Congressional Record—House H9051

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Congressional Record—House H9051 October 1, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9051 health centers are making in providing would also like to commend the distinguished NATIONAL BONE MARROW DONOR underserved Americans with access to gentleman from Louisiana [Mr. TAUZIN], Chair- REGISTRY REAUTHORIZATION ACT affordable, high-quality health care. man of the House Energy and Commerce Mr. UPTON. Mr. Speaker, I move to H.R. 3038 strengthens the commit- Committee, and the distinguished gentleman suspend the rules and pass the bill ment that we have already made to from Michigan [Mr. DINGELL], the ranking (H.R. 3034) to amend the Public Health community health centers. These member of the House Energy and Commerce Service Act to reauthorize the Na- changes are indeed technical, and they Committee, for their efforts to improve access tional Bone Marrow Donor Registry, should be made to properly align the to quality preventative and primary health care and for other purposes, as amended. U.S. Code and clarify our original in- for the medically underserved—including the The Clerk read as follows: tent when we passed the bill last year. millions of Americans without health insurance H.R. 3034 I urge my colleagues to support this coverage. legislation. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Yesterday, Nebraskans celebrated the resentatives of the United States of America in Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of opening of the People’s Health Center of Lin- Congress assembled, my time. coln—the first Federally Qualified Health Cen- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I ter (FQHC) in this Member’s congressional This Act may be cited as the ‘‘National Bone yield myself such time as I may con- district. The health center will provide valuable Marrow Donor Registry Reauthorization Act’’. sume. primary health care services to the residents SEC. 2. NATIONAL BONE MARROW DONOR REG- Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman of Lincoln and Lancaster County. ISTRY. from Michigan (Mr. UPTON) for bring- (a) NATIONAL REGISTRY.—Section 379 of the ing this bill to the floor today. The As the Peoples’ Health Center of Lincoln Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 274k) is Committee on Energy and Commerce becomes an established entity in the commu- amended— recently reported out a number of im- nity and begins to grow in terms of size as (1) in subsection (a)— portant bills, and I am pleased that the well as patients served, this Member has no (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘except doubt that the facility will call upon the Na- that’’ and all that follows and inserting ‘‘except House will consider the passage of this that— bill and two others. tional Health Service Corps (NHSC) for assist- ance in meeting the critical needs of Nebras- ‘‘(A) such limitations shall not apply to the b 1145 Chair of the board (or the Chair-elect) or to the ka’s underserved population. member of the board who most recently served Chairman BILIRAKIS and I have spon- This technical corrections bill is extremely as the Chair; and sored the Health Care Safety Net important to new and current FQHCs across ‘‘(B) 1 additional consecutive 2-year term may Amendments Technical Corrections the nation. The measure makes clarifying be served by any member of the board who has Act, and the bill is what it says it is; it changes to reconfirm that facilities, like the no employment, governance, or financial affili- makes a number of what are essen- Peoples’ Health Center of Lincoln, automati- ation with any donor center, recruitment group, tially housekeeping changes to impor- transplant center, or cord blood bank.’’; and cally receive Health Professional Shortage (B) in paragraph (4)— tant legislation reauthorizing Amer- Area (HPSA) designation, and subsequently (i) by striking ‘‘the Naval Medical Research ica’s network of community health become eligible for the placement of National and Development Command’’ and inserting ‘‘the centers. Health Service Corps (NHSC) personnel. This Department of Defense Marrow Donor Recruit- The legislation that was passed last Member would personally like to thank Rep- ment and Research Program operated by the De- year was intended to help community resentative Bilirakis and his staff for their help partment of the Navy’’; and health centers continue to serve a pa- with clarifying the automatic HPSA language (ii) by striking ‘‘Organ’’ after ‘‘Division of’’; tient population, as my friend from in particular. (2) in subsection (b)— Michigan said, that would otherwise (A) in paragraph (4), by inserting ‘‘at least’’ The NHSC and the Health Centers program fall through the cracks. Passage of before ‘‘annually’’; are both intended to address the health care (B) in paragraph (7), by striking ‘‘and com- these technical corrections will ensure needs of our nation’s most underserved rural parisons of transplant centers regarding search that the bill meets this goal. and urban communities. Previous require- and other costs that prior to transplantation are I