Asksfaithful ioin unitv Eradicateracial prejudice, JJ observance Archbisholr Schul[e ut'getl the faithful of tlte Arcltclio- "pltry cesc to fcrvetrtly" for U.S.interfaith leaders tltc urge Clutrclt Unity dtrring annual Chair of Unity 0c- tave obsert'ztttce, rv h i c h 6y CARL A. EALCERAK opens t<.rd;t1',J;rttttitry 18, ittttl eitettds thlough JanuarY 25. CIIICAGO-A cardiuitl, a rttbbi and a lcarling Pt'otcstaut la1'marn callccl here for coot'tlinated efforts l:y the three 1'his t'oaf'9 {)l)sorYallco,the rn?r.ior religious faiths to cl'aldicate racial prejtitlice in this poilttrttlottt, takcs on Arclrbishop couuh'y. a spccialnteattittg becatrsc of tltc

Edilorial, Pase I


etttltltasis Itrtpg,lrtlltt ltits placctl 6n thx 1\'rrt'li [rrl ttttitl tltlotti{lt Iltc \:atit:att Cottncil.

'ji I oor J)ot1p]Jirttrcu irlso trlittlis lltt' THIS YEAR Rclrled slorier on Prger I0 anttivt'rsitt'-r'rtl tltc lrit'llt oI l0{)th rnd l?. Ediforial on Pago {. tltc {ottrttlet' oI tltc ('hait. of [-'ttil.v ()ctave, ["llht't l'attl ,l a ttt c s l"t'artcis Wallsott, rvhrr tlicrl itt l94fr. '1'l l"atht'r' \1/all st)tt ',r;ls ltt,l lt ittl I E COIII\ION'I'0 UC] I' Ulliscrrpalian in llrllinglntt, Ilrl., orr Januittl' lri, lll{;:i.

Ilc becarttc att l'iqttsttoltlrlltttt'sl and fnttnrlt:rl lhc Socilll rrf lltt: n toncnl('nl. al (ir'!rlrrroor'. (llt t'rt, warrnly praised sott, N, Y,

ln llJ()l) ltt' t'otttttttllt'rl llte ..r' t'iet,t' to rlorli lirt' ('ltt isltatt tttttlt. Ilc cstahlislrcrl llte ['trrlt. Oclarc pral'cl in l!l(tii, tlesi(trtrling tltt: RABBI MARK, prcsitlcnt ol lltt: rll.r's bctrvot'tt lltt Iicitsl of the (,'ourrcil bv Methodist Antct'ica, bishop Sl nagogrtc of (lharl rrf St. ['t'llt' itt liotttt', J slid {hc confctcnce is att eftot't ,latruarl llJ. anrl lltr'l;t'asl of llrtr "to ilnpress thc clttirtl Atttet'it:att s\r'lllot,,, {ir}('slt ('otrvcrsion of Sl. l';rttl, .latttt:rtY I rrrakt-. a spring, Deoplc rvitlr tlrc ulgc'ttt tttrctrssity 2;'r, as lhr rlrr,\s for' lltr' pt al'ct, bttl rloot s ltirr t: lreen o1tcned." ol trartslatinA into dail]' pt'acl icc tlrt: noblt: t:ottccpls of hutttatr 'l'hc l[(.tlrr,(ltst l]islurp said he c<1ullit1"' proclairncd b.v t'cligirtn, is irrtclr'strd p;rlticularll. in the "tltcologl Protcs tct tt t ch u rcI t rnun, rrf tltt='lail]," devcloping in thc (llllnlic (llrur.clr. [Ic conr- ('r' "l THE UNITY Oclille plir.\ llishop lft't'rl I). Colson of I'ltilrt- ntettl0tl: tltottgltt thilt. Prot. tvas latct'apploverl b.v lhc llolv tlclphia. plt.sidcnt of the \\'olkl cstants harl a nrolropoly on this ('alltolit: 5t'c as a rlcrolirrrt. bc- hut I got a su|p|ise in Ilonre. ltisltop cliscussc0Lutcil Alotlrorlist Council, spt'aking 'l'lrc foru tlu-'nationaI boaltl ol ctltt- Ilouran Catlrolic Church is cution of thc Mcthorlist cltttt'clt, not orrll'corrcerrrcd rr'ith tlte ac- ,' )\\',\ (f l'l'\'. l'rOtr-'s" 'l'r'al lou:r-r\ lilit' Ihrs t.rrslcrl." l)r'. Nrclrols (.tan. lt) in lhc nrrrlc lrotcl, tirr{.r' of la1'nren, but s,ith l;utt ri{'l('Iirio.ol)s('t'\('t' l.o llrtr "l "'fhclc slirl. tlrorrgltI llre [lonrarr slitl: is no tlortlrt in nry thr: laitl' a theolog.r' anrl devckrp- Sr-,cottrlVittit'atr ('rrrrncil saitl lrt,r'c ('allrolic ('lrru'clr w;rs a vcl..v nrintl that thc [)ope i-s thc No, I ing in llt(,tn a s('nse of rneaning 'lhe tltat llrr trlrstfvels lt;rd llt,ett t:rkt'n cLrsrrl. r,orrrpllccnt anrl rntr-'ntions fol tlre ciglrt.rily artrl l;rtr,.l.ltiart public rcltl ions rnan fol tlru hr'lonlinl{ to tlrt' C]hurc[, The inlo thc tlclibclrtions of thc L'ourr- pcriod borl.v tlrat ha

Jatt. 2.1-'['lrat tlrt: .Jervislt I't:rr- (Continued on ptrgc g1 .\s att r..saltplrt ol llrrr atlitutlc, *** tlre btsltop sairl lhc scht'nra on tlre "a Irlur'(r', rvhiclr ltr-'calltrl vcly with lilrr:r:rl their rlot'rrnrcrrl," rlt'cw treatrnent

'l'he 8y order ol lhc FATHER WEIGEL, tvho Jesuil, \\'ils confideut that the lllotherl)' t'cceptiou sporrt tho first session of the Most Rev nr*lirto1 Socotxl Vutican Council translating the l,atin pr.occerlings (Continucd on pagc i))

,:1,,.. Irp.: G - -lFl_ i*.,..:r:rai...:...;:-.,:llt.j"kl5-.aa-..-..,:l'1. i" AT SPECIALSESSION FOR COUNCIL OBSEF"TiERS-Non-Catholicobservers are shownabove At the microphonc is CardinalAugustin Bea, headof the Secreiariatfor Christian PAGE TWO THE CRITERION,JANUARY 18,1963 'Latin American'bla


