Shearith Israel SPANISH & PORTUGUESE Synagogue of Montreal Est. 1768 BULLETIN August 7, 2021 | 29 Av 5781


Start/Debut End/Fin 7:57 pm 9:04

SERVICE SCHEDULES Shabbat Services Shahrit: 8:30 Minha: 8:30 Sunday: 8:30 am Parashat Re’eh - Hertz page 799 : Isaiah - Hertz page 818 Rosh Hodesh Elul Sunday/Dimanche, August 8 Août Monday/Lundi, August 9 Août Day Services: Shahrit: 7:30 am Everyday Monday through Friday Afternoon/Evening Services: Minha/Arvit : 6:00 pm CHEVRA SHAAS Service Schedule SHABBOS, AUGUST 7TH Schachris 9:30 a.m. SUNDAY, AUGUST 7TH ment eu un effet désastreux sur le plement le lui dire ou le lui décrire. Schachris 8:00 a.m. Parashat peuple juif dans son ensemble se Le voir impressionne sa réalité aux sont révélées sans valeur, il faut une yeux humains de Moshe. Moshe est BEIT HAMIDRASH Re'eh forme particulière d’aveuglement le symbole de la vision clairvoyante HELWANI WITH pour continuer à croire en eux d’une dans l’histoire juive. Par conséquent, PINTO Qu'est ce que tu regards?! manière ou d’une autre. . Même un il est le plus grand - le père, pour ain- Monday through Friday Rav Maimon Pinto coup d’œil rapide à l’histoire juive si dire - de tous les prophètes. 8:40 am - Hok L’Israel révélera que la survie des Juifs en tant que peuple et force de civili- Lorsque Jérémie est informé de Dvar Ce Shabbat, nous bénissons le mois sation dans le monde est inextrica- la destruction prochaine du Tem- Weekly Debate - Sunday after services d’Eloul. Un peu moins d’un mois blement liée à sa foi et à son obser- ple de Jérusalem, il n’en est pas in- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday avant Rosh Hashana. Le temps vance des valeurs et du mode de vie formé par une déclaration de Dieu. passe vite quand on passe un bon 8:25 am - Halaka/ de la Torah. Au contraire, le Seigneur, pour ainsi moment disent-ils. Mais vous ar- 6:15 pm - Jewish Wisdom dire, lui demande : « Jérémie, que rêtez-vous jamais et VOYEZ la vie Et si l’on regarde et voit correcte- vois-tu ? C’est en voyant de ses pro- Dear friends, qui vous passe ? ment la situation d’Israël et des Juifs pres yeux la catastrophe imminente I am here for you. Whether you want dans le monde aujourd’hui, on doit que Jérémie est capable de concen- to ask a question, consult, learn or Voir c’est croire et le premier mot être frappé par l’exactitude des pré- trer et de passionner son message just chat, you can call me on my de la Paracha de cette semaine est dictions pour Israël telles qu’elles d’avertissement au peuple d’Israël. mobile (514) 506-3164 or to my email reeh - voyez. La Torah est évidem- [email protected] sont consignées dans le livre de ment d’avis que la croyance peut Dvarim il y a trente-trois cents ans. Voir demande cependant plus I am available 24/6. être obtenue en voyant la vie et En voyant les choses clairement et qu’une bonne vue. Cela implique Shabbat, emergencies only les événements. Il y a des choses correctement, on peut choisir la également une compréhension de Rabbi Maimon Pinto qui vont de soi, et qu’en regardant bénédiction et la vie éternelle pour ce qui est vu, une toile de fond de ces événements, on peut faire un soi. Et cela est vrai pour la totalité la scène réelle de l’objet. Et c’est To contact Hazan Daniel Benlolo: choix correct et convaincant entre [email protected] d’Israël et en fait pour toute l’hu- pourquoi l’étude de la Torah, la com- la bénédiction et les malédictions, (514) 892-2859 manité aussi. préhension de l’histoire du peuple entre le bien et le mal, et entre la vie juif est si vitale pour notre temps et éternelle et la simple mortalité hu- À la fin de la vie de Moché, la Torah les circonstances actuelles. La Torah maine. nous informe qu’il a « vu » toute la est essentiellement notre spectacle Terre d’Israël et a également prévu pour corriger la vision déformée et Le prophète Isaïe décrit les non-croy- tous les événements qui arriveraient les angles morts. Il nous invite à voir ants et les sceptiques comme des au peuple d’Israël là-bas « même clair et correct. Nous serions sages personnes aveugles – aveugles à la jusqu’au dernier jour ». Il est intéres- de mettre ces lunettes et de choisir réalité et à l’histoire. Surtout à notre sant de noter que le Seigneur a jugé ainsi la bénédiction et la vie éter- époque où les idéologies du siècle bon, pour ainsi dire, de lui montrer nelle pour nous-mêmes. dernier qui ont égaré tant de mil- l’avenir et de le laisser le voir de ses lions de personnes et qui ont égale- propres yeux plutôt que de sim- Shabbat shalom


