OF THE Town of Wayland


One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Municipal Year


March 1, 1913 to March 1, 1914


Wellesley, 19 14


< )F THE Town of Wayland


One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Municipal Year


March 1, 1913 to March 1, 1914


Wellesley, Massachusetts 19 14



Term expires EDMUND H. SEARS 1914

Town Clerk






Collector of Taxes




Treasurer of Library Funds



Overseers of Poor


School Committee




Water Commissioners


Trustees of Public Library


Sinking Fund Commissioners


Cemetery Commissioners


Tree Warden


Surveyor of Highways


Board of Health





Trustees of Allen Fund


Fence Viewers SELECTMEN

Field Drivers


Inspector of Animals


Burial Agent


Fire Warden


Supt. of Gypsy and Brown-Tail Moths


Sealer of Weights and Measures


Janitor of Town Hall




Public Weighers



Finance Committee


Registrars of Voters FRANK HAYNES


Engineers of Fire Department


Surveyor of Lumber


Measurers of Wood and Bark



Annual Town Meeting

MARCH 23, 1914



Middlesex, ss.

To either of the constables of the town of Wayland in said county.


In the name of the Commonwealth you are required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town qualified to vote in town elections to meet at their respective polling places on Monday, March 23rd, current, at six o'clock in the forenoon, there and then to bring in their ballots for a Modera- tor, a Town Clerk, three Selectmen, a Treasurer, a Collector of Taxes, an Auditor, a Treasurer of Library Funds, a Sur- veyor of Highways, a Tree Warden, and seven Constables, all for one year. One member of School Committee, one Sinking Fund Commissioner, one Cemetery Commissioner, two Trustees of Public Library, one Overseer of Poor, one Assessor, one mem- ber of the Board of Health, one Water Commissioner, all for three years. Also to vote "Yes" or "No" on the question "Shall licenses be granted for the sale of intoxicating liquors in this town?" 12 TOWN OF WAYLAND

All the foregoing to be voted on the official ballot. The polls will be open at 6.15 o'clock in the forenoon and will remain continuously open for at least four hours, when they may be closed unless the voters otherwise order. And you are required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town qualified to vote in town affairs to meet at the Town Hall on Wednesday, March 25, current, at 7.45 o'clock in the afternoon, there and then to act on the following ar- ticles, viz:

Article 1. To hear the reports of town officers, agents and committees and act thereon. Article 2. To choose all necessary officers, agents and committees not elected by official ballot. Article 3. To grant money for all necessary town pur- poses. Article 4. To authorize the Selectmen to consult coun- sel on important town cases, and to defend the town against any action at law or suit in equity that may be brought against it. Article 5. To appropriate the money received from dog licenses.

Article 6. To see if the town will vote to charge in- terest on overdue taxes and fix the rate of interest.

Article 7. Shall Chapter 487 of the Acts of 1913, being an act relative to the promotion of call men in the fire depart- ment be accepted? Article 8. Shall this town accept the provisions of Section 42 of Chapter 514 of the Acts of the year 1909, as affected by Chapter 494 of the Acts of the year 1911, which provides that eight hours shall constitute a day's work for town employees? Article 9. Shall Chapter 807 of the Acts of 1913, being an act to provide for compensating laborers, workmen and mechanics for injuries sustained in public employment, and exempt from legal liability counties and municipal corpora- tions which pay such compensation, be accepted by the in- habitants of this town? TOWN WARRANT 13

Article 10. To see if the town will increase the salary of the town clerk to $100, and appropriate and assess the money necessary for such increase. Article 11. To see what action the town will take in publishing in the town report or otherwise a list of the valua- tion of all taxable personal and real estate property, and the amount assessed thereon.

Article 12. To see if the town will appropriate a sum of money not exceeding three thousand dollars for the purpose of carrying out the order of the County Commissioners relative to the Concord Road.

Article 13. To see if the town will petition the Directors of the Bureau of Statistics for an audit of its accounts in ac- cordance with the provisions of Chapter 598, Acts of 1910, and amendments thereof.

Article 14. To see if the town will instruct the Select- men to install five street electric lights on Pond Street, one near Hammond Ave., one at junction of Pond and Loker Streets, one half way from this point to Rice Road, Pond and Oak Streets, one at last mentioned point to Natick.

Article 15. To see if the town will instruct the Select- men to install six additional street lights on Concord Road from Trainingfield Road to Moore Road.

Article 16. To see , what action the town will take re- garding the procuring of Automobile service for use of fire department.

Article 17. To see if the town will vote to discontinue the highway leading from East Pond Street to School Street by the farm of the late Horatio G. Hammond, known as Hammond Avenue.

Article 18. To see if the town will instruct the Select- men to install two electric lights on School Street leading from East Pond Street and one light on State Road near the en- trance to the residence of Mr. Frank E. Davis.

Article 19. To see if the town will vote to rebuild the culvert on Pelham Island Road, south of the blacksmith shop of L. H. McManus. 14 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Article 20. To see if the town will accept the following bequests: $150 to be known as Charles Holbrook Fund, in- come from which to be used for perpetual care of lot in Lake View Cemetery belonging to the late Charles Holbrook. $100 to be known as the Jude Damon Fund, income from which to be used for perpetual care of the Jude Damon lot in the North Cemetery.

Article 21. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money in anticipation of the revenue of the current financial year.

Article 22. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen to borrow money on and after January 1st, 1915, in anticipation of the revenue of the financial year beginning January 1st, 1915. Article 23. To see if the town will appropriate a sum of money not exceeding fifty dollars for improving the sidewalk on the north side of East Pond Street beginning at the end of concrete walk on land of Walter F. Evans. Article 24. To see if the town will authorizethe Town Auditor tp supply the several town departments with printed schedules on which to enter the amounts of pay rolls and bills. Article 25. To see what action the town will take in regard changing the date of holding the Annual Town Meeting to the First Monday in February. Article 26. To see what disposition the town will make of site of the Lokerville school house.

Article 27. To see if the town will appropriate a sum of money for defraying the expense of planting shade trees.

Article 28. To see if the town will appropriate not ex- ceeding one hundred and fifty dollars toward a fund for the erection of a National Civic Hall at Washington, D. C, as a Peace Memorial to the Father of Our Country.

Article 29. To see if the town will authorize the Select- men to install one additional light on Bow Road between Reeves Place and the light already installed. TOWN WARRANT 15

Article 30. To see if the town will appropriate $200 for repairing sidewalks. And you are required to serve this warrant by posting copies thereof attested by you at the Town House, at each Post Office in town, and on the engine house in Cochituate seven days at least before the time of holding said election. Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk on or before the 21st day of this March. Given under our hands this tenth day of March in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen.


Selectmen of Wayland. : .


Annual Town Meeting.

MARCH 24, 1913.


Middlesex, ss.

To either of the constables of the Town of Wayland Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth you are required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Wayland qualified to vote in town elections to meet at their respective polling places on Monday, March 24, 1913 at 6 o'clock in the forenoon and bring in their ballots to the election officers for a Moderator, Town Clerk, three Selectmen, Treasurer, Collector of Taxes, Auditor, Treasurer of Library Funds, Surveyor of Highways, Tree Warden and seven Constables all for one year. One member of School Committee, one Sinking Fund Commissioner, one Cemetery Commissioner, one Assessor, two Trustees of the Public Library, one Overseer of Poor, one member of Board of Health, one Water Commissioner, all for three years. Also to vote "Yes," or "No," on the follow- ing question: "Shall licenses be granted for the sale of in- toxicating liquors in this town?" All the foregoing to be voted on the official ballot. The polls will be open at 6.15 o'clock in the forenoon and TOW N WARRANT 17

will remain continuously open at least four hours when they may be closed unless the voters otherwise order. And you are required to notify and warn the inhabitants of Wayland qualified to vote in town affairs to meet at the Town Hall on Wednesday. March 26. 1913 at 7.45 o'clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles, viz :

Article 1. To hear the report of town officers, agents, trustees and committees and act thereon.

Article 2. To choose all necessary- town officers, agents, trustees and committees not elected by official ballot. Article 3. To grant money for all necessary town pur- poses. Article 4. To authorize the Selectmen to consult Coun- sel on important town cases, and to defend the town against any action at law or suit in equity that may be brought against it.

Article 5. To appropriate the money received from dog licenses. Article 6. To see what action the town will take in regard to borrowing money in anticipation of the taxes of the current municipal year.

Article 7. To see if the town will vote to charge interest on overdue taxes and fix the rate.

Article 8. To see if the town will appropriate S300 to repair Gleazen Road from Concord Road to Hazelbrook Lane or do or act.

Article 9. To see if the town will authorize the Select- men to draw from the revenue account such sums of money as may be necessary to carry on the work of exterminating the gypsy and brown-tail moths for the months of December 1913 and February- and January 1914, but not to exceed the town's liability for 1914.

Article 10. To see if the town will grant a sum of money to build a concrete cross-walk on Main Street from the south side of Shawmut Avenue, to north side of Willard Street or do or act. 18 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Article 11. To see if the town will accept the following bequests: $100 from Phebe U. Johnson, to be known as

"The Edward R. Johnson Fund;" SS100 from Isaballa Gale, to be known as the "Edwin Gale Fund" the income from which to be used in care of Lot No. 23, North Cemetery. The in- come from the "Johnson Fund" to be used in care of Lot 21 in Lake View Cemetery.

Article 12. To see if the town will instruct the Water Commissioners to extend the water mains on Main Street to connect with Natick water mains for fire protection and emer- gency cases.

Article 13. To see if the town will appropriate a sum of money for the purchase of forest fire fighting equipment for use by the Forest Warden.

Article 14. To see if the town will appropriate $150 for necessary repairs to the roof of town hall and shed in rear of hall. Article 15. To see what action the town will take rela- tive to procuring necessary sanitary conditions in Town Hall and appropriate money therefor or do or act.

Article 16. To see if the town will instruct the Select- men to install an electric light on German Hill Street near the right of way to Lake View Cemetery, also to install one street light on Pleasant Street near the residence of Louis Cham- pigni.

Article 17. To see if the town will accept Chapter 367 of the Acts of 1911, Sections one and two as amended by sec- tions one and two and three of Chapter 320, Acts 1912, relative to the use of rooms and halls in school buildings for other than school purposes.

Article 18. To see if the town will appropriate a sum of money to repair the old Sudbury Road from the B. & M. R. R. to the first bridge.

Article 19. To see if the town will accept Chapter 635 of the Acts of 1912. :


And you are required to serve this warrant by posting copies thereof attested by you at the Town Hall, at each post office in town and at the Engine House seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant to the town clerk on or before March 20th current. Given under our hands this eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirteen.


Selectmen of Wayland.

Wayland, March 20, 1913.

I served the foregoing warrant by posting copies thereof attested by me at each post office in town, at the Town, Hall and at the Engine House on March 14, 1913. Attest


Constable of Wayland. :


Town Clerk's Office

At a town meeting held on March 26th, 1913, the follow- ing business was transacted:

Article 1. Voted to consider the Finance Committee report by items. Article 2. Isaac Damon. John Connelly and Walter B. Henderson were elected Trustees of the Allen Fund. Fence Viewers—The Selectmen. Field Drivers—The Constables. Surveyors of Wood and Bark—William S. Lovell, Earnest

I. Clark. Surveyor of Lumber. William S. Lovell. Memorial Day Committee—Joseph M. Moore. Charles B. Butterheld. Irwin W. Schleicher. Constables elected and qualified —Stephen C. Cormier. Michael W. Hynes. Frank C. Moore, Joseph C. Vincent. Article 3. Voted to appropriate and assess the follow- ing sums of money Abatement of taxes $800.00 General Administration salaries Moderator SI 0.00 Selectmen 175.00 Auditor 100.00 Treasurer 500.00 Collector 350.00 Assessors 450.00 Town Clerk 50.00 Election Officers 200.00 Registrars 100.00

Incidental 1 ,000.00 S2.935.00 TOWN CLERK'S REPORT 21

Protection of life and property Police $700.00 Fire Department, Cochitua'e 800.00 Repairs 100.00

Fire Department, Wayland 200.00 Hydrants 384.00 Sealer of Weights and Measures 34.00 Tree Warden Department 200.00 $2,418.00 Health and Sanitation Board of Health $200.00 Inspection of Animals 150.00 Medical inspection in schools 50.00 S400.00 Highways and bridges 3,000.00 Street lighting 2,100.00

Moth extermination 1 ,270.80 Charities Overseers of Poor—salaries $150.00 Support of the poor 1,200.00 — $1,350.00 Education 16,000.00 Covering School Committee—salaries Teachers and janitors Supplies Transportation Superintendent Manual training Incidentals Libraries and reading-room $1,600.00 Memorial Day celebration 130.00 Soldiers' benefits 400.00 $2,100.00 Cemeteries Lake View Cemetery $200.00 North and Center Cemetery 200.00 $400.00 22 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Sinking Fund $1,408.80 Highway notes 900.00 Cochituate schoolhouse bonds $1,500.00

836,612.60 Voted to accept and adopt the following recommenda- tions of che Finance Committee. The above appropriations are recommended in addition to such balances as appear on the Treasurer's books unex- pended from last year's appropriations. The Finance Committee respectfully recommends that the sum of two hundred and twenty dollars ($220) be trans- ferred from water rates to pay interest on water bonds. Also that the money for removing snow be drawn from revenue account. Also that all town insurance be drawn from revenue account. Voted, to appropriate and assess $3,292.41 for over drafts, and that the sum of $2,709.85 for interest charges be taken from the revenue account. Article 4. Voted to authorize the Selectmen to consult counsel on important town causes, and to defend the town against any action at law, or suit in equity that may be

brought against it. Article 5. Voted, to appropriate the money received from dog licenses, one-half to schools and one-half to library. Article 6. Voted, that the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and hereby is authorized to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the taxes of the municipal year beginning March 1st, 1913, to an amount not exceeding in the aggregate $30,000, and to issue a note or notes therefor payable within one year; any debt or debts incurred under this vote to be paid from the taxes of said municipal year.

Article 7. Voted, to charge interest at the rate of 6

per cent, on taxes unpaid on and after October 1, 1913. TOWN CLERK'S REPORT 23

Article 8. Voted, to appropriate not exceeding three hundred dollars, to repair Gleazen Road, from Concord Road to Hazelbrook Lane. Article 9. Voted, to authorize the Selectmen to draw from the revenue account such sums of money as may be necessary to carry on the work of exterminating the gypsy and brown-tail moths, for the months of December, 1913, and January and February, 1914, but not to exceed the town's liability for 1914. Article 10. Voted to appropriate and assess not ex- ceeding fifty dollars, to build a concrete cross-walk on Main Street from the south side of Shawmut Avenue to north side of Willard Street. Article 11. Voted, to accept the following bequests: $100 from Phebe M. Johnson to be known as "The Edward L.

Johnson Fund," the income from which is to be used in care of Lot 21, in Lake View Cemetery; S100 from Isabella Gale, to be known as the "Edwin Gale Fund," the income from which to be used in care of Lot Xo. 25, North Cemetery.

Article 12. To see if the town will instruct the Water Commissioners to extend the water mains on Main Street to connect with Xatick water mains for fire protection, and emer- gency cases. Article 13. Voted to appropriate and assess S300 for the purchase of forest fire fighting equipment, for the use of the forest warden. ' Article 14. Voted to appropriate $150 for necessary repairs to the roof of Town Hall, and shed in rear of Hall. Article 15. Voted to appropriate and assess $800 for procuring necessary sanitary conditions in the Town Hall. The money to be expended by the Selectmen. Article 16. Voted to instruct the Selectmen to install an electric light on German Hill Street, near the right of wax- to Lake View Cemetery. Also to install one street light on Pleasant Street, near the residence of Louis Champigni. Article 17. Voted to accept Chapter 367 of the Acts 24 TOWN OF WAVLAND of 1911—Sections one and two—as amended by sections one, two and three of Chapter 320, Acts 1912. relative to the use of rooms and halls in School Buildings for other than school purposes.

Article 18. Passed over. Article 19. Passed over. Adjourned.

A true copy of record.



Special Town Meeting

JUNE 20th. 1913.

TOWN WARRANT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. To either of the Constables of the Town of Wayland in said County. Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth you are required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Wayland, qualified to vote in town aifTairs, to meet at the Town Hall on Friday, the 20th day of June current at 7.45 o'clock in the afternoon, there and then to act on the following articles, viz:

Article 1. To see what action the town will take rela- tive to placing additional street lights on Cochituate Road and on Old Connecticut Path near Five Paths so called.

Article 2. To see if the Town will vote to pay the la- borers on the Moth Dept. S2.25 per day, straight time. Holi- days excluded.

Article 3. Shall sections one to fourteen inclusive of Chapter 28 of the Revised Laws, authorizing cities and towns to lay out public parks wthin their limits, be accepted? Article 4. To see what action the town will take rela- tive to carrying out the order of the County Commissioners relative to the alteration and relocating of Concord Road, and appropriating and assessing or borrowing money therefor. Article 5. To see what action the town wishes to take in regard to oiling the streets of Cochituate Village, more es- 26 TOWN OF WAYLAND

pecially Main Street, and Concord Road, Cochituate Road, and Old Sudbury Road at Wayland Center.

Article 6. To see if the town will authorize the Way- land Water Commissioners to borrow a sum of money, not exceeding two thousand dollars, in notes of five hundred dollars each to be paid from water rates, for the purpose of extending the mains.

Article 7. To see if the town will appropriate eight hundred and nine and yW dollars to meet unpaid bills on account of repairs on Cochituate Road. And you are required to serve this warrant by posting copies thereof attested by you at the Town Hall, at the Engine House in Cochituate Village and at each post office in town seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant to the Town Clerk on or before the 18th day of June current. Given under our hands this ninth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirteen.


Selectmen of Wayland. TOWN CLERK'S REPORT 27

Town Clerk's Office

At a town meeting held on the 20th day of June, 1913, the following votes were passed to wit:

Article 1. Voted that the Selectmen be authorized and instructed to install four additional street lights between Mr. Green's Avenue on Cochituate Road and Francis Shaw's Avenue on old Connecticut Path east.

Article 2. Passed over.

Article 3. Passed over. Article 4. Voted that the sum of $3,000 be appro- priated and assessed to carry out the work as laid out by the County Commissioners on Concord Road.

Article 5. Passed over. Article 6. Voted to authorize the Wayland Water Commissioners to borrow a sum of money not exceeding two thousand (2,000) dollars in notes of five hundred dollars each, all to be paid from water rates, at such rate of interest and payable at such times as the Commissioners shall approve.

Voting Yes 71, voting No. (0) none. Article 7. Voted to appropriate and assess eight hun- dred nine and Y\h (809.13) dollars to meet unpaid bills on * account of repairs on Cochituate Road. A true copy of record. Attest: DANIEL BRACKETT,


Special Town Warrant

OCTOBER 28th. 1913.


Middlesex, ss. To either of the Constables of the Town of Wayland in said County: Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth you are required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Wayland to meet at the Town Hall on Tuesday, the 28th day of October, 1913, at 7.45 o'clock in the afternoon, there and then to act on the following articles, viz:

Article I. To see what action the town will take in regard to continuing the work of relaying or repairing the Concord Road as laid out by the County Commissioners.

Article 2. To see if the town will authorize and instruct the Sinking Fund Commissioners to turn over to the Town Treasurer the following funds.—James Draper Fund ($500), Ella E. Draper Fund ($500;. Grace Campbell Draper Fund ($1,000) or do or act.

Article 3. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Town Treasurer to borrow the sum of $1 ,000 for the purpose of paying bills contracted by the Water Commissioners ex- tending mains. And you are required to serve this warrant by posting copies hereof attested by you at the Town Hall, at each post office in town and at the Engine House seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting. TOWN WARRANT 29

Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon at or before the 25th day of October, 1913. Given under our hands this fourteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirteen.


Selectmen of Wayland.