t:allrolic Chtrrclt in Latirt ;\nte rica, long consitlered slrtggislr itt social I'efol'ln, rlai-l:egirtnittg a revoltttiolt- ar.y project. f)ne rvortlrlexiicct sttch a de' (:i:iiolt t() callse e1'cll lllol'e stlcll conrnrent in its placc of origin: t.raditions of ccntut'ie.s cottld not ba plorved ulld0r withou{. pt'otcst. 8ut I u'as in [:ltile at tlte tinte ,rf the alnourtcenlcnt, and t.he fact is that I barely heald * rlhisper of t:onrnrent. 'l'here rvas a ft'ont page stol'y about tho'ct in Lr Ullima Horl, onc of Santiailo's socialist pt)rs, Iivelyn Ita Waughvc['sus 'J'11p.1' Itarlio blolrrlt'asts nttrtttioned it, a lso harl rlt:veloplrl llrt (ratiarded and El Mercurio as tlta satrttr nrislt'rrst of their lcadcls*- oi palalS.rcrl cont- New York Times of t'hiltr) dis- ttr I'clu's gonclal election a Ierv lrnt'f11. thc ccLrrnelfcal coultcil cusscd il jc;rrs ltlo :rll tlre cantlirlatt.s pro, (lenelalll , lrow't,r'er', 1he rkr- ;urst,rl ailrbitirrtr,slirnrl rcfrlt.rtr pIo- ('hilc, sitw tltc rvolltl thlorrgh ririon *'as lilir: a scandal in tlre !lrlnls: nonr: is naitf t'0nlil\.. ltr,. losr..0okrr0tl ctlitolial colunrns, plannin11 fanril.t': tlto.r' closc to if. saitl nnd lcgirrrcntation tlrat lrrtll-r, iirc l)clrrlilrr polit:n lrcrt a l1horrgh .stallirrg r:hiltllt-'rr bcgged litllc rvlrili: lhe nresslge sprearl lllritlges thc indivirlrral's r.iqlrt to dorvn liots of lrtrliatr llt.aslnIs n-lto ort thc stlre l. in fronl of its officr-'. n b load. tlo what he tlalrred tvcll plelscs ir:rd lust p:rtit'rrcc rvith Llrr: lies THIS DISTORTION Une priest tlurrtght the rrtrrouncc- rt'ltila llass is goiug orr. nttd f;rilule to rclnr.ur. only corn- "pulilic rncnt a t'r:lations"


9ililililil1ililililililililililililil111111 THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD rrlrrnrr 'r1 'r-r = A r_____ - f r t .tt - /./-\-- t . = i Named first bishop Education bills ACIU objects = The Vatican tlelibelatcll' senl to thc \Vest to menl decree ruling thai done- rjou'upt \\'cstcfn c0tttrtLies, lre lions to lhem are no longer lax Popr: ,lolir' ,\XllI stt'cssetl tltt: C sa itl. free. Most of Veneruela,s 561 nt'c

nlonI irl rvlrlt is norv thc Ijnilctl Statcs, rvill tnlic placc in l{,r;5. 't'trc a PItO\'ll)tiN('lt. tt.l. --. Itlurrlc Islantl rrnit of llrc Anrt:r'i. can Civrl Lilrot'lies Uttiorr hls annotutcctl opltosiliort to a stnte contnrissiott's lccolttrtrcttrla t io n tltaI tlx-pairl Icxtlrooks bc lrrancrl lo prrpils ol privlle sclrools, l\lil- ton Stiurzkrr, A(l[,{J corrtrscl helc, slirl tlrat alllrorr(lr llre r:orurrris. "caltics HOT|TATER HEAT sion's sturly no actttal rvciglrl" lcgally, the A(lLU r'oultl bark a corrr[ t'asc on tltc issrte TTITH(|UTPtUilBI}IG if thc lcr:ornrrrctrrlltiott is cnactutl into larv. Ya nurf eonc od rcc lor yourrcll rhir rcmorkqblc ncw dcvclopmont rfi,rr rnoblor yoo to hovc t$r clconiincer md con$ort of hot rotar a Sl"tlN(;Illtt,l), lll. *--,\llorr!l hcci in oy roon ol your homc, officc or ploeo of burincrr. Now you cm loln your hcoting problcn tr thor roon -- thot tlre first mcasllres intt'orlrtcerl in oJdq ror you'vr bccn plonning, a hovc builr; thot borcncnl ot thc Illinois L,eqislatttre rvcre bills cfilc oom, or roll or cold officcr, tr onr, .fc, to prevcrrt tltc rtsr: of Iax ftrttrls c'irp fustPlug Xor ym cfr.v6 ortond your rocqlim @ttogc llvlng during to suppol't hirth cottttol pro- otum od rpring mnthr - tilhoutrotrtingcbout hooringproblcmr' 'l'he Alauls. lcgislation is rlt'- HEALTHIEST . . . Circuloting hof rotor giv.r you r{rr Llnd ol signctl to stop tltc Illinois Public controllod cll.ovcr rornlh mmy doclorr choosc br thci r on honcr, theGoblins will ltrrtrt ciu't') itt;l And Airl Cornnrissiott S setro rlthoul lhr dry porchcJ oir thot othor ncfhodr of hcoling 9ivo, ond ottt its tcccntly ltloptt:rl policy of rithout durt or dlrt blowing oromd, giving llirtlr eonllol iniolnratiott, SAFEST . Ploccyour tilniort dropor rightovor lhc hcotcr wifhoul fic tlcviccs and t'clatcrl tucrlicaI eat't: rlighta.l dongrr,'Morr inportmt, child-rm onJ pctr co't bc burncd' if youdon'lwstch out! to prrblic rclicfels. 4W whon curtcnf ECONOMICAL , you t?l bolmccd, rfcodT wornth ivo n&'-*- ir lvmed off. Ahcr lhcrnoslot turnr cff clcctric clcmonf, clrculoling hol rqtrr coniinucr lo circulole hoot for confortoblo porrnth' llil,"n'"3:ifllfi:Jiill::,fl :l*?'ffJ,"[5;i.'""yifr #F:L''l:$""l,uli!ii1&!"1{ plunbing plans over ihe,po\ser Yor hon, ),n foct, oll lhc clconlincrr cnd conforl of hof vols hcct rith no inrlqllotioo. ii"h,ri'rc .i'l11g REMC gi"-.r"ifig ptant? power gnd an( to-ta.]ie You moralyploca it ond plug it in., rcolcd-in volcr ncvar nocdl rcplocing, So quict. . no_clicking And-then i{,r,1;'ts""i.I-ci,rrrij,iXv";;f il;ifui"t"ii; i;.liisl.V.i+ tt; unilcd -Sta.fes. or blowing roundc, Urc it onywhorri.vcn goro9.. Antl-froarr ih wolor pcrmilr il to bc lcft rofcly lhis b'sincss'.nnd ih6 rvo in bclow rcro wcothcr. Docorotor grcy cnomclcd Iinirh. Mo:l rconomicol o{ clcclric hcoling ii"J'r,igr'[ l'.;i#t"dfi;t ii[ti!-u t'e wiU take over t;;;; prctiy soon those olcl doviccr.3Tr"doapxg16"high,Bylntcrnotional.UL,CSAondN.Y,Eocrdof 5t'dr odApp'lropprovrd. --"liiIFllvICs. fn frct rn"il pi,or'i.l;fi-rci;ititt - iiJ-td tusincss' and i;ive goblins... For roonr uo io I0' r l0': a9," nodcl. 750 rottr ,.. .l 89'95 ii'ict-"ision: iamire them." For momr ui ro I2' r I2'i 61t/i" mqdcl. 1000 voilr . . 97.95 ond-boldordoshl Fry rconr up ro 15'x I5'; mdot; l5OO?otr.. .. 104.95 these lwo eleclric monopolior sety lhqt REtrlGrsoy lommyrot (No nottrr rhot hcoflng problon you moy hov., iurr bring clong a rough rlclch vilh dinlnrlonr snd gff',;d'".'#i; lat [actory lroinrd pcrronncl rolvr lt fo you. Thorotr nochorgc or obligation of courrr.) t[fi"';'g]:,#{liHthT}'" *x'-i:";'Jt*$ixq}:i.Ht'l?:;'T"3.'?i'gof fuhuo *ii';i-fr;;;i;[.i' T[" 1[fu ,txF;;11 our only"suarantccof hirvingfenty Please Send: Chargc Check i".i"riia gencrating [] lJ fl C.O.O. ;;;;;ilr,i;tlili?Sfri,inifri"si,raTnf* power,-al reasonablerat€s. The Namc *" ..,., Addrccr City . ildlff;;ti;; nnrubLiG-i-bll.;i];od". i:Hffi"Hi$"*,pJlsg",3s*",;:!.*" FARRELL.ARGAST REMCrsuseesr the urilitiesmqke up rheirlnl*"ti:ffi':$lr1|*;; ond offer ELECTRICCO. TWO INDIANAPOLIS LOCATIONS MAIL TO FARRE!.L.ARGASTELECTRIC CO, I 102 S. Meridian 5t. ME 5.0321 HOOSIERENTRGY DIVISION 102S. Meridian St. Indianapolir,Ind t ----12t 6839 E. 32nd St. Ll 7.95t7 \\----- lndiana Slalewide Rural Eleclric Cooperalive, Ins' PAGE FOUR THE CRITER|ON,JANUARY t8, t963 g|||||||||lll|||||||||||||||||||||l||||||l|l|||||l||||||l||||||ll|||||ll||||||||||||||||||||l|||||l||:|||||||||||||||||||||l|||||||||l|||||||l|[| subjected to the same type of education. The mass media Catholics, particularly, . find themselves in a posiflon of modern communications benumb our brains with the flnArrrericanisrll "party-line." to remedy this situation. Through their own schools they've same We're being brainwashed. Anvone escaped some of the parry-line in education. = Cornrrr()nJ Liberty, equality, and fraternity have long been the failing to fit into this accepted pattern of behavio"r is They have "unAmerican." close religious ties with their spiritual The opinions expressed in these editorial columnr rrr of democratic societies. And they're pretty decettt brandcd brothers all around = byrvord the globe. The true Catholic m.entality ineludes genuine rGsanf r Cctholic viewpotnf-not necessarily THE Calholic things to have around. pur forcfathers shed their blood So, if variety is the spiee of life, a = the American wavr interest in and sympathy for all peopies. vicwpoinl. They are eflorts of lhe edilors to serve public to secttre tliese prize posbessiotts lor us. of lil'e is in danger of becomillg rather tasteless. = This presents opinion within the Church and wilhin the Nalion. our educated with a task = Rut the t/.S. concoction of these valuc.l qualities seems But the dangers in this attitude extend bevond our worth. performing:- persuading other Americins itrlitfriie niltional frontiers. l'lte other members of the world "unAmerlcan,' to hnve resulted in a strange by-prortuct-tyranny, the com- are solqtions to world problems munity are rather reluctant to admit ilrat that are t),ranny of popular opinion. the ontv iisiit-Ttre acceptabte. They can_h9lp ou'r u'ay to do things the American 3!tuqg$_"L socieiy t;';;"I'i;; .is rvay. eftcr riil, nor only [nat, other p"eoples are Up in lhe erir' Our society has evolved stantlartlized Atnericittr l\'ays numatl race different but alsb that they occastonally .nranaged to come up with an have a.rightto_be doing lhings. Nearly diffeient, that the human race can profit Ileing up itt tltc ;lil'-in a tttat't'elotlsly irl of looking at lhings, of everyone is il.icomplishment or trvo prior to l?76. l)laltc-helps'l'ltet'e's from these differences. producing rlou'n-to-cat'th thinliiug. llolhillg like a iire in the tttttttberrtwo ettgitte, ol' tt hcavy log ott tlte nlotttt- O QUESTIONBOX tainside ail'pol't, to cltrlily otlc's r'ictv of lifc trtttl its pt'ob' O CONTROVERSY letns, 'J'hat's why wc l'itttl tt I'o(:t'llI cilse of allcgetl I'acierl dis- How doesa priest Some crinlinatioll fectrliarl.f itltct'cslitrg, Il irlvolve.s .a . Negt'o harsh words allegc(lly reftiserl i1 gp-pilot's tob bt' thc ('ontinctrtal Airlincs beciiuse of ltis skitt coior'. r\i lelst thc Stittc Anti-Discritn- ination Cotntttission has I'ottrttlpltrintiif' illatt'lottI). Greett, keep busy all day? "better fer'Coing My W"y' qualificd for thc l ositiolt lltatt irtty i,tpltlicttttt irtter- " vierved, l'ltc Sttltt'ctrlc {:otll'l ol ('olorzrtlo is goitrg to lte.itr.llte case, all(l ri'c ltave tl stlgg0stiotr I'or thc triitl. l,et it take placc irr a lriglr-flyirrflplirtrc uilh.llre ,\t'gro trpplicnrtt and "less his qtralificrl" \\'llitc ('ollll)ctlt(,1'slilKtllg ttll'lls pllotlng the court-t'oottr. Wa ltavc a fccling tlrttt et trrt tltc tlrost artlcllt rli.scrint- inator wottl(l tul'n colot'-lllitttl if irtt ctnergoncy arose and demattrl that tlrc best rttttrliliccl tirlic Ilrc cotttt'ols. Joll tlis' criminaliott at this lloint wtttrlrl st'()lll llot so lrluch ullfair- just lcal stupitl. \\rhir:lrit is--;rlttlt ol' on foot. o Urri ly (f r:l avr: j

