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Armenian. . Action ~ua eur&ntttr May 1995 Vol. 16, No. 4 (50) Supplement to The Collegian. April 24th-80th Anniversary of Genocide

By Tina Attasbian organize one large event Also, we Hye Sharzhoom wanted the people to see that al­ though we are the youth of 1995, The of we will all unify to fight together to 1915 occurred80yearsago, but the remember the Armenian Geno­ participation by both the youth and cide." said Mike Pogosian, presi­ senior members of the Armenian dentofArmenian Students Organi­ community prove that this event zation. will never be forgotten. To com­ Beginning the series of events memorate the 80th year of the Ar­ to commemorate the Genocide, menian Genocide, the Armenian Tina Attashian, Vice-President of Students Organization of Fresno the Armenian Students Organiza­ State organized a week of events in tion introduced the rally saying honor of the memory of the 2 mil­ "Today we will not only mourn for lion that were massa­ our blood that was spilled in 1915,. cred. but show the Turks that their plans &day' pril 24 or exterminating the Annenian march and rally took place at the race has failed." ·President Mike Free Speech area on the Fresno Pogosian' s speech for ASOstressed State Campus. The Armenian Stu­ the importance of unity between dents Organization (ASO) and Ar­ the youth and senior generations to menian Youth Federation (A YF­ achieve recognition for the Arme­ Fresno Chapter) worked togethe~ nian race. Rose Kalpakian then for this event. "We thought that spoke to represent the Armenian instead of having many -different Youth Federation. Her speech fo- . ev.ents to commemorate the geno­ The Armenian community of Fresno commemorated the 80th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide cide, the youth should unite and of 1915 with a march from the David of Sasoon monument to Fresno City Hall. See APRIL 24, page 8 Armenian Studies Program 9th Annual Banquet

By Hanne Bentzon I l the CSUF Armenian Studies Pro­ and the . They memories. The images ofthe Geno­ been through, but the exhibit helps Hye Sharzhoom gram and the Sarkis & Meline are also included in the permanent cide have scarred my conscience to understand better. l am very Kalfayan Center for Armenian collections of famous museums, and they have profoundly affected touched," she said On Saturday, April1, the Ar­ Studies co-hosted with the Henry such as in the Museum of Art, New the way I _think about life and my Dr. Dickran Kouymjian, Pro­ menian community in Fresno was Madden Library, a special opening York City. responsibilities. I hope this exhibi­ fessor of Armenian Studies, was entranced by the charm of beauti­ reception for the exhibit ": The symbolic black and white tion will have that effect on other proud to present a different type of ful art, the taste of a delicious din.:· Portraits of Survival." photographs document everyday people, too." culture to an eager Fresno audi­ ner and the warmth and intelligence Jerry Brendt, the artist behind life in Armenia, focusing on the StinaKatchadourian, author of ence. of an admirable speaker. the exhibit, grew up in Milwaukee, experience of the survivors of the the book "Efronia," was one of the "Apart from general culture in In conjunction with the Ninth Wisconsin. His photographs have 1988- earthquake, the refugees and proud guests who experienced the our community, we are now mov­ Annual Armenian Studies Banquet, appeared in major magazines in victims of the war in Nagomo­ impact of the powerful exl)ibit. ing into other types of cultural ex­ , and the hopes and anxi­ "The pictures are just another posure," Dr. Kouymjian said. "It is eties of citizens who have endured proof of the Armeman people's an extraordinary exhibition, .not a another winter with minimal fuel strength and superiority," very happy one, but very beauti­ and electricity. Katchadourian said. "As a for­ ful." The exhibit, which opened in eigner, it is difficult to imagine Los Angeles August 1993, grew what the Armenian people. have See ASP Banquet , page 8 · out of a research project headed by Dr. Donald E. Miller, Professor of Religion at the University ofSouth­ Inside Hye SharzhooiD em . Dr. Miller, special guest speaker at the banquet and author April 24 Photo of five books, among them "Survi­ Essay...... p. 5 vors: An Oral History of the Arme­ nian Genocide," recently visited Armenia to interview 350 survi­ vors for the research project. He was later asked by his sponsors to portray his findings in a visual way to document what his interviews Catholicos Karekin 1...... p. 3 said. "The research project has Monte Melkonian...... ~······~··················P· 3 Dr. Donald Miller and Mrs. Lorna Touryan Miller at ASP Banquet meant a lot to me," Dr. Miller said. Armenia Update ...... p. 6 "It is important to preserve the 2-0p/Ed Hye Sharzhoom May 1995 Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Dear Editor, staff to keep up the great work! !! ! ! if there would be less racism in this Arts" gave me a better appreciation country if more education was pro­ for the fme collection of lace I saw After reading your paper, I BeinganArmenianthatisonly Sincerely, vided about all ethnicities that make in Los Angeles two months ago found it impressive. Although I am partially informed of my ethnic Crissi J elladian up America The Armenians are a made by two sisters deal of pa­ a new reader of your publication, I background, I thoroughly enjoyed CSUF very proud people and do a great tience and love to dedicate so much found it to be professional in struc- Hye Sharzhoom. Your paper's va­ deal to promote