Portals Below is a picture of a red angel. Found here. Open-Edition-Prints-2.html angel in the nebula PORTALS are inter dimensional openings, doorways, mystical doorways, stargates, bridges, wormholes that transport entities from one reality to another. Some people say they can travel... OPENING THE PORTALS TO THE THIRD HEAVENS TO THE DEMONIC REALMS ~ Picture of Red Oni? (Evil Angel) SERVES EMMa-o CAPTURES SOULS. (Eph 6:11-12), “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,  against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. “KJV

“I’m hungry for “IT” (not God but IT) said Todd to Bob Jones.” Patricia King was hungry for IT too. What is IT? (God) What God? Angels, Angels Bob Jones says, this is where you can see “THINGS.” He doesn’t promise you that you’ll see or God, just “THINGS.” According to Todd Bentley’s tattoos, you may see a lot of “THINGS.” Cover yourself with the Blood of Jesus before watching the above film and ask Jesus to protect you.

MYSTICAL SHADOWY QUEER This is absolutely bizarre…not drunk as we suppose how about, perhaps drugged as it seems to appear. I believe the younger people call it, “High.” bentley-video-shows-kundalini.html

Phony Florida Outpouring - "Not drunk as you suppose" is an embarrassing sacrilege performance directed at the Holiness and Glory of God . . . Todd Bentley’s disrespectful profane frenzies and ungodly actions are demonic. These are fiendish manifestations of spiritual madness; fanaticisms, blasphemous and not centered on Jesus Christ or His Word. May God forgive those leaders for allowing this supposedly ‘man of God’ for his public displays of blatant, boorish behavior that is completely tasteless and shameful! And I repent to a dying, sinful world who may watch these demonically bound men who are being allowed to trample on the blood of Jesus’ and His Church by using the personality of Holy Ghost as “a party on dude.” While the world goes to hell, people run looking for a spiritual thrill or another sensational chill and a bloodless gospel to tickle their self centered ears. Welcome to bar room, Disney World fantasy Christianity. Yep, the above U-tube definitely disrespect that is undeniably inspired by Bentley’s idiot god AND/OR STIMULANTS OF SOME KIND! Not the Jesus that I serve! I don’t think that I like this angel worship movement.

“And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God,” (Jn. 3:19-21) KJV Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Page 1 To Pat, from Bonnie:

I had some of Todd’s early tapes this one was on the Reality of the Supernatural ! It exposes the Jewish Star image tattoo, (actually the most powerful witchcraft symbol the world, the hexagram) on the chest of what I think is his strongman. The man tattoo is also now on his leg. The bearer of the Grand Cross of the order of the Fly, called the Prince of Death or Satan. This exposes his roots for one of his first tattoos (mark of the beast) on his tape cover. Look at the rest of the cover. Original Front Cover Illustration: GRAND CROSS OF THE ORDER OF THE FLY CALLED THE PRINCE OF DEATH OR SATAN

Solved. . .? It’s not the Medusa . . . though you can see snakes coming from its head. . . LOOK! ~WOW! ~ SAME DEMON? Also, notice the hooks or piercings in this demons breast, absolutely vile and wicked. BEELZEBUB The Bearer of the Grand Cross of the Order of the Fly, (Beelzebub) called the Prince of Death or Satan. The realm of this deceiver-prince is specifically mentioned by the Apostle Paul in his description of him as "prince of the power of the air" (Eph. 2: 2), the aerial, or "heavenly places," being the special sphere of the activity of Satan, and his hierarchy of powers. The name Beelzebub, the prince of the demons, meaning the "god of flies," suggestively speaks of the aerial character of the powers of the air, as well as the word "darkness," describing their character, and their doings. The Lord's description of Satan's working through "fowls of the air" strikingly corresponds to these other statements, together with John's language about the "whole world lying in the evil one" (1 Jn. 5: 19); the "air" being the place of the workings of these aerial spirits, the very atmosphere in which the whole human race moves, said to be "in the evil one." Beelzebub Mk 3:22, "And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem said, He is possessed by Beelzebub, and by [the help of] the prince of demons He is casting out demons." (Lk. 11:18-20) “If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? because ye say that I cast out devils through Beelzebub. 19 And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your sons cast them out? therefore shall they be your judges. 20 But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you.” KJV

Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Page 2 HEXAGRAM The ploy of Satan has been to destroy every Christian. Satan is being exposed and his ruler demons finally being named so that victory for God's people can be realized! The Hexagram on the Prince of Death or Satan shown on his left breast. . . HEXAGRAM (see" two joined triangles) or SIX-POINTED STAR. When surrounded by a circle, it represents the "divine mind" (a counterfeit of God's wisdom) to numerous occult groups through the TATTOO ON KNEE centuries. Many still use it in occult rituals. But to OF Jewish people, it is their Star of David. T TRIANGLE (earrings): Associated with the number TODD BENTLEY three. Pointing upwards, it symbolizes fire, male power and counterfeit view of God. (See "pyramid") To Christians, it often represents the Trinity. Pointing down, it symbolizes water, female sexuality, goddess religions and homosexuality. The Bearer of the Grand Cross of the Order of the Kabalistic triangles are used together in ritual i Fly, (Beelzebub~ Lord of magic. the flies) called the When it speaks here about doing this in relation to the Prince of Death or dead; this was a witchcraft rite done to mourn or Satan. remember their dead. Therefore tattooing, cutting one's Beelzebub Mk 3:22, body and shaving one's head in defiance have their Lord of the Flies origin in witchcraft practices. Tattoos have their "roots" in witchcraft. Many young people today are doing these very things because of some evil witchcraft influences in their lives that they are unaware of. They do not realize that partaking of these can open the door to wrong and defiling influences in their lives. Evil videos, depraved rock music albums, wicked Internet games and violent movies are displaying evil trends in order to destroy our youth. Satanic tattoos, skin heads and other cultic rites are opening many of our children to demonization. STAR GATE UFO DEMONIC EXPERIENCE ~ANGELS ON ASSIGNMENT ~ Bentley’s Portal of the whirlwind opening to heaven ~ Pillar of Fire

Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Page 3 The current outpouring leaders, apostles and prophets are claiming that the ‘glory’ of God and ‘anointing’ is particularly manifesting ‘itself’ in particular geographical areas - hence the cry to “get some” from Lakeland or any of the other ‘revival centres’ or ‘hubs’ linked to the New Apostolic Reformation such as Toronto, Atlanta, Heritage and Dudley. The unbiblical and unsubstansiated claim, is that these geographical areas are now under an open heaven thanks to man-made religious activity, in a way other areas are not. You can read what John Arnott of Toronto said here about angels going around all the past revival locations with new backpacks of anointing here. Prophets Bobby Connor and Bob Jones, like the shamans they are, claim that the Lakeland blessing/revival to America must go through the Native American ‘Gatekeepers’ first here. Todd Bentley says of open heavens here, in a great distortion of scripture (for heaven opened in the sense scripture means it, when the veil to the Holy of Holies was rent in two after Christ’s death on the cross): “Open heavens occur over certain geographical areas that are marked by God. For example Jacob experienced an open heaven at a place which he named Bethel (located near a village called Luz, Israel) where he had an amazing dream about a ladder that stretched from earth to heaven with angels ascending and descending on it. When he awoke he “was afraid and said, ‘What an awesome place this is! It is none other than the house of God – the gateway to heaven!’” Some places, because of their spiritual history, are noted to be locations where people will often experience an open heaven. In fact, there are places where the heavens are open more than in other places. Most of you are familiar with previous moves of God in places such as Toronto (The Toronto Blessing), the meetings in Pensacola, and Argentina, just to name a few. Just like in Jacob’s day, today, there are certain places where heaven is open, geographical locations where you are more likely to have an encounter with God. In certain places I’ve been blessed with an open heaven, where, in prayer, God gives me His perspective and His heart. Then I have an encounter, an impartation, a heavenly download that I receive out of being in His presence. I begin to see things. I begin to hear things, and I carry that out of the prayer closet, out of that place of having ascended into the heavens in prayer — bring that revelation into the here and now — and the manifestation of that revelation then begins to take place. The bottom line is that God is glorified. In fact, at the time of the release of this teaching, there is a kingdom invasion happening in a certain place—Lakeland, Florida—dubbed The Florida Outpouring! To God’s glory, what is so amazing is that an open heaven, one open heaven, over one city, literally touches ends of the earth! Just praise Him!!” (Todd Bentley).ii Todd Bentley goes on to reports his description of angel, “By now you may be wondering what angels really look like. Well, I've had angels come as shimmering pillars of light with such brightness about their person that I couldn't make out the details. I had another angel come to me looking like he was about 6' 4" tall with 24" biceps. He was cut with rippling muscles and wore a golden sash about his waist. He had blond, shoulder-length hair and blue eyes-the hunk of hunks. We are talking better than Fabio, OK. Another time I had a similar-looking angel come to me-he

Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Page 4 was young and in his early twenties. I said, "God is that like me in the spirit?" He said, "No Son, it's an angel." iii

The Third Heaven, also known as Sagun or Shehaqim,[1] is a spiritual division of the universe within Judeo-Christian cosmology. In some traditions is it considered the abode of God,[2] and in others a lower level of Paradise, commonly one of seven.[3] The Old Testament References to distinct concepts known as "Heaven" occur in the very earliest books of the Old Testament.[2] The first, in Genesis 1:9 and 20 is the atmosphere over the earth in which birds fly. The second, mentioned in Genesis 1:14, is the setting for the celestial lights, later identified (Genesis 1:16) as the sun, moon and stars. the "Heaven of Heavens") is :שמי השמים) The Third Heaven, also called shamayi h'shamayim mentioned in such passages as Genesis 28:12, Deuteronomy 10:14 and 1 Kings 8:27 as a distinctly spiritual realm containing (or being traveled by) angels and God Himself.[4] Due to the ambiguity of the term "Heaven" as it is used in the Old Testament books, and the fact is plural, a number of interpretations have been (שמים) ,that the word in Hebrew, shamayim offered for various texts involving its nature, notably the assumption of the prophet Elijah. The An Epistle of the Apostle Paul, included in the New Testament, contains an explicit reference to the Third Heaven. In a letter to the Corinthian church he writes, "I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven. And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter." (2 Corinthians 12:2-4) The apparent parallelism of the passage equates the Third Heaven with "Paradise"[2] the traditional destination of redeemed humans and the general connotation of the term "Heaven" in mainstream Christianity.[5] iv

