Highways & Byways January 2020 The News and Views from Mickle Trafford and District

January Sunrise Welcomes the New Decade


Page 2 Highways and Byways

Happy New Year. Welcome to 2020 and the new decade. Is it really 20 years since the Millennium when we thought all the computers around the world would reset themselves and life as we know it would come to a stop? But here we are ... just carrying on.

The strange weather of the Autumn continues with so much rain continuing to soak our fields and flood local roads at times. However the icy conditions and snow which could have made an appearance at this time of year have, so far, been absent. However, there is still a long way to go until Spring arrives.

Have you got great plans for 2020? Perhaps a special holiday is on the cards or that long planned wedding gets closer. Perhaps your plans for 2020 centre around work, or children and family. If you’d like to celebrate anything with us we’d love to hear from you.

Our next edition will be the final one for the current financial year and so we will be seeking advertisers old and new to join us in the Spring. Our rates are exceptionally good value as our rationale is to provide a means for local advertisers to showcase their services to local people. If you would like to find out more please ring Roger for a chat on 01244 301860.

Our next newsletter will come out at the end of March and we welcome your news and items of interest. Please send anything you wish to be included by Wednesday 11th March to Jenny by email at [email protected].

If you want to chat about anything for the next edition contact Jenny and Roger on 01244 301860.

The views expressed in Highways and Byways are not necessarily the views of the Parish Council. The inclusion of any products and services within the newsletter does not imply endorsement by the editorial team.

Page 3 WHAT’S ON — at a glance

25th—27th January Big Garden Birdwatch in your garden Wednesdays February St Peter’s Toddler group, 10.30—12.00 Village Hall Weds 5th February Village Club Fun Quiz 9pm Village Hall Monday 10th February Parish Council meeting 6.30pm Village Hall Saturday 15th February The Tone Junkies 8pm Village Hall Weds 19th February Village Club Fun Quiz 9pm Village Hall Wednesdays March St Peter’s Toddler group, 10.30—12.00 Village Hall Weds 4th March Village Club Fun Quiz 9pm Village Hall Monday 9th March Parish Council meeting 6.30pm Village Hall Weds 18th March Village Club Fun Quiz 9pm Village Hall

If you want to make sure your special event is highlighted in this section contact Jenny 01244 301860

Club programmes and dates are available in the ‘News from the Groups’ section pages 18—20.

Page 4 MICKLE TRAFFORD & DISTRICT PARISH COUNCIL NEWS Based on the Parish Council Meetings held on 9th December and 13th January

Open Forum Tessa Parkin raised the issue of pavements and puddles. At least four areas are of serious concern to walkers and drivers. Residents will know locations where floods are present after rain and for days after. The Clerk will report the problems to CWaC.

POLICE UPDATE. Crime Information: A spreadsheet summary for Villages shows very few offences during November/December in the Mickle Trafford area.

PCSO newsletter from Linda Bailey December has been a busy but happy month in the Villages as I have been fortunate enough to join in with lots of Christmas celebrations in the schools, community groups and my evening patrols have been far more festive with the Christmas lights. I have managed now to engage with every school in my area including the four primary schools, and one high school. I have gone into these schools to talk about a range of topics from personal safety, knife crime, county lines and cyber safety. Schools, pre-schools, nurseries and community groups for young people such as Beavers, Brownies and youth clubs are important for me to engage with. I would like the majority of young people to be able to recognise me, and understand I am a safe adult and am happy to talk to them. Every month there is a new topic from Cheshire Police to engage with for young people; if you have a community group please let me know I am happy to talk about lots of police related matters from road safety to crime prevention. The daylight hours are shorter now; however, I am around on evening patrols checking the residential housing areas of all the villages and some hot spots that I know of, especially more secluded areas. As we approach the cold dark months of January and February please bear in mind your own personal safety for example when walking home in the dark alone. Check that your children have sufficient lighting on bikes, and make sure your vehicles have emergency resources in them in case of bad weather.

The Clerk advised that the PCSO was aware of the situation at the Traveller site on Lane but as nothing illegal had taken place there was no action to be taken.

The Chairman then closed the Open Forum. Names of Councillors present, apologies for absence, and Declarations of Interest were recorded.

