African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1864

Shot in the Head. "Aunt Becky," a colored woman was shot in the head at the Junction Hotel in this place last week, the bullet dividing, a part of it passing clear through the brain. She is still alive. The pistol was in the hands of a man recently arrived there as a help, and the firing is reported to have been accidental. [HT-29 Oct 1863/p3/c1]

"Aunt Becky" / Junction Hotel (Kokomo) / Shootings (accidental) ______

Indiana is just beginning to wake up on the subject of colored recruits. If it had not been for the existence of an insane prejudice on the subject, we might have had credit for large numbers who now swell the ranks of regiments formed in some of our more wide-awake sister States. But now the work goes rapidly on, and not even the Copperheads can withdraw their rapidly glazing eyes from the dreadful draft long enough to look an objection to this method of disposing of "free Americans of African descent." -New Castle Courier [HT-07 Jan 1864/p1/c7]

Colored Recruits / Civil War / Draft ______

Four hundred men are recruited for the colored regiment rendezvousing at Indianapolis. -- We saw a couple of them from Ervin township, on the streets here yesterday. They looked well and wore their soldier clothes with grace but without any permosity [sic]. [HT-14 Jan 1864/p2/c4] Colored Recruits / Civil War / Ervin Township / Colored Regiment ______Colored Volunteers Colored persons will be enlisted and accepted as recruits for the 28th regiment United States Colored Volunteers or any other regiment of colored volunteers in the service, and will be entitled to the same bounty and pay as other United States soldiers. [HT- 04 Aug 1864/p1/c6]

28th Regiment / Colored soldiers / Civil War ______

1 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1865

Weekly Letter List No. 51 [among others] Bassit-Mrs. Ann [HT-14 Dec 1865/p3/c3]

BASSIT, Ann / Letters


#66003 Colored Regiments. Congress provided for only four regiments of colored soldiers. The number should have been forty. [HT-02 Aug 1866/p2/c4]

Colored Regiments / Civil War


Among the large number of cases recently decided by the Supremes Court, two were from this county: Jones et. ux vs. Bassett C.P. - ; Krah vs. Anderson, C.P. - reversed. [HT- 17 Jan 1867/p3/c1]

Court Cases / BASSETT / ANDERSON / Supreme Court ______Advertised Letters, No 5. [among others] Artis, Martha [HT-21 Feb 1867/p3/c4]


2 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1868

ARTIS, Martha / Letters Robert Dunlap, colored, raised a muss with the colored girls, was drunk and misbehaved generally. The fun cost him $8.70 which he cheerfully paid. The night of this disturbance, the cry of "murder" by the girls, raised the Marshal and 'Squire Wherrett who both went rapidly to the scene. On the way, the ground being very slippery, the Marshal fell, the back of his head striking first and the 'Squire fell sprawling into a ditch. But they arrived on time to prevent Bob from using a big club which he had drawn over his lady love whom he accuses of not being true to him. [HT-5 Mar 1868/p3/c2]

Dunlap, Robert / Social Disturbances (drunkenness) / Fines ______


Lecture. Solomon Day a young (colored) student of law from Ohio will deliver a free public lecture to the citizens of Kokomo, at Armstrong's Hall Wednesday evening, April 21, 1869. Subject "Claims of the Negro to Suffrage." Mr. Day was educated at Oberlin Ohio, recently commenced the study of law with Judge Blackman, of Lebanon, Ohio, and is now delivering public lectures to aid the cause of Equal Rights before the law for all men without distinction of race or color, and to procure means to aid him in completing his study. He has lectured in various places in this State and Ohio to large audiences, and is spoken will of by those who have heard him. Lecture to commence at 7 1/2 o'clock. All are invited to attend. [HT-22 Apr 1869/p3/c2]

Social Activities / Lectures / Day, Solomon / Armstrong's Hall


3 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1870

Colored Settlements. Besides the scattering colored people of this county, there are two small settlements. One is about six miles west and contains eight or ten families; the other, three miles further west and includes about twenty families all in fine circumstances, with large farms, food buildings, orchards, ornamental trees &c. Only a few days ago, Richard Bassett, a colored man, was offered twelve thousand dollars for his farm of two hundred and forty acres, and others are in similar circumstances. We shall be right glad is see these thrifty citizens vote. [HT-3 Mar 1870/p5/c2]

Colored Settlements / Bassett, Richard / Land Records ______

Town Talk. The colored folks of this city are going to organize a Brass Band for the coming campaign. [HT-24 Mar 1870/p3/c2]

Social Activities / Brass Band ______

Town Talk. The colored folks have organized their brass band. [HT-12 Apr 1870/p1/c4]

______Fifteenth Amendments out in Procession The Fifteenth amendment was celebrated here last Tuesday. - The eloquence of the occasion was done by our neighbor Wildman, of the Tribune. Col. Charles Murray and an African from Indianapolis. The hour for the Democrat to go to press was too early to give an extended notice of colored doings. Later - The colored folks formed in line with banners, trappings and all the pomp and circumstance of glorious war at half past ten and proceeded to "march to the e'er piercing life and soul stirring drum." An [rest of article to dark to make out] [Dem- 25 May 1870/p3/c1]

Fifteenth Amendment / Colored Celebration / Social Events ______

4 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1870 continued

Fifteenth Amendment Celebrated - The Mokes Jubilate. At an early hour on Tuesday morning the flitting forms of Americanized Africans thronging the streets, with the word "Business" written on their physiognomies, reminded us of the fact that this was the day set apart for a general kicking up of heels, in honor of the wise (?) And patriotic (?) measure, the Fifteenth Amendment. The children of the aforesaid Amendment, inhabiting divers portions of the county began to come in quite early, and it was but a short time until a raid was made on ginger bread, which seemed to be the emblem selected by the newly made citizens to do honor to their benefactors. By 10 o'clock a sufficient number had arrived for them to begin to form their procession, which they proceeded to do, at the corner of Sycamore and Washington street. Then business began. It was difficult to tell who was marshal, as nearly every moke wore an elaborate blue sash, and at least fifty were giving orders on to the manner of forming the procession. Our doubts as to the marshal were quickly dispelled, however, by the appearance of CONSTABLE HANCE AND DOCTOR NICHOLS Hance was mounted on a beautiful bay horse, wore a blue sash that put all other sashes to shame, and wore a sabr [sic] by his side - we suppose to preserve order and to hew down "de white trash" that might transcend the bounds of colored propriety. Dr. Nichols was dressed in a magnificent suit of black, with a huge Revolutionary broadsword swung at his hip, a big grin illuminating that countenance of his, throwing shadows of a dark hue all about him. Minor, by the way is a first rate darkey. He attends to his own business, is scrupulously honest and by dint of hard labor has succeeded in amassing considerable property; an example that other mokes would profit to follow. Finally, they succeeded in forming THE PROCESSION First came a big wagon, filled with general assortment of coons and piccaninnies, all conglomerated together in one dark mass. In the centre of this cart, we discovered a fat, buxom Africaness [sic], as black as the Devil, gaily caparisoned in a long, white veil and green kid gloves, representing (ye Gods!) The Goddess of Liberty. We would have suggested that Jake Steward be clad in a robe and placed beside her, to represent an angel of light. Immediately after the wagon, came the Kokomo Brass Band, trudging after the mokes. Immediately following the band, came the male coons on foot, about every fifth man holding a "banner with some strange device." We give the following as samples: "We are free, and Ireland Aught to be." "We are down on social equality." After the men came the wenches on foot, with picanninnies in arms, marching two and two, the most of whom looked as though when the time for action came they would make red hot Women's Right men. There were several wagons following the crowd, the rear being brought up by Horace Johnson, the gentlemanly barber under the Clinton House, who kindly invited us to take a seat in his buggy, while we took notes of passing events. Horace is one of the best behaved boys we ever knew, either black or white, and we shall be pleased to reciprocate the favors he has shown us. The procession thus formed moved to the ground, north of Dr. James', where a stand had been erected, seats prepared, and arrangements generally made for the comfort and accommodation of these once down trodden but now exalted and intelligent creatures. The first speaker, we believe was, H.P. SMITH, THE PHRENOLOGIST. This gentleman is a portly fellow, of about sixty summers, with a head betokening immense mental power, a face beaming with benevolent philanthropy, and a stomach demonstrating the wondrous effect of pork and

5 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1870 continued beans. He is an extraordinary man, as one reading his poetry and his out-burstings about Phrenological developments will readily observe. We would mention right here that he taught the school at Tampico last winter and as a pedagogist is a successist. (?). Mr. Smith spoke. He orated. He waxed enthusiastically eloquent. He perfumed the air about him with odors of loyalty. But we will not attempt to "do" his speech. We couldn't do the old "cod" justice. After this "man and brother" had subsided, apparently much to the relief of his brethren of a darker hue, the meetings adjourned for DINNER The dinner being in baskets was unstored and placed on the ground and [can not read] hungry mokes went for their grub as though they really liked it. We only noticed four whites eating with them - all Republicans - two from Ervin township, and the other two residents of Center. The coons dished out the grub sparingly to them and looked as though they had a slight opinion of "de po white trash" that were disposed to sponge off of their "cullud bredren."[sic] Dinner passed off quietly and to those partaking, was the most satisfactory part of the programme. [sic] Indeed, it was the only part that most of the mokes seemed to take any interest in at all. After dinner the crowd again assembled around the stand picking the meal out of their teeth and chewing it over again, case they liked it. The ball was opened by the REV. DAVID RUSH He is the finest looking African of them all, and we think has more real good sense than any person speaking the entire day - not excepting the irrepressible Smith. Rush stated that the fust thing in order would be the taking up ob a collection. That while the brass band sang a tune. Dr. Nichols would pass around the hat at the same time interesting the Doctor in the art of politeness by telling him to make a tremendious delightsome and lovely bow to those who contributed." The beaming countenance of Minor soon made its appearance and the hat was passed. - Philips, Dr. Henderson, and your reporter contributed [hard to read] in the aggregate; first having estimated the cost of refreshments after the show. THE CHOIR composed of about twenty interesting male and female descendants of Ham, struck up a very pretty song which tune is this way: Me, Fa, Sol, Do, Ra, &c. Philips mechanically kept time to the music with his foot - thought there was dyrned(?) fine sentiment in the song. REV. WILLIAMS was announced as the cut and dried orator of the 'casiom. He is a rather good looking moke, of some fifty summers and in the line of hair bears a striking resemblance to Philips. He was attired rather neatly, wears a paper collar, and was about the only coon on the ground but that wore a blue sash. He commenced his speech by giving a history of the Puritanical element in New England and by instructing them in the early history of the United States. His ideas were entirely original, being taken seriatim from Quaker Child's History of the United States. He is however, a darkey or more than ordinary ability, and will, we presume, make his mark in the council of the mokes. After divers remarks by sundry obscure individuals, that no one paid any attention to, the crowd began to disperse and the coons who by this time were hungry again, rushed frantically up town with their Dutchness made a rush on Duke, whose sales of gingerbread were enormous. This ended the celebration . Old mokes went stupidly home while doting mothers carried their sleeping piccanninnies off the field. All felt that it was good for them to be there, and we really expect the coons enjoyed MONTGOMERY OF THE JOURNAL, would have had a big time but a damper fell on his ardor early in the day. Aleck Morgan, who tightly slight [can not read] when S. T. ran up and excitedly ordered

6 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1870 continued him off his horse. The moke slid gently off and showed signs of fight when the champion of Temperance hurriedly subsided. He left the scene of conflict and went out the [sic] the youthful and daring Pershing who flitted hither and yon among his brethren, taking items and looking as if he smelled the battle afar off. [Dem- 1 Jun 1870/p2/c6-7]

Emancipation Celebration / Fifteenth Amendment / Social Activities Aleck MORGAN / Rev. WILLIAMS / Constable HANCE / Dr. Minor NICHOLS / Rev. David RUSH / Horace JOHNSON / Colored Choir ______

Colored Festival. We were so unwell as to be unable to attend this "gathering in" of the colored folks, on Wednesday evening last, but understand from those present that they had a good time. There are some real clever colored boys in Kokomo, who are quiet and courteous, and mind their business more closely that a great many of a lighter hue. [Dem- 27 Jul 1870/p1/c7]

Social Activities / Colored Festivals ______

Edwin Roberts, Grand Master of the Colored Lodge of Masons, was in town on Tuesday.

The Colored Lodge of Free Masons will be moved from New London to this place in a short time. [KTW-4 Aug 1870/p3/c2]

Social Activities / Colored Lodge of Free Masons / Roberts, Edwin / New London


7 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1871

Notice I have a son by the name of Lafayette Nicholas (colored) in Indianapolis from Mississippi. Any information of his whereabouts will be very acceptable. Minor Nicholas, Kokomo, Ind. (Indianapolis papers please copy.) [Dem- 09 Mar 1871/p3/c1]

Minor NICHOLAS / Lafayette NICHOLAS / Minor NICHOLS / Comings and Goings ______Dr. Minor Nichols Arrested He is Fined $9.95. Probably a Great Outrage. In the heart of this city Mr. A. B. Walker owns an acre of ground on which are quite a number of apple trees full of fruit. He is now in Iowa on a visit, but before going sold the fruit to a colored man by the name of Wynbarn. On Friday morning, he and Dr. Nichols, another colored man, went into the orchard together. Wynburn got into a tree and shook down apples. Both gathered what they wanted when Minor offered him a silver quarter .Wynburn said he preferred paper, asked that it might be handed him again, came down town, got out a warrant, had Minor arrested and brought before Justice Moon. He had no consular and by some means he was fined and costed to the amount of 9,95. It took us by surprise when we heard Minor had been arrested for stealing apples for he is a pillar of the church, and sings "I'm right down glad" and other songs with great unction. We did not believe the story and so took pains in the evening to find out the facts and put a lawyer on the track of the business to see if Minor's $9.95 could not be recovered and somebody else fined for malicious prosecution. The colored folks of this city are not behaving well. They have many disagreements and quarrels and jealousies among themselves and they will never amount to much or gain any respect until they leave off all they sort of spirit. Yesterday the new trial was had before Justice Moon. Wynburn reinforced by securing Col. Murray to aid the Prosecutor. Mr. Stringer - John W. Kern conducted the defense. The Court decided that the State failed to make a case. So Minor was discharged and the rest felt "right down glad." [KTW-19 Sept 1871/p3/c2]

Crimes Committed / Fines Charged / Wynburn / Nichols, Dr. Minor / Arrests


8 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1872

Fire in Ervin Township. On last Tuesday night the house of Philip Bricken, a colored man residing in Ervin township was burned. The family was barely saved. All clothing was lost. Mr. Bricken was a widower and had six children, all small. Richard Bassett was in town on Saturday soliciting aid for the relief of the family. [KTW-13 Feb 1872/p2/c5]

Accidents (fire) / Ervin Township / Bricken, Philip / Bassett, Richard ______Colored Festival. The colored ladies of this city and county gave a festival at Armstrong's hall, last Tuesday evening. We dropped in upon them about 10 o'clock, and found a large number of the colored population of this city together with a large delegation from New London, and another from the settlement west of the city. The gross receipts as reported were $66, 80 cents. Expenses $8.80 Net receipts $59.00 Which we learn is to be dedicated to a fund for the erection of a church in this city. Among the many prominent features of the festival was the voting, first for the most popular young lady, and Miss Bell Anderson, and Miss Bell Roberts, were named. The votes were 10 cts. Each, and resulted as follows, Miss Anderson, 66 Miss Roberts, 49 The next was the two most popular married ladies, and Mrs. Emma Nickelson and Mattie Bird were named with the following result, Bird, 21 Nickelson, 17 The next was the most popular barber, and Mr. J. A. Brayboy and Mr. William Gaskins were named, with the following result, Brayboy, 11 Gaskins, 8 The colored people are on better terms with each other than they were a year ago, but Dr. Minor Nickols is just as excitable as ever, and when he makes haste, always loses time. Among the incidents at the festival, was that of Paul Dorsch attempting to find Sam Stern, and failed, declaring that since Sam got mixed up with the colored population, he was not able to pick him out. Paul's eyes mush have been under an eclipse. The next item of interest was Sam Jones' attempt to eat an entire chicken, and from the labor it appeared to require to disjoint it, we were lead to conclude it was the identical one that gave the alarm, a short time after Peter smote off the High Priest's ear. The entire festival was a pleasant and profitable affair, but Ad. Armstrong did them a little dirt by removing the carpet, they having to take the bare floor. [HCR-22 Mar 1872/p3/c4]

Social Activities / Festivals / Anderson, Miss Bell / Roberts, Miss Bell / Nickelson, Mrs. Emma / Bird, Mattie / Brayboy, Mr. J. A. / Gaskins, Mr. William / Nickols, Dr. Minor / ______

9 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891

1872 continued New Church Fund Rape Case. We learn the indictment returned last term against Reuben Griggs (colored) for rape upon the person of a little girl, was dismissed, and a new indictment returned by the present Grand Jury for the same offense, there being some defeat in the former indictment. If the facts are as have been related to us, by David Rush, Mr. Hall and others, we know of no degree of punishment too severe for the defendant to undergo. We forbear publishing statements as they are too revolting for print. [HCR-24 May 1872/p3/c1]

Crimes (Rape) / Griggs, Reuben / Rush, David / Hall, Mr. ______Mistaken Identity. - On Monday morning "Doc" Stephens, a colored barber of this city, stepped into the Howard House bar room, and on offering his hand to a supposed acquaintance he was rebuked with epithets not at all complimentary to the dusky son of Ham, whereupon "Doc" commenced a vigorous attack with his cane, but parties interferred, [sic] and with the exception of a slight flow of claret, no injury was sustained by either party. Cause of the row: mental aberration resulting from a too frequent use of stimulants. [Kdem 27 Jun 1872/p3/c2]

"Doc" Stephens / barbers / Social Disturbances ______"Afore God I Bus' You, ALECK!" -- Minor Nichols is in trouble again. It seems that Minor has a colored boy living with him a shade darker than copper. Said colored boy came near being the cause of a bloody encounter between Mr. Nichols and Aleck Morgan, also a "gemmen ob color," a few degrees blacker than a black cat in a gloomy cellar in a dark night. Aleck met Minor in front of Jim Clayburn's and accused him of appropriating funds belonging to the copper-colored boy, at which remark, Minor's wool began to rise. He jumped into the middle of the street, cracked is brawny fists and remarked "Afore God I bus you Aleck! I'se dun live har good while and dat's de fust time Ise bin 'cused ob propriating money dat wus anudder pussons." At this juncture, Alex stepped back to a brick pile on the edge of the sidewalk and was in the act of picking up a brick, when Minor said, "Now Aleck, don't you pick up dat brick, Ef you do you is my meat sure. I jist run mi seff clean frough you an den go to de Mayor's an' pay for you; Ise Minor Nichols, dat's who I is." This plain talk had its effect, and Alex "walked off on his ear," congratulating himself on escaping with sound limbs. [Kdem- 27 Jun 1872/p3/c2]

Minor NICHOLS / Aleck (Alex) MORGAN / Social Disturbances ______

10 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1872 continued

On Sunday evening, Tom Byrd and Ed. Richardson, both barbers of this city, went to the woods to make a swing. They had not been engaged long before an altercation arose, which resulted in Richardson knocking Tom down. It seems that Tom had an ax in his hand at the time, and when struck, let it fall on Richardson's foot, inflicting a very severe wound. Tom "left" the scene of conflict and ended the affray. [Kdem- 04 Jul 1872/p3/c1]

Tom BYRD / Social Disturbances / Barbers ______Last Saturday night, Alex Morgan being found slightly inebriated, Marshal Hutto started with him to a place of quiet and meditation. When they had proceeded a short distance Alex, concluding not to go, gave a vigorous stroke at Hutto, whereupon he returned the compliment with a well-timed blow of his macc [sic], which took effect on the head of Alex, sending him to grass in a hurry. Alex now carries a Dolly Varden head. Moral - Do not attack an officer in the legitimate discharge of his duty. [Kdem- 04 July 1872/p3/c1]

Alex MORGAN / Social Disturbances ______Colored Celebration. The colored citizens of this and adjoining counties will celebrate the adoption of the 15th Amendment, on Thursday, August 1st, in this city, - All are invited to participate. J. S. Hinton, of Indianapolis, C. S. Hance, of Kokomo, Wm. Ellis and other speakers will be in attendance. The place for holding the celebration is not yet fully agreed upon, but it will be in some grove close to the city, due notice of which will be given by posters. Mr. Hinton is one of the contingent electors for the State at large. [KTW-16 July 1872/p3/c1] Social Activities (15th Amendment Commemoration Celebration) / Hance, C. S. / Ellis, William / Hinton, J. S. ______

Grand Mass Meeting. There will be a mass meeting of the colored citizens of Howard and adjoining counties, commemorating the enfranchisement of the colored Americans, August 1st, 1872, at the city of Kokomo. The procession will form at the corner of Walnut and Washington streets, at 8 o'clock A. M., under the immediate direction of Wm. Burnett, marshal of the day. The procession will march through the principal streets, accompanied by good music, after which they will repair to Judge Brouse's grove where they will be entertained by M. S. Hinton, of Indianapolis, colored contingent presidential elector, and likewise there will be a member of other eminent speakers. There will be a good dinner and other refreshments on the grounds: the dinner will be one dollar a couple. The sale of any intoxicating liquors will be strictly forbidden on or near the grounds.

11 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1872 continued

After the exercises in the grove there will be speaking at the court house at 6 o'clock P. M. Committee of Arrangements. Milton Nicholson, Horace Johnson, M. W. Winburn, Charles Lewis, Bryant Brooks. Marshal, William Burnett Assistant Marshals, Wilson Harden, London Wm. Ellis, Bass Settlement Wm. Hardiman, Deer Creek [HCT-19 July 1872]

Social Activities / Emancipation Celebration / Hinton, M. S. / Nicholson, Milton / Johnson, Horace / Winburn, M. W. / Lewis, Charles / Brooks, Bryant / Burnett, William / Harden, Wilson / Ellis, William / Hardiman, William ______The War Path. - Alex Morgan again the victim. It all happened in this wise: "Bob" Griffin, the muscle champion of Kokomo, had been boarding in Morgan's family for some time, and at the special request of Alex's better half, had been paying his board bill to her. Alex desired a change in the financial affairs of the house and notified "Bob" accordingly. But "Bob" deemed it polite to transfer his treasury to Mrs. M., who did the work and could save the money, a faculty altogether wanting in Alex. Last Monday, when "Bob" went to dinner, he found Alex in a terrible rage and cursing everybody and everything in a manner "that was painful and frequent and free." Whereupon "Bob" enquired if he was included in the bugget [sic] of abuse, and upon receiving an affirmative answer began his "work" on Alex's cranium, and did not cease until he had administered him a severe drubbing, Alex complained to the authorities and "Bob" arranged the matter satisfactorily by parting with $9.70. This is the third attempt for Alex, and yet success does not attend him. Truly, "the way of the transgressor is hard." [Kdem- 25 Jul 1872/p3/c2]

Alex MORGAN / "Bob" GRIFFIN / Mrs. MORGAN / Social Disturbances ______The XV th Amendment. Celebration on Thursday. The colored people of this county will have a celebration on Thursday of this week. A procession will be organized in the forenoon and after marching through the principal streets will proceed to the Fair Grounds. At 2 o'clock P. M., Mr. J. S. Hinton, colored, contingent elector for the State at large on the Republican ticket, will speak. He is said to be a first-rate speaker. All are cordially invited to be present. [KTW-30 July 1872/p3/c4]

Social Activities (15th Amendment Commemoration Celebration) / Hinton, J. S. / Fair Grounds ______

12 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891

1872 continued

Messrs Hinton, Ellis, Hance and Nicholson were the colored speakers at the celebration on the 1st. Their speeches were all to the point and will do good. [HCR-9 Aug 1872/p3/c1]

Social Activities / Emancipation Celebration / Hinton, M. S. / Hance / Ellis, William / Nicholson, Milton ______

A Live Ku Klux. - On Saturday night last, a Fifteenth Amendment by the name of Taylor, run against a stone that slipped violently from the hand of a young man by the name of Schwartz cutting his lip through and causing an unusual flow of claret. [Kdem- 12 Sep 1872/p3/c3]

TAYLOR / Social Disturbances / Crimes ______Rev. Minor Nichols, a stakeholder at the Fair races is a success. [KTW-24 Sept 1872/p3/c1]

Nichols, Rev. Minor / Fair races ______The colored folks had a "big time" at Charley Lewis', last Monday night. The mazy waltz, the lightning jig and the "you bet" walk a-round, was done up in an artistic style. [Kdem- 26 Sept 1872/p3/c2]

Social Activities / Colored celebrations / Charley LEWIS ______

13 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1873

We learn that Minor Nichols, "dat's who," and Hartwood, the other "coon," are contemplating settling their disputes by a ring fight. [Kdem- 03 Jul 1873/p3/c1]

NICHOLS, Minor / HARTWOOD / Social ______Last Friday morning, a negro boy by the name of Burnett accidentally shot his companion Gibson while riding in a wagon about five miles west of this city. The pistol was fired accidentally, while in his pocket, and the ball entered Gibson's side and lodged against a rib, inflicting a severe but not dangerous wound. Burnett was arrested and fined $25.00 for carrying concealed weapons. [Kdem- 03 Jul, 1873/p3/c5]

BURNETT / GIBSON / Accidents / Shootings / Social Disturbances / Arrests ______Row at the Colored Festival Affidavits were filed against Perry Stewart and William Duke, Saturday morning, charging them with having disturbed the colored festival last Friday night. William Duke had his trial before Esquire Moon, Saturday and was found guilty. John W. Kern, his attorney, appealed the case to the September term of the Circuit Court. At this writing (Monday morning) Stewart has not had his trial. The origin of the difficulty, as charged by the colored people, is substantially as follows: Stewart and two other boys, whose names we have not learned, kept following some girls around the room, making remarks and stating that they were going home with them. The girls informed John Byrd (colored) of their conduct, and he took them to task about it. Stewart drew a chair and Byrd threw off his coat. At this a general tumult arose, and all rushed around to see the fight. Duke then, it is charged, seized a chair, stating that he would see fair play. The colored men then forcibly ejected the young men from the hall. Several stones were thrown and several window panes were broken. The festival was very uproarous [sic], but good feeling prevailed until late in the evening. David McCool and another man, both white, had a little alteration and, we believe, blows were passed, but neither were put out of the hall, as they should have been. Since difficulties have occurred with the whites at almost every festival they have held, we think that it would be the best policy for them in the future to exclude whites altogether. [Kdem- 07 Aug 1873/p3/c2]

Social events / Colored festivals / Social disturbances / BYRD, John ______

14 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1873 continued Black Deeds By A Black Man The loveliest coon in our lovely burgh. Many night has Sam Young been seen meandering across the "yallar" bridge in Bucktown, Indianapolis, in quest of Dinah, brown and black. Sam is not as dark as four black cats in a cellar at twelve o'clock on a moonless night, yet he is a shade darker then blackened boots before the gloss is put on, and glories in his color. Sam. is a "ladies' man," so to speak, and wanders in good "harness" when in search of lovely creatures. Sam. has broken the heart of many a colored gal, and has "busted the bugle" of numerous "mokes" for interfering in his "love affairs" This dark individual recently removed to Kokomo, (now he's a Koko-moke,) and as is his want, he shied among the "brown beauties" at a "Loose gait." Sam. never did admire a "half nigger" - banana colored, with straight hair. But then he likes to leave his race and beaux a mulatto, or octoroon, or anything, just to pass away the time, you know. Sam. got in trouble a few weeks since, because he took a "yallar" gal away from a "copper-colored brother, and later he became involved in a fight with one Dare, a blacksmith, who dared to call him a "dirty nigger." Sam. is not a "dirty nigger" - he's simply a "cullud in-di-wud-u-al." Sam. don't like the word "nigger," and objected in a pugillistic and oratorical manner.

Said he: "Massa Dare, ise no nigga'; ob cose ise black, but den ise not so black but dat I cood be blacker. But, 'cordin' to de jerrymanderin' ob the Jummel will case, and de ebliterasun ob de Tichbourne constootional trial, and de passage ob de late currency bill, I shall hab to promiscuously 'fend my dignity!" With this Sam. struck Dare and paid a small fine for the fun. Sam. is now the "buck" of the "coons," and although he may not have as much of the "ready" as Dr. Minor Nichols, or the oratorial powers of Mr. Hance, yet he travels on his beauty and smiles at all the "yallar" gals that chance to meet him. "Oh, I'm not yallar, but ise black, As all de gals can see; Oh, I kiss de beauties wid a smack, When dey waltz around wid me."

[Kdem- 25 Sep 1873/p3/c4]

YOUNG, Sam / NICHOLS, Minor / HANCE, Mr. / Comings and Goings ______The "cuss" who cut Minor Nichols' harness evidently intended to make two sets out of the one, but by some mishap cut too fine. [Kdem- 23 Dec 1873/p3/c1]

NICHOLS, Minor / Social Disturbances / Crimes ______"Bobby," the colored man, whose vociferous snoring has been the cause of so much "spirit groaning" at "The Bull's Eye," has been compelled to abandon his apartments, because he could not pay the "rint." [Kdem- 23 Dec 1873/p3/c1] "Bobby" / Social Disturbances ______

15 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1874 A colored woman in the employ of Judge Linsday gave a magnificent supper and dance at his residence on Friday night. Almost the entire colored population of the city was present. The occasion was one of mirth and gastronomic satisfaction. The Judge graced the affair with his presence and contributed to the enjoyment of all. [Kdem- 01 Jan 1874/p3/c1]

Occupations / Social events / Colored celebration

______The colored people of this county did not celebrate January 1st, the anniversary day the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect. [Kdem- 08 Jan 1874/p3/c1]

Social Activities / Colored Celebration / Emancipation Proclamation ______The colored brass band of Peru arrived in the city Tuesday to attend the colored festival. It made very creditable music. [Kdem- 15 Jan 1874/p3/c1]

Social Events / Colored Festivals / Peru colored band ______A young gentleman in this city who talked furiously about young men who would attend the dance of the ungodly "whites" at the band room, attended the colored festival on Tuesday night and was seen about ten o'clock on the street hugging a "darkey" girl. [KTW- 20 Jan 1874/p3/c1]

Colored festivals / Social Activities ______

Mr. McCary, colored, a Route Agent on the I.P. & C.R.R. was recently removed. His successor took the work on Monday, of last week. We learn that the cause of his removal was intemperance. This news astonished us. We have known Mr. McC for a long time but we only knew him as a fine-looking, large, intelligent, gentlemanly man and preacher. At first we supposed the charge was trumped up without any foundation but we are now convinced that it was true. We also learn that Mc. had heretofore been guilty in that direction, that he drinks seldom but gets very full when the paroxysm comes on. If so, he is one of those persons to be pitied. Of course, with such a fault, he should not be trusted with the mails but we are sincerely sorry to hear of it. Mc. always appeared to us a gentleman free from any of the common vices. [KTW- 10 Mar 1874/p1/c8] Mr. MCCARY / Occupations / Social Disturbances / Intoxication


16 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1874 continued One evening last week a lemon-colored mulatto of this city became drunk. Now, there is nothing very remarkable in the simple fact that a mulatto of this particular color should get drunk occasionally, but this mulatto wanted to fight somebody. He pulled off his coat and hung it on a nail in the wall and turned to find the object of his wrath, but he had just stepped out, as the boys say. However, this lemon-colored "coon" saw the coat and thought it was his man. He braced up and struck out from his shoulder. He was surprised when they picked him up, and it was several minutes before they could convince him that the back part of his head was not as large as a barrel. [Kdem- 30 Apr 1874/p3/c2]

Social disturbances / Intoxication ______

Tom Byrd (colored) was last Saturday arrested on the charge of committing a rape on a colored grandchild of Rev. Mr. Beverly (colored). This colored case with all its colored details, incidents, and particulars will have a hearing before Judge Pollard at the next term of court. [Kdem- 07 May 1874/p3/c3] Social Events / Entertainment / Hart's Colored Minstrels

[...]That Henry Hart's Colored Minstrels gave a good performance, last Friday evening [...] [Kdem- 04 Jun 1874/p3/c2]

Social Events / Entertainment / Hart's Colored Minstrels


What our people are saying. [...] That Annie Foster, inclined to be dark, was the cause of Sam Young, inclined to be black, and John Byrd, inclined to be the color of poplar sawdust, making themselves ridiculous, on Railroad street last week - and it was all because they both wanted to "spark" Annie [...] [Kdem- 02 Jul 1874/p3/c4]

FOSTER, Annie / YOUNG, Sam / BYRD, John

______A brown colored lady, Mrs. Brown by name, writes from Chicago to Capt. Hanser of the Howard House, to ascertain whether her husband, who is also a brown Brown, and rejoices in the patriarchal prenomen of Abraham, is yet cooking at his hotel, run off with another woman, cheated justice by jumping the town, or securely rendezvoused in the Northern prison at Michigan city. Brown should answer. [Kdem- 20 Aug 1874/p3/c2]

BROWN, Abraham / Comings and Goings / Howard House ______

17 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891

1874 continued

"De Cussed Civil Customs." Mose peek at Bunker Hill - the ice-water - the beer - the bronzed Dinah - what effect a moke's head has on a beer glass - the civil rights bill practically tested.

Yesterday, two weeks ago, the brightest of darkies and blackest of "coons" held a festival at Peru, the home of Salary Grab Tyner, retired. A great many "gemmen ob cullah" went from the intellectual sprinkle of Kokomo's dark population. There were Mose Peek, Sambo, Dinah and lots of other "shades" that boarded the P. & I. train that day. But somehow or other Mose and Dinah, in company with others, "Stopped off" at Bunker Hill. Mose, 'tis said, was riled with "crashed corn," whatever that may be, and his lust for beer was immense; his water tank had run down to such a degree that the thinnest thread of a spider web would have been "fat" compared with Mose's "stomach basket." If "corn juice." by simply drinking one glass, would have the "glory- halla- lugerum effect on a man during his existence, what a terrible effect it would have on the United States Internal Revenue Department. 'Tis sad, but true, that after a certain length of time, whisky will die in a man's abdomen, so to speak. The whisky died in Mose's abdomen. It was g-l-o-r-i-o-u-s during life, but then it finally died, and Mose repaired to Billy Breckinridge's to recuperate. Mose, in company with Pomp Brown, a cook, who is blacker than the ace of spades (by the way, Mose is two shades darker than Sam Young and Pomp Brown put together, and they do say that lamp black spread on his face would almost whitewash him,) called for a glass of beer. Breckinridge told him "Nixey," and Mose swore by the emancipation proclamation that he would have it. Said he: "In de name ob Thad Stephens and de storming ob de breast works at Chickamauga, I swear before Miss Dinah dat ise gwine to hab dat beer." With this he picked up Pomp Brown's glass and drank it down. Mr. Breckinridge in a very gentlemanly manner picked up a beer glass and throwed it at Mose. It struck its mark - the head - and broke the glass, but it didn't stagger the coon. Then Dinah stepped in and explained the matter. She said she had sent Mose after a glass of icewater, and thought "de white race war degenerating in consequence ob de infatuation ob de crusading manipulation," and "dat it war funny dat de fair sex ob de noblest race dis side ob de Atlantic Ocean couldn't git a glass ob water wid out being insulted by de white trash." Dinah finally got Mose away, and he mustered as he left: Dinah (hic) dis am (hic) pretty biz (hic) ness dat a fine Ko (hic) ko (hic) mo gemmen like I is can't (hic) get a glass of (hic) beer." Then they all jumped on the train bround for Peru singing: "Oh Mose, O, Mose Dat dark-red nose Will make you foes Where ever you goes." [Kdem- 03 Sep 1874/p1/c2]

Colored Festival / PEEK, Mose / "Miss Dinah" / BRECKINRIDGE, Billy / BROWN, Pomp / YOUNG, Sam / Intoxication / Social Disturbances ______The case of the State against Sam. Young, colored, for carrying concealed weapons, was dismissed, the chief prosecuting witness having died on the day prior to the time set for trial. Sam. rejoices and is exceeding glad that providence moves in such a mysterious way. [Kdem- 22 Oct 1874/p3/c3] YOUNG, Sam. / Court Cases / Crimes ______

18 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1874 continued

Sam Young, colored, knocked down a drunken unknown, white, last Saturday night. [Kdem- 29 Oct 1874/p3/c1]

YOUNG, Sam / Social disturbances ______"One little, two little nigger boys" were sentenced to the House of Correction last week, by Judge Pollard, for "going through" a gentleman's garden with destructive latent and malice aforethought. [Kdem- 29 Oct 1874/p3/c1]

Social disturbances / Crimes / House of Correction ______A Colored Fraud

Dr. James A. Hunt, the negro who lectured at the M. E. Church on Sunday night, loves whisky not wisely and entirely too much. During the day he and a sorry specimen of the "poor white trash," who acted as his spirituous adviser, were thoroughly soaked with inferior whisky. When the hour for the lecture arrived Rev. Doctor Hunt, late of Liberia, put in his appearance. Report has it that he was under the influence of a very worldly spirit, so worldly in fact that the Doctor made a botch of his lecture. While he may be, and doubtless is, a negro of more than ordinary intellectuality, there remains behind him a painful apprehension that he is very clever fraud who loves bad whisky better than the close of christian civilization in dusky Africa. [Kdem- 26 Nov 1874/p3/c2]

HUNT, Dr James A. / Social disturbance / Intoxication / Social events / lectures ______"Gwine to Off-bar' Hogs."

One of Kokomo's "cullud gemmen" departs for Indianapolis - He dishes it up in rhyme and a democrat reporter "gobbles it." One of Africa's nobility has left us. He has gone to Indianapolis to seek the effluvia of a slaughter house. These are his parting words, written to a bosom companion:

"Farewell! Dis burly Kokomoke, Is gwine to haste hensely: Farewell, all saddle-cullud coons; Dose dat always war immensely.

'Alas! Farewell to ebery one, Good-by to William Nick, Jis' one remark afore I goes: Dat Steward am a brick."

"To you'ens all I wants to'splain a few Cannibal conwalshions afore I dictate to de conductor dat I'se gwine off:

19 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1874 continued

May de sun fotch de fattest grease from de brownest spot in de possession ob de writer ob dis yer document if I does'nt weep 'cause I hast to leab you. In de language ob our ancestors, de tears flows from de cataract ob my constitusion and I hast to bellow like Charely Creel's Alderney bull. My garments dey war all clean and my whisky bottles dey war all empty afore I resigned myself to leff you. De powers ob de famous orator, William Nick, or dem ob Dr. Nichols, can't furnish de thoughts dat I would like to 'spress. I'se gwine to Indianapolis to manipulate de deceased carcasses ob de pork- upine from de flat on de back position to dat ob de perpendiculah: For fear dat de ignorant coons doesn't understand de language ob an edicated cullud gemmen', I will jist explain dat I'se gwine to off-bar hogs in de slaughtah house.

Oh! I'll waltz across de yallah bridge, In company wid my Dinah And if de police cotch me den, Day'll make me pay a fine-ah

Wid a ear in my eye, and my collah box in my hand, I bids you all farewell."

