f...... Walter C. Hawes A . J. Hastings to H e r e ’ s ROT! ROT! MOVES TO ESTABLISH IIS. ti LAG! Married Oct. 1929 COMMISSION Oppose Don Pears SENHART t h e SHOE STORE TO To Alma C. Nelson A s Register Deeds Proposition MEMORIAL TO LARGER QUARTERS Announcement is being made VOTES F O B S k, 77« ■■■■■I— » —H I II IIM." this week of the marriage of Wai­ April Showers FAMED FOOT SPECIALIST TO ter Cl Hawes of the Record and SPEND MONDAY AT Miss Alma C. Nelson of Chicago r Bfr Flaws BENI. EGBERT THE STORE. at Geneva, 111., Oct. 5, 1929, The principals In the marriage first be- April, in a fit of weather, Joseph Roti Roti moved his shoo tcame acquainted in Wheatland, Weeps for days and days together Wyo., several years ago, when the May 5 Sefc as .Last Date for store and repair shop into his new Niles Buchanan Demolay She Committee in Charge Is Unanimous Selection, ot April is the maiden season— quarters in the building which he then Miss Nelson was employed as When she weeps, there1 is a reason. the Collection ot Chapter Attend in superintendent of a nurses' train­ Named at a Special Judges - Battle Creek Contributions. bought last fall from Herman Hat- When the maidens weep, you bet, tenbach, where he lias added addi­ a Body. ing' school there and Mr. Hawes Session, Second. What they cry for they will get. was engaged in newspaper work. tional power machinery and is in­ Both left there three years ago, WAS- BUCHANAN SUPT. stalling a larger stock of up-to- FURNISH PALLBEARERS B. SMITH ORFEjR S P R IZ E SECOH© LOCAL, WESfNEB Maiden’s tears are never fruitless, date foot wear. He has secured Mr. Hawes coming to Michigan Nor is April's weeping bootless— Will Arrange Permanent the services; of one of the special­ Girl Lived Five Hours A f­ and Miss Nelson to Chicago, Every drop that palters down where she entered the practice of The Clark Band Will Be Miss Gladys Dempsey Was Honor to Educational ists on the staff of Dr. Scholls, in­ ter the Fatal 1 Means a flower in April's gown. ternationally known authority on nursing at the Augustana hospi­ Entered in Fete Gained Queen In Not a drop shall fall to earth. Leader. care and diseases of the foot, who Accident. tal, while, pursuing special studies Parade. . 1926. But shall; give some beauty birth. will be at the store Monday to at Northwestern University. Every drop that falls ttpott it A movement has been instituted advise anyone In the Buchanan The funeral af Homera Cooper ‘ Mr. Hawes was called to Chi­ Buchanan will be represented in Means a. nly for her bonnet. Cecilia Eiscnhart, native daugh­ among the teachers o f Berrien district on special foot problems Lacey, who lost her life in an air­ cago Friday morning by tidings ter of Buchanan, entrant from this County for the establishment of a the Blossom Parade by a float entirely without cost. He will plane accident Wednesday, April *nat his wife had become serious­ city in toe annual contest for the Till at last she shall be seen suitable memorial to the late B, also speak at the Buchanan high ly ill. She is now improving financed by the city, as the result la a gown1 of dazzling green F. Eggert, one-time: superintend­ 16, v'as held at 2 p. m. Monday honor of being Queen of the BlDS- school, while here on “Care of tie from the home of her parents at satisfactorily, but will be a pa­ of action taken at a special meet­ som Festival, was returned winner And1 tnes, apple blossoms tremble ent of Buchanan schools and air Foot in Youth." Anyone ■who has rent at the hospital for some ing of the commission held Mon­ On her swell1 new spring ensemble, outstanding figure in the history 414 West Roe Street, with a large in the final judging held at toe any foot difficulty is cordially in­ attendance of friends and relatives fine. day evening, at which a committee Liberty theatre in Benton Harbor A ll to m ate a fool o f some man. o f education in this county through vited to avail, themselves of the Thursday evening, being the sec­ Now ain’t that just like a woman! his constructive work during his of the girl, present to pay their was named to build a float, with services o f the specialist without last tribute of respect. ond Buchanan girl out of a total long period of service as school charge or obligation of any sort. the understanding that the neces­ Rev. J. L. Griffith was in charge of four entries to eclipse all com­ commissioner. sary expense would be cared for. petition. The committee in charge has of the service and a full attend­ Y b . a s s o cTt o ance of the Niles-Buclianau chap­ A committee composed of R. E. A, J. Hastings of Niles, was Miss Eiscnhart was pronounced requested that any pupils desiring foremost in the elements which go to contribute hand their money to TEST WELLON ter of the Demolay order- was Schwartz, IT. C. Stark. George greeting- hjs friends here Wednes­ present, George and Harry Copp­ Foresraan and Glenn Merrifieid day as a means of announcing Ms to make a regal appearance in the their individual teacher not iater unanimous opinion of all three of HOLD BIST. RALEY than, Wednesday of next week and er being members of that organi­ was appointed lo take charge of candidacy for the office of county FRANZ FARM DOWN zation. The following Demolay MEET GLENDORA the arrangements, Mayor. Matt J. the judges, of whom two cam: the teacher will in turn hand all members acted as pall bearers: register of deeds, contesting the from Chicago and one from. De­ contributions; to Superintendent •veiling serving- on toe committee Republican nomination with Don troit, The method of selection AT NILES MAY 8 H. C. Stark, Robert Fisher, George Franklin, ANNUAL ASSOC. MEETING TO ex Officio. DEPTH 1 0 5 0 FEET Lee Babcock, Donald Winlak, Don­ BE HELD AT WOLVERINE Pears: of this city. Hastings is was entirety impartial and rend­ The- following statement has ald Starke; Dale Chubb. A prize of $5 has been offered well known here and. over the ered absurd alt charges that the STATE OFFICIALS OF ORDER been prepared by the committee GARDENS APRIL 30. by Bick Smith for toe best idea ' TO BE PRESENT FOR THE l The relatives have so far secur­ county as, well, having served for selection would be “fixed" or in­ in charge of the memorial: BERRIEN SYNDICATE HITS for the Buchanan float. All sug­ three years as deputy State scaler fluenced in nay way by eorzYc-r- OCCASION. Dear Teachers of the Schools of FLOW OF 17 BARRELS AT ed little more than the press re­ . The filth annual convention of gestions shouici be placed . in the ports of the details of the accident. of weights and measures, working atiens of advantage to the fete Berrien County— CARTERS LAKE. “se District Association of the Re- hands of Mr. Smith at his grocery under toe direction of P. D. Dl'.ke- management. Each girl was know;! A district rally of the Women's Mrs. Lacey lived about five hours not later than 5 p. m. Monday. A year ago wc lost one of the after the accident, which occurred uekali Lodge for Cass and Berrien- shere. He was born and reared to the judges only by the numhe - Benefit Association will be held greatest educational leaders Ber­ Drilling operations on the Ber­ The commission also voted that in Niles township and now makes appendtd to each as she appeared between 10 and 11 a. in, Wednes­ counties will be held this year, at Thursday, May S. in the ballroom rien County has; ever known. Mr. rien County Petroleum syndicate the Clark Band be sent to take his home at Niles. on toe stage. Until the conclu­ Eggert’s personality, influence, day, near Hays, Kas., about 150 tide Wolverine Gardens a quarter of the Elks Temple, Niles. The well seven miles: northwest of miles west of Wichita, from which part in the parade at the expense sion o f the contest, none of the and encouragement still is greatly of a mile west of Glendora on the of the city. The first rehearsal judges knew the identity c f the following reviews will be repre­ felt as we have endeavored: to Niles, have reached a depth of 1 - point the fatal ride Started, The afternoon and evening o f April 30, sented: Muskegon, Grand Rapids; victims of the accident were tak­ of toe organization for the present others or where they were seated. carry on the work he loved so well, 050 feet, according to Fred Franz, A total attendance of 250 dele­ year was held Monday evening. COUNCIL TO A€T A messenger was furnished to Muskegon. Heights. South Haven, former sheriff and county super­ en to Hays and wefe there cared gates and guests are expected. two; reviews from Benton Harbor, and gave his: life for. for and directed to their homes, each judge and at the conclusion It is only fitting that we, as visor, who was a visitor in the The chief features of toe afternoon o f eaeh parade across toe , stage St. Joseph, Coloma, Watervliet. Record office Tuesday, with no Mr. Lacey's body being sent to and evening- sessions will be as Glendora L O. O. F. Dowpgiac, Niles: and; Buchanan. co-workers, acknowledge the great Minneapolis and Mrs. Lacey’s .TO PUT STOP TO each judge was entitled to send work, Mr. Eggert did,, and, each oil so; far but promising indica­ follows: the number of one girl to be eli­ Thgf linidlipgt '■bail open at 2 p, m. tions. The syndicate is compos­ body to Benton Harbor, from Celebrates 50th with memorial services! (for those school,, through the: children and w'hich point it was brought to Bu-- YSjlpening—June Rebekah Lodge i t ■ « minated to the stage management. teachers; subscribe a fitting me­ ed of a number of St- Joseph and No. 368, Glendora. who "have died in this districtl ex­ Benton Harbor men who have chanan, A brother of Stephen Anniversary Mon. Miss Eiscnhart was a prime fav­ emplified by the Niles review. morial to be placed In the office Lacey came from Minneapolis and Introduction of Assbmbly and orite from the beginning and wher leased several thousand acres in District Officers. This will be followed by a mis­ of the County School Commission­ was in charge at Hays. Lacey ROISTERING YOUTHS TO BE the last competitor, Miss Battle er. Berrien, and Cass counties, for the Address of welcome—Charles P. On Monday evening ’the Glen­ Creek, had been eliminated and the cellaneous, program of; drills, mu­ purpose of exploring for the “Niles was buried in the family lot in CLEARED FROM, STREETS We, as the committee assigned Roselands cemetery at St. Paul, Smith, Glendora. dora I. O. O. F. will celebrate its IN NIG&I' HOURS. local girl designated as queen o f sical numbers and; a play by the anticline” which is said by the Response—Etta M. Smith, As­ semi-centennial anniversary at the Niles Juniors, in charge o f this work, suggest state department o f geology to ex­ Minn. the flower fete, toe audience rend­ that each teacher arrang-e a pro­ sistant Secretary, Grand Rapids. Wolverine Gardens, with toe Glen­ The mayor and the law enforce­ ered a thunderous apm'ovaL A banquet will be held in the ist in that vicinity. The well was Homera Cooper Lacey was born Business meeting—District . Of­ dora Rebekahs and all members gram in, commemoration of Mr. begun: last fall, but operations on Nov. 26 instead of Nov. 25, as ment officers- at his disposal were If was later announced that parlors of the Methodist church at Eggert’s life; and teachers and ficers. of the Berrien County I. O. O. F. (3:30 were stopped, by a large boulder was reported last week. She had instructed to inject some teeth in-' Miss Eiscnhart had received the children contribute whatever they Reports of Representatives and and Rebekah Association as its to traffic ordinances with a view unanimous vote of toe three • Honored guests at the rally will which made it necessary to pull left lier home here to join her Roil Call of Lodges. guests. An official of toe state can. Then, mail: this by check or the pipe and. drill a new hole. husband in his new' position only to stop speeding on toe main judges over the runner-up, Miss include Mrs; Ethel Hayford of- De­ money order to Max Petzke, treas­ Nomination and Election of Of­ Grand Lodge is expected to make streets of the city, at the special Lois MeKclvey of Battle Creek. troit, supreme chaplain and Michi­ Much, trouble has. been experienced six w'eeks- before her death. ficers. the address of the evening. A urer o f the committee, Fair Plain from water and quicksand. The Her mother, now a patient at meeting held Monday night. As a result of she triumph of gan field director; Mrs Ethelyn School, Benton Harbor, not later Model Lodge Session — Eau program has been prepared, to be Mayor Kelling states that the Cottrell: of' Grand: Rapids; district- syndicate has a standard rig in Pinecrest Sanatarium, Kalamazoo, Claire Rebekah Lodge No. 429. followed by music and daneing. Miss Eisenhart, there wa * in” ; L-g than May 5. operation capable of drilling to a arrived Friday and will leave officers have been instructed to of lend -n't!'" ’T \ deputy, and, Mayor Cook o f Niles. When the money is collected and Question Box.—Assembly Presi­ — — o — — ------rigidly enforce, by arrests if neces­ Mrs. CottreR will act as; toast mis­ depth of from 2,000 to 3.000 feet. again Friday. Everett Cooper, a dent, Mrs. Jessie Weage, Goidwat- port anJ a m - the memorial voted upon and; The snydicate has another well brother of the deceased, wras un­ Efteami^ment No. 160 : sary, the state traffic law, which under way on tuu «■;;<»,. v tress at the banquet. chosen, we expect to have the de­ er. docs not set any speed limit but 12; miles east on. Carters Lake in. able to come from Seattle. Mrs. Adjourn for Supper, at 5:30 n. to raise a purse. Rfcat G!Wiir-l:ty A t the evening session which dication exercises- and the placing Cass count}', where they have en­ K. M. Pierce, a sister, who re­ To Entertain Guests requires “careful driving,” with for the drive was taken by Post­ will be a closed meeting. Benton of the memorial. m. served at Wolverine Gardens? tit'e cat wider sufficient control at countered a flow of 17 barrels sides at Royal Oak, Mich., was Evening Session master G. H. Batchelor, who drew Harbor review. No.. 38„ will offi­ Announcements, of this program daily at a depth of S00 feet. visiting at Benton Harbor at the all times to prevent accidents. up the petition for’ funds, which ciate at the opening, services. Bu­ will be published. Memorial Services—New Cen­ ;Firom Niles and B. H -: Protest was also made regard­ ------o------time, and is now' spending a week tury Rebekah Lodge No, 351, Niles were circulated among the busi­ chanan Review No. 130, officers Victor Sheline; chairman; Max’ here, with1 her little daughter. Dor­ ing the practice of a number of ness men by R. E. Schwartz and and guard degree team, will admin­ Petzke,, treasurer; H, C. Stark, E. Mattie Richardson, Conferring Rebekah Degree —- Buchanan Encampment No. 3.69, young men and boys of loitering othy Jean. Her husband. E. M, Three Oaks Lodge No. 309, Three George Foresman and among the ister the degree to a large class of L. Watkins, Earl Berry. Pierce, came front Royal Oak to will entertain its members and about toe business section, es­ Clark Equipment Company offi­ candidates; The flag services and! —.--- o-— ■-**, Expires in Calif. oaks. their wives on Friday evening of pecially on Front Street, until attend the funeral Monday. Grant Closing Lodge—June Rebekah cials and superintendents by Ar­ regular closing, will De put on by Loveile, a life long friend of the this week, and an invitation has .nearly midnight every night, mak­ thur Johnston. A total of §300 Benton Harbor Review, No; 35. A Men to Entertain Lodge No. 368. also been extended to the mem­ ing' disturbances that are annoy­ Miss Mattie L. Richardson, 49, family, and his son. Nathan, were Entertainment—By June Rebe­ was raised, xdaced in a local banlt. very delightful program; will fol­ also, present from Chicago. Other bers and their wives of the Ben­ ing to other residents. Keliing and a certified check for toe low addresses by the 'supreme of­ Parent-Teachers a former resident of Buchanan kah Lodge. ton Harbor and Niles Encamp­ stated that, officers were instruct­ relatives who come were Mrs. The district officers for the year amount was taken to Benton Har­ ficers. and a graduate of the local high , Esalhorst of Benton Harbor; her ments. After toe business meet­ ed to act to stop this nuisance al­ bor by a committee and presented 1 ;...... ■■ O - - ■■■.-. Assoc. Mon. Eve." concluded on that date are: presi­ ing, bingo, cards, dancing and re­ so. ... school, died in Los Angeles, Calif., sister. Miss Kathryn Esalhorst, dent, Magdalene Paul, Glendora; to Miss Eisenhart. ’ and her two brothers. Elmer and freshments will be the order of the Receives Many Offers . . .Says Fruit Unhurl The local Parent-Teachers As­ April S, following an operation vice president, Mi’s, ft. Morrison, evening. Harry Esalhorst. Buchanan; secretary, Gertrude B, M anlm ,,HetliDg 1 The local girl who has brought sociation will meet Monday even­ and was buried in that city on ------o------national recognition to her home By Mercury Slump April 11. She was born near Strutter.. Coloma; teasurer, Hattie ing, April 23, at 7:30 p. m. in. the Grow, Eau Claire. city wears her honors modestly^ assembly room: of' the1 junior high Smith Center, Kas.. and came to Charles A . Miller Loi3g,e.:NU''. 7;5 to. Are 'Guests •; Past Three Days —1------0 although' she has been showered . school with the male members of Buchanan at the age of 11 years. "Visitf Mouth Beftd ! With attentions and offers Of var­ the organization in charge of the After graduating from high school Expires Thursday Michigan Central ;At; J£aiama:zqQ W ed ious; natures, including two oppor- ■: No damage has been incurred by program and refreshments. The she taught at the Bakertown Chapiter .ijatiir day■; tunities to appear in talkie reelst , the local apple crop, by the freez­ music will he furnished by the schools. She went from Coloma A t Home of Sister Announces Change M. L. Hanlin of the executive one offer to pose for a hosiery ing, temperatures of the. past three- high school Boys’ Glee Club in to California, where she continued staff of the Clark Equipment vertisement, and solicitations fronsw; nights;; according to Alfred Hall, charge of: Mr. Heinke. Ray Mill­ in, the profession, and was the Charles Albert Miller. 72, died In Train Schedules The I. O. O. -F. ledges of north­ Company and-Mayor Matt J. Kell­ charitable organizations for funds!;?! local grower, who states that the er of the manual training depart­ principal, of a Los Angeles school Thursday evening at 7:30 o’clock, ern Indiana, will hold their Inter- ing were guests of honor at a ban­ Miss Eisenhart states that she has! prospects at the present date for ment will give the principal talk at the time; of her death. She is Apr. 17, in the home of his sister, urban Association meeting at the quet given by the Rotary Club of no intention of attempts to capit­ that fruit are1 among the- best, of on the subject, “Mental Hygiene.” survived by her mother, Mrs. Jean­ Buchanan commuters to points Lodge No; 29 headquarters at the Kalamazoo Wednesday at toe Park alize on her celebrity by “Crash­ Mrs. S. J. Smith, 201 Oak Street. west are mourning toe cancella­ recent years. Some of the' apple This will be the next to the last ette L. Richardson of; Oakland, The son of Isaac and Rosetta corner of Washington and Main American hotel, honoring Blossom ing" the movies, but plans on en­ buds have advanced, to the pink meeting of the association and; a Calif.; by two brothers, J. .7. Rich­ tion of stops by the Canadian Ex­ Streets in South Bend Saturday Queen Cecelia Eisenhart and court tering the University of Michigan Miller, he was born in Selinsgrove, press, the .fast morning train, .stage, but not far enough to be good attendance is desired. ardson of Berrien Springs and Pa., Sept. 5, 1S57, and for the afternoon and evening, April 26, of honor who were present in toe next fail to qualify herself as an. damaged by recent, temperatures, ------o------Charles B. Richardson; by three which had been stopping here at toe members of local Odd Fellow city that day: The two Buchan­ instructor in physical education, • past fifteen years had been a resi­ o:19 a. in. This train has been which have not gone below 27 de­ sisters, Mrs. Katherine Miller of dent of Buchanan. Lodge No. 75 having received a an men were especially honored as using any income from her pros- ' grees above zero. Many cherry Tuberculosis Assoc. Richmond, Calif.; Miss Tiliie May placed on a faster schedule which blanket invitation to attend the representatives of toe home city of ent good fortune to finance her Surviving are an only sister, Mrs necessitates fewer stops. and plum trees are in blossom, but, Richardson of Los Angeles; and S. J. Smith and a niece, Miss Maud sessions. Large delegations are the queen. They report a spec­ way through school. it is not believed that any dam­ Places Exhibit in Mrs. Lucille Applebaum of Oak­ Smith of Buchanan; also other Train No. 2, eastbound, due expected from "Mishawaka, Elk­ tacular parade preceding the ban­ It has been suggested tliat any age has been. done. land, Calif. ' relatives, and friends. here previously at 9:18 a. m., has hart, LaPorte, Goshen and other quet, in which all the court rode who were not given an opportun­ ------O------“w Binns’ Magnet Store Funeral services were held in been placed on a new schedule, northern Indiana cities, in addition in cars, which were labeled with ity to contribute to toe fund gath­ John Clark, City the residence’ of his sister, Satur­ and now stops here at 9:43 a. m. to delegations from a number of the names of the cities which their ered last week may still give any Dick Pears Carries Aided by material: contained in day afternoon at 3 p. m., Rev. Train No. 45, westbound, which Michigan cities. The South Hav­ fair occupants represented. M. L. offering they may wish to make two pamphlets distributed to them Employee, Injured Thomas Rice, pastor of the M. E. had been-stopping here at 4:03 a. en: degree team will confer the Hanlin. was called on at the ban­ to George Foresman, R. E. Michigan Air Mail this; week, students, in the seventh Church; officiating. Burial was m., has also changed - to a new third degree at the lodge rooms at quet to tell the Rotarians all about Schwartz or Arthur Johnston and and eighth grades are: beginning by Falling Stone made in Oak Ridge cemetery. schedule and is now due here at 3 p. in. At "4 p. m. .the Grand In-; the city of Buchanan, producer of the money will be given to Miss Richard Pears, aerial mail car­ work on 'the health essay contest 3:39 a, m. The westbound train structor of Indiana, will speak, and two queens out of four starts in Eisenhart. rier over Michigan routes, came "Protecting Health in. Youth” to which has been stopping here: at at 5 p. m. supper will be served the annual beauty elimination con­ In competition with her wefe, from his home at Kalamazoo Sun­ be held from April 17 to April 30. John Clark of the city street de­ :B. & p 7 w ",°CM> 6:47 a. m. remains available at at a nominal price. test. Celia Lucker, St. Joseph; Maxine day for a visit; at the home of his Unusual. Interest is expected to partment incurred a painful cut the same hour for western pass­ At the evening session the prin­ Sealey, Benton Harbor; Goioma, parents, Mr. and Mrs., Charles be attached to the poster and fig­ on his head Thursday of last week, To Meet Apr. 28 age. cipal speaker will be Rev. Fred John Rehm Serves Libbie Strejc; .Nina Ritter, Water­ Pears, 303 West Front Street. ure exhibit that will be displayed when a stone fell and struck him The regular meeting of the Bus­ Lines, Indiana Grand; Chaplain. vliet; Leonora Marble, Niles; Ber- Pears is now employed by the from April IS to April 25 in, the while he was employed in loading iness: & Professional Women’s club Thelma McGinnis’ After 9 p. m. the evening, will be. On Federal Jury nadine Brown, Berrien Springs; Thompson Aeronautical company; window of the Bums' Magnet a truck at the city gravel pit on of Niles, will be held at the Four given over to social diversions, of Betty Hucko, Stevensville;. Rosa carrying airmail out, of Kalamazoo Store as an added feature, of the. the south side, of the Michigan Flags hotel Monday. April 28th. -Hurt in Fail at the which round and square dancing / In Sesisatiosial Gase Hora, Baroda; Ruth Myer, Bridg­ k to; Bay City, Flint,. Grand: Rapids contest. In writing their essays, Central tracks. It was necessary Dinner -will be served at 6:30 p. m. will be toe main attraction. man; Anna Miller, Three Oaks: , to take three stitches in his scalp. -— — o — .