Sonre pcoplc rvith stlorrg iuilh :rrrdtt.tttclr zcal lrave bccn rcall.y pra)'ing lor the rc-uniot.l ol ('ht'istcnrlotn for a score "obscrving" or ntot'e ol'yeat's, Not rtrerrrl.!' the (llrtrrch Unity 0ctave u'itlr [nltnlrl l)ul)li(' l)r'lr.v0t',btrt urrlcnlly besacchirtg Ood to give ()hlisti;rns llre grarcc to hcal the scan(lal ol dis-uuiou. Suclclerill.thcit' pctitiur.r tlocsrr't sorrnrl l;o impossible of fulfilltnent. Not tlrat rc-union is at lrunrl. (lcrtainly it isn't. But the Secotrd Vatican (louncil u,ith its rnalvolouslv ilcuic attiturte towalds orrr sepirlalcrl lllcllrren hars rrraclc ic-union secln a possil)lc goal. Iiclrirrtl llrc (lounr:il anrl alnrost solel.y lesponsiblc for lhc u'or'lrl-u,itlcchangc ol clirnatc stanrls [he attractivc llersorralitvof tlrc pastoral ['o1tc.Iolrn XXIII. IIe u'ill llc pra"r'itrg for thc re-uniclu of Christenclom dur- ing tlre Chulclr Unil.y Octave (,lan. lB-25) and Polre John wants us to join him in that player. It's arr intention bigger tltan ottr o\r,rl person:ll coltcct'lts. lt's 'l'o an intcntiorr tha[ 1r'c stalt rvilh. t'lrooler ]ou nl'o anrl n'helevel share ryith (lhlist-"tlritt thelc util.y l)e one fokl antl .YOU onc .\-ou flr'e thclc i.s lhe illass arrd thc Divinc Office TOO WAITA BE EQUAL ?' sltcphcld." lt's arr inlorliorr ;.,rrrhicr'(lrl 'l'hose tlrirt n:ill llc only by r-ach dai'. takc nn horrl anrt a half fol the God's grace--zrnrl ont: ()ur 1111111il1ilililililil1ilililililililililililil1il1ililil1ilIil1ililililililil1ililililililililil[ tlrzr[ o\1,1].sinrlrlc pla.1'els cait nvclage pliest-nrayhe cven nlofe for sonre of rrs actually help to attain. olrlcl ones rvho ala trying lo get uscd to the new o oPtNtoNs o trnnslatlon of the Psalnrs. C ivt: [cctr-agcrs{:hattct', r'L,ad(.[' ul'gos tlan is lrcr:oir: To the .Fklitor: conrpnrison with Srrviet 1rolicl. ilr rlhv no ncally aiiia;'s fight tha Ilungary practically is r.irliculous, $l'()llg l)cc,pltt. great nlenelce to this coun[r'y is not wlraI Anreric;rn.t Tte nrticlcs containcrl in.\'trur . Ihe papcr goorl. 'l'he think it is. are l'ol thc nrost Anotlret'reason I rvantod 1'1111 II.N. \r'itrs on one t'orrntry pitt't thcy tleal rvitlr itcnrs of lo knou' of rny fct ling, is thal. In orrlcl lo givc to anotht-.r, gcnuinc inielost It i,s not the Coniniuuists u,llo lllay wol,rn their tvav inlo to lhe Catlrolic l,otrls is llro only cxprcssion I Slroulrln't rvc Iii;lrt lhe rich norv pulllic. influentia.l governrrrcnt, ,llut \yhflt of th(! young have seen so far lhat attcrnl)fs itt ot'rlcr to lrclp the poor? .po$itiolls irr rir labor unious oi' into radlo an(l Ule Dt'css. llttoplc? ltrrsl llrel' 1tn fcrevcr to sct the record stlaiglrt, i.e. at lcstrictc'rl to thc inanity of an lcast of pulllicatiorrs in tlris at'ca. Aurl l11'lo os;rllirr this-l reird 'l'hc I\losl lrlicsts ilive n bit of tirne to the nrorninA arlvice colrrrnn'l l\'lrrst lhcv al- I alrvays ('r.itcr.ion that Notlc l)arnc recently gn\.e It is srrnretiringtlrarI ir, so llrrliliirr llraI iI Irls no fersciiiu- 'l'lrcle lcar[ 'l'lrcre pal)cfr al blcakfast. nray bc a bit of gr.urnp.r' u'a1's prolllcnrs? l\lr. Stevt'nsorr a rnt'rlal tiott tr,hatever'. is lorrc ol' thc gl;rrnour. of intriguc or ltalc ls it noL llrrouglh anrl note in par.ticular for. rt'ork. convctsation bctrvcent pastol anrl assisl.ants-a bit possihlc fol thcrn lo lravc it snrall nrr.jor ittg lor pelct'. Such ln'pocrisl'! plot tltrorvn arotrnrl it. l)l'r:rt,lrclr at.c c,xl)cctcrl [o tlt tintrnce nctv.s nlliclcs, ctlilor.ials, of planning I'oit'e. e\ (,ll a tt ltispr.r', ul uilt. i\Ir.,,\rllai Stclcnson nnrst have it periodically ft'onr tlrcir'lrLrlpits. (loorl carttal of assigntncnts, At lcast anothcr crtltttttrts atttl tttor ic t{'\ l('\\ s. ircoplc rlevote tlreit. rvo lld ? Itntl sornotlritrg lo tlo u'ith that livcs to extcrrtrinating 20 tninutcs shot. 'l'lrarrk il. ltrrt'r'r'r'nilrcv'trotil it to ltc urot'c r-orr ngain rnrl kcep rrp .iob. I tlorrrk,t' ult;rl otrr ttext trig goorl of a clanger to inr.livirlrrirlsrrrrls than ii'lncuacc to their nir- l'ot' sunrcone, in a largc palish-^usrrall.v nn assist. lltt rvolk! turisllltrr rr ill lrt,. li I ilnl rll'ong, tions. anl, of cotrrse--thcle alc (jornlntrttion I lrope s()llcollc ean cxpllritr. calls. Irossibly ( llc\' ) .Inlucs [l. lt)llcrllr.ook lirl ltall an hour', 'l'alrr,r'nacle (lhlislian It's zrs conlltou as sin; irr firt'1,il's ilrc uolsl fornr of t'hult,lr ll;'s. Louist- Ilabig l,'r'nnklin, Ind. I rttl urttl po l rs sin-irreligion. Stlnrc palislrcs hat e conIt:s.siorrs ltcforc nl aftcr. thc nrtrlning illasscs. If (latlrolics u nukl onh. r.culize thc srrci:rI irrrlrlication of lmpressed irreligion, tlrry rrorv cxl)cli(l in ciusarling Itt largcr parishcs therr: is ayrl lo ho a or Tribute itgainst 'l'hal. 'l'o comrnurrist.s rnight lre rrscrl Io avct't arrothcl. ilnii a u'ctlding alrnosl nny day. can kill a rvhole lhe lltlitor': 'lir llre l'itirlor'. really mr:rc intntincrrI rlisirst*:r.l[rat thrcatcns us. We carr nroln irrg. antl will I rvns rltepl.v irrrprcssorl (o r.olrl stop the iuvusiorrot'lhc I'rtlcigrrs.yslem that is (_tonr- l.'rnalll'. for lht' Pr.otestar:ts--the.y u,atch telcr.rsron in last. rvut'k's (ir,iter.ion aborrt nrunisln. brrt all llrc uJrilc llrtrIc nrilri llc- tlc!cloping rr.ithin too..vorr knou'-,.tlrer.e is J)ick Yor.k. tltc l:'r'otcstlnl. r:ornturrrritl' of the heatl of n us tlte Aurcricatr blantl ol' totulittrr.ian sluvu.y. tttonks in l;'ranco rr'lro alc *' soltlcnlelll lrousc in llrc rrcighbor.hood. .{lthough I rlon't thinh he is arr or.

