin Ramyun Noodles HK$35 吞拿魚三文治 / Tuna Fish Sandwich HK$35 圖片只供參考 火腿芝士三文治 / Ham & Cheese Sandwich HK$35 Photo is for reference only 熱狗 / Jumbo Hot Dog HK$35 味味一品牛肉麵 / 海鮮麵 / 船上只接受港幣 / 澳門幣 / 人民幣 / 美金 外幣兌換率﹕ 只接受下列面值的鈔票﹕ Wei Wei Premium Noodles (Beef/Seafood) HK$45 We accept HK$/MOP/RMB/US$ only Exchange rate: The only denomination 韓式即食拌飯- 泡菜味/ 每張收費單只接受一種貨幣結算 Only one • MOP/HK$: 1/0.97 banknotes accepted are: Korean Delicious Instant Rice - Kimchi Flavor HK$45 currency will be accepted for each bill • RMB/HK$: 1/1 • US$: 20 兌換價以元位計算 Exchange rates will be • US$/HK$: 1/7.50 • MOP: 100 以上餐牌僅供參考,如有變更,恕不另行通知 counted in dollar units • RMB: 100/50 The menu is subject to change without prior notice

January 2016 Horizon 81 點滴與心聲 Some thoughts to share

李寶明 Li Po Ming 施素琼 See So King 林景倫 Lin Kong Lun 大副 Chief Officer 票務部助理主任 Assistant Supervisor, Ticketing 大副 Chief Officer 加入信德中旅後我深深明白到安全、環保、群 Services Department 大副的職責是協助和提供海上資訊給船長,並 策群力的重要性,亦有幸協助培訓年青一輩, 我加入噴射飛航後,分別於上環、尖沙咀等不 執行船長命令,確保船隻、船員及乘客安全。 薪火相傳,讓公司繼續在同業中獨佔鰲頭。公 同碼頭的售票處當值,轉眼已數十年,見證公 我們必須嚴格遵守國際和當地法例,以及公司 司非常注重環保及要求同事有高度安全意識。 司不斷發展。現時,無論是珠三角洲、香港和 訂立的安全管理系統。感謝公司舉辦「見習伙 在南韓有些人以在三星公司工作為榮,在香港 澳門,都有噴射飛航服務。縱使挑戰重重,我 長培訓計劃」安排我跟隨一位資深船長邊做邊 我以成為信德中旅一份子為傲。 們在公司的帶領下,會繼續致力為旅客提供賓 學,他教導我從多角度思考和處理事情。 至如歸的服務,為公司作出貢獻及創造佳績。 Joining Shun Tak-China Travel enabled me to The chief officer’s responsibility is to pro- gain a thorough understanding of the values Since joining TurboJet, I have been working vide assistance and nautical information of safety, environmental protection and team in the ticketing offices at the ferry terminals to the ship master, carry out the master’s spirit. I’ve also been fortunate to have had in Sheung Wan and Tsim Sha Tsui. Over orders and ensure the safety of the ship, an opportunity to assist in the training of the the past decades, I have witnessed the the crew and passengers on board. This is younger generation, passing on the torch of company’s relentless growth. At present, done in strict compliance with all applica- maritime experience to enable the company TurboJet services are available in the Pearl ble rules and regulations internationally to stay ahead of the competition. The com- River Delta, Hong Kong and Macau. Despite and locally, as well as the company’s safety pany places strong emphasis on environmental the challenges, we will continue to strive management system. I am thankful to the protection and sets high standards of safety under the company’s leadership to provide company for implementing the “TurboJET awareness among its staff. In South Korea, a job passengers with immaculate service and to Cadet Program”, which has enabled me at Samsung is what makes some people proud. contribute to the company’s success. to learn – through work – from a very In Hong Kong, I am proud to say that I am a part experienced master who taught me to think of Shun Tak-China Travel. and deal with things from a comprehensive perspective. IMAGES. Travis Chan IMAGES. Travis

82 Horizon January 2016