The WALRUS The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things: Of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings. - Lewis Carroll

Vol LXV, No. 6 St. Sebastian’s School April 2012 Potential Arrows Visit Sebs By Kevin Patterson ‘13 moment in St. Bart’s. sold right at the point when they After this beautiful mo- first sank their teeth into a famous ment, Marlon Matthews ’14 and St. Sebastian’s cookie…ah, memo- Yes, St. Sebastian’s, it is that time of year again: the time when Kevin Patterson ’13 were intro- ries. Nevertheless, students, teach- you begin to see strange, unfamiliar duced, and they proceeded to the ers, and future families alike stayed faces surrounding you as you flow microphone and the piano, respec- in Ward Hall until the dark hours through the halls. No, they are not tively, and treated the audience to a of the night, losing track of time foreign exchange students, but they superb rendition of “Wake Up Every- because of the thrill of bonding. are visitors from afar. body”, a song originally performed Future Arrows made friends that will All of us students remem- by Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes, last a lifetime. ber our visitor tour, that nerve- though most younger members of Undoubtedly, Admitted wracking day when we first prac- the St. Sebastian’s community will Students’ Night was a huge suc- ticed the routine that has generally more likely remember it as the song cess, as usual. Precious informa- come to define us. We remember that Marlon sang (beautifully, might tion was disseminated, hands were walking through the halls between I add) at the Black History Month as- shaken, bonds were formed, but classes, receiving slant looks from sembly. After the raucous applause most importantly, somehow, as if older guys, making our ways to finally died down, the guests were by a miracle, the very spirit of St. classrooms, listening to teachers treated to three speeches, two from Sebastian’s school was so read- who we do not understand. Now it current students Jack Frisoli ‘17and ily tapped. As a volunteer for the is time for the current students to Conor Haughey ’12, and one from event, I can attest to the fact that welcome our future brothers. We Tom O’Regan ‘10, a current Harvard there must have been something in must provide a guiding light for student and St. Seb’s alumnus. All the air that night, for everyone was these visitors and aid them, answer speeches attested to the wonders of so happy, so vibrant, so full of cheer questions for them, and so on. We St. Sebastian’s student life, focusing and pep. Such is the nature of the Conor Haughey ‘12 speaks to the assembly at the admitted students night on April 3 can all take some small steps to not on academics as would be done St. Sebastian’s family. As the night welcome them even more than we at most similar events held by other concluded, many young men ea- already do. schools, but rather focusing on the gerly drove home to check the box However, on Tuesday, bonds formed between students, on the postcard and send it back to April 3, the school hosted its annual and the bonds that the future St. Sebastian’s, and surely, they will Speaker Jason Evert Talks Admitted Students Reception Night. Arrows in the pews will inevitably never look back. Before 7:00 P.M., student volunteers make in the future. Following some So, in this all-important gathered in the student lounge for concluding remarks heralded by admissions season, be ready to help a scrumptious dinner of pizza and none other than Headmaster Burke out those students around you. You About Chastity and Marriage soda. Mr. Wishart explained the himself, the guests, students, and may see some unfamiliar faces lurk- faculty were all invited to Ward Hall ing about the halls of this school, details of the night, and the student this stuff was taught to me by an being discussed. His true message for a meet-and-greet. and it may be a little awkward to do By John Donovan ‘12 volunteers were whisked away to uptight old school catholic nun #is- however, no matter what one’s In Ward Hall, current par- so, but just reach out to them. Lend perform their magic. First, future Ar- tilldontgetit). Needless to say, I was personal opinion is, rings true: that ents intermingled with perspective a hand. You never know how much On March 25, Jason rows were welcomed into St. Bart’s. concerned for what lay ahead. sex is a very sacred and personal parents, current Arrows socialized of an influence one simple gesture Evert, an internationally renowned Mr. Wishart and Mr. Nerbonne thing and should be treated with with and answered questions for can make. As members of the cur- speaker, made an engaging and provided an introductory overview At the moment of peak cu- the utmost respect. Whether or not their future brothers, and teach- rent community, we must welcome somewhat controversial presenta- of the night which was followed by riosity just before he is about to be- one chooses to wait until marriage ers became the focus of attention, them in with open arms and give tion about sex and dating to the stu- a masterfully-poetic prayer led by gin speaking, my mind took a turn was not the whole point; Jason forced to juggle an overwhelming them the fullest taste of our St. Seb’s dent community. Of course, Rumor, our very own Fr. Arens. At this point, for the worse. Yes, every nook and really was trying to emphasize the number of visitors all at once while experience. Tell your story, give di- with her thousand eyes, ears, and current students, former students, cranny, every deep recess of mind importance of such a blessed gift still selling the school and speak- rections to a class, do anything you mouths, spread the news around and future students alike prayed the was filling with all thoughts and that ultimately is given by God. His ing from the heart. Chef Sean can to pitch in. We all have our own the school that such a scandalous Our Father aloud. There is a great diagrams. I was pleasantly surprised message resounds harmoniously enthralled the palates of everyone personal experiences that cemented discussion was to take place. bond found in praying together—it to find that Jason’s talk was not only with our own at St. Sebastian’s, one is often said that the family who present with some divine dessert in us the belief that we were Arrows. Because the assembly was interesting but also entertaining; of celebration of both love and God. prays together stays together. choices, including many cookies, Who knows? You may be the one scheduled for the afternoon, the the highlight being Jason, a very Overall, for me it was re- Never has that phrase had more of brownies, and healthier fruit op- to create this profound event for a student body was given ample op- small man, carrying Chris Marano freshing to see someone talk about a meaning than it did at that very tions. I’m sure many students were future brother. portunity to let their imaginations a.k.a Latisha a.k.a the Orb and trying such a sensitive topic so openly and run wild. During the course of the to dump him off the stage. Ulti- honestly. He shaped his planned day, I, like many, questioned what mately, his talk, while humorous at discussion to fit his audience, mak- this guy possibly could have to say times and awkward at others, had ing it appropriate and pertinent to Senior Class Legacy to Last to us. While ridiculous, some of the an important message. Whether the modern frame of reference and machinations I overheard coming or not one chooses to embrace also the lives of many young men ketball and soccer teams had very class will always be remembered as By Matt Fechtelkotter ‘12 from the students began to frighten his teachings, one cannot deny his who are stepping into adulthood. tough seasons in terms of records. the first St. Sebs robotic team to go me a little. I couldn’t wrap my brain statistics on STD’s, pregnancy, and Although perhaps controversial, his When we first arrived at For many kids this would be depress- to nationals. Another huge extra- around the idea of a school wide sex psychological mindset of those who message was pure and uplifting, Sebs we were simply looking to get ing. However, both teams had a lot of curricular activity that the class of talk primarily because previous dis- participate in pre-marital sex. Some emphasizing that love, sex, and God through the orientation and make fun due to the fact that both learned 2012 will be remembered by is the cussions of this nature had always students and faculty seemed a little are all deeply connected and very it to the long weekend. Six years that there was more to life than drama club. Most notably, it will be left me more distressed, confused, disgruntled by his upfront approach important to living a healthy and seemed like an extremely long time. winning games. Once again, seniors remembered for the play written by and embarrassed (In all fairness, and even took offense to the topic happy life. It wasn’t. played a large role in this mindset. senior Mark Lane. Not only was it well The Class of 2012 now has One example of this oc- written, but it was also performed its eyes set on 10:00 in the morning curred on the basketball team. A few extremely well. The other play in on June 7, 2012. Graduation. Now of the seniors had the idea of wear- the fall will also be remembered most of the class probably hasn’t ing an NBA jersey to practice instead simply because it was hilarious. Sure thought about what people will of our regular practice jerseys. This enough, it was directed by Sean Fraz- remember not only about them indi- also developed into everybody call- zette, a senior. vidually, but also the entire class by. ing each other by the name on the As seniors, everyone was Some may think that a class’s legacy jersey rather than their real names. put into a leadership role. Some doesn’t matter. However, the legacy Now this may not seem like a big classes step up to the challenge. of a class is quite important. We did deal. However, as Coach Morelli said, There is no doubt that the Class spend almost a third of our lives up “We wouldn’t remember our record of 2012 stepped up. First of all, we to this point roaming the halls of in 20 years.” However, we would had Patrick McLaughlin leading the Sebs. remember the strange and funny student body for two great years as What is the legacy that we things that we did as a team. the school president. Then in all the will leave though? Will it be from ath- Our legacy can also be sports, seniors took leadership roles letics? Or could it possibly be about defined by what we did in the class- as captains. Even in the school the se- what the Class of 2012 managed to room. As with any class at St. Sebs, niors took on leadership roles, even do in the classrooms? Or will it be the there are a lot of bright kids. Howev- if they were never elected to a high way that our class acted outside of er, the Class of 2012 has a very large position. As Mr. Burke mentioned, the the classrooms? In reality the Class of number of students who are taking members of the Class of 2012 simply 2012 will be remembered by every- tough classes and doing well. What lead by example. This was evident thing that they did, especially over also sets the Class of 2012 apart from when the entire senior class showed the past few years. other class is the amount of time and up on time, which eventually lead to We will be remembered for effort that everyone put into school. having the day before March break what we did in athletics. The varsity If you were to go into either of the off. football team had a great season this physics rooms in the morning or Therefore, if there is one past year, losing only two games by afternoon on most days you would thing that the Class of 2012 will be a combined 8 points. This was largely find at least one or two kids search- remembered by, it would have to be due to the senior class for a large ing for extra help on homework. fact that the seniors inspired others number of the starters were seniors. What went on outside of by leading the school. Then every- Even the seniors who didn’t play still the classroom and athletic fields will thing else will fall in behind it, simply set a great example of hard work and also play a large role in the legacy of because everything else came about dedication for the younger players the Class of 2012. With a large part of because of the quality of the senior Speaker Jason Evert raises some interesting points during his presentation on chastity on the team. Both the varsity bas- the robotics team being seniors, our leadership.

NEWS SPORTS Seb’s Irish Friends Visit School Does Not Appear in Photo: Lacrosse Aims for ISL Title Page 5 Page 8 Loose Clothing at the 70’s Dance Page 2 THE WALRUS April 2012 TV: The Game of Thrones actors all give their best efforts to wonder how much trouble it takes By Edgar Escobar ‘14 fit their roles whether it is a queen to earn mercy. It seems as though QUOTES of the determined to make her son king mercy can only be achieved through The HBO hit “Game of or a man trying to keep his family bargains and trades which only Thrones” follows a scenario of three protected. frustrate the families even more. families who each control portions As families fight for the The Targaryens are occa- of a fictional world.The series mainly thrones,a young girl with “a gentle sionally shown, but only seem to be features settings ranging from a for- heart” is married off by her brother a part of the show to put forth the tress that is constantly bombarded to the Targaryens whose barbaric show’s messages and themes very by snow to wide, open fields. At rituals influence most of their deci- clearly. The idea of the Targaryens’ MONTH first the story is difficult to follow, sions. The Targaryens seem to future prince being a stallion and but after a couple of episodes the be placed outside of the seven controlling the world is constantly viewer is widely familiar with the kingdoms because of their deter- mentioned. Eventually the idea of “My life is to run naked on a soccer several places and families that are minacy to be independent as they the stallion corrupts the Targaryens depicted. Basically, one of these conquer other villages. This young and chaos roams their territory with families, the Lannisters, controls girl’s gentle heart is almost oblivious senseless murders and pillaging. field.” seven kingdoms in this world and to the evils of the outside world and Obviously, power corrupts, and attempts to keep peace in all seven. cannot stand to see people be- although this is a clear theme with The king of this family tries to bring ing hurt. The young girl, played by all the families, it may be mentioned -Luke Murphy his best friend, Eddard Stark, to be Emilia Clarke, is instantly likable for too much by the Targaryens. The his right hand man. After he suc- her innocence. Targaryens stick out and don’t re- ceeds, the show begins to unfurl “Game of Thrones” has ally fit with other two families due and chaos covers all the kingdoms. plenty of likable characters to cheer to physical distance at this point As chaos takes place, the for, but also quite a few of hated in the show. Of course this could fight for the thrones in the king- ones. The Lannisters all seem to be easily change within an episode or doms is what gives the show its corrupted by wealth and power. The two, but as of now the show seems name. One family, the Starks, is one only Lannister who can be likable is to be mainly concerned with the whom the audience truly builds the imp and mainly because of his Starks and Lannisters. The rural and “This plane is easily going 5,000 miles a bond for. Their low status in the light humor. He may be the only lik- barbaric ambiance of the Targaryens kingdom and their dependency on able member of the entire Lannister does bring a break in the show and human ethics place them as the family and this may be a good thing. distracts the viewers enough to not per hour.” underdogs in the show. The Lan- “Game of Thrones” has a bore them of just the Starks and nisters might be considered as the way of removing a hated character Lannisters. It is a shame that the Tar- villains of the show especially since from the spotlight for an episode garyens are considered a distraction -Mike Kavolius, when asked they are despised by the majority of to let the hatred settle then placing but frankly that’s what they seem to the Starks. The Lannisters are shown him back a few episodes later to let be as of now since the show focuses to be a wealthy but spoiled family. the hatred fuel back up again. This is on the other two families. how fast the plane to New They do, however, have their share constantly done with the Lannisters, But because one wishes of morals as their family motto is “A but because they are the antago- to see more of a part of the show, Orleans was going Lannister always repays his debts.” nists the audience won’t be turned then obviously the show is doing its The motto is constantly used by off. The tactic is really interesting job of entertainment. And “Game Peter Dinklage who plays as the because otherwise the audience of Thrones” definitely does its duty imp in the family of the Lannisters. may hate a character so much as to of fulfilling entertainment while He proves to be a convincing actor avoid the show completely; letting still being able to push forward as he bargains and cleverly sneaks the hatred cool keeps the audience themes that apply to our senses of “I thought Carnegie Mellon was a type his way out of countless death hooked to the show. The beauty of the world. The audience becomes sentences. As Peter Fantozzi puts it, “Game of Thrones” is that the audi- engrossed with the fictional world. “The imp is the best character on ence is able to choose who to root “Game of Thrones” is a must see of melon.” the show.” As the misfortunate man for. The show displays each charac- and is available on the HBO channel encounters issue after issue in the ter’s motives that the audience has and on demand, but this show does show, the audience feels for him. the choice to either side with the contain mature content and isn’t -Chris Marano Other leading actors include Lena motive or not. intended for everyone. Paige Sand- Headey, Sean Bean, Ian Glen, Emilia A reoccurring theme of erson warns, “It has some messed Clarke, and Maisie Williams. The “the madness of mercy” makes us up stuff, but it’s good.”

