COUNTY M.AJGISTlU.TES FOR PETTY County Council, meetings held at Shire hall, Statutory SESSIONAL DIVISION. meeting tri-annually in March on a. tuesday at II a.m. 2r days before .April meeting .& ISt tuesday in Janu. iKemble Thos. esq. hall, S.O. chairman ary, April, July & October, at IX a.m.; Henry Gib­ Chancellor Lt.-Col. Frederic V.D. 2 High st. Chelmsford SOl1, clerk Ohristy David esq. Patching hall, Broomfield, Chelmsford Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation Co. And:rew Meggy, Corser Haden esq. M.A. '1.'he Hyde, RS.O clerk, 71 Duke street Foster James Thomasin esg. LL.M. Pontlands, Great Ohelmsfard & Essex Infirmary &; Dispensary, New Lon­ Baddow, Chelmsford don road, William Bodkin M.D., ~1.Ch., Henry ,Yilliam Hardcastle He.nry ·esq. M.A. 38 EatoD square, SW Newton M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. &; Theodore Kemble CapL Horatio Fraser R.N. Great Claydong., East Harry WaIler M.R.C.S.Eng., L.RC.P.Land. hon. medi­ Hanningfield, Chelmsford cal officers; J ames Tomlinson, dispenser: F. A. Wells,. Marriage Henry esg. Ayletts, Broomfield, Chelmsford hon. sec.; F. Wells, hon. treasurer; Rodd <& Mar­ MO'1'ton Alfred George Edwin esq.Clarendon ho. 91 New tin, collectors & assistant secs London road, Chelmsford Essex & Suffolk Fire Engine & Brigade, Bell yard, Con-· Pierce John Timbrill esq. D.L., F.R.G.S. Frettons, Dan­ duit street, George Mason, supt. I sergeant & 8 men bury, Chelmsford Fire Brigade (Corporation), G. H. Sasse, chief officer; i'ryor Arthur esq. D.L. Hylands, Widford, Chelmsford W. Farrow, superintendent & 10 men Rasch Major Frederic Ca.me M.P., D.L.Woodhill, San­ H.M. Prison, Springfield, Capt. Herbert Lat.imer Conor, don, Chelmsford governor; Rev. John 'Watson Blakemore, chaplain; Ridley Charles Ernest esq. The Elms, Chelmsford Rev. Jaseph F. Padbury, Catholic hon. chaplain; Henry Tufnell William Michael esq. D.L. Hatfield Place, Witham, William Newton L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. medi-· Chelmsford cal officer; John S. Chilton, storekeeper Tufnell-Tyrell Lieut.-Col. John Lionel D.L. BOl'eham lulaud Hevenue Office, 69 Duke street, Edward Martin. house, Chelmsford Kerrigan, 'supervisor; George Mason, officer Usborne Thomas esq. The House, , Chelmsford Masonic Lodge (276 Good Fellowship), Crane Court Wells Henry Collings esq. D.L. The Lodge, Broomfield, rooms, High street, thurs. on or before full mocm Chelmsford Jan. Feb. March, April, Sept. Oct. Nov. '& Dec. at Wood Lieut.-Col. George Wilding, Nithsd'ale house, In­ 7 p.m.; E. Shedd, sec.; Jas. P. Lewin, treasurer. gatestone R.S.O Essex Chapter Royal Arch, held at the Crane Court Woodhouse Robert esq. Longmead, Writtle, Chelmsford Tuoms' 3rd monday in Feb. May & Nov.; James P_ Clerk to the Magistrates, William Ward Duffield, 96 Lewin, scribe. Chelmer Lodge, Mark Masons, held at Hig-h street the "Yhite Hart hotel, 2nd wednesday in Jan. April,. The ~Iayor of Chelmsford &; the Chairman of the Chelms­ July & Oct. at 7 p.m.; F. P. Sutthery, sec ford Rural District. Council, for the time being, are Shire Hall, High street; assizes, spring & summer,. ex-ofllcio magistrates County Council meetings & quarterly sessions & petty: Petty Sessions are held at the Shire hall every friday at sessions held every friday II a.m. The plllces in the division are :-Baddow VOLUNTEERS. (Great), Baddow (Little), , Broomfield, Butts­ 2nd Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment, headquarters,.. bury, Chelmsford, Chignal, Danbury, , Drill hall, Market road. A new drill hall is about Hanningfield (East), Hanningfield (South), Hanningfield to ba erected (190r) in Market Toad, at a cost of £3,000.. (West), Ingatestone & Fryerning, Leighs (Great), the drill hall 100ft. by 60ft. armoury stores, orderly r"eighs (Little), , , , room, officers' .& sergeants' qua.rters, recreation room , Runwell, Sandon, Springfield, Stock, WaIt­ & living quarters for instructor. A & B Companies,. ham (Great), Waltham (Little), Widford, Woodham Hon. Lt.-Col. G. H. Coleman, commanding detachment;. Ferris, Writtle F. W. 