Bath Industrial Museum o Standedge routeways o Li Michael Stratton o Heritage Lottery Awards o Publication Bath's industrial museum

MUSEUM FEATURE: this is the first in a series of In the absence of any movement from Bath articles featuring industrial museuns around the City Council to create a local authority museum of country. While Bath is renowned as a beautiful industry despite an appeal from Angus Buchanan, INDUSTRIAL Georgian city, the Bath lndustrial Heritage Trust the initiative passed to the small group saddled and its museum goes some way to address the with accommodating the collection of 70,000 ARCHAEOLOG balance by showing something of Bath's industrial objects and 250,000 documents prior to the NEWS 110 base. establishment of a museum centred on the collection. The decision had been taken to recreate Autumn 1999 Stuart Bunoughs the originalenvironment as closely as possible and thus a major requirement was a building with The Bath President Industrial Heritage Trust was formed in sufficient floor space to accommodate the room Dr Michael Hanison 1 976 in order to establish a museum to conect the recreations. \n1977, afteryears in store, Bath City 19 Sandles Close, The Ridings, Droitwich Spa WR9 8RB mistaken impression that Bath, as a cathedral city Council offered a former Real Tennis Court in the Vice-President ofthe South West, was bypassed by the convulsion northern part of the city centre for its Dr Marilyn Palmer of the industrialisation over the last 200 years. In accommodation. An anangement was made for khool of Archaeological Studies, The University, leicester [El 7RH the absence of a central museum of the history of the Bath Industrial Heritage Trust (BIHT) formed Bath, the museum has widened its role in recent Treasurel from the original enthusiasts to upkeep an historic Midrael Messenger years to concern itself not only with the working building while using it to display the collection in Itl4 lake Road EasL Roath Par( Cardiff CF2 5NQ heritage of the city but with its general social 'real space'. Acting Secretary history during this period. Although a museum at this stage concerned David Alderton In the late 1960s the general interest in with the larger picture of industrialisation of Bath 48 Quay Sueet Halesworth, Suffolk tPl9 8EY industrial archaeology in the Bristol region with was out of the question due to funding and lack of lA Review Editors luminaries such as Angus Buchanan, Kenneth local authority support the museum which opened Peter Neaverson and Dr Marilyn Palmer Hudson and Neil Cossons at work reflected 1 School of Archaeological Studies, The Univerity, Leicester was in 978 attempted in part to tell the tale. The firm LEl 7RH not only in the establishment of the Bristol estabf ished by J.B. Bowler in 1872, although lA ilervs Editol Industrial Archaeology Society (BlA5) but also in starting as a small brass foundry and domestic Dr Peter Stanier the saving in October I 969 of the stock in trade of engineering firm, had expanded by the 1880s to 49 Breach l-ane, Shaftesbury Dorset SP7 8LF the Bath firm of J.B. Bowler & Sons Ltd. The firm include a mineral water factory, heavy engineering Conference Secretary had closed in the late summer of 1969 when a repairs, property speculation, a boot and shoe shop Janet Graham small group of local enthusiasts, headed by interior and involvement with a slaughterhouse (adjoining 107 Haddenham Road, Leicester LE3 28G designer Russell Frears arranged for the purchase the mineral water factoryl) and a haberdashers Aff iliated Sodeties Offi cel of the contents the prior Gordon Knowles of factory buildings to shop. The firm later opened a garage and reflected 7 Squinels Green, Great Bookham, Leatherhead, Suney their demolition in 1972. Although the original in the large company archive is the story of a KT23 3LE intention had been to simply create a photographic company which head dealings with practically Sales fficer archive of the firm, discussion with Ernest Bowler, every other organisation, company (including pubs, Roger Ford grandson of the firm's founder, resulted in the breweries, railway companies, canal hauliers, etc, Bam Cottag€, Bridge Steet Bridgenorth, Shropshhe purchase wvl5 6AF of the contents for f2,000. and important residents in the city during its 97- Publicity Officel Anne Alderton 48 Quay Steet Haleswor$, Suffolk tP1 9 8Ey

Fieldwork and Recording Award Offi

Honorary Vice-Presidents Prof Angus Euchanan Sir Neil Cossons John Hume Stuart B. Smith

Council Members Dr V. Eeauchamp Dr R. i. M. Carr M. Coulter (co-opted) J. Crompton D. Eve (co-opted) G. Knowles H. Malaws (co-opted) A. Parkes J. Powell P. Saulter (co-opted) 5. Warburton C. Whittaker I. & M. Yoward (co-opted)

Liaison fficer lsabel Wilson AIA Office, School of Archaeological Studies, University of Leicester, Leicester LEI 7RH. t 0116 252 5337. Fax: 01 16 252 5005, e-mail: [email protected]


Aerial view of Bath Gas Works, July 1,950. From the collection of the Bath lndustrial Heritage Trust (see this page) The carbonating pump Photo: Bath lndustrial Heritaqe Trust at J. B. Bowler's mineral water factory, in 1969. A photograph from the Bowler Collection Photo: Bath lndustrial Heritage Trust

