News Release

Media Contact: Michael Crouch, CEO MACSAX ® Saxophones, L.L.C. (512) 917-4256 [email protected]

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AUSTIN, TX -- January 19, 2012 -- MACSAX® announces as an endorser of the new hard rubber tenor mouthpiece – Bob Sheppard Signature Edition. Made from pure hard rubber, this piece is handcrafted to fit Shepard’s specifications and features a large round chamber with virtually no baffle for a warm lyrical sound that responds evenly across the full range of the horn.

The facing was developed during many sessions and trials with Bob to find something responsive yet balanced. When combined with the chamber and baffle configuration this gives players a wide dynamic range and a sound that stays dark and rich from low Bb all the way through the altissimo.

Bob Sheppard worked with Eric Falcon, director of mouthpiece design at MAXSAX® to create the ultimate sound – warm, yet bold and colorful.

“This new Sheppard model by MACSAX improves on the tradition of vintage Otto Link “Slant Signature” pieces by providing more flexibility and dynamic range. I can push this mouthpiece to the limits or whisper in a ballad. We not only achieved my expectations, we developed a mouthpiece that will enhance the sound for any player” said Bob Sheppard.

The Bob Sheppard Special edition mouthpiece will be available for test playing at the National Association of Manufacturers trade show in Anaheim, Calif., hall D - booth 2511.

About Bob Sheppard: Over the course of an extraordinarily diverse career that has made him a first call musician in the realms of jazz, pop and the studio worlds, multi-woodwind specialist Bob Sheppard has always let his array of saxophones, flutes and clarinets do the talking.

MACSAX ® Saxophones LLC 4705 Island Cove Austin, Texas USA Sheppard has been a steadfast member of the Ensembles and the trio for over a decade. Additionally over the years, he has toured with and , and brought his diverse talents to more recent performances with James Taylor, Natalie Cole and Queen Latifah and most notably with the legendary on her current four-disc set and her 2007 Grammy- winning, Shine. He also played on a live studio video with Mitchell and .

Other distinguished collaborations include eight years with , and tours and performances with ´s ensemble Origin, , , Horace Silver, , Nat Adderly, and /Tabackin Big Band. Some of his more significant recording credits include , John Beasley, , Otmaro Ruiz, , vocalist , Marilyn Scott, Michael Franks and Diane Reeves, while including pop icons Steely Dan, , Rod Stewart, and Stevie Wonder. As part of America´s newest past time you can occasionally catch Sheppard soloing on the hit TV show American Idol.

Bob Sheppard has honed his intuitive personal style through collaborations with this remarkable range of artists as well as playing on over a hundred movie and television soundtracks. Having earned his Master´s from the Eastman School of Music, Sheppard draws upon his diverse musical background delivering musical intellect, commanding technique with a warm inviting sound to every performance.

As a passionate music educator, Sheppard is a part-time faculty member at the USC Thorton School of Music, and frequently a guest clinician at colleges around the country.

About MACSAX ®: MACSAX® provides the best of the 1950s and 60s era designs to deliver a lineup of top quality saxophones, mouthpieces and accessories for professionals to student players. Located in Austin, Texas, the team of players, technicians and fabricators add modern improvements in materials and processes to create an optimum MACSAX® playing experience.

MACSAX ® Saxophones LLC 4705 Island Cove Austin, Texas USA