Parish Council Minutes. Minutes of the meeting held on 11th November and 9th December were accepted.

Planning/Finance Committee The minutes of meetings held on the 2nd December 2019 and 6th January 2020 were noted. Page 5 QDJ Park Committee Report The committee are still compiling costs for potential projects which will be put to their next meeting. A recommendation will then be made to the Parish Council before being put out to the electorate for consultation.

Christmas Event (Fayre, Lights, Santa, Choir, and Evening of Entertainment) The new format had worked well and an excellent day was had by all. The Parish Council thanked all of the organisers. Next year will build on the changes made.

CCTV Policy A Policy Document is being prepared by Cllr Spence for circulation to all councillors in the next week, before final approval at the January meeting. The Clerk has now been trained to download data from the CCTV system should a request be made to do so. There is NO remote access on the CCTV system.

Trustees/Parish Councillors Working Group It is clear that the roles and responsibilities of a Village Hall Trustee and a Parish Councillor are not well understood, particularly when an individual has both titles. A Working Group is tasked with defining the roles. Cllrs Arnold, Bartley and Taylor offered their services and Cllr Harrison advised that Mr Martin Dick and Mr Deylan Bailey would represent the Trust. The Chair or Vice Chair of the Parish Council will chair the Group.

Village Hall Trust CCTV Policy Adherence to the Policy will be overseen by Cllr Spence for the next six month period.

New location for “keyfob” box. The unit should be repositioned away from the CCTV monitor.

New location for CCTV camera behind the bar One of the current CCTV units be moved to a position behind the bar

Approval of two new locks for bar area. Two new locks will be purchased for the bar and cellar door to ensure that security is maintained. Key holders will be selected at the first meeting of the Village Hall working group.

Precept 2020/21 Following the recommendation from the Finance Committee, the Parish Precept for 2020/21 will be £30000. This is significantly lower than last year for several reasons. The reserves are adequate for current projects. There are fewer future projects scheduled in the coming year. Contingencies have been allowed for.

Hoole Penfold

The Parish Council will ask CWaC if the ownership of the Penfold can be transferred to the Parish Council.

Page 6 Action Update A56 Speed survey recommendations Planters Interactive Speed signs (Two) Ditch at School Lane Road Pavements New dog waste bin

The Clerk advised that even though CWaC Officers had been chased on the above matters, no updates had been received.

Cllr Parker will be taking these matters up with the Chief Executive of CWaC later in January. A letter to the Chief Executive will further underline the issues that give concern to the Parish Council.

Matters raised at the discretion of the Chairman (Not for resolution) Cllr Parker asked the Clerk to issue letters of Thanks to the local businesses who contributed to the Raffle prizes for the Christmas Event.

Date and time of Next Parish Council Meeting

10th February at The Village Hall at 6.30pm

Page 7 Celebrations as Golf Club Powered Wheelchair Appeal present 400th chair!

During an evening of “Glitz and Glamour”, the Powered Wheelchair Appeal from Helsby Golf Club recently celebrated the donation of 5 wheelchairs including the milestone 400th to local deserving youngsters.

The celebration was held at Chester Racecourse and was organised by the Powered Wheelchair Committee and supporters. Around 230 guests attended a fun filled evening including a champagne reception, three course dinner, and live musical entertainment. There were also casino tables, raffles and a grand charity auction.

The highlight of the evening however was the presentation of 5 powered wheelchairs. 2 further chairs were due to be presented but unfortunately, both youngsters were ill and unable to attend on the night. They will however receive their chairs shortly.

The Appeal was delighted to welcome special guests on the night – actors Alison Steadman, Michael Elwyn and Emma Cunniffe and also Ladies cricketer Sophie Ecclestone. Also from Helsby GC were Captain Roddy Snedden and President Peter Duffy to assist with the presentations. The excited youngsters were accompanied on the night by their families and friends and are all now very much looking forward to enjoying the independence their new powered wheelchairs will give them!

The Appeal, which is run by volunteers who are members at Helsby Golf Club, is a registered charity and has been raising funds for the last 37 years. This celebration marked the end of a hectic year of fundraising which enabled the presentation of the 400th chair.