2 INDUSTRIAL ARCHAE)L)GY NEW| 1 10 year history. In other words, through examination the city's employment profile. Luckily, before the of the one firm saved from the many, a wider museum opened in 1 978, the technology picture could be explored as the city evolved and department of Bristol City Museum (becoming the documents from organisations long disappeared Bristol Industrial Museum also in 1978) had been survive amongst the bills and invoices. In addition collecting equipment and machinery from Bath and to reflecting on the commercial and industrial this material remains in store in Bristol. The transactions passing through the company the collection includes a stationary gas engine records also reflect on the predicament of rich and manufactured by Griffin, extraction equipment poor in the city as it struggled with public health from the Bath Gas Works, etc. ldeally BIHT would 'home', crisis, river flooding and wartime damage. like to loan some of this material back to its In addition, the anangements of the contents but at present there is little storage or display space of the original premises in Corn Street, Bath, had available. Temporary exhibitions with sponsorship attracted the eye of Russell Frears and others given from local industry address issues ignored by other that the firm had spent little on investment in the museums in the city. These have included issues company's plant or premises since the First World of oublic health, the slums district of the city, War. As a result the original factory was a museum epidemic outbreaks, industrial pollution as well as before there was a museum and the recreation of descriptions of specific local industry. the original ramshackle ambience was a crucial Although competition for visitors is keen in element in attracting visitors, etc. Without wanting Bath - there are 14 other museums in the city let to describe the Bowler displays as a 'shortcut' to a alone many other tourist attractions - the museum Built in Bath: Stothen & Pitt quayside qane supplied to Royal museum, the recreated interiors provided an has carved itself a niche partly through the Portbury Dock Photo: Bath lndustrial Heritage Trust attraction which proved itself very successful from undoubted charm of the Bowler displays and partly the start and allowed the BIHT, through the through its commitment to collect, preserve and proceeds, to explore more fully the other aspects explain the less attractive aspects of a city of the city's experience. renowned for its Georgian splendours' displays, the most Since the museum opened in September 1 978 As well as the museum ADVERTISE IN (and celebrates its 21 st birthday this autumn), the important documentary collections availbale for museum has collected despite a shortage of storage consultation include the Bowler Collection INDUSTRIAL space documentary records (both paper and oral (250,000 documents), Fullers Earth Collection recordings) on many aspects of Bath's working (1 00,000 documents), British Gas Collection ARCHAEOLOGY (40,000 heritage including its extractive (Bath Stone, Coal, (10,000 items), Stothert & Pitt Collection (300 NEWS Fuller's Earth, etc), manufacturing (heavy and light photographs and records), Harbutts plasticine engineering, textiles, plasticine(!), printing, etc), items) and many others. page details transport (railway, canal, river, road, etc) and Bath Industrial Heritage Centre, Camden See 8 for services, especially tourism or visitor-related Works, Julian Road, Bath BAI 2RH. t and Fax: activities, always the most important element in 01 225 31 8348.

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INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY NEWS 1 10 3 Routeways over Standedge Clough Reservoir. lt is lost beyond the summit but must have taken a line to Marsden similar to the later realignment of the Wakefield and Austerlands Bill Slatcher 58ft x 14ft) at Huddersfield. The canal was open Turnpike. to Marsden from the east and from the west to Despite being well supplied with reservoirs, the The activities of transport engineers and quarrymen Diggle by 1799, but the tunnel was not complete canal was often short of water. This was due to in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries have until 181 1. The engineer was Benjamin 0utram the mill owners of the Colne and Tame valleys left a fascinating, if conplicated clutter of with a local opportunist, Nicholas Brown, as ensuring the insertion into the enabling act of monuments on both sides of Standedge, where a resident surveyor. The canal cost over f400,000, restrictions concerning the abstraction from reduction in the elevation of the Pennine watershed of which the tunnel claimed fl60,000. The canal streams without comoensation. Reservoir water to about 1,320 feet betvveen the Colne and the is nearly 20 miles long, rising steeply to its summit was discharged into streams which were tapped Tame valleys has effectively channelled through 493ft and 42 locks to the Marsden end for canal needs. Thus there are few conduits or communica-tions between Huddersfield and and 338ft and 32 locks to Diggle from the east other feeder works on the canal, though the . The routeways are described in this and west respectively. Whilst the canal could not reservoirs themselves are well supplied with article, which was published rn the Yorkshire be called a financial success for its shareholders, it catchwater drains. There are ten reservoirs with a Archaeological Society Industrial History Section is said to have brought great benefits to the Tame nominal capacity of 323.5 million gallons, the most Newsletter No.48, Autunn 1998. and Colne valleys. lt was purchased by the spectacular is that at Slaithwaite with its 55-ft high Huddersfield & Manchester Railway & Canal Co. and 500-ft long earth dam. The Wakefield and Austerlands Trust was created '1758 under an Act of 1845 for fl83,700 partly in cash Three railway tunnels were built. Single bore in to turnpike the Yorkshire section of the and partly in shares in the new undertaking. Thus tunnels highway from Huddersfield to . At were made in 1846-49 and 1869-70, and it passed to the London & North Western Railway the twin bore tunnel was cut in 1890-94. All lie Austerlands on the county boundary, it met a Co. and was closed under the LMSR Act of 1944. parallel to and a little above the canaltunnel, which Lancashire turnpike of 1735. The alignment was The tunnel was the longest and most expensive is used to drain and essentially that of the pre-existing highway, ventilate them and was used in the country. lt was 5,436 yards long when built to move spoil from the headings during their widened and metalled to take wheeled traffic with and extended to 5,698 yards when the third railway construction. Though the 1845 Act supposedly greater convenience. Most of the road was laid tunnel was built in 1890-94. Outram's first plan protected the interests of canal users, the L&NWR out by John Metcalf of Knaresborough. The line of seems to have been to build the tunnel from shaft seems to have found ample excuse in repairs to the first turnpike left the modern road near headings as well as from each end, but in the event, the tunnel for temporary closures which diverted Longroyd Bridge (where it can be seen bearing left) whilst shafts were used for pumping and spoil traffic to their railway. Particularly irksome and passed by Crosland Moor and Blackmoorfoot were winding, all the work was done from the ends. In the long closures 1892-94 to Marsden. lt then passed to the east and south in during the I 796, fourteen pits were being sunk, one large and construction of the last railway tunnel. Most of the of Pule Hill, crossed the present road near Redbrook three small steam engines had been installed at great quantities of spoil found at both ends Reservoir and regained the modern alignment at of the their heads and preparations were being made to tunnels seem to have come from this last work. Bleak Hey Nook. lt was in the half mile to the west erect nine watenruheels for pumping and winding. explaining the limited surface disturbance over the of Mount Bar that Metcalf floated his road over a The large steam engine was at Redbrook Pit and line of the tunnels. Some of the surface works peat bog on bundles of compressed heather. The its house survives. Near the shafts at Pule Holes however may be attributed the speedily first realignment came about 1780 when the steep to there are remains of an engine house and what constructed first tunnel. grades from Marsden to Mount Bar and above appears to be a water channel perhaps to feed The approaches to the Standedge crossing are Bleak Hey Nook were eased. In the '1790s the road one of the watenruheels. This is a complicated site, relatively steep, and today the from Austerlands to the east of Delph was confused by the works of later railway tunnels and shuns them by taking a more evenly graded but realigned, Delph by-passed and New Delph then overlain by an incline from a quarry on Pule Edge. developed. more elevated route several miles to the north. At There was a horse path over the summit, part of Standedge, one railway tunnel is still in use, while The Metcalf line from Mount Bar to Standedge which is now Boat Lane from Diggle towards Brun work is planned to refurbish the canal tunnel. Foot, which was steep to the west and wet in the east, was eased by a new high route around I 81 5. The last major realignment from Huddersfield to Bleak Hey Nook came in the next two decades. A more or less level road was made from Huddersfield to Marsden along the side of the Colne Valley about 1820 replacing the higher line along the ridge to q S / /$ ..: --_ the south. From Marsden it was extended along a completely new line to Bleak Hey Nook through a -.-/.. summit cutting during 1834-39. Two hostelries, the Great Western and the Floating Light near the 24, summit provide an unexpected nautical connection. The Great Western is named after Brunel's ship and the Floating Light after a light- ship. The A62 trunk road from Huddersfield to Bleak Hey Nook is a widened but hardly regraded 14 t// // \z.r&\hncrfrelRo$---'- \ KEY version of this third and last realignment of the sdt.dsRd \ .-.- AUsERWosRom lddis|lMciTs turnpike. All three alignments can be seen from the top of Pule Hill near the Standedge summit.

