בס״ד PIRCHEI Agudas Yisroel of America Vol: 2 Issue: 7 - י"ג כסלו , תשע"ה - Dec 6, 2014 פרשה: וישלח - הפטרה: חזון עבדיה... )עובדיה א:א-כא( דף יומי: יבמות ס״ג - מצות עשה: 0 מצות לא תעשה: 1 on Thursday night, December 4 ערבית in ותן טל ומטר Begin

TorahThoughts Let us imagine that two countries are at war. There is a great battle … ִוַּיוָתֵר יַעֲקֹב לְבַ דוֹ וַּיֵאָבֵק אִ י ׁש … עַדעֲלוֹת הַּׁשָחַר. and one side emerges victorious. Does this battle mark the end of the And Jacob was left alone, and a man grappled with him until the war? Certainly not. The side that was defeated in one of the battles (ּבְרֵ אׁשִ ית לב:כה) .rise of the morning star regroups and mounts a counterattack. However, if the victorious :the side disarms the vanquished armies, then the war is essentially over , ל מַ אַ ְ ְך s’ עֵ ׂשָ ו that ּת וֹ רָ ה points out that we find in the פֵחָ ץ חַ ִ ּי י ם The .Why only with without any weapons, an army cannot fight . ִ י צְ חָ ק or א בְ רָ הָ ם but not with , יַ עֲ קֹ ב grappled with , ׂשָ טָ ן ? יַ עֲ קֹ ב the weapon of choice is the , יֵ צֶ ר הָ רַ ע Similarly, in the war against the I created — ּבָרָאתִי יֵצֶר הָרַע, וּּבָרָאתִי ּת וֹ ה רָ ּתַ בְ לִ י ן“ , נ ּבְ יֵ י ִ ׂשְ רָ אֵ ל said to הקב״ה . ּת וֹ רָ ה was the pillar א בְ רָ הָ ם :said, is as follows פֵחָ ץ חַ ִ ּי י ם The answer, the Nothing else .( ִ ּד וּ ׁשִ י ן ל ק:) ”as its antidote ּת וֹ רָ ה I created the ; יֵ צֶ ר הָ רַ ע was the pillar of the ִ י צְ חָ ק .could overlook that ל מַ אַ ְ ְך s’ עֵ ׂשָ ו .of kindness then even if , ּת וֹ רָ הrepresented is effective. As long as the Jewish people study the יַ עֲ קֹ ב could overlook that too. But ל מַ אַ ְ ְך worship. The could not ignore. That was the they commit the most serious sins, there is still hope — they remain ל מַ אַ ְ ְך This was something the . ּת וֹ רָ ה The . יֵ צֶ ר הָ רַ ע beginning of the struggle, and the struggle continues until this very armed and can conquer the enemy in the war against the may help them reverse the tide of battle, eventually emerging ּת וֹ רָ ה on those who study it and on , ּת וֹ רָ ה day. The attacks are always on the they are in effect conceding , ּת וֹ רָ ה those who support it. victorious. But if they abandon the For without . יֵ צֶ ר הָ רַ ע elaborated on this theme in a slightly the battlefield, and the entire war as well, to the הי״ד R’ Elchanan Wasserman .יֵצֶר הָרַ ע it is impossible to resist the , ּת וֹ רָ ה the weapon of the ה׳ that there are times when ( אֵ היכָ רַ ּבָ תִ י, פ׳ ב) tell us חַ זַ ״ ל .different way always mounts its most powerful attacks יֵ צֶ ר הָ רַ ע can overlook the three cardinal sins of idolatry, adultery and murder. This is why the as saying, “The פֵחָ ץ חַ ִּי י ם R’ Wasserman quotes the . ּת וֹ רָ ה study, against the ּת וֹ רָ ה But He is not prepared to overlook the abandonment of — has no problem with a Jew who fasts, cries and prays all day יֵ צֶ ר הָ רַ ע said: Because you have ה׳ — … וַּיֹאמֶ ר ה׳ עַ ל עָזְבָ ם ּתוֹרָתִ י :says ָ פס וּ ק as the א בְ רָ הָ ם did not grapple with ל מַ אַ ְ ְך The ”. ּת וֹ רָ ה said, “Would that you had as long as he doesn’t learn ה׳ .( ִ י רְ מִ יָ ה וּ ט : י ״ ב) … ּת וֹ רָ ה abandoned My . ּת וֹ רָ ה because he represented the learning of , יַ עֲ קֹ ב only with , ִ י צְ חָ ק What does this mean? or ”! ּת וֹ רָ ה abandoned Me but kept my