Town Clerk's Office

At a town meeting held on the 28th day of October 1913 the following vote was passed : that the Selectmen be instructed to ask the County Commissioners for an extension of time for finishing the work on the Concord Road Also voted that the Town Treasurer with the approval of the Selectmen be and hereby is authorized to borrow not exceeding one thousand dollars, for payment of bills contracted by the Water Commissioners, and to issue a note therefor payable within one year. Said note and interest thereon to be paid from water rates. A true copy of record.


Town Clerk. : :


Selectmen's Report

The regular appointments have been made as required by law. They appear in the list of town officials. Sidewalks—Cross-walk has been installed on Main Street, Cochituate. Lighting—Additional street lights have been placed as follows:

German Hill Street 1

Pleasant Street 1 Cochituate Road 2 Old Conn. Path East 2 Repairs on Town Hall The repairs have been made on roof of Town Hall. All broken slate has been replaced and we now believe the roof to be in good condition. Water System

The water system has been installed and is a great addition to our Town House. The well was driven eighty- five feet, and we have ample supply of water for all purposes. We find that it will be necessary to do something in regard to heating plant in extreme cold weather, as otherwise it will be impossible to keep it from freezing. As per vote of the Town, the Selectmen petitioned the County Commissioners for an extension of time to finish work on Concord Road. They refused to grant such ex- tension. The Commission appointed to see about the elimination of grade crossing on State road near Samuel Russell's, held a hearing in May. Xo report has been made as to their finding. PAUL T. DRAPER. GEO. W. BISHOP, JAMES H. LEE, Board of Selectmen. TOWN CLERK'S REPORT 31

List of Jurors for 1914

Lctwrencc H. McManus Blacksmith Lewis W. Grant Carpenter Patrick Nolan Farmer rviirea r\. carter Real Estate Daniel D. Griffin Farmer Isaac Damon Farmer Walter P. Evans Laborer Xhos. L. Hynes Farmer John E. Dolan Farmer iviicnaei w . riynes Farmer Walter F. Smith Painter

Joseph W . Zimmerman L. lerk Napoleon Perodeau Cjrocer Henry P. Sherman Brakeman

Frank J. Bigwood Shoemaker renx INoel Shoemaker

\ \ m . l. . in eai Farmer rviirea L . LOKer ohoemaker James Linnehan Carpenter r^dwin h.gan r armer Ceo. b. bumpter bnoemaker Delphis Lacouture bnoemaker James E. Ferguson Grocer rrank L. Kemick Retired Patrick D. Gorham Shoemaker Marcus M. Fiske Farmer Wm. H. Bond Shoemaker John B. Yeager Shoemaker Herbert K. Ranney Teamster James I. Bryden Farmer Alexander Sauer Farmer Edward Dorcheimer Shoemaker Alvin B. Neal Conductor Charles Fiske Farmer John M. Curtin Retired 32 TOWN OF WAVLAND

State Aid

There has been paid out during the year beginning March

( I, 1913 and ending March 1. 1 M4, S704.00. 42


Town Clerk's Report BIRTHS Born during the year 34 Males 20 Females 14 Born of native parents 24 Born of foreign parents 2 Born of native and foreign parents 8 MARRIAGES Registered during the year 24 First marriage of both parties 18 First of one, second of the other 3 Second of both 3 DEATHS Died during the year 26

Males 1

Females 1 Married 10 Single 8 Widowed 12 Native birth 12 Foreign birth 14

Names of persons deceased who were more than seventy years of age: Vrs. Mos. Dys. Daniel Fuller Fiske 76 11 13 Abbie H. Gleason 95 9

Mary A. Carroll 71 1 Adaline H. Wellington 77 4 14 .

Elmire Scott 81 1 10

Elizabeth I. Duplessis 76 4 Hannah Underwood 89 3 11 Lewis Colby May 89 5 Charles W. Loker 78 3 11 34


Diabetis 1

Epilepsy 1 Old age 3

Heart disease 1

Lack of vitality 1

Spinal meningitis 1

Paraphegia 1 Nephritis 2 Arterio sclerosis 3

Peritonitis 1

Alcoholism 1

Still born 1 Pneumonia 3

Anaemia 1

Pulmonary Embalseur 1 Tuberculosis 2

Grippe 1

DOGS LICENSED from DEC. 1, 1912 to DEC. 1, 1913.

Males, 127 @ $2.00 $254 Females, 21. @ S5.00 105

. $359

Clerk's fees , 148 @ 20 cents 29.60

Paid County $329.40


Bird 131 Evans 2 Foss 20 Walsh 134 Wren 11 Reimer 5 TOWN CLERK'S REPORT 35


Bedford Concord Lincoln Sudbury Weston Wayland Byron 28 307 25 27 32 113 Hart 71 234 117 52 116 112 Pfeiffer 123 339 38 78 181 163 Blanks 19 41 9 9 19 34

241 921 189 166 348 422

Mr. Pfeiffer was declared elected. DANIEL BRACKETT,

Town Clerk. 36 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Report of Finance Committee


The committee recommend the following appropriations: Abatement of taxes S800.00 General Administration Salaries: Moderator $8.33 Selectmen 145.83 Auditor 83.33 Treasurer 416.67 Collector 400.00 Assessors 500.00 Town Clerk 41.67 Election Officers 200.00 Registrars 83.33 Incidental 900.00 82,779.16

Protection of life and property Police $850.00 Fire Dept., Cochituate 666.67 Fire Dept., Wayland 166.67 Hydrants 320.00 Sealer of weights and measures 30.00 Tree Warden Department 166.67 82,200.01 Health and sanitation Board of Health $250.00 Inspector of animals—salary 125.00 $375.00 Highways and bridges 83,500.00 Street lighting 2,000.00 Moth extermination 1,214.60 REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE 37

Charities Overseers of poor—salaries $125.00

Support of the poor 1 ,200.00 81,325.00

Education 813,200.00 Covering School Committee—salaries Teachers and janitors Supplies Transportation Superintendent Manual training Incidentals Libraries and reading room $1,333.33 Memorial Day celebration 100.00 Soldiers' benefits 333.33 $1,766.66 Cemeteries Lake View Cemetery $200.00 North Center Cemetery 200.00 8400.00

Sinking fund 81,408.80 Cochituate schoolhouse bonds 1,500.00 Interest on Town debt 3,500.00

Total S35, 969.23

The above appropriations are recommended in addition to such balances as appear on the Treasurer's books unex- pended from last year's appropriations and covering period for ten months March 1 to Dec. 31, 1914 inclusive, the ex- piration of the fiscal year established by the Acts of 1913. The Finance Committee respectfully recommend that the sum of fifty-five dollars (855) be transferred from water rates to pay interest on water note. Also that the money for removing snow be drawn from revenue account. 18 TOWN OF WAVLAND

Also that all town insurance and surety bonds be drawn from revenue account. Also that the overdrafts for last year amounting to three thousand three hundred and sixty -nine dollars and forty-four cents S3. 369.44 be charged revenue account.


Fi na n ce Com m it tee . ASSESSOR'S REPORT 39

Assessors' Report

Valuation of real estate, April 1, 1913 SI ,961 ,790

Valuation of personal estate, April 1, 1913 1,074,710

Total valuation S3 ,036,500

Valuation of real estate, April 1, 1912 SI ,91 7,960

Valuation of personal estate, April 1, 1912 1,259,120

Total valuation S3, 036,500

Decrease S140,580 Taxes assessed for town purposes S45,314.14 State tax (regular) $6,160.00 State highway tax SI 29.00 County tax S3, 107. 63

Overlayings S4 1 . 7 3 Excise tax S 7 76.62 Additional assessments $5.52 Polls assessed April 1. 1913 655

Polls assessed April 1, 1912 658

Number of persons assessed 1 ,053 Number of residents assessed on property 438- Number of non-residents assessed on property 135 Total number assessed on property 573 Total number assessed on polls only 398 Total value of land S792,925 Total value of buildings SI, 168,865 Number of horses assessed 293 Number of cows assessed 413 Number of swine assessed 686 40 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Number of fowls assessed 1,030 Number of sheep assessed 7 Number of dwelling houses 509 Number of acres of land 9,805 Rate of taxation, 1913 $17.60 Rate of taxation, 191 2 14.00

Taxes Abated

For the year 1906 $40.91 For the year 1907 22.06 For the year 1908 12.96 For the year 1909 For the year 1910 2.68 For the year 1911 126.82 For the year 1912 143.19 For the year 1913 1,599.12 DANIEL BRACKETT, NATHANIEL R. GERALD, ALFRED A. CARTER,

Assessors of Wayland. REPORT OF TAX COLLECTOR 41

Tax Collector's Report

Your Collector respectfully submits the following report for the fiscal year.

State tax 16,160.00 State highway 129.00 County tax 3,107.63 Town tax 45,314.14 Overlayings 41.73 Additional taxes 5.52

F vri^t 1 1 ;i v 776.62

$55,534.64 Collected and paid to Treasurer S40. 715. 23 Excise tax 776.62 Abated taxes 1.599.12

Balance uncollected Mar. 1, 1914 12,443.67

$55,534.64 1909 Tax

Balance uncollected Aug. 1, 1913 S96.70 Collected S21.46

Balance uncollected Mar. 1. 1914 75.24

S96.70 $96.70

1910 Tax

Balance uncollected Aug. 1, 1913 $132.81 Abated S2.68 Collected 49.82

Balance uncollected Mar. 1, 1914 80.31

$132.81 $132.18 42 TOWN OF WAYLAND

1911 Tax

Balance uncollected Aug. 1, 1913 $972.03 Abated $126.82 Collected 512.74

Balance uncollected Mar. 1, 1914 232.47

$972.03 $972.03

1912 Tax

Balance uncollected Aug. 1, 1913 $5,867.59 Collected $1,582.18 Abated 143.19

Balance uncollected Mar. 1, 1914 4,142.22

$5,867.59 $5,867.59

1911 Moth Tax

Balance uncollected Aug. 1, 1913 $23.75 Collected $3.50

Balance uncollected Mar. 1, 1914 20.25

$23.75 $23.75

1912 Moth Tax

Balance uncollected Aug. 1, 1913 $118.50 Collected $21.50 Balance uncollected Mar. 1, 1914 97.00

$118.50 $181.50

1913 Moth Tax Total assessment $610.60 Collected $343.45 Balance uncollected March 1, 1914 262.95 Abated 4.20


Interest Account

1909 collected and paid Treasurer $3.15 1910 5.82 1911 55.24 1912 82.49 1913 140.21

Total $286.91 Collector's total receipts paid Treasurer $44,313.41

Owing to my error in check 36, $19.53 should be taken from interest account and placed as follows: $4.90 on moth account, $14.63 to Tax account, thus making account as above. Treasurer's account showing this amount on his in- terest.

I want to thank the tax payers for their co-operation with me. Respectfully submitted,


Tax Collector. 44 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Report of Commissioners of Water Works Sinking Fund

On August 1st, 1913 the following accounts were drawn to pay Wayland Water Fund Bonds amounting to $11,000.00 due on said date. The balance $778.44 was used for extending mains at Wayland Manor and East Pond Street.

Natick Savings Bank $3,533.75 West Newton Savings Bank 1,324.38 Waltham Trust Co. 1,346.68 Waltham Savings Bank 1,265.00 Watertown Savings Bank 1,661.42 Home Savings Bank, 1,339.14 Wildey Savings Bank, Boston 349.12 Union Institution for Savings, Boston 958.95



ConCrs of Wayland Water Works Sinking Fund. REPORT OF SINKING FUND 45

Report of Commissioners of Town Sinking Fund

Amount of Fund, March 1, 1913 $27,328.92 Received, Appropriation, 1913 $1,408.80 Received, interest less premium on investment bought ($207.30) 818.15 2,226.95

Amount of Fund, March 1, 1914 $29,555.87

Invested as follows

Fitchburgh R. R. Bond $1,000 4% @par $1,000.00 Chicago, Burl. & Quincy R. R. Bonds $5,000 3|% @ cost 4,730.00

West End Street Rwy . Bond $1 ,000 4% @ par 1,000.00 New York, N. Haven & Hrtfd. R. R. Bonds $2,000 4% @ par 2,000.00 Boston & Maine R. R. Bonds $2,000 4% ©cost 1,970.00 Boston Elevated Rwy. Bonds $3,000 4£% @ par 3,000.00 Old Colony R. R. Bonds $2,000 3j%@cost 1,855.00 Old Colony R. R. Bond, $1,000 4%@par 1,000.00 Boston Elevated Rwy. Bonds, $3,000 4% @ par 3,000.00 46 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Middlesex County Bonds, $2,000 4% @ par $2,000.00 Deposited in North End Savings Bank, Boston 575.24 Boston & Albany R. R. Bonds $6,000 3% @ par 6,000.00 City of Boston Bond $1,000 4% @ cost 977.50 City of Quincy Sewerage Loan Bond $500 3|% @ cost 448.13 $29,555.87

All bonds are registered except Middlesex County Bonds, for which there is no provision for registration.

James Draper Fund

Amount of Fund, March 1, 1914 $500.00 Deposited in Cambridgeport Savings Bank. Income, amounting to $24.11, paid into Town Treasury, to be applied on Interest on Note held by Treasurer of Library Funds.

Ella E. Draper Fund

Amount of Fund, March 1, 1914 $500.00 Deposited in Suffolk Savings Bank, Boston. Income, amounting to $18.91, paid into Town Treasury, to be applied on Interest on Note held by Treasurer of Library Funds. REPORT OF TOWN SINKING FI ND 47

Grace Campbell Draper Fund

Amount of Fund. March 1, 1914 SI, 000. 00 Invested in City of Boston Sewerage Loan Bond SI. 000

4^c Z par. Income amounting to S40.00 paid into Town Treasury to be applied on Interest on Note held by Treasurer of Library Funds.

CHESTER B. WILLIAMS, Chairman. JOHN CONNELLY. Secretary. W. B. HENDERSON. Treasurer.

Commissioners of Town Sinking Fund, 4S TOWN OF WAYLAND

Treasurer's Report

SCHEDULE I Cash Statement 1913

March 1, Cash Balance $4,835.39 Total Receipts (Schedule II) 104,950.95

$109,786.34 Total Payments (Schedule III) 105,950.64

1914 February 28 Cash Balance $3,835.70 1913 March Daniel Brackett, Licenses $6.00 Interest on Bank Deposit, Revenue 15.95 C. B. & Q. Coupon, Allen Fund Income 20.00

D. J. Graham, Supt., Moth Dept. 30.00 Interest on Bank Deposit, Revenue 7.40 April District Court Fines, Revenue 8.16

I. A. Priest, Coll., Tax 1912 605.61

I. A. Priest, Coll., Tax 1911 958.32

I. A. Priest, Coll., Tax 1910 16.00

I. A. Priest, Coll., Tax 1909 6.17

I. A. Priest, Coll., Tax 1908 2.00 L A. Priest, Coll., Int. on Tax 1912 15.82

I. A. Priest, Coll., Int. on Tax 1911 53.55

I. A. Priest, Coll., Int. on Tax 1910 .60

I. A. Priest, Coll., Int. on Tax 1909 1.08

I. A. Priest, Coll., Int. on Tax 1908 .48 Natick 5c Sav. Bank, Concord Road Note No. 16 ' 500.00 TREASURER'S REPORT V)

May Interest on Bank Deposit, Revenue $6.85 C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Com. 186.91

Natick Nat'J Bank, Tax Note No. 1 7 5,000.00 Natick Nat'l Bank, Tax Note, No. 18 5,000.00 State Treasurer, Moth Dept. 50.75 W. S. Draper, Clerk, Cemetery 20.00 June Interest on Bank Deposit, Revenue 3.18

I. A. Priest, Coll., Tax 1912 393.64

I. A. Priest, Coll., Tax 1911 67.59

I. A. Priest, Coll., Tax 1910 8.80

I. A. Priest,' Coll., Tax 1909 2.00

I. A. Priest, Coll., Int. on Tax 1912 8.52

I. A. Priest, Coll., Int. on Tax 1911 .05

I. A. Priest, Coll., Int. on Tax 1910 .65

I. A. Priest, Coll., Int. on Tax 1909 .54

D. J. Graham, Supt. Moth Dept. 16.00 State Treasurer, Tax Note, No. 19 5,000.00 State Treasurer, Tax Note, No. 20 5,000.00 C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Com. 274.42

I. A. Priest, Coll., Tax 1912 134.77

I. A. Priest, Coll. Tax 1911 .50

I. A. Priest, Coll., Tax 1910 13.60

I. A. Priest, Coll., Moth Tax 1912 36.00

I. A. Priest, Coll., Moth Tax 1911 9.00

I. A. Priest, Coll., Int. on Tax 1912 5.72

I. A. Priest, Coll., Int. on Tax 1911 .18

D. J. Graham, Supt., Moth Dept. 32.00 State Treasurer, Tax Note No. 21 5,000.00 July Interest on Bank Deposit, Revenue 7.78 District Court Fines, Revenue 1.46 m W. H. McManus, Hall Rent 13.00 C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Com. 224.55 W. S. Draper, Clerk, Cemetery 20.00 State Treasurer, Moth Dept. 47.98 50 TOWN OF- WAYLAND

D. J. Graham, Supt. Moth Dept. Si 8.40

B. cS: A. R. R. Coupons, Loker Fund Inc. 40.00

D. J. Graham. Supt.. Moth Dept. 10.00 W. S. BigAvood, Board of Health .80 State Treasurer. Tax Note Xo. 22 5,000.00 C. S. Williams. Clerk. Water Com. 146.02 F. C. Remick. Clerk. Revenue 100.00 Jas. C. McKay, Treas.. for Water Bonds 11.778.44 C. S. Williams. Clerk. Water Com. 138.00 L. R. Gerald. Coll.. Tax 1911 92.70 L. R. Gerald. Coll., Tax 1912 42.70 L. R. Gerald, Coll.. Int. on Tax 1911 5.83 August W. H. McManus. Hall Rent 16.00 C. S. Williams, Clerk. Water Com. 115.97 E. H. Sears, Moth Dept. 285.4^ W. S. Lovell, Revenue 1.45 Wm. Read. 2nd, Revenue 5.81 W. B. Henderson. Revenue 5.81 F. E. Yeager, Revenue 16.28 City of Boston, Schools 7.50 C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Com. 132.78 L. R. Gerald, Coll.. Tax 1909 3.29 L. R. Gerald. Coll., Tax 1910 4.04 L. R. Gerald. Coll., Tax 1911 37.78 L. R. Gerald. Coll., Tax 1912 7.05 L. R. Gerald. Coll.. Tax 1913 46.24 L. R. Gerald, Coll.. Int. on Tax 1909 .76 L. R. Gerald, Coll.. Int. on Tax 1910 .69 L. R. Gerald. Coll.. Int. on Tax 1911 4.55 L. R Gerald. Coll.. Int. on Tax 1912 .25 L. R. Gerald. Coll.. Moth Tax 1911 3.50 L. R. Gerald. Coll.. Tax 1910 2.00 L. R. Gerald. Coll.. Tax 1913 115.82 L. R. Gerald, Coll.. Int. on Tax 1910 .35 L. R. Gerald. Coll.. Tax 1913 296.64 L. R. Gerald. Coll. Moth Tax 1913 2.80 1


L. R. Gerald, Coll. Tax 1910 $ SO L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 10.50 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 320.64 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1913 22.70 F. C. Remick, Clerk, Revenue 60.00 W. S. Bigwood, Fire Protection 26.28 C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Com. 115.25 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 81 .70 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1911 46.84 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1910 2.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 522.21 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1912 4.63 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 191 8.14 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1912 4.50 Sept Interest on Bank Deposit, Revenue 9.70 W. S. Draper, Clerk, Cemetery 40.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 96.19 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 447.85 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1912 5.44 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1912 3.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1913 1.40

C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Com. 1 85.71 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 198.85 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 51.01 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 351.30 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1912 19.43 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 9.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 133.99 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1911 82.15 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 1.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 112.54 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1913 3.50 0\ erseers of Poor, Poor Dept. 175.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1911 7.81 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 134.37 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 315.53 52