[Kdem- 03 Dec 1874/p1/c5]

NICK, William / NICHOLS, Dr. / "Dinah" / Comings and Goings ______That was a lively fight between Tom Byrd and Tom Gilmore, at Byrd's barber shop, on last Monday morning. Gilmore was an employee and a disagreement arose. Bottles, cups, chairs and stools were hurled around until the floor was covered with broken glass and all sorts of fragments. [KSET- 05 Dec 1874/p3/c1]

BYRD, Tom / GILMORE, Tom / Barbers / Social disruptions


A colored gentleman, named Johnson, a divine from the settlement, recently drank a pint of coal oil at Osborne's grocery, mistaking it for cider. He declared it made him awful sick, which we believe was true, as he was quite pale for several days after. [Kdem- 31 Dec 1874/p1/c6]

JOHNSON / Illnesses / (?) Settlement ______

20 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1875

The "cullud" boy, Ame Gibson, and little Johnny McAllister had a regular set-to one night last week. The cullud troops fought nobly. The combatants ceased to breathe for a while. The atmosphere became thick. Blood flowed in copious streams. A Mr. Bowers "scooted" the cullud boy out, and all was quiet. [K Dem-28 Jan 1875/p1/c6]

About People / Gibson, Ame ______"And, Don't You Forget It." One evening last week the boys at the Howard House had a great deal of fun at the expense of a colored gentleman who shall be nameless. By persistent coaxing they induced him to hold a prayer meeting in the bar room, pretending that they needed prayer and spiritual communion. They kept the credulous old colored man praying from ten to three o'clock at night. While he would be praying the boys would solemnly yell out, "cheese it Lord," and other expressions which the colored gentleman thought to be hifalutin' language used by white folks. The closing prayer, as related to us, was something as follows: "We blef de Lamb dat we am agin permitted to meet in his house ob God, but dis isn't de house ob God, dis am de Howard House in Kokomo. O, God, ef you jes' come down heah an' cotch dese white sinners by de hearts, you can do lots ob good - an' don't you forget it." The boys could not repress their laughter longer and when they gave way the colored gentleman "cotch de idea" and the prayer meeting was over. [K Dem-25 Feb 1875/p3/c2]

About People / Prayer in Public Places / Howard house ______The colored citizens of this city have organized a Literary Society at their School House. It meets every Monday night. The entertainment consists of dialogues, compositions and debates. It is well attended. It was organized with J. A. Braboy President, Finley Brown Sec. Last Monday night's meeting was conducted with great credit to the society. The question was: Resolved, That persons can learn more by traveling than reading. J. A. Braboy affirmed, Finley Brown denied. The affirmative won the laurels. Thornton Parker presided and the Judges were Miss Susan Gaskins, Miss Bundy and Miss Roberts. Seats free. Visitors welcome. [KSET- 13 Mar 1875/p3/c4]

Social Activities / BRABOY, J. A. / BROWN, Finley / GASKINS, Susan / BUNDY, Miss / Colored Literary Society ______The Junction. The colored folks' debating club is a new feature in our era. We with them success. [K Dem-18 Mar 1875/p1/c5]

Social Activities (Debating Society) ______

21 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1875 continued

The first example of a colored man availing himself of the Civil Rights Law in Kokomo occurred at the Opera House, Tuesday night. A colored man and his lady promenaded down the center aisle and took reserved seats in the parquet, amidst a deafening applause from the boys in the gallery. [K Dem-25 Mar 1875/p3/c1]

Social Activities (Opera House) / Civil Rights Law ______

Junction Notes. The colored folks debating society is opening a channel through which they can do a great deal of good if they persevere. [K Dem-25 Mar 1875/p3/c3]

Social Activities (Debating Society) ______Mrs. Harper, of Philadelphia, a colored lady, delivered a lecture at the M. E. Church, on last Tuesday evening, to a large audience. Her subject was "Life Among the Lowly" and was a defence of her race. The lecture is spoken of quite highly and gave general satisfaction. [KSET-03 Apr 1875/p3/c2]

Social Activities / Lectures ______The colored men have organized a brass band. The majority of the members residing in the East End. [K Dem-15 Apr 1875/p1/c5]

Social Activities (Brass Band) ______Mr. Wm. McCarthy, baggage smasher and assistant at the I. P. & C. depot, preserved a lot of apples from freezing with less than half the dirt usually used, by using a large quantity of straw and manure. [K Dem - 6 May 1875/p1/c6]

About people / McCarthy, William / Railroad depot ______The colored debating society of Ervin township, has challenged the Hintonian Club of this city for a debate. The challenge has been accepted and the debate will take place on Monday evening at their school house in the Second Ward. The public are invited to be present. [KSET- 15 May 1875/p3/c2]

Social Activities / Colored Debating Society of ErvinTownship ______

22 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1875 continued

The colored folks had another debate Tuesday night. The Bass settlement were victors this time. [K Dem-20 May 1875/p3/c1]

Social Activities (Debating Society) / Bass Settlement ______The Ervin Township Colored Debating Society were declared the victors at the debate held in the Second Ward School House, in this city on Monday evening. [KSET- 22 May 1875/p3/c1]

Social Activities / Colored Debating Society of Ervin Township ______J. A. Brayboy is the champion tonsorialist [sic] of the state. [K Dem-10 June 1875/p1/c5]

Social Activities (Contests) / Brayboy, Joseph A. / State Hair-Cutting Match ______The colored people have a neat, cozy corner of the city in the Second Ward. The Second Ward is becoming quite populous, being that part of the city east of Main and north of Walnut streets. [K Dem - 10 June 1875/p1/c5]

County Land records / Second Ward ______"De little colored band" is a success. By perseverance they will reflect credit on their race. [K Dem - 10 June 1875/p1/c5]

Social Activities (bands) ______The Colored Scandal. We are informed by the "other side" in regard to the scandal about Rev. J. Bundy, which we published last week, that said Bundy has never received an offer to compromise the libel suit which he has now pending. The "other side" will be pleased to meet Mr. Bundy in court at any time, as they inform us. Regarding -- but we have already written too much of so small a matter.

[KSET- 26 Jun 1875/p3/c2]

BUNDY, Rev. J. / Crimes / Ministers ______J. A. Brayboy is a prominent member of the Hintonian society. [K Dem-8 July 1875/p1/c4] Brayboy, J. A. / Social Activities (Hintonian Society) ______

23 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1875 continued

Petersburg, Ervin Township Oct 19th., 1875 [...]If everything is true about Richard Bassett, as published in the Democrat, he is certainly a curious specimen of humanity.

[KSET-23 Oct 1875/p2/c3]

BASSETT, Richard / Ervin Township / Petersburg ______Ervin. Oct 21st., 1875 [...]Three new houses are being erected in the Bassett settlement [...]

[KSET- 23 Oct 1875/p2/c4]

Bassett settlement / Ervin township

______Dr. Minor Nichols will give a lecture, at the Opera House on Tuesday evening, Nov. 23. Subject" "Women, Whisky and Tobacco." Admission: 25 cents; Women and Children, 15 cents.

[KSET- 20 Nov 1875/p3/c2]

NICHOLS, Dr. Minor / Social Activities / Lectures ______Rev. Jason Bundy, of Jeffersonville, was in town this week.

[KSET- 20 Nov 1875/p3/c2]

BUNDY, Rev. Jason / Ministers / Comings and Goings ______Dr. Minor Nichols, our friend and brother of African descent, failed to deliver his lecture, "Wine, Women and Tobacco," at the Opera House, Tuesday night, as per announcement by handbills. Manager Winslow demanded his rent foe and Minor didn't put up, hence the failure. This was a sore disappointment to the public in general and the boot-blacks in particular.

[KW Dem-25 Nov 1875/p3/c1]

Social Activities (lectures) / Opera House / Nichols, Dr. Minor ______

24 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1875 continued

For reasons over which he has no control, Dr. Miner Nichols was prevented from delivering his lecture "Women, Whisky and Tobacco," on last Tuesday night. Quite a good audience would have been present had the doors not been closed [can't read] them. The Doctor was temporarily embarrassed but he avowed his [can't read] tion to yet deliver that lecture [can't read] the heavens fall. And on this [can't read] tion, in the language of the Doctor, we would say, "you can bet your sweet life - and don't you fo'git.

[KSET- 27 Nov 1875[suppliment]/p2/c4]

NICHOLS, Dr. Minor / Social Activities / Lectures ______"Women, Tobacco, and Whisky." Dr. Minor Nichols at the Opera House, Saturday Night. The Greatest Hit of the Season ~ Two Hours of Convulsed Laughter. The Doctor Proves Himself the Greatest Humorist of the Age -- and a Fortune is Within his Reach - His first Lecture a Failure. Pecuriarily , But Otherwise a Grand Success.

There is hardly a man, woman or child in Kokomo who has not heard of Dr. Minor Nichols, R. D. (Root doctor). Born in the State of Mississippi, of a woman, he passed the first thirty-five or forty years of his sublunary existence in the bonds of ignorance and slavery. Liberated by the Emancipation Proclamation, he served, a valiant soldier, in the Union army, through the remainder of the Rebellion, and, at the close of that bloody conflict, came directly to Kokomo, where he has, in the incredible short period of ten years, worked his way up to one of the most coveted rounds on the ladder of worldly glory. For the first five or six years he devoted himself most assiduously to his favorite profession, (white-washing) when, having laid up sufficient of this world's goods to run him for several years to come, he commenced the study and practice of medicine, styling himself a root doctor, and guaranteeing a cure or no pay. But as the cures were very scarce, (owing, doubtless, to the incredulity of his patients, as well as to their limited number,) the pay came in so slow that the doctor was compelled, no matter how unwillingly, to turn the powers of his intellect into another channel. He fell back on his never failing white-wash, devoting his spare moments to the cultivation of his oratorical powers, with the noble aspiration of becoming a benefactor of the human race as a public lecturer. How well he has succeeded the following sketch of his first attempt last Saturday night, will show.

The lecture, financially, was a failure, but the doctor is to be congratulated on his wonderful success otherwise. The small audience that greeted him may be accounted for from the fact that it was his first appearance; and, besides, he was not sufficiently advertised, and the weather was not propitious. As it was, the parquette was comfortably filled with the most eager and appreciative audience we have ever seen congregated upon any occasion. As a part of the lecture was to be directed, especially, to women, the doctor waited in vain till half past eight o'clock, before commencing; and when he stepped out on stage, shining all over with glory, and with his silk plug poised on his head in the most approved style, before uttering a word, he took the house by storm, and a deafening applause prevented his introduction for several minutes. When, at last, he had been formally introduced, he removed his hat, took a chew of tobacco, and spoke, substantially, as follows: "Gemman an' ladies: Dah is somefin dat I wants to talk about dat is bery empo'tent, but as de crowd am not yet all heah, 'specely de ladies. I will leabe dat subjeck till de las'. Ef I say anything dat is not rite and accoddin' to grammah, dis evenin' I do hope dat you will fo'gib me fo' I is noffin but a o' ignorn't nigah dat was be'n and raised a slabe.

25 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1875 continued Wimmen is de cornah stone ob de wuld. She am fo' a fac'. [applause] Jes' take her out ob de wuld an' dah would be no moah wuld jes as dah is now. [great applause] Dat is, de wuld would die ef it was not fo' wimmen. *** Now'y is it dat men lub wimmen moah dan money? It's cos dey is de cornah stone -- de foundation ob de whole wuld. Men lub money, dat's a fac', shuah, but dey lub wimmen fust. *** Eberything dat is, is made fo' de glory ob de wimmen. Look at youah fine houses heah in Kokomo, -- dey was built fo' youah wimmen; ef it had not a been fo' dem, dey would nevah been built fo' dem to look at. O, a beautiful woman am de grandes' objec' dat evah was created. I lub dem as I lub my own self [applause]. A lady wid a nice, clean ress draws a man to her like de lode-stone de . [deafening cheers, and cries of "that's so," "go on," "hear him," etc.] Look how many t'ousands ob dollahs is t'rowed away on wimmen! Men will work in de coldes' weddah fo' wimmen. W'at will dey not dodat platform. Dah is some in dis house dat is on day fo' wimmen? O. dey is so lubly! And dey makes us lubely too. [uproarous applause] God put on earf fo' us, an' we ought to lub dem jes' as He intended. *** Now wimmen is good in one place, bad in annodah. [a deathly silence] But dah is moah good in one place dan in annodah. [ a loud yell bursts forth like a volley of artillery ] Wen a woman comes to die, den we see how we lub her. Sometimes I t'inks I wants to die an' go to glory, but den w'en I t'inks ob de wimmen! After dat I doesn't want to die. De wimmen is bettah dan money, whiskey, or tobacco. I stands on dat platform. Dah is some in dis house dat is on dat platform, too. [ a universal smile of gilt ripples over the audience]

Not a thousand years ago I was payin attentions to a certain woman. I did not lub her at first--I was jes' a feedin' lub, dat is, cultivatin' it, but it come at las' an' I tole her so, and asked her ef she would be my wife. She smiled consent. Well, de next day, I told a friend ob mine dat I was gwian to be married to dis woman, an' he said, "don't yo' do it." "'Y not," sais I. "Come tonight to a cewtain place and hide yo'seff dah till I come," said he, "an' you will see." I dun it. An' w'at I seen! Dat put me out. I almos' made me t'ink dat wimmen was not, aftah all, de conah stone ob de wuld. *** [We see we shall be compelled for want of space, to leave out the major part of this splendid discourse. But that, however, is of little consequence; the speech being on e of those kink that, to be appreciated, must be heard. Such a speech as the one we are now trying to report, can't be put down on paper. The remainder of the doctor's great effort is neccessarily condensed withing the smallest possible bounds.]

"Dah am one shuah sign dat you kin always tell de Christun by: A Christun always pays his debts. You kin judge by dis ef I is a Christun. *** Now I's gwian to told you 'y de w'ite folks gits along bettah dan de culled. W'en a niggah, dat is, one ob my cullah as you see me now, gets down, all de oder niggahs puts day feet on him and tries to keep him down. De s'ite people dey don't do dat way; dey helps one anoder--yes, dey even helps de culllud people moah dan de cullud people helps demselves. De w'te man sometimes try to raise de cullud man, w'en de cullud man won't raise. It am a fac' dat you can not make suffin' out ob nothin'. May de Laud hab mercy on dis nigga's po' soul, an' gin me strength to speak to dis congregation; accordin' to de spirit dat is in me. All de people in dis town knows me, an' dey knows I's dah friend, as dey is my griend. I do lub de s'ite folks cause dey's my best friend. W'e n I falls into de water dey takes me by de dan' an' pulls me out. *** W'en my wife was a libin' dat is, befoah she died, -- [cries of "faster," "go on," "chesse that,', "take another subject," etc.] Fo' God men don't hurry me, come to di t'ing you wants afteh while-- "more woman!" "Tobacco," "whiskey." De church--["shoot the church!"] Ef it was not fo' tobacco--["herbs" "women"] Yes, dat's so but---["the root"] I isn't got my edication. I wish I'd had the opportunity dat you dab had, --but den I t'ink sometimes it's a good t'ing dat I am ignon't fo' I would not e befoah you heah tonight ef I was edicated, an' den I might miss heaven ef I was as smart as many ob you is. Aldough I's not edicated, I tank God I's got

26 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1875 continued some modder--wit, and sense enough to go to heaven w'en I die. I kaint talk, kaint t'ink, but I knows God.

Now fo' tobacco! [great commotion] Be patient frien's; I inten's to keep yo' heah only 'bout two howahs, ef God is willin'. [ "hurry up, talk faster" ] I takes de ground dat we shows moah lub fo' tobacco, dan fo' our own familiies. Didn't you ebah notice one man walk up to annodah ad say, "gib me a crumb ob tobacco," an' de odah man would go down into his pocket and gib him de last crumg he had? Dat shows pure lub--moah dan dat man had fo' his wife, fo' his family, or fo' his God. [ "take up the next subject" ] I'l do doat w'en de time comes. I's now on tobacco an' I mus' finish dat subjec' fust. De tobacco chewers lub one annodah bettah dan de chuch people--an' datis as it should be, fo' we mus' lube lubin in de sight ob God. "Bacco is, fo' a fac', next to de wimmen in dis wuld, -- den comes whisky. We ought to lub our sistahs jes' de same as we lub o tobacco an' w'isky. [ "louder" ] I'l loudah. [applause, lone continued} W'at is de time by yo' watch? [ "go on, we'll stay with you if it takes all night" ] Now fo' whisky an'den I' s done! Many pussons lub whisky, but I doesn't. [applause] Some men spend moah money fo' whisky dan dey do on dire families--ef dey hab any. W'isky can be used in a good or a bad way: Fo' emample, ef it makes us happy den it's all right; ef it makes us mean an' cross to our families, den it's bad. Ef a man goes home drunk and don't jug his wife, den liquor is bad fo' dat man. A man ought nebah to get drunk on Saturday, fo' de Lord hab promised to be wid us on de six day. [a great shuffling of feet] Gents, don't git uneasy, I's hurring along as fast as I can. Now I's gwian to work on de w'ites. *** [ The whites commence working on the lecturer with torpedoes] I's been all frough de late war, an' hab been shotat heah dis ebenin' seben times, an' I's not dead et. I's nothin' but a black, culluc man as I sands befoah yo' dis present time--[pop! Pop! Pop! A dozen or more torpedoes burst at the speaker's feet, causing him to jump backwards something less than ten feet, when he suddenly bethinks him of the trap door in the rear of the stage floor and takes a more forward position.] My cullud brethren amnot heah tonight. 'Y? Cose I's been a slave. Dey t'inks I ought to always be a slabe. *** De w'ite folks lub me moah dan my own cullah. I do b'lieb yo' do lub me. Yo' showes it to me all de time. [The speaker steps one side to expectorate, and a volley of torpedoes bursts all around him] Now dat's not right to sturb me in dat way. I wants to speak to yo', but I kaint unless you keeps audah. Yo' gentlemen -- [bang!] W'isky an' tobacco has ruined many a man -- [ding dong! Dong! The bell is tolled behind the scenes for fallen drunkards, the gas flickers and nearly goes out, and the speaker becomes frightened as though apprehensive of impending danger; and when the gas is again turned on his countenance presents an ashy pale hue, and he continues his speech haltingly.] Once--upon a time--an ole blind preache---[ "what's he got to do with this lecture?" ] He couldn't tell norf from souf, nor one root from annodah, he was so blind---[ "roots!"] Ef you'l jes' keep cool I'l come to dat subjec' soon, [ "women!" ] I's already spoke on dat---[ "tobacco!" ] An' dat too--- [ "whisky!" ] I's now on dat. [spits and takes another chew] Yo' all remembers Mistah Bunday ---[ "yes go on," "give it to him." Here the confusion was so great for a quarter of an hour that our reporter failed to get the Doctor's remarks down in a tangible shape. ] As I said befoah--[ "needn't repeat anything, you only have half an hour left!" ] Yo' all seem satisfied an' well pleased wid my lecture. I'm glad to see yo' injoy it cause --- ["don't stop to give the reason; go on" ] I is gwain on. I I was bo'on in Mississippi, -- not Kalamazoo, Michigan, dis State ---- [thundering applause] an' I's glad I was bo'n dah I's glad I was bo'n at all, else I'd not a bin heah to-night, bless God. Ef yo' isn't glad yo' was bo'n, an ef you doesn't enjoy livin' yo' might as well be dead. In my--- [pop! ] In my --- [pop!] In my --- [pop!] I kaint speak wen dey keeps shootin' at me dat way. *** I hab stuffin' new an' 'portant to tell you --- ["shoot him!"] No don't do dat. I knows I's a fool, an' I's glad ob it. Ef I was not, I would not hab de pleasuah of yo' company dis night. I t'ank God I is a fool. *** W'en we is laid in de groun' den we will all be on a lebel. Cose I's standin' up heah above yo' I doesn't t'ink I's above yo', jes' fo'dat. *** [exploding torpedoes drown his voice] God knows I wants to finish my lectuah. ["Go on, we don't

27 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1875 continued care for a little shooting. There are several who have just come in, who want to hear you on the subject of women!] Is dat so! An' dey still keeps comin' in! Well den, as I said at de start, a woman am de grandes' t'ing into de world. Ef it had not been for her, we, you, me, nobody would not a bin en de wuld-eben de wuld would not bin itself ef it had not a bin fo' her---[the bell rings behind the scenes--thunder roars over head--the hall is rent with yells--the curtain drops, shutting the speaker off from his audience--lights are extinguished, and the last scene of all that ends this momentous event is a picture of the lecturer feeling his way through the darkness out of the hall.]

[KW Dem-9 Dec 1875/p3/col2-3] Social Activities (lectures) / Nichols, Dr. Minor / Opera House / Dialect Sample ______Dr. Minor Nichols lectured to a small but appreciative audience, at the Opera House on last Saturday night, choosing for his subject 'Women, Whisky and Tobacco.' The main point of the lecture was that 'woman is de coner stone ob de world,' and Minor commanded the attention of his hearers for about half an hour until a bombardment was commenced on him by the boys throwing torpedoes from the gallery and at last the gas was suddenly turned off and as the lights winked out, a stage bell commenced to peal forth, and soon the drop curtain fell obscuring the lecturer from sight, when the crowd departed. Minor promises to soon repeat his lecture and the boys are already purchasing ammunition.

[KSET- 11 Dec 1875/p3/c2]

NICHOLS, Dr. Minor / Social Activities / Lectures ______A Lodge of colored Masons was instituted in this city on Monday evening.

[KW Dem - 16 Dec 1875/p3/c1]

Social Activities (Lodges) ______There will be a festival and public installation of officers of St. Mark Lodge, No. 15, F. & A. M., colored, in their hall over Styer's book store, on Monday evening, Dec. 27. The installation ceremonies will be conducted by Past Deputy Grand Master C. A. Roberts, of Noblesville. All are invited.

[KW Dem-16 Dec 1875/p3/c5]

Social Activities (Lodges-St. Mark's) / Styer's book store / Roberts, C. A. / festivals ______

28 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1875 continued

The Colored Lodge of Masons. There formerly existed at New London the St. Mark's Lodge, No. 15, F. and A. M., colored. This lodge was moved to this city, and on last Monday night was formally founded by a public installation of officers, followed by a festival which was largely attended by the colored people of this county. The installation was conducted by C. A. Roberts, Past Deputy Grand Master, of Noblesville, assisted by D. Roberts, of Arcadia. The following officers were installed : Wm. Ellis, Worshipful Master; Wilson Hardin, Senior Warder; A. H. Brown, Junior Warden; Wm. Hardiman, Treasurer; F. Roberts, Secretary; Wm. Rickman, Senior Deacon; Osbern Bond, Junior Deacon; Wm, Carey and J. A. Braboy, Stewards; T. J. Woods, Tyler. The festival netted $86, which will be applied to the lodge expenses. The DEMOCRAT congratulates the colored people upon the extablishment of this lodge and trusts that its teachings will be observed and rightfully appplied.

[KW Dem-30 Dec 1875/p3/c1]

Social Activities (colored lodge of free masons) / Roberts, C. A. / Roberts, D. / Ellis, William / Hardin, Wilson / Brown, A. H. / Hardiman, William / Rickman, William / Bond, Osbern / Carey, William / Bra(y)boy, Joseph A. / Woods, T. J.


29 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1876

Lodge of Colored Masons. On Monday and Tuesday of this week there was an unusual number of colored persons in town. All of the were wearing their store clothes and it was readily known that something more than usual was going on. It was the occasion of establishing a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons which business was perfected on Monday night by the installation of the officers as follows: Wm. Ellis, W.M. W. Hardin, S. W. A. H. Brown, J. W. Wm. Rickman, S. D. O. Bond, J. D. Wm. Hardiman, Treas. F. Roberts, Sec. T. J. Woods, Tyler. J. A. Braboy, Steward. Wm. Cary, Steward. Past Deputy Grand Master Roberts, of Noblesville, officiated and he was assisted by D. Roberts of Acadia.-- Success to St. Mark's Lodge: may the colored brethren more closely and religiously observe the grand principles of Masonry than do their white brethren.

[KST- 01 Jan 1876/p4/c5]

Social Activities / Lodges / St. Mark's Lodge / ELLIS, Wm. / HARDIN, W. / BROWN,A.H. / RICKMAN, Wm. / BOND, O. / HARDIMAN, Wm. / ROBERTS, F. / WOODS, T. J. / BRABOY, J. A. / CARY, Wm. ______

ERVIN Jan. 13, 1876 John Burnett, a colored citizen of Ervin Township was arrested last week and taken to the Logansport jail on the charge of forging an order on M. Morris, of Young America, for a suit of clothes. John will be furnished a suit of striped clothes by the State...

[KST- 15 Jan 1876/p1/c6]

BURNETT, John / Social Disturbances / Arrests and Crimes / Ervin Township ______

Dr. Minor Nichols has abandoned the lecture field.

[KST- 15 Jan 1876/p7/c2]

NICHOLS, Dr. Minor / Occupations ______

30 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1876 continued

An interesting social meeting of friends occurred at the residence of Mr. J. A. Braboy, on last Wednesday night. A large number of colored friends were present including several from Indianapolis.

[KST- 05 Feb 1876/p1/c2]

BRABOY, Mr. J. A. / Social Activities / Comings and Goings ______

Dr. Minor Nichols is to take in the rural towns in this county, with his theme, "Why I don't lecture any more in Kokomo."

[KST- 19 Feb 1876/p8/c1]

NICHOLS, Dr. Minor / Lectures / Social Activities ______St. Mark's Lodge. No. 15, (colored) F. & A. M. This Lodge was established at New London, this county, March 19 1866. The following are the names of the first officers: Wilson Harden, W. M. William Duged, S. W. Abraham Brown, S. D. John Dugged, J. D. Thomas Kirkman, Secretary. William Woods, Tyler. The lodge was removed from New London to this city on the 13th day of December, 1875. Below will be found the names of the present officers: William Ellis, W. M. Abraham Brown, S. W. Willis Harden, J. W. O. S. Bond, S. D. William Hickman, J. D. Flavius Roberts, Sec. Wm. J. Woods, Tyler.St. Marks Lodge now has a membership of nineteen and is composed of intelligent, energetic persons who will make the lodge prosper more in the future than it has in the past. They have a nice lodge room and their night of meeting is before the full of the moon in each month. [KST- 04 Mar 1876/p6/c4]

Social Activities / Lodges / St. Marks Lodge / New London / HARDEN; Wilson, Willis / BOND, O. S. /DUGGED; William, John / BROWN, Abraham / KIRKMAN, Thomas / WOODS; William, Wm. J. / ELLIS, William / HICKMAN, William / ROBERTS, Flavius ______

31 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891

1876 continued

The colored brass band has been disorganized -- by its creditors. [KWD-23 Mar 1876/p3/c1]

Social activities / brass band ______A number of the young colored people of this city have organized an amateur dramatic company--a variety troupe more properly speaking. They will give a public entertainment shortly. Come on McDuff, let him be damned that first cries, hold (my nose) enough.

[KWD-23 Mar 1876/p3/c1]

Social activities / dramatic company ______The Garr Murder Case. [...] Following are the names of the Jury: [among others] Richard Bassett...

[KST 08 Apr 1876/p1/c6]

Court Cases / Jurors / BASSETT, Richard ______Dr. Minor Nichols, c. r. d., (colored root doctor) will deliver his celebrated lecture on "Women, whisky, and tobacco," at Greentown, on next Saturday evening. A committee on torpedoes has been appointed to received him.

[KWD-27 Apr 1876/p3/c2]

Social activities (lectures) / Nichols, Minor ______Echoes form the outskirts. Greentown. The lecture of Dr. Minor Nichols, c. r. d. on last Saturday evening was a grand entertainment, there being scarcely standing room unoccupied. After the crowd had pretty largely assembled the band played a piece of two after which the Dr. was introduced. He acquitted himself in such a way as to convince all that he was master of his subject. He made himself many friends in Greentown especially among the ladies.

[KWD-4 May 1876/p2/c4]

Social activities (lectures) / Nichols, Minor ______32 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1876 continued Dr. Minor Nichols will deliver his celebrated lecture on "Whisky, Women, and Tobacco," in Frankfort, shortly.

[KWD-18 May 1876/p3/c1]

Social activities (lectures) / Nichols, Minor ______The Rev. Minor Nichols was announced to preach at the Y.M.C.A. rooms at the Junction Sunday at 2 o'clock. He failed to make his appearance but sent Bill Nick to deliver an excuse and proclaim the glad tidings that Bro. Nichols would preach next Sunday at three o'clock. All are invited. A large crowd and time of refreshing is anticipated.

[KWD-8 Jun 1876/p3/c5]

Social activities (preaching) / Nichols, Minor / Junction news / Nick, Bill ______The Junction. Minor Nichols did not preach at the Junction as reported in the Tribune.

[KWD-22 Jun 1876/p3/c4]

Social activities (preaching) / Nichols, Minor / Junction news ______Terrific Fall. On Thursday, about 11 o'clock, a colored girl, who makes her home at Mr. Turner's, fell from a third story window of the Clinton House to the hard stone pavement. At first it was thought she was killed but she recovered consciousness. She fell upon her side, breaking an arm and horribly mangling her face. At this writing it is believed she will recover. Her name is Lethia Shilling.

[KST- 24 Jun 1876/p5/c4]

SHILLING, Lethia / Accidents / TURNER, Mr. / Clinton House ______

The colored girl who fell from a third-story window of the Clinton House, last week, alighting on a solid stone pavement, is getting along nicely and will be out soon, as we are informed by Dr. Cole, who attends her. Her arm was broken at the wrist and her jaw was shattered. She struck on her head and that is what saved her.

[KST- 01 Jul 1876/p1/c6]

SHILLING, Lethia / Accidents / Clinton House ______33 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1876 continued Dr. Minor Nichols, of this city, delivered his celebrated lecture entitled "Women, Whisky and Tobacco," on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, of this week at Logansport. The press of that city speak very highly (?) of this lecture, yet they think his talents could be put to a better advantage -- whitewashing.

[KST- 08 Jul 1876/p4/c5]

NICHOLS, Dr. Minor / Lectures / Social Activities ______Dr. Minor Nichols, r. d. and white-washer, is making Logansport burst its belly-band with laughter by his famous lecture,"Women, Whisky, and Tobacco." Minor is a thorn in the side of the colored population of this city, whom he never fails "to give away" on every possible occasion. He ought to be suppressed -- we mean the root doctor.

[KWD-13 July 1876/p3/c2]

Social activities (lectures) / Nichols, Dr. Minor ______The colored folks had a splendid picnic on Tuesday, at the Fair Grounds. A great many came over from Peru and Logansport. There were speeches, plays, base ball, &c. Among them were some very stylish looking persons. The weakest brother among them is too smart to be a Democrat. Whatever else may be said of the colored man and brother, he isn't fool enough to be for Tilden.

[KST- 29 Jul 1876/p5/c2]

Social Activities / Colored Picnic / Politics ______Mose Peak, a colored man, was hurt quite seriously on his return from the picnic on Tuesday. He was thrown out of a buggy and his leg was crushed.

[KST- 29 Jul 1876/p8/c1]

PEAK, Mose / Accidents ______On next Tuesday week, the colored people of this county propose to hold a reform mass meeting in this city. -- Thorton Parker will be one of the speakers.

[KWD-3 Aug 1876/p3/c5]

Social activities (meetings) / Parker, Thorton ______

34 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1876 continued

A colored religious meeting was held in Ervin township last Sabbath. [KWD-10 Aug 1876/p3/c1] Social activities (religious meetings) / Ervin township ______

Minor Nichols still tries to propound the gospel at the junction. As a preacher Minor is not a success. [KWD-17 Aug 1876/p3/c5]

Nichols, Minor / Junction news ______Personal. (Among others) Dr. Minor Nichols has forever retired forever from the lecture field. J. T. Johnson, a gentleman of colored extraction, is one of the most useful men in our city. He is a capital waiter at a ball, wedding, or evening reception, is one of the best snare-drum players in the county, and is a tonsorial artist of the highest order.

[KWD-7 Sept 1876/p3/c3]

Nichols, Minor / Johnson, J.T. ______On last Tuesday night week a Hayes and Wheeler club was organized at Basset's school house in the colored settlement with thirty members. The following are the officers elect: W. Ellis, President S. Jones, Vice President Britton Basset, Secretary Oren Ellis, Treasurer Philip Brickins, Marshal. [KST- 09 Sep 1876/p1/c3]

Social Activities / Hayes and Wheeler Club / Bassett School House / Bassett Settlement / ELLIS, W. / JONES, S. / BASSETT, Britton / ELLIS, Oren / BRICKINS, Philip ______#76050 The colored people will soon give a public entertainment at the Opera House, composed of home talent. It will be composed principally of slave cabin melodies. [KWD-19 Oct 1876/p3/c1]

Social activities (concerts) / Opera House ______The following are the officers of St. Mark Lodge of F. & A. M., as installed at their public installation and festival on Wednesday evening last. Wm. Ellis, W. M.; Wm. Hardiman, J. W.; A. Brown, S. W.; Wm. Richmond, Secretary; J. A. Braboy, Treasurer; F. J. Roberts, S. D.; Jefferson Woods, T. [KST- 30 Dec 1876/p5/c2] Social Activities / Lodges / St. Marks Lodge / ELLIS, Wm. / HARDIMAN, Wm. / BROWN, A. / RICHMOND Wm. / BRABOY, J. A. / ROBERTS, F. J. / WOODS, Jefferson ______35 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891

1876 continued

Minor Nichols The Logansport Pharos, of yesterday, had a half-column article about Minor Nichols getting a whipping in this city. There was a very little truth and a great deal of falsehood in the article. Nichols desired to make calls at a house in this city, with a view, probably, to matrimony. The visits were not desired by the brother of the woman and, it is said the female also objected to his coming. At any rate, he was put out of the house and so assaulted as to make a case in law and the assailant, Mr. Joseph Braboy, was fined. This is about all there is in the case as we hear it. A word now about "Dr." Minor Nichols: He is, or was, an inoffensive, quiet colored man with a good many eccentricities and spent much of his life in slavery. A number of persons got him up to lecture on "Women, Whiskey and Tobacco." These persons and several newspapers, especially the Kokomo Dispatch and Logansport Pharos, have written column after column puffing the lecture, all, of course as a burlesque. In our opinion, a citizen or a newspaper that can enjoy such amusement, has a strange order of talent. It is positively wicked, as well as mean, to confuse the mind of such a person by fun-making. Nichols now pretends to preach at the junction every Sunday. If any friend of his can spare the time he ought to try to quiet Minor and get him back into his industrious habits. Minor is a widower but we don't know that he is any more frisky than widowers usually are. He ought to be let alone. He has a good deal of native sense and is in every way the equal of any man who tries to use him for the amusement of boys, boys of small and large growth. Again, we say, it is time this nonsense should be stopped.

[KST- 19 Aug 1876/p5/c3]

NICHOLS, Minor / Social Disturbances / BRABOY, Mr. Joseph / Biography ______

36 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1877

Interesting to the Colored Population. A prominent citizen and a good man called on us yesterday at noon, and asked us to say that in a conversation with a Doctor, of this city, not one of the old school, the latter made this broad and terrible remark: "I believe there is not a nigger that is a not a liar and a thief nor a wench that is not a harlot." If our informant were not a gentleman of high character in a moral business and religious sense, we could hardly believe that any person out of a lunatic asylum had ever made such an outrageous remark. But it is no affair of ours. We are asked by a customer and friend to publish the statement and are authorized to say that whoever wants further information about the base slander can obtain it by calling at the boot and shoe store of John Steward, on the east side of the square, where two persons can be seen who heard it.

[KST- 24 Feb 1877/p5/c3]

Social Disturbances / Editorials ______"Interesting to Colored People." Under this caption, last week by the authority of a citizen who called at this office, this paper charged that a Doctor, whose name was not mentioned, had used these words: "I believe there is not a nigger that is not a liar or a thief nor a wench that is not a harlot." The person alluded was Dr. E. W. Sawyer, who has called at this office and stated substantialy the following which he authorizes us to publish: "I did use the words under great provocation and at a moment of intense anger. I did not entertain the sentiment and now deeply regret that I used the harsh words. I am sorry and withdraw them as a heated expression not worthy of myself -- an expression I could not have made at a moment of deliberation." This statement was read to the Doctor and by him endorsed. In a further conversation with him, he assured us that he made this statement freely, to satisfy his own conscience and not to appease the wrath, just as it might be, of those who felt aggrieved. With this statement, repeated by the Doctor to all interested parties who called on him, The Tribune counsels the one right course, to drop the subject. "For if ye forgive men their trespasses your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if ye forgive not men their trespasses neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." Now let by-gones be by-gones and let us have peace.

[KST- 03 Mar 1877/p8/c2] Social Disturbances / Editorials ______Our colored base-ball club was badly worsted by the "Fairplays." of Indianapolis, on Tuesday. The game was closed at the end of the fourth inning, the score standing 20 to 4 in favor of the Indianapolis club.

[KST- 28 Jul 1877/p5/c4] Social Activities / Colored Baseball Club ______

37 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1877 continued

Basket Meeting A basket meeting will be given by the colored people at Haskett's grove, on to-morrow, Sunday, September 2. Rev H. H. Thompson and other ministers will be present. This is the last basket meeting to be given by the colored folks this season, and it is hoped a large attendance will be present.

[KST- 01 Sep 1877/p8/c3] Social Activities / Colored Basket Meeting / THOMPSON, Rev. H. H. / Haskett's Grove ______SHOT IN THE LEG A Colored Baptist Preacher Was Down in one of the colored settlements live Richard Bassett and Tomas Artis. Both are persons quite well advanced in years. The former has long been a resident at the settlement. The latter came there from Canada a few years ago. There also lived in that settlement a Widow Hall. Before Artis arrived it was noticed that Bassett and Mrs. Hall had kindly feeling for each other but this was attributed to their warm natures and not to any criminal desires. This could not be, for Bassett sometimes preached to his Baptist brethren and sisters, one of whom was the Widow Hall. When Artis came to the settlement, being a widower, he was naturally attracted by the charms of the charming widow. The course of true love ran smooth enough for a time and the Artis heart and the widow's heart were made to beat as one. But they didn't beat in that way long.- Brother Bassett was around so much that the green-eyed monster took possession of Brother Artis . How ridiculous this was, may be known from the fact that all three of the parties have grand-children. It is impossible that grandfathers and grandmothers can be carnal. But things didn't work. The house of the Artises was tumultuous. After a time, Mrs. Artis, remembering how lovely it was in the days of her peaceful widow-hood, decided that she would be a widow again. She sought an attorney and made application for divorce. Brother Bassett had a team and every now and then, is in the habit of coming to town. Now it so happened that Mrs. Artis generally had business at town the same day and came with him. Artis got tired of this and proceeded to tell Bassett that he must not, at the peril of his life, take Mrs. Artis to town any more. Bassett permited that order to pass in at his left ear and to go immediately out at the right. On last Saturday he again brought Mrs. Artis to this city. When the husband learned the fact, he decided to act promptly. He loaded his Navy revolver with a steady hand. He saddled a horse and mounted. He came toward this city. Five miles out, he met the parties returning. Fire was in his eye. Bassett saw it and attempted to increase the speed of his horse to get out of the way. But it was no go.- Artis drew his revolver, while riding at the side of the wagon and fired twice. One ball missed but the other entered Bassett's leg, at the thigh and passed down toward the knee. On that evening Bassett returned to this city and employed a surgeon to take out the ball. Artis waits the action of the courts of justice. He believes that if the court is not in a condition similar to that of the Goddess, who is described by a lady writer, in this paper, he will be permitted to go on his way, if not rejoicing at least to do the best he can in the matter of dictating the sort of company his wife shall keep. Our advice is as follows:

38 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1877 continued

Brother and Sister Artis, kiss and make up. Brother Bassett, attend more strictly to preaching and baptizing. Officers of the law, give the parties a lecture on the importance of agricultural pursuits, the necessity of each one attending to his own business and wife, and send them back to the settlement reconciled and, if weaker in the leg, stouter in the head.