—- Margaret Martin, Hartford; Mil­ Snd.other central... Michigan, points,, students will be- referred, fo r in­ An invitation, has been, extend­ High School Bldg. .« ■ . • making1 the rounds daily. He re­ formation, to this; exhibit. It pic­ ---- — o—- — - ed to the South Bend Business & Lawrence Nelson V?!; John.Rehm left. Monday morn­ dred UrferfiAllegan; Velma Las- turned Sunday evening to Kalama­ tures graphically the “peak years" Lucille Jerue Professional Women's Club to at­ ing for Grand Rapids where he on, Dowagiac; Rachel Cook, Three zoo. for tuberculosis deaths and' illus­ tend. Thelma McGinnis; a pupil in the had b.een 'called to serve on the Rivers; Ruth. Jones, Kalamazoo; Weds Cecil Wire fc , traverse jury. He made the trip Lois McKelvey, Battle Greek; Jan­ ------— o — — — trates the fact, that, health meas­ A nd Louis Geishiri The attention of the Niles mem­ fourth grade at the high school Mr; and Mrs. Henry Englebrccht ures taken in: youth will prevent, bers is especially called to the building, incurred a painful head A t Rochester, IiicL in company with Clarence Jalving, et Gayjkjaokson; Claudihe Ccllard, and sons and Lauren Mullen of them. ■ fact that there is to be a special gash, when another pupil accident­ who is now making his headquart­ Lansing,' Juliet. Klein, Flinty Maty Chicago; spent the week end as The store will give the writers Married Saturday meeting on May 5th, which is to: ally pushed her during a play per­ —------erso.a at that place while pursuing Jacobs,- Saginaw; KatMyn !Mason, guests of Mis. Englebrechfs par­ of the: winning' seventh and: eighth Mr. and Mrs, Don Jerue, an­ be a “Mother’s Day” meeting. In iod, causing her to fall so that her Lawrence Nelson and Miss Cecil- his duties as: assistant state'bank Pontiac; Gafoline' Garnett; .’ Owos- ents, Mrs and Mrs. O. L,. Mullen. grade essays prizes, consisting of nounce the marriage o f their case-it is impossible to bring your head struck on the • edge of a. ce­ Wire were married at Rochester,-; -examiner. He is serving' dn toe so; Bucille Kerr, Grand' Rapids; ,j ■■ ------O------; , a copy o f “Tom. Sawyer" for' the daughter, Miss Lucille to. Loius own mother^ please bring some ment step. It was necessary to Ind., April 12. Mrs. Nelson (will case of sheriff and under sheriff Verdk’ AlleH,dGfand Jftayen; Rose , 4 Mr. and Mrs;. Ray Stultz- had a3 seventh grade and a. box of star Geishirt of Niles at South Bend, mother,. take- three stitches in the scalp. remain in South Bend, where she of Kalamazoo, accused of accept­ Fideltaah; SoHIji^Hayen; Jeannette guests, Sunday;, Mr, and; Mrs. Will­ tionery for the eighth grade. The Ind., Saturday; April 12th at 11:30 Election o f officers will not be Her’ parents- reside in the brick has an office position, for "the ing, money from liquor law, viola- Barrington, ’iiudidgtOn; Etoey. JV^y? iam Pennocfc and, Miss Florence prizes’ will,,be. shown in its window, The young couple will make their held until the regular’ meeting in house, near the bridge on River present. They have toe'best of •to.rs, in which 90 witnesses' are. to er, Sawyer and Gertrude ‘Sebright,' Kane of Chicago, with the exhibit. home in Niles. May. Street.’ noshes from their,many friends. be called. V ■ Traverse City. • P - W S?F)P., THE BERRIEN COUNTY RECORD THURSDAY ABRIL 24,1936.- ,--;- R. J. Kenuey lias' started work Miss '. Anita' Boyle,' and Gerald 'Fkrm;!GIii|5s These exhibits vviUtbe on.;display' on, a new up-to-date bungalow on; Tichenor were home from Michi­ from*lb tov10:30 ail'd'from 12’ un-^K^M^ the lot formerly owned by O. A. gan State College at Lansing and News From Galien and Kieffer, MONIES. spent Easter here. Achievement Day til 1:30. Everyone ^isginvTte'd:^ * Mr. and, Mrs. J. W. Toland; rft^elfaraei}workgg®:prisoner: And.. wore Sunday guests of Mr. and ' READY THEATER, NILES Berrien Spgs. May 5 Galien Baby is Washington” by Mrs. C. Renbarg­ son, Charley,' and daughter, Min­ Mrs. Jesse Toland and family at wfiat^ri^jjpu /lierefforp i n t y ’"man ?’' er; “Restoring the Original Star nie. Benton Harbor. The line-up in super-fine enter; Wagner Newst 1 During Achievement Day at the :;4Ri4Rnnc^^j^a^«na,ani.<’I'w«^t , Frank Matin of Buchanan spent ^imitating.'another rngii’s. injured by Fall Spangled Banner"' by Mrs. John Mrs: Robert Glover and daugh-. tainment at the Ready this next Berrien Springs high school, Mon­ Hamilton: The hostess served a Monday at the Frank Pierce home. ters of Blue Island, are guests Miss Doris Whittaker entertain­ day, May 5, the following exhibits 'Signature nn'va* check.■ luncheon. Next Friday will be the week, is indeed worthy of a vast *4- -. . I'. *- »■■■■ r : •- 'I- .From Auto Door The new bungalow built by Fred of Mr, and Mrs. C. C. Glover this number of superlatives, on Friday ed at bunco last Saturday evening Will be shown: - last meeting- until October and will While: on the Mann lot was com­ week. and Saturday a big Vita phone TJnit The new home pi Jennings, and Nutrition and Health Fortune i i s i f i . be “Magazine Day.” pleted -Tuesday and has been sold Wills on the Lehrke farm -is’ well Telling Both. . . . '------O------. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lyons en­ Vodviio plus Richard Alien’s new The three-year old daughter of to Paul, Luther. tertained at Easter dinner, Mr. picture, '‘Burning Up,” should al­ under construction. The House of tiie Witch in Frank Kelley,, Galien unclersheriff; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolkins of and Mrs. Earl Martin from W a, most satisfy the most critical. A, Mrs. Wiil Whittaker and Mrs. Danger Valley. - received painful head bruises Sat­ Galien Locals Niles, were Sunday guests of Mr. wasee Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Les­ special midnight show on Saturday N. J. Weaver spent Wednesday af­ : Nutritionviilc Cemetery. urday when, she fell out of an un­ ancl Mrs. D. D. Pierce. ter Lyon^ and family from Bu­ ushers in Joan Crawford and Ri­ ternoon at Bainbridge in the in­ The House of Good Fairies. Mrs; Guy Best and son, Bobby, latched ear door while: the machine: Miss Bonita Wentland of the chanan. cardo Cortez in "Montana Moon” terest of tiie ’ Home Economics The Ark of Health. was travelling at a low rate of who have been ill are convalescing An, electric stove is being install­ this feature will remain Sunday Clubs of the county.’ Tonics of Today. kesease .Potko, Helds speed, striking on her head. She Kansas school between South Bend nicely. and Buchanan,. held a Candy Box ed this week in the Bert Babcock, and Monday. Tuesday and Wednes­ The friends of Victor Rpfinot Tonies of Ye Olden Times. was brought to the, Wallace hospi­ Social Friday evening taking in Lawrence Pierce who enlisted in home day is an experiment, two features will be glad to learn that lie is Mrs. Noverweil's Cupboard. tal for an X-ray, but no fracture the navy this spring', sailed on the being- presented, Nancy -Carroll in recovering from a serious opera­ Mrs. Everwell’s Refrigerator. was; found. $41. The orphan’s: box went to: Mrs. John Germinder and Mrs. Miss Gale Pears and, Iva Swartz:, 16th for Panama. - It was also “Dangerous Paradise” and Helen tion for goiter, at Rochester. Nature’s Sugarbowl. • his 20ttv birthday anniversary. Wolkins were Monday afternoon Morgan in “Applause” . Either Nature’s Toothbrush. Six playlettes: were given by the guests of Mf’S:. Elizabeth Reubarg- Miss Muriel Wolkins is spending Mrs. Herbert Haas entertained feature is worth the price of ad­ her vacation at her home here. Nature’s Edible Weeds. Methodist Church pupils, and' a piano solo by Miss Sunday, her father, John Hunslev er. mission. Thursday and Friday The Stairway to Health; Rose Bachman: The members of the Wagner Stages Cantata and son, Thurlow of Hanna, Ind. Mrs: Horace Morley, who has brings a much talked of subject, Grange plan to meet on the after­ Vitamins Defer Old Age. Miss Dorothy Wolford and Mrs;, Mrs. Belle Sheeley and grandson been; ill for some; time, is; not so especially among the sophisticated. noon of May 2, to plant trees and Wentland went to Chicago Tues­ Rex. spent Easter with the for­ well tliis week. Mr. Morley, who Maurice Chevalier in “The Love shrubbery around the haii. In the * The- M. E. church put on an day to spend a few days:, mer’s daughter, Mrs. Alba, Unruh. has been confined to the house for Parade” and in it this cha ruling evening, the young ladies of the Easter cantata Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. N. Swank, and Mrs. Charles Diedricli spent several' weeks, was able to walk ladies’ favorite rises to new steps grange will serve supper before Treat @eed l?®tat©es entitled, “The Challenge o f the daughter, Mrs. Carrie Sebasty and Monday evening with Mrs. Ray down town, Monday. of his ladder of stardom. the regular grange meeting. Cross,” which was given before a, son returned home Monday ’after- Norris. ---- —-o-----—• ■: x v zk h large congregation. It was super­ spending the winter in Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Phillips were SEMESAisr .-SBEL vised by Miss: Minnie Haines; with: ; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hagiey Sunday evening guests of Mr. and There are three trying periods in a j Mrs. Tim Powell. Dayton News Hills LQfMM woman’s life: when the girl matures i t e f o r e j'Ou plants treatyou r" seed po­ Mrs. Herbert Goodenough, taking spent Easter with their daughter, B tatoesv.'i lli Semesau Bel, ll^ciinstau- the leading role; Mrs. Oscar Allen at Niles. Mr., and Mrs. George Seyfred to womanhood, when 'a woman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ferguson of taneous dip. Ilarmiess to seed’. Eatiiy Mrs, Flossie Ginther and fam­ Jannasch and daughter, Bessie, South Bend, spent Easter at the Miss Beatrice Boyle, Berry gives birth to her first child, when 3, and quickly applied. No expensive equip­ Culture Club Holds ily of Sawyer were Sunday guests and Mrs. M. Morley were the Ed Reinke home: county 4-H Club worker, was woman reaches middle age. A t:| ment required, 'Scmcsan Bel destroys of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Nelson. Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. • Mrs. Fred Hamilton and two home from Lansing to spend Sun­ these times Lydia E., P.inkham’s I disease -organisms of Rliizoctpniav seal) Historical Study Mrs. Earl Roberts was taken to Rodney Hoadley at Three Oaks. children eame Thursday to spend day with her mother, Mrs. Nettie F M & lu b tt Vegetable Compound helps to re- ; and .black leg and generally results m the Michigan City hospital Monday Mr, and, Mrs. C. C. Glover spent several days with Mrs. Roxinda Boyle, store normal health and vigor. increased yieldsiof iiighcr qualily. for treatment. the week end with their son, Rex- Hamilton. The Hills Corners church eo-op- One pound’of -Semesan Bel makes 10 Culture Club meeting was held Mr. and Mrs. Ed Phillips en­ ford Glover and family at Flint. Mi*. and Mrs. Billy Redding and erated with the Christian Church quarts of dip yhicb iteats front 16 to 22 Friday afternoon with Mrs. R. tertained at Easter dinner, Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. George Gunder- son and Albert Heckathorne id sent 75 dozen eggs to the bushels of seed pota toes. . O ne man treats Wentland* “History'” {continued) Mrs. Arthur Walters and family man. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolf spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,, Children’s homo in St. Louis. 200 to 400 bushels daily,-. Foiuvsounces, was the^afternoon topic., Soli call and Mrs, Sarah Powell of Buchan­ and Miss Ella Slocum of South Lee Seymour at LaPorte. Seigel Stevens of Glendora, cele­ 50c; one pound,S1.75; five pounds; 80.00. was: “Historical: Facts:” “Queen an., Bend were Easter guests at the Mrs. A. Ernsperger spent Sun­ brated his 70th birthday Sunday, " i f you will fill in this coupon and mail to the Lydig ■Use C creaan f o r .sea l gra in s a n d ^ o j.to n ; of the Night” was given, by Mrs.. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Norris en­ Slocum hotel. day at Buchanan, the guest of Mr. His two daughters and their fam­ ■ lito ISiiiit Hnkham Slcfllctn.c Company, they wili be clad to send Semesan. Jr,.Jor seed corn; Scmcsan fo r > ‘1’ W. Hagiey; “Rare Antiques in you -a copy of Lyd» .E. Pkikbacn’a PHvatc. Text Boote vegetable Qiid flower seeds and bulbs, i- ii tertained Sunday; Gus Bohan and Mr. and Mrs. George Gowland and Mrs. William Fette. ilies were present for the birthday free of charfe. entertained Saturday evening Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Matthews and dinner. ■M@: W a sli, ■ JV and Mrs. Harry Surch and son of daughter of Walnut Grove were Name...... Buchanan. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and ST. JOSEPH VALLEY Mrs. Mabel Carroll and children Mrs. Ed. Richter. REXALL 1c SALE Bis®.til®,Mist®: were South Bend callers Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ed Richter and s h i e p i n g 4 S s n , THE CREAM OF Town ..State...... Dept. afternoon. Mrs, Mary Matthews spent Friday Now A t iSs?K!gg!s£$^E§e? Si© Miss Veretta Hess and Mrs. at Walnut Grove with Mr. and ^txiss l READY TALKING PICTURES Pearl Swanson spent the week end Mrs. Lon Matthews. ' ■ ... M ... i ■ ■■■' ”i i i ", r. in Kalamazoo, Mr. aii.d, Mrs. Homer Morley and W. N. BRODRICK Mrs. Ed.. Heckathorne and fam­ family and Mr. and Mrs. Irving; ily, Mrs., L. Prenkert and Mrs. Van Lew and son, Len. spent Mon­ The Rexall Store Mabel Hess were, Saturday aiter- day at the Neal Van Lew home. I Fri. Sat. Apr. 25-26 uoon callers, on Mrs, Joe Wood, at Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Martin ij| ; "Sviolisvr/T A Pawating hospital, Niles. and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. 1 — Mary Brian in Mr. and Mrs. George Seyfred Maynard Martin and son of Buell-’ BURNING UP” and family were in Niles Saturday anan, were Sunday dinner guests IV C afternoon. of Mr. and Mrs. George Martin. y Fred Allen of Gary, spent East­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keckatliorne ilM iftwI l f a11 er with his parents,, Mr, and, Mrs. and: two children spent Sunday LUBRICATION MIDNIGHT SHOW David Allen. . - .with,. Mr. and Mrs.- Sam Ditufey Saturday, April 26 at 11:15 Arthur- Babcock o f : Muskegon, at GIendora.« spent the week end with his par­ Mr- .and Mrs. Roy Hushower of We are now in position to lubricate your car m o i^ J Sunday, Monday ents Mr. and Mrs, Bert Babcock, Buchanan spent Sunday with Mr. Seiii Ed' Babcock, who has: been ill and Mrs. Charles Smith. thoroughly. W e now have the N E W MOBILGREASEP Joan Crawford— Ricardo Cortez for some time, was taken to Ep- Mr. and Mrs: Joe Heckathorne it’s sticicy, and resists water, withstands heavy'pre"^, ^ in “MONTANA MOON” wortli hospital, South Bend, Sun­ and: Mr. and Mrs, Fran]; Hecka- go hand in hand here. Have yon seen the sure, adheres to all surfaces,, creeps readily through:-' day: thorne and family attended the small passages. If you' have had trouble' with, you,r.g; Lawrence Jannasch of Brighton, party Saturday evening at the lovely premiums hi our display window ? Ask spent Easter with his parents, Mr. home of Dan Rogers at Beaver us about them. I Special Tues. Wed. April 29-30 and Mrs. Albert Jannasch. Dam. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gallaspy en­ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Heckotiiarne | ; BIG DOUBLE FEATURE BILL * tertained at Sunday dinner, Mr. and nephew attended an Easter We also, have"the new MOBILE: UNI^RSAtf ’t? I. r Nancy Carrol ih “PARADISE” ' and Mrs. Ed., Lintner and family. dinner at the home of Mrs. Vina • 1 E . A M H E Y JOINT GREASE, it’s specially adapted,for the unive'^y/, Helen Morgan in “APPLAUSE” Mr: and Mrs: Con Kelley and Swank. family, of - Glendora, were the Services at the Dayton church: sa! joints. f . ' '■ *. One showing of “Applause” Easter, guests of Mrs., Eliza Kelley will be held at 9 o’clock Sunday “The Square Deal Grocer” \ v i » ■!-* '• m Mrs, Clarence Hess was; an La- morning and Sunday School nt 10 These two greases are new products, oh the A-yac'. t Forte Saturday. ’ during' the summer months. ’ Phone 26 ' W e Deliver uum Oil Go., home-o^tKe. Mmous'MOBILE‘'OILSiafeP)ff*s* Deforest Hess and Reginold Mr, and Mrs. Louis Rotzine of ’ GREASES. ' ■ . . ■ " . u | Thurs. Fri. April 30, May 1st Boyle spent Saturday in Lake- Buchanan spent Easter with his Side. mother. DIXIE GAS, THE PQWER TO PASS. Maurice Chevalier’ in Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fay and. son - Mr. and Mrs. Estal Price and “THE LO spent Easter,- y/ith relatives' in son, spent Easter with Mr. and Car Washing guaranteed to satisfy or money refimdwL\T ..... „...... • ,gv_; Buchanan. ' Mrs. Clyde Gunyon. , Rev. J. W. McKnight and wife Dale Hamilton spent the week COMING returned home Sunday evening, end at Argus. ; after spending: three weeks in Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allsupp and y “THE SON OF THE: GODS” Missouri. daughter and friend, Mr. and Mrs. After THANING BROS.’ ■Mrs, Lloyd Heckathorne of Loyal Martin and family of South' DISRAELI” South Bend spent Saturday with Bend, spent Sunday at the John JPlvcm e 1 “THE. AVIATOR” Mrs. Charles Harroff.. Martin home. Ed Heckathorne; who has a po­ Mr. and Mrs. William Strunk “HONEY’’ „ sition in Michigan City, spent spent Saturday at Kalamazoo. Saturday night with his wife and Miss Belle Strunk spent the S h o p p i n ; family. week end with her parents: Ten members of the Culture We have secured the Portage Club attended the Federation Praiiie E. E. of the Evangelical Meet held at New Troy last Wed­ church to put on a play entitled, nesday. “Mrs. Tubbs of Stantytown,” a Mr. and Mrs. P. Edwards were comedy-drama in three acts’, for Sunday guests of, Mr. and Mrs. Community night, May 6, at 7:45 Jolm Hamilton. 4 9t o X 0 ^ a - J a y p. m. in the M , E. church at Day- in everything Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Renbarger ton. They will furnish the mu­ Remiiiiber .are of Three Oaks and: Miss Lucille sic. No admission but an offering Renbarger of Chicago were Sun­ will be taken. Pot luck lunch after day afternoon, guests, of Mr. and' the play. two good places to : rpH AT’S all Electrolux costs to more of the cost of an Electrolux;? but p rice]- Mrs. James Renbarger. ------—0----- :—; «f j -E- run. Like a gilt-cdged sccurity, W hy? —Electrolux has no ma-' ig Mrs, Claude Hess returned home B Spain has only two manufactur­ ’ Electrolux pays C% per annum to ehinery—not a single moving-part.; Friday from Ann Arbor where she ers of motor vehicles according to borne and DYNAMIC NEW underwent an operation several the Chicago Motor Club. anyone who abandons, liis old ice Silently, inexpensively; a tiny, gasi- . weeks ago. —------o------. box for Electrolux refrigeration. flame and a slow trickle of water: , Members of the German Luth- Conveniently attached to the I H oio?—It can be run on from. 25£ ern elmrch gave a cantata, “Hos­ control wheel of the airplane furnish all the cold that freezes! anna,” at the services Sunday where it is in plain, sight of the ' to 70^ a week . . . less than half of your ice , . . keeps food fresh . .! morning, which were largely at­ pilot, a roll map has been; placed , what you are,probably now paying makes possible the many delicious' R S K S tended. on the market in Germany. ’for ice! You save anywhere from salads and-tempting desserts.. : A WHEELBASE of 1 x4 inches, low swung affording generous 1 ‘Q ‘$13 to $36 a year, or % or ' X i legroom, headroom, and elbowroom-—seventy eager, horse- Smith's Cafeter AM 6 Come in today and ydu’lll ' power, released by a new full-power, muffler pioneered by USX SIDS —- ToMorrow is Saturday. find an Electrolux exactly! This iinyjlamc talxsthcplace suited to your kitchen-andf> Studebaker— impressive, smart and strife in every line— The 111 E. Jefferson SKerlanJ Bldg. of all:movingparts. DynamieNew Erskine is BIG in everything but pricel your purse on surprisingly ; , Study these features— compare them with those of other cars HE s a id he was. too s ic k South. Bend, Ind. lenient terms, iof like pricerhydtaulic shock absorbers; cosdier double-drop Same; TO G.O TO ' SCHOOL To DAT - OiD rtE-1 self-adjusting’ spring shackles; Lanchester HE’S Go t A SLIGHT c o l D AND IT niGHT BE A GOOD Turn £ TO ' vibration damper; fuel pump; gasoline filter; 4-DOOR SEDAN KEE? Him ih the house TonoBROW- •— 1 I DlPNT THit'sK _ oil filter; force-feed, lubrication; thermostat ■ THE R E ’ S HOT A THIR& TO WORRY THERE w as AMTT.if' 9 QUICK FACTS!1 ^controlled cooling; crankcase ventilation. ABOUT- - HOT ATH IN G, THE tJAITER- iT ll BE A. GOOD CHAMCK 1 * Bermaueutlynoiseless. - Erskine prices range: from H in TO GET A 2. Absolutely safe* . r • ]j\ . 4895 to $1125 at theft dory DOWN LE AHEAD IN HlS. 3- Only a fcwtcents a day to operate.* . Delivered, Com­ uciiaiiaf! fjiiesi 4. Lasts indefinitely. pletely Equipped 5. No inechanismtowear, to vibrate^—* . to need oil. ’ “ 6. Pree from trouble. ' 7. PerpetuaJ, stefidy cold. ; B.'PienLy of pure ice cubes.V 9. Tested and endorsed by national] - authorities.

