SNYPR 6.4 Release Notes

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SNYPR Release Notes 2 Table of Contents

Introduction 4 What's New in this Release 5 Improvements 12 Bug Fixes 22 New and Improved Content 32 New Content 32 Improved Content 58 Decommissioned Content 71 Known Issues 148

SNYPR Release Notes 3 Introduction


The Release Notes include the new features, improvements, bug fixes, and content updates for the SNYPR Jupiter release (6.4).

Note: You can check if your ticket is fixed in this release by referring to the Summary section. The Summary section includes a description and customer logged ticket number, if applicable.

Access to SNYPR 6.4

The Securonix team provides an access to the SNYPR 6.4 application. You have to install the RIN application from for data ingestion.

Note: For information on how to install RIN, refer to the RIN Installation Guide.

SNYPR Release Notes 4 What's New in this Release

What's New in this Release

This section offers a brief summary of the following new and improved features for the SNYPR 6.4 release:

SNYPR Services New and Improved Features

l Content Management

l Data Dictionary

l Phishing Analyzer Analytics l Publish Content Updates to Tenants (Multi- tenant)

l Policy Enhancements

l EDR Playbook Response Actions

l Response Management

Detection and Response l Incident Assignee Chain

l On-Demand Incident

l Sandbox Widget

l Live Channel

Hunting l Tabular View

l Timedifference Function

l Autodiscovery of Datasources Ingestion l Ingestion Improvements

l Activity Monitor Shared l Data Masking for Multi-Tenant

For more information about each feature, see the SNYPR6.4 What's New Guide.

SNYPR Release Notes 5 What's New in this Release

Content Management

The Content Management feature introduces the ability to seamlessly deploy and manage content maintained by the Securonix content team. This feature gives you access to the most up-to-date threat content so you can maintain the highest level of security detection.

For more details about this feature, see the Content Management section in the What's New Guide.

Data Dictionary

The Data Dictionary feature provides an ability to create your own labels for data ingested by SNYPR from datasources. These labels simplifies the ingestion, analytics, and hunting processes by providing consistent and easy to understand labels for data.

Content developers can use these mapped labels to perform data ingestion and create policies, and security analysts can use these labels to search Spotter.

For more details about this feature, see the Data Dictionary section in the What's New Guide.

Phishing Analyzer Technique

The Phishing Analyzer detection technique allows the customer's content team and security analysts team to create policies to detect phishing attacks. Using this policy, you can check email senders against comparators and detect emails pretending to be from reputable companies.

For more details about this feature, see the Phishing Analyzer section in the What's New Guide.

SNYPR Release Notes 6 What's New in this Release

Publish Content Updates to Tenants

A new capability has been added that allows detection engineers to publish parsers and enrichment changes to other tenants instantly. This capability provides scalability and saves detection engineers time by avoiding manual updates for each tenant.

For more details about this feature, see the Publish Content Updates to Tenants section in the What's New Guide.

Policy Enhancements

The release includes the following key enhancements to analytics:

l Policy Labels: Includes the capability to tag policies so that security analysts can build reports, create dashboard, and search violations using specific labels. l Risk Score Aggregation for all Entities: Provides aggregate risk scores for all entit- ies so that security analysts can have a unified view and a better risk profile for each entity.

For more details about this feature, see the Policy Enhancements section in the What's New Guide.

EDR Playbook Response Actions

CrowdStrike playbook response actions are now offered as part of the SNYPR native response actions. The CrowdStrike and Cylance playbook response actions are configured and run from the SNYPR user interface for single or multiple Remote Ingestion Nodes (RINs).

For more details about this feature, see the CrowdStrike Playbook Response Actions section in the What's New Guide.

SNYPR Release Notes 7 What's New in this Release

Response Management

The Response Management feature provides a new, centralized user interface UI to configure third-party automated response connections and manage playbook access per tenant. In addition to the new centralized UI configurations, administrators have the flexibility to manage separate connections for each tenant, while isolating playbooks per tenant.

For more details about this feature, see the Response Management section in the What's New Guide.

Incident Assignee Chain

The Incident Assignee Chain controls incident visibility across specific users. Only users listed on the Incident Assignee Chain have access to discuss, contribute, coordinate, and download incident information. This is especially helpful for larger enterprises and multi-tenant deployments that manage multiple incidents across different teams.

For more details about this feature, see the Incident Assignee Chain section in the What's New Guide.

On-Demand Incident

The On-Demand Incident feature allows analysts and threat hunters to create new incidents and add context around those incidents from various locations in the SNYPR UI. Analysts and threat hunters can now create a new incident using a new global UI icon, add events to new or existing incidents from the Spotter Search Results view, and manage activity from the Incident Management dashboard to better manage emerging threats that might previously have gone unnoticed.

For more details about this feature, see the On-Demand Incident section in the What's New Guide.

SNYPR Release Notes 8 What's New in this Release

Sandbox Widget

The Sandbox widget enables security analysts to test policy violations in an isolated environment to identify issues before making them public. With the ability to run threat models in Sandbox at scale, the Sandbox widget significantly reduces alert noise, improving detection time and enabling more focus for analysts.

For more details about this feature, see the Sandbox Widget section in the What's New Guide.

Live Channel

Live Channel is a new detection mechanism that enables search and detection of new threats, and provides the ability to search via regex across data sources and channels.

For more details about this feature, see the Live Channel section in the What's New Guide.

Tabular View

Tabular View provides an easy-to-use UI for arranging and viewing event attributes, improving investigation and search efficiency.

For more details about this feature, see the Tabular View section in the What's New Guide.

Timedifference Function

The Timedifference function calculates the difference between two time fields in a human readable format. With this new feature, you'll simply provide two time fields in Spotter, and the Timedifference function will quickly calculate and return the result as a time value.

For more details about this feature, see the Timedifference section in the What's New Guide.

SNYPR Release Notes 9 What's New in this Release

Autodiscovery of Datasources

SNYPR 6.4 provides auto-discovery of syslog based datasources that simplifies and automates the onboarding process. This new workflow improves the time to value for onboarding datasources. Once you have configured your datasource to send events to the RIN, SNYPR discovers those events and suggests a parser for it.

For more details about this feature, see the Ingestion 2.0 section in the What's New Guide.

Ingestion Improvements

The release includes the following key enhancements to ingestion:

l Improved Activity Import: Provides an improved and intuitive User interface (UI). The new visual layout of Activity Import consists of an updated color pallet, grid view, font, and information design. l Simplified Lookup Table Management for Multi-Tenant: Allows content developers to create a single policy that can be applied to all tenants without the need to duplicate the policy and customize it for each tenant.

For more details on other improvement, see the Ingestion Improvements section in the What's New Guide.

Activity Monitor

The Activity Monitor tool provides a crucial, real-time view of events ingested by SNYPR. Administrators can see ingestion trends by datasources to identify sudden increases in number of events or ingestion delays.

For more details on other improvement, see the Activity Monitor section in the What's New Guide.

SNYPR Release Notes 10 What's New in this Release

Data Masking for Multi-Tenant

The Data Masking feature allows MSSPs to secure Personally Identifiable Information (PII) for users and entities. You can mask all activity account names, IP addresses, resource names, and event attributes for all datasources available for a tenant.

For more details on other improvement, see the Activity Monitor section in the What's New Guide.

SNYPR Release Notes 11 Improvements


The following table describes the improvements that were made in this release:

Note: An INC number represents a ticket that was previously logged by a customer, and is now improved in the current release.

Component Summary

Improved the performance of data enrichment for event Activity import categorization.

Implemented a new Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA) Algorithm algorithm.

Added support for static baselines and daily threshold to Analytics Enumeration Behavior and Volume Spike Behavior.

Analytics Added a new analytic technique called Phishing Analyzer.

Included a list of enabled or disabled policies and threats for Analytics policies. (INC-223929)

Updated the default values for the BEACONING_DELETE_ Analytics CONFIG configuration.

Improved the Landspeed analytics to increase the accuracy of Analytics detection.

Analytics Optimized the policy deletion process.

Analytics Added additional criteria for threat intelligence checks.

Added an option to filter policies based on the policy category Analytics from the Policy Management screen.

Updated the Policy Name field to include square brackets. (INC- Analytics 228027)

Enhanced the Threat Model screen to allow users to add Analytics violators to an active list.

SNYPR Release Notes 12 Improvements

Component Summary

Improved the Behavior Profile screen by:

Analytics l Adding a search to search behavior profiles.

l Displaying the profile names in an alphabetical order.

Added an ability to provide labels for policies. These labels allow Analytics analysts to build reports, dashboards, and search violations using specific labels.

Added a warning message to alert users when any violation entity attribute (accountname, resourcename, ipaddress) is not mapped. Analytics The risk scores are not calculated correctly when violation entities are not mapped.

Added an ability to provide aggregate risk scores for a machine Analytics (resource) across datasources.

Improved the tool tip message for Violation Entity on the Policy Analytics Violations screen.

Improved Event Attributes on the Create a Rule screen to Analytics display attributes alphabetically.

Added data validation to check for special characters in attributes Analytics to fix an error that occurs while configuring violation.

Added description for the Amount of Data field for creating AEE Analytics based policies.

Improved user experience by sorting the values for the Edit filter Analytics dropdown in the Policy Configuration screen.

Analytics for Multi- Enabled threat models for all tenants. (INC-229117) Tenant

Analytics for Multi- Added an option to select tenants for functionality based Tenant policies.

Enhanced auditing to include SAML assertion fields in auditing Auditing logs when user logs in using SAML.

SNYPR Release Notes 13 Improvements

Component Summary

Added check to restrict users from using any of the last five Authentication passwords as the new password.

Authentication/Access Implemented checks to validate the email addresses of users and Control groups.

Added the ability to restrict an analyst's access to Users or TPI Authorization/RBAC Spotter indexes based on tenant or user.

Improved the Available Tenant filtering on the Security Authorization/RBAC Command Center to only display information for the selected for Multi-Tenant tenant.

Authorization/RBAC Restricted the group view by tenant. (INC-229347) for Multi-Tenant

Added two new flags in the SAML Assertion for the following scenarios:

l New users logging to SNYPR application for the first time: Assign default group when the group information is not in Authentication/Single SAML assertion. Sign-On (SSO)

l Existing Users logging to SNYPR application: Retain the group already assigned to the user. For example, if a user is a member of any group other than default group, the group information will not change. (INC-229021)

Added a message to indicate that the user has successfully logged Authentication/SSO off from the SNYPR application. (INC-226076)

Included an option to set the time-period after which the SNYPR application logs off the user automatically. This option Authentication/SSO must be set to automatically log off the user after the specified time -period. (INC-223283)

Included an option to set the number of concurrent SNYPR Authentication/SSO sessions a user can have. (INC-226779)

Included a check for users to change their temporary passwords Authentication/SSO when they log into SNYPR for the first time.

SNYPR Release Notes 14 Improvements

Component Summary

Implemented user authorization using SAML/ Sign-On (SSO) Authentication/SSO when SSO is enabled.

Authentication/SSO Added support for NTLM authentication for SMTP.

Added an error message to the Connection Type drop-down Automated Response that displays when a connection already exists for a particular connection type for a tenant.

Behavior/Activity Improved the clustering algorithm and performance for peer Outlier behavior and all account behavior policies.

Added a Violation Summary tab to the Incident Management Case Management screen that includes a Threat Model violation view by stages and a list of policies.

Case Improved the alert email to include a link to access the incident Management/Incident once the incident is created. Management

Updated the AWS SQS S3 connector to send data from Connector multiple accounts to a single account.

Connector Updated the parsing technique for the Azure Storage connector.

Improved the AWS Cloudwatch connector to support the Connector authentication for cross-account access for Cloudwatch resources.

Updated the AWS GuardDuty connector to support the Connector authentication for cross-account access for the GuardDuty detectors.

Added functionality to support the ingestion of raw event data for Connector Crowdstrike Falcon data replicator module.

Enhanced the ProofPoint connector to extract file extensions Connectors separately.

SNYPR Release Notes 15 Improvements

Component Summary

Enhanced the conditional enrichment process to support the Data Import Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) range.

Improved the GDPR unmasking approval workflow:

l Sec_users in different sec_groups can belong to a single-step Encryption/Masking or zero-step unmasking workflow.

l Workflows are configured according to the roles assigned to sec_groups.

Added a new Spark job called Pipeline Orchestration that Event Enrichment prioritizes event data collections and manages congestion during the ingestion process.

Added a Windows XML parser to parse native Windows data in Event Parsing XML format.

Added a table view on the Incident Management screen that Incident Management displays contextual information about all the events that are added to an existing case from Spotter.

Improved the archival/data retention policy in Incident Incident Management to ensure that events attached from Spotter Management remain available during investigation, even if the data is archived or deleted.

Incident Management Added an option to edit the criticality of an incident.

Modified the location of Playbook button for better user Incident Management experience.

Added functionality to run playbooks from the Incident Incident Management Management screen.

Improved user experience by adding a notification message on Incident Management the top of the screen.

Ingestion Improved parsing for CrowdStrike.

Ingestion Improved parsing for O365 Azure.

SNYPR Release Notes 16 Improvements

Component Summary

Modified the Activity Import screen to use the Data Dictionary Ingestion feature.

Enhanced SNYPR to manage multiple RINs from SNYPR user Ingestion interface.

Enhanced SNYPR to manage multiple RINs from SNYPR user Ingestion interface.

Ingestion - Activity Added an ability for users to assign custom names to action Import filters.

Improved the lookup data import process from AWS S3 to Ingestion - Events support filtering by the folder path available in AWS S3.

Ingestion - Improved the geolocation import by adding enrichment for Geolocation destination address and source address attributes.

Ingestion - Improved the geolocation import by supporting enrichment of Geolocation IPV6 address with geolocation details. (INC-235616)

Ingestion - Third- Added an option to concatenate two or more attributes that are Party Intelligence separated by delimiter into one field.

Improved the enrichment process for activity data by including Ingestion - TPI the context for hash, URL, IP, vulnerability, and hash type attributes for Recorded Future TPI. (INC-229276)

Added RBAC controls for individual Watchlists and Lookup Lookup Data tables.

Improved the Notification module so that analysts can filter Notification notifications by types, date range, or both. Role based access Framework control makes it easy for an analyst to configure the notifications they can see by default.

Notification Implemented an option to send notification emails to end users Framework using REST API.

SNYPR Release Notes 17 Improvements

Component Summary

Improved the user experience by displaying the number of times Policy Configuration a particular condition is added for Risk Boosters while creating a policy.

Added a new option to view all enabled and disabled policies in Policy Configuration the Policy Management screen.

Added a check to remove white space before and after the policy Policy Configuration name. (-2112)

Enhanced the policy creation process for functionalities by Policy Engine allowing users to create policies that can apply to multiple functionalities.

Added an option for users to save and commit the policy to the Policy Engine content repository from the Policy Creation screen.

Policy Engine Improved the performance of the policy engine.

Added a warning note when the account name is blank while Policy Engine creating a policy.

Added the Check Against Named List option to create a new rule Policy Engine by checking values against named lists.

Reporting Added the ability to email a Data Insights dashboard as a report.

Added the ability to sort on the DateTime field for the TABLE Reporting operator.

Created a new report template with predefined attributes Reporting selected by default.

Reporting Added the ability to quickly select attributes in the Run Framework/Spotter Spotter Report view of Spotter to reduce the time spent on Console exporting data from Spotter or creating reports.

Response/Notification Added functionality to integrate with Cherwell.

Enhanced integration with ServiceNow by adding more Response metadata during incident creation (threat indicator and Orchestration category).

SNYPR Release Notes 18 Improvements

Component Summary

Response Modified the connector to integrate with Phantom multi-tenant Orchestration environment for case management. (INC-212561)

Response Added playbook information for an incident in Action History Orchestration for added context.

Added the ability to enable/disable the visibility of the Response playbook action button according to the role provided to the Orchestration/SOAR user.

Response Added the ability for users to select one or multiple RINs while Orchestration/SOAR taking response actions for a playbook.

Removed the ability to configure ingesters for RSA playbooks Response on the Policy Violations and Threat Modeler screen as RSA Orchestration/SOAR playbooks are not supported.

Improved the Watchlist REST API:

l The listWatchlist web service now provides the name and count of entities in a Watchlist.

l Each Watchlist name includes a list of existing entities in that Watchlist.

l When given a list of entities, a list will return stating which REST API Watchlist the entity belongs to.

l The Check if a entity exists in a watchlist web service now accepts watchlistname as an optional parameter.

l The Add entity to a single watchlist web service now allows you to add up to five entities per API call. By default, entities in a Watchlist are sorted by the day the entity was created.

Added the ability to pull activity information from cases in REST API Incident Management.

SNYPR Release Notes 19 Improvements

Component Summary

Added information on the parent case for REST within the REST API Incident Management category.

Improved the platform security by implementing:

l Token based authentication for all web services. REST API

l Session Timeout for web services after user specified time period.

Improved Incident Management REST APIs to include tenant REST API for Multi- name when querying SNYPR for activity and violation. If the Tenant user has not specified the tenant name, the REST API retrieves information only for the tenant the user has access to.

Improved RIN installation process by providing silent installer and RIN prerequisite validation framework.

Improved the RIN monitoring capabilities to provide alerts for RIN disk usage and certificate expiration.

Role-based Access Ability to enable or disable policies can be controlled by a new Control role privilege.

Security Command Added an ability to launch Spotter for top violators from Entity Center Data in SCC.

Improved the calculation of risk score by consolidating Security Command anomalies for the Resource and IP address entity type, Center regardless of which data-feed generates the anomaly.

Security Command Added filter and sort functionalities for custom widgets created Center/Views using SNYPR.

Spotter Added OrderBy filter to sort the Spotter search results.

Improved the performance of the IN and NOT IN queries when Spotter there are more than 10 values for a parameter.

SNYPR Release Notes 20 Improvements

Component Summary

Added a message on the Search Results view of Spotter to Spotter inform users that the results are not ordered by eventtime when a query is executed for an archival event.

Improved the WHERE operator to filter based on range, Spotter aggregation, and field created at the time of search.

Added the option to select all or multiple attributes at once when you export Spotter results, rather than individually Spotter selecting the attributes you want to be included in your Spotter report.

Improved the Spotter search to query archived data using resource group, resource type, or rg_functionality. In addition, Spotter the Spotter search uses the tenant name to query archived data for a multi-tenant deployment.

Third-Party Added the ability to perform TPI enrichment on multiple Intelligence attributes from the same event.

Third-Party Added the ability to import TPI data from the RIN file. Intelligence

Added a Do you want to generate incident for threat model Threat Modeler violators? toggle on the Threat Model screen.

Added the ability to sort by the Enabled column when User Preferences searching for a threat model.

Workflow Added an option to whitelist while creating a new workflow.

SNYPR Release Notes 21 Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes

The following table describes the bug fixes that are included in this release:

Component Summary

Fixed the Sync Content button on the last step of the Activity Import Activity Import screen to properly sync information.

Fixed an issue on the last step of the Activity Import screen Activity Import so that policies save when the Save Template button is clicked.

Fixed the naming convention for the correlation rule to Activity Import ensure the rule name remains the same when the user has not edited the rule. (INC- 228743)

Fixed an issue so that correct values are generated for the Activity Import lookup and watchlist action filters during Activity Import.

Fixed the issue to automatically delete incidents when Analytics corresponding violations are deleted. (INC-212318)

Fixed an issue where policies were not getting created when Analytics the Response Bot was enabled.

Fixed an issue for TPI based policies where the violation Analytics summary attributes displayed blank values.

Fixed the DGA algorithm to correctly calculate the prediction Analytics score.

Fixed an issue where the violation events query was Analytics removing double spacing from a policy name, resulting in an incorrect query.

Fixed the last step of Activity Import to allow users to enable Analytics or disable policies. (INC-229409)

Fixed an issue where users were unable to delete threat Analytics models.

SNYPR Release Notes 22 Bug Fixes

Component Summary

Fixed the Create New Watchlist screen to display only one Analytics drop-down list for the Watch List Criticality and Select Tenant fields.

Fixed an issue where the check against TPI was not flagging Analytics violations.

Analytics for Multi- Fixed the Check Against TPI (Third Party Intelligence) policy tenant to flag correct violators from the same tenant.

Fixed an issue where the check against lookup did not flag Analytics event rarity policies.

Fixed an issue where the conditions for filtering criteria were Analytics not displaying on the UI.

Fixed an issue so that Risk Boosters are saved for a policy. Analytics (INC-229089)

Fixed an issue so that user can whitelist accounts. (INC- Analytics 229114)

Fixed violation summary to display the correct number of Analytics violations. (INC-229046)

Analytics Fixed the loading issue for the policy screen.

Fixed an issue where the violation summary used default Analytics values for any out-of-the-box policies.