L. R. Gerald. Coll.. Int. on Tax 1911 $.90 L. R. Gerald, Coll.. Int. on Tax 1912 7.76 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1912 3.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1913 7.00 L. R. Gerald. Coll., Tax 1910 2.00 L. R. Gerald. Coll.. Tax 1912 31.80 L. R. Gerald. Coll.. Tax 1913 301.13 L. R. Gerald, Coll.. Int. on Tax 1911 9.51 L, R. Gerald. Coll.. Moth Tax 1913 14.00 U R. Gerald. Coll.. Tax 1912 54.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll.. Tax 1913 82.32 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1913 4.20 L. R. Gerald, Coll.. Int. on Tax 1910 .64 L. R. Gerald, Coll.. Int. on Tax 1911 .68 L. R. Gerald, Coll.. Int. on Tax 1912 .11 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1910 3.36 L. R. Gerald. Coll.. Tax 1911 5.94 L. R. Gerald. Coll., Tax 1912 2.00 L. R. Gerald, Tax 1913 107.17 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1913 3.50 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 5.96 L. R. Gerald. Coll.. Tax 1913 170.12 L. R. Gerald, Int. on Tax 1912 .35 C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Com. 112.10 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 485.20 C. B. & Q. Coupon, Allen Fund Inc. 20.00 W. B. Henderson, Revenue 1.13 Win. Read, 2nd, Revenue 1.12 F. E. Yeager, Revenue 3.00 C. W. Chadwick, Revenue 6.93 A. A. Carter, Revenue 6.18 W. S. Lovell, Revenue .25 October Interest on Bank Deposit, Revenue 1.24 L. R. Gerald. Coll., Tax 1910 3.60 L. R. Gerald, Coll.. Tax 1911 2.13 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 5.00 TREASURER'S REPORT 53

L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 $4,307.73 L. R. Gerald, Coll. Int. on Tax 1910 .60 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1913 32.20

District Court Fines, Revenue 1 .38 Chairman, District School Com. Schools 625.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 5,366.81 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1913 14.55 State Treasurer, Poor Dept. 4.00 W. H. McManus, Hall Rent 16.00 M. W. Hynes, Supt., Highways 25.00 W. S. Draper, Clerk, Cemetery 10.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1909 2.60 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1910 1.36 L. R. Gerald, Coll.. Tax 1911 102.33 L. R. Gerald. Coll., Tax 1912 141.70 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 9,660.17 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1912 3.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1913 77.90 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1909 .21 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1911 24.04 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1912 10.27 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1909 2.59 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1910 4.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 42.20

L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 1 ,954.65 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1909 .55 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1912 2.81 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1913 14.10 W. S. Bigwood, Board of Health 4.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 78.50 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 1,104.34 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1912 .20 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1913 20.50 Town of Xatick, Schools 19.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1909 4.32 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1910 5.44 L. R. Gerald; Coll., Tax 1911 6.20 54 TOWN OF WAYLAND

L. R. Gerald, C oil., Tax 1912 $42.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 281.03 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1909 1.04 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1910 .98 L. R. Gerald. Coll., Int. on Tax 1911 .76 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1912 2.64 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1913 .02 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1912 2.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1913 1.40

C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Com. 452.80 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1910 2.68 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 2.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 1.818.70 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1910 .48 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1912 .12 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1913 .02 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1913 18.30 W. S. Draper, Clerk, Chas. Holbrook Fund 150.00 Xatick 5c Savings Bank, Cemetery Funds Inc. 89.88

Draper Fund 4.04 Heard Fund 4.04 Jackson Fund 4.04 Moore Fund 12.12 Reeves Fund 4.04 Rice Fund 4.04 Roby Fund 16.16 Page Fund 2.02 Frost Fund 4.04 Thomas Fund 4.04 Russell Fund 4.04 Parsons Fund 8.08 Lovejoy Fund 8.08 Lee Fund 4.04 Johnson Fund 4.04 Gale Fund 3.02 TREASURER'S REPORT 55

B. & A. R. R. Coupons, Lokcr Fund Inc. S40.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 1.40 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 L. R. Gerald, Coll.. Int. on Tax 1913 2.41 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1913 19.10 State Treasurer, Corporation Tax 2,923.13 State Treasurer, Corporation Tax 18.45 State Treasurer, National Bank Tax 1,834.62 State Treasurer, State Aid 675.00 State Treasurer, St. Railway Tax 264.15 State Treasurer, Tuition of Children 393.40 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1910 6.80 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 27.90 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 3,335.57 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1912 2.14 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1913 17.87 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1912 2.50 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1913 11.20 W. H. McManus, Hall Rent 34.00 County Treasurer, Incidentals 1.00 Xatick Nat'l Bank*, Water Loan Xote Xo. 23 1,000.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1909 6.06 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1911 27.90

L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 93.44 L. R. Gerald, Coll.," Int. on Tax 1909 .04 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1912 1.83 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1913 .64 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1913 1.40 D.J. Graham, Supt., Moth Dept. 54.50 County Treasurer, Concord Road 2,000.00 Dec. Interest on Bank Deposit, Revenue 24.60 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1909 2.60 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1910 .34 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1911 1.35 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 115.00 56 TOW N OF WAYLAND

L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 $227.20 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1909 .55 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1911 .29 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1912 7.30 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1913 5.56 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1912 1.00 W. S. Draper, Clerk, Cemetery 20.00 C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Com. 261.91 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 1.75 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 321.67 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Excise Tax 776.62 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1912 .13 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1913 3.13 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1913 1.40 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1910 10.88 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1911 2.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 128.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 854.60 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1910 2.08 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1911 .25 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1912 9.18 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1913 11.17 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1910 1.02 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1911 1.11 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 30.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 292.06 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1913 3.95 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1913 14.40 1914 January Interest on Bank Deposit, Revenue 8.88 District Court Fines, Revenue 2.79 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 15.40 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 2,817.97 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1912 1.23 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1913 42.40 L. K. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1912 1.00 TREASURER'S REPORT 57

L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1913 $18.20 Overseers of Poor, Poor Dept. 15.00 W. H. McManus, Hall Rent 16.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 1,192.80 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1913 19.53 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1913 5.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 14.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 225.36 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 2.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 275.52 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1913 2.59 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1913 22.39 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1912 .16 Sinking Fund Com., G. C. Draper Fund Inc. 40.00 Sinking Fund Com., E. E. Draper Fund Inc. 18.91 Sinking Fund Com., Jas. Draper Fund Inc. 20.20 W. S. Bigwood, Board of Health 5.00 State Treasurer, Moth Suppression 243.33 W. S. Draper, Clerk, Cemetery 20.00 C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Com. 326.87 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 381.64 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1913 8.75 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1913 14.40 February Interest on Bank Deposit, Revenue 9.78 County Treasurer, Dog Licenses 317.87 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 32.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 232.57 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1912 2.61 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1913 .85 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1912 1.50 Francis Shaw, Treas., Library 400.00 Francis Shaw, Treas., Reading Room 75.00

D. J. Graham, Supt., Moth Dept. 100.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 44.56 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 746.74 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1912 3.56 58 TOWN OF WAYLAND

L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1913 $14.77

L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1913 . 5.45 Jos. M. Moore, Sealer Weights and Measures 18.01 Franklin Savings Bank, Donation Fund Int. 52.52 School Board, Donation Fund Int. 8.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1911 96.50 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1912 4.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1913 150.44 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1911 .29 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1912 .34 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Tax 1913 3.69 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Tax 1913 9.95 Francis Shaw, Treasurer, Library 68.28 Francis Shaw, Treasurer, Reading Room 27.23 W. S. Draper, Clerk, Jude Damon Fund 100.00 W. S. Bigwood, Fire Dept. 7.00

E. I. Clark, Scales 10.70 C. A. Benson, Scales 17.30 C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Com. 290.87

Total Receipts $104,950.95


TREASURER'S PAYMENTS BYr DEPARTMENTS Agency Payments: Taxes to County $3,107.63 Taxes to State 6,394.23

Town Administration: Salaries 2,330.65 Incidentals 1,274.75 Insurance and Bonds (Revenue) 845.25 Protection of Life and Property: Police 868.30 Fire Dept. 1,084.69 :


Fire Dept., Repairs $94.15 Hydrants 384.00 Forest Warden 197.60 Tree Warden 187.18 Weights and Measures 55.16 Moth Dept. 2,721.48

Health and Sanitation Board of Health 479.95 Inspection of Animals 215.00 Inspection of Schools 100.00 Town House Sanitary 855.20

Highways and Bridges: Repairs and Maintenance 3,873.49 Cochituate Road 809.13 Concord Road 5,907.77 Gleazen Road 300.00 Sidewalks 104.44 Snow (Revenue) 233.29

Street Lighting 2,119.24

Charities: Support of Poor 1,678.59 Oversers of Poor, Salaries 150.00 Poor Funds Income 172.52

Soldiers Benefits: State Aid 704.00 Soldiers' Relief 373.44 Soldiers' Burial 48.15

Education 17,773.15

Library and Reading Room 1,833.17 Library Funds Income 110.00 :


Memorial Day $166.89

Water Dept. Maintenance and Extensions 3,808.82 Salaries 392.50 Water Bonds 11,000.00

Cemeteries 506.92 Cemeteries Funds Income 66.96

Interest 3,529.31

Sinking Fund 1,408.80

Town Indebtedness: Tax Notes Paid 25,000.00 Highway Notes Paid 900.00 School Bonds Paid 1,500.00

Cemetery Funds Invested 150.00

Town House Repairs 134.84

Total Payments $105,950.64

Tax Notes Account Money Borrowed in Anticipation of Taxes 1913 March 1. Notes outstanding (Nos. 8 and 9) $15,000.00 May 6. Natick Nat'l Bank (Note No. 17) 6 mos. at 4 per cent. 5,000.00

May 6. Natick Nat'l Bank (Note No. 18) 1 year at 4 per cent. 5,000.00 June 3. State Treasurer (Note No. 19) 9 mos. at 4J per cent. 5,000.00 June 3. State Treasurer (Note No. 20) 1 year at 4| per cent. 5,000.00 61

June 25. State Treasurer (Note No. 21) 4 mos. at 5 per cent. $5,000.00

July 1. State Treasurer (Note No. 22) 1 year at 5 per cent. 5,000.00

Notes Paid

June 3. First Nat'l Bank (Note No. 8) $10,000.00 June 30. First Nat'l Bank (Note No. 9) 5,000.00 Oct. 25. State Treasurer (Note No. 21) 5,000.00 Nov. 6. Natick Nat'l Bank (Note No. 17) 5,000.00 1914 Feb. 28. Notes Outstanding (Nos. 18, 19, 20, 22) 20,000.00

Interest Account On $42,000 Town Bonds at 4 per cent $1,680.00 On $11,000 Water Bonds at 4 per cent. 220.00 On $400.00 Highway Note at 4 per cent. 16.00 On $2,500.00 Concord Road Notes at 4 per cent. 87.49 On $23,000.00 School Bonds at 4 per cent 920.00 On $30,000.00 Tax Notes 605.82


Notes and Bonds Outstanding

42 Town Bonds, due March 1, 1919 $42,000.00

17 School House bonds, due November 1, annually 17,000.00

9 School House bonds, due November 1, annually 4,500.00

1 Concord Road note, due Jan. 1, 1915 500.00

1 Concord Road note, due Jan. 1, 1916 500.00

1 Concord Road note, due, Jan. 1, 1917 500.00

1 Concord Road note, due Jan. 1, 1918 500.00

1 Water Note, due Nov. 18, 1914 1,000.00

1 Tax Note, due May 6, 1914 5,000.00

1 Tax Note, due March 3, 1914 5,000.00 62 TOWN OF WAYLAND

1 Tax note, due June 3, 1914 $5,000.00

1 Tax note, due July 1, 1914 5,000.00

Total $86,500.00

Revenue Account Recepts:

Public Scales 28.00 District Court 13.79 Corporation Tax (net) 2,873.23 National Bank Tax (net) 1,797.74 Street Railway Tax 264.15 State Aid Tax 675.00 Insurance Refunds 47.96 Additional Assessments 5.52 Licenses 6.00 Interest on Taxes 597.07 Moth Tax 1913 338.55 School Buildings Sold 160.00 Unexpended balance of last year 3,184.13


Payments: Transferred to overdrawn accounts $2,709.85 State Aid 704.00 Removal snow- 233.29 Insurance and Bonds 845.25 Burial of Soldiers 48.15 Transferred to interest account 3,309.31

Balance March 1, 1914 2,236.65

$10,086.50 TREASURER'S REPORT 63

Cemetery Trust Funds

Deposited in Natick 5 Cents Savings Bank at 4 per cent.

E. L. Moore Fund $300.00 Jackson Fund 100.00 D. B. Heard Fund 100.00 W. S. Draper Fund 100.00

Henry Reeves Fund 1 00.00 Calvin Rice Fund 100.00 Roby Fund 400.00 A. M. Page Fund 50.00 E. R. Frost Fund 100.00 L. B. Thomas Fund 100.00 A. M. Lovejoy Fund 200.00 Parson Fund 200.00

J. M. Russell Fund 100.00 P. M. Lee Fund 100.00 E. R. Johnson Fund 100.00 Edwin Gale Fund 100.00 Chas. Holbrook Fund 150.00

$2, 400.00

(Jude Damon Fund not invested)

Poor Trust Funds

Donation Fund SI, 300.00 In Franklin Savings Bank at 4 per cent. Allen Fund 1.000.00 In C. B. & Q. Bond (Reg.) at 4 per cent Loker Fund 2,000.00 In B. & A. R. R. Bonds (Reg.) at 4 per cent.

$4,300.00 64 TOWN OF WAVLAND

Library Funds

Invested by Library Trustees: James Sumner Draper Fund $5,000.00 Cynthia Roby Fund 3,155.76 ChUds Fund 100.00 Invested by Sinking Fund Commissioners: E. E. Draper Fund $500.00 Jas. Draper Fund 500.00 G. C. Draper Fund 1,000.00

$10,255.76 TREASURER'S REPORT 65

Trial Balance

Dr. Cr.

Revenue . S2, 236.65 Abatement of Taxes $1,106.01 Salaries 395.65 Police 168.30 Fire Dept., Cochituate 81.71 Fire Dept., Repairs 5.85 Forest Warden 102.40 Fire Protection, Wayland 42.54 Weights and Measures 2.38 Board of Health 270.15 School Inspection 50.00 Highways 71.87

Cochituate Road 8 1 . 99 Concord Road 47.02 Sidewalks 4.37 Moth Dept. 297.40 Street Lights 19.24 Tree Warden 12.82 Poor Dept. 244.97 Incidentals 99.91 Town House Repairs 15.16 Town House Sanitary 55.20 Education 561.31 Library 496.27 Memorial Day 36.89 Soldiers' Relief 45.77 Cemetery Account 242.25 North and Center Cemeteries 2.96 Lake View Cemetery .45 66 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Cemetery Funds Income $195.21 W ater Commissioners 457.72

Total Appropriation Overdrafts and Balances S3.369.44 $4,080.98 Cash S3.835.70 Uncollected Taxes 1909 48.45 Uncollected Taxes 1910 60.65 Uncollected Taxes 1911 278.03 Uncollected Taxes 1912 4,130.41 Uncollected Taxes 1913 12,458.30 Investment of Trust Funds 16,955.76 Investment of Sinking Funds 29,555.87 Tax Uoans 20,000.00 Town Bonds 42,000.00 Highway Notes 2,000.00 Water Xote 1,000.00 School Bonds 21,500.00 Cemetery Funds 2,500.00 Poor Funds 4,300.00 Uibrary Funds 10,255.76 Balance Account, Net Debt 36,944.13

8107,636.74 S107, 636.74 TREASURER'S REPORT 67

Appropriations for 1913

Additional Credits thereto and Payments therefrom and Balances at end of year

Feb. 28, 1914.

Accounts Appropria • Addition - Pay- Overdrawn Balance tions al Credits ments Abatement of Taxes $4,092.41 $ 41.73 $1,106.01 Salaries 1,935.00 2 330.65 395.65

Incidentals 1,000.00 1 74.84 1 274 75 99.91 Police 700.00 OA8 2(\ 168.30 Fire Dept., Cochituate 800.00 83 41 801 70 $81.71 Fire Dept., Repairs 100.00 94 15 5.85 Fire Dept., Way land 200.00 40.45 282.99 42 .54 Forest Warden 300.00 197.60 102.40 Tree Warden 200.00 loi.lo1 87 1 8 12.82 Hydrants 384.00 384 00 Weights and Measures 34.00 23.54 55.16 2.38

Board of Health . . 200.00 9.80 479.95 270.15 Inspection of Animals 150.00 65.00 215.00 Inspection of Schools 50.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 Highways 3,000.00 801.62 3,873.49 71.87 Concord Road 3,000.00 2,954.79 5,907.77 47.02 Gleazen Road 300.00 300.00 Cochituate Road 809.13 81.99 809.13 81.99 58.81 54.90 3.91 50.00 49.54 .46 Street Lights 2,100.00 2,119.24 19.24 Moth Department 1,270.80 1,153.28 2,721.48 297.40 Support of Poor 1,350.00 233.62 1,828.59 244.97 Education 16,000.00 1,211.84 17,773.15 561.31

Library and Reading Room . . 1,600.00 729.44 1,833.17 496.27 Memorial Day 130.00 166.89 36.89 Soldiers' Relief 400.00 19.21 373.44 45.77 200.00 .45 200.00 .45

North and Center Cemetery . 200.00 197.04 2.96 Sinking Fund 1,408.80 1,408.80 Highway Note 1,900.00 900.00 School Bonds 1,500.00 1,500.00 800.00 855.20 55.20 Town House Repairs 150.00 134.84 15.16

Total Appropriation $45,314.14 From Revenue Overdrawn Accounts 2,709.85 State Aid 704.00 Removal of Snow 233.29 Insurance and Bonds 845.25 Burial of Soldiers 48.15 Interest Account 3,309.31

Total $7,849.85 68

Comparative Statement of Receipts

For years ending February 28, 1913-1914.