The Huddersfield Canal was authorised in 1 794 to link the Ramsden Canal at Huddersfield to the Ashton Canal at Ashton-under-Lyne and provide a third water route between Liverpool and Hull. lt was the only narrow canal to penetrate the northern and always suffered from the inconvenience of a change of gauge (70ft x 7ft to Th e Standedge Crossi n gs

4 INDUSTRIAL AR1HAE)L)GY NEW| 110 A proposed limekiln typology

Following previous discussions at an lronbridge range of nomenclatures which (though charming) ongoing debate in the MPP focusses upon the Weekend, rn lA News and elsewhere, this anicle are a cause of great confusion to modern students evolutionary development of limekilns. That too attempts to iron-out the problems by suggesting (eg. clamp, pye and sow for one type of earthen has many positive features, especially for anyone new guidelines for a typology for the national study kiln). Secondly, the functional process of many early beginning their study. However, it still retains many of linekilns. kilns is not at all clear, particularly as to whether local nomenclatures and conveys the enoneous they were intermittent or continuous. lt is therefore idea of steady and progressive development. Whilst John Leach my belief, that only a suitable typology can make acknowledging their positive aspects, my argument the necessary kiln comparisons to enable wider against these typologies is that they are too heavily ln his work The Unbound Prometheus(1969),D.5. studies to begin, and that this typology, based based on local and subjective criteria. Landes considered that the extended use of mineral primarily on function, is the means to ask the Another of the 'plus points' referred to in raw materials, was one of the three defining factors necessary academic and practical questions. lt will Geoffrey Starmer's article is that typologies are of the Industrial Revolution. Although used for bring order to the debates and begin to shape the '...the study of types, which are classes of things many centuries, particularly in agriculture, the use future direction and requirements of limekiln having some common characteristics'. That is true, of lime in industry assisted the growth of the old research. but tends to obscure the need for the typology to manufactures (glass, iron, paper soap and tanning) The matter was considered by the AIA at be based on the differences between the common and permitted the development of new ones, such lronbridge in 1994, and the discussions summed types. To be robust the typology needs to be firmly as bleaching, chemicals and steel. In addition, the up by Geoffrey Starmer (/A News 92,2). The article based on objective differences, or criteria, and massive expansion of towns and cities was entirely concludes with three meaningful points about these alone. Local names and practices must not dependent upon the use of lime and chalk mortars, typologies and three dangers. The article is worth be lost, but recorded in local studies. The following until cement became widely available in the mid- reading and I concur with its findings. The 'plus typology (submitted to English Heritage as part of nineteenth century. Production still continues (for points' are too lengthy to discuss in detail, but are the MPP debate) is primarily based on function and pharmaceuticals, plastics etc), and this long use accepted in this article. One has already been is, I believe, a more objective approach. has left a legacy of limekilns of differing shapes considered - a typology 'gives order to study' and The typology proposed (Fig.l ) makes an initial and sizes, in rural, coastal and urban situations, is '...a tool in pursuing academic development'. division between the two fundamental functional in almost every locality in Britain. lt is therefore Currently there are two limekiln typologies - differences of limekiln design - whether the process surprising that the study of these important one in print and a second being proposed in English of calcination is intermittent or continuous. lt then structures has received relatively scant attention Heritage's Monument Protection Plan: the lime, sub-divides again as it considers, functionally, from archaeologists and historians. cement and plaster industries (MPP). The first, a whether the fuel was mixed with the limestone There are quite a number of important local local one. concerns kilns in Dorset (see IA News (mixed feed), fed at the point of burning (dual feed) studies, but very little which looks at limekilns on 92,3) andfocusses upon the drawing arch as'the or whether the heat alone, and not the fuel, was/ passed (separate This a regional or national basis. The reason for this I most prominent architectural feature'. For a s$listic is through to the stone feed), believe is the lack of a suitable tool (i.e. a typology) study the design and shape of the arch may well level of division in the typology also demonstrates which enables valid comparisons to be made be appropriate, and in a local study such as this it the'structuring Iof] data in sequence by between types of limekiln in one part of Britain, can be very useful, particularly when trying to considering changes through time' - the third of with those of another. Two main problems hinder identify local groupings and builders. However, I the plus points in Geoffery Starmer's criteria. their further study on a wider basis, First, until the believe that this approach is too limiting for wider The final division is based on structural design later nineteenth century, the industry (although studies. rather than function, and reflects the wide diversity extensive) was small scale. lsolation created a The typology being advanced within the of limekiln types. In this, the typology avoids

