Harry Hughes Elected to Join Football Heroes in Hall of Fame Rocky Mountain W. at Harry Hughes, Aggies for the past 41 has been chosen as one of tour recipients of the Helms years, Hall bootfcaii awards, which includes College having his name engraved Hall of the Fame trophy which is upon lodged COLLEGIAN Hall, Los Angeles, it has been announced. I in Heims three most recent of this The other recipients award are Byron Vol. LXII Fort Collins, Colorado Friday, September 26, 1952 No. 3 il-Whir/er” White, o£ Colorado Uni- of the S | versity, Morley Drury, of Southern Rodeo KB University Collegian Tells Team Places famed to Halt Floods d Clark Shaughnessy, cre- Storm Sewer ■ an Second in ■ I of the modern “T” formation. Nation a tor Staff to Positions 11 These selections bring forty-four SI of and coaches During Past Year ,"| IC number players of the to Appointment Collegian liwho have been named this Hall stall for the Last rodeo year 1952-53 was ap- year the Aggie team II of Fame. the of traveled’ proved by board publications its way to second place I Hughes’ picture wiil hang in the this week. Dixie Lee Hendricks in the national and Helms Hall will standings, SI Hall of Fame panel at up until the act as business manager with Punky collegiate finals in Port- alongside such famous personages Sandhouse her. land, last were lead- Alonzo Louis Little. assisting Oregon, June, at Amos Stagg. ■ in the race for the ing national The Editorial staff consists of. Frank Abraliamson, editor; Janet championship. 1 he Bernard, managing editor, Arlin n .mi traveled approximately 15000 Mauer, news editor; Keith Gardels, miles to attend college rodeos sports editor; Ann Watt, society throughout the western half of the editor; Carol Ann Moore, assistant United States from the Gulf society editor; Lenta Mauer, feature of Mexico to the Canadian border. editor; Mike Ihe club Gucovsky, copy editor; rodeo sponsors the and Chub Strahl, six photoghapher. man rodeo team which must sludeuia i here maintain 2.0 overall scholastic Aggie were amazed this tali to return to the and find are still several openings av- campus what resembled its on the staff of the Collegian for erages to compete. Over thirty Ag- closely a giant groundhog digging way across the oval. students made the In the excavation is for the of sports, society, news and feature gie traveling reality purpose constructing a storm sewer and team last at time for the in case of flood. The rejiorters writers, according to year one or an- draining campus sewer was nearing com- other. T he is member of the on the of the cloudburst and flood which editor Frank Abrahamson. team a pletion anniversary heavily National Rodeo the Aggie and eastern Fort Collim last The A series of short refresher classes Intercollegiate as- damaged campus summer. sociation. included several such under the will be held job “problem” operations as digging beginning next Mon- railroad tracks and a between 4 Ihe association has worked out working path campus day at p.m. in the Collegian buildings. office train the a a to staff. All persons point system whereby champion interested in the team is each year and working on paper picked are named in Includes are requested to attend these champion cowboys Campus Drainage System their events. Last classes or come to the office next respective year after Sull Ross State Teachers college Tuesday evening 7 p.m. Dam and Trunk Lines I W. Underground Harry Hughes sponsored the champion team. Dick from Oklahoma Barrett Colorado A M SHkiuiit Rixkne, Fielding Yost, J.unes & campus is now drained by a complete storm A v M was all around with hot Glenn Davis and cowboy II i pc. Harold Freshman Beanies sewage line which runs across town and into the Poudre. Part Roy Li I ley of Colorado A & M, K' Grange. of the project is a road which serves as a dam between Arthur runner-up. Lilley was also runner- I V product of the of On Sale A Club- | University By in the bull ditch and the Lab. This will divert up champion riding, Hydraulics water south before ■■Oklahoma, where he coached in Frosh be bareback riding and saddle bronc it reaches the campus. 11 !I light s began his coaching Prepared! Gene Brownell was fourth ■■career riding. The pipeline at the house west of the i few earlier, at Ed begins pump years Freshman Library, beanies are being dis- in the national collegiate bull rid- State then 1800 feet the jninoni! Oklahoma. Normal, m proceeds across tributed by A club members this ing. oval to Loomis and |||l'H)H Hughes coached football at College where week the men's and ■■Coliu.klo through Silver the 21 inch A Sc M from 1911 through Spruce pipeline expands to 36 women’s dormitories and fraternity inches. ■■1942 during which time his teams and sorority houses. Deadline Picture Deadline |Hsvoti oinicrence championships in Copy Mr. Wilkinson, city commission- A booth will be set in the 1919. 1925 and up §■9ls. 1916, 1920, er. pointed out that the 36 inch deadline for the ■ ■1927, student union to sell beanies to all Absolute deadline tor ail copy Appointment and tied for titles in 1933 pipeline from the increases Silver class is Nov- college freshmen who have been missed. for the Collegian is 8 p.m. Tues- Spruce pictures ■"ami 1934. to *lB inches before it terminates of all fresh- da\ stories turned in ember 1, at any one ot five studios Beanies are required evening. Any on the river. The total of in Fort Collins. length men and are available at the cost after this time will be held until this of the Blood Train section drainage system In of $l.OO each. the next week’s edition. Girls who are unaffiliated should is 6,200 feet. wear light (pastel or white) sweaters Ft. Collins Tuesday This size of the white pipe gives sewer or V-necked blouses, and boys a of 30 second feet of X should suits capacity llu blood train will be in Fort wear and ties. Other- run-off water at avenue °^' wise what the College ns onday, Tuesday and House Does It wear fraternity or mSt Again! and 100 second-feet at Co-Op the outlet. ■■Veclties. decides lay. The local Red C is sorority upon. The cost per square foot drained lias stated that they will be Members of social groups want- For the second the AAUW is 2.3 cents. IHinahU' consecutive quarter, Cooperative tt> meet the for the ing their picture to appear with quota for last two house has topped all campus scholastic averages spring Ihe estimated total cost of the ■Hast days, that group must mark the envelope b it announced the registrar’s office. the and construction is set at $110,876. The II V>u have not been contacted quarter, was Wednesday by at studio accordingly an ( » additional contract was let to the K. S. pledging, at the charge of cents will Mittry IB please stop In with its FarmHcuse fifty keeping past record, fraternity placed last °bice and be made for the company June. The pick a print. company IgP". up pledge second Gamma mi ! bese highest in scholarship, followed by place Alpha is providing the labor and » cards should be back Pictures that were used for the only bC Rho and Theta Chi in third place. machinery to install the with office by 5 o’clock Silver Spruce last year may be used pipe 1 ' the the materials. s Theta led the soror- city supplying •ilternoon. If there is no one Alpha if the studio at which had the i^P Kappa 111, Fraternities you 'be office, slide card under followed Delta 42 2.32 taken is contacted. Of total iff' the ities, closely by FarmHouse picture the estimated cost, the Gamma Rho 51 2.58 door. Phi Beta. Alpha |Hhe Delta Delta and Gamma Otherwise there will be will contribute Theta Chi 32 2.54 a charge college approximate- fra- Phi Sigma Delta, as lowest Sigma Chi 80 2-53 of $54,000. This $2.00 per siitting. and this in- ly purchases an ease- Chi Alpha 68 2.49 will retain the traditional Lambda for ternity cludes at least ment the for Sigma Phi Epsilon 103 2.39 two good proofs. college perpetual Dumbo in its of the Pick interfraternity cup Phi Kappa Tau S 3 2.35 An additional charge of fifty cents use city’s trunk line, to which Up Books Tan Kappa Epsilon 31 2.33 Activity possession for the second traight for each additional will be the college line is connected. Alpha Tau Omega 45 2.32 pose 38 2.32 and there be ■Student activity books for this quarter. Phi Delia Theta charged will a charge I | Acacia 30 2.28 > 4 of for and I may be the is list of $l.OO retouching hand- I •*i picked up at Following a complete Sigma Nu 76 2.27 I Men 85 if orders made E . Sigma Alpha Epsilon 2 27 ling are from Gym office this afternoon averages: any Book Pics and American Commons Club S 3 2.22 Activity I all d,.y Membership more than one proof. E Saturday. Phi Sigma Delta 14 2.15 I Student - Including E tickets for the DU- Organized House Croups be made at Students who did NOT have Pledges Avg, IV Other Appointments may I Aggie AAUW Cooperative House 19 2.87 -1 football game next Satur- I. All Student Body Average the following studios: their pictures taken for and point »y»- activity Student Body 2.43 Marking system quality I October 4, must be vali- grades are reported by letter Barnhart 120 West Oak books will to the | 'b• All Men 2.38 tem—Term Studio, report photo of and 11 the only. The scale g-ades quality Il' gym office anytime All Women 2 59 Street, phone 342-W; Fishback Stu- lab (basement of Old Main) 2 66 points follows: btttday, I Sorority Women I II or Wcdnes- Quality Points dio, Hotel Monday, 29, 8:00 a.m, to uesday Non Sorority Women 2.52 Armstrong Building, Sept. 1, I 1) A of Grade Per Credit 11:30 4:30 I charge $.70 ticket Fraternity Men 2.41 267; Miller Studio, a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to per 4 phone 146*/* ls ’’' Non-Fraternity Men 2.57 A (Excellent) ‘tig Unless these South You MUST have tui- I | charged. H College avenue, 85; p.m. you t!r 11. Sororities (Good) phone Cols are 2 tion with .' validated, students K.ipmi Alpha Theta 56 C (Average) Will Shimer Studio, 624 South Col- fee receipt you. Be- f j| 1 ll( 65 2.73 D (Poor, but passing) re Itrlta Delta Delta fused admission at 0 October 6, a late I.I the I avenue, 785; Swanson ginning picture ," Gamma Ptii Beta 48 2-70 (Incomplete) lege phone game. F 0 fee of .25 will be Kappa Delta 45 2.61 (Failure) Studio, 605 Remington Street (new charged. WP Passing) 0 Sigma Kappa 36 2.53 (Withdrawn 0 location), phone 259. Delta Zeta 42 2.49 WF (Withdrawn Failing) Colo^aixs Farr Collxss, — Mooxtaw Coujxia> 2 Settem*!* 26, 1952 Rocky Frosh Elections Speechmokers Tell Concerts Feature Four Attractions Harry Hughes to Slated for October Purpose, Activities Basques, Baritone, Pianist and Trio Nov.8 Be Honored will be held I Freshman elections Tongue Th, e-rents are four outstanding week October 20. have a Concerts presenting of of special inures • 9 Coismssity Harrv Hushes, director ath- during the in sji from daw of- d h The of Basques for die 41 for freshman *"“ " “ wa this season in Fort Collins. Enrkadi, a group letics at Agg*« past Nominations 1 The on!,"', Ifovember 6. often called the “Dean of those nominated by •peak.ng I Spain, will present an evening of singing and dancing vears. ficer*, except will be honored made ;n s 2 desire to wccoiue rnJ Americas coaches." *» ill be party more barrionc star of and radio, petition, fluent 5 Todd Duncan, stage of Coach the fourth week of famed at a special Hughes day. caucus during Ihe has Hean and sen group a four Casadtsaes, young pianist fold n ■ February, 8, in connection with the fall term. nt November ter concert is March, and pose: tn collegia t< Robert Casadcsues, will present a piano football competiL 9 the Aggie-Utah university freshman bureau ~■ for fac- member of the 9 the Columbia Crincert Trio, with the Mu;.c Bu.lding college Any shake’s . .game. talks I at the of by students, will and students till October class meeting qualifications intramural swT 9 violin, cello and piano, present ulty - Qa<~h Hughes will retire next he wishes to competition, the of SS.SO for students and the office for which .ng public the last in cost he reaches the of serviceTnd I concert ApriL 1. when age forums. Their Julv is available at $6.00 for adults. be a candidate, upon presentation purpose to j I Season tickets are 65. He will be the of honor e Vf guest Re- all kinds of real to the Board of of a speaking 9 dinner the of Novem- petition expo at a evening ience to student*. B s-iew showing the support by signa be attended don't ber 7, to by Three don'ts on kissing—i. expected of the freshman class, ture of 5% hundreds of former A Sc M students Discussion, debate. 9 is over 80 sears old. the office oratory kiss a girl who will be a candidate for m radio will , to A k \f in 1911. speaking nter I the wick doesn't need turning up Hughes came freshman elections and will around in the the Fair Employment kerosene. as of athletics and coach mm there isn't enough director on the ballot Practices M just have his name placed commission and He head football the 2. don’t kiss girl whose false teeth of ail was Comma* ■ a sports. without affiliation. party threat. The club and that has FOR MEN aren’t in rightly because too won't coach for 31 years during scheduled 9 meeu in Kalamazoo, of teeth -rm* elevens took look well wearing a set over Aggie seven con- Michigan B Provo, Utah; B 3 don’t kiss a girl who ference In addi- Albuquerque, welcomes roar own. championships. you Mexico; Lincoln and veil because it's his track woo mans his name?" Denver. I is wearing a heaw tion, squads Coach Dunn: “What's and in- just like eating soup without taking conference championships Students interested Man: Zsrychplichysrtuei." should cot 8 of can. dividual members have set mans Back-on-Campus it out the tact Mr. Rov Nelson sponsor; hen “Fine him on 8 records, one of the most famous be- Coach Dunn: —put Iverson, president: Mark Mahet 9 like that Glenn \forris, decathlon cham- the team—1 never did "You have the wrong number, ing vice Kaf, president; french, seen 8 the 1956 on WTOL.” sir. but the right line." pion in Olympics. announcer Mike with tary: Cucossfv, treasure 8 invited They are to attend tie 8 Tuesda-. B meetings night. 7:15, 1001 —T—- WO in nW rtsairt ■