WORMHOLES ~ STARGATES~ PORTALS ~ THIRD HEAVEN What happens when a human walks through the portal (wormhole-star gate) entering into the Third Heaven? Do they return? No, the demons capture their spirits, cages them on the other side. Once they break God’s law by willingly going through the spiritual wormhole, though their bodies are walking around, they are dead. Once they give up their legal right to ownership of their vessel; their being, their presence, the demon has a right to take over their body and the demon becomes a living person. 1Heavenly Portals 1. JOHN PAUL JACKSON ~ NEW AGE THIRD WAVE CHRISTIAN

Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Page 5 BEGINNING HERE IS NEW AGE TEACHING God delights in revealing Himself to those who love His appearing and to those who watch for His coming. One of the marvelous mysteries of God is the existence of portals--doors and passageways-- leading to and from the heavenly realms. When you are standing in a portal, it feels like an open Heaven. A heavenly portal is a spherical opening of light that offers divine protection by which angels and heavenly beings can come and go, without demonic interference. God has designed portals to begin in the third Heaven, travel through the second Heaven, and open upon Earth. Throughout Scripture, we see the existence of doorways or portals: "Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in"--Psalm 24:7. "He commanded the clouds above and opened the doors of heaven"--Psalm 78:23. "Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors"--Proverbs 8:34. "Most assuredly, I say to you, hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man"--John 1:51. "After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying "Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this. Immediately, I was in the spirit"-- Revelation 4:1-2a. The "door" in Revelation suggests God's invitation for us to have access to His heavenly realm. As His friends, the Lord wants to open the portals of Heaven and release an unparalleled visitation of heavenly hosts. Jacob Discovered a Heavenly Portal Jacob spent the night in a place where his forefather Abraham had "called upon the name of the Lord"--Genesis 12:8. As he rested his head upon a covenant stone, a portal opened. Jacob saw a vision of a ladder with angels ascending and descending on it. When he awoke from sleep, he said, "Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it...How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of Heaven!" Genesis 28:16-17 Eager to mark the specific location where he had encountered the stairway to heaven, Jacob erected a monument and named the place, "Bethel" or "dwelling place of God." Several times after this, the Lord told Jacob to return to Bethel, where He would speak to him.

Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Page 6 Have you ever wondered why the Lord, who could speak to you anywhere, would instruct you to go somewhere else, so that He could talk with you? While God was talking to Elijah, He instructed the prophet to go to Mount Horeb, also known as Mount Sinai, where the Lord would talk to him further--1 Kings 19:11-18. Divine portals into the heavenly realm exist around the Earth today. The city of Jerusalem is a portal. In fact, it is the major portal on the face of the Earth. That's why both David and Isaiah said that Jerusalem is the center of the earth. Why do you suppose the enemy is trying to capture Jerusalem? He is trying to block or close off this portal. In Moravian Falls, North Carolina, has shared that he and his staff have had numerous angelic visitations on their property that was once owned by Count von Zinzendorf and the Moravian community of faith. Several portals exist on this land which had been prayed over by the Moravian brethren for over 100 years. In Sutton, New Hampshire, a portal exists on the 90-acres that were given to Streams Ministries. Obviously the enemy knows this, because he has been blocking the use of this portal and providing access only to the second Heaven. Every time I climb to the top of the land, which the locals refer to as "the Pinnacle", I have torn down demonic altars erected by witches who trespass on the property and defile places where God had once revealed Himself. But God is calling us to take back these high places, so that His angels can come and go without hindrance. Sadly, while many in the New Age movement recognize the existence of portals, the portals they recognize are those of the second Heaven. Many erroneously think they are hearing from God when actually they are being deceived by the counterfeit. While living in Babylon, the prophet Daniel encountered angels who had battled with principalities. However, since the prince of Persia ruled the nation, the portal to the third Heaven was stopped up, much like a kitchen sink that is clogged with debris, so that nothing can flow from the source. But the Lord is calling us to take back these places full of divine destiny, so that His angels can come and go unencumbered in our midst. Often, the Keys to Open these Heavenly Portals Reside in the Actions of Our Hearts At Pentecost, the key to unlocking the portal was the unity of the believers. Gathered together, Scripture says they were "in one accord," when suddenly, a portal opened. A sound from Heaven was heard that resembled a mighty rushing wind, filling the whole house. A supernatural manifestation that looked like flames of fire appeared on the believers and filled them with the Holy Spirit--Acts 2:1-4. We are entering an hour when God wants to give us a mighty outpouring of His Spirit and an unprecedented visitation of heavenly hosts on the Earth--Joel 2:28-29. This new wave of God's Spirit will begin to flow with great power, bringing healing and life, much like Ezekiel's vision of the river of life-- Ezekiel 47.

Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Page 7 This coming flow of God's Spirit will be felt in such fullness of power that it will unleash a massive, worldwide revival. Believers will be anointed and empowered to perform even greater works than those Jesus did--healing the sick, casting out demons, raising the dead, and proclaiming the Kingdom of God has come to Earth--John 14:12. In the coming day, the Lord will begin to show many of you where portals exist in your community, so that you will be able to receive even greater spiritual insight and revelation from God. John Paul Jackson’s New Age- Third Wave, Witchcraft teaching ends here. v Who says that you have to wait to go to heaven? These people promise that they can open a star gate portal and take you on a trip to the Third Heaven. However, before you take one of these ministers by their hands, close your eyes to step through the mystical portal to their occult heaven; I warn you, your spirit may never return. The demons on the other side will capture and cage your spirit on the other side, and replace your spirit with an evil spirit from hell. Wake up Christian, the Devil wants your soul, don’t just give it to him. ANTICHRIST END TIME REVIVAL The Apostle Paul did not want Christians to be ignorant of Spiritual Gifts and the leading of the Holy Spirit. What you are witnessing above is definitely not the anointing of the Holy Ghost or an even a stray Angel from Heaven. What we are witnessing in this strange fire revival is a blasphemous tragedy. It’s a black mark on the Church, an embarrassment initiated by extremist, delusionary, unruly thugs; representing a deluded message to the world that Christians are crazy. Is there any Pentecostal leadership left that will get some back bone, stand up and stop these demon possessed hoodlums from disgracing the Holiness, sanctity and trampling on the blood of Jesus? The blinded pastors leading the blind fill their church buses, open their mega churches, showing this ungodly circus to their sheep on huge TV screens. These apostates watch in awe at the spectacle Todd Bentley’s “Hell’s Angels” approach ministering as a channel of Satan’s demonic signs and wonders working false miracles. Todd Bentley bashes, kicks a woman in the face with his motorcycle boots and other bizarre actions under the anointing of his gods and Christian people laugh. No one is horrified as these mocking spirits prevail in the glory of Bentley’s angelic fire. In these meetings, the outpourings of these spirits are released upon themselves and some people are caught up in frenzies of evil spirits. They demonically manifest, exhibiting lewd behavior in the churches humping sensually, some barking like dogs, mooing like cows, clucking like chickens, howling like hyenas, slithering on the floor like snakes, withering and rolling on the floor, hooting, hysterically laughing and totally caught up in frenzies of ungodliness and self. The Holy Ghost gives gift to whom He wishes and if He is leading, the focus will be on Jesus and the Church will be built up. The attitude of humility is important when dealing with spiritual gifts. These gifts are always used under the inspiration the Spirit’s direction. Instead, the church is divided and confused when another spirit (or angel) is in control. I believe these

Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Page 8 insane men and women that are being lifted up with strange gifts could commit any sin on the platform and the people will laugh. Meanwhile, the church leadership would clasp their hands together, smile and say, “Oh, but look, there are people receiving miracles.” The Bible says, “IF POSSIBLE, even the elect will be deceived and Jesus will sadly say, “depart from Me you workers of iniquity, I never knew you.” Deceptions are one the main tools of Satan, so we must be very careful and never interact with paranormal beings of another worldly nature. Also, certain extra dimensional beings may have the capability of becoming insubstantial and then physically materializing at will (or with God’s permission). The Apostle Paul warned of this invasion of magic. “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14/ and no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15/ Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works,” (2 Cor. 11:13-15). Trusting Christians are being drawn to meetings by rebellious people who are obviously leading them into witchcraft practices and introducing them to their spiritual paranormal friends. They are receiving deadly “angelic paranormal demons from the underworld called Oni’s. The church leaders are not warning because no one can see or discern what is happening. Countless leaders are participating in complete spiritual blindness. Other pastors know something serious is happening but they cannot describe what it is. “One young person said, Pat Holliday, leave us alone. You are old and you’re trying to ruin our new ways. You have no joy.” Many don’t want to know the truth and are mean, rude and self centered. They have no respect for those who have spent their lives serving Jesus Christ. It’s only, ALL ABOUT ME, MY FEELINGS, MY THIS AND MY THAT. Are you waiting or running to be deceived too? REPLACING YOUR SPIRIT WITH A DEMON I can tell you what I’ve seen from Christians that are giving themselves to the Bentley false revival. Something else replaces their spirit and returns from the mysterious world of the ‘Third Heaven’. They are lifeless, like dead walking zombies with deep set, dull, jet black pool eyes that are state of confusion. They are agitated mean-spirited, their personalities are changed. A new personality appears that is nasty, enraged and hardhearted. It’s as though a block has been put between the person and former Christians friends. They reject their old friends, church and pastors, divided, they receive a superior attitude. Many are falling away from their churches. Some people are turning blue, red, and purple, which, according the Japanese writers, which are the same colors the demonic Angel EMMA-O, (purple) and connected Oni demons (blue and red) who are death demons. I believe these underworld demons are marking these Christian for death! See my newsletter. . . BENTLEY-DEATH-SPIIRITS-DEAD-SHEEP-EMMAO-KING-OF-HELL

Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Page 9 SOUL SCALPERS So, you can let the soul scalpers, such as Todd Bentley and other so-called Christian ministers, “take you on a spiritual trip through the star gate portal into the mystical Third Heaven, but I warn you to go at your own risk of losing your eternal soul. These familiar spirits will put your spirit in a cage where you will be held in total bondage until Jesus returns. The demonic angels that Todd Bentley and others are playing around with, will replace your spirit with a demon, you have committed spiritual suicide, that’s what you did. I do not believe that you will find Jesus there.

Todd Bentley says, “Today I want to focus the teaching on the angelic realm and how you can release angels to fulfill God's word.” Wow! Did you understand what he just said? You have so much power YOU can liberate demonic angels to, according to Bentley, FULFILL GOD’S WORD!