Continuous, horizontal separate feed kiln of the'De Witt' lntermiftent, mixed feed kiln, made from a natural declevity in the ground, near Taddington, Derbyshire (Type lMl ) design at Anberley, Sussex (Type CSj) Photo: lohn Leach Photo: John Leach

INDUSTRIALARCHAEOLOGYNEWS 110 5 ContinuoUs,verticaImixedfeedkilnofmasonrconstruction,Lindisfarne,Notthumberland(TypeCM2),ComparedtotheBoscastlekiln, more,pots,(orburningunits)Within.However,itisidenticalinfunctionandbasicstructure'5ize,appearanceandtheeconomicusage(i.e.tienumberof

matters photo: John Leach

Continuous, horizontal mixed feed kiln, of the 'Hoffman' design, at Harpur Hill, Derbyshire. Now denotished (Type CM6)

5 INDUSTRIALARCHAE2L)GYNEWs 110 Fig.l: Limekiln typology by function and structural design

Intermittent kilns [] Mixed feed kilns ilMl Natural declivity in ground lMl (includes periodic kilns) Vertical furnace (earthen) lM2 lincludes 'sod' & 'pudding pie' kilnsl Horseshoe (bricldmasonry lM3 Vertical furnace (brick/masonry) lM4 Vertical furnace (subterranean) lM5 lincludes'Norfolk' kilnsl Clamp lM6 [includes 'pye' & 'sow' kilns] Other lM7 Continuous, vertical mixed feed kiln ofmasonry construction, Boscastle,Cornwall.AttaditionalkilnsrT;::;r,r":;f Separate feed kilns [lS] Flare S1 I:/, lincludes 'pot' kilnsl Other superficial criteria. lt also recognises that it is not an exhaustive list of types, but provides the Continuous kilns [C] Mixed feed kilns [CM] Vertical furnace (earthen) cM1 framework for others to be classified with those of (includes draw & Vertical furnace (brick/masonry) cM2 running kilns) similar function and design. The abbreviations are Vertical furnace (metal) cM3 not strictly necessary, but may provide a useful Vertical furnace (twinshafts inside shorthand. With our limited understanding of one kiln) cM4 limekilns it might be argued that any typology is [includes'Dietzsch' kilns] premature, but to produce one now will provide a useful tool for much needed future studies. Horizontal furnace cM5 Unless one looks for some superficial feature, Horizontal furnace ('Hoffman') cM6 typologies of limekilns will not be easy to use in 0ther cM7 the field. Because this model has structure as its third category, it could be crudely used in reverse, feed kilns Vertical furnace cst Separate [CSl to postulate possible types, as well as raising kilns] [includes'Rumford' questions about process times and feeding Horizontal furnace cs2 methods. There is much data to be collected by Horizontal furnace ('De Witt' kilns) cs3 the field archaeologist, but this needs to be analysed in conjunction with historical research. Other cs4 The fundamental (and most difficult) question to Dual feed kilns [CD] Vertical furnace (conventional grate) cD1 be asked of any kiln is whether it is intermittent Iincludes'Brockham','Aalborg', or continuous. For early kilns, the present level of 'smidth' and 'Spencer & Ryan' kilnsl knowledge makes this is hard to assess, but criteria complements Vertical furnace (special grate) cD2 will be developed as research archaeological studies. This research however, Iincludes'Hauenschild','Cornet', 'Duchez','Candlot','Perpignani', needs to avoid local terminologies which often questions to be avoided. A 'Campbell' and 'Steige/ kilnsl allow the fundamental typology based primarily on function places these Vertical ring furnace cD3 questions in stark relief. Some kilns will (for lack kilns] Iincludes'Chaudiere' of historical data) never find their true place in the lnclined furnace typology, and will always remain the subjects of [includes'Rotary' kilns] local study. Other limekilns will take their place Horizontal furnace cD5 within the typology and become part of the corpus of national limekiln types. Horizontal furnace (Calcamatic) cD6 In conclusion therefore, I would argue that to cD7 Other promote the study of limekilns and limeburning on a regional and national basis there is an urgent Definitions: need for a robust typology. Secondly, I would argue drawn intermittently; ie. it is cooled before lntermittent kiln: one that is loaded, burnt and that the criteria for that typology must be objective drawing. and avoid (except for local studies) superficial Continuous kiln'. one that is loaded, burnt and drawn in a continuous process. elements. Here, archaeological study can only Mixed feed kiln.' one where the fuel and limestone/chalk are supplied down one shaft and achieve so much and must be complemented by burnt together. historical research. That has been the basis for the Duat feed kiln.' one where the fuel and limestone/chalk are supplied down adjoining shafts most successful studies to date. The typology that and burnt together. I have proposed is the result of consultation with yet be Separate feed kiln: one where the fuel supply and heat source are separate from the colleagues of an earlier model. lt may not limestone/cha lk. sufficiently refined, but I believe it provides the basic framework and I would welcome further Copyright: John Leach (May 1999) comment.