“Can I please be in The Walrus? Please? I’m wicked hot and chill and all the kids love me!” -Brendan Dunphy, begging to be in Quotes of the Month once before he graduates Final New Orleans Trip Game of Thrones is a must watch, despite its strange and maddening themes. Returns a Huge Success

Thang” Eaton himself. ARISE is a The Walrus By Sean Frazzette ‘12 nity member’s house, there stood Senior Editor Teach For America-run school which a large, yet decaying, shed, filled to A St. Sebastian’s Publication enrolls students from kindergarten the edges with nostalgic reminders It has come and gone for to fourth grade, adding a new grade of an old New Orleans. A group took what seems like forever, but now each year. They take kids from the hammers too the shed, however, the New Orleans trip can honestly inner city, many of whom are poor and knocked the massive monu- Senior Editors: Peter Cimini ‘12, Sean Frazzette ‘12, Chris Nadeau ‘12, Chris say it is complete. For years, the trip or even homeless, and attempt and ment right over. (Note: If you have Stadtler ‘12 has dedicated itself to hard work succeed at offering them a strong not seen the videos of this, ask Chris and human connection, as well as education, goals for the future, and Marano ’13). Then, as the group Apprentice Editors: Whoever Will be Stuck With this Paper Next Year a sense of community in a seem- strong spiritual duty, in an effort cleaned the decay left behind, a Head Writers: John Donovan ‘12, Joe Dudley ‘12, Matt Fechtelkotter ‘12, to rebuild what Katrina ruthlessly ingly disorganized life. While there, small faction led by Mr. Nunan tried stripped away. This year, the trip we helped with the organization to construct a new shed. This would Tyler Sweeney ‘12, Kevin Wolfe ‘12, Bobby Wright ‘12 proved to be a huge success and St. of the library as well as helping the have been easy, had the aforemen- Sebastian’s left New Orleans once students as they prepared for a tioned Kavolius been a little more CONTRIBUTORS: Chris Riley ‘13, Shane MacDonald ‘14, Colin Connolly and for all, but not without a huge state test that was fast approach- careful in reading the directions ‘15, John Ryan ‘15, Kevin Patterson ‘13, Danny Higgins ‘15, Will Kenney ‘14, mark and a hopeful smile. ing. The students then enjoyed time and not placed certain pieces in As the plane flew towards asking us questions, among which upside-down. Nevertheless, this Mike Petro ‘13, Peter DeMatteo ‘13, Mike Haley ‘13, Jack Goldman ‘14, Chris the Crescent City, Mike Kavolius the favorites were: “Are y’all broth- work site was completed with vigor Callahan ‘14, Vaughn Gendron ‘14, Cam Kelly ‘14, Kevin Murray ‘14, John ’13 wisely claimed, “This plane is ers?”; “Can you dunk?”; “How come and enthusiasm, and the back yard Bartlett ‘14, Mark Lane ‘12, James O’Leary ‘13, Pat Rivard ‘14, Michael Hoff probably going 5,000 miles per the short one is older than the tall looked better than ever. ‘13, Brandon Jones ‘14, Billy McCarthy ‘15, Jimmy Mitchell ‘15, Jay Daukas hour.” Although the plane may have one?” (to Mark and myself, as well as Now, as mentioned be- seemed to be going that fast to anyone and Wolpe). fore, this was the final trip to New ‘14, David Abelson ‘14, Christian Kelly ‘15, John Real ‘13, John Cheever ‘12, Mike, this fact did not deter from Besides ARISE, the group Orleans for the foreseeable future. Matt Donovan ‘13, Kevin Ginns ‘14, Ryan Sanderson ‘12, Mickey Adams ‘13, the lengthy trip down. After delays faced many terrific service oppor- As a two-year member of the trip, C. J. Santosuosso ‘15, Peter Breslin ‘13, Ryan Wolfsberg ‘13, Edgar Escobar tunities, two of which will never be and turbulence, the service group I speak for all those ever involved ‘15, Paige Sanderson ‘15, Julian Matra ‘13, Zach Chambers ‘14 eventually reached Corpus-Christi forgotten by anyone on the trip. in offering a warm thank you to Epiphany early into the next morn- At one Church community mem- Corpus-Christi Epiphany Parish as ing, and received only a few hours ber’s house, a group arrived to a well as to our hosts, Miss Monique of sleep before the trip truly began. messy lawn, ridden with bricks and and Miss Cheryl. Also, to Mr. Nunan Editors Emeritus: Edmund Murphy, Dillon Ecclesine, Tom Hoff, Alex Spear, Tom The first day started with an early overgrown grass, and a raggedy for offering and organizing this trip Keefe back porch with scratched wood. wake up and a Sunday Mass that since the first one, the year after Faculty Advisor: Mr. Dan Drummond few will forget. The music, homily, In only two days time, however, a Katrina hit. Although he may be and overall accepting atmosphere beautiful lot seemed to appear out leaving us after this year, Mr. Nunan of the Church offered spiritual en- of nowhere. Part of the front lawn has been a spiritual constant and The Walrus is the official student newspaper of St. Sebastian’s School. The Walrus lightenment and beautiful harmony was ripped out, only to be replaced mentor for many a student in the seeks to provide news and entertainment for the St. Sebastian’s community, as well as with a hand-laid brick walkway, to all involved. It truly was a perfect community and he deserves infinite to provide an open forum for students to offer opinions on issues related to world, na- start to such a trip. leading up to a stone patio and praise for his efforts and works. Even After a day of mostly red porch. Then, in the backyard, though the New Orleans trip is now tional, and school affairs. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect opin- relaxation and touring, the true the decrepit old porch was painted over, there will still be plenty of op- ions of the faculty advisors or senior editors of The Walrus or of St. Sebastian’s School. service began on Monday morning. over with two coats of a glimmering portunities for service, so I strongly Correspondence to The Walrus should be addressed to The Walrus, c/o St. Sebas- red paint. Soon enough, the house encourage everyone to try to help The seniors—Terry O’Connor, Matt tian’s School, 1191 Greendale Avenue, Needham, MA, 02492. Senior Editors and produc- Angelico, Chris Nadeau, Mark Cun- looked brilliant in the bright sun- out in some way or another. It will ningham, and myself—all traveled light of Louisiana. The other project be worth your time. tion staff reserve the right to reject, edit, or admit student submissions. To submit an to ARISE Academy with Mr. “Swamp was more of a demolition, than a article, use the appropriate monthly dropbox on the Walrus Group page of our website. construction. At a another commu- April 2012 THE WALRUS Page 3 Sebs Robotics Team Heads Senior Forecasts to St. Louis for Nationals By The Senior Editors By Julian Matra ‘13 cation of my excitement, but instead we feel, I think that this article should As a group of editors we thought that for our last issue of The Walrus we might take a moment to see what the a part of the title). The major objec- spend some time addressing you, future has in store for each member of the Class of 2012. Here are our predictions: tives involve moving a bowling ball the reader. Perhaps you are on the As I walked in Room 204 for both Matt Abelson – goes on to cure cancer, but cure can’t be reproduced because no one in the world can follow his another (unofficial) Robotics Club into a “safe zone,” locating magnetic fence about joining robotics. Perhaps racquet balls and placing them into you feel as though it is too much of work and explanations meeting and to acquire some Tommy Allen – as a senior in college, he is voted captain of his Bucknell’s AV team quotes for this article, I was met with small cup-like objects located at the a time commitment, or too technical corners of the field, and collecting and overwhelming. Perhaps you just Matt Angelico – joins forces with Mr. Wilbur and rises to dominance over the professional gaming community the sounds of drills, surgical tubing Anthony Arcanti – joins an A’Cappella group in college as the person who makes all the ridiculously awesome being stretched, and arguing. To regular racquet balls, placing them in don’t see any real point in joining. Let crates (located on the field), and rais- me be blunt: Robotics is very much noises that no other human can produce any other passerby, these sounds James Astrue – proves that numbers can be divisible by zero would have made the room seem as ing to crates as high as one possibly so a “mental sport.” This is not to say can so as to gain extra points. After that it one needs to be a straight-A Aidan Balboni – nearly chokes to death on dirty water from his gallon but easily wins lawsuit with Poland Springs if some strange Frankenstein-esque while acting as his own lawyer experiment was occurring; however, much deliberation about the pros student with a love for engineering and cons of various strategies for to succeed, because if that were true, Chris Barletta – promoted to zoo keeper of Canton I knew that these were the normal Will Barnard – creates surrogate robot from the movies that can lead his life for him. (His surrogate also has red sounds of any robotics gathering. gaining the most points, we decided I would have left Robotics years ago. that both the easiest and the most Trust me when I say that everything hair). With just a couple of weeks before Andrew Bono – transfers to all-male college because he cannot handle going to school with girls Worlds (the shorthand version of effective way to gain points would you will need to learn to because a be to collect balls, place them into capable member of the team, wheth- Steve Brown – still telling crazy Atlantis stories…apparently they killed it FTC World Championships, which Brendan Burke – goes on to marry Zlev. They have two Olympic-class weightlifting daughters we commonly use as the official crates, raise the crates. To do this, er that be an engineer, or a program- though, is no easy feat and requires mer, or anything in-between, can be John Cheever – will get arrested at a Harvard-Yale football game title would be long and tiresome Patrick Ciapciak – founds news country and immediately memorizes its capital to repeatedly say, and in any given a lot of long nights of hard work. learned with relative ease. And if at Co-captains Will Barnard and John any point you need help there will Pete Cimini – legally changes his name to Henry robotics meeting nowadays the Jared Clement – … word “Worlds” is said at least thirty Gordon’s steadfast effort and vision be someone there who will be more help to bring to life what we agreed than willing to aid you. Robotics is Danny Conley – revives Friendly’s restraint chain; enjoys an early retirement with Janet to forty-five times) in St. Louis, Mis- Jack Connolly – still trying to get on the 1980 Olympic hockey team souri, everyone is working over- would be the best (and coolest one of the few clubs that makes you looking) crate lifting method: a giant a more thoughtful person for having Rob Cotter – still the king of Natick time to get the robot prepared for Mark Cunningham – lands job as a critic where he can finally employ all his negative energy. competition. vertical scissor lift. The original height joined. I have learned skills that I am of our scissor lift was around 5 feet. sure I will use for years to come, such Anthony D’Amato – will return to Seb’s as the Dean of Students Every year St. Sebastian’s Kendall Dardy-Jones – will be hired by comedian to sit in on shows to ensure that at least one person will laugh at participates in FTC (FIRST Tech For States, we raised it to 9 feet. Now, as the ability to make a well-reasoned after some pretty clever usage of argument, negotiate, compromise, all his jokes Challenge), a robotics competition Jarrod Dillon – will follow in his father’s footsteps and join the Milton police department where various tasks or challenges, surgical tubing, the current scissor lift solve problems, and, perhaps most height is 11 feet, 3 inches. I encour- importantly, be a good teammate. So Kevin Dillon – starts his own Comedy show (co-hosted by Brendan Dunphy) which are developed and an- Malcolm Donaldson – first Seb’s graduate to be crowned MVP of professional Slamball League nounced in mid-to-late September, age everyone to come by room 204 I encourage you, if you feel even the and ask for a demonstration. slightest inclination to try out Robot- Gordon Donnelly – runs Medway public hockey tasks which each competing team John Donovan – wins Congressional Medal of Honor and Nobel Peace Prize, but still can’t get over why he got a 99 must design a robot to complete, While I could go on about ics, to do it. I’m sure you won’t regret how excited everyone is, how proud it! (N.B. this exclamation point is an and not a 100 on ninth grade religion paper. task which are given a cheesy title. Joe Dudley – lands leading role in Lord of Rings sequel This year’s title is Bowled Over! (N.B. of ourselves we are, how surprised, indication of my excitement, not part ecstatic, overjoyed, and privileged of a title). Brendan Dunphy – kicked out of college for being too big a bully the exclamation point is not an indi- Mitchell Emerson – will not land a job because he will be late to every interview regardless of the magnitude Matt Fechtelkotter – will return to Seb’s to teach and coach football and basketball Mike Fischer – becomes biggest super fan in BC history (but will be usurped by McCabe years later). Austin Franchi – hits it big by developing new supplement that exceeds the performance of Muscle Milk Sean Frazzette – overtakes Da Vinci as Wikipedia’s best example of a Renaissance man Gus Gordon –majors in Computer Science at Bucknell and leads strikingly similar life to Matt Farrell of “Live Free or Die Hard” Conor Haughey – becomes mayor of Wellesley Parker Hentz – struggles to land a job because all employers require him to hand write his applications Jamie Hilton – finally learns that his buddy’s dad who’s a cop cannot get him out of every speeding ticket Sam Hodgson – will become professional side-wall stringer Quandel Johnson – still trying to get 1000 views Tommy Kenney – Works for Sharpie and develops now highlighter Doug Kingsley – will become Pope Mark Lane – becomes successful movie producer Dave Loughborough – still jealous of Tedy’s size Pat McLaughlin – changes his last name to Strachan when they make it official Alex Morin – becomes shortest person to sail around the world M.J. Muldowney – wins the world Iron Man event Chris Nadeau – not allowed to walk at graduation for making most of these predictions (forced to run instead). John Nicklas – quits baseball and opts for a life of chastity with the priesthood Terry O’Connor – succeeds Mr. Jenkins as Seb’s Cross Country coach and English teacher, and also defines manhood Danny O’Regan – lands a job at Twin River Joe Prescott – does not get drafted after high school, but enjoys successful career at Brown and still has hope for the future (pun intended) Conor Reenstierna – stars in a series of Gold’s Gym commercials Ryan Sanderson – despite never playing in high school he decides to walk onto college hockey team and eventu- ally gets drafted Chris Stadtler – Replaces Stuart Scott as the host of KIA NBA Shootaround only to quit after finding out that they analyze basketball and not Kia Tyler Sweeney –will move to Africa to study the best cat of them all, the cheetah Ben Thai – will teach others how to deliver chapel speeches with so much emotion and sophistication Jalen Thornton – lands job as a speechwriter, because he can definitely write them, but just can’t show up to pres- ent them The sky is the limit for the robotics team as they head for Nationals in St. Louis this month Andrew Vandini – will never emerge from Big Steve’s shadow Alex Venditti – becomes distinguished American hero for his service to the armed forces Sam Washburne – inherits fortune from Preston Blake and now resides in New Hampshire Kevin Wolfe – takes plot of Eurotrip too seriously and is never heard from again Nothing Moot About This Court Curt Yandow – still dirty

