INTERNATIONAL JOURNALOF SYSTEMATIC BACTERIOLOGY, Apr. 1978, . 201-208 Vol. 28, No. 2 0020-7713/78/0028-0201$02.00/0 Copyright 0 1978 International Association of Microbiological Societies Printed in ., A. Revised Description, from Clinical Strains, of Flavobacterium (Lustig) Bergey et al. 1923 and Proposal of the Neotype Strain

B. HOLMES, . J. S. SNELL, AND S. P. LAPAGE National Collection of Type Cultures, Central Public Health Laboratory, London W9 5HT, United Kingdom

Flavobacterium breve (Lustig 1890) Bergey et al. 1923 was originally meagerly characterized in comparison with the wide range of characterization tests now available, and subsequent descriptions of this species have been few and incom- plete. No type strain was designated for . breve, and no neotype appears to have been proposed. Six strains from a collection of 1,700 gram-negative, nonfermen- tative clinical strains submitted to the National Collection of Type Cultures for computer-assisted identification during the last 10 years and one strain (ATCC 14234) maintained in a culture collection as F. breve conformed to the original and subsequent descriptions of F. breve. One of these seven strains, CL88/76 (= NCTC 11099), is herein proposed as the neotype strain of F. breve. These seven strains have been examined in a large number of biochemical tests and in their susceptibility to a range of antimicrobial agents in order to provide a revised description of the species by which it may be more easily recognized in clinical material. One of our clinical strains died before its susceptibility could be deter- mined, but the remaining five, together with ATCC 14234, were resistant to carbenicillin and gentamicin, and the five clinical strains examined were also resistant to several other antimicrobial agents generally useful in the treatment of infections caused by gram-negative, nonfermentative bacteria. This suggests that infections due to this species could prove to be difficult to treat.