— SB

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_ 8 Who is he?

red-blooded sons of This chap represents thousands of young, AH the Lr2n.il know to stand on his own, to too great American families. He is ready of He is for a bright the *ll ike okayed carry his share responsibility. preparing 9! future and desires to train further toward his success. He new Fall ftyle* in out for his and home. collar wants peace, security, and a full life family shirt with a "relaxed' Left opening line-up and his If be, he is ready to defend his right* country. tinee Eaky himK-lf he on to in defense of American liberties, Roll When serve —our new Van under wa* an grad. and with the will be fully trained and equipped to fly fight Hne’i lift of a oar U. S. Air Force. "roll collar" shirt

•! v d- E.s-qu.re-* erline This is what he will do Lrandr. Yea can rpot by Von Heusen will to in school and graduate row frrorite* at Today’s college man plan stay into military if at all possible. If he is faced with early entrance a gLmte. Stop by to he will service and at least two years of college, Van Heu»en freshen possesses Only op roar and choose enlist Aviation Cadet in the IJ. S. Air Force v»ilh * as an eoul J tonic up wardrobe cr jaat Observer. A/ter a year between becoming a Pilot or Aircraft knockout collar -t>l« to *ar “ke3o", he will of the world s best instruction and training, graduate thi»! Collar art* crsc. 3C. like won't into real man-sized and wear the from ten- you. a job ally curve* make* America’s finest • • wings of flying fraternity. ter to point* • Commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the of fabric a »oft arc S. will casual and U. Air Force, he begin earning nearly WHERE To Got More Details that * more • His future will be unlimited! wnh Ar«< for $5300 a year. Vmi yaw lit Air Fare* lou or relaxed—perfect Up- la A rtofiM CoSof, HooSqoortors, U. t Air Porto, Windvor knot. C. C he W—Aiipli.ii 25, com* How qualifies setting and extra nun JUSCtAPT $ becausa He is between the ages of 19 and a ouavu fortable inner neck- 26 H years, unmarried and in good there'* no h or his band no *l*r« physical condition, especially ... 111 Mn heart and teeth. After he In broadi - eyes, ears, stay*!

has graduated from a recognized or oxford.

or college, or has earned university $4.50 at least two years of college credits, he is eligible to enter the Aviation Cadet Training Program and will UGH £5 receive immediate processing for T WEA^ alignment to training. By sending IT.S.l .S. AIR FORCE n /WEN/ for an Aviation Cadet application V'« 133 So. College now, this Most Important Young K 162 So. College Are. Phone 51 103 Man in America Today will help PHONE bring about a peaceful tomorrow. September Rocky 26, 1952— Mountain Collegian, Fort Collins, Colorado 3 Evening Courses Open Penney's Goods For Those Interested Pfnney’s are