I Lim Mule Says:-

inn cxtrcmclycpopulur for small families. ELECTROLUX-’ Jirds. .large food space ■and malcc&Jfo ice cubes. 1THE IRE ERlGERAXOJt:! l You may save mqney on -your 'building or repairing | fj job: by seeing us about it. . ^ ‘ ® ' MICHIGAN’ GAS WE AEE HEEF^m^EME- ; ’ : v> F. ’ M. :%...... • 0:r. ...YERi; . Dealer: OfficebSaIes & Service' ” v 125 D&ysAve.'’ t .^,Phqiie i31 | JtOBT. B. MO KAKAN. ’Mgr. . , Phone 83F1 ELECTRIC'GO. ■ '.v ’' P h o n e ^3: «BU3Lq^YvSTUlj]6]BAKBEt^BTjlLDjER’:6F :G il^ipidN S- - TSSS.* THE BERRIEN. COUNTY RECORD PAG E T K R E ET

Buchanan. M r, Salisbury is con­ Will Loiter .Wednesday. . The hottest bathing suits ever ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS nected with the schools o f Dear-, Dr. and Mrs. L. F. AVidmoyer shown in Michigan made in Holly­ We wish to express our appre­ Local News born, which are now having their and daughter, Betty Jean, were wood. Make your selection now, ciation fo r ' the generous gift of spring vacation. Easter guests at the home of the S4 to S10. Livingston's, Niles. W.oney contributed-hy • the people ...... lGtlc Chicken and waffle supper at William Widmoyer of Nappanee, of Buchanan for our daughters.* Mrs. Lillian Crull was liotstcss to Miss Cecilia Eisenliart, toward her a number of friends Saturday the Evangelical church Saturday Ind. 1 Miss Sarah Sellers entered Wal- night, April 26, from 5 to 7. 16tlp laceVhospital for treatment’’ Mon­ expenses during the Blossom Fes­ evening. The diversion of the Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Momany tival. Wej| .especially thank the”' evening was cards, prizes being Mrs, Harlan Matthews and son, were Sunday guests of Mr, and day morning. Miss Margaret Dreipelsher, the following who.^sponsored the move­ won by Mrs. Mae Best. Mrs. Flor­ Charles Allen, spent several days Mrs. F. B. Reiber and Mr. and ment: G. PL I Batchelor, George ence Wooden, Mrs, Harley Squicr, last week at the home of her par­ Mrs. A. J. Momany of Benton Har­ daughter of K. Dreipelsher, under­ went an operation at the Wallace Foresman, R. E, Schwartz and A r­ Mrs. Kate Gilbert* ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ewalt, bor. * thur Johnston. at Hinchman. hospital Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Otwell Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Griffith ac­ ‘Mrs and Mrs. Warren Willard Mr. and MrsoGuy Eisenhart. ‘J have moved from the Klyber resi­ Mr. and Mrs. Halford Smith of companied by Beatrice and Wade had as guests Sunday, their daugh­ dence property to 306 North Por­ Benton Harbor, formerly of Bu­ Griffith returned Friday from a ter, Miss- Frances Willard of South tage. chanan; announce the birth of a visit at Wadsworth, O. Bend and Mr, and Mrs, H. .L Dun- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Biskoff o f daughter, born Monday morning. "Clean up” and "paint up.” It nalioo of South Bend. :Days Avenue are the proud par­ Mrs. Ira Wagner, Jr., and little is popular and we stock all of the Greene’s Store, 223 S. Michigan: the world over ents of a son born Wednesday, daughter, Dorothy Ann of St. Jo­ many home shine materials. Binns’ Street, South. Bend, Ind.,, special April 23. seph, spent the first of the week Magnet Store. 16tlc introductory prices on permanent Lieut, and Mrs. Webb Kent and here visiting, at the M. Lundgren Virgil Immel of Three Rivers waves at $3.30. Also the realistic Pinaud’s " home. was a Buchanan visitor Thursday. wave at $6. Phone 3-9515 for ap­ three children, Graham, Lucy Nan Mrs, Melvin Shupe and son, and Crystal, returned to their Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Michael pointment. 16tlc home at Greencastle, Ind., Monday Richard, of Holland, are spending and family of Eau Claire, were the Mr, and Mrs. Ed Stultz and son Shampooi after a visit of several days at the the week here visiting with her week end guests of Mrs. Michael’s were guests of R. N. Snyder in parents, Mr. and Mrs. William parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L, Goshen, Sunday. home of the former’s mother, M rs- Ham. Nan G. Kent. They were accom­ Bainton, Mrs. John Andrews returned on panied by 'Miss Eva Pangborn, Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Thomas Miss Anna Reitz spent Sunday Monday from Bouton Harbor, Leaves your I who is spending a week as guest and two children and Mr. and at Three Oaks with her parents. where she was a patient at the at their home. Mrs. Will Thomas and son o f Ban, Suort clothes are in vogue right sanitarium. hair lustrous, • j gor were Sunday guests at the now- Livingston’s Niles. IGtlo • Richard Dellinger, student at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roti an­ Irvin Avails home. Sleeveless dresses, of printed Western State Teachers College of healthy, and nounce the birth, of a baby girl at Mrs. Emma Fuller returned to crepe and chiffon. 57,98 and up. Kalamazoo, Spent the week end the Pawating hospital at Niles, her home front South Bend Satur­ Livingston’s, Niles. 16tlc with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday, day where She spent several days Mr. and Mrs. Ora Strahle and Henry Dellinger. not too dry ! j ;r>m j Born to Mr. and Mrs. Herman under the doctor’s care, Mr. and Mrs, Floyd L. Griffith ar­ Mr. and Mrs.. .Whiter Reese and Hattenbach, a son, at their home Mrs., Albert Keller has been, rived Thursday from an extended; here Thursday, April 17. family and Mr._ and Mrs, Martin rfavorite, store—or send quite ill at her home. trip to California. .Luther1 and family were guests of B om to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rolf, Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Montgomery Mr, and Mrs. Charles Huffman Henry Germinder at Gabon, Sun­ for fret sample to Phmul, Dept. a son, at their home on Arctic spent Easter Sunday at the R. M. and daughter, Jean, who: have been day. M, 220 E. 2i St., Mew York Street Thursday. Hague home in South Bend. guests of Mrs, Huffman's sisters, Mr. and. Mi’s, Herman, Scott an­ Mr, and Mrs, D. D. Pangborn, Mrs. Glenn Swain arid Miss Ruth nounce the birth of a son at their T. E. VanEvery and: Mrs. C, P. Comer, have returned to their home here, Sunday, April 20. Forman attended the Golden Wed­ home in Gary. The Buchanan Civic Choral ding of Mr. and Mrs. Lemon Rob­ Miss Gale Pears left Sunday Club will rehearse at the Buchan­ inson at Grand Rapids,. Friday, evening to resume her work as in­ You have been told . . • an high school Monday evening at April 18th. structor in the schools of Elgin, CHAIN r A / ' T C No- “ Chain stores pay meager S:3Q day light saving time. All Dr, and Mrs. L. F. AVidmoyer 111., after. spending the spring Va­ STORE r / \ V - 1 5 5 salaries” members are requested to be pres­ had as guests Thursday, Mr. and cation at the home of her par­ ent. Mrs. Charles Pippin of South Beud ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pears, HERE ARE THE FACTS The W. C. T. U. will meet Fri­ Miss Mercedes Capen, Gareth. 303 AVest Front Street, She had day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Shively and LeRoy Holloway of as her guest, Miss Biondina Allen; Nothing could be more ridicu­ to pay. Great Amer. Stores fully J. E. Arney in Liberty Heights. Northwestern University spent of Grant City, Mo., who is also a lous—in the first place.Great Am ­ realising the importance o f com ­ Leon Crawford, who underwent their spring vacation with Mr. and teacher in the Elgin schools. erican Stores would not be able to petent management does and an emergency operation at the Pa­ Mrs. H. N. Capen. Guy Smith is now out of danger secure or hold competent em­ will pay a premium for ability wating hospital at Niles last week, Mrs. E. Cooper and son, Max, of after a severe attack of pneumon­ ployees with whom to entrust required. • was able to return to bis home Niles, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. ia. the care o f their stores unless Great American. Stores have been here Sunday. they paid just compensation for leaders in bringing aboutishorter Goldvvyn Smith, son of Mr. and honest* efficient service. T o get hours and bettering working Mrs. Norman Smith, who has been competent employees one must conditions in the retail grocery a patient at Harper Hospital hi pay as much, as others are willing field. Detroit, arrived home Thursday- accompanied by Cai-roll Wilson and Marshall Dreitzler. Friends here report that Jesse Lowman is still a patient at the ChiUicothe, O - Veterans’ Hospital, where he underwent an operation * '*- ■ „ (fit*., - '■*i on his leg last fall'. Ho is mak­ ing a slow convalescence' and ex­ pects to be able to leave the hos­ H a y s A v e . pital for a visit here during the C . £ . K 00N S , M g r . i ’ltono OX coming month. AV. L. Hindman, who is well ib. m A.Jortunate purchase enables us, to offer this value. Dr. Scholl** Arch Supports re­ Lulled p a ts fbau 1 k5 7 lbs- bag 8 ' Cold Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wilcox and tion to buy anything. store weak and fallen crchtss Co son w-ere guests Sunday at the It’s a watch, you can rely on and one you’ll be proud to Isoclironisrn Remember the date and be sure to norm al. W orn in any clioo. home of Mrs. Wilcox’s parents, Vrico 33.50 to $15 per pair. liOUSECLSANING SUGGESTIONS carry. The dustproof, railroad model case is guaran­ 5 Positions i Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kuhl. of Do- come! Guaranteed railroad mod­ tvagiac. teed. It is modern in design and comes in white or el dustproof case Dale Hamillon spent the week end in Culver. Bridge Model Movement yellow. Dial is bold and easy to read. A, handsome, After spending a week’s vaca­ Ir c . <&&& high grade watch priced at a saving almost unknown Double roller escapement tion at the home of his mother, Steel escape, 'wheel Mrs. Laura French, Robert French Main Street Slioc Store pkg. in^the watch; field. IVlicromelric nut and returned to Ann Arbor Saturday screw regulator to resume his studies at the Uni- vesity of Michigan, Mrs. Leah Weaver and sons were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William AVeaver of Berrien: Springs. £ Miss Belle Miller, an instructor When Y 'eirv in the public schools of Detroit, was a guest at the home of her IT GLEANS Ige. mother, Mrs, Hattie Miller, Sun­ SO QUICK ,fvg. day. You simply can’t Wear that did Think o felt hat any longer. Paris says ClistiaH pS^r ©leaflet? 3 «« straws and braids. We have them, S1.9S and more:: B.. H. Livingston, See us for all your jewelry needs. Large assortment to choose Niles. IStle Fi AS f S & 3 S© Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Warring from. Lowest prices always. Watch, clock and jewelry repairing and Miss Jean Rae were guests of CLEANS POTS m the former's parents in Columbia. AND PANS ^ 9 fkgs. a specialty. Have your watch repairing done here by a man City, Ind.. Sunday, with 18 years factory experience. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. and Mrs. Rexford Smith of Villa Park, 111,,. were guests, of Dr. Bmtl FIMBU Per Can This offer is for a limited time only. Come in and, let us show you Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs, G. E. Smith, oyer the week end, V* this fine watch. i to** ,,nf. * Mr. and Mrs. John Koons, Sr.. GLEANER ^ ~ were Saturday guests at the home Magic Scouring Pads, per pack. tSs Sktia of the latter’s sister in Marion, s . o» So Ind. Robert Roe and Hugh Pierce spent Sunday at their respective homes in this city, returning to their studies .at the University of Fresh Fruits; Vegetables! ■ Michigan at Ann Arbor, Sunday, Miss Winifred Andrews sand Miss Friday & Saturday Marion Gardner, instructors in thb: schools of Flint, are guests at the kfr home of the former’s- mother, Mrs. Bananas, select fruit, 4 lbs. ^ ------26c Sadie Raymond. - Mr, and Mrs. John Portz had as guests over the week end, the lat­ .. New Cabbage, 3 ,ib s.__— ------— j Y -----23c ter's brother, Harold Smith and daughter, Shirley, o f Detroit. ,Peas, Gardeii fresh, well filled, 2 lbs.Aiu:hL:— 25c JEW August Roti of Toledo, O., was: •'*N ” " : 'r' ■ • ’ ' ’ ” : - - ' a guest at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Salvadore Roti, over ..Onions, yellow, 3 lbs. ______-_ y - 10c W I T H . T H E ' SMALL PRICES the week end.. - H. •- Clarence jalving, now located ip 'Carrots, fresh, bunch ------1— __1__ 5c Detroit, spent the week end with his family. 106 W ; Front Sh.\Y ■ 2 Doors West of ic e . The new radiant pique and stan- Rrocery Sale for Friday, Saturday & Monday* • tifT ■ ■ ;; » M s a ■ ■ tung, 89c. Livingston's, Niles. lGtlc ■ ' B D C A N A , N H. A, Salisbury of Dearborn, Mich., is a guest of relatives in PAGE FOUR THE BERRIEN .COUNTY fefccORD fayciRSbAf,.AMli, 2j.i9|o-.,,,-r 1 ,Dri Wallace Scores lai’s of damage, not to mention the O r B o th . Interrupted costs of fighting the fires.’’ .Marvin, ’age 'five; is in Sunday Mew Shaft Wave Radte ~ T eleplioiie Center Gives Over a five year period the fires The’ man who lias a wife who will not let him tell his favorite, school!,-The..,teacher, to enlist the- Successes With His caused by railroads have' averaged ci til cl veil’s; ‘attention, began a story: 16 per cent. This percentage has story in a Mixed crowd either Jiak' i-’ A a mighty good story or an excep­ ‘JA. little hoy. and a dog—” wheni ^ ...Dobermann Pinschers been decreasing since 1926 due to- Marrin interjected: “I’ve got a ' .More Service With Europe and South increasingly good co-operation be­ tionally good wife. -gr - ~ O ;»■ I, dog, too, aii’ she’s got fleas!”—In* - Dr. Paul Wallace,, lbcal breeder tween the railroads and the De­ ijianapolis News. of Dobermann Fuispli&rs, scored; partment; and to the use of safety But They Don’t Care -o- two triumphs with- bis dogs', last devices on the locomotives. Brush •People who hope they don’t in­ The population of the British. week; when, be ^ntb'fed Gurta.Vou burning caused 15 per cent of all trude usually do;—Shoe and Leath­ Isles has just been estimated- at ■ •Osterburg in. the Berrien. County- forest fires since: 1925. This per­ er Reporter. 47,150,000. dog show,, taking- a first place and centage has been practically sta­ reserve championship; and selling tionery for each year. Bozo Von RoemerhDf, an 11 In 1925 neglected camp, fires month old pup; to Dr. B. A. Camrn caused 16 per cent of the fires. The tff Mishawaka for $300, Bozo is. next year it dropped to four per i i the grandson of Beano Von Roe- e'ent and has held: around that per­ 1 ; 1 merhof,. the only Pinscher ever to centage since that time. The av­ I Win sweepstakes fo r both Ger­ erage for the five, year1 period was W dol Growers many and Belgium in successive eight per cent. i • seasons. Dr. Wallace’s dog was: an Incendiary fires made: up six per unusually handsome and well de­ cent oi the total fires during the past five years; miscellaneous A T T E N T i veloped specimen of the breed. : The Federal:, Farm . Board, of ., the. UhiiedL States Government has. appointed The Dobermann Piiisbhers are causes, five per cent; unknown THB^ MICHIGAN. CO-OPERATIVE WOOL ^MARKETING ASSOCIATION, thetr f > . i -used as police dogs ih the. Ameii- causes 25 per cent, and lightning, Special Agents to receive Fleece Wool for the National Wool Marketing' Corpordrinn •can army and are rated as the one per cent. Growers. who ..wish a cash .advance on shipments, .of fleece wool Will ;rec&Jye. ion. amount* figured on the following scale of prices -as. soon as wool Is received most intelligent breed Used; for Lightning fires are the only ones In our warehouse. x » that purpose;. that are not preventable, accord­ Michigan Three-eights. .Combing;.ii....22c per lb. -Three-eights Clothing...... 21c per Ib -o ing to Sayre. Considering this .Michigan Halfblood. Combing....w.v.i....22c per Ib. ..Halfblobd. CIpthihg.;,.„i.M20c per lb fact, 99 per cent of all forest fires Michigan Quarter . Coinbihg....~^„.....20c per jb; .Quarter: Clotliing...u..««..’.t9c per ib Odd Fellows Hosts might be prevented.- Michigan Delaine ^mhisg...... 'i.'...19c per lb* Fine GibthihgM...i.v^...... i6c per Ib The total number Of reported Wool sacks will be furnished free on request. To Rebekahs May 5 erage of 2,2SG per year; SHIP OR BRING YOUR WOOL TO . r S i -o The Buchanan I. O; O, F„ Lodge The rustproof, Terne plate fuel TEE MICHIGAN COOPERATIVE WOOL No. 75, will entertain the Rebe­ tank oil the new Dodge Brothers MARKETING ASSOCIATION kahs: on the evening of Thursday, Bix holds i l gallons of gasoline. l1048 Beaublen St; Detroit, Michigan May 1, dancing, bunco and cards ------.o ------_ Phone— Randolph 4880; furnishing the entertainment. The Sound in wood travels 10,000 This wool will be .stored in the United States Government Warehouse. j !■’<,: Steinbauer orchestra o f Berrien feet a second, in Water it travels . Springs will furnish music for the only 4.70S feet a second. dancing and prizes will be pro­ vided: for tlie games. Charles Ellis is chairman of the commit­ 'Si tee on arrangements. -o Odd Fellows Give Modern Phone k Hard Times Ball Beauty 3-9515 I The Antennae us fe.d in Parlor The Odd Fellows held a Hard i; Transmitting’ to England Times Ball at the local lodge 1 223 South Michigan St., South Bend rooms Saturday evening, a new 11 group, o f melodists recruited from B y J. O. PERRINE systems in countries separated by feet of the ground. The series of siupe there are four transmitters the Buchanan high school orches­ wide stretches of sea, radio teleph­ 7 towers for South America stand operating iii • the neighborhood of tra dispensing the music in a most f F Lindbergh, on a recent fliglit ony now plays an important Tola in a line exactly at right angles to 1G ,meters! arrangements must be creditable fashion. An admittance from Washington, hail looked in world communication. The first the direction to Argentina. The 26 majlei to. jhavp ■ (ham accurately ad- of 25c was charged and a large down when about half way be­ delegation attended. Pie and commercial overseas telephone towers; with the several curtains of jns^edj'fphexaiiible/tlie first to 15.5 tween Philadelphia and New York, service was that established be­ wires, comprising 12 different an­ m h in r i'." g in ' -pV.-nirl f n .lii.3 m n fe r s . Annual After-Easter coffee were served after the dan­ lie would have seen a group of cing. tween North America anti Great tennae, hanging between, present ------;D:------twenty-six steel towers arranged in Britain in January, 1927. The an imposing sight. the form o f a giant letter L. These service grew so rapidly that the Antennae Specially Designed for American Legion towers were not built in the fortn one circuit originally put in opera­ regiDri?Sfi?