their contributions. time to the art of lace. tme and in content It was well riety is the main factor that pro­ Dear Editor, to society. These promotions help to There are many older Arme­ organized, the articles were well longed my interest Not only did bring forth education and understand­ nianartists like Mrs. Vorperian who written, and there were a variety of you write of the past historical I am writing in response to ing to a culture that is spread all over are not as recognized. The younger articlesoraspectstothepaper. Such events in "A History of the Anne­ the letter written to the editor by the world. The Armenian Studies generations do not seem to have as past, recent and future events nian Pebple'\ and Armenia: Por­ Dr. Martha Googooian Ensher. Program has contributed so much, appreciation. Perhaps it would be throughoutthatkeptmyinterest. It traits of Survival , but of current Dr. Googooian Ensher had grown not only to educate young Arme­ ideal to have a more frequent pub­ also seemed to cover all the other events in progress too. I would up seeing the oppressive ways of nian-, but to educate lication of the Hye Shatzhoom for aspects any otherpaperwould such have never known ofTom Bozigian the "American Culture," and how people like me who neverreally knew more information on a larger scale as the advertisements and the car- being in town or the "Celebration people can over come those de­ that Armenia was a country. Dr. for the community. The other ar- toon drawing for example. of Armenian Folk Arts," had I not meaning pressures. I do not think Googooian Ensher helped me un­ ..ticl~ that I really liked was Arme­ The section I enjoyed the most picked up this edition. the Armenians were discriminated derstand that the education and nia: PortraitsofSurvival. Itspoke was the Armenia Update. The rea- The one specific article that like the blacks of that time, but I awareness ofpeople can accomplish about the Armenian Genocide. son for this is that you are not did stick out in my mind was the can believe that Armenians­ a great deal- even the destruction of The Armenian Genocide is usuallyabletohearorkeepupwith poem, "Shifting the Sun." Being Americans were looked at differ­ ethnic walls. going to be commemorated this what is going on in Annenia on a somewhat ignorant of my own ently, mainly, because of the spring. Iftherearemorepublicized regular basis. So, this helps to keep ethnicity, I was still able to relate. Anglo minded society in the early Lance Hill -articles to inform the younger mem­ the average person up to date. This poem really hit home, and to mid part of this century. To CSUF bers of the community, there will As professional and interest- reached out ·to me as if I was the have darker skin, or to have "non­ I><( more involvement within the ing as I find this publication, there authorofthesemeaningfulphrases. European" name set you apart. Dear Editor, - corri~nity. Last year, there were is something I would like to see in This poem didn't contain any ex­ However I must say, with a great more people invQlved in Los An­ it that I think would add to the ceptionally difficult words or even deal of concern~ not all ethnically The fact thatHye Sharzhoom is geles. Armenians from Fresno unique layout of the Hye meanings, but left a symbolic mes­ differentpeoplehavedonesowell just a supplement to The Collegian is should become more aware and Sharzhoom. This could be done by sage to the average crowd. I feel in the racist society. quite unfortunate. Hye Sharzhoom involved. a feature story written on an Arme- that a piece of literature that relates The Armenians have a great is apparently informative. For those The poetry and other articles nian student at Fresno State that toeveryoneandiscapableofbeing deal to be proud of: they have of non-Armenian descent, who are · (Dalai Lama and History) were a has or is making a name for his or comprehended by the average Joe endured massive changes in cul­ studying the Armenian culture, his­ nice touch to diversity. I have read herself locally. This way, the indi- · is one that is most successful in our tures that make up America. tory ,language, etc., this supplement the past publications of Hye vidual will be recognized more community. America is much more accepting is very useful. But the one concern I Sharzhoom and liked what I have readily by the .Armenian commu- I think your staff is defmitely of ethnic differences, because we have is that it is only a monthly read. I don't have much to com- nity for their accomplishments on the right track of reaching out to have greater exces in which to edition. Perha uc lain abo the ho d Whether it is academic or athletic, reader's of all ethnic backgrounds. study these many cultures.· The request a more frequent issue. be a more frequent issues available it would give Armenians in Fresno _. V ~ety·, is the key to it all! The Armenian-American community I found that many Armenian to keep people abreast of what is a better look at the upcoming lead- inclusion of the articles on current has give full excitability to their youths are not as informed about going on in the community. ers. events in Armenia, the happenings history, religious beliefs, art, and their own history and community in society here in Fresno, the com­ cuisine. I think that, at least for activities. Many are unaware of the Marice! Guillermo Sincerely, ics and especially the poetry make me, have been able to understand contributors that make the Arme­ CSUF Brandi Critzer theHye Sha'rzhoomanother Fresno and have a greater feel for the nian community exist. The first ar­ CSUF Bee in a shorter version! Tell your Armenian culture. I just wonder ticle, "Celebration of Armenian Folk May 1995 Hye Shar~hoom News-3 Monte M f!lkonian-evolution of a legend

