European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2017; 21: 4918-4923 Cystic hygroma of the : single center experience and literature review


1Second Department of Propedeutic , Laiko General Hospital, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, , Athens, Greece 2N.S. Christeas Laboratory of Experimental Surgery and Surgical Research, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece 3First Department, Aglaia Kyriakou Children’s Hospital, Athens, Greece 4Internal Department, Laiko General Hospital, University of Athens Medical School, Athens, Greece 5Department of Surgery, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA 6Plastic Surgery Department, Nicosia General Hospital, Cyprus 7Department of , Aglaia Kyriakou Children’s Hospital, Athens, Greece 8Vascular Unit, First Department of Surgery, Laiko General Hospital, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece 9First Department of Surgery, Laiko General Hospital, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece 10Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece 11Third Department of Surgery, Attikon University Hospital, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Medical School, Athens, Greece 12Biomedical Researches Foundation of the Academy of Athens, Athens Greece. Christos Damaskos and Nikolaos Garmpis equally contributed to this work

Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: Malformations of the Key Words are recognized as benign con- Cystic, Hygroma, , Lymphatic, Tumor. genital tumors that affect infant and children in the perinatal era. In children, these abnormali- ties usually found in the neck and the axillary re- gion, but they can present in other parts of the Introduction body such as mediastinum, pelvis, retroperito- neum as well as in solid organs (e.g., adrenal glands, pancreas, stomach). Our aim is to report One of the most commonly presented lymphat- our experience on cystic hygromas via two cas- ic malformation is cystic lymphangioma or cystic es and review the literature. hygroma (CH). are divided in MATERIALS AND METHODS: Herein we pres- three groups; lymphangioma simplex, cavernous ent two cases of cystic hygroma, the first of lymphangioma, and CH1. CH is a misnomer for a female children and the second of a female adult patient respectively. Both of these patients under- benign lesion that appears as an enlarged mass of went surgical excision of the masses. the neck and clavicle. CH originates in embryonal RESULTS: After the procedure, both patients life, and it is leading to a failure of communica- have recovered well, and no recurrence of the tion and drainage into the venous system2. lesion has been noted during the follow-up pe- CH concerns mainly the pediatric surgeons be- riod. cause the incidence of this particular pathology is CONCLUSIONS: Surgical treatment remains considerably higher among children. Most common- the gold-standard treatment for these tumors, ly it is presented in the neck, clavicle and axillary while other modalities have been used with 3 mixed results. areas . However, there is evidence of late manifesta-

4918 Corresponding Author: Christos Damaskos, MD, MSc, PhD; e-mail: [email protected] Cystic hygroma of the neck tions in early adulthood and adult patients, especial- was done under general anesthesia from transverse ly as far as the other than neck and head forms are cervical incision. The lesion was located under the concerned. It can occur in the mediastinum, in the level of the hyoid bone, seated upon the left ster- abdomen, in the pelvis as well as in solid abdominal nocleidomastoid muscle and in deep relation to the organs such as the adrenal glands and the pancreas4. left jugular vein and carotid artery. After meticu- The management of CHs is mainly surgical5 in lous dissection, the lesion was resected completely order to excise the enlarging lesion, relief the patients’ intact. A vacuum drain was inserted which was symptoms and exclude other . Investigation removed on the second post-operative day and the of the protruding mass includes laboratory examina- patient discharged home. On gross pathology the tion, imaging studies; fine needle aspiration biopsy mass had a macrocystic appearance and filled with (FNAB) is a feasible diagnostic tool. The imaging bloody-colored serous fluid. The lesion was clas- modalities used are (US), computed tomog- sified as Stage I CH of the cervical, according to raphy (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Serres et al6 system recommended, both by MRI scans to further appraise the imaging results. Herein, imaging and pathology report6. The patient is un- we present two cases of CHs, successfully treated by der close follow up thereafter showing no evidence surgical excision. All patients’ data with CHs charac- of recurrence 18 months post-operatively. teristics and procedures details are presented in Table I. A brief literature review is discussed. Case 2 A 53 years old female was referred to our De- partment, because of a large mass located to her Case Presentation right cervical side (Figure 2A), and complaining for tension and numbness. The mass was first per- Case 1 ceived four years earlier and was progressively The first case was about a lovely girl aged one enlarging during the last month. It was thought to and a half (1.5) years old. She was referred to our be a benign lipoma and thus no further investiga- Department due to an asymptomatic lesion of the tion was performed. Her medical history was free left side of the neck that seemed to enlarge over other than tobacco smoking of 20 packs/year for the past two months. Her previous medical history the past 20 years. Clinical examination revealed a was free, with no perinatal problems. The lesion palpable mass, agile from the surrounding tissues measured 7 cm in maximum diameter and was to the touch mass measuring 10 cm. Laboratory located to the left of the cervical region. Clinical examinations were within normal limits. Follow- examination revealed a soft, painless, non-pulsatile ing these, the patient underwent cervical US which and transilluminable mass. Clinical suspicion of revealed a hypoechoic lesion of 9.5 cm in its max- lymphatic malformation was initially sustained by imum dimension was revealed. A FNAB of the the US; then, the patient underwent a MRI scan to lesion; was not diagnostic. A CT scan disclosed better examine the nature of the lesion and to iden- a multilobular cystic lesion 15x10 cm, attached to tify its anatomic correlation with the surrounded the carotid bundle, compatible with a cystic for- tissues (Figure 1A, 1B). The resection of the mass mation of the cervical. A CT Angiography (Fig-