(K^siipjjt iwp.yeiicten lirely of a letter b t o honor “Llntly*- ndr Directive Effect And Auxiliary to tion was supplemented by a second The design of tile antennae is, satisfactory,for’tSimiiltp^iiepUs oi>er- to stand for the name of the town, circuit in the summer of 192S. atibiD^Eihtil^’,’ari’ajigeiiB;nts; at®--’ LawxenceviUe, where they are lo­ calculated to give a marked direc­ Enjoy a Pot Luck Overseas telephony has already as­ tional effect to the outgoing sig­ used for tlie.i&m'eter and 33 meter cated- They support the antennae sumed an important place in. the waves: • V for the short wave overseas, radio nals. Due to the arrangement aud business aud social life of both •.Thei'Tpceiyiiig’/anteiinae for. Big* A L The American Legion and the interconnection of the wires in the telephone transmitters of the Amer­ hemispheres, as indicated by the Auxiliary will hold a joint pot ican Telephone and Telegraph Com­ form oE a coarse-meshed screen or nals'irqpi :;Eiiglaiid -forming the luck supper at the Legion half at fact that in the past year tlie num­ curtain, whose dimensions -bear a easi-to-west-' link ’ of the two short pany. ber o f calls has increased more 6‘:30, p, m. Thursday evening of For Overseas Service definite relation to the wave length ; wave channels now in Operation this week, the event having been than 300 per cent. Including the of impulses sent out, the signals are located at Nelcong, N. J., forty Coats! Suits! The first of three new short wave circuit just placed in, operation, one postponed until today from last are strongest in a direction at right miles north of LawrenceviUe. The week, channels, to Europe opened for long wave aud two Short wave cir­ receiving antennas for the two ad­ ------;o------service on June 1 with the trans­ angles to the plane of the curtain. cuits are daily rendering service. If the antenna consisted of a ditional channels to England and Dresses!; mission of a call from Cleveland, Twelve Antennae, Twenty-six tlie one channel to South America Michigan. Expects O., to London. To provide for fu­ single curtain, strong signals would Towers also be sent out in the .opposite are being constructed also at Net- Record Inf! ux of ture error Ui, the other two circuits chiig. ta Europe and also one circuit to LawrenceviUe, a short distance direction from England. To diviji't After Easter Stock A d D e ­ Guests This Year Argentina are now in process of smith of Princeton, was selected.as these to useful purposes a “roflefe- Connecting tlie Radio SysieFns to mand an Immediate “Disposal of construction and will be put in ser­ tiia site for these four radio tSe= toi1!?; cufiain Similar Jh. .aisign id Wire Lines vice within a year. phone tfaiisraittefs after extqusivb the “exciter.” or tiahsmitging ‘cur­ The link between the radio trans­ :N'ew Spring Garments :at Michigan, with its fresh water The Teason for the L is that investigation by engineers Of the tain, Is lnmg at a certain, definite mitter at LawrenceviUe and the vast ’ seas, sand dunes, resorts and its telephone company. The equip­ interval behind it. This, reflector Phenomenal Savings-' countless beauty spots, this year Argentina and EnglRiid happen to: wire network of the Boll System is be so located that lines connecting ment and antennae being installed curtain of wires in ho way electri­ through New York, all transatlan­ •will , be host to more motoring cally connected to tlie; front Cur­ Here is a wonderful opportunity for •pilgrims than, ever before. each of them with LawrenceviUe there have been specially designed tic traffic being routed through the nearly form a right angle. This for use at this station, and embody tain, plays the interesting , and long distance operating office in. It is estimated by the Republic Startling role of a: reflector the .en­ those women who have delayed buy­ Automobile Insurance Company fact and the highly directive or so- results of years of experiment in that city. To establisii this 'con­ called “beam” iptality of short wave radio telephony. ergy reaching it from the efeater nection, a branch cable will 13a in­ ing their spring garments. We wa^.t that upwards of 1,000.000 out of curtain being reflected in the direc­ ’state metering vacationists, riding antennae which necessitates that The antennae for the three short stalled from the transmitting sta­ to impress upon you the fact that all in approximately 300,000 automo­ they be erected broadside to the wave systems to Europe are in. a. tion of England, and thus the sig­ tion to the main New Yovk-Phila- biles, will roll into and through direction the waves are ttf- travel, direct line and are supported by nals already moving that way are delphia cable- route. An open wire these values represent an almost end- the Wolverine. State during the account for the particular shape. 19 steel towers. This series of 19 reinforced. The reflector Ciiftdin line, establishing direct -cSihveetion. iess selection of the newest- and 'finest coming spring and summer tour­ Nineteen towers, each ISO feet towers stands in a line as nearly reminds one of a mirror behind' a. to New York, Ufiil also be available ing season. high, supporting wires for the three exactly at right angles to the direc­ light. to tho station from the north, to of spring fashions. This, vast army of gasoline no­ short wave systems of three an­ tion of London, England, as civil Method of Operation . mads is expected- to expend, with provide an alternate routing. state merchants and resorts ap­ tennae each for transmission to engineers with surveying instru­ Each transmitter can operate on By the transatlantic channels. S5 proximately $7,500,000. Earope, form the tong side of the ments conltl establish. The wires three wave lengths, approximately per cent of tlie World's telephones, Amazingly Low Prmes These estimates, representing an. L, and seven towers for the anten­ forming each of the three antennae 1G; 22 and 33 meters. The three 33,700.000 in number, are capable increase of about ten per cent over nae comprising one short wave sys­ are not strung on top of the tow­ wave lengths are desirable in order of interconnection. With the com­ “ the touring volume and expendi­ tem for transmission to South ers, however, but, like a coarse- to give the best efficiency of trans­ pletion of tho South American tures of last year, are based on America form its short side. The mesheil screen or curtain, hang in mission, since; curiously enough, channel, tlie percentage will, of detailed data gathered by the Re­ total length o f the two sides is over a vertical plane between the tow­ one wave length seems to work course, be larger. This i3 real public Automobile Insurance com­ a mile. pany during the winter from Mich­ ers,, the lower edge of the screen, better at certain times of day than progress in the extent and facility a rs - To interconnect existing wire line igan .hotels; tourist camps, gaso­ or curtain coming within several other wave lengths. Of course, of communication. c o line filling stations, garages;, re­ sorts, and other places of summer servation has sent V. H. Calialane of dead deer can be found in cer­ fires and last year it had reached Mode That Lead the Modes* * .diversion, and on a. careful analy­ Mich. Court Rules to. investigate.. For some time Mr. tain areas wc shall appreciate it if a maximum o f over 39 per cent. att sis Of the 1930 touring outlook. Oahalane has been specializing in interested sportsmen will organize “The rapidly increasing automo­ I That motordom’s. big parade On Liability For a hunt and send in parties to lo­ down, the open road, in Michigan deer troubles. bile traffic has 'contributed to this Nearly every spring for- sever­ cate and bring out the carcasses,” increase in the number of smok­ t o S 35 G o a l s C oats nap to $ 45, '.this year will be the largest ever Guest Passengers the letter continues. now appears certain, the Republic al years the Department has i-e- er’s fires,” according t'o Howard R, points, out. qeived reports from the Tutle Lake “Every deer brought in-should Sayre, chief fire warden. “With It is estimated that more than If, while driving your automo­ District that the deer are in bad have attached tb it a tag: telling in better cars and roads, automobiles 60,000,000 Americans this year bile, you suddenly lapse into; un­ condition, and has been urged to in detHil by whom it was found, are going, farther each year in will invest in; fresh , air and scenery consciousness, and, as a result, provide artificial feed. Anticipa­ when and where it was found, in the wooded areas which, are sus­ —the greatest touring volume ev­ cause an accident, you are not ting more questions of this sort; what sort of edver (.cedar swamp, ceptible to fire. Lighted cigarets 50 er; liable under the law for damage early in February four conserva­ hardwood side-hill; etc.,) and any­ and cigars carelessly tossed away $ 1 g 9 0 ,------o------done or injuries, inflicted, to your tion officers investigated the deer thing else which m ay bear oil the and the ’heels’ of pipes knocked guest passenger.. situation in, the swamps north of cause of a death. out along the roads and trails State College: The Michigan Supreme Court Turtle Lake and reported that “if a considerable.. number of have resulted in thousands of dol- 29 has just handed, down a decision there was: no cause for alarm over carcasses are assembled,- so as’ to • Tears Mask From to this effect. the Turtle Lake deer this winter. demonstrate that these stories of Let James: F. * Land, Jr.,. Chief Now statements have been quot­ many dead deer are based oh sob­ Everj/ coat in our mammoth coat steel: Claims of Proso Counsel fo r the Republic Automo­ ed in a local newspaper that with­ er fact, we shall make,, every ef­ bile Insurance Company, explain in a distance of one and a quarter fort to find cut iii 'detail the HOTEL drastically reduced for this -AfterdEasi'er The values of Proso,. which has: the details. miles six carcasses: 'of deer were causes of death, and to take Meas­ Sale. Dressy; tailored and sport coats’ of lying along the road that farm­ recently been exploited: as a won­ “While- driving a car in which ure's to reduce such troubles, in the finfe cre|jy woolens,- yoverts, hashmlrs, derful new grain and feed crop; her mother was an occupant, Mrs. ers have found cai-casses of young ■future; but if very few. carcasses have been greatly overestimated, Alice J, Cook of Grand Rapids, deer in the woods; starvation be­ are located and delivered, br if the basketweaves arid silks. Furred rVith according to statements by mem­ suddenly lost consciousness;” Land ing the cause o f death, and that examinations indicate that tlie 9 1 chic flat br fluffy fur:&; Sbme are ufl‘ bers: of the farm, crops department began. the deer were all -young ones ail'd causes, of death are various .and at Michigan State coilege. “The result was a. collision with, they give as the cause o f death ithpreventable, such as old wounds, IN THE HEART OF THE LOOP trimmed. Very smartly tailored in the A great deal: of the present in­ the inability of the smaller deer parasites, pneumonia aiid tlie like, -WITH NEW GARAGE FOR a pole in which the mother was VYOUR CONVENIENCE latest fashions. Capes, high-tie .bshs, terest in Proso will disappears hurt. The mother brought suit to reach the: brush and boughs that we shall hope that these early when farmers realize that it is on-, and obtained a judgment in the- supply 'succulance. spring stories about ‘lots- of dead "Woo ROOMS nipped in waists. Every wanted color. ly hog-millet or broomcom millet trial court.” The Game Division will attempt deer,’, and ‘deer starving;* will masquerading under a new name. “In the State Supreme Court, to determine-just how many dead stop.” T DRIVE Farmers Bulletin number 1162i however,” Lahti continued, '“ the deer can be: found and what they o YOUR published by the United States De­ verdict was reversed without new died from. . •. CAR I Gafeless Smoker •SIGHT ES partment of Agriculture states trial, the court holding- . that- nd Mr. Cahalane will see for himself INTO that both Hungarian - and German negligence on the part of the driv­ the condition of the yarding, .areas millet are superior as -crops to the er had been shown.” where the dee'r ai-q tepdfted: to be Greatest Our Biggest Dress Event / millet now. advertised as Proso. “The sole proximate cause of the in difficulties, Slid will make . a : o f t h e * The normal feed crops, such as accident;" said the supreme court special effort tb pick, up ail, the of Forest oats and barley, yield more pounds decision, was the daughter's faint­ dead deer hei can and give them "If'G om m siild Gi'QSlps '{ of feed per acre than Proso. ing, or losing consciousness, which detailed post mortem 'examina­ Tlie smoker is the greatest de­ ifl The value of Proso as a poultry is not actionable: negligence;” tions; He will examine the car­ stroyer of forests in Mibhighii to­ P" 1 feed is, less than, ythe ordinary Land said that this is the first casses oil the ground or will ship day aiicl fiii five .years tiie" dam­ $ : 'T-*V -grains used for * such purposes, time a Michigan; Court o f review theni to the University of Michi­ age has been steadily increasing-, M i l a members of the ’ poultry depart­ has been called upon to passion gan laboratories for fiirtiier 'or accb'fdihg to Uie Forest Fire Di­ miGLL ROOM WITH-BATH 1 6 ment at the college state. They the liability of an unconscious :au* more "detailed work, as may seem vision of tiie Department, of Con­ also say that Proso is less pala­ tomobile driver. best. servation, whicih has recently ‘com­ % 9 ' 3 0 Beautiful, colorful,, higiitype dresses for table. than the- usual, grains used o- in letters sent to a score of per­ piled a report showing - causes of L ' ««a' Pei' Day every dress occasion... Tine georgettes. in # in poultry rations. . sons living, in the.Alpena district, fires since 1925. i'DOlME ROOM WITI-i bath figured patterns or solid colors . .. Heavy Advertisements: which, claim that Game Department ' the‘ Game Division has asked that Smokers have caused over 20 P roso’ will jdSld’ TO-’ to 20 bushels ‘anyone knowing, of or finding - a pel; cent of ail forest, fipfes since S^t-7°.'P er Day aiid up flat crepes . . -.. High qiaality silk-prints and Looks into Reported W!KK.l\ .RANDOLPH DKurtninMrri iCUARK ADK . ;• chiffons in . the newest patterns and color o f grain on tenth-acre plots: should dead deer in the woods' should l'9‘25‘, the report shoivs, and 'the . LAKE K LA SALLE be- checked?, against tlie - statement Deer. Starvation bring it.out,to someifarm or towe percentage ;for: individual' ‘years STREETS ha’fnioriies. Circular; ruffled of draped ef­ J|0 tti& college- oi;ops:-iaen'who sajt where it can be put in’ a l.shed or has been steadily uicireasing. ’ fects. Hundreds of dresses from our higher that, under,-exceptionally favorably otherwise he protected: and kept in 1925'smokers caused but five priced lines have been added to these two conditions; Proso- has, yielded’ as Anxious to get. at the root of the, frozen.or should deliver it. to War­ per ‘cent of the-fires. The next U' high as 60 to 70 bushels per acre'; annual; complainls received from dens G.. E. Eagle of .Hillman, L. £}. year the- percentage had risen to ' price groups to make them the ihost edrii- The normal- yield; as; estimated, by tlie vicinity o f, Alpena concerning Haken at Spratt, or B. J. Napper 11. In .1927 it had almost doub­ mariding dress values of tH'e season; the. 'c£8ps spe'cialists, is: iO to 3Q: deer dying of starvation, "the 'Game' at-A lpeha...... - led, reaching 20 'per bent., ill. 1928 bushels, ' Division o f the Department of Con- “If it is thought-that-a-number s'nokers caused 38 nor. cent of the? rFHE BERRiEtt dOtfiLFfc RECORt) Th u r s d a y Ap r il 2 4 ,1930. whether said proposed drain is necessary and conducive to public s Fuming. --Joll- 'Qjie;- -bf health, convenience and welfare, a t which meeting .all persons- .and World's Greatest Human Sacrifices all municipalities:' interested may ’ - * f - -- •• appear fCr or against said drain The Easter services were well . The* morning session began at proceedings: attended Sunday, in spite'of the 10 a., m. and after special ’num­ WILLIAM. H- ANDREWS, weather:, There* were good sized bers in song,'invocation by Rev. Judge Of Probate congregations at each church and* John English, addresses of wel­ SEAL, A true.; copy, Lillia Q. two: members were added 'to the come by Mrs.-- L; A Boyd and re­ Sprague, Register of Probate. M„ E-. church. The captata which sponse by Mrs. A; B. Muir of Bu­ was to be given; was not, rendered; chanan, community singing was because of illness among the 'mem- led by Mrs. Sarah Sherman Max- Publish April 24—July 17 bers o'f the. M .'E; church. son. : The rest of the ’time, was MORTGAGE SALE Thes Trojan, Club will meet at taken up by reading reports of Default having been made in the >the home: of C. J, Peck of Sawyer, federation officers and appoint­ FOR RENT.—Upper flat o f m y six successive weeks. April 25. ments 1 of committees, a n d s e le c ­ houso across street from Record conditions of a certain mortgage RATES, CHARLES E„ WHITE, made by Louis J. Carow and There were no services in the tions in instrumental music.. office. Edwin J. Long. Phono Circuit Judge M. E. church Sunday night and The afternoon session was start­ Classified Advertisements are Buchanan 710SF12. 16t2c Grace B. Carow, his wife, to the inserted an the rate cif 5 cents Holland E, Barr, Industrial "Building & Loan Assoc­ there, is talk of discontinuing them ed with community singing-led by per line each insertion; mini­ Attorney for Plaintiff. iation, a Michigan Corporation, during the summer season. Mrs, Maxson. Report of President FOR RENT Sleeping room. School, will be in session six Mrs. J. F, Bark, Eau Cla(re, was mum charge 25 cents when Phono 416. 15t2c This suit involves; title to lands dated the ISth day of February A. laid in advance. If payment and premises in the Village; now D. 1927; and. recorded in, the offipe weeks longer. given. T B Roll Call, Mrs- Blish, 5; not made when the ad­ FOR RENT ■— Mead Apartment, City of Buchanan, Berrien: Coun­ of the register of deeds, for the Miss Shirley* English was home Niles. Mrs. George E, Arnold of vertisement isi inserted. the, min.- steam heated, completely mod­ ty, Michigan,, described, as: The County of Berrien, and State of from Kalamazoo, Friday evening Lansing, gave a fine address. to spend the week end with her mum charge of 35 cents— five ern, 4 rooms and bath, large South. 6 rods of Lot 1 Ross & Al­ Michigan, on the 21st day of Feb­ Resolutions were read, three to suh porch and ample closet ruary A , D. 1927, in Liber 150 of; parents:, he voted on by the club. The one in lines: or less. . exanders Second Addition to the The Minstrel ;Show* stated to be room, 2 blocks from town. Village; now City, of Buchanan, Mortgages on page 242, regard to changing the national Furnished for light housekeeping excepting the Westerly 50 feet, Said mortgage provides that held ’at New Troy, April 25; is sup­ song from "Star Spangled Ban­ FO R S A L E Phone 344 or call at 103 Lake thereof is brought for tire purpose, should default be made in. the pay­ posed, to be* better and bigger than* ner” to ‘‘America, the; Beautiful”, Street, IStcf o f quieting title .thereto. ment In any of the sums, in said ever. It: will be presented in the, was voted down hut will, be: Holland E. Barr, mortgage provided for or any part New* Troy auditorium, -April ;25,, brought up again. BABY CHICKS: — Brices cut. FOR RENT—Apartments furnish­ and will, contain three, big acts of F. R, Maxim’s .new store :5s; Flocks of high production, blood- Attorney for Plaintiff; thereof and said payment remain ed for light housekeeping, gar­ St. Joseph; Miclr.- In default for a period of four; solid enjoyment. , The first two about completed. One qf the men- tested, thoroughly culled. Ideal age; Nan G. Kent, 307 Main, will consist of two; half' hour plays working on the building fell and Hatchery, 2QI N.. Olive St-, South months; that the whole sum re­ Street. Phone SS. I6tlp maining unpaid upon said mort­ bntitle’d “It, was This Wa,y, Judge” broke several ribs,, hut: is now able Bend.. 16tf 1st insertion Feb. 13; last May S and "Recess and: Other Studies.” to be at work again. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE GALE gage may be declared due and • returned home Sun­ FOR; SALS—-Mastodon Everbear­ to recover the amount due on D. C. and to Doyld a . Brown and meeting of the: County Federation day; evening.. . , MISCELLANEOUS ($35.00) dollars, as provided by Wuklng; district :alono- there haye ing strawberry plants. $2 per 100 said mortgag'e. or any portion Dr, k: Ptirkes Cadman. chairmen of Women's Clubs held Wednes­ statute and the terms of said been Slio.hoo: deaths from starva­ 'Otis jWirth is quite sick. It is; ; Ten assorted'Iris, 4 colors, 25; thereof. of China ■ I'ninine Relief. U. S. A., day at New Troy. The meeting feared'pneumonia has developed. • IRVIN PIERCE. AUCTIONEER— mortgage, and no suit at law or. tion e n d ' "col d. . * . J1 ^ 25 assorted Iris. 5 colors $1.00. Live stock, farm sales and real Notice is therefore hereby given whose: .It eati quarters-.a* re. ai 205 R. Whole JvtUages iaro, depopulated was held in the high school audi­ , Mrs. Joe Wood and son 'h orn Now read;*.. W. D. Pitcher. Phone that on the 12th. day of May, 1930, in equity has ever been instituted estate. For reference, terms and to recover the money secured by 4 2nd ,si reel. New York City, where of all expect a few ’ starving, des- torium by invitation, of the New last, week at Fawating-hospital in 3SS. ' IStcf dates, phone 9, Buchanan. IQtRp at 10 o’clock in the forenoon the contributions are assembled. Under perate child ren who . roam ' the de­ Troy Trojan Club. Lunch was Nile's, were taken* to’ the Home of undersigned will sell at the front said mortgage, or any part there-* the,auspices of practically all of served, in the Methodist and Breth­ the former’s mother, Mrs. .Louis FOR SALE—1000 chick capacity, of. serted .streets: The observers found GLASSES. FITTED—C. L. Stretch door of the court house in the the Churches -and a nni|iber of nten the roads. lined ; witlt* bodies of re­ ren churches. Prinltert at,-palien,'Sunday. ’ oil burning brooder stove. C. F. City of St. Joseph, in said County o\v, therefore, by virtue of the French. Phone 7133F12. 