By Ara Jabagchourian allowed all of the children to be ing up, he had to fight to defend his Hye Sharzhoom able to compare different cultures. cultural pride. Assimilation took This trip was a definite experience its toll. Monte was pretty much Monte Melkonian: Nov. 25, whichbroadenedthepotentialmind assimilated i.ijto the "American" 1957-June 12, 1993. of Monte. culture. But his father said· that Monte Melkonian was a ma­ The following year, when "When he went to Cal (Berkeley), jor player in the Armenian libera­ Monte was in eighth grade, he re­ he got away from that [assimila­ tion movement of the late 1970's ceived the American Legion Boy of tion]. He became an Armenian all through 1980's. After being re­ theYear Award. His parents found over again." leased from prison in he got out later that he received this award Monte's majors at Berkeley involved in the Nagorno-Karabagh not solely for his achievements in were archeology and ancient Asian struggle against . He school but for breaking up a fight at history. He graduated summa cum became the chief defensive strate­ school and paying the price of get­ laude in two and a half years. Dur­ gistandorganizedtherag-tagfight­ ting hit for it But to understand his ing this time he spearheaded an ers into a well-tuned defensive courage, his mother explained that April24 exhibit at the library. The group. Monte led victory after vic­ Monte was the second smallest stu­ Turkish embassy realized this and tory eventually pushing the Azeris dent in his class at Divisidero Jr. called the librarian and pressured completely out of Karabagh. An High. him to take it down. Monte became unnamed Armenian was quoted by His high school years were also furious when he heard this and a Monte Melkonian a New York Times correspondent · quite impressive. He taught Span-. dispute occurr~. The result was Hagopian, separated means from life came to an end. He was killed as saying that Monte was "the best ish at a private school during his the resignation of the librarian and ends and encouraged suicide mis­ while as he entered a village which god we ever had." _ sophomore math period. His priii­ the exhibit stayed. The ironic thing sions which killed many innocent had been recently recaptured from Children are definitely influ­ cipal wanted to graduate him a year was because the Turkish govern­ lives. Monte broke off and formed ·the Azeris. enced by many factors when they early, but his father said that Monte ment got involved in this, the ex­ another, less violent group in A large funeral was held, with are growing up. One factor that was too young to graduate tliatearly. hibit received lots of publicity. France. Here he was arrested for estimates of over a quarter of a plays a deep role in a child's life is So his father sent him off to Japan After graduation, he turned having a couple of explosive de­ million people who attended. It the family. To attempt to under­ on a foreign exchange program. He down a fellowship to Oxford and vices and a map in his apartment. was a tragic end to the dramatic life stand the devotion and thinking of came back a year later fluent in both left for the Middle East. He taught He spent four years in prison where of the humanitarian who fought for Monte Melkonian, I thought it reading and writing Japanese. a little in . While there, he he wrote prolifically on the Arme­ the "underdogs." would be valuable to· pursue my "All four of the children were found out that the teachers were nian National question. His influence has affected curiosity of the legend by talking very good students," explained his being paid mere peanuts and the After being released from many. His sister Maile is working with Monte's parents. I visited mother. Maile, the oldest child, administration was holding back . prison, the dispute over Nagorno­ for the Armenian Assembly in . . , Monte'sparents,CharlesandZabel would come home after school and The ~dministration gave Monte Karabagh was under way. This Washington, D.C. His parents have Melkonian, at their Visalia home. sit on the kitchen table and do her hush-upmoney. Hismotherclaims gave Monte an opportqnity to help become increasingly involved in Monte had quite an impres­ school work. The following year. that this was the wrong thing to do. the Armenian cause. He changed the Armenian co~munity in sive childhood. His whole family, Markar would do the same. Monte Monte led the teachers to demand the military situation there to the Visalia. His wife, s·eta, is a student including his two sisters Maile and also emulated this practice as did more and won. His mother claims citizens of Nagorno-Karabagh' s at the State University in Yerevan Marciaandhis brother Markar went Marcia, who wasn't even mschool that "Monte was always for the advantage. He held high ethical and is still involved in the struggle on an overseas trip in 1969 which ·yet Zabel e lained that "the c · - underdog." standards and established discipline her husband led. His brother · lasted for 15 months. Charles got dren were very close." Oldest and He then went on to and among his troops. He forbade the Markar, who is pursuing a doctor­ a VW wagon and the whole family youngest child were less than four defended an Armenian enclave with shooting of civilians and gave ate in philosophy'· has compiled trekked through 41 countries. They years apart. his brother. He later signed on with bullhorn warnings on his attacks. and edited a collection of Monte's spent five months in