Philosophy of Vocational Edu- cation is taught by Robert S. who Hunter, was recently appointed head of trade and industrial edu- cation A & M Circle of Omicron in the psychology and educa- Colorado tion department. The class meets from 7-9:40 p.m. on Wednesdays. Installed Here Last I he Delta Kappa May course is designed to provide iT an opportunity for merchants, busi- Deita national Omicron Kappa, honorary men’s upper class nessmen, tradesmen and others to initiated 24 men into the leadership fraternity National Circle become acquainted with the aims in the of of ODK in a ceremony student union followed by a ban- vocational education.

the Gilbann room of the Northern quet n Hotel. “•Social Psychology” is taught by- A & M of The Colorado Chapter Omicron Delta was Mrs. assistant Kappa Mary Dutcher, pro- m ■■■: : installed on the same date into the national organization. Gordon fessor of psychology and education. the of I his Johnston, dean of College course, offered on Tuesday national is for those Law of Denver university, NOTICE evenings planned per- of ODK presided at both sons who are interested in under- president All organizations desiring student and initiation cere behavior and the the installation council standing group appropriations must turn monies. interaction between the and in their estimated budget bv Octo- group individual. ber 8 the Those initiated who are return- to Associated Students HIVC'S a sad Lobster tale. Sheedy was really in hot water. His office the second of Dr. Ballou also announced that "The Maine I don’t like about ing to school this year are: Dale on Moor the girl kept saying, thing you is the student Mental will be hair! red about Wiidroot Brockman, Don Scothorn, Keith union annex. Hygiene taught way you pot your Haven’t you Cream- from 7-9:40 Boil Hair Tonic? Non-alcoholic Morrow, Frank Abrahamson, Har- again on Wednesday Relieves annoying dryness.. Removes dandruff. old Robert evenings. This course is loose, ugly Helps you pass the Finger-Nail Choate, Harry Peterson, The taught by most unbelievable golf story Dr. Test. Perfect for 'claws need Lanolin on that A1 Dean William R. Conte, who is on you you water- Melvin, Weinhold, Dy- of the year appeared recently on the staff ol soaked hair." Paul Wiidroot Cream-Oil and now he shore Bob and President W. the Colorado got bing, Stoll, the Psycho- sfjorts page of a Daytona Beach looks slick. In fact, he’s in salad with on So E. Other members pathic hospital. every girl campus. Morgan. faculty It read: “At this the paper. point, if you're net-tied about hair, butter shell out 29# at Hubert W. Col- your messy of this chapter are deserted the gallery T hose persons who w-ish to take bottle defending any toilet goods counter for a or tube of Wildioot Cream- lins, Dean T. H. Evans, and Dean to watch Miss Blank, whose any of these courses champ may register Oil, "Your Hair’s Best Friend.” Ask for it at your barber’s, an- Walter 11. Horlacher. ODK was shorts were on the at the of be dropping green* department psychology tenna to one you'll tickled pink! this brought to campus mostly with and astonishing regularity.” education, room 501, Adminis- through the combined efforts of the *of131 So. Hams HtURU., Wtiltamsvtilt,N. Y tration building. Further informa- \ Found: former dean of Clev- Ole students, Jack tion regarding the classes may be Wiidroot Inc, Buffalo 11, N. Y. and last student A sweater has been turned Company, enger year’s body gold obtained bv calling 1101, Extension president. Corky“Grandy. into the Student Union office. 91.