13tfc at file, Cathc-art Hows room ev find women of national prominence fugees from, the;;tamine areas who ery-Thursday. No extra charge! and State, that being the place power of sale contained in said ■Cllin^. Famine I folic-"-'. U. S. A,, is i had failen J6y the wayside.. W hole- where the Circuit Court for the mortgage, and the statute in -such seekipg to i-.aisc S2:()00..000 in the FOR SALE—White clover honey. for house calls. Phone 4-1S. lit ic case made and provided, Notice is sale burials.qf’’hundreds lot bodies eery stores in the United States pound to . S cents, on cheese by Leo Huebner, 212 Lake Street. County of Berrien is held, at pub­ United Stales, in an. effort to bring In single large; pits has, become and through another complete or­ SCRATCH PADS—Assorted sizes lic auction to the highest bidder, Hereby Given, that, on Monday, food, .and hfg-saying measures 13 both House and Senate; from 3 3-4 14t4p the 21st day of July A. D. 1930; necessary. - * '" ganization in Canada, as well as* cents per gallon on milk to 5 cents at 10 cents per pound. Record the premises described, in said flic accessible, m illions ;ot stricken China. l-'.ainlne;; Relief U. S.' A through the offices of the export f FOR SALE—1 power feed mill, 2 Office. Sltf mortgage, to wit; at ten (10) o'clock in the fore­ Ch’ini'se. - .Minjstprs and’Ghurclies by the House and 6 1-2. cents by noon of said day the undersigned cables gioney webkl’y to the Nat­ organization in nearly every 'coun­ the Senate; and from 30 cents a. gasoline lanterns. 2 52-inch oil The northwest fractional quar­ of.'.Oil faiths and denom inations In ional Christian Council .at Shang- try of the world. The sales or­ Canopy brooders and four bee IF IT IS PAPER or paint. See ter o f the southeast quarter of will sell at Public Auction, to the the United 'Slates are. solicited to gallon on cream to 48 cents by the h.aj, wliere ,’ an a)l American ’.'Ad­ ganization in the United States House and 56.6 cents by the Sen­ hives with 7 supers and equip­ H. C. Eisele. Phone 203. 15t2n section twenty-five (251, and the highest bidder; at the front door of .assist this vdmtint w hich has the visory Committee;;makes allotment southwest fractional quarter of the the courthouse in the, city1 of St, operates under the name of the; ate. Casein, a milk product,, now ment. 305> E,. Smith St. Phone FOUND—Bunch o f keys. Owner o.ooOQra’.lon and ac.tlye assistance of funds'('"recelved. selecting loca­ General Foods Sales Company, 290W. IStlp southwest quarter of the northeast Joseph, Berrien County, Michigan,, of the Chinese .Government, and tions nnd;'gTo'upa to' whom food" can 2 1-2 cents per .pound, was’ advanc­ may have same b y' calling at that being the place where the Inc.,: with general headquarters in ed by the Senate to 5 1-2 cents and quarter of said section twenty- mililary chieftains. ',in opposition be given without- loss.- In two New York. Divisional sales head­ FOR SALE—2 choice building lots Recorc office and Baying for five (251, all in town seven (7) circuit court for the county of thereto as .well, ’’ left by the House at the old rate. Adv. ' IStltf yqars tot famine "work- there have quarters are located in New York, Butter ‘now nearing 12 cents, was on Cayuga street near Front, south; range eighteen (IS) west. Berrien is held, the premises des­ Continual drought and crop fail­ been . no’ ..feizur.es*; by-1; bandits ■- or 66x148^ feet each, side walk cribed in, said mortgage, or so Chicago and San Francisco, and advanced by both House and Sen­ FREE— $3 Egyptian Gem ring. Forty-three and one-half acres, the ures have been chiefly responsible: .milltafists.;- 'A fu ll measure, of,; co­ these three units are split into 26 and shade trees. Also lot at cor­ whole of the above comprising the: much thereof, as may be necessary for the prolonged famine which be- operation .has been given ;famin*3 ate to 14 cents. ner Cayuga ami Third, 1-18-i s Cannot be told from diamond. to satisfy the amount due on said sales districts. On most agricultural ‘products With purchase of SI of toilet northwest fraction of the south­ gsn ih 1S.2S. 'and ivhlch in five -workers by .t)id' auth’orltiesr- botk, Sales in 1929 totaled $128,036;- 19S feet, sidewalk and sewer in east fractional quarter southwest mortgage, with interest at the rate Drovinces lias -increased in severity’. civil and military. *' : ; ), the advances of House arid Sen­ oji -Third. St, Leo Huebner, 212 preparations. See them, Mrs. E, of six (6) per cent per annum; 792* compared with $101,037,091 in ate are practically uniform, . F. Kubis. 22S E. Front. 16tlp o.f the .St. Joseph river, forty-three: 1928, an increase of $26,999,701. |ke St. 14t4p and one-half acres according to from this date and all other legal amounting to about 20 per cent quired’ a controlling .interest in Practically all of the company’s p\$er present rates . LOST— Tire on rim, Goodyear, the Government survey. Except­ costs, including the attorney's FOR' SALE— Mastodon Everbear­ fee aforesaid. The land and prern Frosted Foo’dsf Company -Inc., piir- subsidiaries reported increased On manufacturers of paper pulp . sixer 30x5.00. Reward if deliver­ ing therefrom the south twenty- sales volume in 1930: Greater ing and Premier strawberry five (25) acres of same sold to A. ises to be sold are situated in the the present rate of .25 per cent ; plants, also beans and. iard, Paul ed to F.ecor.d Office, Buchanan. chasecl th.e. North Atlantic - Oyster headway in 1930 is expected in the has been maintained by the House Kent L. Kennedy. IStlp* C. Day. and all of same north of Village (now City) ot Buchanan, ‘Farms, ;Inc., aijd purchased 'the DoWitt, phone 7132F21. I3tGp the center o f the Buchanan road Berrien County, Michigan, and are; expansion of -the business or and .advanced -to .30 per-cent by CARD OF THANKS —We wish to described as follows, to wit: Diamond; Crystal Salt Company- of. Frosted Foods in which General the Senate. On. pulp-board the FOR SALE!—Fertilizer, Moss Peat sold to George H. Richards, one Foods owns a 51 per cent interest. present 5 per cent rate has beeri extend our appreciation and acre and ninety-six rods, and ex­ A part of the Northeast quarter St. Clair, Mich. ...The nucleus'of with chicken droppings. Good the General Foods Corporation Manufacturing indust. Record. doubled by both House and Sens for flowers, lawns and gardens, thanks to the many friends and cept the right of way of lands sold of Section 35, Township 7 South, neighbors who assisted us in: Range 18 West; Commencing at a was the ^company-founded in 189o ate. H, B. Brown, 429 Moccasin Ave. by Black to Buchanan and St. Manufacturing Iudust. Record, any way during our recent sor- Joseph River Rail Road Company point 130 feet East of the South at Battle' Creek.7;by Charles': W. Phone 421. 15t3c ------— o ------* sow. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cooper on the west side of same, and. ex east corner- of Front Street and GENERAL FOODS GORPORA- Post. H.e wasttlie, originator* - of Hawley Tariff and family. 16tlc Days Avenue, thence South in. a Postum ’C.ereal; and later added .._n-s,etaoin s’nao shrdlu eta FOR SALE—Good healthy Ply­ cept the part sold, tr L, P. Fox and: TION HAS 400,000 STORE This letter from Charlie is very mouth Rock pullets, S weeks old; except the flowage eights convey­ parallel line with the East line of grape -nuts,-., jjpst toasties, ‘ instant Protects Many BROTHER AND SISTER SETS- Days Avenue 125 feet, thence East . OUTLETS - postum at^-PP’st’s bran flakes. In short. from accredited hatcheries. Wm. ed to the Water Power Company, Father: Yes, so it is Cliarlie, oj Ednie. Phone 7135F15. !5t2p New clothes for little tots. Al­ and the Indiana & Michigan Elec­ 25 feet, thence North 125 feet, 1922 his company -was reorganized Mich. Products so children’s hats and baby out­ thence West 25 feet to the; place Intensive development a*d. ex­ as Po'sturir ’Cereal' Company, Inc.; lie wouldn't have written.. tric Company. pansion during 1930 of the proper­ in 1927 .the name-was changed to FOR SALE—Piano, very cheap; fits. Anklettes at 25c pain The Dated Feb. 13, 1930. of beginning. Also, Commencing In the multiplicity ,pf reports also' living room furniture. Style Shop, 228 E, Front. I6tlc 155 feet East of the Southeast cor­ ties acquired by it in 1929 is ex­ Postum Co., Inc.;’fand in 1929 was; ‘(Is, this, a good place: for CHARLES J. BABCOCK, pected to be the major program of again changed. to'uGerieral Foods about the preserit state -of ' ;t’ne change and rest ?” , Phone 416. 15t2c JAMES R. BABCOCK, ner of Front Street and Days Hawiey-Smbot bill as it has emer­ MOCCASIN BLUFF MARL — Avenue on South line of Front the Gfeneral Foods Corporation, of Corporation. ' Yes. The waiter gets the change FOR SALE!—Kalamazoo Colonial For the garden or lawn, $2 per Mortgagees Battle Creek, during the current From 1925to?1929, the - original ged from the Senate and gone, to and the* manager gets the rest." A. A. Worthington, Street, thence East 12 feet, thence the House for conference th.ere heater. Only used five months. yd. delivered. Boyce & Schwartz South SI feet, thence West 12 year. " "This will proahly- result in, company acquired, the Jell-G - Com- Bargain. Also late seed pota­ Phone 325. 16tlc Attorney for Mortgagees. a substantially better profit mat- p,any>'' the; icomp’anies: imakihg, has come a good deal of confusion A clergyman may still refuse to Business Address, feet, thence North 81 feet to the about the exapt state; in which the m any a man to his deceased toes; H. K. Hansen, phone place of beginning. _ih.-on sales this’ year. Acquisition Swans, Down Cake'Fiour an’d-itin-*: 7124F2. • 15t2p LOST—Black suede pocket book Buchanan, Mich. of new properties, is invariajDly ;an. ute Tapioca, Shaker’s; Coconut,, measure now stands; so far as it wife's sister. Friday down town. Finder please Dated April 22nd, A. D. 1930. affects Michigan, industries: For 1st insertion Apr 10; last Apr 24 Industrial Building &. expensive: undertaking, so that a Baker’s Ghbcolate'and C.oooa;, Hell- FOR SALE'—Northern grown seed leave with. Mrs. French- at the slowing-up along this, line ' will ■mann’s Mayonaise, Log 'Cabin sy­ the -clarification of that situation Total .imports into the .'republic potatoes. Increase your potato Boardman store. 36tic STATE OF MICHIGAN, the. Pro­ Loan Association; it is .worth swhile telling what the bate Court for the County o f enable the company to concentrate; rup, Maxwell, House Coffee, La of Ranama last year were valued yield, by planting potatoes grown, Mortgagee, more, on .consolidation: of: its pres­ France; Laundry Products and Cal­ conditions are* and, what the dis­ a t $18,400,000. . in northern Michigan. Gar load Berrien, Frank R. Sanders, putes are about. 1st insertion Mar 20; last Apr 24 A t a session of said Court, Attorney for Mortgagee, ent position. , umet Baking-Powder. Products, of to arrive next week, $2 per bu. Last year General Foods ah- the parent company reach the con­ .Common brick, now free, and to STATE OF MICHIGAN, the Cir­ held at the Probate Office in the Business Address, some extent imported from .Can-- Fred C: Franz, Niles, Mich. cuit Court for the County of softied the Certo Corporation, ac­ sumer through, 400,000 retail; gro . 16tlp City of St. Joseph' in: said, County, Buchanan, Michigan. :a'da-;-on the American border, haye* Berrien, in Chancery. . on. the 3rd day of; April A.. D, had a duty of $1.25 per 1,000 put FOR SALE—Wood, $3,50 deliver- Victor H, Wonsl, plaintiff vs. 1930. Present: Hon. William H on them, in which both House and ed. Call. 7122F3. Ray Widdis. John D., Ross and Martha A. Ross, Andrews, Judge of Probate. In 1st insertion April 24; last May 8 Senate agree. ICtlp his wife, L. P. Alexander and the Matter of the Estate of James ■ ’Pm pkesm es World-Wide.-.'' H eadache In this country, 12,000,000 miles. STATE OF MICHIGAN, The Pro­ Cement; a product of Michigan, o f, telephone wire ,are used 'h toll Helen M. BV Alexander; his wife, Lamb, deceased Warren. Lamb bate Court for tlie County of is now free and the markets of FOR, SALE—-A bed complete, Joseph Bums, Simeon Binns; having filed in said court his pe­ Berrien. Michigan mills are limited to the and long distance service.. chest o f drawers; magazine1 cab­ Thomas D- Binns, Zebulon E. tition praying that, the administra­ A t a session of said court, held east by the entrance of foreign inet, 3 rocking chairs.. Phone Binns,, Joseph P. Binns, Rebecca tion of said estate be granted to at the probate office; in the city cement which pushes the seaboard 416'. I6t2e A . Binns. Maxy A. Chapman, Ben­ Alexander la m b or to some other of St. Joseph in said county, on manufacturers farther in-land for Day .and night telephone service jamin E. Binns, Sarah E. Starrett, suitable person, is now commercially available be­ FOR SALE—Fresh Guernsey cow the; 18th day of April A, D. a market, in competition with the Sarah E. Storseltt, Sarah E. Binns, It is Ordered, That the 5th day 1930. Present: Hon. William H. western mills. The House .rate is , tween Finland and Switzerland. . with calf. Three years old. Good: and Sarah S. Keeler, and the wife of May A. D. 1930, at ten, Also four months, old registered Andrews, Judge of Probate. In 8 cents per 100 pounds which the: of any o f them where no wife has o’clock In the forenoon, at said the matter of the estate of James Senate’ lias cut* down to 6 cents. Guernsey hull calf. John An­ joined in conveyance, and his. her drews. Phono 7127F2. 16tlp probate office, be and is hereby Swank, deceased. Olive Swank The lesser rate .will: be welcome; .if ®The construction of a large and their unknown heirs, devisees, appointed for hearing said, petition; having .filed in said court her fin­ the greater one does; not prevail. central laboratory .equipped for re- legatees and assigns and the un­ FOR SALE OR TRADE—21 Vi It is Further Ordered, That pub­ al administration account, and her Cast iron pipe,, which has been iBCarch work, in long distance tele­ acres; 31i miles' north of Bu- known heirs, devisees, legatees and lic notice thereof be given by pub­ petition praying: :for- the allowance coming in from France-and. laid in assigns: of any and all persons lication, of ,a copy of this order, phony and telegraphy: has recently ... cKanan. Inquire, 407 Phelps St. thereof and ’ for the assignment Michigan, water and :gas systems, been .completed in Moscow. 1 claiming by, through or under once each week for three, succes­ and distribution of the residue of has had a duty of 30 per cent:put, FOR SALE—S tube, super-hetro- them or any of them, defendants. sive weeks previous to said day of said estate. upon, it ' by the House, which the. dyne radio complete with bat­ At a. session of said court held hearing; in the, Berrien County Re­ It is Ordered; That the, 19 th Senate has reduced to 25 per, cent. Telephone service between -Bel­ teries 'and; charger in. good con­ on the 19th day of March A. D. cord, a newspaper printed arid cir­ day of May A. D. 1930 at ten Even the lower rate will be a re­ 1930. Present. Hon. Charles E, gium and France, hitherto restrict­ dition. Phone: 281 J. IStlp* culated in said county. o’clock in the: forenoon,* at said lief to American manufacturers. ed between the principal' points of White, Circuit Judge. WILLIAM H. .ANDREWS, FOR SALE— House and lot near probate office, be and is hereby Foreign made automobiles now each counrty, was recently ex­ In this cause it appearing that Judge o f Probate, appointed for examining and al­ dutiable at 25 per cent ad valor­ high school:. Also? time1 clock, the above named defendants are SEAL. A true copy. Lillia O: tended to include all the subscrlbi radio; pole, gas stove and win­ lowing said account and hearin em, are continued at that rate in not residents of the State of Mich­ Sprague, Register of. Probate. said petition. the House bill, but have been cut ers in both France and Belgium. dow sash. 404 Main St. Phone igan, that their respective- places to 10 per cent by the 'Senate, with .514 J. 16 tip It isi Further Ordered, That pub­ of residence are unknown, that it 1st insertion April 24; last May 1. lic notice thereof be given by pub­ the consent of -American manuf ac- is;.not known whether said defend­ STATE OF MICHIGAN, The. Pro­ Telephone- traffic on the Antwerp. FOR SALE—Parrott tractor, 3: 14 lication of a copy of this order for turors. ants or any . of them are living or bate Court for the County of Fig iron, now rated at 11 1-2, B r u s s a Is .and Brussels-Ghent in ;’plows, cream; separator, 20- Berrien. three successive weeks:1 previous to circuits has become so congested* acre tract. Just outside corpora­ dead or whether said defendants, said day of hearing, in the Ber- has Had. 'that- rate; maintained by' i f dead; have heirs or personal rep­ In the matter o f the Weaver the House, and. cut down to 75 by that the Telephone . Administration tion ;or will divide in choice acre Lake Drain. A petition having ieu County Record, a newspaper lots: 'J. B. Kolhoff, West Front resentatives living or in what state printed, and .circulated in , said the; Senate: Michigan.-.producers has decided to lay a .new. direct or country said heirs or represen­ been filed. In said court by County S^, phone 143, 16t3p county. of pig iron, have had to' meet the cable batri'een Anttverp and Ghent. tatives or any of them may'reside, Drain Commissioner of said Coun­ WILLIAM H ANDREWS, competition o f East- Indian; iron,. On motion o f attorney for plain­ ty for the appointment of .a Board FOR >SALE—Baby carriage in Judge; of Probate. riot largely imported, at the pres­ For the year 1929, the dish'ihut g ood '’condition, i $5: Gall; 36QM. tiff, IT IS ORDERED, that said of Determination to ascertain and ent rate. X IGtlc defendants: and each o f them and) determine the necessity of the said, Soft-wood logs, now free, have tion of the transatlantic calls by their unknown heirs, devisees, drain, and Wm. H. Howe: of Bu­ A variation of a few hundredths been advanced by the Senate to countries at the European end was FOR SALE—J3v.ergreen trees, one legatees, and assigns and the wife chanan Township, Harry Beck of of one per cent, in the glucose o f $1.50. per thousand feet, board about as follows: England, 62 pep to six feet, SOe.to $3. Frank H. of any defendants where no wife is Buchanan Township, Wm. T, Rich­ the blood at £i critical moment is measure. Michigan . is still a cent; France, 32 per cent; Ger- Iirihoff. \ 16tlp shown to have joined in convey­ ards of Buchanan Township,’ Fred said to lie the difference between considerable producer o f soft wood many,.$ per cent; other countrieSj ance and all persons mentioned in Koenigshof of Buchanan Town­ a coward and a hero. arid-iriuch Michigan, capital is- in­ 8 per cent.- FOR' SALE—40' acrexfarm, stone plaintiff’s Bill: of Complaint as de­ ship, Harry Boyce of Buchanan ------^ o ----- ,----- vested) therein ta'-otber-lstates;,.. .. read', well located, gcod 6 room fendants without being- named Township, Supervisors of the said The average automohile con­ Cuban sugar; largest; comp.e.ti* house, -fruit,, etc. P rice, ?2800.00. therein enter their appearance County of Berrien, having been ap­ tains: about 2,50.0 parts, according tor of our native cane, an d’ beefc *. The’ i-Czechoslovakia T elePjlon? Terms'- Also .2 lots; stone^oad, herein within three months: from pointed asv such, Board of Deter­ to the; Automobile Club of South­ sugar production, nowlpayirig 1.76 Administration jls ' ‘about ?to begin edge* of town. R. E. Schwarts; this date and in default thereof mination;: • - ; ern California. ’ . cents,per pound,, has. been advanc­ •the laying of,> naw cable ‘betweeri; 206.Lake .St. Phone,141. 16tlp That plaintiff’s, Bill o f Complaint Notice is her.eby given, that on ed by the House to ‘2.4 cents and the 5tli day of May A. _D. 1930, The gasoline tax is now deduc­ Mistek and,iMahrisch-Gstrau, which be taken as confessed oy them, set back by the Senate to 2 cents- is designed- as part of an- inter­ F O R R E N T ' IT' IS FURTHER ORDERED,, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, tible’ from income tax returns. In-. •'' Dairy products in which Michi­ said Board will meet at Clyde 20 states and the District of-Co­ ’*.*",oiime.;; S.irlA;iiiir I'ub'vn, .js. the,- Go.iiHteSSvBeikvjiii'SVjeiuia, xviio’ l ljiis national circuit tq."connect Prague F p R ’ RENT—-Light, > ‘housekeeping that within twenty days from the jji i.-ppl iesiy. ed fin li i l e ro 11 s’" p o j i li ca I oil I ;i il i iti bs auUiSUelspreadi7 during *'1930, gan is. interested,. ’ have had the) •date hereof publication hereof shall Gunyon. residence in SEKt SE^, lumbia, according’ to ’the Chicago' duties increased, tsents per witif Poland'and Grirmariy. ' ‘ rooms; ■, including garden plot. Section 28, Buchanan Township Motor- club'. , ’ - p£^aim^terioj^m'a^ origin,”', 1 ^.;’,: . '..j,- GaE ate 115 '-W. Alexander -.St. be made in Berrien County Rec­ ord to continue once each week for for the purpose of determining t _ t____ 16CLp '.P A G E SIX THURSDAY APRIL 2d, 1920.