By Kenny Chen ‘13 The second round case is tigation. Goldberg claimed that a Escobedo v. Illinois, 1964. Arrested system of criminal law enforcement A school wide event occur- in Chicago for the murder of his based on skillful investigation and ring every year, Moot Court recre- brother-in-law, Danny Escobedo was extrinsic evidence was far superior ates Supreme Court Cases in which arrested on January 19, 1960. Making to a system that devotes itself to the in two teams of two debate different no statement, Escobedo was released confession of the criminal. Dissenting sides of a case. Mr. Cleary and Mr. but was taken into custody again justices claimed that the ruling gave Dagdigian, the judges, decide which on January 30, 1960 after an infor- too many advantages to the criminal team possesses the stronger argu- mant implicated him in the shoot- and took away too much authority ment and earns placement in the ing. He declined again to make any from law enforcers; moreover, Justice next round; in addition, it is impor- statement and requested to see his Potter Steward claimed that rul- tant to note that the winners of the lawyer; however, the police denied ing would frustrate the interests of Moot Court cases are not always the Escobedo the right to talk with his society in preserving the legitimate “winners” in actual history. lawyer. The police even told Escobe- and proper function of honest and The case for the first round this year do that his lawyer did not want to see purposeful police investigation. was Near v. Minnesota, which oc- him, and despite repeated attempts, Each case, which is open to student curred due to Jay Near’s newspaper, Escobedo’s lawyer was not permit- observation, takes about an hour Saturday Press, in 1927 that insulted ted to see his client until the police to complete and begins right after Minneapolis government officials. had completed their interrogation. school typically in Room 316. The Minnesota had the Minnesota Gag The constitutional issue was that, structure of the round includes a Law, which stated that anybody though the Court had settled that prepared ten minute speech by both The Seb’s community looks forward to hearing from guest poet Paul Mariani next week publishing such insulting material the defendant in a state criminal trial sides followed by questioning from would be forced to shut down and has the Fifth Amendment right not Mr. Cleary and Mr. Dagdigian, who to pay a fine. Despite Near’s defeat to speak and the Sixth Amendment test the contestants’ knowledge Top Poet Paul Mariani to Visit Seb’s in the Minnesota Supreme Court, right to counsel, it still remained regarding the case and the Constitu- the Supreme Court stated that this unclear when a defendant needed a tion. Each side then gives a prepared law was unconstitutional because lawyer to protect his or her right not conclusion to end the case. The four By Niko Fischer ‘14 British poetry. He has won multiple of famous poets. Mariani’s body it violated the Fourteenth Amend- speak. It was not uncommon for po- criteria with which the Moot Court is awards for his collections of poetry, of work includes six collections of ment and the First Amendment, lice officers in 1964 to deny a suspect judged are the “lawyers” understand- Poet and author Paul biographies, and essays, including poetry, many books of prose, and and the Supreme Court struck the the right to counsel during interroga- ing the history, facts, precedents Mariani will be coming to speak to Guggenheim Fellowships and the dozens of essays. His most recent law down in a narrow 5-4 decision tion when the suspect might yield of past Supreme Court rulings, and the St. Sebastian’s community dur- national Endowments for the Arts collection is titled “Death and in 1931. to pressure and provide incriminat- constitutional arguments; the pre- ing National Poetry month. National Fellowships. One of his most notable Transfigurations.” St. Sebastian’s The second round of Moot ing information; however, the Court sentation style; the ability to answer Poetry month was established to pieces of work is his biography of students will listen to and analyze Court is now underway with the had to consider whether the Sixth questions well and in a sophisticated celebrate poetry and its importance Gerard Manley Hopkins. Gerard some of Mariani’s poems from this teams of Julian Matra and Mike Amendment’s provision also applied manner; and cooperation between in American culture. Manley Hopkins was an English Poet latest collection when he visits the Petro against Tommy McCabe and to the interrogation of a suspect of a the team members. Keep your ears Mr. Chris Lynch hopes that who converted to Catholicism and school. “Death and Transfigurations” John Dacier, Mike Haley and Ben crime. sharp for the announcements on Paul Mariani’s visit to St Sebastian’s became a Jesuit priest. His poetry is is a compilation of poems about Piersiak against Joe Dudley and The Supreme Court voted 5 a trial day, and satisfy the desire to inspires “the students to read and thought to be innovative and daring personal loss (death) and the search Matt Fechtelkotter, Kevin Patterson to 4 to reverse the Escobedo’s convic- learn about the rich history and intri- enjoy his poetry as well as learn and because of his use of original meter for new life known as transfigura- and Alex Moore against Aiden Bal- tion, and Justice Arthur Goldberg cately crafted arguments regarding develop their own pieces of poetry”. and wild imagery. tions. The poems are about loss and boni and Jack Connolly, and Connor stated that the investigation was no past Supreme Court Cases by attend- Paul Mariani is a professor of English In addition to this latest celebrating life. They reference the Chabot and Kevin Looney against longer a general investigation but ing one of these cases. at Boston College, specializing in biography of Hopkins, Mariani has writings of Danté, Gerard Manley Sean Frazzette and Peter Cimini. rather a “get him to confess” inves- twentieth century American and written several other biographies Hopkins, and Scripture. Page 4 THE WALRUS April 2012 Movies with Shark volunteers herself instead. From is titled and when I heard about By Mark Lane ‘12 here the movie becomes a nonstop the movie I was starting to fear suspense thrill ride as Katniss and that it was going to be another Two weeks again I went her fellow district member/love Twilight. I was expecting terrible on Facebook and I was barraged by interest battle to survive the game. acting, cheesy special effects, and a a seemingly never ending amount The movie does a great job of keep- ridiculous storyline but instead I was of status about The Hunger Games. ing you on your toes, wondering greeted with expert visuals, stun- Even my own mother wouldn’t stop what could possibly happen next. ning acting (especially from Jen- talking about how great the book The storyline was sound and did a nifer Lawrence) and a great deal of was and how she was dying to see excellent job of being clear and con- suspense and action that kept me at the movie. So finally I decided to cise. That being said if you have read the edge of my seat. I would highly go see The Hunger Games and see the book you will notice that certain recommend this movie to both what all the commotion was about things are never explained like they readers of the books and anyone and I have to say I was pleasantly are in the book, of course this is to else looking for a great movie expe- surprised. The Hunger Games takes be expected from a book adapta- rience. This movie does an amazing place in a futuristic world called tion. The movie does a great job job of taking everything great about Panem in which is divided into 12 having romance but not suffering the book and bringing it to life on distinct districts. All of the districts from what I call “Twilight syndrome”. the big screen. This movie is a block- are controlled by and all powerful The movie retains its grittiness and buster hit and deserves the third government known simply as the edginess and never gets too cheesy best opening weekend that it re- Capitol. The movie quickly explains or predictable. On the other hand ceived and completely deserves my that somewhere along the lines the movie is about 12- 18 year olds first 5 out of 5 sharks. Side note Josh the people of the districts were not killing each other, which can be Hutcherson, who played the role of Mr. Cressotti demonstrates his vast classical wisdom to another classics teacher at CANE. happy with the way the capitol was pretty upsetting to some even the Peeta, should win an award for best treating them and they staged a movie isn’t gory (hence the PG-13 portrayal of an annoying character. revolt. The revolt resulted in massive rating.) Overall, I have to say I was Peeta is beyond annoying but Josh amount of destruction including thoroughly impressed. I had read Hutcherson does it like a pro. the complete decimation of the 13th CANE Conference Rocks Sebs the first book for which the movie district. After a long fought battle the capitol reigned victorious and By Mickey Adams ‘13 as punishment, the capitol decreed at the conference, CANE announces revolutionized entertainment and that a boy and girl ages 12-18 from Over Spring Break, some of the winners to this competition. This changed the world. each district would be put in an the finest classical minds convened year, the topic for the essay was on arena and have to fight to the death upon our campus as St. Sebastian’s the ancient games and sport in the The conference continued until there is only one left standing. was the center of the Greek and classical world. Unfortunately, no on Saturday, where an array of work- Soon the event was called the Hun- Latin world. On Friday and Saturday student from St. Sebastian’s earned shops, lectures, and presentations ger Games and became nationally of March 16 and 17, the Classical As- the award, or cash prize, for his work filled up the day. Teachers trained televised sport. The movie follows sociation of New England, or CANE on the essay this year, even though each other on the most effective the events of Katniss Everdeen, (Jen- for short, gathered at St. Sebastian’s the school has had winners in years techniques for conveying the mate- nifer Lawrence, X-Men First Class, School for the group’s annual con- past. rial, while experienced scholars Winter’s Bone) a 16 year old girl ference. It was a rousing success, from District 12 the poorest of the presented their essays and other as over 200 members of CANE from districts. Katniss maybe be young The festivities kicked off on personal musings. all across New England came for but she makes up for it with her Friday with a fine drama presenta- the great spectacle. In the end, this expert hunting ability and appears tion from three Arrows themselves. The St. Sebastian’s faculty to be the foundation of her family, event was quite the triumph for the Jack Goldman ’14, John Ryan ’15, and staff also made an impact on getting food clothing and every- school, who hosted the gathering and CJ Santosuosso ’15 treated the the conference. Most notably, thing her family needs to survive. for the first time ever. crowds to a fine rendition from a Mr. Cressotti presented his own Katniss’s adventure begins at an scene of Pseudolus, written by Titus workshop called Writing Fighting: event known as the Reaping, a odd The Classical Association Maccius Plautus. His work, which is Battle Narratives in Caesar and name that is never explained, which of New England was founded back set in Athens, traces the exploits of Vergil, a presentation that focused is a massive gathering of eligible in 1905 with the purpose of aiding a slave named Pseudolus who fights on a fresh approach towards AP players in a distract. The reaping is those who studied the Classics in to aid his master reconnect with Latin courses. Then, Mr. Deschenes a dramatic ceremony which is cen- the six New England states. A pro- his lost lover. This short skit set the was voted President-Elect of CANE, tered on one woman, Effie Trinket fessional organization, CANE does stage well for the rest of the confer- a huge honor that will place him in (Elizabeth Banks, Role Models) who everything they can to nurture the ence, as Classical peoples such as the a leadership position for the next is wearing and excessive amount study and appreciation of Greek and Athenians and Romans were notable three years. of makeup and nobody seems to Latin classics. Each year, the stu- playwrights and actors. The Right now, the Classics care who picks one boy name and dents of St. Sebastian’s are exposed drama that we know today actu- Department at St. Sebastian’s is one girl name. Things take a dra- to the works of this group when all ally traces its roots back to Ancient riding a high. The CANE Conference matic turn when Katniss’s little sister Apparently, The Hunger Games lives up to all its super-hype the Latin students write the annual Greece. Tragedy, comedy, and satyr was only the tip of the iceberg, as Primrose and chosen and Katniss CANE essay. Relying on Classical were the three notable types of plays Certamen night was also a great knowledge and ancient sources, that all originated in Athens, where success, and the Latin Club looks to students must craft and submit an festivities were held in honor of the grab some awards at the upcoming essay, whether it is informative or god Dionysus. At these party-like Latin Day at Holy Cross. Good Luck COMPETE FOR PRIZES HERE! even a fictional story, and each year gatherings, huge drama productions and keep up the great work. 1. NAME THAT TEACHER Competition An Interview with Chef Sean