Fixed an issue with policy configurations where a condition is Analytics created even though there are no conditions provided.

Fixed the issue of violations not displaying in the Top Analytics Violations widget. (INC-228867)

Fixed the UI to choose a single RIN as a default (from a list of Analytics multiple RINs) for a policy so that the auto-playbook actions for a Threat Model can be enabled and used.

SNYPR Release Notes 23 Bug Fixes

Component Summary

Fixed the Activity Import Summary screen to display Analytics policies with multiple functionalities.

Fixed an issue so that a validation message is displayed when Analytics a normal category is added with the Sandbox category.

Fixed an issue so that the correct risk score is calculated for Analytics phishing based policies.

Fixed the Cluster Information section so that it displays the Analytics correct text message.

Fixed an issue so that all threat model stages are deleted when Analytics a user deletes the last configured stage.

Fixed the Threat Model for Threat screen so that it display Analytics selected watchlists under Add watchlist Filter.

Analytics Improved performance for threshold detection use cases.

Fixed an issue where new policies are disabled by default Analytics while onboarding.

Fixed Role Based Access Control (RBAC) to show correct Analytics threat models on the Activity Import screen.

Fixed an issue so that correct count of enabled and disabled Analytics threat models are displayed when RBAC is applied for threat models.

Fixed the Send Notification toggle button of the Policy Analytics Configuration screen. (INC-235266)

Fixed an issue so that filter criteria conditions are saved Analytics while editing IEE policies.

Analytics Fixed Views > Users to display behavior profiles.

Analytics Fixed an issue so that threat models are saved correctly.

Fixed an issue where the Check Against Lookup Table did Analytics not flag event rarity policies.

SNYPR Release Notes 24 Bug Fixes

Component Summary

Fixed the Edit Threat Indicator pop-up accessed from Policy Analytics Violations and Threat Model to display tenants and Service/Response playbooks based on the Role Based Access Control (RBAC) of Service the analyst.

Fixed the Do you want to re-calculate entity score based on Sandbox violations toggle to include a validation message Analytics/Hunting when set to NO. This message informs the user that the violations and incidents associated with the policy will be removed.

Fixed the parameter for URL Visited by Visitors. (INC- Analytics/Hunting 228706)

Fixed an issue so that the violation events query returns the Analytics/Spotter correct results for policies with double spaces. (INC-229409)

Auditing Fixed the Token Generated audit message.

Fixed the Password Change Required setting so that when it Authorization/RBAC is enabled, the application requires users to change their passwords when they login for the first time.

Fixed the Access Control screen. to display the Minimum Authorization/RBAC Reuse Count setting for password.

Fixed an issue so that the Kill Chain Analysis widget displays all Authorization/RBAC violations when Show only Correlated Data flag is enabled in Granular Access Control.

The context file does not save the login URL when you enter Authentication/SSO the Single Sign On login details from the Application Settings screen.

Behavior/Activity Fixed an issue to display correct baseline graph for historical Outliers violations.

Behavior/Activity Fixed the behavior based policies to display outlier and Outliers violation events in the same time zone.

SNYPR Release Notes 25 Bug Fixes

Component Summary

Fixed the status of an On-Demand Incident to display in the Case Management Incidents by Status graph within Incident Management.

Case Fixed Activity Stream on the Security Command Center to Management/Security display only the incidents that are assigned to the logged in Command Center analyst.

Fixed the Data Insights drop-down option to fully display when Data Insights you save a Spotter query as dashboard.

Fixed an issue with the Data Insights dashboard when tenant Data Insights access is revoked from a non-admin user.

Fixed an issue on the Security Command Center that caused Incident Management incident IDs to not populate when incidents were created through Auto Incident.

Fixed an issue during workflow creation that caused the Incident Management Show input form toggle to only be set to enabled.

Ingestion - Entity Fixed the Job Monitor screen to display the number of records Metadata ingested during entity metadata import using database.

Ingestion - Save Fixed the Save Template feature to publish changes made in Template action filter.

Fixed the preview of the look up table for AWS S3. (INC- Lookup Table 230847)

Increased the length of the Customer ID field accessed from Multi-Tenant - Settings Admin > Settings > Hadoop.

Multi-Tenant - Threat Added an option to assign tenant while importing threat models. Modeller

Policy Configuration Fixed the cloning issue of Sandbox policies.

Fixed an issue to allow users to add policy violators to an Policy Engine active list.

SNYPR Release Notes 26 Bug Fixes

Component Summary

Fixed the graph for rare behavior policy to display correct Policy Engine information from Views > Users.

Fixed an issue that caused the signatureid to replicate when Policy Engine a use case was cloned.

Fixed the Policy Category drop-down list to display the correct Policy Engine categories.

Policy Engine Fixed the data deletion feature for the event rarity policy.

Resolved an issue to display the correct TPI source name in the Policy Engine Violation Summary screen.

Removed the extra icon for the rare behavior policies from the Policy Engine Violation Summary screen.

Removed the Would you like to Aggregate Risk Score on Each Policy Engine Run? flag from the default identity policies packaged with the SNYPR application.

Policy Engine Fixed the traffic analyzer job for the event rarity policy.

Resolved an issue where NULL conditions are saved for IEE Policy Engine policies.

Removed unused operators such as greater than and less than Policy Engine from the risk booster lookup table.

Policy Engine The account name for the lookup table is no longer duplicated.

Policy Engine The SCC screen displays the correct date for watchlists.

When the Sandbox policy is published to production and the Policy Engine recalculate risk score is set to no, the corresponding incidents are deleted.

Resolved an issue to display the Move to Production option for Policy Engine all Sandbox policies.

Fixed the message to display the time when auto run is enabled Policy Engine for a playbook.

SNYPR Release Notes 27 Bug Fixes

Component Summary

Policy Engine/Behavior Fixed the user screen to display behavior profiles when a user and Activity Outlier with non-admin rights accesses the SNYPR application.

Policy Violation Fixed an issue where Landspeed violations were not saving Notifications violation information as expected.

Fixed the header and footer of the KPI, SOC, Top Violator, and Reports Incident reports to display the correct date and time.

Fixed an issue where the Threat Model details were not REST API displaying in the reason section of the GET response.

Fixed an issue so that playbooks are executed correctly for Response Orchestration threat models.

Response Orchestration Updated the payload format for Demisto.

The Remote Ingester works as expected when the proxy is RIN configured to communicate with SNYPR console. (INC 230017)

Fixed a user interface issue in the Top Violators widget that Security Command caused text to appear close together when the policy name Center was too long.

Fixed an issue on the Security Command Center that caused Security Command violations to not load on the Violation Summary screen for a Center policy or threat.

Security Command Fixed an issue on the Violation Summary screen that caused Center icons to display inconsistently.

Security Command Fixed the search filter for the Top Violator widget in the Center Violation Summary screen.

Security Command Fixed an issue so that the incident number and Take Action Center button for auto created incidents are now visible.

Fixed an issue in the Search Results view of Spotter that Spotter caused no returned results when the STATS query was used. (INC-238031)

SNYPR Release Notes 28 Bug Fixes

Component Summary

Fixed an issue for queries with not equal to (!=) and Spotter parenthesis. (INC-229647)

Fixed an issue to ensure that violation events query returns Spotter the correct results for policies with double spaces. (INC- 229538)

Fixed Spotter to run the queries successfully when there are Spotter more than 27 values with the NOT IN operator. (INC- 212549)

Fixed an issue in Spotter that caused the Search Results to Spotter fail when the ORDERBY operator was used with any visual operator, such as charts and graphs.

Fixed in issue that caused the following ORDERBY queries to run, even though they are not supported:

l Geolink Spotter l Geomap

l Heatmap

l timechart

Fixed the Show Raw Events option in Spotter to display the Spotter correct value when raw events are retrieved by the query.

Fixed an issue that caused queries with a wild card to only work Spotter with the activity and violation index.

Fixed the total record count beside the page navigation when a Spotter query is run for an archived datasource and a time period is selected from the timeline.

Fixed the Producer - Consumer Ratio (PCR) operator to work as Spotter expected.

SNYPR Release Notes 29 Bug Fixes

Component Summary

Fixed an issue that caused SNYPR to not send an email when Spotter you export the CSV report with more than 70,000 records in Spotter.

Fixed the Data Insight report to display correct data when you Spotter select a filter for any widget and generate the report.

Fixed the total record count when a Spotter query is run with Spotter aggregation operators (such as stats and table) and when a user navigates between pages.

Fixed an issue where the CONTAINS and NOT CONTAINS Spotter operators were not working on raw event attributes when the raw event indexing was enabled. (INC-229689 )

Fixed an issue in the Search Results view of Spotter that Threat Hunting caused the search results to fail when quotation marks were not present in the index = archive query.

Fixed an issue that caused the SNYPR application to only be Threat Hunting accessible when the Tomcat application server was restarted.

Fixed an issue in the configuration settings for Data Insights Threat Hunting that prevented the widget from loading when the REX operator was used in a custom query.

Fixed an issue to display the Action History for policies and Threat Management threat models when the violator is a user.

Fixed an issue so that users can enable the Add Watchlist Threat Modeler Filters setting from the Threat Modeler screen.

Fixed an issue with the exponential risk scoring scheme to Threat Modeler display a message when the weight value is set to zero.

Watchlist Fixed the edit functionality to edit the watchlist name correctly.

Fixed an issue so that the global whitelisted entities can not be Whitelist flagged by any policy.

SNYPR Release Notes 30 Bug Fixes

Component Summary

Fixed an issue that caused a default expiry date to display Whitelist when the Expiry Date setting was disabled. (INC-229079)

Fixed the search filter to display the whitelist correctly in Whitelist Views > Whitelist.

Fixed an issue to recalculate the risk score when an entity is Whitelist globally whitelisted.

SNYPR Release Notes 31 New and Improved Content

New and Improved Content

SNYPR 6.4 includes new and updates to content. This section includes the following information:

l New Content l Improved Content l Decommissioned Content

New Content

This sections contains all the new parsers, connectors, and threat detection content included in this release.

New Connectors and Parsers The following table contains the connectors and parsers that were added in this release:

Functionalit Device Collection Vendor y Type Method

Physical ActivIdentity / HID ActivIdentity Collection Method: Syslog Security / Global HID Global Format: JSON Badging

Collection Method: Cloud Services AWS Cloud Inc awssqss3 / Applications Trail Format: JSON

Collection Method: Cloud Services AWS Amazon Inc awssqss3 / Applications Cloudwatch Format: REGEX

SNYPR Release Notes 32 New and Improved Content

Functionalit Device Collection Vendor y Type Method

Cloud Collection Method: anaplan Anaplan Application Anaplan Audit Format: JSON Audit

Atlassian IT Service Collection Method: Jira Jira Corporation Plc Management Format: JSON

Cloud Application Bitglass CASB Collection Method: bitglass Bitglass Security - Admin Format: JSON Broker

Cloud Bitglass CASB Application Collection Method: bitglass Bitglass - Security Format: JSON Access Broker

Cloud Application Bitglass CASB Collection Method: bitglass Bitglass Security Audit Format: JSON Broker

Physical Collection Method: Brivo OnAir - Brivo Security / brivoonair Access Badging Format: JSON

Endpoint Collection Method: Carbon Black Carbon Black,Inc Management carbonblack Defense - V2 Systems Format: JSON

Endpoint Carbon Black Collection Method: Carbon Black,Inc Management Defence carbonblack Systems - Alert Format: JSON

Network Cisco Identity Collection Method: ciscoise Cisco Systems Access Control Service Format: Key Value Pair / NAC Engine - ISE

SNYPR Release Notes 33 New and Improved Content

Functionalit Device Collection Vendor y Type Method

Network Cisco Identity Collection Method: ciscoise Cisco Systems Access Control Service Format: Key Value Pair / NAC Engine

Collection Method: Cloudflare Firewall Cloudflare cloudflarefirewall Format: JSON

Access / Collection Method: CloudKnox CloudKnox Identity cloudknox Alerts Management Format: JSON

Access / Collection Method: CloudKnox CloudKnox Privileged cloudknox Activities User Format: JSON

Data Loss Code 42 - File Collection Method: code42 Code 42 Prevention / Events Format: JSON Endpoint DLP

Cloud Collection Method: Application Google GCP googlereport2 Security Format: JSON Broker

Collection Method: Identity Access Users Google googlereport2 Management Accounts Format: JSON

Business Collection Method: Google Collaboration Google Chat googlereport2 Platforms Format: JSON

Authentication Collection Method: / SSO Google Google Token googlereport2 / Single Sign- Format: JSON On

SNYPR Release Notes 34 New and Improved Content

Functionalit Device Collection Vendor y Type Method

Access / Collection Method: Access Google Privileged googlereport2 Transparency User Format: JSON

Collection Method: Mobile Device Google Google googlereport2 Management Mobile Format: JSON

Business Collection Method: Google Google Collaboration googlereport2 Calendar Platforms Format: JSON

Access / Google Collection Method: Google Identity Groups googlereport2 Management Enterprise Format: JSON

Access / Collection Method: Google Google Identity googlereport2 Groups Management Format: JSON

Business Collection Method: Google Collaboration Google G-Plus googlereport2 Platforms Format: JSON

Cloud Collection Method: Authentication Google Google SAML googlereport2 / SSO / Single Format: JSON Sign-On

Data Loss Collection Method: Google Prevention / Google rules googlereport2 Network DLP Format: JSON

Informatica Authentication Collection Method: Informatica / SSO / Single informatica Authenticatio Sign-On Format: JSON n

SNYPR Release Notes 35 New and Improved Content

Functionalit Device Collection Vendor y Type Method

Azure Active Collection Method: Microsoft Cloud Services Directory azurereport Corporation / Applications Sign In Format: Key Value Pair

Endpoint OS Query Collection Method: Syslog OS Query Management Logs Format: JSON Systems

IT Collection Method: Pager Duty Infrastructure Pager Duty pagerdutyincidents Monitoring Format: JSON

Collection Method: Prisma Cloud Palo Alto Networks Prisma Access prismacloud Security Format: JSON

Collection Method: Email / Email Proofpoint Proofpoint Inc. proofpointtrap Security TRAP Format: JSON

Proofpoint Collection Method: Cloud Email / Proofpoint Inc. Email proofpointisolation Email Security Isolation Format: JSON

Proofpoint Collection Method: Application Security Proofpoint Inc. proofpointsat Audit Awareness Format: JSON Training

Security Security Collection Method: SecurityScorecard,In Scorecard - Analytics securityscorecard c. Company Platform Format: JSON Grade

Security Security Scorecard - Collection Method: SecurityScorecard,In Analytics Company risk securityscorecard c. Platform category Format: JSON score

SNYPR Release Notes 36 New and Improved Content

Functionalit Device Collection Vendor y Type Method

Collection Method: Symantec / Web Security Web Proxy symantecwss Blue Coat Systems Service Format: REGEX

Symantec Collection Method: Symantec / Antivirus / Endpoint symantecendpoint Blue Coat Systems Malware / EDR Protection Format: JSON

Vulnerability Tenable Collection Method: tenable Tenable Scanners Response Format: JSON

Cloud IPS / Collection Method: IDS / UTM / Threat Stack - Threat Stack threadstack Threat Alerts Format: JSON Detection

Data Loss TrendMicro Collection Method: Trend Micro Prevention / Security trendmicrocas Inc. Endpoint DLP Risk Format: JSON

Cloud Collection Method: Work Authentication workdayidentitymanagemen Workday Inc. Account Sign- / SSO / Single t on Sign-On Format: JSON

Cloud Collection Method: Authentication Unidentified workdayidentitymanagemen Workday Inc. / SSO / Single Sign-on t Sign-On Format: JSON

Access / Collection Method: Workday Workday Inc. Identity workday Audit Management Format: Key Value Pair

SNYPR Release Notes 37 New and Improved Content

New Threat Detection Content The following table contains the threat detection content that was added in this release:

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Access / Identity ACI-ALL-800-ERR User changing Job detection Management

Abnormal number of Access / Identity ACI-ALL-801-BP inactivate Organization Management activity

Access / Identity Business Process definition ACI-ALL-802-ERR Management Edited

Access / Identity ACI-ALL-803-ERR Rare User assigning roles Management

Access / Identity Rare User assigning roles ACI-ALL-804-PO Management compared to peers

Rare user assigning user- Access / Identity ACI-ALL-805-ERR based security groups for Management person

Successful logon of admin Cloud Authentication / SSO account from rare country CSSO-SF-747-TA / Single Sign-On compared to rest of the organization

Successful login following a Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-SF-750-RU spike in failed logins for an / Single Sign-On Admin account

Cloud Authentication / SSO Landspeed anomaly CSSO-SF-752-LS / Single Sign-On detected for an account

Cloud Authentication / SSO Abnormal number of failed CSSO-SF-846-BP / Single Sign-On logons from Admin accounts

SNYPR Release Notes 38 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Successful logon detected Cloud Authentication / SSO for a Non-admin account CSSO-SF-745-TA / Single Sign-On from rare country compared to rest of the organization

Abnormal number of logon Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-SF-848-BP failures from Non-admin / Single Sign-On accounts

Cloud Authentication / SSO Account logging in from CSSO-SF-751-DB / Single Sign-On multiple countries in a day

Cloud Authentication / SSO Rare application accessing CSSO-SF-755-ERR / Single Sign-On SalesForceCom API

Cloud Authentication / SSO Abnormal number of login CSSO-SF-886-BP / Single Sign-On Failures

Cloud Authentication / SSO Abnormal number of Admin CSSO-SF-887-BP / Single Sign-On Login Failures

Password spraying attempt Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-SF-888-DB from an IP on multiple / Single Sign-On accounts

Cloud Authentication / SSO Robotic pattern observed CSSO-SF-789-TA / Single Sign-On from an IP - failed login

Successful logon detected Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-SF-790-ERR from rare country compared / Single Sign-On to rest of the organization

Successful logon detected Cloud Authentication / SSO from for an admin account in CSSO-SF-792-ERR / Single Sign-On a rare country compared to rest of the organization

Landspeed anomaly Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-SF-893-LS detected for an admin / Single Sign-On account

Cloud Authentication / SSO User changing email to non- CSSO-SF-794-RU / Single Sign-On business email

SNYPR Release Notes 39 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Recently activated account Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-SF-795-DB deactivated within a short / Single Sign-On duration of time

Cloud Authentication / SSO Abnormal number of CSSO-SF-726-BP / Single Sign-On Account Lockout events

Cloud Authentication / SSO Robotic pattern observed - CSSO-SF-723-TA / Single Sign-On failed login

Cloud Authentication / SSO Abnormal volume of file CSSO-SF-847-BA / Single Sign-On downloads from

Cloud Authentication / SSO Rare User Agent Used For CSSO-SF-727-ERR / Single Sign-On Log In

Cloud Authentication / SSO Authentication from rare CSSO-SF-725-ER / Single Sign-On geolocation

Abnormal volume of data Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-SF-748-BA egressed using REST API / Single Sign-On requests

Possible User Enumeration Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-SF-728-BP Observed from an / Single Sign-On IPAddress

Cloud Authentication / SSO High number of failed login CSSO-SF-724-DB-SIEM / Single Sign-On attempts - SIEM

Abnormal volume of data Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-SF-749-BA egressed via Visualforce / Single Sign-On requests

Cloud Authentication / SSO Anomalous number of CSSO-SF-734-BP / Single Sign-On Reports Exported

Large number of target Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-SF-750-DB accounts used for delegated / Single Sign-On login

Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-SF-722-LS Landspeed Anomaly / Single Sign-On

SNYPR Release Notes 40 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Cloud Authentication / SSO High Number of Reports CSSO-SF-719-DB / Single Sign-On Exported

Cloud Authentication / SSO Multiple number of Failure CSSO-SF-729-DB-SIEM / Single Sign-On followed by Success - SIEM

Abnormal number of target Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-SF-754-BP accounts used for delegated / Single Sign-On login

Cloud Authentication / SSO Rare user performing CSSO-SF-845-ERR / Single Sign-On delegated logon

Installation of rare Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-SF-846-ERR unmanaged package / Single Sign-On detected across organization

Login as activity was Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-SF-721-RU observed with access of / Single Sign-On other User

Cloud Application Audit CAAU-SF-740-RU Account Impersonation

Huge Number Of Password Cloud Application Audit CAAU-SF-741-DB Change

Account activated tracking Cloud Application Audit CAAU-SF-738-RU policy

Recently activated account Cloud Application Audit CAAU-SF-739-RU de-activated within a short duration of time

User changing email to Cloud Application Audit CAAU-SF-744-RU personal email

User changing email to non- Cloud Application Audit CAAU-SF-743-RU business email

User changing email to non- Cloud Application Audit CAAU-SF-759-RU internal email

User changing email to a Cloud Application Audit CAAU-SF-746-RU disposable email address