In 1888, Mori (25) isolated from canal water bacterium by Krasil’nikov (16) and to Empedo- three organisms that he found pathogenic for bacter as Empedobacter breve (sic) by Prevot laboratory animals; he referred to one of the (26), its transfer to the genus Flavobacterium three organisms simply as “the short canal ba- by Bergey et al. (2) has gained some acceptance. cillus.” This organism has been variously named Stutzer and Kwaschnina (27) used the name F. Bacillus brevis by Lustig (19) in 1890, a name brevis (sic) when giving their description of the also used by Frankland and Frankland (12) in species, and Weeks (29) included the . brevis 1894; as Bacillus canalicolis brevis by Cornil of Lustig (19) in the genus Flavobacterium, cor- and Babes (8) in 1890; and as Bacillus canalis recting the ending of the specific epithet so that parvus by Eisenberg (11) in 1891. Chester (6) the name of the species is now F. breve (Lustig) referred to the organism as Bacterium canalis Bergey et al. 1923. parvus and drew attention to the similarity be- A list of culture collections holding strains of tween this species and Bacterium septicus agri- either Flavobacterium breve or Bacillus brevis genus (Flugge) Chester 1897. Mez (24) used the was obtained from the World Data Center for name Bacterium canale for the Bacillus canalis Microorganisms (Department of Microbiology, parvus of Eisenberg (11). University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Queensland Although the name Bacillus brevis was orig- 4067, Australia). However, the strains main- inally proposed by Lustig (19), it has been mis- tained in the culture collections that replied to takenly attributed to Frankland and Frankland our request for information were members of B. (12) by Chester (7), who used the name Bacte- brevis Migula 1900, a gram-positive bacterium, rium breve, by Bergey et al. (2) when they and not B. brevis Lustig 1890. The only strain of transferred Bacillus brevis to the genus Flavo- F. breve we were able to obtain for comparative bacterium as Flavobacterium brevis (sic), and purposes, ATCC 14234, is not one of Lustig’s by Krasil’nikov (16) on transferring F. breve to original strains but is apparently a strain of the the genus Pseudo bacterium as Pseudobacter- Ajinomoto Co. (1). ium brevis (sic). The present account reports clinical details Despite transfer of this organism to Pseudo- relating to the isolation of six field strains sub- 201 202 HOLMES, SNELL, AND LAPAGE INT. J. SYST.BACTERIOL. mitted to us for identification and the results of extremities. The urine contained a mixture (lo4to lo5 biochemical tests, antimicrobial susceptibility bacteria per ml) of Klebsiella oxytoca and strain 6. tests, and determinations of deoxyribonucleic After a normal delivery, the hypertension and edema acid (DNA) base compositions obtained from an cleared without complications. Further biochemical or bacteriological examination of the urine was not car- examination of these six strains and ATCC ried out. 14234. Bacteriological investigations. The strains were subcultured on nutrient agar (Oxoid CM 67,25 g; New MATERIALS AND METHODS Zealand agar, 12 g; per liter of distilled water) under Bacterial strains. The identities and sources of aerobic conditions for 18 to 24 h at their optimum the seven strains studied are given in Table 1. growth temperature, 30" . Colonial morphology was Strain 1 was isolated from a male patient, but the described from aerobic growth on nutrient agar and site of isolation was not stated and further details 5% (vol/vol) horse blood agar. Pigmentation was re- could not be obtained. corded from growth on nutrient and tyrosine agars (9), Strain 2 was isolated from the swab of an irritated and fluorescence was tested for on medium B of King eye of a nurse engaged in the special nursing of a et al. (15). The Gram reaction was determined by the neonate in an intensive care unit. The condition was Lillie modification as described by Cowan (9). Motility treated with chloramphenicol eye ointment and was tested by the.hanging-drop method on overnight cleared rapidly. cultures grown at room temperature (18 to 22°C) and Strain 3 was recovered from the bronchial secretion at 37°C in nutrient broth (Oxoid CM 67). of a 70-year-old female patient with chronic bronchitis. The biochemical characteristics investigated are The bronchial secretion contained a medium number listed in Table 2. The methods used for these tests of leukocytes, epithelial cells, gram-negative rods, and have been described by Holmes et al. (13) with the a large number of gram-positive cocci in pairs. Upon following changes or additions. Indole production was culture of the secretion, a large number of enterococci tested with Kovacs reagent, and with Ehrlich reagent grew, as well as strain 3. by method 3 of Cowan (9). Phosphatase production Strain 4, isolated in the Zurich area independently was determined by method 1 of Cowan (9). Acid from strain 3, was found in a blood culture of a patient production was also tested for in oxidation-fermenta- with suspected endocarditis. The strain, isolated only tion medium containing carbohydrates at a concentra- once, was referred to J. Wust for identification. The tion of 1%(wt/vol). Growth inhibition by 0.1% (wt/vol) patient was treated according to the antimicrobial 2,3,5-triphenyl-tetrazoliumchloride (Koch-Light Lab- susceptibility of the strain and has remained well. It oratories Ltd., Colnbrook) incorporated into nutrient was not possible to determine whether this strain was agar was also tested. causative of a pathological process or was merely a Susceptibility to antimicrobial agents was tested by contaminant. an agar-dilution method. Twofold dilutions of antimi- Strain 5 came from a 38-year-old female patient crobial agents were added to Diagnostic Sensitivity with a history of chronic pyelonephritis, cholelithiasis, Test agar (Oxoid Ltd., London) to give a range of and nephrogenic hypertension. Bacteriological exam- concentrations of 128 to 0.006 pg/ml. Lysed horse ination of the urine revealed a mixed culture (>lo5 blood (2% vol/vol) was added to medium containing bacteria per ml) containing Acinetobacter calcoaceti- sulfonamide or cotrimoxazole. The medium was dis- cus, Escherichia coli, and strain 5. The infection re- pensed into petri dishes, which were inoculated, using sponded to chloramphenicol therapy, and the patient a replicating device, with 0.003-ml volumes of over- was allowed to go home. night broth cultures of strains diluted to contain about Strain 6 was isolated from a 32-year-old female 105 cells per ml. Each plate was also inoculated with patient admitted to the hospital with proteinuria, hy- three control strains of known susceptibility: Esche- pertension during pregnancy, and edema of the lower richia coli NCTC 10418, Pseudomonas aeruginosa

TABLE1. Sources of seven F. breve strains studied Strains Original strain designation Source Site of isolation Field strains 1 CL200/75 P. Unsworth, London Unknown 2 CL626/75 (= NCTC 11162) . Byrne, Dublin Eye swab 3 CL 88/76 (= NCTC 11099) J. Wust, Zurich Bronchial se- cretion 4 CL239/76 J. Wust, Zurich Blood culture 5 CL666/76 P. Kohut and M. Rusinko, Urine Bratislava, Czechoslo- vakia 6 CL669/76 (= NCTC 11163) P. Kohut and M. Rusinko, Urine Bratislava, Czechoslo- vakia Culture collection strain American Type Culture Col- Unknown (ATCC 14234) lection VOL. 28, 1978 FLAVOBACTERIUM BREVE 203