Here are three fun facts about the mystery teacher: By Mike Petro ‘13 six years, and I worked my way up on and right in the middle of stuff. from a prep cook to a line cook, to That’s why I love this place. We come 1. Advised Natalie Portman her freshman year at Harvard You have all seen him eventually the night sous chef after in in the morning and we jump right around Ward Hall and in the Kitchen a few years. And that was a great in, and start doing production. It’s carrying out trays of food, or serving 2. Starter on his high school basketball team experience—the amount of busi- great the massive lunch-line when either ness we did, you know, about 2000 Sharon or Janet is out, or perhaps people a day. Two full kitchens, two Petro: Well, I know we’re definitely 3. Avid bridge player and comic art collector keeping up on the food records late full dining rooms. It was a big opera- glad you’re liking it. So, were there into the evening. Or maybe you tion. I worked there until I got a great any changes you tried to implement haven’t seen Chef Sean, the new king offer from a family restaurant I had when you got here? of the kitchen here at St. Sebastian’s. worked at during High School. It was That’s because this man is tasked ARE YOU SMART ENOUGH FOR A PRIZE? called Kennedy’s Pub in Marlboro. I CS: Umm, I’m the kind of guy who with making sure all the things that went there to be the executive chef. likes to take a few weeks and see we never see go smoothly--straight If you think you are right, fill out the sentence below and turn it into the Walrus box into Mr. That was 95 or 96, I can’t remem- how things are running. I don’t from supplier to student—every ber [laughs]. I was there until 2001, want to come in and say, “Hey, we’re Drummond’s room, Room 215. A drawing will be held in late April to determine the winner of a lunch period of every day. It takes married but no kids, so I was work- changing this, this and another candy prize. quite a man to run the kitchen for ing crazy hours and weekends and thing.” But there’s been a few things the 350 young men that pound I, ______, think the Feature Teacher for holidays. When my wife and I had our that I’ve already changed. Like every through the kitchen in their daily April’s Walrus is ______. first child in 2001, I looked into cor- day we keep production records quest for food, and lots of it. So, I porate cafeterias. I did that for three and temperatures of all the food to figured I would try to find out exactly or four years, went back to Kennedy’s, make sure nothing goes bad, and who had taken over and sat down and then it started to wear on me we’re not getting anybody sick. Basi- with the Chef to both welcome him again, and then someone I worked cally, right now I’m still in the stages aboard and better understand the with at Boston Scientific left there to of seeing how the day by day stuff man in charge of my most precious work at Sage. So I looked into it and goes, making small changes here St. Sebastian’s lunch. What follows decided to come to Sage. And like and there. I don’t want to change is the abridged text of our April 11, 2. Where’s the Walrus? I said, my first account was Chapel everything all at once. Especially 2012 interview: Hill. Which was a good experience since you guys are used to one to get because working in schools, way… I’m always looking for input, Petro:How long have you been a chef “Where’s the Walrus?” is a new challenge. A stuffed Walrus will be hidden on campus it’s a hundred percent different from if you guys want to see something. with Sage? April 17th. Use the clue below to find him in or around our school. restaurants. From the way you pre- Drop me a note, send me an email, pare the food to just the way you do there’s always those comment cards CS: Well, I’ve been with Sage since Hint: Wooden Blockade everything. we want you to fill out. You know, 2010, and before that I worked in good or bad. We want to hear it. restaurants and I did a couple corpo- Petro: So what kinds of foods do you rate cafes with another company. I like to prepare? Chef Sean is a great guy from took culinary arts in high school, and what I encountered in him at this I started working in a restaurant as a CS: Well, I like to work with a lot of interview. He’s a friendly guy, the junior. When I graduated high school seafood. I like to do seafood pasta dedicated father of three boys, who, , I went to the Culinary College at the dishes. I like to do fettuccines and when not cooking up dishes for us Culinary Institute of America (CIA) in things like that. That’s what I do at and his family, is an avid cyclist and New York. home, you know, for my family. competitive triathlete. He’s got a race coming up pretty soon, so I ex- Petro: Oh wow! Those restaurants up Petro: You guys must eat pretty well. pect Henry’s in full force (at least in there are awesome. spirit) to support the newest mem- A picture of the coveted “Wally the Walrus” CS: [laughs] Yeah we do. I like to eat ber of the school. I encourage you CS: I went there for the two years, pasta, so that’s what I like to cook. I all to make use of his “open door” To compete for a major candy prize in this month’s “Where’s the Walrus Com- and after that I worked at Jimmy’s like to do saltimbocca with prosciut- and do yourself a favor by getting to petition”, return the stuffed animal Walrus to Room 215, when Mr. Drummond Harborside in Boston, which was a to, pasta dishes and heavy sauces. I know this wonderful addition to our is present. Disclaimer: DO NOT go through other’s belongings or space (or huge four hundred seat waterfront don’t mind doing anything. I love to school and our kitchen. any part of the school that’s off limits), as the Walrus will not be hidden there. restaurant in Boston. I was there for be in the kitchen. I love to be hands

April 2012 THE WALRUS Page 5 Sebs Students Rewarded In Irish Exchange Program By Zach Chambers ‘14 take multiple club shots to the face the field. The match was amazing. St. every game. Gallic football is just like Michael’s battle Closgoves with ev- As most of Seb’s has noticed soccer, except that you can use your erything they had to produce a very there have been a few new faces in hands and that the scoring systems exciting game. Every time Michael’s the sophomore and junior classes is the same as hurling, but it is far less scored a tri, the fan section went during the week of April 1, 2012 to interesting to watch than hurling. In absolutely nuts. The closest compari- April 10, 2012. These are not new the hurling game Dublin faced Cork. son to this is when Seb’s scores an transfer students that have recently Cork narrowly defeats Dublin with a overtime-winning goal and everyone arrived but rather a group foreign score of 49-48 Cork. In the Gallic foot- rushes the boards. The game finished exchange student from St. Michael’s ball, Dublin ran show and destroyed with a very long drive by Closgoves, College in the republic of Ireland and the opponent. but Michael’s managed to hold them more specifically Dublin. The names The next day the students went to off and get their second cup in their of the four Irish exchangers are Jay, 8th grader David Korzenioski rode in the now six-time defending champion chariot. school. St. Michael’s is a lot differ- school’s history. Ben, Sean, and Connor. Since they ent from Seb’s in some ways and in The time that the students came over on an exchange program others is very similar to Seb’s. The were in Ireland also coincided with that also means that a group of academic structure of St. Michael’s the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. kids from Seb’s also went over to St. and all schools in Ireland is much Surprisingly, although it is a big Chariots, Costumes, Competition Michael’s. That group consisted of different as they work towards one holiday in Ireland, St. Patrick’s Day is four students, Tucker Mclaughlin, Will huge test at the end of their 6th year, far more celebrated in other coun- of Jack Adams, John Ryan, Tyler Wiik, first place trophy, everyone headed Jundanian, Matt Vandini, and Zachary like senior year for us, which decides tries than in the country of Ireland. By Peter DeMatteo ‘13 and Chris Wolpe came in second. out to watch the annual victory at Chambers. which college they will go to. The Also, Irish people do not celebrate Meanwhile, in the upper division, the the Chariot Race. The group from Seb’s types of kids that go to this school St. Patrick’s Day like we do, such as By far the most anticipated junior team of Peter DeMatteo, Ben Doug Kingsley brought sojourned in Ireland during first are in fact very much like the kids the tradition of eating corned beef day of the year for the Classics De- Peirsak, Connor Chabot, and Ryan out the familiar trashcan on wheels week and a half of March break. Each that go to Seb’s. and cabbage on St. Patrick’s Day is partment and all students who take Schnoor won, and the senior team to defeat the highly decorated but individual of the group stayed with While the students were completely American. Not all stereo- Latin is Classics Day at Holy Cross. of Patrick McLaughlin, John Cheever, slow chariots of the competition. one of the Irish exchangers. Tucker sojourning there, St. Michael’s was types or traditions are accurate. Over All other students participating in Kevin Martin, and Zach Chambers (a Pulling the chariot were Kendall stayed with Sean. Will stayed with in the middle an attempt to win the all the Seb’s Stay in Ireland was both this event have learned to fear the sophomore) got second. With the Dardy-Jones and Connor Strachan, Ben, Matt stayed with Jay, and Zach championships of Rugby in both the interesting and pleasant. raucous hundred strong contingents teams that would compete in at Holy and David Korzeniowski was getting stayed with Connor. The Irish stu- senior and junior levels. The junior The Irish students then came over to from Sebs. Last year, we practically Cross set, all eagerly awaited the trip towed along inside. Sebs fans lined dents then stayed with the kid who levels played in a semifinal match the State on April 1 and left on April achieved the much coveted Triple up to Worcester. both sides of the track, making tons stayed with them during March when against Closgoves. It was a great 11. Their trip I America was more Crown, as Sebs took home first in After the long ride to Holy of noise and cheers. After a rendi- the Irish students came over. The trip match with St. Michael’s pulling off a based on the individual families than both the upper and lower division Cross, over a hundred Sebs kids tion of the Star Spangled Banner by of the four began with flight over. It stellar victory over Closgoves. During on group activities. On the first day of the academic section, third in stormed into the hall, much to the the Arrows, Strachan and Dardy- was long flight in cramped seats to the match however there was a ques- they arrived, they were picked up the costume contest, and obviously dismay of the many small clubs from Jones crushed all the opponents. the other side of the globe. The trip tionable tackle, which looked very at the airport and then went out to first in the chariot race. On April 12, other schools. All looked at the Holy-choke School, who claimed over took about five hours. The time bad, as it looked like the St. Michael’s eat at either Five Guys or to Sully’s 2012, Sebs returned to Holy Cross, block of suited men with jealousy that they would end our reign, did difference between Ireland and the player seemed as if he was using the on Castle Island. They were here looking to surpass last year’s success. and fear. After a brief welcome not even make the finals. The cheer- is five hours, so the Closgoves Scrum-half, who is small, for some very good happenings at However, the only event that went as and introduction by the Holy Cross ing section deafened all the other students lost an entire night’s sleep. as a spike that he was driving into Seb’s such as baseball dominating planned was the chariot race, as the students running the event, the Sebs spectators, storming out onto the After they landed each student went the ground. This almost stopped the victory and certamen night. The Certamen teams disappointed and Certamen teams proceeded into track after every Arrows victory. The to their respective houses to unpack, player from being able to play in the Irish kids did a few trips while here. the skit was unfairly given third place classrooms for the first round, with final was another blowout, with the and afterward traversed to Croak Park finals. It was completely surprising They went into Boston a few times, again. John Donovan having replaced Pat Sebs chariot well ahead of the other to see a hurling match and a Gallic at the amount of fan support for a and went to see the JFK where they A week before Classics Day, McLaughlin, who would be star- schools. After this victory, the crowd football match. For the majority of game in which the equivalent to our got to see some of the off limits stuff many Classics students took part ring in the Costume Contest. The ran down the track and mobbed students, who do not know what eighth and ninth graders would play that is hidden away at the Kennedy in Certamen Night, an event held results from these contests were not the victorious team. The Race was hurling and Gallic football are, hurling in. It was enormous. Michael’s went Library. Unfortunately, they were un- every year at Sebs to determine as planned, as the best result was once again an easy victory and the is a game in which people bounce a on to win the junior cup after we able to visit New York on a trip with which teams would compete in from the eighth graders, who won highlight of the day. ball like a baseball on flat clubs made left. Later in the week, St. Michael’s Mr. Sullivan due to a bout of flu, but the academic competition. After their room against some Juniors Compared to the race, the of ash wood and they try to smack played for the senior cup. The stands that is just an incentive to return to a short, highly applauded speech yet couldn’t get enough points to rest of the day was a bit lackluster. the ball either through the uprights were like a Seb’s playoff hockey the States in the future. Overall the from Mr. Albertson, every team went advance to the finals. The Upper No Sebs team made the finals in or into a goal which is like soccer game, where everyone is riled up and Ireland Exchange was very success- into different classrooms for the Division results were less stellar. the academic portion, so we had goal. A ball through the uprights re- ready to support their team. This was ful and rather fun. It is unknown first round of competition. In each Meanwhile, the costume to watch some kid answer all the ceives one point, and a ball shot into also coupled with several warnings whether or not this trip will be done round, a teacher would ask a series contest took place. Every skit in- questions before the question had the goal receives three points. This to remain calm after the match and again next year, but hopefully it will. of questions about anything to do cluded the following: bad costumes, even started to be read by the judge. game is incredibly violent and people make sure