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the Harlan Drake, Bob Coleman, Ron Bauer, Al- Gamma Phi Beta Pledge pins seem to be the latest thing on Aggie George the G Phi look is len, and Pattinson. TKEs are also to have Proudly wearing pin are Nola Acott, Laura campus. Everywhere you someone sporting a Jim glad Barnard Bud Mast, a transfer from Arizona State Beverly Cahill, Gloria Collins, Sue new at the Nn house include Ntd sophomore Bisgard, Conley. Curie • pin Pledges Sigma June rn ’ yU« Richardson. John Stephenson, Merrill Brush, Bill Ash- college at Tempe. Feucht, Geraldine Foster, Beverly Gibson, Mary Jo Green, fcayj Lennox, Little, Karla ton, Deryl Dunham, Loren Reid, Jim Farquharson, Mary Betty Millay, Joan Niedenthal, Pat Phi Sigma Delta Wolff, Bill Janice Priebe, Nancy Service, June Sharp, Bonnie Dick Adams. Jack Spencer. Harley Sly. Jack Smiliie, e Phi Sigma Deltas are now in the process of putting O^CT Russ Ron Sutherland, Sharon Straub, Georiga Teney, JoAnn Thoms, Sue Watkins ’ Henry Tyler. ’ and n Lyall, Hyerstay, the touches their home 625 Rem- ° finishing on new at Tothr Dick Starbuck, Bvron Arnold, Charles Casey, Pat Mil- Williams. ington. A great deal of work is being done by the enski, Bill Sorrell, Williams. Dale Sigma Phi Epsilon Day, Doyle John the house members and pledges to convert into a Austin, Gene Weiss, Don Sniff. Bill Peters. Pever- Pledged to Sigma Phi Epsilon are A1 Altosore, Bob Jack liveable home. “With all of stated Allen, Dick 15 us pitching in," ° Don and Charles drews, Jack Bertagnolli, Bob Dateri. Jimmy Dowd, Davcv ly, Riegei. Draper. Joe Doua D President .Mark Miller, “a housewarming is seen in the can, Gress, Hartman, Herbert, Willis Lyle John Gary Holland R Delta Delta Delta near future. Johnson, Bud Johnson, Jim Keck, Ted Lewis, Bob Lucas, Elmer'LanL New DDDs are Anne Anderson, Carol Beardsley, Theta Eddie Locke. Don Marshall, Don Moore, Kappa Alpha Byron McKitrkk, Ronald Vr h Gretchen Cox, Howell, Judy Day, Nancy Phyllis James, ieli, Herman Miler, Bill Marschner, Karl Otto, Gene Theta has 21 new are: Picco, Bill PoV Paula Kaaz, Barbara Koclc, Dot Le- Kappa Alpha pledges. They k Betty Kinyon, Phil Pratt, Don Rutledge, Gene Charlene Baldwin. Diane Buck, La Jim Ryan, Ritschard, A1 Scawell *Re Baron, Dona Ruth McDonald, Madalyn Bentley, Marilyn ” Lough, Kay Saunders, George Don Thomas, Fred vina Marian Harmon, Hill, Tempel, Wall, Fred Watts \Va Palmes, Carol Ann Pratt Coryell. Nancy Janet John- McKinney, Carolyn Janet Walters, Tom Watt, and Willis. son, Marlene Koerler, Marcia John Sharon Russell. Sitzmann, Katy Jordan, Lacey, Rogers. JoAnn Jo Sprague, Phi Alan Miller announced his Leabo, Barbara Amora Sig recently engagement io Sue Carol Walter. Joyce Mayber, Shirley Moore, Mills Tyler, Joan Janet Whitney, Margaret of Oklahoma The Pantuso, Patcheu, Rankin, Wilma City. couple are planning a spring Wilcox, and Pat Williams. Sally Joan Sapp, wedding alter which will reside in Fort Collins where Alan will Nadene Sherman, Diane Stiles, Sue Welch, Patricia they continue his were at the Lambda Chi house Mon- Cigars passed studies. New of Phi Cohan Williams. pledges Sig are Jay and Martin Teller Emerson day night to announce the pinning of Floyd to Gay At a dessert at Sigma Chi Rosie Peason of Denver. Dwight K. Brown is also on party Lory Tuesday night Joyce announced her to Robert Thirty-six Sigma Chi pledge pins can be seen on the the just-pinned list. Rosemary Cahalan of Denver is Ferguson engagement following boys Don Anderson. Rex Kierckeberg. Able, Jerry Arrowsmith, Bob Beecher, Frank now wearing his pin. Boai Terry Branson, Don Brown, Skip Chauvin, Mick Davis, Dave Lambda Chi Davies Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fred Foote, Dave Grow, Martyn Hall, Allan the of Lambda Chi Hayes, Jim Kercheval, Don Wearing pledge pin are Pat are the of Love, Bob Peterson, Bob Forty-two boys wearing pledge pin Roger Peterson, Price, Bill Bill R Bums. Bob Chick. Marv Gelroth. Neil Horstmann. Rankings. e?. Thev are: Dean Skeels, Ed zonico, Savoini, Dave Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Jim jim Shelly, Smith, Don Smith, Harold Steffans Kenneth Schumann, Dean Uhl, Chuck Mahoney, Hardv, Gary Garwood, Bill Wavker, Mark Hicks. Jerry Dick Teodonno, Dick Trurnpe, Jim Wagner, Roland Norm \ lass, Arthur Crowfoot, Marvin Graham, Charles Wickersham, Rave Stroh. Wafer, Arne Newton, Don Zavislan, Rich George Wilkins, Jack Williams, Clements, Dean Lewis, and Milt Laidlow. Fred Mills, Smyth Ronnie Davis. Gar- Jim Vogt, Ken Herron, Ed Kiefer. Burt Waltz, Chuck Robertson, Wayne Carter. land Moore, Tom Lewis, John Collison, Jerry Sweeney, Charles Reed. Bill Bill Baker, Leyden, SPE, his Killgore, Joe Kenny Harper. announced engagement to Doris Anderson Bruce Pusheck. Ralph Marker, Selby Young, Chet An- Ken Snodgrass, David Druva, Bob of Another Walt Jerry LaGrange, Longmont Monday night. Sig Ep, Scott, was married derson. Don Williams, Dick Peterson, Johnny Cain, Plant, Jack Morrison, Merle Loeta, A. Hanson, to Falk of CU 14. John Carolyn June Floyd Oliver, also a and Larry Dick Hamilton, and ATO Sig Ep Harriet Norm Tweed, Paul E. Don Ost- Payne. Reggie Hough. George Peter, Hall, Bain said their vows September 20. include Bruce wald. Bill pledge Buckingham. Jime C.olemau, Jim Jim Hayden, Houston, Jack Bryant, Jim Sigma Kappa Cruise, Orval Jones. Joe Salisbury, Larry Hoffmeister, Gardner. Bill Kosika, Astler, Rasmusson, New Barbara George Jack Sigma Kappa pledges are Adams. Beverly Brenneman Ron Holcomb. Ken Shannon, Jim Kreie. Skip Worth, Wayne Campbell, Eugene R. Stanko, Swank, Marian Barbara James Brown, Evert. Mildred Green. Ollis Hopkins, Texit and Dick Zuspon. Bob Buffalow. Chuck Andrews. Ronnie Dav. and Jack Juelfs, Mary Kenyon, Shirley Kerns. Glenna Ferves, Virginia Marble, Man the McCart. Mable Barbara Bryant. Among newlywed Phi Delts are George Gar- McMillan, Olsen, Norma Rader, and Man Delta Zeta field and his wife, the former Barbara Ken worthy, Warner. Delta Zeta are now seen married in I KE Bill Ernst's pledge pins being on rhey were Chicago September 13 and are fraternity pin can now be seen on Betty Brook from Patricia Cramer, fan Goodwin. Jeanie Harper, Maxine now both enrolled at CU. Also married September 13 the University of Missouri. Another TKE in the news—Gene Line Hessel, Howe, Sells and Pat Ball. and Lois Weber Jeanne Shirley Hutchinson, Marjory were John are now signing their names as Mr. and Mrs. Gene it Laßue, Katy McFarland, Patricia Pratt, Alvce Senti, in the Elwin E. Mauer army. was married on September 14 to Mary Lou Shaller, Mair Sherman, and Gerdav Wil- Acacia Miss Whitten of Shirley McCook, Nebraska. She is a helm. Acacia are Don Gene senior pledges Wowrell, Weber. Arlyn Winemiler, nurse at Saint Lukes Hospital in Denver. Dick Bunn, Don Bnght, Gene Humburg, Gene Shank. Frank Shoemaker Phi Delta Gamma New housemother at the Theia Chi house is Mrs. John Clark, Wayne Buck, and Bruce Smith. The thirteen boss who Phi Delta pledged Gamma Guv Smelser. to AGR are Ed Fred Allen, Bob Bud Pledged Bigelow, pledge president, are Dekleva, Dewey Engelsgerd. Duke Colket, Vermillion, Stan Theta Chi Frank Barnes Ann Strom John Huntzinger, Hunewiii. Jack Classe, Pit Johanson, Terrv McGinley, Clarence Chrisp, Ron Geisert, married Jean Wayne Duane of South New Newman, D%>n Dude Stewart Brown, and Orange, Jersey, this summer. Frank Brady, Umphrey, Jack Lvthgoe, Jim Potts, A1 DePorter, Walt Roalstad, Jim graduated in 1951 from Savage. Grace, Jerry Wheeler, and Chuck Woolridge. Tau Aggies. Cpl. Floyd Maxwell, former Aggie student, recently became engaged to Don Ed Weirich, Sam Keith Kappa Epsilon pledged Pyle, Sig Ep Gardels was the pinned during sum- Ethel Narthrop. Watkins, Lawrence Tom Schwindt, Mall, Eugene Lutz, mer to student nurse Barbara of Denver. Tompson New officers were elected Tuesday night at the Co-op house and arc as follows: Carol Marlyn Rankin, president and AWS representative; Kraiger, song leader; Ruth Cabell, social chairman; Alice Coleman and layeko Nasu, ISA representatives; Kay Velzing, intramural represents Anna tive; Rasmussen, reporter. Campus capers Kappa Delta KD pledges include Mary Bcmar, Marilyn Cimh.o. Carol Cito, De laine Dameron, Syvilla Fraser, Donna Garrison, Sallie George, Sherry Harris, call for Coke Rita Hofmann, Nancy Imbodcn, Betty Isbester, Darlene Johnson, / Beverly Koch, Sally MacLagan, Meredith Rumble, Lois Scheidegger, Joyce Smatt, Charlotte Smith, Carole Stocker, Carol Strelesky, and Mary Everyone enjoys the break anne Weirich. Carroll Lesco, Tom Rose, Kenneth, Robert Stokes, and Herb Fnstroro between classes. The lid's off are new wearing the ACC pledge pin. Theta Chi pledges are Jim English. Tom for a time and relaxation's Jack Collins, Fred Roberts, and Ned Peabody. A farewell held honor of dinner was at the Sig Ep house Sunday in ; the mandate. What better fits Mom was Haigreaves. She has been with the Sig Eps three years ant presented with dozen the moment than ice-cold Coke? a roses from the chapter,




r COMPLETE DRYING SERVICE Z /5 mZ Come here and do •15 -i W.OS* your washing £ Twill save you lime and money Or leave your laundry bundle We will gladly do ii for you.

bottled under authority or the coca cola company IV We’ve appreciated Aggie patronage in the past And and last. COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. of hope our friendship will last FORT COLLINS, COLORADO

'V ?I6 S. .Mason e 891 n of Post Pho» "Colr» h a nohtmrmd trodm-mark. Alley West Office © IM2, THE COCA-COLA COMPANY September 26, 1952—Rocky Mountain Collegian, Fort Collins, Colorado 5 William S. Hill to Address First Rodeo Club Organized Barn Side Bean Feed ihe Rodeo club held its first Will Be Held Sunday of Student Club meeting Tuesday night. Several of Meeting Republican the Horseshoes of Colorado officers have been called to the Lucky service A & M will have its first so a election was get- William S. Hill will be the first special Congressman speaker for the held. together this 28, Officers elected are Bill Walt- Sunday, September when wifi Barn Side formed student Republican club Thursday evening at 8 ers, they sponsor a newly president: Joyce £eeck, secre- Bean the ballroom, and Feed at college stables at in the small tary; Jim Roth, treasurer. p.m. invited 4:00 p.rr. Everyone is to A box social is being planned Hill has lived and farmed in Kansas and most old new members; Mr. Colorado, lor come; the first part of October. For and interested at LaPorte. Also he was and any bystander. Reg- in, recently principal superintendent further information attend the y\ MViicatt, ular will start school and later the Larimer 4-H Rodeo club meetings Thursday at LaPorte high was county meeting next Tuesday FASHION has also in at 7:00 and will be held in the leader. Mr. Hill night Room 203, Ag at cluh Building, EARRINGS 7:00. worked with the Colorado Potato Green Room of the student union. From $2.00 up—plus tax association and the Stand- Sorority Pledges Growers Mercantile Vie for ard company. Trophies See It's Separates for Fall! the Selection Sigma Chi Plum Street Review Complete We Have the Latest in by Carol Moore at Corduroy Skirts, Knickers, and Vests Well, all little you lovely sorority to mix or match with another pledges, year has rolled those new folurd print over blouses Garwood's around, and it’s time for the annual Sigma Chi Plum Sueet Review. Qe.uie.leA.i. The time is this afternoon at four BON MARCHE o’clock; and the 200 Plum place, Just South of Walgreens Street. 111 West Mountain This year’s activities in the Plum Street Review will include

the a weighing-in (and I use term loosely), a pie-eating contest, also

a bubble-blowing contest, an egg race, the ever-popuiar kissing

booth, and the main event of the afternoon, the selection of Miss

Plum Street of 1952. Each sorority will be awarded [joints for participation in the var- ious events. The sorority having William S. Hill the largest number of points will be awarded a trophy. been ob- the the Featured speakers have All men at Sig house tained to speak at future club meet- cordially invite everyone on camp- ings. Watch the Collegian for fur- us to come and watch the Plum ther announcements of meetings. Street Review.