TABLE2. Biochemical characteristics of seven strains of Flavobacterium breve Characteristics in which all strains studied were positive: Acid from 0-Fmaltose Gelatinase production' Indole production (Ehrlich re- Casein digestion Growth at room temp" agent) Catalase production Growth on P-hydroxybutyrate Phosphatase production Cytochrome oxidase produc- Growth on MacConkey agar Production of yellow pigment tion Growth on triphenyl-tetrazolium Tween 20 hydrolysis DNase productionb chloride agar

Characteristics in which all strains studied were negative: Acid from the following ammo- Acid from 10% (wt/vol) lactose Malonate utilization nium salt sugars: Alkali production on Christensen Motility Adonitol citrate Nitrate reduction Arabinose Arginine desimidase Nitrite reduction Cellobiose Arginine dihydrolase Opalescence on lecithovitellin Dulcitol Esculin hydrolysis agar Ethanol Fluorescence on King medium B Ornithine decarboxylase Fructose Gas from PWS glucose Phenylalanine deamination Galactose Gluconate oxidation Pigment production on tyrosine Glycerol Growth at 5°C agar Inositol Growth at 42°C Poly-P-hydroxybutyrate inclusion Lactose' Growth on cetrimide agar granules Mannitol' Growth on Salmonella-Shigella Reduction of 0.4% (wt/vol) sele- Raffinose () agar nite Rhamnose Growth on Simmons citrate Starch hydrolysis Salicin Growth on media containing 6% Tyrosine hydrolysis Sorbitol (wt/vol) NaCl Urease production Sucrose' Hydrogen sulfide productionR P-Galactosidase production Trehalose Indole production (Kovacs re- 3-Ketolactose production yiose' agent) Acid from PWSf glucose KCN tolerance Acid from 10% (wt/vol) glucose Lysine decarboxylase Characteristics in which there were Result of neotype Reference no. of strains that gave No. of strains positive strain differences: strain (CL88/76) the less common result Acid from ASS' glucose 6/7 + 4 Acid from ASS maltose 6/7 + 4k Growth at 37°C 6/7 + ATCC 14234 Gelatin stab liquefaction 5/7 + 6 and ATCC 14234 Tween 80 hydrolysis - 3/7 1, 5, 6 Hugh and Leifson glu- 3 oxi/4 neg"' Oxidative 2,3, and ATCC 14234 cose medium' 0-F

a Hugh and Leifson oxidation-fermentation (0-F)medium. , ATCC 14234 was negative on deoxyribonuclease (DNase) agar incorporating toluidine blue; a positive result was obtained with this strqn by flooding a DNase agar plate with N-HCl. ' By plate method. 18 to 22OC. 'Also negative in Hugh and Leifson 0-F medium. PWS, Peptone-water-sugar medium. By both lead acetate paper and triple sugar iron (TSI) agar methods. At both 37°C and room temperature in hanging drop. ASS, Ammonium salt sugar medium. Becomes acid after incubation for 17 days. Becomes acid after incubation for 7 days. ' pH of medium at time of inoculation 6.9. Three strains oxidative; four strains negative.

NCTC 10662, and Staphylococcus aureus NCTC 6571. ner et al. (3). The melting temperature (,) determi- The minimum inhibitory concentration of an antimi- nations were made in saline sodium citrate buffer in a crobial agent for each strain was defined as the lowest Pye Unicam SP 1800 spectrophotometer equipped concentration completely inhibiting growth after over- with an electrically heated cell holder and a tempera- night incubation at 30°C. ture programmer. The temperature of the DNA was raised 0.25"C/min, and absorbance was recorded on a base compositions. DNA was extracted by theDNA method of Marmur (21) and was purified by treat- Pye Unicam AR 25 series linear-strip chart recorder. ment with protease and phenol as described by Bren- The temperature of the DNA solution was measured 204 HOLMES, SNELL, AND LAPAGE INT. J. SYST.BACTERIOL.