At verse 11:29, quotes the Aramiac in this week’s parasha, on verse 13:7, he translation to show that the “blessing” in explains a word by quoting from Ezekiel Chevra Shaas this verse means “the ones who give the chapter 43. I used to tell my students Words From blessing.” that it was easy for Rashi, because he had At verse 12:3, he explains the difference a computer, or at least a concordance. In th Rabbi Menahem White between the Hebrew words mizbeah the 11 century? Yes, his computer was and matseivah, which you might think his brain! RE'EH are synonymous. And, of course, Rashi’s greatness was We are all familiar with the midrashim If we can turn back to parashat kedoshim in in his ability to anthologize from the that appear in Rashi’s commentary. Yet, in Viqra’, we can be astounded by Talmud, , and grammarians. Just I personally have always been fascinated his knowledge of language. In his in this week’s parasha, he quotes from by Rashi’s knowledge of the Hebrew commentary on verse 19:16, he notes the midrash Sifrei, from the Talmud language. A wonderful example appears how certain letters, that are produced tractate Avoda Zarah, the Talmud tractate at the beginning of this week’s parasha. in the same place in the mouth, can be , the Talmud tractate ; The word `aharei is followed by the word interchanged. Thus, the letters kaf and the Talmud . th QUOTE OF derech (in the 5 verse of the , gimel, which are both pronounced in He often translates difficult words into verse 11:30) Rashi shows that the Torah the back of the mouth (gutturals) can French and is considered by scholars to THE WEEK reader must pause between the 2 words, sometimes be interchanged. Likewise, be one of the most important sources of since the cantillation mark over the 1st a nun and a lamed can be interchanged, ancient French. A gets halfway around the word is a pashta’, which requires a stop. for if you think about it, they are both We could write volumes analyzing the (He gives 2 other proofs, which I shall not pronounced by placing the tongue world before the truth has a th brilliance of Rashi (and people already go into now.) (Actually, the 19 century against the front teeth (dentals.) chance to get its pants on. Italian/Jewish commentator Shadal have!) Yet, at least, I hope I have given you wrote a critique of this Rashi, but I was I am fascinated by Rashi’s quoting of here a taste. Sir Winston Churchill| Aish HaTorah not swayed!) verses from the Tanach. For example, Shabbat shalom 2 COMMUNITY & EVENTS August 7, 2021 | 29 Av 5781

Mazal Tov To Our Shabbat Kiddush/Seudah is Sponsored & Co-sponsored by:

Our members, & Nathalie Dadoun, on the occasion of their Our members, David & Nathalie Dadoun, on the occasion of their son Nathaniel becoming Shabbat Hatan and marriage to Jessica Hazan, daughter of Joelle Ohayon; Eva & Alain Hazan. son Nathaniel’s Shabbat Hatan and his marriage to Jessica Hazan, daughter of Joelle Ohayon; Eva & Alain Hazan. Elie Hadid & Marc Hadid, in memory of their father, Shaoul Hadid ben Gilson z’l. Ovadia Shebath & Family, in memory of Katy Shebath z’l. Seudah Shlishit is Sponsored by: Elie Hadid & Marc Hadid, in memory of their father, Shaoul Hadid ben Gilson z’l.