By REV. JOHN DORAN patient blee


,LEPROSY Tight races ISTOOO neu) sea,s DAY' PARIS-The 10th annual World Leprosy Day, whose purporc is tor high sehools to awaken public opinion to the shaping up plight of the world's lb million suffercrs ofor CHICAGO-Virtually all appli. :,t|1'"Iut" . -flansen'EI{ansen's disease eantrto cathorichigrr schoors-i" ,|:|;:;i ;llj J;::H::"ti,.,i:l. the chieago archdiocese wiil in ne[ be *,y-'iio catholie.oriented ploy accepted next September, accord. Ortler of Charity headed bt ilq;l ing to Msgr. William E. l\tcl\Ianus. b'ollercatt of France. --_- Edited by the Clerlc Seminarians of West Baden College archdiocesan school superinten: dent. This will be possible be- SO, YOUR FIRST steP in tloing cause in the last thrce ycars sometlring about the shapc' of tlttr I)o sonr.elhing! I5,000 new seats havc been :irkiett rvorld is to stop antl look. l"itltl to theOarchdiocese's high sehools, By R. J. BLACK,S.J. orrt. 1'his is not vcrY cxciting, ncccssary. StttdY thtr but il. is "This eilcles itt rvhich you movc-yotlr expansion represents an Investment of Irorne, 1'ottr scltool, yottr social over 910,000,000 in ctorvtl, yottr neigltlrorhoo<1, yottr high school buiklings,t'he saitl. program crty, The hoosted the higlr 'l'ltcn sch-ool tltink. I'm sorry I hnvc -system's seating capncity to ?1.000. to bling up this painful and ugly opclation, btrt it's sonrothirrg you you'vc Itar,e to do. Oncc stutlictl Howrrd Fieber R. C. Hryford Iotrr ilrcil anrI set,tt shl( is rvt'ottg you Fieber & Reilly rvith it, tltett lravc to think. NATIONAT .lust ryha[ ('all you rlo nllottt it'J PTAYERS InsuranceAgency, Inc. I4th National '['lrcse -- "Constcnt Tour rtuestions nnrl thcir ProfessiorrclSeruice,, "Jlxccllent ans\ycrs-al'e ilnportarrt, Whnt theltre"- l2d N. Delaware Chicago Sun-Timer csn you do nlrorrt it? lYhat by tN THE CADET Lcague, onlY ME 9-1533 "r\ St. JoscPh, pleastrre I'oursclf? \Yhat in a group? thc l)ivision II lcnder, to rvatch,'-- yorker Ilorv? lVhy? illakc your rlcfinitc, Shclllyville, (7-0) renraincd ttn' Ncrv Day..Servlcc.!etvjeen IndianaDoltt, t'onrfotc tlefcatcd. St. illalL's ltrratls I)ivi' ^Samr ltlatts. Andfrs0n, Munri?, Hdrt[0rd CjtV, Atufffo;, yyrryne Shakespeare's sion I u,itlr ittt 8-l mat'k. roil rnd AUburn So yortr steps aro: sl.op rrnd look, thittk and plart. And thc Iu Division III St. ltita's and Renner'sExpress, Inc, last stelr: act, rlo it. St. Illirlcet's ale tlcarllockcd with "Pick.Up OTHETIO itlt'ntical ?.1 recot'ds, rvltile in Today-0etivcry Iorlay,, YOU CAN DO a lot on yorrr Tues., Jan. 22. I P.M. llivision lV, St, Joseplt's antl ME5.9312 1350s. wEsTsT. on'n. Spcak ou[ rvhcn you shotrlrl, l\lount Carurel ale ticd for thc r\dm. 92.00 II.S. Studentsg1,00 Ilvery day rvill hcar people .v-ou top spot rvitlt 6-1. ---ererl gff)\r'n-ul)s (or nral'lrc LATINSCHOOL cspc