that the fans stayed off with Classics, ranging from grammar bad acting, bad memorization skills, During the award ceremony, the big- identifications to questions about bad plotlines, and bad punch lines. gest scam in Classics Day history oc- mythology and history. After this The Seb’s skit was different. A sequel curred. The Sebs skit only got third initial round, the top three point get- to last year’s Matteus Foley, motiva- place, losing to odd showings that Sanderson’s School Guide to our ting teams in both the lower division tion orator (based on the character nobody had understood or enjoyed. that consists of eighth and ninth Matt Foley, played by Chris Farley on A possible anti-Sebs bias, because graders, and the upper division, Saturday Night Live), Pat McLaugh- the organizers do not want any one Upcoming Election Season which has everybody else, get to go lin returned as Matteus, this time team to win too much, was shown, to the finals. The finals took place in attempting to motivate a couple of since Patty Mac deserved the gold. Ward Hall on the stage, and new to young, miscreant gods. Also appear- However, the trophy was accepted By Paige Sanderson ‘15 each candidate’s problem solving, and the school. These people will be this year was a fancy device that al- ing in the skit were Joe Dudley, Sean in a gentlemanly way, as well as the and leadership skills. Candidates the voice of your class. People must lowed students competing to simply Frazzette, Chris Riley, Nikkit Basavap- deserved chariot trophy, and all de- will also be judged on their posture, vote wisely and vote for the guy who Ahh, election season. The press a button instead of slamming pa, and Jack Goldman. Consisting parted back to Sebs. Finally, all who sounds of bickering and the sight zombie apocalypse survival skills, will have the most positive impact the table with a hand. In the lower of good acting, good memorization, participated would like to thank Mr. of mailboxes loaded with campaign and jumping ability. Each candidate for the class since it will reflect upon division, the eighth grade team of and extremely good jokes, this skit Albertson, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Lynch, stickers are a reminder that the elec- also should bring some new ideas their grade as well as themselves. So Jake Loughborough, Jimmie Ryan, was by far the most well done, popu- Mr. Cressotti, and Mr. Nerbonne for tion season is here. This is the time to the table a new perspective to life -- vote thoughtfully. Paul Keaty, and Gerg DeMatteo came lar, and funniest skit. Assured of a making these events possible. of year when trash-talking people in at St. Sebastian’s to help innovate in first, while the ninth grade team public is allowed, where people can ideas about how the school can improve. New ideas and different 13.50, 27.00, and 36.00 (Matt Albers, Ellsbury play enough that I know state their views on just about any Alfredo Aceves, and Mark Melancon they won’t be slumping forever, and subject they can think of. Candi- perspective are the most important attributes voters will pay attention to, Sox Stumble Out of Gate respectively). I’m not saying that this players like Cody Ross and Adrian dates from various states give it a go bullpen will necessarily be horrible, Gonzales have enough clear hitting at trying to become president while but candidates should have a strong background in other skills, especially gut-wrenching to watch, and the talent that their slow starts don’t the country as an audience gets By Chris Riley ‘13 spectrum, but suffice to say that surviving a zombie apocalypse. bane of this ballclub…but they worry me excessively. All that I want non-stop entertainment throughout there is definitely something wrong This week marks the first The good news is that, should step it up to make sure that to make abundantly clear is that the the year. While the nation watches when Josh Beckett and Clay Buch- week of the race and the race is through six games, the 2012 Red they aren’t. Red Sox’s offense has always been to see who might be the next Com- holz combine for only 8.2 innings already starting to heat up. Many Sox are one game better than the Offensively, the Red Sox dangerous because it is a consistent mander and Chief, at St Sebastian’s and a whopping 14 runs over two hopefuls look to get their noses 2011 Red Sox. The problem with that lineup simultaneously gives me threat (well, except for our catcher). we turn toward a more pressing games. in the running early. According to “good” news is that the 2012 Red some hope and worries me. The If the Sox want to pull off some matter, the Student Council. These To understand the horror several sources, a John Schmidt has Sox are still 1-5. Much as I expected outliers worry me. Specifically, Kevin wins, they need more than three candidates must endure the long that is the Red Sox bullpen, look been looking to get in to the race entering into this season, each and Youkilis at 2/20 and Jacoby Ellsbury guys getting on base consistently. campaign road from handing out only at the April 8 loss against the Ti- for weeks. Upon countless hours of every Sox game has been frustrating at 3/23 worry me. Again, it is early Well it is easy –and, in Boston, food with classmates and answer- gers. Even though Mr. Clay Buchholz further research, it turns out there to watch and full of highs and lows. in the season, but it’s a bad omen almost a necessity – to complain ing hardball questions thrown their gave up seven runs in four, the Sox are no John Schmidt attending St. The starting pitching has when two of the most consistent, about every slow start and ugly out- way from Mr. Cressotti. There will be would have still won if the bullpen Sebastian’s. I dug further and found fluctuated between being pretty hard-working players on a team ing the Red Sox have, there is noth- bitter losses accompanied by tears, had “only” given up four runs. That some key info like Mike Petro is darn good (Jon Lester, Felix Doubront start the season off with a slump (no ing to say that this team won’t find and broken hearts, but through this didn’t happen. The bullpen man- not running, Chris Riley will run for and Daniel Bard…well, five innings batting cage down in Fort Meyers?). success once they get in a groove. process one (actually 14) winners aged to let the Tigers tie the game anything that’s open, and that Crocs of Bard) and downright sicken- On the other hand, David Ortiz The Red Sox start hasn’t been pretty will claim triumph. Surviving elec- and send it to extra innings, and are no longer in style. Even if there ing (everyone else). In Lester’s first (7/23), Dustin Pedroia (8/25), and this year, but they aren’t 0-6. The tion season will be tough on voters then lose on a walkoff. The bullpen are no clear candidates for now, start –on Opening Day, no less – Red Ryan Sweeney (8/18) have at least starting pitching hasn’t been great, and candidates, but if you stay the has given up 12 runs in 6 games. elections are right around the corner, Sox Nation could not have hoped convinced by that some super- but we have five starting pitchers. course, you have a 33.3% or better Considering the fact that, in two of so many will be looking to jump into for anything better than one run in natural force is not intentionally Sox fans need only use a tactic that chance to survive. those games, Jon Lester went for the race last minute. Speeches will seven innings. Unfortunately, the taking away all hope of the red Sox was practiced around these parts While smiling for cameras more than seven innings. That just happen on the 23rd for the student inhuman Justin Verlander have the winning more than one out of every from September 11, 1918 to Octo- and kissing babies is fun, a person should not happen. While it may council president and vice president Detroit Tigers an inning more and six game they play this season. And ber 26, 2004: just hope we win the should know what he’s exactly run- be early in the season, and this stat elections while each grade will vote a run fewer. In Lester’s second start, I don’t mean to be a fear-monger next one. So, everyone, get out to ning for and what would be asked may be slightly skewed, it is still tell- for their class president during their a commendable 3 runs in 8 innings when I point out the Red Sox hit- Fenway this summer, cheer on the of him if he were elected. For the ing that three relievers have ERAs of ting woes. I’ve watched Youk and Sox, and buy an ice cream from me. class officers, there are two spots, class meetings. This means that the just could not match Rick Romero’s class president, and class vice presi- countdown has already started and 1 run in 8.1 innings. Similarly, Daniel dent who represent their grade in the volume has been turned up to Bard’s one appearance went as well Student Council. For Student Coun- 11. As they say if you can stand the as I would have dared to hope for a cil elections, aka the big leagues, heat in the kitchen… never mind. setup-man transitioning to a starter: there will be spots for the Student Candidates, get ready for the inten- 3 runs in 5 innings before putting on Council Treasurer, the President, the sity of the campaign season because the men that would score the fourth Vice President, and of course the it is about to go down. and fifth runs in the 6h inning. Finally, almighty Student Council secretary As the candidates prepare Felix Doubront (probably my favorite position. Candidates must fix their for camping season, voters should Red Sox pitcher from the 2011 or eyes on difficult issues throught the start to prepare as well. Student 2012 team, but that might just be school. Issues such as the well being body campaigns usually means lots because of this one game) spared of the student lounge, planking, of free food. It also means people the majority of the Eastern seaboard what happened at the end of Lost, get to vote for who they think will more heartache by going 5 innings, and, the hardball of all questions, best represent our grade when it giving up 2 runs, and giving the Sox what exactly does Kim Kardashian comes down to the student council. the opportunity to pull together their do? Solutions for these topics are es- It is important that a person vote lone 4-2 win over the Toronto Maple sential pieces of the voting process for which person he believes is the Leafs’ less-loved little cousin the Blue since they will reflect deeply on best option because these are the Jays. I can’t bring myself to talk about people who will represent the class the specifics on the other end of the Jason Varitek and Tim Wakefield throw out ceremonial first pitches on Opening Day 2012 Page 6 THE WALRUS April 2012 POINT and COUNTERPOINT Cowlick’s Kosta’s stacks of lukewarm soda, water, and Kosta’s you can sit down and eat By Peter Cimini ‘12 order their subpar subs and horrid juice, along with stacks of old card- there at some comfortable seating, creation they call pizza. In the list high quality, nothing better. Senior Editor By Jay Daukus ‘14 board boxes. So you really want to where as Cowlicks has one table of top Pizza Places in Needham, Now you Kosta’s minions order your food at a restaurant that with four high seats around it, mak- There is no question in my mind Kosta’s has to be at least 5th or out there must be yelling something You know that feeling, the looks like a Walmart loading dock? ing it impossible to sit down with that Cowlick’s Deli produces the 6th, behind Cowlick’s, Comella’s, along the lines of “But,Kosta’s has want to go get food at when you Kosta’s wraps are the winning point your friends and eat there, rather best food in the Town of Needham. Needham House, Nicholas’, Gianni’s, good subs and stuff, like its wicked have to stay late on a school night in this debate that shouldn’t even you have to either eat in your car or This fine establishment, located in and Bertucci’s (if that counts). Leave chill to go to Kosta’s and get one or have to stay late before a dance. be called a debate. It’s over -- you eat back at Sebs. Also, there are no Needham since sometime around it to outsiders to try join the side of of those steak pocket things”. Well, You walk to the lot, get in your car can’t get quality wraps like you can posters of weird Brazilian martial 1998-2000?, is probably my favorite Kosta’s in the Pizza Battle, corrupt- once again, Cowlick’s subs are much and think to yourself, Kosta’s or at Kosta’s anywhere else. From the arts classes when you got Kosta’s. I place to eat. Since a young age, I ing the youth of Needham. better in size, taste, and variety. At Cowlicks? The choice is obvious, as sauce to the meat to the lettuce, know a lot of people out there are have made my way to Cowlick’s and In terms of food, Cowlicks Cowlick’s, one is treated to large you find your hands steering you and everything in between, the probably saying, “But Cowlicks has enjoyed every meal I have ordered. can take Kosta’s in every noteworthy subs packed with toppings for on towards Kosta’s, your body and wraps are perfect. delivery.” I don’t know about you, Also, contrary to common belief, the category. Cowlick’s pizza is infinitely around $6.00. At Kosta’s, they pro- mind craving the delicious food And now to the thing that you but after the probably 20 or 30 service is impeccable and all you better that Kosta’s, so much so that vide half the toppings for $8.00 and that can’t be matched by its sub-par will always find in surplus at Kosta’s, times I have ordered delivery from need to do is become friends with I would rather eat Llama Cheese one is limited to the traditional subs, competitor, Cowlicks. but you will never find at Cowlicks. Cowlicks it always shows up wicked the scary guy that runs the place to Pizza from some restaurant in Cusco, meatball, steak, chicken… Cowlick’s, Kosta’s is obviously the Customer service. The people at late and there is usually something get good service. Nonetheless, there Peru than order pizza from Kosta’s. at least, tries to be creative offer- better restraint, only serving to the Kosta’s are nice and speedy with missing from my order, which the is indisputable evidence that proves Cowlick’s conveniently has 10’ and ing 2 different Thanksgiving Turkey elite few who can drive, where as your order, never complain and seek guy assures me next time I order I beyond a reasonable doubt that 16’ sizes and over 20 different styles. subs, Cappicola, and various other Cowlicks is a place for the com- to make the customer feel at home will get my soda or chips or even Cowlick’s is better than Kosta’s. Also, probably the best feature of interesting concoctions. Plus, Kosta’s moner, something that can be and happy with everything they sandwich. I have yet to see one Buf- First of all, I don’t know the Deli, Cowlick’s offers a pizza slice offers Wraps and because Bobby called upon, come 45 minutes after do. At Cowlicks, they bark out what falo Chicken sub, seven Pepsis, and anybody in Needham who actually combo deal. The deal is 2 