Nova et Vetera NFor trVuth and tradition August 2016 Bringing forth from his treasures new things and old (Mt. 13)

Editorial Dear friends and benefactors of the in South Africa, August 2016 n this issue we are happy to provide you with some proposed participation of the in the 500th anniversary fundamental texts given by our Superior General, His of the Reformation cannot be ignored. It is on the Vigil of ILordship Bernard Fellay. These two All Saints that the Pope will participate in the celebrations documents reiterate the fidelity of our superiors and our organized by the Lutheran World Federation in Sweden, as Society to the constant battle for the Faith, for which an ecumenical gesture. In fact, it was on October 31, 1517 Lefebvre founded the Society of St. Pius X in that Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the doors of the 1970. The first is the Communiqué to the members of the collegiate church in Wittenberg. Society at the conclusion of the meeting of major superiors Shocking, indeed, it is that a Pope would celebrate the act on June 28 in . The second is the public of rebellion that has since divided western Christianity, declaration made by Bishop Fellay the following day the and separated so many souls and peoples from the One priestly ordinations in Ecône. Both reiterate the gravity of True Church, its teachings and its Shepherd. Yet more the crisis of Faith through which we are living, and explain shocking yet is the explanation that gave on why it is that the Society cannot and will not compromise his return flight from Armenia on June 26: “Today on questions of Faith. ROSARY CRUSADE Furthermore, we are happy to pass on to you Bishop Fellay's request for a new Rosary crusade, to start on August 15 and to go until August 22, 2017. It is in view of the centennial of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, and has as its special intention the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. You will see that our Superior General does not just ask for a daily Rosary, but also for a daily sacrifice, and for devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the wearing of the Miraculous Medal. Meanwhile, our construction continues apace for the new Erection of columns to support the first floor on school building here in Roodepoort. The laying of solid the new school building is progressing nicely foundations for a three storey building has been quite a laborious process, and slower than expected, due to the Lutherans and Catholics, Protestants, all of us agree on very soft ground here. However, now the building is the doctrine of justification. On this point, which is very starting to rise from the ground, with the columns to important, he (Luther) did not err.” It is inconceivable that support the first floor now being erected. Future months Francis should affirm that Luther did not err when his will provide you with additional news, as the Good Lord predecessor, Leo X, condemned no fewer than 41 of his provides us with the means to continue. errors in his Bull of 1520, with the following censure: “All and each of the above mentioned articles or errors, so to CELEBRATION OF LUTHER speak, as set before you, we condemn, disapprove, and Amongst the many shocking aspects of the deepening entirely reject as respectively heretical, or scandalous, or crisis of Faith that characterizes the present Papacy, the false, or offensive to pious ears, or seductive of simple

Nova et Vetera is a publication of the priories of the Society of St Pius X in South Africa Publisher: Fr Peter R Scott. Our Lady of Sorrows Priory. Roodepoort [email protected] 1 The drilling of a well, or borehole, down to 80 meters depth has been a great blessing for the parish and school, providing an unlimited supply of free water. It was completed towards the end of May. minds, and in opposition to Catholic truth” (Db 781). W.H. Carroll, The Cleaving of Christendom, p. 189). Can Moreover, the Council of Trent in its masterful, complete such irrational hatred be considered a medicine for the and thorough presentation of the Church's doctrine on Church, and can such venomous attacks be the foundation justification (Session vi in 1547), condemns in turn and at of any true reform of discipline, Faith, morality or liturgy, length Luther's heresies in this regard, such as the as Pope Francis asserts? corruption and destruction of free will on account of Pope Francis goes on to affirm that we must place original sin, the passivity of man under the action of grace, ourselves in the context of the time: “We must put the impossibility of merit for good works, that Faith alone ourselves in the story of that time. It`s a story that`s not is sufficient to be saved since man is incapable of anything easy to understand”. Excuse me, but innumerable texts good, that it is impossible to keep the commandments, that from the time show that Luther was rebelling against it is a sin to fear hell and to look for an eternal reward. divine authority, revealed truth, morality and hierarchical order. Those who embrace his teachings necessarily do A MEDICINE FOR THE CHURCH? likewise. Furthermore, in his discourse, the Pope continues: “He (Luther) made a medicine for the Church, but then this JOINT DECLARATION ON JUSTIFICATION medicine consolidated into a state of things, into a state of Pope Francis continues: “That document on justification, I a discipline, into a way of believing, into a way of doing, think, is one of the richest ecumenical documents in the into a liturgical way and he wasn`t alone. There was world, one in most agreement.” He goes on to affirm that Zwingli, there was Calvin, each one of them different, and there are divisions, even among the different Lutheran behind them were who? Principles!” The Pope is trying to churches, and that full unity does not exist, and may never say that these opportunists followed principles, when in exist even until the end of the world. fact they were rebellious men trying to justify themselves. The document that the Pope refers to is the Joint The so-called principles of Martin Luther are contained in Declaration of the his last pamphlet of March 1545, entitled “Against the and Pontificate at Rome, founded by the devil”, in which his the Lutheran World horrendous hatred finds full expression: “The ...are F e d e r a t i o n o n t h e a set of desperate, thoroughgoing arch-villains, doctrine of Justification murderers, traitors, liars and the most utterly debased and of 1998, confirmed by depraved beings on earth...Therefore it would be best for the Official Common the Emperor and the Estates to leave these abominable, Statement of June 11, villainous scoundrels and their accursed devil`s crew at 1 9 9 9 . T h e s e Rome to go headlong to the devil....Therefore he (the documents contain two Pope) should be seized and his cardinals and all the c o n t r a d i c t o r y Every Saturday Fr. Scott travels to scoundrelly crew of His Holiness, and their tongues affirmations: firstly that Jabulani in the township of should be torn from their throats and nailed in a row on the “the teaching of the Soweto, where he teaches catechism. Here is a view of the gallows tree, in like manner as they affix their seals in a Lutheran churches catechism class. row to their bulls, though even this would be but slight p re s e n t e d i n t h i s punishment for all their blasphemy and Declaration does not idolatry...Whenever I say, `Hallowed be thy fall under the condemnations from the Council of Trent” name` I am forced to add, `Cursed, damned, and secondly that “they will seek further common 2 dishonored be the name of the Pope” (Quoted by order to reach full church communion, agreement on some “basic truths” in for uniting all persons with Christ” fact resolves nothing, and is much (St. Pius X), “the most powerful more the admission of disagreement Mediatrix and Conciliatrix of the than anything else. whole world” (Pius IX), which is In fact, it was Pope Pius XI, in his why “she is impervious to all errors 1928 encyclical on fostering true and with even greater reason to religious unity, who condemned heresies and apostasy”, to use the under the name of indifferentism the expression of Archbishop Lefebvre idea that Catholics and non-Catholics (Spiritual Journey p. 57). Let our Fr. Paul Kimball travels to Namibia once could simply agree on some response be one of fidelity to the every two months, where he provides the fundamental truths, and then disagree Rosary Crusade, to our daily Rosary Mass and the sacraments to families spread on others. This is what is condemned: and sacrifices, with a special effort to widely throughout the country. “Controversies and long-standing do the five first Saturdays, as Our a unity in diversity” for the consensus differences, which today still keep Lady of Fatima requested them, is in “basic truths” only. However, asunder the members of the Christian namely Confession (within 8 days), the attempt at an ambiguous family, must be entirely set aside, and Holy Communion, recitation of the compromise was clearly a failure, from the residue of doctrines a Rosary and a 15 minute meditation and the pretense that Lutheran common form of faith drawn up and on the Rosary on five consecutive theories no longer fall under the proposed for belief, in the profession First Saturdays of the month. condemnation of Trent is a lie. This is of which all may not only know but Yours faithfully in the Immaculate evident from Rome's own response to also feel themselves to be brethren” Heart of Mary, the Joint Declaration, dated June 25, (§7). He goes on to affirm: “It is 1998, which points out some of the never lawful to employ in connection Father Peter R. Scott unacceptable points of the Joint with articles of faith the distinction Declaration. As an example, it i n v e n t e d b y s o m e b e t w e e n Fr. Kimball travels also to Lesotho on an establishes that the formula fundamental and non-fundamental irregular basis, providing the Mass and the “Believers are totally righteous...and articles, the former to be accepted by sacraments to a fervent group in the village totally sinners” is incompatible with all, the latter being left to the free of Ha Chaka. the renewal and sanctification of the acceptance of the faithful. The There are over a hundred faithful in the tent interior man of which the Council of supernatural virtue of faith has as its set up for Sunday Mass each time that he Trent speaks (§1). It likewise points formal motive the authority of God goes. In addition he celebrates Mass in the out that the statement that man is revealing, and this allows of no such capital, Maseru, thanks to the hospitality of a purely passive in justification by distinction.” (§13). He who believes local priest who is learning to celebrate the grace is incompatible with the in God must believe in everything He traditional Latin Mass. teaching of Trent on human has revealed, and to refuse to do so cooperation and merit (§3). Hence “would be giving countenance to a the conclusion: “Divergences on false Christianity quite alien to the other points must, on the contrary, be one Church of Christ. Shall we overcome before we can affirm, as is commit the iniquity of suffering the done generically in n. 41 that these truth, the truth revealed by God, to be p o i n t s n o l o n g e r i n c u r t h e made a subject for compromise?” condemnations of the Council of (§9). There could not be a clearer Trent”. (§5). Rome has thus condemnation of Pope Francis' contradicted the Joint Declaration, attempt to find common ground with which itself signed. Lutherans, to pretend that they now escape the decrees of Trent, and to CAN THERE BE AGREEMENT celebrate the anniversary of such a ON BASIC TRUTHS? bitter opponent of the truth as Martin It is consequently disingenuous for Luther. Here we are at the heart of the anyone to maintain that the Joint crisis of the Faith that afflicts the Declaration has resolved the post-conciliar church. It is a practical doctrinal differences and brought denial of the supernatural, of about unity. If it had done so, the revelation, of the sacraments, and of Lutherans would have become the work of sanctification by grace. Catholic, and would have accepted Let us remember that it is the Blessed the magnificently clear and precise Virgin Mary who is the great decrees of the Council of Trent. The protector of the entire supernatural vague affirmation that there is order, “the surest and easiest means 3 Communiqué from the Superior General to all members of the Society of Saint Pius X at the conclusion of the meeting of major superiors in Anzère (Valais)

For the glory of God, June 28, 2016 for the honor of Our Lord Jesus Christ and of His Most Holy Mother, for our salvation. n the present grave state of necessity in the Church, which gives it the right to administer spiritual aid to the souls that turn to it, the Society of Saint Pius X does not seek above all a Icanonical recognition, to which it has a right because it is Catholic. The solution is not simply juridical. It depends on a doctrinal position that it is imperative to express. When Saint Pius X condemned modernism, he traced the whole argument of the encyclical Pascendi back to one initial principle: independence. Now the world makes all its efforts to change the axis around which it must turn. And it is obvious to Catholics, as it is to those who are not, that the Cross is no longer that axis. Paul VI said it very well: man is (See Closing Speech of Vatican II, December 7, 1965). Today the world turns around this, according to him, definitively established axis: human dignity, man's conscience and freedom. Modern man exists for his own sake. Man is the king of the universe. He has dethroned Christ. Man exalts his autonomous, independent conscience, to the point of dissolving even the very foundations of the family and marriage. The Society of Saint Pius X has always opposed this project of deconstruction of the universe, both the political society, and the Church. To remedy this universal disorder, the Good Lord raised up a man, a Christian, a priest, a bishop. What did he do? He founded a society—a hierarchical society—the principle and end of which are

4 just the antidote to this universal disorder: The Sacrament of . The purpose of the Society of Saint Pius X continues to be not only the actual remedy of the crisis but also thereby the salvation of all who cooperate in it. The Society is determined to keep doctrinal, theological and social rectitude, founded on the Cross of Jesus Christ, on His Kingship, on His sacrifice, and on His priesthood, the principle of all order and of all grace. Archbishop fought his whole life long for the triumph of these fundamental truths. It is incumbent on us at the present hour to redouble our efforts and to intensify the same fight on the same principles. We are not “conciliarists”: for they deny that Christ’s cross is the world’s axis; neither are we dissenters who reject the social nature of the Church. We are a Society of priests of Jesus Christ, of the Catholic Church. Is this truly the moment for the general restoration of the Church? Divine Providence does not abandon its Church, the head of which is the Pope, the Vicar of Jesus Christ. This is why an indisputable sign of this restoration will be the express desire and will of the Supreme Pontiff to grant the means with which to reestablish the order of the priesthood, of the faith, and of Tradition, sign which will moreover be the guarantee of the necessary unity of the family of Tradition. Christus regnat, Christus imperat, Deo gratias, Amen. + Bernard Fellay Anzère, 28 June 2016 on the vigil of the Apostles Peter and Paul

ROSARY CRUSADE August 15th, 2016 - August 22nd, 2017

This crusade will be held from August 15, 2016 to August 22, 2017. It follows the intentions indicated by the Blessed Virgin herself: (I) Jesus wishes to establish in the world the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In order to do so, all the faithful are invited: 1. to recite the rosary daily, alone or as a family; 2. to accomplish the devotion of the reparatory communion on five first Saturdays, and to multiply their daily sacrifices in a spirit of reparation for the outrages against Mary; 3. to wear the miraculous medal themselves and to diffuse it around them; 4. to consecrate their homes to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. (You may use the prayer found on Besides the propagation of this devotion, we will also pray (II) for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and (III) for the pope and all the of the Catholic world to consecrate Russia to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. And as a special intention we will add (IV) the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the Society of St. Pius X and all its members in addition to all the religious communities of Tradition. The goal set by Bishop Bernard Fellay is a bouquet of 12 million rosaries and 50 million sacrifices for Our Lady of Fatima. 5 INSTRUCTIONS: Please use the below chart to fill in your Rosaries and Sacrifices. If you say your Rosary as a family be sure to add in all the members of your family as a separate Rosary, not just one. You can either mail this in to the District House, or if your local pastor requests that you submit to him, please follow his instructions. Rosaries

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Totals Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Grand Total Sacrifices 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Totals Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Grand Total Communiqué from the Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X

t the conclusion of the meeting of the major superiors of the Society of Saint Pius X that was Aheld in Switzerland, from June 25 to 28, 2016, the Superior General addressed the following communiqué: The purpose of the Society of Saint Pius X is chiefly the formation of priests, the essential condition for the renewal of the Church and for the restoration of society. 1. In the great and painful confusion that currently reigns in the Church, the proclamation of Catholic doctrine requires the denunciation of errors that have made their way into it and are unfortunately encouraged by a large number of pastors, including the Pope himself. 2. The Society of Saint Pius X, in the present state of grave necessity which gives it the right and duty to administer spiritual aid to the souls that turn to it, does not seek primarily a canonical recognition, to which it has a right as a Catholic work. It has only one desire: faithfully to bring the light of the bi- millennial Tradition which shows the only route to follow in this age of darkness in which the cult of man replaces the worship of God, in society as in the Church. 3. The “restoration of all things in Christ” intended by Saint Pius X, following Saint Paul (cf. Ep.h 1:10), cannot happen without the support of a Pope who concretely favors the return to Sacred Tradition. While waiting for that blessed day, the Society of Saint Pius X intends to redouble its efforts to establish and to spread, with the means that Divine Providence gives to it, the social reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 4. The Society of Saint Pius X prays and does penance for the Pope, that he might have the strength to proclaim Catholic faith and morals in their entirety. In this way he will hasten the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary that we earnestly desire as we approach the centennial of the apparitions in Fatima. Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X Ecône, June 29, 2016 The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul

St. John the Baptist Scholarships

Sponsors are sought to provide scholarships for needy children already enrolled in St. John the Baptist school. These VO X CLAMANTIS scholarships will provide for up to R 1,000 per month, which is half the tuition, the parents having to cover the other R 1,000. The conditions to receive these scholarships are: 1) Sunday attendance at the traditional Mass. 2) Maintaining an average grade of over 75 %. 3) True need, due to inability of the parents to pay full tuition

If you are able to help with a monthly contribution of between R 100 and R 1,000 (=$10 to $100) please contact Fr Scott: [email protected] or P.O. Box 878, Roodeport, 1725, South Africa, and a student will be assigned to you and will pray for your intentions. 7 Nova et Vetera

N V A view of the Society's church in Omaruru, the oldest Catholic church in Namibia.


Our Lady of Sorrows Priory Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel 11 Amelia St. Roodepoort. 1724 36 Central Ave. Pinelands. Cape Town 7405 Sunday Masses: 7:30 am and 9:30 am Masses 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month: 9:00 am Weekdays: 7:15 am (Saturday mass: 7:30am) Tel: (+27) 21 531 0694 (Chapel) Tel: (+27) 11 763 1050 (+27) 11 763 1050 (Roodepoort) Resident priests: Rev. Fr. Peter R. Scott St Philomena ’s Chapel Rev. Fr. Paul Kimball 7 Neville St. Westering. Port Elizabeth 6025 Sunday Mass: 9:00 am Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Priory Tel: (+27) 31 201 6642 (Durban) 12 Gum Tree Ave. Bulwer. Durban 4001 Sunday Masses: 7:30 am and 9:30 am St Augustine ’s Mission Weekdays: 6:30 am (Saturday mass: 8:00 am) Letare School, 1821 Gawe Street, Jabulani Tel: (+27) 31 201 6642 Sunday Mass: 11:30 am Resident priests: Tel: (27+) 11 763 1050 Rev. Fr. Anthony Esposito Rev. Fr. Antoine-Marie Claret St Paul ’s Mission Hlenginsizwe L.P. School.Folweni St Joseph's Priory Sunday Mass: 9:00 am 9 Jean Lane, Strathaven. Harare. Zimbabwe Tel: (+27) 31 201 6642 Sunday Mass: 7:30 am and 9:30 am Weekdays: 7:15 am Oratorium St Michael Tel: (+263) 4-339 440 Windhoek. Namibia Resident priests: Tel: (264) 64-22 7531 Rev. Fr. Benoît Martin de Clausonne Masses every two months Rev. Fr. Etienne Ginoux Defermon Tel: (+27) 11 763 1050 (Roodepoort Priory)

Kirche St Bonifatius Hauptstraße. Omaruru. Namibia DISTRICT HOUSE Tel: (264) 64-22 7531 Masses every two months Our Lady Queen of Africa House Tel: (+27) 11 763 1050 (Roodepoort Priory) 458 Shamrock Road. Bredell 1619 Sunday Mass: 8:30 am Weekdays: 7:15 am Donations to support Nova et Vetera can be sent to: Tel: (+27) 11 396 1807 Our Lady of Sorrows Nedbank Westgate branch # 198241 Resident priests: Account name: Society of St Pius X (SA) Rev. Fr. Henri Wuilloud, District Superior Account number: 1982290250 Rev. Fr. Etienne Demornex, District Bursar SWIFT #: NEDSZAJJ