1913 1914 Taxes, current year $35,932.60 $40,700.60 Taxes, prior years 10,734.22 4,435.20 Corporation Tax, from State 3,311.49 2,941.58 National Bank Tax, from State 1,200.14 1,834.62 Street Railway Tax, from State 309.05 264.15

$51,487.50 $50,176.15

Dog Licenses $306.12 $317.87 Other Licenses 6.00

Town Administration: Rent of Hall 181.00 95.00 County Treasurer 1.00 Protection of Life and Property: District Court Fines, etc. 86.97 13.79 Fire Dept. 7.31 7.00 Weights and Measures 17.00 52.01 Moth Dept., from State 710.93 342.06 Moth Dept., from Others 556.17 546.35 Moth Dept., from Tax Coll." 573.50 70.00 Moth Dept., from Tax Coll. 338.55

$1,840.60 $1,296.96 School Buildings 160.00 Highways and Bridges 25.00 Street Railway Excise Tax 645.32 776.62 From State 1,500.00 :


1913 1914 Concord Road Notes $2,000.00 $500.00 From County 1,052.95 2,000.00

$5,198.27 $3,301.62 Charities: Overseers of Poor $59.00 $194.00 Other Cities and Towns 63.00 Income of Poor Trust Funds 169.19 172.52

$291.19 $366.52

Soldiers' Benefits: State Aid, from State $712.00 $675.00 Burial Soldiers, from State 37.00

$749.00 $675.00 Education Tuition from State $307.46 $393.40 Tuition from Others 25.00 26.50

Salaries from State 520.83 625.00 Income of Trust Fund 8.00 8.00 Refunds 10.00

$871.29 $1,052.90 One-half Dbg Licenses 153.06 158.94

$1,024.35 $1,211.84

Libraries: $491.66 $570.51 One-half Dog Licenses 153.06 158.93 Treasurer's Library Funds 278.11

Public Scales 23.72 28.00 Water Department 3,115.99 2,964.16 Water Sinking Fund 11,778.44 Water Note 1,000.00 :


1913 1914 Cemeteries Sale of Lois. etc. S190.00 S130.00 Income from Funds 81.78 89.88

Interest: On Treasurer's Bank Deposit $106.34 S95.36 On Taxes 711.80 597.07 Transfers to Interest: From Water Commissioners S460.00 S220.00 From Sinking Fund Investment to Sinking Funds SI .448.20 SI. 048.16 Town Indebtedness: Tax Notes S25. 000.00 S30.000.00 Concord Road Notes 2.000.00 500.00 Water Note 1.000.00

Trust Funds: Perpetual Care Funds Received S300.00 S250.00 Library Funds Interest 79.11 Insurance Refunds 37.14 47.96 TREASURER'S REPORT 71

Comparative Statement of Payments

For years Ending Feb. 28, 1913-1914

1913 1914 County Tax $2,201.53 $3,107.63 State Tax 4,000.00 6,160.00 State Highway Tax 129.00 129.00 Corporation Tax 106.36 68.35 National Bank Tax 68.35 36.88

$6,505.24 $9,5-01.86

Town Administration: Moderator, Salary $10.00 $10.00 Selectmen, Salaries 175.00 175.00 Incidentals 55.82 185.71 Auditor, Salary 100.00 100.00 Incidentals 1.74 3.50 Tax Collector, Salary and Com. 206.00 618.65 Incidentals 146.00 93.35 Treasurer, Salary 500.00 500.00 Incidentals 56.98 53.67 Assessors, Salaries 599.50 516.00 Incidentals 5.90 36.00 Town Clerk, Salary 50.00 50.00 Incidentals 108.70 102.89 Election and Registration, Salaries 316.00 371.00 Incidentals 79.50 93.66 Printing and Stationery 219.35 247.28 Insurance and Bonds 245.33 845.25 Town House and Clocks 327.27 234.33 Miscellaneous 157.30 143.08 Town House Repairs 10.00 134.84 72 TOWN OF WAYLAND

1913 1914 Sinking Fund Commissioners $10.00 $10.00 Weights and Measures 21.28

$3,370.39 $4,585.49

Protection of Life and Property: Police Dept. $858.46 $868.30 Fire Department, Cochituate 733.28 801.70 Fire. Dept., Repairs 94.15 Fire Dept., Wayland 188.94 282.99 Hydrants 384.00 384.00 Sealer of Weights and Measures 62.08 55.16

Moth Dept. . 3,398.35 2,721.48 Forest Warden 197.60 Tree Warden 36.89 187.18

$5,662.00 $5,592.56

Health Department: Board of Health $183.46 $479.95 Inspection of Animals 85.00 215.00 Medical Inspection of Schools 100.00

$268.46 $794.95 Highways and Bridges: Street Repairs $3,297.70 $3,457.08 Bridges 585.75 416.41 Concord Road 4,704.06 5,907.77 Cochituate Road 2,918.01 809.13 Sidewalks and Crosswalks 441.19 104.44 Removal of Snow 34.10 233.29 Gleazen Road 300.00

SI 1,980.81 $11,228.12 Street Lighting $2,123.95 $2,119.24 TREASURER'S REPORT 73

1913 1914 Charities: Overseers of Poor, Salaries $150.00 $150.00 Sundry Payments (see Poor Dept. Report) 1,432.38 1,678.59

$1,582.38 $1,828.59

Income of Poor Funds Expended $173.04 $172.52

Soldiers' Benefits: State Aid $677.00 $704.00 Burial of Soldiers 48.15

Soldier's Relief . $407.96 373.44

$1,084.96 $1,125.59

Education: School Committee, Salaries $160.00 $160.00 Teachers 10,229.54 10,442.68 Janitors 950.00 966.70 Supplies 1,305.04 918.34 Transportation 2,781.16 2,676.90 Superintendent 800.00 800.00 Repairs 344.40 341.92 Incidentals 677.45 329.51 Fuel and Light 1,106.23 1,137.10

$18,353.82 $17,773.15

Libraries: Payments by Treasurer $1,833.17 Payments by Trustees 278.11 Payments to Trustees 1,753.06

Income of Funds $110.00 $110.00 :


1913 1914 Payments by Trustees (as per Treasurer of Library Funds, Report) $418.07

S2.281.13 S2.221.28

Memorial Day SI 20.13 S166.89

Water Department: Maintenance and Operation S2.019.55 $4,201.32 Water note paid from Water Rates 500.00 Transfer to Interest Account 460.00 220.00 Transfer to Sinking Fund 566.33 Water Bonds 11,000.00

S3,545.88 $15,421.32

Cemeteries Labor and Maintenance S558.45 S506.92 Income of Trust Funds 51.90 66.96

S610.35 S573.88

Sinking Fund Commissioners: Safe Deposit Box $10.00 S10.00 Bond 12.00

S22.00 S10.00

Interest: On Tax Notes S812.19 $605.82

On Town Bonds 1 ,680.00 1 ,680.00 On Water Bonds 440.00 220.00 On Water Note 20.00 On Highway Notes 32.00 16.00 TREASURER'S REPORT 75

1913 1914 On Schoolhouse Bonds $980.00 $920.00 On Concord Road Notes 87.49

$3,964.19 $3,529.31

Transfer from Interest Account: Library Funds $50.00

Sinking Funds: Annual Appropriation $1,408.80 $1,408.80 Interest added to Funds, Town 1,018.14 818.15 Interest added to Funds, Water 430.06 230.01 Payment to Water Sinking Fund 566.33

$3423.33 $2456.96 Town Indebtedness: Tax Notes Paid $25,000.00 $25,000.00 Water Note from Water Rates 500.00 Highway Notes 400.00 900.00 Schoolhouse Bonds 1,500.00 1,500.00

$27,400.00 $27,400.00

Trust Funds: Cemetery Funds Invested $300.00 $150.00 Library Funds Invested 1,000.00

$1,300.00 $150.00 76 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Balance Sheet


Current Assets

Cash Balance $3,835.70 Uncollected Taxes— Current Year 12,458.30 Uncollected Taxes— Prior Years 4,517.54 Excess of Current Liabilities (Overdrafts) 3,369.44

Trust Fund Investments:

Cemetery Funds $2,400.00 Poor Funds 4,300.00 Library Funds (Trustees) 8,255.76 Library Funds (Sinking Fund Com.) 2,000.00 Town Sinking Fund 29,555.87 Excess of Notes and Bonds, Net Debt $36,944.13

$107,636.74 TREASURER'S REPORT 77

Balance Sheet


Current Liabilities:

Unexpended Balances (less Revenue) $1,844.33 Tax Notes Outstanding 20,000.00 Excess of Current Assets (Revenue) 2,236.65

Trust Fund Liabilities:

Cemetery Funds $2,500.00 Poor Funds 4,300.00 Library Funds 8,255.76 Library Funds—Notes 2,000.00 Town Bonds 42,000.00 School Bonds 21,500.00 Highway Notes 2,000.00 Water Note 1,000.00



Treasurer. 78 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Auditor's Report

The accounts of the Financial Officials have been audited and are correct with the exception of one item in the Collec- tor's accounts of $19. 53 credited to Interest which should have been credited as follows: $14.63 to Taxes, $4.90 to Moth Tax.

I have recommended that this error be corrected by trans- ferring the above amounts from Interest to the proper ac- counts. The financial statement to the State Bureau of Statistics has been forwarded as required by law.


Town Auditor. 7


Report of Chief of Police

April 1, 1913 to March 1, 1914.

Number of arrests 28 Larceny 2 Disturbing the peace 3

Assault 1 Illegal sale of liquor 2

Gaming nuisance 1 Vagrancy 2

Drunkenness 1

28 Commitment to House of Correction 4 Commitment to Insane Hospital 1 Commitment to Industrial School for Girls 1


Report of the Fire Engineers

Wc respectfully submit the following annual report of the Fire Departments for the year ending February 28, 1914. Cochituate Department

Balance from year ending Feb. 18, 1913 $76.41 Appropriation 800.00 Sale of copper 7.00

$883.41 Expenditures during year 801.70

Balance $81.71 Expenditures 1913

Mar. 28. Edison Electric 111. Co. Dec. 3 to Jan. 3 $4.30

Jan. 3 to Feb. 1 5.00

Feb. 1 to March 4 $4.20 April 30. M. E. Church, use of tower 50.00 Henry Tyrell, labor 1.65 Fiske & Co., supplies .70

Edison Electric 111. Co. March 4 to April 3 5.30 Albert Lyons, clerk fees 10.00 George B. Fiske, team 2.00 Robinson & Jones, coal 8.00 A. F. Remick, supplies .25 W. M. Fullick, team 2.00 Napoleon Perodeau, supplies .55 April 30. Hook & Ladder Co., pay roll 186.65 Hose Company, pay roll 120.00 REPORT OF FIRE ENGINEERS 81

Engineer's salary (3) $30.00 Janitor service 40.00 Supt. of Fire Alarm 50.00 May 28. William Travis, brush

fire, pay roll 11.00

T. D. Bent's brush fire, pay roll 4.00

Frank Carter's brush fire, pay roll 2.50 Walter Wilson's brush

fire, pay roll 2.00 Charles R. Barker, labor 6.00 June 25. Howe & Co., express 1.25 Robinson & Jones, wood 2.38 Surburban Press, letter heads 2.00 Yale & Towne Mfg. Co., lock and keys 6.94 Pettingell & Andrews, blue vitrol 28.13 George Fairbanks, print- ing for last year 8.50 Fiske & Co., supplies .75 July 30. Wayland Water Board 2.00 Arthur Simpson, services July 3 and 4 2.00 Joseph Perodeau, ser- vices July 3 and 4 2.00 Charles Ferteau, ser- vices July 3 and 4 2.00 W ilbur Gorman, ser- vices July 3 and 4 2.00 Thomas Magorty, ser- vices July 3 and 4 2.00 Sept. 30. Pettingell & Andrews, zincs and coppers 39.84 Howe & Co., express .25 82 TOWN OF WAVLAND

Oct. 29. Mitchell Mfg. Co., badges $4.50 Edison Electric Light Co.

Sept. 1 to Oct. 1 .80

Oct. 7. The Wason Co.. soda 2.24 C. A. Roak, carting 1.00

Nov. 26. Edison Electric 111. Co.

Oct. 1 to Nov. 2 .70 Pettingell & Andrews, fuses 1.66 Pettingell & Andrews, blue vitrol 28.13

Howe & Co., express 1 .06

Dec. 31 J. W. Doon & Son, coal 32.44 Pettingell & Andrews. coppers and zincs 19.20

Edison Electric 111. Co. April 3 to May 3 3.50 May 3 to June 3 1.00 June 3 to July 3 .50 July 3 to Sept. 2 .40

Nov. 1 to Dee. 3 2.30 Unreturned lamps 1.50 1914 an. 28. Xatick Fire Dept., jars 5.00

J. W. Doon & Son, coal 15.34 George Phylis, labor 2.50 Walter Evans, labor 2.50 Nelson Matthew, team 1.00 Feb. 28 Way land Water Board, labor. pipe, fittings 4.11

J. F. Burke, labor .30 Fiske & Co., supplies 1.00 Wayland Water Board 2.00 Howe & Co., express .55 C. S. Williams, supplies 2.53

Edison Electric 111. Co. Dec. 3 to Jan. 2 3.30 REPORT OF FIRE ENGINEERS 83

Feb. 28 Edison Electric 111. Co., Jan. 2 to Feb. 2 $2.40 A. A. Norris, supplies 2.10

J. W. Doon & Son, coal 8.00

Special Appropriation for Engine House, Cochituate

Appropriation 8100.00

J. C. Massie, labor and fittings on closet bowl $35.00 c. \Y. Fairbanks, teaming and stones 26.00

w . M. Fullick, labor on cesspool 18.73

J. Edmund Gladu, wiring 3.26 E. W. Schliecher, paint- ing Hose room 11.16 $94.15 Balance Wayland Department $5.85

Balance from year ending Feb. 28, 1913 $14.17 Appropriation 200.00 Reimbursement from B. &M.R. R. 26.28 $240.45 Expenditures 282.99 Overdrawn $42.54 Expenditures 1913 March 8. John B. Moyse, straps $1.75

Dwight's wood fire, pay roll 4.00

Glover's wood fire, pay roll 4.50 Bullard house chimney fire, pay roll 4.00 84 TOWN" OF WAYLAND

April 8. Frank C. Moore, janitor service SI 2.00

Edison Electric 111. Go. g| Feb. to March .50 W illiam Lovell, supplies 7.61 Russell fire, pay roll 4.00 Mav 28. Engineer's salary- 10.00 Dolor Cormier, badge 7.00

Lee's brush fire, pay roll 3.00

Lee's brush fire, pay roll 2.00

Glover wood's fire, pay roll 5.00

A. M. Bennet house fire. pay roll 8.50

Edison Electric 111. Co., April 15 to May 15 1.00 Fiske & Co.. supplies 4.22 June 25. Palmenter & Cutting's wood fire, pay roll 15.50 Waldo Zoller. wood fire. pay roll 46.25 Waldo Zoller. wood fire pay roll 45.75 American La France Fire Engine Co., supplies 9.40 American La France Fire Engine Co., supplies 14.57 Dolor Cormier, supplies and freight .86 Dolor Cormier, supplies and freight .63

Edison Electric 111. Co., May 15 to June 15 1.00 July 30. Waldo Zoller, wood fire. pay roll 4.00 Aug. 27 Barker Cottage fire, pay roll 19.50 Cutting wood fire, pay roll 11.00

Tower Hill wood fire, pay roll 7.00 REPORT OF FIRE ENGINEERS 85

Oct. 29. Edison Electric 111. Co.

Sent 1 3 to Oct 15 $ 75

Oct 1 5 to Nov 1 3 .75 A. \Y. Atwood coal 8.00

Lee's store chimnev fire, pay roll 1.50 lYTor^p ptpis^ firp nav roll 2.00


ci i nnl ip^ 3.95

Fr1i«;on Flppfrir 111 Co

r lunp 1 ^ to In1\ 1 J U lie -1 O LU J Ul V i«J July 15 to Aug. 14 .75 Aug. 14 to Sept. 15 .75 Nov. 13 to Dec. 15 .75 A. W. Atwood, coal 8.50

Edison Electric 111. Co., Dec. 15 to Jan. 15 .75 Jan. 15 to Feb. 15 .75 Frank Moore, labor 1.50

Number of Alarms Answered by the Cochituate Department 1913

Mar. 23. Field fire at Frank Carter's, 10.30 A. M.

Mar. 24. Push button 5, Nelson Mathews' chimney fire. 12.30 A. M. Apr. 26. Box 23. False alarm. May 12. Brush fire on W. Travis' estate. May 13. Brush fire on T. D. Bent's estate. May 19. Stump fire on Walter Welson's estate. Oct. 4. Box 24. James Carroll house, 2.45 A. M. Total loss. Oct. 4. Box 24. John Rynn barn, 3 A. M. Loss S450. 86 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Oct. 17. Still alarm. Charles Carter's cottage, 8 P. M. Total loss.

Nov. Box 24. John Rynn. Chimney fire, 7.45 A. M. 1914

Feb. 16. Push button 5. Nelson Matthew chimney fire, 4.45 P. M.

Number of Alarms Answered by the Wayland Department 1913

Mar. 19. D. Wight's woods fire.

Mar. 24. Glover's woods fire.

Mar. 26. Bullard house fire in chimney.

May 4. Lee's brush fire.

May 8. Lee's brush fire.

May 10. Glover's woods fire. May 19. A. M. Bennett's house, 3 P. M. Loss $30.

June 12. Cutting and Palmenters' woods fire. June 14. Waldo Zoller's woods fire. June 15. Waldo Zoller's woods fire. Aug. 2. Charles Barker cottage, 11 A. M.

Aug. 21. Cutting's woods fire.

Apr. 30. Samuel Russell's brush fire.

July 30. Waldo Zoller's woods fire.

Aug. 25. Tower Hill woods fire.

Sept. 10. J. H. Lee's store chimney fire. Nov. 9. Moore's grass fire.

Dec. 10. William Stearns' blacksmith shop fire.

Respectfully submitted,

Board of Engineers:


Forest Warden's Report

There were some very bad forest fires the past year in the north part of the town, two of which were started by sparks from a portable sawmill located there, the other two I think were from some other cause. Considerable damage was done by the last two fires as about sixty cords of wood belonging to Mr. W. S. Lovell were burned. The matter was referred to the State Fire Warden. No investigation was made. A new forest fire wagon has been installed the past year which we find to be very useful for forest fires and other fires also.

Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM STEARNS, Forest Warden. 88 TOWNIOF WAYLAND

Tree Warden

Appropriation $200.00 Expended by E. F. Lemoine G. F. Marston, supplies $.43

J. W. Doon, supplies .55 \Y. F. Garfield, team 2.00 E. F. Lemoine, labor 37.20 W. L. Griffin, labor 42.00 E. F. LeWoine, labor 6.00 W. L. Griffin, labor 6.00 Expended by W. L. Griffin \Y. L. Griffin, labor 51.50 T. Magorty, labor 40.00 W. F. Garfield, team 1.50 187.18

Balance March 1, 1914 $12.82



Sealer of Weights and Measures

Adj. Sealed Con, Total Platform scales (cap. over 5,000 lbs.) 4 4 Platform scales (cap. under 5,000 lbs,) 20 20 All other scales 39 2 41

Slot weighing scales 1 1 Computing scales 6 6 Weights 10 74 84 Dry measures 3 3 Liquid measures 37 2 39 Linear measures 0 Cloth or other measures 4 4 Oil and Molasses Pumps 8 8 Reweighed, 16 tons coal

10 196 4 210 Total fees collected and paid Treasurer $18.01 JOSEPH M. MOORE,

Sealer Weights and Measures. 90 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Superintendent of Moths

Pay Roll

D. J. Graham $725.00 John L. Corcoran 179.99 William Sanderson 534.34 Neal Foley 259.86 W. Lamarine 293.80 P. Jones 51.75 Warren Lawrence 9.00 Robert Hanna 118.98 Chas. Harrington 75.37 Archie Walker 88.87 Edward Damon 52.87 Chas. Rogers 13.50


Schedule of Bills

D. J. Graham: Expense account $ 5.56 H. M. Baldwin: Horses for sprayer 42.00 H. M. Baldwin: Horses for sprayer 63.00 H. M. Baldwin: Horses for sprayer 57.75 L. H. McManus: Supplies 20.25 T. S. Sherman: Supplies 4.75 Frank Bigwood: Horse hire 13.50 H. M. Baldwin: Horses for sprayer 7.87 A. W. Atwood: Horses for sprayer 57.75 L. H. McManus: Supplies and repairs 6.50 A. \Y. Atwood: Horses for sprayer 5.25

D. J. Graham: Expense account 6.52 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF MOTHS 91

Frank Bigwood: Horse hire S4.00 Southhoro Print Shop: 200 notices 2.00

D. J. Graham: Expense account 4.80 H. M. Baldwin: Storage old sprayer 10.00

J. C. McKay: Repairs 1.85 L. H. McManus: Repairs .85 LovelPs Grocery: Supplies 3.95


DANIEL J. GRAHAM, Local Superintendent. :


Board of Health

The Board of Health respectfully submit the following annual report for the year ending February 28, 1914.

Members of the Board Cyrus A. Roak, Chairman Andrew A. Norris Walter S. Bigwood, Clerk, Inspector of Slaughtering: Dr. Frank Bigwood, M. B. C. Contagious diseases: Measles—three cases reported. Diphtheria, two cases reported. Typhoid fever—two cases reported. Tuberculosis—one case reported. Cerebro-spinal meningitis—one case reported. Ophthalmia neonatorum—one case reported. Several cesspools have been put in and drains properly cared for. Several complaints were made in the early spring of the conditions of the piggeries, situated in the north part of the town. The Board looked up the matter and found that owing to the heavy rains in March and April the piggeries had not been cleaned. By a request from the Board the owners promptly cleaned them out. Since then they have been kept in as good a condition as places of that kind can be kept. All stagnant water was sprayed several times with mos- quito oil for the prevention of malaria.

