I will give a personal account of how this was arrived at, based on my Foundations of economics own experiences. I will also not attempt to survey the hundreds of studies now in the W. Brian Arthur field. Rather, I will discuss how complexity economics came to be, what logic it is based Abstract | Conventional, neoclassical economics assumes perfectly rational agents on, what its major themes are and how it (firms, consumers, investors) who face well-defined​ problems and arrive at optimal links with complexity and physics. I will behaviour consistent with — in equilibrium with — the overall outcome caused by talk about ideas rather than technicalities, this behaviour. This rational, equilibrium system produces an elegant economics, and build from earlier essays of myself and 12–21 but is restrictive and often unrealistic. Complexity economics relaxes these others to illustrate the key points, noting that this approach has variants22,23 and assumptions. It assumes that agents differ, that they have imperfect information forerunners24,25, and it owes much to earlier about other agents and must, therefore, try to make sense of the situation they work by Thorsten Veblen1, Herbert Simon2 face. Agents explore, react and constantly change their actions and strategies in and Friedrich Hayek26. response to the outcome they mutually create. The resulting outcome may not be in equilibrium and may display patterns and emergent phenomena not visible to The logic of the approach equilibrium analysis. The economy becomes something not given and existing but Standard economics and fundamental uncertainty. Standard economics, called constantly forming from a developing set of actions, strategies and beliefs — neoclassical economics, studies how something not mechanistic, static, timeless and perfect but organic, always outcomes form in the economy from agents’ creating itself, alive and full of messy vitality. behaviour, and, to do so, it chooses to make several standard assumptions: For the past 150 years, economic theory Smith, noted that aggregate • Perfect rationality. It assumes agents each has viewed agents in the economy (firms, outcomes in the economy, such as patterns solve a well-defined​ problem using perfectly consumers, investors) as perfectly rational of trade, prices and quantities of rational logic to optimize their behaviour. decision makers facing well-defined​ goods produced and consumed, form • Representative agents. It assumes, problems and arriving at optimal behavior from individual behaviour, and individual typically, that agents are the same as consistent with — in equilibrium with — behaviour, in turn, reacts to these aggregate each other — they are ‘representative’ — the outcome caused by this behaviour. This outcomes. There is a recursive loop. and fall into one or a small number view has brought much insight. But many It is this recursive loop that makes the (or distribution) of representative types. economists1–7 have pointed out that it is economy a . Complexity, • Common knowledge. It assumes all based partly on assumptions chosen for the overall subject8–11, as I see it is not agents have exact knowledge of these mathematical convenience and, over the a science, rather it is a movement within agent types, that other agents are years, have raised doubts about whether it science, and it has roots in thinking developed perfectly rational and that they too is universally applicable. Since the 1990s, in the 1970s in Brussels, Ann Arbor and share this common knowledge. economists have instead begun exploring Stuttgart. It studies how elements interacting • Equilibrium. It assumes that the the economy as an evolving complex system, in a system create overall patterns, and how aggregate outcome is consistent with and out of this exploration has come a these patterns, in turn, cause the elements to agent behaviour — it gives no incentive different approach — complexity economics. change or adapt in response. The elements for agents to change their actions. Complexity economics sees the might be cells in a cellular automaton, or cars These assumptions are by no means economy — or the parts of it that interest in traffic, or biological cells in an immune perfectly rigid but they constitute an us — as not necessarily in equilibrium, its system, and they may react to neighbouring accepted norm. They are made not because decision makers (or agents) as not super- cells’ states, or adjacent cars, or concentrations theorists necessarily believe they are true, rational, the problems they face as not of B and T cells. Whichever the case, but because they greatly simplify analysis. necessarily well-defined​ and the economy complexity asks how individual elements The equilibrium assumption in particular not as a perfectly humming machine but react to the current pattern they mutually is basic to neoclassical theorizing. General as an ever-changing​ ecology of beliefs, create, and what patterns, in turn, result. equilibrium theory asks what prices and organizing principles and behaviours. The economics I will describe here quantities of goods consumed and produced The approach, which has now spread drops the assumptions of equilibrium and would be consistent with (in equilibrium throughout the economics profession, rationality. But it did not come from an with) the overall pattern of prices and got its start largely at the attempt to discard standard assumptions, quantities in the economy’s markets — that (SFI) in the late 1980s. But the basic ideas of rather it came from a pathway of thinking is, would pose no incentives for those overall complexity economics have an even longer about how the economy actually works. patterns to change. Classical history in economics. Even before Adam So instead of giving a formal description, asks what strategies or moves of one player