Adapted from: Talelei Oros (with kind permission from Feldheim)

of Yahrtzeits our Gedolim Gedolim Glimpses

came to his ר׳ ׁשָ לוֹם מָרְּדְכַ י ַהכ ןֹהֵ ׁשְבַדְ רוֹן זַצַ ״ל born in , זַ צַ ״ ל R' Sholom Mordechai Schwadron כ״ב כסלו to discuss ,ר׳ אֵלִיָהוּ לוֹ ִ פיאַן זַצַ ״ל , רֶ ּבִ י מֻ בְ הָ ק was named after his , פ ר ײֵ ד אָ לֵ אָ ה and ר ׳ ִ י צְ חָ ק to ר יְ וּׁשָ לַ יִ ם 5768 - 5673 During their . יִ אַ רְ ת ׁשָ מַ יִ ם and ּת וֹ רָ ה in Galicia. He lost growth in פּ וֹ סֵ ק a leading , מַ ר הַ ְ ׁשַ ״ ם grandfather, the 1997 - 1913 realized how far away ר׳ ׁשָ ל וֹ ם ,his father at age seven and, for a short time, he lived in an orphanage. discussion under he was from where he could be and פֶ ח ּתַ ּתִ קְ וָ ה he studied in the Lomzer Yeshiva in , ּבַ ר מִ צְ וָ ה After his under R' Yehuda Leib began crying. R' Elya gently took hold ר יְ וּׁשָ לַ יִ ם in חֶ ר בְ וֹ ן י ְ ׁשִ י בָ ה R' Elya Dushnitzer, and later in , ר׳ ׁשָ ל וֹ ם" ,s beard and sang' ּתַ ְ ל מִ י ד a sister of R' . He of his , לֵ אָ ה Chasman. He married if my beard would be as black , ר׳ ׁשָ ל וֹ ם and יְׁשִ תיבַ ּתִפְאֶרֶ ת צְבִ י in מַ ׁשְ ִ ּג י חַ and later became כּוֹלֵ ל אֹהֶ ל ּתוֹרָ ה learned in as yours … if my beard would be as black , וּ יְר ׁשַ ל ְ י מִ מַ ִ ּג י דAffectionately known as the .יְׁשִ תיבַ יאֹהָלֵ ׁשֵ ם in רֹ א ׁש י ְ ׁשִ י בָ ה then s' רֶ ּבִ י relaxed. He heard his ר׳ ׁשָ ל וֹ ם " … he published approximately twenty-five of his grandfather's works, as as yours message. He was young, and therefore could still .אוֹר יה״ל ,R' Lopian) and the writings of R' Chasman) לֵב אֵלִיָהוּ well as change.

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This week's Pirchei Weekly is dedicated In honor of the Pirchei Weekly Readers from the Baltimore Community with Living the The Power of a Thank You – A TRUE Story