SNYPR Release Notes 41 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Abnormal frequency of Cloud Application Audit CAAU-SF-792-BP target accounts logged in as

Non admin account logging Cloud Application Audit CAAU-SF-742-RU in as admin account

Phone number registered Cloud Application Audit CAAU-SF-791-TA for multiple users

Rare combination of Cloud Authentication / SSO Country and State observed CSSO-DUO-852-ERR / Single Sign-On for user authenticating to multifactor device

Abnormal amount of login Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-DUO-808-DB attempt detected on Duo / Single Sign-On MFA

Cloud Authentication / SSO Authentication anomaly- CSSO-DUO-812-RU / Single Sign-On Country Mismatch

Cloud Authentication / SSO Authentication anomaly- CSSO-DUO-811-RU / Single Sign-On State Mismatch

Rare combination of Cloud Authentication / SSO Country and State observed CSSO-DUO-851-ERR / Single Sign-On for user authenticating to access device

Cloud Authentication / SSO Landspeed Anomaly CSSO-DUO-809-LS / Single Sign-On detected

Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-DUO-827-ERR Logon from a rare country / Single Sign-On

Authentication to access Cloud Authentication / SSO device observed from rare CSSO-DUO-853-ERR / Single Sign-On country across the organization

Authentication to MFA Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-DUO-854-ERR device observed from rare / Single Sign-On country for user

SNYPR Release Notes 42 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Authentication to MFA Cloud Authentication / SSO device observed from rare CSSO-DUO-855-ERR / Single Sign-On country across the organization

Successful inline enrollment Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-DUO-856-RU on Duo by uncorrelated / Single Sign-On account

User performing inline Cloud Authentication / SSO enrollment on Duo from CSSO-DUO-857-ERR / Single Sign-On rare country compared to entire organization

Successful inline enrollment Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-DUO-858-TA of multiple accounts on a / Single Sign-On single device

Successful login using bypass Cloud Authentication / SSO code from rare location CSSO-DUO-859-ERR / Single Sign-On compared to rest of organization

Failed authentication Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-DUO-860-RU attempt marked as fraud by / Single Sign-On account

Multiple failed Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-DUO-861-DB Authentication attempts / Single Sign-On marked as fraud by account

User enrolling from a Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-DUO-850-RU country different from work / Single Sign-On location

Password spraying attempts Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-DUO-885-BP for one account on multiple / Single Sign-On applications

SNYPR Release Notes 43 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Successful password Cloud Authentication / SSO spraying attempt from one CSSO-DUO-831-RU / Single Sign-On account to multiple applications

Successful login following a Cloud Authentication / SSO CSSO-SF-776-RU spike in failed logins for a / Single Sign-On Non-admin account

Potential WMI Lateral Endpoint Management EDR-ALL-29-ER Movement - Rare process Systems spawnned

Possible Egregor Endpoint Management To EDR-ALL-161-RU Systems Svchost LOL Rename Analytic

Endpoint Management Possible Malicious EDR-ALL-162-RU Systems Certificate Export Analytic

Endpoint Management Possible SUNSPOT Variant EDR-ALL-163-RU Systems Dropped Artifact Analytic

Possible Qakbot-Egregor Endpoint Management Initial Access Broker EDR-ALL-164-RU Systems Ransomware Deployment Analytic

Endpoint Management Possible Qakbot-Egregor EDR-ALL-165-RU Systems Esentutl Usage Analytic

Endpoint Management Possible Qakbot-Egregor EDR-ALL-166-RU Systems Rundll Load Analytic

Potential evasion attempt Endpoint Management EDR-ALL-87-RU through disabling of Event Systems Trace monitoring in dotnet

Possible GoldenSAML PSH-ALL-115-RU Certificate Export Events Powershell Analytic

SNYPR Release Notes 44 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Possible Hexacorn-style Microsoft Windows WEL-ALL-850-DB Shellcode Execution Analytic

Rare child process spawned Endpoint Management EDR-ALL-880-ERR by WMI Provider Host Systems process

Use of Powershell Microsoft Windows PSH-ALL-106-RU encodedcommand Powershell parameter on host

Microsoft Windows Use of Powershell Invoke- PSH-ALL-108-RU Powershell Expression cmdlet on host

Microsoft Windows Powershell Execution Policy PSH-ALL-109-RU Powershell modified on host

Suspicious Account Activity Microsoft Windows WEL-ALL-905-RU - Potential pass-the-hash - Key Length Analytic

Rare regsvr32 process and Microsoft Windows WEL-ALL-711-ER command execution

Abnormal number of logon Microsoft Windows WOS-202-BP failures

Abnormal number of Microsoft Windows WOS-290-BP kerberos pre authentication failures

Abnormal amount of data Network Traffic Analytics NTA-ALL-880-BA aggregated from SMB ports - NTA

Abnormal amount of data Network Traffic Analytics NTA-ALL-881-BA transmitted from DNS ports - NTA

Abnormal amount of data Network Traffic Analytics NTA-ALL-882-BA transmitted from SMTP ports - NTA

SNYPR Release Notes 45 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Abnormal amount of data Network Traffic Analytics NTA-ALL-883-BA transmitted over covert channels - NTA

Possible host enumeration Network Traffic Analytics NTA-ALL-884-BP over system ports - Internal - NTA

Possible host enumeration Network Traffic Analytics NTA-ALL-885-DB over system ports - External - NTA

Possible port scan from Network Traffic Analytics NTA-ALL-886-DB external IP Address - NTA

Possible port scan from Network Traffic Analytics NTA-ALL-887-DB internal IP Address - NTA

Web Application Firewall IFW-ALL-820-ER Possible LFI Detection

Web Application Firewall IFW-ALL-821-DB Unusual URL Redirection

Suspicious process Web Application Firewall IFW-ALL-822-RU Observed Over URL

Remote Command Web Application Firewall IFW-ALL-823-RU Execution

Communication to Malware Web Application Firewall IFW-ALL-824-RU OR Trojan Suspicious Port

Rare Content Type Web Application Firewall IFW-ALL-825-ER Observed

Circumvention over URL Web Application Firewall IFW-ALL-826-DB Response Code

Web Application Firewall IFW-ALL-827-ER Unusual web requests

Possible Server Outage by Web Application Firewall IFW-ALL-828-DB Multiple Request

Multiple Allowed Attack Web Application Firewall IFW-ALL-829-DB Detection Over Insecure HTTP Version

SNYPR Release Notes 46 New and Improved Content

New Policy/Threat Content The following table contains the policy and threat content added in this release:

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Google Initiated Access / ACP-ALL-808-ERR Review - Access detected Privileged User from a rare geolocation

Google Initiated Access / ACP-ALL-807-RU Service Detected - Google Privileged User Access Transparency

Customer initiated access by Google to Access / ACP-ALL-806-RU respond to a third party data Privileged User request - Google Access Transparency

Google Initiated Access / ACP-ALL-809-BP Review - Account accessing Privileged User multiple resources

Authentication Usage of switchport AWI-AMN-802-ERR / WiFi mode access detected

SSH Connection Authentication AWI-AMN-801-ERR Detected from a Rare / WiFi Account

Abnormal number of Business BCP-ALL-802-DB files uploaded to the chat - Collaboration Platforms Gsuite

Abnormal number of Business BCP-ALL-801-DB files downloaded from the Collaboration Platforms chat - Gsuite

Cloud Rare account adding a CAAU-ALL-818-ERR Application Audit new connection

SNYPR Release Notes 47 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Role creation Cloud CAAU-ALL-817-DB followed by deletion within Application Audit a short period

Rare account Cloud CAAU-ALL-814-ERR disabling audit log Application Audit streaming

Cloud Rare account updating CAAU-ALL-823-ERR Application Audit delegated admin password

Cloud Rare account deleting CAAU-ALL-813-ERR Application Audit API policy

Cloud Rare account updating CAAU-ALL-820-ERR Application Audit pub Sub topic

Account was observed Cloud CAAU-ALL-812-RU disabling multifactor Application Audit authentication

Abnormal number of Cloud CAAU-ALL-810-BP distinct recipes stopped by Application Audit an account

Cloud Impossible Travel CAAU-ALL-815-LS Application Audit Alert Detected

Cloud Login from a Rare CAAU-ALL-809-ERR Application Audit geolocation

Connection Cloud CAAU-ALL-824-ERR Disconnected by a Rare Application Audit Account

Cloud Abnormal number of CAAU-ALL-808-BP Application Audit login failures detected

Rare account Cloud CAAU-ALL-816-ERR delegating admin account Application Audit access

SNYPR Release Notes 48 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Delegated admin Cloud addition followed by CAAU-ALL-822-DB Application Audit deletion within a short period

Account deleting Cloud CAAU-ALL-819-DB multiple folders within a Application Audit short period

Cloud Rare account creating CAAU-ALL-821-ERR Application Audit pub Sub topic

Abnormal number of Cloud CAAU-ALL-811-BP distinct recipe deleted by Application Audit an account

Cloud Unusual number of Key CSA-ALL-860-ERR Services / Applications Vault operations

Recon Activity Cloud CSA-AWS-712-DB Detected on Cloud Services / Applications Computing Resource

Cloud Rare country for SAML CSA-ALL-861-ERR Services / Applications Token authentication

Resource launched Cloud CSA-ALL-863-ERR with rare Instance type or Services / Applications Image ID

Customer master keys Cloud CSA-ALL-859-RU Disabled or Scheduled for Services / Applications Deletion

Critical Key vault Cloud CSA-ALL-884-ERR Operation performed by Services / Applications account

Rare account list all Cloud CSA-ALL-883-ERR Cloud accounts in the Services / Applications region

SNYPR Release Notes 49 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Rare account Cloud CSA-ALL-882-ERR attempting to update role Services / Applications permissions

Cloud storage Cloud CSA-ALL-864-ERR accessed from Rare Services / Applications Geolocation

Rare Cloud CSA-ALL-865-ERR discovery activity from Services / Applications Account

Cloud IAM Role deleted by CSA-ALL-880-ER Services / Applications rare account

Abnormal number of Cloud CSA-ALL-848-BP distinct Pods accessed - Services / Applications

Spike in denied Cloud CSA-ALL-877-BP transactions on cloud Services / Applications resources by account

Cloud Rare implant or list CSA-ALL-879-ERR Services / Applications container image by account

Cloud Rare identity deleted CSA-ALL-878-ERR Services / Applications cloud compute resources

SSH or RDP or DB port Cloud CSA-ALL-870-RU authorized on security Services / Applications group

Cloud Rare account deleted CSA-ALL-875-ERR Services / Applications cloud storage resources

Cloud Rare IAM policy CSA-ALL-866-ERR Services / Applications activity from account

Cloud Cloud storage CSA-ALL-867-ERR Services / Applications operation from rare Role

SNYPR Release Notes 50 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Cloud Rare account creating CSA-ALL-876-ERR Services / Applications Snapshot or Volume

Rare account creating Cloud CSA-ALL-869-ERR Security group or compute Services / Applications Firewall

Cloud IAM Role Created by CSA-ALL-881-ER Services / Applications rare account

Cloud Rare account CSA-ALL-868-ERR Services / Applications generating Key Pair

Cloud New Account Creation CSA-ALL-755-RU Services / Applications Detected

Rare security group Cloud CSA-ALL-871-ERR changes on cloud Services / Applications infrastructure by account

Rare privilege Cloud CSA-ALL-872-ERR escalation through IAM Services / Applications instance profile

Rare Account Cloud CSA-ALL-873-ERR Manipulating Customer Services / Applications Managed IAM Policy

Rare Credential Cloud Harvesting Activity on CSA-ALL-874-ERR Services / Applications Cloud Infrastructure by account

Cloud Cloud Storage CSA-ALL-862-RU Services / Applications observed with public access

Content Abnormal number of CMS-ALL-831-BP Management System files downloaded -CMS

Hijack Execution Flow Endpoint msmpeng executable DLL EDR-ALL-226-RU Management Systems Sideload File Creation Analytic

SNYPR Release Notes 51 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Rare Unsigned DLL Endpoint Load For Process Potential EDR-ALL-64-ERR Management Systems DLL Hijacking Side-Loading Analytic

Possible Process Endpoint Hollowing Herpaderping EDR-ALL-105-ERR Management Systems Rare Image Tampering Analytic

Possible CVE-2021-34527 Endpoint EDR-ALL-221-ERR Exploitation Attempt Management Systems Unusual Child Process Analytic

Possible TEARDROP Endpoint EDR-ALL-114-RU Malicious Payload Variant Management Systems Analytic

Potential DarkSide Endpoint EDR-ALL-179-RU Shadow Copy Deletion Management Systems Analytic

Possible token Endpoint EDR-ALL-40-BP enumeration - Peak process Management Systems token access analytic

Potential Endpoint EDR-ALL-183-RU Exfiltration MegaSync Management Systems Process Analytic

Potential MegaSync or Endpoint EDR-ALL-182-RU MegaCmd Exfiltration DNS Management Systems Query Analytic

Possible Meterpreter Endpoint EDR-ALL-101-BP Process Enumeration Management Systems Analytic

SNYPR Release Notes 52 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Decoding PE or DLL Endpoint EDR-ALL-01-RU From b64 Via Certutil Management Systems Analytic

Endpoint Malicious Named Pipes EDR-ALL-61-RU Management Systems Analytic

Possible Cobalt Endpoint EDR-ALL-118-ERR Strike Beacon NamedPipe Management Systems Use Artifact Analytic

InternetExplorer Endpoint EDR-ALL-42-ERR Application DLL Loading Management Systems Injection Analytic

Possible ADFSDump Endpoint Malicious Certificate EDR-ALL-114-ERR Management Systems Extraction Named Pipe Analytic

Hijack Execution Flow Endpoint EDR-ALL-230-RU msmpeng executable DLL Management Systems Sideload Analytic

Endpoint Possible SUNBURST EDR-ALL-116-RU Management Systems Implant Activity Analytic

Potential CLR Endpoint injection Rare combination EDR-ALL-91-ERR Management Systems of Image and loaded DLL detected for Account

Watching the Watchers Endpoint - Possible Trojaned Vendor EDR-ALL-119-ERR Management Systems Executable Named Pipe Discrepancy Analytic

Endpoint Possible RAINDROP EDR-ALL-117-ERR Management Systems Variant Artifact Analytic

SNYPR Release Notes 53 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Rare Signed DLL Load Endpoint For Process Potential DLL EDR-ALL-65-ERR Management Systems Hijacking Side Loading Analytic

Potential Usage Of Endpoint EDR-ALL-124-RU Archiving Software Management Systems Command Line Analytics

Potential Endpoint EDR-ALL-184-RU Exfiltration MEGAcmdShell Management Systems Process Analytic

Rule Endpoint EDR-ALL-115-RU Explorer Application DLL Management Systems Loading Injection Analytic

Identity Password spraying IAM-ALL-801-DB Access Management attempts from an IP

Identity Advance protection IAM-ALL-810-RU Access Management disabled for an account

Identity Abnormal number of IAM-ALL-811-DB Access Management password change attempts

Identity Successful Password IAM-ALL-802-RU Access Management spraying attack from an IP

Successful Identity authentication following an IAM-ALL-807-RU Access Management abnormal frequency of authentication failures

Account Identity IAM-ALL-806-ERR authenticating to Azure AD Access Management from rare country

Identity Account Recovery IAM-ALL-809-RU Access Management Information Changed

SNYPR Release Notes 54 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Abnormal frequency of Identity IAM-ALL-803-BP authentication failures for Access Management an account

Identity Multi Factor IAM-ALL-808-RU Access Management Authentication Disabled

Account Identity authenticating to Azure AD IAM-ALL-804-ERR Access Management from rare country across the organization

Identity Landspeed anomaly IAM-ALL-805-LS Access Management detected on Azure AD

Possible remote Microsoft WEL-ALL-859-BP interactive logon Windows enumeration

Microsoft Possible Zerologon WEL-ALL-862-RU Windows attack using tools

Microsoft Ticket Encryption and WEL-ALL-13-DB Windows Ticket Options Analytic

Possible CVE-2021-34527 Microsoft WEL-ALL-221-ERR Exploitation Attempt Windows Unusual Child Process Analytic - Windows

Peak Distinct Account Microsoft WEL-ALL-15-BP Change For Source User Windows Analytic

Use of explicit Microsoft credentials by a rare WEL-ALL-976-ERR Windows account - Account sharing or Password misuse

Microsoft Potential Metasploit WEL-ALL-298-ER Windows or Hash Passing Analytic

SNYPR Release Notes 55 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Microsoft Abnormal frequency of WEL-ALL-299-BP Windows Netlogon access errors

Peak Microsoft WEL-ALL-30-BP LsaRegisterLogonProcess Windows Increase Analytic

Potential PrintNightmare Malicious Microsoft PSH-ALL-25-RU Powershell Implant Windows Powershell Exploitation Attempt Analytic

Possible Reflection Microsoft PSH-ALL-7-RU Assembly Weaponization Windows Powershell Activity Analytic

Network Landspeed anomaly on NTA-ALL-853-LS Traffic Analytics VPN - NTA

Rare account making Physical PHY-ALL-810-ERR changes to the physical Security / Badging security device

Failed access attempt Physical PHY-ALL-808-RU detected from an user to Security / Badging the facility

High number of failed Physical PHY-ALL-809-RU entry attempts detected Security / Badging from the user

Physical Multiple physical PHY-ALL-803-BP Security / Badging access within short time

Physical Board Communication PHY-ALL-811-RU Security / Badging Failure Cleared

User had unauthorized Physical PHY-ALL-812-DB attempts across multiple Security / Badging locations

SNYPR Release Notes 56 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Abnormal use of / UNX-ALL-825-BP privileged super user / AIX command

High CPU usage on VIR-ALL-803-DB ESXi hosts during Non- / Containers Business hours - vCenter

High number of Virtualization VIR-ALL-804-DB Snapshots created - / Containers vCenter

Host enumeration Virtualization VIR-ALL-811-BP attempt detected from an / Containers account

Abnormal number of Virtualization VIR-ALL-810-BP virtual machines deleted - / Containers vCenter

Virtualization New account created VIR-ALL-808-ERR / Containers on

High number of Virtualization VIR-ALL-807-DB Virtual Machines cloned - / Containers vCenter

Multiple Virtual Virtualization Machine Images VIR-ALL-809-BP / Containers Downloaded by an Account - vCenter

VM Snapshot creation Virtualization followed by Snapshot VIR-ALL-806-DB / Containers Memory file or State file download - vCenter

BruteForce attempts Virtualization VIR-ALL-805-DB on user account of VM or / Containers ESxi or vCenter

SNYPR Release Notes 57 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

High number of Virtualization VIR-ALL-802-DB virtual machines deleted - / Containers vCenter

Multiple virtual Virtualization VIR-ALL-801-DB machines shutdown - / Containers vCenter

Improved Content

This sections lists all improved parsers, connectors, and threat content.