slices of Valentine claims to have invented your call at the earliest, and then get you are ordering and try to guilt ten bags of chips, yet I still have had likes Kosta’s. It’s only people from Pizza and a can of soda or water for the Wrap Sandwich and he is such a yelled at for your lack of tip. Whereas you into giving a huge tip for their to pay for it. other towns who flock to Kosta’s to like $3.50 or $4.00. Cheap, quick, horrible manager and worse type of at Kosta’s, you can go there, have subpar food and service. Also, you Plus, since Kosta’s doesn’t person, Kosta’s loses by default. nice service from people who aren’t can clearly understand everything deliver you don’t have to worry Overall, there is no possible in some mysterious mob, and order the workers at Kosta’s say to you and about a certain group of eighth reason why one would think Kosta’s food in plain English, without be- are never asked to repeat yourself if graders chasing you through the is better than Cowlick’s, or even ing asked “Can you zay dat again you are ordering from them. I don’t school, begging for some of your think about eating at Kosta’s in the pleaze?” Also, Kosta’s has never know about everyone else, but I’d food. There is no guilt-tripping by first place. There are many obvious called our school and complained rather be able to speak in English to other students to get foods when better places and the overall food to our headmaster about the lack people who are feeding me. you eat at Kosta’s. Food is good and experience at Kosta’s is disappoint- of tips. Also, how about the guilt-free when you go to Kosta’s ing. Not only does it have a bad Now let’s get to the food. names?. A cowlick is a type of hair- and they are easily the best restau- location in Needham, there is lim- If you have ever bitten into a wrap style where it looks like a cow licked rant in Needham, and quite possibly ited parking and the workers are far from Kosta’s, it takes you back to a your face, making your hair stand the world. from nice. Cowlick’s is conveniently time when everything was right in up, whereas Kosta’s sounds like a Final point: At Cowlicks, located near my house, it has plenty the world. It reminds you of Joe’s good old Italian eatery where you there is a plethora of Belmont Hill of parking and is right next to Tedes- signature wraps that were well feel at home and trust your food has kids there, while Kosta’s is untainted chi’s, formerly Lil’ Peach. If Adam worth the ten-minute wait in the never been molested by a cow in by any type of other schools, let Richman, Man V Food Star, were to lunch line. Two Words: Vanilla Coke. anyway shape or form. alone the Hill. Buy American and go come to Needham and eat at both That wins the argument right there. The atmosphere of Kosta’s to Kosta’s…or the Canadians win. restaurants, I would bet a good deal Cowlick’s on the other hand, just has of Monopoly Money that he would also trumps that of Cowlicks. In choose Cowlick’s over Kosta’s. Science Building Near Completion By CJ Santosuosso ‘15 so let’s put it behind us. we will soon be voting for a new Golf Team Looks to Rebuild Entering the school as a student to fill in this position. Play- On April 10, 2012, in the 513th leap young freshman, I had never known ing the mature and formal part By Chris Stadtler ‘12 tions. This year the team looks to top four seeds, Connor McGuirk ’13, year since leap years began, school any other president besides Pat as usual, Pat released a statement Senior Editor do the same and continue its run Tommy Kelly ’13, Kevin Ginns ’14 president Pat McLaughlin took the growing up, so it’s a strange thought regarding these elections in terms over the past few years. This year and Alejandro Soto ’16. Captains podium to make his final address to have the power changing hands. of supporting a candidate: “All good With the spring season the team has four new members Connor McGuirk and Tommy Kelly to the Seb’s community… we think. After two years, I began to accept the politicians, when their career is underway, the Arrows look to to the team, Kevin Looney ’13, Jack lead the team, while Kevin Ginns There is always the chance that he idea that the presidential system had over, know when to bow out and continue the greatest run the St. Keaty ’16, Patrick Ciapciak ’12 and provides stability. Coming off an All will somehow be here make another been replaced by a dictatorship and not get involved.” I’ve personally Sebastian’s Golf program has ever Chris Stadtler ’12, that have played ISL season as a 7th grader, Alejan- one next week, or that he will con- that Pat would never give in. Listen- never heard of a politician who has had. Coming off a second place fin- in a match this year. Seniors Patrick dro Soto competes as the one seed tinue to be president of the school ing to this speech, therefore, many a ever done that or ever will, but the ish in ISL last year and two previous Ciapciak and Chris Stadtler bring looking to further improve. forever, but for now we will trust his St. Seb’s student can’t help recalling message is clear. No endorsements ISL championships, hopes are high experience, while Keaty begins a This season has started out assurance that this was the last one. memories of events that occurred from the prez, even for Chris Mo- for this year’s team. Like last year, long career at the varsity level. Most rocky for the Arrows. On a windy So, for those of you who felt like you during the suspiciously long presi- rano. Unfortunately, this means the the Arrows have been hit hard by promising however might be Kevin day in Kittanset the Golf team was needed and extra day of Easter break dency. candidates will have to go the hard departures through various means. Looney. After just two matches this beaten by a deeper and better ac- and didn’t show up that Tuesday, you Even Pat himself was route and actually make a convinc- Three of the top four seeds have left, year Looney has had stellar perfor- customed to the conditions squad missed it. It already happened. inclined to reminisce about the old ing campaign. We hope one of them as sophomore Matt Michaud trans- mances. Facing a talented Tabor in Tabor. Then in a tri-match against The address was short and times. There were great upsides, he is potent enough to do this, because ferred and steady veterans Dillion team with a huge home course Nobles and Middlesex, St. Seb’s tied sweet, but it delivered the message. “I says, to being president, such as be- rumor has it that Mr. Nerbonne has Eccelsine and Charlie Cahlahan have advantage at Kittanset Golf Course, Nobles and lost to Middlesex in a think I said what I needed to say,” says ing in just about every single Walrus been eyeing the spot for years. graduated. Looney had the second best score close one. While the 0-2-1 start is Pat. He hopes the school “took the article since his reign began, being The current president also While a sizable hole has on the team. Then in the second disappointed the potential is great serious parts to heart” and, though the head honcho at the fall and 70’s expressed a wish to make shout- been left in team, the outlook is match of the year, Kevin finished for the young team. With a few days there were not hysterics, thought the dances both years, and the elections outs to MJ, Brian Doe, Owen Kehoe, still positive. Last year the team lost one under par with three birdies for off to work out the kinks, the Arrows jokes he did include went over well. last year when his classmates vied and... Summah Bill. The reason for four of its top five seeds, but was another impressive round to solidify have a rematch at Charles River, The truth of these assump- for positions for the first time while these shout-outs is unknown, but still able to rebound to a second his spot at the top of the team. against Tuesday on April 17th. tions, however, is questionable. The he enjoyed a nice, quick reelection congratulations to the aforemen- place finish with some new addi- Returning are the current president does admit there were campaign. There were also down- tioned, and hopefully you will take some “mixed reviews,” and even sides, such as “all the student council consolation in the fact that what- recounts particular complaints and meetings, with MJ pretending to be ever you’ve done recently has been demands that were not satisfied. president of the whole school” and recognized. May we all follow your One of a Kind Says Goodbye For example, Luke Murphy wanted the attempted impeachment by oth- example. a discussion about “Indian pickups.” er seniors. In fact, quite a legacy has Ending on a more serious note, Pat By John Bartlett ‘14 his requests. It’s just a part of the job, Looking forward now, Chris Morano wanted an endorse- been built around Pat, and he could does wish to express that he really so let’s put it behind us. we will soon be voting for a new ment for his candidacy for next year. possibly be remembered as one of meant everything he said in the ad- On April 10, 2012, in the 513th leap Entering the school as a student to fill in this position. Play- AJ Jriege said the speech was just the all time greats, as he said during dress, and that “I really enjoyed my year since leap years began, school young freshman, I had never known ing the mature and formal part awful. Unfortunately, as a president, the address. Then again, he could just time here.” Felicitations to a success- president Pat McLaughlin took the any other president besides Pat as usual, Pat released a statement one cannot please everybody, no go off to college next year and be ful politician. podium to make his final address growing up, so it’s a strange thought regarding these elections in terms matter how interesting or relevant forgotten-- it’s not my decision. to the Seb’s community… we think. to have the power changing hands. of supporting a candidate: “All good his requests. It’s just a part of the job, Looking forward now, There is always the chance that he After two years, I began to accept the politicians, when their career is will somehow be here make another idea that the presidential system had over, know when to bow out and one next week, or that he will con- been replaced by a dictatorship and not get involved.” I’ve personally tinue to be president of the school that Pat would never give in. Listen- never heard of a politician who has forever, but for now we will trust his ing to this speech, therefore, many a ever done that or ever will, but the assurance that this was the last one. St. Seb’s student can’t help recalling message is clear. No endorsements So, for those of you who felt like you memories of events that occurred from the prez, even for Chris Mo- needed and extra day of Easter break during the suspiciously long presi- rano. Unfortunately, this means the and didn’t show up that Tuesday, you dency. candidates will have to go the hard missed it. It already happened. Even Pat himself was route and actually make a convinc- The address was short and inclined to reminisce about the old ing campaign. We hope one of them sweet, but it delivered the message. “I times. There were great upsides, he is potent enough to do this, because think I said what I needed to say,” says says, to being president, such as be- rumor has it that Mr. Nerbonne has Pat. He hopes the school “took the ing in just about every single Walrus been eyeing the spot for years. serious parts to heart” and, though article since his reign began, being The current president also there were not hysterics, thought the the head honcho at the fall and 70’s expressed a wish to make shout- jokes he did include went over well. dances both years, and the elections outs to MJ, Brian Doe, Owen Kehoe, The truth of these assump- last year when his classmates vied and... Summah Bill. The reason for tions, however, is questionable. The for positions for the first time while these shout-outs is unknown, but president does admit there were he enjoyed a nice, quick reelection congratulations to the aforemen- some “mixed reviews,” and even campaign. There were also down- tioned, and hopefully you will take recounts particular complaints and sides, such as “all the student council consolation in the fact that what- demands that were not satisfied. meetings, with MJ pretending to be ever you’ve done recently has been For example, Luke Murphy wanted president of the whole school” and recognized. May we all follow your a discussion about “Indian pickups.” the attempted impeachment by oth- example. Chris Morano wanted an endorse- er seniors. In fact, quite a legacy has Ending on a more serious note, Pat ment for his candidacy for next year. been built around Pat, and he could does wish to express that he really AJ Jriege said the speech was just possibly be remembered as one of meant everything he said in the ad- awful. Unfortunately, as a president, the all time greats, as he said during dress, and that “I really enjoyed my the address. Then again, he could just time here.” Felicitations to a success- one cannot please everybody, no The grand opening of the science wing draws closer as construction nears completion matter how interesting or relevant go off to college next year and be ful politician. forgotten-- it’s not my decision. April 2012 THE WALRUS Page 7 BC Wins Thrilling NCAA Frozen Four