Reminder! Last AIA Office, School of The Archaeology of of the urban landscape of Bristol. lf opportunity to book for Archaeological Studies, University of Industrialisation you have not received details and a Leicester, University Road, Leicester booking form, please contact: AIA the 1999 Conference LEf 7RH. 8 01 16 252 5337, Fax Conference Liaison Officer, School of 0l 16 252 5002 or e-mail: A conference at Bristol University, on Archaeological Studies, University of '1999, AIA Conference, [email protected]. See us on the web at 14-16 October has oeen Leicester LEI 7RH. jointly Chatham, Kent Friday http:/www.twelveheads.demon. organised by the AIA and the Society for Post-Medieval Maifings ol lA News 10 - Sunday 12 Bookings will be taken up to Archaeology. Proposed lecture Did you receive your copy oI lndustrial Friday 3 September 1999. Bookings themes include, Thursday: September 1999 for Archaeology News 1?9back in May? will be handled by Tony and Mary 'perspectives on the archaeology There is much to see in the Kent and of We hope so, but due to certain Yoward up to 30 August 1999, but industrialisation' and'material south London area. And there are still mailing problems, it may be that please note any queries after that culture and social change'; for Friday: some places available! 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Topics covered will, as usual, be EDUCATION many and various and include paper, brewing, concrete, pumping engines, the dockyard, barges, paddle Surrey lectures Lectures at Kew Bridge Professional steamers, oast houses, railways, The Surrey Industrial History Group's A 22-meeting course'An Introduction powder mills, traction engines, Archaeology Courses 24th annual series of 11 lectures will to British Archaeology'with Dr Robert Napoleonic One- or two-day courses being run defences, windmills, begin on Thursday 5 October at the Carr is being held on Monday engineering, coal and iron and more! by University of Oxford Department University of Suney, Guildford, and afternoons beginning 27 September The seminar programme of Continuing Education between on continue at fortnightly intervals. 1999 at Kew Bridge Steam Museum, Friday l0 September covers current October 1 999 and June 2000 include Topics include early water turbines, Brentford. The course will explore lA research on topics in London publishing on the web, health and and the industrial history records, the gas with particular reference to Greater safety, planning and development, Thames estuary. industry, Dorothea Restorations, London, with walks and visits. Details conference aerial photography and of the Woolwich Arsenal, Kew Bridge Steam Enrolment and enquiries to: Anna programme photographing historic buildings. and a booking form have Museum and London Underground. Colloms, Executive Officer for been circulated. lf you haven't got Two survey weeks cover historic Details from Tony Stevens I 01483 Archaeology, Faculty of Continuing one or would like further buildings and earthworks. The cooies for 565375. or e-mail: a.h.thomas@ Education, Birkbeck College, 26 friends and/or colleagues, please courses, part of the Postgraduate The lectures are Russell Square, London WCIB 5DQ. contact: Diploma and Master of Studies in organised by S|GH which grew out C171 631 6627, e-mail: A Professional Archaeology, are open of an adult education course on [email protected] to all. For information contact: the industrial archaeology held at the Professional Archaeology Course University in 1975. The group has a Secretary, 0UDCE, 1 Wellington website at http://www.shs.suneycc. ADVERTISE Square, Oxford 0X1 2JA, I 01865 IN IA NEWS 270360. IA News reaches a wide readership through direct subscriptions, circulation to affiliated orgrniaations and use in libra,ries. Tbe ma,rket reached will be SITUATIONS attractive to publiehers, VACANT tour operatore, heritage consultants and visitor Bttractiona. Due to the commitments of the present incumbents, AIA will be Advertising rates rauge looking for a new SECRETARY and a new CONFE NCE from as little as €8O to €17O for a full page. SECRETARY at the next Annual General Meeting. David All proceeds contribute to give jobs the costs of the Newgletter Alderton can details of what the entail. We would also and the work of the like to compile a register of those members who are to Association which ie a willing Registered chaxity. trserts help in the administration of the Association. If you can help in naybe mailed with IA News at a charge of €2b. any way please contact David Alderton, 48 Quay Street, tr'or further detaila, contact Halesworth, tJre Editor. Suffolk IPl9 8EY, as soon as possible.


issues' Readers are encouraged to write to the Editor with their views on matters raised in lA News, or other current