these for looks Get good ... S UJ-.M ARROW WHITE SHIRTS




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1) choice of Best-looking shirts on (and offl) campus. Big c.

collar short, .. button-downs; widespread!; styles . v3S-«s medium and long points. Ail with the famous Mitoga Parker “21” Parker “2V Parker “21” trade-mark of trim, fit. . assurance tapered . . your s DeLuxe Custom "Sanforized"® fabrics keep their fit through constant With metal silp-on A luxurious pen with 12K rolled gold choose favorites todayl launderings. Come, your solid engraving on plate cap and clip—- cap. Hoodetl point. metal and clip. only gold cappedpen Colors: Black, Blue , cap

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one of these smart new Parker schoolwork Writing's fun with the New “21”! You glide through of the wonderful new 8-metal better writ- on a super-smooth point Octanium, 21 ’s. Smart styling ... and blots. alloy. Ink is specially meteied to prevent skips reservoir What’s the “21” stoves more ink in a new-type seldom offered at more, ing features Parker’s exclusive, lull-length which you can see through. And Choose new FOR MEN hooded point protects against smudgy lingers. your twice the for school now! PHONE 51 162 So. College Ave. even price. Parker ”21” of the Also see the economy pen volue year...PARKEUE—S3.SO

Copr. I#5S by TU« Piukor P»n POR ARROW UNIVERSITY STYLES 6 September 26, 1952—Rocky Mountain Collegian, Fort Collins, Colorado Barbs and Blooms Champ’s Corner Freshmen might just as well find

it out now before it’s too late.

There are who come to Sergeants Spence and Senteney were 'somewhat ruffled when the gals Aggies to take advantage of the Miner’s frosb started pouring out of the stands la*t Saturday night at >he excess males., i. on game in Golden. e., they’re working their MRS. It seems the Miners felt we were adding insult to injury, as they were cars of fellas blasted from their But to see the con- nearly seats once and sometimes twice by the cannon back announcing each Aggie tally. spicuously cruising and forth those The by Rockwell and without cannon was unfortunately placed directly below the frosh stands, the and when the the without aid. autos lining porch railings of mass onslaught began, good sergeants were students the houses looking at the gals you Aggie immediately poured out of the stands and across the wonder which way it is. field, and soon the cannon was safely surrounded with "A” jackets. Once the The conduct oi patrons of the cannon was placed in a less objectionable area, the incident should have ended. coffee shop, including faculty mem- those bers, was lar from admirable this However, who felt they had more to offer the crowd in the service of entertainment the week. Naturally the isn’t way dragged affair on for most of the rest of the takes while 1 don't feel that in quite up to par—it a game. our student body was any way at fault for the students outbreak ol the trouble. lor the to get used to It is every man's right and duty to protect his their and for it is he should jobs things to run property, however, once safe, go looking for no further Let’s be and trouble. The that for the smoothly. patient hope group stayed was most part curious as to what that the lines shorter. would and One get happen nothing more. or two had gotten themselves in The lawns and around trim with little "Old Overshoes” and grounds fighting a were intent on doing have been in battle for the sake of old Alma Mater. campus certainly put 1 his is the where thanks to the grounds point we as Aggie students fell down. We should top shape, staff who have worked all have the of these red-nosed summer. ignored taunts gladiators, and gone back to While we’re on the it the stands watch the rest subject, to of the shellacking that Coach Davis’ squad had better better was out. Instead pour sometime handing we milled around the field placing ourselves in the next 50 so we can on the same level with less coherent in years get our opponents, the eyes of the trouble’s worth from the public. our storm We have sewer. several games on iht schedule where the spirit of rivalry Now the have the “I wanna one book—‘Forever Amber*: An’ will run I that at these all be Republicans buy how’s ’bout throw, high. hope games we can proud of the conduct of idea—begin when they’re in’ in book-jackets of ‘economics one,’ ‘business math’ an’ our student body. proper ‘psychology’?’’ train them. * # • # • young and Anyway good in 1956. Ihe the oval is luck, young Republicans, parking on again becoming a problem. There will One more soon be a Student Council committee the question—what hap- working on problem, but we New for to our athletic Faculty Appointments This that we can avoid to fine students for violations pened de-einphasis hope having our this year. It is up to you to tell the frosh can’t program? upperclassmen they park on the inside of the oval when them Year Are State you see doing it. Approved by Board ***** More Truth Than Poetry new members added to the All Eight were Aggie ;his groups interested in obtaining funds from Student Council faculty year. please Four thousand years ago, Moses in The State Board of also announced the get your requests as soon as Agriculture resignations possible. said to his people of H. Prentiss Gazaway, assistant professor of Fake your camels, mount your economics; Peyton N. research assistant in mechanical asses, and follow me to the prom- Davis, engineering; JimmieS. ised land, Gregory, assistant horticulturist; and Jesse L. Mellor, assistant Four thousand years iater, Roose- professor of agronomy. as seen in 0 velt said to his people, august Faculty appointments were as member of the faculty at New M« Throw down your shovels, light up follows: icx) A He M he seventeen college, is a graduate your Camels, set on your asses, Dr. Victor A. nap a\v\o Miller, new assist- of the University ol Idaho and This is the land. 0t» promised of ant professor pathology and bac- received a doctorate at Rutgers Truman wants his • •• -5' Today, people is © teriology, a graduate of Kansas university. ROW off their and to get asses, pay V Slate and has the Robert S. • •:•:•: '• :::: %•.. college taught at Hunter <>l Hmw, Idaho for the promised land. (With . V' of Arkansas and at Texas has been University appointed .is teacher-train- to apologies H.S.T.) A & M college. er and assistant professor of trade Dr. Carl A. has been and industrial education ■: iV Newjiort under NOTICE appointed as assistant of of Colorado A k mm professor joint sponsorship All for the He M news society page forestry'. recently completed college and the state board lot of the for I COLLF.fi lAN must be study a doctorate at New York vocational education. in 4:00 State school of by p.m. each Tuesday. forestry. He also During the summer the Arm _ holds from the ROIC V DonaidsoUofjcoUand degrees University stall lust M jor Vance of and Trieste Michigan Oregon State col- Hill who was ordered to lege. and Lt. Colonel Vithur L. Gunn, NUWEAVE'S New assistant the professor of econ- who was selected to attend omics is Dr. Rex D. who command and stall school. ■ NYLON SLACK SOCKS Rehnberg, geuetal I fc, received his doctorate from Purdue Cafcmel Gunn bv Lt fS was replaced tie university, has been a research Colonel Marcus W Brastz. xlw $l.OO pair assistant at dm j>er Purdue university and recently returned from combat has taught at the University of with the 25th division in Korea. Arizona since 1919. Major Hill’s repl.t- -men* is Maj<* Two instructors a korru were added to Lloyd E. Jones, Jr., also the secretarial school. service there **• They are veteran, whose Miss lloise Jacoby and Miss \faxine with the third division. Patterson. Miss Jaroby, a graduate of Nebraska and two State Teachers college, The beautiful blonde received her master’s when the* degree at the brunettes were friendly ■■■■•■ ■ •.• • ■ of Driver. Miss in University Patterson, offered a Marine private the a graduate of the Hut when university of ville, N. C., a ride. wool him * cloud-soft zephyr Virginia, was awarded her master’s t«io attacked hin robbed degree from razor, i the University of Col- threatened him with a a orado 0 '* at this Ih e wee-thrifty price summer. sent for the police. P Latest to e addition to the where \ agronomy chief knew exactly j is I SCOTCH SCALLOP ... faculty Dr. A. D. Czltaj Dotzenko as the complaint, however. assistant beat"' 11 \ in untie the Classic slipover with a beautiful agronomist the Agri- filed the case cultural —Student ie ■ difference knit-in contrast Experiment Station. A to die” .. . scallops! ways dept - - Of 100% wool French Spun Zephyr, 100% PURI VIRGIN NYLON I with double-looped neck. Wonderfully In washable, shiinkage-resistant. Mauve/navy, SOLID COLORS white/navy, white/cherry, ice blue/cherry,

t navy/white. Sizes 34-40. Sites 10 to 13 POUDRE VALLEY 4.98 CREAMERY

Block Phone 333 J. M. McDonald Co. V'i West of Post Office

158 So. 141 So. Cdlrge Ave. Fort Collins, Colorado College Avc. Phone 58 September 26, 1952—Rocky Mountain Collegian, Fort Collins, Colorado 7 NOTICE improvement of reading skills. In the of the Class spring 1952, stu Reading Open The class meets at 10, 11, 1 and activity schedule dent activities office requested that Students who wish to improve 2 Tuesdays and Thursdays. Stu- ail organizations turn in the names their abilities do so dents enroll for combina- Rm. reading may may any 26 ASME, 7:00, 100 M. E. Bldg. ol their Friday, September officers for the 1952-53 this in tion week Hawaiian Club. 7:00, FUst Lounge quarter by enrolling a of two periods per at Hours, 3-5:00, Rm. school Chaplain Home Economics Club, 7:00, Ammons. year. A number of service Protestant organiza reading class. These classes the Counseling Center, room 115, German Club, 7:00, Green Room tions Fellowship Picnic, have not turned in this infor- are Mrs. Fern Hintz of before October 7. NSA, 7:00, Gold Room. taught by forestry building, Park. mation. Student Columbine Would come the for 5-7:30, City Council, 7:00. Lounge. you please offer two There is no extra rharpe made English department, O 27 F.ntomoloa-y Club, 7-15. Rm. 227 Ag. Bldg. into die Saturday, September Office of Student Activ- hours week of in the this class which is non-credit. Forestry Club, 7:15, Forestry Bldg. per training State, letnpe. ities at Football game—Arizona Xi Sigma Pi, 8.00, Forestry Bldg. your earliest convenience Ammons. \ Party, to turn I\V Pajama Oclobei 2 ui this Large Ballroom, Thursday, information for Elks Dance, 9-12:00, Falls. Dames Club Tea, Faculty Lewstone Lounge. your iiikr.s Club, respective organizations? Protestant Chaplain Hours, 3-5:00, Rm. 28 COLLEGE CLEANERS Sunday, September 312 Union. Did hear that Hayloftcrs Teaching Session, 4-5:00, Old you about football „ riub 6:30, Ammons. 7:00, Green Main. out west? Science Organisation. game A hula dancer was 116 West Laurel Phone 11

leaching Session, 4-5:00. October 4 • \bbh Hayloflers Saturday, 1 . Main. Old Football Game—D. U.—Denver ■ 7T7 . f # Pool at Ammons. Swan Club. 4-5.30, State Guidance Conference, Union. Pep Council. 5:00, Gold Room. Hikers Club. Hailetts Peak. •1 A',. -A \C2-pella Choir, 5:00. Physics Bldg ?.• Club, 7:00. Rm. 203 Ag, Bldg. ■' X* i!* -Aii Rodeo NOTICE Speechniakers, 7:15, Rm. 300 Old Main A" Club. East Lounge. Infirmary officials request all 1 Wedeusday, October students who have not had their Ammons. Orchcsis, 4:00, chest X-rayed to report at their A Cappella Choir, 5:00, Physics Bldg. earliest convenience. The Lancers. 5:00, Columbine Lounge. X-ray Room. Spur, 5:00. Gold machine broke down Monday so Delta Omicron, 7:00. Ammons Lounge. students will not need excuse Livestock Club, 7:00. Rm. 203 Ag Bldg. any ? Horticulture Club, 7:00, ort. Bldg. for being late for their appoint- AIF.E. 7:00. E. E. Bldg. ments. ASCE, 7:00, C. E. Bldg




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And no wonder. Few can resist this Our part in TV transmission is only one of miracle that has brought the world and set among dozens activities that keep us in Come in and line get acquainted it down in front of you. Living history, the front of modern communications. Politics. U. N. all flowing past your eyes. They are reasons, we believe, why college should the formal 29 sessions. Sports. Spot news. Personalities. people find out what Bell System Opening Monday, Sept. has to offer in the way of opportunities. We in the Bell System help to put you in Bell Lab- don’t ask this front-row seat on history. Why you your college place- Door Prize oratories research contributed to TV de- ment office about it?

Suede Jacket

Drawing 30th at 7:30 A Tuesday, September p.m. ■ BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM lie sure to register Monday or Tuesday

YOU NEED NOT RE PRESENT TO WIN C oll e gi a n, F ort C olli n s, Colorado 8 Septe mber 2 6, 1952 — Rocky M o u nt ai n rough li n e averaging 2 0 0 pounds f or h a s s uc h st a n d o ut s a s John J e n ki n s, S o ut h t a c kl e Gri d d ers a n ctli er l a d, at a n d Fl y N e gr o K a y G e e Ko m ments Vir gil Savage, br ot h er of for mer

f o ot b all er Bill Savage, at c e nt er.

i n It’ s n ot all Johnson t h e b ack- St at e h er e w e b ack t o Cl a s h wit h Te mpe W ell, A g gi e s, ar e a n e w gri n d. Att e m pti n g fi el d eit h er a s Te mpe still h av e t o fill shoes of t h e fa mous, a n d s o m eti m e s W a hli n j o ur n ali sti c i nf a m o u s, C oll e gi a n h alf b a c k M ar vi n a n d q u ar- e dit or s of t h e t hi s o n e will t o t ur n t h eir b elt t h e Colorado A & M f o ot b all p a st att e m pt o ut a c ol u m n Wit h o n e vi ct or y u n d er terback B o b Hendricks fro m t h eir t h e m at eri al a h ot or t h e Ariz o n a t ur ns u p, argu ment r a g e s, a m biti o n squad wi n g s s o ut h today f or t h eir d as h wit h t h e rugged 1950 squad t h at b e at A g gi e s. Di c k It will b e fill e d wit h si d eli g ht s, squa wks, sl a nt s, s q ui b bl e s, f or t h e u n d er- a n d Di c k C urr a n ar e al s o squab* H St at e at T e m p e. N o ti m e will b e i n st or e Mackey c oll e g e e asy sl a m s, sy mpathy a n d si n c er e st pr ai s e f or a n y s p orti n g ■ b a c kfi el d m e n f or Coach e v e nt s b ut tea m t h at h a s topnotch d o g A g gi e s to morro w ni g ht a s t h ey g o u p a g ai n st a t h o. e of i nt er e st f or average A g gi e s p ort s f oll o w er s. t hi'“‘ V nl > S mit h. Enough of w hi c h h a s Cl y d e h er e i mported pl ay ers fro m St. M ar y’ s of C alif or ni a dropped i s t hi s w e e k’ s “ Kay G e e K oi n m e nt s.” ' N o A g gi e I nj uri e s Francisco conference r ac e f o ot b all a n d S a n u ni v er sit y. T hi s y e ar' s S k yli n e pro mises t o b e t h e ' O n t h e A g gi e si d e Coach B o b cl o s e st wit h tea m of t h e ( h e w ar a n y capable copping titl e or Hardin- Si m mons seeded t hir d D a vi s s ai d, " Were g oi n g do wn wit h m o vi n g i nt o' T i n t h e S u n D e vil s at- squad will h av e ? Bi g g u ns t o p di vi si o n. T h e R a nt s a long r o w t o h o e if t h e i nt e nt t o wi n. Y V e s uff er e d t h ey w a nt' 2 6- 7 a ground at- n o t ack i s John H e nry Johnson, a di s pl a yi n g str o n g f o urt h ° t h eir l a st y e at pl a c e st a n di n g. I n f a ct at t h e i n t h e Mi n e s a n d i mprove coaches f o ot i nc h 2 0 0 c ol- t a c k. i nj uri e s ga me si x t w o pound h el d i n S alt L ak e t h e l a st of ferenre Cit y A u g u st t h e s c h o ol s’ O v er Land s h o ul d b e s et f ot a cti o n." m or e d r a n f or t hr e e Rugged everyone ° b o y. Johnson thought t h e deserved n o b ett er than fift h. h av e A g gi e s A n d these 6 3 off a T f or m ati o n T h e o nl y pr a cti c e i nj uri e s c touchdo wns i n cl u di n g a y ar d Running s plit w ell ** kno w e ac h ot h er s squads a s a s a n y nc wspa|>enna». J.j st ; _ di e D e vil s r oll e d f or 3 5 8 been Fr a nk Cru mpacker w h o r e- n r et ur n a g ai n st Hardin- Si m- S u n y ar ds p u nt b ut t h eir o w n tea m t h e coaches fir st hi s wri st i n f all a n d b o dy pi c k e d Wyo ming Ut a h l a st w e e k. r at e d o n t err a fir m a alt h o u g h t a ki n g t o br ok e e arl y S e c m o ns Te mpe St at e, otl( f oll o w e d b y Denver u ni v er sit y, Ut a h st at e. Colorado A & * T D i n t h eir B o b R olli n s w h o b e o ut b e- M , second i n t h e B or d er conference b e- t h e air lanes f or o n e m a y M e xi c o, a n d M o nt a n a. Y o u n g, N e w I n t h e o nl y conference r oll e d wit h t h e Texas A cause of a n s h o ul d er. r , hi n d Texas T e c h, o v er a ga me s q u a d. bi g i nj ur e d d at e f o urt h r at e d Ut a h A g gi e s j u st squeaked b y a tough Montana sq Vd li st e d l a st. ‘