In a sense, it is tlrc sanre eall fronr the same Ilcad which is given to every Christian, It is tha samc vocation-the same participatkrn in the Iterlernptive llission of Cltrist. I"or the TINS IS CATIIOLICISfrI llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllrSERMoNETTE lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllI Chrislian vocation is c.ssentially rporlolic rnd rademplive. Eyos for goocl or euil? Parlicipation in lho By REV. JAMES D. MORIARTY SACRIFICE of lhe Son The lst Commandment

Q. IIotu do tfuo.serulto cnrploy consrtlI fortttttetclltrts,plrt'enolo' suclr dcuic:e.satrtually rrttribrrtc gists, palrnist.s,spiritualistie nretl- "ln prul lo .(! ,creot&ro .qu{tljtir's .ortd . . Ou.trt, fhr lfhoh Chrht," !t. tublicrtionr. ?llt iinr*.-.,r,1 otlrer strch practition- vlrlory llvd., firtrr ful.nd. llcw york, I)orL'ers . ruhich . belorrg . to .(,lorl itlottc? 0rs'

Q, Iloru

Whcn a pcrsott seriotlsly cott- sults r fortttttctellcr, for exnmplc, Necking and pettirg hc ctrrtainly tlot's not lrelicve tltitl tltt: foltunctcllttr ncqttirt's ltis knorvlodgc b1 ttatttral ttteatts. Itl Iact, tlraL is prccistrly rvhy ltc 'stupid i;ous to onc: hc bclicves thlrt for' tttnctcllcrs hnvc nccess to sollr(:os Oul l,oltl rylro lrad stoppctl to look nt lhe poor creatrrre made a of infoltnltion 1s[1ich arc t'losetl "tlis clods' sinrplc renralk, tccth are rvhitc as pcalls." to ortlinary ntortals. Nor tloes tlttr pcrsotr llelicve th:rt sttclt Jtt'rcti' It took Our i,old lronr ..ris group to find sonrething to adnrire playtltings. 'lb burn $10 bills, for tioners lcrlttittt tlteir ittfot'rnatiotl in lhis poor tlca

VISIT HOLY LAND JERUSALEM, Jordan - Somc 59 bishops, mainly from Asia, Tic Tacker Africa and South America, ar. rived here on a pilgrimage and paid a to the Rasilica of the IIoly Sepulcher. The bishops, coming from the closing of the Iirst session of the ecumenical council in Rome, were invited to make the pilgrimage by Irlelkite Rite Bishop Georger Hakim ol Acre,

party PLAN CARD PARTY-A Pillow Crr Ccrd will be heid on Sunday, Jrn. 20, rt Sl. Roch'r parirh, Indianrpolir, riarling al 7:30 AROUND THE ARCHDIOC ESE *,'l'he Rrrssian lite Holy l,itut'gy p.m. Mrny door prhot will br fcrlurrd. Chrirlrdier for fhe evenr, of St.,lohn (;hfJs()st{)lrl n'as celcllraterl this weck in St. illeinlad from lcft rbovc (rcrlcd) rrr: Mrr. Wlllirm Thane, Mrs. John Alchabboy (lhurch, rnnrking lhc observancc of 1963 Orienlal Day at I)ouer aoupl(, ntorh Goklen Weckling Lippert rnd (rlanding) Mrr. Lrwrencc Sanderr end Mrs. Anlhony 5t, Meinrrd $ominary, (lclel)fant rvas Father Vladintir 1'araser'.itch, Lrnchrn. (Strff photo) o.S.B,, pastor of llrl.r'llr,rlccnrcr (lhttrch, (,'lricago, a ntonk frout St. DOVI,IR. Ind.-il|r. arrd i\lls. snd Gale Siefelt, of llarrison, par- Procopius Ablley, l,isle. lll. . Nerv officers of tlte Archdiocesan \Villiam Sicfert of St.,lohn's Ohio. ish rvill celeblale theit' golrlen .,\ tlirrrrar !lnglish I.anguagc Arls r\ssoeiation: Brolhcr Crrl Schonk. C,S,C., for tlra inrnrediale rvodding anniversary orr .Sunrlay, fantily will be servcd at the honre president, Crthcdrol High School; Morgen Dcilr, r'ice president, Our ,fanuary 2?. of Nlr. anrl l\h's. tiala Sicfelt. Fol. Lrdy of Providence High School, Clarksville; Sirtcr M. Emily, O.S,B,, '['lrcy PearsonPiano Co, ale the palents of five lorving the rlinncr, a reccption for (Continued from page l) InvitesYou To recretaty, Chatrrd High School; $isfcr M. Monr, O.S,F,, tl'easttrer, living clrilrlren, Itlrs. llorrlrrrl rr'latives and frientls rvill llc hcltl need of an effeetir's nrinistt'v Sclcinr Mcmorial Hish School. Orschcll. Ilrs, Ilohclt ,[oncs autl at the Arnericnn l,cuion lloura at than these persons." ,loseph Sicfert of ('onnersvrlle; Sl. Lcon, fronr 2 to 4 No in. CLERGY STUDY DAY-St. Meinrrd Archabbey u'ill host the "t.iturgy r\lt'.s. ,lolttt Sltot'1, of []rort ttsliut'sl ilaliotts ll.rl* llrird annual Strrrll'l)41'fot'I't'icsts on Janualy 2?.28. anrl - -r -lt_:fll Ii:'.il .__-__. (iouncil" AN lhe rs the lhcnre. I'rincipal speakel is [,'ather Slrarvn RENT Sheelran, ilrsll'uclor al St. John's Scnrinar'1', Ill'ighton, l\lass., arrrl a \\:ttrlitzer of L()\'l'r'\' folnrer'grlcsirlcnt of thc \alional [,ilurgical (]onfcrence. Falhor Don- Irrlornrtlirrrr.lusscs Pt'tlt.tlStant "Alt 0rgan for onc frrll rrruuth . ald Wrlpolc, O.S.B., of Sit. lleirtlarl's. rvill spcak on and Wor- vour choicc of tliftclent-slvle ship," Also of inlelcst n'ill be a pancl rliscrrssion on congregalronal {}lx'rl rrl [irc silcs 'l'he l;rincts ....rlrrliyll'u,1 to lrorrre yralticipation follulirrg r\r'r:hrlioccsan clcrg:/. event will bogin ]'otir free . . therr .5ttntlay et'enlng rn thr St..Jttrll Gurst IIorrse. {'llholic lnfot'nritlion ('lltssos frrl ll)Gi| hlve hei{trtt lllrs })lst r r, l' rvcck in fivc Ittrlianaltolis cctttt'rs. i:r) 'l'rvice rvlclilt' lttstt'ucliotts itt tlttr frrnrlatnonlals of lho ('lttltrtlic I";rith rvill hc hr'lrl lttt'17 rt't'cks. 'l'he plogr;rrn is oltt'n lo tlrt' pttll- 'l'hele AN lrc. is no fco ol ollligation. PLAY ('onlers and instntctiott sclrcrl. rrk's alc as folkrrvs: tttlcrl on onl1, 611nschcnra so far', 31. Rila'r Socirl beEin.r at 6:30 nlanl, of ils acconrplishmcnt.s in the parish hall, lOth rnd 'lrappy' Iurvc llecn irr intangible ar.ens, r\t'senal. sr.r('lr as collt ilct s rvillt thc I't'ol . Obsc'vc's ll;ii,mli*lllil"',"11]'"ii;lliil]()r.lhorlox oslarrl anri chtrtchrrrcn, Sl. Rita's('hrttclt. lll5ll N. r\t'. A Ladier Prrly [r'onr ? lo t l. 'l'uesrlal' 'l'hrrrsrla.vrtttrl llre r,lr;rncc frtr lhe pr.t'l:tlos {(lorrtintrcd lrotn pagc l) an

'I & StorageCo. MARv !. arlr, iol-sl.'3 church, trn. 17. 5t, J0se0h Cenrilerv. Survivorsr iislcrs, fornlE Roach, Edilh Ehr€nsperger, Sis- MITCHELLOIL CO. ler M. Clolildr, OSF.l brollrer, Iugen. f,l, Agent Stuppy, Ntto FUEL OlL? HargoOil CompanY United Van Lines pcrer t rorl c. o,noui'iil-ar, ss, rnrl Prul Calhedrrl, J.n, 16. Holv Crog: Cemc' Ntro rlRlg? Filtercd 547 N. t3fh Sr. c.6225 lery. Survivorsr witl. llorr [.] !on. John C/rraned William; brolher, Williim 5,, sislcr, florencc Phoncll.5.t7lf 6oldcy. l0lt trh tt. tcdford, Ind. TellGily Fedstal FISCHER'S FUEL OIL Furniturc rnd APPliancer " S.& L, A$n. I' r iA klair e and M aY tag llort;fg'rlffi Dbtributar" 6O2 itoln th. l(1. t-36tC 910 Mrin Sl. Kl 7'23t1 FREE S*een wilh SaUIt IYith FLOIVERS from KIDD TELL CITY Weslern Auto Purchase of AnY Movia ?rorrof tcrvrcct InC. to Greenhouseg InsuranceAgenries Waltgrmann, I NATIONALBANK AssociateStore or Slide Proieclor "Drivc'ln "EL:erttthitrg 25 N. Walnul Phono 2384 General Ineurance-Bondr :-&Home For Funeratol Horrlngton.Hoch Inc. Bcnking Scrvicl" lt:r tlrc Auto" BRAZIL, IND. 15 N. Walnuf St. Phone 2201 FREE PAR,KING Russefl's il'iffi-tffi 32south ilrh Srrccr | ,n.rro*.-ocncrorcnd urr TELL CITY rnd CANNELTON glF service Ambulance " ph.r..o!c | "}'otll. CameraShop, Inc. Ace Heating Co. Patronize Yaltu Center" Patronize All Ofh.n IheStanger Co. And Srnltr Dept. Store wH 4-6317 CALL US ANYTIME f$on and Young Men,r Our Dauby's 0ur WH {2931 or IVH 56796 CLOTHING rNd SHOES l(eystoneBeverage Co, lnc. BlockrOff Mrin t AlbanY, Ind. Eert 8th and Culbrrlson ll4 West Nafl Avc. Ph. 26076 Adtsertisers Adaertisers 132 E. Mrrket, New wllotltALl DlStRllutont ot in Tell CitY Schlltr - C.V. - Csrllngr Slack lsbcl I(BAFT TheRiddell National Bank Red lop - Old Dutch - Fslrtofr Zoercher-GillickFunerol Home ond Corllngr Red CaP Alc - FUNERALHO'VIE of Brazil,Indiana - Ambulancc Scrvicc noEEnl SosrlNg ALBANY, IND' TELI CITY, IND' tO8E. SPRfNG Sincc 1855 NEVV Slncc 1885 Mombor FDIC Ourrrl ilanagar ltla Onlll| tltllt Kt 7-2511 THE CRITERION,JANUARY 18, I96t PAGE ELEVEN