loads could be pulled by how James Muspratt the much earlier Cassell's Engineer's which I would be glad of comments) What Handbook, which bears no date, but they wanted to use the beaches as many bullocks/horses through level I am researching the life and times certainly goes back to around 1900. free bits of road - no initial cost, no dry sand? How would this depend on of James Muspratt, alkali (diameter There are many references in it to upkeep! They may not have known the size of wheels and manufacturer and founder of the wrought iron, but the two entries for the lakes opened - in drought they width of rim)? British chemical industry. I have seen iron concern the cast canremainclosedforyears'Theroad Does any reader know of anY a short article in lndustrial malleable variety. Perhaps the term was used was built to transport farm produce situation in UK or elsewhere where Archaeology Review, uol lll, 96, but more generally in the 1870s. to Ulladulla, where it could be beaches were deliberately used as are there any readers who may be Ray Cobbett shipped to Sydney. The road was in part of an early road? able to give further information? | (Michael 15 Copford Road use for some decades, but I am not The archaeologists would be grateful for any contact. Billericay sure how many' In at least one Tracey and his wife Jennifer) think Mrs L Thomas Essex CMll 2DlJ traveller's tale, it was refened to as some marks they found in exPosed 21 Mount Street a drav track. bedrock at the foot of the ramp were Hurlstone Park A stone ramp was built to get the chisel marks, suggesting convicts NSW 2193 road down from one headland to the made the marks when making the Australia Riddle of the sands mouth of the lake just in front of our road, but | (with due respect) feel they e-nai I : jennythom@ asoft . com. au Here's a road riddle from New South cottage at BawleY. The are more likely the marks left bY the Wales. A road was built before 1837 archaeologists plan to dig near this, caterpillar tractors, taken down from Murramarang (2 miles south of to see how deep the foundations are, ramp in later years to oPen the lake (the men with Malleable iron Bawley, which is 150 miles south of and to see if they can confirm the lake was opened bY (1 shovels in the 1920s and '30s). The I read John Harrison's letter ('Dorman Sydney, on the coast) to Ulladulla 5 date. road was one of the earliest in the Long's Australian trusses', lA News miles north). lts route seems very When the lakes are closed, there Milton district. Murramarang was /09 9) with interest, but I wonder strange to us, as it crossed the are stretches of drY sand some through which settled about 1832, and convicts about his use of the term 'malleable mouths of five lakes. These are small hundred metres long were assigned to the settler to help iron' in connection with rails. In my as lakes go, and usually closed bY the drays or wagons must have been get place established. being experience, the term was used sand at the mouths. Heavy rain opens moved. We do not know what tYPes him the whether so early, it is almost certain the road exclusively for castings of white iron them, and later fine weather and of vehicle were used, or interested was not surveyed before work started that had been heat treated to remove moderate seas close them again. horses or bullocks. We are - | imagine the boss just said to the free carbon (the cause of brittleness These crossings could have been in trying to get some feel for what possible, I overseer'build a road to Ulladulla.' in untreated cast iron). Fifty years ago avoided by routing the road a couple would have been but Eruce Hamon I worked for a firm that used levers of miles inland. WhY was this not realise there are very many variables, get (there has [email protected] of (cast) malleable iron in the done? We can only guess: PerhaPs and we might not far wagon or construction of apparatus for water fears of ambush by aborigines, or been mention of a German term). treatment. The usage is confirmed in perhaps (and this is one Point on dray, but I do not recognise this

r;; By the time you read this London's most recent aeroprane G@ nn nn tr NT i:'J factory will have closed. This was at the Tate Gallery H\X':'i,'i: :filH5:JT:s Hj:';lllJl'l and made (or was to have made) rubber-band-powered flying model fascinatedbytechnology. Hemakesthepointthatmostpeoplehavealmost d plastic etc. A fascinating Airlines was to have turned e automatic Production line an intervention) and flY uP and round the gallery before landing on the floor by a gallery attendant and taken to a nearby sales point. craft, unlike motor cars, have seldom been really mass Ford had dreams of mass producing his tri-motor aeroplane prior to World War if made up of standard ll but this never came about.-Most recent aircrait (being very expensive) robotic produ ists gain inspiration from are essentially hand built in quite small numbers. components). tocunentarchaeological At the Tate Gallery the concept was to fill the available exhibition whatwedo.R is actually looking over our shoulders the space with flying model aeroplanes and then sell initi e close' ai a low price tolallery visitors. From American A rese factory is a real one, not a model of a factory, art work made reference to mass production and production in an ingenious and entertaining andcheapairlineflightstotheUnitedStates.Peoplewhoboughtthemodels and and were then seen with them in London would be an additional manner. Fiveortenyearsagowemighthaveexpectedsuchademonstration action at the science Museum, south Kensington (or advertisement. At the time of writing the not working production line in present venue indicates how much our culture satisfactorily and they are still tinkering wi ns have until even in Birmingham); the the fine arts. lf the Tate get their factory to work the 1g July to get it going. Using art termlnol is a 'work in has shifted towards progress.. general public are likely to find this new art work more exciting than ice (even if the melting is speeded up). For The aircraft factory art work entitled 'When Robots Rule: The Two minimalist bricks or melting 0171 887 8725' Minute Airplane Factory' is the conception of American artist Chris Burden further information telephone Robert Carr