Standing water is the breeding place of mosquitos. There- fore it is suggested that every household pour kerosene oil or mosquito oil in cesspools or on surfaces of necessary stand- REPORT OF BOARD OF HEALTH 93

ing water once in three weeks. The mosquito being not only a serious annoyance, but menance to the public health, its extermination becomes a matter of public concern.


Inspector of Animals

Board of Selectmen:

Gentlemen:— I submit the following report for the past year. Five head of cattle afflicted with tuberculosis have been quarantined, killed and carcases disposed of by rendering. One case of glanders was reported, quarantined, killed and rendered. Xo cases of rabies or other contagious diseases other than those mentioned above have been reported. The general spring inspection is now on.

Respectfully submitted,



Report of the Surveyor of Highways

Wayland, February 18, 1914.

The amount appropriated for Highways and Bridges the past year was three thousand dollars ($3,000.00). The Ex- cise tax was seven hundred and seventy six dollars and sixty- two cents ($776.62) also a gift of twenty-five dollars from Mr. R. K. Snow making a total of three thousand eight hundred and one dollars and sixty-two cents ($3,801.62). The expen- ditures for the year amount to three thousand eight hundred and seventy-three dollars and forty nine cents ($3,873.49). Owing to the fact that there were many dangerous washouts on the highways caused by the January thaw and heavy rain

I was obliged to overdraw the account seventy-one dollars and eighty-seven cents ($71.87). The snow bills for the year were two hundrd and thirty three dollars and twenty-nine cents ($233.29)

Receipted pay rolls are on file in the Selectmen's room for above amounts.

Men Horses Days Hours Days Hours M. \Y. Hynes 47 7 49 7 $206.37

T. L. Hynes 66 1 112 2 347.16 R. Yetton 4 9.00 W. White 20 3 45.84 W. S. Lovell 59 6 92 6 273.54 Mrs. M. C. Baldwin 9 18 47.25

J. Weary 3 6.75 E. Eagan 20 3 45.84

J. I. Bryden 1 2 5.25 S. D. Bryden 4 2 12.00 H. Randolph 46 3 104.34 96 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Men Horses Days Hours Days Hours

T. F. Maynard 1 4 $6.00

J. Bailey 1 2.25 E. G. Lee 37 3 74 6 196.20 W. H. Caughlin 6 13.50 M. Damon 21 47.25

J. F. Malloy 22 49.50

W. Cowan 1 2.25 W. Smith 22 4 50.63 M. Murphy 8 18.00

J. Carroll 1 2.25 C. Gay 10 1 22.79

F. Wheeler 1 2.25

I. S. Dickey 3 6.75 W. C. Rich 2 4 10.50

C. W. Fairbank 79 162 1 587.99

E. Grover 63 1 142.04 M. Desmond 67 3 151.61 H. Neal 4 9.00 W. Lawrence 30 6| 43 2 161.79 I. Damon 15 7 32 6 84.85

J. Foley 4 9.00 J. Sayers 15 4 34.88 H. Wyatt 23 5^ 47 3 124.37

J. Barrett 23 7 53.72 M. Loker 33 7 76.22 T. Murray 2 4.50

S. C. Fairbank 1 4 3.38

J. Rourk 1 2.25 W. Morrissey 30 3 68.40 16.59 J. LaFrance 7 3 16.03 J. W. Donahoe 7 1 1.13 J. Ploss 4 E. Newton 5 6| 13.08 12.38 J. McDonald 5 4 14.63 J. Perodeau 6 4 i N. Tatro 43 2 96.90 H. C. Haynes, as per bill 495.27 REPORT OF SURVEYOR OF HIGHWAYS 97

C. Williams, hoe $.45 Robinson Jones & Co., tile pipe 12.00 Jos. Beck & Sons, tools 18.27 B. & M. R. R., freight .50 G. A. Foote, cement 3.90 Good Rd. Machine Co. 12.00 Hill Smith, & Co., printing 7.50 A. S. Morse, gravel 73.80 M. W. Hynes, gravel 25.20 Mrs. E. Carter, gravel 5.50

J. J. Rowan, gravel .90 Total $3,873.49

Appropriation $3,000.00 Excise tax 776.62 Gift 25.00 $3,801.62

Overdraft $71.87

Gleazen Road

Gleazen Road Special Appropriation $300.00

Men Horses Days Hours Days Hours

M. W. Hynes 12 22 $63.25 J. F. Malloy 5 12.50 W. H. Caughlin 10 4 23.62 H. Randolph 5 4 12.38 W. Smith 11 4 25.87 M. Damon 10 4 23.63 M. Murphy 2 4.50 W. S. Lovell 9 18 47.25 E. G. Lee 10 20 52.50 M. W. Hynes, gravel 34.50 $300.00 i1 1 1


Concord Road

Men Horses Days Hours Days Hours

AT 1 1 W Hvnpc 1 4-o48 2 250 $786.06 1 1 ^7 7 j . r . ivi diioy 10/ 394.82

J . Ill UULdli 00 0 2 87.31 3A VV . ^UUgllllll oO 81.00 ^3 R . Carrolli rv v. di ui 00 1 2 74.67 7 1 1 1 . L^erncK. 'to ' 2 110.10 1-T Tun ii 9 4.50

1 1 1 2 90.42 n.1—1 JiiiLrrriciu^"N \~\ C± V t~Y~l O 9 3 ^2 53.30 N Tf»rr?iii1r 1 1 Q °2 269.59

1 0 r . VV lieeier ^2 43.73

41 «*2 93.23 1 1 9 WVV . SmithOllll 1 11 Z 293.09 2 70 j . l . Lyoiicinoc ^2 181.00

1 1 1 1 n». lVcwiuii 1 1 2 25.17 W Florin 4S °2 45 6J 171.78

S WnKctor 1 J. 1 1 o. VVcUhTCr A 2 31.92

\V \Vhitr« 1 A vv . vv niic •> 2 33.04 T 14 Porrr»11 7 1 j . n . v .ctn 01 04- '2 146.11

rT /"^ncrin -2 1 1 K 1 0 7.17

T? VoHnn 1 1 C 1 IV . 1 1 ILL LU1 5 2 26.29 T T Mvnoc 1 . 1 . . nyiH s 00 °2 133 5 350.77

1 1 0 0 267.20 7 J . LciP ranee / 15.75 fl. IVclIKJUipil 41 9 92.82

C . ocott 0 13.50 W. S. Lovell 48 3 96 6 253.99 F. C. Moore 41 2 92.82 T. F. Maynard 6 4 26.00 E. G. Lee 74 2 148 4 389.83

J. Murray 1 2.25 E. Corcoran 43 6 98.45 N. Bouret 53 3 129.11 W. Spear 7 1.97 W. Corcoran 6 13.50 REPORT OF SURVEYOR OF HIGHWAYS 99

Men Horses Days Hours Days Hours M. Desmond 11 $24.75

J. Foley 36 • 81.01 D. Driscoii 39 2 88.32

M. Murphy 1 1 6 26.44 W.C.Rich 54 6 109 4 287.44

J. McDonald 20 45.00 J.O'Rourke 24 54.00 D. Harrington 19 42.75 C. McElroy 15 33.75 W. Fairclough 7 15.75 C. Smith 4 9.00

J. Bailey 3 6.75 Geo. Harrington 2 4.50

J. W. Eagan, 70 posts 814.00 Buttrick Lumber Co. 32.26 H. C. Haynes, lumber and building fence 167.24 L. H. McManus 4.35 Gould & Cutler 52.45 Mrs. E. Carter. 1125 Ids. gravel 112.50 F. Stearns, signs 5.00

J. L. Moore, covering stones 5.00 B. & M. R. R.. Freight 1.00 W. Stearns as per bill 9.50 P. Garvey 5.70 W. S. Lovell as per bill 6.15 F. White, 30 posts 6.00

D. J. Farrell, 75 posts ' 15.00


Snow Bills

Men Horses Days Hours Days Hours M. W. Hynes 3 4 4. S15.00 T. L. Hynes 4 5 5 17.42

I. S. Dickey 2 4 5.62 W. S. Lovell 12 4 12 4 46.87

M. Murphy 1 4 3.37 100 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Men Horses Days Hours Days Hours

P. Nolan 1 2 2 $5.82

J. W. Eagan 4 1 2.63

J. J. Erwin 2 * 2 2 8.20

W. Cowen 1 2.25

C. W. Fairbank 23 1 25 5 90.47 7 H. Wyatt 1 6 6.56 E. Newton 7 1.97 A E. C j rover L rr N. Tatro 3 3 7.59 C. Gay 6 1.69 M. Desmond 7 1.97 W. Evans 1 2.25

G. E. Bezanson 1 2.25 N. Perodeau 1.30 1.80 J. C. McKay G. F. Marston 2.63


Surveyor of Highways. REPORT OF OVERSEERS OF THE POOR 101

Overseers of the Poor

The Overseers of the Poor during the past year visited their charges as required by law both at Worcester and out- side and submit the following report: At Franciscan Home, Worcester, Mass., for board, medical attendance and clothing $519.85 Having settlement in Wayland and residing there 358.13 Mrs. Wilfred Celorier For Board of children 176.00 City of Springfield 90.38 Sisters of Good Shepherd 19.71 City of Boston 34.29 State of Massachusetts 79.00 Town of Framingham 23.16 Town of Natick 62.00 Dr. P. S. Ide, services 15.00 Dr. E. S. Sparks, services 15.75 Residing in Wayland with settlement in Town of Natick 136.24 Residing in Wayland with no settle- ment in State 122.35 Salaries 150.00 Expenses and stationery 26.73 Total expenses $1,828.59

Appropriations $1,200.00 Salaries 150.00 Unexpended balance 39.62 102 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Reimbursements 194.00 $1,583.62

Overdrawn S244.97 By an agreement between the Overseers of the Poor and Mr. Felix Sawyer the Town has been reimbursed for whatever expenses occurred while Mr. Sawyer was under their care at the Franciscan Home at Worcester.

Respectfully submitted,

STEPHEN C. CORMIER, Chairman HOWARD C. HAYNES, Clerk THOMAS W. FROST Overseers of the Poor. 1913-1914 ANNUAL REPORT


School Committee and the

Superintendent of Schools


Town of Wayland



School Officers

1913-1914. COMMITTEE

Philip S. Ide, Chairman, Wayland (term expires 1914) Arthur B. Nichols, Wayland (term expires 1915) Frank C. Remick, Secretary (term expires 1916)


Frank H. Benedict, Cochituate.


J. Charles Vincent, Wayland. Henry G. Dudley, Cochituate.


O. A. Dudley, M. D.'Saxonville.


School Committee

The School Committee of Wayland has again to plead before the people of our community, the importance of an increased appropriation of money for carrying on our schools.

Since last September we have had to fill six vacancies in our force of teachers because of the fact that more attrac- tive positions, with increased salaries, were offered than we could afford to pay. It is a fact that changes among the teachers are, at all times unsettling to the pupils and disturbing both to any established system of instruction and to effective continuous, cooperation among the teachers themselves. The teachers that are taken from us are more often than not our best teachers and their places must usually be filled by teachers demanding higher salaries, the result being that each succeeding year finds our payroll somewhat increased. It seems inevitable that this increase must go on for some years to come if we are to have in our Wayland Schools the kind of instruction and the high grade of scholarship in both teachers and pupils which the parents of Wayland have a right to expect.

If it were possible for your School Committee to increase teachers' salaries even to a moderate amount each year it would not be long before positions in Wayland Schools would be eagerly sought instead of being, as now, considered mere makeshifts and stepping stones to something more desirable. It is perhaps unnecessary to point out that much depends upon the quality of our teachers and that if this is allowed to deteriorate, the education of your children will suffer. The complaint has been in the past that this quality has not been high enough. The answer to this is that quality cannot be had at a low price. 106 TOWN OF WAYLAND

There is also an imperative need for funds in order that, among other things, our High School may be painted and the roof reshingled. Twelve years ago in 1902 the school building was for the last time painted inside and out at Mr. Francis Shaw's ex- pense, but since that time no funds have been forthcoming for this purpose until now, with the paint peeling off the exterior, and with ceilings and walls discolored from leaks in a rotting roof it stands, the too expressive symbol of a community in- different to the appearence of its public buildings. Waviand is indeed fortunate in still having public spirited citizens. Recently through the kindness of one of Wayland's social organizations your School Committee has been able to arrange for the installation of a number of electric lights in the High School hall which are later to be supplemented by enough other lights to make of this an attractive and suitable place for school and other entertainments.

It is to be hoped that in the future the people of Wayland will be somewhat more alive than they have been in the past to the obligation of responsibility of so maintaining their High School building that its appearance may not be a source of surprise to strangers and of humiliation to themselves.

Respectfully submitted,



Financial Report of School Committee

Salaries of Teachers

W. Herbert Moore $1,360.00 Elizabeth G. Hodge 650.00 Katherine E. Barrett 650.00 Inez Bowler 750.00 Mabel C. Whitten 550.00 Edna D. Taylor 240.00 Abbie M. MacNiff 351.00 Mary Donahue 3.00 Alice S. Kenyon 359.70 Effie M. P. Moore 245.70 Ethel M. Hamilton 600.00 Leroy K. Houghton 524.68 Leroy E. Sweeney 473.60 Marie L. Leach 550.00 Lucy E. Reynolds 550.00 Grace C. Loker 550.00 Catherine E. Maloney 480.00 Sarah M. Caldwell 120.00 Sylvia E. Prescott 550.00 William B. Hazelton 685.00 Agnes E. Boland 200.00 $10,442.68

Salaries of Janitors

Henry G. Dudley $500.00

J. Charles Vincent 466.70


Frank H. Benedict $800.00 $800.00



Everett Lee $518.00 Thomas Hynes 726.00

E. J. Gazard 274.50 Alexander Holmes 333.00 Thomas Bryant, Estate 26.00 Frank Bigwood 169.40 Middlesex & Boston St. Ry. Co. 630.00 $2,676.90

Fuel, Light and Power Edison Electric Illuminating Company of Boston $30.85 A. W. Atwood 82.06 William S. Lovell 94.50 Robinson-Jones Co. 923.75 C. W. Fairbank 6.00 $1,137.10


J. C. Massie $92.88 E. W. Small 17.91 W. M. Fullick 1.00 Patrick Garvey 23.12 C. W. Fairbank 53.73 James Barrett Mfg. Co. 50.05 Howard C. Haynes 16.03 T. Weld Frost 8.75 L. C. Smith and Bros. 1.95 A. W. Atwood 11.00 Collins Hardward Co. 5.50 Thomas Carr 60.00 $341.92

Supplies Chandler and Barber $64.61 Remington Typewriter Co. 30.72 Milton Bradley Company 7.87 REPORT OF SCHOOL COMMITTEE 109

Edward E. Babb and Co. $2.89 A. W. Atwood 2.15 C. C. Birchard and Co. 21.60 Oliver Ditson Co. 23.50

J. L. Hammett Co. 511.27 Boston Woodworking Company 1.50

William S. Love 11 11.64 Ginn and Co. 14.58 Silver, Burdett and Co. 15.30 Sibley and Co. 4.50 George T. Johnson and Co. 5.75

F. J. Barnard Co. 36.77 American Book Co. 24.72 L. E. Knott Apparatus Co. 6.01

J. B. Hunter and Co. 3.78 F. L. Golnsmith 51.30 F. W. Martin Co. 22.55 A T iinien 9.30 Henry C. Doughty 14.50 American Seating Company 9.00 The Suburban Press 7.25 G. F. Marston 4.89 American Water Supply Company 4.00 $918.34


A. W. Atwood $18.71 Louisa A. Nicholass 24.62 The Surburban Press 4.25 William S. Lovewell 5.11 A. F. Putney 6.00 E. G. Lee 31.50 E. W. Jennison 1.35 Lewis and Abely 3.00 G. F. Marston 5.40 r W . H. Moore 18.08 110 TOWN OF WAYLAND

F. H. Benedict $11.77

E. I. Clark 4.50 The Tudor Press 31.75

J. H. Moore, Janitor 8.00 Wayland Water Board 30.00 C. W. Fairbank 10.50 Somerville Brush Co. 11.35

J. C. Vincent 10.00 Fred H. Marsden 12.00 Fiske and Co. 2.00 Henry G. Dudley 15.90 Howe and Co. .15

F. J. Bigwood and Son 1.50 Henry C. Doughty 10.00 American Seating Company 24.00 C. S. Williams 1.42 Edward E. Babb and Co. .98 Samuel Ward Co. 6.00 S309.84


Salaries of Teachers $10,442.68 Transportation 2,676.90 Fuel, Light, Power 1,137.10 Salaries of Janitors 966.70 Supplies 918.34 Supervision 800.00 Incidentals 309.84 Repairs 341.92 Committee Salaries and Expenses 179.67 $17,773.15


Town Grant $16,000.00 Tuition, State Wards 393.40 Tuition, Xatick 19.00 REPORT SCHOOL OF COMMITTEE 111

Tuition, Boston $7.50 State Grant—Superintendent 625.00 Donation Fund Income 8.00 Dog Fund 158.94 $17,211.84

Total expenditures $17,773.15 Total receipts 17,211.84 Overdrawn $561.31 112 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Report of Superintendent of Schools

To the Wayland School Committee:

Gentlemen:—The sixteenth annual report of the Super- intendent of Schools is herewith submitted. It is the fourth during my term of service. The report is abbreviated some- what. Certain tables have been omitted and the reports of the Grammar Master and Special teachers, together with briefs relating to the school attendance and medical inspec- tion laws, heretofore included, have been eliminated. The omissions have been made on advice of the Committee. Your schools are well organized, equipped, and are in general stongly disciplined. The pupils in the grades are doing work that calls for few special reports to parents. In some cases double promotions have been possible. The general tone of the work in the high school is strong. Then are individuals who are not putting forth efforts commensu- rate to their natural powers. These are a source of anxiety and constant study to us that we may awaken them to a realizaton of self power and to arouse them to take a look at their future possibilities. Parents are notified each half term

by report cards and each month by a special mailing card if work is unsatisfactory. To these reports I respectfully call the attention of the interested parties that all pupils may realize the highest benefits attainable through your high school. We have had some changes in the teaching staff the current year. In this connection there is a consideration worthy of your attention. Although there has been an increase in the salary of your grade teachers of fifty dollars recently no change in the attractiveness of salaries and the larger administra- 113

lion connected with schools of the larger municipality can be noted, nor can we hope to lessen the demand for our teachers

from these sources. But there is on the other hand a notice- able increase in the salaries of teachers in towns from which we have been able to draw formerly. Consequently when vacancies occur we shall be obliged more and more to seek teachers of less maturity and experience than heretofore.