EUDDY. IF YOU GAVE TO Mrs. Klausnreyer. Women at Nativity THe MltttoNt. HOw Board meeting COME I DIDN'T 'EE IT ? Ircads au;viliary Thc querlcrly board mealing elect new officers of lha Archdioccsan Council of INDIANAPOLIS * ilrs. David Cafholic Men will bc hatd Sun. day, Jrn. 27, al ?:30 p.m, in lI. Klausnreyer is the rreu'ly elect. lhc ACCM office, l?4 W. Geor. ed president ol the St. Joseph gir S?., Indiancpolis. Reporlr Auxiliary of the Little Sisters of will be given by dirtrlqt prcsi. the Poor. Other officers lnclude denlc. Chrrer E. Stimming, ACCM preridenl, praslde. l\[rs, Thonras P. Carney, recording will secretarJ'; l\lrs. Illauche t. Polo. il1ilil11ililililililililil111ililililililililil1ililililil1iltilil vich, conesponding secretary; CARDINAL ILL and lfrs. Ilugh E. Reynoltls, treas. T ONDON -* Cardinal Williarn urer, (iodfrey, 73-year.old Archbishop ll'lte auxiliary recently present. of Westtilinstcrs. has entered a ed a check {or $1,000 to the Lit" Lorrdon hospital for lreatment ot tle Slsters of the Poor for the an undisclosed ailment, No medi- care of the aged, cai bulietin hnve been lssued. O IndianapolisParish Shoppitg List O - An tnexpensive Want Ad -- ffi Doer a Big @ @ Job -fu@ffi - - CALL ME 5.453I 4'21 rrrlJ'nfh lttcrt 657 E.. 9th 5I.-wcnt xonran ro-shr.rr homr, H0usE r'10Tr{ERi? si, fliribsrh'r Homi tsll l{olfc Shcll Servicc Strtion l(itrh. priv, Re$onablc. f,\t, !-5692 .ftre Brown'g Service Stalion /|,,ffi\ PaY Ross Ask fr-,r an Ad-'faker fr00n5. Mrr. f,lurptry.'S]f,fZfZ. !?10 5' flAr0lxG st. ^3\. zfllr. rr,ul r. f,uchteAf, 1|}-?L srrvim, Ac.*torlf!, crr rv StandardsorY:co -- f|TTf I LEoN's IHIS PAPER hr! - 'Eattrt .n t\&ll.n? trl.t fr-..-;E w.rh, tord setrL. ry AUIIll FxP. hb. Ilre iolliion frr:. l.tAt L6on Ho*ltnd - *6!n.Sincnit. opan fot I ntdil ot v.,orlar 6?lling advrrlis. | .,m. to l0 o.m. 7 drrt EilH|| S,rt RfUnE! \--./ ouAraNulo trtvlcl accrstoflts a iltts I EtfltilE$ Ing spac!. srAXt StrYtcr J)]tU * SIPY|GE catrs * flusl hlve !ilrt 0rpetienc€, cBr \$f,/ u,,f,"*'r'5rro *- llynotd tf. & ChurchmrnAvr. St, 6.tl4l I5 A{r r&tr neCaSs,try, Oulsl0nding ol)p0rlt'nily fOr wtll t00tlHe, GUnIRltiG rnd RIPAIR$ lbovt tver;qc tafnitrgs f0r ptraon, ^ ll{Atl SHtll trlntlnt-t{rnla lurnrr. M[. t,5658 ar lha ri0ht - V/cclily drdrv .gdiost (onrnlssion, r{lllh sErvtct *tt" "** JACOBMONZEL llt, l{i}t6, lnrurad, Srnd t *-'Tlo""rr =---" rrsunra of your qualifictlions and rrDcritncl w cL &rcas l52l N. Emerson E w 6$L catt'Eon lr)Dorlrr of G!fm8n HEIP prrsontl WANIEDlo Adv, Mgr. ,r.-MMr A int.rvi€w will br - ltrt clotti Grrndfathrr-tuckoo & othcr FL 9-8265 ! r rnn gac. aot 1305 x' Prnt, Y.oun'fuo#trlu*lt ttl*u',t 'rvrlches-irwrlry-dlrmonds-rxpcrl rtprlrln0 IRIN6 YOUPPRESCRIPIION IO US Salesnran over,ltl yrs. fl, ?tri, 'i ART'S DRUGS of r.lrigh APfr' trnd 'll\''r ?ltscRlP1 l0h$ U/ifh th6 6ssurancothsf ll wlll frilr Housr W. Plck-tttt tt|t tAJt lnalH Sultl "Errclly ARTHURJ, T,lEUNIER Ba tlllad 13 Wrlfl.n" age. Irull or part tirne. d STOREY'SFOOD SHOPS -*----. "Your phonr ML 6.90al tndlrn.tdllr l, ltra. 160l H llllnol! Ct t'5i8t *-** i:':1:.:11 REXALL \\:ork r\Iarion Countlr, Ngi1l, W EvervdQy 4n.l ttlicure foods Druggist" Iov/tsl Potsible lri.t! @ BALLENGER able to meet thc public, @ +93il Mt, 5.96t1 - Hl, standardservrce have car. tlxcellc'ut cont- M0LHECtiT"sTANDIRD DIRK'SI,|ARKET A vJ.t1 4. dtr' - peusrtiou. Ii'or appl. . SERVICE lfurlltY rnd Srrvicr r0AD lIlYlCt * $0r0n lUHl Ul .*t lttr L0(All0ll fltE oluvIlY 'T_::*- =l I ||rlr r6tl| tL :r.:i: -" :'.'i: CallFL 7-7629 ry u,n,u#n1,Juflff'r,rr,. .ifll'*__--*'1'.11-_ FOREIGN CARS LTD, |!rr Wlih WOTMANDRUGS, INC. 4101l. ,itichit.n It 9{500 lrrl!-l?rvici on lll torrlgn Crrt Irvirglon't Ptfi'crlpllon C.nlrr Don Glles ind Jinr Gray fltI DEtlvtRY Trvod Tlrc Rssl? llo'x Trv fhe 0€3tl Il I'J.l3lll 54a{ l. il..llnrloa Sl, tMc.lI0 Mrts.*ntilAult*Ptu0[0r 'ttt$t cut MIAls" Kcyrlone Meal Market i lllt fl, l.y.ronr (l 3.05Et RrYrlrtlor tn ?rlnllnC W PAT DOLLEN'S i * {€TAlt {nd #r'lllt5,\[i * JELLED.MAGIC .{a uuy our 0?n frullJ rtro v,:grtrblrr lronr I Fracr:l - & Wtapord you rloorl r Choltc Llralr Srdr! Cut llo orit * Xo Sllfrlng - No f'ltr 0rowcfj, Ihis insurcr frcthncss and 0ic! Clrficv te..r ld..yvtl ruollty. Jurl ArPIY PAT'S COIN.OP LAUNDRY I and DRY CLEANING 648E. 49lh AT 3.6371 Berry Bror. Painl Storc 1 Ldr!ls9t (.oln.0p l)rop t63l tril H|thlntfod tlrr.t ft. C"tllf lndian!!01i3' 0fl icrvlc? ITEEurj[lld:Kq clmnrn! rnd t'rtn', Atrtndlnr nlrsn'fil,rl:t Start The New Year With A New Career tl0, Itlgl.lsll AY!.. rf lnrrr.n fl ,{610 l- ;ffiilir;r^*,^cY l@ 4l0l fi. *tshtnrl'n lt, r@ FOUNTAINEERS fl. ,.16/8 In/irrrr.ll! lar, l- Ijnirrr'l"ull-'l'irnr: rvcll.rlt'sigitr'tl tR€t pRtlCRlPllOli0€llVERl I O'ttfttL-tn n'ilrcrt of orr rtroll\!r, stcitrll. rvorh irt a clean. sior* l.lquore - i ot[t^ H, o'ttiltl rvhelt it is u,arm in rvintcl and cooI in ,srrnrmi'r. Coorl stitriing l*rlJ,lr lrlonat ordtn rvho pnlrrd 6xny Jdn. I l, 1962. I 1ray, chanctr for arh'anccncnt, group lifa antl ltospitalizltion Soulhlown Vacuum Salor I Dadll\ i\ t hedrld.r.e tu ;1 6 ;.1t' i ro'. ittsurantrt', piti

l90l il. llrrdlnl lf. SPIVEY CAPITOTGLASS o st. ,too!!a Drlli lttlc. nabb COMPANY.INC. o a.{337 .d. Outt.rr. r llumbtnf,' '\ltnrct., O Storc Fronlr f CI r.8ta, O Furnilurc Topr t I lloarl lrorr C'all t ts tatE.rb O Window Glacr It oI O Mirrorr rl O Alrynile Fibrc Glars [Youil li O Bailcy Glarr Sliding x Doorr ffi O Thormopano r00K illE.5-4531 l.l BITUMINOU3 17 Frt LEADED GLASS tAt PAvrNo l]l . STAINED GLASS Gr) EXCAVATIONS Hand-Painted Special Deslgns El . llade For Church Windows Churclr Windows ltepair€d lED = ROAO OILINO ftl 9, ilirourl l E 5.1301 F. S. GRADY Indhnrpollr A. HUBER'T tltI Plbg, & rlc.ttng Conlrrclor & SONS,Inc. ll5 DIll vttt E. SouthernAvc. 9ll S, Somcrrcf Ctl a{31t llOt l. mkih.n sl THB ADVER'I'ISBRS 6.3083 (P.O. Box 210U, W,l. Strllon) trll, 2{toc i PATROilIIZB a ?r.alrlbt a I J

PAGE TWELVE THE CRITERION, JANUARY I8, 1963 t I/ISI7' CIIICAGO NEGRO HO]WES Sovit:ts lure top Latin America stuclents a grant, but his 'Pilgrimage strong ailaclrnrcnt sorerl by the National Cailrolic to Catholicism made hinr put off Welf are Conf crencc in coopera- all thoughts of beirrg of understanding' brainrvasherl tion rvith tlrc Dcpaltmcnt of in thc Soviet Union-- State. Ciatholic illcrnorial IIigh is contributing thc cost oI tuition draws enthusiastic response and hooks.

