Bumps in the Night!!!! January 2014 Issue Inside This Issue Wishing everyone a “U” Famous Haunts Happy NEW Year!! Tools of the Trade Paranormal or Not? TnT Paranormal Happenings TnT Paranormal Asks It’s hard to believe that 2013 is gone and we are now in a new year. This past year went by Paranormal Talk so fast for us it’s almost a blur. In 2013 we got to do some many new and exciting things Ask TnT Paranormal and we can’t wait to see what 2014 has in store. Upcoming Events In 2013 we, • worked with 59 clients and conducted 22 investigations

• were the guest on several local and national podcasts and radio shows At TnT Paranormal • had articles published in several paranormal newsletters and online publications such as, Investigators LLC our primary mission is to help the client UPI Newsletter, and Paranormal Current with their paranormal • were interviewed by author Dane Ladwig for his book, Piercing the Veils of Death concerns. We research the background of the property, • got to investigate with several of the TAPS team members, John Zaffis, and local favorite, gather data during an onsite Dale Kaczmerek investigation, review that data • hosted 17 lecture programs at various locations around the Chicagoland area to determine if any paranormal data was captured, and • hosted 2 Investigate with TnT Paranormal Events; one at the Coronado Theatre and the provide the client with a report other at Tinker Swiss Cottage (both locations are in Rockford) of our findings. We also use this time to educate our clients We have a lot of interesting articles in this months issue on Dybuk Box, Crump Theatre, on the paranormal field and Photography Dos and Don't, and an interview with paranormal investigator Rob Depew. If helping to ease their fears. you are a budding author, or even an experienced one and would love to have your article in

We would love to assist you our newsletter, please let us know.

with your paranormal needs. If We are always on the lookout for new cases and places to investigate, so please keep us in you would like to know more about our services, ask us mind if you hear of anything. That’s all for this issue but not all, by any means, for us and questions, or to request an what we are up to. To learn more go to our website (www.tntparanormal.com), check us out investigation please go to on FaceBook (https://www.facebook.com/#!/home.php?sk=group_146712678732927&ap=1), www.tntparanormal.com. or Twitter (@TnTParanormal). www.tntparanormal.com We never charge a client for an investigation! Bumps in the Night!!!! January 2014 Issue Paranormal “U”

Dybbuk Box

By Carl Crooks, TnT Paranormal Investigators LLC

The term “dybbuk box” is a reference to an antique wine box that was owned by an antique shop owner named Kevin Mannis, whose shop is located in Portland Oregon. He used the name, dybbuk, upon hearing the story that this antique wine box had some type of negative spirit attached to it. The original owner of the wine box was a holocaust survivor, and as the story goes, she purposely put a dybbuk spirit into the antique wine box before coming to live in the .

In Jewish mythology, the dybbuk is a malicious spirit or demon that is the dislocated soul of a dead person. The dybbuk enters the body of a living person who then controls the behaviors of that host body. The only way to rid the body of this demon spirit is through the rites of . Some people are familiar with this story and term from Syfy channel’s, Paranormal Witness, Episode 204, which originally aired on August 29, 2012. It is a rather fantastic story of how the presence of this box was quite disturbing to his business. Figuring out that the problems were stemming from the wine box, he tried selling it on eBay making potential buyers fully aware of the events around it. Eventually, he sold it to a curious gentleman wishing to experience these dark events .

The story goes on with the box continuing to bring trouble to all the people who come around it and the environments in which it is stored. Finally, the current owner, passes the box on to the director of a medical museum who also experiences difficulties. Jason Haxton, the director, consults with local rabbis who help to seal the box properly at which time the negative experiences stopped. It is currently stored at an undisclosed location.

Interestingly enough, there is an opposite type of possession called an Ibbur. An ibbur is when the soul of a righteous person temporarily possesses a person, always with permission, so this person can perform a mitzvah, a moral deed performed as a religious duty. The dybbuk has also been a part of popular culture with it being part of three theatrical releases: A Serious Man (2009), The Unborn (2009), and The Possession (2012).

For me, the fun of this story is the connection to old world folklore and mythology. Despite whether this story is true or not, there is some comfort in knowing that the things many of us think about, and even believe in, are things that people have thought about and believed in for hundreds of years. Certainly, knowing that, it causes me to think that the truth is out there.

For more information, you may wish to visit these web sites: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dybbuk_box http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dybbuk http://www.syfy/paranormalwitness/episode204

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Ask TnT Paranormal

The following question(s) was/were submitted by our readers, by our online subscribers, or at events.