By Ryan Wolfsberg ‘13 College proved to be a much closer and made an impressing showing match up. Union jumped out to an for themselves yet they came up This year the Frozen Four early 1-0 lead but that did not shake short losing to Boston College 4-1. Tournament was played in Tampa Ferris State’s confidence one bit as The most exciting moments in the Bay, Florida and the teams that they scored three consecutive goals game came late in the third period participated were Boston College, for an exciting win against Union, when Boston College was up only Ferris State, Union College, and Min- final score 3 to 1. Ferris State would 2-1. BC’s Johnny Gaudreau skated nesota. The Boston College Eagles, face the number one seed Boston up from his own blue line, split who won two of the last three College in Saturday night’s final two Ferris State defenders, skated championships, stole the show once game. around another Ferris State player, again to win their fifth national Boston College and Ferris dangled around two more defend- championship, an impressive ac- State skated into the championship ers, and then backhanded the puck complishment. game Saturday evening with a goal past Ferris States’ goalie for the goal The Eagles played their semifinal that both teams set at the beginning to make it 3-1. Matt Digan, who took Chris Kelly celebrates goal in 1-0 win against the Capital in Game 1 of their seven-game series game against a strong Minne- of their respective seasons: winning a in the game down in Tampa Bay, sota Gophers team who had not national title. However it was widely said the goal was “hands down the played in the Frozen Four since predicted that there was no way the best goal I’ve ever seen. I can’t even 2005. Needless to say, the Gophers BC Eagles would lose this game. BC put into words what Johnny did. It were hungry for a championship. had won eighteen straight games was also cool because it was in the Mike Hoff’s Bruins Update and However led by Bill Arnold and and was seeking their nineteenth win final minutes of a very close national Kevin Hayes, the BC Eagles were in addition to the national title. With championship game.” Personally not going to relinquish their quest Parker Milner between the pipes, it for those who missed the game, I Deluxe NHL Playoff Preview for another championship and the was nearly impossible for Ferris State strongly encourage anyone who Eagles destroyed the Gophers 6-1. to pull off a miracle and beat the has a passion for hockey to go and By Mike Hoff ‘13 stemming from a hit from Flyers’goon Jersey Devils The only negative about this game Eagles. I personally almost did not YouTube the goal. It’s worth watch- Tom Sestito that nobody probably -Watch-Ablilty Index: 2 Stars saw because it happened during the -Series In A Sentence: New Jersey is was that Boston College’s goalie, turn the game on since I was so sure ing several times. Boston College It’s that time of year, sports Parker Milner allowed a goal ending Boston College was going to win as would tack on one more goal to fans. Time to say good-bye to your AFC Championship game, has been decent, and Florida is terrible. his remarkable 193:49 minute streak well. Needless to say I watched the secure their fifth National title mark- loved ones and hello to your favorite ruled out for the entirety of the play- -Prediction: Devils in 4 games of not allowing a goal. game in its entirety and was not dis- ing an end to a fantastic season and source of caffeine and your television offs. Horton provided several clutch The second semifinal game be- appointed as the game was a close extending their nineteen game win because the most wonderful period goals during the 2011 , most 4. vs. 5. tween Ferris State and Union one. Ferris State put up a good fight streak into the 2012 season. of the sports calendar is upon us: the notably the game winners in game NHL Playoffs. 7 of both the Montreal and Tampa -Watch-Ability Index: 5 Stars Over the next two months, the Bay series. The void left by him on -Series In A Sentence: In the most Boston Bruins will attempt to defend the first lie will be filled by speedster inciting match-up in the first round, their championship title from last Rich Peverley, who is coming off an both teams can and will put up season’s magical run and become injury of his own and has struggled goals in bunches, but Ilya Bryzgolav the first team since the Red Wings to find his game since returning in will come up huMANgous big and late ‘90s dynasty to repeat as Stanley late March. His line, also consisting take the series for Philly. Cup Champions. The regular season of David Krejci and Milan Lucic, will -Prediction: Flyers in 7 games portion of the Bruins’ title defense be need to produce offensively this has been streaky at best and decid- series, for Patrice Bergeron’s line will Western Conference edly rocky at worst, but they ended be most likely be called upon to shut 1. vs. 8. the regular season on a high note, down the Capitals line that features Kings winning 9 out of their last 12 games both Backstrom and Semin. Addition- -Watch-Ability Index: 4.5 Stars after a stretch in mid-March that saw ally, if Capitals coach Dale Hunter -Series In A Sentence: The Kings them lose 4 in a row and give up a holds to form, he will split up his two have suffered from shooting woes very un-Claude Julien-like 38 goals most formidable offensive weapons all season (7.5 shooting percent- over an 8-game period. But through in Backstrom and Ovechkin, most age), but after picking up sniper Jeff it all, the Bruins managed to accrue likely forcing Claude Julien to decide Carter at the trade deadline, their 102 points, good for the Northeast whether to deploy his all-world newfound offense combined with division title and the second seed defensive pairing of Zdeno Chara and UMASS product Jonathan Quick in in the Eastern Conference. For their Dennis Siedenberg against Back- goal will be enough to take out the troubles, the Bruins earned the right strom’s line or Ovechkin’s. Most likely, Canucks, who are without top goal to play the Washington Capitals, a Chara will be on the ice whenever scorer Daniel Sedin. team who finished first in the East in Ovechkin is, for Ovechkin still pos- -Prediction: Kings in 7 games both 2011 and 2010. While this may sesses the game-breaking ability that scare some fans who are frightened can turn a series on its head, leaving 2. St. Louis Blues vs. 7. San by names like Alex Ovechkin, these Selke award (given to the best defen- Jose Sharks fans probably haven’t been pay- sive forward) front-runner Bergeron -Watch-Ability Index: 4 Stars The BC Eagles win their third national Championship in the last five years over Ferris St. ing attention this season. While and linemates Brad Marchand and -Series In A Sentence: As the best the Capitals may boast the kind of Tyler Seguin to deal with the play- defensive team in the league by high-end talent usually reserved making Backstrom. If Chara is able far, the Blues should be able to do for teams on NHL 12, most of that to shutdown Ovechkin like he has enough to shut down the Sharks high-end skill, including Ovechkin, done so many to some many snipers vaunted offensive skill High Expectations: Arrows Alex Semin, Nicklas Backstrom, and before, and Backstrom is neutralized, -Prediction: Blues in 7 games defenseman-in-name-only Mike the Bruins should not have much Green has failed to come close to trouble finishing off the Capitals in at 3. Pheonix Coyotes vs. 6. matching the production that hockey the most six games. Chicago Blackhawks Tennis To Vie for ISL Title? fans are accustomed to seeing. In the And now for a trip around the rest of -Watch-Ability Index: 3.5 Stars case of Backstrom and Green, injuries the NHL, we bring you Hoff’s Deluxe -Series In A Sentence: With Capitan were to blame for their sub-par NHL Playoff Preview: Jonathan Toews back in the lineup, production (only 42 and 32 games Eastern Conference: Pheonix won’t be able to keep up great example for his younger team- Scotten ’13 and Peter DeMatteo ’13. By Matt Fachetti ‘13 played, respectively), while general 1. NY Rangers vs. 8. Ottawa with Chicago’s offensive firepower. mates. Like Haughey, Cheever made Conway and Aldrich both were vital apathy is to blame for Ovechkin and Senators Prediction: Chicago in 6 games the tennis team at an early age. It is to the teams success last year, both Semin’s woes. The mercurial Russians -Watch-Ablility Index (out of five The varsity tennis team this experience that allows him to often playing anywhere from the 3rd both posted the lowest point totals stars): 4 Stars 4. Nashville Predators vs. 5. hopes to build off of a season in stay composed during matches and singles spot to the 5th singles spot. of their careers, while succeeding in -Series In A Sentence: Ottawa can Detroit Red Wings which they finished tied for 6th in play with consistency like the veteran The two also compete as a doubles getting their former foul-mouthed score with anyone, but the combina- -Watch-Ability Index: 5 stars the ISL. Last year’s team had a ter- he is. O’Connor, who is a co-captain team. It is their smooth forehands coach Bruce Boudreau fired in the tion of Rangers’ physicality and the -Series In A Sentence: Nashville rific late season run in which they for the year along with Haughey and and backhands that won these two process. On paper, the Bruins should goaltending of King Henrik will be added some big additions late won five of their last six games. And Cheever, beats opponents with his a lot of points last year and will con- not have any trouble in handling too much to handle for the Senators. in the season, including Russian with the return of all but one of last superior endurance that can only tinue to do so in the future. DeMat- the Capitals, with Boston possessing -Prediction: Rangers in 6 games League MVP Alex Radulov, but with year’s players, as well as some tal- be gained after doing things such teo is new to the team this year and an NHL-best +67 goal differential Datysuk, Lindstrom, and co. all back ented new additions to the squad, as happily going to week long sleep was already called in to face a tough to Washington’s measly -8. Boston 2. Boston Bruins vs. 7.Washin- healthy, Detroit puck-possession this team, lead by Coach Richter and away camps for the sole purpose of opponent against Nobles. Peter is also has the post-season experience ton Capitals game will be too much for Nashville Coach Thomas, shows every indica- running. The kid is an animal who cool and collected on the court. He that is so vital at this time of year, -Watch-Ablilty Index: 4.5 Stars to handle. tion of having a great season. can always be counted on for great also wore ridiculous sunglasses on while Washington’s recent playoff -Series In A Sentence: Washington -Prediction: Detroit in 6 games And they are off to a good tennis in both singles and doubles the JV team last year that earned him history consists of choking, to put can match the Bruins’ physicality, start. The team faced Moses Brown matches. the nickname Neo because of his it bluntly. However, Washington but the Bruins scoring depth and East Finals: Boston over New York in their first match of the season Another asset to this year’s resemblance to the character from is at full strength for the first time defensive prowess, combined with West Finals: Detroit over LA and came away with a resounding tennis team is eight-grader Weston The Matrix. Luke Scotten is another all year, while the Bruins’ cavalry is their decided advantage in goal, will Stanley Cup Finals: Boston over 15-0 victory on the home courts. Brach. When I think of the name player that worked hard on his game somewhat depleted from last year’s overwhelm Washington. Detroit What is equally as impressive as the Weston Brach, I imagine some sort during the off-season and made the Cup run. Winger , -Prediction: Bruins in 5 games Conn Smyth Award Winner (Playoff final score is that Moses Brown is by of huge 80’s movie bully who, after team this year. Scotten is of Royal Ber- who has been battling a concussion MVP): Milan Lucic, Boston Bruins no means a cakewalk. The Arrows getting his friend Biff, proceeds to mudian blood. His great-great-grand- 3. Florida Panthers vs. 6. New earned the 15-0 victory by playing shove me in a trash can and take my father, Wolfsberg Amadeus Scotten, great tennis at every level of the sin- lunch money. After taking one look was the king of Bermuda and also the gles and doubles rounds. The team’s at Brach though, it is clear that he has inventor of the Moped. Needless to second match was against Nobles, never thrown anyone in a trash can say, Scotten’s tennis game benefit- Wildcats Dominate NCAA Final Four a school that has hoisted the ISL and that he will not get anyone to ted greatly from playing daily on the tennis champion’s trophy several give him their lunch money anytime courts in front of his family’s palace. games of the season. Thomas Rob- recruiting class in the nation again times in the past. Nobles is always a soon (mostly because we don’t have He is a player that hits his shots with By Ryan Lee ‘15 inson, a man who became a house- this year. I believe that looking formidable opponent in tennis. Sebs lunch money at this school). But a boatload of topspin. He also has a hold name after his mother and forward to next year, the teams to played the match without a strong Brach is a bully on the tennis court. wide variety of serves in his arsenal. March has come and grandparents died all within a week, beat will be Indiana and NC State. player in Max Conway ’13. The team As assistant coach Mr. Thomas said, So that is the team, and gone, and of the sixty-eight teams showed his true heart in the victory, Indiana brings back all five start- fought hard, but ended up losing to “Weston is a very talented tennis what a team it is. This is a team that that began the NCAA basketball putting in nineteen points, eleven of ers from their Sweet Sixteen team Nobles by a score of 3-12. Although player and is particularly good at will be very competitive in a league tournament, the so called NBA which were in the second half. The this season, including emerging it was not the Arrows’ day, the consistently hitting deep shots that that is full of talent. When asked who halfway house, Kentucky, emerged Jayhawks showed plenty of heart in big man Cody Zeller. NC State may players contested every point, an at- are difficult for opponents to return.” the best teams in the league are, Mr. victorious for the eighth time in the the victory, but were not so lucky in be a team that many people look tribute that will serve the team well Brach will most likely play 2nd singles Thomas said, “Milton and Belmont program’s storied history. Just a few the championship game. Just like at and think that they were fluke for the rest of the season. Following for most of the season as well as Hill are very good this year, but our weekends ago, we reached the Final the previous game, Kansas fell be- in the tournament this year. In my this defeat, the Arrows traveled to doubles with Haughey. Watching team has the skill to be competitive Four in New Orleans, LA. To the hind early, but were not as lucky as opinion, I find them to be a very Lawrence Academy and earned them rally during practice, it is clear with any team in the league”. So, next delight of many, we were treated they were the previous game. The legitimate contender after scoring another impressive 15-0 win. that both Haughey and Brach are im- time you hear that there is a home to two rematches of games that Kentucky Wildcats, a team made up the sixth best recruiting class in What is the secret to the proving their skills just from playing tennis match, grab a few friends and had occurred earlier this year, with of primarily lowerclassmen, played America. Wolfpack star CJ Leslie team’s success? Part of it is the with each other every day. It is great go watch it. Tennis is a very excit- Kansas taking on Ohio State and with maturity beyond their years, as has not yet declared whether or great leadership of seniors Conor for Weston to have three great senior ing sport to watch live and the hill Kentucky facing longtime interstate they brought another banner back not he will return next season, but Haughey, John Cheever, and Terry role models that he can learn from. surrounding the tennis courts is one rival Louisville. Kentucky cruised to to hang up in Rupp Arena. if he does, the ACC may have a new O’Connor. Haughey has been the But the outstanding leadership is not of the most underrated spots on a nine point victory behind star big With many players from preseason champion. This college team’s 1st singles player for several only good for Weston; it is helpful to campus to sit back and relax. If you man Anthony Davis, who chipped the National Championship Ken- basketball season was an exciting years now. Next fall he will continue all of the younger players. choose to do so, you will definitely in eighteen points and fourteen tucky team declaring for the NBA one, and next year will bring just as his tennis career at Harvard. Haugh- The rest of the team con- get to see some outstanding tennis. rebounds in the win. In the second Draft, the thought of repeating is a much Madness to the table. ey is one of the most respected sists of Caleb “Boots” Aldrich ’14, Max In the words of Caleb Aldrich, “It’s go- game of the evening, Kansas and daunting one for the Wildcats. The players in the league and serves as a Conway ’13, and newcomers Luke ing to be a good season”. Ohio State battled in one of the best Cats did, however, score the best ARROWS SPORTS Vol LXV, No. 6 St. Sebastian’s School April 2012 Varsity Lacrosse Looks To Hang ISL Banner

