Sunday, 18, 1942 i) i: i t srnl> y t i m e s (PHOse cherhy ssoq> Januar> PAR T 1, PAGE 2 ti:o a THE SITUATION ON THE RUSSIAN FRONT Allies Capture ~~ Tells Hitler ’ Bombers Smash Huss flow Nazis Trapped /vm "W LSAT/LEL/NLS rFINLAND - NOVfMBFRL 194/ ‘ / i 9 FARTHEST ADVANCE Troops Double-Crossed Stalin Halfaya, Seize ; City, / / !•••••••• JANUARY/. J9VZ At Jap In Donets MtKibHU LENINGRAD 1 p area held today The story of how Hitler double-crossed Stalin . . . and . . . . J BY NAI/S . . . Russia . . . will be brought to Detroit Times readers i MAINRAILROADS Malaya starting Monday ... in The Detroit Times, by Pierre J. Huss. 5,500 Prisoners Russians Claim In Thrust j famous former chief of the International News Service Bureau in . i STALL MILLS his Fall of African Pass or Intense Air Offensive Huss will tell ... in the latest section of series, House-'3 House Fights NOVGOROD \ . . . pretense Launched; Foe Within “Hitler Unmasked" how Hitler maintained of Shortens Supply Line, in Knar* ; / Suburbs \ close friendship with Stalin, while secretly perfecting plans to Huss’ account of how’ Permits Push to West / / RKI 90 Miles of Singapore to strike at Russia. Don’t fail read Cited n Communique Md[ .OSTROV K AtiwiN^¦*'•'* the Nazi fuehrer laid his plans, military and psychological, v to betray Stalin. Huss KNOWS what happened! By RICHARD I). McMILLAN By S. V WVKES By F.DW \RI> \V. BF\TTIi. Be sure to get Monday’s Detroit Times. l nllrtl Prf«» staff C orr^«pon4rnt Int'l Sfrtlrn *t»tf Corr^*py BRYANSK Marketing m; ' wrought wholesale destruction Stroke 35.000 Germans and Italians. .n 1> inrn Dies of to house 1 1 j Car - In f o< ;n sn..i * U|n»n enemy-held bases and arter- The defenders of one of the Reports from S k: "iSOIRUISK "**i VtORtL l positions end ' ies of advance. (Continued from Page One) most strongly fortified in the fate o." Orel at trie ot.'k S.)\\ / S Waging a mounting aerial often-1 Sets Aside $100,000,000 North Africa raised the white flag ' "XT u. /s';-'. to conquest. They of the Mns-rtts fr n* JJ r. sive in supjiort of Australian anrl his march in- »wer Halfaya and swarmed from it 1 rroan rrarat \ olfie r British imperial troops Plan clude. besides Von Reichenau: cut deep into rock. They balance the VORONEZH y T tor Rationing burrows U^SK! defending Singapore's direct ap- Gen. Ernst Udet. famous German abandoned guns and war material. from Mozhaisk I** fore Moscow ' expert, reported killed in ’ proaches. bombers kindled at least Some 38 Britons, held prisoners \vh< rortir 'it* !r vy irtil- the of a transport plane. .One ;>o jQro tlie Japanese-seized 17 . LLT_L crash by the troops,, were rescued. th-ii v zit WASHINGTON. Jan. Axis )pry i.O :».n4 D ’.:s. .a? gc. 'junction of Gemas, returning .SUM),()oo!- Col.. Werner MoeTdbf*. tier- -i > rail The RFC has set aside pun* ¦ M • ¦ \ NOVCORAO VviAoJAy V many s Tore mo si air are an- Under Two-Weeh Siege ’ j*tltits related. t K s u ' I" ••’ 1* J 000 10 dealers, tinance com- testing a shenko’s \ VOLYMOC K aid nounced killed while troops : lag | \ Balks Big Drive marketing weapon." The German and Italian tnf nsr" panies and bank* in new without piece* Col. Gen. Ulrich Grauert, air surrendered condition. Heavy caliber explosives pl«s- automobiles and trucks under the They bad undergone two Weeks of force general, reported “killed- in Hundreds Slam y marshaling s* bombardment, Claim \ zhtPomir R A tered ihr rail wa rationing program. action." land, a and air yards at Gemas. it was revealed, climaxed by fierce artillery and This nv*>n nO Hus ian cim>, Details of the program were ex- Gen. Kurt Von Brisson. reported and thus gravely interfered with | machine gun fire which swept mumque told of C'ea’ qi.antftte* pected to be ready in a few days. killed on the eastern front, of hor.H h- ,r: taken hundred* of Japanese' concentrations assem- i Gen. . ar- into Halfaya for 1M hours without next great south- - for the - German dead ar t “some t.ernian '!