Prince of Wales Helicopter first and there had been several falls, Museum Trust (fl8,000) blocking the passage supports lA Last year the Yorkshire Dales National for boats. Both Merseyside: Friends of Leasowe stone and brick had been used to line Lighthouse, Winal (f6,200) 'Making Heritage Industrial Buildings Park undertook the consolidation of the tunnel - some of the masonry was Merseyside: Southport Pier Work' was the title of a conference the Blakethwaite smelt mill in reported to be in remarkably good (f1,700,000) held in the Swindon railway works on Gunnerside Gill off Swaledale. condition but the survey found that Norfolk: Denver Windmill 26 April, where speakers included the Because of its remoteness from most ofthe unsupported rock needed (f378,000) Prince of Wales, Philip Lader (US suitable tracks, materials had to be stabilising. The rockbolting system of North Yorkshire: Pickering Ambassador), Howard Stringer lifted in by helicopter in what may be fixing rock back into the rock mass Station (f31 2,000) (Chairman, Sony Corporation of the first time this method nas oeen will be used in the renovation work, North Yorkshire: Settle-Carlisle America), J.W. Kaempfer (Chief used for conservation of an lA site (and perhaps together with the use of spray Railway, Settle (f42,000) Executive, BAA McArthurGlen, the the third time for any concrete. The removal of up to 2 Nottinghamshire: Mansfield developers of the factory outlet archaeological site). Work continues metres depth of silt is another Railway Station (f322,1 25) shopping centre in the Swindon in 1999. problem to be tackled. Oxfordshire: Oxford Bus railway workshops), Pam Alexander Because there was no towing Museum, Long Hanborough (Chief Executive, English Heritage), path, boats had to be legged (f1 and Fred Taggart (Director, through, 98,s00) Standedge Tunnel the average time for a passage being Shropshire: Coalbrookdale Regeneration Through Heritage). repairs four hours. When the tunnel is Project (f3,993,000) The conference was organised by navigable again, it is planned that South Yorkshire: Ken Hawley Regeneration Through Heritage, an A multi-million pound scheme, boats will be towed through by an Collection Trust 5heffield arm of Business in the Community, scheduled to last 92 weeks, is electric tug to cut exhaust emissions. (f1 20,000) which was set up by Prince Charles underway in West Yorkshire to repair The tunnel is regarded as a major Stoke-on-Trent City: Etruria some three years ago, to encourage and re-open Standedge Tunnel on the heritage structure and a monument Industrial Museum (f290,500) the re-use of buildings. In his speech, Huddersfield Narrow Canal. The 20- to the industrial revolution when men Stoke-on-Trent City: Gladstone the Prince cited examples of mile canal, opened in 181 1, is the toiled to create one of Britain's most Pottery Museum (f998,000) successful'flagship' developments shortest of three trans-Pennine significant engineering achieve- West Midlands: Severn Vallev such as Dean Clough Mills, Halifax, waterways and is currently being restored ments. The Standedge crossings are Railway, Aggborough Saltaire Mills, and of course the Great thanks mainly to funding by described on page 4. (f1,757,000) Western railway workshops at the Millennium Commission and West Sussex: Amberley Museum Swindon, while there are many lesser English Partnerships. Huddersfield (f20,300) projects equally deserving attention Canal Society volunteers started the Heritage Lottery Grants West Sussex: and praise. push for restoration 25 years ago and Heritage Lottery Fund Grants Weald & Downland Open Air Museum, Singleton The theme of the conference were later joined by British announced between 1 October 1998 (f1,0s8,000) echoed by all speakers was that Watenivays and Tameside, and 12 May 1999 include the West Yorkshire: Keighley Bus heritage sites can play a full part in and Oldham Councils. following projects in England, Wales Standedge Museum, Denholme (f20,500) the regeneration of run-down areas, Tunnel, from Marsden and Scotland: Conwy: Great Orme Tramway, where vision and willingness to take to Diggle was blasted through solid Cheshire: Quarry Bank Mill, Styal Llandudno (f961,000) risks can reap enormous benefits. rock using gunpowder. Excavations (f1 03,000) Flintshire: Greenfield Valley Park 'Partnership' between business, local were driven from both ends butfailed East Riding: Skidby Windmill Mills, Holywell (f331,900) authorities and other agencies was a to meet in a straight line, so the (f236,400) Gwynedd: Ffestiniog key word. tunnel has a bend because of an East Riding: Watenruays Museum, Railway alignment Trust (f375,000) Big business is at last taking a error of nearly 8 metres. Goole (f400,000) Powys: Newtown Textile positive view of the value of retaining The 5,200-metre tunnel took nearly East Sussex: Newhaven Fort Museum (f40,000) and not destroying heritage industrial 16 years to complete and was fraught (f750,000) Fife: Scottish Lime Centre, buildings in new developments, to with difficulties. There was a huge Hampshire: Hollycombe Working cost Charlestown (f282,000) give workers and visitors alike a sense in human lives. Steam Museum (f766,300) of value, history, pride in their town In 1 988 engineers from Ove Arup Kent: Kent Windmills restoration or workspace. Conversion/adaptation and Partners found that 40 per cent programme (seven) (f400,000) Witney mill plans may be more 30% more expensive of the tunnel had unsupported rock Leicestershire: Moira Furnace In Witney, Oxfordshire, recent plans (but not always) than new-build but have been put forward to redevelop the pay-off is seen in the resulting Woodford Mill (once Early's Blanket added-value of the scheme. Factory), respecting the setting of the Regeneration is deemed'good buildings in a project which includes business'and ifthe scheme is sound, 59 houses and flats with work units, everyone benefits and is happy - the a heritage trail and museum. developers (who risk their money), the workers, shoppers, general public and, of course, the historians and 1999 Civic Trust Awards industrial archaeologists ! Among the Special Awards Shortlist The Regeneration Through for 1999 were the following projects Heritage Handbook is soon to be of interest: Barbican Glassworks. published, billed 'how-to-do as a Plymouth; The River Skerne guide for community groups and Restoration Project, County Durham; v0luntary organisations aiming to re- Restored Landscape at Clee Hill use heritage industrial buildings for Quarry, Shropshire; Conversion of c0ntemporary economic and cultural Boughton Pumping Station, uses.' Nottinghamshire. Marsden Entrance to the Standedoe Tunnel Photo: Huddersfield Canal Sociew