What is Samhain?

Samhain (pronounced Sow-en) is a Celtic word meaning “summer’s end”. The Celts believed that summer ended on October 31st and the New Year started on November 1st and, as they followed a Lunar calendar, celebrations started at sunset on the 31st. Samhain celebrations honored the dead who were allowed to rise from the Otherworld to be sent to their new incarnations as well as honored the Celtic Gods and Goddesses of the harvest, fields and flocks, asking for their favor throughout the coming year in return.

A more in depth look at its history can be found at: http://www.paganspath.com/magik/samhain-history.htm

- Jenni Garcia, Investigator in Training

Name this Haunted Location

Do you know the name of this haunted location? Email us with your guess at [email protected].

Last months Name this Haunted Location was Missouri State Pen in Jefferson City, MO.

Photo courtesy of The Midwest Society. www.tntparanormal.com 3 We never charge a client for an investigation! Bumps in the Night!!!! January 2014 Issue TnT Paranormal Asks Rob Depew

Rob Depew was born and raised in the small town of Marquette Heights, IL. Rob has always been interested in the paranormal but never pursued researching it until a shoulder injury ended his competitive softball days. Rob and his wife, Krystal, joined a paranormal research group but soon decided they would like to try it on their own, thus creating Illinois Ghost Seekers Society. Most of his free time is spent learning and researching the equipment used for paranormal investigating.

1) Tell our readers a little bit about you and the role you serve in the field of the paranormal? My name is Rob Depew and my wife and I run a team called Illinois Ghost Seekers Society located by Peoria, IL. We have been married for 17 years and have a 15 year old son, London. Our group has been together for roughly 6 years and we usually average about 2 investigations a month, with most of them being peoples homes.

2) How long have you been interested in the paranormal and what sparked that interest? I have always been interested in the paranormal even though I had never experienced anything personally. The idea that there are things out there we have not found yet is cool, even if they are not paranormal.

3) What makes you and/or your team different from others in the field? I would say that we really aren't any different than a lot of teams out there. We have a mixture of different backgrounds and beliefs that seem to work well together. I do think we use more common sense than some other groups though.

4) What do you believe is the most common mistake paranormal investigators make? How can they correct that mistake? I think most groups biggest mistakes are not knowing their equipment. How different conditions effect their camera and photographs. What their EMF meter is actually measuring. Most of this can be avoided just by researching the equipment. And I strongly feel that beliefs have no use when investigating a claim. There are a lot of beliefs out there that have not been proven at all, but yet they are generally accepted. One being that spirits give off EMF.

5) In your career in the paranormal have you ever had someone bring up a phenomenon or unusual experience that you had never heard of before? We have not run into that yet. Usually most claims are of noises or things being moved.

6) Any advice for a new investigator getting into the field of the paranormal? Learn your equipment and use common sense. Get to know others that have the knowledge you lack. David Rountree and Paul Browning are excellent sources for the more scientific questions you have. Kenny Biddle can answer almost any question dealing with photography.

7) What do you believe is the best tool a paranormal investigator can use during an investigation? Your brain. All the other tools you use only collect data that may or may not have a paranormal origin. Don't rely on them only. If you are going into a persons home you need to remember that this is their life you are dealing with and what you tell them could have a major effect on it.

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TnT Paranormal Asks Rob Depew

8) What is your favorite place/location to investigate? The Bowen building in Bartonville, IL. It is a huge old asylum that is just a beautiful building. We have had quite a few strange experiences there and the size of it allows you to spread your group out without worrying about bumping in to each other. The owner and the volunteers are nice as well. Check them out at http://peoria-asylum.com/

9) Have you ever had a paranormal experience that “changed” you in some way? Either for the positive or the negative. Not really. I have only had one experience that I would consider paranormal, and that is I seen a ball moving on it's own at a house in Forest City, IL. If anything I would say that after all the investigations we have done I am becoming more skeptical.

10) How can our readers contact you to learn more about you and the work you do in the field of the paranormal? You can visit our website at http://www.illinoisghost.com/ or find us on Facebook at the following: https://www.facebook.com/groups/342175626870/, https://www.facebook.com/illinoisghost, and https://www.facebook.com/illinoisghostseekerssociety?fref=ts

www.tntparanormal.com 5 We never charge a client for an investigation! Bumps in the Night!!!! January 2014 Issue

From the Paranormal Store

Paranormal Illinois

Why did hundreds of people line up bumper to bumper in rural Illinois to catch a glimpse of a scantily clad phantom along Kennedy Hill Road? What is the real history behind Independence Grove and Devil's Gate? This painstakingly researched book leaves no ghost unturned.