check כּ וֹ לֵ ל donors. I knew you all depended on the כּ וֹ לֵ ל at night with … ֵוַּיאבֵק אִ יׁש עִ מּוֹ … (בְרֵ אשית לב:כב) … And a man wrestled with him .records a difference of opinion about who this you receive, and I could not let you down ָמִדְר ׁש ּתַ ְ נ ח וּ מָ א The in “And so I slogged along for one month, wearing myself down ,ד׳ brings one fascinating opinion that מִ ָדְר ׁש man’ really was. The‘ By the . כּ וֹ לֵ ל in the guise of a shepherd, completely. I could barely concentrate when I came to מִ י כָ אֵ ל His mercy, dispatched the angel time the second month came to an end, I was tearing myself to , עֵ ׂשָ ו who was afraid of , יַ עֲ קֹ ב whose sole purpose was to fight with s victory in the struggle would then pieces trying to hold up the ends of all my responsibilities. It was’ יַ עֲ קֹ ב. יַ עֲ קֹ ב in order to encourage and win. We are getting close to impossible. It was at this point in time that I decided עֵ ׂשָ ו give him the confidence necessary to face perhaps it would be only for a short time, until my ; כּ וֹ לֵ ל s to close the’ד׳ and you shall emulate — הָ וְ לַ כְ ּתָ ּבִ דְ רָ כָ י ו :( דְ בָ רִ ים כח:ט) commanded ways. There are times when a kind gesture or nice word can be far wife recovered, perhaps forever. I knew I could not do everything — more encouraging than we could ever imagine. and my wife’s health definitely had to be my first priority. * “It was around that period when you started thanking me each Nachman’s son thanked his mother one day and Nachman realized evening. You may not have realized at the time how those words that it changed his wife’s entire day tremendously. He decided, then warmed me. I felt as though someone was revitalizing me, injecting and there, that if a thank you was so powerful, he would thank his me with a wonderful dose of energy. I felt a bit stronger, a bit more .confident. My evenings were a bit lighter, a bit happier ֹא רׁשHe appreciated the great effort the . ׁשִ ע וּ ר every day after רֹ א ׁש כּ וֹ לֵ ל And so it continued. Each day, you would leave me with some“ . ׁשִ ע וּ ר invested in preparing such a high-level כּ וֹ לֵ ל One evening, just before he left the room, Nachman approached gentle, kind words. They gave me the impetus to continue trying R’ Yisrael, as he did every evening, and thanked him. to juggle my many responsibilities for just one more day, one more week and one more month. R’ Yisrael did not smile; he sighed. “Reb Nachman,” he said, “I want ,the worst has passed. My wife is almost fully recovered ,ּבָ רוְּך ד׳“ ”.weeks ago כּ וֹ לֵ ל to tell you that if not for you, I would have closed this Nachman was sure he had not heard right. the children are being cared for by their mother once again, and I … I that was so כּ וֹ לֵ ל the , כּ וֹ לֵ ל am now free again to continue running this “Reb Nachman,” R’ Yisrael continued, “I want you to know that close to being closed down. Now we have a new problem with the those words of thanks that you give me each day may be just that — heating system, and it is difficult to raise more funds, in addition to words. But for me, in my situation these last few months, they were the usual heavy financial burden. But then I look back at the earlier actually lifesaving. They saved me from collapsing under my heavy situation, and I think, ‘If I was able to weather those long, impossible load. Let me explain. days and struggle through such an abundance of difficulties, I will, ”’.s help, manage now too’ד׳ You must remember that I was blessed with a son some five with“ months ago. After the birth, my wife went through a difficult time. continues to be successful, all because a כּ וֹ לֵ ל And he did. The There were medical treatments for her, as well as a newborn and boy had said thank you to his mother and his father understood and a family to care for. I fed and clothed the children, did the laundry … internalized the value of a thank you. The list is endless. After a day at home, I still had my appointments

Adapted from: Making a Difference (with kind permission from Feldheim)

of Questions the week רש"י Chofetz ChaimMoment ספר ח״ח הלכות לשון הרע כלל ו׳ סעיף ב׳ ? יְ ה וּ דִ י ת to א הֳ ִ ל י בָ מָ ה change the name of his wife from עֵ ׂשָ ו Why did .1 *“Detective” Eli was still busy working out who had thrown R' Cohen’s forgives הקב״ה Name three categories of people who merit that clothing into the swimming pool. It seemed very likely that he was onto 2. something and he decided to discuss it with R' Cohen. He claimed that .(מוֹחְלִ ין לוֹ עַ וֹנוֹתָ יו) them completely for their sins he overheard the culprit admit his prank to some other boys privately. R' Cohen listened to “Detective” Eli and didn’t stop him. Afterwards, R'

Cohen called in the “culprit” and asked him if he knew who had thrown

ת מַ ׂשְ ּבָ ת לַ חֲ מָ אל עֵ מָ ׁשְ יִ ּבַ ת ת מַ ׂשְ ּבָ ד״ה ּבָ ׂשְ מַ ת ּבַ ת יִ ׁשְ מָ עֵ אל – 36:3). 36:3). – ( his clothing into the pool. as to referred is