Updated Connectors

Vendor Functionality Device Type Collection Method

Collection Method: Amazon Inc Database Audit AWS Redshift splunkraw Format: Regex

Collection Method: splunkraw IDS / IPS / UTM / Amazon Inc AWS GuardDuty Threat Detection Format: JSON

Collection Method: BIND DNS DNS / DHCP BIND DNS syslog Format: Regex

Collection Method: Next Generation Cisco Systems Cisco ASA syslog Firewall Format: CEF

Collection Method: Next Generation Cisco Systems Cisco ASA syslog Firewall Format: Regex

SNYPR Release Notes 58 New and Improved Content

Vendor Functionality Device Type Collection Method

Collection Method: Network Access Cisco Identity Cisco Systems syslog Control / NAC Service Engine Format: Regex

Collection Method: Cisco Systems Web Proxy Cisco ScanSafe syslog Format: Regex

Collection Method: Network Access Cisco Router and Cisco Systems syslog Control / NAC Switch Format: Regex

Network Access Collection Method: file Cisco Systems Cisco Router Control / NAC Format: JSON

Cisco Wireless Collection Method: Network Access Cisco Systems LAN syslog Control / NAC Controller TRAP Format: Regex

IronPort Web Collection Method: Cisco Systems Web Proxy Security syslog Appliance Format: Regex

Collection Method: Next Generation Cisco Systems Cisco ASA splunkraw Firewall Format: Regex

Collection Method: Next Generation Cisco Systems Cisco FTD syslog Firewall Format: Regex

Collection Method: Cisco Systems DNS / DHCP Cisco Umbrella syslog Format: JSON

Collection Method: Cisco Systems DNS / DHCP Cisco Umbrella splunkraw Format: JSON

SNYPR Release Notes 59 New and Improved Content

Vendor Functionality Device Type Collection Method

Collection Method: Cisco Systems DNS / DHCP Cisco Umbrella ciscoumbrella Format: JSON

Collection Method: Next Generation Cisco Meraki Cisco Systems syslog Firewall Firewall Format: Regex

Collection Method: Cisco Unified Cisco Systems IP Telephony syslog Communications Format: Regex

Collection Method: Email / Email Cofense O365 Cofense office365phishingmailbox Security Format: JSON

Crowdstrike Collection Method: Cloud Antivirus / CrowdStrike Alerts crowdstrikequery Malware / EDR Query Format: JSON

Endpoint Collection Method: Crowdstrike CrowdStrike Management awssqss3 Falcon Systems Format: JSON

SonicWall Global Collection Method: Dell / Next Generation Management syslog SonicWall Inc. Firewall System Format: Key Value Pair

Collection Method: Diamond IP / DNS / DHCP Diamond IPAM syslog BT Format: Regex

Collection Method: F5 BigIP Load F5 Networks Traffic Manager syslog Balancer Format: Regex

SNYPR Release Notes 60 New and Improved Content

Vendor Functionality Device Type Collection Method

Collection Method: Next Generation Fortinet Fortigate syslog Firewall Format: Key Value Pair

Collection Method: HAProxy Web Proxy HA Proxy syslog Format: Delimited-space

Collection Method: Infoblox DNS / DHCP Infoblox syslog Format: Regex

Collection Method: Intel Security McAfee Web Web Proxy syslog / McAfee Inc. Gateway Format: CEF

Juniper Junos Collection Method: Juniper Authentication / Pulse syslog Networks VPN VPN Format: Regex

Juniper Secure Collection Method: Juniper Authentication / Access syslog Networks VPN VPN Format: Regex

Juniper Junos Collection Method: Juniper Firewall Pulse syslog Networks Firewall Format: Regex

Juniper Collection Method: Juniper Authentication / Netscreen HVD syslog Networks VPN VPN Format: Regex

Microsoft Collection Method: Microsoft Email / Email Exchange syslog Corporation Security Server Format: Regex

SNYPR Release Notes 61 New and Improved Content

Vendor Functionality Device Type Collection Method

Microsoft Collection Method: Microsoft Microsoft Windows syslog Corporation Windows SNARE Format: snare

Microsoft Collection Method: Microsoft Microsoft Windows syslog Corporation Windows PSLOGLIST Format: PSLOGLIST

Microsoft Collection Method: Microsoft Microsoft Windows syslog Corporation Windows WINEVENT Format: WINEVENT

Collection Method: Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft syslog Corporation Windows Windows Format: WINDOWSRSA

Collection Method: syslog Microsoft DNS / DHCP Microsoft DHCP Corporation Format: Delimited- comma

Microsoft Collection Method: Microsoft Microsoft Windows splunkraw Corporation Windows SNARE Format: snare

Microsoft Collection Method: Microsoft Microsoft Windows splunkraw Corporation Windows WINEVENT Format: WINEVENT

Collection Method: Oracle Database Audit Oracle SysDB syslog Corporation Format: CEF

Palo Alto Collection Method: Palo Alto Next Generation Next-Generation splunkraw Networks Firewall Firewall Format: Regex

SNYPR Release Notes 62 New and Improved Content

Vendor Functionality Device Type Collection Method

Palo Alto Collection Method: Palo Alto Next Generation Next-Generation syslog Networks Firewall Firewall Format: Regex

Collection Method: Palo Alto Cloud Antivirus / PA Cortex syslog Networks Malware / EDR Format: CEF

Nexpose Collection Method: Vulnerability Rapid 7 Vulnerability syslog Scanners Format: Regex

Authentication / RSA SecurID Collection Method: file RSA Solutions SSO Authentication Format: Regex / Single Sign-On Manager

Authentication / RSA SecurID Collection Method: RSA Solutions SSO Authentication splunkraw / Single Sign-On Manager Format: Regex

Symantec / Collection Method: Blue Coat Web Proxy Bluecoat Proxy syslog Systems Format: Regex

Nessus Collection Method: Vulnerability Tenable Vulnerability syslog Scanners Scanner Format: JSON

Collection Method: Trend Micro IDS / IPS / UTM / TippingPoint IPS syslog Inc. Threat Detection Format: Regex

Unix / Collection Method: Linux / Oracle Unix / Linux / AIX Unix syslog Linux / AIX / BSD Format: Regex

Collection Method: Virtualization / VMware VMware NSX-T syslog Containers Format: Regex

SNYPR Release Notes 63 New and Improved Content

Vendor Functionality Device Type Collection Method

Business Collection Method: zoom Zoom Collaboration Zoom API Format: JSON Platforms

Collection Method: Zscaler Web Proxy Zscaler Proxy syslog Format: CEF

Updated Functionality The following table contains the functionality that was updated in this release:

Resource Type Previous Functionality New Functionality

Network Access Control / Aruba Clear Pass Network Access Control NAC

AWS - Cloud Services / Cloud Services / AWS CloudTrail Applications Applications

Cloud Services / AWS EKS Audit AWS Kubernetes Applications

Cloud Services / AWS EKS Authenticator AWS Kubernetes Applications

AWS EKS Controller Cloud Services / AWS Kubernetes Manager Applications

AWS - Cloud Services / Cloud Services / AWS foundry Applications Applications

Bro Network Security Netflow / Sinkhole Flow

Network Access Control / Cisco NXOS Operating Systems NAC

Cisco Umbrella Next Generation Firewall DNS / DHCP

Database Access DAM Database Monitoring Monitoring

SNYPR Release Notes 64 New and Improved Content

Resource Type Previous Functionality New Functionality

Gigya Audit Application Audit

Imperva Database Security Database Audit

Mcafee Web Gateway Web Gateway Proxy Web Proxy

RedHat OpenShift CaaS Containers Virtualization / Containers

SVN Application Audit Source Code Repository

Tanium/ WorkStation Endpoint Management Tanium Management Systems Systems

Endpoint Management Tanium Detect Antivirus / Malware / EDR Systems

Tanium/ WorkStation Endpoint Management Tanium Endpoint Management Systems Systems

Improved Threat Detection Content The following table contains the threat detection content that was improved in this release:

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Antivirus / Potential WMI Lateral Movement - EDR-ALL-729-ER Malware / EDR Rare process spawnned - AVEDR

Cloud Antivirus / Potential WMI Lateral Movement - CEDR-ALL-29-ER Malware / EDR Rare process spawnned - Cloud EDR

Cloud Application User visting stegnography sites - CASB-ALL-818-RU Security Broker SIEM - CASB

Cloud Application Potential account compromise - CAAU-ALL-800-RU Audit Exchange

Cloud Content Abnormal number of files shared Management CCMS-ALL-805-BP with Competitor email address System

SNYPR Release Notes 65 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Cloud Content File manipulation followed by Management CCMS-ALL-800-DB egress System

Cloud Content Account Activity detected from Rare Management CCMS-ALL-802-ERR Country System

Cloud Content Abnormal number of files shared Management CCMS-ALL-804-BP with personal account System

Cloud Content Abnormal number of files Management CCMS-ALL-810-BP downloaded by an account System

Cloud Content File activity performed by Management CCMS-ALL-807-RU terminated user System

Cloud Content Suspicious Modification of Management CCMS-ALL-801-ER Privileges for Documents System

Cloud Content Abnormal number of files deleted Management CCMS-ALL-816-BP by an account System

Cloud Content Rare Operation performed by an Management CCMS-ALL-812-ER User System

Cloud Content Abnormal Number of files Printed Management CCMS-ALL-814-BP compared to past behavior System

Cloud Content Recovering Files along with Data Management CCMS-ALL-815-DB Egress System

SNYPR Release Notes 66 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Cloud Content Account accessing file path never Management CCMS-ALL-809-ERR accessed before System

Cloud Content Abnormal number of files shared Management CCMS-ALL-806-BP with Non Business account System

Cloud Content Abnormal number of document Management CCMS-ALL-803-BP permission changes observed System

Cloud Content Landspeed Anomaly - Cloud Content Management CCMS-ALL-811-LS Management System System

Cloud Content File shared with Non business Management CCMS-ALL-813-RU account System

Cloud Content Abnormal number of files Management CCMS-ALL-835-BP downloaded compared to peers System

Cloud Content Management CCMS-ALL-836-BP Abnormal number of files uploaded System

Cloud Content Multiple Files shared with Non Management CCMS-ALL-820-DB Business Accounts System

Cloud Content Management CCMS-ALL-837-RU File shared with personal account System

Cloud Content Multiple Files shared with Account Management CCMS-ALL-821-DB having competitor domain System

SNYPR Release Notes 67 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Cloud Content Critical files shared with external Management CCMS-ALL-822-RU Account System

Cloud Content Management CCMS-ALL-823-RU Corporate documents made public System

Cloud Content Abnormal Number of Corporate Management CCMS-ALL-838-BP documents made public System

Cloud Content External account accessing multiple Management CCMS-ALL-824-DB critical files System

Cloud Content External account downloading high Management CCMS-ALL-825-DB number of files System

Cloud Content External account downloading Management CCMS-ALL-839-BP abnormally high number of files System

Cloud Content Activity from personal account Management CCMS-ALL-826-RU belonging to company employee System

Cloud Content Account activity from multiple Management CCMS-ALL-827-DB countries in a day System

Cloud Content Account activity from a country rare Management CCMS-ALL-828-ERR to the organization System

Cloud Content Account activity from a country Management CCMS-ALL-829-ERR rare for the user System

SNYPR Release Notes 68 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Cloud Content Landspeed anomaly detected for Management CCMS-ALL-830-LS account System

Cloud Content Management CCMS-ALL-831-RU Activity from suspicious IP System

Cloud Content User Changing Document Visibility Management CCMS-ALL-832-RU to Anyone with a link-240 System

Cloud Content User performing unusual activity Management CCMS-ALL-808-ER compared to peers System

Cloud Content Abnormal number of document Management CCMS-ALL-803-BP permission changes observed System

Cloud Content File manipulation followed by Management CCMS-ALL-800-DB egress System

Email / Email Flight Risk Behavior Exhibited In EML-ALL-816-RU Security Emails

Endpoint Rare child process spawned by WMI Management EDR-ALL-880-ERR Provider Host process Systems

Endpoint Suspicious use of cradle - rare child Management EDR-ALL-79-ER process spawned from script Systems interpreter

Endpoint Possible Malicious Implant In- Management EDR-ALL-99-ER Memory Compilation Analytic Systems

Endpoint Possible use of renamed LOL helper Management EDR-ALL-109-RU tool payload by malware - Systems executable and hash tracking

SNYPR Release Notes 69 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Endpoint Possible use of renamed LOL helper Management EDR-ALL-110-RU tool payload by malware - renamed Systems payload executed

Endpoint Proxied execution of potentially Management EDR-ALL-111-ER suspicious process via binaries Systems signed by trusted entities

Microsoft Abnormal number of network share WOS-214-BP Windows object access

Microsoft Abnormal number of kerberos pre WOS-290-BP Windows authentication failures

Suspicious Process Activity - Microsoft Targeted - Potential Powershell Windows PSH-ALL-26-RU Phanthom Event Log Powershell Termination Covertness Analytic - A2B

Suspicious Account Activity - Peak Microsoft Credential Validation Failure WEL-ALL-906-BP Windows Increase For Host Analytic

Next Generation RDP Access allowed from the IFW-ALL-904-RU Firewall internet - SIEM

Next Generation IFW-ALL-919-BP Remote Database Scanner - SIEM Firewall

Next Generation Inbound Traffic from C2 Domains IFW-ALL-905-TP Firewall and IP addresses - SIEM

Next Generation Outbound Traffic to C2 Domains and IFW-ALL-901-TP Firewall IP addresses - SIEM

Abnormal amount of data Next Generation NGF-733 transmitted from DNS ports - Next Firewall Gen Firewall

SNYPR Release Notes 70 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Possible host enumeration over Next Generation NGF-768 system ports - Internal - Next Gen Firewall Firewall

Brute Force Followed By a Unix / Linux / AIX UNX-ALL-801-DB Successful Login from internal - SIEM

Account was created and acted Unix / Linux / AIX UNX-ALL-814-DB suspiciously - SIEM

Suspicious Process Activity - Microsoft Targeted - Potential Powershell Windows PSH-ALL-26-RU Phanthom Event Log Thread Powershell Termination Covertness Analytic - A2B

Vulnerability SCN-ALL-803-RU Unpatched Vulnerability Scanners

Vulnerability SCN-ALL-802-RU Target Attack on vulnerable asset Scanners

Traffic to randomly generated Web Proxy PXY-ALL-864-TA domains

Decommissioned Content

The following table contains the formats that are no longer supported in this release:

Collection Vendor Functionality Device Type Method

Collection Method: AWS - Cloud awssqss3 Amazon Inc Services AWS CloudTrail / Applications Format: JSON

SNYPR Release Notes 71 New and Improved Content

Collection Vendor Functionality Device Type Method

Collection Method: awscloudwatch Amazon Inc Firewall AWS VPC Flow Format: Delimited- space

Cloud Collection Method: Authentication Duo Security duo DUO Security / SSO / Single Authentication Sign-On Format: JSON

Mcafee IronMail Collection Method: Intel Security / Email / Email Email file McAfee Inc. / IronMail Security Gateway Format: Regex

Collection Method: Raytheon / Websense syslog Web Proxy Websense Proxy / ForcePoint Inc Format: CEF

Antivirus / Collection Method: Tanium Malware / Tanium Detect syslog EDR Format: CEF

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Access / Possible sabotage - Removed the policy as Privileged Rare action performed N/A it flagged low level User by account events.

Abnormal number of Access / distinct accounts Removed the policy as it Privileged N/A accessed compared to flagged low level events. User past behavior

SNYPR Release Notes 72 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Access / Possible sabotage - Removed the policy as it Privileged Abnormal number of N/A flagged low level events. User Cyberark files deleted

Access / Rare action performed Removed the policy as it Privileged on safe not performed N/A flagged low level events. User by peers

Antivirus / Abnormal amount of Removed the policy as it Malware / data copied to N/A flagged low level events. EDR removable media - EDR

Antivirus / Abnormal number of Removed the policy as it Malware / failed login attempts - N/A flagged low level events. EDR EDR

Antivirus / Abnormal number of Removed the policy as it Malware / files transferred to N/A flagged low level events. EDR removable media - EDR

Abnormal number of Antivirus / files with High Value Removed the policy as it Malware / N/A Extensions via flagged low level events. EDR removable media - EDR

Antivirus / Abnormal Number of Removed the policy as it Malware / Processes Terminated - N/A flagged low level events. EDR EDR

Antivirus / Admin user logging in Removed the policy as it Malware / N/A via clear text - EDR flagged low level events. EDR

Antivirus / Beaconing traffic to Removed the policy as it Malware / rare domains on web N/A flagged low level events. EDR activity - EDR

SNYPR Release Notes 73 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Antivirus / Flight risk behavior via Removed the policy as it Malware / N/A removable media - EDR flagged low level events. EDR

Antivirus / Flight risk behavior via Removed the policy as it Malware / N/A removable media - EDR flagged low level events. EDR

Antivirus / IOS Buffer Overflow - Removed the policy as it Malware / N/A EDR flagged low level events. EDR

Antivirus / Job exiting behavior Removed the policy as it Malware / exhibited in removable N/A flagged low level events. EDR media - EDR

Antivirus / Malicious Outbound Duplicate - Threat Malware / Redirect - Allowed - N/A scenario covered as EDR EDR part of another policy

Antivirus / Malicious Outbound Duplicate - Threat Malware / Redirect - Blocked - N/A scenario covered as EDR EDR part of another policy

Antivirus / Duplicate - Threat Malicious Software Malware / N/A scenario covered as Detected - EDR EDR part of another policy

Antivirus / Network connections to Removed the policy as it Malware / N/A rare systems - EDR flagged low level events. EDR

Antivirus / Rare dll process and Removed the policy as it Malware / path on the network - N/A flagged low level events. EDR EDR

Antivirus / Rare dll used by a Removed the policy as it Malware / process on the network N/A flagged low level events. EDR - Cloud EDR - EDR

SNYPR Release Notes 74 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Antivirus / Rare function used by a Removed the policy as it Malware / dll on the network - N/A flagged low level events. EDR EDR

Rare parent process Antivirus / spawning a child Removed the policy as it Malware / N/A process on the network flagged low level events. EDR - EDR

Antivirus / Rare process and path Removed the policy as it Malware / detected on the N/A flagged low level events. EDR network - EDR

Antivirus / Rare process and path Removed the policy as it Malware / for high severity N/A flagged low level events. EDR endpoint alerts - EDR

Rare use of critical Antivirus / keywords in Removed the policy as it Malware / N/A commandline for Linux flagged low level events. EDR - EDR - EDR

Suspicious Network Antivirus / Activity - Peak Removed the policy as it Malware / Powershell LDAP N/A flagged low level events. EDR Connection For Host Analytic - A2B - EDR

Suspicious path of Antivirus / Duplicate - Threat execution for known Malware / N/A scenario covered as processes on Windows EDR part of another policy - Explorer - EDR

Suspicious path of Antivirus / Duplicate - Threat execution for known Malware / N/A scenario covered as processes on Windows EDR part of another policy - LSAAS - EDR

SNYPR Release Notes 75 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Suspicious path of Antivirus / Duplicate - Threat execution for known Malware / N/A scenario covered as processes on Windows EDR part of another policy - LSM - EDR

Suspicious path of Antivirus / Duplicate - Threat execution for known Malware / N/A scenario covered as processes on Windows EDR part of another policy - Rundll32 - EDR

Suspicious path of Antivirus / Duplicate - Threat execution for known Malware / N/A scenario covered as processes on Windows EDR part of another policy - Services - EDR

Suspicious path of Antivirus / Duplicate - Threat execution for known Malware / N/A scenario covered as processes on Windows EDR part of another policy - SMSS - EDR

Suspicious path of Antivirus / Duplicate - Threat execution for known Malware / N/A scenario covered as processes on Windows EDR part of another policy - SVCHost - EDR

Suspicious path of Antivirus / Duplicate - Threat execution for known Malware / N/A scenario covered as processes on Windows EDR part of another policy - WinInit - EDR

Suspicious Process Antivirus / Activity - Potential Removed the policy as it Malware / Injection - Unusual N/A flagged low level events. EDR Crossproc Analytic - EDR

SNYPR Release Notes 76 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Suspicious Process Antivirus / Activity - WMI Lateral Removed the policy as it Malware / Movement - Unusual N/A flagged low level events. EDR WMI Child Process Analytic -A2B - EDR

Suspicious Process Antivirus / Activity - Known Removed the policy as it Malware / Threat Intel Malicious N/A flagged low level events. EDR Process Execution Analytic - EDR

Suspicious Process Antivirus / Activity - Peak Rare Removed the policy as it Malware / Process Spike For N/A flagged low level events. EDR Organization Analytic - EDR

Suspicious Process Antivirus / Activity - Potential Duplicate - Threat Malware / Phishing Sequence III - N/A scenario covered as EDR Rare Office Child part of another policy Process Analytic - EDR

Suspicious Process Activity - Potential Antivirus / Phishing Sequence III - Duplicate - Threat Malware / Targeted - Suspicious N/A scenario covered as EDR Office Child Process part of another policy Executable Analytic - EDR

SNYPR Release Notes 77 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Suspicious Process Activity - Rare Antivirus / CreateRemoteThread Removed the policy as it Malware / Invocation Potential N/A flagged low level events. EDR BYOL-C Execute- Assembly Analytics- A2B - EDR

Suspicious Process Antivirus / Activity - Rare DLL Removed the policy as it Malware / Invocation Via N/A flagged low level events. EDR Rundll32 For Host Analytic - EDR

Suspicious Process Antivirus / Activity - Rare Parent- Removed the policy as it Malware / N/A Child Relationship For flagged low level events. EDR User Analytic - EDR

Suspicious Process Antivirus / Activity - Rare Process Removed the policy as it Malware / N/A For Host Analytic - flagged low level events. EDR EDR

Suspicious Process Activity - Rule - Antivirus / Removed the policy as Potential Attack Tool Malware / N/A it flagged low level PWDUMP or Mimikatz EDR events. Usage File Creation Analytic - A2B - EDR

Suspicious Process Antivirus / Activity - Rule - Duplicate - Threat Malware / Potential Mimikatz N/A scenario covered as EDR CommandLine Usage part of another policy Analytic - A2B - EDR

SNYPR Release Notes 78 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Suspicious Process Antivirus / Duplicate - Threat Activity - Shadow Malware / N/A scenario covered as Copy-Backup Deletion EDR part of another policy Analytic - EDR

Suspicious Process Antivirus / Removed the policy as Activity - Targeted - Malware / N/A it flagged low level Boot Recover Disable EDR events. Analytic - EDR