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100 on their ideas of what others’ predictions 90 will be, which depend, in turn, on their 80 ideas of others’ predictions, and there is an 70 infinite regress. Further, if a shared rational 60 forecasting model did exist, it would quickly 50 negate itself: if it predicted few will attend, all would go; if it predicted many will 40 attend, nobody would go. Agents, therefore, 30 Numbers attending face fundamental uncertainty: they do not 20 know how other agents will decide on their 10 forecasts, and, yet, such knowledge determines 0 attendance. The problem is ill-defined.​ 0 20 40 60 80 100 One can model this situation by assuming Time (weeks) agents act inductively: each creates their own Fig. 1 | Attendance at the El Farol bar in the first 100 weeks. Agents attend if they believe the total set of plausible hypotheses or predictors, attendance that week will be no more than 60. Each creates their own set of plausible hypotheses or and, every week, acts on their currently predictors of attendance, and, every week, acts on their currently most accurate one. Figure reprinted most accurate predictor. In other words, a with permission from ref.12, AAAS. framework for studying the economy should involve agents that form individual beliefs would be consistent with the strategies or first research programme8,36–38. I was asked or hypotheses — internal models (possibly moves their rivals might choose — that is, to lead this programme, and, after many several simultaneously) — about how to would be the best course of action for that discussions, we realized that we kept coming respond to the situation they are in. player. Rational expectations economics back to the same question: what would Such agents could be implemented as asks what forecasting methods would economics look like if we went beyond the small, individual computer programs that be consistent with the outcomes these standard assumptions? could differ, explore and learn to get smart. forecasting methods brought about — For one thing, agents differ39. Companies How they could do this — how they could that is, would statistically, on average, in a novel market may have different get smart — was inspired by the work of be validated by outcomes. technologies, different motivations and computer scientist John Holland, who Overall, this equilibrium approach has different resources, and they may not know had spent much of his career developing worked quite well. It is a natural way to who their competitors will be or, indeed, methods by which computer algorithms examine questions in the economy and how they will think. They are subject to what could learn to play checkers/draughts or open these up to mathematical analysis, economists call fundamental uncertainty40. chess. Holland’s algorithms could ‘recognize’ and it illuminates a wide range of issues As described this in the current state of the game and learn to in economics. I admire its elegance; it has 1937, “the prospect of a European war… the associate appropriate moves with it. The yielded, in ’s words27, an rate of interest twenty years hence…. About moves would be fairly random to start with “austere aesthetic grace.” But it severely these matters there is no scientific basis on and not very useful, but, over many games, limits what can be seen. By its definition, which to form any calculable probability the program would learn which moves equilibrium makes no allowance for whatever. We simply do not know.”41 worked in which situations, ‘explore’ new the creation of new products or new As a result, the decision problem faced moves and drop ones that did not work — arrangements, for the formation of by agents is not logically defined and, so, it would get smarter. In economic problems, new institutions, for exploring new strategies, it cannot have a logical solution. It follows agents could start with their own arbitrarily for events triggering novel events, indeed, for that rational behaviour is not well-defined.​ chosen or random beliefs, learn which ones history itself. All these have had to be Therefore, there is no ‘optimal’ set of moves, worked and explore new ones occasionally, discarded from the theory. “The steady no optimal behaviour. Faced with this — from time to time dropping ones that did advance of equilibrium theory throughout with fundamental uncertainty, ill-defined​ not perform well and replacing them with the twentieth century,” says David Simpson, problems and undefined rationality — new ones to try out42–44. They could, in this “remorselessly obliterated all ideas that did not standard economics understandably comes way, operate and explore in an ill-defined​ fit conveniently into its set of assumptions.”28 to a halt. It is not obvious how to get further. setting and become more intelligent as they Over the past 120 years, economists such gained experience. as Thorstein Veblen1, Joseph Schumpeter7, The El Farol problem. And yet people do Notice two things about this framework. Friedrich Hayek29, Joan Robinson5,30 and act in ill-defined​ situations, and they do so First, it is dynamic and open to new others4,31–35 have objected to the equilibrium routinely. As a concrete example, consider the behaviours, often unthought of ones. The framework, each for their own reasons. El Farol bar problem42. One hundred agents system may converge to an equilibrium in All have thought a different economics attempt once a week on Thursday nights to many cases, in others, it may not — it may was needed. forecast attendance at their favourite bar, perpetually discover novel behaviours. So, in It was with this background in 1987 that El Farol in Santa Fe. If they believe the bar general, we have a nonequilibrium economics. the then-new​ SFI convened a conference will be too crowded — will have more than Second, the very explorations agents undertake to bring together ten economic theorists 60 people, say — they will not go; if they alter their situation, which requires them to and ten physical theorists to explore the believe fewer than 60 will show up, they go. explore and adapt afresh, which changes the economy as an evolving complex system. How will they act? situation. We are in a world of complexity. The meeting was a success and, a year later, Deductive logic does not help. Agents’ In the case of El Farol, computational these initial explorations became SFI’s predictions of how many will attend depend experiments show (Fig. 1) that attendance in