[KST- 24 Nov 1877/p1/c6] Social Disturbances / Shootings / Court Cases / Crimes / ARTIS, Thomas / ARTIS, Mrs. / HALL, Widow / BASSETT, Richard / Bassett Settlement / Ministers ______The Bassett-Artis shooting affair came up for trial before Justice Hawkins on last Monday, when Artis was bound over to the circuit court in the sum of $500. Oran Ellis was his bondsman. Mrs. Artis has sued for a divorce, and the case will no doubt come up at the next term of circuit court.

[KST- 01 Dec 1877/p1/c5]

Court Cases / BASSETT / ARTIS / ARTIS, Mrs. / ELLIS, Oran (Oren/Orien) / Vital Records / Divorces ______

39 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1878

Court Items. The following divorce cases are pending at this term of Court [among others] Charity Artis vs. Thomas Artis. The latter also files a cross-complaint. [...] Thomas Artis vs. Richard Bassett. This is a crim con case and will be heard in court next Tuesday. The State of Indiana vs. Artis, for shooting Bassett, will also be heard at this term. Both cases promise to be interesting and a large number of witnesses will attend, from the colored settlement.

[KST- 05 Jan 1878/p1/c6] Court Cases / BASSETT, Richard / ARTIS, Thomas / ARTIS, Charity / Vital Records / Divorces ______

The colored brethren have compromised their difficulties and are now resolved from this time on to dwell together in unity. Tom Artis was fined $ 25 00 for shooting Rev. Bassett, and all the other cases were dismissed.

[KWD 17 Jan 1878/p3/T/c7]

Social Disturbances / ARTIS, Tom / BASSETT, Rev. / Fines payed ______

Court Notes [...] The Bassett-Artis troubles have been settled amicably, and all the cases are out of court. Artis plead guilty to the charge of , and battery on Bassett, and was fined $25 and costs. The Artis divorce case was dismissed by h plaintiff, and the crim. con. case, Artis vs. Bassett was compromised, the latter paying all costs. It is also rumored that Bassett paid a liberal fee to Artis for the fun he has had, at the expense of the latter's "honah."

[KST- 19 Jan 1878/p7/c4]

Court Cases / ARTIS / BASSETT / Fines payed ______Letter List, No. 11 [among others] Bassett, Miss Mattie

[KWD- 21 Mar 1878/p3/B/c6]

Letters, BASSETT, Miss Mattie ______

40 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1878 continued

Our Colored People. Mr. James Smith gave a party recently to a large [?] of friends. The supper and social was a pleasant affair. Mr. Charley Knight and Miss Addara Knight spent last week in the city, the guest of their sister, Maggie Knight. Miss Addara will soon graduate in the high school at Muncie. Miss Lucinda Roberts, a charming young lady of Hamilton county, spent a few days in the city last week. Her brother Sylvester, paid us a short visit, also. They were the guests of Misses Mattie and Sadie Brown. The masquerade party was a grand success. The net proceeds were $47.00 which was paid to Hunt Brothers at one. The literary entertainment was splendid. The essay by Miss Maggie Knight was the gem of the evening. Too much love for the same girl is like two locomotives passing on the same track, it always produces bad results. It was experienced in this city last week. The result was a badly lacerated nose, a demolished finger, a doctor's bill, and a broken hearted young lady. [KWD- 04 Apr 1878/p2/T/c4] Comings and Goings / KNIGHT, Miss Maggie / BROWN, Miss Sadie / BROWN, Miss Mattie / Social Activities / SMITH, James ______Debating Contest. The Colored Debating Societies of Kokomo and Peru will meet in contest at the Colored Church in this city on Tuesday evening the 30th inst. Questions: "Resolved, that capital punishment should be inflicted for capital crime." Messrs. Braboy, Hance, and Parker will represent Kokomo. Admission, 10 cents. Proceeds to go to the church fund. Everybody invited. [KWD- 18 Apr 1878/p3/T/c2] Social Activities / Debating Society / BRABOY, Mr. / HANCE, Mr. / PARKER, Mr. / Church benefits ______Joseph Vaughn, a saddle colored gentleman from "de Settlement," plead guilty to carrying concealed "weepons" and Judge Pollard mercifully said $2 00 and costs, which Joseph liquidated and departed in peace.

[KWD- 20 Jun 1878/p3/B/c3]

VAUGHN, Joseph / Settlements / Social disturbances / Fines payed ______Colored Picnic The colored people will have a picnic at the fair grounds on the 31st of July. There will be good music on the grounds, a vocal contest for a prize between several choirs, and a base ball match. The Commandery of Knight Templars, from Indianapolis, will be present and drill. Speeches will be delivered by some of the intelligent colored men of the State, of all political parties. Everybody invited. [KST- 13 Jul 1878/p5/c3] Social Activites / Colored Picnics ______41 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1878 continued

Colored Pic-Nic. On next Wednesday the colored lodges of F. and A. M., of Indiana, will hold a grand pic-nic at this city. Extra trains will be run on all the railroads. A big time is expected.

[KWD- 25 July 1878/p3/B/c5]

Social Activities / Lodges / F. & A.M. / Colored Picnics ______Masonic Picnic St. Marks Lodge of colored Masons of this city, will give a Masonic picnic and reunion at the fair grounds, south of town, on Wednesday next, (31st inst.) Gethesemane Commandery, Knight Templars, of Indianapolis, and other lodges from that city, Fort Wayne and Marion will be present. The exercises of the day will be a welcome address by Mayor Richmond, response by Elder Jones, of Indianapolis, base ball match, and Knight Templar drill. The evening exercises will be a vocal contest at Dayhuff & Sharp's hall, between the several choirs present. [KST- 27 Jul 1878/p5/c2]

Social Activites / Colored Picnics / Lodges / St. Marks Lodge ______Colored Pic-nic. A Grand Gala-day and Good Time Generally Yesterday was a field day for the colored people. It was the grandest gala day they have ever seen in this county. The occasion was a Masonic pic-nic and re-union, and fully one thousand people were in attendance. Five coaches came from Indianapolis and the delegations from neighboring cities were quite large. The procession formed in the following order, marshaled by A. Roberts, of this city: Capital city band, Gethsemane Commandery K. T. Blues Lodges, Central and Trinity Lodges of Indianapolis, Marion Band, St. Mark's Lodge of Kokomo, carriages and footmen. After the parade the procession was conducted to the Fair grounds, when the following exercises occupied the day: Music by Marion Band; Address of welcome by M. Garrigus (Mayor Richmond bing absent); Response by elder Daniel Jones, of Indianapolis, a very fine effort; Music by Capitol City Band; Knights Templar drill -- a truly grand performance. At night a musical soiree was given at Sharp & Dayhuff's Hall to a delighted and crowded house. the entertainment consisted of vocal selections by the Indianapolis Quartette club, under the leadership of Prof. prim, and the Kokomo Choir. If space permitted we would be pleased to give the pic-nic and concert the notice their excelience merits, but we are compelled to forego the pleasure. the colored people should feel proud of the day. Mr. J. A. Braboy, of this city deserves especial mention for his giant efforts to make the occasion a success. [KWD- 01 Aug 1878/p3/T/c5] Social Activites / Lodges / St. Mark's Lodge / Colored Picnics / BRABOY, J. A. / ROBERTS, A. ______

42 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1878 continued

The Colored Picnic A Large Crowd and a Good Time. The Masonic picnic of the colored people, held at the fairrounds in this city, on Wednesday last was a great success, fully 1,500 people being present. A train from Indianapolis, arriving at ten o'clock, brought in six well-filled coaches, and a procession was at once formed at the depot, parading the principal streets, headed by the Capital City Commandery Knight Templars, from Indianapolis, a good delegation from Central and Trinity lodges of that place, the Marion colored band, and St. Mark's lodge, of this city. The procession at once proceeded to the fair ground where the dinner hour having arrived, the baskets were emptied and an excellent repast served to all. In the afternoon, an address of welcome was made by M. Garrius, in the absence of Mayor Richmond, to whom that duty was assigned. Hon. C. Cowgill, being present, was called for and made a neat ten minute address. Ed. Outland, a colored barber, from Indianapolis, also responded to a call, by a short speech, which was well received. In the evening a musical sangerfest was given at Dayhuff & Sharp's hall, when a large audience was present. There was a vocal contest between the Indianapolis quartette club and the Kokomo choir. The day was full of enjoyment for all present, and will long be remembered by the colored people of Howard county.

[KST- 03 Aug 1878/p1/c5] Social Activities / Colored Picnics / Lodges / St. Marks Lodge / Kokomo Choir ______Colored Boys in Blue The colored boys in blue will hold a grand State re-union in Kokomo on September 3d: On to-marrow evening the committee of arrangements will meet in this city to perfect plans for the occasion. A large meeting is anticipated.

[KWD- 08 Aug 1878/p3/T/c5] Social Activites / Colored Boys in Blue ______The colored boys in blue will hold a grand re-union in this city, Sept. 3d. A more extended announcement will be given at another time, as all arrangements have not yet been made. [KST- 10 Aug 1878/p5/c3]

Social Activities / Colored Boys in Blue ______Colored Soldiers' Reunion There will be a grand reunion of the colored boys in blue, of the State of Indiana, in this city, on next Tuesday, Sept., 3d, 1878, and a cordial invitation is extended to every colored man in Indiana, be he soldier or civilian, to participate in the festivities of the occasion. The procession will form at 10 o'clock , a.m. under command of H. L. Rogan, of Indianapolis, on the corner of Taylor and Washington streets , and will parade he principal thoroughfares. The picnic will be held in the grove just north of A. F. Armstrong's residence. 43 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1878 continued

Hon. J. M. Darnall, of this city; Hon. J. S. Hinton and J. C. Mahoney, of Indianapolis; L. W. Nicholson, of Tipton; G. W. Jackson, of Peru; Rev. H. Anderson, of Terre Haute, and others will address the meeting. The Capital City Band, from Indianapolis, and the Peru brass band, will furnish music for the occasion. A free dinner will be given on the grounds, and a festival at night. Half-fare rates on all the railroads.

[KST- 31 Aug 1878/p5/c3]

Social Activities / Colored Boys in Blue / Soldiers Reunion / Colored Celebration ______The Colored Boys in Blue. Their Re-union in this City not a Decided Success - Cowgill's Money the Cause. The re-union of the Colored Boys in Blue held in this city on last Saturday was not a decided success in every particular, owing to the treachery of a few republican fanatics and the lavish use of Cowgill's money. Col. (?) Cowgill, the Republican candidate for Congress in this district and a few blinded political zealots of this city and Logansport conceived the idea that the proposed re-union was of Democratic origin and intended to promote Democratic principles. So they went to work and arranged for a rally of the colored people of the district at Logansport on the same day, and called upon the Republican nominee for Congress to help them "bust up the Democratic concern." Very cheap excursion trains were run on all roads entering Logansport. The round trip fare was only $ 1 35 and a free train was run from Kokomo. But nothing was said about the return charges, and when the deluded, moneyless, excursionists woke up at Logansport and found they would have to pay full fare home, it is said the air was fairly rended with siounds not at all pleasant for Mr. Cowgill to hear. The re-union here passed off quietly, pleasantly and profitably, although it was not nearly so largely attended as could have been wished. The meeting was held in the Court House Square and was addressed by Dr. J. Darnall, C. S. Hance, Thorntown Parker, and W. W. Barnes, of this city, and Mr. Mahony, or Indianapolis. Mr. Len Nicholson, of Tipton, was present, but owing to a very severe cold did not deliver the addcress he had prepared for the occasion. It will be published in full in the Dispatch next week. [KWD- 05 Sep 1878/p3/T/c5]

Social Activities / Colored Boys in Blue / HANCE, C. S. / PARKER, Thorntown ______The colored soldiers' reunion announced to take place in this city, on last Tuesday, was almost a fizzle, owing to the fact that a celebration of a similar character took place at Logansport the same day. Just as the committee of arrangements were preparing to "celebrate" here, band reached the city from Logansport and paraded he principal streets, carrying a banner with the announcement that a free train would carry all those who wished to go to Logansport. Consequently there was a general stampede, and about 200 persons left on the train about noon. The meeting here was slimly attended but was held in the Court House yard in the afternoon, when addresses were made by Dr. J. M. Darnall, C. S. Hance, 44 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1878 continued

Thornton Parker, and W. W. Barnes; also J. c. Mahoney, of Indianapolis. One of the best jokes of the season is the assertion in this week's Dispatch, charging the failure of the reunion to "Capt. Cowgill's money." Think of the Captain running an excursion train to Dykeman's home -- Logansport. This is worse than charging the yellow fever plague to the Republican party. [KST- 07 Sep 1878/p5/c2]

Social Activites / Colored Soldiers' Reunion / Colored Celebration / HANCE, C. S. / PARKER, Thornton ______Our Colored People Tom. Byrd wore out his cloth dog and game bag last week. Why can't the colored people of Kokomo get up a rip-roaring dance? Miss Ollie Brown and Mrs. McDaniels, of Ft. Wayne are visiting in the city. We are glad to see them again. The colored people are unanimous in the opinion that the Dispatch is the best paper in Howard county, despite its politics. Rev. H. H. Thompson will soon be able to walk again without the aid of crutches. His people pray for his permanent recovery. Jo. Braboy is in Indianapolis visiting friends this week. Rumor has it that he has a weather eye on some ebony damsel at the Capital. The colored debating club discussed the profound question, "Resolved, that the dish-rag is of greater use to man than the broom," on Monday night. The dish-rag won the contest, despite the frantic efforts of Milt. Nick and Mr. Stokes. Horace Johnson is the nobbiest colored man in town; Milt. Nick tallest; Bill Gaskin the dressiest; Bob Myers the fattest; Jo. Braboy the handsomest; Dave Winburn the big footedest; Jot Johnson the windiest; and Doc Stevens the noisiest. Uncle Eph. [KWD- 05 Dec 1878/p3/B/c4]

BYRD, Tom. / Comings and Goings / THOMPSON, Rev. H. H. / BRABOY, Jo. / Social Activities / Debating Society / NICK, Milt. / STOKES, Mr. / GASKIN, Bill / MYERS, Bob / WINBURN, Dave / JOHNSON, Jot / STEVENS, Doc / JOHNSON, Horace ______Our Colored People. Mr. Kelly, of Plainfield, was in the city this week. The barbers will soon be able to out spell the school. Mrs. White, of Arcadia, is visiting friends in the city. Tom Byrd killed five quils and one rabbit last Monday. He won't tell how many more he scared away. Wm. Gaskin was sick last Sunday and failed to make his appearance. He was at work on Monday. Don't think he has the consumption, unless it be of the beef-steak variety. Amos Gibson says going to school knocks barbering higher than a kite - a high kite - and in conclusion says, "Come down and hear me cipher." A high-toned school teacher from Arcadia was in Kokomo over Sunday visiting one of our young ladies. Boys, can you let an outsider come in a get the girls away from you? If you do, it is your own fault. Our Sunday School Superintendent was absent last Sunday. The weather was too bad for Sunday School. He

45 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1878 continued found walking good for a mile, where he found a delicious dinner. We hope to see him in his place next Sunday. On Tuesday evening a grand entertainment was given at the residence of Thomas Byrd for Miss Ollie Brown, of Fort Wayne, by W. R. Myers and David Winburn. A large number were present. Miss Brown and Miss Lulu Thompson tickled our ears with some very fine music. The entertainment was a grand success. The colored archery club intend to hire a hall and shoot all winter. The price of hay will go up as they will ruin so many targets. Uncle Eph.

[KWD- 12 Dec 1878/p2/B/c5] Comings and Goings / BYRD, Thomas / GIBSON, Amos / Social Activities / MYERS, W. R. / WINBURN, David / THOMPSON, Miss Lulu / Colored Archery Club ______

Our Colored People. Amos Gibson is a "masher." Bob Myers is a good skater. He skates on his back. Miss Ollie Brown returned to her home at Ft. Wayne, Monday. C. F. Stokes is giving splendid satisfaction as teacher of our school. Rev. H. H. Thompson warned his congregation against holiday pleasure, on Sunday evening. On account of the inclement weather H. H. Thompson did not fill his pulpit at Logansport Sunday. Mr. C. F. Stokes will give a grand feast for his pupils on Friday night at the church. An entertainment of a literary order will be given. Prof. J. A. Braboy will deliver an address on "A fixed principle in life the sure road to success." Uncle Eph.

[KWD- 19 Dec 1878/p5/T/c4]

GIBSON, Amos / Comings and Goings / MYERS, Bob / STOKES, C. F / Teachers / THOMPSON, Rev. H. H. / BRABOY, Prof. J. A. / Social Activities ______

46 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1879

Billy West, colored; Dave Huffman et al, white, engaged in a drunken row on Tuesday night all along Railroad street. Broken noses, lacerated ears, sore heads, and depleted purses--the consequences.

[KWD-16 Jan1879/p3/c1]

West, Billy / social disturbances ______

The cornet band of the colored settlement had a festival on the 16th. The boys enjoyed themselves.

[KWD-23 Jan 1879/p2/c5] social organizations (brass band) ______

ARRESTED FOR MURDER. Birch Overton, alias Wm. Parker, Colored, Arrested in this City for the Murder of a White Woman, near Memphis, Tenn. On Monday last, sheriff Duke, of this city received a telegram from sheriff McGowen, of Memphis, Tenn., which contained a description of one Birch Overton, alias Wm. Parker, colored, who was believed to be in this city, and requesting his arrest as he was wanted in Memphis for the rape and murder of a white woman near that place four weeks ago. On Wednesday, Mr. Duke received a letter from Memphis giving a fuller and more complete description of Overton. Mr. Duke has therefore been on the lookout for him. On Thursday morning at eleven o'clock, Overton called at the Post office here, and asked for a letter for himself or "Parker." Postmaster Winslow, who had been informed of the telegram, immediately sent word to Mr. Duke and in a few minutes he was in the office and arrested the colored criminal. Overton, or "Parker," has lived here for three years, leaving in October last with his wife for Tennessee. He returned here about a week ago. His story is very thin, as he contradicted himself several times. He was locked up in the county jail to await the arrival of the officers from Memphis who have been telegraphed for and they will probably arrive here to day with a requisition for him. As sheriff Duke locked him in his cell he said "they would never have go me if my wife had not given me away." Since the above was written, Sheriff Duke has had another conversation with Overton, who admits that he worked in a livery stable at Memphis, and that he left there two weeks ago. In reply to a question as to whether he believed the Memphis officials would recognize him upon their arrival here, he said "certainly they will, they know me well, I am afraid it is a bad go with me."

[KST 15 Feb 1879/p1/c6]

Social Disturbances / Arrests / Crimes / PARKER, Wm / OVERTON, Birch ______

47 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1879 continued

THOU ART THE MAN. Who Murdered Mrs. W. C. Foster. That is what the Memphis Officials Said is Birch Overton, alias "William Parker." In our last issue mention was made of the arrest in this city, by Sheriff Duke, of Birch Overton, colored, alias Wm. Parker, who was wanted in the city of Memphis, upon a charge of murder. On last Saturday night, sheriff E. L. McGowen and his deputy, Mr. Harris, of Memphis, arrived here and on Sunday morning visited the jail to identify the prisoner. Sheriff Duke had placed five other colored men in the cell with Overton to satisfy himself that he was the man wanted. As soon as the Memphis gentlemen were admitted into the jail they at once identified Overton. On Monday morning at five o'clock, Overton had an examination before Judge Pollard who ordered sheriff Duke to turn him over to the Memphis officials. This was done and the prisoner was taken away on the seven o'clock train that morning. The crime with which Overton is charged is the murder of Mrs. W. C. Foster, who resided about four miles from the city of Memphis, or the Memphis & Charleston railroad, and who was murdered on the night of January 29th. Overton, and another colored man named Charles Woods, were employed by Mrs. Foster in the capacity of servants and obtained their places by forged letters of recommendation. They were led to believe that Mrs. Foster had a large sum of money in her house and to obtain this they murdered her. On the night before mentioned they gained access to her sleeping room, and upon being discovered by her, crushed her skull almost to a jelly with a hammer. The amount of plunder obtained consisted of a few dollars and a ladies gold watch. As soon as the murder was committed, Woods went to Memphis, where he was arrested two days afterwards, and Overton started for southern Mississippi. At Jackson, Miss., he was arrested by the officers but managed to escape from them, and came to this city. His hiding place was discovered by a letter which he wrote to his wife at Memphis, and which was intercepted by the officers there. His partner, Woods, has had his trial, the case going to the jury on last Friday night. On Saturday the jury returned a verdict, finding him guilty of murder in the first degree. [KST- 22 Feb 1879/p1/c5] Social Disturbances / Arrests / Crimes / OVERTON, Birch / PARKER, Wm. ______Another Black Plague. Arrest of Luther Lee, Colored, For A Murder in Kentucky. On last Friday, Captain J. R. Forbes, of the Indianapolis police force, arrested Luther Lee, colored, at , Kentucky, on the 15th day of last April. Lee confessed the awful crime, but justified the deed on the plea of self-defense. He said he and Rodgers were employees in the hemp factory of Frazier & Co., and that he hit Rodgers over the head with a piece of beaming bar, in a fight, from the effects of which he died in eight hours. The murderer then fled, and brought up in Indianapolis a few days afterward. He secured employment as a servant in the family of Mr. A. B. Southard, son-in-law of Judge H. A. Brouse, of this city. He came to Kokomo as an employee of Judge Brouse July 22nd, since which time he has been a sober, industrious man, The judge was quite taken aback at his arrest, inasmuch as he considered the murderer a remarkably kind and faithful servant. The murdered man was 35 years of age and had a family. Lee is only 24 years old, looks very boyish and has a wife and one child in Lexington. The chances are largely in favor of his conviction and punishment by death. [KWD-6 Mar 1879/p3/c5] Lee, Luther / arrests ______48 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1879 continued

Coming events. Festival and concert. The colored people of the city will give a supper and concert at Sharp & Dayhuff's Hall on next Tuesday night for the benefit of their church. The programme [sic] will consist of modern and slave cabin music. The singers will consist of Misses Lulu Thompson, Ella Thompson, Maggie Bond, Messrs. Sam Young, Milton Nicholson, W. R. Myers, E. A. Roberts, James Stilgus. Supper commences at 6 o'clock. Admission to supper and concert: 25 cents. [KWD_10 Apr 1879/p3/c4] Social activities (concerts) / church benefit / Bond, Maggie / Myers, W. R. / Nicholson, Milton / Roberts, E. A. / Stilgus, James / Thompson, Ella, Lulu / Young, Sam ______Our Colored People. They organize a Permanent Organization for the Assistance of Their Suffering Colored Brethren in the South. To the editors of the Dispatch: The colored citizens of this city met Monday evening, May 26th, for the purpose of making arrangements to assist the suffering colored people of the South. A permanent organization was effected, by a select committee chosen for that purpose, as follows: President__Joseph Braboy. Vice_President__Thorton Parker Secretary__E. H. Roberts. Treasurer__Rev. H. H. Thompson. After electing officers speeches were made by Mr. Joseph Braboy, Thorton Parker, H. H. Thompson, and others. On motion a committee of five was appointed to make arrangements to get the Court House in which to hold their next meeting. The committee was appointed as follows: Robert Myers, Milton Nicholson, Thorton Parker, H. H. Thompson, and James Smith. On a motion a committee of fifteen ladies was appointed to solicit aid from our white friends of the city. The following were appointed the committee: Mrs. James Smith, Nancy Turner, Mrs. Emma Nicholson, Miss Lula Thompson, Miss Fannie Bond, Misses Frances Winbourn, Ella Thompson, Mary Shelly, Sallie Roberts, Mrs. Lucy Gaskin, Liza Hall, Ruth A. Dunlap, Anna Winbourn, Neoma Brown, Jane Woods. In conclusion, we say that we want our white friends to help us, just as we helped them when their people were suffering with the yellow fever in the South. Give us clothing, money, or anything you have to spare. C. F. Stokes, Secretary. [KWD_29 May 1879/p3/c5] social organizations / colored relief society (elections) / Bond, Miss Fannie / Braboy, Joseph / Brown, Neoma / Dunlap, Ruth A. / Gaskin, Mrs. Lucy / Hall, Liza / Myers, Robert / Nicholson, Mrs. Emma / Nicholson, Milton / Parker, Thorton / Roberts, E. H. / Roberts, Sallie / Shelly, Mary / Smith, Mr. and Mrs. James / Thompson, Ella / Thompson, Rev. H. H. / Thompson, Miss Lula / Turner, Nancy /Winbourn,/AnnaWinbourn, Misses Frances / Woods, Jane ______

49 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1879 continued

At a meeting of the colored people of this city, on last Monday night, a permanent organization was effected for the assistance of their colored brethren who are at present emigrating from the South. Joseph Braboy was elected president; Thornton Parker, vice president; H. H. Thompson, treasurer. A committee of fifteen ladies was appointed to solicit aid from our citizens, as follows: Mrs. James Smith, Mrs. Nancy Turner, Mrs. Emma Nicholson, Miss Lulu Thompson, Miss Fannie Bond, Misses Frances Winbourne, EllaThompson, Mary Shelly, Sallie Roberts, Mrs. Lucy Gaskin, Liza Hall, Ruth A. Dunlap, Anna Winbourn, Noama Brown, Jane Woods. This committee hope to meet with encouragement from our people, and solicit clothing, money, or anything else that will benefit the Southern sufferers. The next meeting will be held in the court house, but the time is not announced.

[KST- 31 May 1879/p5/c2]

BRABOY, Joseph / PARKER, Thornton / THOMPSON, H. H. / SMITH, Mrs. James / THOMPSON, Miss Lulu / TURNER, Mrs. Nancy / NICHOLSON, Mrs. Emma / BOND, Miss Fannie / ROBERTS, Miss Sallie / SHELLY, Miss Mary / THOMPSON, Miss Ella / WINBOURNE, Miss Frances / HALL, Liza / GASKIN, Mrs. Lucy / DUNLAP, Ruth A. / WINBOURN, Anna / BROWN, Noama / WOODS, Jane / Social Activites ______The colored relief society met on Tuesday night, but the collections were so meager that another meeting was called for next Tuesday evening.

[KWD_5 Jun 1879/p3/c1] social organizations / colored relief society / fund raisers ______The colored people had a grand reunion at Noblesville, yesterday, at which C. F. Stokes delivered an address on the subject of education--only he didn't.

[KWD-12 Jun 1879/p3/c1]

Social activities (reunion) / Stokes, C. F. ______Colored Festival. St. Mark's Lodge, F. & A. M., (colored,) will give a festival at their lodge room, over Styer's book store, on next Tuesday night. Good music from the Deer Creek brass band. Everybody invited. Admission, 10 cts.

[KST- 14 Jun 1879/p1/c3]

Social Activities / St. Mark's Lodge ______

50 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1879 continued

Items from the Court House. [among others] State ex rel Thomas Artis et al vs. Richard Bassett et al. Action on bond of defendant, as administrator of Edmund Hall's estate, for failure to discharge his duty as such administrator. Submitted to jury. Verdict, for defendant.

[KST 21 Jun 1879/p1/c6]

County Records / Social Disturbances / BASSETT, Richard / ARTIS, Thomas ______Mr. C. F. Stokes left Kokomo on the 11th inst., and has since visited his brother's school, the Indianapolis colored schools, and attended the commencement exercises of the Muncie High Schools. After a short visit to his old home in Randolph county, he went to Fort Wayne, where he will spend a few weeks before returning to this city.

[KST- 28 Jun 1879/p5/c4]

STOKES, Mr. C. F. / Comings and Goings ______Last Saturday morning, at Memphis, Tenn. the jury in the case of Wm. Parker, alias Duncan, colored, on trial for the murder of Mrs. Foster, near that city, in January last, returned a verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree. Parker is the colored man who was arrested in this city for the murder buy two officers who came here from Memphis in February last. [KST- 05 Jul 1879/p5/c1]

Social Disturbances / Court Cases / Arrests / PARKER, Wm. ______On last Monday afternoon, Jacob Melton, a colored man, who lives in the western part of the city, had one finger of his right hand cut off and two others severely injured by a buzz saw, in Moore & Ellis's factory. Mr. Melton had called to get some work done, and in attempting to remove a piece of board the above result followed. [KST- 12 July 1879/p5/c4]

MELTON, Jacob / Accidents ______At a meeting of the colored citizens of Kokomo on Tuesday evening. Messrs. J. A. Braboy, C. S. Hance, and Wm. Gaskin were chosen delegates to attend the State Convention to be held at Terre Haute, August 6th.

[KWD-17 July 1879/p3/c1] social organizations / colored citizens of Kokomo / Braboy, J. A. / Gaskin, Wm. / Hance, C. S. ______

51 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891

1879 continued

Fair Notes. The colored band of Ervin township will attend the Fair. [...]

[KST- 23 Aug 1879/p1/c3]

Ervin Township / Ervin Band / Social Activities ______

Our Colored People. Misses Fannie and Laura Bridgeman have been visiting in the city this week, guests of Mrs. Mattie Byrd. The festival on last Tuesday evening was a success. The proceeds were $15 which go to the pastor, Rev. H. H. Thompson. Rev. H. H. Thompson left on Wednesday last, for Michigan, to attend conference. We hope he may have a pleasant visit. The social given by the young me in honor of Miss Fannie Bridgeman and sister at Rev. H. H. Thompson's on last Thursday evening was an enjoyable affair. Miss Lulu Thompson entertained the guests with some very fine music and Miss Fannie Bradley was the "queen of charades" during the evening Star.

[KST- 23 Aug 1879/p1/c3]

BYRD, Mrs. Mattie / Comings and Goings / THOMPSON, Rev. H. H. / Ministers / Social Activities / THOMPSON, Miss Lulu / BRADLEY, Miss Fannie ______

Real Estate Transfers [among others] David Rush to Mary S. Hendley, 4 1/2 acres, Ervin township, $100.

[KST- 23 Aug 1879/p5/c3]

County Records / Real Estate / RUSH, David / Ervin Township ______

Henry Newby, "cullud," received rather a rough shaking up at the Mindle [sic] Fork fair on last Thursday. Henry should be glad that he came out with a whole neck.

[KWD-4 Sept 1879/p2/c5]

Newby, Henry ______

52 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1879 continued

Our Colored People. [by Uncle Eph.] Miss Fannie Bridgman and sister are visiting friends at Greencastle. Mr. Sam Young, James Clayborn's cook, is very sick. We hope he will soon recover. Mr. Charles Knight, one of our prominent teachers, died last week with fever. He was elected constable at Muncie at the last election. William Gaskin spent last week at Indianapolis, attending the fair. Will had a splendid trip. He formed many new acquaintances. Returning home, he became somewhat ill. Rev. H. H. Thompson will take his departure to day for New Albany. He will be missed by his many warm friends here. God bless him and his family. We wish them well. May their years be those of peace, and fleet away as "slick as grease." [KWD-4 Sept 1879/p1(supplement)/c1] our colored people / Vital records (deaths) / Bridgman, Miss Fannie / Gaskin, William / Knight, Charles / Thompson, Rev. H. H. / Young, Sam ______

Band Picnic. The Cornet Band of Ervin Township, will have a picnic on Thursday, Sept. 18th, just north of the colored schoolhouse, No. 1 in the grove. Good speaking by N. R. Linsday, J. Fred. Vaile, B. F. Harness and Senator M. Garrigus. The Marion and Galveston Bands will furnish good music. There will be a festival and supper at the church at night. All are invited. [KST- 13 Sep 1879/p1/c5]

Ervin Township / Ervin Band / Social Activites / Picnics / Ervin Colored Schoolhouse ______

A. H. Brown and William Ellis represented Howard county in the Grand Lodge of colored Masons at Indianapolis last week. [KWD-18 Sept 1879/p3/c7]

Social organizations (Lodge of colored Masons) / Brown, A. H. / Ellis, William ______Y. M. C. A. The 10th Annual State Convention. [...] Promptly at 2 o'clock the convention was called to order, and one-half hour was spent in devotional exercises, conducted by T. J. Legg, of Logansport, after which the following topics were discussed: "The field among the colored people," opened by J. A. Braboy, of this city. Quite an animated discussion ensued over this topic. It opens up a new field of labor for the Association throughout the country. [KST- 22 Sep 1879/p1/c2]

Social Activites / Y. M. C. A / BRABOY, J. A. ______

53 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891

1879 continued

Kokomo has the best behaved and most refined colored society of any town of the size we know of. We are proud of our fellow citizens of African descent.

[KWD-16 Oct 1879/p3/c1] praise for African citizens ______

Suburban News. Ervin, Oct. 13. [...] Old Mr. Philips, a colored man who says he is 85 years of age, recently walked from Preble county, Ohio a distance of about 120 miles. Where is the pedestrian of the same age who will walk with him?

[KST- 18 Oct 1879/p4/c3]

PHILIPS, Mr. / Ervin Township ______

Court Proceedings. Circuit Court--October Term. The following causes have been disposed of since last report: (among others) T.C.Mallaby, Adm'r vs Wm. Ellis and H. P. Bassett, Judgment for $14.00. Delila J. Nichols vs J. W. Nichols. Divorce granted plaintiff.

[KWD-23 Oct 1879/p2/c5] court proceedings / vital records (divorces) / Bassett, H. P. / Ellis, William / Nichols, Delia J. / Nichols, J. W. ______

A colored literary society has been organized in this city with a membership of thirty. The society meets every Tuesday evening. Following are the officers elected for the current year: T. J. Roberts, President: M. Nicholson, Vice-President: Richard Brown, Secretary; Miss Susan Gaskin, Treasurer, C. F. Stokes, Marshal.

[KWD-23 Oct 1879/p3/c1] social activities (literary society-officer elections) / Brown, Richard / Gaskin, Susan / Nicholson, M. / Roberts, T. J. / Stokes, C. F. ______

54 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1879 continued

The Y. M. C. A. held profitable meetings at the Orphans' Home and Christian Church on last Sunday. The evening services at the Christian Church were conducted by Prof. Hitt, J. H. Saylors, Father Stewart, Lizzie Darnall, J. A. Braboy, and L. J. Kirkpatrick.

[KWD-30 Oct 1879/p3/c1] social activities / YMCA / Braboy, J. A. / Darnall, Lizzie / Hitt / Kirkpatrick, L. J. / Saylors, J. H./ Stewart ______

War in Africa. The Bass colored settlement, down in Ervin township, is all tore up with a feud involving nearly every family in the settlement. The strife culminated in a free fight last Saturday night, in which one of the participants, Alford Hall, received a wound that may cause his death. In a hand-to-hand encounter with Zachariah Hall, he was stabbed in the back, the knife penetrating into the bowels. Several other of the combatants sustained serious wounds. On Tuesday night Constables Burk & Bannon went down and arrested the following persons for assault and battery, all of whom gave bond for their appearance before Justice Williams for trial the following day: Wm. Ellis, Zachariah Hall, Frank Mahon, Alford Hall, Henry Bassett, and Isaac Vonn. The trial was postponed till nest Thursday the 6th.

[KWD-30 Oct 1879/p3/c1]

Bass Settlement (family feud) / Bassett, Henry / Ellis, Wm. / Hall, Alford / Hall, Zachariah / Mahon, Frank / Vonn, Isaac ______

We were in error regarding the arrest of William Ellis, in reporting the row in the Bass settlement last week. Mr. Ellis only went on the bond of the other three men who were arrested, but he was not mixed up in the fight. He also informs us that the band boys did not carry guns as no further trouble was anticipated after the arrests were made. Mr. Ellis is a peaceable citizen, and we are pleased to know that he was not mixed up in the row.

[KST- 08 Nov 1879/p5/c3]

ELLIS, William / Arrests / Social Disturbances / Bass Settlement ______

A Day at "Uncle Dick Bassett's." On last Saturday, Richard Bassett, familiarly known as "Uncle Dick," of Ervin township, this county, walked into our office, and after the usual greetings had passed, extended a cordial invitation to us to visit him on the following Sunday. Of course we accepted the invitation, and Sunday morning at half past nine o'clock , we were on our way to his residence, 12 miles west of this city. Those who accompanied us were Messrs. John

55 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1879 continued

W. Cooper, Henry L. Moreland, Alex. H. Duke, Geo. W. Duke, Will Gauze, H. F. Henderson, J. C. Blacklidge, D. O. Freeman, W. Fielding, D. C. Spraker, Alvin Haskett, Millard McDowell, C. N. Pollard, J. F. Vaile and A. C. Ford. On the way we were joined by Lou and "Dutch" Harness. At twelve o'clock we arrived at "Uncle Dick's" where he and his good wife "Aunt Julia," assisted by several neighbors had prepared an excellent dinner. A roasted pig was the principle feature of the dinner to which all did justice. After dinner was over, all the guests assembled in the front room, when Hon. C. N. Pollard was called to the chair and Will Gauze was made secretary. Mr. J. F. Vaile offered the following preamble and resolutions which were unanimously adopted: Whereas. Our esteemed friend and fellow citizen, Richard Bassett, has extended to us his hospitality, therefore Resolved. That we tender him our thanks and that this occasion will long be remembered by us with pleasure , and that our wish is that his years may be many and covered with much happiness and prosperity: And be it further Resolved. That to his wife and those who have assisted in preparing this excellent repast which we have enjoyed, we also extend our thanks and good wishes, and that their culinary skill may never grow less. Uncle Dick in a few well timed remarks replied to the resolutions and then the guest retired, well pleased with the manner in which they had been entertained. Among those present were Henry Bassett, Britton Bassett and family, George Bassett and family, Charley Mosely and family, Oren Ellis and family, Wm. Kennedy and Daughter, Reuben Griggs and family, John Russell and family, Nice Mosley and family, James Kirby and family, Clayton Barnes and family, and Mrs. Betsey Weaver, of Grant county.

[KST- 22 Nov 1879/p1/c3]

BASSETT, Richard / BASSETT, "Uncle Dick" / BASSETT, "Aunt Julia" / Bassett Settlement / Ervin Township / BASSETT, Henry / BASSETT, Britton / BASSETT, George / MOSELY, Charley / ELLIS, Oren / KENNEDY, Wm. / GRIGGS, Reuben / RUSSELL, John / MOSLEY, Nice / KIRBY, James / BARNES, Clayton / Social Activities ______

A nasty case coming from the Bass colored settlement was tried before Squire Ingels on Tuesday. Frank Mahon was charged with making indelicate and revolting proposals to Emma Kennedy. The details of the case were dirty, filthy, and prurient to a nauseous degree. The trial drew better than the average side show. A large quantity of lime of other powerful disinfectant should be copiously sprinkled over the Bass settlement? That community has more than an average of unfavorable notoriety. Uncle Dick should come to the rescue with closed nostrils.