Congregation Maghen On the words “And He will give you We must know that by our opening our mercy and He will have mercy on you” it hands to give charity we arouse two Thoughts: Mayer Sasson says in the : - A person who has openings above in Heavenm, as it says, your פתח תפתח Re Ah - The importance of charity - “You shall fear G-d…” (10,20) mercy on others- from they will ”But rather open wide have mercy on him; and one who doesn’t hand unto him” - two openings – as if the Rabbi Shimon the son of Chalafta once written and that is what is written there.” have mercy on other people – from opening of G-d’s Hand to bring livelihood attended a feast after a circumcision. At Rabbi Shimon said to him, “If so, tell me - Heaven they do not have mercy on him.” and the opening of His Hand to give life. the end of the meal on his way out, he how many years will I live?” Likewise, it says in the Midrash; “Charity On this G-d said to Moshe “I shall be as I met the Angel of Death laughing. Rabbi is great for from the day the world was shall be” – Just as you are with Me, so will The Angel of Death said to him, “About Shimon said to him, “Why are you laugh- created until now the world stands on I be with you. If open up their hands you and people like you I don’t know be- ing?” The Angel of Death answered him, charity; and whoever gives much char- and give charity – I too will open up My cause every day you toil in Torah and give “Because at the meal the father of the ity is praiseworthy and he saves himself Hands (Midrash Agadah). charity and for that G-d adds days and baby announced that he is saving the from the verdict of Gehinom.” years to you. With one act of charity sev- May we always remember what it says in remnants of the wine from the meal for eral years are added on to you, so how will Concerning the importance of the virtue the Rambam (Gifts to the poor): “A per- the baby’s future wedding. And I know I know the time of your death?” Rabbi of charity our Sages ob’m said, “And char- son does not become poor from (giving) that the baby’s time has been allotted to Shimon said to him, “May it be G-d’s will ity saves from death”- in other words, charity. That which a person gives for less than thirty days, and so I am laugh- that just like you do not control your note- even if, G-d forbid, it was decreed upon the of charity, he takes immedi- ing.” Rabbi Shimon asked him, “How ;ately in This World, more than he gave (דמים book so you will not have permission to a person to die, the charity (called do you know that?” The Angel of Death transgress what we say.” Rabbi Shimon that a person gives are in exchange for for those who pursue charity, G-d Gives answered: “I have a notebook where the prayed for mercy for the baby and indeed the blood (life) that he, G-d forbid, had to them money from which to give charity.” allotments of the lives of all creatures are the baby grew and lived for many years. pay up with his body. SHABBAT SHALOM!!

