OIL & GAS August 2015

122°E 124°E 126°E 128°E 130°E S A V U S E A Ponta Beaco A TIMOR-LESTE Ponta Metibot NESI START UP DISCOVERY WATER DO FACILITY OPERATOR FIELD Ponta Laletec Abadi IN YEAR YEAR DEPTH (m) Cabo Suai ALIA Northern Endeavour 1999 1994, 1995 Woodside Energy Laminaria, Corallina 358, 411 USTR Cabo Tafara A Central Processing Platform 2003 1995 ConocoPhillips Bayu-Undan 80 Blacktip 2009 2001 ENI Blacktip 50 Sunrise Tandjung Wetoh TE Glas Dowr 2011 2008 ENI Kitan 344 ES - L Troubadour Montara Venture 2013 1988 PTTEP Montara 80 OR Tandjung Menu TIM Barrosa Lynedoch S S ° ° 0 0

1 T Evans Shoal North 1 eluk K TIMOR upang Pulau Evans Shoal Tandjung Ela Caldita Semua Kelp Deep Tandjung Batuputih Blackwood Evans Shoal South HYDROCARBON DISCOVERIES Tandjung Smara S elat Oil Roti Tandjung Tarba Heron Heron South Gas Pulau Usu Kuda Tasi Chudditch PULAU ROTI Tandjung Mepe Laminaria/Corallina Jahal JOINT PETROLEUM Oil and Gas Buffalo ROTI Tandjung Rodi Krill DEVELOPMENT AREA Abandoned Field - Oil Kitan Tandjung Pondalaun Bluff Elang-Kakatua D Pullau Landu Buller u PRODUCTION FACILITIES IA n ES Hingkip d DON a IN s Bayu-Undan Floating Production Storage

LIA Cape Van Dieman Brenton Bay and Offloading Vessel - Oil RA S UST t A ra it Conventional Platform - Gas T I M O R S E A Proposed Development - Gas

Pipeline MELVIILLE IISLAND Oliver Gordon Bay Audacious BATHURST IISLAND t Ba Point Fawcett rai yu St Katandra Und e Tenacious an P nc ipel are ine Cl S Brontosaurus Jabiru S ° ° T 2 Hibernia Reef e 2

1 rr 1 rr Cash-Maple ii I N D I A N tt Vernon Islands o BEAGLE 3 rr ii Challis-Cassini a N ll m B GULF Swan a L ss Shoal i e m e ll Ashmore Reef ii Vesta i n t Bay e Puffin - A -- Charles Pt M A M B DARWIN I B S II Skua Talbot S 2 0 2 1 0 Swift North 4 Swallow 1 4 Padthaway W N . Montara . T A Fog TERRITORY OF ASHMORE . Bay Tahbilk . & CARTIER ISLANDS (N.T.) Prometheus/Rubicon Petrel in) Point Blaze Crux rw Da Libra (to line BATCHELOR ipe rt P Peron Island North po Ex as Frigate Argus s G Tern Peron Island South thy Ich Anson Bay Cape Scott Seringapatam Reef JOSEPH BONAPARTE Poseidon Crown West Holohula Reef East Holohula Reef Boreas Concerto Pharos Lassetter Mimia Cornea Cape Londonderry Kronos Proteus Cape Talbot DALY RIVER Troughton Passage Sir Graham Marina Prelude O North Reef Ichthys West G Long Reef Moore Islands Cape Rulhieres Cape Dombey A L Cape Bougainville Blacktip S Ichthys E Hyland S ° North Scott Reef Napier Cape Bernier ° P Vansittart B 4 I l Bay 4 Broome lack 1 H Gibson Point Bay kttii 1 C Bay p P Cape Hay R 14 iipe Scott Scott Reef BROWSE IISLAND R 20 lliin A IS Truscott Base e MB 4 Admiralty Gulf AM 01 Reef it - S 2 Burnside im BI BARTON South Reef L AM Cape Voltaire NORTHERN N m - PLAINS 3 ine KALUMBURU sel OUTCAMP Ba GULF al Montague ABORIGINAL ori Walmesly TERRITORY rrit COMMUNITY Pearce Point Maret Islands Te Sound Bay

Brecknock Warrender CARSON RIVER Turtle

Gwydion Barnett

DARWIN K Brecknock South e yli E ng T In R Cape Pond let 0 20 40 60 80 100 km A THEDA P Turtle Point A York N Cambridge GCS GDA94 O NT B Sound Gulf Cartography and data provided by the Petroleum Division, Department of Mines and Petroleum WA Coronation Islands WA Maritime boundary data is AMBIS 2014 and supplied by Geoscience Australia O C E A N Cape Brewster OOMBULGURRI This map was produced using information from various sources. The Department of Mines MITCHELL RIVER WESTERN PERTH and Petroleum (DMP) and the State cannot guarantee the accuracy, currency or completeness Brunswick Bay of the information. DMP and the State accept no responsibility and disclaim all liability for any Heywood Islands NINGBING loss, damage or costs incurred as a result of any use of or reliance whether wholly or in part AUSTRALIA Waggon Creek upon the information provided in this publication or incorporated into it by reference. DOONGAN Weaber Please Note: The Department of Mines and Petroleum ceased to be a Designated Authority under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 on 1 January 2012. Camden Sound WYNDHAM CARLTON HILL SPIRIT HILL For confirmation of Commonwealth Offshore area information (such as petroleum titles) Wilson Point since 1 January 2012 plea1s2e 2re°feEr to www.nopta.gov.au 124°E 126°E 128°E 130°E Hall Point DRYSDALE RIVER IVANHOE HOME VALLEY I:\MAPPING\PUBLICATIONS\ Oil & Gas Map\Timor_Sea_Poster.mxd XB 01/08/2015 KUNUNURRA George Water