B el at e d c o n gr at ul ati o n s ar e i n or d er t o o ur o w n Al e x Arr A nt L B url f or t h e Shoes Alr- O- Mj gi c h e made l a st o n t h e W e st C o a st. gr a n d sho wing June Al e x, w h o i s Alli g at or Rain wear i nt e nt All e n Ed monds Shoes o n n aili n g do wn a st arti n g o n t h e gri dir o n l A c\ ni n. L. s a y s: s p ot t e a m, f o ol e d t h e A merican G e ntl e m e n Shoe* s o- c all e d tr ack ex p erts a s h e g ai n e d a b ert h i n t h e Baracuta Rain wear Ol y m pi c try o uts H e di d t hi s second B ass " Weejuns" b y pl a ci n g t o T e x a s’ D a n S mit h i n t h e A A U B o st o ni a n Shoes try o uts at Long B e a c h, C alif or ni a, wit h a 1 0. 4 s e c. 1 0 0 a n d then Briti s h W alk ers m et er g etti n g si xt h C alif or ni a Sport wear welco me i n t h e N CAA m e et at B er k el e y. S mit h l at er pl a c e d f o urt h i n C at ali n a S weaters t h e Ol y m pi c s t h e fi n al at Cha mp H at s I n Ol y m pi c L o s Al e x w a s try o uts Angeles o n e of i v t h e s Cit y Gl ut; Shoes b ut fi ni s h e d l a st q u alifi er s i n a t hrill er. h at s off t o Cl ar k s of England D e s ert B o ot* A g ai n t hi s r e gi o n' s b ack Coopers H osi ery f a st e st h u m a n. Coopers Sports wear Crick et e er Jackets Of i nt er e st t o all tea m f oll o w er s i s t h e announce ment Coach Cush- N- Crepe S ol e s b y B o b D a vi s t h at m o vi e s of t h e Ariz o n a St at e will \ C utt er Cr a v at Ti e s ga me b e sho wn i n t h e D aks Sl a c k s Gr e e n R o o m, of t h e St u d e nt U ni o n 1 2 at noon A n y a n d all Dobbs H at s Monday. st u / Dr e x el Socks d e nt s ar e welco me t o t hi s second of t h e m e eti n g cl u b. It D y n el Processed Socks wi s h c a n lunch i n t h e E a gl e Cl ot h e s y o u y o u pi c k u p y o ur c af et eri a a n d e at w hil e w at c h Colorado t h e Edgerton Shoes i n g g a m e. F al c o n “ Chi H- Oodger" J a c k et Fi el d Jackets For mer b a c kfi el cl a n d A Str e a m A g gi e fresh man b a s k et b all c o a c h. R o b ert L Fl or s h ei m Shoes A & M '' B o b” Sneddon, h a s been t o t h e Colorado F o st er Sports wear ' a p p oi nt e d u ni v er sit y coaching Free man Shoes st aff. Sneddon f o ot b all W e b er pl a y e d at J u ni or c oll e g e a n d at St. Ha m monton P ar k Cl ot h** M arys b ef or e t h e Aft er Harris wear Stor mcoats e nt eri n g N a v y. b ei n g discharged fro m t h e s ervic e h e C oll e g e - H arri s T weeds wit h t h e pl a y e d Washington Redskins a n d t h e L o s D o n s. House of Cr os by Square Shoes Angeles H e h a d Inter woven Socks been o n t h e Colorado A & M coaching st aff si n c e H H 7. J a nti e n S weaters Jar man f a ns Shoes Alt h o u g h m o st A g gi e m a y n ot h av e kno wn it l a st Saturday D. A. J u Mli ar d ( Bl az er Stri p e J a c k et marked t h e e n d, at l e a st f or t h e i m m e di at e b y W hit e St a g) f ut ur e of t h e gri dir o n s eri n Kr a y Processed S ock* wit h Colorado Mi n e s t h at h a s d at e d fro m 1 8 9 3. I n those 5 9 y e ars A k M Lacka wanna Sl a c k s La mb h a s w o n t h e Mi n e s h av e K nit S weaters 2 5, taken 1 6 a n d t w o c o nt e st s h av e r e s ult e d i n L e e ► H at s ti e s. H e h av e scored / 8 3 w hil e t h e racked 4 3 3 L o s Angeles Sportogs " Sun Sudes” j Hii nt. s Orediggers u p W h at’ll it b e i n c oll e g e st yl e s, T h at fir st r e s ult e d wit h M a n sfi el d Shoes p oi nt s. ga me a 3 5 t o 1 2 wi n f or t h e A g gi e s. T h at M arl b or o S hirt s h at y e ar w e al s o wit h w hi c h l o st a n d a d e erst alk er or a j a c k et M a st er bilt Sl a c k s inaugurated ga mes D U, w e 1 0 t o 6, J. B. Laskin —( Mouton wit h C U, i n w hi c h w e 7 6 wit h t h e b elt i n t h e La mb C o at s) g ot p a st e d t o 6. Any way w e wi s h t h e b e st of back? M a v e st S p ort Jackets l uck i n t h eir of t h e M a yf air Sl a c k s defense Rocky M o u nt ai n Conference i. e. if t h ey 1 When it co mes t o f a s hi o n, Mili u m ( Air cr aft J a c k et b y S hirt cr aft) t h eir da mn fr os h fro m keep a way o ur beloved cannon. Nunn- Bush Shoes kno ws t h e Esky a n s w er... Nyla- Q- Cord Under wear P a cifi c Mill s ( S urr et will S uit s) — j u st a s h e kno ws w h at’ s ri g ht P ari s G art ers P hi- B at e s Shoes i n a n d good groo ming w h at’ s " writ e” Pl e et w a y Paja mas WELCO ME STUDENTS! P ort i s H at s f or good s c h o ol w or k. A n d Esky s ays Rand Shoes R aj af o m e S ol e s Co me i n a n d l o ok t o s e e o ur t h e na me brands li st e d R a nf air R ai n c o at s R o b ert R ei s Under wear Re modeled at N e wl y a n d Expanded F a ciliti e s ri g ht. T h ey’r e t h e sa me o n es Sportr wear b y Revere R o bl e e Shoes D e er y o u s a w a dv ertis e d i n Es q uir e a s R o c k, K nit Topcoats H u nt ers Reserve Y o ur L ock er N o w!! Aft er Si* Evening W e ar " Back t o R e f or e t h e R us h Ca mpus" s u g g e sti o n s. Rugby K nitti n g Mill s Si m mons " Mr. Sli m Ti e Cli p s Check w h at y o u h a v e... s e e w h at Schaefer S uit s S c ull y Suede J ack et* n e e d. MA C-VA N y o u H er e ar e y o ur S h el b y Shoes L OCKER C O. S p crt C hi ef J ack et* b e st b uys of t h e n e w t er m. St et s o n H at s 1 6 3 V V. M o u nt ai n w St or m st er C o at* S ur. di al Shoes S wank Accessories m ■ Taylor- Made Shoe* m Ti m el y Cl ot h e s Top- O- Mart Cl ot h e* V a n Heusen S hirt* Walk- Over Shoes WAT C H F O R T H E OPE NI N G We mbiey Ti e s Westbrooke Cl ot h e* Weyenberg Shoe* Wi n g s S hirt s of t h e Wi nt hr o p Shoe* " Vorkto wn” "hoes b y G ar di n er T OILET RIES Vit all s H air T o nl e VA RSITY G RI L L Suave H air Dr essi n g \ Gill ett e R az or A Dispenser Menn*n Cr e ar.i H air Oil S e af ort h Snave L oti o n LEATHER £ LU6SABE w h er e t h e S a m s o nit e Luggage Dopp Kit D e w C ar S a c Dr o p I n n i s n o w ) Pri n c e Gardner Fi n e L e at h er Accessories JE WELRY Keepsake Dia monds L a m e nt Watches W e Will Still H av e P ark er P e n MISCELLANE OUS \f Y OUR F O OD FAV O RITE B arc a Lounger C h air • i East man Kodak Ca meras Y OUR FAV O RITE M U SI C 6 S- M. Fr a nk Pi p e s Cl * l Mill er Hi g h pf # B e er a n d Rogers I mports ( Pi p es) •i V. P ortl a n d W o ol e n Mill s ( Blsnkets) Y OUR FAV O RITE BEVERAGES S et w ell Hangers Shop P a k Pr oj e ct or t / «•'* »! » « R al ei g h T o btcc* V M Phonographs O E m., I n c 1 4 9 Li n d e n September 26, 1952—Rocky Mountain Collegian, Fort Collins, Colorado 9 Smash Miners girls should watch the bulletin TEACHER JUDGING 26 to 0 boards in the for further Rams gym in- The Council the formation and be on Teaching at brushing up on University of Colorado uses the Burl Runs in Season WOMAN SPORTS their serves and volleys. Opener following criteria for judging teach- in each the Swan Club ers: Scoring once quarter by for their 1952 Try outs swan dub will be Colorado Aggies opened 1. Does he show interest in his Loita Mauer held at the in with a decisive 26-0 Tuesday pool Am- football season work by attending department Hall 4:00. of mons at a surprisingly strong Prospective meetings? thumping Hotkey Hints and Day off the Helps swans should be there then or see Mines team. Working 1 he 2. Is second annual Hints he a good counselor, at- the entire Hockey Jean Weakland, president, about “I” formation and strange Helps Day will be Saturday, tracting students with problems? Rams showed too much requirements. the 27. game Sept. All girls wishing to and defensive par- 3. How much publishable writing offensive speed in the Modern Dance ticipate Intramural does he the Hockey do? before 5,000 spectators and strength arc with a flair for program invited to meet on the Boys girls Field. Brooks modern 4. Does he invite heads the at Golden’s oval trom 9:00 to 11:00 dance are invited to at- of for Saturday previewed con- tend dance to observe and criticise The Aggies morning for fun and refreshments. a workshop during the department a well-balanced back- his ference scouts next three weeks. The methods? 1 hose who meetings Alex Bur! have had no with lightening hockey will be at 5:00 in the field women's gym. will have The answers these the speed, Don Bur- experience an opportun- to questions, providing At the of the workshop qual to learn skills while the amount of enthu- the and ity experienced plus general roughs pinpoint passing ified dancers will become members brush siasm shown for his work and the Mohorcith and players up on crashing Joe Jerry techniques. of the modern dance club—Orche- opinions of senior students the necessary Much A demonstration will sis. For further usually Zaleski power. game pro- information see determine whether or not a teach- were tinder vide of their wares kept Alex Burl entertainment and clarify the Pat Sells, President. er’s contract will be renewed. for the rules and cover, however, toss-up Syk- techniques of hockey. All which looms line Conference race women students are welcome to Mines still had plenty of fight par- ahead. left and ticipate. launching their most suc- cessful attack Burroughs Passes moved deep into Ag- Hockey Season Begpns from gie with Carl Head of A six-yard pass Burroughs territory Piercy pass Hockey, Jean Weakland, AMERICA YOUR Home for the first and has -Ou-ncti to Zaleski ing running. With reserves announced that the season will Theatre march with tour most of the action climaxed a 51-yard playing way see- officially begin on Tuesday, Sept. and and left in the sawed in the fourth until at 5:00 with Today Saturday! minutes thirty-five quarter 30, the first game. Student Admission 50c CONTINUOUS Bob Rollins af- Burl crashed off- for the 1 earns will PERFORMANCE first quarter. point be formed next week Identification DAILY STARTING AT 1:30 By Presenting touchdown was wide. The fourth touchdown late in the and lists the ter try quar- posted on WAA bulle- Miners, led brokenfield runner, ter. This climaxed an 81 drive. tin boards. All by -yard girls, experienced or NOW SHOWING Elias Stetz, took the ball into On the line standout are deep performers not, invited to sign up on a IPREAM but lost it for the *n» Thru Aggie territory on the Rams were defensive signal team. Sunday thirteen yard line. caller Bob Blasi and end Blair General Meeting _Suf!»j • Kuril Lnrau. Then continuing to runoff the Work. 1 he first genera! of Plus! AU "I” Coach Davis’ Rams pushed meeting f STATISTICS WAA will be held at 4:00, Oct. 2 down to the Mines 10 but fumbled Mines A&M in the \NEW lounge at Ammons. Girls in- the ball The Miners were away. First downs 8 14 and terested in members Rollins becoming J|6>R