go "l pointed job (llllLlr\(iO-Ilot' tlte fit'st inlo rmrll groupr lo lo fhc ncighborhoods,'r rhc srid, out [hal, ettual oppor- Lifetimc Guaraniee Plan NegroQr' homtr. wouldn't wenl fo... I wouldn't titrte itt this citl', a largc- still a stfuggle. hrvc rny fricnds lherc." oI rt'ltite persollr; scale visit 0f thrcc tJpical lisits, onc \Yas "l * Rclcrenccl: Numcrouc Cefholic Churches "Ilul, rley ewey lrom rnylhing to Negro ltotttcs \vas coll- in a roglegated neighborhood on I'tl like to havc thc light Throughoul thc Slrlc lhal smacks o( lorce," hc rrid, anothtt' in [o live tlrele if ntl'rvork slroukl * FREE Stole.Widc Inrpcciion ductcd ttntlct' itttct'rcligittus tlre citJ"s South Side, posilion For Alt cxplrlning his on fhc Inoecl pcsli onc of thc fcn"'tvltite" suburbs take nrc thclc . . tltat's ilrc rnd Rodrnl ausl)ices. rntirc ficld of rrcc rclalionr, 'l'lris rlherc Ncgroes live, and tlre third tlrirrg," she addctl. "Whal "pilllirna!c of tttttlct'' wc'vc gol lo do ir dc. in An cxperintental integratcd Ilcfole {lrc visit ctrrled, the standing," spttrtsttt't'tl by velop a climrle of rcccplencc iointlt' in the citl', gucsts cornrtrunity [!eans anrl tlre il klrgv eaclr bccrusc ii'r I'r'otcstants, Catltolics antl Jctl s, "You fhe right thing to ln the first, a Ncgl'o other rvell enortglr to ioke, s'as nade h.r' abottt 1.5(X)rvltites, 5'oung do," sclrool tcacltor oxplainetl to his can relax notr'. 1'ott'r'c no Iongel nran.r'of tltcltt ntarrictl cottples. to l$"i:ii83 gucsts, sorne of ultottt rvet'c visit' on exlribit," one visitor retnar'lierl. lhe horrrcs of sotttc'150 Ncgro "Yeah. A-l ing irr a Ncgrt ltolue for the lit'st I can lake nr1'u'lrilc TermiteControl Service, Inc. fatttilics. "Atncri" 2301 Iirrre, lrory lre viett'ed thc shilt off norr," I\lr. {}cart saitl. N. Mdidirn Indi.nrDoli, 'l'he "Negloes vistlors atlrl tltctt lto.sts can ttreattt," alu'41's ltavc to \r'car lrlkcd alroul cotlltllon pt'oltlettts "A u'hile lrol'-ltc gro\r's ttlr tllrite slrilts. lnrt krrorr'." l ith chiltllcn. .iolts alttl ltottte.s u itlr tlrc idca hc can bccottte a ln tlrc Neglo lrornc in thc l'lrilc lnd took thc first stcps totlard subrtlb, A. Ii. Sinrrrrons. a rurilliorraire, lre can tlo an)'tlting," l)r'('s' lstalllisIirr{ pelsonal rclation' pcrous chcrnical engirreer rr'lro John Bean said. ships llrc hat't'iet'of race, "llut plating Allraet a Negro tlocsn't fecl lrc's operatcs a ructal fae tor'1', the llirds to l''ortr.I'unl .Seherltrlcrl to last alloul an pall of any of this. I go dott'n- said that thc ncighllorlroorl u'as al)ou{ 5(} pcl cent Ncglo and 5t) Irorrr antl a ltalf. sontc of tlrc visits lo\r'n, I sce all tltc rvorderful cent whitu rvhcn his larnily 5t. Francis stretched on for thrcc lrorrrs rvitlr crcativc things otlr cconollrY [)cr nrovcd in, {he parti<'ipan{.s agrccing to rnccl huilds. Srrnrething jusl tclls ntc ;rgain pu'iodica ll.t'. that none of this is fot' me. A "Now Sees c0ut'tcil il'r projecI abouf 75.?5," hc tloosn'I feel he's par[ of "Wc BIRDFEEDERS Negro rrid. don'f wrnl lo live SPONSORS of thc pro.jer'l rlere (;()nstrutlo(l of ('ltli[olttr;r Iir.rluoorl. ilrc Anrcrican drcam," in lhc [tcr'. Williant IIogan, assistanI rn ell.Negro ncighborhood." lrastctrcrl lvillr altrillitlrlrrr ;rrrrl lrIass paslol of St. Ilaphael's [jatholir: "Wc QASQUAIES --- .iust want to bc accclrlt'rl ttails anrl scr'{r\\':i sr.lI rlr';rrrrirr(_-rlld clrtrrclr and a tncnrbcr of l,'riend- " 0n, religious as full r:itizctts, as Arnelicans, box. Ir0iltut'itrg a l(i':r.llr(.ll lali ship IIorrsc, a ('atholir: intcrracial "Wc freerlorrt, PtzzA Etr tIr- his rvife said. don'1. neccs. anric slatrrc rrf St. rnoverncnt tvilh national ltead" 'l'lrc l,'r'arrtr.rrith tlre sarill' rr'ant to rnix soeialll'," slrt: It( )Jl l,; --- Sco,e lari;rI f,," qtrartcls hcrc: thc Itor'. Douglas "l llirds itt natttfal t'oli,r's. Slrlrrri. rs eddctl. (loll'1. want lllJ, son tr) l'r'ornotinr.l (:hristian Unitt' x'ill *llYffiAL'IJT j\t. l;till. crecutivc seclctar'3' of 17 incltes tall. ... 515.50 rriarrl' a Caucasian girl," sttbnrit to tlrc lrcxl. scssion o[ tlrc "Yol \T llre L'hurt:lr ["crleration of (]rcatcl u'lrorr llrl l lolr, liullrt,r' Aftcr tllking altout. thcil l6- {:culncnical cotrncil a

CHURCHESTSCHOoLS ANo oRcAr,{lAllofts ffi# Termires o W00L . NYLON OACRIIAN att "150" Dr. Janc F. l(erncl Club of LiHlc F!cwrr Church lrll Sponror: ITII I iry, Roaches Dr. Donqld R. Hiott JANUARY.LET.OOWN DANCE o EMBOSSEDo TEXTURED. OPTOMETR IST5 TWISTWEAVE UU Salurday, Jan. l9 - 9 P.M. - l2:30 A.M. B.W{w' fu',rriz'.),1:..V ,i:iwarerbugs - - Tickets at the l)oor'. wt;:?::::.

Ar'r AnEIDAfll to couNsEt you At Att ilMts Coollortdblrtounq. Ar.a FREI IV DOWN! oPENlul0l,f. Yj S Years To Pay!

20 IIORGE AGIIAIOR '/JASHERS lst I)at'r'rtentNot andTlfuRs EvE. 25 lb. Haavv Dutv Wash?r I)ue "l'il irily t, l9()il 'til . THE PLANT FOR FINISHEDDRY CLEANING. , . I p.rr1.

ixPEiltNct0 pR0tIsstOilAt0Ry cttAlltN0 sERvlct 30-fi0-90-Da.1,Cltat'gt: Illluttr't'til' 40 YEARS.tthis location "l'il No Calt'ying ['hargc \\ cck ir::i(| MERf0!All AT l0th StREET. rr