Suspicious Process Antivirus / Activity - Targeted - Duplicate - Threat Malware / Command Line N/A scenario covered as EDR Arguments Analytic - part of another policy A2B - EDR

Suspicious Process Antivirus / Activity - Targeted - Removed the policy as Malware / Common Escalation of N/A it flagged low level EDR Privilege AppInit DLL events. Registry Analytic - EDR

Suspicious Process Antivirus / Activity - Targeted - Duplicate - Threat Malware / Keyloggers Abusing N/A scenario covered as EDR Nirsoft Tools Analytic - part of another policy EDR

Suspicious Process Antivirus / Activity - Targeted - Removed the policy as it Malware / Possible Enum File N/A flagged low level events. EDR Creation Analytic - A2B - EDR

SNYPR Release Notes 79 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Suspicious Process Antivirus / Activity - Targeted - Removed the policy as it Malware / Potential Command N/A flagged low level events. EDR Line Admin Share Access Analytic - EDR

Suspicious Process Antivirus / Activity - Targeted - Duplicate - Threat Malware / Potential Phishing N/A scenario covered as EDR Sequence I Clicking part of another policy Analytic - EDR

Suspicious Process Activity - Targeted - Antivirus / Potential Phishing Duplicate - Threat Malware / Sequence II Malicious N/A scenario covered as EDR Payload Open Browser part of another policy Modality Analytic - EDR

Suspicious Process Activity - Targeted - Antivirus / Potential Powershell Removed the policy as it Malware / Phanthom Event Log N/A flagged low level events. EDR Thread Termination Covertness Analytic - A2B - EDR

Suspicious Process Antivirus / Activity - Targeted - Removed the policy as it Malware / Scripting File Types N/A flagged low level events. EDR Created Analytic - A2B - EDR

SNYPR Release Notes 80 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Suspicious Process Antivirus / Activity - Targeted - Removed the policy as Malware / Shim Database N/A it flagged low level EDR Registration Changes events. Analytic - A2B - EDR

Suspicious Process Antivirus / Duplicate - Threat Activity - Targeted - Malware / N/A scenario covered as Squiblydoo Attack EDR part of another policy Analytic - EDR

Suspicious Process Antivirus / Activity- Targeted - Removed the policy as it Malware / Malicious Start Menu N/A flagged low level events. EDR Startup Modification Analytic -A2B - EDR

Suspicious Process Antivirus / Activity- Targeted - Removed the policy as it Malware / Malicious Start Menu_ N/A flagged low level events. EDR Startup Modification Analytic - EDR

Suspicious Process Antivirus / Activity- Targeted - MS Duplicate - Threat Malware / EquationEditor N/A scenario covered as EDR Spawning a Child part of another policy Process Analytic - EDR

Suspicious Registry Antivirus / Activity - Targeted - Removed the policy as it Malware / N/A Autorun Changes flagged low level events. EDR Analytic -A2B - EDR

SNYPR Release Notes 81 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Suspicious Registry Activity - Targeted - Antivirus / Internal Monologue Removed the policy as it Malware / N/A Attack - NetNTLM flagged low level events. EDR Version Update Analytics-A2B - EDR

Antivirus / Duplicate - Threat Usage of Credential Malware / N/A scenario covered as Dumpers - EDR EDR part of another policy

Antivirus / Duplicate - Threat Virus and Malicious Malware / N/A scenario covered as Code Outbreak - EDR EDR part of another policy

Antivirus / Duplicate - Threat Vulnerable Endpoint Malware / N/A scenario covered as monitoring - EDR EDR part of another policy

Antivirus / Medium Severity Removed the policy as it Malware / Endpoint Alert N/A flagged low level events. EDR Detected - EDR

Antivirus / Repeat Attack-Network Removed the policy as it Malware / Intrusion Prevention N/A flagged low level events. EDR System

Antivirus / Repeat Attack-Host Removed the policy as it Malware / Intrusion Prevention N/A flagged low level events. EDR System

Application / Abnormal amount of Removed the policy as it Enterprise / data uploaded to cloud N/A flagged low level events. SaaS storage

Application / Abnormal number of Removed the policy as it Enterprise / files uploaded to cloud N/A flagged low level events. SaaS storage

SNYPR Release Notes 82 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Authentication Rare Okta Application Removed the policy as it / SSO / Single N/A Access flagged low level events. Sign-On

Authentication Rare IP address - Removed the policy as it / SSO / Single N/A successful Okta login flagged low level events. Sign-On

Authentication Successful Login From These are replaced with / SSO / Single N/A Suspicious IP Address CRP policy Sign-On

Authentication Robotic Pattern These are replaced with / SSO / Single Observed from an IP - N/A CRP policy Sign-On Failed Login

Duplicate - Threat Authentication Account Authenticating N/A scenario covered as / VPN from Rare Geolocation part of another policy

Duplicate - Threat Authentication Brute Force Access - N/A scenario covered as / VPN SIEM part of another policy

Abnormal number of Authentication Removed the policy as it High severity alerts N/A / WiFi flagged low level events. from an entity

Abnormal number of Duplicate - Threat Authentication User Authentication N/A scenario covered as / WiFi Failure part of another policy

AWS / Cloud Cloud storage resource Services / accessed from a rare IP N/A Very Noisy Applications address

SNYPR Release Notes 83 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Cloud Abnormal number of Antivirus / files transferred to Removed the policy as it N/A Malware / removable media - flagged low level events. EDR Cloud EDR

Cloud Abnormal number of Antivirus / Removed the policy as it failed login attempts - N/A Malware / flagged low level events. Cloud EDR EDR

Cloud Abnormal Number of Antivirus / Removed the policy as it Processes Terminated - N/A Malware / flagged low level events. Cloud EDR EDR

Cloud Admin user logging in Antivirus / Removed the policy as it via clear text - Cloud N/A Malware / flagged low level events. EDR EDR

Cloud Beaconing traffic to Antivirus / Removed the policy as it rare domains on web N/A Malware / flagged low level events. activity - Cloud EDR EDR

Cloud DNS traffic to Antivirus / Removed the policy as it randomly generated N/A Malware / flagged low level events. domains - Cloud EDR EDR

Cloud Flight risk behaviour Antivirus / Removed the policy as it via removable media - N/A Malware / flagged low level events. Cloud EDR EDR

SNYPR Release Notes 84 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Cloud Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / Infected Endpoint N/A scenario covered as Malware / monitoring - Cloud EDR part of another policy EDR

Cloud Antivirus / IOS Buffer Overflow - Removed the policy as it N/A Malware / Cloud EDR flagged low level events. EDR

Cloud Job exiting behavior Antivirus / Removed the policy as it exhibited in removable N/A Malware / flagged low level events. media - Cloud EDR EDR

Cloud Malicious Outbound Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / Redirect - Allowed - N/A scenario covered as Malware / Cloud EDR part of another policy EDR

Cloud Malicious Outbound Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / Redirect - Blocked - N/A scenario covered as Malware / Cloud EDR part of another policy EDR

Cloud Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / Malicious Software N/A scenario covered as Malware / Detected - Cloud EDR part of another policy EDR

Cloud Network connections to Antivirus / rare systems - Cloud N/A Low fidelity Malware / EDR EDR

SNYPR Release Notes 85 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Cloud Rare dll process and Antivirus / path on the network - N/A Low fidelity Malware / Cloud EDR EDR

Cloud Rare dll used by a Antivirus / process on the network N/A Low fidelity Malware / - Cloud EDR EDR

Cloud Rare function used by a Antivirus / dll on the network - N/A Low fidelity Malware / Cloud EDR EDR

Cloud Rare parent process Antivirus / spawning a child N/A Low fidelity Malware / process on the network EDR - Cloud EDR

Cloud Rare process and path Antivirus / detected on the N/A Low fidelity Malware / network - Cloud EDR EDR

Cloud Rare process and path Antivirus / for high severity N/A Low fidelity Malware / endpoint alerts - Cloud EDR EDR

Cloud Rare use of critical Antivirus / keywords in N/A Low fidelity Malware / commandline for Linux EDR - Cloud EDR

SNYPR Release Notes 86 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Suspicious Network Cloud Activity - Peak Antivirus / Powershell LDAP N/A Low fidelity Malware / Connection For Host EDR Analytic - A2B - Cloud EDR

Cloud Suspicious path of Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / execution for known N/A scenario covered as Malware / processes on Windows part of another policy EDR - Explorer - Cloud EDR

Cloud Suspicious path of Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / execution for known N/A scenario covered as Malware / processes on Windows part of another policy EDR - LSAAS - Cloud EDR

Cloud Suspicious path of Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / execution for known N/A scenario covered as Malware / processes on Windows part of another policy EDR - LSM - Cloud EDR

Cloud Suspicious path of Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / execution for known N/A scenario covered as Malware / processes on Windows part of another policy EDR - Rundll32 - Cloud EDR

Cloud Suspicious path of Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / execution for known N/A scenario covered as Malware / processes on Windows part of another policy EDR - Services - Cloud EDR

Cloud Suspicious path of Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / execution for known N/A scenario covered as Malware / processes on Windows part of another policy EDR - SMSS - Cloud EDR

SNYPR Release Notes 87 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Cloud Suspicious path of Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / execution for known N/A scenario covered as Malware / processes on Windows part of another policy EDR - SVCHost - Cloud EDR

Cloud Suspicious path of Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / execution for known N/A scenario covered as Malware / processes on Windows part of another policy EDR - WinInit - Cloud EDR

Suspicious Process Cloud Activity - Potential Antivirus / Removed the policy as it Injection - Unusual N/A Malware / flagged low level events. Crossproc Analytic - EDR Cloud EDR

Suspicious Process Cloud Activity - WMI Lateral Antivirus / Movement - Unusual Removed the policy as it N/A Malware / WMI Child Process flagged low level events. EDR Analytic -A2B - Cloud EDR

Suspicious Process Cloud Activity - Known Antivirus / Removed the policy as it Threat Intel Malicious N/A Malware / flagged low level events. Process Execution EDR Analytic - Cloud EDR

Suspicious Process Cloud Activity - Peak Rare Antivirus / Removed the policy as it Process Spike For N/A Malware / flagged low level events. Organization Analytic - EDR Cloud EDR

SNYPR Release Notes 88 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Suspicious Process Cloud Activity - Potential Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / Phishing Sequence III - N/A scenario covered as Malware / Rare Office Child part of another policy EDR Process Analytic - Cloud EDR

Suspicious Process Activity - Potential Cloud Phishing Sequence III - Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / Targeted - Suspicious N/A scenario covered as Malware / Office Child Process part of another policy EDR Executable Analytic - Cloud EDR

Suspicious Process Activity - Rare Cloud CreateRemoteThread Antivirus / Removed the policy as it Invocation Potential N/A Malware / flagged low level events. BYOL-C Execute- EDR Assembly Analytics- A2B - Cloud EDR

Suspicious Process Cloud Activity - Rare DLL Antivirus / Removed the policy as it Invocation Via N/A Malware / flagged low level events. Rundll32 For Host EDR Analytic - Cloud EDR

Suspicious Process Cloud Activity - Rare Parent- Antivirus / Removed the policy as it Child Relationship For N/A Malware / flagged low level events. User Analytic - Cloud EDR EDR

SNYPR Release Notes 89 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Cloud Suspicious Process Antivirus / Activity - Rare Process Removed the policy as it N/A Malware / For Host Analytic - flagged low level events. EDR Cloud EDR

Suspicious Process Activity - Rule - Cloud Potential Attack Tool Antivirus / Removed the policy as it PWDUMP or Mimikatz N/A Malware / flagged low level events. Usage File Creation EDR Analytic - A2B - Cloud EDR

Suspicious Process Cloud Activity - Rule - Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / Potential Mimikatz N/A scenario covered as Malware / CommandLine Usage part of another policy EDR Analytic - A2B - Cloud EDR

Cloud Suspicious Process Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / Activity - Shadow N/A scenario covered as Malware / Copy-Backup Deletion part of another policy EDR Analytic - Cloud EDR

Cloud Suspicious Process Removed the policy as Antivirus / Activity - Targeted - N/A it flagged low level Malware / Boot Recover Disable events. EDR Analytic - Cloud EDR

Suspicious Process Cloud Activity - Targeted - Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / Command Line N/A scenario covered as Malware / Arguments Analytic - part of another policy EDR A2B - Cloud EDR

SNYPR Release Notes 90 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Suspicious Process Cloud Activity - Targeted - Removed the policy as Antivirus / Common Escalation of N/A it flagged low level Malware / Privilege AppInit DLL events. EDR Registry Analytic - Cloud EDR

Suspicious Process Cloud Activity - Targeted - Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / Keyloggers Abusing N/A scenario covered as Malware / Nirsoft Tools Analytic - part of another policy EDR Cloud EDR

Suspicious Process Cloud Activity - Targeted - Antivirus / Removed the policy as it Possible Enum File N/A Malware / flagged low level events. Creation Analytic - A2B EDR - Cloud EDR

Suspicious Process Cloud Activity - Targeted - Antivirus / Potential Command Removed the policy as it N/A Malware / Line Admin Share flagged low level events. EDR Access Analytic - Cloud EDR

Suspicious Process Cloud Activity - Targeted - Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / Potential Phishing N/A scenario covered as Malware / Sequence I Clicking part of another policy EDR Analytic - Cloud EDR

SNYPR Release Notes 91 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Suspicious Process Activity - Targeted - Cloud Potential Phishing Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / Sequence II Malicious N/A scenario covered as Malware / Payload Open Browser part of another policy EDR Modality Analytic - Cloud EDR

Suspicious Process Activity - Targeted - Cloud Potential Powershell Antivirus / Removed the policy as it Phanthom Event Log N/A Malware / flagged low level events. Thread Termination EDR Covertness Analytic - A2B - Cloud EDR

Suspicious Process Cloud Activity - Targeted - Antivirus / Removed the policy as it Scripting File Types N/A Malware / flagged low level events. Created Analytic - A2B EDR - Cloud EDR

Suspicious Process Cloud Activity - Targeted - Antivirus / Shim Database Removed the policy as it N/A Malware / Registration Changes flagged low level events. EDR Analytic - A2B - Cloud EDR

Cloud Suspicious Process Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / Activity - Targeted - N/A scenario covered as Malware / Squiblydoo Attack part of another policy EDR Analytic - Cloud EDR

SNYPR Release Notes 92 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Suspicious Process Cloud Activity- Targeted - Antivirus / Malicious Start Menu Removed the policy as it N/A Malware / Startup Modification flagged low level events. EDR Analytic -A2B - Cloud EDR

Suspicious Process Cloud Activity- Targeted - Antivirus / Removed the policy as it Malicious Start Menu_ N/A Malware / flagged low level events. Startup Modification EDR Analytic - Cloud EDR

Suspicious Process Cloud Activity- Targeted - MS Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / EquationEditor N/A scenario covered as Malware / Spawning a Child part of another policy EDR Process Analytic - Cloud EDR

Suspicious Registry Cloud Activity - Targeted - Antivirus / Removed the policy as it Autorun Changes N/A Malware / flagged low level events. Analytic -A2B - Cloud EDR EDR

Suspicious Registry Activity - Targeted - Cloud Internal Monologue Antivirus / Removed the policy as it Attack - NetNTLM N/A Malware / flagged low level events. Version Update EDR Analytics-A2B - Cloud EDR

SNYPR Release Notes 93 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Cloud Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / Usage of Credential N/A scenario covered as Malware / Dumpers - Cloud EDR part of another policy EDR

Cloud Virus and Malicious Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / Code Outbreak - Cloud N/A scenario covered as Malware / EDR part of another policy EDR

Cloud Duplicate - Threat Antivirus / Vulnerable Endpoint N/A scenario covered as Malware / monitoring - Cloud EDR part of another policy EDR

Cloud Low Severity Endpoint Antivirus / Removed the policy as it Alert Detected - Cloud N/A Malware / flagged low level events. EDR EDR

Cloud Medium Severity Antivirus / Removed the policy as it Endpoint Alert N/A Malware / flagged low level events. Detected - Cloud EDR EDR

Cloud Brute Force Attack to Duplicate - Threat Authentication the same host - SIEM - N/A scenario covered as / SSO / Single SSO part of another policy Sign-On

Cloud Repeat Failure Duplicate - Threat Authentication Authentication - SIEM - N/A scenario covered as / SSO / Single SSO part of another policy Sign-On

SNYPR Release Notes 94 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Cloud Password Spraying Duplicate - Threat Authentication Attack Detected - SIEM N/A scenario covered as / SSO / Single - SSO part of another policy Sign-On

Cloud High Failed Logins to Duplicate - Threat Authentication Domain Admin Account N/A scenario covered as / SSO / Single - SIEM - SSO part of another policy Sign-On

Cloud Duplicate - Threat Authentication Concurrent console N/A scenario covered as / SSO / Single logon - SIEM - SSO part of another policy Sign-On

Cloud Duplicate - Threat Authentication Multiple Lockouts - N/A scenario covered as / SSO / Single SIEM - SSO part of another policy Sign-On

Cloud Login failure to Duplicate - Threat Authentication Disabled User Account N/A scenario covered as / SSO / Single - SIEM - SSO part of another policy Sign-On

Cloud Probable Successful Duplicate - Threat Authentication Brute Force Attack - N/A scenario covered as / SSO / Single SIEM - SSO part of another policy Sign-On

Cloud Account authenticating Removed the policy as it Application from rare geolocation - N/A flagged low level events. Audit Exchange

Cloud Abnormal Number of Removed the policy as it Application Distinct Emails N/A flagged low level events. Audit Archived - Exchange

SNYPR Release Notes 95 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Cloud Account performing Application activity from a Removed the policy as it N/A Security suspicious location - flagged low level events. Broker SIEM - CASB

Cloud Uploads to personal Duplicate - Threat Application GitHub repository - N/A scenario covered as Security SIEM - CASB part of another policy Broker

Cloud Downloads with Removed the policy as Application multiple filename but N/A it flagged low level Security same filehash - SIEM - events. Broker CASB

Cloud Authentication Phone verification mfa Removed the policy as it N/A / SSO / Single anomaly flagged low level events. Sign-On

Cloud User Account Authentication Removed the policy as it Unlocking VIP User N/A / SSO / Single flagged low level events. accounts - SSO Sign-On

Cloud Use of Any Default Authentication Removed the policy as it Credentials - SIEM - N/A / SSO / Single flagged low level events. SSO Sign-On

Cloud Authentication Activity seen from rare Removed the policy as it N/A / SSO / Single city flagged low level events. Sign-On

Cloud Content Removed the policy as Landspeed anomaly Management N/A it flagged low level detected for account System events.

SNYPR Release Notes 96 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Cloud Content File manipulation Removed the policy as it Management N/A followed by egress flagged low level events. System

Cloud Content Suspicious Modification Removed the policy as it Management of Privileges for N/A flagged low level events. System Documents

Cloud Content Abnormal number of Removed the policy as it Management document permission N/A flagged low level events. System changes observed

Cloud Content Rare Operation Removed the policy as it Management N/A performed by an User flagged low level events. System

Cloud Content Recovering Files along Removed the policy as it Management N/A with Data Egress flagged low level events. System

Duplicate - Threat scenario covered as part of another policy Cloud Content Abnormal number of Management files downloaded by an N/A Replaced with new System account policy: Abnormal number of files downloaded

Abnormal amount of Content Duplicate - Threat files downloaded Management N/A scenario covered as compared to past System part of another policy behavior

Content Abnormal number of Duplicate - Threat Management file deletions compared N/A scenario covered as System to past behavior part of another policy

SNYPR Release Notes 97 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Content Duplicate - Threat Abnormal number of Management N/A scenario covered as files downloaded System part of another policy

Content Abnormal number of Removed the policy as it Management files shared to N/A flagged low level events. System Competitor Domains

Content Abnormal number of Removed the policy as it Management files shared to Non N/A flagged low level events. System Business domains

Content Abnormal number of Removed the policy as it Management files shared with N/A flagged low level events. System personal accounts

Content Account accessing a file Removed the policy as it Management share never accessed N/A flagged low level events. System before

Content Authentication from Removed the policy as it Management N/A rare geolocation flagged low level events. System

Content Duplicate - Threat File activity by Management N/A scenario covered as terminated user System part of another policy

Content File manipulation Removed the policy as it Management N/A followed by egress-129 flagged low level events. System

Content User performing Removed the policy as it Management unusual activity N/A flagged low level events. System compared to peers

Content Account accessing file Removed the policy as it Management N/A never accessed before flagged low level events. System

SNYPR Release Notes 98 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Duplicate - Threat scenario covered as part of another policy Content Abnormal number of Management files downloaded by an N/A Replaced with new System account -CMS policy: Abnormal number of files downloaded -CMS

Duplicate - Threat Unauthorized printer Cloud Print N/A scenario covered as usage - Cloud Print part of another policy

Abnormal number of Duplicate - Threat Cloud Print pages printed compared N/A scenario covered as to peer - Cloud Print part of another policy

Rare DCL command Database Removed the policy as it executed not N/A Audit flagged low level events. performed by peers

Rare DB application Database Removed the policy as it accessed by account N/A Audit flagged low level events. compared to peers

Rare DML command Database Removed the policy as it executed not N/A Audit flagged low level events. performed by peers

Rare DDL command Database Removed the policy as it executed not N/A Audit flagged low level events. performed by peers

Rare TCL command Database Removed the policy as it executed not N/A Audit flagged low level events. performed by peers

SNYPR Release Notes 99 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Abnormal number of Database Removed the policy as it concurrent sessions in a N/A Audit flagged low level events. day

Data Loss Abnormal number of Duplicate - Threat Prevention / pages printed compared N/A scenario covered as Endpoint DLP to peer - Endpoint DLP part of another policy

Data Loss Abnormal number of Duplicate - Threat Prevention / pages printed compared N/A scenario covered as Endpoint DLP to peer part of another policy

Data Loss Abnormal number of Duplicate - Threat Prevention / files printed compared N/A scenario covered as Endpoint DLP to peer part of another policy

Account accessing Database Removed the policy as it critical PII database - N/A Monitoring flagged low level events. SIEM

Rare Database Database Removed the policy as it Accessed by an N/A Monitoring flagged low level events. Account

Potential Account Database Removed the policy as it Compromise on N/A Monitoring flagged low level events. Database Server

Database Password Spraying Removed the policy as it N/A Monitoring Attack Detected - SIEM flagged low level events.