Belle Mohn of South Bend.. Games Church of Christ and contests: will: be enjoyed at the J. L. .Griffith,. Pastor. home of Mit. and, Mrs. M. J.. Hell­ Bible study and worship service ing after which they will adjourn at 10 a. m, Bible study subject,-, to the Portz Food Shop where •‘Giving Dp All for the Kingdom.” : Entertains f Dr. Q. R, Curtis was host to a man Smith. ners. day* light saving time, one hour “party o f friends, at his home- on * * * Prayer meeting Thursday* even­ earlier. Clark Street, Thursday evening. Hill Climbers Class. Entertained ings will be at S o’clock instead of "Harleigh Riley and A1 Charles 7 as formerly. First Presbyterian Church ^turned in: high scores at cards, the The Hill Climbers Class of the The Upstreamers class will serve Harry W. Skiver, Minister .evening’s entertainment. M. E. Sunday School was pleas­ a chicken and waffle supper this Church School, at 10 a. m. * * s antly entertained at a chop suey Saturday night, at the church on Morning service at 11 a. m. JIrs. 'Hein',1 to Entertain dinner, Monday night at the home Dewey* and Oak. Streets from 5 to Sermon subject, “After the Resur­ B. G. T;.,. Sorority Tuesday of E: H. Ormiston. the instructor 7 o’clock. You need not go away* rection.” Music by the robed choir. - Epsilon, chapter. B. G. U. Soror­ o f the class. hungry. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. ity will be entertained Tuesday w «• Easter was a big day* at our Sermon subject: “My Father’s evening at the home o f Mrs. Gletm Miss Gale Pears church. We had a record attend­ Business.” Heim, on, Rynearson Street. Honors Her Guest ance for the year 1930. The even­ ■*- " * a s Miss Gale Pears was hostess at ing program was well received. Salvation Arm y Entertains for a bridge skylark party at her The Easter offering for missions Sunday School at 1:15 p. m. Birthday home at 303 West Front Street on was over $35. Six children were Public meeting Wednesday night Honoring her daughter, Mar­ the evening of Wednesday, April baptised in the morning service. at S o'clock. jorie’s birthday, Mrs. X J, Hicltey 16, honoring Mrs. Richard Pears of There are only two more weeks entertained thirty guests Saturday Kalamazoo, and Miss Blondina in our conference year. We are Redeemer Lutheran Mission .•Vilen o f Grant Oily, Mo. Other trying to bring it to a satisfactory Corner Front and Main, 2nd Floor guests from out of town, were Miss climax. We have had fine co­ O. E. Sohn, pastor Ivis Hart, Mrs. Irving Poulsan, operation during the year. Divine-service every* Sunday at Mrs. William Crum of South Bend. If you are not attending church, 9 a. m. daydight saving time. ILL 2 0 YEARS; Miss Bonita Wentland of Galien why not come to our church next Visitors alw*ay*s welcome. and Miss Lucille Grossman of Sunday? Texas. Prizes were won by Misses You are cordially invited, “A MAN YOU KNOW” Johanna Desenberg. Hollis Clay­ ------o------In the April 11th issue of the ton, Bonita Wentland. Blondina Methodist Episcopal Glmreli Notre Dame scholastic, appears Allen and Mrs; Richard Pears. Thomas Rice. Pastor. under the heading “A Man You BROUGHT HEALTH ® ® Sunday school at 10 o'clock un­ Know” this statement: “Wherever Mrs. Jesse Leggett der the 'leadership of Mr, Ormis­ w*e find true personality we find ALMOST HELPLESS WITH Entertains F. 1). I. ton. Everyone enjoyed the pro­ its keynote, a rare sense of hu­ RHEUMATISM: NEW, DIF- The E, D. I. Club met last night gram of the Junior department un­ mor. Piercing the clouds of hu­ ’ FERENT MEDICINE at the home o f Mrs, Jess Leggett der the direction o f Miss Long­ man care and solicitude it serves ‘ SOLVES PROBLEM on Cecil Avenue, with the sister fellow. If y*ou do not attend any* to direct our attention from ever of the hostess, Mrs. Boyd Marrs, other Sunday* School you are most ■present worries lo the traditional assisting. Bunco and bingo were welcome here. silver lining. Only a minority pos­ the diversions of the evening. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. sess it in its entirety and_ among Guest prizes in bunco were won The special music will be an an­ these we feel justly* proud to num­ by Mrs, Nella Slater, Mrs; E. Reed, them by the choir. Sermon sub­ ber the Rev. Sidney A. Reamers, Miss Doris Reams; member prizes, ject, ‘‘Power.” The many folks M. A., Ph D. by' Mrs. Edith Willard, Mrs. Caro­ who were at this service last Father Reamers w*ho has been line Haines and Mrs. Harley Squier Sunday* morning will find this ser­ acting pastor of St. Anthony's Prizes in bingo were won by Mrs, vice helpful. Keep the good East­ church for the past seven months Harley Squier, Mrs, Harry Post er habit. has, in addition to delivering Ins and Mrs. M, E, Gilbert. The next, Epworth Leagues at 5:30 and splendid Sunday morning sermons1, meeting will be held at the home 6:30. The league will have as appeared several times in Buchan­ o f Mrs; Otto Reinke on May 6, guests the members of Decatur or-, an, before very appreciative aud­ In all the lovely new spring colors and with, Mrs. Harry Post as assist­ chestra. The cabinet will act as. iences, and has gained for himself ant hostess, courtesy committee. The League a great many* friends and admir­ s * a quartet" composed of Keith Bunk­ ers. For no one ever hears Fath­ styles. Also plain colors if yon like. Just Entertains at er; Emmitt Smith, Lauren and er Reamers speak before an aud­ Farewell .Party Louis; Morse will sing again this ience without realizing that he is Mrs. Jerry' Bowman entertained Sunday. We had a crowded meet­ a man of real culture—a culture received and to sell at ...... yesterday afternoon at a surprise ing last Sunday night and Mi'. Or­ gained by his years of hard work party at her home at 503 South miston made a splendid leader. The both, in the University- and in the Oak Street, honoring Mrs. D. Di- 5 o’clock sunrise service on the school of experience, ,r. L Giacomo, who leaves next week ; hill and Easter breakfast' are Father .Reamers received his MRS,, ALMA Y-ALLEAU for Lakeside for the summer. Bun­ events long to be remembered. early education in the London co was played, prizes going to Mrs A sacred concert presenting the county schools. After his gradual parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer “Konjola is the medicine that Dreitzler. ' ■ ,u brought relief to me after I had; Clyde Bristol. Mrs. Boyd Marrs, Decatur orchestra will be given tion from high school, he crossed differed for twenty years with ( and Mrs. Fred, Bromley. Sunday evening- at. 7:3Q. For the the channel to enter the Univer­ Mrs, Effie Crane had- as her rheumatism,” said Mrs. Alma Val- • sixth time in succession Decatur sity of Louvain near Brussels, guests for Easter-. Miss Margaret lean. 19262 Gainsborough road, Entertains at Dinner school orchestra has won the where for six years he had the op­ Marchbank: and D, C. Durland and Party for Mary Belts Mohn state championship, and some of portunity to study at first hand, son of Chicago. Rosedaie Park, Detroit. “For three Miss Cherry Blossom Heim is years; I was almost helpless, and the best players are in the Meth­ the old languages of Europe in ad-, ‘ .Mr. and Mrs.-C. A. Andlauer, rhy limbs; feet and ankles were so entertaining at a dinner party this, odist church orchestra, so do not dition to his other college work. Miss Myra Andlauer and' Miss M aly swollen that it was almost evening in honor of Miss Mary miss this attractive number. Come From Louvain he turned toward Grace Enk w*ere in attendance at impossible for me to move about. early* and make it a family* affair. Germany with its more modern tlie wedding of Fred Grant and I had no appetite; I was badly The interpretation of the first institutions of learning, where he Lulu Kelinginsc, of South Bend in rim down and I was just about a Easter by the Standard Bearers pursued liis studies in languages tliat city, Easter. nervous wreck. last Sunday* night was very well and philosophy at the Lyceum in - Mr. and Mrs. Ira Boyer and Joe “I had despaired that there was received by* a iarge congregation. Luxemburg. He was there only a and Dorothy Boyer of South Bend, a medicine to help me, hut there Many said the pageant was most few* months when the,beginning were Sunday guests o f Mr. and was—Konjola. I had taken only ■OF CONSTIPATION impressive. As a church, we are of the world war forced-, him to Mrs. Joe Boyer, South Portage.. most grateful to all who, by their leave the country. With his fluent four bottles of this medicine: when -* Sam Rouse of Battle Creek, was I found myself feeling like a dif­ A Battle Greek physician says: presence and help, made last East­ knowledge of French, German and er Sunday' such a wonderful day. Italian, he we n t to Paris to enter a' guest o f his parents, Mr. and ferent woman. The swelling in “Constipation is responsible for Mrs. Ted Rouse, Sunday. m y limbs had gone down, my ap­ more misery' than any other Remember the Birthday party* hospital w*ork and act as an in* this Thursday evening; Mrs. Fy_ Mr. and Mrs. Herman Soott an­ petite improved; and I felt better cause.” terpreter. nounce the birth of a son. . in every way. X certainly can and But immediate relief has been deli will tell you all about it. Two y*ears later he was called Services at Oronoko at 9 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. True and Miss 6b: recommend this wonderful, found. A tablet called Rex all Or­ to London to take a teaching po­ Bernice Lolmaugh wore in Argos, medicine.” derlies lias. been, discovered. This (Fast time.; There will be special sition in Cusacks college, London, music under the leadership of Mr. and a few* months later decided to Sunday, guests of David Lol­ Konjola, the new and different tablet attracts water from the maugh. medicine, is of 32 ingredients, 22 system into the lazy', dry, evacu­ Arthur Johnson. Keep up the East­ sail for Canada to teach in Mc­ er spirit. Gill University in Montreal. While Mrs. Will Dempsey was a guest; o f them are the juices o f roots and ating bowel called the colon. The at the home of her brother, F, M, herbs. Even one bottle may give1 water loosens the dry food waste -*— —o-----— there the urge to enter the priest­ Christian -Science Churches Boone, in South Bend, Monday: remarkable results, but a. treat­ and causes a gentle, thorough, nat­ hood came, so he entered St. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Beaver spent ment of from six to eight bottles ural movement without forming a "Doctrine of Atonement” was Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore, an the subject of the Lesson-Sermon institution affiliated with Johns Easter at the home of the former's:; is recommended. habit or ever increasing the dose. mother near Rensselear, Ind. Konjola is sold in Buchanan, Stop suffering from constipation. in all Christian Science churches Hopkins University and there re­ Sunday, April 20. ceived his B. A. and M. A. de­ Miss Ethel Belstle will entertain Mich., at W. N. Brodrick's drug Chew a Rexall Orderlie at night. her bridge club Friday evening.. store, and by? all- the best drug­ Next day bright. Get 24, for 25c Among the citations which com­ grees. prised the LessonSsermon was the, The. Jeannette Stevenson Guild gists in all towns throughout this today at the nearest Rexall Drug In the past eight years he lias will meet Tuesday evening with’ entire section. Store. Wm. N. Broderick. 16t32 following, from the Bible: “If any taught and supervised in various of you lack wisdom, let him ask schools and among the subjects Mrs. Phil Dilley for their regular of God, that giveth to all men lib­ taught are: logic, psychology; so­ business and social meeting, erally. and upbraideth not;: and ciology, ethics, history of philos­ Mrs. Harold Gilman .is enter­ it £hall be given him,” (James 1:51 ophy, French and many* others taining the Sultsus Bridge Club The Lesson-Sermon also includ­ and he has translated a dozen or this evening at her home on West. ed the following passages from the more French and Latin works into Third Street. Christian Science textbook, “Scien­ the English. Mrs. Cora Howe, who has; been ce and Health with Key to the Father Reamers confesses that spending the past few months in Scriptures,” by Mary Baker Eddy: he has had tw*o hobbies wliile in San Francisco, Calif., with her “Faith, if it be mere belief, is as Notre Same, playing tennis in the daughter, Mrs. Winifred Fuller, a pendulum swinging between summer and a faithful attendance arrived home Sunday. If you’re a telephone subscriber, simply nothing and something, having no at fall footbali practice and that • Mr. and Mrs. Henry* Smith are; fixity';. Faith; advanced to spirit­ Charles Dickens has always been in Benton Harbor this week where lift the hook, ask for No. 9 and state ual understanding, is the evidence ills favorite author. Mr. Smith is taking mineral baths, •Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fuller your request. It’s a service that makes $4 Leather or Comp. Sole gained from Spirit, which' rebukes Father Reamer is a very talent­ ifel sin of every kind and establishes ed musician and has been organist were delightfully surprised Wed­ it comparatively easy for you. to insert the claims of God.” (p. 23.) several, large churches. nesday evening when a group of friends gathered at their homo to your advertisement. And Want-Ads k Sport Oxfords ft? ’ CONTRIBUTED. ‘ help them celebrate, their 50th Christian Science Church 'iT MEN’S Latest Styles And Up $ Sunday School, at 9:45 a. m. wedding anniversary. Mr. ana Mrs offer the solution to many a problem. Sunday service at 11 a. m. Fiiller were presented with 50 There’s always someone eager to buy, Subject, Probation after Death. beautiful yellow roses as_ a mem­ ?• Wednesday evening meeting at ento of the occasion. The guests Dress Oxfords were Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hatha­ sell or trade; someone who has a service All S tides And Up 7:45. Mr, and: Mrs. Oliver Simpson : MEN’S 3; Reading room, located in the announce the: birth of a son.: way*, Mr. and Mrs. H. R: Adams, to offer. Results are certain and the church at, Dewey Avenue and Oak Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Pennell of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Glover and Street is open each Wednesday af­ Berrien Springs were guests Sun­ Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Kean. Mr. and cost is quite moderate. Mrs. Fuller were married 50 years Novelties; All ternoon from 2 till 4 o’clock. day at the home of the former’s. Leathers and Colors; $2.98 and ago today (Thursday.) LABIS’ • -Mrs. C. J. Wilson,, who has been Call Before Thursday Noon a*, guest of her parents in Grand Rapids, has returned to her .home Strong Arch by §3.0© E gyptian Gesti liere. Eriedman-Shelbv ■J ------Q ------BER-RIEN~C@UMTY . .7 Ladies or Gentlemen •.The payroll of the British War office last year totaled nearly 517,- Red Goose Shoes -| yvp FREE With $1 Purchase 500,000. CHILDREN’S For More Wear ■ And Up «p l . «xO Creams, Lotions, Powders, Shampoos, Perfumes, etc. .'REXALL 1c SALE R e c o r Come Early Before Lot is Gone i/ ■ Now On -S ^Outlet Shoe Store MRS6 E„ F.1CUBIS ■ *W. N. BRODRICK Sfr' i r-* - 1 • . 111, DAYS AVE. BUCHANAN 228 E. Front St. ^ The Rexall Store THE BERRIEN COUNTY RECORD N ew s - Editorial — r ;—-■>■--1—: j ' ■ - ty Record Telephone Number Nine SIXTY-THIRD YEAR BUCHANAN. MICHIGAN THURSDAY APRIL 24, 1930. NUMBER 16 Record . Telephone Number Nine^l