Spain, where When asked about Monte's hesitation with · the Armenian Se­ Melkonian was finally able to push writings, The Right To Struggle. the parents provided for tutors for . upbringing in an Armenian culture, cret Army for the Liberation of the Azeris out of missile range from · As for the children of Karabagh, their children. This was when his father said "He knew nothing of Armenia, a Marxist group who Armenia. This with a military they can go to school with the tem­ Monte began his collection of 9 · the Armenian culture until after high fought for the PLO. Here he ran which had no money. porary comfort of not having rock­ languages. This trip, Zabel stated, · school." When his father was grow., into a split, where ·the leader Hagop Thel!inJuneof 1993,Monte's ets being shot at them. ·Kar·ekin I Elected as Catholicos of All Armenians \ By Barlow Der Mugrdechian (10 invalid votes). Advisor, Hye Sharzhoom A three name ballot was pre­ pared for the seeond round of vot­ The National Ecclesiastical ing. The candidates wereCatholicos Assembly, meeting in Karekin, Abp. Karekin Nersissian, Etchmiadzin, Armenia, on Tues­ Bp. Barkev Martirossian. day, April 4, 1995, elected His The results of the second round Holiness Karekin II as the 131st of voting were as follows: Catholicos of All Armenians. The Catholicos Karekin Sarkissian-184 Catholicos is the spiritual leader of votes, Archbishop Karekin the estimated 7 million Armenians Nersissian-146 votes, Bishop world-wide. His Holiness is the Barkev Martirossian-61 votes (5 incumbent Catholicos of the Great invalid votes). House of Cilicia Fifty per cent plus one of the The election of His Holiness delegates were needed for the elec­ Karekin I holds promise that a new tion. However, Archbishop Karekin era is being ushered in in the Ann·e­ Nersissian, who had only 146 votes, nian Church. The Armenian withdrew his candidacy for a third Church is facing several critical round and gave his full support to questions which must be addressed Catholicos Karekin. Thus, the need including: the critical shortage of for a third round of voting was clergy in the United States, the end unnecessary. The presidency ofthe to the jurisdictional dispute divid­ Assembly, announced that Fresno delegation meeting with His Holiness Karekin 1: From left to right: Zar Der.Mugrdechian, Steve Catholicos Karekin is the 131 ing the Armenian Church in the Adams, Hovannes Kutnerian, Levon Karakshian, His Holiness Karekin I, Very Rev. Fr. Sasoon Catholicos of All Armenians. United States, the challenge of re­ Zumrot?khdian, Allan Jendian. ChriStianizing Armenians- iri Ar­ The bells ofEtchmiadzin tolled menia where for seventy years an State campus in 1980 and 1984. held the office of Catholicos of All Sarkissian-111 votes, Archbishop the news of the election of atheistic communist govertunent - The National Ecclesiastical Armenianforthirty-nineyears,died Karekin Nersissian-123 votes, Catholicos All Armenians to the was in power, and various other Assemblyiscomposedofdelegates on August 18, 1994 after a lengthy Bishop Barkev Mardirossian-61 multitude of the people who were questions dealing with internal from all of the Armenian dioceses illness. votes, Archbishop Diran anxiously waiting outside the gates administrative questions in the world-wide. 399 delegates, both On April4, the first round of Guereghian-42 votes, Archbishop of the Monastery of Holy Armenian Church. layman and clergy, began to arrive voting was held in the Cathedral of Grigoris Puniatian-38 votes, Arch­ Etchrniadzin. His Holiness Kareld.n I has in Armenia the week before the Etchmiadzin. The first ballot had bishop Zaven Chinchinian-9 votes, After being elected the 131 been a frequent visitor to the United scheduled elections. eight names and the voting results Bishop Aris Shirvanian-3 votes, States and spoke on the Fresno His Holiness Vazk:en I, who were as follows: CatholicosK3rekin Bishop Gueregh Kapikian-:2 votes, See CATHOLICOS , Page 8 4-A&E Hye Sharzhoom May 1995 Eleventh Annual Saroyan Festival By Karen Karabian by William Saroyan will be per­ leases in order to take advantage of Hye Sharzhoom formed live on stage at the the main sources of publicity. Laundromat Perfonnance Space, The main priority facing Chair­ 1114 N. Fulton-"The California man Don Eskender and committee BenAmirkhanian was one man Boyhood of William Saroyan" and is to ensure that all events go off with a vision. A vision of unity, smoothly. The committee hopes to appreciation, and recognition that "The Best Year in the ·History of the World" For tickets call 222- expand their activities in the future begins in 1985. It was the celebra­ to encompass as much ofthe public tion of Fresno County's anniver­ 0674. The committee also sponsors as possible. They have shown an sary and Ben led a walk through interest in including adults in the Saroyan 's "Armenian town." The a writing cqntest for students first grade through college. Treasury Saroyan writing contest. response and participation was so Saroyan is the only writer to successful that the William Saroyan bonds ~e awarded to the winners and their names will be announced ·receive the prestigious Pulitzer Festival Committee was formed to on 88.1 FM June 4 at 8:00. · Prize (although he did not accept it) honor a remarkable literary talent. and honored with the Drama Critic "Saroyan was a persistent On June 26, the Saroyan in the Park Band Concert will take place Circle Award in the same year. writer with a style of his own. He beginingat6:30atWoodwardPark. Saroyan's Oscar is on permanent was fast on a bicycle. Saroyan An expected 3,000 will be present display at