Attempted use of Database Removed the policy as it disabled account - N/A Monitoring flagged low level events. SIEM

Database Audit Log Tampering - Removed the policy as it N/A Monitoring SIEM flagged low level events.

SNYPR Release Notes 100 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Database concurrent console Removed the policy as it N/A Monitoring logon - SIEM flagged low level events.

Spike in Failed Logins Duplicate - Threat Database to a Database Server- N/A scenario covered as Monitoring 143 part of another policy

Multiple Failed Database Followed by Successful Removed the policy as it N/A Security Login to a Database flagged low level events. Server-143

Potential Account Database Removed the policy as it Compromise on N/A Security flagged low level events. Database Server-143

Rare Critical Duplicate - Threat Database Commands Executed on N/A scenario covered as Security a Database Server part of another policy

Rare Database Database Removed the policy as it Accessed by an N/A Security flagged low level events. Account

Spike in frequency of Database Removed the policy as it DDL or DML N/A Security flagged low level events. Commands Executed

Spike in Failed Logins Database Removed the policy as it to a Database Server- N/A Security flagged low level events. 143

Duplicate - Threat Possible fast flux DNS / DHCP N/A scenario covered as domain detected-123 part of another policy

Removed the policy as it DNS / DHCP Rare dns host resolved N/A flagged low level events.

SNYPR Release Notes 101 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Emails Sent with Email / Email Removed the policy as it Source Code - SIEM - N/A Security flagged low level events. DLP

Email / Email Emails to Non-Business Removed the policy as it N/A Security Domains - SIEM - DLP flagged low level events.

Email / Email Emails Sent to Personal Removed the policy as it N/A Security Email - SIEM - DLP flagged low level events.

Email / Email Emails to Competitor Removed the policy as it N/A Security Domains - SIEM - DLP flagged low level events.

Email / Email Compressed Files in Removed the policy as it N/A Security Emails - SIEM - DLP flagged low level events.

Suspicious Process Endpoint Duplicate - Threat Activity - Targeted - Management N/A scenario covered as Potential ETW Disable Systems part of another policy Attempt Analytic

Endpoint Duplicate - Threat Rare USB device Management N/A scenario covered as activity Systems part of another policy

Endpoint Rare ports used by a Duplicate - Threat Management process for high N/A scenario covered as Systems severity endpoint alerts part of another policy

Endpoint Duplicate - Threat Rarity on system Management N/A scenario covered as hardening monitor Systems part of another policy

Suspicious Process Endpoint Duplicate - Threat Activity - Targeted - Management N/A scenario covered as Executable File Systems part of another policy Creation Analytic

SNYPR Release Notes 102 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Endpoint Duplicate - Threat Abnormal number of Management N/A scenario covered as file shares created Systems part of another policy

Endpoint Duplicate - Threat Rare Executive Host Management N/A scenario covered as Accessed Systems part of another policy

Endpoint Duplicate - Threat Rare CD or DVD Management N/A scenario covered as burning activity Systems part of another policy

Endpoint Duplicate - Threat Abnormal number of Management N/A scenario covered as file shares deleted Systems part of another policy

Endpoint Abnormal number of Duplicate - Threat Management share folder creation N/A scenario covered as Systems on system part of another policy

Endpoint Duplicate - Threat Abnormal number of Management N/A scenario covered as failed logons Systems part of another policy

Endpoint Duplicate - Threat Abnormal number of Management N/A scenario covered as low severity alerts Systems part of another policy

Endpoint Duplicate - Threat Management Rare login geo location N/A scenario covered as Systems part of another policy

Endpoint Executable or Script Removed the policy as it Management N/A file created by Process flagged low level events. Systems

Endpoint Rare child process Duplicate - Threat Management spawned from N/A scenario covered as Systems WMIPRVSE part of another policy

SNYPR Release Notes 103 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Endpoint Rare combination of Removed the policy as it Management parent and child N/A flagged low level events. Systems process found for user

Suspicious Process Endpoint Duplicate - Threat Activity - Peak File RW Management N/A scenario covered as Process Terminations Systems part of another policy For Host Analytic

Suspicious Process Endpoint Duplicate - Threat Activity - Rare DLL Management N/A scenario covered as Creation in SYSTEM Systems part of another policy Directory Analytic

Suspicious Process Activity - Rare Egress Endpoint Duplicate - Threat Destination Port For Management N/A scenario covered as LOLBIN App Potential Systems part of another policy Malicious Stager Analytic

Suspicious Process Endpoint Duplicate - Threat Activity - Rare High- Management N/A scenario covered as Integrity Process For Systems part of another policy User Analytic

Suspicious Process Endpoint Activity - Targeted - Duplicate - Threat Management Potential Stego N/A scenario covered as Systems Embedding Tool part of another policy Agnostic Analytic

SNYPR Release Notes 104 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Suspicious Process Activity - Targeted - Endpoint Duplicate - Threat Potential UACBypass Management N/A scenario covered as csc Spawning Temp Systems part of another policy Directory Payload Analytic

Use of invoke Phant0m Endpoint powershell tool to Management N/A Misconfig disable endpoint Systems logging

Suspicious Process Endpoint Duplicate - Threat Activity - Targeted - Management N/A scenario covered as Potential ETW Disable Systems part of another policy Attempt Analytic

Endpoint Potential WMI Lateral Duplicate - Threat Management Movement Rare N/A scenario covered as Systems WmiPrvSe Subprocess part of another policy

Firewall traffic to Removed the policy as it Firewall randomly generated N/A flagged low level events. domains - Firewall

Duplicate - Threat Repeat Attack on Firewall N/A scenario covered as firewall-Foreign part of another policy

SmartDefense IPS Removed the policy as it Firewall Rules - High Severity - N/A flagged low level events. Firewall

SmartDefense IPS Removed the policy as it Firewall Rules - Malicious N/A flagged low level events. address - Firewall

SNYPR Release Notes 105 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

SmartDefense IPS Removed the policy as it Firewall Rules - Medium N/A flagged low level events. Severity - Firewall

Traffic to rare domain Removed the policy as it Firewall N/A on DNS ports - Firewall flagged low level events.

Abnormal amount of Removed the policy as it Flow data aggregated from N/A flagged low level events. FTP ports - Flow

Abnormal amount of Removed the policy as it Flow data aggregated from N/A flagged low level events. SMB ports - Flow

Abnormal amount of Removed the policy as it Flow data uploads to external N/A flagged low level events. sites-FLOW

Abnormal amount of data uploads to storage Removed the policy as it Flow N/A sites over firewall - flagged low level events. FLOW

Abnormal amount of Removed the policy as it Flow data uploads to storage N/A flagged low level events. sites-FLOW

Abnormal number of Removed the policy as it Flow DHCP requests - N/A flagged low level events. FLOW

Abnormal time for dhcp Removed the policy as it Flow N/A lease-Flow flagged low level events.

Abnormal upload Removed the policy as it Flow attempts to distinct N/A flagged low level events. storage sites-FLOW

SNYPR Release Notes 106 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Account authenticating Removed the policy as it Flow from rare geolocation N/A flagged low level events. on VPN - FLOW

Activity from known malicious addresses Removed the policy as it Flow N/A detected on VPN - flagged low level events. FLOW

Beaconing traffic to Removed the policy as it Flow N/A malicious sites-FLOW flagged low level events.

Beaconing traffic to Removed the policy as it Flow rare domains over dns- N/A flagged low level events. flow

Beaconing traffic to Removed the policy as it Flow N/A rare domains-FLOW flagged low level events.

Data exfiltration over Removed the policy as it Flow known data transfer N/A flagged low level events. services - Flow

DHCP request from Removed the policy as it Flow N/A rare device-Flow flagged low level events.

Firewall traffic to Removed the policy as it Flow randomly generated N/A flagged low level events. domains - Flow

Landspeed anomaly on Removed the policy as it Flow N/A VPN - FLOW flagged low level events.

Persistent traffic to rare non resolvable Removed the policy as it Flow N/A domain dns responses- flagged low level events. Flow

SNYPR Release Notes 107 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Possible host Duplicate - Threat enumeration over Flow N/A scenario covered as critical access ports - part of another policy Internal - Flow

Duplicate - Threat Possible port scan over Flow N/A scenario covered as system ports - Flow part of another policy

Duplicate - Threat Potential lateral Flow N/A scenario covered as movement part of another policy

Randomly generated Removed the policy as it Flow domain detected on dns N/A flagged low level events. response -flow

Rare dns host resolved Removed the policy as it Flow N/A flow flagged low level events.

Rare dns host resolved- Removed the policy as it Flow N/A Flow flagged low level events.

Traffic to rare domain Removed the policy as it Flow N/A on DNS ports - Flow flagged low level events.

Possible password Microsoft Removed the policy as it spraying from a N/A Windows flagged low level events. windows resource

High number of accounts using the Duplicate - Threat Microsoft same ipaddress for N/A scenario covered as Windows authentication failures part of another policy or lockout events

High number of failed Microsoft Removed the policy as it login attempts from an N/A Windows flagged low level events. IP - SIEM

SNYPR Release Notes 108 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

High number of accounts using the Microsoft Removed the policy as it same ipaddress for N/A Windows flagged low level events. authentication failures or lockout events

Usage of potential Microsoft scriptable executable to Removed the policy as it N/A Windows run or access malicious flagged low level events. payload

High number of failed Microsoft WEL-ALL- Removed the policy as it login attempts from an Windows 942-DB flagged low level events. account- SIEM

Microsoft Repeat Failure WEL-ALL- Removed the policy as it Windows Authentication - SIEM 949-DB flagged low level events.

High number of service Microsoft WEL-ALL- Removed the policy as it tickets requested - Windows 923-BP flagged low level events. SIEM

Detection of Brute Microsoft WEL-ALL- Removed the policy as it Force Attack To The Windows 938-DB flagged low level events. Same Host - SIEM

Policy is replaced with Use of explicit "Use of explicit credentials for a Microsoft credentials by a rare possible Account WOS-203-RU Windows account - Account sharing or Password sharing or Password misuse misuse".

Microsoft High number of host WEL-ALL- Removed the policy as it Windows accessed - SIEM 931-BP flagged low level events.

Rare privileged level Microsoft Removed the policy as it for a windows WOS-244-ER Windows flagged low level events. authentication

SNYPR Release Notes 109 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Microsoft Use of Powershell Duplicate - Threat Windows encode command by an N/A scenario covered as Powershell account part of another policy

Microsoft Powershell execution Duplicate - Threat Windows policy changed by N/A scenario covered as Powershell Account part of another policy

Microsoft Use of Powershell Duplicate - Threat Windows Invoke Expression N/A scenario covered as Powershell Command by Account part of another policy

Next Abnormal number of Removed the policy as Generation connections on DNS N/A it flagged low level Firewall ports - NGFW events.

Bruteforce on Critical Next Duplicate - Threat Service from an IP Generation N/A scenario covered as Observed Performing Firewall part of another policy Network Recon

Next Internal System Removed the policy as it Generation running port scan N/A flagged low level events. Firewall Internally - SIEM

Next Monitoring Inbound Removed the policy as it Generation malicious IP addresses - N/A flagged low level events. Firewall SIEM

Next Network Connection Duplicate - Threat Generation from a rare N/A scenario covered as Firewall Geolocation part of another policy

Next Possible host Removed the policy as it Generation enumeration observed - N/A flagged low level events. Firewall SIEM

SNYPR Release Notes 110 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Next Rare domain visited by Removed the policy as it Generation account - Next Gen N/A flagged low level events. Firewall Firewall

Next Rare Filetype Observed Removed the policy as it Generation N/A - Next Gen Firewall flagged low level events. Firewall

Rare Next detected for an account Removed the policy as it Generation N/A on VPN - Next Gen flagged low level events. Firewall Firewall

Next Repeat Attack-Login Removed the policy as it Generation Source on VPN - Next N/A flagged low level events. Firewall Gen Firewall

Next SMB traffic to and from Removed the policy as it Generation N/A Internet flagged low level events. Firewall

Successful Network Next Connection Observed Removed the policy as it Generation N/A from an IP Performing flagged low level events. Firewall Network Recon

Next Duplicate - Threat System running Generation N/A scenario covered as external scan - SIEM Firewall part of another policy

Next Traffic to rare domain Removed the policy as Generation on DNS ports - Next N/A it flagged low level Firewall Gen Firewall events.

Next Undocumented account Duplicate - Threat Generation activity on VPN - Next N/A scenario covered as Firewall Gen Firewall part of another policy

SNYPR Release Notes 111 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Next Zone Transfer from LowRemoved the policy Generation External to Internal - N/A as it flagged low level Firewall SIEM events.

Next Internal system running Legacy SIEM content - Generation port scan - horizontal N/A Low fidelity Firewall SIEM

Next Non Mail server trying Legacy SIEM content- Generation to send mails outside - N/A Low fidelity Firewall SIEM

Next Possible port scan from Duplicate - Threat Generation internal IP Address - N/A scenario covered as Firewall Next Gen Firewall part of another policy

Next Inbound Traffic from IFW-ALL-905- Removed the policy as it Generation C2 Domains and IP TP flagged low level events. Firewall addresses - SIEM

Next Outbound Traffic to C2 IFW-ALL-901- Removed the policy as it Generation Domains and IP TP flagged low level events. Firewall addresses - SIEM

Next Abnormal amount of Removed the policy as IFW-CAF- Generation data uploads to storage it flagged low level 870-BA Firewall sites over firewall events.

Network Rare dns host resolved Removed the policy as NTA-ALL-801- Traffic - NTA (NTA-ALL-801- it flagged low level TA Analytics TA) events.

Abnormal number of Duplicate - Threat Print pages printed compared N/A scenario covered as to peer part of another policy

Undocumented Unix / Linux / Removed the policy as it accounts performing N/A AIX flagged low level events. activity

SNYPR Release Notes 112 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Unix / Linux / Use of any default Removed the policy as it N/A AIX credentials on Unix flagged low level events.

Web Abnormal number of Removed the policy as it Application high severity WAF N/A flagged low level events. Firewall alerts

Web Possible directory Removed the policy as it Application N/A traversal flagged low level events. Firewall

Web DNS amplification by Duplicate - Threat Application frequency of packets - N/A scenario covered as Firewall Firewall-119 part of another policy

Possible external host Web Duplicate - Threat enumeration over Application N/A scenario covered as system ports - Firewall- Firewall part of another policy 119

Web Possible external port Duplicate - Threat Application scan over system ports N/A scenario covered as Firewall - Firewall-119 part of another policy

Web Traffic to Known Duplicate - Threat Application Attacker on firewall- N/A scenario covered as Firewall 119 part of another policy

Web Duplicate - Threat Repeat Attack on Application N/A scenario covered as firewall-Foreign-119 Firewall part of another policy

Duplicate - Threat Beaconing Traffic Web Proxy N/A scenario covered as Detected part of another policy

Detection of possible Duplicate - Threat Web Proxy proxy circumvention- N/A scenario covered as 125 part of another policy

SNYPR Release Notes 113 New and Improved Content

Policy Name Signature ID Signature Comments

Detection of possible Duplicate - Threat Web Proxy proxy circumvention- N/A scenario covered as 134 part of another policy

Detection of possible Duplicate - Threat Web Proxy proxy circumvention- N/A scenario covered as 135 part of another policy

Rare domain visited by Removed the policy as it Web Proxy N/A account flagged low level events.

Uploads to news or Removed the policy as it Web Proxy N/A media websites flagged low level events.

Circumvention of URL Removed the policy as it Web Server N/A Controls flagged low level events.

Removed the policy as it Web Server Rare User Agent Used N/A flagged low level events.

Circumvention of Removed the policy as it Web Server N/A Directory Controls flagged low level events.

Duplicate - Threat Circumvention of Web Server N/A scenario covered as Directory Controls-124 part of another policy

Removed the policy as Possible Web Crawling Web Server N/A it flagged low level Detected events.

Duplicate - Threat Possible Web Crawling Web Server N/A scenario covered as Detected-124 part of another policy

Removed the policy as Rare HTTP Request Web Server N/A it flagged low level Method Used events.