Michael Kleen earned a M.A. in History from Eastern Illinois University in 2008 and a M.S. in Education from Western Illinois University in 2011. He is the author of numerous books, including Tales of Coles County, Illinois, Six Tales of Terror, Shades of Gray: Strange Tales from the Old Dominion, and Paranormal Illinois. Michael has spoken about local history and folklore at conventions, libraries, cafes, schools, and colleges; and he has presented research papers at the 2007 and 2010 Conference on Illinois History in Springfield.

Author: Michael Kleen ISBN-10: 0764334301 ISBN-13: 978-0764334306

Haunting Illinois: A Tourist's Guide to the Weird and Wild Places of the Prairie State

For over a decade, Michael Kleen, author of the Legends and Lore of Illinois, has researched and traveled to mystery spots all over the Prairie State. Now, he has created the most organized and comprehensive guide to haunted and legendary places ever written about Illinois. Haunting Illinois is that guide. Haunting Illinois contains 200 mystery sites and 85 individual illustrations. In this book, Michael not only examines the sites, but also the hobbyists and professionals who have devoted their lives to exploring the strange and unusual in our great state. Divided among eight distinct regions and listed by county, each location features a description, directions, and sources drawn from a diverse variety of books and articles. Haunting Illinois challenges you to get off the couch and start exploring our wonderful State of Illinois. You might be surprised at what you discover!

Author: Michael Kleen ISBN-10: 1933272295 ISBN-13: 978-1933272290

www.tntparanormal.com 6 We never charge a client for an investigation! Bumps in the Night!!!! January 2014 Issue

Famous Haunts

The Crump Theatre (Columbus, IN)

Website: http://www.thecrumptheatre.com

The Crump Theater located in Columbus, Indiana, is the oldest theater in the state of Indiana. It was placed on the National Register of Historical places in 1982 as part of the Columbus Historic District.

The Crump Theater was originally an opera house contracted to be built in 1872 by Francis J. Crump. The opera house was built behind and attached to front existing buildings which lined Third Street. The existing building’s façade had three beautiful stone arches, and its front entrance was located at the middle arch. A local mortuary was housed in the front building to the left. The grand opening performance took place on October 28, 1872. In the late 1800’s a fire destroyed the second and third floors of the opera house.

In 1889 work was completed on J.S. Crump’s New Theater. The grand opening took place on October 30, 1889. During the early years the theater hosted many traveling theater troupes.

In 1920 the theater closed for several months for renovations. With the popularity of moving pictures and the decline of traveling theater troupes, The Crump Theater was renovated so that it may accommodate both. The front stone arch façade was removed along with the front buildings so that the theater could be enlarged. The theater reopened October 3, 1920. At this time the general public was invited free of charge to come and view the renovations that boasted over 2,000 seats and at a cost of about $50,000.

In 1941 The Crump Theater went through yet another renovation. At this time the vitrolite glass (an opaque pigmented glass manufactured by Pilkington Brothers in the United Kingdom) exterior front was added. The lobby was enlarged along with a 45 foot tall marquee with 5 foot tall letters that spelled out “Crump”.

Besides showing movies, The Crump Theater was a venue for many community activities including banquets and award ceremonies. The theater prospered throughout the 1970’s and even offered live music acts such as Indiana’s own John Mellencamp. In the 1980’s it became a discount movie theater and at this time the Crump slowly started to decay and deteriorate. By the end of the decade The Crump Theater was in serious disrepair and had been closed down. The building came close to being demolished.

In the mid 1990’s The Crump Theater was saved from the wrecking ball by the many people who had come to love the theater. The theater is now owned by the Columbus Capitol Foundation. Together with generous donations and many volunteer hours they have been able to make the repairs necessary to be able to reopen the theater. Today The Crump Theater hosts live performances and the occasional movie. There are still many cosmetic repairs needed in order to return this theater to its former glory.

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Famous Haunts The Crump Theatre

Over the years The Crump Theater has become well known for its paranormal activity. The theater is available to be booked for private paranormal investigations. And all money raised goes toward preserving The Crump Theater.