[KWD-27 Nov 1879/p3/c1]

Bass settlement / Bassett, Richard / Kennedy, Emma / Mahon, Frank ______

56 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1879 continued

Following will be found the program for the Hintonian Society, in this city, on Tuesday night, Dec. 1st: An address will be read by Miss Susie Gaskin, Subject, "The relation that education sustains to the human race." Debate: "Resolved that nature is a stronger evidence of God than the Bible:" affirmative, David Gaskin, John Russell and F. J. Roberts; negative, C. F. Stokes, William Ellis and Jos. A. Braboy. The society meets at the African M. E. Church. Everybody cordially invited to attend. [KST- 29 Nov 1879/p7/c2]

Social Activities / the Hintonian Society / GASKIN, Miss Susie / GASKIN, David / RUSSELL, John / ROBERTS, F. J. / STOKES, C. F. / ELLIS, William / BRABOY, Jos. A. / A. M. E. Church ______

A Colored Row in Ervin. Some time ago, Zachariah Hall, a colored man living in Ervin township, whipped a neighbor's boy for some slight offense. Alford Hall "took it up." and it was not long until the entire colored settlement was taking sides in the matter. Much bad blood was manifested, and the bitter feud which hd been engendered culminated in a row last Saturday night. Alford Hall, who participated, got into a fight with Zacariah Hall, and was stabbed in the back, the knife producing a painful wound. One or two others were more or less injured in the melee. On Monday evening constables Baker Bannon and Harvey Burk visited the scene of conflict and on the way they met the Ervin colored band coming to the school house in a wagon. They had their instruments and several guns with them. When asked what they were going to do with fire-arms they answered, "We're only out on a little serenade, boss!" The officers arrested William Ellis, Zachariah Hall, Frank Mahan and Henry Bassett on a charge of assault and battery, and brought them to the city to appear before Squire J. E. Williams. They gave bond for their appearance on Thursday next, when the trial will occur. A host of witnesses will be examined. At last accounts, peace reigned in the Bass settlement, and there were no indications of a further outbreak. [KST- 01 Nov 1879/p1/c6]

Ervin Township / Social Disturbances / Bassett Settlement / Ervin Band / HALL, Zachariah / Arrests / HALL, Alford / ELLIS, William / MAHAN, Frank / BASSETT, Henry ______

The Hintonian Literary Society held a very interesting session on Monday evening. Miss Susie Gaskin delivered a very creditable address on "The Relation Education Sustains to the Human Race." The question, "Resolved that Nature is a Stronger Evidence of God than the Bible," was creditably debated in the affirmative by David Gaskin, John Russell, and F. J. Roberts; negative by C. F. Stokes, Wm. Ellis, and J. A. Braboy. Merits of the arguments in favor of the negative. [KWD-4 Dec 1879/p3/c1] social activities (debates) / Hintonian Literary Society / Braboy, J. A. / Ellis, Wm. / Gaskin, David / Gaskin, Miss Susie / Roberts, F. J. / Russell, John /Stokes, C. F. ______

57 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891

1879 continued

Our Colored People. LeRoy Stokes was in the city last week, the guest of C. F. Stokes. Miss Susie Gaskin has gone to Randolph county, with Miss Emma Stokes to spend a few weeks. Miss Emma Stokes, sister of C. F. Stokes, was visiting in the city this week, the guest of Miss Susie Gaskin. She returned home on Wednesday last. -Abe

[KST- 06 Dec 1879/p5/c3]

Comings and Goings / STOKES, C. F. / GASKIN, Miss Susie ______

Our Colored People. Mr. Feeling's wife and Mrs. Bradley and her son have been very sick this week. The enrollment of the school managed by C. F. Stokes, has now reached 58. J. A. Braboy went to Indianapolis on Tuesday morning to see Gen. Grant and the procession. Rev. McSmith is making many warm friends in Kokomo. He is quite well educated and is a very pleasant speaker. He will occupy the pulpit next Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. If the parents of the children wish the colored school to prosper, they must encourage it by their presence. If you wish to know how your children are prospering, drop in occasionally and hear them recite their lessons. The school Trustees should visit the school and see whether it does not need grading. We think that another room should be attached, and another teacher employed to assist the principal. If they don't believe it, just let them call in and stay one half day and see the work the teacher has to preform. Ezra Roberts is a pupil in the colored school, and it is said of him by his teacher, that he received 98 per cent. general average, last month. Although he is but nine years old he is far ahead of some young men who are not attending the school, and only think of idleness. If our young men hope to have a bright future dawn upon them, they must turn from their idleness and pursue the paths of knowledge. The Hintonian Society is progressing finely. On last Tuesday night quite an interest was manifested. The question for discussion was, "Resolved - That Iron is of more use to the country than God and Silver." Leonard Winburn and Ezra Roberts taking the affirmative, and Celestius Parker the negative. The subject was decided in favor of the negative. The society meets every Tuesday night. The question for discussion next Tuesday night is, "Resolved - That O. P. Morton has done more for the Colored People than Charles Sumner."

-Abe [KST- 13 Dec 1879/p5/c4]

Illnesses / FEELING, Mr. and Mrs. / BRADLEY, Mrs. / Schools / Enumeration / STOKES, C. F. / BRABOY, J. A. / Politics / McSMITH, Rev. / Schools / Kokomo Colored School / ROBERTS, Ezra / Social Activities / the Hintonian Society / WINBURN, Leonard / PARKER, Celestius ______

58 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891

1879 continued

Our Colored People. Samuel Young has left Kokomo and will make his home in the future in Marion. There was a vast deal of misbehavior at the African M. E. Church on last Sunday evening, and it has been a continual occurrence all winter. If it is not stopped immediately, we shall doubt the ability of the Trustees to control the church properly. At a meeting Tuesday night the Hintonian Literary and Debating Society, installed the following officers to govern that organization the ensuing term: President- Wm. Gaskin Secretary- E. Roberts Treasurer- C. F. Stokes Sargeant-at-Arms-F. K. Roberts Marshal-A. C. Ford Critic-C. F. Stokes Executive Committee- J. S. Smith, E. Roberts, and C. F. Stokes. A feature of the literary society recently was a debate between the young members, boys ranging form 10 to 14 years, on the question: "Resolved, That Iron has Been of More Benefit to Mankind than Gold." Some of the points made by them were strikingly original, characteristic, and amusing, but in the main correct, altogether reflecting much credit upon themselves and instructor.

[KWD-18 Dec 1879/p5/c5]

A. M. E. Church / Ford, A. C. / Gaskin, Wm. / Roberts, E. / Roberts, F. K. / Smith, J. S. / Stokes, C. F. / Young, Samuel ______

Our Colored People. The Hintonian Society will not meet until December 30th, 1879. C. F. Stokes has gone home to spend holidays in Drake county, Ohio. Wm. Winborn's daughter has been dangerously sick during the past two weeks, but will probably recover. Miss Susie Gaskin has returned home from her visit to Randolph county, and says she had a pleasant time. Mrs. Abram Brown made a flying visit to the Cicero Settlement a few days ago, the guest of her daughter Mrs. Mattie Roberts. The colored people seem to be very Industrious this winter. You may go to any part of the town where they reside, and you will see their families flourishing. Rev. McSmith occupied the pulpit on last Sabbath, and preached a very able discourse at night. We would be glad to have some of the brethren of the other denominations to call and hear him next time, especially the ministers. the "Hintonian Society" met in regular session last Tuesday evening and discussed the following question: "Resolved, That O. P. Morton has done more for the glory of the U. S. than Chas. Sumner." C. F. Stokes and F. J. Roberts affirming, and John Russel and Wm. Nickolson taking the negative. Seven jurors were chosen,

59 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1879 continued and rendered their decision in favor of the negative. J. A. Bradley is to deliver an oration the next time. All are invited. -Abe.

[KST- 20 Dec 1879/p8/c1]

Comings and Goings / Social Activities / Hintonian Society / STOKES, C. F. / WINBORN, Wm. / Illnesses / GASKIN, Miss Susie / BROWN, Mrs. Abram / Churches / Church Services / McSMITH, Rev. / ROBERTS, F. J. / NICKOLSON, Wm. / RUSSELL, John / BRADLEY, J. A. ______

60 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1880

The following delegates of the Kokomo Y. M. C. A. will attend the District Convention...: Prof J. M. Hitt and wife, D .W. C. Smith, J. N. Loop, J. A. Braboy, J. H. Sayler, and L. J. Kirkpatrick.

[KD-1 Jan 1880/p7/c3] social organizations / 1880 YMCA district convention / Braboy, J. A. / Hitt, J. M. / Kirkpatrick, L. J. / Loop, J. N. / Sayler, J. H. / Smith, D. W. C. ______Our Colored People Mrs. Joseph Braboy is visiting friends at Indianapolis Miss Nettie Winburn, of Arcadia, was visiting friends in Kokomo during Christmas times. Elder McSmith is to fill his pulpit Sunday, 11th inst. hours of worship are: 10:30 a.m., and 7p.m. Miss Mamie Simms, of Goodland, Ind., was visiting in the city during holidays, the guest of Miss Susie Gaskin. C. F. Stokes has returned home again looking well, and reports that he had a splendid time at home during vacation. He says that his school is succeeding well. The members of the African M. E. church had a very nice Christmas tree on Christmas Eve, and pleased the children with many valuable presents. Everybody was well pleased, and thought the occasion a good one. Mr. E. H. Roberts conducted the literary exercises. Richard Brown is making rapid strides in his classes in the high school. Prof. Hitt says he is doing well. Richard was a member of Mr. C. F. Stokes' school last year, but through diligence and industry received his promotion card and entered the high school in which position he intends to remain until he becomes a graduate, if life permits. We are glad to notice that Miss Ella Thompson and Miss Emma Winburn are determined to make their mark in the world, for we see them in school every day. That is right, girls, if none of the young men will lead the way, you must show them that you cannot afford to waste your time in idleness, but will be examples for them by your industry and integrity. Correspondent.

[KST- 10 Jan 1880/p1/c2]

Comings and Goings / BRABOY, Mrs. Joseph A. / McSMITH, Elder / GASKIN, Susie / STOKES, C. F. / A. M. E. Church / ROBERTS, Mr. E. H. / BROWN, Richard / THOMPSON, Miss Ella / WINBURN, Miss Emma / Schools / Students ______Our Colored People. Left over from last issue. Mr. William Gaskin is the most fashionable barber in town. His haircutting is excellent. Miss Mary H. Hill of Logansport, has been visiting our city this week, the guest of Miss Ella Thompson. she returned home Tuesday evening. Elder McSmith preached a sermon which was one of the beset efforts of his life, last Sabbath evening. His text was: "Hope thou in God." He took up the word "hope" and analyzed it in a way that showed he

61 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1880 continued understood his subject thoroughly. There are several young men in our midst who might attend school, but instead they are wasting their time in idleness. We see, though, that Willie Roberts has made up his mind to make a man of himself, even it costs many privations and self-denials. He has bid the other boys farewell and says: "It is better to go alone than be in bad company." The "Hintonian Society" met in regular session last Tuesday night and elected the following officers: President, F. J. Roberts; Vice President, Elsie Gaskin; Sec'y, Richard Brown; Treasurer, Miss Susie Gaskin. The executive committee submitted the following programme for Tuesday night, Jan 20th: Address by C. F. Stokes: "Astronomy," F. J. Roberts; Select reading, Elsie Gaskin; "Business Letter," E. H. Roberts; "Winter Sports," Celestius Parker: and song, "One Hundred Years Ago." All well wishers are invited to attend. The enrollment of the colored school is 65. The school is composed of 5 grades. Examinations occur at the end of every month, and each pupil receives a report of his standing in his grade. last month Ella Thompson was champion of the 1st grade, Ezra Roberts of the second, Rosa Winburn and Sarah Nickolson were champions of the 3d, Anna Gaskin of the 4th, and Oscar Powl and Delbert Roberts were champions of the 5th grade. Ella Thompson was champion of the school receiving 97 per cent. general average. Abe. [KST- 24 Jan 1880/p3/c4]

GASKIN, William / Barbers / THOMPSON, Miss Ella / Comings and Goings / McSMITH, Elder / ROBERTS, Willie / Schools / Students / Social Activities / The Hintonian Society / ROBERTS, F. J. / GASKIN, Elsie / BROWN, Richard / GASKIN, Miss Susie / STOKES, C. F. / ROBERTS, E. H. / PARKER, Celestius / ROBERTS, Ezra / WINBURN, Rosa / NICKOLSON, Sarah / GASKIN, Anna / POWL, Oscar / ROBERTS, Delbert ______Our Colored People. Mrs. Jennie Stewart made a short visit to Indianapolis last Monday. Miss Cassie Roberts is lying very sick at the residence of her brother-in-laws. Mr. White and Mr. Gillum, of Arcadia Settlement, paid our city a flying visit a few days ago. On last Saturday and Sunday we held our quarterly meeting, Elders Burden and McSmith officiating. Mrs. James smith has gone to Fort Wayne to spend a few days 00 probably her future home if she likes the place since her husband is there at work. Allow me the privilege to say that we all join in expressing our thanks for the many donations we received for the benefit of our festival and supper held on the 22nd inst. We can but say, God bless the good people of Kokomo. On Sabbath morning, Elder Burden preached a very instructive sermon upon the "Oracles of God." The subject was well handled, and showed that the Speaker was well informed, and had spent no little time to prepare his subject matter. At 3 p. m. he preached the sacramental discourse, after which the sacrament of the Lord's supper was administered.The Hintonian Society disposed of the following program last Tuesday evening:

62 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1880 continued

1. Address. "Whisky and Card-Playing," by Wm. Nickolson. 2. Oration, "What the Bible has done for Women." by Miss Sadie Roberts. 3. Select Reading, by Lethie Shelly. 4. Spelling match, E. H. Roberts and J. A. Braboy, captains. The program for next Tuesday evening is one of interest. Everybody is invited. At 7:30 Elder John McSmith preached from these words, "through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the day spring from on high hath visited us." He took up the word "Dayspring," and proved that it meant the Son of God. We consider it one of the best sermon that was ever preach in our church and we are not afraid to say there is not a minister in Kokomo that can excel it, either by words or oratory. A man of knowledge is known by his works. Let every one seek it, that it may be found. Bad habits create evil manners. Some of our friends are guilty of them. Abe.

[KST- 31 Jan 1880/p8/c2]

Comings and Goings / STEWART, Mrs. Jennie / ROBERTS, Miss Cassie / Illnesses / BURDEN, Elder / McSMITH, Elder John / SMITH, Mrs. James / Churches / Church services / Social Activities / The Hintonian Society / NICKOLSON, Wm. / ROBERTS, Miss Sadie / SHELLY, Lethie / ROBERTS, E. H. / BRABOY, J. A. ______Our Colored People. Wm. Gaskin is boarding at Abram Brown's. Mr. John Manuel is keeping a restaurant at the Junction. Elsie Gaskin has started to school at last and is doing very well. Bro. Thomas Roberts filled the pulpit of the A. M. E. church last Sabbath evening. C. F. Stokes has gone to Noblesville to spend a few days during vacation, the guest of his brother. Rev. Cyrus Roberts, of Arcadia settlement, preached in the A. M. E. church one night last week. On last Friday, Jan. 30, there was a festival given at the church for the benefit of the same. The attendance was small and we did not realize much. Elder Jason Bundy, of Crawfordsville, Ind., preached at the church on Tuesday evening, 3d inst. He left on the following morning for Frankfort. In one of the previous issues of your paper, we stated that Miss Susie Gaskin was treasurer of the Hintonian Society, but it is a mistake, C. F. Stokes is treasurer and Miss G. is critic. A lady should never on account of economy, wear either what she deems an ugly or an ungraceful garment. Such garments never put her at ease and are neglected and cast aside long before they have done her their true service.

63 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1880 continued

Several of our young men make plenty of money but they do not know how to save it. Young men, the time has come when we must save every cent that we can, in order to compete with our white friends. If we begin to save while we are young, when we get to be old we will have enough to take care of us instead of being on the mercy of the people. Abe. [KST- 07 Feb 1880/p5/c5]

Comings and Goings / GASKIN, Wm. / MANUEL, Mr. John / GASKIN, Elsie / ROBERTS, Bro. Thomas / Churches / A. M. E. Church / Ministers / STOKES, C. F. / Social Activities / Church benefits / The Hintonian Society / GASKIN, Miss Susie ______

Our Colored People. Mr. Woodford, of Chicago, is in our city, and he intends to remain awhile. Re. Wilcox filled the pulpit last Sunday at 7:30 p. m. his sermon was very interesting. Mrs. Sarah J. Walden, of Arcadia Settlement was visiting in our city last week, the guest of Mrs. Thomas Gaskin. From what we can learn there are to be two pupils promoted from the school to the high school this year, if they pass the required examinations viz: Mary Shelly and Ella Thompson. We notice in many parts of our State that our people from North Carolina are settling and are being taken care of, but in Kokomo and the county in general, the emigration is as limited as that of the Zulu tribe residing in Africa [KST- 14 Feb 1880/p8/c1] THOMPSON, Ella / SHELLY, Mary / Comings and Goings ______Our Colored People. Not much sickness. Plenty of work to do. The Hintonian Society met in session last Friday evening, 17th inst., when the following officers were elected: President - J. A. Braboy Vice-president - C. F. Stokes Secretary and Treasurer - E. H. Roberts The society is now known as the American Literary Society. Rev. John McSmith is to fill the pulpit on to-morrow, Sunday, at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. He expects to hold a series of meetings soon. Rev. Cyrus Roberts preached at the church on last Wednesday, at 7:30 p.m. Bro. Thomas Roberts filled the pulpit last Sabbath evening. On last Friday evening there was a spelling contest at the school house. Those who took part used Patterson's speller. After the spelling, essays were read by the following pupils: C. H. Parker, Ezra Roberts, Freddy Bradley, Leonard Winburn and Ora Parker. The subjects were "Beauty," "Danger," "Manhood," "Childhood," and "Penmanship." Abe. [KST- 21 Feb 1880/p5/c4] Social Activities / The Hintonian Society / BRABOY, J. A. / STOKES, C. F / ROBERTS, E. H. / McSMITH, Rev. John / Churches / ROBERTS, Rev. Cyrus / ROBERTS, Bro. Thomas / Schools / Programs / PARKER, C. H. / ROBERTS, Ezra / BRADLEY, Freddy / WINBURN, Leonard / PARKER, Ora ______

64 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1880 continued

Our Colored People On last Sabbath evening, Elder McSmith occupied the pulpit at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Those who heard his sermons were surely built up in the faith of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Many will wonder why the series of meetings are not going on, as stated in the last issue. The minister's health was poor and would not permit him to commence them at this time, but he will probably begin soon. Things are quite dull in the north end of town. Reason - no school. We think it is almost as necessary to suspend meetings as it is to suspend the schools, for there the children and older people meet, and are as liable to scatter the scarlet fever as if the children were at school. On last Tuesday night the "American Literary Society" met in regular season and adopted a constitution and by laws which will tend to make the Society what it ought to be. Mr. J. A. Braboy delivered a very fine oration on "The Responsibility of Men of Genius," in a clear and comprehensive manner, and showed that he had spent no little time to make his oration a success. The program for next Tuesday night is as follows: 1. Oration: F. J. Roberts 2. Composition: Ezra Roberts 3. Song: "Honor the Lamb" &c. E. H. Roberts, Milton Nicholson, Miss Susie Gaskin and Miss Sadie Brown 4. Speech: Prof. Ford 5. Select Reading: Miss Sadie Roberts Our correspondent also offers the following sensible remarks to the colored voters of Howard county: Gentlemen: We cannot afford to vote carelessly and indifferently this year. I am aware that several of you have voted against your politics in past elections in order to gratify some friend that has favored you, either when you were sick or out of money or employment. You thought simply because some Democrat had favored you in order to repay him you had to vote for him. You should never pay a man in that way. if a Democrat, or even a Republican should befriend me, I would try to save a little money or call my physical strength together and pay him that way. I think a colored man cannot commit a greater evil than to vote for a Democrat for any office. I would not vote for one under any consideration whatever and I don't want any of them to ask me to either. I don't care if it was only a supervisor's office he was seeking, I would not vote for him. Let us be very careful how we vote and if General Grant is nominated , let us give him a solid support. Abe. [KST- 28 Feb 1880/p8/c1]

Politics / Churches / Illness / BRABOY, J. A. / ROBERTS, F. J. / ROBERTS, Ezra / ROBERTS. E. H. / NICHOLSON, Milton / GASKIN, Miss Susie / BROWN, Miss Sadie / McSMITH, Elder ______"Uncle Dickey" Bassett dropped in and gave us a pleasant call on his way home form Indianapolis, Monday, where he went to attend a meeting of the American Dove Society, of Indiana. [KD-4 Mar 1880/p5/c2]

Bassett, Richard "Uncle Dickey" (comings and goings) / membership in the American Dove Society ______

65 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1880 continued

Our Colored People. Mrs. William Russell, of Indianapolis is visiting in our city the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. A. Braboy. JoshuaWinburn and family, of Hamilton county, has removed to our city where he intends to remain for a while. J. A. Braboy conducted the meeting at the church last Sabbath evening. Elder McSmith is expected to fill the pulpit next Sabbath evening. The school, after a vacation of two weeks, is to begin again on Monday, the 8th inst. We hope to see a large number present. Don't think because you have been out of school two weeks that you should not return. Your teacher will be pleased to see all of your pleasant faces again. On Monday night quite a number of young ladies and gentlemen met at the church to organize a singing choir. C. F. Stokes was called to the chair and Miss Susie Gaskin chosen as Secretary. Eighteen persons gave their names for membership. We are to meet on next Monday night with Prof. Alex Hopkins who is to teach the class several lessons if the necessary arrangements are made. We hope to meet with success. The American Literary Society met in regular session last Tuesday evening. The following program was disposed of: F. J. Roberts, an able oration, subject: "A Day of Small Things." Mr. R. deserves many compliments for his effort. Prof. Foard gave us a little talk about Charles Sumner which was short but to the point. the program for next Tuesday night is as follows: 1. Temperance Speech, C. F. Stokes. 2. Declamation, Elsworth Gaskin. 3. Select Reading, Freddy Bradley. 4. Arithmetic, J. A. Braboy. 5. Music - Essay, E. H. Roberts. 6. Song - Denomination, Vlan Roberts, Mrs. Jennie Stewart, E. H. Roberts, Milton Nickolson, Leonard Winburn and Wm.Nickolson, participating. Abe. [KST 06 Mar 1880/p8/c3]

BRABOY, Mr. & Mrs. J. A. / WINBURN, Joshua / McSMITH, Elder / Churches / Schools / STOKES, C. F. / GASKIN, Miss Susie / HOPKINS, Prof. Alex / ROBERTS, F. J. / FOARD, Prof. / GASKIN, Elsworth / BRADLEY, Freddy / ROBERTS, E. H. / ROBERTS, Vlan / NICKOLSON, Milton / NICKOLSON, Wm. / WINBURN, Leonard ______East End Items [among others] Mr. J. A. Braboy was frightened badly on last Thursday night by his chimney flue burning out. [KST- 13 Mar 1880/p1/c2]

BRABOY, Mr J. A. / Accidents ______

66 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1880 continued

Our Colored People. Elder McSmith is now in our city conducting a series of meetings. Robert Jones, of the Bass Settlement, is one of the petit jurors for the present session of Court. Bro. Wilcox preached at the church on last Thursday night, from the following: "Be not afraid, only believe." The singing choir that was to meet at the church on last Monday night did not convene. Reason - meeting intervening. Miss Martha Walden, of Arcadia Settlement, is in our city attending the school. I can say of Miss W., that she is an accomplished lady. The American Literary Society did not dispose of its program on last Tuesday night but came to a hasty conclusion to adjourn for church. The same program will be used at the next session of the Society. The minister, Rev. McSmith, preached a very able sermon from these words last Sabbath evening. "Now, the just shall live by faith, but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him." Heb. x-38. He confined himself to the first clause. "now the just shall live by faith" &c. Abe. [KST- 13 Mar 1880/p1/c6] McSMITH, Elder / JONES, Robert / Bass Settlement / Politics / WILCOX, Bro. / Churches / Social Activites / Ministers ______Our Colored People. The gentlemen that were given books to solicit aid for the church have collected $22 in cash, which is now in the bank, and several dollars promised but not paid. Elder McSmith preached from the following text last Sabbath evening: "Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity," etc. The speaker became very enthusiastic when he spoke of redemption and of the final separation of the wicked from the just. The sermon deserves many compliments. The American Literary society met in regular session last Tuesday night and used the program that had be assigned with much credit. Elsworth Gaskin did not carry out his part of the work. The program for next night is as follows 1st Oration, 2d Discussion - Resolved, "That Women should have the right to vote and become citizens the same as men." Affirmative - J. F. Roberts, Tom Byrd; negative, J. A. Braboy, C. F. Stokes. The following persons visited the school this month: Joseph Braboy, Thomas Anderson, E. H. Roberts, Ella Jones, Cleming Jones, Elsworth Gaskin, Jefferson Woods, Prof. Cox and Mrs. E. Milton. We wish to say that it would greatly encourage the teacher and pupils to see more of the patrons come in and see what we are doing. The present term is drawing to a close rapidly and you should see whether you teacher is doing any good or not. Abe. [KST- 20 Mar 1880/p1/c2]

Churches / Church benefits / McSMITH, Elder / Social Activities / GASKIN, Elsworth / ROBERTS, J. F. / BYRD, Tom / BRABOY, J. A. / STOKES, C. F. / ANDERSON, Thomas / ROBERTS, E. H. / JONES, Ella / JONES, Cleming / WOODS, Jefferson / COX, Prof. / MILTON, Mrs. E. / Schools / Literary Society ______

67 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1880 continued

Our Colored People. Mrs. Hiram Brown is on a visit to the Arcadia Settlement. C. F. Stokes spent last Saturday and Sunday in the Rush Settlement. Rev. Cyrus Roberts made his appearance at the Literary Society Tuesday night. The members of the church are becoming quite negligent. No meeting or Sabbath school last Lord's day. Elder McSmith is in our city this week looking after the interest of the church. The last time we held meeting we were greatly annoyed by the prattle of two young men and one lady. Oh! I should not say "men" or lady, for a sensible man or respectable lady would not do as they did. I heard that the trustees of the church intended to handle those persons the very next time they were annoyed. Elder McSmith is to fill the pulpit next Sabbath, 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. The American Literary Society met in regular session last Tuesday eve and used the previous program: 1. Select Reading, Sarah Nickolson. 2. Resolved, "that women should have the right of Suffrage," F. F. Roberts affirming and C. F. Stokes taking the negative. 3. the discussion was a warm one and was listened to be the following jurors: E. H. Roberts, John Ford, Wm. Nickolson, John Locust, of the Rush Settlement, Albert Milton and A. D. Winburn. The affirmative was victorious. Yeas, 4; nays, 2. The Society then adjourned to meet the first Tuesday in November next. J. A. Braboy, President; C. F. Stokes, Vice-President; E. H. Roberts, Secretary. Abe.

[KST-27 Mar 1880/p1/c2]

BROWN, Mrs. Hiram / STOKES, C. F. / Comings and Goings / Rush Settlement / ROBERTS, Rev. Cyrus / Social Activities / Literary Society / Churches / McSMITH, Elder / NICKOLSON, Sarah / ROBERTS, F. F. / ROBERTS, E. H. / FORD, John / NICKOLSON, Wm. / LOCUST, John / Rush Settlement / MILTON, Albert / WINBURN, A. D. ______Poplar Grove, March 31. [...] the Ervin Star Band (colored people appeared here last Thursday evening and did some splendid playing. The members have made marked improvement under the instructions of their present teacher; he is said to be a Walton man, and he understands his business well. We all hope to have the band come again. [...]

[KST- 03 Apr 1880/p6/c2]

Ervin Township / Poplar Grove / Ervin Star Band / Social Activities ______Our Colored People Miss Brooks, of Hartford City, is in our city, the guest of Mrs. Marmaduke Winburn. Miss Emma Waldon, of Arcadia Settlement, is visiting friends in our city, the guest of her sister, Miss Martha Waldon. Elder McSmith is to commence his third quarterly meeting to-night to continue over Sabbath. Preaching at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Prof A. D. Winburn recently made a flying visit to his home in Hamilton county, and while there secured a

68 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1880 continued summer school to commence the first Monday in May. Prof. Alex. C. Hopkins has organized a singing class, and we hope he may be successful. We meet every Wednesday and Friday evenings. All well disposed person are invited to attend.

[KST- 10 Apr 1880/p10/c3]

Comings and Goings / WALDON, Miss Martha / McSmith, Elder / Churches / Church meetings / WINBURN, Prof. A. D. / HOPKINS, Prof Alex. C. ______YMCA. A conference of the Y. M. C. A. was held Monday evening at the residence of A. F. Armstrong, for the purpose of discussing the question of the propriety of keeping up the Y. M. C. A. in this city the ensuing year, and determining upon the manner and means of raising funds to meet expenses. There were some twenty persons present, and all were decidedly of opinion that the work of the Y. M. C. A. was of great good and ought to be continued. A motion declaring it as the sense of the meeting that the Y. M. C. A. should be kept up, was unanimously adopted; also, a motion to appoint a committee to canvass the city for subscriptions to the expense fund. The following committee was appointed: (among others) A. M. E. Church- Mrs. Thos. Byrd and C. F. Stokes.

[KD-15 Apr 1880/p1/c2]

YMCA committees / AME Church representatives - Byrd, Mrs. Thomas, Stokes, C. F. ______A conference of the Y. M. C. A. was held at the residence of Hon. A. F. Armstrong, on last Monday evening when it was resolved that the Association should be kept up, and the following committee was appointed to canvass the city and solicit subscriptions to that end. [among others] A. M. E. Church, Mrs. Thos. Byrd and C. F. Stokes.

[KST 17 Apr 1880/p5/c3]

Churches / A. M. E. Church / Y. M. C. A. / BYRD, Mrs. Thos. / STOKES, C. F. ______Our Colored People. The singing class now has an organ in the church. Mrs. Mary Roberts of Noblesville is in the city, the guest of Mrs. Wm. Winburn. Mrs. Marmaduke Winburn has gone to Hartford City to spend a month with her brother. Elder McSmith preached two very able sermons on last Sabbath. The evening sermon was a grand effort. Elder McSmith is to attend the general conference at St. Louis soon, and probably will not be back to fill his pulpit for six week. Miss Emma Waldon, of Arcadia Settlement, left for her home on last Wednesday evening, after having had

69 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1880 continued an enjoyable time for several days. The singing class is progressing finely. Prof. Hopkins is a splendid instructor. He is talking of leaving town soon. If he does it will be a bad thing for the class. Quite a nicer party of young people met at the residence of Mr. Thorn Gaskin's on last Tuesday evening and all had quite an enjoyable time. The party was given in honor of Miss Emma Waldon. -Nix [KST- 17 Apr 1880/p5/c3]

Comings and Goings / WINBURN, Mrs. Wm. / WINBURN, Mrs. Marmaduke / McSMITH, Elder / Churches / Church Services / Church meetings / GASKIN, Mr. Thorn / WALDON, Miss Emma / HOPKINS, Prof / Social Activities / Singing Class ______Our Colored People. Seven weeks more of school. Mrs. Mary Roberts returned to her home on last Wednesday evening. Prof. A. D. Winburn has left town to teach his school in Hamilton county. Wm. Gaskin is having his shop repaired. It will be as fine a barber shop as any in town. Mrs. A. C. Hopkins wife of the Professor, has charge of the singing class, and we think she will give entire satisfaction. The meeting was conducted by J. A. Braboy and C. F. Stokes last Sabbath evening. Quite a nice crowd of young people were assembled. Miss Mollie F. Hill, of Logansport, recently made our city a visit, and while here was the guest of Miss Ella Thompson. She returned home on Tuesday evening. - Nix. [KST- 24 Apr 1880/p1/c2]

Comings and Goings / HOPKINS, Prof. and Mrs. A. C. / BRABOY, J. A. / STOKES, C. F. / WINBURN, A. D. ______Our Colored People. No colored councilman yet. Our singing class is progressing finely. Mr. Roberts, the cattle buyer was in town this week. C. F. Stokes spent last Saturday and Sunday in Logansport. The singing class is preparing to give a concert on the 17th of May with Prof. and Mrs. A. C. Hopkins as leaders. A man is known by the company he keeps. When we see a young man or lady keeping bad company, we mark it down that they, too, are corrupt in morals. Mr. Abram Brown, after a residence of six years in the Henderson property, has moved to the Schooley

70 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1880 continued property, at the southern termination of La Fountain street. Elder McSmith passed through our city last Thursday on his way to the General Conference to meet at Saint Louis. He stopped over night and preached at the A. M. E. church. - Nix. [KST- 01 May 1880/p3/c3] Politics / Social Activities / Singing Class / STOKES, C. F. / Comings and Goings / Churches / A. M. E. Church / McSMITH, Elder / BROWN, Mr. Abram / HOPKINS, Prof. and Mrs. A. C. ______Mrs. J. A. Braboy is visiting relatives and friends at Sidney, Ohio. [KST- 01 May 1880/p7/c2] BRABOY, Mrs. J. A. / Comings and Goings ______Our Colored People. J. A. Braboy voted for Ellis. Miss Susie Gaskin has been quite sick but is now recovering rapidly. Mr. Wilcox and J. A. Braboy conducted services at the church last Sabbath evening. The young ladies and gentlemen are preparing for the concert which will occur on the 17th inst. When the white schools are dismissed on account of a "Show parade" we think the colored schools should be dismissed also. We are sorry to say it, but several of the colored boys voted contrary to their principles last election. It is a bad precedent you have set for your race elsewhere. Our Sunday School is growing better. The teachers are F. J. Roberts, Miss Susie Gaskin, E. H. Roberts and Miss Ruth Ann Dunlap. Superintendent, C. F. Stokes. Elwood Roberts, after an illness of several months - consumption - at the residence of Jefferson Woods, died on the evening of the 4th inst. Interment in Crown Point Cemetery. Rev. Rett officiated at the funeral service. The schools keeps up pretty well, the average daily attendance reaching about 35. I can not close without saying a word to some of our boys. Boys, you should not cultivate that mean, selfish spirit which speaks by your actions and ways that you think yourself better than any one else, and also too proud to take advice from any one, not even from your mother or sister. I have heard mothers ask their sons to do them a favor, such as chopping a little wood or bringing a pail of water, and the sons would answer, "I ain't going to do it!" Do it yourself! To such boys I would refer them to Prov. XXX 17. "The eye that mocketh at his father, and despiseth to obey his mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick out, and the young eagles shall eat it." -Rieo. [KST- 08 May 1880/p10/c1] Politics / BRABOY, J. A. / GASKIN, Miss Susie / Illnesses / WILCOX, Mr. / Churches / Church Services / Schools / Sunday Schools / Teachers / ROBERTS, F. J. / ROBERTS, E. H. / DUNLAP, Miss Ruth Ann / STOKES, C. F. / ROBERTS, Elwood / Deaths / Crown Point Cemetery / RETT, Rev. / WOODS, Jefferson / Obituaries ______

71 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1880 continued

Our Colored People. Four weeks of school yet. Don't forget to attend our concert on next Monday night. Miss Ophelia Carter, of Logansport, was in town a few days ago, the guest of Miss Ella Thompson. Miss Lutitia Woods, of Galesburg, Ill., is in town, the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Woods. Services were conducted at the church last Sabbath evening by Bro. Sailors and J. A. Braboy. The later gave us some very good advice in a very able manner. We think he would make a good pulpit orator by giving his whole time to the study. The singing class is progressing finely. We are to give an entertainment at the Christian Church on Monday night, the 17th inst. we have quite a fine program of songs and we promise to give entire satisfaction to every one who may attend. The admission will only be 15 cents for adults, and 10 cents for children. Parents, bring your children with you and enjoy the rare feast that we have in store for you. Prof. Hopkins and wife will be with us and lead the choir. -Rieo [KST- 15 May 1880/p5/c3] Social Activities / Musical Performances / the Singing Class / Comings and Goings / THOMPSON, Miss Ella / WOOD, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson / SAILORS, Bro. / BRABOY, J. A. / Churches / Church services / HOPKINS, Prof. ______The Colored Concert. Below will be found the program of the grand concert to be given by the colored people at the new Christian church on next Monday evening: [...] E. H. Roberts. [...] Miss Sadie Brown. [...] Misses Shelby and Brown, Messrs. Brown and Gaskin. [...] Mr. Richard Brown. [...] Messrs. Hopkins, Brown, Roberts and Nicholson. [...] Mr. John Ford. [...] Misses Bowman and Nicholson, Messrs. Ford and Gaskin. [...] Misses Thompson and Stewart, Messrs. Roberts and Stokes. [...] Misses Lester and Brown, Messrs. Roberts and Stokes. [...] Proceeds to go to the African M. E. church. Admission adults, 15 cents; children 10 cents. Let everybody go. [KST- 15 May 1880/p10/c1] Social Activites / The Singing Class / Musical Perfomances / Churches / A. M. E. Church / church benefits / ROBERTS, E. H. / BROWN, Miss Sadie / BROWN, Mr. Richard / FORD, Mr. John / SHELBY, Miss / GASKIN, Mr. / HOPKINS, Mr. / NICHOLSON, Mr. / BOWMAN, Miss / NICHOLSON, Miss / THOMPSON, Miss / STEWART, Miss / STOKES, Mr. / LESTER, Miss ______

72 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1880 continued

Colored Concert. The concert given by the colored people at the new Christian Church, on Monday evening, under the guidance of Prof and Mrs. A. C. Hopkins was fairly attended and measurable successful. Of the solos--"Our Beautiful Home," by Miss Sadie Brown; "Ride Up in de Chariot," by Milton Nicholson; and "Keep in de Middle of de Road," by John F. Ford, took the highest rank. Especially was Mr. Ford's effort heartily applauded. "Rosy Light," a glee chorus, was well received. "Kafoozleum," a buffo song, brought down the house. The gem of the evening was "Memory Bells," by Misses Thomson and Steward and Messrs. Roberts and Brown. [KD-20 May 1880/p4/c2] social activities (concerts) / Brown, Miss Sadie / Brown, Mr. / Ford, John F. / Hopkins, Mrs. A. C. and Prof. / Nicholson, Milton / Thom(p)son, Mrs. / Roberts, Mr. / Steward, Mr. ______The concert given by the colored people at the Christian church on last Monday evening was a perfect success, and a good attendance was present. Messrs. Nicholson, Ford, Roberts and Brown, and Misses Thompson, Stewart and Brown deserve especial mention for the most creditable manner in which they acquitted themselves. [KST- 22 May 1880/p5/c1]

Social Activites / Musical Performances / NICHOLSON, Mr. / FORD, Mr. / ROBERTS, Mr. / BROWN, Mr. / THOMPSON, Miss / STEWART, Miss / BROWN, Miss ______Mr. Willie Nicholson, of Tipton, and Wm. Ellis of the Bass Settlement, attended the Concert. Thomas Roberts preached at the church last Sunday. The sermon was quite interesting. Services at the church next Sabbath at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Brother Roberts will conduct the meeting in the evening. The "Colored People's concert" passed off last Monday night with much credit to the singers. Then net proceeds was about $25.00. Mrs. Scotton and her daughter, Minnie, presented some of the singers with some very beautiful flowers on the night of the concert. They say thank you! -Rieo. [KST- 22 May 1880/p?/c1]

ELLIS, Wm. / NICHOLSON, Mr. Willie / Bass Settlement / Social Activities / Musical Performances / ROBERTS, Thomas / Churches / Church Services / SCOTTON, Mrs. and Minnie ______Our Colored People. The Wabash picnic was well represented from our city. Services were conducted at the church on last Sabbath evening by the Y. M. C. A. Mr. James Thompson and Mr. Jackson are now boarding at Mr. Abram Brown's. Mrs. Emma Nicholson and Mrs. Fannie Bradley, left our city last week for Michigan, where they will visit

73 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891

1880 continued friends and relatives. Mr. Frank Roberts and brother, of Hamilton Co., paid our city a flying visit a few days since. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Parker. Quite a large crowd left our city for Wabash last Tuesday morning to attend the picnic at that place. The number reached 38. Several of the number were from the Bass settlement. Mr. J. A. Braboy delivered an eloquent address on the occasion, and the choir brought away the "silver cup" which had been promised to the choir that did the best singing. The cup is said to be worth about $10. Miss Ella Thompson was the champion singer of the choir. -Nauk [KST- 07 Aug 1880/p5/c3]

Comings and Goings / Social Activites / Picnics / Churches / Church Services / THOMPSON, Mr. James / JACKSON, Mr. / BROWN, Mr. Abram / NICHOLSON, Mrs. Emma / BRADLEY, Mrs. Fannie / PARKER, Mr. and Mrs. / BRABOY, Mr. J. A. / THOMPSON, Miss Ella / Bass Settlement ______Our Colored People. The last quarterly meeting of the A. M. E. Church will be held on Saturday and Sunday, Aug 21 and 22. On next Monday night the colored people will give a supper and festival. Admission 10 cents; supper 20 cents. All are cordially invited. The lecture at the A. M. E. Church last evening, by Miss Maggie Brooks, was a complete failure. We think she is a humbug, a deceiver, and a fraud of the worst sort. She claims to have been in bondage in Cuba, and has just escaped from her master. Mrs. Wade, of Cass county, Mich., is visiting in this city, the guest of Mrs. Milton Nicholson. Mrs. Bradley and Mrs. Emma Nicholson have returned from Michigan, well pleased with their visit. -Nixer [KST- 21 Aug 1880/p5/c2]

Churches / A. M. E. church / Church meetings / Social Activities / Colored Celebrations / Comings and Goings / BROOKS, Miss Maggie / NICHOLSON, Mrs. Milton / BRADLEY, Mrs. / NICHOLSON, Mrs. Emma ______Miss Clara L. Stokes is in our city, guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Stokes. [KST- 28 Aug 1880/p5/c2] STOKES, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. / Comings and Goings ______Our Colored People. The net proceeds of the festival on Monday, 23rd inst. were $14.31. The Quarterly Meeting at the A. M. E.. church went off all right. Collection during the day $9.03.Who our

74 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1880 continued next minister will be we cannot tell, but we hardly think it will be our present pastor. L. R. Stokes, brother of C. F. Stokes, was married Aug. 19th inst. He has gone to housekeeping at Noblesville. The festival was well attended by the colored people on Monday night last. But few white people were there. We think the school will reopen again Sept. 6th. We hope every patron will have his child or children ready to attend. Elder McSmith preached quite an able sermon on last Sabbath evening. He has gone to attend the annual conference at Evansville, Ind., which is in session this week.