&!/' bling Buy a Bomber il illery general, killed mysteriously letup V, PNEPBOPETROVSIC^f ward assault which is expected to Capture of Halfaya greatly ••* I outside Warsaw while "leading a | *-V TAeANpoSXijJfcl .., Singa- The Daily Telegraph *aid: Cxn precipitate the battle for squad on reconnaissance." shortens the British supply line I from the western “The second battle of the jKire Island itself. Maj. Lien. Karl Ritter Yon Web- Egypt across approaching Gemas lies lit) miles north of 1,000 ber, commander, reported desert and n leases imi>ortant land, Crimea m it"* end. Get Course tank forces the mam ending in a Russian vic- Singapore on the direct rail route |slain bn the Russian front. sea and air for and it’* against tory.” through central south Malaya. Maj. Gen. George Braun, listed drive Axis forces now I El Agheila The Telegraph's Stockholm cor- waves of Japanese bomb- jas “killed on the eastern froni massed in and around While on the CvJenaica-Tripo 1 i t an i a respondent retorted that Russian ers loosed their heaviest raid to Wayne Maj Gen. Felix Verra. fortifica- At Ft. bo der. chief, i commandos, fighting eastward date on Singapore, causing wide- tions reported killed whi!*1 from Evpatoriya. were less than l'J inspecting defenses on the French A Br i t is h communique said spread casualties, anti-Axis planes Tlirough the effort* of four ruptured with the Am* pules from the main Simferopol- at Japanese coast. equipment struck also small forces* at Halfay a was intact. Melitipol railway line and were off the southwest manufacturers here, nice than Lieut. Gen. Von Pnftwit/ Unti invasion boats reported Buy a Bomber pressing toward Serahuz on the Malay coast, shattering many of 1,000 officers from army posts Gulfron. killed in action W: •¦mlwav lo miles north of Sim-' them before they could land throughout the country have com- Col. Gen. Eugen Ritter Teropol. maneuver. Schohert, killed on the ea-terr trooj>s for a flanking pleted a motor vehicle training front. Unions Ignore Mayor, Xs^-J Buy a Bomber program at Fort Wayne. The Vice Admiral Lothar Von Ai Reds Beaten Off ftoANuag school, which started with a hand- nauld De La Perrier, killed m Oc- Push City Pay Raise cupied France. (Perhaps in . mmmmmmmmmmmtaam m ful on April, 1011. now numbers Crimea, |'mn < I (Isl Home » In Nazis Say Stuff % Harper Nurses British air raid Undaunted by Mayor Edward J. 1 ‘JO officers, divided into groups 's Jan. 17 (official Ger- Lieut. Gen Erie Rernecke* ar- Jeff' jos Jr statement that he BERLIN. of 30 for each co-operating plant, the would any change in city man broadcast recorded by IT A SKLF-EXPLAININB MAP OF THF EASTERN FRONT TODAY tillery commander, killed on op|*¦ - to Col. Edward eastern front. pay rat's before .July 1. the CIO in New Yorki. Severe fighting in { To Hold Open House ,according Lieut. . . •( Urn' . Buv a iciteraied its today a . . demand for the was reported by tin . unic the Russians hare broken icrinanjfft secovd irinfrr Besse, commarfding officer at Bomber Crimea H. i-i I,per cent increase high today in a An open house will bo held Lloyd Reaches 79 10 German command Way ne, George ••we fr**| the city council I* said German Defense Shipmcnfs First trom Monday to Saturday in the communique which charge of the CHERT, Surrey. Eng.. stalling «»ii the the troops had beaten The four firms in Jan 11 matter.” said and Rumanian Weekly Ruled 0. for Mails Yiial defense materials being Emily A. McLaughlin Hall. Harper Former Minister statement "They admit that K. ;» heavy Russian attacks. Townsend program r r General Motors ped manufacturers got the Hospital nurses’ home, for young David Lloyd George celebrated hi- the mone\ is available, that the Germans in the Sevastopol area (IT).! to Truck of Pontiac, Chevrolet, Ford WASHINGTON. Jan. IT ! Chicago postal authorities had seventy-ninth birthday anniver- legal avenue** an- cleared, amt were to ha\e