They would like to pass on huge thanks to all the sponsors and supporters for being so generous with their time, donations and money, and a fantastic sum of £15,340 was raised on the night – Many thanks to all! By Kathryn Hoather

Group photo by Simon Warburton

Photo enclosed of the presentation party - at the back from left to right are Helsby Golf Club President Peter Duffy, PWA chairman Steve Cunniffe, Captain Roddy Snedden, Sophie Ecclestone, Alison Steadman, Michael Elwyn and Emma Cunniffe.

Page 8 Mickle Trafford Mill

Happy New Year from Mickle Trafford Mill Charitable Trust! 2020 is a new stage for Trafford Mill and we want you to be part of it….

We will be opening this year for two major events National Mills Weekend (May) and Heritage Open Days (September) so please watch this space for more information nearer the time. However, if you have any preliminary questions then please get in touch.

Heritage tours and visits are still available with times to suit all requirements – please contact Ceris to find out more. Miss Ceris Timms Chair 07587 189 776 [email protected]

Knock, Knock ...... Who’s there? Isabel ...... Isabel who? Isabel working. I’ve rung it 4 times before I knocked.

All kinds of joinery work undertaken

Doors, skirting, shelving cabinet construction and a lot more.

Request a quote today.

Call Aled on 07900 842 975

Based in Mickle Trafford

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REV JOANNE BROWN JENN SIMMONDS Bookings and Questions regarding Chapel & Graveyard to: [email protected]

19th Jan 10.45am Rev Jo BROWN Joint section service at 26th Jan 10am Rev Christine HOLMES Preaching the Word 2nd Feb 10am Rev. Jo BROWN Covenant Communion Service 9th Feb 10am Jon PARRY Bible Study 16th Feb 10am Mark SMYTHE Preaching the Word 23rd Feb 10am Sian DAVIDSON Preaching the Word 1st March 9.30am Rev. Jo BROWN Communion Service

An additional thank you again, as the Chapel at the Crossroads was again the site for the Village Christmas Tree, a wonderful expression of hope for the Advent and Christmas Season. This tradition is kindly sponsored by the Parker family and the Parish Council. Our other tradition is our support of the Foodbank. We are, as ever, grateful for the kind donations of Christmas gifts and foodstuffs, given over a three week period, which were used to supplement gifts for local families in need.

In addition, we have added BEAM to our ‘giving’ portfolio this year and have supported Sofia into her dream of becoming a teaching assistant. BEAM is a crowdfunding platform which supports homeless people through training, and into stable, paid work, and a new future https://beam.org/stories

Several members have also funded spaces at Christmas In Crisis in lieu of family Christmas Presents https://www.crisis.org.uk. We also gave TEN shoeboxes to the Rotary Appeal for disadvantaged children and adults in Eastern Europe https://www.rotaryshoebox.org.

We are a small congregation, yet we all share the same understanding that Christmas is for giving, believing that we could give hope, through these projects, to people who were homeless and disadvantaged. “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me” Matthew 25:35-36


Page 10 Nature Notes January 2020

The first Monday after 12th Night on January 6th is known as Plough Monday, traditionally the day labourers returned to the fields after the Christmas festival. The 7th January was St Distaff’s Day, the day the women had to return to work with the distaff or spindle. A new year, a new decade and the grey wet weather continues. At least the frost- free weather is good for the birds who can find food easily. Some of our sparrows are already investigating the nest boxes, they are a bit premature as spring is quite a way off yet! It’s always cheering to see the snowdrops appear in January. Also known as Candlemas Bells, their botanical name is Galanthus nivalis which translates as milk white flower. The snowdrop is not actually a native plant but comes from southern Europe, the first reference to it in the U.K. being in Tudor times. The sight of swathes of snowdrops growing in woodland is a treat, and they will also grow happily in the garden, preferably in dappled shade. Snowdrop bulbs planted in autumn often fail to grow because they have dried out, also because they may have been dug up by squirrels or other rodents. They are best grown ‘in the green’ using plants once they have finished flowering. The wet fields and pools in the area are still attracting water birds, and a current resident is a Little Egret which can be seen around the Gowy. The egret is a small heron which has distinctive white plumage and black legs. It was a rare sight in the UK before the 1980s and has spread from the south of England since then.