[KST- 28 Aug 1880/p5/c3]

Social Activites / Colored Celebrations / STOKES, C. F. / Churches / A. M. E. Church / Church meetings / Ministers / McSMITH, Elder / STOKES, Mr. L. R. / Schools ______Our Colored People. The enrollment of the colored school has reached 40 in number. Mr. Amos Winburn, of Hamilton county, is in town looking well, the guest of E. H. Roberts and sister. Elder Burden, of Lafayette, is in our city, refitting his dwelling for Elder Jordon, our new minister. He is to preach Mrs. Woodford's funeral sermon next Sabbath, at Rush Settlement. Thomas Weaver, of Wabash, has been working in Mr. Brayboy's shop in place of Jas. Thompson this week. James had a sore finger, but was able to commence business this morning.

[KST- 18 Sep 1880/p5/c3]

Schools / Enumeration / Kokomo Colored School ______The Brooks girl, the colored fraud who "took in" Kokomo philanthropists a few months ago, is playing her deception in New York to a good pecuniary advantage.

[KD-21 Oct 1880/p5/c1]

Criminal activity / colored frauds ______

North End Items. Mrs. Mary West, of Ft. Wayne, is in the city. Marmaduke Winburn has been sick for some time but is now convalescent. Thomas Byrd, J. A. Braboy and Willie Nicholson are the great hunters. They were out a few days ago and succeeded in getting a few covies.[sic] The school under the management of C. F. Stokes is progressing finely. The total enrollment is 50. Ezra Roberts was champion of the school last month, as usual, his general average being 97. 75 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1880 continued We understand that the mortgage held against the A. M. E. church has been foreclosed , but as we have one year in which to redeem it, we do not propose for it to be taken from us. The total debt of the church is about $125. -Leon [KST- 20 Nov 1880/p1/c6]

Comings and Goings / WINBURN, Marmaduke / Illnesses / BYRD, Thomas / BRABOY, J. A. / NICHOLSON, Willie / Schools / Enumeration / Kokomo Colored School / STOKES, C. F. / ROBERTS, Ezra / Churches / A. M. E. Church ______Dead Letter List No. 9. The following letters remain dead and unclaimed at the Kokomo postoffice for the week ending yesterday: (among 24 others) Hance, C. S. [KD-9 Dec 1880/p1/c4]

Hance, C. S. (Unclaimed mail) ______North End Items. The A. M. E. minister is giving general satisfaction. [...] The American literary society had quite an interesting discussion on last Tuesday evening. The question was, "Resolved, that the various climates changes the various colors. Affirmative, J. A. Braboy and C. F. Stokes. Negative, F. J. Roberts and Thornton Parker. A jury of five rendered the decision, affirmative 3, negative 2. [...] Miss Maggie Bond, after an absence of about one year in Ft. Wayne, is now visiting in this city, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Geo. Bradley. We had a grand time at our literary lastg Tuesday night. J. A. Braboy delivered a lecture on "Manners and Morals of Society," which was listened to with great interest. We will gladly welcome all next Tuesday night to hear Thornton Parker, Joshua Winburn, C. H. Hance and F.J. Roberts discuss a very important question [KST- 18 Dec 1880/p1/c5]

Churches / A. M. E. Church / Social Activities / Literary Society / BRABOY, J. A. / STOKES, C. F. / ROBERTS, F. J / PARKER, Thornton / BOND, Miss Maggie / Comings and Goings / BRADLEY, Mrs. Geo. / WINBURN, Joshua / HANCE, C. H. ______Will Gaskin is confined to his bed with typho-malarial fever. [KD-23 Dec 1880/p1/c3]

Gaskin, Will (illnesses) ______

76 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1881

The Y.M.C.A. Executive Board attend the reading rooms of evenings as follows: Monday- J. A. Braboy Saturday- C. F. Stokes [among others] [KD- 10 Feb 1881/p4/c3]

Social Activites / Y.M.C.A / BRABOY, J. A. / STOKES, C. F. ______Britton Bassett and son favored the U.B. Sabbath School with some of their singing. Britton is never so happy as when he is singing.

[KST-12 Mar 1881/p8/c2] social events (concerts) / Bassett, Britton (singer) ______Prof. McNeal, a colored preacher and lecturer, preached Thursday night and lectured on Friday night. The subject of his lecture was "The Briny Deep" and "Congo Africa." His lecture was interesting and amusing, but he was interrupted several times by a drunken hoodlum in the back part of the house. [KST-19 Mar 1881/p4/c6] social activities / lectures / McNeal, Prof. ______The Race Problem. In your issue of March 31, I notice a letter signed "A Female Writer," which seems to be an attempt to answer me on the race problem. But since the article was no reply to my letter, but only touched at a few points, and has not depth of thought, and a few assertions only based on race prejudice, I deem it unworthy of a reply. But if Miss Waters, or any of her friends, wish to write on the race problem, in a scientific, historical, and scholarly-like manner, I shall be glad to reply. J. A. Braboy.

[KD- 14 Apr 1881/p1/c2]

BRABOY, J. A. / Editorials ______Oren Ellis to Wm. Ellis, 40 acres sec 16 Ervin tp...... 1400.00 [KD- 14 Apr 1881/p4/c4]

County Records / Land Records / Ervin Township / ELLIS, Oren / ELLIS, Wm. ______

77 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1881 continued

Decoration Day. Pursuant to a call heretofore published in the city papers, a goodly number of citizens met at the court house on Wednesday evening to take into consideration the propriety of observing Decoration Day, May 30, 1881. ...[minutes of the meeting follow with names of persons appointed to committees] the managing committee of 15 (among others) J. A. Braboy The following sub-committees were appointed. On (among other sub- committees) MUSIC: (among other names) Wm. Gaskin. SECOND WARD: (among other names) J. A. Braboy ... [KST-7 May 1881/p1/c4] social activities (Decoration Day) / Gaskin, Wm.(committee member) / Braboy, J. A. (Committee member) ______Our Colored People. Mrs. Cephas Gaskin has been quite sick but is better now. The festival at the A. M. E. church on Monday evening was not a grand success, but about $13 were cleared. The second ward school will close the 20th inst with exercises at night at the A. M. E. church. All are invited. Mr. J. Fields of Ohio, who has been working for Mr. Braboy, left for Connersville, Thursday morning to accept a position in Mr. Bass' barber shop. Rev. Parker, the blind man, after a few weeks revival at Wabash for Rev. Robert McDaniel, was in the city this week and preached at the A. M. E. Church Thursday evening. [KST-7 May 1881/p1/c6] our colored people column / Gaskin, Cephas (illness) / Braboy, J. A. / AME church activities ______Real estate transfers. Esther Bassett to Orrin Ellis, 19 acs sec 17 and 14 acs sec 8, Ervin tp ... 82500 [KST-17 May 1881/p1/c6]

Bassett, Esther / Ellis, Orrin ______Decoration Day. Program for the Day.--Order of Parade--Exercises, etc. The committee on program and parade for Decoration Day submitted the following final report, which was adopted by the public meeting held at the Court House on Wednesday evening, and which will be the order of parade and program for next Monday: ... [officers of the parade and the first division order omitted ] SecondDivision. 1. Ervin Cornet Band. [list of other participants follows]

78 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891

1881 continued... The second division will form on Sycamore street, with right resting of Main, and then march to Crown Point Cemetery, where the following program will be observed ... [schedule for the remainder of the day follows]

[KST-28 May 1881/p1/c1]

Social activities (parades-Decoration Day) / Ervin Cornet Band (performances) ______Bassett Settlement Times lively, everybody busy The wheat is good in the settlement Old man Dick is the most extensive farmer in the settlement There will be a basket meeting in the settlement some time in the future, every body invited. Uncle Dick says he is not going to be behind, he is going to paint his house and fix up generally. Britton Bassett has his new barn completed. It is nice and cosy, also an ornament to this neighborhood. Harry Gammons is building a new house. He says he believes there is more room for improvement. Just so Harry! Richard. [KD- 28 Jul 1881/p8/c3]

Bassett Settlement / Colored Meetings / BASSETT, Britton / GAMMONS, Harry / BASSETT, "Uncle Dick" / Farmers / Occupations ______Bassett Settlement. The basket meeting was a success, a large crowd, good order, and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves. Uncle Dick was out but we guess was not able to speak. Wm. Ellis seemed to be happy yesterday escorting the ladies and flying high. Alexander Bassett is the boss bass singer of the settlement. What has become of the brass band? Boys, wake up. Richard [KD- 11 Aug 1881/p8/c1]

Bassett Settlement / BASSETT, Alexander / ELLIS, Wm. / BASSETT, "Uncle Dick" / Church meeting / (Ervin)Brass band / Social Activities ______Mrs. J. A. Braboy is visiting friends at her old home in Sidney, Ohio. [KST-13 Aug 1881/p5/c2] Braboy, Mrs. J. A. (Comings and goings) ______

79 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1881 continued

Mrs. J. A. Brayboy is visiting at Sidney, Ohio.

[KD- 18 Aug 1881/p1/c5]

BRABOY, Mrs. J. A. / Comings and Goings ______The Colored Racket Last Monday evening at about eight o'clock there were repeated screams of "murder" heard, which seemed to come from the neighborhood of the colored church. Men ran from almost every direction, supposing that some brutal fellow was beating his wife to death, but when the location was reached all seemed to be in perfect peace. However, on Tuesday morning it was ascertained that it was a man who yelled so piteously; and he was not hurt either. The facts are these: About two weeks ago George Brooks, colored, came to this city, and it is said he sent ten dollars to Ella Hance, his sister-in-law, to move here on. She and her husband came, and it was discovered by Mr. Hance that Brooks and his wife were too intimate. Hance told Brooks of the fact and requested him to let up, but Brooks continued his intimacy until Hance became enraged, and determined to give him a complete carving, which he undertook last Monday evening, but by Brooks running too fast for Hance's time, and yelling "murder" at the top of his voice, he failed to carve or even give him one blow. The matter was squashed by some of the colored folks, and Brooks loaded his gun, went to the depot, and left on the night train for Peru. Thus the would-be tragedy sprang up and ended all over a false woman. [KD- 25 Aug 1881/p1/c3-4]

Social Disturbances / BROOKS, George / HANCE, Mr. / HANCE, Ella / Comings and Goings ______Richard Bassett has been absent this week attending a State meeting of the colored Baptist Association, which is in session at New Albany. [KST-27 Aug 1881/p5/c2]

Bassett, Richard / comings and goings / social organizations (colored Baptist Association) ______October. 15. The grand jury of the county return an indictment against the Sheriff's posse who, on the 19th of September, shot and killed Henry C. Cole, charging them with voluntary manslaughter. They were held to answer at the next term of the Howard circuit court in the sum of one thousand dollars each.

[KST-31 Dec 1881/p2/c2] grand jury (J. A. Braboy a member) ______

80 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1882

The Hyers Sisters. The well-known colored artists and vocalists, the Hyers Sisters, will give one of their unique performances at the Opera House on next Wednesday night, the 15th inst. The Hyers Sisters will be supported by the best company of colored musical and comedy talent ever seen in this city. The entertainments given by this company have been warmly commended, not alone by the press of the country, but by distinguished individuals who have paid tribute to the very great talent possessed by the young ladies--Madah and Louise Hyers. "Out of Bondage," which is one feature of the performance to be given, is a quaint operetta, having in it about equal proportions of humor and music. The entertainment will be of a high order, and so strictly moral that the most devout "mother of Israel" can witness it without the least self-reproach. Everybody goes to hear the Hyers Sisters. Secure your seats in advance without extra charge. Reserved seats on sale at usual place. See advertisement in another column.

[KD-9 Feb 1882/p1/c3] social activities (concerts) / Opera House performers / Hyers Sisters ______On Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson entertained at their residence a number of guests from Kokomo. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd and several young ladies, with gentlemen escorts, made up the party. The company remained until the midnight train.

[KST-11 Feb 1882/p1/c6] comings and goings / social activites / Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. / Byrd, Mr. and Mrs. / parites ______Smallpox. Bobby Griffin, a colored resident of "Bucktown," a settlement in the northeastern part of the city, returned from Chicago, about ten days ago, where he had gone to attend the funeral of a brother. On Monday he was taken sick and Dr. Scott was called. The symptoms indicated smallpox, and on Tuesday the physicians pronounced the malady a genuine case of that dreaded disease. The house was at once quarantined, and every precaution taken to prevent the spread of the scourge. The doctors do not apprehend another case, and declare that no cause for great alarm exists. People may come and go as is their wont without fear. The locality of the house is indicated by the flying of a red flag, and it is nearly half a mile from the public square. People in the country need have no fear about visiting Kokomo, as the liability of contagion is no greater than if the patient were ten miles away. The Dispatch will report progress every week and will conceal nothing in connection with this single isolated case.

[KD-20 Apr 1882/p1/c2] illness / Griffin, Bobby / case of smallpox ______

81 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1882 continued

Good-By Small-Pox. Bobby Griffin, the colored man who had the small-pox, has so far recovered as to be up again. His nurse was discharged on Saturday. There is no indication of any further trouble from the plague, the exposed persons having passed the ordeal in safety. The red flag has been hauled down and a farewell has been given to small-pox in Kokomo. Our extremely good fortune in this matter is largely due to the wise precautions of the Board of Health and the attending physicians. Kokomo breathes free again.

[KD-4 May 1882/p1/c6] illness / Griffin, Robert (recovered from small-pox) ______Letter List No. 5. The following is a list of letters remaining dead and unclaimed at the Kokomo Indiana post office for the week ending May 12, 1882: (among others) Artis, Mrs. Charity

[KST-13 May 1882/p5/c1]

Artis, Mrs. Charity ______Joseph A. Braboy preached at the Christain Church, Russiaville, on Sunday. Rev. Robert Daniels, formerly pastor of the A. M. E. Church here, was visiting in the city last week.

[KD-18 May 1882/p4/c5] preaching / Braboy, J. A. / Daniels, Rev. Roberts ______J. A. Braboy, of this city, occupied the pulpit of the Christian Church in Russiaville on last Sunday morning.

[KST-20 May 1882/p3/c3]

Braboy, J. A. ______Carter's Call. To Join the Caravan That Moves To The Pale Realms. A Sunday Night Fight With A Fatal Termination. Leander Carter Killed By Elijah Martindale. The Inquest, Testimony, and Flight of the Murderer. Everybody about Kokomo knew Leander Carter--a drunken, good natured habitue of the saloons--whose great besetting sin was an unconquerable appetite for strong drink. He was a negro who came from

82 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1882 continued

Indianapolis to this city several years ago. Three years ago, he was sent to the penitentiary for one year for stealing a pair of boots from Gib. D. Jay. Since his return from prison he has subsisted by doing little odds and ends of work about town. For four weeks past he had been boarding and working for Elijah Martindale, a negro, who lives near the Grange School-house, about one and a half miles south of Kokomo in Center Township. On last Sunday evening at about dusk he returned from the city to Martindale's. A quarrel ensued, which terminated in Martindale hitting Carter over the head with a piece of oak fencing plank, 3 1/2 feet long and 6 inches wide. Carter fell like a beef, insensible and mortally wounded. John Martindale, a brother of Lige, who lives in an adjoining house, hastened to his brother's yard and helped the wounded man to his house, where he was cared for--never dreaming that he was fatally hurt. At about day break Monday morning Carter died and his slayer fled from the scene of death. Coroner's Inquest. Coroner J. C. Wright held an inquest over the body in Grange School-house on Monday. Thomas Bowen, Mary Bowen, John Martindale, Julia Ann Martindale, Amelia Martindale, and Samuel Brown were examined. Following is the material evidence: John Martindale. I am a brother to Elijah Martindale. I have been acquainted with Leander Carter about 2 years. He was about 36 years old at the time of his death. Didn't know him to be a quarrelsome man, didn't know him to be a drinking man. He was living with my brother, Elijah. Carter, has been there about 4 weeks as a boarder; I didn't know of any trouble between Lige and Carter, never heard them quarrel a word. I didn't see them fight yesterday evening, was in bed asleep; my wife waked me up, told me to get up right quick and go down to Lige's, that Lige had done knocked Mr. Carter down; I got up and went down there as quick as I could; I was on the bed with my clothing on; I saw Mr. Carter laying on the ground, he couldn't speak, he didn't know anything, run about a hundred yards from my house to where he was laying. I thought it was about 25 or 30 minutes before he got up after I got to him. Elijah was standing at the door, I asked him what he hit him for, and Lige said that Carter called him a g--d d--d liar and told him to come out; and Lige also said that he picked up a piece of board and struck him with it. I saw the board setting by the house. Lige showed it to me; The board was about 3 feet long and 6 inches wide; it was a piece of fencing plank; it was seasoned oak plank. I called to Carter while he was laying on the ground and he couldn't answer. I called him twice. He made one effort to get up after he became conscious and fell back again. I then took him by the hand and helped him up and told him to go up to my house. He said, "all right." This was a little after sundown. Carter went to my house and set down in the door. He set there a few minutes while my wife made him a pallet on the floor, he said his head hurt him pretty bad and he wanted to lay down. He then laid on the pallet where he died, at my house, in the west room. I slept in the same room. He made a fuss about 1 o'clock that night as if he were strangling, and I asked him what was the matter, and he said his head hurt him and that he would turn over after awhile and maybe he would feel better. I called him about one-half hour before daylight. I called him again; he said that he would turn over again and he would rest better and maybe go to sleep; I went to sleep again and waked up after daylight. I went to where Carter was lying and called him and he made no answer. I took hold of him and shook him and found he was dead. I talked with Carter after he came to my house and he said, "Lige oughtn't to have served me that way," that he had always been a friend to Lige. I told Carter that Lige ought not to have done it.

83 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1882 continued

After dark I went down to Lige's house and asked Lige what he hit that man for; he said that Carter called him a d--d liar and that was all he told me; I told him (Lige) that I thought Carter was hurt pretty bad but that he would get over it. Lige said that he didn't hit him hard. I haven't seen Lige since. I went down to his house as soon as I found he, Carter, was dead but he (Lige) wasn't there. I asked his wife where he was and she said he went off before daylight. Amelia Martindale. I am the wife of Elijah Martindale, have been married about nine years. I was at home yesterday evening. Leander Carter has been boarding at our house for some time past. He was at the house on Sunday evening, and he went up to John Martindale's house and came back about dusk; and my husband, Lige Martindale, was in the house when he came back. Carter had been using my salt jar for a chamber, and yesterday evening, after Carter had come back from John's and set awhile and had lit his pipe, my husband asked him why he took the salt jar for a chamber: and Lige says, I am mighty sorry; for it won't do for nothing only to use lye in. Carter then jumped up and said; "if you call me a liar you are a damned liar." Lige says " no, I did not say so;" he said it two times, then Carter called him a damn liar again. Then Lige says "Lee, I don't want to hit you, get out of my house." Carter sat down and went to smoking. Then I said to Lige, "don't do that." Lige kept telling him to go out, that he didn't want to hit him. In a short time Carter got up and went out, and says "damn you, come out here, I am going to settle this thing." Lige went out there, I didn't go out but heard a blow struck--only one. I didn't go out in the yard at all that night. Lige came back in the house a little while after I heard the blow, and he put on his coat and walked out of the house and came back as soon as Carter went up to John's. He didn't say anything to me till after he went to bed, then he said that he was sorry he had hit Carter. Lige got up this morning about daylight, and said he wanted some breakfast; he didn't get any and went out, and I haven't seen him since. The quarrel about the chamber was the only one I ever knew them to have. Lige got up during the night and stood in the door and saw that John Martindale's had their lights burning. I have stated all that was said and done yesterday afternoon and last night, all that I know about the trouble between Lige and Carter. There was no threat made of violence in the house. They, neither of them, had any weapon that I saw. Drs. Scott and Ross held an autopsy over the body, and found that the skull had been fractured over the left ear one and one-half inches long. The Verdict. I, J. C. Wright, Coroner of Howard county, after examining the dead body of Leander Carter, and hearing the testimony of the witnesses at an inquest held over the dead body, at the Grange School-house in Howard county, Indiana, on May 22, 1881, do find that the deceased came to his death by receiving a fatal blow on the head from a board at the hands of one Elijah Martindale. J. C. Wright, Coroner Howard county The remains were buried on Monday evening. The murderer is a rather heavy-set fellow, very black, and slow in motion. He drank some, worked some, and was not considered a bad character. At about the time his victim died, at daybreak Monday morning, he left his house and fled from the scene of violence. He was seen about Russiaville and West Middleton on Monday, and in the evening came to Judge Linsday's place, just west of the city, and took supper with a colored family.,

84 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1882 continued

He said he was going to Kokomo to pay his fine, believing Carter was only hurt severely. He was told he couldn't settle that way as the victim of his wrath had died on Monday morning. This intelligence startled him and he took to the woods, pursued only by a guilty conscience. He is still at large, but the officers are on his trial. [KD-25 May 1882/p1/c1-2] Criminal activity / homicides / Carter, Leander (death of) / Martindale, Elijah / Martindale, John (testimony) / Martindale, Amelia (testimony) / Martindale, Julia Ann / Bowen, Thomas / Bowen, Mary / Brown, Samuel ______Another Murder. Leander Carter has his skull Crushed by Elijah Martindale, In a fight on last Sunday Evening, one mile south of the city. Testimony Before the Coroner. On last Sunday evening about seven o'clock, Leander Carter and Elijah Martindale, both colored, became involved in a quarrel at the home of the latter, near the grange school house, one and one half miles south of this city, which resulted in Martindale striking Carter on the head, over the left ear, with a board, crushing in his skull, from the effects of which he died on Monday morning. Coroner Wright was summoned and held an inquest over the dead body in the grange school house, on Monday afternoon. Several witnesses were examined, but the following will be found to contain all the facts connected with the murder: John Martindale. I am a brother to Elijah Martindale. I have been acquainted with Leander Carter about two years. He was about 36 years old at the time of his death. Didn't know him to be a quarrelsome man; didn't know him to be a drinking man. He was living with my brother, Elijah. Carter, has been there about four weeks as a boarder; I didn't know of any trouble between Lige and Carter, never heard them quarrel a word. I didn't see them fight yesterday evening, was in bed asleep; my wife waked me up, told me to get up right quick and go down to Lige's, that Life had done knocked Mr. Carter down; I got up and went down there as quick as I could; I was on the bed with my clothing on; I say Mr. Carter laying on the ground, he couldn't speak, he didn't know anything, run about a hundred yards from my house to where he was laying. I thought it was about 25 or 30 minutes before he got up after I got to him. Elijah was standing at the door, I asked him what he hit him for and Lige said that Carter called him a g-d d-d liar and told him to come out; and Lige also said that he picked up a piece of board and struck him with it. I saw the board setting by the house. Lige showed it to me; The board was about 3 feet long and 6 inches wide; it was a piece of fencing plank; it was seasoned oak plank. I called to carter while he was laying on the ground and he couldn't answer; I called him twice; he made one effort to get up after he became conscious and fell back again; I then took him by the hand and helped him up and told him to go up to my house. He said, "all right;" this was a little after sundown. Carter went to my house and set down in the door; he set there a few minutes while my wife made him a pallet on the floor; said his head hurt him pretty bad and he wanted to lay down. He then laid on the pallet where he died, at my house, in the west room; I slept in the same room; He made a fuss about 1 o'clock that night as if he were strangling, and I asked him what was the matter, and he said his head hurt him and that he would turn over after awhile and maybe he would feel better. I called him about one hour before daylight. I called him again, he said that he would turn over again and he would rest better and maybe go to sleep; I went to sleep again and waked up after daylight; went to where Carter was lying and called him and he made no answer; I took hold of him and shook him and found he was dead. I talked with Carter after he came to my house and he said: "Lige oughtn't to have served me that way" that he had always been a friend to Lige. I told Carter that

85 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1882 continued

Lige ought not to have done it. After dark I went down to Lige's house and asked Lige what he hit that man for; he said that Carter called him a d-d liar and that was all he told me; I told him that I thought Carter was hurt pretty bad but that he would get over it. Lige said that he didn't hit him hard; I haven't seen Lige since; I went down to his house as soon as I found Carter dead, but Lige wasn't there. I asked his wife where he was and she said he went off before daylight. Amelia Martindale. I am the wife of Elijah Martindale, have been married about nine years. I was at home yesterday evening,. Leander Carter has been boarding at our house for some time past; he was at the house on Sunday evening, and he went up to John Martindale's house and came back about dusk; my husband was in the house when he came back; Carter had been using my salt jar for a chamber and yesterday evening after Carter had come back from John's and set awhile and had it his pipe, my husband asked him why he took the salt jar for a chamber; and Lige says I am mighty sorry; for it won't do for nothing only to use lye in; Carter then jumped up and said; "if you call me a liar you are a d--d liar." Lige says " no, I did not say so;" he said it two times, then Carter called him a d--n liar again, when Lige says "Lee, I don't want to hit you, get out of my house."Carter sat down and went to smoking. Lige kept telling him to go out that he didn't want to hit him. In a short time Carter got up and went out, and says "damn you, come out here, I am going to settle this thing." Lige went out there, I didn't go out but heard a blow struck, only one. I didn't go out in the yard at t all that night. Lige came back in the house a little while after I heard the blow, and he put on his coat and walked out of the house and came back as soon as Carter went up to John's. He didn't say anything to me till after he went to bed, then he said that he was sorry he had hit carter. Lige got up this morning about daylight, and said he wanted some breakfast; he didn't get any and went out, and I haven't seen him since. The quarrel about the camber was the only one I ever knew them to have. Lige got up during the night and stood in the door and saw John had his lights burning. There was no threat made of violence in the house, and neither of them had any weapon that I saw. An autopsy was held by Drs. Ross and Scott, who found a fracture of the skull one and one-half inches long over the left ear. Coroner Wright on Tuesday morning returned the following verdict: I J. C. Wright, coroner of Howard county, after examining the dead body of Leander Carter, and hearing the testimony of the witnesses at an inquest held over the dead body, at the grange school house in Howard county, Ind., on May 22, 1881, do find that the deceased came to his death by a blow on the head from a board at the hands of one Elijah Martindale. J. C. Wright, Coroner Howard County The murdered man, who came to this city several years ago from Indianapolis was well known here. His greatest fault was his love for liquor. About three years ago he was sent to the penitentiary from this county for a term of one year for larceny, having stolen a pair of boots from Gib. D. Jay. Since his return he has managed to eke out an existence by doing chores around town. About four weeks ago he began boarding with Martindale and stayed there until he time he was killed. The murderer came here about four years ago. He was an industrious fellow and for two years has been in the employ of R. L. Dungan, the plasterer. He is heavy set, and is very dark. On Monday morning he left home and was at Russiavilla in West Middleton on Monday, and on that evening stopped at the house of a colored man on Judge Linsday's farm, west of the city, and while eating his supper there spoke of the fight and said he would come to town and pay his fine, not then knowing that Carter had been badly hurt. Some one informed him that the matter of paying a fine would not settle it as Carter had died that morning. 86 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1882 continued

Upon learning this he at once jumped up from the table and ran out of the house, since which time he has not been heard from, although the officers are making every effort to catch him.

[KST-27 May 1882/p1/c1-2] criminal activity (homicides) / Martindale, Elijah / Carter, Leander / Martindale, John / Martindale, Amelia ______Coy Dixon, the colored man who was arrested in Logansport, last week, charged with stealing a horse and buggy from the stable of R. T. Groves, in this city and who was incarcerated in the jail of this county on Saturday last, was released on Tuesday, the evidence not being sufficient to hold him.

[KST-3 Jun 1882/p1/c6] arrests / Dixon, Coy / Groves, R. T. (One of Coy's victims) ______The colored folks had a picnic Saturday in which they appeared to enjoy themselves to the height of their ambition. We would not have you forget that. D. M. and M. V. Turley were the musicians of the day.

[KD-22 Jun 1882/p8/c2] social activities (picnics) / Turley, D. M. / Turley, M. V ______Circusites. Personal News and Items About the Circus. Ed. Russell was there...... Will Gaskin took in the jubilee singers. ...

[KST-29 July 1882/p3/c5] social activities / circus / Russell, Ed. / Gaskin, Will ______One of our most successful farmers is Uncle Dick Bassett, the colored divine. He has just threshed 1,200 bushels of wheat--which is pretty good for a colored Democrat.

[KD-17 Aug 1882/p8/c4]

Bassett, Richard "Uncle Dick" / farming yields ______

87 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1882 continued

Missing, from the colored settlement, Reuben Griggs' wife and John Burnett. The supposition is they eloped and went to Canada. They left last Saturday. Mrs. Burnett moved her household effects home to her mother. Mrs. Griggs took her children, best dishes, etc., with her. Too bad if true! Now, what next? [KD-17 Aug 1882/p8/c4] social disgraces / Griggs, Mrs. Reuben / Burnett, John / Burnett, Mrs. ______Having interviewed Reuben Griggs since his wife eloped with John Burnett, he, Griggs, admitted that he cried about half a minute over the little good he lost, but he is as happy as a lark ever since. [KD-24 Aug 1882/p8/c4] Griggs, Reuban / Burnett, John / social disgraces ______Devilish Deeds. A White Man's Dastardly Assault on a Colored Girl. ... It would seem that His Satanic Majesty had abandoned Wabash for the nonce and stopped over in Kokomo for a few days last week en route to Anderson. While we rejoice to know that he failed to get in his work on the Kokomo man, we are forced to admit that two or three Howard county citizens fell before his sulphurous spell. Attempted rape on a Colored Girl. The most aggravated visitation was in the person of Riley Clevenger, a shiftless small farmer, who lives with his wife and six children about two miles west of Kokomo. On Saturday evening about 7 o'clock Clevenger met Maggie Jones, daughter of Bill Jones, colored, who lives near him, just outside the fair grounds, both going home. Clevenger was somewhat drunk, and placing an arm around the colored girl, who is a well- developed mulatto, he pulled her to one side the road and offered her a drink of whiskey from a bottle. The girl refused to drink, but accompanied the white devil further into the tall weeds. Clevenger then threw her down and attempted to gratify his hellish lust. But the struggles and shrieks of his victim frustrated his fiendish design, and he relinquished her and fled to town, having succeeded in nothing but frightening the girl and tearing her clothes. In an hour later the brute was seen in an alley in the city, but since then nothing has been heard of him. The officers visited his house that night and on Sunday and Monday mornings, but nothing could be found of him. Dr. Moulder examined the girl and gave it as his opinion that an attempted rape had been made , but the assault had not been successful. The girl is not hurt, and bears but little evidence of the brutal assault. Clevenger's absence strengthens the girl's statement, who knows him well, as their residences join. There have been many wild stories about this affair--one to the effect that Clevenger had been hanged by a mob on Saturday night. There is little or no danger of his being lynched, but there is hope that he may be apprehended and given a trial--which, resulting in the establishment of his guilt, will send him over the road for a term of years. ... [KD-14 Sept 1882/p4/c3]

Criminal activities / assault / Clevenger, Riley (white perpetrator) / Jones, Maggie (victim) / Jones, Bill (father of assault victim) ______

88 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1882 continued

Crime. Rape of a Colored Girl by a White Man. ... Saturday and Sunday last was a day for roughs. Many petty crimes were committed and several most dastardly ones. It seemed as though the basest element had full sway. ... [mention of 2 "dastardly" crimes] ... The next occurred on Saturday night about dusk and is known as Clevenger's Crime, This was by far the most dastardly of the many, and when it was reported that a white man had committed a rape on a fourteen-year-old colored girl our citizens were pretty indignant. Riley Clevenger, the alleged perpetrator of this deed, is a shiftless farmer and lives near the fair grounds. On last Saturday night he met Maggie Jones, a colored girl, just outside the fair grounds going home. He started with her and when they were out of sight of the people on the pike, Clevenger pulled a bottle of whisky and tried to induce the girl to drink. She refused and he then placed his hand over her mouth and throwing he to the ground attempted to outrage her. The girl struggled and crying out scared him away from her before he had accomplished his purpose. Clevenger came to town, ate his supper and since that time has not been seen. The girl was taken home and Dr. Moulder was called, who said that an attempt to rape had been made but not accomplished. Many false rumors were set afloat, the effect being that Clevenger was caught and hung by indignant colored people. Clevernger is still at large. ... [proceeds to mention the last crime on Sunday night] [KST-16 Sept 1882/p4/c4] criminal acts / Jones, Maggie (victim of attempted rape) ______

89 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891


Sudden Disappearance of Hiram Warden. In October of last year a gentlemanly appearing colored man came to this city and obtained employment in William Gaskin's barber shop. He gave his name as Hiram Warden, and nothing transpired to cause distrust in him until Tuesday morning, when his unaccountable and sudden departure for parts unknown took on a very suspicious appearance. Some two months ago a woman claiming to be Warden's wife joined him here. She was a high flyer of the most brilliant plumage. She dressed in the height of fashion and displayed more wealth in the shape of jewelry than the entire colored population of our little city combined. This circumstance, coupled with her husband's sudden flight, leads to the belief that he is a "crook" whose arrest and conviction would be a public benefit. [KD- 22 Mar 1883/p1/c3] Social Disturbances / WARDEN, Hiram / GASKIN, William / Barbers / Comings and Goings ______Real Estate Transfers. [among others] Mary E. Roberts to Orin Ellis, 6 1/2 a, 8, Ervin...... 250.00 [KD- 22 Mar 1883/p5/c4]

County Records / Land Records / ROBERTS, Mary E. / ELLIS, Orin (Orien) / Ervin Township ______[...] Malvina Bassett vs estate of Macijah Artis; judgement for plaintiff for $150.00 [...] A.F. Armstrong et al vs. J. L. Winburn; judgement for plainiff for $65.44 and foreclosure. [...] Ruben Griggs vs. estate of Micajah Artis; continued. [KD- 12 Apr 1883/p4/c3-4]

Court Cases / WINBURN, J. L. / BASSETT, Malvina / GRIGGS, Ruben / ARTIS, Micajah (Macijah) ______Recorder Rich has recorded the following real estate transfers since our last issue: S. C. Martindale to A & V Morris, lot 114 W A ad Kokomo...... $100 00 ...(and others) ... [KST-28 Apr 1883/p1/c6] real estate transfers / Martindale, S. C. / Morris, A & V ______

90 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1883 continued

Richard Bassett, of Ervin township, is visiting among friends in Parke county, attending to the duties relative to the church of his choice.

[KST-19 May 1883/p5/c3]

Bassett, Richard / comings and goings ______W. H. Stokes and wife, of Muncie, are visiting J. A. and Mrs. Braboy.

[KD- 28 Jun 1883/p1/c5]

BRABOY, J. A. and Mrs. / STOKES, W. H. and Mrs. / Comings and Goings ______The colored folks had a festival last night. [KD- 05 Jul 1883/p1/c6]

Colored Festivals / Social Activities ______The colored people gave their attention to a small picnic and social gathering in a beautiful grove northeast of the city. Games and innocent amusements were participated in and all who attended had a pleasant time. [KST-7 July 1883/p1/c5] social activities (picnic) ______The colored base ball club of Peru on Monday played a match game with the colored club of this city on the ground near the Spring Mills. It was a draw, the score standing 28 to 28 at the ninth inning and the game being called on account of the rain. [KST-28 July 1883/p1/c6] social activities (sporting events?) / base ball club ______

The colored folks will hold a camp meeting in Haskett's grove, this city on September 13-22. A big time is expected.