MONDAY THRU WED. Remember No. 1 / The LOVE, LAUGHS and Legislation l


A Ammonal AlctiHl ttirnnj Plus! < ARE ‘-vior.utM No. 2


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ft Coming Thtirs., Oct 2nd PERILS 3 DARKEST • AMERICA Warner BURTC^ JUNGLE Bros JKuCOIOK/'

• Mario LANZA • TRAIL NIHnI R % M ROD CAMERON gale sto°m • LYRIC Thm Phis!

mte • mat a mm ?>< y < ads this for *gff page regular HMPII OH y&ste T»|«p» >en programs at all theatres lor Continuous Perforinanie V/*/ /H/mf and Performance Starts Tonite at coi°p] Wednesday Thursday! Sat. and Sun. from 1:30 p.m. RICHARD CONTE • VANESSA (Teed 7 p.m. Doors Open at 6:45 BROWN Fort Colorado 1952—Rocky Mountain Collegian, Collins, 10 Seftember 26, board in the NOTICE TO VETERANS ture on the bulletin

men’s gym. who INTRAMURALS ALL veterans are enrolled The entries for tournaments also in school under Public Law 346 A HEARTY "WELCOME" hand- close on September 26, except the of MUST report to Office Vet- ball, which closes October 3rd. touch Affairs to their re- With two team sports, erans sign Director Cowel has released the football and cage-ball, and four enrollment papers regardless of the To All Students of A & M 10 participating organizations number of hours or the individual events, the 1952-53 Intra- top carried, which for the 1951-52 all competed of da\s of re- mural season underway number eligibility sports gets - or- scheduled standings. Thirty-eight as B. C. "Bo” Cowel has sports maining. entered these intra- for this ganizations VETERANS are re- his program year. KOREAN mural last as the Make Our Store Your events year champ- minded that their attendance report Headquarters of Intramural This program awards attracted all entries. ionship for is due in the Office differ from last September sports will not for Fine Total Points of Veterans Affairs October 1, 1952. Jewelry year’s although it has been neces- Organization rules sary to revise the eligibility SAE (champions) ...785 due to the fact that freshmen are SPE 730 no for the varsity Nu 723 longer eligible Sigma We have a complete line squad. Chi 528 Sigma of Alarm Clocks 494 • be Indeans Team sports entries are to ROGERS JEWELERS AVMA -425 filed in the Intramural office by at Lambda Chi . 407 September 26. This includes foot- 144 SO. COLLEGE Theta Cni —369 ball and cageball and these con- 368 October 1. ACC tests should start by Hoffman Jewelry Phi Delt . 361 The Brides Store Fort Collins All entries for individual events of 109 East Mountain be note (tennis doubles, horseshoe singles, It may interesting to lim- that SAE didn't first in Phone 552-W golf and handball singles) are place any each but accumulated their ited to four from organiza- event points tion. They should enter by signa- by placing high in each one.


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