SNYPR Release Notes 114 New and Improved Content

Decommissioned Policy/Threat Content The following table contains the decommissioned policy and threat content in this release:

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Abnormal number of Access / ACP-CAP-804-BP password retrieval Privileged User compared to past behavior

Access / Repeat Attack-Web ALT-028 Privileged User Content Filter

Virus or Spyware Detected Antivirus / Malware / EDR EDR-FNX-930-DB but Failed to Clean

Antivirus / Repeat IPS or IDS EDR-MEV-932-DB Malware / EDR Attack-Foreign

Antivirus / Possible Outbreak EDR-MEV-927-DB Malware / EDR -Multiple Infected Hosts

Antivirus / Traffic to Known EDR-MEV-929-RU Malware / EDR Attacker on IPS or IDS

Antivirus / EDR-FNX-923-DB Repeat IDS Events Malware / EDR

Antivirus / Repeat IPS or IDS EDR-FNX-932-DB Malware / EDR Attack-Foreign

Antivirus / Possible Outbreak EDR-FNX-927-DB Malware / EDR -Multiple Infected Hosts

Antivirus / Traffic to Known EDR-FNX-929-RU Malware / EDR Attacker on IPS or IDS

Virus or Spyware Antivirus / EDR-TMC-930-DB Detected but Failed to Malware / EDR Clean

Antivirus / Repeat IPS or IDS EDR-TMC-932-DB Malware / EDR Attack-Foreign

SNYPR Release Notes 115 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Antivirus / EDR-MEV-923-DB Repeat IDS Events Malware / EDR

Antivirus / Possible Outbreak EDR-TMC-927-DB Malware / EDR -Multiple Infected Hosts

Antivirus / Traffic to Known EDR-TMC-929-RU Malware / EDR Attacker on IPS or IDS

Antivirus / Possible Outbreak EDR-FHX-927-DB Malware / EDR -Multiple Infected Hosts

Antivirus / Possible Outbreak EDR-III-927-DB Malware / EDR -Multiple Infected Hosts

Antivirus / Traffic to Known EDR-III-929-RU Malware / EDR Attacker on IPS or IDS

Antivirus / Traffic to Known EDR-FHX-929-RU Malware / EDR Attacker on IPS or IDS

Virus or Spyware Antivirus / EDR-III-930-DB Detected but Failed to Malware / EDR Clean

Antivirus / Possible Outbreak EDR-FEX-927-DB Malware / EDR -Multiple Infected Hosts

Antivirus / EDR-TMC-923-DB Repeat IDS Events Malware / EDR

Antivirus / Repeat IPS or IDS EDR-SIS-932-DB Malware / EDR Attack-Foreign

Virus or Spyware Antivirus / EDR-MEV-930-DB Detected but Failed to Malware / EDR Clean

Possible Outbreak Antivirus / EDR-SEP-927-DB -Multiple Infected Hosts- Malware / EDR 313

SNYPR Release Notes 116 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Rare file hashes for Antivirus / EDR-ALL-840-ERR high severity endpoint Malware / EDR alerts - EDR

Antivirus / Rare file hash EDR-ALL-829-ERR Malware / EDR detected on network - EDR

Antivirus / Rare usage of EDR-ALL-820-ERR Malware / EDR PsRemoting - EDR

Abnormal number of Antivirus / connections to WS- EDR-ALL-842-BP Malware / EDR Management or Powershell Ports - EDR

Abnormal number of Antivirus / EDR-ALL-838-BP high severity endpoint Malware / EDR alerts - EDR

Antivirus / Abnormal number of EDR-ALL-886-BP Malware / EDR ssh connections - EDR

Antivirus / Abnormal number of EDR-ALL-885-BP Malware / EDR telnet connections - EDR

Antivirus / Repeat IPS or IDS EDR-SNI-932-DB Malware / EDR Attack-Foreign

Virus or Spyware Antivirus / EDR-MEH-930-DB Detected but Failed to Malware / EDR Clean

Antivirus / EDR-MEH-923-DB Repeat IDS Events Malware / EDR

Antivirus / Repeat IPS or IDS EDR-MEH-932-DB Malware / EDR Attack-Foreign

Potential use of Antivirus / EDR-ALL-726-RU Rubeus attack tool detected Malware / EDR via command line - AVEDR

SNYPR Release Notes 117 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Antivirus / Possible Outbreak EDR-MEH-927-DB Malware / EDR -Multiple Infected Hosts

Antivirus / Traffic to Known EDR-MEH-929-RU Malware / EDR Attacker on IPS or IDS

Antivirus / Possible Outbreak EDR-SNI-927-DB Malware / EDR -Multiple Infected Hosts

Antivirus / Traffic to Known EDR-SNI-929-RU Malware / EDR Attacker on IPS or IDS

Virus or Spyware Antivirus / EDR-SNI-930-DB Detected but Failed to Malware / EDR Clean

Antivirus / EDR-SNI-923-DB Repeat IDS Events Malware / EDR

Virus or Spyware Antivirus / EDR-SEP-930-DB Detected but Failed to Malware / EDR Clean-313

Antivirus / EDR-SEP-923-DB Repeat IDS Events-313 Malware / EDR

Antivirus / Repeat IPS or IDS EDR-SEP-932-DB Malware / EDR Attack-Foreign-313

Antivirus / Traffic to Known EDR-SEP-929-RU Malware / EDR Attacker on IPS or IDS-313

Antivirus / EDR-SIS-923-DB Repeat IDS Events Malware / EDR

Antivirus / Rare critical file EDR-ALL-821-ERR Malware / EDR modified by an user - EDR

Antivirus / Traffic to Known EDR-SIS-929-RU Malware / EDR Attacker on IPS or IDS

Virus or Spyware Antivirus / EDR-FHX-930-DB Detected but Failed to Malware / EDR Clean

SNYPR Release Notes 118 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Antivirus / EDR-FHX-923-DB Repeat IDS Events Malware / EDR

Antivirus / Repeat IPS or IDS EDR-FHX-932-DB Malware / EDR Attack-Foreign

Antivirus / Repeat IPS or IDS EDR-III-932-DB Malware / EDR Attack-Foreign

Antivirus / EDR-III-923-DB Repeat IDS Events Malware / EDR

Resemblance Based Antivirus / EDR-TMC-814-RU Phishing Attempts - PLD Malware / EDR analysis

Resemblance Based Antivirus / EDR-TMC-813-RU Phishing Attempts - TLD Malware / EDR analysis

Antivirus / Repeat IPS or IDS EDR-FEX-932-DB Malware / EDR Attack-Foreign

Virus or Spyware Antivirus / EDR-SIS-930-DB Detected but Failed to Malware / EDR Clean

Virus or Spyware Antivirus / EDR-FEX-930-DB Detected but Failed to Malware / EDR Clean

Virus or Spyware Antivirus / EDR-PSE-930-DB Detected but Failed to Malware / EDR Clean

Antivirus / Traffic to Known EDR-FEX-929-RU Malware / EDR Attacker on IPS or IDS

Antivirus / Possible Outbreak EDR-MNP-927-DB Malware / EDR -Multiple Infected Hosts

Antivirus / Traffic to Known EDR-MNP-929-RU Malware / EDR Attacker on IPS or IDS

SNYPR Release Notes 119 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Antivirus / EDR-FEX-923-DB Repeat IDS Events Malware / EDR

Antivirus / Repeat IPS or IDS EDR-PSE-932-DB Malware / EDR Attack-Foreign

Antivirus / Possible Outbreak EDR-SIS-927-DB Malware / EDR -Multiple Infected Hosts

Antivirus / Repeat IPS or IDS EDR-MNP-932-DB Malware / EDR Attack-Foreign

Antivirus / EDR-MNP-923-DB Repeat IDS Events Malware / EDR

Antivirus / Possible Outbreak EDR-PSE-927-DB Malware / EDR -Multiple Infected Hosts

Antivirus / Traffic to Known EDR-PSE-929-RU Malware / EDR Attacker on IPS or IDS

Antivirus / EDR-PSE-923-DB Repeat IDS Events Malware / EDR

Virus or Spyware Antivirus / EDR-MNP-930-DB Detected but Failed to Malware / EDR Clean

Application / Abnormal amount of SAS-ALL-808-BA Enterprise / SaaS data uploaded to GitHub

Application / File accessed from a SAS-ALL-810-ER Enterprise / SaaS rare geolocation - Netskope

Abnormal number of Application / SAS-ALL-807-BP files downloaded from Enterprise / SaaS GitHub

User downloading Application / SAS-ALL-811-ER files from a suspicious Enterprise / SaaS geolocation - Netskope

SNYPR Release Notes 120 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Abnormal volume of Application / SAS-ALL-801-BA downloads from HIPAA Enterprise / SaaS sanctioned apps - Netskope

Application / Abnormal number of SAS-ALL-813-BP Enterprise / SaaS files uploaded to cloud

ATM Rare Buffer overflow ATM-ALL-804-TA Monitoring detection

ATM Disabling of ATM-ALL-803-RU Monitoring Protection

Abnormal number of ATM ATM-ALL-811-BP SMB or NETBIOS Monitoring connections

ATM Abnormal number of ATM-ALL-813-BP Monitoring file access attempts

ATM Rare weekend ATM-ALL-800-ER Monitoring transaction by account

ATM Rare path for dlls ATM-ALL-806-TA Monitoring accessed

ATM Rare timeslot for ATM ATM-ALL-807-ER Monitoring activity by account

ATM Unusual time of day ATM-ALL-808-ER Monitoring device configuration

ATM Suspicious attempts ATM-ALL-809-ER Monitoring to modify registry

ATM Unusual password ATM-ALL-810-ER Monitoring change attempts

ATM Abnormal number of ATM-ALL-805-BP Monitoring dlls accessed

ATM Use of unauthorized ATM-ALL-801-ER Monitoring devices

SNYPR Release Notes 121 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

ATM Attempt to execute ATM-ALL-802-ER Monitoring suspicious OS calls

Abnormal number of Audit AAU-FAA-826-BP Authentication Failures - F5

Authentication Rare User Agent - SSO-ALL-846-ER / SSO / Single Sign-On successful Okta login

Authentication Ascending Monotonic SSO-ALL-821-TA / SSO / Single Sign-On Pattern Detected

Authentication VPN-ALL-808-DB Brute Force Access / VPN

Authentication VPN activity by VPN-ALL-851-RU / VPN Undocumented Accounts

Authentication Successful Login VPN-ALL-805-DB / VPN after Repeat Failed logins

Authentication Possible Account VPN-ALL-804-DB / VPN Sharing

Authentication VPN Activity from VPN-ALL-800-RU / VPN Known Malicious Addresses

VPN Authentication Authentication VPN-ALL-811-ER Using a Rare Operating / VPN System for an Account

Abnormal Number of Authentication VPN-ALL-852-BP Failed Authentication for an / VPN Account

Authentication VPN activity by VPN-ALL-809-RU / VPN Terminated Users

Evil twin detection Authentication AWI-AMN-8115-DB across multiple location / WiFi with short span of time

Authentication Rare location evil AWI-AMN-8116-ER / WiFi twin detected

SNYPR Release Notes 122 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Authentication Rare location rogue AWI-AMN-817-ER / WiFi AP detected

Multiple Rogue AP Authentication AWI-AMN-822-DB detected within same / WiFi location

Multiple Evil Twin Authentication AWI-AMN-823-DB detected within same / WiFi location

Abnormal number of SU Aviation / AVI-ALL-818-BP login failures by using Onboard Network System Target user enumeration

Abnormal number of Aviation / AVI-ALL-802-BP distinct destination hosts Onboard Network System accessed by an IP Address

Abnormal high number Aviation / AVI-ALL-812-BP of login failure by a Onboard Network System 'Remote Address

Abnormal number of Aviation / distinct destination hosts AVI-ALL-814-BP Onboard Network System accessed by an Activity account

Aviation / Spike in number of SU AVI-ALL-815-BP Onboard Network System authentication failures

Abnormal number of Aviation / AVI-ALL-807-BP failed ssh authentication Onboard Network System attempts by an IP Address

Detection of password Aviation / AVI-ALL-805-RU retrievals from a non- Onboard Network System secure file

Aviation / Spike In number of AVI-ALL-800-BP Onboard Network System Failed SSHD Logs

SNYPR Release Notes 123 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Activity towards a Aviation / AVI-ALL-808-ER rare hostname which was Onboard Network System never connected before

Abnormal number of Cloud Content CCMS-ALL-804-BP files shared with personal Management System account

Account accessing Cloud Content CCMS-ALL-809-ERR file path never accessed Management System before

Account activity from Cloud Content CCMS-ALL-828-ERR a country rare to the Management System organization

Cloud Content Account activity from CCMS-ALL-829-ERR Management System a country rare for the user

Abnormal number of Cloud Content CCMS-ALL-805-BP files shared with Management System Competitor email address

Account Activity Cloud Content CCMS-ALL-802-ER detected from Rare Management System Geolocation

Cloud Content File shared with Non CCMS-ALL-813-RU Management System business account

Account Activity Cloud Content CCMS-ALL-802-ERR detected from Rare Management System Country

Account accessing Cloud Content CCMS-ALL-809-ER file share never accessed Management System before

External account Cloud Content CCMS-ALL-839-BP downloading abnormally Management System high number of files

SNYPR Release Notes 124 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Cloud Content Abnormal number of CCMS-ALL-816-BP Management System files deleted by an account

Abnormal Number of Cloud Content CCMS-ALL-814-BP files Printed compared to Management System past behavior

Abnormal number of Cloud Content CCMS-ALL-806-BP files shared with Non Management System Business account

Abnormal Amount of Cloud Email / CEML-ALL-805-BA Data Emailed to Personal Email Security Email - Cloud Email

Abnormal Number of Cloud Email / CEML-ALL-802-BP Source Code Emailed - Email Security Cloud Email

Abnormal Number of Cloud Email / CEML-ALL-808-BP Email Forwards - Cloud Email Security Email

Abnormal amount of data egressed to non- Cloud Email / CEML-ALL-818-BA business domains compared Email Security to peer behavior - Cloud Email

Abnormal number of Cloud Email / emails sent to competitor CEML-ALL-828-BP Email Security domains compared to peer behavior - Cloud Email

Abnormal Number of Cloud Email / CEML-ALL-830-BP Emails to Personal Email - Email Security Cloud Email

Abnormal number of Cloud Email / emails to non business CEML-ALL-826-BP Email Security domains compared to peer behavior - Cloud Email

SNYPR Release Notes 125 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Abnormal Amount of Cloud Email / Data Emailed to CEML-ALL-829-BA Email Security Nonbusiness Domain - Cloud Email

Abnormal Number of Cloud Email / CEML-ALL-801-BP Compressed Files Emailed - Email Security Cloud Email

Abnormal Number of Cloud Email / CEML-ALL-803-BP Emails to Competitor - Email Security Cloud Email

Abnormal Number of Cloud Email / CEML-ALL-823-BP Emails to Nonbusiness Email Security Domains - Cloud Email

Emails from Newly Cloud Email / CEML-ALL-824-RU registered domains - Cloud Email Security Email

Unauthorized printer Cloud Print CPRN-ALL-837-RU usage

Abnormal number of Cloud Print CPRN-ALL-838-BP files printed compared to a peer group

Abnormal number of Cloud Print CPRN-ALL-839-BP pages printed compared to a peer group

Abnormal number of Cloud CEDR-ALL-839-BP high severity endpoint Antivirus / Malware / EDR alerts - Cloud EDR

Potential use of Cloud Rubeus attack tool detected CEDR-ALL-26-RU Antivirus / Malware / EDR via command line - Cloud EDR

SNYPR Release Notes 126 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Cloud Rare usage of CEDR-ALL-820-ERR Antivirus / Malware / EDR PsRemoting - Cloud EDR

Abnormal number of Cloud CEDR-ALL-858-BP Critical severity endpoint Antivirus / Malware / EDR alerts - Cloud EDR

Abnormal number of Cloud CEDR-ALL-871-BP Medium severity endpoint Antivirus / Malware / EDR alerts - Cloud EDR

Potential Mimikatz Cloud CEDR-ALL-19-RU CommandLine Usage - Antivirus / Malware / EDR Cloud EDR

Rare file hash Cloud CEDR-ALL-829-ERR detected on network - Antivirus / Malware / EDR Cloud EDR

Cloud Rare file type CEDR-ALL-903-ERR Antivirus / Malware / EDR detected from an endpoint

Rare critical file Cloud CEDR-ALL-821-ERR modified by an user - Cloud Antivirus / Malware / EDR EDR

Account Cloud CAAU-ALL-805-ER Authenticating from rare Application Audit country - Exchange

Abnormal Number of Cloud CAAU-ALL-807-BP Distinct Emails Created - Application Audit Exchange

Rare client Cloud CAAU-ALL-804-ER application detected for the Application Audit user - Exchange

Cloud Files upload to Application Security CASB-ALL-805-RU unauthorized cloud storage Broker - SIEM - CASB

SNYPR Release Notes 127 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Cloud Successful Login Application Security CASB-ALL-802-DB after Repeat Failed logins - Broker SIEM - CASB

Cloud Downloads greater Application Security CASB-ALL-810-RU than 10MB from external Broker address - SIEM - CASB

Cloud User uploading Application Security CASB-ALL-800-RU sensitive files - SIEM - Broker CASB

Cloud High number of Application Security CASB-ALL-809-DB downloads from external Broker address - SIEM - CASB

Cloud Abnormal number of Authentication / SSO / CSSO-ALL-842-BP mfa bypass Single Sign-On

Cloud Rare application Authentication / SSO / CSSO-ALL-813-ER accessed by account Single Sign-On

Cloud Spike in number of Authentication / SSO / CSSO-ALL-820-BP account lockout events Single Sign-On

Cloud Account activity seen Authentication / SSO / CSSO-ALL-818-ER from a rare country Single Sign-On

Cloud Possible user Authentication / SSO / CSSO-ALL-832-BP enumeration observed Single Sign-On from an account

Cloud Abnormal number of Authentication / SSO / CSSO-ALL-814-BP device alerts observed Single Sign-On

SNYPR Release Notes 128 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Logon from a rare Cloud country compared to entire Authentication / SSO / CSSO-ALL-833-ER organization -DUO Single Sign-On Authentication

Cloud Abnormal number of Authentication / SSO / CSSO-ALL-838-BP unauthorized attempts to Single Sign-On an application

Cloud Possible password Authentication / SSO / CSSO-ALL-834-BP spraying observed from an Single Sign-On IP

Password spraying Cloud attempts from one account Authentication / SSO / CSSO-ALL-829-BP to multiple applications_ Single Sign-On enumeration -Duo Authentication

Cloud Abnormal number of Authentication / SSO / CSSO-ALL-815-BP sign on failures Single Sign-On

Cloud Logon from a rare Authentication / SSO / CSSO-ALL-827-ER country -DUO Single Sign-On Authentication

Cloud Attempted use of Authentication / SSO / CSSO-ALL-807-RU disabled account - SIEM - Single Sign-On SSO

Cloud Rare logon to admin Authentication / SSO / CSSO-ALL-841-ER console Single Sign-On

Cloud Abnormal Number of CSA-ALL-714-BP Services / Applications snapshots created

Failed attempts Cloud detected from an user CSA-AWS-733-BP Services / Applications attempting to attach to different roles

SNYPR Release Notes 129 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Account accessing Content CMS-ALL-830-ER file path never accessed Management System before -CMS

Abnormal number of Content CMS-ALL-846-BP files shared with Non Management System Business account -CMS

Abnormal frequency of Database DBS-ALL-821-BA data aggregated from Audit database

Abnormal Number of Data Loss EDLP-ALL-819-BP Compressed Files Emailed - Prevention / Endpoint DLP DLP

Abnormal number of Data Loss emails to non business EDLP-ALL-802-BP Prevention / Endpoint DLP domains compared to peer behavior - Endpoint DLP

Abnormal number of Data Loss EDLP-ALL-824-BP files egressed to removable Prevention / Endpoint DLP media

Data Loss Unauthorized printer EDLP-ALL-801-ER Prevention / Endpoint DLP usage detected

Abnormal number of Data Loss EDLP-ALL-810-BP endpoint DLP match count Prevention / Endpoint DLP violations

Abnormal amount of Data Loss EDLP-ALL-830-BA endpoint DLP match count Prevention / Endpoint DLP violations

Abnormal amount of Data Loss data egressed to competitor EDLP-ALL-827-BA Prevention / Endpoint DLP domains compared to peer behavior - Endpoint DLP

SNYPR Release Notes 130 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Abnormal amount of Data Loss EDLP-ALL-826-BA data egress to NonBusiness Prevention / Endpoint DLP domains - DLP

Misuse of service Data Loss EDLP-ALL-814-RU accounts to exfiltrate data - Prevention / Endpoint DLP SIEM - DLP

Abnormal amount of Data Loss EDLP-ALL-805-BA data egressed to removable Prevention / Endpoint DLP media

Abnormal amount of Data Loss EDLP-ALL-822-BA endpoint DLP match count Prevention / Endpoint DLP violation compared to peer

Abnormal amount of data egressed to non- Data Loss EDLP-ALL-821-BA business domains compared Prevention / Endpoint DLP to peer behavior - Endpoint DLP

Abnormal amount of Data Loss EDLP-ALL-812-BA data egress to Competitor - Prevention / Endpoint DLP DLP

Abnormal number of Data Loss emails sent to competitor EDLP-ALL-828-BP Prevention / Endpoint DLP domains compared to peer behavior - Endpoint DLP

Abnormal amount of Data Loss EDLP-ALL-823-BA data egress to Personal Prevention / Endpoint DLP email - DLP

Login from a rare Data country compared to the DWH-ALL-802-ER Warehouse entire organization - Authentication

Data Login from a rare DWH-ALL-801-ER Warehouse country - Authentication

SNYPR Release Notes 131 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Successful password Data DWH-ALL-808-RU spraying attack from an IP - Warehouse Authentication

Landspeed anomaly Data DWH-ALL-803-LS detected for account - Warehouse Authentication

Abnormal frequency of Database select commands executed DBM-ALL-811-RU Monitoring on Database -Database Monitoring

Excessive number of DNS / DHCP DNS-010 failed DNS zone transfers

Excessive number of DNS / DHCP DNS-023 DNS NXDOMAIN responses

Excessive number of DNS / DHCP DNS-024 DNS SERVFAIL responses

DNS / DHCP DNS-ALL-810-TA Rare dns server used

Abnormal time for DNS / DHCP DNS-ALL-808-BP dhcp lease

DHCP request from DNS / DHCP DNS-ALL-801-ERR rare device

Abnormal number of DNS / DHCP DNS-ALL-804-BP DHCP requests

Suspicious Process Endpoint Activity - Potential EDR-ALL-49-ER Management Systems Injection - Unusual Crossproc Analytic

Potential Phishing Endpoint EDR-ALL-28-RU URL received over an Management Systems email

SNYPR Release Notes 132 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Potential attempt to Endpoint EDR-ALL-62-ER bypass UAC using Management Systems Eventvwr

Possible Payload Endpoint EDR-ALL-59-RU Attack Via Parameterless Management Systems Rundll32 Command

Endpoint Potential Mimikatz EDR-ALL-19-RU Management Systems CommandLine Usage

Possible Reverse Shell connection Endpoint EDR-ALL-889-RU established via Invoke- Management Systems PowerShellTcpOneLine script

Use of credential Endpoint EDR-ALL-815-RU dumpers - endpoint Management Systems monitoring

RDP communication Endpoint EDR-ALL-58-ER initiated from a rare Management Systems process

Rare source and Endpoint EDR-ALL-38-ER target images for Management Systems CreateRemoteThread event

Potential UAC bypass Endpoint EDR-ALL-89-RU - CSC executing payload Management Systems from temp directory on host