[KD- 23 Aug 1883/p4/c4]

Social Activities / Colored Camp Meeting / Haskett's Grove / Church Meetings ______

91 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1883 continued

The barn of Ephraim Woods, in Ervin township, was burned to the ground Friday night. Loss $4,000. No insurance.

[KD- 27 Dec 1883/p7/c1]

WOODS, Ephraim / Ervin Township / Accidents ______

92 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891


Larry Beetle, colored, a hostler in the employ of Nathan Pickett will be tried before Esquire Bohan this afternoon on the charge of bastardy, preferred against him by Harriet Barrington, a colored damse [sic] of the Bass settlement.

[KD- 10 Jan 1884/p5/c2]

BEETLE, Larry / Crimes / BARRINGTON, Harriet / Bass Settlement ______The Howard Circuit Court. The Record of the Court During the Present Term. The Howard Circuit Court has disposed of the following cases during the present term: ... (among others) ... Reuben Griggs vs. George Bassett; action on promissory note; judgment for $35.

[KST-29 Mar 1884/p1/c3] court cases / Bassett, George / Griggs, Reuban ______The house of William Ellis, colored, in Ervin township, was destroyed by lightning on Monday.

[KD- 03 Apr 1884/p5/c2]

ELLIS, William / Ervin Township / Accidents ______

Ervin. I wish to make a statement in reply to an article from Ervin which appeared in last week's Dispatch. While I do not wish to take part in any of the political writings of the day, I will simply state that my tax this spring was two dollars and seventy-five cents. The writer of the above mentioned article says that "all the people in Ervin know that I pay nearly as much tax as the 'six taxpayers.'" I do not know how much tax they pay, nor do I care, but I do not wish for the citizens of Ervin to imagine that I am particularly wealthy. Susanna Whisler.

[KD- 24 Apr 1884/p4/c4]

WHISLER, Susanna / Ervin Township / Taxes ______

93 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1884 continued

Postal Card News. Alto, May 15 J. A. Braboy, of Kokomo, made our town a visit one day last week and left an organ at G. F. Greeson's.

[KST-17 May 1884/p4/c4]

Braboy, J. A. / comings and goings ______Mrs. C. F. Stokes, of Rockville, and Mrs. C. L. Roberts, of Arcadia, are the guests of their parents, Abram and Mrs. Brown.

[KD- 22 May 1884/p5/c2]

Comings and Goings / BROWN, Abram and Mrs. / STOKES, Mrs. C. F. / ROBERTS, Mrs. C. L. ______W. R. Druggard, charged with grand larceny, waiting trial, Druggard is an ebony-hued citizen of the New London neighborhood, and if he was ever before so happy outside of a watermelon patch or cake-walk he don't remember when it was. Sheriff McReynolds added to his delight by the presentation of a new coat.

[KD- 19 Jun 1884/p4/c6]

DRUGGARD, W. R. / New London / Crimes / Court Cases ______Thanks for a Good Meal. Mr. and Mrs. John Artis gave a splendid dinner at their home on last Sunday to a number of friends. Among those present were Willis Beckly and ----- Brondus, of Indianapolis; C. F. And Mrs. Stokes, of Rockville; Mrs. W. Myers, Mrs. Jane Woods, Mrs. Jane Howard, Abram and Mrs. Brown, and Jos. and Mrs. Artis. The writer is quite sure that it was one of the finest dinners ever given in the city. Mrs. Artis knows just how to get up a good dinner, and we extend the thanks of all concerned. C. F. Stokes.

[KD- 26 Jun 1884/p5/c3]

ARTIS; John and Mrs., Jos. and Mrs. / BROWN, Abram and Mrs. / HOWARD, Mrs. Jane / WOODS, Mrs. Jane / MYERS, Mrs. W. / Social Activities / STOKES, C.F. and Mrs. ______A Pleasant Social. Mr. and Mrs. John Artis gave a splendid dinner at their residence in this city on Sunday. Among those present at the festive board and partook of the toothsome viands were Mr. Becklay and Mr. Broundur, of Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Stokes of Rockville; Mrs. Jane Howard, Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Jane Wood, Mr. And Mrs. Abram Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Artis.

94 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1884 continued

After dinner all had a nice social time, and returned their thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Artis for the royal manner in which they entertained their guests.

[KGT- 01 Jul 1884/p3/c1]

Social Activities / ARTIS, Mr. and Mrs. John / ARTIS, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph / HOWARD, Mrs. Jane / MYERS, Mrs. / WOOD, Mrs. Jane / BROWN, Mr. and Mrs. Abram ______Lewis Winburn, of Kokomo, was visiting his son Dave, at this place last week.--Noblesville Ledger Standard.

[KGT- 22 Jul 1884/p5/c2]

WINBURN, Lewis / Comings and Goings ______On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Elzie Gaskin, and Miss Jennie Gaskin spent the day as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Winburn. A beautiful repast was served and all report a splendid time.

[KGT- 29 Jul 1884/p6/c2]

Social Activities / GASKIN, Mr. and Mrs. Elzie / GASKIN, Miss Jennie / BRADLEY, Mr. and Mrs. / WINBURN, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. ______Len Nicholson, colored, of Tipton spent Tuesday in this city, guest of his brother Mit. Len is a rock-ribbed Democrat and votes her straight every time.

[KD- 14 Aug 1884/p5/c2]

NICHOLSON; Mit, Len / Comings and Goings ______Our Colored People. The Indianapolis World, a bright little paper published in the interest of the colored people of Indiana, has this to say of the colored people of Kokomo: Flavius Roberts and son will furnish the good people of Kokomo with the World. It is said that no one has more friends in Kokomo than Mrs. Brayboy. She deserves them. The Kokomo barbers make no distinction on account of the color of a man's skin. John Locust is one of the leading business men. He carries on a feed and livery stable, and does a thriving business. Will Nicholson and Thornton Parker are first class engineers, and both have charge of an engine. We venture to say that there is no place of the size where colored men have more good positions than in Kokomo. Mr. J. A. Braboy is quite a remarkable gentleman, and one who is an honor to the race. He is well informed

95 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1884 continued and has ideas of his own. He possesses pluck, energy, and enterprise. He is a progressive citizen. Some time ago, Mr. Braboy conceived the idea of abandoning the barbers's trade and opening a music store. Many laughed at the idea, but Mr. B. pushed ahead and has met with success. He keeps a stock of pianos, organs, stringed instruments and general musical merchandise. He has a branch store at Xenia, Indiana.

[KGT- 19 Aug 1884/p3/c4]

ROBERTS, Flavius / BRABOY, Mr. and Mrs. / Businesses / Music Store / NICHOLSON, Will / PARKER, Thornton / Occupation / Engineers / LOCUST, John ______

A large delegation of our colored people went down to the old settlers meeting and camp meeting Friday at Arcadia. [KGT- 19 Aug 1884/p5/c1] ______Meetings Richard Bassett, of Ervin township left Saturday for a short visit among friends and to sniff the lake breezes of Northern Indiana. [KGT- 19 Aug 1884/p5/c3]

BASSETT, Richard / Ervin Township / Comings and Goings ______In Jail for Larceny. Monday constable Keck, of this city arrested Augustus Kennedy, a colored man in Ervin township, for stealing a revolver from Thomas Hardiman. He was brought to this city and arraigned before Esq. Jackson, who, after hearing the evidence bound him over to the Circuit Court in the sum of three hundred dollars, in default of which he was sent to jail. [KGT- 02 Sep 1884/p1/c4]

Arrests / Crimes / Court Cases / Ervin Township / KENNEDY, Augustus / HARDIMAN, Thomas ______Jailed. On Thursday Constable Keck arrested a colored man at the Fair grounds by the name of Charles Allen for stealing a chicken of Mr. Shultz, who lives near the grounds. He had a hearing before Esq. Jackson and gave bond in the sum of $100 for his appearance at court.

[KGT- 02 Sept 1884/p8/c2] ALLEN, Charles / Arrests / Court Cases ______

96 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1884 continued

Arm Broken. On Friday morning Robby, the little three-year-old son of George Bradley, fell from the fence at this home near the colored church and broke his left arm. Dr. Puckett was called and set the broken limb, and the little fellow is doing well at this writing.

[KGT-23 Sep 1884/p1/c6]

BRADLEY, Robby / BRADLEY, George / Accidents ______Bobbie Bradley, the three-year-old son of George Bradley, fell off a fence Tuesday, breaking his left leg.

[KD- 25 Sep 1884/p5/c1]

BRADLEY, Bobbie / BRADLEY, George / Accidents ______The Poplar Grove Fair. [...]music will be furnished by the following brass bands: [...] and the Ervin colored band on Friday, the last day.

[KD- 25 Sep 1884/p8/c4]

Ervin Colored Band / Ervin Township / Poplar Grove / Social Activities ______The Poplar Grove Fair. [...] Music will be furnished by the following bands: [...] Ervin colored band on Friday [...]

[KGT- 30 Sep 1884/p1/c3]

Ervin Township / Poplar Grove / Social Activites / Ervin Colored Band ______J. A. Braboy, of this city, has been appointed Assistant Honorary Commissioner for the 11th Indiana Congressional District for the department of colored exhibits at the World's Exposition, New Orleans.

[KD- 09 Oct 1884/p5/c3]

BRABOY, J. A. / World's Exposition / Indiana Congressional District ______

97 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1884 continued

John Runk and Tom Bird, each with a Daniel Boon outfit went to the wild woods of Clay and Ervin townships Friday to what, in palmier days, was known as the "hurricane," to hunt bear and other small game. Their friends in the city are solicitous for their return.

[KGT- 28 Oct 1884/p5/c3]

BYRD (BIRD), Tom / Ervin Township / Clay Township / Social Activites ______City Marshal Burns arrested nine girls Wednesday night in a room in the rear of the Clinton House saloon; five of them were colored [...]

[KGT- 16 Dec 1884/p1/c4]

Arrests / Clinton House ______Eight young men from the colored settlement in Ervin township came to the city on foot Tuesday. They scoured the country for rabbits as they came, and exchanged the "cotton tails" for tobacco, etc. This together with the fun they had made it a very profitable trip.

[KGT- 30 Dec 1884/p5/c1]

Ervin Township / (?) Settlement/Social Activities ______

98 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1885

Bob Johnson, colored, was sentenced Tuesday to two years in the Northern Prison for burglarizing the jewelry store of Ross Haseltine some time last summer. The case went to the jury at 7 o'clock Monday night and a verdict was reached as above stated, at the end of five hours.

[KGT- 06 Jan 1885/p5/c1]

Court Cases / Crimes / JOHNSON, Bob ______The little son of J. A. Braboy is confined to his home on East Taylor street, quite sick. [KGT- 13 Jan 1885/p5/c2]

BRABOY, J. A. / Illnesses ______

Our clever colored friend, Bill. Michum, can cut more graceful figures in the air and turn more double somersaults over a wheel-barrow, than any man in town. It will cost you nothing to inquire of Bill. and get full particulars. [KGT- 27 Jan 1885/p5/c1]

MICHUM, Bill ______Joseph Carter (colored) of Logansport, is in the city, guest of Os. Bond.

[KGT- 03 Feb 1885/p5/c2]

CARTER, Joseph / BOND, Os. / Comings and Goings ______Noah Whistler, of Ervin [...] in the city to-day. Both gave us a pleasant call and left their subscriptions for the Gazette Tribune. [KGT- 03 Feb 1885/p5/c3]

WHISTLER, Noah / Ervin Township ______Uncle Richard Bassett of the colored settlement, gave us a call Wednesday and planted a small amount of collateral for the Gazette Tribune.

[KGT- 17 Feb 1885/p5/c3]

BASSETT, Uncle Richard / Bassett Settlement ______

99 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1885 continued

Marmaduke Winburn made his first trip down town Thursday after a four weeks' siege with the lung fever. [KGT- 03 Mar 1885/p5/c3]

WINBURN, Marmaduke / Illnesses ______The "Merry Five Dancing Club" -- a company of our colored people -- gave a pleasant ball at Sharp & Armstrong's Hall on Monday night. The crowd was not so large but that the breathing room was ample, yet it was a financial and social success. [KD-12 Mar 1885/p5/c2] social activities (balls) / Merry Five Dancing Club ______Residence Burned. The residence of Rev. David Rush, of Ervin township, was entirely consumed by fire Sunday, the result of a defect in the flue. There was no insurance on the house or its contents, which makes the loss come very heavy on Mr. Rush. We have no estimate of the loss. [KGT- 24 Mar 1885/p1/c5]

RUSH, Rev David / Ervin Township / Accidents ______Rev. David Rush, whose house was destroyed by fire on Sunday, was in the city Wednesday. His loss is fully $1,000 with no insurance. He is beginning the work of building a new house. [KGT- 31 Mar 1885/p5/c1]

RUSH, Rev. David / Ervin Township / Accidents ______Rev. David Rush, of Ervin township, was in the city to-day. [KGT- 28 Apr 1885/p5/c2]

RUSH, Rev. David / Ervin Township / Comings and Goings ______Memorial Day. At the meeting last night at the hall of the G. A. R. to further arrangements for the proper observance of Memorial Day[...] Joseph A. Braboy, on behalf of the committee on music, reported satisfactory arrangements made. [...]

[KGT- 12 May 1885/p3/c3]

BRABOY, Joseph A. / G. A. R. / Social Activities / Memorial Day ______

100 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1885 continued

On Tuesday, Dillon Artis, a young colored man of the lower settlement in Ervin township, was arraigned before Esquire Jackson on a charge of bastardy. The complaint against Dillion's virtue was filed by Emma Hardiman of the same neighborhood. Dillon being unable to give a proper explanation of the matter and being a little mixed as to dates, etc., he was placed under a $500 bond to await a hearing in the circuit court, in default of which he was sent to the county jail. [KGT- 26 May 1885/p1/c6]

ARTIS, Dillon / HARDIMAN, Emma / (lower) Settlement / Ervin Township / Arrests / Court Cases ______Frank Brown, the colored man arrested Wednesday evening by Harvey Burk, charged with breaking open a Wabash way car, had a hearing Thursday evening before Esq. Richmond and in default of a $200 bond, he was taken back to jail. The evidence points very strongly to Brown as the guilty man.

[KGT- 26 May 1885/p1/c6]

Court Cases / Arrests / BROWN, Frank ______Billy Brown, a heroic colored boy, rendered valuable aid to Hose Co. No. 2, for which he has their thanks. [KGT- 26 May 1885/p3/c1]

BROWN, Billy / Hose Co. No. 2 ______The City.

... Frank Brown, colored, was jailed on Friday, in default of $200 bond, for burglarizing a freight car at the Wabash depot. ... [KD-28 May 1885/p5/c1] arrests / Brown, Frank ______Charley Brown, the colored man who was acquitted in the early part of this term of court of a charge of larceny, passed through the city Tuesday going South, handcuffed, in the charge of an officer, thereby leaving the impression that he has again been attempting in some other part of our moral heritage to pull something loose.

[KGT- 07 Jun 1885/p1/c4]

BROWN, Charley / Arrests / Comings and Goings ______

101 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1885 continued

Charley Brown, the colored boy who was tried Thursday for larceny, was acquitted.

[KGT- 16 Jun 1885/p1/c6]

BROWN, Charley / Court Cases ______Thomas Artis and sons, from the colored settlement, gave our office a friendly call Monday night and were highly pleased with the way in which newspapers are made, and the running of our handsome steam cylinder press.

[KGT- 23 Jun 1885/p5/c4]

ARTIS, Thomas / (?) Settlement ______Uncle Dickey Bassett, of the colored settlement, went to Noblesville Friday to break the bread of life for the colored people of that sin benighted village.

[KGT- 07 Jul 1885/p5/c5]

BASSETT, Uncle Dickey / Bassett Settlement / Comings and Goings ______Mrs. Joe. Artis returned Monday from a visit with friends at Indianapolis.

[KGT- 21 Jul 1885/p5/c6]

ARTIS, Mrs. Joe. / Comings and Goings ______The colored people of this city and vicinity held a very pleasant picnic in Loop's beautiful grove just east of the city Tuesday. All who were present report a splendid time.

[KGT- 25 Aug 1885/p5/c3]

Social Activities / Colored Picnics / Loop's Grove ______Wm. Nicholson, the agile colored base ball catcher, imbibed too freely and when pulled he was feeling galorious, but after resting over night the glory ga-lore departed. It cost him just $11.

[KGT- 15 Sep 1885/p1/c5]

Social Disturbances / NICHOLSON, Wm. / Occupations / Colored Baseball Team / Fines

102 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1885 continued

Jim Melvina, a young colored man of elegant leisure, was asked if he was guilty of a plain drunk. He allowed he was, and in accordance with the above facts he was fined $11. ______[KGT- 15 Sep 1885/p1/c5]

Social Disturbances / Intoxication / MELVINA, Jim / Fines ______At the Bassett Barbecue. The Gazette Tribune young man had never witnessed an old-fashioned barbecue, and so upon receipt of a very kind invitation from our old time friends, Uncle Dick Bassett and his son Britton, in company with several others, both ladies and gentlemen, he had that pleasure on Saturday at Bassett's grove, about eleven miles northwest of Kokomo on the Smith gravel road. The barbecue had been somewhat extensively advertised, but owing to the fact that other meetings were in progress in that part of the county on the same day the crowd was neither the largest nor the smallest that ever met together, though as the fete lasted until Saturday night at 12 o'clock our presumption is that it was at one time or another composed of several thousands of people, more or less, before its conclusion. A half dozen pigs were roasted, two whole ones adorning the long dinner table under the shed, which was also laden with eight turkeys and no end of bread and butter, cakes, pies, pickles and everything else good to eat which is to be found in farmers' kitchens. Hon. Jas. O'Brien, Judge C. N. Pollard, J. C. Blacklidge and ex-Mayor W. S. Armstrong were expected to address the assembled thousands, but Mr. Blacklidge was unable to be present, thereby not only missing a fine twenty-five cent dinner, which was justly praised in advance by Judge Pollard, but he entirely failed to enjoy the feast of reason and flow of soul which followed. We heard nothing but words of congratulation and commendation for all the speeches delivered on the grounds, but at the risk of being open to the charge of an unfair discrimination, we will direct the special attention of our readers to that delivered by Mr. Armstrong. We are not a short hand writer so the readers and Mr. A. will have to pardon any little inaccuracies, verbal or otherwise, in our report of the speech, which, as nearly as we can remember, was the following words and figures to-wit, and is made a part here of and marked "exhibit A." But, before making extracts from the speech we must not forget a ludicrous mistake made by our ex-Mayor in connection (close connection) with the dinner. He had been informed that under the rules of a colored Free Will Baptist barbecue and festival, the dinner would occupy the hours between 12 and 2 o'clock. This was construed by Mr. Armstrong to mean that he was compelled to eat for two hours, and he settled himself accordingly. The hind quarter of a shoat disappeared from Scott's immediate neighborhood; next followed the "near" side of a fifteen pound turkey. The "first table" visitors finished their cake and coffee and passed out of the long shed under which was the table groaning with all the delicacies of the season, leaving brother A. busily engaged eating substantials and cogitating over his speech which was to come right after dinner. The second table full filed in, ate their dinner and arose from the table, with complacency beaming from every eye. They had fought a good fight and having "finished their course," they silently stole away from the "long table under the shed" (which was not groaning now so much as it was) leaving Armstrong with a piece of sweet potatoe pie in his left hand, and flourishing the long thigh of a turkey with his right. He 103 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1885 continued was now right in the midst of his mental rehearsal, and the white and shining turkey bone was repeatedly waved aloft and brought down with great emphasis as he scored an imaginary hit in his speech. The third table full was deep in the mysteries of the third course when a voice, pitched in the key of B flat, shouted in a shrill manner, "Fellow countrymen! Water works or no water works?" All eyes of the table and beheld him arising from the table in some confusion assisted by a couple of the colored lady waiters. We had neglected to state that Scott had been left sole monarch of all he surveyed at that end of the table for the very plain reason that, having cleaned up one dish after another, there was no special inducement for hungry people to rush to that section of the "crib," and he had almost been forgotten. The above exclamation, however, made in the enthusiasm of his rehearsal, discovered him to those present and at the same time it awoke him to the somewhat ludicrous situation in which his absent mindedness had placed him. Dashing down the white and shining long thigh of the turkey with on hand, he brushed aside the colored assistants with the other stalwart arm and placing one hand upon the edge nearest him, with one tremendous bound he cleared "the long table under the shed" and made good his escape, leaving, not the table but the cooks, groaning on account of a sudden shortage of supplies and the hundreds who were yet unsatisfied. But to the speech: (Here the Gazette Tribune reporter finds himself numbering another page of manuscript with a figure 5, and he suddenly remembers the injunction of his superiors never to make the report of a barbecue over a column in length; therefore he is under the painful necessity of permitting one of the most eloquent orations of modern times to remain unrecorded except in the hearts and memories of the listening thousands on whom it made a profound impression, and where it will forever remain as firmly fixed as the stars in the firmament itself.)

Notes. Judge Pollard found his way home in spite of his prediction What was the matter with the Ervin band? Were they on strike? The bread and butter was delicious, and everything was clean and as neat as a pin. Uncle Orin Ellis was obliged to come to town, and therefore could not be present. A dance on the green, it was whispered, was to be the order in the evening. Lew Harness furnished the shoats. The "boys in the settlement think a heap of Lew." It was a glorious place for the candidates, and they were there in force, -talking mostly to each other. No one present appreciated the hospitalities of the occasion any more than our friend, Judge Pollard. The gate receipts were $4.10, and the dinner receipts must have been $12.50, making a grand total of $16.60 at 3 o'clock. Uncle Dick and Britton Bassett were very obliging in looking after the comfort of both man and beast. Terms reasonable. Everybody from town had a special invitation; but they were charged no more on that account--35 cents paid the bill with horse feed thrown in. Alex. Duke and Scott Armstrong went together. Alex. Says Scott stopped the buggy four times on the was home--to get apples and pennyroyal. The general conclusion of those who were present was, that those who failed to go don't know what they missed--and we shall not tell them either. The barbecue was in a young fair ground, and everything was systematically arranged, ticket office, gate

104 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1885 continued keeper, candy stands, dining room, &c. Cap't Sumption "had a little business to attend to over South, and as Jay Pickett and D. T. McNiel occupied the same vehicle, of course they were obliged to go along, though with many regrets. Judge O'Brien's speech was not delivered from manuscript. It was rather short and quite to the point. The Judge trusted to the inspiration of the moment, and made some very happy hits-- on the back of his horse, with the buggy whip. He left early. We went down to the "doings" with a high resolve to defend the equal rights of all citizens, white and black, before the law, but while there were reconsidered the matter and concluded that their rights seemed pretty well established as far as our feeble voice could be heard, therefore we respectfully but firmly declined to say a word about it. We hear that Judge Pollard is preparing an article for the press on the rights of white citizens in Indiana, which we will be glad to publish.

[KGT- 29 Sep 1885/p5/c2-3]

Social Activites / Colored Festival / Bassett Settlement / Ervin Township / BASSETT; "Uncle Dick" / BASSETT, Britton / ELLIS, Oren (Orien) ______William Brown gave a grand dinner to his colored friends on Christmas day, about twenty-five being present. It was said to be the finest spread ever given among our colored people.

[KGT- 29 Dec 1885/p5/c1]

BROWN, William / Social Activities / Christmas ______

105 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1886

Arthur, the little five year old son of Tillie Anderson (colored) who some months ago pushed a safety pin up his nose, has entirely recovered and is playful and in apparently good health. The safety pin is still roaming at large in the child's head.

[KGT-5 Jan 1886/p5/c4] accidents (safety pins up noses) / Anderson, Arthur / Anderson, Tillie ______Rev. David Rush, of the colored settlement in Ervin township, was in the city Thursday. He is an old-timer and a good representative man.

[KGT-2 Feb 1886/p1/c6] comings and goings / Rush, Rev. David / Ervin township ______Titus Ballinger, a colored resident of this city for 16 years, is making preparations to remove with his family to Peru, where he will enter the service of E. H. Shirk. We take pleasure in saying for Mr. Ballinger that he is a sober, hard working honest man, all wool and a yard wide.

[KGT-2 Feb 1886/p3/c3] comings and goings / Ballinger, Titus ______About People. Mrs. Samuel Burrell, wife of the pastor of the A. M. E. church in this city, who has been visiting friends here for several days, returned Thursday to her home at Spartansburg, Randolph county.

[KGT-2 Feb 1886/p5/c3]

Comings and goings / Burrell, Mrs. Samuel ______Presiding Elder Bundy, of Logansport, who has charge of this district of the A. M. E. church, was in the city Tuesday on his way home from Richmond where he had been on the sad mission of laying an idolized daughter in the tomb.

[KGT-2 Feb 1886/p5/c3] comings and goings / Bundy, Elder ______

106 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1886 continued

Esq. W. H. Stokes, of Muncie, is visiting in the city guest of his brother-in-law, J. A. Braboy and family, Mr. Stokes is a polished gentleman and has been honored by the good people of Muncie with an election to the office of Justice of the Peace.

[KGT-2 Feb 1886/p5/c3] comings / Stokes, W. H. (Brother of Mrs. J. A. Braboy) / Braboy, J. A. ______About People. Presiding Elder Bundy, of Logansport, spent Tuesday in the city, guest of Rev. Samuel Burrell of the A. M. E. church. [KGT-23 Feb 1886/p5/c3] comings and goings / Bundy, Presiding Elder / Burrell, Rev. Samuel ______John Wesley Dillard, one of the good colored boys of Peru, spent several hours in the city on Thursday. John was formerly a resident of New London, and at the close of the war he was brought from Alabama to this city by Col. N. P. Richmond, who now resides at Malvern Junction. Ark. [KGT-2 Mar 1886/p5/c5]

About people / comings and goings / Dillard, John Wesley ______Our Colored Folks. W. H. Winburn is on the sick list. Mrs. Lucinda Lasiter is very sick at the residence of Os. Bond. David Harvey of Indianapolis, is visiting friends in the city. ...[signed] Whip. [KGT-9 Mar 1886/p3/c2]

Bond, Os. / Lasiter, Lucinda / Winburn, W. H. ______Amusements. Billy Kersands. Kersands Colored Minstrels gave an excellent performance at the Opera house on Friday night. The first part was a little ancient, but the olio was far above the average. Wallace King's singing was a pleasing feature. [KD-8 Apr 1886/p1/c6]

Kersands, Billy / social activities / King, Wallace / Kersands Colored Minstrels ______

107 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1886 continued

Sweet (?) William, familiarly called Bill Jones, colored, took his little 8-year-old-son home Friday night by cruelly playing Yankee Doodle and all the variations around his little legs with a black snake whip. Bill is a hard-hearted brute and ought to have been tied to a lamp post and had the same kind of medicine applied to his own worthless carcass. No one but a demon would chastise a small child in so cruel a manner.

[KGT-13 Apr 1886/p1/c3]

Jones, Bill (abuse toward son) / editorial comments (???) ______Attempted Suicide. The domestic infelicity that has pervaded the household of Albert Milton for some months is an open secret among the colored portion of our population. This marital distress culminated on Monday afternoon by Milton's wife attempting to end all her troubles by the hempen rope remedy. But her preparations for committing the deed were discovered in time to upset her plans and spoil a sensational news item for the newspapers. She declared to a neighbor that her husband made life a burden to her greater than she could bear, and she didn't want to live any longer. [KD-15 Apr 1886/p1/c6]

Milton, Albert / Milton, Mrs. Albert ______About People. ... Ed. Russell and his mother, Mrs. Ithamer Russell, are visiting at Indianapolis. ... [KGT-22 Jun 1886/p5/c2] comings and goings / Russell, Ed. / Russell, Mrs. Ithamer ______The colored people of this community are contemplating an extensive union picnic in the near future, to be held near this city. [KGT-29 Jun 1886/p5/c3] social activities / picnics ______Mrs. J. A. Artis, of West Sycamore street, is dangerously ill. Her death is hourly expected. [KD-15 July 1886/p5/c2]

Artis, Mrs. J. A. / illnesses ______

108 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1886 continued

The colored folks held an enjoyable social picnic at the fairgrounds on Tuesday which was largely attended. Rev. J. M. Townsend, of Richmond, addressed the gathering. The Peru colored base ball club met nine of their sable brethren from this city, innocent games of all kinds were indulged in, and everybody had "a bushel of fun." The "Big Four" gave a social dance at Sharp's hall in the evening. [KD-15 July 1886/p5/c3] social activities / picnics /Townsend, Rev. J. M. / Peru base ball club / dances ______We are indebted to L. Winburn for the following list of persons who attended the colored picnic here Tuesday: Wm. and John Beck, of Wabash; J. H. and F. L. Moss, of Peru: R. A. Brown, Rockville; Mrs. May Turner, Logansport; Mrs. Sarah Hale, Crawfordsville; W. M. Nickolson, Anderson; Robert Scott, J. M. Weaver, and Miss Wallace, of Marion. The following base ball nine from Logansport, were done up by our home colored club by a score of 15 to 10: Geo. Brooks, C. Parker, John Parker, Frank Turner, Jas. Carter, Horace Turner, Jas. Allen and Geo. Allen. [KGT-20 July 1886/p8/c4] social activities / picnics / visitors from surrounding areas / base ball team / Winburn, L. / home(?) base ball team - Brooks, Geo / Parker, C. / Parker, John / Turner, Frank / Carter, Jas / Turner, Horace / Allen, Jas / Allen, Geo. ______Tuesday the colored folks of this city and many from the country are enjoying a good old fashioned free and easy picnic at the fair grounds. Base ball, swings, croquet, and "button, button, who's got the button?" are the exhilarating sports indulged in, and from indications at this hour everybody is letting themselves out to have a good time unhampered by the pride, fuss and feathers of the city. Rev. Samuel Burrell is orator of the day and acts as master of ceremonies. Ice cream, red lemonade and other delicacies are important factors in making the day one of pleasure. [KGT-20 July 1886/p8/c4] social activities / picnics / Burrell, Samuel ______The announcement that the colored people would skate at the Mammoth Thursday night, brought out as many white boys as colored ones. The white boys monopolized the company of the colored girls, which sent up a kick on the part of the sons of Ham, who claim it was their night and they ought to have had the floor, and the girls. [KGT-23 Nov 1886/p5/c6] social activities / ice skating / Ham, sons of / the Mammoth ______

109 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1886 continued

"Chick" Moss, colored, of Peru, was in the city Monday night.

[KGT-7 Dec 1886/p5/c2] comings and goings / Moss, Chick (of Peru) ______About People. ... Rev. R. H. Felton, colored, of Plainfield, is in the city. ... Mr. and Mrs. Ithamer Russell have returned from their western trip. ..

[KGT-14 Dec 1886/p5/c2] comings and goings / Felton, Rev. R. H. (of Plainsfield) / Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Ithamer ______

110 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1887

Mr. J. A. Braboy is visiting friends at Muncie.

[KGT-5 Mar 1887/p5/c5] comings and goings / Braboy, Mrs. J. A. ______J. A. Braboy went to Xenia Tuesday.

[KGT-12 Mar 1887/p5/c3] comings and goings / Braboy, J. A. ______Jim Gaskin and Billy Roberts are each building a cozy cottage in the vicinity of the colored church. [KGT-26 Mar 1887/p5/c3] real estate(?) / Gaskin, Jim / Roberts, Billy ______Rev. Preston Taylor, of Nashville, Tennessee, visited J. A. Braboy last week. [KD- 31 Mar 1887/p5/c2]

BRABOY, J. A. / Comings and Goings ______Bart Artis returned from Chicago yesterday with whole soles on his shoes, money in his pocket, and glee in his heart. [KD- 31 Mar 1887/p5/c2]

ARTIS, Bart / Comings and Goings ______J. A. Braboy returned Tuesday evening from Connersville, where he had been since Sunday evening. He reports the people of that place as bitterly disappointed over their failure to find gas. [KGT-23 Apr 1887/p5/c4] comings and goings / Braboy, J. A.(to Connersville) ______J. A. Braboy was granted a building permit. [KD- 12 May 1887/p1/c5]

BRABOY, J. A. / County Records ______

111 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1887 continued

A Building Boom. [...] J. A. Braboy, 2 story frame dwelling, $1500. R. L. Upton, contractor. [...] [KD- 09 Jun 1887/p1/c4]

BRABOY, J. A. / County Records ______Elsie Gaskin will remove with his family to Benton Harbor, Michigan, next week. The change is made in hope that it will prove beneficial to Mr. G.'s health. [KD- 09 Jun 1887/p8/c1]

GASKIN, Elsie / Comings and Goings / Illnesses ______Tommie Rickman, nephew of Will Roberts, left this morning for Edmore, Mich., in hope of regaining his health. [KEGT- 11 Jul 1887/p4/c2]

RICKMAN, Tommie / Comings and Goings / ROBERTS, Will / Illnesses ______Real Estate Transfers. [...] Wm. Carey to Thorton Patty. 1 acre in Ervin tp, $225. [KEGT- 26 Jul 1887/p2/c3]

County Records / Real Estate / CAREY, Wm. / Ervin Township ______The colored base ball club of this city has challenged the Marion colored nine to play a game on the latter's ground. [KEGT- 26 Jul 1887/p3/c1]

Social Activities / Baseball ______Real Estate Transfers. [...] D. C. Spraker to D. J. Gaskin, lot 2 Kennedy's add Kokomo, $15. [KEGT- 28 Jul 1887/p2/c3]

County Records / Real Estate / GASKIN, D. J. ______

112 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1887 continued

Leonard Winburn has gone to Indianapolis on business pertaining to the G. U. O. of O. F. [KEGT- 12 Aug 1887/p3/c2]

WINBURN, Leonard / Comings and Goings / Odd Fellows / Social Activities ______Bart Artis, who has been riding the Ohio circuit of races, was in the city Sunday.

[KD- 11 Aug 1887/p5/c2]

ARTIS, Bart / Comings and Goings ______Our Colored People. Memorial services were held Sunday at the A. M. E. church in memory of the late Bishop James A. Shorter, Rev. McDaniel taking for his text at night, "Surely a good man in Israel has fallen. Mr. Alexander Russel of La Porte, has joined his wife here. He will stay until after the G. U. O. of O. F. picnic. Mr. William Nickleson, of Anderson, is visiting his parents, Mr. W. M. and Mary Nickleson. Mrs. Gertie Irvin, of La Porte, is visiting relatives in this city. Mrs. Fannie Roberts, of Arcadia, is visiting relatives in the city J. F. Christy went to Indianapolis Saturday to get regalia for the members of Kokomo Lodge No. 2824, G. U. O. of O. F. Moses Anderson, of Marion, came over this morning to assist in completing arrangements for the picnic. L. L. W.

[KEGT- 16 Aug 1887/p3/c2]

Comings and Goings / Social Activites / Odd Fellows / McDANIEL, Rev. / NICKLESON, Mr. W. M. and Mary / CHRISTY, J. F. ______The Colored Odd Fellows. Celebrate the Virtues of their Order. The Occasion a Success. For some time the colored people of this community have been on tiptoe of excitement, the occasion being a picnic to be held at the fair grounds on Tuesday of this week. The G. U. O. of O. F. lodge of Kokomo conspired to have a good social time, and to the better carrying out of their plan invited the Mississinewa lodge, of Marion, and the friends of both lodges, to join them. The auspicious day arrived, as did about 250 guests, each train bringing a number to swell the throng. The Marion lodge brought their band with them, and this musical organization led the members of both lodges in a march through several of the streets of our city, and then to the fair ground, where they all added to each other's enjoyment until the call was given for dinner. When this duty had been disposed of in the best possible manner, they all with one accord assembled themselves together to hear the addresses which were to be delivered by Rev. A. Mason and Jerry Nichols, 113 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1887 continued both of Marion. The theme chosen by each was the same - the fraternity of Odd Fellowship - and was treated by each in a masterly manner. After the speaking a general good time was indulged in for a while, and then those inclined that way gathered at the base ball grounds to witness a game between Kokomo's and Marion's teams of colored ball tossers and willow whirlers. The game was much too one-sided to be interesting, the score being thirty-eight to five in favor of Kokomo. In the evening, Sharp's hall was filled with the beauty and chivalry of the colored people who had determined to put a glorious finishing touch upon their day's pleasure by giving a festival and supper, where the choicest of viands known to the cullinary artists of the particular people herein spoken of were set. Everything was done in a orderly manner by those having the matter in charge and these efforts were ably seconded by those in attendance, and, taken all in all, it was a red letter day for our colored breathern, and one they will all look back upon with a great degree of pleasure.

[KEGT- 17 Aug 1887/p2/c3]

Social Activities / Lodges / Odd Fellows / Picnics / Baseball ______The colored band of Marion enlivened the occasion of the Colored Odd Fellows celebration here. It is a very creditable organization.

[KEGT- 17 Aug 1887/p3/c1]

Social Activities / Lodges / Odd Fellows ______Among the visitors from abroad who attended the G. U. O. of O. F. here Tuesday, were Elijah Gillam, of Sheridan, Albert Roberts, Bartlett Roberts, Thornton Beeks, and wife, James and Susan Roberts, of Wabash; Will Pitts, Frank and Chas. Moss and Will Dunlap, Peru; Mrs. Drucilla Evans, of Noblesville.

[KEGT- 17 Aug 1887/p3/c2]

Social Activites / Lodges / Odd Fellows / Comings and Goings ______Ed Meek, with a male quartet will sing at the lawn social to-morrow evening, and our colored fellow citizens will also furnish music for the occasion and will doubtless enlighten the company in the all- important subject of who builded the ark. Everybody come and have a good time. At the residence of John E. Moore.