at 05°C intervals with a thermistor bead inserted in tween the strains in only 6 of the 73 tests carried the sample cuvette and a temperature-readingmeter. out. Although the strains gave negative results The thermistor bead and meter were calibrated for most of the biochemical characters tested, against a thermometer calibrated at the National the strains have several distinguishing charac- Physical Laboratories, with both bead and thermom- teristics by which they may be recognized: all of &er immersed in an oil bath to a depth of 8 cm. the strains produced a yellow pigment on nutri- The equation used to relate Tm to guanine-plus- cytosine (G + C) content was that of Mandel et al. ent agar; no characteristic odor was produced; (20): they were all nonmotile; and they produced small amounts of acid solely from glucose and mol%G+Cunknown = mol%G+Creference strain maltose of the 20 carbohydrates tested. Acid was + [slope of equation X (Tmunknown - sometimes produced in ammonium salt sugar Tmreference strain)] (1) medium (13) only after incubation beyond 5 A value for the slope of the equation, 2.44, was derived days and only at 30°C, the temperature for from the data of Marmur and Doty (22) and De Ley optimum growth of the strains, and not at 37"C, (10). The average Tm from several determinations of although all but ATCC 14234 grew at this tem- the reference DNA extracted from . colz -12 (G+C perature. Casein was digested, and extracellular = 51 mol%)was 91.05. Substituting values for the slope deoxyribonuclease and gelatinase were also pro- of the equation and for Tm and G+C content of the reference strain in equation 1 gives: duced by all of the strains. All of the strains produced indole, but a sensitive method (utiliz- mol%G+C = 51 + [2.44 X (Tm- 91.05)] (2) ing Ehrlich reagent) was necessary to demon- strate the presence of indole. RESULTS The results of the susceptibility tests to anti- The strains were gram-negative rods that pro- microbial agents are given in Table 3. ATCC duced yellow colonies on nutrient agar. After 14234 was more susceptible to each of the anti- incubation for 24 h on nutrient agar and on microbial agents tested than were the clinical strains. One of the clinical strains unfortunately blood agar, the colonies of all strains had an entire edge, were low convex (strain 4 was died before its susceptibility could be deter- domed), circular, smooth, shining, and pale yel- mined. The five clinical strains tested were fully low in color (strain 6 was pale yellow on nutrient resistant to therapeutic levels of streptomycin, agar, opaque gray on blood agar). Colonies were gentamicin, kanamycin, ampicillin, carbenicillin, nonhemolytic on blood agar (strain 3 showed and polymyxin B, were resistant or moderately -hemolysis) and were slightly larger on the resistant to sulfamethoxazole, cotrimoxazole, average than on nutrient agar. Colony size varied cephaloridine, erythromycin, chloramphenicol, between the strains, and, whereas some strains and tetracycline, and were moderately suscepti- produced colonies each of uniform diameter, ble to nalidixic acid. others produced colonies which varied in diam- For the three strains examined, the T, values and DNA base compositions (G+C) were: strains eter. The sizes of the colonies produced by all of the strains ranged from 0.25 to 2.5 mm on blood 2 and 3,83.7"C, 33.1 mol %; ATCC 14234, 83.1°C, agar and from 0.25 to 2.0 mm on nutrient agar. 31.6 mol %. Colonies of ATCC 14234 were smaller on the average (not exceeding 1.0 mm) and were the DISCUSSION same size on blood agar as on nutrient agar. Lustig (19) did not designate the type strain After incubation on nutrient agar for 7 days, of B. breuis, and no neotype appears to have colonies of all of the strains had an entire edge, been proposed for this species. Our six field were low convex (strain 6 had raised colonies strains and ATCC 14234 conform to the original coming to a point in the center), circular, description of the species (18) in being gram smooth, shiny, and yellow in color (strain 6 was negative, nonmotile, and yellow pigmented. The cream and ATCC 14234 was orange). The di- only result that we found at variance with the ameters of the colonies produced by all of the original description was that, although two of strains ranged from 0.5 to 5.0 mm. After incu- the strains failed to liquefy gelatin, the remain- bation on blood agar for 7 days, the colonies ing five were able to do so, and all seven strains generally had yellow centers with greenish edges produced gelatinase as demonstrated by the sen- and showed beta-hemolysis. The colony diame- sitive plate method. ter did not exceed 7.0 mm. In addition to producing gelatinase, the seven The biochemical test results for the strains strains differed from the descriptions of F. breve are given in Table 2. The strains were very summarized by Weeks (29) in failing to grow on homogeneous with respect to their biochemical media containing 6% (wt/vol) NaC1, in digesting characteristics, for there were differences be- casein, and in producing indole. These discrep- VOL. 28, 1978 FLAVOBACTERIUM BREVE 205