the Fresno Met. delivered telegrams on his bike and to The William Saroyan Festival the first twenty dollars he made enjoy the festivities. Fifty short stories written by Committee anticipates a huge tum­ was spent on a typewriter. It was a out of Armenian and non-Arme­ time when making a living as a William Saroyan about famous and nians. "For Saroyan was a famous writer was unheard of," Ben re­ not so famous people he met will be available only at the Festival. native son, he was born in America called The first obstacle appeared and became an American writer," TomarkSaroyan' sriding days, when the committee attempted to said Ben Amirkhanian. the Festival will feature two days implement its tradition of activities The Festival Committee is a of bicycling for 400 racers. Sat\lf­ by publishing a general calendar. way of appreciating Saroyan. day, May 20, there will be an eight This approach was hit and miss Amirkhanian stated, "It represents mile course east of town and Sun­ since the majority of the public the deserving recognition for day, May 21, riders will tackle forty remained unaware of the festivi­ Saroyan's literary works, Broad­ laps around eight city blocks. ties. Recently a public ·relations way plays, and as many as 150 Other activities include: The Books arid Gifts man underformerGovernorGeorge unpublished books yet to be dis­ SaroyanArmenian Historical Walk covered." on Apri129. Thursday and Friday, Deukmejian has organized a media May 12 and 13, two plays written gui~e. mailing list, and press re- to ASP Gifts to the Armenian Studies account of Monte Melkonian Program Sabatdjian Library and how he was loved and Armenian Painting Course and A vedian Archives respected in Armenia and Karabagh. Shemmassian, Vahr am, for an creates.-student interest Professor Dickran Kouymjian important collection of Arme­ and the Sahatdjian Library of nian language books on Ar­ · By Sean Clark ars are few, therefore the class was vidual topics included references the Armenian Studies Program menian history. These books Hye Sharzhoom encouraged to offer independent to iconography, text, binding, would like to thank the authors cover a wide period in Arme­ What is Armenian art? Art ere- points of view. The attendance was parchment and even Sunday School and publishers for the following nian history. ated by Armenians seems like a composed of students currently lessons for the Biblical stories. In books· and periodicals. Varoujan Mardirian. Sculptures reasonable answer. However, is an enrolled and. members of the com- all, Dr. Kouymjian covered more 1985-1994, Beirut, 1994, 95 Armenian artist painting New En- munity-at-large eager to investi- information than time would al­ Books pages, beautifully illustrated ... gland barns creating Armenian art? gate this r3re opportunity of stUdy. low. with color and black and white Perhaps, then, by definition it is art The class was assigned the role We learned that to our instruc- Beledian, Krikor, Les Armeniens, reproductions. Available done in Armenia. Would that of the scholar. So much is still tor Armenian miniature painting in the series Fils d' Abraham, through Marine Mardirian, qualify an Italian artist sketching unknown about these miniatures wasmorethanasubjecttobetaught- Maredsous,Belgium:Editions 1331 Barrington Way, Glen­ Armenian chmches? Our need to that many interpretations are open this is his life's work. The slides of Brepols, 235 pages with maps dale, CA 91206. A stunning c~gorize creativity with labels to fine tuning. We looked at the the miniatures were photographed andcolorplates. Ahandyover- catalogue ofMardirian 's sculp­ falls short when describing con- images deductively and learned by him. Major scholarly studies view of the religious history, tures in wood. temporary works. There was how- from them simultaneously. The have been published by him. And literature, and art of Armenia Whitmore, Jon, WilliamSaroyan. ever, one time-period from which dynamic of the course was to be the advancement of the field is his by one of France •s leading A Research and Production art can be separated and identified . exposed to as many miniatures as focused priority. For us, on there- authoritie¥-nn Annenian lit- Sourcebook, Westport-Lon­ as purely Armenian. Manuscript possible. The emphasis of indi- ceiving end, we drew knowledge erature. Krikor Beledian is don: Greenwood Press, 1994, illustration or miniature painting vidual description was association directly from the source. It is true ProfessorofArmenianinParis 268 pages. A particularly rich done by Armenian artists, with to time period and other related that a group of students can be . and Lyon and a poet guide to Saroyan' s theater with Armeniall scribes~ · bound. by. j\r: mateiial~-The -three week course overwhelmed by quantity: over Der Mugrdechian, Jr., Bob, for a synopses of his major plays. menian bookmakers in Armenia is benefited from these approaches twenty-five years of research do copy of Volume 5 of the Full of new information on an excellent window to the origins by immersing us in the total schol- notcondenseeasilyintothreeweek- Gantzasar Armenian Thea- production and archival mate­ of Armenian art. The earliest frag- arly experience. We absorbed and ends. Despite these limitations, the logical Journal. TheJournalis rial. Jon Whitmore is Dean of mentedpagesbeginadramaticpro- assimilated the material more effi- depth and beauty of the miniatures published by the Diocese of the College of Fine Arts at the gression of art and storytelling, ciently than had the format been came through, as did Dr. the .AFmenia.n .Ap·ostolic University of Texas in Austin