There are many reports of activity. Shadow people have been seen throughout the theater, especially in the upper level area. Many have heard disembodied voices. Several different investigative teams have captured EVP’s (electronic voice phenomenon are sounds found on electronic recordings that resemble speech, but are reportedly not the result of intentional recording or rendering) many of which were captured in the front lobby area where the mortuary was once housed.

The Crump Theater is billed as one of Indiana’s most haunted locations, check it out if you dare!

Recently it was reported that long time caretaker for The Crump will be stepping down from her post after the New Years Eve party. She indicates that the current owners are doing studies of what to do with the theatre and/or the land and they have not been including her in these discussions. Unfortunately the end maybe near for this historic theatre. If you are interested in how you might be able to help with the location please contact [email protected] and we can provide information for how.

To learn more about The Crump Theatre go to: http://www.thecrumptheatre.com http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Crump_Theatre https://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/The-Crump-Theatre/167965963222118

www.tntparanormal.com 8 We never charge a client for an investigation! Bumps in the Night!!!! January 2014 Issue Tools of the Trade

Photography Dos and Don’ts

By Mark Yount, TnT Paranormal Investigators LLC

Photography is a very important tool in the field of paranormal investigation. The investigator can capture images that may show evidence that is, or is not, visible to the naked eye. Most of the techniques that apply to still photography, single image at a time, also apply, at least to some degree to videography.

To increase the chances that an investigator can capture clear and concise images, he/she should have an understanding of the camera that is being used. Below are definitions of common terms used in photography.

To acquire useful images using a still camera, or video camera the following suggestions will help: • Use a tripod or body stabilizer to reduce camera shake www.tntparanormal.com 9 We never charge a client for an investigation! Bumps in the Night!!!! January 2014 Issue

Tools of the Trade Photography Dos and Don’ts

• Clean camera lens as often as needed. Especially in dusty areas, or areas with high humidity. • Verify that there are enough fully charged batteries for the time planned and increase by half. • Document all environmental data – temperature, humidity, dew point, etc. • Do not change settings unless you are sure that it will enhance image. • Do not take flash pictures unless absolutely necessary and never when another investigator is handholding an infrared camera, as the flash can affect their eyes. • If flash is used, do not take pictures towards a mirror, picture frame with glass, or other shiny surface.

Paranormal or Not?

Answer will be provided in next month’s issue. The picture to the left was taken by Producer Jeff Answer from the previous issue: Leeper while at a bonfire for a paranormal conference. Thoughts?

The picture to the above was taken by a close friend of the team. It appears to be a reflection from the trees.

www.tntparanormal.com 10 We never charge a client for an investigation! Bumps in the Night!!!! January 2014 Issue

Sneak Peek

In the next issue of Bumps in the Night!!!:

• Paranormal “U” - Epilepsy and the Paranormal

• Famous Haunts – Whispers Estate

• Tools of the Trade – Explanation of Light and Audio ranges

We have TnT Paranormal t-shirts. Place your order today at: http://www.tntparanormal.com/apps/webstore/

Seeking Team Members and Consultants

We are seeking team members for the following positions: Case Manager and Data Reviewer. All members are volunteers and must be 18 years of age or older. No member receives any compensation for their participation. All team members are required to meet certain obligations to the team. If you are serious about paranormal investigation and research and we sound like a team you would like to pursue a membership with go to http://www.tntparanormal.com/seekingnewteammembers.htm to learn more.

We are also looking for professionals from various fields to act as consultants on cases, such as: pharmacists, meteorologists, clergy, shaman, historians, and people in the medical field. If you are in one of these fields and would like to assist a paranormal team please email us at [email protected] . www.tntparanormal.com 11 We never charge a client for an investigation! Bumps in the Night!!!! January 2014 Issue Paranormal Talk with Rev. Kathy

Human Energy Systems

Part 1

Contributed By Rev. Kathy Houck, Independent Paranormal Investigations Research Consultant

Our Electronic World

Everything in the Universe is energy. Energy never dies, it simply transforms. When a white-dwarf star burns out of the hydrogen it needs to provide light, it explodes into a massive supernova that becomes the birthplace of a new star or planet. The star does not die in essence it ends it’s existence and begins anew. It is much the same for humans when we pass from a living state to a spirit one.

Understanding the energy that the human body retains and is capable of is a difficult thing to fathom. Unlike a shining star, we are formed into solid substances of bone, tissue and water. Still, these very tangible physical aspects are at the molecular level, energy. Even inanimate objects (mass) are made of energy. Everything everywhere is energy.