The Big Garden Birdwatch this year is 25th -27th January. I shall be taking part as usual. I don’t expect to have an egret in my garden, though I did have a moorhen one year when it was very frosty! So fill up your bird feeders and see what comes to your garden. The Pink Lady

For more information on the Great Garden Birdwatch go to www.rspb.org.uk

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Page 12 St Peter’s, Plemstall You are very welcome to join us at our friendly village church.

For full details of our Services see the website. Services in February as follows:

2nd February 9.30am All age family service 9th February 11am Holy Communion (Common Worship) 16th February 9.30am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) 23rd February 11am Holy Communion (Common Worship) March 8th 11am Holy Communion (Common Worship) March 15th 9.30am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) March 22nd 11am Holy Communion (Common Worship)

St Peter’s Toddler Group Children’s groups & Community Coffee Bar Wednesdays in term time, 10.30am –12noon Mickle Trafford Village Hall.

Messy Church February 2nd @ 10.15am 3rd Sunday of in Village Hall each month March 1st @ 9.30am in Mickle Trafford Village Hall 11am-12pm Next session Please get in touch if you are interested in: th  Christenings February 16  Weddings Age 3-4, 5-8, and  Messy Church 9+  Children /Young People’s groups Under 3’s or would like to chat about any other matter. welcome with an accompanying adult Contact: Revd Heather Carty (Rector) [email protected] Mob: 07484 515812 www.stpetersplemstall.org www.facebook.com/stpetersplemstall. Page 13 Stunning Early Morning Cloud Formations Rise Over Our Villages On These January Mornings

Page 14 PLEMSTALL PLANTS Jean’s Garden

First of all I would like to thank all those who have helped me once again to reach my target to raise £1000 to send to The Hospice of the Good Shepherd this year. This is achieved not just from sales of the plants from my garden but by those who donated plants, pots and garden sundries, helped in my garden and served on my stall at markets and fairs. Also by those who have been there for me when I needed help, transport and encouragement.

And what for this year ? There is lots in the pipeline for fund raising and plants for sale at the moment, of course. I have lots of small shrubs and pots of bulbs all starting to come through. If you pass my garden you will see that there are pink flowers on plant whose common name is ‘ Kaffir Lily ‘ (they keep changing the Latin names). This has been flowering since September ...even in colder weather it keeps going. I have several scented shrubs and small trees in flower - clematis ... cyclamen ..and hellebores ... bergenia ( elephants ears ) snowdrops and miniature daffs and iris shooting up. There are also some clumps of primroses flowering. I can see next month being very busy splitting large clumps of perennials and potting up baby plants. So, when you are ready to plan what you would like in your garden this year ...do come and see me and my garden and have a chat. And if you belong to an organisation that is holding an event where you could maybe offer me a stall ...please get in touch with details. All my proceeds go directly to the Hospice. I am happy to pay any expenses myself if you are also raising money for something special. You can call me or email me: Jean Harley 01244 300967 jeanharley @btinternet.com

Page 15 N Gauge model railway groups Chester model railway groups West and East

Four members of our group took our layout “Cragmill” to the Warley National Model Railway Exhibition at the end of November. It is held in one of the halls of the National Exhibition Centre near Birmingham. It was quite an experience as it is the biggest show in the country. There is even room for 3 full size railway and transport exhibits. Unusually for exhibitions, we were able to take our cars onto the exhibition floor to unload. As the layout has been designed to be easy to assemble, we were up and running in a couple of hours on the Friday. The two public days were hectic as the crowds built up fast. The photo shows the layout and operators in the calm before the storm. We received a lot of positive feedback from the public as the layout always has something moving. Indeed one youngster awarded us certificates for “Best designed layout” and “5th Best layout in the show”. We were able to meet fellow “N Gauge” modellers and share knowledge and experiences. All in all a good experience although after stripping down the layout and getting back to the Wirral, we all needed a rest.


Mickle Trafford Club Charity Quiz raises £324 for Prostate Cancer! Big thanks to everyone who contributed on the night.

th th Fun quiz dates are Wednesday 5th and 19th Feb and 4 and 18 March

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Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch has been re-launched and now works actively with regional groups like the CNWA to provide practical advice and support on ways of preventing crime. Within Cheshire, the main goal is to increase the number of active Neighbourhood Watch Schemes.

Parish Councils are encouraged to promote this objective.

The Parish Council will support and facilitate the initiative if a) there is interest, and b) volunteers from the community come forward to work with the Parish Council.

More information is available at http://cheshire.ourwatch.org.uk.

Please contact the Parish Clerk to express your interest.

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Mickle Trafford & District WI

Happy New Year from all at 1st Mickle Trafford & District Women’s Institute!

Welcome to our centenary year of the Cheshire Federation of WI’s and we have a wonderful themed year ahead of us with our 2020 Members Programme. This will be my second year as President, and I am thoroughly looking forward to our year ahead. We have kicked off the year with a fabulous meal in The Bird in Hand, Guilden Sutton for our annual celebration dinner and our first speaker in February is Wild Humphrey from The Liverpool Echo giving us a talk on the British Monarchy from circa 1920.

Our full 2020 programme is as follows:

 Feb 5th The British Monarchy  Mar 4th Tai Chi  Apr 1st Sweet Memories  Jun 3rd Mrs Pankhurst & The Suffragettes  Jul 1st The History of the Poppy Appeal  Sep 2nd Kimonos  Oct 7th The Hill Family of Hawkstone Park  Dec 2nd Stone Art

If you would like to attend as a visitor, it is only £3 entry and you will be warmly welcomed by the women of this village. If you would like any information about us and the work we do, you can contact me Ceris on 07587189776 or email [email protected] We meet the first Wednesday of the month at the village hall 7.30pm. Please visit our Facebook page Mickle Trafford & District WI and like and share with your friends. Thank you for your support.

A PLEA FROM THE METHODIST CHURCH Unfortunately once again we must report that the graveyard bins are sadly being used as a repository for bags of dog excrement. These bags are being deposited in the recycling bins, which isn’t pleasant because one of us needs to empty the bins. The CWAC refuse collection team will not take these bags which often disintegrate through the sheer weight of the contents. Whilst we fully support the notion that we want the graveyard to be seen as a community open space, we would ask politely that dog owners refrain from this unwholesome practice.

This is a private graveyard, please respect it as such.

Page 18 1st Mickle Trafford Rainbows

Happy New Year from 1st Mickle Trafford Rainbows! Rainbows are the first tier of the Girl Guiding system for girls aged 5-7 years. We run term time only from 4.30-5.30pm on Tuesdays in the Methodist Church on Station Lane in Mickle Trafford.

We have had a great start to the new year with catch up sessions for those who were poorly last term and are now looking at our ‘Have Adventures’ badge which we should finish by Easter. We have a fun filled year ahead of us with lots of Pot of Gold parties to come, starting with Hayrack Church Farm in February, a regular Rainbows haunt!

The cost of running a Rainbows unit along with the new programme can be difficult to budget and keep prices down for parents, so we wish to take this opportunity to say thank you to all parents who support us and for all those who helped us fundraise at the Christmas Fair. We are very grateful, and it helps us to give the Rainbows the best Guiding experience that we can. If you have any Rainbows uniform that you no longer need, then please consider donating it to the unit for our girls. Thank you.

We are desperate for new volunteers so if you want to add to your CV, learn new skills and take part in something truly rewarding by helping the daughters of our community improve the quality of their lives, then please think about volunteering at 1st Mickle Trafford Rainbows.

The cost is £35 per full school term and you can register your daughter on www.girlguiding.org.uk . We receive a notification that allows us to contact you to offer her a place should there be any available. We are very popular and do have a waiting list but getting your daughter registered is the first step to ensuring her place on the girl guiding system. If you have any queries then please email [email protected] or call Ceris Timms on 07587 189 776 and we will be happy to help.

For all new Rainbows, 1st Mickle Trafford Rainbows are: Miss Ceris Timms – Ariel – Unit Leader Miss Kim Wilday – Rapunzel – Leader Mrs Sarah Vickers – Tiana - Leader

Page 19 Brush Strokes Art Club 2020

New Year ....same rules..... same invitation to join us ...same prices - pay as you go. 2nd Tuesday monthly from 10am at the Village Hall.