Was R' C. permitted to listen and act upon “Detective” Eli’s story? (28:9) elsewhere that (C) reason this for is It married. gets who one C) and ר גֵ

, B) one who ascends to a position of greatness, greatness, of position a to ascends who one B) , a becomes who One A)

*Stories adapted from Guard Your Tongue, A Daily Companion, A Lesson a Day and various real-life situations. 2. to listen to Eli’s report. Eli’s to listen to

ה מָ יבָ לִ ָאהֳ ד״ה ָאהֳ לִ יבָ מָ ה – 36:2). – ( idolatry the “culprit” and to prevent additional/future incidents. R' Cohen was, therefore, permitted permitted therefore, was, Cohen R' incidents. additional/future prevent to and “culprit” the

.1 ו ׂשָ עֵ ק חָ צְ י ִ ְח into assuming that his wife had rejected rejected had wife his that assuming into mislead to wished Eli’s report, he did not accept it as the absolute truth. R' Cohen’s intention was to rebuke rebuke to was intention Cohen’s R' truth. absolute the as it accept not did he report, Eli’s

: : Answer It is obvious from R' Cohen’s question to the “culprit” that although he listened to to listened he although that “culprit” the to question Cohen’s R' from obvious is It

.( ׁשִ ע וּ ר from the ground (i.e., 11.4" to 31.5" based on the strictest טְ פָ חִ י ם between 3 and 10 מְ נ וֹ רָ ה It is best to place the .1 not to work as long as מִ ְ נ הָ ג Greeks; therefore, they adopted the , יְ וָ נִ י ם  Women played an important role in the victory against the .2 .lights must burn, i.e., for the first half-hour period חֲ נֻ ָ כ ה Halacha the ְ

.in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting point for further in-depth study הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת it is important to consider these , הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת Corner *Since we only discuss 1-3