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the bar (and the collection of forecasts being An ecology of behaviours Outcomes for the computerized acted on) self-organizes​ into an equilibrium In the El Farol problem, agents’ forecasting tournament differ randomly each time pattern that hovers around the comfortable methods vie to be valid in a situation that it is run. In some runs, an evolutionarily 60 level. The reason is that, if fewer than is dependent on other agents’ forecasts — they stable strategy appears (one that cannot 60 came in the long term, low forecasts compete in an ‘ecology’ of forecasts. Indeed, be invaded by some novel strategy). would be valid, so many would come, a general feature in complexity economics In other runs, the outcome keeps evolving negating those forecasts; and if more came is that agents’ beliefs, strategies or actions indefinitely. In some runs, complicated in the long run, fewer would show up. So an are tested for survival within a situation or strategies appear early on, in others, they attraction to this level emerges. But, although ecology that these beliefs, strategies or actions appear only later. But, in spite of these the population of forecasts on average together create. They act in a way like species, variations, the experiment shows consistent supports this comfortable level, the actual continually competing or mutually adapting phenomena: the exploitation of strategies forecasts in use keep changing. The outcome and co-​evolving. As a result, a distinct by other strategies, emergence of mutual is a bit like a forest, the shape of which biological evolutionary theme emerges. support among strategies, sudden collapses does not change, but the individual trees Here is an example. In a classic study57, of strategies and takeover by novel ones, of which do. Notice that equilibrium in a computerized tournament was constructed periods of stasis followed by ones of turbulent this problem is not assumed, it emerges in which strategies compete in randomly change. The overall scene looks like species — self-​organizes — because it is a natural chosen pairs to play a repeated prisoner’s competition in palaeozoological times. attractor. dilemma game. (It is not necessary to Such outcomes are common with understand the details of the prisoner’s complexity in the economy. What constitutes Agents responding to ill-​defined situations. dilemma; simply think of the experiment a ‘solution’ — the outcome of the model — is The El Farol problem was an early study as a repeated game played one-against-​ one​ frequently an ecology in which strategies, using our Santa Fe approach, and others by a current collection of strategies.) Each or actions, or forecasts compete; an ecology followed45. Inevitably, we were asked to name strategy is a set of fixed instructions for how that might never settle down, and that shows this approach, and, in a 1999 Science paper12, to act given its and its opponent strategy’s properties that can be studied qualitatively I labelled it ‘complexity economics’. At the immediate past actions. If strategies perform and statistically. heart of our approach were agents responding well over many encounters, they replicate. This vision fits well with ’s to ill-​defined situations by ‘making sense’ If they do badly, they die and are removed. famous dictum in 1890 that “the Mecca of or recognizing some aspects of them, and Every so often, existing strategies can the lies in economic biology.”58 choosing their actions, strategies or forecasts mutate their instructions, and, occasionally, accordingly. Ways of modelling this have can deepen by having a lengthier memory Simple models, complex phenomena now widened significantly. Behavioural of immediate past moves. At the start of A new theoretical framework in a science economics46 gives insights into how real the tournament, simple strategies such as does not really prove itself unless it explains human agents respond in the context we are tit-for-​ ​tat dominate, but, over time, more phenomena that the accepted framework looking at. Artificial intelligence or neural sophisticated ones show up that exploit them. cannot. Can complexity economics make nets47 can be used to model how agents In time, still more sophisticated strategies this claim? I believe it can. respond to the signals they are getting. emerge to take advantage of these and Consider the Santa Fe artificial stock Evolutionary programming can create novel the simpler ones drop out, and periods of market model59,60. unforeseen strategies (as in AlphaGo Zero). relative stasis alternate with ones of dynamic The standard, neoclassical theory Modern psychology shows us how agents use upheaval (Fig. 2). One can think of each of financial markets61 assumes rational narratives, imagination and calculations to strategy type as a species, well-defined​ and expectations: identical investors adopt make sense in ill-defined​ circumstances48,49. differing from other species, occasionally identical forecasting models that are, on Some models in complexity economics mutating to produce a new species. Evolution average, statistically validated by the prices use mathematics (such as nonlinear enters in a natural way that arises from they forecast. The theory works convincingly stochastic processes), but, often, the sheer strategies mutually competing for survival to explain how market prices come about complication of keeping track of the decision and mutating as they go. and how they reflect the stream of random processes of multiple agents requires the use of computers. We then build models 1.0 1001 1001 around agents’ individual behaviour, and, 0001 1001000100010001 so, agent-based​ modelling arises naturally50. 0.8 01 Agent-based​ models51–55 are now used all 10010001 across economics. Some have a few hundred 0.6 agents; a recent one has 120 million56. 00011001 0.4

Some take account of legal and regulatory Prevalence 10 institutions. Some are designed to simulate 0.2 reality — the 2008 subprime mortgage meltdown or the economics of the 2020 0 COVID-19 pandemic. Some investigate 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 theoretical issues — financial asset pricing. Time (generations) But whatever the design of these studies, Fig. 2 | Prevalence of strategies in a simulated tournament of the prisoner’s dilemma. Over time, the idea, as in all of economics, is to explore strategies can evolve based on pressures exerted by other strategies. The lengths of labels indicate how outcomes follow from assumed the memory depth of strategies, that is, how many previous moves in the game they take into account. behaviour. Figure reprinted with permission from ref.139, Elsevier.