beginning from copied works-of- the normal twelve weeks. Kouymjian'sownpassionforthese Church of Artsakh. and holder of the Effie Marie ten of foreign somces-leading to Evenwiththecompressedtime rarities. His efforts continue in a Kamalyan, Seyran, Avon mer Cain Regents Chair in Fine the unique masterpieces of the Ar- advantage the amount of data was fashion that bespeaks an expertise achkerov [Avo through Our Arts. menian greats. over and above what can be cov- not often found at the California Eyes],Erevan:Nairi, 1994,238 This journey was recently di- ered ·in a three unit section. There State University...... -----'------.. rected,asacourseofstudyatCali- areover30,000knownmanuscripts Beyond the course, Dr. Etian Appointed Peace Corps fornia State University Fresno, by with some 5,000 to 7,000 contain- Kouymjian seeks to advance the Director for Armenia Dr. Dickran Kouymjian, Haig & ing one or more miniatures. In the study of the Armenian Arts. His Isabel Berberian Professor of Ar- firstmeetingalone, we viewed over devotiontomanuscriptresearchhas Sylva Etian has been appointed Health. menian Studies. The intensive onehundredslidereproductionsand put him on thecuttingedgeoftech­ to the position of Peace Corps Di­ From 1983 to 1987 Ms. Etian three-week study incorporating five still barely scratched the surface. no logy. Currently he is in the midst rector for Armenia. She has been workedfor US AID as the regional centuries ofArmenian Gospel min- Starting from fragments attributed of initiating the frrst CD-ROM da­ working in the field ofinternational director of the Center for Nutri­ iatures was only an introduction to to the late 6th century we discov- tabase of the Index of Armenian development since she served as a tional Planning, an institute of the the immensity of the subject. One ered images dated beyond 1,000 Art, an enormous undertaking un­ TEFL volunteer in the Ivory Coast Zairian Ministry of Public Health. would not think the study of manu- A.D. The challenge put to us was to precedented in its breadth. It is that in 1973. Ms. Etian is very excited about scripts over a millennia old as on- find the correlations between im- kind of vision that Armenian Min­ From ·1990 to 1994 Ms. Etian the challenges of working and liv­ going process, but there is still much ages, and then relate them to other iature Painting 121 came out of. was employed by the Centers for ing in Armenia. She is the daughter to be discovered. The information known sources, whether Armenian, Diseae Control as a technical advi­ of Mr. and Mrs. Hovig Etian of is extensive and the trained schol- Byzantine, Latin or Persian. Indi- sor for AIDS and child survival to Clovis. the Nigerian Ministry of Public May 1995 Hye Sharzhoom A&E~5 80 years without a·pology...

April 24th community march culminating in rally at Fresno City Hall.

Sunday April 23 ceremony at the monument to Armenian hero Soghomon Tehlerian at Massis Ararat cell;l8tery.

Barlow Der Mugrdechian, Chairman of the Armenian Community Council of the San Joaquin Valley addressing the rally

Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian. Young scout.

Genocide survivor Sarkis Boghosian. Photo Essay by Gina Kaklikian Taro The youth make their voice heard. 6-News Hye Sharzhoom May 1995

ral gas to Armenia, four hours power regard with RA Ministry of Com­ supply schedule was established munications. Main partner of the Arinenia Update for the population ofYere van, start­ company in Armenia is Yerevan's ing on April19. "Telephone" enterprise. Parliamentary Elections Held In 80th Anniversary of Armenian The Turks then began deport­ late into the night, Armenians Artsakh ArmeniaIn The Eyes Oflts Lead­ Genocide Marked ing Annenians living in eastern climbed the hill to Dzidzernagabert YEREVAN ("Respublica Ar­ ers Exclusive Interviews For YEREV AN,Armenia (AP)­ to Syria. Turkey says to pay their respects to the martyrs. menia", "Lragir", "Azg" dailies), Respublica Armenia Weeping and bearing flowers, 300,000 Annenians died in the de­ Kurdish Parliament in Exile Rec­ 05/02/95 - The elections to the YEREVAN ("Respublica Ar­ Annenians from around the world portation but rejects accusations of ognizes the Armenian Genocide new permanent parliament of the menia" dai.ly), 04/26/95 - converged Monday to mark the 80th genocide. THE HAGUE-The Kurdish RMK have started by 7am on April According to Annenian Prime anniversary of a mass expulsion of In the 4th century, Annenia Parliament in Exile, which began 30. According to the Chairman of Minister, operation of the nuclear Annenians from Turkey. became. the first nation to make operating last week despite mas­ Central Elections Commission plantwillstartin45-50 days, prob­ The deportation became a Christiaiiity as its state -religion. sive Turkish opposition, issued a M.Ohanjanian, they are being car­ ably in mid-june. Nevertheless, it massacre thatAnnenians say killed Western Annenia was invaded by statement Sunday commemorating ried out based on the RMK law will not supply electric power to 1.5 million people from 1915 to Ottoman .Turks in 1405. E~tern the 80th anniversary of the Arme­ about elections, with consideration the network for 15-20 days. Dur­ 1923, and created the global Annenia was annexed by nian Genocide. In the statement, of international norms for imple­ ing this period, its "behavior" will diaspora of Annenians from their in1828, and was part of the Soviet the parliament also discusses mentation of similar political ac­ be under close investigation of Caucasus Mountains region. Union from 1920 until1991. Kurdish complacency in the Geno­ tions. • scientists, and if a