The Bible is careful to teach us that the Angels are in under the charge of the Father, NOT YOU OR TODD BENTLEY. When Jesus was alive He said in Matt 26:53, “Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels”? KJV Common sense says that if Jesus had to pray to His Father TO SEND HIM angels, then we HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL AND COMMAND ANGELS AROUND AND ACTUALLY THE FATHER’S ANGELS ARE NOT SHOWN TO HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE OFFICE OF DOING MIRACLES IN JESUS’ CHURCH. Jesus left that responsibility and work to His people. The Holy Spirit is the administrator of His Church. He gives gifts to believers in 1 Corinthians 12-14. The devils will imitate the power of God. However, we do know that demons will do signs, wonders and miracles: Rev 16:14, “For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles , which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.” KJV

But I am very fearful for these people's spirits who are being led by these spiritual facilitators into the star gate ~ portal to the ‘The Heaven’. Their spirits are being captured by the demons who then, the demons are taking over their bodies. They will never return to this realm. I know it sounds crazy but I believe that's what is happening, the Oni devils are stealing their souls and bringing them to EMMA O for judgment in the underworld. May God Help Us!

SOUL SCALPING ~FAMILIAR ANGELS AND THE SHADOW OF THE SOUL STEALERS The Bible never demonstrates or encourages humans to engage in personal, highly familiar communications with angels or demon gods. As a matter of fact, God puts a spiritual veil that exists between the supernatural realms and our world. I would reason from the Word of God that this curtain of separation between the worlds was placed there for our divine protection from evil, imitating, familiar demons.

King Saul knew that his destructive behavior of going to see a witch was forbidden by God. His sinful actions of delving into these demonic powers placed his soul in danger. The sinister occult portal was opened by the witch who called up a spirit. 1 Sam 28:13, 10 “And the king said unto her, Be not afraid: for what sawest thou? And the woman said unto Saul, I saw gods ascending out of the earth.” Notice that she saw gods, plural which were more than one. KJV The witch thought that demon gods had appeared but but King Saul assumed it was Samuel. Actually, it was an impersonating familiar spirit posing as Samuel. Then King Saul, though his willing participation of walking in this prohibited territory of contacting the dead, the witch stole his soul. He lost his life and the lives of his sons.

These so-called Christian evangelists’ are talking about bizarre witchcraft, clairvoyant experiences of talking to the dead and entering into new spiritual dimensions visiting angels as if calling on their next door neighbor to borrow a cup of sugar. The star gate portal leads to a scalping device to steal your mind and spirit and spiritually you’re your spirit into another dimension called The Third Heaven. These neo con SPIRITS FILLED ministers are quick to say that they can “impart” (transference of demons) to you. They play the role of psychic “Christian” facilitators to speak dark secrets to your spirit, often using the same terminology of a clairvoyant veteran. It’s a mixture. The difference is, the fortune teller, the psychics are mostly people sitting in parlors with large hand signs hanging outside. While these so-called Christian evangelist neo cons stand in churches and large Christian meetings distributing Satan’s powers of darkness.

OCCULT BASED EXPERIENCES Continuing with Todd he goes on telling of his occult based experiences: “Recently, I had several daily visitations of angels which lasted for weeks. Since the beginning of this year I've also sensed an increase in the presence of angels in our meetings. Many others have reported to me of increase of spiritual activity in their lives too.” (Of course they tell you that what is doing is highly contagious). “During a meeting in Salt Lake city, I had a vision in which a hole opened up in heaven and I saw an open-eye vision of angels of God (his god) ascending into heaven and descending into the service, bringing eyes and wings (the seer anointing).” vi

Again, the Bible says that the Holy Ghost, not angels, give gifts to men, 1 Corinthians 12- 14, and is not given by angels.

Todd continues his strange interpretation of the Bible, “The Lord spoke to me about the increase of the prophetic and of angelic activity in America. We're in need of reinforcements in the Western Church to neutralize the demonic assignments and backlash that is causing pastors and leaders to burn out. I believe that this message will prophetically call forth reinforcements in the angelic realm and bring healing to many who are under attack.”vii

I would challenges these pastors that Todd is talking about, are under demonic assignments and backlash that are causing them to burn out; they must get down on their knees and repent from straying away from Jesus and His Word. Jesus knows how to refresh His people apart from using seduced, deluded people who are working with demonic angels. Truthfully, I have served Jesus for 33 years and after repenting from my sins, He came in my spirit and has never left. I’ve never had to run from place to place, minister to minister, seeking for spiritual revival. Frankly, I’ve never died or even been close to spiritual death. Jesus is very much alive to me and gives me His eternal life and power.

11 1 John 3:7-8 “Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. 8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” KJV

DISTINCTION BETWEEN SATAN AND EVIL SPIRITS The distinction between the workings of Satan as prince of demons, and his evil spirits, should specially be noted, so as to understand their methods at the present day; for too many the adversary is merely a tempter, whilst they little dream of his power as a deceiver (Rev. 12: 9), hinderer (1 Thess. 2: 18), murderer (Jn. 8: 44), liar (Jn. 8: 44), accuser (Rev. 12: 10), and a false angel of light; and still less of the hosts of spirits under his command, constantly besetting their path, bent upon deceiving, hindering, and prompting to sin. A vast host wholly given up to wickedness (Matt. 12: 43-45), delighting to do evil, to slay (Mk. 5: 2-5), to deceive, to destroy (Mk. 9: 20); and having access to men of every grade, prompting them to all kinds of wickedness, and satisfied only when success accompanies their wicked plans to ruin the children of men (Matt. 27: 3-5). viii

SATAN'S CHALLENGE OF CHRIST IN THE WILDERNESS This distinction between Satan, the prince of the demons (Matt. 9: 34), and his legion of wicked spirits, is clearly recognized by Christ, and may be noted in many parts of the Gospels (Matt. 25: 41). We find Satan in person challenging the Lord in the wilderness temptation, and Christ answering him as a person, word for word, and thought for thought, until he retires, foiled by the keen recognition of his tactics, by the Son of God (Lk. 4: 1-13).

We read of the Lord describing him as the "prince of the world" (Jn. 14: 30); recognizing him as ruling over a kingdom (Matt. 12: 26); using imperative language to him as a person, saying; "Get thee hence"; while to the Jews He describes his character as "sinning from the beginning," and being a "murderer," and a "liar," the "father of lies," who "abode not in the truth" (Jn. 8: 44) which once he held as a great archangel of God. He is called, also, "that wicked one" (1 Jn. 3: 12, A.V.), the "Adversary," and that "old serpent" (Rev. 12: 9).

In respect of his method of working, the Lord speaks of him as sowing "tares," which are "sons of the evil one," among the wheat--the "sons" of God,” (Matt. 13: 38, 39); thus revealing the Adversary as possessing the skill of a master mind, directing, with executive ability, his work as "prince of the world," in the whole inhabited earth, and with power to place the men, who are called his "sons," wherever he wills.

We read also, of Satan watching to snatch away the seed of the Word of God from all who hear it, this again indicating his executive power in the world- wide direction of his agents, whom the Lord describes as "fowls of the air"; in His own interpretation of the parable (Matt. 13: 3, 4, 13, 19; Mark 4: 3, 4, 14, 15; Luke 8: 5, 11, 12); plainly saying that He meant by these "fowls" the "evil one" (Gr. Poneros, Matt. 13:19); "Satan" (Gr. Satana, Mk. 4: 15); or "Devil" (Gr. Diabolus, Lk. 8: 12); whom we know, from the general teaching of other parts of the Scriptures, does his work through the wicked spirits he has at his command; Satan himself not being omnipresent, although able to transpose himself with lightning velocity to any part of his world-wide dominions.ix

12 OPENING THE STARGATES Star gates are referred to by the Ancients as STRATEGIC-LEVEL SORCERY "Astreaporta". The Gates have also been referred to as the "Ring of the Gods", "Circle of Standing Water", "Doorway", "Stone Ring", "Gateway", "Annulus", "Ring of the Ancestors", "Circle of Darkness", and "Portal" (by characters of less advanced societies that fear or revere the device), and even (in a deliberate self-parody) as "The Old Orifice."x http://www.warn- CS SPIRITS ~EVIL WINDS~ "ANGEL IN WHIRLWIND"xi

Chaotic spirits are, expressly identified as “evil winds” which “emanate” from the heavenlies to penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere: It is suspicious activity when you witness Speaking prophetic words. Christians “Opening the Heavens Worship Gathering,” and use witchcraft Words are very powerful when prophetic words, symbols and activity in spoken under an anointing by their meetings. Then to see the exact spiritual forces. People that speak opposite of God’s people prayers prophetically should know that happening that causes “the Angel in the when they speak, their Whirlwind,” to ride the storm of great words will be picked up by destruction on the earth. It is extremely demons who will take those words interesting that the Hurricane, Mitch to enforce them. Add to hung around 4 days for the entire pronouncing the words, magical “Spiritual Warfare Conference, of the and ritual activities, you have Christians that were teaching cauldron full of witch craft power. “territorial taking of cities” through prayers.


(Nah 1:3,)“The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.”