'Chancellor & F. W. Taylor, captains; Surg.­ Capt. J. E. Molson M.B. medical officer; 2nd Lieut.. CEMETERIES. J. C. Tabor, instructor Borough, Writtle road, William Gooch, supt CHELMSFORD UKION. Church, Rectory lane, A. Lunney, deputy clerk Board day, every alternate tuesday at 10.30 a.m. Nonconformist, New London road, Frederick HasleT, • The union comprises the following :-Boreham, registrar Broomfield, , Chelmsford, Chignal, Danbury, , Good Easter, , Greai PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Leighs, , Ingatestone & Fryerning, Little­ Archdeaconry Court of St. .Albans, New street; WaIter Baddow, , , Margaretting,. Payne Gepp M.A. registrar Mashbury, , Rettendon, Roxwell, Runwell, San­ Corn Exchange, Tindal squal'e, W. W. Duffield, sec.; don, , Springfield, Stock, 'Vest Han­ Joseph Henry Rowe, manager ningfieltl, Widford, Woodham Ferris & Writtle. The­ 0mnty Court, His HonGI' Henry Tindal Atkinson, jud.ge; pupulation in. 1901 was 36,297; area 86,157 acres;. William Ward Duilield, registrar of the ·Court &; regis­ ratea.ble value in 1901, £2°9,289 trar in Bankruptcy; ·CharlesGodfrey, high bailiff; Chairman of the Board of Guardians, J. Ratc1iff, East. Arthur S. Duffield M.A. deputy registrar; Frederick Hanningfield J. Bellamy, clerk. Sittings held at the Shire hall, Tin-. Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, 'Vm. daI square, monthly; summonses .&c. gra.nted at the Ward DUffield, 96 High street, Chelmsford Court office, Tindal sg. The following places are within Treasurer, William Michael TUfnell, High st. Chelmsford its jurisdiction :-Bel'ners Roothing, Boreham, Broom­ Uelieving & Vaccination Officers, 1st, district, Herbert field, Buttsbnry, Chelmsford, Chignal, Danbury, East Wear, 42 New London road, Chelmsford; I2nd district, Hanningfield, Good Easter, Great Baddow, Great Wal· W. J. Nurse, Stock; 3rd district, Fred Turner, Broolll­ tham, Ingatestone & Fryerning, , Little field Waltham, Margaretting, Mashbnry, Pleshey, Rettendon, Collector to the Gua.rdians, William Ward Duffield Roxwell, Runwell, Sandon, Shellow Eowells, South Han­ Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. I district, ningfield, Springfield, Stock, Terling, West Hanning­ Henry W. Newton L.RC.P.Land., M.RC.S.Eng. Fair­ field, Widford, Willingale Doe, Willingale Spain & Writtle field house, Duke street" Chelmsford; No. 2 distI'ict, The following County Court districts are within the Edward Shedd, Writtie' ; No. 3 district, Wm. Douglas. Bankruptcy District of the Chelmsford County Court: Gimsoll L.R.C.P.Lond. Spring-field; No. 4 district.. -'Chelmsford, Braintroo, Brentwood, Dunmow, Grays Arthur Edward Lyster M.RC.S.Eng. Great BaddolV;. Thurrock, MaIdon, Southend & Rom[ord, Cecil Mercer, No. 5 district, John Marshall M.R.C.S.Eng. Wickfol'd; ,senior official receiver; F. T. Halcomb, assistant official No. 6 district, Thomas Hodson M.R.C.S.Eng. Ingnte­ receiver, 95 Temple chambers, Temple avenue, Lon­ stone; No. 7 district, Arthur Clarke M.R.C.S.El1g. don EC Slock; ~o. 8 district, Robert Percy Smallwood M.ll. Certified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distress & B.C. Little Waltham; No. 9 district., Theodore Hany Amendment Act" :-George Embleton (A. Darby & WaIler L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. New London rd. Co.), 97 High street; Sidney Rodd (Rodd -& Martin), Chelmsford • • Duke street; Fred. W. Taylor, Duke 'Street.; FrederlCk Superintendent Registrar, William Ward Duffield, 96­ George Smith, Rainsford road; Christopher Candler, Hig"h st.; deputy, Arthur Stewart Duffield, 96 High st Writtle Registrar of Marriages, WaIter Ma,rron, 29 New street Oounty Constabulary, headquarters, Springfield; Captain Registrars of Births & Deaths, Great Baddow sub-dis­ Edward Maclean Showers, chief constable, Police sta­ trict, C. R. Finch, Great Baddow; deputy, Richard tion, Shire hall; the local force consists of 2 supts. 2 Finch, Great Baddow; Chelmsford sub-district, Her­ inspectors, I serge8n~ & 9 constables bert Wear, 42 New London road; deputy, Herbert :vI.