single param­ Gareky Zarkoian, a 90-year­ Genocide Museum Opened in cide during the early part of the Swedish Company To Install eter would not be corresponding to old survivor of the deportation, laid Dzidzernagapert century. Payphones In Armenia norms, it will be shut down again, a modest bunch of flowers at a YEREVAN (Fact}-The high­ Azerbaijan Refutes The Geno­ YEREVAN ("Golos Annenii" despite $70mln spent for its re­ monument on Swallow's Nest hill light of this year's pilgrimage to cide Of Armenians daily), 04/27/95 - A Swedish opening. This is not probable in the Armenian capital Monday. the Dzidzernagabert Genocide YEREVAN ("Lragir" daily), company ''Telephonica NTD" is · though, and the supply of electric­ "The horror of genocide can­ memorial monument was the inau­ 04!25!95 -On April24 the Azeri installing interurban payphones in ity to the network is expected to not be expressed in words, it has to guration and opening of a Geno­ TV was flooded by programs which Yerevan. start by the end of summer. Mr. be experienced to be understood,'' cide Museum Monday as govern­ not only reject the massacres of 1.5 20 payphones were already: Bagratian confirmed that popula­ said Zarkoian, who lost his entire ment officials, guests and tens of million people in Turkey in 1915, installed in the central telephone tion will be receiving 10-12 hours family in the deportations. thousands of people gathered to but reportedly evidencing for communications centerofYerev~, of electric power per day ifopera­ Among those joining Zarlmian commemorate the Annenian Geno­ massed beating of Turkey's Mus­ in "Yeritasardakan" and tion of the plant is successful. at the monument were Annenian cide. lim population on the same year. "Barekamutyun" metro stations. J\RAGIL News provides this PresidentLevon Ter-Petrosian; His In addition to this, a proposal His Holiness Karekin . I, These are "Urmet" debit-card news s~ary for information Holiness Karekin I, Catholicos of Catholicos of All Annenians, was was made to name the streets of payphones, made in Italy. The purposes only and does not assume the Annenian Church, and ethnic on hand to bless the museum. He Baku by the names of the leaders owner of a corresponding card can responsibility for the accuracy or Annenians now living everywhere brought with him the remains of a of Ottoman Turkey. An explana­ make phonecalls to any CIS coun­ the content of the news reports con­ from France to . to the Genocide victim, he had person­ tion was given "that Azerbaijan try,. a connection with foreign tained herein. ARAGIL News as United States. ally retrieved from Der-el-Zor would not exist today, if Turkey countries will be established in the well as the original source of any Thousands of people marched Genocide victims, he had person­ have not in time behaved so". future. materials printed herein, should be past the monument, enveloping it ally retrieved from Der-el-Zor World Bank Provided A It is expected that all the tele­ cited if this information is repro­ in wreaths as an orchestra played · desert, where thousands of Arme­ Total Of $200mln Credits To phones will be replaced with time. duced. traditional Armenian songs. nians perished in grueling death Armenia An agreement was reached in this Ter-Petrosian also opened marches. YEREVAN ("Lragir" daily), . . -· Armenia's first museum of the Armenian President Levon 04/22/95-World Bank has only particular need to counter the de­ massacre, which contains letters, Ter-Petrosyan, accompanied by been providing interest-free or low BANQUET, from p. 1 nial of the Genocide by the Turkish photos and other documents about Harutuniah, Armenian Parliament interest credits to Armenia so far, Michael Gorman, dean of government," Dr. Miller said. "In­ the deportations. Chafrman Babken Ararktsian, since the republic is not able to CSUF Library , Services, was ex­ stead I want to share with you a few "The genocide was a purely Prime Minister HrantBagratian and carry the heavy burden of high cited to host the opening reception of the survivor stories that have political event dictated by the in­ Robert Kocharian, president of the interests. of the exhibit in CSUF Henry Mad­ moved me deeply." terests of the Ottoman Empire, and Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, per~ World Bank representative to den Library, where he was able to In his personal approach, Dr. aimed at the extennination of Ar­ formed the iibbon-cutting cer­ Annenia Vabram Nersissian ~d enrich the library with Armenian Miller managed to remember the meniansoni!S territory,'' the presi­ emony and toured the museum's that their fmancial organization has cultural material. Genocide and its effects in a very dent said. facilities. allocated a total of $200 min. "This library exists to serve memorable way. On April24, 1915, soldiers in Following the opening cer­ credits for Armenia the region and to reach out to the "I cannot get out of my mind the crumbling Ottoman Empire emonies, Armenia s leaders went Four Hours Power Supply Sched­ communitY," Mr. Gorman said. the image of a inotherfrom Hadjin, killed 235 Annenian intellectuals to the Dzidzernagabert monument, ule Restored ''This exhibition confmns, once who every night cut a portion of and political leaders, accusing them where they observed a moment of YEREVAN ("Hayastani again, the chaotic state the world is their blanket and sewed little boo­ of helping the invading Russians silence for Genocide victims. Hanrapetutyun" daily), 04/20/95- in today." ties for her children to wear the during World War I. Beginning at dawn and lasting With restoring the supply of natu- And the younger