Endpoint Suspicious Command EDR-ALL-12-ER Management Systems Line Arguments

Use of Steganography Endpoint EDR-ALL-102-RU tools to encode or decode Management Systems media files

SNYPR Release Notes 133 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Possible Ransomware infection involving use of Endpoint EDR-ALL-71-BP staging commands on Management Systems abnormally large number of hosts

MS Exchange unified Endpoint messaging service spawning EDR-ALL-886-RU Management Systems potentially suspicious child process

Possible Webshell Endpoint Activity - Rare process EDR-ALL-81-ER Management Systems spawned from Web server worker process

Escalation of Endpoint privilege via modification EDR-ALL-24-ER Management Systems of AppInit DLL registry detected on host

Rare process Endpoint EDR-ALL-55-ER communicating over Management Systems Kerberos port

Potential Sysvol-Netlogon Lateral Endpoint EDR-ALL-53-ER Movement - Rare file Management Systems executed from Netlogon share

Spike in number of Endpoint EDR-ALL-69-BP Discovery Tactic Command Management Systems Activity For Host Analytic

Endpoint Rare Self Worker EDR-ALL-54-ER Management Systems Process Execution

Rare file hash Endpoint EMS-002 detected on the network - Management Systems endpoint monitoring

SNYPR Release Notes 134 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Rare function used by Endpoint EMS-001 a dll on the network - Management Systems endpoint monitoring

Unusual process Endpoint EDR-ALL-48-ER adding a file in Startup Management Systems Menu

Endpoint Rare DLL Invocation EDR-ALL-19-ER Management Systems Via Rundll32 Command

Potential use of Endpoint EDR-ALL-26-RU Rubeus attack tool detected Management Systems via command line

Possible external Firewall IFW-CPS-873-BP port scan over system ports - Firewall

Possible external Firewall IFW-JSF-874-BP host enumeration over system ports - Firewall

Abnormal number of Firewall IFW-ALL-711-BP connections on LDAP ports - Firewall

DNS amplification by Firewall IFW-FTF-871-DB frequency of packets - Firewall

Possible external Firewall IFW-JPF-873-BP port scan over system ports - Firewall

Possible external Firewall IFW-JPF-874-BP host enumeration over system ports - Firewall

DNS amplification by Firewall IFW-JPF-871-DB frequency of packets - Firewall

SNYPR Release Notes 135 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Rare file type Firewall IFW-CAF-807-ER detected over firewall traffic

Possible external Firewall IFW-CAF-873-BP port scan over system ports

Rare dns host Firewall IFW-CAF-872-ER resolved over firewall

Possible external Firewall IFW-CPS-874-BP host enumeration over system ports - Firewall

Firewall IFW-CAF-928-DB Repeat Attack-Foreign

Beaconing traffic to Firewall IFW-CAF-868-TA malicious sites over firewall

Traffic to Known Firewall IFW-CAF-929-RU Attacker

Brute Force Access on Firewall IFW-CAF-905-BP VPN

Probable Successful Firewall IFW-CAF-910-DB Brute Force Attack on VPN

Firewall IFW-CAF-922-DB Repeat firewall drops

Traffic to Known Firewall IFW-JSF-929-RU Attacker on firewall

Traffic to Known Firewall IFW-JPF-929-RU Attacker on firewall

Possible external Firewall IFW-JSF-873-BP port scan over system ports - Firewall

DNS amplification by Firewall IFW-CAF-871-DB frequency of packets

SNYPR Release Notes 136 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

DNS amplification by Firewall IFW-CPS-871-DB frequency of packets - Firewall

DNS amplification by Firewall IFW-JSF-871-DB frequency of packets - Firewall

Possible external Firewall IFW-CPF-873-BP port scan over system ports - Firewall

Traffic to Known Firewall IFW-CPS-929-RU Attacker on firewall

Rare application for Firewall IFW-ALL-710-ERR known protocols on network traffic - Firewall

Possible external Firewall IFW-FTF-874-BP host enumeration over system ports - Firewall

Possible external Firewall IFW-FTF-873-BP port scan over system ports - Firewall

Traffic to Known Firewall IFW-FTF-929-RU Attacker on firewall

Traffic to Known Firewall IFW-ALL-929-RU Attacker on Firewall

Rare port used by Firewall IFW-ALL-713-ERR applications on network traffic - Firewall

Traffic to Known Firewall IFW-CPF-929-RU Attacker on firewall

Abnormal number of Firewall IFW-ALL-708-BP connections on SMB or NETBIOS ports - Firewall

SNYPR Release Notes 137 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Abnormal number of Firewall IFW-ALL-706-BP DNS zone transfers - Firewall

Traffic to Known Firewall IFW-ALL-714-DB Attacker on Firewall

DNS Amplification by Firewall IFW-ALL-875-DB Frequency of Packets - Firewall

Multiple Exploit Firewall IFW-ALL-928-DB Types Against Single Destination - SIEM

Possible external Firewall IFW-CPF-874-BP host enumeration over system ports - Firewall

Possible host Firewall IFW-ALL-717-BP enumeration over system ports - Firewall

Possible external Firewall IFW-CAF-874-BP host enumeration over system ports

Possible lateral Flow FLW-ALL-872-TA movement over network traffic - Flow

Possible port scan Flow FLW-ALL-803-BP from internal IP - Flow

Rare application for Flow FLW-ALL-861-ERR known protocols on network traffic - Flow

IDS / IPS / Abnormal number of IDS-ALL-800-BP UTM / Threat Detection alerts observed

IDS / IPS / Medium severity alert IDS-ALL-802-RU UTM / Threat Detection observed

SNYPR Release Notes 138 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

IDS / IPS / High severity alert IDS-ALL-803-RU UTM / Threat Detection observed

Abnormal Number of Mainframe MNF-ASO-811-BP distinct jobs on Mainframe systems

Rare audit Journal Mainframe MNF-ASO-809-ER Value for a host

Abnormal number of Mainframe MNF-ASO-810-BP mainframe audit failures from an account

Microsoft Explicit login to WEL-ALL-967-ER Windows high privileged account

Microsoft Rare local account WOS-317-ER Windows created

Microsoft Abnormal number of WOS-277-BP Windows remote logons

Microsoft Rare audit log WOS-222-ER Windows clearing on Host

Microsoft Rare execution of WEL-ALL-711-ER Windows Regsvr32 process

Rare admin group Microsoft WOS-316-ER member additions by user Windows compared to peer

Rare privileged Microsoft WOS-221-ER events performed by user Windows compared to peer

Microsoft Use of credential WOS-318-RU Windows dumpers

Microsoft Rare logon type WOS-236-ER Windows detected for an account

SNYPR Release Notes 139 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Potential use of Microsoft WEL-ALL-714-RU MSHTA executable to Windows download malicious payload

Microsoft Rare process creation WOS-211-ER Windows on endpoint

Rare scripting Microsoft WEL-ALL-710-ER executables spawned from Windows known processes

Abnormal number of Microsoft WOS-293-BP hosts accessed - Logon Windows Success

Microsoft Rare interactive WOS-276-ER Windows logon by service account

Password spraying Microsoft WEL-ALL-860-BP attempts from an IP - Windows Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Spike in number of WOS-228-BP Windows password resets

Rare privilege Microsoft WOS-281-ER enumeration event Windows detected

Microsoft Rare usage of netview WEL-ALL-709-ER Windows commands

Spike in Microsoft WOS-240-BP administrative shares Windows accessed

Rare child or parent Microsoft WEL-ALL-713-ER process involving MSHTA Windows executable detected

Microsoft Rare regedit usage WOS-231-ER Windows compared to peer

SNYPR Release Notes 140 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Microsoft Detection of a new WOS-210-ER Windows admin account

Suspicious Microsoft interactions on lsass WEL-ALL-708-RU Windows process - Potential credential dumping

Microsoft Rare registry WOS-229-ER Windows modification by account

Suspicious Powershell Microsoft Activity Function - PSH-ALL-1-RU Windows Powershell Targeted - Possible Bloodhound Attack Analytic

Microsoft Rare usage of remote PSH-ALL-112-ER Windows Powershell management tools

Microsoft Rare powershell PSH-ALL-110-ER Windows Powershell privilege misuse

Microsoft Rare encoded PSH-ALL-113-ER Windows Powershell Powershell Command

Network Possible audit log ACR-CIS-896-RU Security tampering detected - ISE

Abnormal number of Network password changes ACR-CIS-822-BP Security compared to past behavior - ISE

Abnormal number of Network failed authentications ACR-CIS-804-BP Security compared to past behavior - ISE

Detection of new Network ACR-CIS-810-RU admin account Security authentication - ISE

SNYPR Release Notes 141 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Abnormal number of Network authorization failures ACR-CIS-805-BP Security compared to past behavior - ISE

Network Abnormal number of ACR-CIS-823-BP Security audit file deletions - ISE

Abnormal number of Network failed admin ACR-CIS-811-BP Security authentications compared to past behavior - ISE

Network Abnormal number of NTA-ALL-868-BP Traffic Analytics files downloaded - NTA

Abnormal Amount of Network NTA-ALL-833-BA Data Emailed to Traffic Analytics Competitor - NTA

Network Rare user-agent NTA-ALL-805-ER Traffic Analytics Detected - NTA

Abnormal amount of Network data egressed to competitor NTA-ALL-843-BA Traffic Analytics domains compared to peer behavior - NTA

Abnormal number of Network NTA-ALL-838-BP files shared to Competitor Traffic Analytics Domains - NTA

Abnormal Number of Network NTA-ALL-859-BP Compressed Files Emailed - Traffic Analytics NTA

Network Rare dns host NTA-ALL-801-TA Traffic Analytics resolved - NTA

Abnormal Number of Network NTA-ALL-825-BP Emails to Personal Email - Traffic Analytics NTA

SNYPR Release Notes 142 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Abnormal number of Network NTA-ALL-845-BP DNS record type ANY Traffic Analytics queries observed - NTA

Abnormal Amount of Network NTA-ALL-840-BA Data Emailed to Traffic Analytics Nonbusiness Domain - NTA

Abnormal amount of Network NTA-ALL-804-BA data aggregated from FTP Traffic Analytics ports - NTA

Abnormal amount of Network NTA-ALL-814-BA files downloaded compared Traffic Analytics to past behavior - NTA

Abnormal amount of Network NTA-ALL-808-BA data uploads to external Traffic Analytics sites - NTA

Abnormal amount of Network data egressed to non- NTA-ALL-854-BA Traffic Analytics business domains compared to peer behavior - NTA

Abnormal Number of Network NTA-ALL-827-BP Source Code Emailed - Traffic Analytics NTA

Network Abnormal Number of NTA-ALL-800-BP Traffic Analytics Emails to Competitor - NTA

Abnormal number of Network NTA-ALL-860-BP files shared to Non Traffic Analytics Business domains - NTA

Abnormal upload Network NTA-ALL-818-BP attempts to distinct storage Traffic Analytics sites - NTA

SNYPR Release Notes 143 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Abnormal number of Network NTA-ALL-828-BP file deletions compared to Traffic Analytics past behavior - NTA

Abnormal amount of Network data transmitted from NTA-ALL-865-BA Traffic Analytics known file transfer ports - NTA

Abnormal amount of Network NTA-ALL-819-BA data uploads to storage Traffic Analytics sites - NTA

Network DHCP request from NTA-ALL-809-ER Traffic Analytics rare device - NTA

Network Abnormal number of NTA-ALL-866-BP Traffic Analytics DHCP requests - NTA

Account accessing a Network NTA-ALL-841-ER file share never accessed Traffic Analytics before - NTA

Abnormal number of Network emails sent to competitor NTA-ALL-831-BP Traffic Analytics domains compared to peer behavior - NTA

Network Abnormal Number of NTA-ALL-867-BP Traffic Analytics Email Forwards - NTA

Only member in the Network NTA-ALL-851-ER peer group to access a file Traffic Analytics share - NTA

Abnormal Amount of Network NTA-ALL-846-BA Data Emailed to Personal Traffic Analytics Email - NTA

Network Uploads to text NTA-ALL-857-RU Traffic Analytics storage websites - NTA

SNYPR Release Notes 144 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Account Network NTA-ALL-836-ER authenticating from rare Traffic Analytics geolocation on VPN - NTA

Abnormal Number of Network NTA-ALL-812-BP Emails to Nonbusiness Traffic Analytics Domains - NTA

Abnormal number of Network emails to non business NTA-ALL-858-BP Traffic Analytics domains compared to peer behavior - NTA

Network Rare File Share NTA-ALL-821-ER Traffic Analytics Detected - NTA

Account Next authenticating from rare IFW-ALL-1151-ER Generation Firewall geolocation on VPN - Next Gen Firewall

Rare port used by Next NGF-760-ERR applications on network Generation Firewall traffic - Next Gen Firewall

VPN Activity from Next IFW-ALL-881-RU Known Malicious Addresses Generation Firewall - Next Gen Firewall

Next Remote Database IFW-ALL-919-BP Generation Firewall Scanner - SIEM

Abnormal number of Next NGF-710 DNS zone transfers - Next Generation Firewall Gen Firewall

Next Possible Account IFW-ALL-805-RU Generation Firewall Sharing - Next Gen Firewall

Next Possible Enumeration IFW-ALL-913-DB Generation Firewall over LDAP Port - SIEM

SNYPR Release Notes 145 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Rare application for Next known protocols on NGF-761-ERR Generation Firewall network traffic - Next Gen Firewall

Activity by Next IFW-ALL-910-RU terminated user on Firewall Generation Firewall - SIEM

Unauthorized printer Print PRN-ALL-837-RU usage

SxTestCase1 - Account TestCaseGroup3 TST-CDA-803-BP enumeration from a host

SxTestCase2 - Host TestCaseGroup4 TST-CDA-804-BP enumeration from an account

Spike in SU Unix / Linux UNX-ALL-818-BP authentication failures- / AIX Behavior

Activity towards a Unix / Linux UNX-ALL-810-ER rare hostname never / AIX connected before

Abnormal high number Unix / Linux UNX-ALL-815-BP of login failure - Remote / AIX Address

Abnormal number of SU Unix / Linux UNX-ALL-821-BP login failures - Target user / AIX enumeration

Unix / Linux Spike In Failed SSHD UNX-ALL-802-BP / AIX Logs-Behavior

Beaconing Traffic to Web Proxy PXY-ALL-830-RU proxy anonymizing websites

SNYPR Release Notes 146 New and Improved Content

Functionality Signature ID Policy Name

Detection of possible Web Proxy PXY-ALL-869-RU proxy circumvention

Beaconing traffic to Web Proxy PXY-ALL-920-TA-SIEM known black list site

Rare teleconferencing Web Proxy PXY-ALL-882-ERR-SIEM application accessed by an account

Possible SolarWinds Web Server WEB-ALL-809-ER SUPERNOVA i18n Malicious Activity Analytic

Possible SolarWinds Web Server WEB-ALL-810-RU SUPERNOVA Auth Bypass Exploitation Analytic

High number of attack Web IFW-ALL-729-BP signatures across the Application Firewall resource

Web Rare geolocation for IFW-ALL-726-ERR Application Firewall WAF host accessed

Web Rare port and IFW-ALL-727-ERR Application Firewall protocol combination

Abnormal number of Web IFW-ALL-728-BP distinct attack signatures Application Firewall detected on a host

Web Rare attack signature IFW-ALL-730-ERR Application Firewall detected

SNYPR Release Notes 147 Known Issues

Known Issues

The following table describes the known issues that exist in this release:

Component Summary

The Spotter query does not return any result when you create a Analytics Service policy with the Batched Analytics technique.

The custom-analyzer spark job fails while reading data from archive Analytics Service storage (HDFS).

Analytics Service Scheduling does not work for Spotter based policies.

When you delete datasource and activity data, the application Analytics Service does not delete the associated threat models.

The Violation Summary screen displays incorrect information for Analytics Service the Check Against Lookup Table policy type when the policy has Not Equal and Does Not Contain operators.

By default, the Violation Summary screen for AEE policies only Analytics Service displays 5 values irrespective of the threshold value.

When you upgrade to SNYPR 6.4, the risk score for a few Analytics Service violators might reduce to zero.

When you access a policy in the edit mode after upgrading to Analytics Service SNYPR 6.4, tier-2 checks created for a tenant are not displayed However, this does not affect policy detection.

After you upgrade SNYPR 6.4, newly ingested data may not be visible in the Search Results view from Spotter. If your data is Hunting Service not visible, you must manually update Spotter to view your ingested data.

The validation message is not displayed when the following Hunting Service queries are used in Spotter: index = activity and policyname not null.

SNYPR Release Notes 148 Known Issues

Component Summary

For index = geolocation queries, the pause job icon does not Hunting Service display the updated status when the query is paused from the Spotter> View Jobs.

Hunting Service The Eval from_unixtime is displaying incorrect date and time.

When you run a query with the Where operator to specify a range, Hunting Service the records are out-of-the specified range.

Hunting Service The Delete operator is not working for the archived queries.

When you run a query with Stats Distinct and Filter together, the query does not display the result. However, it displays the number of matched records in SNYPR. Hunting Service For example: index= violation | FILTER index = riskscore and employeeid = employeeid and doctype = entity_threatmodel | STATS DISTINCT(accountname) department

When you export and import a Data Insight dashboard, the Hunting Service original exported dashboard is over written by the imported dashboard.

When you modify the name of the RIN server, the data import stops Ingestion Service working.

There are instances where the Parser Management screen of Ingestion Service Activity Import takes time to load.

In Derived Fields, the File Name Extractor operator does not work Ingestion Service when the value has a special character except for backslash and forward .

Action Filter to enrich using Persona information fails when Ingestion Service multiple Persona Builder actions are applied.

Ingestion Service The length of the tenant name can be up to 40 characters only.

SNYPR Release Notes 149 Known Issues

Component Summary

When the size of the lookup import file is more than 5MB, the Ingestion Service system takes a long time to preview the data in the file.

The Whitelisting feature does not support comparison operator for Ingestion Service date and time attribute during User Import.

l You cannot have duplicate events within a single case.

l Only the initial events that were added to an incident will display in the Events view, within the Incident Management screen, regardless of any additional events you may add.

l Only the first 1,000 events are added to an incident from Response Service Spotter.

l When the incident data expires, the incident will no longer have events in it.

l The status of an incident will not display in the Graphical Analysis view within Incident Management.

The Created By field in the Incidents panel displays as Admin Response Service when an incident is created during playbook execution by a non admin user.

When Do you wish to stop action propagation for sub-incidents ? is enabled and an analyst updates the workflow for an incident with Response Service multiple threats, then the workflow for the child incidents gets updated. However, the Activity Stream of child incidents does not record the workflow update.

The Action History button is not displayed for policy that has auto Response Service incident enabled.

The watchlist widget displays the incorrect policy name for an Response Service entity, when that entity is watchlisted in two different policies.

When you perform an action from the Other Policy tab of the Security Command Center, the screen displays the message, Response Service "Action taken in progress and may take some time." When the waiting period is complete, you can perform the action again.

SNYPR Release Notes 150 Known Issues

Component Summary

The system takes some time to retrieve the records based on the Response Service filter criteria specified while adding an attribute from Views > Whitelist.

For an On-Demand Incident, the Tabular view does not display Response Service properly in Incident Management when events are added from different datasources to an incident.

While assigning an incident, admin users and groups are not Response Service getting listed.

The Incident Management screen does not display an entities Response Service name when the entity is white-listed and when an incident is created for the entity.

When an incident is white-listed, the incident status does not Response Service update to Incident Status: Completed.

The playbook status does not display when a user runs a playbook Response Service manually.

The Take Action button is not visible on the Security Command Response Service Center when an auto incident is generated for a network address or uncorrelated account.

The HTTP status code for the Anomali playbook is not seen in the Response Service displayed message.

The correlated accounts are not getting included in the watchlist Response Service widget and are saved as uncorrelated accounts in View > Watchlist.

When Securonix SOAR is enabled in SNYPR and you create a threat indicator for a new policy, the Create New Threat Response Service Indicator screen displays the list of child playbooks. Additionally, the screen displays as undefined when you enable auto playbook.

The Audit framework does not record when the threat models are Shared Service deleted.

SNYPR Release Notes 151 Known Issues

Component Summary

The Auditing Report's file size differs based on the file format. Shared Service The file size for DOC and RTF is more than other formats such as PDF, CSV, and XLS.

The Auditing screen displays an incorrect group name when entity Shared Service metadata is deleted from the Job monitor.

The scheduled categorized report jobs are not listed in the Shared Service Scheduled Report Jobs screen.

Shared Service In some scenarios, the null pointer exception error occurs when an (Multi-tenant) admin user accesses Add Data modules.

SNYPR Release Notes 152