think this bill is particularly im- ments mandated that health centers and rural charged to patients by transplant centers; and’’; portant albeit it is a technical correc- (C) in paragraph (8), by inserting ‘‘and out- clinics apply for and obtain HPSA designation, tions bill, but it is particularly impor- reach’’ after ‘‘and demonstration’’; even though each center already serves a tant as we see articles in the paper the (D) at the end of paragraph (8), by striking Federally-designated Medically Underserved last couple of days that the United the period and inserting a semicolon; Area or population, to become eligible for the States has 2.5 million more uninsured (E) by redesignating paragraphs (3) through placement of NHSC personnel. This process (8) as paragraphs (4) through (9); people than it did a year ago. I think certainly seems unnecessary and duplicative, (F) by inserting after paragraph (2), the fol- this bill, while it is something we resulting in a delay of needed practitioners at lowing: should do, underscores the failure of high-need health centers. ‘‘(3) maintain and expand medical emergency the Bush administration and of the contingency response capabilities in concert Congress to address the important Mr. Speaker, in closing, this Member urges with Federal programs for response to threats of issues of the 2.5 million uninsured and his colleagues to support H.R. 3038. Such ac- use of terrorist or military weapons that can all the unemployment in this country tion will reduce bureaucratic barriers and allow damage marrow, such as ionizing radiation or that has caused it. for the coordinated use of Federal resources chemical agents containing mustard, so that the capability of supporting patients with marrow Nonetheless, this bill is a step in the in meeting the health care needs of areas that lack sufficient services. damage from disease can be used to support cas- right direction. Community health cen- ualties with marrow damage;’’; and ters are essential to take care of those Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I (G) by adding at the end the following: who, neither through their workplace yield back the balance of my time. ‘‘(10) conduct and support research to improve nor government, has been provided the Mr. UPTON. Mr. Speaker, I have no the availability, efficiency, safety, and cost of health insurance that they should further requests for time, and I yield transplants from unrelated donors and the ef- fectiveness of Registry operations; have. I ask my colleagues to support back the balance of my time. the legislation. ‘‘(11) increase the number of umbilical cord The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. blood units listed in the Registry and assist cord Mr. BEREUTER. Mr. Speaker, this Member SHAW). The question is on the motion blood banks in the Registry program in accord- wishes to express his strong support for the offered by the gentleman from Michi- ance with subsection (c); and Health Care Safety Net Amendments Tech- ‘‘(12) establish bylaws and procedures— gan (Mr. UPTON) that the House sus- nical Corrections Act of 2003 (H.R. 3038) and ‘‘(A) to prohibit any member of the board of pend the rules and pass the bill, H.R. directors of the Registry who has an employ- would like to commend the distinguished gen- 3038. tleman from Florida [Mr. BILIRAKIS], the Chair- ment, governance, or financial affiliation with a man of the House Energy and Commerce The question was taken; and (two- donor center, recruitment group, transplant cen- thirds having voted in favor thereof) ter, or cord blood bank from participating in Subcommittee on Health, and the distin- any decision that materially affects the center, guished gentleman from Ohio [Mr. BROWN] the the rules were suspended and the bill was passed. recruitment group, transplant center, or cord ranking member of the House Energy and blood bank; and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, for intro- A motion to reconsider was laid on ‘‘(B) to limit the number of members of the ducing this important legislation. This Member the table. board with any such affiliation.’’; VerDate jul 14 2003 03:22 Oct 02, 2003 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.029 H01PT1 H9052 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2003 (3) in subsection (c)— appropriated $32,000,000 for fiscal year 2004, and than 150 transplants. With a diverse (A) in clause (ii) of paragraph (2)(A), by strik- such sums as may be necessary for each of the registry of more than 4 million poten- ing ‘‘, including providing updates’’; and fiscal years 2005 through 2008. tial volunteer bone marrow and cord (B) in paragraph (3), by striking ‘‘the avail- ‘‘(b) EMERGENCY CONTINGENCY RESPONSE CA- blood donors, the National Bone Mar- ability, as a potential treatment option, of re- PABILITIES.—In addition to the amounts author- ceiving a transplant of bone marrow from an ized to be appropriated under subsection (a), row Donor Registry offers hope to unrelated donor’’ and inserting ‘‘transplants there are authorized to be appropriated such thousands and thousands of patients.
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