הִלְ כוֹ�ת עִ נְיָנֵי דְ יוֹ�מָ א: חֲ ֻ נ ָ ּ כ ה Understanding Davening FocusonMiddos …חֵ ילּפַרְ עֹה וְכָלזַרְ עוֹ יָרְ דוּ ּכְאֶבֶן ּבִמְ צוּלָ ה. tears and said in a soothing manner, s army and all his children went down’ ַ פרְ עֹ ה … ,ear Talmid “R' Sholom, you are already in the like a stone into the deep sea. R' Sholom Schwadron car. Why do you have to cry so Where do we find that the Egyptian children ”?stayed in America until bitterly now זַ צַ ״ לD s army? R' Bezalel Rakow’ ַ פרְ עֹ ה died along with of R' Shneur ׁשִ בְ עָ ה the end of the explained based on a ( רָ ב Gateshead) זַ צַ ״ ל The tears dried up. R' Sholom ָ פס וּ ק: רוַאֲׁשֶ עָׂשָ ה לְחֵ יל מִצְרַיִם … ְיאּבְדֵ ם ד׳ עַ ד ַהּי וֹם and was asked to be זַ צַ ״ ל Kotler turned to the driver and said, “Let and what He did for the army of Egypt — הַ ּזֶ ה of R' Shneur in מַ ְס ִ פי דִ י ם one of the caused them to perish until this day ד׳ me explain. When a person speaks … and .ּבֵ ית מִדְ ָר ׁש ּגָבוֹּהַ asks, what is the meaning רַ מְ ּבַ ״ ן The .( דְ בָ רִ ים יא:ד) in front of an audience, it is hard for of the added words until this day? He answers They had to have . אִ ּבְ ן עֶ זְ רָ א R' Sholom Schwadron's words him to hear himself. He invests a based on a fascinating to carry out their evil, and therefore not מְ סִ י רַ ת נֶ ֶפ ׁש rose up in tongues of flame, a lot of energy in being heard and in powerful and bitterly mournful arousing his listeners, but he does only did the men of the Egyptian army die, but for wickedness מְ סִ י רַ ת נֶ ֶפ ׁש so did their offspring. If speech, accompanied by a storm not manage to internalize the talk deserves such extreme punishment, imagine ! מִ צְ וָ ה for a מְ סִ י רַ ת נֶ ֶפ ׁש of tears. His message was clear and for himself. But I, too, want to hear the reward of ”.for R' Shneur Kotler הֶ ְס ֵ פ ד was relevant to the tragedy. At the the לע״נ ר׳ משה צבי בן הר׳ טוביה הלוי זצ״ל R' Sholom , הֶ ְס ֵ פ ד conclusion of the He turned on the tape recorder got into the car that would take him again. As the car wound its way back to where he was staying. home, it was filled once more with They were nearly halfway another storm of emotion as R' This Week in History . הֶ ְס ֵ פ ד there when R' Sholom turned Sholom listened to the was held י סִ וּ ם הַ ׁשַ ״ ס The 3rd – 1945 / 5706 ּכִ סְ לֵ ו to the driver, who was a close 14th this episode explains , ּתַ ְ ל מִ י ד My acquaintance of his, and asked him just after WWII and dedicated to the memory of the millions of Jews who had perished in ִ נ כְ נָ סִ י ם were ּדְ ָר ׁש וֹ ת why R' Shalom's if he had a tape recorder in the car. they penetrated through the Holocaust. In an act that demonstrated the , אֶ ל הַ לֵ ב the most heroic , כְ ל לַ י ִ ׂשְ רָ אֵ ל and ּת וֹ רָ ה Receiving an affirmative reply, he eternity of the thick barriers of the heart — was the one held by a small group י סִ וּ ם הַ ׁשַ ״ ס took a cassette from his pocket and of survivors in the Displaced Persons camp in ,דְבָרִ ים הַ יוֹצְאִ ים מִ ן הַלֵב his words were asked the driver to play it. “They flowing from his heart, therefore Feldafing, Germany. In the United States, the ,was commemorated in Boro Park י סִ וּ ם הַ ׁשַ ״ ס and gave me a copy הֶ ְס ֵ פ ד taped my he could listen to himself and be אֶ רֶ ץ of it. I want to listen to it,” he said. on Manhattan’s West Side and in Detroit. In and , חֵ י פָ ה ,ּתֵ ל אָבִ יב there were events in , ִי ׂשְ רָ אֵ ל .inspired was attended by ּתֵ ל אָבִ יב in י סִ וּ ם הַ ׁשַ ״ ס The . ריְ וּׁשָ לַ יִ ם R' Sholom sat quietly, listening !יְהִ יזִכְ רוֹ ּבָ רוְּך to his own words. All at once, he more than 3,000 people, but was delayed one day due to the British-imposed curfew. began to cry. The weeping grew רַ ּבִ י ְ י ה וּ דָ ה of יאָרצײַט – .C.E 193 / 3954 ּכִ סְ לֵ ו 15th רֶ ּבִ י Your , ּבְ יְ דִ י ד וּ ת also known as ,ר׳ ׁשִמְ עוֹן ּבֶ ן גַמְלִ יאֵ ל son of , הַ נָ ׂשִ י א .stronger, the tears falling profusely כְ ל לַ י ִ ׂשְ רָ אֵ ל He was the leader of . רֶ ּבִ י or , ּבֵרַ נ י וּ הַ קָ ד וֹ ׁש קול חוצב The driver was surprised by the Story adapted from during the tumultuous period following the Foreseeing . ּבֵ ת י הַ מִ קְ ּדָ ׁש destruction of the 2nd needed to be recorded due to ּת וֹ רָ ה that the ,gathered ּגָ ל וּ ת ) עֵ ת לַ ֲע ׂש וֹ ת לַ ד ׳ …(, רֶ ּבִ י the travails of recorded and organized all the teachings of the previous generations and wrote them in the and the Emperor רֶ ּבִ י . ׁשִ ה ּׁשָ סִ דְ י רֵ מִ ׁשְ נָ ה order of the was רֶ ּבִ י Sage Sayings Antoninus had a close friendship and able to secure many benefits for the Jewish ,was extremely wealthy רֶ ּבִ י community. Although ׁשָ מַ ִי ם was 75 years in his dying hour he lifted both his hands to ר׳ ׁשָ לוֹם מָרְּדְכַ י ַהכ ןֹהֵ ׁשְבַדְ רוֹן זַצַ ״ל On his last visit to England old. He slipped twice, once while in the street and again when he and swore that he had not benefited from his wealth by even as much as his little finger. Why did I — ?פאַרװאָס האָ ּבאִ יְך געֶפאַלן“ ,asked himself ר׳ ׁשָ ל וֹ ם .arrived home A raging fire engulfed – 1804 / 5564 ּכִ סְ לֵ ו 16th Harav Yehudah Zev Segal, many homes, including the home and the very רֹ א ׁש י ְ ׁשִ י בָ ה fall?” He called on the Manchester s’ זַ צַ ״ ל room where all of R' Avraham Danzig — אִ יְך דאַרף אַרּבעֶ טן אוֹיף ַהכָרַ ת הַ טוֹב“ .and after an hour he returned smiling He had missed the wedding of a child of a (1748-1820) family were standing. Some of the ”! הַ ָ כרַ ת הַ ט וֹ ב I need to work on walls of the house collapsed, but no one was close supporter in America. The very next day, he bought a plane ticket hurt. R' Avraham Danzig established this day as a (Pulver Purim – Purim of the Gunpowder) יוֹם טוֹב . ׁשֶ ע בַ ּבְ רָ כ וֹ ת and arrived just in time for the last for himself and all of his future descendants to קול חוצב :Source mark the miraculous escape.