It is well to bear this in mind in your future deliberations. Wayland knows the strong mature teacher and will likely demand and provide for same. The manual training classes are doing more interested and careful work this year than heretofore. We must re- member in inspecting the products of this department that many articles turned out are the first attempts of such con- struction and must of necessity bear the crudeness of the learner unless the Master puts on finishing touches. I am opposed to his so doing for I believe the work should represent the boy's own efforts. The measure of the work of this de- partment lies in the improvement made through the lessons. A few pieces of work were taken to the Framingham Fair and a goodly number of premiums were awarded our work- manship. This has stimulated the interest in more careful work. The value of the manual training department may be in- creased by placing sewing machines at the disposal of the sew- ing teachers and by purchasing a motor circular saw. and turn- ing lathe for the boys. Consideration should also be given to the introduction of cooking courses into the ninth grade and high school. Some of our girls can devote their time and energies far more profitably to some such lines than to Latin, Stenography. Typewriting and the like. Miss Roland's music classes have made a marked gain in ability to read the past three years. This has been accom- plished through the individual work. The pupils enjoy this

method now that it is established. The pupils of the Commercial Department are working very hard in most cases. Miss Barrett holds them to high 114 TOWN OF WAYLAND

standards. Stenography is one of the most difficult, if not the most difficult subject offered by the high school if it be mastered for business efficiency, calling as it does for accuracy of memory, alertness of mind, familiarity with a large vocabu- lary, skill in chirography, accurate orthography, and the final transcription, very dependent upon sentence construction. Wayland High School has a graduate who has passed the Harvard examinations under the new plan. We expect others now in school to continue the standard set so that no anxiety need be felt by any of the citizens lest the school fail to fit for college whether entrance be necessary by examination or by certificate. Should a boy or girl fail to realize the task of fitting for college and neglect his work failure will result. Parents need to realize that school means toil and that late hours, indif- ference, lack of physical vigor, and a determination not .to do home studying are great handicaps to success. 1 Sometimes we have desire without ambition. Parental ambitions are needed but unless injected into the being of the boy are not adequate. School boys and girls need strong, vigorous, watchful, unrelenting watchfulness at home through out the later years of their school life. The first care of high school pupils should be their school work. Too often it is their last.

The removal of the two old buildings is, in my opinion, greatly to the advantage of the children from the standpoint of morality and good citizenship. This is especially true of the old Cochituate building. To have had this building longer constantly in ihe eyes and minds of the children, falling into rapid decay, neglected, in disfavor, I believe would have been most unwise. Last May the Cochituate School gave an entertainment in Grange Hall which netted the school forty-eight dollars. Eight dollars were spent for rental of Grange Hall and one for tickets. Twenty-five dollars were given the Treasurer of the Park and Playground Association, one and a half dollars were expended for a shelf in the lower hall of the school build- ing, and twenty-one and a half placed in the Natick Five REPORT OF SUPERIN TENDENT OF SCHOOLS 115

( cuts Savings Bank subject to the crder of the School Com- mittee. Thus the school has over eighty dollars to its credit and it is hoped that the same will soon be expended in the purchase of suitable statuary for the building. Last June the graduating class of the Cochituate School presented the school the frieze "The Treaty of Peace." The number of pupils in the Cochituate District has bee n casing for and is still calling for consideration relative to the advisability of closing one of the rooms. Considering the large number of children in the Wayland school and the num- ber of grades to a room it seems more advantageous to your school children should those children that can as cheaply and easily attend the Cochituate school be transferred and the usual number of rooms opened in the fall unless there should be much falling off in numbers. Fewer notices of delinquencies in work or behaviour have been sent by mail than in any year since my term of service began in this District. This is very gratifying to us and likely as gratifying to parents. Respectfully submitted,


Superintendent of Schools. 116 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Report of the High School Principal

Mr. Frank H. Benedict, Superintendent of Schools. Dear Sir:—My third annual report of the Wayland High School is herewith presented for your consideration. Of the eleven graduates of the High School last June, six were admitted to higher institutions of learning. Two are attending the Framingham Normal School, one is at Waltham Business College, one at Lowell Textile School, one at Sim- mons College, and a sixth passed examinations for Harvard University.

Thet total enrolment of the High School this year is seven- ty-five which is an increase of six pupils over the total registra- tion of last year. This regular increase of pupils is very

gratifying and it is hoped that it will continue for it makes the school more useful to the community.

There have been few. if any. changes in the curriculum and administration of the school this year. Our aim is for steady and consistent improvement. The average scholarship

is not as high as it should be or as high as I hope we shall make

it. To the average high school pupil school work must come

first, if he is to get the most out of his course. The daily attendance also may be improved. Punctuality and regular attendance on the part of all do much to improve individual standing and so the average scholarship of the class. We endeavor to keep the parents in- formed as to the progress of their children by report cards

sent out at the middle and end of each term. May I ask

parents to interest themselves in these reports and if the cards are not received at the expected time, kindly communicate with the principal. We often find that pupils are failing in some of their sub- jects because they are apparently trying to do too many things. It has been our plan this year, when we found such conditions existing, to advise the dropping of one or more subjects even

though it may mean five, or possibly six years to complete REPORT OF HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL 117

the course. I believe it is of far greater educational importance that a pupil should take but three subjects, if necessary, in a year and master them thoroughly than to try to take too many subjects and fail in half of them. Business men ask the high schools for young people who will attend regularly to business, who can do something well, do it cheerfully and do it when they are told.

In my. report last year, I stated at some length the rela- tion of our school to the New England College Examinations

Board and also, I enumerated the institutions with which we have the certificate privilege. After the publication of that report, I received word from the Secretary of the College Board to the effect that our school had been granted the privilege of sending pupils, upon the certificate of the Principal, to any of the colleges represented on the Board, during the year ending

December 31, 1914. It is our desire to have one or two graduates enter some of these colleges in the meantime. The position of the school as regards its ability to prepare pupils for college would seem to be much strengthened. Those graduates who last June were certified to various higher in- stitutions are carrying their work with very creditable ranks. Also, in view of the fact that one graduate passed his examina- tions to Harvard I niversity, the following statistics for the Harvard admission examinations of 1913 may prove interesting: Admitted without conditions (old plan) 262 Admitted with conditions (old plan) 155 Admitted (new plan) 197

Total number admitted 614 Refused admission (old plan) 163 Refused admission (new plan) 65

Total number refused admission 228 It will be noted that of the eight hundred forty-two candidates over one-fourth were refused admission. The aendidate from our school was successful under the new plan 118 TOWN OF WAYLAND

by which one must present evidence of an approved school course satisfactorily completed before he is allowed to try the examinations. The installation of running water for drinking purposes upon both floors of the building has proven not only a great convenience but also an improvement of the sanitary condi- tions of the schcol. The graduating class of 1913 presented the school with two hundred ice-cream plates and two hundred spoons to be used at school functions. The stage of the school hall has been furnished with electric lights and tem- porary electric foot-lights by a donation of the Ladies and Knights of Honor. We are duly grateful to them. In order that the science department may keep up its

efficiency in this age of practical training, it is necessary that from time to time a careful renewal and addition of laboratory apparatus should be made. We believe that the commercial department is accom- plishing better work than ever before. We have three type- writers, but another may be necessary during the next year in order to do the work systematically. Music in the high school is being much handicapped by the poor condition of the piano. A new piano is needed and we hope to start a fund for that purpose through the efforts of the pupils. The senior class have stated their interest in this matter, and also we hope to give a musical entertainment by the school with the special object of raising money for a piano. By the presentation of the play "Pygmalion and Galatea" in February, the senior class accomplished something which should be of lasting educational value to them.

In closing, I wish to express my appreciation to my fellow-teachers who have made possible the service of the

school to the town. May I also acknowledge the debt the school owes to you and the School Committee for your cordial support. Respectfully submitted, W. HERBERT MOORE, Principal of High School. REPORT OF TRUANT OFFICERS 119


To the Superintendent of Schools:

I herewith submit the following report of absences and truancy for the year beginning March 1. 1913 and ending

March 1, 1914. Number of absences reported 9 Number of cases investigated 9 Number of cases with legal excuses 6 Number of cases for miscellaneous reasons 3 Number of truants 0

Respectfully submitted,

HENRY G. DUDLEY, Truant Officer.

Mr. Benedict, Superintendent of Schools,

Dear Sir:—During the past school year I have had one

case only of absence to investigate. I found no case of truancy. Respectfully submitted,

J. C. VINCENT, Truant Officer. 120 TOWN OF WAVLAXD


1914 February 23. Monday Holiday March 27, Friday Winter term ends Recess of One Week

April 6, Monday Spring term begins April 20. Monday Holiday June 18, Thursday Evening 8 p. m. Grammar School Gradu- ation June 26, Friday Evening, 8 p. m. High School Graduation Summer Vacation

September 8, Tuesday Fall term begins October 12. Monday Holiday November 26. Thursday. Holiday November 27, Friday Special Holiday December 18, Friday Fall term ends High School Recess of One Week Grammar School Recess of Two Weeks 1915

January 4, Monday Winter term Grammar Schools begin February 22, Monday Holiday March 26, Fiiday Winter term ends Recess of One Week

April 5, Monday Spring term begins April 19, Monday Holiday May 31, Monday Holiday June 17, Thursday Evening, 8 p. m. Grammar School Gradua- tion

June 18, Friday Closing Functions of Gram- mar Schools June 23, Wednesday Evening, 8 p. m. High School Graduation June 24, Thursday Closing Functions of High School PUBLIC SCHOOLS 121


School Grade Number School

Cochituate, Room 1 I 28 28 Room 2 II 21 III 7 28 Room 3 III 14 IV 15 29 Room 4 V 19 VI 11 30 Room 5 VI 5 VII 22 27 Room 6 VIII 22 IX 11 33

\V.i\ land, Room 1 I 16 TT 18 34 Room 2 III 9 IV 16 25 Room 3 V 13 VI 19 VII 12 44 Room 4 VIII 14 IX 9 23 High School X 27 XI 17 XII 17 XIII 14 75

Cochituate Registration 175 376 Wayland Registration 126 Total 301 m Note—The fifth grade in the Wayland School works in Rooms 2 and 3. School Census Number of boys between the ages of five and fifteen 162 Number of girls between the ages of five and fifteen 147

Total 309 122 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Number of boys between the ages of seven and fourteen 142 Number of girls between the ages of seven and fourteen 127

Total 262 Number of illiterate minors 0 Report of Eye and Ear Examinations Number of pupils examined 312 Number found defective in eyesight 32 Number found defective in hearing 9 Number of parents or guardians notified 18


Arabella Barrette Grade 1

1— • 1 LaurenceT Lnckson Grade J 1 rueman Lloyd Sanderson Grade Imbi Erickson Grade II Stanley Yaskuka Grade II Leonard Francis Tetreault Grade III George Elton Blanchard Grade IV Lillian Irene Johnson Grade IV Minnie Frances Yeager Grade IV Wallace Holland Grade IV Francis Ward Grade IV Edward Francis Foley Grade V Ellen Sullivan Grade V Illien Sullivan Grade V Marion Raymond Bent Grade VI Amos Bird Grade VI Esther Frances Commo Grade VI Teresa Marion Corman Grade VI

Margaret J. Leadbetter Grade VI *Roger Elwyn Valentine Grade VII Thomas Doherty Grade VI George Gustave Bogren Grade IX Margaret Elizabeth Dolan Grade IX PUBLIC SCHOOLS 123

High School fMary Evangeline Lyons Katherine Evangeline Dolan George Franklin Dickey Leland George Hollingworlh Hazel Louisa Moffett Helen Daniels Neale * Perfect in attendance for six years. ''(Perfect in attendance for four years. 124 TOWN OF WAVLAND


Class of 1913 PROGRAM

Music Selected Orchestra INVOCATION Song. "Over the Fields of Clover" Adam Geibel High School Chorus Salutatory and Essay Hazel Burke Magorty Class History Emma Louise Ford Song, "Oh. My Love's Like a Red Rose" G. M. Garrett High School Chorus Essay, ''Domestic Science" Hilda Mary Reeves The Balcony Scene from "Romeo and Juliet" W inifred Marjorie Fay and Mary Evangeline Lyons

Song, " Springtime Revelries" Horatio Parker High School Chorus Essav. "The Development of the Gas-Engine" Cornelius John Maguire Class Prophecy Harriet Ednah Richardson Piano Solo. Polonaise Brilliant, Op. 35 Edwin J. Decevee Mary Evangeline Lyons Presentation of Class Gift Esther Damon Acceptance of Gift Roy Wenrworth Moffett Valedictory Robert Lowell Moore Song, "Summer Fancies" H. M. IngaUs High School Chorus ;


Presentation of Diplomas Class Song Words and Music by Mary E. Lyons

Dear old Wayland High, Others shall fill our place, It grieves us to say good-bye Each to share our boundless To thee, ever faithful friend, grace With thy ready aid to lend; Oh, teach them in thy Cares, joys, we bring to thee, patient way As to Him who patiently JSiihil Sine Lahore; Hears and helps untiringly Teach them that which they Xor e'er can be repaid. should know Each the proper way to go, That all honors they may owe, To dear old Wayland High. Chorus Then shall our voices resound with thy praise, And parting breathe a sigh, For the lessons learned and the days that we spent, In dear old Wayland High.

Motto: "Nihil Sine Labore" Graduates Esther Damon Alfred Edward Davieau Winifred Marjorie Fay Emma Louise Ford Mary Evangeline Lyons Hazel Burke Magorty Cornelius John Maguire Robert Lowell Moore Hilda Mary Reeves Harriet Ednah Richardson Gertrude Louise Richardson 126 TOWN OF WAYLAND


June 12, 1913 PROGRAM

Piano Solo, "Moonlight on the Hudson" Wilson Mildred Gwendolyn Ames INVOCATION The Angel's Song Braga School Chorus A Tribute to Massachusetts Lodge Anna Elizabeth Bent Scenes from "The Courtship of Miles Standish" Longfellow Miles Standish Allen Suther Barry John Alden George Murray Burke Priscilla Mullins Agnes Anselm Supple Messenger Alfred Clayton Damon Yachting Glee Culbertson Reba Estelle Sandford Eugene Nelson Sanders Hester May Massie Alfred Bowles Alward Woman's Love Anon Emily Naucissa Curtin Violin Solo, Martha Anthony Oliver Schmeltz Selection from Henry V Shakespeare Arthur Boylston Nichols, Jr. The Lost Chord A rthur Sullivan Miserere Verdi School Chorus The Present Crisis Lowell Sidney Harold Metcalf Piano Solo, "The Bell of the Valley Wenzel Ruth Gladys Felch PUBLIC SCHOOLS 127

Presentation of Gift to Cochituate School George Gustave Bogren Vocal Solo, "The Awakening of the Rose" Masse Marguerite Eugenia Bull Good-Night, Good-Night, Beloved Arranged by Wilson School Chorus Presentation of Diplomas Mr. Frank C. Remick CLASS SONG Motto: "Life is too short for aught but high endeavors" Colors: Gold and Green Flower: White Rose Graduates Sidney Harold Metcalf

Arthur Boylston Nichols, Jr. Thomas James Ward Mona Greta Moffett Helen Josephine Foley James Robert Metcalf Alfred Bowles Alward Ruth Gladys Felch Margaret Elizabeth Dolan Mildred Amy Boucher Emily Naucissa Curtin Eugene Nelson Sanders Hester May Massie Reba Estelle Sandford 128 TOWN OF WAYLAND


Motto: "Non scholae sed vitac discimus"

Colors: Blue and Cold

Flower: White Rose


Mildred Gwendolyn Ames Allen Suther Barry Anna Elizabeth Bent George Gustave Bogren Laura Harriett Bowles Marguerite Eugenia Bull George Murray Burke Ernest Louis Cormier Alfred Clayton Damon Ernest Herbert Damon Anna Frances Magorty Anthony Oliver Schmeltz Mary Katherine Sullivan Agnes Anselm Supple PUBLIC SCHOOLS L29

Extract From Rules and Regulations


1 . Excuses for absence may be granted l>y the teachers for the following causes only: The pupil's sickness or physical disability, death in the family, or other extreme emergencv. contagious disease or quarantine.

Note. Lack of clothing, helping at home, running errands, visiting, and the like, are not accounted sufficient cause for absence.

2. In case of extreme necessity the superintendent may grant excuses for special cause.

3. Any pupil not in his seat at the stroke of the last bell, promptly at the hour for school to begin, shall be con- sidered tardy.

Exception. Pupils who are late because of the late arrival of barges or electric cars shall not be considered tardy, unless they loiter or delay after arrival.

4. Excuse for tardiness may be granted at the dis- cretion of the teacher.

5. Any pupil having been absent shall be required to bring a written excuse from parent or guardian, stating the reason for the absence. In case the written excuse is not brought, the absence will stand unexcused.

6. All absences excused must be so recorded in the register.

7. When a pupil is apparently absent without suf- ficient cause, the teacher shall notify the truant officer prompt- ly- 8. Pupils under five years of age will not be admitted. 130 TOWN OF WAYLAND

9. Children will be admitted to the first grade only at the beginning of the fall term, except by special permission of the school committee. ("The beginning of the fall term" will include the first two weeks).

10. Pupils who enter a school in town for the first time must present a vaccination certificate, properly filled out and certified, or a certificate stating that the pupil is an un- fit subject for vaccination, before being admitted.

11. Pupils who are perfect in attendance and punctu- ality for any school month may be dismissed one hour before the close of school on the afternoon of the last school day of the school month.

12. Any pupil outside of school age, less than seven or more t?han fourteen years of age, who is absent unexcused for more than five whole days or ten half days, in any period of six months, may be suspended until assurance is given of regular attendance.

Truant Officer

1. It shall be the duty of the truant officer to investi- gate fully each case of truancy, to take such action as the circumstances warrant and the law directs, and to report the results of his investigation to the teacher and to the superintendent. 2. He shall exert all possible influence with the parents and guardians* to secure the regular attendance of their children. 3. He shall present an annual report of his doings to the school committee on the first day of March of each year, giving the number of cases investigated and the action taken thereon, together with such additional information as he may deem advisable, or the school committee may require. .

public: schools 131


1. WAYLAND: High School—8.45 A. M. to 2.30 P. M. (Thirty minutes for recess) Grades—8.45 A. M. to 2.30 P. M. (Noon recess forty min- inutes. Twenty- five minutes for recesses, physical culture, and intermission).

COCHITUATE: Grades—9.00 A. M. to 11.30 A. M. 1.00 P. M. to 3.30 P. M. (Twenty-five minutes for recesses and physical culture).

2. The school hours as indicated must be strictly ob- served. 3. Pupils in the first grade may be dismissed at recess. 4. The bell shall be rung five minutes before the be- ginning of the school session, and the pupils shall at once enter the schoolroom and take their seats ready for work. The last bell promptly on time shall be the signal for the school exercises to begin.

5. The door shall be opened at least fifteen minutes before the beginning of the school session.

6. Teachers may detain pupils after school or in extra session for the purpose of making up lost time or deficiency in lessons or application for a time not to exceed one-half hour in the grades, and one hour in the high school except in case of pupils who are carried by barge, or longer by per- mission of the committee or superintendent. Note. Pupils in the grades at Wayland may go home for luncheon at intermission on condition that they are not tardy for the afternoon session. 132 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Report of Library Trustees

The annual report of the Librarian to the Trustees, covering the year's work of the Library and its Cochituate

Branch, is herewith submitted. The figures shown in this report are sufficiently indicative of the activities of this branch of the town's administration as to make further comment unnecessary.


Treasurer of Library Funds

For the Year Ending March 1, 1914

Balance of income on hand March 1, 1913 $198.13 General Income for Year: Appropriation for year ending

April 1, 1914 8900.00 One-half Dog License receipts 158.93 Collected from Fines and Cards 33.17 $1,092.10 Income from Invested Funds: James Draper Fund $30.00 Ella E. Draper Fund 30.00 Grace Campbell Draper Fund 50.00 James Sumner Draper Fund 200.59 Lydia Maria Child Fund 4.04 Cynthia G. Roby Bequest 131 .83 446.46

Total $1,736.69 Expended Salaries: Margaret E. Wheeler, Librarian $350.00 Helen C. Wheeler 5.00

J. C. Vincent, Janitor 216.00 $571.00 New Books and Magazines: Old Corner Book Store, Books 415.80 N. R. Gerald, Maga- zines 39.05 $454.85 : )


Fuel A. W. At wood, Coal SI 12.50 W. S. Lovell, Wood 24.50

J. X. Parmenter, Wood 10:00 $147.00 Light: Edison Company $54.60 Repairs: E. W. Small $12.52 H. C. Doughty 9.25

J. C. Massie 8.35

J. C. Vincent 10.00 T. W. Frost 1.45

I. H. Bogart & Son 7.43 49.00

SI ,276.45 SI ,736.69

Miscellaneous expenses: M. M. Fiske, Express $32.86 Library Bureau 3.86 Bay State Trust Co. 1.45 Sundry Expenses of Librarian 9.92 48.09 Total expended 1,324.54

Balance on hand March 1, 1914 $412.15

Note: Outstanding bills and needed repairs will more than exhaust the balance.