Dear Danny, In the mod- Jewish Wisdom Got A Question for ern world should strict Elul-The Last Month of the observances like yahrzeit PARNASS Jewish Calendar Hazan Daniel Benlolo? (Nachala) be changed? HAYOM Dear reader, Elul - The Last Month of the Jewish Shabbat 29 Av - August 7 Août Calendar Rabbi Maurice Lamm states in his book The Jewish Way in Death and Mourning Famille Elbaz, à la mémoire de leur mère, “in this age of unprecedented Jewish ignorance, the major task of the scholar .ז״ל Elul is traditionally a time of Estrella Elbaz is to popularize the law, rather than to apply himself solely to pure research.” introspection -- a time to review Monday/Lundi 1 Elul - Aug. 9 Août one›s deeds and spiritual progress In other words here are the laws which I have set in front of you, take them over the past year and prepare for and follow them. However, we must recognize that many of our laws and Penina & Claude Helwani, in honour of the upcoming «Days of Awe» of Rosh customs leave room for certain interpretations, accommodations and certainly their grandson, Matthew's birthday. HaShanah and . extenuating circumstances. We must also accept the fact that today more than Emile El Sayegh, à la mémoire de son .ז״ל ever not everyone practices religion or keeps its commandments the same way. père, Abraham El Sayegh As the month of Divine Mercy and Many believe that practicing a law without providing rationale or the fact that Forgiveness, it is a most opportune it lacks intellectual stimulation, these laws become merely strict regulations. Karkoukly Family, in memory of their .ז״ל time for teshuvah («return» to G-d), mother, Muzli bat Chaoul prayer, charity, and increased love At times, as clergy we must take the difficult task of explaining to mourners Haim Mathalon & Family, in memory of for a fellow Jew, in the quest for self- that as there is a Jewish way of life, there is a Jewish way of mourning. Lamm .ז״ל improvement and coming closer to writes “As the Jewish way of life implies a distinctive outlook and a unique his wife, Naima Mathalon lifestyle based on very specific views of G-d and the place of man in society and G-d. Our sages liken the month of Tuesday/Mardi 2 Elul - Aug. 10 Août Elul to a time when «the king is in the the universe, so does the Jewish way of death imply singular attitudes towards G-d and nature, and toward the problem of good and evil; and it proffers a Cong. Maghen Abraham, en l'honneur du field» and, in contrast to when he is Beit Hamidrash Helwani. in the royal palace, «everyone who so distinctive way of demonstrating specific Jewish qualities of reverence for man desires are permitted to meet him. and respect for the dead.” Perla Bitton & Famille, à la mémoire de .ז״ל Today we live in an age when the press of emergency transactions, personal or son mari, Jacob Bitton Specific Elul customs include the business circumstances prevents one from attending services and reciting the daily sounding of the shofar during Wednesday/Mercredi 3 Elul - Aug. 11 Août Kaddish for a loved one either as a mourner or in observance of the yahrzeit. the Selihot, as a call to repentance. Shahrabani Family, in memory of What does one do? .ז״ל One should also take the time to learn Rosa Shahrabani Mussar and read extra Tehillim. According to some sages one may not recite the Kaddish privately as it is a public prayer and simply must be recited in a quorum. However there is an Thursday/Jeudi 4 Elul - Aug. 12 Août Elul is also an auspicious time to have alternative. One may read a portion of the Bible a chapter from the five books Marc & Jamie Hadid, à la mémoire de son .ז״ל one›s and mezuzot checked by of or the this is an entirely valid substitute for the Kaddish when père, Shaoul Hadid ben Gilson an accredited scribe to ensure that someone finds it extremely difficult to attend one of the services. And there is they are in good condition and fit for Elie & Amy Hadid, in memory of his father, .ז״ל a tradition that recommends other ways of glorifying those who are no longer Shaoul Hadid ben Gilson use. with us by contributing to charity in someone’s memory and that mourners Nader, in memory of her brother, Elul 13 is the hiloula (day of passing) should strive to adopt a mitzvah (a good deed) as this custom, according to .ז״ל Allan Frederick Soffer of Rabbi Yosef Chaim of Baghdad our sages elevates the soul of the departed. It also inscribes additional merit in the book of life of a parent who has passed when a child makes an extra effort (1909-1835), the renowned Sephardic Friday/Vendredi 5 Elul - Aug. 13 Août Halachic authority and Kabbalist, to recite the Kaddish and continue on the path their parents set them on and eventually builds a future life for those who are in the land of the living. Sidney Elhadad, à la mémoire de son père, .ז״ל known as «Ben Ish Chai» after his work Meir ben Freha by that name. In short, make an extra effort; do the best you can and if you find yourself unable to do so - do good upon others and set some time during your busy day to meditate and Ronald Mashaal, in memory of his mother, .ז״ל Shabbat shalom pray for those who have made a huge difference in your life. They are well worth it! Doris Mashaal Upcoming Events

Monday, August 9 | 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Chai Mitzvah Program - Unit 5: Interpersonal Relationships Monday, September 13 | 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Individual reflection Chai Mitzvah Program Unit 6: Arc of the Fall Holidays Join on Zoom ID 526 438 1158 - Registration required. Join on Zoom ID 526 438 1158 - Registration required.

Thursday, August 26 | 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Thursday, September 23 | 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Ten Paths to God - Unit 9: The Jewish Ten Paths to God - Unit 10: Responsibility - The Jewish Task - with Guest Panelists Rabbi Dr. Menahem White, Future with Guest Panelists Arlene Madar Abitan & Alice Spiritual Leader, Chevra Shaas Congregation of S&P. Becker Lehrer Zoom ID 846 5677 7165 / Password: 058194 Zoom ID 846 5677 7165 / Password: 058194

Sunday, August 29 | (Save The Date) Soccer Tournament - Parc Mackenzie-King HIGH HOLIDAYS SEATS Time to be confirmed. Trophy, fun, games! Please call the synagogue office to reserve your seats if you are planning to attend services. Contact: Marc Hadid [email protected] Tel: (514) 737-3695 OR online: