Nor' by East, Fall 1964
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Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons Nor' by East Periodicals 9-1964 Nor' by East, Fall 1964 Casco Bay Island Development Association Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Casco Bay Island Development Association, "Nor' by East, Fall 1964" (1964). Nor' by East. 10. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Periodicals at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Nor' by East by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THEY CAME AS STRANGERS AND WENT AS FRIENDS PRICE 10 CENTS CASCO BAY ISLANDS - MAINE CUMBERLAND COUNTY FRIENDSHIP IS THE INVOLUNTARY BY-PRODUCT OF COOPERATIVE ENDEAVOR. VOL. 6, NO. 3 FALL - 1964 Dr. William H. P. Faunce N EXT QUESTION: FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS WRITE THANKS FOR INTERNATIONAL WEEK W HAT KIND O F FERRY SLIP? Now that the engineers of Fay, Spof- Reaction of journalists trom the For ford & Thorndike have made their eign Correspondents Center of the . soundings and borings and taken their United rations to the Bay entertain measurements on both sides :rnd at the ment program which was started August end of the existing State-owned wharf at I , has been noted in many letters re Forest City, Peaks, a major question ceived by hosts and committee planners comes to the front while their report is who went to all lengths to give the visit awaited. What kind of new vehicle ferry ors a lively demonstration of homespun slip is most to be desired? And of equal "down-cast" hospitality. It seems to be importance: which is the best location a moot question whether the enter for it? tainers or the entertained got the great Numerous suggestions have come to est enj oyment from the occasion. the attention of A. Edward Langlois, The correspondents, some with child general manager of M a i n e Pon ren, not only became initiated into the Authority. One plan is to have a ramp Roger Paul Jordan photo quiet daily routine of island life, but al Group of U. N. correspondents on arrival in Portland. so had a variety of chances for swim and float construction similar to that at Through arrangements made by James Mcloughlin, Pottland Pier. Another is to have a ramp public re lations agent for World Press Association, ming, sailing, fi shing, picnicking, and and apron design like the nearly defunct Ford Motor Co. loaned 10 Mustangs for the trip, attending community events, some ramp at Jo:ics Landing. This is now and Humble Oil & Reflning Co gave gasoline credit especially planned for them. cards. Casco Bay lines furnished free transportation limited to 6,000-lb. loads. If the latter for all correspondents and their family members. The Highlights were the Sunday events on type is recommended, a decision will be Gannett papers and TV station, WCSH, gave Little and Great Diamond Islands. Vis needed as to whether the apron be generous news coverage. itors, hosts, and dignitaries responded operated by hand or electric power. in great numbers to invitations to the -"2. ·weight capacity is another matter. STEVENS OF LONG ISLAND lobster d inner in Elwell Hall, Great a_ Jme interested persons suggest 10,000 TAGGED TO HEAD Diamond. The event was sponsored by lbs. Others hope for higher limits - up the State's Department of Economic to 20,000 lbs. CASCO BAY I. D. A . Development in appreciation of the One novel idea is to place the slip Lawrence Stevens of Long Island was planning of International Week by the at the end of the existing wharf and stepped up from his vice presi<lential Casco Bay Island Development As have passenger boats load and discharge position to the office of president at the sociation. The dinner was preceded by a at side of wharf. annual meeting of the Casco Bay Island recital in the Little Diamond Island When the time comes for the Cumber Development Association in the Greater Casino, by Alan Barker, concert pianist, land County delegation to seek authori Portland Chamber of Commerce build- a summer resident. A tour of Portland 's zation from the Legislature for the ing August 29. history trail was a Thursday event. On urgently needed new landing, the ulti "Larry" is a third generation Long Cliff Island four homes entertaining mate cost is likely to be a major factor Islander, and a property owner there guests clubbed together to set up a in determination of the plan to be for 25 years. He has not missed more diversified program for their people. adopted. (Continued on rage 7) Countries represented by the corres pondents included Austria, Yugoslavia, CITY MAKES DETAILED SURVEY OF ISLANDS (Conti11ucd on Page 8) The Portland Planning Board is mak social and economic status of the pop ing a comprehensive survey of its islands, ulation. It is revealed that the average QUESTIONNAIRE OF IMPORTANCE and after a great amount of work to date educational level is 11 years, 