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earnings. But it has some key shortfalls: change their forecasting methods and their between the two approaches. One could, for one, in this theoretical market, no trade bids and offers. Changes in forecasting therefore, regard agent-based​ computational at all takes place. The reason is simple. beliefs thus ripple through the market in economics as a key method within the Investors are identical, so if one of them avalanches of all sizes, causing periods of framework of complexity economics; or wants to buy, all want to buy and there are high and low volatility. one could regard complexity economics as a no sellers; if one wants to sell, they all want I want to emphasize something here: conceptual foundation behind agent-based​ to sell and there are no buyers; the stock such phenomena as random volatility, economic modelling. I should note that price simply adjusts to reflect these realities. technical trading or bubbles and crashes are there are differences: complexity economics Further, the theory cannot account for actual not ‘departures from rationality’. Outside uses both mathematics and agent-based market phenomena such as the emergence of equilibrium, ‘rational’ behaviour is not computation, and investigates patterns of a market psychology, price bubbles and well-defined.​ These phenomena are the result that endogenously form and change in the crashes, the heavy use of technical trading of economic agents discovering behaviour economy71. And agent-based​ models often (trades based on the recent history of price that works temporarily in situations caused concern themselves with computational patterns)62 and random periods of high and by other agents discovering behaviour that technicalities, and see themselves as stand- low volatility (price variation). works temporarily. This is neither rational alone and not subject to any particular At SFI, we created a different version of nor irrational, it merely emerges. theoretical foundation. But granted these the standard model. We set up an ‘artificial’ Other studies63–66 find similar regime different emphases, the two approaches inside the computer and our transitions from equilibrium to complex blend together. Depending on whether a ‘investors’ were small, intelligent programs behaviour in nonequilibrium models. study emphasizes theory or method, it can that could differ from one another. Rather It could be objected that the emergent fly either flag — or both. than share a self-fulfilling​ forecasting phenomena we find are small in size: However they are labelled, computational method, they were required to somehow price outcomes in our artificial market studies are valuable: they offer agent-based​ learn or discover forecasts that work. We diverge from the standard equilibrium behavioural realism and they allow real- allowed our investors to randomly generate outcomes by only 2% or 3%. But — and istic detail; standard economics typically their own individual forecasting methods, this is important — the interesting things relates average aggregate quantities (outputs try out promising ones, discard methods that in real markets happen not with equilibrium produced, say) to average aggregate quan- did not work and periodically generate new behaviour but with departures from tities (inputs used) and, often, the details methods to replace them. They made bids equilibrium. In real markets, after all, within such aggregates matter. But, in spite or offers for a stock based on their currently that is where the money is made. of their advantages, in my experience, most accurate methods and the stock price This remark above does not mean that computation-​based models are still regarded forms from these — ultimately, from our complexity economics always makes small with suspicion in mainstream economic investors’ collective forecasts. We included differences. It studies how solutions or journals — they are held to be ad hoc, open an adjustable rate-of-​ exploration​ parameter structures form, and, often within these, to using arbitrary assumptions or ones cho- to govern how often our artificial investors qualitatively new phenomena or major sen for preordained purposes. I agree there could explore new methods. differences emerge. is plenty of scope for nefarious modelling, When we ran this computer experiment, but, as has been pointed out, this is true in we found two regimes, or phases60. At low A word on agent-based​ computation equation-based​ modelling as well72. Rigour rates of investors trying out new forecasts, The examples I’ve described contain enough in a computational setting needs to widen from the market behaviour collapsed into the complication with their differing agents’ insistence on correctness of the logic (which, standard neoclassical equilibrium (in which behaviours that we need to use computation. of course, remains imperative) to insistence forecasts converge to ones that yield price This is normal. In fact, a closely related on strict scientific honesty. It demands careful, changes that, on average, validate those fore- approach highlights computation and goes verifiable modelling with realistic behaviour casts). Investors became alike and trading by the label agent-based​ computational and reproducible, analysable results. faded away. In this case, the neoclassical economics67–70 (Axtell, R. & Farmer, D., A different objection is that equation- outcome holds, with a cloud of random manuscript in preparation). It overlaps based theory uses mathematics with all variation around it. But if our investors try with the approach I am describing and is its majesty and power, and computation- out new forecasting methods at a faster and the subject of much current interest, so it based theory uses, well, computers. But the more realistic rate, the system goes through a is worth looking at the relation between difference is superficial. Both methods trace a phase transition. The market develops a rich the two. I would say this. In the 1980s, pathway from agent behaviour to its implied psychology of different beliefs that change computation became available in simple outcome. Equation-​based models allow one to and do not converge over time; a healthy but practical form, and it was computation follow the logical steps of this pathway — how volume of trade emerges; small price bubbles more than anything else that allowed the outcome is implied by the model — and and temporary crashes appear; technical economic theorists to venture beyond the computational models cannot do this. But trading emerges; and random periods of standard neoclassical assumptions — for they compensate in another direction. They volatile trading and quiescence emerge. instance, to allow complicated inductive are themselves largely collections of equations, Phenomena we see in real markets emerge. reasoning and compute its consequences. and they have the capacity to be expanded to This last phenomenon of random periods If we turn these new possibilities into a encompass an arbitrary amount of realistic of high and low volatility happens because, theoretical framework, we get complexity detail. Furthermore, they allow if–then if some investors occasionally discover new economics, or something like it. If we conditions. This means they can allow the profitable forecasting methods, they then turn them into a solution method, we get changing context of the situation — the ‘if’ invest more and this changes the market agent-based​ . clause of where the computation currently slightly, causing other investors to also So there is no well-marked​ boundary is — to direct agents’ behaviour in any way

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appropriately called for73. This possibility is from some systemic average in a normal or happened in 2008. It has been proposed84 powerful and, once again, it connects with Gaussian way. Accordingly, finance theory that loans by banks to other individual banks complexity: agents’ behaviour changes the assumed normal fluctuations (as did the be taxed according to the change in systemic context and the context changes behaviour. famous 1973 Black–Sholes formula for risk they cause, which forces the system to On both these counts, computation widens pricing options). This is now changing. self-​organize in a way that minimizes risk. theory’s scope. Modern network theory shows that power laws and long tails are to be expected in the Policy Events propagating in networks economy, and empirical studies of price Does complexity economics lead to Economic networks. Very often in a complex fluctuations bear this out62,65,80. Such findings different policies than the ones neoclassical system, the actions taken by individual matter in finance. Contemporary advocates? I believe so. elements are channelled via a network74 derivatives markets trade trillions of dollars In equilibrium economics, policy of connections among them. Within the daily, and traders are forced to take account typically means adjusting some means of economy, networks arise in many ways, such of such realities81. incentive — taxes, regulations, quotas — as trading, information transmission, social to gain a desired outcome. Certainly, this influence or lending and borrowing. Several Systemic risk. Networked events have approach can be effective, though in cases aspects of networks are interesting: how their consequences for overall risk in an industry. in which policy is guided by theory based structure of interaction or topology makes If firms are unconnected and independent, on assumptions adopted for analytical a difference; how markets self-organize​ their ups and downs offset each other, so convenience or ideology, it may be dubious. within them75; how risk is transmitted; how the possibility that a negative event at the With complexity models85, one can bring in events propagate; how they influence power level of one firm could trigger collapse much-​needed realism86,87: agents may differ, structures76. It is not possible here to cover of the industry or economy — called its in region or class or response; their attitudes all themes of interest in network economics77. systemic risk — is relatively low. But when can change endogenously88; the details of I will simply point out three features. companies are connected in networks of institutions can be built in; and fundamental financial dependence, this changes82. Banks uncertainty and unseen disturbances can Propagation of change. The topology borrow from or lend to other ‘counterparty’ be allowed for. The implications of policy of a network matters as to whether banks in their immediate network. If an can be explored in ways that go beyond connectedness enhances its stability or individual bank discovers it holds distressed narrow economic ‘efficiency’. One can set up not78. Its density of connections matters, assets — counterparty loans that will not be policy labs — carefully controlled computer too. When a transmissible event happens repaid — it comes under pressure to increase experiments — to test policy designs and somewhere in a sparsely connected network, its liquidity and call in its loans from its game out their consequences. All these are the change will fairly soon die out for lack counterparty banks. These, in turn, come refinements of policy. of onward transmission; if it happens in a under pressure to call in their counterparty But one can go further. Dropping the densely connected network, the event will loans, and distress can cascade across the equilibrium assumption reveals an economy spread and continue to spread for long network83. The overall system can then that is open to new behaviour, even to being periods. So, if a network were to slowly become threatened or collapse, which is what exploited or gamed by small groups of increase in its degree of connection, the system will go from few, if any, consequences Box 1 | All systems will be gamed to many79, even to consequences that do not die out. It will undergo a phase change. Standard economics has learned how to stabilize macroeconomic outcomes, avoid depressions, This property is a familiar hallmark regulate currency systems, manage central banking and carry out antitrust policy. What it has not of complexity. Notice that the propagation of been able to do is prevent financial and economic crises. Financial crises happen when small events trigger a cascade of further events that get out of events brings time inexorably into systems; control, or when a small group of players gains control of some part of the system140,141 to its own without such