Cochituate Branch Library and Reading Room

Balance of Income on hand March 1 . 1913 SI 59.68 General Income for Year: Appropriation for year ending

April 1, 1914 S700.00 : : ,


Collected from Fines and Cards $10.1°

Interest on Deposit , Old Colony Trust Company .99 711.18

8870.86 Expended Salaries: Grace C. Lokei Assistant Librarian $250.08 M. M. Fiske, Janitor 53.50 $303.58 New Books and Maga-

zines : Old Corner Book Store, Books $239.91 N. R. Gerald, Maga- zines 37.70 $277.61 Fuel Robinson & Jones Co. 24.00 Light: Edison Company 17.55 Repairs J.E.Gladu 6.33 Edison Co. 1.50 7.83 Miscellaneous Expenses: N. R. Gerald, Rent $144.00 Jones, McDuffee & Stratton Co. 2.50 C.S.Williams 1.47 Page & Baker Co. 6.00 Sundry Expenses of Librarian 2.20 156.17

Total expended 786.74

Balance on hand March 1, 1914 $84.12 136 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Investment of Library Funds

James Draper Fund S500.00 Town of WaCyland 6 per eent. Note EUa E. Draper Fund 500.00 Town of Wayland 6 per eent. Note

Graee Campbell Draper Fund 1 .000.00

Town of Wayland 5 per cent . Note Lydia Maria Childs Fund 100.00 Deposit in Home Savings Rank Boston Cynthia G. Roby, Bequest 3,155.76 83,000 American Tel. & Tel. 4 per cent. $2,863.76 Deposit in Provident Institution for Savings, Boston 292.00 James Sumner Draper Fund 5,000.00 1000 Boston & Albany R. R. 4 per cent. 1001 .25 1000 Boston & Maine R. R. 4 4 per cent. 990.00 1000 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R. 4 per cent. 993.75 1000 Delaware & Hudson R. R. 4 per cent. 1.000.00 1000 Fitchburg R. R. 4 per cent. 995.00 Deposit in Provident Institution for Savings Boston 20.00

S10, 255. 76 FRANCIS SHAW, Treasurer* REPORT OF LIBRARIAN 137

Librarian's Report

To the Trustees of the Public Library:

The Librarian submits the following report for the year ending January 31, 1914:

Number of Volumes- !assified Fiction 4,685 Non-fiction 10.335

Total 15,020 Unclassified 3,173

Total 18,19,

Number purchased ' 250 Number presented 21

Number replaced 7 Circulation for the year: From main library 6,237 From Cochituate branch 7,664 Sent to Cochituate branch on cards 202 Juvenile from main library 1,044 Juvenile from Cochituate branch 1,610

Total 16,75 7

The following periodicals are to be regularly found in the reading room:

Atlantic Monthly Bookman Century Cochituate Enterprise 138 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Collier's Country Life in America Garden Magazine Harper's Monthly Journal of the Outdoor Life Ladies' Home Journal National Geographic Magazine Our Dumb Animals Outlook Review of Reviews Scribner's Magazine St. Nicholas Survey Woman's Home Companion World's Work Youth's Companion

Classes of reading by per cent.:

Fiction 82.00 Art 2.6 Philosophy .37 Literature 2.7 Religion .38 History 3.8 Sociology' 1.2 Biography 3.2 Natural Science .65 General Works 3.1


Librarian. PUBLIC LIBRARY 139



194-B45 Introduction to metaphysics Henri Bergson

194-L56 New philosophy of Henri Bergson Edouard Le Roy *70-M19 Training the boy W. A. McKeever


218-M26 Our eternity Maurice Maeterlinck


378-T25 Cambridge from within Charles Tennyson 330-L51 Crowds G. S. Lee

331-G56 Fatigue and efficiency J. Goldmark 370-ST4 Guide to Montessori method E. Y. Stevens 335- K63 History of socialism Thomas Kirkup 336-T79 Income tax law of 1913 explained G. F. Tucker 331-AD2N New conscience and an ancient evil Jane Addams 330-YV69 Xew freedom Woodrow Wilson 331- R24 Xew industrial day W. C. Redfied 340-AL3 Old law and the new order G. W. Alger 342-L95P Public opinion and popular government A. A. Lawrence Lowell 378-P61 Story of Harvard A. S. Pier 385 -ELS Truth about railroads Howard Elliott 335-L49 Under pup B. S. Le Clair 396-M36 Unrest of women E. S. Martin 331-H87 Vagabond in New York Oliver M. Hueffe uo TOWN OF WAYLAND

Natural Science

O^93-TlZ.D-J 1 —2 Astronomy Harold Jacoby

m v9=oO-C67»J V_/ v_ u / Changeful earth G. A. J. Cole

Life of the spider J. Henri Fabre

J uu- \ \ U / ^ Miracles of science H. S. Williams Our garden flowers H. L. Keeler Useful Arts Apple growing M. C. Burritt 634-W35 Beginner's guide to fruit growing F. A. Waugh 613-W1 7C Calm yourself George L. Walton f»9

U 1 j-LZj Fresh air and how to use it T. S. Carrington

Olo-W 1 / \\ Why worry? George L. Walton ATA Zone policeman 88 Harry A. Franck

Fine Arts

-go WSSA African camp fires S. E. White 759-B61 Mural painting in America E. H. Blashfield 799-G41 Practical dry-fly fishing E. M. Gill 750-SA2R Reminiscences of Augustus Saint-Gaudens 2 vols. Homer Saint-Gaudens, ed.

/ \>y-LJo\J Short history of art J. B. De Forest 71 ^ Rose book H. H. Thomas 789 F1 Q Tales of Hoffmann Cyril Falls

t 1 n F9> Milage improvement P. T. Farwell


Americans and others 824-T72 Clio, a muse and other essays G. M. Trevelyan 824-M81 Drift of romanticism Paul E. More 814-H885 Edge of the woods Z. Humphrey 821-N87E Enchanted island Alfred Xoyes 814-T63FT Field-days in California Bradford Torrey 824-R51F From the porch A. I. T. Ritchie PUBLIC LIBRARY 141

891-T12G ( iardener Rabindranath Tagore

891-T12GI ( ritanjali Rabindranath Tagore-. 832-G55K Goethe's key to Faust W. P. Andrews 824-B44J Joyous gard A. C. Benson 824-L96L Loiter's harvesl E. V. Lucas 822-P54L Lyrics and dramas Stephen Phillips 814-K28 Out of the dark Helen Keller 821-M57 Poems Alice Meynell 821- N8J Poems Alfred Noyes 809-G69 Portraits and sketches Edmund Gosse 824-J68 Rambles in autograph land A. H. Joline 814-M362 Reflections of a beginning husband E. S. Martin 891-T12S Sadhana Rabindranath Tagore

822- P36 St. Francis of Assisi J. A. Peladan 821-M37 Salt-water ballads John Mase field 814-B88SU Summit of the years John Burroughs 821-N87T Tales of the mermaid Tavern Alfred Noyes 814-R25T Threads of grey and gold Myrtle Reed 814-C88T Three lords of destiny S. McC. Crothers 831 -Wl 2. Tristan and Isolde Richard Wagner 824-B84 University and historical addresses James Bryce


973.7-R34 American Civil War J. F. Rhodes 938-W59 Athens, the violet-crowned Lilian Whiting

973.7-Y8 Battle of Gettysburg J. B. Young 914.9-G87B Belgium, land of art W. E. Griffis 914.1-W34 Book of Edinburgh anecdote Francis Watt 917.5-M82 Carolina Mountains M. W. Morley 914.6-H83 Familiar Spanish travels W. D. Howells 909-AT8 Famous modern battles A. H. Atteridge 914.3-C69 Germany and the Germans Price Collier 914.1-M29 Glasgow anecdote D. Macleod Malloch 914.2-SM5 In Thackeray's London F. H. Smith 142 TOWN OF WAYLAND

915.1-C36 Memoirs of Li Hung Chang 919.8-ST3 My life with the Eskimo S. Vilhjalmur

913-H52 Near Easl Robert Hichens 917.4-J41 Old Boston Post Road S. Jenkins 918.6- B54 Panama gateway Joseph B. Bishop 914.4-B43 Paris nights Arnold Bennett 919.3-G61 Picturesque New Zealand Paul Gooding 974.4- B72 History of "Plimoth plantation" 2 ,vols. W illiam Bradford 919.9-SC08L Scott's last expedition, 2 vols. Robert F. Scott 919.9-AM9 South Pole Roald Amundsen 914.9-D68 Spell of Switzerland N. H. Dole 973.7- F77 Thrilling days in army life G. A. Forsyth

918-H71 To the river plate and back W. J. Holland 918-SE1 Two on a tour in South America A. W. Sears

970.1-D64 Vanishing race J. K. Dixon 915.1-K33 Wayfarer in China Elizabeth Kendall 917.5-P38 Woman rice planter Patience Pennington


920-SMI Anglo-American memories, 2 vols. G. W. Smalley B-R676RO Autobiography Theodore Roosevelt B-D325 Confederate girl's diary S. M. Dawson B-L824 Early memories Henry C. Lodge B-H314T Hawthorne and his publisher C. Ticknor

B-J354WI Thomas Jefferson J. S. Williams B-L517B Lee the American G. Bradford, Jr. B-AG13 Letters and recollections of Alexander Agassiz G. R. Agassiz B-L826 Letters of Charles Eliot Norton, 2 vols. B-M462 Life and letters of George Gordon Meade, 2 vols. George Meade B-B764T Life of John Bright G. M. Trevelyan PUBLIC LIBRARY 143

B-N564C Life of Florence Nightingale, E. T. Cook 2 vols. B-L113 Life of Henry Labouchere A. L. Thorald B-N556 Life of Nietzsche Eliz. Forster-Nietzsche B-D894W Du Maurier, George T. M. Wood B-L826 Reminiscences of a soldier's wife Mrs. John A. Logan B-J232 Small boy and others Henry James B-AM33 Spiritual autobiography C. G. Ames B-M894 Story of my boyhood and youth John Muir B-W273WI Washington, George Woodrow Wilson


V378 Amanda of the mi Mrs. Marie Van Vorst F236A Amateur gentleman Jeffery Farnol D354A American nobility Pierre De Coulevain B446A Average man Robert H. Benson H494BE Bendish Maurice Hewlett B237B Broken halo Florence L. Barclay C353B Business of life R. W. Chambers C495 City of purple dreams W217CO Coryston family Mrs. Mary A. Ward L493 Crystal stopper Maurice Le Blanc W554CU Custom of the country G137D Dark flower John Galsworthy B144DA Darneley Place Richard Bagot T885D Desire of the moth Maxwell Grey, pseud. OP55D Double life of Mr. Alfred Burton E. Phillips Oppenheim VY5847D Downland corner V. L. Whitechurch P953E Elementary Jane Richard Pryce L957E End of her honeymoon Mrs. B. Lowndes M134FO Fool and his money G. B. McCutcheon B6455 Footprints beneath the snow Henry Bordeaux

SN15F Fortune J. C. Snaith 1


B536G General John Regan G. A. Birmingham W5845G Gold S. E. White

J 6541 Hagar Mary Johnston F8342H Heart of the hills John Fox, Jr. T124 Her daughter Jean M. A. Taggart SI13 Herself Ethel Sidgwick C867 Hills o 1 Hampshire Will M. Cressy F236H Honorable Mr. Tawnish Jeffery Farnol L316H Honourable Mrs. Garry Mrs. Henry de la Pasture W158 Idonia Arthur F. Wallis C4744I Inside of the cup Winston Churchill B352I Iron trail Rex Beach W6723I It happened in Egypt C. N. and A. M. Williamson F737 Jack Chanty Hulbert Footner SC082 Jean Cabot in the British Isles G. F. Scott

V276J Joan Thursday Louis J. Vance P224J Judgment house Gilbert Parker P8324L Laddie Mrs. Gene Stratton-Porter P144L Land of the spirit Thomas X. Page L665 Making over Martha Julia Lippman W217MT Mating of Lydia Mrs. Mary A. Ward L316MI Michael Mrs. Henry de la Pasture OP55MM Mischief-maker E. Phillips Oppenheim L513M Mr. Achilles Jennette Lee L635M Mr. Pratt's patients Joseph C. Lincoln R413M Mrs. Red Pepper Grace S. Richmond R554C My little sister Elizabeth Robins L842N Night-born Jack London B4370L Old Adam Arnold Bennett F7550 On with Torchy Sewell Ford T4230 Open window E. Temple Thurston C283 O pioneers! Willa S. Gather N5170 Otherwise Phyllis Meredith Nicholson D372PA Partners Margaret Deland W464PA Passionate friends H. G. Wells PUBLIC LIBRARY 145

OP55PE People's Man ] Phillips Oppenheim T423R Richard Furlong E. Temple Furlong B811*R0 Robin Hood's Barn Alice Brown W552 Rose of old Quebec Anne H. Wharton L511 Senior co-ed Alice L. Lee M233S Snow upon the desert S. Mac Naughtan F324 Spare room Mrs. Rcmilly Fedden

L794ST Stella Maris W. J. Locke K743 Stephen March's way H. H. Knibbs R444SW Story of Wail.-till Baxter Mrs. K. D. W. Riggs W933S Stranger at the gate Mabel 0. Wright L513T Taste of apples Jennette Lee B443T Thorley Weir E. F. Benson B935TT T. Tembaron Mrs. F. H. Burnett C897 Twins of Suffering Creek Ridgweli Cullum R525V Valiants of Virginia H. E. Rives R393V Valentine Grant Richards W346V Van Cleve Mary S. Watts G464VI Virginia Ellen Glasgow H246V V. V.'s eyes H. S. Harrison K5832W Way home Basil King- H522W Way of ambit on Robert Hichens M695W Westways S. Weir Mitchell F813 Whistling man M. Foster AB25W White linen nurse E. H. Abbott P544WI Widecombe Fair Eden Phillpotts M113 Wings of pride Louise K. Mabie

" TJ-O 1 \ \ Witching Hill E. W. Hornung

812-P31W Wolf of Gubbio J. P. Peabody


J-B916J Adventures of Johnny Chuck T. W. Burgess j-B910R Adventures of Reddy Fox T. W. Burgess 146 TOWN OF WAYLAND

i- OT47AI Airship cruising from Silver Fox farm James Otis j- K554 Army boy in the Philippines C. E. Kilbourne j- B236AR Around the end R. H. Barbour i- B8154 At the little brown house Ruth A. Brown j- K746B Beatrice of Denewood A. A. & E. B. Knipe j- W218BA Betty Wales B. A. Margaret Warde j- W218BC Betty Wales & Co. Margaret Warde -W218BD Betty Wales decides Margaret Warde j- W218BF Betty Wales freshman Margaret Warde j- W218BJ Betty Wales junior Margaret Warde j- W218BW Betty Wales on the campus Margaret Warde i- W218B Betty Wales senior Margaret Warde Betty Wales sophomore Margaret Warde j -W218BS Bailey j -790-B15B Boys' make-at-home things C. -G862 Camping on western trails E. R. Gregor E. j -D371C Country cousins D. Deland Danny Fists Walter Camp 3 -C151D i -B7943DV Dorothy Dainty's vacation Amy Brooks j -B592F Four corners in Egypt Amy E. Blanchard Leslie j -Q46FR Freshmen eight W. Quick Girl Nina Rhoades j -R345 from Arizona Girls' things S. Bailey j 790-B15G make-at-home C. j -P255 Glooscap the great chief and other stories E. X. Partridge L. Turpin j -T866 Happy acres Edna H. A. H. Verrill j -553-V61 Harper's aircraft book silver E. Tappan j -T166 House with the door M. j -W515L Laddie, master of the house L. F. Wesselhoeft Cleveland MofTett j -M726 Land of mystery -R394LI Little master Mrs. L. E. Richards 0. Stevens j -ST4375 Messmates W. Roger West j -W521 Midshipman days PUBLIC LIBRARY I -I,

J-J623 Miss Santa Clans of the pullman A. F. Johnson J-B916M Mother West Wind's neighbors T. W. Burgess j-W218NS Nancy Lee's spring term Margaret Wardc j-H3132N Ned Brewster's bear hunt C. J. Hawkins j-W462PS Patty's social season Carolyn Wells j-P564 Phoebe's hero j-P8323 Pollyanna Eleanor H. Porter

J-SCH83Q Quest of the fish-dog skin J. W. Schultz 3-D333 Rainy day railroad war Holman F. Day j-D745R Red House children at Crafton A. M. Douglas j-R213R Responsibilities of Buddie Anna C. Ray j-590-SH2S Spring of the year D. L. Sharp j-L645 Story garden for little children M. Lindsay j-P163SM Steam-shovel man R. D. Paine j-B296 Story of lumber S. W. Bassett j-AL74T Texan triumph J. A. Altsheler j-T424 Torch bearer I. T. Thurston j-796-M34 Vacation camping for girls J. Marks ;-590-SH2W Winter Dallas L. Sharp '-T594Y Young sharpshooter E. T. Tomlinson 148 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Water Commissioners' Report

At the regular monthly meeting, April 7, 1913 the Water Board was organized with James C. McKay, Chairman and Clarence S. Williams, Clerk. James H. Whitehead was re-appointed Superintendent of Works. In accordance with a vote of the town the Board de- cided to connect mains with the Natick Water Mains for better pressure for fires and use in emergency cases, which was done at the cost of thirteen hundred eighty-five dollars and thirty-six cents. At a special meeting of the Board May 1, it was decided to lay a 4-inch main 1,000 ft. long on East Pond Street to the property of Dr. Hahn and to place a fire hydrant near the end of the extension, also to furnish the cottages at Wayland Manor with water from a two-inch line of pipe.

At the regular meeting, July 7, it was decided to connect the German Hill and Shawmut Avenue mains to eliminate dead end on Shawmut Avenue. All Water Bonds were paid from the Sinking Fund, leav- ing $778.44 which was used to pay for laying mains.


Feb. 28, 1914

In Account with F. E. Yeager, Town Treasurer, Dr. 1913 Feb. 8. Balance $136.44 May 1. To cash, water rates and repairs 186.91 June 2. To cash, water rates and repairs 274.42 REPORT OF WATER COMMISSIONERS 149

July 2. To cash, water rates and repairs vJi>ZZ4.oo July 15. To cash, water rates and repairs 1140.A A UzAO July 29. To cash, water rates and repairs 138.00 Aug. 5. To cash, water rates and repairs 115.97 Aug. 15. To cash, water rates and repairs 132.78 Aug. 21. To cash, water rates and repairs 115.25 Sept. 4. To cash, water rates and repairs 185.71 Sept. 24. To cash, water rates and repairs llz.lU a co on Nov. 1. To cash, water rates and repairs Dec. 6. To cash, water rates and repairs 261.91

1914 Jan. 31. To cash, water rates and repairs 326.87 Feb. 28. To cash, water rates and repairs 290.87

1913 July 15. Sinking Fund 11,778.44

Nov. Water Note 1 ,000.00


In Account with F. E. Yeager, Town Treasurer, Cr.


