Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 106 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 106 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 145 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1999 No. 146 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was The Chair recognizes the gentleman going to have to fear being second- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- from Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 guessed by prosecutors, police and non- pore (Mrs. MORELLA). minutes. medical drug enforcement bureaucrats f f on a case-by-case basis, for the very DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO URGING REJECTION OF H.R. 2260, initial section of that bill points out TEMPORE PAIN RELIEF PROMOTION ACT that prescribing pain medication can The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, often hasten death. But that is okay fore the House the following commu- on Wednesday the House will consider under this bill, as long as the intent is nication from the Speaker: H.R. 2260, called the Pain Relief Pro- pure. In essence, it means that the doc- WASHINGTON, DC, motion Act. The legislation is seri- tors are going to be caught looking October 25, 1999. ously misnamed and is designed simply over their shoulders, having each and I hereby appoint the Honorable CONSTANCE to undercut Oregon's death with dig- every one of their decisions subject to A. MORELLA to act as Speaker pro tempore nity law. I find it ironic, because no- second-guessing and potentially sub- on this day. body outside the Beltway is interested jected to life in prison if the intent ap- J. DENNIS HASTERT, in criminalizing doctors' decisions that Speaker of the House of Representatives. pears in the judgment of others to be deal with some of the most profound f wrong. and difficult that they will ever make. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE In fact, every day in America we see in- This is another sad example of where A message from the Senate by Ms. stances where life support is with- politicians are out of step with Ameri- McDevitt, one of its clerks, announced drawn; every day in America drugs are cans on key personal health issues. I that the Senate had passed with an administered to alleviate pain which find of great interest one other area amendment in which the concurrence actually hasten the onset of death; that sort of indicates where we are of the House is requested, a bill of the every day in America some drugs are going. The medical use of marijuana House of the following title: withheld which cause a shock to the was approved by eight States before system and in turn cause death; every H.R. 441. An act to amend the Immigration last year. Six other States had their day in America there are some very and Nationality Act with respect to the re- voters approve it and the District of quirements for the admission of non- tragic incidents where people are driv- immigrant nurses who will practice in health en to desperate acts because they can- Columbia. Citizens are indicating that professional shortage areas. not control their situation, often pain- they want more freedom to have pain The message also announced that the ful and traumatic for their families, managed and have personal control. I Senate has passed a bill of the fol- occasionally involving actual suicide. think it would be sad if this Congress lowing title in which concurrence of Most of America looks the other way. decided to penalize the one State that the House is requested: My State of Oregon has taken the is trying not to sweep it under the rug S. 1692. An act to amend title 18, United lead to try and provide a framework for but provide a framework for making States Code, to ban partial-birth abortions. these end-of-life decisions. Oregon vot- these decisions. f ers have not once but twice approved a thoughtful approach to give patients, I strongly urge my colleagues to MORNING HOUR DEBATES their doctors and families more control make a careful examination of H.R. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- under these most difficult of cir- 2260. They will find why the Oregon ant to the order of the House of Janu- cumstances. Despite the dire pre- Medical Association, the associations ary 19, 1999, the Chair will now recog- dictions of a tidal wave of assisted sui- of eight other States, the American nize Members from lists submitted by cide, the evidence suggests that when Nurses Association and the American the majority and minority leaders for people actually have control in these Academy of Family Physicians have morning hour debates. The Chair will difficult situations, the knowledge that all urged its rejection. If you want to alternate recognition between the par- they have such control means that outlaw assisted suicide, go ahead and ties, with each party limited to 30 min- they are less likely to use assisted sui- do it if you must, but certainly we utes, and each Member, except the ma- cide. In fact, last year it appears that jority leader, the minority leader, or there were only 15 cases in Oregon. should not subject our physicians to the minority whip, limited to 5 min- But with the legislation that is pro- criminalization of their basic medical utes. posed under H.R. 2260, doctors are decisions. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H10727 . VerDate 12-OCT-99 01:14 Oct 26, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25OC7.000 pfrm02 PsN: H25PT1 H10728 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE October 25, 1999 THE CLOCK IS TICKING Central Intelligence Agency is con- diverse district as city and suburbs and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under fident that the Y2K computer failures country, you learn to listen. You listen the Speaker's announced policy of Jan- overseas will not lead to accidental to the common message. One common uary 19, 1999, the gentleman from Flor- launch of ballistic missiles by any message that we are hearing from back ida (Mr. STEARNS) is recognized during country, according to the testimony by home is that we should be working to- morning hour debates for 5 minutes. the Central Intelligence Agency before gether to solve the challenges that we Mr. STEARNS. Madam Speaker, the House Committee on International face. As I look back as one of those there are only 67 days left before we Affairs last week, nuclear power plants who was elected in 1994 to come to ring in the new year. Billions of people in nations such as Russia and the Washington to change how Washington around the world will start to prepare Ukraine could be susceptible to year works, I am proud to say we have lis- to celebrate the first day of the year 2000 malfunctions resulting from power tened to that message and we have held 2000 and, of course, I as many of my grid failures. together and we have held firm even colleagues look forward to this day Now, this is according to testimony those who said that we should not be also. But this afternoon I am concerned presented by Lawrence Gershwin, Na- doing what we are doing, those who op- about this next year with what all of us tional Intelligence Officer for Science posed our efforts to balance the budget know as the Y2K problem, or millen- and Technology for the CIA, and this is and cut taxes for the middle class, to nium bug, the inability of many com- what he said, ``In the worst case this reform the welfare system and also to puter systems to process dates cor- could cause a meltdown and in some restructure the IRS. rectly beyond December 31, 1999. The cases an accompanying release of ra- I am proud to say in the last 41¤2 problem results from computers pro- dioactive fission gases.'' Furthermore, years, this Republican Congress has grammed to process and use only the according to the CIA, Soviet power made a big difference. Balancing the last two digits for the year field. plants cannot even be tested for Y2K budget for the first time in 28 years, Madam Speaker, I am confident that compliancy ``given the age of the com- cutting taxes for the middle class for Americans are well prepared and well puter system and the fact that many of the first time in 16 years, reforming ahead of the game when it comes to the original manufacturers have all our welfare system for the first time in being ready for any possible glitches gone out of business.'' a generation, and for the first time resulting from the Y2K. Congress has If the threat of another Chernobyl- ever, taming the tax collector by re- directed the Federal Government to go like meltdown is not disturbing enough structuring the IRS. Those are big ac- through billions and billions of lines of according to the CIA, there still re- complishments and much appreciated computer codes in order to make com- mains the potential for Russia to mis- by the folks back home in Illinois but puters Y2K compliant. It is also Con- interpret early warning data of bal- they tell me that's history now, what gress that has worked hand in hand listic missile launches resulting from are you going to do next? They ask us with State and local governments to the Y2K problem.
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