.in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting point for further in-depth study הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת it is important to consider these , הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת Since we only discuss 1-3*

בס״ד Learning from our Leaders Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America

Rabbi Yitzchok Elchonon Spector served as the Rav in The harsh conditions for soldiers in the city of Kovna, Russia, in the 1800s. In those days, the Russian army presented enormous being drafted into the Russian army was a very real challenges for those who were shomer possibility for young and able yeshiva students. Torah Umitzvos. Because of that, leaders like Yitzchok Elchonon did everything they could to help their Rebbe, yankel has talmidim avoid the draft. been drafted and needs to go for his physical today! שיר המעלות...

Rabbi Yitzchok Elchonon was eagerly Five minutes later, the door awaiting news of the fate of a prized burst open again. talmid named Yaakov. Suddenly, the door burst open…. Rebbi, you won’t Baruch believe it! Yaakov has Hashem - That is Rebbi - I have What been spared from the excellent! Thank you excellent news! wonderful news draft! so much for letting Yaakov will not be - thank you for me know! drafted into the army! telling me!

A short while later, yet The bochurim with whom he was learning another messenger arrived. wondered why Rabbi Yitzchok Elchonon did not tell the second and third messengers that he Rabbi Spector, Thank you for had already heard the good news. I come with great news. rushing here to let Baruch Hashem, Yaakov will me know, Reb Chaim. Each of the individuals clearly rushed not be forced to join the It is so very kind here, excited to be the first to let me know that army! of you! Yaakov would not be forced to join the army and would be able to remain here at the Yeshiva. Why would I deprive them of that special feeling, and make another yid feel sad?

R’ Yitzchok Elchonon Spector was the 3rd son of R’ Yisrael Isser, rav of the Lithuanian town of Roush. His mother was niftar when he was 10 years old. His father was his Rebbi. After marriage to Sara Raizel, daughter of R’ Eliezer Yezersky, he moved to Volkovisk where his father-in-law supported him. The town rav, R’ Binyamin Diskin (father of R’ Yehoshua Leib), was so impressed that he learned with him every day. In 1837, he accepted the offer to become rav of Zebelen, and became rav in Baraze in 1839. He became rav of Novardok in 1851 and rav of Kovno in 1864. He held this prestigious position for 32 years and was a beloved and revered gadol in his generation. He authored Be’er Yitzchok, Ein Yitzchok, and Nachal Yitzchok on Choshen Mishpat.

כ”ד אלול For any inquiries or comments please feel free to call 347-838-0869 • Illustrated by: Yishaya Suval 718-395-9794 5598-5693 1817-1896 .חזרת הש״ץ or קדיש, קריאת התורה Please do not read this publication during .עַ ל פִי הַלָכָ ה Please be careful to handle this sheet in the proper manner as required