Some people seem to have an unlikely high number of occurrences of blown light bulbs, appliances that don’t last their life expectancies, phones that freeze or drain the battery unusually quickly or an oddly high rate of streetlights that go out when they walk past. Why do we have such a hard time believing that it’s the person could in fact be causing the electrical interference? It’s known as Psychokenesis, abbreviated as PK and it’s much more common that you might think. It is described as the psychic ability to interfere with objects (most often electrical) without physical interference. The energy within the human body can be powerful, erratic and affect the environment, most often electrical appliances.

In most cases, paranormal investigators do a very good job at identifying causes of strange phenomena within a residence or building. One of the reasons that I respect and work closely with TnT Paranormal is because they are looking for real answers. They do their homework; they have the right equipment and approach each case from a scientific viewpoint first and foremost. Nobody runs in the door and starts ranting about , they want to know if you have a gas leak or bats in the attic. Things like these can be quickly assessed and a course of corrective action taken. Homeowner sleeps better at night and all is well.

What about when strange activity points to a living person though? It’s the human energy factor (or psychic energy) that causes a large amount of reported paranormal activity. In “Mind Over Matter” by Loyd Aurbach, a leading and well known Parapsychologist, he takes a very detailed look at the events which surround individuals with PK. He even points out that just like there are ‘technology killers’, people like myself who seem to unwittingly zap electronics to smithereens, there are also those who seem to be able to touch electrical gadgets that can ‘rescue’ them from dis- function with ease. If you happen to be one of these people, come over to my house…I have a bunch of stuff I need fixed.

Next month, I will be detailing some of the energy systems within the human body in the hopes that it will be easier to identify causes and effects, such as the importance and functions of the chakras. In the meantime, if you have any questions on the subject of human energy systems/psychic energy I encourage you to send them in.

www.tntparanormal.com 12 We never charge a client for an investigation! Bumps in the Night!!!! January 2014 Issue Bumps in the Night!!! Rewind

Paranormal U

Tips for Audio Data Gathering

by Melissa Tanner , TnT Paranormal Investigators LLC

from February 2011 Issue

The practice of gathering audio evidence is an important part of all paranormal investigations. The following information is meant to be a rule of thumb for such evidence gathering: 1. First and foremost talk in a normal voice and do not whisper or talk loudly. It will be hard to distinguish between an investigators voice and a paranormal one. 2. It is best to remain stationary if you are holding the recorder. The movement and footsteps will be picked up by the recorder and could be confused with something paranormal. 3. Be careful not to bump or rub the recorder during the session. It is best to set the recorder down on a flat surface during audio sessions. If you can not, then hold it firmly in your hand, with your hand as far from the microphone as possible. 4. If possible start the recorder before you enter the investigation site. Several investigators have reported catching EVPs like “Shhh, they are coming” or “Shhh, be quiet they are trying to find us” as they enter into rooms at haunted locations. Lucky for those investigators they had their recorder on already and hadn’t waited until after they entered the room. The rule of thumb we use is to have one running 100% of the time from entry into the property until we exit. 5. When you turn on a recorder pause for 20 to 30 seconds before you begin to speak. There is a theory that most EVPs happen within the first few minutes of turning one on. If that is true you just might be talking when the first EVP comes in. 6. After the desired pause, announce the date/time, location, and who this is. This is important to distinguish one investigator or area in an investigation from another. 7. Take a baseline reading of the investigation space and of the investigators. That is done by allowing the recorder to run in the environment at least 20 to 30 minutes with no one in the area. Also if possible, have all investigators speak their name and a key phrase into the recorder as well (or at least one on the site), such as “Can you tell us your name?”. That way you get a baseline of the sound of the environment, as well as one of each investigator’s voice. 8. Make sure to call out all noises you as an investigator make and/or any noises you can identify the cause for. That way the reviewer of the audio evidence will know that it is nothing they need to review further. For instance, if you move a chair or open a creaky door, call it out. If you use your flashlight or other equipment and it makes a noise, call it out. Even if your stomach growls, call it out. This will save you a lot of wasted time during the review and possible embarrassment. 9. During the Question and Answer segment of the audio data gathering make sure to speak clearly and at a normal speed and tone. Be sure to pause at least 30 seconds between questions. This pause will give the spirits time to answer. The theory is they have to manifest energy to communicate so it might take a few seconds to do so. 10. Make sure the recorder has fresh batteries before you start the investigation. During an investigation there is nothing worse, than batteries dying on a key piece of equipment. You also should check on the equipment throughout the night to make sure they are still working.