TABLE3. Susceptibility of F. breve to antimicrobial agents Susceptibility” of:

Antimicrobial F. breve strain Pseudo- Esche- monas Staphylococ- richia agent ATCC aeruginosa cus aureus coli 1 2 3 5 6 14234 NCTC NCTC6571 NCTC 10662 10418 Sulfamethoxazoie 64 32 16 32 128 2 64 2 4 Cotrimoxazole 8 4 4 8 8 1 32 0.5 0.5 Streptomycin 128 128 128 128 64 4 32 4 8 Gentamicin 32 64 32 64 32 2 1 0.25 1 Kanamycin >128 >128 >128 >128 >128 64 64 2 2 Ampicillin 64 64 64 64 128 16 128 0.25 4 Carbenicillin 64 128 64 64 128 32 32 1 4 Cephaloridine 8 16 8 8 0.5 0.25 >128 0.03 4 Erythromycin 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 0.06 128 0.125 8 Chloramphenicol 8 8 8 16 8 1 16 2 2 Tetracycline 8 4 4 8 4 0.5 8 0.125 1 Polymyxin B 32 64 32 >128 64 8 2 128 0.25 Nalidixic acid 16 16 8 16 8 16 32 32 1

a Minimum inhibitory concentration (micrograms per milliliter). ancies can, however, be explained on the basis sometimes only after prolonged incubation (up that the tests used in this study for gelatinase to 17 days). For the foregoing reasons, we con- production, casein digestion, and indole produc- sider that these strains may reasonably be as- tion are known to be more sensitive than older cribed to F. breve. methods. The discrepancy between our values None of the strains examined here was from of 31.6 to 33.1 mol% G+C and the value of 26 the collection of the author who first described mol% G+C given by Weeks (29) for F. breve was the species (19), and therefore any of the seven resolved by Weeks in a personal communication. strains we examined could be proposed as the Weeks informed us that his published G+C neotype strain. We proposed CL88/76 (= NCTC value for F. breve was obtained from an exami- 11099) as the neotype strain of F. breve because nation of ATCC 14234, and, upon reexamining it was one of four strains which were centrotypes this strain, he found the value to be 32.7 mol% of our group of seven strains (17). The remaining G+C, in good agreement with our figure of 31.6 five field strains and ATCC 14234 conform mol% G+C for this same strain. closely to the proposed neotype in biochemical The early descriptions of F. breve were so characters, susceptibility to antimicrobial incomplete that it is not possible to be absolutely agents, and in DNA base composition (Tables 2 certain that our strains belong to this species. and 3). We therefore consider our remaining five However, our findings are in reasonable accord field strains and ATCC 14234 to be members of with perhaps the best early description of F. F. breve. We chose not to propose ATCC 14234 breve, that given by Stutzer and Kwaschnina as the neotype strain since, although it is already (27) under the name F. brevis (sic) in 1929. They held in a culture collection, it was the least described the species as being nonmotile and typical of the seven strains examined and dif- gram negative and as producing on agar flat fered from the proposed neotype and the other convex colonies, not more than 1.0 mm in di- five clinical strains in failing to grow at 37°C and ameter, with smooth edges, a shiny flat surface, failing to produce extracellular deoxyribonucle- and a yellow color; this colonial description ase on deoxyribonuclease agar incorporating to- agrees very closely with ours. Stutzer and Kwas- luidine blue. It was also more susceptible to all chnina (27) further described the species as not of the antimicrobial agents tested than were any liquefying gelatin (two of our strains failed to of the five clinical strains examined. ATCC liquefy gelatin), failing to produce indole and 14234 failed to liquefy gelatin (as did one of our hydrogen sulfide, and not reducing nitrates; clinical strains) and accords to the original de- most important of all, they noted weak acid scription of F. breve in this respect; however, production from glucose (they also found acid this is a minority result among our strains and production from galactose, but we were unable therefore further precludes the suitability of to confiim this finding). One of the most notable ATCC 14234 as a suitable neotype strain for F. characters of our strains was their ability to breve. In all other characters, however, the seven produce acid from glucose in ammonium salt strains agree, and we do not hesitate to include sugar medium only when incubated at 30°C and ATCC 14234 together with the other six strains 206 HOLMES, SNELL, AND LAPAGE INT. J. SYST.BACTERIOL.

