Reviews of Maria Graham’s Published Works

1812 Journal of a Residence in India

ƒ 1812, The British Review, and Critical Journal, vol. IV, pp. 349-360

ƒ 1812, Sept-Dec., The Quarterly Review, Vol. VIII, pp. 406-421

ƒ 1813, Jan-June, The British Critic, and Quarterly Theological Review, vol. XLI, p. 652

ƒ 1813, The Eclectic Review, vol. X, pp. 569-580

ƒ 1813, April, The Critical Review, or Annals of Literature, vol. III, no. iv, pp. 337-346

ƒ 1813, Journal général de la littérature étrangère, Paris, pp. 366-368

ƒ 1814, New Annual Register, pp. 377-379

ƒ 1815, The Christian Observer, vol. XIII, pp. 637-642

ƒ 1815, Monthly Review, vol. LXXXVII, pp. 258ff

ƒ 1815, Jan.-June, European Magazine and London Review, vol. 67, pp. 328-332

ƒ 1815, Allgemeine geographische Ephemeriden, Weimar, p. 253

ƒ 1817, Intelligenzblatt der Jenaischen Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung, Jena & Leipzig, p. 34

1814 Letters on India; with Etchings and a Map

ƒ 1814, July-Dec., The Gentleman’s Magazine, vol. LXXXIV, part 2, pp. 357- 359

ƒ 1814, The Monthly Magazine, or British Register, vol. XXXVIII, part 2, pp. 621-638

ƒ 1815, The British Critic, pp. 221-222

ƒ 1815, Monthly Review, vol. LXXXVII, pp. 258ff

ƒ 1817, Intelligenzblatt der Jenaischen Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung, Jena & Leipzig, p. 34

1815 Memoirs of the War of the French in Spain, By Albert Jean Michel de Rocca. Translated from the French by Maria Graham

ƒ 1815, June-Oct., Edinburgh Review, vol. XXV, pp. 63-86

ƒ 1815, July-Dec., Eclectic Review, vol. IV, new series, pp. 448-454

ƒ 1815, The British Critic

ƒ 1816, The New Annual Register for the Year 1815, p. 411

ƒ 1816, The Monthly Review, vol. LXXX, pp. 243-256

ƒ 1817, The American Monthly Magazine and Critical Review, vol. I, p. 158

1820 Memoirs of the Life of Nicholas Poussin

ƒ 1821, The British Review and London Critical Journal, vol. XVIII, pp. 28-42

ƒ 1821, Monthly Review, pp. 315ff

ƒ 1821, Jan.-June, Edinburgh Magazine & Literary Miscellany, vol. VIII, pp. 499-505

ƒ 1821, Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, vol. IX, pp. 23-26

ƒ 1821, Jan.-June, The Edinburgh Monthly Review, vol. V, pp. 689-717

ƒ 1822, The New Annual Register, or General Repository, pp. 30-33

1820 Three Months Passed in the Mountains East of Rome, during the Year 1819

ƒ 1820, The London Literary Gazette and Journal of Belles Lettres, pp. 499- 501

ƒ 1820, July-Dec., The New Monthly Magazine and Universal Register, part II, p. 337

ƒ 1821, January, The Eclectic Review, pp. 42-56

ƒ 1821, Edinburgh Review, vol. XXXV, pp. 140-157

ƒ 1821, Edinburgh Monthly Review, vol. V, pp. 558-568

ƒ 1821, The New Annual Register, p. 34

1824 Journal of a Residence in , during the Year 1822; and a Voyage from Chile to , in 1823

ƒ 1825, Monthly Review, or Literary Journal Enlarged, vol. CVI, January-May, pp.189-200

ƒ Jan.- June 1825, Bulletin de la Societe de Geographie, vol. 1825, nos. XXI & XXII, pp. 20-21

ƒ 1824, The Quarterly Review, vol. XXX, pp. 441-472

ƒ July 1824, The Philomathic Journal, pp. 410-421

1824 Journal of a Voyage to Brazil, and Residence there, during Part of the Years 1821, 1822, 1823

ƒ 1824, Jan.-June, Edinburgh Magazine & Literary Miscellany, vol. XIV, pp. 703-711

ƒ 1825, Monthly Review, or Literary Journal Enlarged, vol. CVI, January-May, pp. 180-189

ƒ 1825, The Quarterly Review, vol. XXXI, pp. 1-26

1826 Voyage of H.M.S. Blonde to the Sandwich Islands in the Years 1824-1825. Captain the Right Hon. , Commander. Edited by Maria Graham

ƒ 1827, The Monthly Review, vol. V, p. 58-71

ƒ 1827, Feb., The Christian Advocate, pp. 365-374

ƒ 1827, The Quarterly Review, vol. XXXV, 419-445

ƒ 1827, La Belle Assemblee, vol. V, p. 168

ƒ 1827, The London Magazine, new series, vol. VIII, p. 23

ƒ 1828, January, North American Review, pp. 59-111

ƒ 1836, The American Quarterly Review, vol. XX, pp. 12-13

1828 A Short History of Spain

No reviews located.

1834 A Letter to the President and Members of the Geological Society, in Answer to Certain Observations Contained in Mr. Greenough's Anniversary Address of 1834

No reviews located

1835 Description of the Chapel of the Annunziata Dell' Arena; Or Giotto's Chapel, in Padua.

No reviews located.

1835 Little Arthur's History of .

ƒ 1835, Sept.-Dec., The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Miscellany, vol. XVIII, new series, p. 63 (one line review)

ƒ 1835, The British Magazine and Monthly Register, vol. VIII, p. 324

1836 Essays Towards the History of Painting

ƒ 1836, The British and Foreign Review, vol. III, pp. 150-167

ƒ 1836, The Monthly Review, vol. II, new series, pp. 302-315

1836 Histoire de France du Petit Louis

ƒ 1836, The Metropolitan Magazine, vol. XVI, p. 78 (2 line review)

ƒ 1836, The Monthly Review, vol. II, new series, p. 594

1838 Continuation of Essays Towards the History of Painting

No reviews located.

1840 Palm Sunday; Or, Little Mary's Saturday's Walk

No reviews located.

1840 The Seven Ages of Shakspeare [introductory essay by Maria Callcott]

No reviews located.

1841 The Little Bracken-Burners. A Tale: And Little Mary's Four Saturdays

ƒ 1843, Jan.-June, The Christian Remembrancer, vol. III, 133-134

1842 A Scripture Herbal

ƒ 1843, The Eclectic Magazine, pp. 30-33

ƒ 1843, The Church of England Quarterly Review, vol. XIII, 113-136

ƒ 1863, The Quarterly Review, vol. CXIIV, pp. 42-76