propagation, time disappears. private advantage but to the detriment of the system as a whole. Thus, in Russia’s 1990s transition from communism to capitalism, a coterie of private players took control of the state’s newly freed Power laws. Research on networks shows that assets for their own benefit and industrial production plummeted142,143. In California’s 2000 freeing cascades of events causing further events79 of its energy market, a small number of suppliers manipulated the market to their own profit and often follow power laws (the frequency p the state’s finances suffered144. In the USA’s mortgage-backed​ securities market in 2008, financial of propagation lengths x follows p(x) ∼ x−a institutions on Wall Street had obtained looser regulations and created exotic derivative products (a > 0)). And fluctuations related to they greatly benefited from, which caused an unstable structure that spectacularly collapsed143,145. cascading events often have long-tailed​ Each of these systems was manipulated or ‘gamed’, and all broke down. probability distributions (roughly, large The consequences of economic collapse are serious. So why does equilibrium economics not warn us of these potential failures in advance? The reason is subtle: equilibrium economics is deviations have higher probability than they not primed to look for such possibilities. If we assume a system is in stasis or equilibrium, then, would under Gaussian distributions). Such by definition, cascades of hazardous events and their consequences cannot happen, and, also by features occur in all systems — physical, definition, players cannot find ways to manipulate the situation and improve their position. And biological, geological — in which events so, a muted bias precludes the idea of collapse. Complexity, by contrast, sees the economy as a propagate11, and they have been familiar in web of incentives open to further actions or to exploitation, so it disposes us to examine economic economics at least since the work of Vilfredo systems for where they might be open to manipulation or to systemic failure. Pareto in the early 1900s. But, despite Can we program computers to probe for weaknesses? I believe we can. We can model large this, standard economics has traditionally policy systems and probe them, deliberately or automatically, to see where they might be assumed that firms, investors and economic exploited. We need to adopt such failure-​mode practices from structural engineering, or aircraft 146 events are unconnected and independent, design , or encryption, and examine where economic systems have weak points and might be manipulated. Doing so would yield more reliable economic and social outcomes. therefore, the changes they cause deviate

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Box 2 | The economy creating itself from itself Austrian economics. These are venerable traditions with different emphases, but, Where does an economy come from? How does it form itself and change structurally? We are together, they see historical contingency asking how the economy changes in character from canals to railroads or from electronics to as important, economic structures as algorithms. Economists have long been aware that economies form largely around their means perpetually in formation and the economy of production (their technologies): industrial processes, machinery, business procedures, transportation methods. And they change structurally as these change. Equilibrium economics as rich in process. Because they emphasize acknowledges this but handles it simplistically. Certain technologies exist; certain new ones are process and qualitative formation, they somehow invented; production changes, prices change, the equilibrium shifts. were not easily mathematized, and, in Complexity economics offers a richer story (I will condense it here)116. It starts with the the twentieth century, became sidelined observation that technologies are means to human purposes and are constructed, put together — by equilibrium theory. Complexity is combined — from parts, assemblies, sub-​assemblies116,147,148. These latter are also means to connecting with these earlier approaches purposes; thus, new technologies form by combination from existing technologies (albeit with and giving them new voice14,28,31,121,122. much human ingenuity)116. But things do not stop there. A new technology sets in motion a sequence of events — an ‘algorithm’, if you like. When a new technology appears, it replaces . Since the 1990s, physicists existing technologies; calls forth new ones to satisfy its needs; becomes a component available have been applying physics models and for the creation of further new technologies; and causes the economy, society and their institutions to rearrange themselves149. Thus, when the railway locomotive entered the economy, it replaced methods to economics, especially within 123 existing horse-​drawn trains; set up needs for the fabrication of iron rails and the organization of finance . This new field is growing rapidly, railways; caused the canal and horse-​drayage industries to wither; became a key component in the and, although it does not quite overlap transportation of goods; and, in time, caused factories to relocate and towns to grow. The economy with complexity economics, it is worth transformed itself structurally. mentioning here because it is physics-based.