[KEGT- 22 Aug 1887/p2/c1]

Social Activites / Musical Performances ______

114 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1887 continued

Our Colored People. J. Carter, of Logansport, is visiting relatives in this city. Mrs. J. F. Roberts is visiting relatives in Hamilton county. John Roberts and son, of Arcadia, attended quarterly meeting Sunday. Mr. West and family, of Crawfordsville, have come to make Kokomo their future home. Mrs. Lieuetta Russell, who has been visiting her parents, W. H. and Amanda Winburn, returned to Laporte Saturday. Mr. W. R. Roberts received a telegram Sunday from his nephew, Thos. Rickman, who has been at Edmoor, Mich., for his health, stating that he would be at home this week. Rev. McDaniels held his last quarterly meeting for this conference year Sunday in John Hardiman's grove, in the Rush settlement. He was assisted by Presiding Elder Jesse Bass, of Logansport. [KEGT- 22 Aug 1887/p3/c2]

Comings and Goings / WEST, Mr. / WINBURN, Mr. W. H. / WINBURN, Mrs. Amanda / ROBERTS, Mr. W. R. / RICKMAN, Thos. / Illnesses / McDANIELS, Rev. / HARDIMAN, John / Rush Settlement / Ervin Township / Churches / Church Meetings ______Russiaville vs. Kokomo. The ball game Tuesday, between the Russiaville and Kokomo teams [...] The visitors [Russiaville] played very fair ball throughout, and did some excellent work in the field. Woody, in the box, and Curly, the colored boy of the club, behind the stick, constituted their battery, and a very creditable one it was, too. [...] [KEGT- 24 Aug 1887/p2/c2]

Social Activites / Baseball / Russiaville / Curly ______Mssrs. T. G. Hardiman, W. R. Roberts, T. A. Michem, and L. L. Winburn went to Noblesville Monday evening to be present at the opening of the new Lodge of G. U. of O. F., in[?] there on that evening. [KEGT- 30 Aug 1887/p3/c1]

Social Activities / Lodges / Odd Fellows / Comings and Goings / HARDIMAN, Mr. T. G. / MICHEM, Mr. T. A. / WINBURN, Mr. L. L. ______Margaret Jones, a young lady of color, was arraigned before His Honor, the Mayor, this morning for "blacking" the eye of another person, Mary Lockly by name, of the same color and persuasion, Monday evening. An elegant veranda of no mean proportions adorned the physiognemy of the Mary aforesaid, and the evidence was ample to a fine of $11 being imposed on the belligerent Margaret. She deposited a gold watch as a pledge for the payment of the same. KEGT- 06 Sep 1887/p2/c1]

Social Disturbances / Arrests / Fines payed / JONES, Margaret / LOCKLY, Mary ______

115 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1887 continued

Called Back. Mrs. Rosa Russell, wife of Alex Russell of this city, attempted suicide Monday evening by taking arsenic. She is about nineteen years of age, is the daughter of William Henry Winburn, and has been married a year or more. The domestic relations of this couple have not been characterized by that serenity and marital affection becoming a well-yoked pair; and it is said that domestic squalls were no uncommon occurrence with them. However, they have managed to live together most of the time and were content to abide under the same roof. Monday evening Rosa and her liege lord were out walking, and nothing unusual was noticed in her appearance or manner, though she seemed melancholy and despondent, which was not uncommon with her. Her husband noticed her taking something from her pocket and putting it in her mouth, but she refused to tell him what it was. Fearing poison, he at once sent for a physician, and Dr. Thorn was at her side in fifteen minutes after she swallowed the poisonous drug. A strong emetic was administered with good effect. All indications now favor her recovery. She is in better spirits now, and don't care to climb the golden stairs at the present writing. [KEGT- 06 Sep 1887/p2/c2]

Social Disturbances / RUSSELL, Mrs. Rosa / RUSSELL, Mr. Alex / WINBURN, William Henry ______[From "His Honor and Tom", fiction based on citizens] Maggie Jones and May Lockley, two belligerent colored damsels, the latter with a bruised and battered face received in her last engagement, were next arraigned. "I jis' flammed her bekase we had an ole grudge, 'Squire, an' das all dey is to it," explained Maggie Jones. "Maggie," said the Mayor, "an old grudge is too expensive a thing for a lone and unprotected female to undertake to support. You should get a tender, young grudge with an undeveloped appetite - one without teeth, one that you can fondle and caress and lead around with a blue ribbon. Now in Kentucky, Maggie, the best families keep an old grudge in the front parlor, but they are of but little practical use except to start a grave yard or defeat a candidate for Sheriff. It will be money in your pocket, Maggie, if you put your old grudge in a bad, steal out under the soft September moon, and drop it into the swift-flowing Wildcat. They are ungrateful animals, Maggie, these old grudges; you will live to find that they stingeth like an adder and biteth like a sea serpent. Ten dollars, Maggie." [KD- 08 Sep 1887/p1/c1-2]

JONES, Maggie / LOCKLEY, May / Editorials ______Real Estate Transfers. [...among others...] J. A. Braboy to John B. Carter lot No. 71, Mills & Richmonds's add to Kokomo, $400. [KEGT- 09 Sep 1887/p2/c3]

County Records / Real Estate / BRABOY, J. A. ______

116 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1887 continued

The Bassett postoffice was entered by burglars Friday evening, and all the available cash purloined, some $6 or $7, all told, in small coin, mostly pennies. Entrance was effected through a window, the glass being previously removed by the use of a diamond glass cutter. No clue to the perpetrators.

[KEGT- 01 Oct 1887/p3/c2]

Social Disturbances / Crimes Committed / Bassett Settlement / Ervin Township ______Joseph A. Braboy, of this city, has just received a pension through the agency of J. H. Kroh.

[KEGT- 17 Oct 1887/p3/c1]

BRABOY, Joseph A. / County Records / Pension Records ______Jos. A. Braboy has been granted a pension through efforts of J. H. Kroh.

[KD- 20 Oct 1887/p5/c2-3]

BRABOY, Jos. A. / County Records ______List of Jurors. The December term of the Howard circuit court begins next Monday. No call has been made for the grand jury. Following is the panel of the trial jury: [among others] Wm. Hardiman, [KEGT- 23 Dec 1887/p2/c2]

Local County Offices / HARDIMAN, Wm. / Jurors ______Mrs. Melvina Bassett went to Fort Wayne this morning, to spend the holidays among her children. [KEGT- 23 Dec 1887/p3/c2]

Comings and Goings / BASSETT, Mrs. Melvina ______Bud Winburn gained a fifteen days residence in the county jail, to-day for disturbance at the A. M. E. church. [KEGT- 28 Dec 1887/p4/c2]

Social Disturbances / Arrests / A. M. E. church / WINBURN, Bud ______

117 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1887 continued

The December term of the Howard Circuit court began grinding Monday, with the following petit jury: [among others] Wm. Hardiman,

[KD- 29 Dec 1887/p5/c4]

HARDIMAN, Wm. / Court Cases ______Mr. G. C. Winburn of Cherubusco is visiting relatives and friends here.

[KEGT- 31 Dec 1887/p3/c2]

Comings and Goings / WINBURN ______Mrs. Mary Roberts of Noblesville is visiting her daughters, Mrs. J. L., and Mrs. W. H. Winburn.

[KEGT- 31 Dec 1887/p3/c2]

Comings and Goings / WINBURN, Mrs. J. L. / WINBURN, Mrs. W. H. / ROBERTS ______

118 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1888

The jury was composed of the following gentlemen, of whom ten are farmers and two mechanics: ...[among others]... Wm. Hardiman (colored)

[KD-12 Jan 1888/p5/c2] jury members / Hardiman, William ______Richard Bassett, the aged father of Rev. Richard Bassett, or Ervin township is reported dying. ... Mrs. Wheeler, a colored lady residing in the western part of the city, is on the sick list. Her aged mother is also prostrate and her condition is occasioning much alarm.

[KEGT-23 Jan 1888/p3/c2] illnesses / Bassett, Richard / Bassett, Rev. Richard / Wheeler, Mrs. ______J. A. Braboy had business demanding his attention at the capital city today.

[KEGT-22 Feb 1888/p3/c2]

Braboy, J. A. / comings and goings ______Bart Artis blew in from Monticello Saturday and mingled with cronies, returning this afternoon.

[KEGT-5 Mar 1888/p3/c2] comings and goings / Artis, Bart ______J. A. and Mrs. Braboy were summoned to Indianapolis Monday by the death of the former's sister.

[KD-16 May 1888/p5/c3] comings and goings / Braboy, J. A. / Braboy, Mrs. ______Miss Ella Thompson returned Tuesday from a pleasant visit with friends at Chicago.

[KEGT-27 June 1888/p3/c2] comings and goings / Thompson, Miss Ella ______

119 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1888 continued

The Pitts-Melton "Sattle." ... In the universal talk before and after the great Sullivan-Kilrain fight, the meeting of Albert Melton and William Elbert Pitts set for Tuesday and to take place near Peru, was not entirely lost sight of. Melton is a saddle-colored gent-fair-leather saddle understood-whose claims upon Kokomo as a place of residence are based upon the fact that he once lived here and trained here for his last meeting. His home in reality is Marion. ... Pitts is from Peru. He has herded with Kick Keating, Monk Wilson, and other would-be "scrappers," and picked up a few scientific points. Pitts' color is a more pronounced. Indeed, his skin is of that uncompromising blackness on which it is hyperbolically asserted charcoal will make a white mark. ...[details about the fight] ... Melton took some punishment, administering but little, and confined himself chiefly to wrestling. In the eighth the seconds again had to tear the combatants apart, but not before Melton had bitten a piece out of his antagonist's shoulder. Milton claimed he was held by the seconds while Pitts struck him. Returning to his corner he threw off his gloves, exclaiming: "'I jes' ain' goin' to stan' dis not longer. I kain't fight with dese heah mittins, nohow. Ef he wants mo' fight, I'll jes' bar' knucks, an' no ways else.' "In vain the referee called "time" ordering Melton to put on the gloves and come to the scratch. The 'coon' was obdurate. A minute over the allotted time was allowed him, and failing to respond the fight was awarded to Pitts. Charley Moss ("the Gineral") of this place, has challenged the winner, the fight to take place inside of two weeks within fifty miles of Peru.

[KD-11 July 1888/p1/c5-6] boxing matches / Melton, Albert / Pitts, William Elbert ______The colored people of this city and county are especially urged to join the party that will call on General Harrison next Wednesday. No party of visitors has been more warmly received by the General than were those colored people of Indianapolis who called on him some days ago.

[KEGT-14 July 1888/p2/c3]

Harrison, General / comings and goings / social activities ______Lee Albaugh, Viander Hillis and Bazine Braboy paralyzed the denizens of Rochester Friday by their big stories of Kokomo's gas wells. On their return they paralyzed the citizens of Kokomo with their big fish stories.

[KEGT-14 July 1888/p3/c2] comings and goings / Albaugh, Lee / Hillis, Viander / Braboy, Bazine ______

120 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1888 continued A colored men's Harrison and Morton club is being organized, and a drum corps from its own ranks will head the precession on special occasions... [KEGT-20 July 1888/p3/c1] social organizations / Harrison and Morton club / drum corps ______Colored Drum Corps. Monday evening at a meeting of the young colored Harrison and Morton voters, the following named persons were organized as a drum corps: John Harris Henderson Sweat C. B. Waldon Burke Weaver Herman Russell Richard West Albert Weaver Geo. Hardiman Bud Winburn Wm. Foust G. Roberts Ed. Russell Jesse Burnett John West The boys will purchase fourteen drums and will make a fine appearance. They already have a banner and the finest campaign hats that have ever been worn in the county. This will be one of the finest features of the coming campign. [KEGT-21 July 1888/p3/c3] social organizations / Harrison and Morton club / drum corps / Burnett, Jesse / Foust, Wm. / Hardiman, Geo. / Harris, John / Roberts, G. / Russell, Ed. / Russell, Herman / Sweat, Henderson / Waldon, C. B. / Weaver, Alvert / Weaver, Burke / West, John / West, Richard / Winburn, Bud ______The F. V. Drum Corps. The Republican First Voters club now has a thoroughly equipped and properly panoplied drum corps composed of fourteen young colored men and fourteen drums. The boys will be so proud as peacocks with their dazzling uniforms and glittering streamers, and will present an Imposing appearance. Following are the members of the corps: G. R. Hardiman, B. W. Weaver, Harmon Russell, Robertson Bradley, Claudius Winburn, J. G. Roberts, C. B. Waldere, A. W. Weaver, Anderson Sweat, S. Bonds, W. J. Burnett, John Harris, Ed Russell, Richard West, Frank Shoecraft.

[KEGT- 04 Aug 1888/p2/c1] Social Activites / Politics / Drum Corps / HARDIMAN, G. R. / WEAVER, B. W. / RUSSELL, Harmon / BRADLEY, Robertson / WINBURN, Claudius / ROBERTS, J. G. / WALDERE, C. B. / WEAVER, A. W. / SWEAT, Anderson / BONDS, S. / BURNETT, W. J. / HARRIS, John / RUSSELL, Ed / WEST, Richard / SHOECRAFT, Frank ______

121 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1888 continued

Will Roberts left Monday afternoon for Lafayette, where he will be in attendance at the Grand Lodge of the G. U. O. of O. F., (colored Odd Fellows) representing Lodge No. 2824, of this city. [KEGT- 07 Aug 1888/p3/c2]

ROBERTS, Will / Social Activities / Lodges / Odd Fellows / Comings and Goings ______The colored glee club will sing at the first voters meeting Thursday night. [KEGT- 08 Aug 1888/p3/c1]

Social Activities / Colored glee club / Musical performances / Politics ______Alex Winburn's "Maud E" won the green pace at the Fair, time, 2:55. [KEGT- 17 Sep 1888/p3/c1]

WINBURN, Alex / Social Activities / Horse Racing ______Rev. Robt. McDaniel left for Jeffersonville this morning where he commences his regular work for the year. [KEGT- 06 Oct 1888/p3/c2]

Comings and Goings / McDANIEL, Rev. Robt. / Ministers ______City Real Estate Sales. [among others] Robert Griffin to Adaline Locus, lot 20 in Kennedy's add, $250. [KEGT- 17 Oct 1888/p3/c2] County Records / Real Estate / GRIFFIN, Robert / LOCUS, Adaline ______Miner Nichols, the hero of a thousand exploits, long a resident of this city, now a denizen of Lafayette, is here renewing acquaintances and recounting several hundred new chapters of personal daring and adventure. [KEGT- 13 Dec 1888/p3/c2] NICHOLS, Miner / Comings and Goings ______

The colored glee club was recalled several times, everybody wishing them back to- night. [KEGT- 28 Dec 1888/p3/c2] Social Activities / Colored Glee Club / Musical Performances ______

122 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1889

Stole Ham and Chickens. Friday Constable Tunes arrested Reuben , a lad of fourteen years, living, when he is at home - which is not often - in the north part of town, and put him in jail, charged with petty pilfering. Tuesday, Minnie Martin, and aged colored lady had an eating stand on the show grounds and this lad and another boy slipped up when her back was turned and faked a whole ham and two chickens, ready cooked, took them to a neighboring barn and ate them at their leisure. The others implicated have not been apprehended. Young Boston had his preliminary trial this morning before Squire Colville, who held him to appear at court in the sum of $100. He is now in jail in default of the amount. At a late hour Friday night Tunes arrested Joe Kruse, another incorrigible youth, for complicity in the theft. He was also bound over to-day. An effort will be made to get both boys in the Reform School. [KGT- 11 May 1889/p2/c3]

Social Disturbances / Crimes Committed / Court Cases / MARTIN, MINNIE ______J. A. Braboy and wife were called to Indianapolis this morning by the death of the latter's sister who resided there. [KGT- 13 May 1889/p4/c2]

BRABOY, J. A. / BRABOY, Mrs. / Comings and Goings ______J. C. Blacklidge will defend Zach Bassett, to be tried this term for killing Elmer Ellis. The trial will probably not come up before the fourth or fifth week. Bassett will plead self defense. [KGT- 25 May 1889/p3/c1]

Court Cases / Social Disturbances / BASSETT, Zach / ELLIS, Elmer / Shootings ______About all the colored population of Ervin township is in the city to-day telling the grand jury what they know about the Bassett-Ellis killing. [KGT- 28 May 1889/p4/c2] Court Cases / Social Disturbances / Shootings / BASSETT, Zach / ELLIS, Elmer / Ervin Township ______Public sentiment among the colored people of Ervin township, over the Ellis-Bassett killing, is still divided about on the line it was at the time of the occurrence, as is evidenced by the temper of the witnesses before the grand jury and their friends. Bad blood was shown on the street among them Monday, and for a time it looked as though the bloody tragedy might be followed by another, though nothing serious has resulted up to this time. [KGT- 29 May 1889/p4/c2]

Ervin Township / Social Disturbances / Shootings / Court Cases / BASSETT, Zach / ELLIS, Elmer ______

123 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1889 continued

The following pensions were secured to Howard county soldiers through their attorney, Kroh: [among others] Increase. J. A. Braboy [KDGT- 07 Jun 1889/p4/c2]

BRABOY, J. A. / Soldiers / County Records ______Real Estate Transfers. W. H. Bassett to Wm. Hardiman, la sec 7 Clay tp 300 [KDGT- 29 Jun 1889/p2/c3]

County Records / Real Estate Transfers / BASSETT, W. H. / HARDIMAN, Wm. / Clay Township ______Kokomo's Proverbial Luck. Following is a good illustration of how Kokomo people are regarded away from home. Ira Roberts, one of our newsboys, spent the Fourth at Indianapolis. Among the other means of passing the day he boarded a pony circular swing. Every kid that caught a brass ring was given a nickel. The Kokomo kid grabbed it five times in succession, when the operator stopped the swing with the remark, "Where are you from, anyhow?" "From Kokomo," said the boy. "That settles it. What'll you take to quit?" Said the swing man going down into his pocket for a handful of change. Ira named his price and got it. [KDGT- 06 Jul 1889/p2/c2]

Comings and Goings / ROBERTS, Ira ______The colored boys of Kokomo will give a novelty concert, July 10, at the colored school house, for the benefit of the colored band soon to be organized. You are cordially invited to attend. Come everybody and have a general good time. Doors open at 7 o'clock; concert commences at 8. Admittance 10 cents. [KDGT- 08 Jul 1889/p3/c2]

Social Activities / Colored Band / Colored School House / Musical Performances ______The city has a young colored quartet budding into prominence as accomplished vocalists. It is composed of Oscar Powell, Carl Bond, Joe Gaskin and John West, all under fourteen years old. [KDGT- 12 Jul 1889/p4/c2]

Social Activities / POWELL, Oscar / BOND, Carl / GASKIN, Joe / WEST, John / Singing Groups ______A Young Flood. The hardest rain storm of the season struck this city about noon Sunday and for over an hour the water came down in torrents, flooding the streets so deep in many places that it entered the houses and scores of cellars were deluged. [...] The heaviest loser so far heard from is J. A. Braboy whose music stock in the postoffice

124 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1889 continued block was badly damaged. The water went through the roof like a sieve on fine pianos, organs and other instruments, damaging them to an extent of perhaps $200....

[KDGT- 15 Jul 1889/p2/c2]

Social Disturbances / Floods / BRABOY, J. A. / Businesses / Music Store ______

Tax. Kokomo. [among others] John Artis, inlot, deed made . . . $12.01 John Artis, inlot, deed made . . . $ 3.61 M. W. Winburn, inlot . . . $6.42 Elijah J. Bassett, inlot, certificate lost and sale canceled . . . $ 8.14 M. E. Bassett, 15 acres, redeemed . . . $21.05 M. E. Bassett, 14.34 acres, redeemed . .$30.10 Lucy Rush, 15 acres, redeemed . . . $29.44 Lucy Rush, 10 acres, redeemed . . . $19.66 [KD-1 Aug 1889/p1/c1-4] county tax records / Artis, John / Bassett, Elijah J. / Bassett, M. E. / Rush, Lucy / Winburn, M. W. ______The colored Odd Fellows of this city held a grand celebration and pic nic at Oklahoma grove to-day which was a successful affair and rarely enjoyed by all participating. [KDGT- 01 Aug 1889/p3/c2]

Social Activities / Lodges / Odd Fellows / Colored Celebrations / Oklahoma grove ______The picnic and celebration of the Colored Odd Fellows at Oklahoma grove Friday was a great success. The attendance was quite large and an interesting program was carried out to the satisfaction of all. They also had a festival in the evening that was a grand affair in all respects. Socially it was all that could be desired and financially it was a gratifying success. The managers desire it understood that the dance, both in the grove and in the adjoining hall, had no connection with the picnic and festival, but was gotten up for the purpose of injuring them, which, fortunately it did not do.

[KDGT- 02 Aug 1889/p2/c2] Social Activities / Lodges / Odd Fellows / Colored Celebrations / Oklahoma grove ______

125 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1889 continued

Judge Waugh came up from Tipton to-day and heard the testimony in the Bassett-Ellis case on defendant's motion to be admitted to bail. About 100 colored people from the Ervin settlement were present, either as witnesses or spectators. The court has not yet ruled on the motion. [KDGT- 03 Aug 1889/p2/c3]

Court Cases / BASSETT / ELLIS / Ervin Township / Bassett Settlement ______Britton Bassett, of Ervin township, reports the birth of a pig on his place recently, with two well formed and perfectly developed heads. The phenomenon lived three days, when Mr. Bassett killed it to put it out of its misery. [KDGT- 03 Aug 1889/p3/c2]

BASSETT, Britton / Ervin Township ______Bassett Admitted to Bail. Testimony in the Zach Bassett case was concluded this morning and the prisoner was admitted to bail without argument, in the sum of $7,000. It is doubtful, however, if Bassett avails himself of the privilege, as his friends are advising against it for several reasons. In the first place $7,000 is quite a large amount of money, and for the short time til trial it is asking a good deal of his friends to stand responsible for that amount. Another reason is that the old feud existing between the two factions in the colored settlement might be renewed if Zach is set at liberty. [KDGT- 07 Aug 1889/p2/c2]

Court Cases / Social Disturbances / BASSETT, Zach / Bassett Settlement ______The Colored Odd Fellows picnic at Oklahoma, just west of the Junction, Friday was a great success. Rev. Coleman and John Christy delivered addressed, the dancers danced, and a merry good time was had. The attendance numbered people from Muncie, Marion, Noblesville, Peru, and Logansport. A festival and dance at night rounded out the day nicely. [KD-8 Aug 1889/p1/c4] social activities / picnics / United Order of Odd Fellows / Coleman, Rev. / Christy, John ______J. A. Braboy delivered the Emancipation Day oration at Wabash Thursday.

[KD-8 Aug 1889/p5/c3] social activities / Emancipation Day / Braboy, J. A. / comings and goings ______

126 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1889 continued

Thigh Bone Broken. Mrs. Abram Brown, living on South LaFountaine street, met with a painful and very serious accident Friday evening at 5 o'clock. She was in the back yard when in some manner slipped and fell, striking her left hip on the edge of the porch floor. The bone was fractured near the socket. Drs. J. B. Moore and E. A. Armstrong were called in to minister to her sufferings and reduce the fracture. Mrs. Brown is sixty two years old and the injury is liable to prove fatal. She is suffering intensely, though everything possible is being done for her. This injury is similar to that received by W. B. Smith a few days ago.

[KDGT- 10 Aug 1889/p2/c3]

Accidents / BROWN, Mrs. Abram ______Zach Bassett has decided that he don't want bail in the sum of $7,000, and will contentedly abide in jail pending trial, which will be at the October term of court.

[KDGT- 14 Aug 1889/p2/c1]

BASSETT, Zach / Court Cases / Social Disturbances / Fines ______Mrs. Sara Stokes, of Terre Haute, is in the city by the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Abram Brown, who was injured by a fall a few days ago at her home on Lafontaine street.

[KDGT- 15 Aug 1889/p3/c2] comings and goings / Illnesses / Accidents / BROWN, Mrs. Abram ______Mrs. Sadie Stokes, of Terre Haute, is at the bedside of her sick mother, Mrs. Abram Brown. [KD-15 Aug 1889/p5/c3]

Illnesses / Brown, Mrs. Abram / comings and goings / Stokes, Mrs. Sadie ______The E. L. F. Reception. At the reception to be given to Mr. And Mrs. E. L. Frazier tonight at the residence of A. F. Armstrong, by the E. L. F. Circle, the following program will be rendered: [among others] Recitation - Watchman, What of the Night Ezra Roberts [KDGT- 19 Aug 1889/p2/c3]

Social Activities / ROBERTS, Ezra / E. L. F. Circle ______

127 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1889 continued

Chas. And Des Hardiman were fined $16 each in Bohan's court Saturday, for assaulting Harry Raines at a picnic in the colored settlement recently. They gave security for payment and were released.

[KDGT- 19 Aug 1889/p3/c2]

Social Disturbances / Court Cases / HARDIMAN, Chas. / HARDIMAN, Des / RAINES, Harry / Colored Settlement / Fines payed ______Wm. Winburn and Anderson Sweat left to-day for South Bend.

[KDGT- 24 Aug 1889/p3/c2]

WINBURN, Wm. / SWEAT, Anderson / Comings and Goings ______J. A. Braboy was at Bunker Hill today on business.

[KDGT- 03 Sep 1889/p3/c2]

BRABOY, J. A. / Comings and Goings ______Bound Over to Court. Bud Winburn and Wm. Sherman, the two colored boys accused of burglarizing McElwee's grocery Sunday night, were taken before Mayor Kirkpatrick Tuesday afternoon for preliminary hearing. Prosecutor Kirkpatrick conducted the examination for the State and Freeman Cooper appeared in behalf of the accused. Several witnesses were examined and a desperate effort was made to acquit the Winburn lad, but without avail. The mayor held both to appear at the circuit court, fixing the bonds at $500 in each case. The prospects for a term in the penitentiary for the boys are good. In default of bail the boys went to jail.

[KDGT- 04 Sep 1889/p2/c1]

Court Cases / Crimes Committed / Arrests / Social Disturbances / WINBURN, Bud / SHERMAN, Wm. ______Fifty of our colored citizens went to Frankfort Monday where they attended a meeting in honor of the 26th anniversary of the issuance of the emancipation proclamation.

[KD-25 Sept 1889/p4/c6]

Comings and goings ______

128 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1889 continued

The criminal docket shows among other causes that of Zachariah Bassett, charged with the murder of Elmer Ellis; ... Bud Winburn, burglary ...

[KD-3 Oct 1889/p1/c6]

Crimes / Bassett, Zachariah / Winburn, Bud ______The case of the State vs. Zach Bassett, for killing Elmer Ellis in the colored settlement last spring, will be heard next week, commencing Monday.

[KDGT- 04 Oct 1889/p2/c4]

Court Cases / BASSETT, Zach / ELLIS, Elmer / Bassett Settlement ______Bassett on Trial. The case of the State vs. Zachariah Bassett, charge with the killing of Elmer Ellis in the colored settlement on the 24th of last March, was called up this morning. A jury was secured with celerity quite remarkable for a case as important as this one. Following are the names of the jurors: [...] The case will be contested inch by inch. Prosecutor Kirkpatrick, C. C. Shirley and B. F. Harness represent the State. Blacklidge, Blacklidge & Moon and Cooper and Kern have been retained for the accused. The defendant will set up the theory of self-defense. At least a week will be occupied in hearing the case.

[KDGT- 21 Oct 1889/p2/c3]

Court Cases / BASSETT, Zachariah / ELLIS, Elmer ______The Bassett Case. The Bassett trial proceeds rather tediously. The testimony thus far given differs in no very material point from that brought out in the coroner's inquest on the body of Ellis, given at the time in theses columns and yet fresh in the minds of many of our readers. The circumstances of the tragedy, briefly stated, are as follows: Sunday evening, March 24 of the present year, Zachariah Bassett and Elmer Ellis of the colored settlement in Ervin township, engaged in a quarrel after church, the origin of which was supposed to be over a girl, Miss Samantha Bassett, a cousin of Zach's, whom he was accompanying home. An altercation arose before church, caused by Ellis hitting Bassett with a stone, which the latter admitted but claimed it to be entirely accidental. After church the quarrel was renewed, Basset having previously armed himself with a revolver. As the testimony goes, Bassett and the girl when a few rods from the church were overtaken by Ellis and the altercation was renewed. Up to this point the testimony is coincidental, but as to what took place immediately previous to the killing the evidence is as divergent as the poles. Some witnesses aver that Ellis unarmed approached Bassett in a friendly and apologetic manner, wanting to "make up," and that Bassett without the least provocation and in utter disregard of Ellis' efforts for a reconciliation, deliberately

129 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1889 continued pulled a revolver and shot him through the heart. On the other hand witnesses are not wanting, Samantha Bassett, the girl Zack was accompanying home, being of the number to swear positively that Ellis was armed with a rock, and that he rushed at Zack with an uplifted axe, and that as the murderous weapon was about to descend on his head, Jack [sic] fired the fatal shot. The testimony of many of the witnesses is difficult to bring out and in some instances very amusing, despite the gravity of the case. One witness, for example, when asked where he was at a particular time on the day of the homicide, replied that he was in a certain man's orchard getting some apples. "What," exclaimed the attorney, "you don't mean to say you were in a man's orchard getting apples on the 24th of March, do you?" "Well, no," said the confused witness, "I didn't mean 'zac'ly that, what I meant to say was I went over to the graveyard to see if I could find my mother's grave, but I couldn't find it." The case is attracting little attention outside of the principals, witnesses and attorneys. Only a fair percentage of the colored populace of the neighborhood where the tragedy took place are present. The State rested during the morning session to-day, and the prisoner's witnesses are now being heard. [KDGT- 23 Oct 1889/p2/c2-3]

Court Cases / BASSETT, Zachariah / ELLIS, Elmer / Social Disturbances / Shootings / BASSETT, Samantha ______

Bassett at the Bar. The Slayer of Elmer Ellis Answering to the Law. ... At 10 o'clock Monday morning the trial of Zachariah Bassett for murder in the killing of Elmer Ellis at the Bassett Settlement on the night of March 24, was begun in the circuit court before a jury ... [names of jurors] ... Bassett and Ellis quarreled over a girl, Samantha Bassett, the former's cousin. Sunday, March 24th, the two met on the highway on their way to church, when a slight altercation occurred. They separated, each breathing threats against the other. That night after church they met again and quarreled violently. As to who was the aggressor statements conflict, but in the end Ellis was shot dead in his tracks. Bassett fled, but the next day returned and surrendered himself pleading self defense. Bassett is about thirty years of age and is a fairly intelligent negro of probably three-fourths blood. He is defended by J. W. Kern, Freeman Cooper, B. C. Moon, and Blacklidge & Blacklidge. The State is represented by A. B. Kirkpatrick, C. C. Shirley, and B. F. Harness. The accused pleads self-defense. Over one hundred witnesses have been summoned and the case will occupy the entire week. [KD-24 Oct 1889/p1/c3] crimes / homicides / Bassett, Zachariah / Ellis, Elmer / Bassett, Samantha ______

130 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1889 continued

The evidence in the Bassett case closes this evening. In all, something like 125 witnesses have been examined and the circumstances of the case pretty thoroughly brought out. In this trial both sides have made "strong cases" so far as testimony goes, and it is evident that some very tall lying has been done, by somebody. Argument begins Monday, which will probably occupy two days.

{KDGT- 26 Oct 1889/p2/c2]

Court Cases / BASSETT ______The Bassett trial is approaching the end. Argument began Monday, closed this afternoon and the case is now in the hands of the "twelve good men and true." C. C. Shirley opened in behalf of the State, followed by Freeman Cooper for the prisoner, A. B. Kirkpatrick for the prosecution and J. C. Blacklidge for the prisoner. J. W. Kern closed for the accused and B. F. Harness for the State.

[KDGT- 29 Oct 1889/p2/c3]

Court Cases / BASSETT ______Bassett Gets Six Years. The Bassett case was given to the jury at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, and after five hours consideration they arrived at an agreement, finding the prisoner guilty of manslaughter and assessing his punishment at six years confinement in the State Prison North. A light punishment was generally expected by those hearing the evidence and the verdict was no surprise. The defendant is said to be satisfied with the result of the trial, as indeed he has reason to be. The killing was undenied and unnecessary. Bassett was physically able to protect himself against the assault of two boys like Ellis, without resorting to deadly weapons. Much of the testimony was unreliable and unworthy of serious consideration. The verdict is regarded by the colored people of the settlement generally as a ridiculously lenient one. Bassett's relatives and friends, of course, are pleased at the outcome of the trial and the merciful verdict rendered. [KDGT- 29 Oct 1889/p2/c1]

Court Cases / BASSETT / ELLIS ______Six Years for Bassett. The Slayer of Elmer Ellis Escapes with a Moderate Sentence. ... "Zachariah Bassett, stand up. Have you anything to say why the sentence of this court should not be passed upon you?" "Nothing Judge, nothing; I had to kill that man or he'd killed me."

131 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1889 continued

In a few well chosen words Judge Waugh, in the circuit court room Tuesday morning, sentenced Zachariah Bassett, who killed his cousin, Elmer Ellis, in the Bassett Settlement last March, to six years in the penitentiary, in accordance with the verdict returned by the jury at 9 o'clock the night previous. The quadroon's face lighted up with a smile such as it had not worn in the eight long days through which his trial had dragged its weary length. He shook hands with the jury, and in manner, if not in words, thanked them heartily. Never in the history of murder trials in Howard county has such a tangle of contradictions confused a jury as the testimony brought forth. Of the one hundred and twenty-five witnesses, not a few testified to the most ludicrous absurdities and often the court found it difficult to maintain a countenance of sober dignity. ... Bassett will be takin to the Northern Prison at 9:30 this morning. [KD-31 Oct 1889/p1/c5] crimes / homicides / Bassett, Zachariah / Ellis, Elmer / Bassett Settlement ______A Wife Beater Punished. Oliver Barker, a chestnutty patron of the police court, was arraigned before the Mayor, Wednesday, charged with wife beating and was very properly given the extreme limit of punishment justified by the evidence - thirty days in jail, $25 fine and $10 costs. The Barkers live a short distance northwest of the city. The neighbors aver that turbulent storms frequently cross what should be a tranquil domestic sea, and their martial relations have many times been subjected to the severest strains. Tuesday the husband came to tow, drank rotten whiskey till he was crazy drunk, and at night went home and proceeded to abuse and beat his wife. It is alleged that, after a vain search for a revolver, he grabbed a butcher knife and attempted to cut her to pieces, at the same time calling her all the vile names that could flow from his disordered brain. Failing in his efforts, with the knife, he struck her a fearful blow with a board. The abused wife was present at the trial but persistently refused to testify against him further than to say he was abusing her. Either by fear or the wifely instincts manifested in such cases she firmly resisted all efforts to bring out the specific acts of the brutal husband. Mayor Kirkpatrick in passing sentence expressed regret that the punishment could not be made more severe. [KDGT- 31 Oct 1889/p2/c2] Social Disturbances / Domestic Abuse / Court Cases / BARKER, Oliver ______Zack Bassett was taken to penitentiary this morning, Marshal Stewart and Deputy Sheriff Simmons accompanying him thither. Quite a number of his young colored friends were at the depot to see him off, and it was a tearful parting. The prisoner had exchanged his nobby dress suit, worn during the trial for well worn overalls, held up by a strap, and a short 'weskit' of the same coarse material. With the usual time deducted for good behavior he will serve but four years and eleven months. He is twenty-seven years old. [KDGT- 31 Oct 1889/p2/c2]

BASSETT, Zack / Comings and Goings / Social Disturbances ______

132 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1889 continued

Claude Winburn, the young man who accidentally shot himself Saturday, is still alive, with a fair prospect of recovery. His left hand was amputated at the wrist Saturday afternoon. The left eye was entirely destroyed, no less than a dozen shot entering the eye-ball. Unless some of the shot penetrated the skull, which is very thin in the eye-socket, his recovery is assured.

[KDGT- 11 Nov 1889/p3/c2]

WINBURN, Claude / Accidents / Shootings ______The Same Old Shotgun. While hunting on the Dake Ellis farm, northeast of the city, Saturday morning, Claud Winburn, colored, aged 18 years, living at 47 Havens street, was fearfully injured by the accidental discharge of his gun. He was standing on a stump, the butt of his fowling-piece resting on the ground and his hands covering the muzzle. As he started to descend the gun was discharged, the charge tearing through his hands, cutting a portion of the left cheek and entirely destroying the left eye. His companions, Sam Bond and Charley Weaver, ran for help and the boy was brought to town by Dake Ellis and medical attendance secured. The left hand was amputated at the wrist and the boy now gives promise of recovery.

[KD-14 Nov 1889/p1/c2] accidents / Winburn, Claud / Bond, Sam / Weaver, Charley / Ellis, Dake / amputations ______Police Court. [among others] Des. Hardiman assault and battery $12.00. Gave collateral.

[KDGT- 27 Nov 1889/p6/c3]

HARDIMAN, Des / Social Disturbances / Crimes Committed / Arrests / Fines payed ______The Colored I. O. O. F. Festival. The colored Odd Fellows gave a festival in their hall Thursday night which proved to be a great success socially and financially. An excellent time was had, all enjoying the occasion greatly.

[KDGT- 29 Nov 1889]

Social Activities / Lodges / Odd Fellows ______

133 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1889 continued

The colored young people had a ball Wednesday evening in the vacant Nace building on Railroad street, which was apparently enjoyed by those participating.

[KDGT- 29 Nov 1889/p3/c1]

Social Activities ______Mr. And Mrs. J. A. Braboy and Mrs. Moore, of Indianapolis, ate Thanksgiving turkey with Mr. Joshua Winburn and family.

[KDGT- 29 Nov 1889/p3/c2]

BRABOY, Mr. J. A. / BRABOY, Mrs. / WINBURN, Mr. Joshua / Comings and Goings ______Lod Hock and Tom Byrd were down in the vicinity of Sharpsville Wednesday, agitating the quail family. They did not return empty-handed.

[KDGT- 05 Dec 1889/p3/c2]

Social Activities / BYRD, Tom / HOCK, Lod / Comings and Goings ______Birthday Surprise. Monday was the forty-third birthday of J. A. Braboy, and in the evening a number of friends gathered at his home, 63 Lafontaine street, which forcibly reminded him of that fact. A sumptuous repast was an enjoyable feature. The honored host was presented with a gold headed cane and other useful articles. The occasion was one of unalloyed social enjoyment.

[KDGT- 10 Dec 1889/p2/c2] BRABOY, J. A. / Social Activities / Celebrations ______

The friends of J. A. Braboy made memorable that gentleman's 43rd birthday Monday evening by "breaking into" his comfortable home, 63 Lafountaine street, in regular surprise party style. Joe was presented with a handsome gold-headed cane and the visitors were regaled with a royal supper.

[KD-12 Dec 1889/p9/c5] social activities / birthday parties / Braboy, J. A. ______

134 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1889 continued

John Hardiman's Christmas Gift. John Hardiman's Christmas gift was one that he will keep for some time-a pistol shot in the groin, the donor being unknown. Near the A. M. E. church Christmas eve he came in conflict with a man of the name of Wilkins, of Wabash county, but the altercation at the time resulted in nothing more serious than a black eye for Wilkins and a pair of 'skinned knuckles for Hardiman. An hour or so later in the evening, at about 10:30 o'clock, Hardiman was waylaid at the crossing of the Panhandle and Clover Leaf railroads, his assailant using a revolver with evident intent to kill. Fortunately for Hardiman the wound inflicted by the shot is not very serious and one from which he may speedily recover. A brother of Wilkins and one Howard Foust were arrested on suspicion in a short time after the shooting but were soon released, the officers being satisfied of their innocence. Hardiman is colored and the others are white.

[KD-26 Dec 1889/p4/c4] crimes / shootings / Hardiman, John / Foust, Howard / Wilkins (of Wabash) Hardiman, John ______John Hardiman and another man engaged in an altercation Tuesday evening near the colored church which terminated later on in Hardiman getting a pistol ball planted in his groin. The wound is not dangerous but likely to give him trouble for a long time to come unless the lead can be extracted. Dr. William Cooper is attending the injured man. This is somewhat out of the usual order of Christmas entertainments and John will not be expected to respond to an encore to his part of the program.

[KDGT- 26 Dec 1889/p2/c2]

Social Disturbances / Shootings / HARDIMAN, John ______

135 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1890

J. A. Braboy, of this city, was made a district Vice-President of the Africo-American State League, organized at Indianapolis Thursday.