Niles is chairman of this move­ GIRLS PHYS. ED. ment. THE MICROPHONE ' News of Buchanan Schools Our school band, .under the di­ rection of F.alplz P.obinso.n, has en­ joyed their out of doors practice^ l1 ') News of Student Life Gathered and Written by Upper Classmen of Buchanan High School n — - —— - 11 PRESENTS DANCE during the last week. Miss Theo Olson, ,our music su­ STUNT PROGRAM pervisor is working overtime on the grade cantata which takes place next week. Don’t miss tins ASSEMBLY PROGRAM TO BE annual treat. ** Grades? Junior High? To Present Operetta May 1 and 2 REPEATED BEFORE P.-T. A. The regular annual School Mas­ ters’ Club of Michigan met -in Ann Arbor yesterday today and Tumbling and clogging were the will meet again tomorrow, JJJ Sixty B. H.' S; Girls features of the assembly program The Kingergarten band, super­ Friday morning of which Miss vised by Miss Olson, appeared on Uncle Sam Starts Taking Inventory Rochenbach w-as in charge. It cov­ NILES NOSES W ill Participate in the program of the W„ C. T. U. lat CHILDREN ered the three main points which 100 make an assembly" pi-ogram good. the home of Mrs. Boone last Tues­ S. B. Field Day Id was interesting, different and day. « .clever. The program scheduled for tEe mothers: of the sixth graders May 'THREE BUCKS OUT IN Friday afternoon, representa­ The first part of the program TO APPEAR , has .been postponed,: due to the tives from Kalamazoo college were was tumbling in which Dorothea 1 coming on that date. Mrs, TOOK, at the high, school. Mr. Dunbar, Rothfuchs, Enid Reams,4 Glarisse cantata professor, of the4history depart­ Banke, Rosemary Thompson, Jean Lamb will announce later the time ment of the college, gave an inter­ Russell, Jane Briney, Anne Schind­ for this enjoyable event. This 'is PRODUCT TRACK ' esting talk on what a college may ler, Dorothy Anderson, Ethel Sib­ the last program of this kind J:z do for a person. Some of the ley, Peggy Merrifield, Theressa the grades and any mother, al­ interesting things he said about White, Freda Neff and Maz-ie Ellis though not represented in the 6th Palace of Carelessness is Locals Discover Sprint Star the Kalamazoo Colleges were that; took part. The forward roll, grade, wishing to attend, is wel­ come. the Selection for in Aronson; 100 it is a thoroughly accredited stomach balance, head stand, cart Yards in 10.8. school, it has small college ideas; wheel,’ backward flips backward Most of the grade teachers have This Year, enrollment is limi ted t.o a round fish, walkover and pyramids were completed their fourth project •100, it has a. $350,000 library, worked out by the pupils. These RELAY DECIDES stunts the giz-ls did. projects: are to be on exhibit later FUEL, OF COLOR, MUSIC = good dormitories and other new “ Dixie,”' the first Clog, was giv­ buildings in the making. “Dp not in May. . B. II. S. Athletes Win Sev­ limit your life to a two story en by Helen Kean and Pauline Van The story and booklet work fos­ Misses: Olson, Roclienbach, Every w-bo, dressed a s: little girls tered by the W. C. T. U. and being anti Skeels Direct the en Firsts in Twelve shaft.” said Mr. Dunbar. “Be sure carrying suckers, did their clog done by the fourth, fifth and Events. to lay good foundations.” Presentation. A one-act play, “References Re­ to the tunes of "Dixie,” “My Old Sixth grades, is nearly completed. quired,” was presented by three of Kentucky Home” and “Listen to The three best samples from each . The Palace of Carelessness, a The Niles High School track the college girls, Florence Mont­ the Mocking Bird.” The next one, room go to the local committee su­ colorful two-act drama suitable team, state champions in class gomery, Charlotte Bacon, Helen “Liza Jane” w-as given by Marie pervised by Miss Mae Mills. for children will be presented by a "B" last year, barely nosed out Fenner. Post and Marjorie Shreve. Their At the last meeting of the Sup­ cast selected' from the vocal and Goach Harold Bradfield's Buchan­ dance and dress were typical of erintendents of the county, the m’o- , an thinly clads in the opening Edward “ Snodgrass” Russy, also negro girls. Rosemary Thompson tion was adopted that there would dramatic talent o f the Buchanan from the college, played several grades, from, the kindergarten to meet of the season, 59 to 54. and Marie Ellis gave a boxing be no change in text books thru- The meet was very even, each numbei's on the piano, “Les Syl- Clog and Rosemary Thompson, out the county due to the expense the eighth inclusive on the after­ vains” by Chaminade and the noon of Thursday, May 1, and the team taking six first places and “Reuben Taps." Other clogs were: it would cause all concerned. The tieing for another. The score was “ Song of the Bayon” by Bloom. “Railroad Shuffle” by Dorothea two books under considei-ation evening o f Friday, May 2, in the He played also a medley of popu­ high school auditorium. close all along and w-lien the final Rothfuchs, Clarisse Banke and were the geography and civics.. event w-as to be run, the relay, lar pieces w-hich was greatly en­ Marie Ellis; “ On Deck” by Helen Mrs. Clarence Arnold, president The grade operetta is one of the score stood even at 54 all. joyed. Kean and Pauline VanEvery; “The of the local P. T. A. called at'the- the- most popular events of the Niles stepped out and w-on the re­ ------o------Dutch Waltz Clog” by Jane Brin­ superintendent’s office last Tues­ sehool year, and, those in touch lay, thereby winning the meet. Representatives ey and Jean Russell; “Jack Frost” day. Plans for the work, of that or­ with the preparation state that the Some very creditable marks by Alene Riley and Vivian Whis- ganization for the coming year selection this year is one of the were turned in, considering the Kalamazoo College sler. Jean Russell also gave a toe were being discussed. most attracive "ever presened. here. _ earliness of the season. Aronson’s dance. Thou shalt not kill one bz-eath Drilling in, singing and acting is j time of 10.6 for the hundred w-as Speak at H. S. Fri. The program was greatly enjoy­ of stirring endeavor in the heaz-t in the capable hands of Miss Tlieo t'nc best one turned in for the ed and will be given again Mon­ of a little child. OlsOn, director of music. Miss dashes but his time of 29.2 for the An invitation has been received day evening, April 2S, at the P. T. — One of the ten cozizmandments Tina Skeels. domestic economy in­ low- hurdles and Finley’s mark of by Miss Rochenback from Senior A. meeting. for teachers. _ structor, is in charge o f costum­ 11 feet are also deserving- of men­ Central High School of South Bend Miss Alice Rochenbach and. Miss ing, for which she has proved her- tion, the latter a new- field record. to attend a “Play Day” held on SCHOOL NEWS Theo Olson spent the zveek end self well fitted! in, past perfor­ Aronson, although handicapped some Saturday in May. About fif­ in Chicago, guests of their par­ mances. Chorus dancing is mak­ by an injured heel, garnered 11 ty high schools in and around Habit is a cable; we weave a ents. They returned Sunday even­ ing; Splendid: progress under the, points for first honors, closely fol­ South Bend have been invited. thread of it every day and at last ing. training o f Miss Alice Rocheiz- three best books vwill be sent to From Buchanan .about sixty girls we cannot break it. Horace Miss Mabel Neffenegger spent bach, director of girls' physical in 10 class, recalling the fun they lowed by Pierce with- 9. Finely led the local organization. The books had doing the same last year, are the: Nile's squad with eight points. plan to participate. Mann. the week end in Kalamazoo, visit­ training. Miss Hilma Kaestetter selected to be sent were written Pole Vault—Finley, Niles, first; “Play Days" are becoming4 pop­ Miss Arnold, county school nurse, ing fz-iends and Miss Ruth Shz-iv- is acting as pianist for all rehear­ contributing to the collection tills by Ruth Babcock and Marie Mont­ year. Smith, Niles, second; Eisenhart, ular because they are not compe­ called at our school Wednesday to er visited her parents in HudsoD sals. Grade News gomery, Virginia Blake, and Mar­ Buchanan, third. Height, 11 feet. titive but are a means of stimula­ confer with Mrs. Lamb concerning last Sunday. * - ( . The production is to be present­ ion Miller. Kiniiergai-ien News—Ebbert 100 Yard Dash—Aronson, Bu­ ting- friendships among girls of the bettemzent of school condi­ Eugene Huhhand visited dzis jWife, ed at popular prices, ,15c and 35c Joe Bachman is decorating- our We’ve been busy all week get­ chanan, first; Pfingst, Buchanan, other schools. tions. : in Kalamazoo over the week end. for children and adults at the ma­ Jfews--Vamlerbark puppet stage. ting our room decorated for East­ second; Pierce, Niles, third. Time, The events, w-hich are “low or­ A mental clinic was hcld.Jn. St. , Miss Lena . Ekstrom enjoyed tinee and. 25c and 35c at the Fri­ Ruth Toll surprised our kinder­ We are having better attend­ ganized” games have not yet been Joseph last Thursday. Children Easter in Nezv Carlisle with, her er. We made bunnies, daffodils 1 0 . 6 . announced. Usually, however, the day evening performance. garten when she brought with her ance this week than we have had and Easter baskets. Shot Put, Postlewaite, Buchan­ from several of the towns of the parents. The action, 'consists of the ap­ Tuesday, a brightly colored Poly­ in weeks. Colds and mumps seem an, first; Webber, Niles, second; events are relays, track, baseball, county were given free examina­ Miss Velma Ebbert made Our nasturtiums and vines are swinuning, archei-y contests, etc.' pearance of various characters he-, phemus moth. to bfe getting better. coming up now- and are showing Pierce, Buchanan, third. Distance, tions;’ mazoo Friday night and return,.J fore: the Judge to answer for acts The nasturtium.; seeds we plant­ The Book Club held a meeting Also a luncheon is to be furnish­ The county -contest in spelling, Sunday night. us what good care, water and sun­ 36 feet, 11 inches. ed to the participating students. of carelessness, and; waste of time. ed are growing nicely. We will be this week. The president, Margar­ shine do for seeds. SSO Yard Run—Letcher, Bu­ reading and letter writing is tak­ Mz-s. Velma Dunbar witnessed glad when they blossom. et Huse, presided over the meet­ ing place this week Wednesday, the elimination contest for Blos- The cast of characters is as fol­ Barbara Gene Swartz. June Dek- chanan, first; DeWilt, Buchanan, Five speeds are possible with, a lows: ing. For the program, slides of ker and Jean. Dali-ymple have fin­ second; Madden, Niles, third: time, Thursday and Friday. Miss Ella soizz Queen in Benton Harbor last: Fi rs t G rade—Byers Russia and Turkev were shown. new- outboard motor for small Champion, grade supervisor of Thuz-sday night. Prologue, spoken by Clyde Shaf- ished reading their Beacon chart 2:25. boats. Group II. are reading in their and are now- eager to start in • Discuss Throw-—Rough, Niles, , er„ Beacon First Readers. Hopkins—Grade 5 Mr. Clock, Robert Irvin; Alarm their own books. first; W. Shultz, Buchanan, sec­ Clock. Bob: Neal: Mr. Watch. Clifford Bauch, Evelyn Bennak, There were some very good W. Alvin Morley can count to one ond; M. Shultz, Buchanan, third. Bonnie June Chain, Jack Ednie, C. T. U. work books done by hundred by fives and by tens. Distance, 95 feet. Betty Widmoyer: Dollie Dimple, Arlis Fairman, Florence Ferris, Martha Lee, Britton; Dollie Faire, grade five. It was very difficult Rudolph Reisch made a large 440 Yard Dash—Kiehn, Niles, Emma Fuller, Lillian Hartline, to choose the ones which were to stop sign for us and lettered it first; Morse, Buchanan .second; lone Swain; Stick of Candy, Phil John Huff,, Suzanne McKinnon, Pierce: Monkey, George Lincoln; be sent to the committee. all by himself. We are going to Zerbe, Buchanan, third. Time, 58.2 Spring Opening Now of Sammie, Peggy MerrefieUi; Um­ Myrtle Otwell, Donna Pazder, Dor­ A Salamander visited us Friday Use it when we play we are cross­ Javelin Throw-—Vincent, Bu­ brella, Una Kelley; Teddy Bear, othy Sherwood, Clara Stewart. afternoon. ing the street. chanan, first; Boyce, Buchanan, Eleanor Miller; Bailiff, Veri Brew­ Russell Walters, Gerald Weaver During the rainy weather we second; Cramer, Niles, third. Dis­ and Donald Wheat have 100 on Sixth Grade—Reams composed four songs about the tance, 133 feet, 6 inches, er; Judge, Loren Johnston; Organ all: of their spelling tests so far Wyman’s Daylight Basement Grinder, Richard Schram; Clown, When Lindbergh Flew the Ocean rain. June Dekker, Josephine 220 Yard Hurdles—Aronson, Bu­ this year. chanan, first; Finely, Niles, sec­ Fred Riley: Boy Scout, Bob Will­ By Ruth Schmalzreid Pascoe, Gene Swartz are the com­ Such a surprising transformation has taken place in Wyman’s Daylight Base­ ard; Old Man, George Spatta; When Lindv flew the ocean, posers. ond; Pfingst, Buchanan, thiz-d. Little Girl, Gertrude Jaiving: Second— Wilcox. He didn't have one sign of a drink ------Time, 29,2. ment that we are inviting you to a Spring Opening to get acquainted with it The children in Mrs. Wilcox’s A ll he had was a few sandwiches The Juniors have just completed Mile Run—Grimes, Niles, first; all over again! The Bedding and Domestic Departments have expanded and Maid. Annabelle Dalenberg. room had an Easter party Friday Choruses of Clocks, Tin Soldiers, To make him think the study of “Macbeth” and in­ Heide, Niles, second; Whittmore, blossomed out with the loveliest of new spring things in a greater variety afternoon. The favors were bas­ Niles, third. Time, 5:22. Dolls. Vegetables, Jury, Specta­ When, Lindy flew the ocean. stead of making projects as is the than they have ever offered before. The low prices will be a pleasant .sur­ tors. kets of candy eggs. usual custom, they are working 220 Yard Dash—Pierce, Niles, The Art work this week took on When, Lindy flew the Atlantic out emotional outlines and circle first; Parker, Niles, second; Aron­ prise too! the Easter tone. The children He had a great big notion outlines of the play, Using differ­ son, Buchanan, third. Time, 24.5. made rabbits, chicks and Easter That he would fly again ent colored inks to show rising High Jump—Pierce, Buchanan, eggs. To; some other great big nation, and falling action, climax, incen­ Cramer, and Kenney, Niles, tied, Lovely New Bed Spreads— Four Groups We learned a poem in language. When Lindy flew- the Atlantic. tive moment, concluding crisis, re­ 5 feet 3% inches. “Easter's Gall.” tarding point and catastrophe in Broad Jump—Pierce, Buchan­ When Lindy got to Paris, the emotional outlines. The circle an, first; Gi-amez-. Niles, second;: Fischnar—News Items He was greeted by everyone;, outlines carry the -action from Clark, Niles, third. Distance 19 Colored Rayon Spreads $2.95 Richard Hayden returned to They gave him many things, place to place in the play. Monday feet, 2% inches. Since 1923. every graduating school this last week, after a trip; But not a drink from anyone. they will write themes on real and SSO Yard Relay-—Niles, first; class o f Buchanan high school has south with his parents. Blue, rose, gold and green, and orchid are the colors of these jacquard weave When Lindy got to Baris. imaginary subjects connected with Pierce, Manke, Clark, Parker.. rayon spreads in an attractive floral design. Double bed size, 80x105 inch, A issued: an. edition, of “The- Pines;” The- boys: and girls had an East­ the play. —• ——o------This means a lot of work on the er party Friday. They read Easter The Latin 9 classes are carving Creamery butter in cold stoi-age particularly good value at $2.95. part of the prominent members of stories, made: baskets; and, filled nzoleds of Roman temples, imple­ Canada bought nearly S38,000,- in Canada at one time' recently every senior class;. They labor them with candy eggs. ments, o f war, furniture, kitchen 000 worth of American shoes last had a total w-eight of 13,652,000 86x105 inch jacquard rayon spreads in-blue, gold, rose green and hard and long to make their an­ Easter furnished: the material utensils, etc., out o f soap. The Lat- 3--ear. pounds. nual better than all: the previous for our language and: drawing orchid, $3.95. ones. work. We made spring flowers, It is costing this year's class; chickens, and rabbits and. read and 80x108 inch tailored spreads of shimmery silky rayon, $5.95, about six hundred dollars to put wrote, Easter stories. 80x105 inch spread with “Cross of Tennessee” Pattern, $1.95, out the annual. Since “ The Pines" costs only $1.50, the- seniors have 3rd Grade-—-French to obtain a great amount of this Thelma, McKinzee entered, our money from other sources such as grade from Peoria, 111. Cottage Curtains Chiffon Voile basketball games and plays., We are- glad to have Dale Simp­ Labor, expense and time spent son back after an absence on ac­ kriss-kross fast-color on a year book are too much as count of measles. compared to, the result. There is We had a very nice, time at our no doubt: but that the Annuals, is­ Easter party Friday; We. made sued, by this, school are good ones,, our own Easter baskets and deco­ Why Carry $1.19 set 29c yd. hut because of: the enormous, cost, rated. them with colored eggs, then the work, involved, and the compar­ we filled them with: candy eggs a Here are two good values in new You can have the prettiest of sum-- atively small enrollment in the and. a. chocolate rabbit. curtains for your kitchen, bed rooms mer frocks for “almost nothing” if.V school, they ought to be discon­ We have nearly mastered the.- or summer cottage. The four-piece you use this soft chiffon voile in’ tinued in oncoming: years. Some tables of 9’s in Arithmetic and, are CURRENCY lovely prints and pastel colors— both cheaper substitute, such, as: a. spe­ able: to do rapid drill, work with cottage curtain sets, with tie-backs, cial senior paper, might be advis­ them. fast color and 40 inch wide, at just*'.. able. are cream color with smart coin dots 29c yd. Grade III—Simmons It fosters extravagance; promotes indulgence; in green, gold, blue or rose. They ‘Crowds!’ We have handed in: copies of all the capital 'letters in Palmer writ­ encourages prodigality ; may be lost. ^ are of ivory or ecru dotted mar­ Fast color prints, 36 inch, 22c yd. (Editor’s: note;. The following, ing;. quisette, 2 % yds. long, with .tie- Dimity and Batiste, 36 inch, 29c yd^l familiar essay was written by We are: having. Roman numer­ A check book is safer, more methodical, and Pique and Broadcloth, 36 inch, fast4 Kathryn ReedJ. als and 7's in Arithmetic. backs and. valance. color, 39c yd. When asked why I did. not like W e still maintain 100 per cent ,a crowd1 I replied:;. “They remind in thrift. tends toward thrift. Open a personal checking Gay Cretonne Crash, 36 in. 20c yd. me: of a mirror in my mother’s: account today. New spring-like Cretonnes, 29c and OTHER GOOD VALUES in mattres­ house—it is- in the. kitchen; it is. in, The- following- pupils have spell­ 39c yd. a brown frame; it is cheap and re­ ed all the words in their spelling V ses, blankets, shelf paper; sheeting,, minds me- of: a puddle of water. hooks, correctly; Bill Strayer; Ken­ Rayon Drapery Damask, 50 in., 95c pillow tubing,- outing flannel, pillows > W hy? Because, it has rivulets neth Herman, Bobby Habicht, .Bur­ across it and seems, like a puddle dette Walter; Lewis Fascoe; Lu-, yd. ' and comforts.- o f ripples,, with no object;—-just, cien. Depyl, Albert Backus;. Win­ THE BUCHANAN STATE BANK wavering one way and then anoth­ ston. Sands, Betty Ann Miller, er. Like a. secret, always rippling, Geneva Babcock, Beth -Sargent. Buchanan* Michigan Store Hours: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m; Sat. 9 a. m. to 9 p. ni. South Bend, Inti, differently; covering something;, t. Grade 3—Heim like a crowd: whose true feeling1 is' covered, and where, emotion rules, * Fifth Grade—Ekstrom — a. crowd wavers, is restless, is * Eleanor Richardson brought a. sea, is a. stormy- night-—then a- -some arbutus to school which was: GEORGE WYMAN & CO. puddle; if not by eye; then by the' picked near Michigan City. SOUTH BEND. thoughts that pass: through the. We have finished our work; minds of all those eddying drops.,’’ books for- the W. C. T. U. The i 1 . - ■' ■ THE BERRIEN COUNTS: RECORD THURSDAY APRIL 21, 1930.

