$1 Serving our communities since 1889 — www.chronline.com Mid-Week Edition Mossyrock Girl Thursday, Is Little Miss Aug. 18, 2016 Friendly / Main 3 Rising Temperatures Increase Fire Fears HOT: Records Possible as forecast through the weekend Local authorities are con- Chief Mike Kytta, of the River- Lewis County had responded mean a higher risk of wildfires cerned, too. side Fire Authority. “Certainly to two grass fires by early after- Heat Wave Arrives in Western Washington, ac- “We’ve been concerned for the conditions are very ripe noon. cording to the National Oceanic some time, but now I think that for rapid fire development and The Department of Natural By The Chronicle and Atmospheric Administra- our level of awareness of it is go- spread.” High temperatures and wind tion. ing to go up even higher,” said Kytta said firefighters in please see FIRE, page Main 11 Racers Endure Pain, Hallucinations Commission Clerk Files and a Long Journey in Bigfoot 200 Complaint Against Bill Schulte ‘FEAR’: Karri Muir Says She Felt Threatened; County Commissioner Calls Claims ‘Character Assassination’ By Justyna Tomtas
[email protected] A complaint filed by the clerk of the Board of County Com- missioners against Commis- sioner Bill Schulte is currently being investigated after it was submitted to the county’s Risk Management Department. Karri Muir, the clerk of the board, stated in the claim that Schulte had verbally at- tacked her on multiple occasions and showed preferential treatment to employ- ees who are Bill Schulte Pete Caster /
[email protected] younger than commissioner From left, pacer Vito Labello, of San Diego; George Blancas, 40, of San Diego; and Bill Thompson, 50, of Pittsburgh, jog along Cline Road in the inal stretch of the her.