in the same species. The source of ATCC 14234 differ from F. breve in also producing acid from is not listed in the ATCC Catalogue of Strains glycerol and trehalose and in hydrolyzing escu- (1) and, if this strain did not come from a clinical lin. F. odoratum is yellow-pigmented, and, like source, its probable lack of contact with anti- F. breve, may be found in urine cultures; how- microbial agents would reasonably explain its ever, F. odoratum differs from F. breve in being greater susceptibility in comparison with the five nonsaccharolytic, in reducing nitrite, and in pro- clinical strains examined. ducing urease. Strains of group IIf are Flavo- Salient features for the recognition of F. breve bacterium-like, and, although they occur in clin- are lack of motility; production of yellow pig- ical material, they should not be confused with ment; production of cytochrome oxidase, pro- F. breve because strains of group IIf are not teinases, deoxyribonuclease, and phosphatase; pigmented on nutrient agar. weak or delayed acid production from glucose The DNA base composition of F. breve (31 to and maltose in ammonium salt agar medium; 33 mol% G+C) is similar to that of two other and resistance to carbenicillin, gentamicin, and Flavobacterium species described by Weeks (29): polymyxin. The DNA base composition of F. F. aquatile (33%) and F. uliginosum (32%). breve is in the range of 31 to 33 mol% G+C. These last two species do not, as far as we know, Other characters of this species are listed in occur in clinical material, and we have Tables 2 and 3. not examined reference strains of the two spe- Five organisms occasionally isolated from cies. For the foregoing reasons, F. aquatile and clinical material may be confused with F. breve, F. uliginosum are not included in Table 4, but namely F. meningosepticum, F. odoratum (14), characters, derived from Weeks (29), by which Pseudomonas maltophilia, and groups IIb and these species may be differentiated from F. breve IIf of Weaver et al. (28). Characters by which are given in Table 5. these organisms can be differentiated from each There is no definite evidence that any of our other are given in Table 4. Occasional strains of strains were causative of a pathological process. Pseudomonas maltophilia produce a yellow pig- The site of isolation of strain 1 is unknown; ment, and, because the majority produce acid strains 3,5, and 6 were isolated in mixed cultures; from glucose and almost all produce acid from strain 4 was possibly a contaminant; and strain maltose, they could be confused with F. breve; 2 may have been causative of a pathological however, P. maltophilia is motile whereas F. process, but from the brief clinical details ob- breve is not. F. meningosepticum and the bio- tained, no definite conclusion could be reached chemically similar group IIb produce acid from (refer to Table 1 for sources of isolation). The glucose and maltose, as does F. breve, but they three pathogenic organisms (one of which is now

TABLE4. Characteristics useful in differentiating F. breve from phenetically similar bacteria" F. odora- F. menin- Pseudo- Test F. breve gosepti- Group IIb (gotpGroup IIf monas mal- cum M-4f) tophiliah

~ Acid from ASS' glucose 6/7" 8/9 + - - 45/77 Acid from ASS glycerol - 8/9 3/4 - - - Acid from ASS maltose 6/7 + + - - 75/77 Acid from ASS trehalose ...... - + - Alkali production on Christensen citrate ...... - 1/4 57/62 Esculin hydrolysis ...... - + 42/59 Growth at 42°C ...... - 2/4 19/55 Lysine decarboxylase ...... - - 75/85 Motility at room temperature ...... - - + Nitrite reduction ...... - 1/4 1/56 Pigment production on tyrosine ...... - 3/4 78/93 Starch hydrolysis ...... - + - Tyrosine hydrolysis ...... - 2/4 84/93 Urease production ...... - - 9/69 Yellow pigment production ...... + + 7/119 P-Galactosidase production ...... - 1/4 9/60 '' Symbols: +, all strains tested positive; -, all strains tested negative. The phenotypic results were derived from this study and from NCTC unpublished data. Not all strains of this taxon were tested in every test. ASS, Ammonium-salt-sugarmedium. "Number of strains showing characters per number of strains tested. FLAVOBACTERIUM BREVE 207