We hope to welcome more enquiries after the interest shown by visitors to the Village Christmas Fair and the Japanese Christmas event. We may already have two members from these events and from our exhibition of unframed paintings at Helsby Library. Remember this comes down at the end of January so if you haven't been to see it already, or even if you have it is worth another visit. Do go along. Even when there are no sales we do get feedback via library staff and sometimes a phone call or email from a library user to say how interesting and varied they find the paintings. Of course we are happy when we have a sale (and our paintings and sketches are cheap and of a standard size to fit commercially available frames). However the primary aim of our exhibitions is to keep giving our members (and myself) a focus and a reason to paint. So many painters give up once they have painted something for a present, or mastered one medium. How- ever, there is always something in all our lives to give us an excuse to put it to one side and lose an important part of what make us unique. Don’t let that be you. You don't have to be a second Leonardo, just some interest and enthusiasm. So, even if it is only out of curiosity ...do pop in and see us ...and we make a good cuppa... Jean Harley 01244 300967

Plemstall Fellowship Programme Spring 2020

11th March The Year of the Beekeeper Clive Richardson

8th April Music for Spring David Whitley

13th May The Life of a Border and Customs Control Officer Rev David Chesters OBE

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Councillor Contact Details

Cllr E Arnold 07769235533 Cllr A Probyn 07849592533 Cllr T L Bartley 300274 Cllr D K Rowlands 300655 Cllr C Charlton 303115 Cllr F Sharpe 07979198240 Cllr B A Harrison 300822 Cllr J Spence 07973874835 Cllr I Jones 300300 Cllr J Taylor 300759 Cllr M P Parker 300250 Cllr J Woods 301334 Cllr J Payne 07913561494 Cllr A Youds 07855833896

Parish Clerk:

Derek Bowker 8, Dixon Drive, Helsby, . WA6 0FS Telephone: 07711321455 Email: [email protected]

Page 21 WHAT’S ON AT THE VILLAGE HALL Monday 14 00—15.00 Bridge 14.30 – 16.30 Retirement Club - fortnightly 18.30 - 19.30 Keep Fit 19.30—2030 Pilates For Men

Tuesday 10.00 – 15.00 Art Club (2nd Monthly) 10.00—11.00 Let’s Move Together 14.00—15.00 Pilates 14.00—15.30 French

Wednesday 10.30—12.00 Toddler Group— Toys to play with! (Term Time ) 10.30—12.00 Coffee Morning 14.30—16.30 Fellowship (2nd Monthly) 16.00— 19.30 Piano Lessons 18.00—19.00 Pilates 19.30—21.30 W.I. (1st Monthly) 20.00—21.00 High Intensity Training

Thursday 9.30—10.30 Sweaty Mammas 16.30/17.40/18.45 p.m. Physio Pilates 18.30—19.30 Yoga

Friday 10.00/12..30 Laughter Tots (2 classes) 19.30—22.30 N gauge railway club (Last Monthly)

Classes are weekly unless otherwise stated, Just pop in and speak to the leader. Having a party. Just call in and see the venue. Would you like to come and watch a film? Watch this space—Films are coming to Mickle Trafford.

THE VILLAGE CLUB @ THE VILLAGE HALL—opens from 20.30 Monday Village Club informal drop in Tuesday 8.45 Bingo + informal drop in Wednesday Quiz night (alternate weeks—see page 4) Friday/Saturday Village Club informal drop in Enjoy socialising and good company with no need to drive.

WHAT’S ON AT OTHER VENUES MT Rainbows Tuesday 16.30 - 17.30 Methodist Hall MT Brownies Thursday 18.00—19.30 MT Village School Yoga Monday 18.45—20.15 Pre-School Community Room Crossroads Cafe Church 10.00 3rd Sunday (Monthly) Methodist Church

Mickle Trafford Pre-School (Pre-school and Community Room next to MT Village School) Mickle Trafford Preschool offers a professional and caring environment for children from 2 years until school age. Older children are able to visit the Village School twice per week. We provide care from 8am until 4pm Monday to Friday (term time only) and shorter sessions (9-3pm, mornings and afternoons) are also available. We endeavour to be as flexible as possible. We claim EYFS funding for 3 and 4 year olds up to 30 hours per week (subject to eligibility) and also accept workplace childcare vouchers. Visit www.mickletraffordpreschool.org.uk for more information or call Caitlin Phillips or Sarah Robson on 01244 301711 to arrange an appointment to look around. Page 22

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