Table I. Clinical and pathologic features of the reported cases of cystic hygroma. CH Age/ Size Site Imaging Operation Macroscopy Histology Follow- N=2 Sex (cm) up

Pt 1 1,5 y / f 7 Neck- US/MRI Resection from Macrocystic Cystic walls containing 18 m Lef transverse appearance and fibrous tissue cervical filled with bloody- surrounded by incision colored serous lymphoid cells; fluid and fat follicles

Pt 2 53 y / f 15 Cervical US/CT/ Resection from Multilobular Cystic walls containing 27 m side- DSA right cervical mass fibrous tissue surrounded Right incision by lymphoid cells; and fat follicles Abbreviations: CH: cystic hygroma; Pt: patient; y: years; f: female; US: ultrasound; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; CT: computed tomography; DSA: digital subtraction angiography; m: months.

4919 C. Damaskos, N. Garmpis, M. Manousi, A. Garmpi, G.-A. Margonis, E. Spartalis, et al.

Figure 1. A-B, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) describing a 7cm lesion located to the left of the cervical region (Case 1).

Figure 1. A, Macroscopic view of the lesion of cystic hygroma of the neck region; B, CT Angiography – 3D reconstruction; C, Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) excluding the possibility of communication with the major cervical vessels; D: Macroscopic view of the resected surgical specimen removed with its bowel (Case 2).

4920 Cystic hygroma of the neck ure 2B) and a Digital Subtraction Angiography mentioning are the lymphatic malformations of the (DSA) scan (Figure 2C) excluded communication orbit8 due to the endangered vision as well as the so- with the major cervical vessels. Because of the lo- called “giant” lymphatic malformations. The latter cation of the mass, and the underlying symptoms involve the , base of the oral cavity, cervical of the patient, she was planned for a surgical exci- region and mediastinum neighboring with vital struc- sion of the cervical mass. She underwent athwart tures and necessitating in many instances an emer- right cervical incision and the mass was removed gency tracheostomy, staged repair, tube feeding, long with its dish intact (Figure 2D). Pathology report- term speech , etc.9. ed a multilobular mass, 15x15x10 cm long that Lymphatic malformations are classified as: a. was proved to be a CH of the cervical (Figure 3). macrocystic, usually under the level of mylohy- Post-operative course was uneventful and she was oid muscle which are located mainly within the discharged 5 days later. She remains healthy and anterior and posterior cervical triangle; b. micro- free of recurrence after 27 months. cystic, usually above mylohyoid muscle located mainly in the oral cavity, tongue, submandibular region and parotid and c. mixed type6. Discussion Lymphatic malformations typically manifest clin- ically by age 2 years old when parents are worried and The majority (45-52%) of lymphatic malforma- seek for a pediatric surgeon consultation. Concerns tions occur in the lymphatic “rich” regions of head refer mainly to cosmetic reasons. Parents should be and neck. Nevertheless, they can also present in axil- advised that these lesions do not regress spontaneous- lae, mediastinum, groin and retroperitoneum7. Worth ly but they will grow up with the child’s size.