TABLE5. Characteristics useful for differentiating generic name Empedobacter, to which Prevot F. breve from some other Flavobacterium spp. with (26) transferred F. breve, is validly published similar DNA base compositions (5), it is not a name in common usage and it is Test not accepted in the eighth edition of Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology (4). De- Grows at 37°C ... - spite the present unsatisfactory taxonomic sta- Requires added NaCl ... - tus of the genus Flavobacterium, this genus is Hydrolysis of agar ... - - the best position for F. breve at this time. Acid from lactose ... Chester (6) drew attention to the similarity Acid from sucrose .,. + between the organism now referred to as F. Indole ... - breve and Bacillus septicus hominis Mironow NO3 to NO2 ... - Isolated from marine en- 1892. However, the name B. septicus hominis vironment ... - - + was not validly published (18, Rule 12a), and ~ ~~~ even if the two above-mentioned names were Results are those of Weeks (29). synonymous, the specific epithet breue would Results are taken from the present study. ‘ Number of strains showing characters per number have priority as this epithet was the first of the of strains tested. two to be published. Chester (6) also drew atten- tion to the similarity between F. breve and Bac- terium septicus agrigenus (Flugge) Chester called F. breve) described by Mori (25) were 1897. The latter name was also not validly pub- obtained by inoculating laboratory animals with lished (18, Rule 12a), although a name for the canal water. When the injected animals died, species was later validly published, i.e., Pasteu- organisms recovered from the blood and internal rella agrigena Trevisan 1889 (see Index Ber- organs were presumed to be pathogenic and to geyana [5]), a year earlier than the publication have originated from the canal water. Mori (25) of the specific epithet breve. However, as there found his short canal bacillus (F. breve) to be are, according to the World Directory Df Collec- pathogenic for guinea pigs, mice, and rabbits but tions of Cultures of Microorganisms (23), no not for pigeons. Only Stutzer and Kwaschnina reference strains of P. ugrigena available, it (27) reported isolating this species from a clinical would not appear necessary to further consider source, i.e., from the feces of a patient with the name P. agrigena as being synonymous with relapsing fever, although they did not consider F. breve. this strain to be causative of a pathological proc- ATCC 14234 is available from the American ess. Even though none of the seven strains herein Type Culture Collection, Rockville, Maryland described appeared to be clinically significant, and three of our strains have been deposited the revised description of the species will allow in the National Collection of Type Cultures, other workers to recognize strains of F. breve in including the proposed neotype, CL88/76 clinical material, and further studies may per- (= NCTC 11099); the other two strains haps determine whether the species can be caus- are CL626/75 (= NCTC 11162) and CL669/76 ative of a pathological process. If this proves to (= NCTC 11163). be the case, the resistance of F. breve to thera- peutic levels of a wide range of antimicrobial ACKNOWLEDGMENTS agents (including carbenicillin and gentamicin) We are extremely grateful to H. T. March for assistance to which gram-negative, nonfermentative bac- with the translation of the German text of several papers. . . Hill kindly translated the Italian text of the paper by Lustig teria might be expected to be susceptible sug- (19). Our thanks are also due to all those who sent us strains gests that infections due to this species might of Flauobacterium breve for identification, especially those prove difficult to treat. who also kindly provided additional clinical details relating to Of all the early names given to the short canal the isolation of their strains. bacillus of Mori (25), the only validly published REPRINT REQUESTS and legitimate one is Bacillus brevis, the name used by Lustig in 1890 (19). All of the other Reprints are not available. names are not validly published or are illegiti- LITERATURE CITED mate either in the use of a specific epithet which 1. American Type Culture Collection. 1976. Catalogue of is formed from two or more words which do not strains, 12th ed., p. 62. American Type Culture Collec- refer to a single concept (18, Rule 12a) or in the tion, Rockville, Md. use of a junior synonym; the generic name Pseu- 2. Bergey, . H., F. C. Harrison, R. S. Breed, B. . dobacterium Krasil’nikov 1949, to which genus Hammer, and F. M. Huntoon (ed.). 1923. Bergey’s manual of determinative bacteriology, p. 116. The Wil- Krasil’nikov (16) transferred this species, is also liams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore. illegitimate [, Rule 51b (l)]. Although the 3. Brenner, D. J., G. R. Fanning, A. . Rake, and K. E. 208 HOLMES, SNELL, AND LAPAGE INT. J. SYST.BACTERIOL.

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