[KEGT-2 Jan 1890/p5/c2]

Braboy, J. A. / comings and goings ______

Separated Thirty Years. John Russell, (colored) residing in the east end, has just returned from a pleasant visit with his three children in Ocala, Fla., whom he had not seen for thirty years. The hard fortunes of slavery separated the family at the beginning of the war. John coming north while his wife and two children remained at the old home in Marion county, Fla, near Ocala. Very soon after the separation a third child was born and this one, now thirty years old, had never see the absent father until the recent visit and reunion. The joy at this reunion can be better imagined than expressed. The three sons in Ocala had grown to manhood and are prosperous, having accumulated considerable property. John himself has succeeded fairly well in life considering that thirty years were spent in bondage. He contrasts to the discredit of the south, the injustice imposed upon a colored man, traveling in that country, as against the equal rights accorded him here. Though traveling on the first class ticket and supplied with money to pay for comforts and conveniences, he was compelled to ride in inferior coaches and fare at the poorest hotels. Everywhere he felt the chill of discourtesy and faced the frown of social ostracism, except of course in the society and company of his race and kin. He comes back to Kokomo a better Hoosier than ever, greatly pleased that he was permitted to return to the scene of his boyhood's and early manhood's bondage and behold again the faces of his long absent sons, now enjoying the right of freedom, and prospering in their chosen pursuits.

[KDGT- 16 Jan 1890/p4/c2]

RUSSELL, John ______Delinquent Tax List [...] City of Kokomo [...] [among others] Gaskin, Thomas Gaskin, Sarah J. Hardiman, Thos. G. Gaskin, D. J. Locus, Adaline [...]Clay Township [...]

136 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1890 continued

Rush, David H. [...]Ervin Township [...] Bassett, G and M. Bassett, Wm. jr. [KDGT- 17 Jan 1890/p6/c1-6]

County Records / Delinquent lists / Clay Township / Ervin Township / GASKIN, Thomas / GASKIN, Sarah J. / HARDIMAN, Thos. G. / GASKIN, D. J. / LOCUS, Adaline / RUSH, David H. / BASSETT, G. / BASSETT, M. / BASSETT, Wm. Jr. ______

Attention Comrades! Regular meeting of Thomas J. Harrison Post No. 30, G. A. R. Friday evening at 7. Every member requested to be present and all honorably discharged Union soldiers not members of some Post are urged to join this. A. N. Grant, Com'r Jos. A. Braboy, Adjt. [KDGT- 23 Jan 1890/p3/c2]

BRABOY, Jos A. / Social Activites / Lodges / Soldiers ______The colored people will give a calico ball at Sharp's Hall Monday night. The management of the affair is in reputable hands and it will be conducted in a decorous manner and promises an enjoyable time to all patrons. [KD-27 Feb 1890/p8/c3] social activities / ball / Sharp's Hall ______The colored people's ball in Sharp's Hall Monday night was a pleasurable success and largely attended. Delegation from Logansport and visitors from other cities were present. [KDGT- 04 Mar 1890/p3/c2]

Social Activities / Colored Celebrations ______The Douglass literary society met at the A. M. E. church Tuesday evening, but on account of the absence of Secretary Hicks with the books, the important business of the evening was laid over until next meeting. Where, oh where, was the secretary? He was the thought of all present.

[KDGT- 19 Mar 1890/p3/c2]

Social Activities / Literary Societies / A. M. E. Church / HICKS, C. S. / Douglass Literary Society ______

137 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1890 continued

Mrs. Hattie Coleman, wife of the A. M. E. pastor, was given a pleasant surprise party Tuesday on the occasion of her 39th birthday anniversary.

[KD-20 Mar 1890/p1/c3]

Coleman, Mrs. Hattie / social activities / birthday parties ______

Dollie Gaskin is very low with la grippe.

[KDGT- 25 Mar 1890/p3/c2]

GASKIN, Dollie / Illnesses ______Charles Hicks (colored) [and others]... passed the civil service examination and are now waiting for the uncertain lightning of a government appointment.

[KD-10 Apr 1890/p5/c2]

Hicks, Charles / civil service exam ______Henry Winburn says it's all a mistake about him being afraid to go South; that he has been there before and would not object to going again.

[KDGT- 17 Apr 1890/p2/c1]

WINBURN, Henry ______Thought He Was Shot. Nate Gaskin, while at work on the foundation of W. A. Hile's house in South Kokomo, to the astonishment of his fellow workmen, suddenly jumped up declaring that he had been shot. On examination it was found that a small missile of some kind had penetrated the fleshy part of his arm, making a painful wound. He supposed it came from a Flobert rifle in the hands of some unseen person, while others thing a sprawl from the rock did the business. He was taken to Dr. J. B. Moore's office where the wound was dressed.

[KDGT- 25 Apr 1890/p2/c2]

GASKIN, Nate / Social Disturbances / Accidents / Shootings ______

138 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1890 continued

The ladies of the Women's Relief Corps of this city gave a public entertainment at the opera house [...] The gas city quartet, composed of Wm. A. Jenkins, Gus Bond, Jno. Perkins and Mit. Nicholson sang three catchy numbers during the performance. [...] [KDGT- 22 May 1890/p3/c3]

Social Activities / Gas City Quartet / Musical Performances / JENKINS, Wm. A. / BOND, Gus / PERKINS, Jno. / NICHOLSON, Mit. ______Program for Memorial Day. [...] Exercises at the Cemetery. Music by Citizens Band. Reading of orders by Jos. A. Braboy, Adjutant Post. [...] [KDGT- 29 May 1890/p2/c2]

Social Activities / BRABOY, Jos. A. ______In Jail for Forgery. Deputy Sheriff Simmons went out to the Bassett settlement, in Ervin township, Wednesday, and arrested Foster Mahon , a colored youth of that neighborhood, the offense for which he was apprehended being that of forgery. Some three weeks ago young Mahon went into Ross Haseltine's jewelry establishment and purchased a watch. In payment thereon he tendered a note on A. J. Forgy, (forgers seem to have a spite at the Forgy's) of the same neighborhood, for $8.50. Suspecting forgery Mr. Haseltine notified Forgy of the transaction, who at once confirmed the suspicion that the paper was fraudulent.

Mahon, in default of $500 bond, languishes by the Riverside, awaiting the action of the oncoming court. The prisoner will be remembered as one of the glib witnesses in the Bassett murder trial last October, and he will probably join Bassett at Michigan City in the near future. [KDGT- 29 May 1890/p3/c3]

Social disturbances / Arrests / Bassett Settlement / Ervin township / MAHON, Foster ______Dr. Minor Nichols was one of the "dark horses" from Tippecanoe, at Kokomo. He took his regimentals along with him, also his diploma, with the intention of paralyzing the crowd by 'culcating their brains - Lafayette Leader. [KDGT- 10 Jun 1890/p2/c2]

NICHOLS, Dr. Minor / Social Activities / Comings and Goings ______

139 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1890 continued

Cooled His Patriotism. Dr. Minor Nichols, an aged African at Lafayette, who once honored this city as his place of residence and was made the butt of many a joke, was the victim of an amusing joke on the 4th, as appears from the following: "The aged and eccentric doctor was chief assistant marshal of the day and appeared in the parade astride of an ancient dun horse, both he and his mount being lavishly decorated with the National colors. It did not take the small boys on the street a great while to discover that the time-honored beast which bore the doctor so triumphantly was mortally 'afeared' of fire crackers, and ball team / Hardiman, Tom

Literary Program. The following program will be rendered by the Young Men's Literary Society at Deffenbaugh's hall this evening at 8 o'clock: ...[among other program events] Recitation ...... Will Brown Debate--"Resolved, That the election franchise should be extended to woman." Affirmative-J. A. Remy, O. C. Pollard Negative-J. M. Stewart, Ezra Roberts. The public invited.

[KDGT-25 July 1890/p3/c2] social activities / literary society debates / Brown, Will / Stewart, J. M. / Roberts, Ezra ______The A. M. E. church Sunday school will give a picnic on Friday of this week, August 1, at the grove east of the Lake Erie railroad. The friends and public generally are cordially invited to join them on that occasion. All are invited to meet at the A. M. E. church at 10 o'clock, with well-filled baskets, and go from there to the grove. Go and have a good time.

[KDGT-30 July 1890/p3/c2] social activities / AME church / Picnics ______The colored boys' ball club of this city-- "the Icebergs"-- will play a game here tomorrow afternoon with the old Sycamore nine. Game called at 3:30 on the old grounds near the Clover Leaf depot.

[KDGT-30 July 1890/p3/c3] social organizations / ball club "Icebergs" / old Sycamore nine ______

140 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1890 continued

J. A. Braboy is confined to his room by injuries received by a horse kick Saturday while out in the country. He was quite severely hurt, one of his ribs being fractured, and he will be laid up for several days. [KDGT-19 Aug 1890/p3/c2] injuries / fractured ribs / Braboy, J. A. ______Albert Milton (colored), Kokomo's only "sure 'nough" professional pugilist, was pitted to fight Deacon William Pitts, of Peru, at the Xenia fair last week, but as their respective "backers" failed to secure a purse of sufficient size the principals refused to enter the ring and the fight was declared off. The question is certainly a pertinent one--isn't Xenia running a pretty wide-open fair for a truly moral and strictly rural village? [KD-4 Sept 1890/p5/c2]

Milton, Albert / boxing matches(?) / Pitts, Deacon William ______Y. M. L. S. Following if the program for this evening at Defenbaugh hall: [among other performers] Solo Ezra Roberts. Admission free. Let everybody attend. Fill the hall. [KDGT-19 Sept 1890/p3/c4] social activities (young men's literary society) / Roberts, Ezra ______J. A. Braboy was at Indianapolis this week attending a meeting of the State League of Afro-Americans and was a prominent figure in its deliberations. He also attended a reunion of his regiment, the Twenty-eighth U. S. Colored Infantry, and was elected secretary of the association for the coming year. [KDGT-27 Sept 1890/p3/c2] comings and goings / Braboy, J. A. / 28th US Colored Infantry ______Birthday Surprise. Dora Winburn, on East Jefferson street attained his majority Wednesday, it being his twenty-first anniversary. This fact was not disturbing him very much however and when evening came he went to bed much the same as on other nights and was borne away on the wings of Morpheus. Shortly afterward he was aroused by what appeared to be a regiment storming his castle. A house full of his young friends took possession of the premises and held it till a late hour, celebrating the anniversary of their surprised, but hospitable entertainer. Refreshments and music galore were the features and a general good time was experienced. [KDGT-1 Oct 1890/p3/c4] social activities / birthday parties / Winburn, Dora ______

141 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1890 continued

J. A. Braboy attended the meeting of the State League of Afro-Americans and reunion of the 28th U. S. Colored Cavalry, at Indianapolis, last week. He was elected secretary of the latter organization. [KD-2 Oct 1890/p5/c4]

Braboy, J. A. / comings and goings / 28th U. S. Colored Cavalry / State League of Afro-Americans / social organizations ______Real Estate Transfers. Following is a list of the real estate transfers since our last report, as furnished by Vaile& Boone, abstracters: ...[among others]... Charles Johnson to James Gaskins, lot in Kokomo $1350 ... [KDGT-2 Oct 1890/p2/c4] real estate transfers / Johnson, Charles / Gaskin, James ______

Held Up by Foot Pads. About 10 o'clock Wednesday night Henry Newby, of Russiaville, who is taking care of horses at the fair grounds, was set upon by foot-pads and robbed. He had been up town, and starting back to the grounds he got as far as Washington street bridge when two big burly men raised up out of the weeds right in front of him with revolvers in their hands, which they thrust in his face, ordering him to stand and deliver. Newby says he was not scared by the guns, and tried to reason with the fellows and convince them of the wickedness of their ways. This they would not listen to and he went down into his pocket. A fifteen-dollar roll was in one part of the purse and a two-dollar bill in another. The larger amount Newby succeeded in abstracting from the book before delivering over. The purse and two dollars the robbers took and disappeared, to the great satisfaction of Newby who then went his way, whistling "I've fifteen dollars in my inside pocket, don't you know." City this morning called by a telegram from the chaplain of the northern prison announcing that his cousin, Zack Bassett, was worse and could not hold out much longer. It is said he has long been a victim of consumption which has developed with alarming rapidity since his imprisonment. It will be remembered that Bassett was convicted of manslaughter at the October sitting of court 1889, and sentenced to the pen for six years. On Sunday evening, March 24th, when returning from church in the colored settlement Bassett and Elmer Ellis, another young colored man, quarreled over a young lady, which Bassett was accompanying home. As the result Bassett pulled a revolver and shot Ellis dead, the bullet piercing his heart. An effort will be made to have Bassett pardoned. [KDGT-26 Nov 1890/p2/c4] illnesses / Bassett, Zack / Ellis, Elmer / Bassett, Britton / comings and goings ______

142 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1890 continued

The Mystic Shrine. The Week in the Halls of our Secret Societies. ...[among other notes from various lodges]... No. 28, G. U. O. O. F., (colored), have a membership of 36, with Tom Gaskin as noble grand. This lodge meets over the Howard national bank every Monday night, and expects to do a live business the coming winter. A grand game party will be given to the members of the order and their friends in the lodge hall Thursday of next week. ... [KDD-29 Nov 1890/p4/c2] secret societies / No. 28 / G. United Order of Odd Fellows / Gaskin, Tom / social activities ______Seeking a Pardon for Bassett. Richard Bassett returned last Friday from Michigan City, where he visited his nephew, Zach Bassett, who was convicted of manslaughter in the killing of Elmer Ellis at the Bassett settlement in 1889 and was sentenced to the penitentiary for a term of six years. Bassett states that his kinsman is suffering from dropsy and in his opinion can live but a brief time at best.. He is circulating a petition asking the governor to pardon the prisoner. Ex-Prosecutor Kirkpatrick has recommended the extending of executive clemency in this case under conditions. In his recommendation he says that if Bassett's illness is such as to render his recovery hopeless, he thinks it just and humane that he should be permitted to come home to die among his relatives. [KD-4 Dec 1890/p2/c3]

Bassett, Richard / Bassett, Zach / Ellis, Elmer / illnesses / Bassett settlement / pardon of convicted criminals ______Albert Cobb, colored, after serving a sixty days' sentence for larceny, was released from jail Saturday morning. In less than twenty- four hours he was back in prison on the same charge. Cobb was in McGovern's saloon at the corner of Buckeye and Jackson streets Saturday evening, and while the bar-keeper was changing a bill for Hiram Poor, it is alleged that he "swiped" a dollar of Poor's money. He was arrested by Officers Taylor and Martin at the Pan-handle depot at 2:30 Sunday morning. He entered a plea of not guilty and will have a hearing tomorrow. [KDD-8 Dec 1890/p2/c2] arrests / Cobb, Albert / Poor, Hiram ______Police Court. Des Hardiman, of the colored settlement, was in 'Squire Bohan's court this morning, two charges being lodged against him--that of assault and battery and carrying concealed weapons. Henry Laag, a neighbor, was the prosecuting witness and from the appearance of his face there could be no mistake about somebody being guilty of assault and battery. Prosecutor Moon and C. R. Sutor appeared for the State and D. A. Woods for Hardiman. For assault and battery the accused was fined and costed $24.85. On the other charge he went acquit. Oliver Cobb the Grant county youth of color who has made his home with us the past six months at the

143 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1890 continued earnest solicitation of the minions of the law, was up before the mayor this afternoon on the charge of faking a dollar from Hiram Poor. The evidence against Cobb while not absolute, was sufficient to hold him for grand jury action. "It is the judgment of this court," said His Honor, "That this man is a natural born thief or kleptomaniac, and inasmuch as he stole this money from a Poor man, I recognize him to court in the sum of $100." Cobb is a confirmed thief, having been arrested five times within a year for larceny, and was released from a five months' stay in jail the day he was rearrested.

[KDGT-9 Dec 1890/p2/c4] crimes / fines / Hardiman, Des / Laag, Henry / Cobb, Oliver / Poor, Hiram / arrests ______Miss Bell Roberts and Mrs. Alma King, of Marion, are the guests of Richard Roberts and family.

[KDD-13 Dec 1890/p5/c2] comings and goings / Roberts, Miss Bell / King, Mrs. Alma / Roberts, Richard ______The colored people had a dance Wednesday night in Sharp's hall which was a huge affair and greatly enjoyed by the large number present. The pleasures of the occasion were entered into with gusto. Crick and Barkalow produced the musical lubricant.

[KDGT-25 Dec 1890/p5/c1] social activities (dances) / Sharp's hall / Crick and Barkalow ______Cassius Stokes, of Terre Haute, is visiting his father-in-law, Abram Brown.

[KDD-27 Dec 1890/p5/c3] comings and goings / Stokes, Cassius / Brown, Abram ______Marshal Parks went to Kokomo this morning to testify as to the character of the colored man Cobb, who is being tried for larceny...

[KDD-31 Dec 1890/p3/c3]

Parks, Marshal / Cobb, Albert / comings and goings ______

144 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1891 continued

G. A. R. Officers Installed. [among others] Chaplain - J. A. Braboy. [KDGT- 10 Jan 1891/p3/c2]

Social Activities / BRABOY, J. A. / G. A. R. ______Mrs. J. A. Braboy went to Indianapolis this morning to visit friends.

[KDGT- 15 Jan 1891/p3/c2]

Comings and Goings / BRABOY, Mrs. J. A. ______Mrs. J. A. Braboy went to Indianapolis today, where she will be entertained by friends.

Rev. S. M. Smothers left today for Fort Wayne with his twelve-year-old daughter, who will be placed in the home for the feeble-minded at that place

Dr. W,. M. Perry, of Richmond, a bright young colored student of the Indiana medical college, is the guest of Rev. S. M. Smothers, and will preach tonight at the A. M. E. church, on Sharp street.

[KDD 15 Jan 1891/p3/c4-5]

Comings and goings / Braboy, Mrs. J. A / Smothers, Rev. S. M. ______Jesse Artis and Willis Roberts, of Lost Creek, Vigo county, arrived in the city today to attend the colored Baptist convention.

[KDD-21 Jan 1891/p2/c2] comings and goings / Artis, Jesse / Roberts, Willis / Vigo county / baptist convention ______Treat All Alike. The cases of Arthur and Omer Jones, the colored lads sentenced for chicken stealing Saturday evening contrast strangely with some others charged with graver crimes. These boys worked hard all last summer in Stewart's stone quarry up to the time cold weather necessitated cessation of labor. Their father is very poor, and old, unable to work only part of the time being disabled in the army, for which he receives a small pension. He has a very large family, the two boys just sentenced to penal servitude by the court being their main stay and support. We are informed the family was in almost starving condition at the time the theft was committed.

145 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1891 continued

While destitution is no excuse for crime the poor criminal should be accorded the same consideration as the more wealthy transgressor whose crimes are of the same magnitude. One law for the rich and influential and another for the poor and ignorant is not justice. [KDGT- 27 Jan 1891/p2/c4]

JONES, Arther / JONES, Omer / Social Disturbances / Crimes committed. ______A. M. E. church Concert. At Sharp's Hall Tonight. Program Invocation Rev. H. H. Upgroves Singing Fifty voices Salutatory speech S. M. Smothers Duet Rev. Upgroves and sister Speech Rev. J. A. Braboy Singing Mrs. Bond at the organ Remarks Rev. Wakefield Singing Chorus Speech Rev. McQuiston. Valedictory Rev. W. H. Brown Solo Miss Ida Brown Refreshments. Admission only 10 cents. [KDD-5 Feb 1891/p2/c5] social activities / concerts / Bond, Mrs. / Braboy, Rev. J. A. / Brown, Miss Ida / Brown, Rev. W. H. / Smothers, Rev. S. M. ______Elder Brown, of Fort Wayne, who has been lending valuable aid in the revival meetings at the A. M. E. church, has returned home. [KDD-6 Feb 1891/p3/c2] comings and goings / Brown, Elder / AME revival meeting ______The concert given last evening at Sharp's hall by the AME church was an enjoyable affair, and netted the church $25 ... [KDD-6 Feb 1891/p3/c2]

Fund raisers / AME church concerts ______

146 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1891 continued

J. A. Braboy had business calling him to Frankfort today. [KDD-14 Mar 1891/p5/c3] comings and goings / Braboy, J. A. ______Zach Bassett whom all will remember as the Ervin township colored man who shot Elmer Ellis two year ago this month and was sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary has been pardoned. He is dying of consumption and for this reason was allowed his liberty. He has served only one year and half of his sentence. [KDGT- 18 Mar 1891/p3/c2]

Social Disturbances / BASSETT, Zach / ELLIS, Elmer / illnesses / Ervin Township ______J. A. Braboy went to Muncie this afternoon on a business trip and to visit relatives. [...] Rev. S. M. Smothers went to Indianapolis to-day to attend the Sunday school council of that district. [KDGT- 23 Mar 1891/p3/c2]

Comings and Goings / SMOTHERS, Rev. S. M. / BRABOY, J. A. ______J. A. Braboy is visiting relatives in Muncie. Rev. Samuel Smothers is attending a Sunday school council this week in Indianapolis. [KDD-25 Mar 1891/p4/c6]

Braboy / Smothers ______Bart Artis left Friday for a visit at Remington. [...] J. A. Braboy made a business trip to Russiaville Friday. [KDGT- 04 Apr 1891/p3/c2]

Comings and Goings / ARTIS, Bart / BRABOY, J. A. / Russiaville ______J. A. Braboy was a visitor at Russiaville yesterday. [KDD-4 Apr 1891/p5/c4] comings and goings / Braboy, J. A. ______

147 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1891 continued

Finally Got Away. R. J. Munson finally got away for Texas, Friday evening, though with not nearly as much money as he expected to leave with. When J. A. Braboy went to attach the organ he found the car had gone, but Munson was found who, under a threat to telegraph and stop the goods, pulled out his weasel-skin and paid the balance due, including costs, amounting to $20. He is now wheeling toward his destination, out of the way of importunate creditors. [KDGT- 11 Apr 1891/p2/c2]

Social Disturbances / BRABOY, J. A. / Music Store / Businesses ______Rev. S. M. Smothers left the city this morning at 1:50 for Middleport, O., he having received a telegram announcing the serious illness of his mother at that place. [KDGT- 15 Apr 1891/p3/c2]

Comings and Goings / SMOTHERS, Rev. S. M. ______Rev. S. M. Smothers has returned from his eastern trip. He reports his mother at Middleport, Ohio, in a much better condition. She will recover but has been very sick. He took in the Ohio legislature on his return, and put in two hours' hard work on the Wilberforce bill. [KDGT- 25 Apr 1891/p3/c2]

SMOTHERS, Rev. S. M. / Comings and Goings / Politics ______Rev. S. M. Smothers will preach on special themes at the A. M. E. church tomorrow morning and evening. .. Rev. S. M. Smothers, who was called to his mother's bedside at Middleport, Ohio, returned home lastnight and reports his mother impoving with a fair chance of recovery. [KDD-25 Apr 1891/p5/c3-4] comings and goings / Smothers, Rev. S. M. ______In Jail for Robbery. Hugh Pursley was arrested this morning by Officer Taylor, on the complaint of Willis White (colored) who charges him with stealing $5.00 from his (White's) pocket while in a Main street saloon. The accused was taken before Squire Moreland who fixed the bond at $100 for preliminary appearance before the same court Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. In default of security the accused went to jail. Pursley is a married man, living on the corner of Elm and Fremont streets. White is an employee of the Kokomo natural gas company having charge of the central regulator at night. [KDGT- 27 Apr 1891/p2/c3] Social Disturbances / WHITE, Willis / Crimes Committed / Occupations ______

148 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1891 continued

Uncle Dick's Philosophy. Uncle Dickie Bassett, the sable sage of Ervin township, was in the city Saturday and turned loose a number of his philosophical expressions. Uncle Dick has had as many ups and downs in this world as the next man and does not expect to see the "wicked cease from troubling and the weary at rest" until he passes to the other shore. "Folks is all right to your face," said the venerable Richard to an attorney of whom he had sought counsel in one feature of his tribulations, "but my sperience is when they gets behind your back they is perfect banquets." Dick is at home on other subjects as well. In the same attorney's office two gentlemen were discussing free trade and protection. After a somewhat lengthy argument, in which Dick was a quiet listener, one of the men turned around, exclaiming, "What do you think about it, Uncle Dick?" " I don't know nothin' 'bout your highfalutin' names," he replied as he walked over to the window and looked out with a far away expression on his face, "I don't know nothin' 'bout such things, but it 'pears to me if I had a farm I'd fence it." His answer to the question is terse and logical and the free traders may put it in their pipes and smoke it. [KDGT- 12 May 1891/p2/c2]

BASSETT, Richard / Ervin Township ______

Sixty Days For Barrington George Barrington, the colored youth arrested some weeks ago for stealing Jim Johnson's lawn mower, plead guilty in circuit court this morning and was given a jail sentence of sixty days. [KDGT- 01 Jul 1891/p2/c4]

BARRINGTON, George / Social Disturbances / Court Cases ______The Municipal Mill. [...] Police Court Every Morning and Evening. [...] Last of all comes Oliver Cobb, the colored youth, who spent the earlier period of his life in Grant county, and the last two years, principally, in the Kokomo and Peru jails. Cobb struck the town Tuesday evening, fresh from the Miami bastile, where he was in sixty-five days for the conventional offense of burglary. Cobb was ordered out of town, and if he is not jailed before to-morrow morning, we are assured he obeyed the injunction. [KDGT- 01 Jul 1891/p3/c4]

Social Disturbances / Arrests / COBB, Oliver / Comings and Goings ______

149 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1891 continued

Oliver Barleycorn Cobb. "Oliver Cobb who was arrested a month ago and given sixty-five days in jail," says the Peru Sentinel, "was released Tuesday on the a promise that he would quit the city. This young man has been arrested and incarcerated in jail six times and has been a ward of the city ever since he struck it." Cobb was in jail in Kokomo the better part of a year, and tried to break in again this week, but the officers drove him out of town. He has not been out of jail a month in the last three years. There is an indictment hanging over him now in this county for larceny, being tried once on it, the jury disagreeing. Prosecutor Kirkpatrick then released him on the promise that he would get out of town and stay out. If he shows up here again he will no doubt get a term in the penitentiary.

[KDGT- 03 Jul 1891/p2/c3]

Social Disturbances / Arrests / COBB, Oliver / Comings and Goings ______Flavius Roberts is now comfortably ensconsed in his own new residence on East Mulberry street.

[KDGT- 03 Jul 1891/p3/c2]

ROBERTS, Flavius ______Miss Ella Thompson left to-day for a brief visit with relatives and friends in Richmond Ind., and New Paris, O. [KDGT- 03 Jul 1891/p3/c2]

THOMPSON, Miss Ella / Comings and Goings ______Mrs. L. H. Winburn left this morning for a few days' visit with friends at Arcadia. Her daughter Lizzie will visit her grandma for several weeks before returning.

[KDGT- 03 Jul 1891/p3/c2]

WINBURN, Mrs. L. H. / WINBURN, Lizzie / Comings and Goings ______"Billy" Bond, formerly well-known in this city, now of Columbus, Ind., was visiting the scenes of former days here to-day. Will says the changes make the city almost unrecognizable to an "old-timer."

[KDGT- 04 Jul 1891/p5/c3]

BOND, William / Comings and Goings ______

150 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1891 continued

Miss Nora Roberts is visiting friends at Muncie. [KDGT- 16 Jul 1891/p3/c2]

ROBERTS, Miss Nora / Comings and Goings ______Ezra Roberts of Kokomo, is visiting in Muncie - Muncie Times [KDGT- 17 Jul 1891/p3/c2]

ROBERTS, Ezra / Comings and Goings ______Miss Elka Braboy, of Kokomo, is visiting her uncle, W. H. Stokes, on South Jefferson street. - Miss Nora Roberts, of Kokomo, is visiting Miss Olive Gulliver at the home of W. H. Stokes. - Muncie Times. [KDGT- 17 Jul 1891/p3/c3]

BRABOY, Miss Elka / ROBERTS, Miss Nora / Comings and Goings ______Setting a Good Example. Two crowded coach loads of colored excursionists came over from Kokomo on Sunday morning to attend the colored camp meeting in progress in Hall's grove in South Marion. They were a nice-looking, well- behaved lot of people and made a favorable impression while here, setting an example that their Caucasian brothers and sisters might well profit by. The excursionists left for home a little after ten o'clock p. m. on the train which brought back the Toledo excursionists. - Marion Leader. [KDGT- 21 Jul 1891/p2/c4]

Comings and Goings / Social Activities / Colored Camp Meeting ______Mrs. Fannie Bond is on a visit to Richwood, Ohio, where she will circulate for a while with friends. [KDGT- 22 Jul 1891/p3/c2]

BOND, Mrs. Fannie / Comings and Goings ______Movements in Real Estate. [among others] Henry Bassett to Esther Bassett, part section 8, Ervin tp. 1000 [KDGT- 29 Jul 1891/p3/c5]

County Records / Real Estate / BASSETT, Henry / BASSETT, Esther / Ervin Township ______

151 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1891 continued

The Record Maintained. The Hardiman boys were in from the colored settlement Wednesday and of course did not leave town until one of them got drunk and from that into a scrap. It was George's turn this time to keep up the reputation of the house, and he came near forgetting it. The boys had started home, getting as far as Secrist & Chambers' place, corner of Railroad and Jackson street, where they stopped for a last chance drink and a final effort to maintain an unbroken pugilistic record. By jingling a lot of silver in his pocket and refusing to pay for the drinks the fight was on, Chambers who was tending bar giving George the worst of it. George was arrested by Policeman Hutto and jailed over night, paying a $11 fine in mayor's court this morning for intoxication. Chambers paid the same amount for assault and battery. [KDGT- 06 Aug 1891/p2/c2]

HARDIMAN, George / Social Disturbances / Intoxication / Arrests / Fines payed ______Movements in Real Estate. [among others] W Z Hardiman to J H Locus, 40a sec 12 Ervin tp...... 2000 [KDGT- 24 Aug 1891/p3/c5]

County Records / Real Estate / HARDIMAN, W. Z. / LOCUS, J. H. / Ervin Township ______Rev. S. M. Smothers left for Lafayette Thursday to help Rev. Staunton in a camp meeting at that place. But as next Sunday is a very important day to him and his church he will very likely be at his post. [KDGT- 28 Aug 1891/p3/c2]

Comings and Goings / SMOTHERS, Rev. S. M. / Ministers ______Mrs. Joshua Winburn, of East Jefferson street, who has been very sick is reported better. [KDGT- 01 Sep 1891/p3/c2]

WINBURN, Mrs. Joshua / Illnesses ______Five Hundred People Greeted the Hon. J. M. Townsend, D. D., at Terre Haute last week on his famous lecture, "Rebellion Against Reason, or Darkest America". He will by special request visit this city and lecture in the A. M. E. church this (Tuesday evening, Sept 1. All should come and hear him before he returns to Washington D. C., to resume his public duties. The church will remember in kindness all who will turn out and patronize the lecture to- night. [KDGT- 01 Sep 1891/p3/c6] Social Activities / Lectures / A. M. E. Church ______

152 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1891 continued

An Ervin Township Case. Dess Hardiman Joins the Merry Throng of Forgers and is Lost to View. Forgeries are getting to be of such frequent and commonplace occurrences nowadays as to be hardly considered a matter of news, but the latest coming from Ervin township where none have occurred for a few days, may be a matter of interest to some of the residents of the west part of the county. Monday morning Mrs. Adaline Gammons (white) a widow with siz children and a little home consisting of seventeen acres of land, came before Prosecutor Kirkpatrick and swore out an affidavit charging Dess Hardiman (colored) with having forged her name to a $90.00 note and passing the same to Messrs. Steckel & Ball , of Flora, as true and genuine. It appears from Mrs. Gammons' story that Hardiman on the 9th of June last went over to Flora and bought a buggy of Steckel & Ball, farm implement dealers, for $90.00 and gave his note for that amount with his own name and that of Adaline Gammons, the obligation maturing in thirty days. Hardiman who was working for Mrs. Gammons on her little farm this summer evidently concluded that writing her name was properly included as part of his duty in assisting in her affairs. At all events he put her name down in black and white and swapped the note for the buggy. When the note fell due he secured an extension. The fraud was detected by Si Dempsy, a neighbor who went to Flora also for the purpose of buying a buggy, and was incidentally informed that Mrs. Gammons' name was on the Hardiman note as security. Returning home he apprised Mrs. Gammons of the fact much to her astonishment. She then piled into Dess with both feet and he confessed to the crime. When she came to town to file information he skipped out and has not since been seen. He took the buggy with him, also a horse that Mrs. Gammons had gone $35 security for and will have the amount to pay. The Flora dealers are the losers in the forgery case. constable Piper of this city is carrying the warrant for Hardiman's arrest. [KDGT- 02 Sep 1891/p3/c5] Social Disturbances / Crimes Committed / HARDIMAN, Dess / Ervin Township ______B. F. Harness and C. C. Shirley went out to Kappa to-day to expound the law to His Hon, Squire Spaulding, in a suit brought by Dr. Wm. Cooper against Richard Bassett. The case was compromised. [KDGT- 05 Sep 1891/p5/c2] BASSETT, Richard / Court Cases ______Struck With a Rock. Andy Ferguson, the colored barber who works at Enoch Hewett's shop, was struck on the back of the right ear with a stone Tuesday afternoon by another colored man named Ezra Weaver, which sent him to Dr. Johnson's office for repairs. He got a bad, though not dangerous, scalp wound. Weaver ran like a tow-head after the fracas but was arrested later. Weaver does not live here. "I thought that he was a friend of mine," said Andy, and was doing my best to entertain him, but that's what I get for running with a gang of niggers." [KDGT- 09 Sep 1891/p3/c4] FERGUSON, Andy / Social Disturbances / Arrests / Occupations / Barbers / Comings and Goings /WEAVER, Ezra ______

153 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1891 continued

Ezra Weaver, the colored man arrested for laying open the back of Andy Ferguson's head with a stone, has disappeared. Being released on his own recognizance, he took advantage of the fact and skipped.

[KDGT- 10 Sep 1891/p3/c2]

WEAVER, Ezra / FERGUSON, Andy / Social Disturbances / Arrests / Comings and Goings ______Yesterday evening at about 6 o'clock J. H. Gaskin, one of the Armstrong, Landon & Hunt co. men, wished to go into the Clover Leaf depot on some business, so he trusted to the reliability of horses and left his without hitching. All at once he heard a crash and rushed out to find his spring wagon about torn to pieces and the horse, having broken loose, going south on Washington street at a rate that would have made yesterday's winner ashamed of itself. The horse turned at Mulberry street and was caught in front of the M. E. church. Nothing was damaged except the wagon which was almost a total wreck. The horse and wagon belonged to the Armstrong, Landon & Hunt Co. [KDGT- 10 Sep 1891/p3/c3]

Social Disturbances / GASKIN, J. H. / Occupations ______Miss Ella Thompson, of Kokomo, is making a visit with her friend, Miss Maggie Emerick, this week. - Peru. [KDGT- 16 Sep 1891/p3/c2]

THOMPSON, Miss Ella / Comings and Goings ______Mr. and Mrs. John Hardiman, 238 West Mulberry street, entertained a number of friends at dinner to-day. Among those present were Rev. and Mrs. Smothers, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Byrd, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Hardiman, T. G. Hardiman and Wm. Christy. The dinner was given in honor of Rev. Smothers who leaves for conference next Wednesday. [KDGT- 17 Sep 1891/p2/c3]

HARDIMAN, Mr. John / HARDIMAN, Mrs. (John) / SMOTHERS, Rev. / SMOTHERS, Mrs. / BYRD, Mr. Thos. / BYRD, Mrs. / WOODS, Mr. T. J. / WOODS, Mrs. / HARDIMAN, Mr. Z. / HARDIMAN, Mrs. (Z.) / HARDIMAN, T. G. / CHRISTY, Wm. / Comings and Goings / Church Meetings ______Charley Winburn and Carl Bond spent Sunday at Logansport. [KDGT- 21 Sep 1891/p3/c2]

WINBURN, Charley / BOND, Carl / Comings and Goings ______

154 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1891 continued

The Next at Kokomo. J. A. Braboy attend the reunion of his regiment at Indianapolis this week, the 28th U. S. regiment of colored troops. Mr. Braboy was honored with the office of Treasurer for the coming year. He also succeeded in getting the next reunion at Kokomo, which will be held in October, 1892, an honor creditable to Mr. Braboy and appreciated by the city.

[KDGT- 26 Sep 1891/p5/c4]

BRABOY, J. A. / 28th U. S. regiment of colored troops / Social Activities ______Another Fast One. L. H. Winburn returned from Indianapolis Wednesday with his mare Maude E and colt. This colt was sired by Red Abbot, he by Blue Bull 75. The dam of this colt (Maude E) is well know in local racing circles especially in Kokomo, as being one among the fastest. The colt, although but five and a half months old, shows points for great speed, and horsemen say that it is destined to make a racer of which Mr. Winburn may be justly proud.

[KDGT- 17 Oct 1891/p3/c3]

Social Activities / WINBURN, L. H. / Horse Racing ______Earl Locus, the colored boy, was arraigned, pleading guilty to robbing the Burlington butcher who was in a barn near their place sleeping off a drunk, and was by Judge Kirkpatrick, ordered sent to the reform school at Plainfield to abide until he attains his majority, which will be in June, 1900.

[KDGT- 17 Oct 1891/p8/c4]

Social Disturbances / Court Cases / Arrests / LOCUS, Earl ______Another Family Horse. J. A. Braboy has a family horse which he drives to his sewing machine wagon. It is one of the quiet gentle sort, never gets excited and safe at all times but sometimes. This time was Friday evening, when the horse was left standing on Walnut street near the music store. He concluded he wanted more exercise or that the barn was a better place to be than on the street, and putting the thought to motion, soon reduced the wagon to splinters. He only ran a block but that was far enough.

[KDGT- 07 Nov 1891/p4/c3]

BRABOY, J. A. / Social Disturbances ______

155 African-American Community from the Civil War to 1891 1891 continued

Mrs. Jane Gaskin has returned from Marion where she visited her father, whom she had not seen for many years.

[KDGT- 10 Dec 1891/p5/c2]

Comings and Goings / GASKIN, Mrs. Jane ______For Stealing Pantaloons. George Barrington the colored youth of Ervin township who figured in our courts last summer, was again arrested Friday, this time for stealing a pair of pantaloons from Davis' store and is in jail. Barringon was sent up for sixty days last summer for stealing a lawnmower from J. D. Johnson. He denies the last charge.

[KDGT- 19 Dec 1891/p4/c3]

BARRINGTON, George / Ervin Township / Social Disturbances / Arrests ______George Barrington, the colored youth from Ervin township, charged with the theft of a pair of pantaloons from the S. Davis & Sons clothing store, was brought into mayor's court and there not being sufficient evidence to hold him, he was released. When asked if he had stolen the trousers, George replied "No sah, I'se as innercent of dat as de bird in de trees. i'se cross my heart and hope to die this instink ef I has em. My sah, youse can see I aint got em on! I'se got two pair of pants on, but dey is mine, en I didn't stole em, nuther."

[KDGT- 21 Dec 1891/p5/c3]

BARRINGTON, George / Court Cases / Social Disturbances / Crimes Committed / Ervin Township ______The seventeen-months-old daughter of Julius Carter is recovering from a severe attack of catarrhal fever. She is at the Indiana house where her mother died ten days ago.

[KDGT- 28 Dec 1891/p3/c2]

CARTER, Julius / Illnesses ______