WWE: Makes Pay Pew View Debut With Packed Card

Author : Robert D. Cobb

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This match really boils down to two components and they are Seth Rollins and Dolph Ziggler. They will hopefully be the main focus of this match and possibly set up an epic one on one showdown at Wrestlemania.

The hot rumor is returning to face Rollins at Mania, but a match with Ziggler and Rollins instead, would work wonders and tear down the house. I see a Kane and Big Show breakup tonight, and the team of Ziggler, Rowan and Ryback capitalizing on it for the win.

Goldust vs. Stardust

Cody Runnells, aka Stardust, is the best and most underrated wrestler on the planet. I truly hope that this match ended in a double count-out or double DQ, or even a fluke Goldust win, something that will lead to an epic rematch at Mania, to give Goldust the proper sendoff match he truly deserves after a great career, and Cody, the launch into the Main event level he needs.

Triple H will confront (not a match)

The WWE can ruin this by letting Sting talk, this should be as simple as Sting coming out, pointing the bat at HHH, pointing the bat at the Wrestlemania 31 sign, and walking away through the crowd. No more, no less.

WWE Divas Championship Match: (c) vs.

Paige is the sexiest, best in the ring, and best on the microphone Diva in WWE now that Aj Lee has left. The best thing they can do to make the Divas title relevant again is putting the belt back on her, and setting up a future rivalry with Charlotte Flair or Sasha Banks coming up from NXT after mania.

WWE Tag Team Championship Match: (c) vs. &

Four guys who can absolutely bring it. I love that Cesaro and Kidd are finally getting the air time they deserve. Both men are incredible in the ring and I look for them to pull off the upset here, but then drop the belts back to the Uso's at Mania.

WWE Intercontinental Championship Match: Bad News Barrett (c) vs. Dean Ambrose

This match can steal the show and I look for Ambose to go over for the title tonight. He is on the rise and this would set up a great rematch down the line.

1 / 2 United States Championship Match: Rusev (c) vs.

This one is coming one Pay Pew View too early. I'd rather see Rusev take out Kane, or even Big Show again. They are clearly running out of gimmicks for him to beat. I don't see Cena winning this, I see a double countout and a Wrestlemania rematch where Cena finally hands Rusev his first loss.

No. 1 Contender Match: vs.

This goes one of two ways, either Lesnar comes out and cleans house, setting up a three way at Mania, or Bryan lose cleanly to Reigns, in a further effort to push the former shield member.

Either way, this should make for a great show tonight![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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