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Bibliography Atmospheric Halos and the Search for Angle x Item Type Book Authors Tape, Walter; Moilanen, Jarmo Publisher American Geophysical Union Download date 27/09/2021 08:17:08 Link to Item APPENDIX C Bibliography [1] Alaska’s Weather. Alaska Geographic, 18(1), 1991. [2] Matthew Bailey and John Hallett. Growth Rates and Habits of Ice Crystals between –20° and –70°C. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 61:514–544, 2004. [3] William Howard Barnes. The Crystal Structure of Ice between 0° C. and –183° C. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A, 125:670–693, 1929. [4] W. A. Bentley and W. J. Humphreys. Snow Crystals. Dover, New York, 1962. [5] Louis Besson. Sur la forme primitive de la glace atmosphérique. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 170:607–609, 1920. [6] Louis Besson. Sur les halos extraordinaires. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 170:334–336, 1920. [7] Louis Besson. Concerning Halos of Abnormal Radii. Monthly Weather Review, 51:254–255, 1923. [8] Carl B. Boyer. The Rainbow: From Myth to Mathematics. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1987. [9] A. Bravais. Mémoire sur les halos et les phénomènes optiques qui les accompagnent. Journal de l’ Ecole´ Royale Polytechnique, 31 Cahier, 18:1–280, 1847. [10] David Brewster. Account of a Rhombohedral Crystallization of Ice. The London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, 4:245–246, 1834. [11] Martin J. Buerger. Elementary Crystallography. John Wiley & Sons, New York and London, 1963. [12] Edward Daniel Clarke. Upon the regular Crystallization of Water, and upon the form of its primary Crystals; as they were naturally developed in Cambridge, January 3, 1821, and were seen during the two following days. Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1:209–215 and Plate 7B, 1822. 227 228 ATMOSPHERIC HALOS [13] D. M. Dennison. The Crystal Structure of Ice. Physical Review, 17(1):20–22, 1921. [14] René Descartes. Discourse on Method, Optics, Geometry, and Meteorology. Bobbs- Merrill, Indianapolis, 1965. [15] A. B. Dobrowolski. Les cristaux de glace. Arkiv för kemi, mineralogi och geologi, 6(7):1–53, 1916. [16] Florent Dominé et al. Snow Metamorphism as Revealed by Scanning Electron Microscopy. Microscopy Research and Technique, 62:33–48, 2003. [17] Louis Feuillée. Journal des Observations Physiques, Mathematiques et Botaniques, volume 1. Pierre Giffart, Paris, 1714. [18] G. Galle. Ueber Höfe und Nebensonnen. Annalen der Physik und Chemie von J. C. Poggendorff, 49:1–31, 241–291, and Table 1, 1840. [19] Petrus Gassendi. Opera Omnia, volume 3. Friedrich Frommann Verlag, Stuttgart– Bad Cannstatt, 1964. [20] E. C. W. Goldie, G. T. Meaden, and R. White. The Concentric Halo Display of 14 April 1974. Weather, 31(9):304–312, 1976. [21] Robert Greenler. Rainbows, Halos, and Glories. Cambridge University Press, 1980. [22] Fritz Hallberg. Något om Snökristaller. Populär Naturvetenskaplig Revy, 5:227–232, 1911. [23] William R. Hamilton. Third Supplement to an Essay on the Theory of Systems of Rays. Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, 17:1–144, 1837. [24] Peter-Paul Hattinga Verschure. Bijzondere halo’s. Zenit, 2(10):364–365, 1975. Hard to obtain, but contains two of the earliest published photographs of odd radius halos, by Frank Nieuwenhuys. [25] Héricart de Thury. Sur la Cristallisation de la Glace. Journal des Mines, 33:157– 160, 1813. [26] Johannis Hevelii. Mercurius In Sole visus Gedani.... Simon Reiniger, 1662. [27] Ho Ping-Yü and Joseph Needham. Ancient Chinese Observations of Solar Haloes and Parhelia. Weather, 14(4):124–134, 1959. [28] Robert Hooke. Micrographia. Dover Publications, New York, 1961. [29] W. J. Humphreys. Certain Unusual Halos. Monthly Weather Review, 50:535–536, 1922. [30] W. J. Humphreys. Comments on Halos of Unusual Radii. Monthly Weather Review, 51:255–256, 1923. [31] W. J. Humphreys. Physics of the Air. Dover Publications, New York, 1964. [32] Cornelius S. Hurlbut, Jr. Dana’s Manual of Mineralogy. John Wiley & Sons, New York, eighteenth edition, 1971. BIBLIOGRAPHY 229 [33] Christiaan Huygens. Oeuvres Complètes de Christiaan Huygens, volume 17. Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1932. Contains Traité des Couronnes et des Parhélies (1662 or 1663) as well as other halo writings of Huygens. Much of this appears in English translation in Smith’s Opticks [69]. [34] K. Itoo. “Diamond Dust” of a Unusual Crystal Form. Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics, 8(3):215–221, 1957. [35] Johannes Kepler. The Six-Cornered Snowflake. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1966. [36] T. Kobayashi and T. Kuroda. Snow Crystals. In Ichiro Sunagawa, editor, Morphology of Crystals, Part B, pages 649–743. Terra Scientific Publishing Company, Tokyo, 1987. [37] Teisaku Kobayashi. Vapour Growth of Ice Crystal between –40 and –90 C. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 43(6):359–367, 1965. [38] Teisaku Kobayashi and Keiji Higuchi. On the Pyramidal Faces of Ice Crystals. Contributions from the Institute of Low Temperature Science A, (12):43–54 and Plates I–XIII, 1957. [39] G. P. Können and J. Tinbergen. Polarimetry of a 22° halo. Applied Optics, 30(24):3382–3400, 1991. [40] Gunther P. Können. Identification of odd-radius halo arcs and of 44°/46° parhelia by their inner-edge polarization. Applied Optics, 37(9):1450–1456, 1998. [41] Gunther P. Können. Symmetry in halo displays and symmetry in halomaking crystals. Applied Optics, 42(3):318–331, 2003. [42] Kenneth Libbrecht. The Snowflake. Voyageur Press, 2003. [43] Tobie Lowitz. Déscription d’un météore remarquable observé à St. Pétersbourg le 18 Juin 1790. Nova Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae, 8:384–388 and Tab. VII, 1794. [44] James MacCullagh. Geometrical Propositions applied to the Wave Theory of Light. Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, 17:241–263, 1837. [45] Edme Mariotte. Oeuvres de Mr. Mariotte, volume 1, pages 272–281. Pierre Vander, 1717. [46] Frederick Marten (Martens). Voyage into Spitzbergen and Greenland. In [49], 1694. The discussion relevant to ice crystals is on pages 45–53. [47] Jarmo Moilanen. New halo in northern Finland. Weather, 53(8):241–244, 249, and cover photo, 1998. [48] Petrus van Musschenbroek. Institutiones Physicae conscriptae in usus academicos. Lugduni Batavorum: Apud S. Luchtmans et filium, 1748. [49] John Narborough, Jasmen Tasman, John Wood, and Frederick Marten. An Account of Several Late Voyages and Discoveries to the South and North.... Smith and Walford, 1694. 230 ATMOSPHERIC HALOS [50] Paul J. Neiman. The Boulder, Colorado, Concentric Halo Display of 21 July 1986. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 70(3):258–264 and cover photo, 1989. [51] John Nettis. An Account of a Method of Observing the Wonderful Configurations of the Smallest Shining Particles of Snow... Philosophical Transactions, 49:644–648, 1755–1756. [52] Ivan Niven and Herbert S. Zuckerman. An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1960. [53] G. Nordenskiöld. Communication préliminaire sur une étude des cristaux de neige. Bulletin de la société franaise de mineralogie, 16:59–74 and Plates I–XXII, 1893. [54] A. E. Nordenskjöld. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Krystallformen einiger Oxyde. Annalen der Physik und Chemie von J. C. Poggendorff, 114:612–627 and Table 3, 1861. [55] Takeshi Ohtake. Unusual Crystal in Ice Fog. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 27(3):509–511, 1970. [56] F. Pattloch and E. Tränkle. Monte Carlo simulation and analysis of halo phenomena. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 1(5):520–526, 1984. [57] J. M. Pernter and F. M. Exner. Meteorologische Optik. Wilhelm Braumüller, Vienna and Leipzig, second edition, 1922. [58] Victor F. Petrenko and Robert W. Whitworth. Physics of Ice. Oxford University Press, New York, 1999. [59] M. Riikonen, J. Moilanen, M. Sillanpää, and F. Nieuwenhuys. Rare odd-radius column arcs. Weather, 58(9):346–351, 365, 2003. [60] Marko Riikonen, Les Cowley, Michael Schroeder, and Teemu Ohman. The Lowitz Arcs. Unpublished. A presentation at the 327th WE-Heraeus Seminar (atmospheric optics) in Bad Honnef, Germany, June 13–17, 2004. [61] Marko Riikonen, Jukka Ruoskanen, Marko Pekkola, and Jarmo Moilanen. Identification and Frequency of 23° Parroids. In Light and Color in the Open Air, 1997 OSA Technical Digest Series, volume 4, pages 28–30. Optical Society of America, 1997. [62] Marko Riikonen, Mika Sillanpää, Leena Virta, Daniel Sullivan, Jarmo Moilanen, and Ismo Luukkonen. Halo observations provide evidence of airborne cubic ice in the Earth’s atmosphere. Applied Optics, 39(33):6080–6085, 2000. [63] Kenneth Sassen. Possible halo depictions in the prehistoric rock art of Utah. Applied Optics, 33(21):4756–4760, 1994. [64] H. Schlagintweit. Zeitschrift der Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft, 6:260, 1854. [65] R. S. Scorer. Rare Halo in ‘Arctic Smoke’. Weather, 18(10):305, 319, 1963. [66] William Scoresby. An Account of the Arctic Regions with a History and Description of the Northern Whale-Fishery, volume 2. Augustus M. Kelley, New York, 1969. BIBLIOGRAPHY 231 [67] Marjorie Senechal. Crystalline Symmetries. Adam Hilger, Bristol, Philadelphia and New York, 1990. [68] Mika Sillanpää, Jarmo Moilanen, Marko Pekkola, Martti Penttinen, and Jari Piikki. Unusual pyramidal ice in the atmosphere as the origin of elliptical halos. Applied Optics, 38(24):5089–5095, 1999. [69] Robert Smith. A Compleat System of Opticks in Four Books.... Cornelius Crownfield, Cambridge, 1738. The discussion of halos is in Chapter 11 of Book 2, pages 199–238. [70] H. Steinmetz. Die Kristallform des Eises. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie (Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie), 57:558, 1922. [71] H. Steinmetz. Die Kristallsymmetrie des Eises. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mineralogie, 3:183–194, 1941. [72] Hermann Steinmetz and Helmut Weickmann. Zusammenhänge zwischen einer seltenen Haloerscheinung und der Gestalt der Eiskristalle. Heidelberger Beiträge zur Mineralogie und Petrographie, 1:31–36, 1947. [73] Ichiro Sunagawa. Crystals: growth, morphology, and perfection.
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