April 7. Order No. 1, Maintenance $4.74

May 1. Order No. 2, Maintenance 230.53

June 2. Order No. 3, Maintenance 32.71 June 2. Order No. 4, Mains to Dudley Pond Cottages 134.29 June 2. Order No. 5. Extending Mains to con- nect Natick 152.58

July 1. Order No. 6, Extending mains to con- nect Natick 130.47

Jiuly 1. Order No. 7, Dudley Pond Cottages 40.24 July 1. Order No. 8, Maintenance 60.58 150 TOWN OF WAYLAND


July 7. Order No. 9, Extending mains on E. Pond Street $121.56 July 7. Order No. 10, Maintenance 336.64 July 7. Order No. 11, Extending mains to con- nect Natick 435.42 July 7. Order No. 12, Extending mains on E. Pond Street 303.99

July 7. Order No. 13, Extending mains to Dud- ley Pond Cottages 329.61 Aug. 4. Order No. 14, Extending mains on E. Pond Street 118.05 Aug. 4. Order No. 15, Dudley Pond Cottages 65.54 Aug. 4. Order No. 16, Maintenance 198.64 Sept. 8. Order No. 17, Maintenance 50.63 Sept. 8. Order No. 18, Extending mains on E. Pond Street 46.62 Sept. 8. Order No. 19, Extending mains to Na- LICK

Oct. 6. Order No. 20, Maintenance 102.92 Nov. 3. Order No. 21, Maintenance 48.23 Nov. 3. Order No. 22, Natick connection 613.96 Dec. L Order No. 23, Maintenance 75.99


Jan. 9. Order No. 24, Maintenance 23.50 Feb. 2. Order No. 25, Maintenance 65.02 Feb. 3. Order No. 28, Maintenance 33.43 Feb. 28. Order No. 29, James C. McKay, salary 20.00 Feb. 28. Order No. 30, Henry G. Dudley, salary 20.00 Feb. 28. Order No. 31, Clarence S. Williams, salary 20.00

Feb. 28. ( )rder No. 31, Clarence S. Williams, Clerk, 32.50

Feb. 28. Order No. 31 , Clarence S. Williams, Col- lector 100.00 Feb. 28. Order No. 32, James H. Whitehead, Superintendent 200.00


Interest on water bonds $220.00

Water bonds 1 1 ,000.00 Balance with Town Treasurer 457.72



Water Com m issi oners . 152 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Report of the Superintendent of Water Works

Maintenance Account April 7. Alfred Dudley, labor. 2 hrs. $ .56 Jas. Whitehead, labor, hrs. 1.57

Jas. Whitehead, labor on service, 7 J hrs. 2.61 May 1. Walworth Mfg. Co., pipe, fittings and tools 132.73 Chadwick Boston Lead Co.. lead 52.10 Jas. Whitehead, freight 1.93 Jas. Whitehead, car fare to Boston .47 C. S. Williams, stamps and telephone .25 Jas. Whitehead, labor, 2 days, 5§ hrs. 8.60

John Donohue, labor, 1 day, 7| hrs. 4.35

Thaddeus Pierce, labor, 1 day, 1 hr. 2.53 Jas. Whitehead, labor on service, 3 days, 6i hrs. 12.25 John Donohue, labor on service, 3 days, 4 hrs. 7.87 Thaddeus Pierce, labor on service 3 days, 2\ hrs. 7.45 June 2. Howe & Co., express 3.15 Ector Davieau, use of team 3.00 Fiske & Co., hose bibbs 2.00 C. A. Roak. carting 1.29 Jas. Whitehead, freight 1.82 Geo. A. Leach, postage .65

G. F. Marston, oil, lantern and wick .71

Jas. Whitehead, labor, 1 day. 2 hrs. 4.00 Chas. Lucier, labor, 5 hrs. 1.40 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF WATER WORKS 153

Jas. Whitehead, labor on service, 2 days, 6 hrs. $8.80

John Donohue, labor on service, 1 day, 5 hrs. 3.64

Horace Juneau, labor on serice, 1 day 2.25 Walworth Mfg. Co., pipe cutter, pipe and fittings 125.87 Xatick Water Dept., water (1912) 88.85 H. Mueller Mfg. Co., supplies 66.62 Bigelow « Dowse, picks and shovels 10.09 Bigelow & Dowse, tampers and lanterns 9.50 Geo. A. Leach, stamped envelopes 11.16 Braman & Dow, hose bibbs 9.08 Fiske & Co., picks 6.50 Chadwick Boston Lead Co., lead pipe 3.47 Cornelius Callahan Co., fittings 2.10 Hobbs & Warren, stationery supplies 1.25 Howe & Co., carting 2.02 G. F. Marston, screws .13

Joseph Perodeau, labor, 1 day, 4 hrs. 3.38 Jas. Whitehead, labor on service, 6 days 18.80 Joseph Perodeau, labor on service, 4 days, 1J hrs. 9.42 John Donohue, labor on sendee 3 days, 3 hrs. 7.60 Leon Gladu, labor on service, 3 days 6.75 Napoleon Gladu, labor on service, 2 days, 4 hrs. 5.63 Eugene Hersey, labor on service, 2 days 4.50 W. S. Webster, labor on service, 2 days 4.50 Walworth Mfg. Co., fittings 30.30 Ellis & Ford, pipe clamp 28.25 Ludlow Valve Co., valve and wrench 10.65 The Suburban Press, printing 7.75 Framingham Water Dept., castings 2.25 Henry Poole, carting 1.50 154 TOWN OF WAYLAND

C. S. Williams, postage and telephone $1.48 Howe & Co., express 1.20 C. A. Roak, carting .75 Jas. Whitehead, labor, 5 days, 3§ hrs. 17.40 John Donohue, labor, 6 days, 4 hrs. 14.62 Leon Gladu, labor, 3 days, 6 hrs. 8.44 Eugene Hersey, labor, 3 days, 6 hrs. 8.44

Jospeh Perodeau, labor, 1 day, 1\ hrs. 4.36

Napoleon Gladu, labor, 1 day, 5§ hrs. 3.80 Walter Spear, labor, 1 day, 5 J hrs. 3.79 Chas. Spear, labor, 1 day, 5J hrs. 3.79 John O. Rourke, labor, 1 day, 2J hrs. 2.95 Jas. Whitehead, labor on service, 7 days 22.45 John Donohue, labor on service, 5 days, 5 hrs. 12.66 Leon Gladu, labor on service, 3 days, 2 hrs. 7.31 Eugene Hersey, labor on service, 2 days 4.50 Sept. 8. Howe & Co., express 3.40 C. A. Roak, carting 1.08 Jas. Whitehead, labor, 5 days, 5 hrs. 18.00

Leon Gladu, labor, 1 day, 7| hrs. 4.28 John Donohue, labor, 1 day, 5 hrs. 3.66 Jas. Whitehead, labor on service, 3 days, 3 J hrs. 11.00 Leon Gladu, labor on service, 3 days, 2| hrs. 7.52 John Donohue, labor on service, 6 hrs. 1.69 Oct. 6. W. F. Evans, mowing brush, 17 days 38.25 Chas. Fairbanks, man and team 24.55 C. A. Roak, carting 2.15 Howe & Co., express .50 Jas. Whitehead, labor, 4 days, 7 J hrs. 15.80 Napoleon Gladu, labor, 2 days, 1 hr. 4.79 Leon Gladu, labor, 1 day, 7 hrs. 4.22 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF WATER WORKS 155


; r —: : i Jas. Whitehead, labor on service, 2 days, 3 hrs. $7.60 Leon Gladu, labor on service, 2 clays 4.50 Napoleon Gladu, labor on service', 2 hrs. .56 Wright & Son, tool box 14.56 Braman & Dow, hose bibbs 9.03 Robinson & Jones, coke and charcoal 1.85 C. S. Williams, freight .80 Jas. Whitehead, labor, 7 hrs. 2.80 Leon Gladu, labor, 3J hrs. .99 Jas. Whitehead, labor on service, 5 days, ihr. 16.10 Leon Gladu, labor on service, 7| hrs. 2.10

Dec. 1. Walworth Mfg. Co., pipe and fittings 26.52 W. F. Evans, raking and burning brush 30.38 Napoleon Perodeau, supplies 4.05 C. A. Roak, man and team 1.94 Wright & Son, plank 1.20 Wm. Garfield, team 1.00 Howe & Co., express .90

Jas. Whitehead, labor, 1 day, 5 hrs. 5.40 Jas. Whitehead, labor on service, 1 day, 3f hrs. 4.60 Jan. 9. Chadwick Boston Lead Co., lead pipe 3.83 Howe & Co., express .35

Jas. Whitehead, labor, 2 days, 1 hr. 6.80 Walter Corcoran, labor, 7 hrs. 1.96 John Donohue, labor, 4J hrs. 1.26 Jas. Whitehead, labor on service, 1 day, 4 hrs. 4.80 T W alter Corcoran, labor on service, 1 day,

2| hrs. . 2.96

John Donohue, labor on service, 5| hrs. 1 .54 Feb. 2. Walworth Mfg. Co., pipe and fittings 34.40 W. C. Neal, labor, 2 days 4.82 156 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Jas. Whitehead, labor on service, 8 days, | hr. S25.80

jcis. 3iLxvd.\ , iciijor duu maienai o.oo C. S. Williams, stamped envelopes 1.08 Howe & Co., express .75

Jas. Whitehead, labor, 1 day 3.20 Napoleon Tatro, labor, 4 hrs. 1.12 Jat. Whitehead, labor on service, 5 days, 6 hrs. 18.40

Total SI, 263.56 Cash receipts for repairs, pipe and fittings $544.66

Labor. and material for extending pipe to Dudley Pond Cottages.

June 2. Jas. Whitehead, labor, 9 days, 5 hrs. $30.80

John Donohue, labor, 10 days, 1 hr. 22.77 Leon Gladu, labor, 9 days, 7J hrs. 22.06 Eugene Hersey, labor, 8 days, \\ hrs. 18.42 Chas. Lucier, labor, 6 days, 7 hrs. 15.48 Richard Carroll, labor, 6 days, 4 hrs. 14.63 Joseph Perodeau, labor, 4 days, 4 hrs. 10.13

July 1. Jas. Whitehead, labor, 3 days 9.60 Leon Gladu, labor, 2 days, 5 hrs. 5.90 W. S. Webster, labor, 2 days, 3| hrs. 5.48 Eugene Hersey, labor, 2 days, 3 hrs. 5.35 John Donohue, labor, 2 days, 3 hrs. 5.34

Joseph Perodeau, labor, 1 day., 7 J hrs. 4.36 Napoleon Gladu, labor, 1 day, 7 hrs. 4.21 Aug. 4. John Donohue, labor, 2 days, 5 hrs. 5.90

Jas.Whitehead, labor, 1 day, 5| hrs. 5.45

Leon Gladu, labor, 2 days, 1 hr. 4.78 Walter Spear, labor, 2 days 4.49

Napoleon Gladu, labor, 1 day, 1 hr. 2.53

John O. Rourke, labor, 1 day 2.25 TOWN OF WAYLAND 157

Joseph Perodeau, labor, 1 Hay $2.25 Walworth Mfg. Co., 2 in. pipe and tees 247.75

Walworth Mfg. Co., V2 in. pipe and fittings 103.47 Ludlow Valve Mfg. Co., 2 brass service valves 12.60 Howe & Co., carting and express 2.68 C. A. Roak, carting 1.00


Labor and material for extending main pipe on Last Pond Street.

July 1. Jas. Whitehead, labor, 7 days, 6 hrs. $24.80 John Donohue, labor, 6 days, 4 hrs. 14.63

Leon Gladu, labor 6 days, 1 hr. 13.79 Joseph Perodeau, labor, 5 days, 3 hrs. 12.09 Eugene Hersey, labor, 5 days 11.25 John O. Rourke, labor, 5 days 11.25 W. S. Webster, labor, 5 days 11.25 Chas. Spear, labor, 5 days 11.25 Waler Spear, labor, 4 days 9.00

Napoleon Gladu, labor, 1 day 2.25 Aug. 3. Jas. Whitehead, labor, 5 days, 2 hrs. 16.80 Walter Spear, labor, 5 days, 5 hrs. 12.65

Joseph Perodeau, labor, 5 days, J hr. 11.39 Napoleon Gladu, labor, 4 days, 5 hrs. 10.40 # John O. Rourke, labor, 4 days, 4 hrs. 10.11 Leon Gladu, labor, 4 days, 2 hrs. 9.56 Chas. Spear, labor, 4 days, 1| hrs. 9.42 Eugene Hersey, labor, 3 days, 5 hrs. 8.15 John Donohue, labor, 3 days 6.75 W. S. Webster, labor, 3 days 6.75 Chas. Miller & Son, 4 in. pipe 280.79 Ludlow Valve Mfg. Co., hydrant 43.62 158 TOWN OF WAYLAND

Ludlow Valve Mfg. Co., valve $7.05 Chadwick Boston Lead Co., block head 16.07 Norwood Engineering Co., gate box 4.90 Framingham Water Dept., bend and reducer 4.00 Framingham Water Dept., plugs .70 H. F. Widden, trucking 3.00 H. B. Poole, carting 1.50 Howe & Co., carting and express 2.00 Jas. Whitehead, freight 1.55 N. Perodeau, oil .55 C. A. Roak, carting .35


Labor and material for extending mains to connect with Xcitick.

June 2. Jas. Whitehead, labor. 7 days, 7 hrs. $25.20

Chas. Lucier. labor, 7 days, 2 hrs. 16.30

Leon Gladu, labor, 7 days, 1| hrs. 16.14 John Donohue. labor, 6 days, 7 hrs. 15.43 Joseph Perodeau, labor, 6 days, 2\ hrs. 14.19 Richard Carroll, labor, 5 days, 7J hrs. 13.35 Eugene Hersey, labor, 5 days, 7§ hrs. 13.35 W. S. Webster, labor, 3 days, 3 J hrs. 7.72 John Foley, labor, 3 days, 1 hr. 7.02 Arthur Ploas, labor, 2 days, 3J hrs. 5.48 John Kangas, labor, 2 days, 3§ hrs. 5.48 Napoleon Gladu, labor, 2 days, Z\ hrs. 5.47 Howard Loker, labor, 2 days, 2\ hrs. 5.20

Wm. Coccoran, labor, 1 day 2.25 July 7. Jas. Whitehead, labor, 6 days, 5 J hrs. 21.40 Eugene Hersey, labor, 7 days, 3 J hrs. 16.74 John Donohue, labor, 7 days, 3| hrs. 16.74 W. S. Webster, labor, 7 days, 3§ hrs. 16.74 Leon Gladu, labor, 7 days, \\ hr. 15.87 Joseph Perodeau, labor, 6 days, 1\ hrs. 15.55 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF WATER WORKS 159

Napoleon Gladu, labor, 6 days, 3 J hrs. $14.49 Chas. Lucier, labor, 5 days, 6 hrs. 12.94 Aug. 4 Chas. Miller & Son, 8-in. pipe 374.69 Ludlow Valve Mfg. Co., 2 8-in. valves 37.80 Howe & Co., carting and express 10.59 \Y. L. Felch, leather jimpers 5.50 Framingham Water Dept., castings 4.18

C. A. Roak, carting 1 .50 Fittz & Barker, fittings .66 Robinson & Jones, coke .50

Aug. 11. J. J. Wan Yalkenburgh, service and car fare 26.32 Howe & Co., carting and express 13.89 C. S. Williams, shovels, oil and supplies 11.72 Walter Evans, labor 1.00 Xatick Water Dept., labor, pipe and fittings 613.96

$1,385.36 Respectfully submitted,

james h. whitehf;ad,

Superintendent. .


Cemetery Commissioners

The money appropriated by the town for the care of its cemeteries for the year has been expended judiciously and the general appearance of all three of the cemeteries has been fairly good. With the valuable assistance of Mr. Frederick W. Eaton, our representative in the Legislature, an act was passed and approved, March 29, 1913, whereby the commissioners re- ceived from the Commonwealth the sum of four hundred dollars, for the improvement and perpetual care of the burial place of Charles Holbrook, who died without heirs in 1886, and whose estate became the property of the Commonwealth The lot which had been entirely neglected, has been thoroughly repaired and put in first class condition, with new foundations for curbing and head stone, and the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars for perpetual care has been invested with the other cemetery funds. Since our last annual report, the town has received a gift of one hundred dollars for a fund. This makes a total of eighteen funds, incomes from which are for perpetual care of lots, amounting in the aggregate to twenty- five hundred dollars. The above case of Mr. Holbrook's lot, illustrates how soon, without care, lots become dilapidated, and to the thoughtful should be an incentive to make provision for perpetual care of their lots.

Appended is statement showing balances held subject to order of the Commissioners on February 28, 1914. REPORT OF CEMETERY COMMISSIONERS 161

General Cemetery Account


Mar. 1. Balance $222.13 Proceeds from sale of lots in Lake View Cemetery 110.00 Proceeds from sale of lots in North Cemetery 20.00 $352.13

Expended for improvements in Lake View Cemetery 109.88

1914 Feb. 28. Balance $242.25

Lake Mew Cemetery 1913

Mar. 1. Balance $.45 Mar. 26. Appropriation 200.00 $200.45 Expended 200.00 1914 — Feb. 28. Balance $.45

North and Center Cemeteries 1913 Mar. 26. Appropriation $200.00 Expended 197.04 1914 Feb. 28. Balance $2.96 162 TOWN OF WAY LAND

Perpetual Care Funds

Balance Balance Mch. 1913 Income Expended Feb. 28, 1914

1 v<,( in ^ Ki Hid $42.53 S 8.08 S 3. 72 846.89 Ann AT T nvpinv niinH 8.58 8.08 u. 00 5.66 "F AW>nr<> Pi 1 . J_» . *WvJUlv i- tillinnLI 4-5.84 12.12 3. 72 54.24

Dwierht H Heard Fund 2.88 4.04 3. 72 3.20

Tnrlc^nn Fund 10.78 4.04 2. 00 12.82

\\ S Draner F*nnH 6.28 4.04 7. 00 3.32

u . ou 4.04 2 72 8.12

Calvin Rice Fund 4.68 4.04 2. 72 6.00 Roby Fund 23.68 16.16 8 16 31.68 Ambrose M. Page Fund 1.64 2.02 2 72 .94 E. Russell Frost Fund 7.68 4.04 2 72 9.00 Lurinda B. Thomas Fund 4.68 4.04 2 72 6.00 Josiah M. Russell Fund 3.64 4.04 2 .72 4.96 Phebe Maria Lee Fund 1.60 4.04 3 60 2.04 Edward P. Johnson 1.00 4.04 5 .00 .04 Edwin Gale 3.02 2 .72 .30

Respectfully submitted,


C 'emetery Corn rn issi oners. :


Assessors' Report 39 Auditor's Report 78 Board of Health 92 Cemetery Commissioners . 160 Committees, Officers and 5 Fire Engineers' Report 80 Finance Committee 36 Forest Warden's Report 87 Inspector of Animals' Report 94 Jury List 31 Library: Trustees' Report 132 Treasurer's Report 133 Librarian's Report 137 Accessions 139 Moths: Superintendent's Report 90 Officers and Committees 5 Overseers of the Poor 101 Police Report of Chief 79 Schools: School Committee's Report 105 Enrolment by Grades and Classes 121 Financial Statement 107 Principal of High School 116 Rules and Regulations 129 School Calendar 120 School Officers 103 Superintendent's Report 112 Truant Officers' Report 119 Sealer of Weights and Measures 89 Selectmen's Report 30 Sinking Fund Commissioners 45 State Aid 32 Surveyor of Highways 95 Concord Road 98 Gleazen Road 97 Snow Bills 99 Tax Collector 41 Town Clerk's Report 33 Records of Annual Meeting March, 1913 20 Records of Special Meeting June, 1913 27 Records of Special Meeting October, 1913 29 State Election, Nov. 4, 1913 34 Town Officials 5

Town Warrant for Annual Meeting, 1914 . . . 11 Annual Meeting, 1913 16 Special Meeting, June, 1913 25 Special Meeting, October, 1913 28 Treasurer's Report 48 Appropriations 67 Balance Sheet 76 Cash Statement 48 Comparative Statements of Payments 71 Comparative Statements of Receipts 68 Payments by Departments 58 Trial Balance 65 Tree Warden's Report 88 Water Commissioner's Report 148 Water Works Sinking Fund 44 Water Works, Superintendent's Report 152