​ Once set in motion, this sequence of events need not stop. By calling forth new technologies and Studies vary, but the tendency, as in other becoming a component for further technologies, a technology may cause further technologies to branches of physics and engineering, is to be added. These, in turn, bring forth the same sequence and, with this, a cascade of further events. explore large real data sets and seek simple The algorithm may be simple but it ‘calls itself’ within itself, and, in doing so, brings forth rich- mechanisms within these. Sometimes, this patterned change. It does this at all levels and concurrently, causing continuous, unstopping has had marked success124,125. disruption. The economy, in turn, forms from its technologies, which call for and contribute to the creation of further technologies and, thereby, the economy’s further formation. The economy, thus, continually creates itself from itself. Distributional issues. Neoclassical economics concerns itself greatly with growth and efficiency — the what’s-​ players (Box 1), and one can formulate ways to development119. If there are trends, they produced of the economy — and much prevent this. And dropping the coarseness of are towards more behavioural realism, less with distributional issues — the who- models that implicitly assume average agents grounding models on large data sets120, using gets-​what of the economy. One reason makes it possible to look at distributional computer experiments to study and design for this is that, for analytical convenience, issues, that is, at different agents being systems, and understanding how macro standard economics often models issues at a affected differently by policies (discussed patterns emerge from micro assumptions. coarse-​grained level, say at the country level, below). Complexity widens the policy arena. Here are some frontiers I find interesting. so that individual regions or groupings of people become unseen or averaged away126 — Some frontiers Formation in the economy. Neoclassical the models are mean-field.​ Then, how these It is now more than 30 years since our economics examines equilibrium patterns unseen individual agents or groupings discussions of complexity economics in the economy: patterns of production, will fare under a new policy is unspecified started at SFI, and many of its ideas are consumption, prices and of quantitative and it’s easy to assume by default that they being absorbed into the core of economics. growth in these entities. It cannot readily will benefit equally. In models that allow But the new approach is not yet fully look at questions of formation — how explicitly diverse agents, as with complexity central. I believe this is to be expected. the arrangements and institutions of the economics, this ceases to be the case: some For any field to change at a fundamental economy come to be in the first place and may benefit, some may lose. In the early level, its textbooks, teaching, journal how the economy changes in character over 1990s, standard economic doctrine taught editors and highly trained practitioners time. Complexity economics, by contrast, that free trade and globalization were, in must themselves change. Indeed, game sees the economy as open and subject most circumstances, beneficial127. Offshoring theory and behavioural economics each to novelty, and it can explore formation from the USA to locations such as Mexico took 40–50 years to be absorbed into the naturally (Box 2). It also assumes there or China would, therefore, be advantageous: core of economics (Axtell, R. & Farmer, D., may be positive feedbacks (or increasing Mexico and China would get new industry manuscript in preparation). returns) in the economy; these act to amplify and jobs and the USA would get cheaper By that measure, complexity economics small differences in history and can lead goods. Such arrangements would, indeed, is still arriving. There are now general texts to the lock-in​ of giant firms, especially have been socially optimal if all parts of a on the subject89–96 and research across sub- in the technology sector (Box 3). And given country or territory were the same; fields such as macroeconomics97–99, labour because complexity economics looks at they would all benefit equally. But, in economics100,101, institutional economics102, how structures form or solutions come to practice, regional differences, especially in environmental economics103–106, finance107–109, be ‘selected’, it connects robustly with the the USA, mattered. Many economists now economics of disease transmission110,111, dynamics of . believe that offshoring of the US economy distribution of firms’ sizes112, scaling Complexity also links with to China and Mexico was a major factor in laws113,114, ergodicity in economics115, tech- pre-​neoclassical approaches in economics — hollowing out jobs in regions such as the nological innovation116–118 and economic , classical economics and US Rust Belt128, which has brought grim

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consequences to social wellbeing129 and US changed, and production was sizably in this way. Indeed, as the economy digitizes, politics ever since. Models with agents with offshored. Now, under rapid digitization, it is increasingly made up of autonomous realistic, regionally diverse circumstances the economy’s character is changing again conversing systems. It becomes ever more would have foreseen this outcome, and and parts of it are becoming autonomous133 an evolving, complex system. they open a new capacity to explore or self-​governing. Financial trading distributional issues. systems, logistical systems and online An overall perspective services are already largely autonomous: In the end, what is my view on this new More realistic modelling. As discussed they may have overall human supervision, approach to economics? Here is a brief above, complexity economics and agent-​ but their moment-to-​ moment​ actions summary. based computation allow for more realistic are automatic, with no central controller. Complexity economics relaxes the modelling across economics and related Similarly, the electricity grid is becoming assumptions of neoclassical economics — fields. For example, standard, mean-field,​ autonomous (loading in one region can the assumptions of representative, infectious-disease-​ transmission​ models automatically self-adjust​ in response to hyper-​rational agents, each of which assume that the average infected person, loading in neighbouring ones134); air-traffic faces a well-defined​ problem and arrives on average, infects R0 further people. With control systems are becoming autonomous at optimal behaviour given this problem agent-based​ modelling, one can break out and independent of human control135; and (Table 1) — and, thus, gives a different style the transmission process, assume diverse future driverless-traffic​ systems, in to economics. It is an economics in which agents with diverse circumstances and follow which driverless-traffic​ flows respond to the agents in the economy are realistically the event-​by-​event transmission process other driverless-traffic​ flows, will likely be human and realistically diverse, in which realistically. More