inflicted heavy order today from officials women considering nursing as a said requester! that Hie publication be Pl>Q and Dodge. The group* rotate by opening that there i«* a great need for an Russians, and Ger- 7'he post office department Agency career, it was announced Satur- sary tbTlav Britain - lossc* on the January LM the mails pending r>f the Railway Express . among the factories, spending a first increase in salary for city em- troop.s. supported hv the air ruled today that t-tic* withheld from day. It is part of a nation-wide restaurant for agricultural man ruling because who told clerks and drivers to ploy e*.“ to repulsed iwur of ttie Townsend National a on its Mat us of program. week at each one. workers. force, were said have by urging Red army attacks on the Moscow Weekly, publication of Dr. Francis an editorial Tow’nsend ¦place defense shipments ahead ot of a rent gross in- a new an cl Leningrad fronts K. Town>end's pension movement, adoption o |>er all other traffic. Under may sent through the come ta\ to finance war costs plan all supervisors will be on - be mails - Bnv a Bomber—— despite objections to an editorial instead of advocating the purchase duty Ul hours a day, to sec that Ask Americas it contains. of defense stamps and bonds. ‘“defense comes first.” “KEEP ’EM FLYING!” To Uphold Allies IS OUR BATTLE CRY! JT/

lal'l \»»» '»or*»re Mass ( orr»»pnn

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. PLAIN WOOL I , SKIRTS CLEANED t * | ' ¦«¦Ol Ip¦ ¦¦¦ i - A beautiful Air Corps. Fxamination boards have }L*jl ' -light Simplified Requirements—New Opportunities been set up in key cities where you can ref lector and physical exam- floor lamp take your mental ” , j that mill Today wr arc swiftly building an Ameri- SIMPLIFIED EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS inations the fame day you apply, and ,Itlll enn 1 tIICITV Air Force that will have no equal New, simplified tests determine the be enlisted immediately. rUn note to can action. at near- your home in planes or in personnel. The U. S. applicant’s ability to complete the Avia- It’s time for Call the i« vouri Army needs thousands of young men tion Cadet Course successfully. Diplo- est Army recruiting station today. You I 1 absolutely to apply each month for the world’s mas or credits from educational insti- will be given full information on how LIMITED l ; finest aviation training as Aviation Cadets tutions are not required for training you can serve your country best —how or bedroom —to become bombardiers, navigators as bombardiers, navigators and pilots, you can become a Flying Officer in tho TIME h Commissions as Second ’’The Three Musketeers” of the Army Army Air Corps. pun base. and pilots. I Phone TYkr 6-7000 Lieutenants are waiting for these men 1 I n pc |j ONLY ¦ ; at the end of their sevcn-and-one-half- ,8 an ACCOUNT I I i ivory finish. > 1 - month training period. W 1 N l le 1 1 1 e $. HUDSOII . RECRUITING SERVICE ' | I, in base . , ' U. ARMY nrs pirated 18 TO 28 MARRIED OR SINGLE > l j shade. ? ???????????????? CLERnERS, Ini If you have passed your 18th birthday 831 FEDERAL BUILDING. DETROIT, MICHIGAN and are not 27, you are eligible under TAM All\«NT%fir nf ill H yet Othor Army Koerultlng Station! or* In fho following cltlii: i writ* to: LOW M*H IMI IIMM PRIM« the new regulations for Aviation Cadet •AY CITY GRAND RAPIDS KALAMAZOO MUSKIGON or i>l K * • "T*» Commanding At JI IliRI physical condition is PUNT JACKSON LANSING PORT HURON Ornorol.** rnv training. Good Silt* Corps Ar*o, CKieoqo. HMIMH MN Mill DEPARTMENT STORE A SAGINAW TRAVCRSI CITY TOLKDO. OHIO 111., TMP'll I.N'll I lit IK'llI COLONIAL necessary, of course. Married men are or to: fnl. Dlv., A.G 0., foil Information at yoor total krone* of tho Junior CMombor of Commrrco: (If*• forolgn Logion. Wothinqfon, D. 2S STATE STREET" OUM EVENINGS Till ? now eligibU- i. P. O. I. >; Votoram at Wort or tbo Amorlcan C.