www.tntparanormal.com 13 We never charge a client for an investigation! Bumps in the Night!!!! January 2014 Issue

Paranormal “U”

Bumps in the Night!!! Rewind Paranormal “U” - Tips for Audio Data Gathering

11. Check the settings of the recorder and make sure you are using the most optimum settings for the environment you are in. The recommendation is at the highest quality possible. 12. When you are done gathering evidence for the night, announce into the recorder that the data gathering session is complete. That way you avoid any confusion on why the recorder shut off when it did. 13. Make sure to ask simple, clearly worded, and concise questions. We still don’t know much about this field and how spirits hear what we are saying. Breaking questions down into as simple of terms as possible is best and will reach a broader audience. 14. Try asking questions that may be relevant to the activity report and avoid questions that might not make sense to such activity. For instance, if the activity reported seems to be a child, then focus the questions on something a child would understand like: “Would you like to play with us” or “Do you like balls/toys?”. However, if it is a soldier in a Civil War uniform and you are in GA you might ask questions such as “Did you fight for the confederacy?” or “Were you with the GA militia?”. Make sure to avoid any slang or language that might not be understood. 15. Be polite. You will get more bees with honey than vinegar. That is true with real life and I have to believe it is true with the after life as well. If you were a spirit would you want to communicate with someone that is nice and pleasant or someone that is mean and gruff. Also, make sure to say thank you throughout the session. 16. Lastly, announce your intentions of what you are doing and what you are looking for. The spirit has been there longer than you and will be there past you’re leaving. Just let them know you don’t want to hurt them, affect their environment, and/or have them leave.

To learn more about Paranormal Current, go to: http://paranormalcurrent.com/ www.tntparanormal.com 14 We never charge a client for an investigation! Bumps in the Night!!!! January 2014 Issue

www.tntparanormal.com 15 We never charge a client for an investigation! Bumps in the Night!!!! January 2014 Issue

Upcoming TnT Paranormal Investigator Spotlight Events Don Koretos 2014 Dates: Investigator in Training • Feb 28 at 7P – Frankfort Park District (102) • Mar 15 - Investigate with TnT Paranormal at Coronado Theatre Don was born and raised in Chicago and its northwest suburbs (see ad on page 15) and currently resides in one with his wife of 21 years and • Mar 28 at 7P - Crete Park District (101) bulldogs. Don has been an Application Developer with a major • May 16 at 6-10P – Investigate with TnT Paranormal at Midway telecom company since the mid 90’s and by looking at him today Village (see ad in lower right corner of page) one would never have guessed that he was a former 80’s hair • May 16 at 7P - Arlington Heights Historical Museum (120) band musician who used to play at venues such as the Thirsty • May 29 at 7P - Westmont Public Library (105) Whale. Don has always thought of himself as a paranormal • Sep11 at 7P - Cary Area Public Library (101) enthusiast and as his passion for the paranormal grew over the • Sep12 at 7P - Frankfort Park District (105) years he knew he had to raise the bar and become an actual • Sep 18 at 7P – Lemont Public Library (103) paranormal investigator. Don’s hobbies include fishing, music, • Oct 9 at 7P - Cary Area Public Library (105) and playing fetch with his special needs bulldog, Brutus. • Oct 16 at 7P - Glen Ellyn Public Library (102) • Oct 23 at 7P - Franklin Park Public Library (104) • Oct 25 @1P - New Lenox Public Library (105) • Oct 30 at 7P - Lockport Public Library (102) • Nov 7 at 7P - Crete Park District (102) • Nov 8 at 1P – Crest Hill Public Library (105)

Unless otherwise noted all of the above events are FREE to the public. We are adding new events all the time, so please keep checking the updated list: http://www.tntparanormal.com/events.htm

Upcoming Local Paranormal Events

Local Events: • Jan 17, Feb 7, or Mar 7 at 7P - Paranormal Tour at Tinker Swiss Cottage; http://www.tinkercottage.com/upcoming-events.html • Feb 16 at 6:30PM - Valentine's Dinner with the Dead at Hope and Anchor Pub; http://www.hauntedrockford.com/events.html • Mar 22 at 7P - Paranormal Tour of the Historic Briggs Mansion; http://www.hauntedrockford.com/events.html www.tntparanormal.com 16 We never charge a client for an investigation!