precise detail allows autonomous. Such systems have much in path-dependence​ and history matter, sharper resolution and one sees features common with the operational systems I just in which events trigger events136 and in that would not be visible otherwise110. described. Besides being autonomous, they which the networks that channel these are self-​organizing, self-configuring,​ self-​ events matter. It is an economics in which Industry applications. Industry applications healing and self-correcting,​ so they show a equilibrium is not assumed, if it is present, are still at a beginning. Complexity form of artificial intelligence. One can think it emerges; in which rational behaviour is not thinking and agent-based​ computational of these autonomous systems as miniature assumed, in general, it is not well-defined;​ experiments help where sequences of economies, highly interconnected and in which the unexpected crises of the events and responses to them matter, as highly interactive, in which the agents are economy can be probed and planned for occurs in transportation logistics130 or in software elements ‘in conversation with’ and in advance; in which free markets are not citywide traffic management131. It also helps constantly reacting to the actions of other assumed to be optimal for society but where fundamental uncertainty exists, as software elements. A blockchain system can be assessed realistically; and in which in planning future operations in the face of (a secure, decentralized, highly autonomous distributional issues are not covered up, unforeseen financial crises, possible wars, digital ledger) is conversationally interactive but can be rigorously scrutinized. epidemics, power outages, abrupt changes in regulation or unexpected actions by Box 3 | Silicon Valley economics competitors. In such cases, optimization may not be appropriate — indeed, it may One early theme in complexity economics has been the effects of positive feedbacks. Traditionally, not be well-defined.​ A better approach standard economics has assumed negative feedbacks (or diminishing returns). There are only so would allow for a multiplicity of candidate many good hydroelectric sites in Sweden and, once these are used up, hydro energy runs into responses by computerized ‘agents’ and diminishing returns — it becomes more costly. Thus, hydro-​based and petroleum-​based energy use complexity methods such as genetic share the market in an efficient and predictable way. But some economic markets — particularly tech ones — show positive feedbacks (increasing algorithms or evolutionary programming returns). If one company or technology gets ahead, it accrues network effects (if more people I deal to ‘learn’ and select appropriate responses to with are on PayPal’s payment system, it increases my advantage to adopt PayPal), or it can lower given circumstances. In this way, ‘intelligent’ costs by spreading its upfront R&D expenses over a wider user base; it, therefore, reaps further behaviour self-​organizes, as with the advantage. When several such companies compete, one that gets ahead by good fortune or clever complexity models I described earlier. What strategy may come to dominate or lock in the market. But the winner need not be the best. is important in industry is not just efficiency Economists have long known about increasing returns. Alfred Marshall in 1890 speculated that, but robustness and resilience — the ability if N firms competed and each had increasing returns, the market would go to “whatever firm first to react to unforeseen circumstances and to gets a good start.”58 But in static equilibrium economics, this causes a problem: if multiple recover or transform quickly if something equilibria are possible, we cannot say which one might occur. The outcome is indeterminate. 150 goes wrong. This way of thinking brings Complexity economics resolves this indeterminacy by allowing such situations to play out over time. ‘Small random events’ occur — what product launches when, who sat next to whom on an a different approach not just to business airplane, what design caught the early imagination — and, over time, increasing returns magnifies operations but to management itself. It calls the cumulation of such events to ‘select’ the outcome randomly. Thus, increasing returns problems for adaptive, resilient and organic thinking, in economics are best seen as dynamic processes with random events and natural positive rather than deterministic, top-down,​ feedbacks — as nonlinear stochastic processes151. They may yield different outcomes in different mechanistic control132. realizations. Such properties of multiple equilibria, non-predictability,​ lock-in,​ inefficiency, historical path The autonomous economy. In the 1960s, dependence and asymmetry in economics are similar to phenomena in physics: multiple the character of the economy in the USA metastable states, unpredictability, phase-locking​ or mode-​locking, high-energy​ ground states, and Europe was heavily determined by non-ergodicity​ and symmetry breaking. 152 large industrial organizations that produced Increasing returns have become the basis for our understanding not just of tech markets but of economic geography153, international trade154, patterns of inequality155,156 and segregation157. goods and services. In the 1990s, this

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15. Arthur, W. B. in Complexity Economics: Proceedings Table 1 | Differences between neoclassical and complexity economics of the Santa Fe Institute’s 2019 Fall Symposium (eds Arthur, W. B., Beinhocker, E. & Stanger, A.) a Feature Neoclassical economics Complexity economics (SFI Press, 2020). 16. Arthur, W. B., Beinhocker, E. & Stanger, A. Agents Representative, with 1, 2, N or Diverse in Complexity Economics: Proceedings of the Santa a distribution of types Fe Institute’s 2019 Fall Symposium (eds Arthur, W. B., Beinhocker, E. & Stanger, A.) (SFI Press, 2020). Organizing principle Equilibrium. Agent behaviour Nonequilibrium. Agent behaviour 17. Axtell, R. What economic agents do: How cognition consistent with aggregate reacts to aggregate outcome and interaction lead to emergence and complexity. outcome Rev. Austrian Econ. 20, 105–122 (2007). 18. Colander, D. 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