return of Captain Steve Brown, who By Tommy McCabe ‘13 and concussion suffered in the Wellesley scrimmage, evened it up to end the had been out with a foot injury, James O’Leary ‘13 first quarter tied 1-1. Goals from the Arrows played a solid game of Jack Connolly and Dalton MacAfee lacrosse in their second ISL game The 2012 Arrows varsity helped build a slim 3-2 lead, but a against Lawrence Academy, with lacrosse team’s quest to hang a flurry of mental mistakes helped No- Brown picking up a team high 8 banner is well underway, and thus bles score 2 goals in the final minute groundballs in his season debut. far, the Arrows are taking the right to hand the Arrows a 4-3 deficit The Arrows played well against an steps to accomplish their ultimate going into halftime. Nobles contin- inferior team, and came away with goal of winning the ISL title. Under ued to take advantage of the Arrows a 10-1 victory. Sam Hodgson led the leadership of Senior Captains mistakes, and built a 7-5 lead going the way again with 6 points, and Jack Connolly, Stephen Brown, Sam into the fourth quarter. The Arrows Gordon Donnelly had 4 goals. The Co-Captain Jack Connolly (above) helps to lead Arrows lax to undefeated first four games Hodgson, and Sam Washburne, the were having difficulty achieving the defense played well and limited the team is focused and united in their basics of winning the ground ball Spartans to very few quality shots. efforts to take care of business one war and making good passes, and The Arrows faceoff next at game at a time. stumbled through the first three Groton at 2:00 p.m. on April 14th. Baseball Blanks Defending The season began with The Groton team is expected to quarters. The Arrows picked up the tryouts in March the week before intensity in the fourth, realizing be well-coached and to be much spring break, and after a few days that an opening loss to a surpris- more competitive than previous of intense competition, the new- ing Nobles squad would derail the foe Lawrence Academy. Moving est members of the 2012 Arrows Champs Lawrence Acad. team goal of hanging a banner. The forward through the season, the lacrosse team were selected. With speaks to the ability of our baseball screaming at his players for compet- increased effort from the Arrows Arrows expect to see some very By Kevin Wolfe ‘12 so much talent returning from last players this year. Their only loss, to ing so terribly, has refused to play combined with Nobles running out solid opposition. When asked year’s squad, only six sophomores Sebs baseball is off to an Nobles, seemed to be a bad day Seb’s in the 2013 season. I don’t of gas in the fourth quarter helped about some of the upcoming home made the cut. After a well-deserved auspicious start to the 2012 season. from which the players have since blame him. the Arrows get back into the game. games, Assistant Coach, Ted Weih- week off to begin vacation, the team The seniors this year, all returning The most monumental A nice feed from Sam Hodgson to man said, “Not to look too far ahead, recovered. Losing 0-2, the team only arrived in the small gym the second members from the previous season, game of the season so far has been Gordon Donnelly resulted in the but we play Belmont Hill at home let up two runs- not a lot for a base- week of break to begin double have already showed the leader- the match against Lawrence. This equalizer with 4:37 left in the game, on the 25th, and they are always ball game, while failing to score any sessions. With some of the best ship needed to bring their team to game was visited by pro scouts, yes and energized the team and crowd. well-coached and play hard. We lost runs themselves. I talked to Peter weather for double sessions in years, the ISL championship. As a testa- from the MLB, and even reported A great dodge to beat two Nobles at their place last year, so we have Cimini, and he blamed much of the the Arrows were able to enjoy the ment to the team’s caliber, most of defenders allowed Sam Washburne some unfinished business to take loss on poor hitting. He also said to on by Boston’s ESPN chapter. Coach sun and work on their tans while im- to net the go-ahead goal with 2:05 care of this year. After that, we play this year’s seniors are continuing keep in the mind that their pitcher, Schell even got some TV time and proving their games and improving left in the game. A Nobles win both Middlesex and Milton at home the sport in college. Captains John a D1 recruit, was throwing very well his interview about the game is on team chemistry. With scrimmages on the ensuing face off gave the on consecutive Wednesdays, and Nicklas, Conor Reinstierna, and Chris that game. Big swingers like Andrew ESPN’s website. ESPN wrote about against Gould Academy, Winchester, Bulldogs a final shot at sending the those teams are always tough.” The Nadeau will be joining the baseball Vandini, Jared Clement, and Justin the game, “It was the baseball Wellesley and Dover-Sherborn, game into overtime. However, a remaining Saturday games for the teams at Boston College, Bates, Bellinger all told me that they had equivalent of two heavyweight Coaches Stanton, Weihman and great takeaway check behind the St. Sebastian’s squad are all away at and Bowdoin, respectively. Other particular trouble that day getting boxers squaring off, with the winner Kittler worked on introducing new cage by Pat Healy gave the Arrows other schools. Two of these Satur- seniors, Peter Cimini, Jared Clem- being decided after the bout was plays and giving the younger play- hits off the Nobles pitcher. “He was possession and a hard-fought 8-7 day outings are against Rivers and ent, Mark Cunningham and Andrew over.” Well yes, the winner is decided ers valuable playing experience. really tough. The type of pitcher that victory. Captain Jack Connolly gave the Governor’s Academy. Last year, Vandini will be playing at Bowdoin, after the game (pretty much the The scrimmages also created a new made you very frustrated the whole his thoughts after the game: “So both these teams beat the Arrows Wheaton, Bates, and Amherst, case in any sporting event), but challenge for the Arrows, as multiple game,” admitted Vandini. They did far, the season has gone pretty well in Needham. This year, the Arrows respectively. With this impressive more important, the match was players got injured and had to sit not dwell on that loss, however, and for us. Nobles played tough and it look to seek revenge and beat the lineup of schools, it is without sur- out for the first few games of the continued to win more games. The significant in that the two teams, as wasn’t our best game. It was a wake two opponents on their own turf. season. Despite the setbacks, the prise that the arrows have been able crushed Worcester Academy 10 to cited by ESPN, were of top caliber up call for us, and showed us how Most notably, the Governor’s team Arrows kept working to perfect their to begin the season with wins. nothing, beat Lawrence (a power- in high school baseball. Most of good the ISL as a whole will be this was undefeated in the ISL last year, game in time for the season opener The team right now is 4-1. house team to be noted) 3-0, killed the game, however, came down to year”. and the Arrows look to defeat the against non-conference foe, Phillips It should be noted that they have Groton 12 to 3, and manhandled the pitching. Lawrence’s pitcher, Not satisfied with the defending ISL champions in Byfield Exeter Academy. always come away with their victo- Pingree 17-0. In fact, I was even also a D1 recruit, was the center of effort in the Nobles game and real- on May 12th at 2:00 p.m. The Arrows On a cold and gray day, ries with great leads. This fact again attention for the scouts. The scouts, izing that there is always room for play their final game on Wednesday, told that the Pingree coach, after a talented Exeter squad travelled however, were not looking in the improvement, a captain’s practice May 23rd at home against Roxbury down to Needham for a matchup right place. Johnny, a great friend of was called Easter Monday to work Latin. The Arrows hope to continue between two of the top teams in the Lawrence pitcher, matched the on the man up and man down units their success and improve as the New England. The Arrows jumped competitiveness of his opponent that often help decide the course of season moves forward, hopefully out to a 3-1 lead with two goals a game. The Arrows practice lead- fulfilling their quest to hang the and ended up helping his team to from Senior Sam Washburne and ing up to the Lawrence Academy ISL championship banner. Henry’s victory. According to the article, the another from Junior Dalton Ma- game focused on winning ground- Corner needs to be out in full force Lawrence pitcher had recently been cAfee. However, the Arrows couldn’t balls and playing at the team’s full this spring at all the games to help throwing a bit faster than Johnny maintain their momentum and potential. the Arrows win the league. and as a lefty, he attracted the eyes the score was tied 3-3 going into Reinvigorated by the of the scouts. But as a true arrow, halftime. Exeter did a very solid job Johnny played the game not for the of possessing the ball in the second spotlight, but for his brothers on the half, and put up two more on the field and for his competitive spirit. board during the third quarter. He had 121 pitches, an unheard of Junior Conor Hilton’s goal with 2:03 amount in high school baseball, and left in the fourth quarter helped pull Varsity 13 strikeouts-- equally as impres- the Arrows within one and set up sive as his number of pitches. While a dramatic finish. A critical ground his shoulder health may have been ball by Junior Alex Calabro gave Results jeopardized, he stuck it out and the Arrows possession with under brought the v home for his team. a minute left in the game, but the The victory over Lawrence offense couldn’t convert on their Varsity Baseball is a testament to this team’s charac- final attempt, and the Arrows were ter, and also the ideals celebrated by handed a hard-fought 5-4 loss. Lack our school. Seb’s, not in the center of possession in the second half and too much time with the man-down of attention like many other ISL vs. Groton 12-3 W unit on the field made it difficult schools are, stayed true to its values for the Arrows to keep up with and proved its ability, despite what Exeter. Despite the loss, the defense vs. Pingree 17-0 W scouts and ESPN were thinking. As consisting of junior Pat Healy, junior the season progresses, I am sure Brian O’Malley, sophomore Connor vs. Lawrence 3-0 W that this year’s arrows will act as Strachan and senior goalie Jar- courageously as they did against rod Dillon played well and limited Lawrence and win the ISL trophy. Exeter’s high-powered offense from vs. Nobles 0-2 L Nicklas has been a solid number two starter for the Arrows. taking quality shots. Learning from their mistakes in the Exeter game and always working to improve, the Varsity Lacrosse team travelled down to Providence Team Sets Sail, Sights to take on perennial Rhode Island vs. Groton 11-3 W contender Moses Brown. The Ar- By Jack Adams ‘15 Petro. On land and sometimes the Q - Have you ever gotten “air” while rows got on the board first 1:51 safety boat, coaches Ms. Rynne and sailing? into the first quarter and didn’t look vs. Lawrence 10-1 W With the start spring Father Arens are looking to keep A - Yes. back, going into halftime with a sports, many might be on your list all the rowdy sailors in check as 7-1 lead. Moses Brown committed Q - Have you ever “hung ten”? to see in person, but I’ll bet sailing they pursue the finish at top speed. 12 penalties during the game, and vs. Nobles 8-7 W A - I can’t, I only have 9 toes. isn’t necessarily one of them. Far When I took time to talk to sailor the Arrows took full advantage of away from campus on the Charles, Shawn Lynch about the sport I had a their mistakes. At the final horn, the Q - Last question, what is the best scoreboard read 13-4 in favor of the vs. Moses Brown 13-4 W sailing is often the forgotten spring few questions. part of your “sailing game”? Arrows, and the team left the field competition. It is a sport during Q - On a scale of one to ten, how A - I would have to say my life feeling confident but knowing that which you never play, but sail. The similar is the sport of sailing to jacket…I love that thing. there was still much room for im- Varsity Tennis captains of the sailing team, Alex Pirates of the Carribean? provement. The Arrows received 8 Morin, Will Barnard, and Kevin A - I’d give it a 3. It’s on water, I With the Charles warming up, the points from senior Sam Hodgson, 5 Martin, are looking to fuel the fire vs. Groton 14-1 W guess. sailing team hopes to make a lot of points from senior Gordon Donnelly burning in each sailor’s belly, itching splashes in their races and regattas and a hat trick from Dalton MacAfee, to win a race. Returning members Q - Are you allowed to bring weap- and win their share of them as well. and a total of nine different Arrows vs. Lawrence 15-0 W on the team, Shawn Lynch, Jay ons, such as cannons and swords The final note I received was from contributed either a goal or assist. Daukus, Morgan Rockett, Dan Con- when you sail in case you board the Father Arens, who said, “I blessed all The following Saturday, ley, Andrew Warner, Alex Pappas, other sailors’ boats? the boats, but hope that none are the Arrows made the short drive to vs. Nobles 3-12 L Owen Finnegan, Mike Petro, and A - Sometimes Flatley does for fun, too holy.” We hope so too, Father, Dedham to begin their ISL schedule Ian Kelly are also trying to help the but other than that it’s against the and wish you and Coach Rynne a against rival Nobles. The Bulldogs new members, James Hunt, Mike rules. successful season -- even if the fans got on the board first, but junior vs. Moses Brown 15-0 W Rozewski, John Flatley, and John don’t get out to see you too often. Ben Piersiak, returning from a