generation next day as they walked on the also enjoyed the exhibition. roughandstonydeportationroute," "I really 1~· it. It is a very Dr. Miller said. "I can also never ASP Annual Fund Donors-1994 special kind of art, and I wish more forget the story of Aghavni, whose (donations received as of May 1, 1995) younger people can get the chance husband had been drafted into the to. experience it," said Joseph army and was then killed in a mass Associate League Mr. Harper Gabrielson Krajekian-, a 20 year old biology execution of Armenian soldiers, Dr. & Mrs. Arnold & Dianne M/M Varoujan Der Siffionian Mr. John Garabedian student which left Aghavni with a nine Gazarian, Janalee & Brian, Mr. George N. Francis Ms. Carol A. Harootian With different thoughts and month old boy and a three and a Mechelle & Johnny, and Alyssa Dr/M Leon George Mr. George Hagopian feelings going through their minds, half year old girl." in honor of the 25th wedding Dr/M Ara Hairabedian Mrs. Stella Helghatian the guests slowly began moving to In his closi.Iig remarks, Dr. anniversary ofDennis and Mr. AlbertS. Hovannesian Ms. Kathleen Jenanyan the University Restaurant, where Miller reached out to his younger DonnaParnagian M/M Albert Kabrielian M/M Zaven Johnson they were greeted with the relaxing audience with an encouraging mes­ and in memory ofHenry M/M Sam Kalfayan Mr. Samuel G. Kadorian sounds from an oud and a kanon. sage. Barserian M/M Deran Koligian Mr. John Kalashian Delicious hor d' oeuvres, as­ There is an odd irony regard­ Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Hagopian, M/M Harold Manselian M/M Amos Khasigian sorted wines, dinner and dessert ing the Armenian Genocide, Dr. DDS M/M Gregory Mazmanian M/M Aram Khushigian allowed the 175 guests to enjoy Miller stated. ''The Genocide of Leon S. Peters Foundation Irene and Edward Peloian Mrs. Rose M. Ohanesian themselves while waiting for the 1915 created a diaspora, and many William Saroyan Foundation Ms. Sona Saroyan ·Mr. JackPeloian special guest speaker of the night, of you are in a position to repay the Patron ' Mr. Walter Sepetjian Mr. Harry A. Sachaklian Dr. Miller. · debt incurred by the intervention of M/M Gerard Chahmirian Yergat Packing Co., Inc. Mr. Albert Sarkessian During the banquet CSUF stu­ others in the lives of your parents Ms Penny Mirigian Emerzian Donor Mr. Richard Shahbazian dents were recognized by the Ar­ and grandparents," he said. Friend Anonymous M/M Richard Shirin menian Studies Program Scholar­ Otherspecialguestsatthe ban­ Mr. Hagie Kandarian Anonymous John and Diane Tekirian ship Committee for receiving Ar­ quet were Dr. Alex Gonzalez, Pro­ Mr. Edward M. Kashian Ms. Nevart Apikian Mr. Hrayr Terzian menian Studies scholarships and vost and Vice President for Aca­ Sponsor Mrs. Satenig Arabyan Mrs. Araks V. Tolegian grants for the 1994-199 5 academic demic Mfairs CSUF, Dr. Louis The Wearhouse-Mr. Larry Mr. ArtenJ. Avakian Ms. Anna Tookoian year. Most of the recipients are Costa, Dean of the School of Arts Balakian M/M Walter Bakoian Mr. Harry Topoozian working to complete minors in and Humanities, and Dr. Peter Mr. Jeff Atmajian Mr. John Baronian Mr. Mark Topoozian Annenian Studies. Klassen, Dean of the School of Mr. Dennis Badvaganian Ms. Roxanne L. Bezjian Mr. Topoozian Acres In the beginning of his talk, Social and Director of the lnterna­ Mr. Everett H. Berberian Mr. Bill Bohigian Mr. Martin M. Tourigian Dr. Miller announced that he was tionalPrograms. Many other guests M/M John Chookasezian Mr. Mark Bohigian M/M Haig Varoujean going to speak on a very personal from around the state were also Mrs. Lilyan Chooljian Mr. Harry Bujulian level. present. May 1995 Hye Sharzhoom News...... _7

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APRIL 24, from p. 1 cused on the survival of the Anne­ Tarkanian in Fresno- Dian culture. She emphasized the Jerry Tarkanian was named as Dr. Dickran Kouymjian, Haig strength and determination of the the new head coach of the Fresno and Isabel Berberian Professor of Annenian people to carry on their State men's basketball team at a Armenian Studies at Fresno State culture even in the face of over­ news conferen(_!e held _pn APril 5, said, "Tarkanian is the best thing to whelming odds. 1995. happen to the academic program at To complete Monday Tarkanian, who has the best Fresno State. His high standards morning's commemoration, the NCAA major college winning per­ and enthusiasm will be a standard Annenian Students Organization centage (.837) of all time returns to for students and faculty to match~" and Annenian Youth Federation coaching after a three year absence. Fresno State is one of only invited all students to join them in Tarkanian is a 1955 graduate seven universities in the United a march and demonstration at of Fresno State and he and his wife States with an Armenian Studies Fresno State and Fresno City Hall. Lois have a long time association Program. Tarkanian's presence on On Wednesday April 26th, the with Fresno. Lois' parents live near campus is expected to increase in­ Annenian Students Organization Fresno and he coached at Fresno's terest in Armenian S todies as well. showed the movie "Deer in the San Joaquin Memorial High Barlow per Mugrdechian,lec­ Mountains." The movie was a School. turer in the Armenian Studies Pro­ documentary of the Armenian sol­ · Armenian Students Organization members. The 64 year old Tarkanian gram said, "Coach Tarkanian will diers fighting for the Karabagh Genocide." A Fresno City College brings a 24 year Division I coach- be an asset to the University. I lands. After the movie, .Chahe Armenian's Grief by Hovhannes stu