Award-Winning “Green” Restaurant at the Heart of Uxbridge by Nancy Melcher Seven Times More Energy Per Square an On-Site Review of Their Operations
Volume 10 No. 8 YOUR UNIVERSE Thursday, February 20th 2014 CHEERING FOR THE WIN! - Team Canada fans watch the Olympic game between Canada and Finland at Boston Pizza on Sunday, and celebrated when Canada scored the winning goal. Front row: Graham Denyer,Keith Hughes, Lindsay Bolingbroke, Caitlin Low, Jeff Bolingbroke, Brent Cooper. Back row: Cory Chapman, Amanda Wood, Dave Wood and Eric Cockburn. Boston Pizza has the big screen tuned to all the major Olympic events, and if you mark “Uxbridge Public Library” on your receipt, a portion of the bill will go to the Library. Go Canada, and read on! Photo by John Cavers. Award-winning “Green” restaurant at the heart of Uxbridge by Nancy Melcher seven times more energy per square an on-site review of their operations. munities and creating a real sense of British Columbia, to provide food It should come as no surprise that foot than other commercial buildings”. They must meet minimum standards pride in their staff. service dedicated to environmentally- Donna and Joel Van Veghel have gar- Since 2009, LEAF has been helping for ten key areas, including energy use, Frankie's Ristorante and Baked at friendly practices. nered more awards for outstanding the Canadian food service industry food purchasing and menu items, Frankie's have been given the highest An interesting sidebar to this story is service to their customers. Both reduce its environmental impact, and waste and recycling, building and loca- possible recognition for their efforts. that Frankie's Ristorante is the place Frankie's Ristorante and Baked at make it easier for diners to find certi- tion, furnishings and decorative items, Frankie's was awarded the Level 3 local food inspectors often choose for Frankie's have been recognized by fied green restaurants.
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