from easy, as during the 28 years, he has C hubb____151 165. 17 S 191 duced during a certain, period of tices,,.,for producing first quality Ikm ie-tt (Emsuty Bkruri) been in congressional and senatorial ^ cam­ R oberts_____ 155 157 ,163 175 time. market lambs ’must be employed. paigns he has built up a powerful organiza­ Proud ______162, 182 139 5:33 Enrollments, in. the contest will Docking is one o f these require­ Total scratch‘pins, 216.5,; handi­ he. accepted; toy the. animal hus­ ments. HAYDEN and W. C. HAWES, Publishers. : tion. Republicans will not forgive the cap, 33; total pins, 2498; bandry department of Michigan Ill addition to Michigan State fight he made" against President Hoover in, Electric Shop State College or toy county agri­ College, the Michigan Farmer, the Entered, as second class matter November 20, 1919, the last presidential campaign, particularly D ill'ey___^ 165 . 161 110, 169, cultural agents until May 31. En­ Michigan Purebred Sheep Breed­ Buchanan, Michigan, under the, act of March 8, 1S79. because he was posing as a Republican, while McCracken _ 136, 173 167 476,: trants in ttoe contest must have ers. Association, and several De­ M erson ___ ._ 145 146 116 107 flocks of 20 or more ewes: Wl

George W . Norris from winning . another "will- ’gladly furnish "the.'state all the eleetric- A . ■: ‘jA election as^senator,. Tim task, yyill- be far . ity-it maykneed for warming.cha.irs.- PAGE. THREE- THURSDAY ABRIL 24, 193Q. THE BERRIEN eOUTSTTY RECORD ed States increased from -4-7tLjQ67 furniture, tables etc. There is a be closed the entire time. But one Mrs, Esther Winch Motor Transport to 615[000. Present construction guide furnished you who points to thing we notice here the same as all the objects of interest, and, on in Ireland, and. that is, almost . ^Answers; Query on*. Entering Field programs 'promise an even more leaying, you; pay him a sixpence. every Other building has a sign rapid increase in the near, future; $ over the door of Wines, Spirits, and every mile of improved high­ The O ld Timer’s Corns The" Botanic and Royal Zoologi­ Old Chandler Mill of Big Business way is a potential motor _coach etc. The better class of people are cal Gardens, at Dublin, are very and motor- truck route. I n ''lk e grand; perhaps, now, the finest in out of town to some of the many How Old is "Old?” fora they were born are the ones father in this place. It will be read At the beginning of 1928 the four- years preceding 1928; the with interest by “Frank’s" num­ the world,'Since the ones at Paris; watering places and the streets Editor o f: .the. Record: Whoa you ask someone,, anyone that made all these improvements and pqrks are thronged with the route mileage of common carrier number of: motor coaches, operated how old must a person he to be possible fo r them to enjoy. But erous friends: have .been destroyed. There are In. reply to Mr. Holmes’ question in the United States increased - The Queen's Hotel, Glasgow, plants, woods, animals etc., from working people and Lhe greater motor coach operations was about "old " their answer will alt depend, thev do not think of it that way portion of them, pretty full of concerning:- the data of . the Chand four ‘times: the mileage of electric from 53,000 to 86,000. upon, their own age, of course. If at all. They take things- for July 15th, 1871. every part of the world, all of lee saw mill. When able to write, rail u,ack oll mree-quarters of which live, with the exception of Scotclr whisky. It is their "4th Motor coach operation is—'Jast the person you ask is twenty years “granted”- and look upon us as Hear Father:—-I arrived in this) o f July" now and they are allow­ I am glad to tell:ell all I can of the the trackf mileage ^ of the steam old,, he or she, wall say that a per­ some one that docs not understand city; last evening, at 10 o’clock, i toafis and snakes; they will not. old dates and .times. Through becoming a part, of big business. ed tp do about as they please. railroads. At the end of 1928 com­ At the beginning o f 1929, 322 son is '‘old” at forty. I f they are how things are now-a-days. and since I last wrote you, (I trs-j Qtt teavjng, Belfast, last even- the early 1850's every summer day mon-carrier motor co.ach route- ten years old, then they will gay- lie va from Killarneyl 1 have bad a j jug- we took % steamer across St. W e shall leave here m the morn­ I passed the Chandler log yard on steam and electric railroads were As wo have passed along this ing- for Edinburgh and from thefc mileage -was more than seven one Is “old” at thirty. It seems same old road, we have seen the very pleasant time indeed.- Have [ George's .Channel, to a point where the west side of the river opposite times the mileage of electric rail­ operating 11,318 motor coaches that it usually rims about twenty to a few small places and then for the 'mill and dam. Logs were out phono, the lights, the air planes I visited all the points of interest in • the river Clyde commences, and London. Should you write mo, way track; or more than one and and 45. companies operated-- 22:65 years older than their own ages. the radio start fro®, nothing and [Ireland, such as old castles, Giants‘ from there hereby rail, over, por- from woods on that side of the one-quarter times the track mile­ per cent of-all; the; common-car­ I am at loss to know, tor sure, direct to Grand Hotel, Paris, as river and; towed across; to; the bucome a part of our every day[ Causeway, Dublin, Eeifast etc..'haps, one' of Urn most expensive we shall be there in three or four age of the steam, carriers. rier motor coaches of the" 'United- when or at what age a person is life. Mot forgetting the develop and am very glad to leave Ire- railways in the world. It is either mill. It was fun to run on the logs -1 weeks, From 1925 to 1929 the mileage States, "old.” Seems to me that the old ment of the auto. "All of the la- j land behind, as we have not seen through long,, dark tunnels: of a on our way to the log' school of surfaced highways in the Unit­ Mfg. & Indust. Record.*'’ rule of “three- score years and ten” bor saving devices1 that are com -1 a day without rain while; in the mile; or so. in length, or else over I am feelmg first-rate, never house on the Sherwood corner. better, flat four or five times a is, a pretty good rule,, and still I raon to housewives in this pres- j country. the top o f towns and. cities on The years ran on, so did the mill. 1 a If" Ml hae- seen men and; women at that ent age, mostly all, have come to [ 1 find all the available land to iron bridges, but they landed us day and take lots of exercise on Later I remember Ira Winch com­ age that were- fa r from being them during the life time o f m ost' bo in a high state of cultivation, safely in Scotland at the rate of foot and walker’s line. My love ing to our house and bargaming “Old"- and I have likewise seen of we “ old timers,” When we and the roads, by far, superior to 60 miles an hour. The track is to all. - to buy trees from mother on the them at much younger- ages that tell the youngsters of the plain old our own. The people, as a class, of endless steel rail and of course, Your affectionate son, west side of Moccasin Bluff, then had all the attributes of old age. fashioned days of our youth, are jolly, "good natured and witty. very firm, being on rook or iron. Frank. woods. He was for several, years It's not a pretty subject to con­ they look at us in wonder end W c all think we are leaving the With the window to our coach a partner in the saw mill. I knew Your EYES '" template at any rate. It is a think that it is our fault that wo pleasantest part o f our journey be­ closed, you. hear no noise, not even Growing of rubber plantations m the Chandler children through sort of sobering thought, at best. had to put up with the homely old hind, mid I am sure the conclu­ the whistle. One is obliged to look Sumatra has led to the estimate many years, but do not recall the We know that we have to come to things of our day. Mot so. We sion wo arrive at m America, as after trunks etc., all the time, as that with® two years the country old mill or the dam after the CivE that time sooner or later and we used the things that were- known regards poor, down-trodden Ire- the railroad is net responsile if will produce-13?,000 tons oi rub­ war began. ' and' O ur S ervice ” hope that we will not be a burden,> then for comfort and convenience, i land, is all b03h, they are lost. There are no busses ber, compared with the 1929 yield Esther Montague Winch, to any- one else, as our facultiesfaculties. . but it was up to the rising goner- \ BelfastBelfas is one of the finest which run from the hotels and 'of 81.000 tons. '1903 Taylor St., become less acute and our pow- ation to make the things possiMe [ cities wi..e visited, and Is great for most of these are run by land- Amarillo; Tex. ers of progress become dulled with tbat are now enjoyed as every day1 its manufactories of linen, etc. The f ladies, and in fact, the servants, In the 1929-30 budget Poland is —------n—---- — By Blackmoiid's cares and troubles,, but sooner or household essentials. I don’t "think [ streets are wide and clean and j waiters, etc., are gurls,, aiid men, following the pay-as-you-go meth­ Bermuda ships quantities of later we all have to: “face the mu­ that we were any the worse for | kept in splendid condition. The J ate Pi but little use only M- Ber­ od. Easter lilies to New York, sic” and make the- best we can of the Plain Old fashioned things we buildings throughout the qOuntry ters. Jewelry and Optical Store,' it. had," and to tell the troth, they are not as fine as at home, butj This morning, after breakfast There is always a spark o f hope I were in advance of the things our of a more substantial construe- we took carriages and visited the • 1,1 UUCSXXJMICSXKgXKPOCpema and trust in ourselves that makes fathers and mothers had when non- -all built of stone and the o r -! narks, Cathedral and the immense us feel that we, personally, are! thev were kids. So each grner- j namentod part quite heavy. AH the j ship building; the largest in Scot- - - - ’ • ’ ...... by the things that [cities _are o f this description, ex-j land. Here is where most of the Though You Se.e just the same as we used to be. j ation benefits _ „ . . .. ■"s. We know that we don’t care for 1 are left to them to enjoy by those l cep*. Behast, which 13 a city 01 ocean steamers, are built. All the ‘Wool Growers parks have statutes of Queens, many Of the things that we used ‘ whom the youngsters deem as old ■ brick; one brick is about equal to. You may not-do. so comfortably. That is, you may to-enjoy; and we are apt to want 1 fashioned and slow, ] two Oh curs and the joints bs- Princes, Sir Walter Scott and to rest a lot and take things m ore1 So, we as “old timers” cj-.i sit 1 t;v"[S?u arc .twice as large, other notables of ancient and mod­ see well and strain your eyes in doing- so. It is hard— ern times, and pronounced by ev­ f ATTENTIONS slowly, but that seems not a s ig n .b v and watch the parade pars I. ,5® , n'* 5t , , , P ; 7 erybody as being very fine, as In­ ft THE MICHIGAN T;tr Slates Gov'ernir.ent has- appointed for some to realize that seeing well is no proof that of age, but of better judgment,. along in the same way it m the largest oinldmg o. the kind | Special Agents to roce°e f° ° h «ARKETINO ASSOCIATION, their to us, personally. W e have a lot for those that wore old when w- -1 r‘“ ve cver •'?eeiJ‘ It is in the old deed they are. W e are seeing the glasses are not needed. But it is a fact. And much on S Growers who \v-h * V f ‘ ,e N»tion^ Wo°l M«nw« just Been: I cial Sale Price extraordinary savings. • picked. They trill never he so fresh’ again. The peas will never .■63* ■■S* be so firm, knuckled tight in their pods. . . . . nor the corn so 1 i d O l ( S i t tliese. bargains glistening and sweet midpr its silk. Shell the peas, husk the 1927 CHEVROLET COUPE—Jjist 1929 CHEVROLET "CABRIOLET corn, hustle them into the pot. Have all your vegetables at as clean as a pin inside and out, Fully reconditioned, wire wheels, with good, motor; new tires, bump­ bumpers. Spare tire; -numerous ex- their climax moment—-with a garden of your o w il ers, large steering wheel. .tras. See this .one • B i& f S$SC(Ye«r Berry’s purebred Seeds are eager to burst into growing! and 3-day special______$165 before you buy ------:------uiurdtj are fresh at the “store around the corner.” They are purebred 1927 ‘WHIPPET COACH—A real 1927 NASH SEDAN—In excellent yens' fisd/ bargain for 3 days only. Perfect shaped-tires new. This car. is fully — all their name says they are. Their parent-plants and grand­ condition. A demonstration -will ..-©r y a u r parents before them produced vegetables and flowers, that convince you of its fine, equipped, Ferry's, Golden approached perfection. What their parents were, these seeds performance-. Only _:___ i. $100 spare ■'tired. _____-;_ w! ^ m o n s y W ax Reans&hawa ir^lhisApnual am will-become; Use Eerry’s Seed Annual- to help you in selecting; fe .s s c k i ip good ymt itill £ 0 * If your Karitihemfos Query and to know of mulch paper, and new ways to cook vegetables. dinner. How can .for .£> they help bsiny For the Annual, write io D. M. Ferry’& Co., Detroit, Michigan, D E A i M broad, yellow and: tender? They ara ■Sljfor'IO c q n- n o 5* ■purebred- P. Sc-A GARDENER HAS NO SECOND CHANCE. PLANT. THE. BEST. Sample i/'suppjy you.. 'W: Blade.. 1O 0 ^ write direct 'M .U'M-Mm FROBAK GORPORAYieX ’RUSSELL.."ettE¥EOtEr"SAEEi 9. ... ■ Auteltrep Sattiy fe £56 FIRST AY£NU5 NSW YORK' - • — ’> y •"tr *-:;#^** ‘ A.: - ‘l- ’ - ^ tc * -1-' —— Buchanan,^Michigan- • ■ PA CE J O U R a s THE BERRIEN.. COUNTY, RECORD THURSDAY APRIL 24, 1930; ‘Electrtcal Control a 99 Having- successfully negotiated The. Jordan river has been ac- Weko ^eaeh Owner Inter.natT Cartoon Miss Jennie Shesdd, f f THAT LITTLE GAME Co., — By B. Link*] the 24 per cent grade of Signal counted the most crooked stream \ ^ 0 Be Installed > Plans Breakwater Hill, recognized as the hardest in the world: But it cannot com­ Daughter Pioneers, climb in the Long Beach, Calif., pare with the White river; Ark­ : * On' Pere Marquette To Save Property area, Studebaker’s Dynamic New ansas, which travels 1,000 miles Dies at Three Oaks Erskine ascended a 200-foot em­ in traversing a distance of 30 bankment of soft earth with a miles. * ^ ' “Centralized control”; by which A. breakwater- of solid oak, 150 Miss Jennie Shedd, 74, resident J e l l i n g GHtPS\ gradient of 35. per cent. - .------O’ ------7-. . lall; switches. wilL be electrically feet long and five feet, above the. of Three Oaks during her entire ——--—O-- —--!-* The California State Automobile operated from a central point,, is water1 level is to be erected at. IF l ‘S E T life, died Friday at her home there The land-service program' off a association reports that 13,000 \t0?be installed;, this: summer on the Weko Beach this year by Henry ‘ m o n e y p o R after an illness of only a week, Canadian railway calls for an ex­ miles of asbestos brake lining are jRjpte:Marque.tte. between New Buf- Weber, owner of the community ‘ t h e m apoplexy following a severe .attack penditure of $50,000,000. used in automobiles each year. falo^JaStl Riverside at a cost of playground there ,to. protect his of indigestion. She was the daugh­ '.SI(000,0.00, .according to? an. offi­ $20 ;000 investment. Weber erect­ ter off the, late Harry and Mary cial “-announcement from railway ed a: concrete1 building and, install­ -fr i E M 'C A S H 'E M Etta Shedd, early pioneers Of the. hgaa^uarters last. week,. The1 point ed playground apparatus there two township and was the last sur­ : of^cpntroh will be established in years ago, the lake water edge be­ 6 0 V F&OM.-ttfF, viving, member of her family. Her New. Buffalo, where an electric ing 250 feet away at that time. In •BANKBR.--J only brother, Sylvester Shedd, died ■Switchboard is to be installed. The the intervening time the water has two years, ago. The remains are switchboard is to be equipped with advanced, to a distance of twenty we has a h eaqx: to be buried in the private ceme­ MICHIGAN BELL a plan; of the track on which feet from the building and threat­ tery of the Shedd family on the lights travel up and down, show­ ened the place with destruction old homestead, now the; property ing the position, o f every train. during the March, storm. F o o t -i S H * of Mrs. Frank Martell. TELEPHONE CO. .Another part, of the plan is- the SoeeiESTroH :------=0------installation of switches', one and: a tH E BANKER'S ’> - half miles long at, intervals; of a Shawnee District mile:" Each end of these switches CAREFUL DIET T G R M 6 ■ ARE is. to be> connected: with, the main •‘STRICTLY CASH • line. By this arrangement a freight Owing to the weather fanners train may he automatically thrown REQUIRED BY are delayed , with their spring ■pn a. siding to permit a freight to: crops. Many have not sown oats g o by uninterrupted,, neither train yet. being forced to wait.. The- same GROWING CHICK Those who were Easter guests method: provides: for one train; at. the William Weaver home were ■passing the "other when. both, are VALUE MATURE BIRDS DE­ Mrs. Leah Weaver and sons, Dee ‘ ■going in the same direction: PENDS ON CAKE FIRST and Lazelle of Buchanan, Dr. Lan­ It is. further planned; to install FEW WEEKS caster and wife and daughter, 110 pound rails in place of the Harriet and sou, Billy of Chicago." present 90 pound rails to permit Mrs. William Weaver, who has of heavier traffic,, and to, cut down Although, the baby chick been visiting friends in Chicago the steep .grade: through the sand equipped, by nature to go through for the past week returned home — mut an ■hills at. the St. Joseph, waterworks. the first 72 hours; of its life with­ Saturday. T Preliminary surveys are already out feeding, the value of mature Ronald Weaver and Miss Mar­ extension telephone complete;. and the work is to: he birds is often; determined: by the garet Edison motored to Ann Ar­ kind and amounts of feed, which bor Sunday when the. latter will begun at'.once and finished in, the- they receive from the third day resume her work as a student at is more convenient—- early part of the summer, at an until their growth is completed,, the university. estimated, cost of $l>0QO;000. according to the poultry depart- ment at Michigan State College. -Waterylie.t Pioneer. A dry mash made up of 60 Extension tele­ pounds: of yellow corn meal,, 20 1 Passes Aw ay Friday pounds flour middlings, 10 pounds phones bring added dried milk, 5 pounds meat, scraps, EYES EXAMINED ■1 pounds bone meal and 1 pound of representing the best written in ing to statements of the soils de­ The promissory note dates back GLASSES FITTED * William Ray, SO, one of the old­ salt is recommended for use until each; of the 97 communities whose partment at Michigan State Col­ to 2,100 years before the birth of comfort and conve­ est; surviving settlers., of southwes­ the chicks are four weeks old. junior high school classes have lege. Christ and was invented by the tern Michigan, died Friday at the Plenty of feeding space should adopted the project as an April Fertilizer applications for corn' Babylonians. nience to your home home of bis son; George Ray of be provided, so the birds will have English class exercise. JVatervliet following an apoplec­ may be made with either a corn; a chance to eat, and the dishes on Further recognition will he giv­ planter or a grain drill, I f the1 by saying time and tic stroke of a week before. He which the mash is placed should be en the winning essays by the planter is used, 150 to 175 pounds hadflived, in Watervliet since child-* kept clean. After the first few: Michigan Tuberculosis Association, hood, making "Kis. home, with his per acre of fertilizer should be days, .the mash can be fed in hop­ which, will print the two first used. Applications of approxi­ steps and effort. §o*|since*the death of his wife pers to which the chicks have ac­ place papers in its publication, many'years ago. He had been a mately 250 pounds per acre'should' cess, at all tubes. “Michigan Out-of-Doors.” be made with the. grain drill. zealous democrat and very active The use of cod, liver oil as 2 to Call the telephone business in 'the- civic: -life of; Watervliet; a t The drill should be set quite ; 2bmfe “All Glasses Ground in 4! per cent of the ration aids early though never permitting his own chicks or those receiving little, sun­ deeply and all the hoes should pe Our Own Shop” office for additional in­ name to be used as candidate for CROPS RETURN permitted to run. This is Import­ light. Green feed should be sup­ ant, especially oh heavy soils DR. J. BURKE formation about extension office. plied; to chicks which are not run­ ( where phosphate fertilizers' Will For pyorrhea South; Bend, Indiana ( telephones in your home ning on range. work down into the soil if they are " Rugs should be cleaned with Scotch grain consisting off equal DIVIDENDS ON BUCHANAN Office open on the vacuum on both right and placed on the surface. parts of cracked corn and whole TUESDAYS wrong side. Then go over them wheat should be fed; after the The analyses to use for corn For prevention with a damp' cloth wrung out off .against gum infec­ at the Hotel Rex chicks are six to eight, weeks old. FERTILIZER COST vary with .the type of soil and the An Extension warm ammonia water. A mash which can be fed. until care it has had in previous years. tions, use Zonite, W. G. Bogardus, the birds, are ready to go in the ■MONEY SPENT ON- PLANT For light soils; in: poor condition, the new powerful Optometrist in charge Telephone laying house is made up of 60 FOOD RETURNED WITH use 4-16-4; on light soils in fair’ -•antiseptic. Also Costs Only pounds corn meal, 40 pounds bran, PROFIT. condition use 2-16*2 or 2-12-6; and guards against Established 1900 40 pounds ground oats, 30 pounds on good light soils use 2-16-2. colds, coughs and A F E W middlings, 10 pounds meat scraps, Although, a recent survey shows The heavier soils do not require more serious dis­ Dr. J. Burke HOTEL :§; pounds ground limestone, S that for every dollar’s w'ortli of fertilizers as high in nitrogen and eases of noee and GENTS pounds bone meal and 4 pounds of fertilizer used on corn, the farmers potash. The analyses recommend­ throat. Optometrist A D A Y charcoal. of the United States get a return ed for these soils are: poor heavy South Bend, Ind. ------—o------of $2,3$, only 24 per cent of; Michi­ soil, 2-16-2; fair heavy soil, 2-16-2 Winner Local Essay gan Corn growers use; fertilizer in or 0-20-0: and good heavy soil, producing a crop of corn, accord­ 0- 20- 0. SHEWN Contest to Compete IN THE REAST OF THE, LOOP -wrtrt NEW1 GARAGE: FOR; \YCUS CONVENIENCE For Michigan Prize ^ 1700 ROOMS The best paper written locally in. the essay contest “Protecting Health In Youth,” in progress at present in the seventh and eighth grades will be entered in a second contest which will determine the twelve best essays written in the ess Carbon D eposit state, according to announcement of the Michigan Tuberculosis As­ sociation. Cash awards totaling $25 will be ’ a common enough claim«*now given; to the winners o f this com­ petition by the American Business Club, Lansing. $10 will be award­ ed to the first place winner, $5 supported hy eviden ce SINGLE ROOM WITH' BATH:1 to, the second and SI each to the re a l writers, of the ten next best es­ says. Ninety-seven essays are eligible for the- state wide contest, DOUBLE ROOM, WITH BATH

R E X ALL 1c SALE Now On

W. N. BRODRICK A c tu a l a m o u n t s of carbon deposited The Rexall Store by 4 different oiisin 5 0 hour tests in the same motor: Carbon from New Iso-Vis Motor in the Red Rocket demonstrator * . learn what Oil at extreme right: fine performance this low-priced six provides

IN A PINCH Hail,the driver of the car with the EAS'Sl* SIMJSNG a n d 59KHVBNS RED ROCKET. Ask to ride in and — Pontiac’s riding ease-is increased drive this.New Series PontiacBigSix. by Lovejoy Hydraulic Shock Ab­ Learn what splendid performance sorbers* (standard equipment at no T A T o tic e the comparison between the amount have ->you a surplus, in. your Checking Account— Pontiac now provides. extra cost), and by large, comfortable -L of carbonformed by three premium-priced a- reserve upon which, you can fall back? You SFESSI5. a»S€E>U P. P O W E R — Fisher bodies,. Driving too is easier motor oils and New Iso-Vis on the right: have if you have been making full use of your ac- Pontiac’s high speed* quick pick'-up and safer due to Pontiac’s new steer­ In the high compression motor,this difference ■ count. < and abundant power for climbing are ing system acting on roller bearings in carbon is particularly important: It not only made possible byits sturdy 60-horse­ and its new non-glare windshield. means a difference In repair bills, but a notice­ power engine, with 200 cubic’inches A sk to drive .the car with: the R E D able difference in the way your car performs: By “full use” .we mean just this: To handle all piston displacement. It is the largest R O C K E T . O r come to our salesroom In addition, tests show this new oil resists ■' your funds through your account,-; and thus keep engine in any six of Pontiac’s price. and receive a special demonstration. dilution .and w ill not thin out in the crankcase. Its an-accurate record of all financial transactions. nW SUAt SMOOTH­ You’ll find this_ finer Pontiac an ex­ “body” is as heavy the day you drain it o ff as the A FAMOUSNAME P r o o f that - N ew J® NESS—This engine is ceptional “ buy” at its low price. To use this record in planning and carrying out a A FINER CAR Iso-Vis w illnot thin clay you put it in. This means greater protection also unusually smooth due outioyourcrankcase spending program that will hold expenditures un­ can be seen at any for your motor every mile you drive. to n ew ty p e rub ber P rices a re ,/. 6 . />.. Pontiac, Mich., plus delivery * Standard Oil serv- der income, and; thus permit the steady growth of charg'd!. Shock .absorbers standnrd^equiprricn t. New Iso-Vis also has what' engineers call a. mountings— a more rigid Bumpers arid spring c o v e r s at ■slight: extra dost. i ice station., Ask to Generali M otors Time Payment Plan available at \ see this interesting “wider viscosity range”: It stands up under in-- . a surplus in your account. W hy not make full crankcase— and the Har­ minimum-rate. r $ j Ball and Bottle Test: tense heat yet gives quick and effective lubrica­ Atr* use of your Checking Account, starting now— monic Balancer which Consider the delivered price aawellae thelist (/\o. b.)-price when, comparing automobile-values ... ; tion at low temperatures: and.be prepared for any “pinch?” overcomes torsional Pontiac delivered-prices include only: authorized charges for freight and delivery and the char go You can get New Iso-Vis from any Standard crankshaft vibration. ■for a n y a d d itio n a l a c c e ss o r ie s or-fin a n cin g desired . / Oil dealer or service station;

TH E N E W SERIES SOfa quart % msA M ) VP. sm New-Pglarine is ^ also affected ?ISO s¥ I S * * PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS t z t BODY BY FISHER k >• by. our new refining processes— The First National Bank giving:, it an efficiency-which is exceeded only by New Iso-Vis. • The, price is 25 cents a quart. - il-Ke-OldeihBaakrin Buchanan - BUCHANAN AUTO SALES7 da p! S T A N D A R D O i l , o mm. m l Indianil) Dewey Avenue Buchanan, Mich.