4 months, At the annual meeti,,g of the CI.HOA is satisfied that the islands have a promis average fami ly income $5,300, median J ames TI. Palmer of the Greater Port ing potential. age o( males 32, and of females 37. land Regional Planning Commission vV. Bruce Dalton, Director of the T wenty-two per cent of the people are read a copy"'of a basic data question naire which is being distributed among Board, reported at a meeting of the employed on the mainland. The island characteristics closely parallel those of the islands. H e asked the cooperation of Casco Bay Island Development As the mainland with respect to the num the Association in getting it widely cir sociation that plans are in the making ber in each age group, and in other culated. which are "imaginative, but economical comparisons. The questionnaire is long, but easy ly feasible". Mr. Dalton stated there had been to fill out in a few minutes. Its success The staff has alread{ covered the is- steady increase in transportation and in bring-ing valuable basic information ,.. ands and taken note o road conditions, tourism since 1960. H e said they are to the planners will depend on the num oeaches, street signs, dilapidated proper still working on the study, and contem ber of people re~pond ing. Resolve now ties, and other physical characteristics. plate interviewing property owners and to pay attention Lo yo ur rnpy, and turn It has been making a study also of the civic leaders. it in promptly. PAGE 2 NOR' BY EAST FALL 1964 NOR' BY EAST SCHILLING NAMED SPREADING THE WEL·COME MAT Box 66, Peaks Island, Maine "NOR' BY EAST" EDITOR There are two schools of thought among Islanders. One school holds to Published by Casco Bay Island Develop· the belief that neighborhood life is com ment Association with the cooperation of the Greater Portland Chamber of Com· fortable and cozy as it is right now and mercc for residents and visitors of Casco that working on the "development" con Bay. A non·profit publication supported by cept incurs a risk of getting over advertisers an<l members of the Associa· crowded and wiping out too many of lion. All work, except printing, donated by members. those "wide open spaces". The other school, which we like to Editor .. ....... Roger L. Schilling think comprises a vast majority, believes Editorial Committee: that on each of our residential ~ ':-"\dS, Robeit F. Skillings, Raymond Hayward, Co without mention of the many ,.... ~in chairmcn; Miss Johanna von Tiling, Cliff; Miss Maureen Mulkern, the Diamonds; Lawrence habited islands eligible for development, Stevens, Long; Mrs. Frances Randall, Peaks; is a great amount of space available for Raymond Hayward, Chebeague. new construction without crowding any Advertising ............... John W. Chapman one. Miss Louise S. Dunham New arrivals who bring their ideas, Circulation Mrs. Winthrop K. Deane their talents, and their enterprise to our Phowgraphers ...................... .. Mrs. Ruth Sargent communities add a cosmopolitan com Leon S. Clough plexion. Population increase tends to bring improvement in public services, ON BUILDING A transportation service, an cl services offered by private entrepreneurs. All of BAY-WIDE COMMUNITY this contributes to the pleasantness of Certainly the uniting of Casco Bay island life. islands' participation in the increasingly Beginning with this issue of Nor' by With our U. S. population expanding popular International Week program East Roger L. Schilling, Manager of by the minute and with our coastal and has proven that there are areas in which Public Relations, Greater Portland island properties which are blessed with all islands can become neighbors. It has Chamber of Commerce, takes on the goo cl weather conditions distinctly been said that never before has there position as Editor of this publication. limited by nature, the future holds been so much inter-island fraternizing. His duties will include editing aU copy promise of one thing for sure - more Acting upon this realization the Casco furnished by the Editorial Committee popular use of coastal regions. Bay Island Development Association and preparing the layout and details for So, even as we extended a glad hand has established a category of affiliated the printer. to the United Nations news oon-espon organizations among the 30 or more, The Chamber of Commerce by its dents, let us cordially welcome all long-standing groups in the Bay. willingness to provide Mr. Schilling's as friendly ne'!'Vcomers, and let them know that we like them. Response to the invitation to affiliate sistance to this project, demonstrated an has been most encouraging and already appreciation of the islands' role in the active Bay groups have responded economic growth and development of NEW VEHICLE FERRY through a vote of their respective organi the area, as well as continued co CAN SERVICE ALL LANDINGS operation with Nor' by East in its publi zations.