(Zech 7:14), “But I scattered them with a whirlwind among all the nations whom they knew not. Thus the land was desolate after them that no man passed through nor returned: for they laid the pleasant land desolate.” “Chaotic spirits, known as k’asal ik’ob ’evil winds/emanations’penetrate the various levels and divisions of the universe. Some of these enter the Human, Earth or Sky dimensions from beyond, others are raised, summoned, emanated or generated by the ill will of the incarnate living. Without fixed form, abode, purpose or character, these chaotic spirits accumulate, wreak havoc, weaken, sicken and destroy the incarnate living. Left unchecked these forces will ultimately destroy the fabric of the universe itself. Chaotic

13 spirits are typically identified and cast out of time `and space with all due haste by all but the most self-deluded practitioners of evil.” (Maya Glyphs). Barbara Aho challenges Chuck Pierce prophecies given the in “Opening the Heavens Worship Gathering.” He is the Vice President of Global Harvest Ministries in Colorado Springs, CO, President of Glory of Zion Ministries and a member of Peter Wagner’s Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders. Below is a portion of Chuck Pierce’s “word over Florida” at TRANSFORMATION AMERICA – Awaken the Nation, Thursday, PM (February 19, 2004): Chuck Pierce’s “word over Florida, “postures as one who receives prophetic words from the Holy Spirit, but he could very well have been in communication with occultist in high places who planned to unleash these terrible hurricanes in 2004 and 2005! xii CHUCK PIERCE’S “WORD OVER FLORIDA” “I am mounting up the waters of breakthrough for this nation. I have brought you here to this state because part of the mounting up of the waters is coming this hour from this particular state. I have gathered you together here because from this state you will cause the waters to rise again. Many will try to put their finger in this water just as the boy who tried to hold back the water stuck his finger in the dike, but I would say this water that is mounting over this nation cannot be stopped. “There is a mounting enemy that is rising up at this time. Therefore I have drawn you together for a day such as this. In this place and at this time I will release an anointing that will cause the enemy that is mounting to become confused. The voice of the enemy will taunt, and taunt, and taunt again. The voice of the enemy will become very strong beginning in September through October. But even now that which you release in the heavens will begin to neutralize that which will come forth at harvest time. “Harvest time is upon you, and because harvest time is mounting I must have a people with a harvest mind. I have brought you here to bring forth the first fruit of that harvest anointing, and to cause your mind to shift into a mind of increase. Many have come and said, ‘But the enemy has surrounded me and besieged me. I even feel like I am in a strait jacket.’ During these days I will unite that strait jacket and your hands will go free. . . “Hear the sound as the waters mount up, for the waters are mounting and the wall that is being built against My righteousness is cracking. And within 22 months there will be floods across this land.” Chuck Pierce postures as one who receives prophetic words from the Holy Spirit, but he could very well have been in communication with occultist in high places who planned to unleash these terrible hurricanes in 2004 and 2005! Based on Chuck Pierce’s top level information, we can expect hurricanes and other natural disasters through the year 2005 when the U.S. will be so devastated that the states designated to be “wild lands“ are turned over to FEMA. That would take us to Christmas of 2005 at which time the “Transformation of America” will begin in earnest. The timing of this transformation would also occur exactly seven years before the end of the Great Mayan Cycle in December of 2012, at which time the Earth will supposedly shift wiping out all forms of life. New Agers have been assured by the Spiritual Hierarchy 14 from the star system Sirius that these highly evolved beings will intervene to assist in the evolution of mankind so as to avert this global catastrophe. The period December 2005 to December 2012, however, sounds more like the 7-year Tribulation Period after which the sorceress on the earth will “devolve” rather than evolve! Ken Malone with a raised index finger and his associate holding an upraised sword. In his book, “The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave,” Fritz Springmeier has informed us that “A raised forefinger or two raised forefingers while a speaker is talking means that the message is a Masonic message coming from a Masonic speaker.” (49:380) This hand signal alone would not identify Malone as an occultist, however, the raised sword is a telltale sign that a Satanic ritual is in progress. Traditionally wielded by sorcerers as an instrument of high magick endued with supernatural power, the sword is more specifically a magical weapon for conjuring evil spirits to inflict harm. Are these Christians opening the heavens to the Lord’s evil Angels of Destruction or they “. . . when in reality they are unleashing chaotic spirits to create violent storms? Psychic control over weather patterns is an ancient skill claimed by shaman in many pagan cultures. xiii In his September newsletter, the Director of Transformation Florida, Ken Malone, wrote about the “transformation” of Polk County where he lives:xiv After performing a strange prayer visual, “Within a month of each other, hurricanes Charley and Frances have left Florida in with what newscasters are calling the one-two punch. This one-two punch has left us with homes, businesses, churches, and schools with much devastation. The Citrus Industry was especially hit very hard and will be a loss to many families and those in the citrus business. These hurricanes made an X across our state (which doubled- crossed in Polk County).”

Chaotic spirits are, expressly identified as “evil winds” which “emanate” from the heaven lies to penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere: “Chaotic spirits, known as k’asal ik’ob ’evil winds/emanations’ penetrate the various levels and divisions of the universe. Some of these enter the Human, Earth or Sky dimensions from beyond, others are raised, summoned, emanated or generated by the ill will of the incarnate living. Without fixed form, abode, purpose or character, these chaotic spirits accumulate, wreak havoc, weaken, sicken and destroy the incarnate living. Left unchecked these forces will ultimately destroy the fabric of the universe itself. Chaotic spirits are typically identified and cast out of time and space with all due haste by all but the most self-deluded practitioners of evil.” (Maya Glyphs).

In other words, these self-deluded sorcerers believe they are “casting out” chaotic spirits, but they are in fact summoning more of these devils, 22 Malone noted that the point where Hurricanes Charley and Frances intersected was in Polk County, FL. Three weeks after Frances, on Sept. 26, Hurricane Jeanne also passed through Polk County. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said this is the first time that three hurricanes have hit the same county in one season since it began keeping records in 1890. . . . The paths of the hurricanes formed either a 5 or 6-Pointed Star! (The most powerful symbol in witchcraft, DOES THIS SOUND LIKE JESUS OPENED THE HEAVENS OR COULD IT BE THE ANGEL IN THE WHIRLWIND CONJURED BY WITCHES AND WIZARDS)? 15 The website of Transformation Florida features a photo of the “Opening the Heavens Worship Gathering” in which Malone and an associate appear to be performing as wizards “opening the heavens” with a sword. In witchcraft, a sword functions as a magic wand. Considering that Hurricane Jeanne struck Florida on the day this conference closed, on September 25, the image is most disturbing.

In the Transformation Florida photo on his web site, note Ken Malone with a raised index finger and his associate holding an upraised sword. In his book, The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave, Fritz Springmeier has informed us that “A raised forefinger or two raised forefingers while a speaker is talking means that the message is A Masonic message coming from a Masonic speaker.” (49:380) this hand signal alone would not identify Malone as an occultist, however, the raised sword is a telltale sign that a satanic ritual is in progress. Traditionally wielded by sorceress as an instrument of high magick endued with supernatural power, the sword is more specifically a magical weapon for conjuring evil spirits to inflict harm.

In his book, Truth about Ritual Magick, Donald Tyson explains the function of the sword in high magic or theurgy: “The four suits of the Tarot are Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles... “Swords... the warrior class or nobility of medieval society... “Less useful, but still necessary for high magic or theurgy which involves chaotic spirits, is the sword. This is similar in its functioning to the wand, but whereas the wand has a neutral nature, the sword is overtly offensive, projecting power to dominate and hurt... It is considered acceptable to procure a short sword, or long knife, and after thoroughly purifying it, consecrate it by anointing and prayer to its magical purpose. I use an old British army bayonet myself, which is shaped as a sword, hilt and all, and find it effective—perhaps especially so due to its military associations.”xv

“SHAMAN... Identify or manipulate the effects which events in other worlds may have upon the human community and vice versa. This placement entails curing, Divination, spirit possession and other ritual activities designed to identify disturbances and restore harmony among the distinct parts and inhabitants of the universe (Eliade 1964).” (Maya Glyphs) From what we have been able to ascertain, the reason the sword possesses magical powers is because, when it is upraised, it becomes an inverted cross and also a phallic symbol. “An Overview of Satanic Symbols” places the inverted cross/sword at the top of the list of geometric figures having Satanic symbolism. We could continue to show evidence but I suggest that you go to the above web site to learn more. xvi

MITCH THE EVIL WITCH A NATURAL DISASTER STORY Interesting, another testimony concerning “opening the heavens, Peter Wagner’s Spiritual Warfare Conference was meeting in Guatemala and Hurricane Mitch...rotate the M, it becomes W and becomes the word Witch. Mitch became the evil witch for several days and stayed in the Guatemala city until the Conference was over before its trail of death... xvii

16 THE EVIL ANGEL OF THE WHIRLWIND TRIPPING OVER THE MOUNTAINS TO CAUSE IT CHAOTIC PATHWAY OF DEATH. On October 22nd, Hurricane Mitch hit Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Yucatan Peninsula and South Florida. Hurricane Mitch is known mainly for its demolishing, it was formed on October 22nd 1998, and it became one of the strongest and deadliest Atlantic hurricanes ever recorded. Now about the impact of hurricane Mitch it has killed deaths 3 in Panama, 7 in Costa Rica, 3 in Jamaica, 3,800 in Nicaragua, 6,500 in Honduras 256 in Guatemala, 239 in El Salvador, 11 in Belize, 9 in Mexico 2, in the United States and 31 offshore for a total of 11,000. As I said earlier on, there was $6-7 billion worth of damage. Many people were left without homes, but eventually got reunited with a shelter for time while construction workers rebuilt their new houses.

In his book, Truth about Ritual Magick, Donald Tyson explains the function of the sword in high magic or theurgy: “The four suits of the Tarot are Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles... “Swords... the warrior class or nobility of medieval society... “Less useful, but still necessary for high magic or theurgy which involves chaotic spirits, is the sword. This is similar in its functioning to the wand, but whereas the wand has a neutral nature, the sword is overtly offensive, projecting power to dominate and hurt... It is considered acceptable to procure a short sword, or long knife, and after thoroughly purifying it, consecrate it by anointing and prayer to its magical purpose. I use an old British army bayonet myself, who is shaped as a sword, hilt and all, and find it effective—perhaps especially so due to its military associations.” xviii

AThessalonians 2:8-12 (8) And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: (9) Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, (10) And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. (11) And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: (12) That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

1 Timothy 4:1-2 (1) Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; (2) Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

2 Peter 2:1-2 (1) But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. (2) And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. ======17 SSS SATAN AND HIS FALLEN ANGELS Christians, who only see the world through eyes of the five senses, will miss the significance of the supernatural organization of the world that is forming in these times. A new world empire will rise out of the ashes of the old world chaos. It will be a world that denies Jesus Christ and God the Father. This New World system will be a world that will be ruled by Satan and his fallen angels. This New World Government will create a New Universal Religion will be based on the Spirit of Babylon which is established upon witchcraft powers. In the beginning of this new religion, it will draw people to worship the gods and goddesses of the Babylonian religion of antiquity. However, as it undergoes an evolution, it will demand that the entire world will worship the image of the Beast. I believe that this image of the Beast will be an image of Satan. There were those in the Old Testament that killed the true prophets. Of course in the New Testament, they killed Jesus. Paul said it like this, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” (Gal. 4:16.) Mrs. Jesse Penn-Lewis wrote, “. . . when the existence of evil spirits is recognized by the heathen, it is generally looked upon the missionary as “superstition’ and ignorance; whereas the ignorance is often on the part of the missionary, who is blinded by the prince of the power of the air to the revelation given in the Scriptures, concerning the satanic powers.” Angels are able to take on human form, as evidenced by Jacob's wrestling with an angel, and the two angels who came to help Lot get out of Sodom before it was destroyed. If demons are fallen angels, they too could take on human or humanoid form, unless that power was taken from them at the time of the fall. “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ, 14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it,” (Jn. 8:44) It has been widely understood that the angels fell sometime before the creation of mankind, thus very likely that they have indeed walked among us in the past and probably still do. The Bible states that we never know when we have entertained angels unawares. In light of this, I believe we should be very careful when we communicate or attempt to communicate with. THE ANGEL IN THE WHIRLWIND ~ ANGEL OF DEATH Occult power elite This fact of postmodern culture, which is well-documented on this website, suggests two probabilities related to the increasing frequency and severity of hurricanes in the United States: (1) that occultist in high places are creating and manipulating the weather

18 using new, albeit secret, technologies and (2) that the names of the hurricanes have been pre-selected to convey occult messages. Weather persons often refer to hurricanes as acts of “Mother Nature,” a personification which may not be far from the truth. For “Mother Nature” is an esoteric allusion to the Great Mother Goddess and many of the recent hurricanes have distinctive characteristics that hint at an occult connection. At one time an antiestablishment underground, the global network of occult societies have now become the occult establishment, having managed to infiltrate and subvert the machinery of government to bring about a new world order. This fact of postmodern culture, which is well-documented on this website, suggests two probabilities related to the increasing frequency and severity of hurricanes in the United States: (1) that occultist in high places are creating and manipulating the weather using new, albeit secret, technologies and (2) that the names of the hurricanes have been pre-selected to convey occult messages. xix

ANGEL IN THE WHIRLWIND AND PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH When George Bush assumed the Presidency of the United States, he released the Angel in the Whirlwind in his speech. What did he mean? Is he aware of what he is doing? What will be the result of a leader of the country releasing these magical words over the USA and the World? xx Author, Rev. Tom Horn says concerning The Angel in the Whirlwind, Inaugural Speech of George Walker Bush, 43rd President of the United States is an agent of destruction during war. The Administration was inviting super powerful angelic forces to become involved in the Administration. The Angel of the Whirlwind has been released BY OUR PRESIDENT... It is a weapon of Spiritual and Physical Mass Destruction . . .” xxi Listen to Rev. Tom Horn on The invisible beings are real. Jesus believed it but do you? The commission He gave to the twelve, and to the seventy, was exactly in line with His own. He sent them forth, and "gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to preach the gospel" (Matt. 10: 1); to "first bind the strong man" (Mk. 3: 27), and then to take his goods; to deal with the invisible hosts of Satan first, and then "preach the gospel." President George Bush, in his first Inaugural Address ~ President George Bush, in his first Inaugural Address, made strange reference to an “Angel” who “rides in the Whirlwind and directs this Storm,” meaning the Masonic- inspired and directed American Revolution, but also with current application to his own administration. (Could this Angel in the Whirlwind be the spirit of Abbadon or Apollyan, also known as the Destroyer, also known as the 1st beast from the bottomless pit shown in Rev. 9:11)? “After the Declaration of Independence was signed, Virginia statesman John Page wrote to Thomas Jefferson: ‘We know the Race is neither to the swift nor the Battle to the Strong. Do you not think an Angel rides in the Whirlwind and directs this Storm?’

19 “Much time has passed since Jefferson arrived for his inauguration. The years and changes accumulate. But the themes of this day he would know: our nation's grand story of courage, and its simple dream of dignity. “We are not this story’s Author, Who fills time and eternity with His purpose. Yet His purpose is achieved in our duty; and our duty is fulfilled in service to one another. “Never tiring, never yielding, never finishing, we renew that purpose today: to make our country more just and generous; to affirm the dignity of our lives and every life. “This work continues. The story goes on. And an angel still rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm. “God bless you all and God bless America.” (Bush Inaugural Speech) “In Maya mythology, Huracan (‘one legged’) was a wind, storm and fire god and one of the creator deities who participated in all three attempts at creating humanity. He also caused the Great Flood after the first humans angered the gods. He supposedly lived in the windy mists above the floodwaters and repeated ‘earth’ until land came up from the seas. “In appearance he has one leg the other being transformed into a serpent, a zoomorphic snout or long-nose and a smoking object such as a cigar, torch holder or axe head which pierces a mirror on his forehead. His name is the source of the word hurricane.” xxii First Lady Laura Bush is a descendant of the Sinclair/St. Clair bloodline, one of the two direct bloodlines in the Merovingian lineage. And President George Bush, in his first Inaugural Address, made strange reference to an “Angel” who “rides in the Whirlwind and directs this Storm,” meaning the Masonically- inspired and directed American Revolution, but also with current application to his own administration. There is compelling evidence that point #1 is not mere speculation, but fact. Trevor Ravenscroft wrote in The Spear of Destiny that Hitler said of the “New Man”: “Even the weather...would be subject to him.” (pp. 250-1) In his 1970 book, Between Two Ages, former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brezezinski (CFR/TC/B) mentioned “weather control” as a “new weapon” and a “key element of strategy.” xxiii "I believe U.S. foreign policy is designed to confuse the American people and national leaders who are unaware of the Spiritual Hierarchy's plan to 'establish an enlightened democracy among the nations of the world.'" Dr. Stanley Monteith, Radio Liberty letter, December 2005 [1] Ordo ab Chao — in other words, the New World Order Was the newly-sworn president (George W. Bush) unveiling the program of his administration which would be distinguished by the proliferation of controlled hurricanes? And that these hurricanes would set in motion the final phase of the American Revolution — the rise of New Atlantis, the demonic, pre-flood generation, on the ruins of the United States? And who, Mr. President, is this Angel you say is riding the whirlwind and directing the Storm? The Angel to whom the President refers is Lucifer, who is directing the American Revolution until the Masonic Plan is complete. Ordo ab Chao — in other words, the New World Order will come to pass after chaotic spirits, emanating as evil winds,

20 penetrate the human dimension, “wreak havoc, weaken, sicken and destroy the incarnate living.” THE DESTROYING ANGEL The passover ~ Ex 12:21-28 I. Moses is here, as a faithful steward in God's house, teaching the children of Israel to observe all things which God had commanded him; and no doubt he gave the instructions as largely as he received them, though they are not so largely recorded. It is here added, 1. That this night, when the first-born were to be destroyed, no Israelite must stir out of doors till morning, that is, till towards morning, when they would be called to march out of Egypt, v. 22. Not but that the destroying angel could have known an Israelite from an Egyptian in the street; but God would intimate to them that their safety was owing to the blood of sprinkling; if they put themselves from under the protection of that, it was at their peril. Those whom God has marked for himself must not mingle with evil doers: see Isa 26:20-21. They must not go out of the doors, lest they should straggle and be out of the way when they should be summoned to depart: they must stay within, to wait for the salvation of the Lord, and it is good to do so. xxiv Pray that our God will give you eyes to see and ears to hear....what the Spirit of God is saying to our Nation.

Todd Bentley and the Angel that carries the “Winds of Change”:

…the second night of the Lakeland meetings…he said he saw an angel he described as carrying the “Winds of Change.”

Asking him to describe this angel, Bentley replied that those familiar with the life of William Branham would recognize the angel from being a relevant factor in his healing ministry. He felt that this angel’s appearance signaled a “shift in the atmosphere” for the meetings and felt that an openness for revival had been ushered in. -Teresa Neumann, Reports of Revival Breaking Out in Lakeland, Florida This is a new youtube clip (from Florida) where Todd Bentley talks about this angel:

Considering the names of the angels and the invoking of them to do ministry as Bentley and others do, the similarities to the Gnostic counterfeit cannot be ignored. Like the the Kabbala (a Jewish book of mysticism) that contains a chart with 72 names of angels. Bentleys angels are named Angel EMMA-O, Angel Liberty, Angel of Promise, Angel of Revelation, Angel called Winds of Change, Angel of Wisdom and Healing, Angel of Finances, Angel of Sun, (give us the Fire of Life), Angel of Water, Angel of Air, Angel of Power, and Angel Breakthrough. They are putting angels in the place of God. The worship of angels can occur when they are

21 given more attention than God, when they are concentrated on as a source of revelation and power, which is exactly what is being done in his ministry.

“the Lord took me into a prophetic experience which lasted until 11:30 at night. I wasn't even able to preach. During the middle of that service, I felt the Holy Spirit say, "Thank God for the Cherubim. Thank God for the Seraphim" Acknowledge their presence in your midst. And as soon as I began thanking the Lord for these angels, I began to have the prophetic experience.’ “Supernatural experiences have become part of daily Christianity for me.” (Where is Jesus? The Holy Spirit will point you to Jesus- not Angels)

“The Holy Spirit confirms the word with signs following. When you honor and talk about the supernatural or you honor and talk about angels, guess what starts showing up? Angels.” xxv


Daikoku - Learn More about Daikoku in Japan Emma-O, the Lord of the Dead, promised to send his most cunning and clever oni (goblin), Shiro, who, he said, would have no difficulty in conquering the god ... - Similar pages  Angels and demons: Blogs, Photos, Videos and more on Technorati Like I mentioned yesterday afternoon - Todd is removing his article pieces that mention the “angel” named Emma-O. Here is one of his original writings about Emma- O Yet on the ... EMMA-O, The god of the underworld. He lives in the Yellow Springs under the earth in a huge castle all covered in silver and gold, rosy pearls and other jewels.(Thus, he, (she) appears in these Charismatic meetings, he brings gold dust, silver, rosy pearls and other jewels to steal the souls of the deluded Christians).xxvi He is the judge of the dead and notes the sins of those who are sentenced to purgatory, and decides the degree of their punishments. Anyone who has killed an innocent will be thrown into a boiling cauldron full of molten metal. However, if they have made a pilgrimage to each of the 33 shrines of the Goddess of Mercy, then all the evil they have done will disappear. Sometimes he is portrayed less pitiless and returns life to those who appear before him. On the last day of the Festival of the Dead, the sea is full of shoryobuni ('soul ships'), for on that day the high tide brings a flood of returning ghost who goes back to their spirit world. The sea is luminescent with the light these souls emit, and their whispering can be heard. While the ghosts are embarking, no human ship should come near. Should one stray into the soul-covered sea, the ghosts will ask for pails. The sailors

22 should only offer them pails without bottoms, for if they do not, the ghosts will sink their ship. Currently, Emma-O is used as a bogeyman to scare little children. Yama's name can be interpreted to mean "twin", and in some myths he is paired with a twin sister Yamī, xxvii This explains how Bob Jones and his adept Todd Bentley says the Angel Emma-O was William Branham’s Angel, is a female. Enmi is Emma O’s twin sister! xxviii EMMA-O AND HIS TWIN SISTER ENMA, TODD BENTLEY – BOB JONES The Japanese deity Yama. yama sense of a code of conduct, Yamas, Yamá language Mobilia, Jargon, Yama (Sanskrit: यम), also known as Yamarāja in India, Yanluowang (閻 羅王) or simply Yan (閻) in China, and Enma Dai-Ō (閻魔大王) in Japan, is the lord of death, first recorded in the Vedas, Yanluo is a shortened Chinese transliteration of the Sanskrit term Yama Rājā, or "King Yama", Enma Dai-Ō, transliteration, meaning "Great King Yama", where Enma means Yama, Enma-Ō means Yama Rājā and Enma Dai-Ō would be equivalent to Yama Mahārāja, celestial abodes, Yama's name can be interpreted to mean "twin", and in some myths he is paired with a twin sister Yamī or Emma-O or Enma, Eastern religion, Yama Hinduism, Yama from Tibet, Yama is a Lokapāla, Aditya. In art he is depicted with green or red skin, red clothes, buffalo, holds a loop of rope in his left hand with which he pulls the soul from the corpse, He is the son of Surya (Sun) and twin brother of Yami, or Yamuna, traditionally the first human pair in the Vedas, worshiped as a son of Vivasvat and Saranya, one of the Guardians of the directions and represents the south, reports to Lord Shiva the Destroyer, an aspect of Trimurti, Oni, oni red, oni green demon helpers of EMMA-O AND ENMA evil angels of Hell.xxix The above information is drawn from Japanese mythology, since Pseudo Christian Evangelist, Todd Bentley, is covered with a Japanese oriented tattoo body suit, and his “miracles” according to his own testimony is from an angel that says is called EMMA-O, Enma Dai-Ō (閻魔大王) in Japan, is the lord of death! xxx Jon Sharp writes: I copied this following article (written by Todd Bentley, in his own words) about ‘his’ angel Emma from his own website. There are a lot of concerns (not just one) that many watchmen in the church have about Todd Bentley and his ministry. I have briefly mentioned some of these reasons on this site already, but obviously feel it important to go into more depth now. Todd Bentley’s past has been brought up (he was jailed as a teenager for child molestation), but this is not an issue for me at all in terms of why I am critiquing him (and I did not know this piece of his history until a couple of days ago anyway). Though I in no way condone his actions, nor do I glibly gloss over them (I do not in any way, nor could I - it is horrific and inexcusable) - I do not think it fair to judge a repentant reformed forgiven born again adult (if that is what they are) for what they did as a messed up abused kid before coming to Christ. So that factor shall be of no regard in my weighing or testing his ministry at all - for if the old is done away with, I shall not bring it up.

Anyway here is the article by Todd Bentley:-

“Now let me talk about an angelic experience with Emma. Twice Bob Jones asked me about this angel that was in Kansas City in 1980: “Todd, have you ever seen the angel by the name of Emma?” He asked me as if he expected that this angel was appearing to me. 23 Surprised, I said, “Bob, who is Emma?” He told me that Emma was the angel that helped birth and start the whole prophetic movement in Kansas City in the 1980s. She was a mothering-type angel that helped nurture the prophetic as it broke out. Within a few weeks of Bob asking me about Emma, I was in a service in Beulah, North Dakota. In the middle of the service I was in conversation with Ivan and another person when in walks Emma. As I stared at the angel with open eyes, the Lord said, “Here’s Emma.” I’m not kidding. She floated a couple of inches off the floor. It was almost like Kathryn Khulman in those old videos when she wore a white dress and looked like she was gliding across the platform. Emma appeared beautiful and young-about 22 years old-but she was old at the same time. She seemed to carry the wisdom, virtue and grace of Proverbs 31 on her life.

She glided into the room, emitting brilliant light and colors. Emma carried these bags and began pulling gold out of them. Then, as she walked up and down the aisles of the church, she began putting gold dust on people. “God, what is happening?” I asked. The Lord answered: “She is releasing the gold, which is both the revelation and the financial breakthrough that I am bringing into this church. I want you to prophecy that Emma showed up in this service-the same angel that appeared in Kansas city-as a sign that I am endorsing and releasing a prophetic spirit in the church.” See, when angels come, they always come for a reason; we need to actually ask God what the purpose is. Within three weeks of that visitation, the church had given me the biggest offering I had ever received to that point in my ministry. Thousands of dollars! Thousands! Even though the entire community consisted of only three thousand people, weeks after I left the church the pastor testified that the church offerings had either doubled or tripled.

During this visitation the pastor’s wife (it was an AOG church) got totally whacked by the Holy Ghost - she began running around barking like a dog or squawking like a chicken as a powerful prophetic spirit came on her. Also, as this prophetic anointing came on her, she started getting phone numbers of complete strangers and calling them up on the telephone and prophesying over them. She would tell them that God gave her their telephone number and then would give them words of knowledge. Complete strangers. Then angels started showing up in the church.

I believe Emma released a financial and prophetic anointing in that place. That was the first angel that I have ever seen in the form of a woman. Some angels I’ve seen seemed like they were neither male nor female. However, Emma appeared as a woman who was like a Deborah, like a mother in Zion. When she came, she began to mentor, nurture and opened up a prophetic well. The people in the church began having trances and visions and the pastor began getting words of knowledge and moving in healing. That congregation also saw more financial breakthrough than they had ever seen before.

I was at another meeting in Atlanta when my wife, Shonnah, saw two financial angels walk into the service and pour oil out on the pastor. Shonnah then knew there was financial breakthrough coming. That night two people wrote the pastor cheques for $16,000 and $17,000 and others also wrote cheques to Fresh Fire for thousands of dollars, which we used for missions to the nations. In addition, many people experienced great financial blessing as well. The day after this angelic visitation one guy had millions of 24 dollars released to him-he had been waiting for about 10 years for this breakthrough. All this financial release came because my wife saw two financial angels walk up and stand on the platform. Can you imagine? We need to pray for the Father to give us financial angels for our lives, our church and region. With this angelic assistance, we will prevail and overcome the warfare trying to hold back our financial breakthrough. Some of you don’t know how to use the angels in intercession like this. You don’t even know whether it’s OK or not….”

There are several red flags that immediately are raised from this piece.

We see straight away that this ‘angelic introduction’ comes through ‘prophet’ Bob Jones of the Kansas City Prophets. This, if we recall, is the man who had young ladies strip naked before him to receive a prophetic word from him in private, and who claimed Jesus told him when he was in mental asylum he had to kill or forgive people to get his mind back, and from whom other spiritual abuses and elitism came from. (He is now supposedly under the pastoral care of Mike Bickle of IHOP/The Metro Vineyard fame, though I dispute these prophets have ever been pastored. Their supposed discipline and rapid restoration by John Wimber of the Vineyard after the infamous Ernie Gruen report came out detailing some of their heresies and abuses was laughable, and did far more harm than good as it got them and their heresies and their accompanying spirits and strange fire accepted into the wider church.) Bob Jones was then, and is still, a heretical false prophet - his words and practices are abusive and often weird (e.g. he claims his hands change color to indicate spiritual conditions), his theology is Latter Rain Manifest Sons of God dominions and blasphemy (direct from Branham’s ‘genetical’ line including Paul Cain), and many of his prophetic words miss the mark - scripturally and also historically. (But he claims that it’s not only ok to miss the mark, but it is to be expected as the church is not ready apparently for prophetic accuracy!) So therefore for someone to claim they got something spiritually imparted to them from Bob Jones is worrying. Of course it is also odd that one seems to have to be personally introduced to these angels by Bob Jones, which is spiritual elitism and bears all the hallmarks of cult like tendencies. If these angels were truly from God, they need introduction from no man.

Bob Jones has, however, ‘introduced’ various angels to the many of the ‘new’ line of (false) prophets (e.g. the Elijah List favorites) including Patricia King of Extreme Prophetic (to whom Todd Bentley is linked).

Then we move on to ‘Emma’s’ identity. (Incidentally, all angels in scripture appeared to people as ‘men’ and they did not float above the floor, they were not all weird colors as described, they appeared as tall ‘normal’ looking men). We are told by Todd Bentley that Bob Jones told him: ‘Emma was the angel that helped birth and start the whole prophetic movement in Kansas City in the 1980s. She is a mothering-type angel that helped nurture the prophetic as it broke out…’ That is one huge reason not to touch Emma or any of her ‘gifts’ with a bargepole (if she even exists and is not a lie or urban legend - for many of these ministries are NOT adverse to lying or to charlatanism or at least gross exaggeration, double-speak and cover-ups). The prophetic movement in Kansas City reeks and is false as can be. (See previous articles on this). It is not the true prophetic, and thus any angel (if 25 there are angels involved as claimed) was not from God in birthing it, but is rather an angel from the Father of Lies, albeit dressed as an angel of light.

The described mothering element to Emma is also troubling, for God’s real angels point to the Father, or the Holy Spirit as a comforter - they are not mothers or fathers who ask men to come to them to be comforted or mothered or salved, but ‘only’ ministering spirits, servants of fire, sent to help those who will inherit salvation.

The next red flag is the gold dust and gemstones and oil element - a false sign and wonder (again not adverse to being counterfeited by human trickery) that I have written on before so will not unduly repeat what I have said on it again here, except to underline that is more akin to Catholicism than Protestantism (and it is to Rome, which is where this whole thing is going or wanting to go), as Patricia King, Joshua Mills and their cronies are even now pointing to stigmatism as another sign and wonder and Rick Joyner and C Peter Wagner and others all extol Catholicism’s virtues. Bleeding (or oil pouring from) statues could be next from this lot. Patricia King apparently has three angels who appear wherever she goes. (Angels are obviously the in thing). One is red - one is green - her prosperity angel (green like the dollar which these prophets are overly fond of) - and the other angel is either blue or yellow. The words ‘Colossians Heresy’ comes to mind (more on that later).

The next red flag is Todd Bentley’s prophetic testimony that God told him “I want you to prophecy that Emma showed up in this service-the same angel that appeared in Kansas city - as a sign that I am endorsing and releasing a prophetic spirit in the church.” If this actually happened as I know many of these men and women are bare-faced LIARS and fakes, then Todd testifies he is a false prophet as God could not, and would not, and cannot endorse these manifestations or the word testimony that goes with them which is false Latter Rain heresy and dominions. (Which I think is why, despite his faith, the father’s baby in the icebox brought to Brownsville was not raised from the dead as God does not and will not endorse liars, cheats, fakes, charlatans, false prophets, false teachers, and heretics - and David Hogan, sadly, belongs to this group). Furthermore, if God is ‘endorsing’ the release of the prophetic spirit within the church then Todd still has a long way to go if his own prophecies are anything to go by (see here for example: http://endtimespropheticwords.wordpress ... d-reading/ ) and another one about his encounter with Paul and Abraham in heaven which I aim to post shortly. It is a very odd and very false prophetic spirit indeed that Emma testifies to.

‘When she came, she began to mentor, nurture and opened up a prophetic well. The people in the church began having trances and visions and the pastor began getting words of knowledge and moving in healing.’

Todd Bentley testifies against himself and his angels when he says this for it is no true prophetic well that was opened up, with true spiritual gifts, but rather it was a stinking cesspit of deception and delusion. As I write this, I am reminded of the vision I had some weeks back (from http://endtimespropheticwords.wordpress ... -churches/ ) - :

26 ‘I then saw a vision of a water well, with lots of disgusting thick black sludge dredged at the bottom. I saw a man standing at the top of the well on one of its walls, and he held a long bargepole down the well and he was poking down and prodding about at this vile sludge with this bargepole - and it was intentional on his part though I know not why, to break this sludge loose so it would mix in with the fresh clean water and pollute it (nb: he was not trying to clean the well and get rid of the sludge). He was doing the opposite of what you’d want done with fresh drinking water, you should not do this. This was what effectively Rick Warren was doing with his movement. The bargepole rings of the expression ‘you should not touch it with a bargepole’ (e.g. not touch something even from a distance). The man resembled a resistance fighter in the war - on the enemy’s side though, as I saw much darkness in him - and it was like it was all being done very underhand/subversive and was counter tactics while dressed in normal civilian gear and seemingly being nice and normal and one of us. I thought this vision was something to do with ecumenicist /interfaith polluting the clear water. As the man poked about, I could smell rather acrid dirty smells filling the air and there was also a smell reminding me of smells from the Middle East. (I think this means interfaith mingling with the Islamic faith as well as with Roman Catholicism etc).

I was reminded of the scripture ’with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.’ God said to me, comparing this scene with the scripture: these are not the true wells and this is not the true water of salvation.’

Such I believe are Bentley’s prophetic wells he is dipping into - stinking cesspits with no clear water, but rather mist that obscures men’s eyes from the truth.xxxi

We also see the fleshly and not spiritual focus of these manifestations- the odd bodily behavior that historically accompanies the counterfeit (see the articles on this site on The French Prophets and the Toronto Blessing for more detail, for example) which we are told by Todd Bentley is actually being ‘whacked in the Holy Ghost’ - yet the Holy Spirit is one of order and of self control - and the focus on the gold, on the money, on manna. ‘That congregation also saw more financial breakthrough than they had ever seen before.’ Yet the true test of the Holy Spirit is NOT the fleshly manifestations, not the alleged angelic encounters, not the prophecy, but whether the congregation are led to God, are led to their knees in submission and obedient service and self sacrifice (are this church involved in more missions, are they feeding more widows and orphans, where is that gold going to, that is a test), and ultimately and always, that they are led into all truth. If they are not led into truth but error by the angel Emma and her servant Todd, then it is the spirit of error that accompanies him, and not the truth. Sharp Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Book, Angel Fire,


WAR OF THE ANGELS Sealing the children of Israel

27 “And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. 2 And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels , to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, 3 Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. 4 And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel,” . ANGEL THE GOLDEN EAGLE CALLED SWIFT Sharneal Wolverton of Swift Fire Ministries (Note the name ‘Swift’ Fire). One of the angels is a golden eagle called Swift - have you seen how many golden eagles there are on most modern prophetic websites? It was the erroneous false prophet and healer and occultist William Branham (who many Pentecostal revere despite his terrible theology - including Todd Bentley (Todd also claims one of Branham’s angels now accompanies his ministry: allegedly, Cal Pierce of the Spokane Healing rooms (linked to John G Lake) came to a meeting with a 15ft high angel ‘in tow’ and told him that the angel was John Knox’s and William Branham’s angel and that if Todd ‘received’ the angel it would partner him in ministry.) It was William Branham who wrongly said that ‘Prophets are often represented by Eagles in the Scriptures, known for their vision, power, and speed…’ So the symbolism for the golden eagle is an identification with the NAR prophets, but also with their false spirits and ultimately to William Branham, his false spirits, teachings, prophecies and the heresies of the Latter Rain. xxxii


Todd writes, “I first saw the angel called Healing Revival on December 5 of 2000 in Grant's Pass. The angel came to me again in Albany the next February. He stood in the church service with his body going through the ceiling of the church. Then the Lord told me the angel's name and that he was the same angel I saw in Grant's Pass earlier. God also revealed to me that this angel was involved in the ministry of John Lake, William Branham, and John Knox in Scotland. This angel, the Lord said, is from the North West Healing Revival and is manifesting again as a sign that God is restoring the Voice of Healing revival and opening up the ancient wells.”

Todd goes on to say, “In our ministry over the last year, this angel has come frequently and on many different occasions. When He comes I get a gift-the ability to diagnose people's sicknesses with my left hand. At times this angel brings words of knowledge; I get very accurate details from God including people's first, middle and last names as well as nicknames, the year they were injured, the color of their vehicle and the state they are from. Many other people have also seen or had contact with this angel in the meetings. And whenever this angel shows up the miracles go off the charts. Instead of a few healings, we'll get three blind eyes in one night or maybe a cripple guy gets out of a wheel chair.”

28 He says, “I believe the angel showed up in Albany as a sign that God was endorsing what was taking place and that it was opening up a healing well. Everywhere I have seen this angel the miracles continue after I leave and a healing well is established in that church and in that city. When that angel visits, we have another John 5 Pool of Bethesda experience as God releases His approval. That is why God repeatedly visits Jesus throughout His life-to place His stamp of approval on every stage. After we start to examine this topic, it's easy to see how important angels were throughout Scripture.” xxxiii

Bentley says: “Then on December 5, 2000 an angel appeared to me and said he was the angel that appeared to me in April 1998 (before the Lord Jesus Christ came to me in the kitchen). He said that the day he came to me in 1998 was the day he was assigned to me. This time (on December 5th) the angel said, “I am the angel that has been assigned to your life. I am a healing angel . . . You are going to take miracles, signs and wonders around the world.”

“I was with William Branham” (the Voice of Healing movement), the angel said. He told me about William Branham’s angelic encounter in 1946. Two years later the Voice of Healing was born there was a revival.”

”The angel appeared to me again, February, 2001 in Albany, Oregon. He said, “I am the angel that was a part of the Healing Rooms . . . John G. Lake.” Next, my spirit was quickened when I read about the angel in the Bible—John Chapter 5. The word says there was a pool called Bethesda (v. 2) and multitudes of lame, blind, sick would come there and at a certain time, an angel of the Lord would come down and stir the waters. Whoever could get into the pool first would be healed.

I started to understand the angel described in John Chapter 5 was one of many thousands of angels that are in heaven that are called to bring healing, not just through ministries, but in cities and in nations. This revelation resonated within me and in January, 1999 I was taken into the heavens and saw over 100 healing pools. I thought of several famous healing evangelists and also the Toronto Blessing and the revival in Pensacola.

So I said, “Lord what are you saying?” He said, “I am going to release angels.” At that point I was taken into heaven and I was taken into a football stadium setting where I saw tens of thousands of angels in the stands. I was on the field and I had the ball. The time clock was running out of time. It was like the last play of the game and my first thought was, Why do I have the ball? I hate sports! (I was the last guy you’d want on your team. I just wasn’t athletic.) Here I am thinking: I got the ball!

It was the end-time game, there was just seconds left! The angels were in the stands yelling, “Go church go! Go church go! Go church go!” I realized they were healing angels in the stands. I thought, Lord, they are angels, just like the one I saw. “That is right!” He said. “Just like the one that was with Branham, just like the one that was with John Lake, just like the angel that was in Spokane . . .”

You know in the Book of Revelation, the seven churches, each one of the churches had one angel assigned. There was an angel for the church of Philadelphia, and so on. The Lord 29 said, “It is not a strange thing. I assign angels to churches. I assign angels to ministries. Look at John Chapter 5. An angel came down and stirred up the water.” I said, “God!” Then, He said, “And there is a healing angel; I have assigned it to your life; and this angel will be at your meetings around the world. xxxiv

What makes this interesting is that Branham taught the angels for each church were men in different periods of history, and that he was the last for the church of Laodicea. What was coming next was judgment. If we are to accept that this is Branham’s angel, it proves that Branham was wrong, which proves Bentley is wrong because he has the same angel operating in his ministry telling something different (Which Bob Jones has identified as woman, just like a woman to change her mind).

The angel saying to Bentley “I am a healing angel . . . You are going to take miracles, signs and wonders around the world.” Sounds uncannily like what Branham was offered by “the Angel” – Who said “I am sent from the presence of Almighty God” that if he would remain faithful, this great spiritual move would shake the world. "That you’re to go to all the world and pray for the sick people." And said, "And regardless of what they have ... if you get the people to believe you, and be sincere when you pray, nothing shall stand before your prayers, not even cancer" (William Branham, How the Angel Came to Me, and His Commission (Edmonton: End Time Message Tabernacle), pp. 18-22; “A Man Sent By God” by William Branham.)

Because of this mandate from the “healing angel” and a multitude of other angelic experiences, Bentley will pray “Holy Spirit, come. Father let there be a release of angelic activity. I ask for the angels-the angels of intercession and healing, the different angels we see in your word Father. I ask for angels to be released to everyone reading this.” (which I bind up in Jesus’ name.)

AN ANGEL CALLED PROMISE Recently, I had an angel come to me in Kansas City. He said, "Todd, my name is Promise, and I've come to bring the fulfillment of God's promises. I've come to bring the fulfillment of the prophetic words spoken to intercessors. I have come for those who have been like Hannah-they have prayed, waited and carried a promise in their hearts. There will come a time when God has heard and I will release the Samuel," Be encouraged-there is an angel called promise that is involved in bringing your intercessory breakthrough. When this angel comes into my meetings people get breakthrough and answered prayers. Look at the description of this angel in Revelations 8:1-6:

When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets. Then another angel having a golden censer, came and he stood at the altar. He was given much incense that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended before God from the angel's hand. Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it to the earth. And there were noises,

30 thundering, lightnings, and an earthquake. So the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.

Now pay attention here. There is a Devil in the invisible realm that wants to keep you from receiving the manifestation of God's presence. God wanted Daniel to have a breakthrough on the first day he prayed (Dan. 10) but it took 21 days because of a demonic Prince called Persia. In the same way, at times our answers to prayers are delayed in the heavenly places because there is a demon or assignment keeping us from receiving our spiritual breakthrough. However, as our prayers go up before God's throne as incense, they go into a bowl until it is full. Then the angel comes and releases the answer and the fulfillment of that promise.xxxv

On certain occasions, the angel of Promise has come into meetings where I was speaking to bring people delayed answers to prayers. In some cases, the very next day, in answer to prayers people have prayed for and waited on for years, breakthrough will come. People will get healed, financial breakthrough will come or miracles will begin to take place. So I'm asking that right now God will let the angel of Promise gather the incense that has gone up before His throne through the lives of every reader. Oh God, take the prayers of every intercessor and let an angel begin to release those prayers into the earth, pushing back the darkness, resistance and warfare that is wanting to keep them from spiritual breakthrough. Father I thank you for the angel called Promise.

ANGELS RELEASE FINANCES Scripture also speaks of another angel that releases finances. I understand that God will supply all my need according to His riches in glory (Phil. 4:19). Do you know what that means? There are riches in glory because the earth is the Lord's and everything in it. He is the God who supplies our needs according to His riches in glory. The bible even tells us that the silver and gold are His. So when I need a financial breakthrough I don't just pray and ask God for my financial breakthrough. I go into intercession and become a partner with the angels by petitioning the Father for the angels that are assigned to getting me money: "Father, give me the angels in heaven right now that are assigned to get me money and wealth. And let those angels be released on my behalf. Let them go into the four corners of the earth and gather me money. Let them gather my partners."

You know why it's important to pray like this? Because the Devil wants to cut off your cash flow. He wants to hinder and block your finances. He wants to do whatever he can to hinder you from receiving the blessing and provision that God has for you. Sometimes praying about it isn't good enough because you need to prevail in heaven where the angels and demons are actually fighting. We want to push back the demonic forces, so sometimes we need to say, "Father, let those legions of angels assigned to release financial breakthrough, come into the earth right now and loose the Devil from the money assigned to me. I call in that money in the name of Jesus." Sometimes when I pray this way, bam! . I've got the money I need within a few days. Yes, I get financial breakthrough because God is my source. If man doesn't have it for me, God does. Yet the Devil is trying to keep it from getting to me. Even though God heard me on the first day, the Devil wants to delay it 21 days or as long as he can. But I've got to get the angels involved with my incense and say, "C'mon God, let those angels come and help fulfill

31 your word-you promised me the blessing of the Lord that makes one rich and You add no sorrow with it."xxxvi

EMMA, ANGEL OF THE PROPHETIC Now let me talk about an angelic experience with Emma. Twice Bob Jones asked me about this angel that was in Kansas City in 1980: "Todd, have you ever seen the angel by the name of Emma?" He asked me as if he expected that this angel was appearing to me. Surprised, I said, "Bob, who is Emma?" He told me that Emma was the angel that helped birth and start the whole prophetic movement in Kansas City in the 1980s. She was a mothering-type angel that helped nurture the prophetic as it broke out. Within a few weeks of Bob asking me about Emma, I was in a service in Beulah, North Dakota. In the middle of the service I was in conversation with Ivan and another person when in walks Emma. As I stared at the angel with open eyes, the Lord said, "Here's Emma." I'm not kidding. She floated a couple of inches off the floor. It was almost like Kathryn Khulman in those old videos when she wore a white dress and looked like she was gliding across the platform. Emma appeared beautiful and young-about 22 years old-but she was old at the same time. She seemed to carry the wisdom, virtue and grace of Proverbs 31 on her life.

She glided into the room, emitting brilliant light and colors. Emma carried these bags and began pulling gold out of them. Then, as she walked up and down the aisles of the church, she began putting gold dust on people. "God, what is happening?" I asked. The Lord answered: "She is releasing the gold, which is both the revelation and the financial breakthrough that I am bringing into this church. I want you to prophecy that Emma showed up in this service-the same angel that appeared in Kansas city-as a sign that I am endorsing and releasing a prophetic spirit in the church." See, when angels come, they always come for a reason; we need to actually ask God what the purpose is. Within three weeks of that visitation, the church had given me the biggest offering I had ever received to that point in my ministry. Thousands of dollars! Thousands! Even though the entire community consisted of only three thousand people, weeks after I left the church the pastor testified that the church offerings had either doubled or tripled.

During this visitation the pastor's wife (it was an AOG church) got totally whacked by the Holy Ghost- she began running around barking like a dog or squawking like a chicken as a powerful prophetic spirit came on her. Also, as this prophetic anointing came on her, she started getting phone numbers of complete strangers and calling them up on the telephone and prophesying over them. She would tell them that God gave her their telephone number and then would give them words of knowledge. Complete strangers. Then angels started showing up in the church.

I believe Emma released a financial and prophetic anointing in that place. That was the first angel that I have ever seen in the form of a woman. Some angels I've seen seemed like they were neither male nor female. However, Emma appeared as a woman who was like a Deborah, like a mother in Zion. When she came, she began to mentor, nurture and opened up a prophetic well. The people in the church began having trances and visions and the pastor began getting words of knowledge and moving in healing. That congregation also saw more financial breakthrough than they had ever seen before.xxxvii

32 AN ANGELIC VISITATION OF BREAKTHROUGH I was at another meeting in Atlanta when my wife, Shonnah, saw two financial angels walk into the service and pour oil out on the pastor. Shonnah then knew there was financial breakthrough coming. That night two people wrote the pastor cheques for $16,000 and $17,000 and others also wrote cheques to Fresh Fire for thousands of dollars, which we used for missions to the nations. In addition, many people experienced great financial blessing as well. The day after this angelic visitation one guy had millions of dollars released to him-he had been waiting for about 10 years for this breakthrough. All this financial release came because my wife saw two financial angels walk up and stand on the platform. Can you imagine? We need to pray for the Father to give us financial angels for our lives, our church and region. With this angelic assistance, we will prevail and overcome the warfare trying to hold back our financial breakthrough. Some of you don't know how to use the angels in intercession like this. You don't even know whether it's OK or not.xxxviii

Now here's one more thing that angels do. According to Luke 16, the angels accompany us and take us into the presence of the Lord when we die. When the rich man and the beggar died the angels came and they took the beggar and brought him into Abraham's bosom. The Bible is full of angels from the beginning to the end. We need to pray, "God, let us see the angels. Let them come into the church, the city, and the region in Jesus name." Are you ready to open the gate of heaven and release angels? Like Elisha, let's cry out, "God, open the eyes of our heart today."

(2 Tim 3:1-7), “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (Eph. 4:14; Eph. 4:15), “That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;”

When the Angel came

The Branham connection

There is a difference of saying someone is fired up or on fire and having an experience with fire, Angels of fire, pillars of fire or the fire falling,. These are two very different concepts. After Bob Jones convinced Bentley that he could visit heaven at any time, (he claims to go there daily), Bentley had escalating encounters with angels and visits to heaven. No apostle ever taught how to go into a trance and be transported away to heaven- this is the new age movements supernatural power in the church among those who cannot discern the true gifts of the Spirit and a counterfeit. Either he is inventing stories not caring about the truth, or he is being visited by counterfeit spirits as angels of light which becomes dangerous to him and others he is teaching. 33 Bentley believes the pillar of fire he has experienced is the same angel that was with Branham. If this is true than everyone should be running in the opposite direction to avoid any contact with it. What Branham taught and did was real, but was certainly not from a biblical source of power. What is operating is strange spirits and strange FIRE.151

Bentley’s concentration on angels bringing power, naming them for their qualities and giving Bentley (and others) experiences reminds me of some books I read when I was into new age ideas i.e. Edmond Szekely and his Essene Gospel of Peace series. The Essene's according to Edmond Szekely’s writings had communions with God through the angelic world, —“Communions are a bridge Between man and the angels” they invoked angels.xxxix

Pat Holliday, Ph.D.

Miracle Outreach Ministries

P. O. Box 56527

Jacksonville, FL 32241

(904) 733-8318

Permission is given by the author to copy this article if it is done in its entirety without any changes. Permission is also given post this article in its entirety on Internet web pages.

34 i Pat Holliday, Angel in the Whirlwind, ii iii Ibid, Bentley iv v John Paul Jackson, Streams Ministries International vi vii Todd Bentley, Fresh Fire Ministries, PO Box 2525 Abbotsford, BC . Canada . V2T 6R3 Web: © Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Fresh Fire Ministries

viiiWar on the Saints by Jessie Penn-Lewis, with Evan Roberts World Wide Web Edition (Based on Unabridged 1912 Edition) ix ibid, Jesse x Stargate SG-1, Episode 200 xi Pat Holliday, Angel in the Whirlwind, xii Aho Barbara challenges Chuck Pierce xiii The Merovingian Signature of the Hurricanes, Part 2, THE TRANSFORMATION OF AMERICA, By Barbara Aho, barbara_aho_vs_kelly_mcginley.html pierce.html xiv Pat Holliday, Angel in the Whirlwind, xv (Llewellyn Encyclopedia). xvi *The Merovingian Signature of the Hurricanes, Part 2, THE TRANSFORMATION OF AMERICA, By Barbara Aho, xvii Angel in the Whilwind, Pat Holliday, Ph.D. xviii (Llewellyn Encyclopedia) xix xx xxi ibid, thebyte show… radioliberty xxii (Wikipedia) xxiii xxiv (from Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible: New Modern Edition, Electronic Database. Copyright © 1991 by Hendrickson Publishers, Inc.) xxv xxvi Inserted by Pat Holliday. xxvii xxviii (Encyclopedia Mythica) xxix ibid xxx ibid xxxi http://endtimespropheticwords.wordpress ... d-reading/ xxxii Jon Sharp xxxiii ibid xxxiv .” (DISCERNING THE CALL OF GOD by Revivalist Todd Bentley - [as edited by Kathy Thorne] Part 2 of 2) xxxv xxxvi ibid xxxvii Ibid xxxviii ibid xxxix Ibid, Let us Reason….