Figure 3. A, Cystic walls containing fibrous tissue (H&E, x100);B, Fibrous tissue surrounded by lymphoid cells (H&E, x40); C, Enlarged lymphatic vessels surrounded by lymphoid tissue (H&E, x200); D, Fibrous tissue and fat cells (fat follicles) con- taining the cystic wall (H&E, x40). (Case 2).

4921 C. Damaskos, N. Garmpis, M. Manousi, A. Garmpi, G.-A. Margonis, E. Spartalis, et al.

As far as the clinical picture, it varies from life side effects is allergic reaction. The method of threatening (non-patent airway), serious impact percutaneous has proved to be ef- on organ function (orbit – loss of vision), to as- fective in macrocystic disease. Studies suggest ymptomatic. Symptoms may worsen when the le- that probably is equally effective to surgery for sions are complicated with bleeding or infection10. macrocystic lesions of the head and neck21. The baseline radiologic investigation is US of Microscopically, CΗ is characterized by enlar- the lesion in addition to a plain chest x-ray which ged lymphatic vessels in a fibrotic and loose stro- will rule out extension into the mediastinum. US mal background. It is characterized by the presen- can differentiate between cystic and solid tumors. ce of lymphoid tissue in various formations; even The anatomic details offered by the MRI, a radia- lymphoid follicles can be observed. This feature tion free, child friendly tool facilitate preoperative can be misleading in favor of diagnosing atypical and intraoperative decision-making and planning11. lymphoid proliferations. Cavernous Biopsy or diagnostic needle aspiration do not apply is the entity with similar histopathological findin- in lymphatic malfomations diagnostic work up. gs complicates the differential diagnosis of CH. The therapeutic approach of these lesions was CH consists of thin walls containing fibrous tis- for years undoubtedly and without exception sur- sue, smooth muscle and lymphoid tissue and li- gical. The high occurrence of recurrence as well ned with epithelium; guiding to the diagnosis of as technical difficulties in resection due to close its particular pathology22. proximity to vital structures and poorly demarcat- In summary it can be claimed that surgical the- ed margins of the lesions12 encouraged efforts to rapy remains to date the mainstay of treatment23. find and apply alternative methods of treatment. Appropriate good knowledge of the anatomy, and There is no consensus regarding lymphatic mal- experience may result in successful and cosmetic formation treatment and no accepted guidelines results. For emergency indications moreover, opera- exist to date13. It depends on the expertise of the tion is the only indicated intervention. Nevertheless, Center and parents’ preference. Needless to say given the disappointing rates of recurrence even in that there are factors which need to be considered expert hands (15-53%), it is worthwhile considering before any intervention and individualized care is the alternative techniques as an intraoperative adjun- the most appropriate approach. Among the fac- ct24. There are still many studies to be designed and tors are: symptomatic disease or not, size of the conducted in order to conclude upon the best option lesion and location (superficial or deep) as well as for lymphangioma management. the type of lesion (macro- or micro- cystic)14. Briefly noted beneath are the names of alterna- tive methods applied such as radiofrequemcy ab- Conclusions 15 lation (RF) ablation , CO2 laser while a more ex- tensive reference regarding sclerotherapy follows16. Lymphatic malformations are a common cau- However, fistula formation or infection and local se of benign nature masses found at the neck and recurrence have been reported, so the results of clavicle area of infants and children of perinatal these remains still to be examined17. age. CHs are lymphatic malformations most often Percutaneous treatment of lymphatic mal- observed in children; few cases of adult-onset of formations is an established alternative techni- the disease have been described in the English que which improves itself and gains acceptance literature. Provided that the mass is completely among the efficient treatment methods under spe- excised, an excellent prognosis is of great possi- cific indications. The principle of percutaneous bility. In both of our cases a complete resections sclerotherapy is based on the chemical reaction was achieved, with specimen wall removed in- produced by specific substances upon the en- tact; no post-operative complications nor recur- dothelium of the lesion vessels. The inflammation rence has been occurred. Further studies should process leads to thrombosis, obstruction of the examine the incidence of CH in adult patients to lumen, scar formation and downsizing of the le- better elucidate the early diagnosis and the best sion. The approved substances used are OK-43218 treating course of the disease. produced by Streptococcus sp., Bleomycin19 and Doxycyclin20. The latter mandates sedation due to the amount of discomfort and pain caused. In all Conflict of Interest cases the liquid should be aspirated before There is no conflict of interest among the authors of this instilling the sclerosant. One of the most serious paper.

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