Engineering Restoratlon and Heritage Consultants

Restoration and conservation of rolling stock, wind & watermills, engines, cast iron work, bandstands, lighthouses. Restoration and contemporary hydropower. Engineering displays. Museum collection Gathering of short boats at Shipley on the & Liverpool Cana[ May 1999 moves. Feasibility studies. Recording and Ph oto : I r itish W ate rways Conservation Plans. All work undertaken in-house by our experienced 2O-strong team UK and worldwide. 'Short' boat gathering Listed buildings and filter beds are British Waterways recently sponsored being decommissioned and the Recent projects include:20 T timber lock gates for Eastern Works, a Heritage Boats Festival on the where there are a British Watenruays; restoration and rebuild of 1786 number of fine beam engine houses, Yorkshire side of the Leeds & Boulton & Watt engine for National Museums of is likely to be opened up for limited Liverpool Canal, with weekend Scotland; interactive engine room diorama for housing development and Scottish events in April at Skipton and Bingley, Maritime Museum; restoration of electric loco E4 for finishing on the May Bank Holiday community use with improved access to the river as a conseouence. A Tyne & Wear Museums. weekend at Shipley. This saw a gathering of nine restored 'short' number of Focus Groups were set up Preserving our Industrial Heritage in June to consider different asoects boats, originally built especially for for future generations service on this canal; among them of the redevelopment in detail including was the 'Severn', the last short boat a Heritage & Railway Group 22-24 Carmyle Avenue, Foxley, Glasgow G32 8HJ (there operated on the canal by British was once a narrow gauge Waterways. Next year's event will be railway communicating with Tel: (0141) 763 0007 Fax: (0141) 763 0583 Kempton held at Burscough on the Leeds & Park Waterworks which E mail: [email protected] Liverpool Canal in Lancashire over used steam locomotives). For more the same May weekend. information or a copy of the Planning Report contact Sue Hargreaves at John Thompson and Partners, E 020 convened in November 1998 by rather than the present Grade ll. This, 7251 5135. Sedgemoor District Council to debate in turn, could lead the BIAS Brunel Prize to Robert Carr its future was well attended with both establishment of a programme of The Bristol lA Society established this national and local bodies restoration of this historically prize encourage in 1997 to represented. The unanimous feeling significant building. archaeological and other research Board house was a structural survey should be Brian Murless into, and the publication of work on, made, resulting perhaps in Castle John Board began exploiting the Lias the industrial archaeology of the House emerging as structure limestone near Dunball Wharf on the a Train flies again Bristol region. lt is awarded every two worthv Grade status River Parrett of ll* listed years and entries will be considered in Somerset during the The famous'Flying 5cotsman' 1840s. His early interest for publication in the 8/A5 Journal. in Portland locomotive, rescued from the cement resulted invitation to scrapheap Entries for the next prize should be in an and restored at a cost of display 1 public submitted by 31 August 2000 for the classical figures made from nearly f m, flew back into the the material eye on Sunday 4 July, 2001 competition. Furtherdetails can at the Great Exhibition steaming from be obtained from Mike Bone. of I 851. King's Cross to . The 250 Today, passengers paid 'Sunnyside', Avon Close, Keynsham, an unusual legacy of John are said to have is as Bristol BS18 1LQ. Board & Co. a building known f350 each for the privilege. The Castle House in Queen Street, locomotive, built in 1923, travelled Hampton Waterworks Bridgwater, which was at one time some two million miles durinq its the residence of the firm's founder service on the railways. redevelopment and the company office. lts Land at the large Hampton site to the co nstru ctr o n I nco rporates More stamps London becoming architectural west of is features in cement and Celebrating 1000 years of British redundant owing to changes in water concrete whilst internally the industry under the theme 'Workers' distribution technology. In May, a structure is supported by innovative Tales', stamps issued on 4 May 1999 Community Planning Weekend was systems of reinforcement. featured weaver's craft (19p), held give local residents an to Sadly, several initiatives to shipbuilding (44p) and mill towns opportunity of inspecting the site and restore and re-use Castle House have (26p), this last based on David to express an opinion on how been unsuccessful and the building Castle House, Bridgwater, photographed in Hockney's painting'5alts Mill, redevelopment might take place. has deteriorated. However, a meeting 1987 Photo: B. Murless Saltaire Yorks'.


The world of industrial archaeology there flowed a steady stream of Michael Stratton's distinguished diagnosed in January, and has lost one of its most forward- meticulously researched publications career at what by now had become remarkably, he had the courage and looking practitioners with the death, which was to be stemmed only by his the lronbridge Institute, where he had stamina to continue working on them at the age of only 45, of Michael death. He wrote numerous articles for progressed to Programme Director, as long as he was able. We Extend Stratton. learned journals - including this came to an end when he took uD a our deepest sympathy to his wife Michael John Stratton was born, Association's Review - on a variety position, in January 1995, at the Annabel, and his two young sons and went to school, at Barnet in of subjects, often connected with Institute of Advanced Architectural Andrew and Timothy. North London, where the proximity architectural ceramics. Together with Studies at the University of York. Many members of this of the east Coast main line was to Barrie Trinder and other Institute 0nce again, Michael's ability to Association will have their own fond engender in him a lifelong love of colleagues and students, he identify with his students was soon memories of Michael. I recall the railways, particularly the LNER and contributed to numerous reports for made apparent, and his occasion on which he was invited to Gresley's pacifics. Having gained four English Heritage and other administrative skills were much to the attend a pre-Conference Council 'A' levels, including one in art, he organisations - the one on Stanley fore during the subsequent meeting at Strathclyde University in took a degree in Geography at Mill in Gloucestershire being a incorporation of the lAAS into the 1985 to undergo a grilling as to why Durham University fron 1972-75, particularly fine example. In 1993, he Department of Archaeology, where the Institute was not, so the Council and followed this with MA's in published his first book The he was appointed Senior Lecturer in claimed, liaising closely enough with Victorian Studies at the University of Terracotta Revival, and this was to Conservation Studies. The the AlA. We decided to travel uD (1975-76) Leicester and in Town and be closely followed towards the end publications continued to appear, together and make something of a regional Planning at the University of of his lronbridge periodby British Car most notably Conservation of the short break of it. Needless to say, Sheffield (1976-78). In 1978 he Factories from 1896 (with Paul Railway Heritage (with Peter Burman, Michael's personal charm and embarked on a PhD on the Collins, 1 993) and lronbridge and the 1997) and the Batsford Book of professionalism soon silenced his Manufacture and Utilisation of Electric Revolution (1994). Michael lndustrial England (with Barrie critics at the meeting, and I was Architectural Terracotta and Faience was also much in demand as a Trinder, 1997). Michael was invited fortunate enough to enjoy a journey at the University of Aston, under the speaker both in the United Kingdom to deliver the Association's Rolt on the FortWilliam to Mallaig railway supervision of Jennifer Tann. and overseas; he regularly attended, memorial Lecture at the Newcastle line in the most delightful and In 1980. Michael was taken on and read papers at, the biennial Conference in 1997, and read an stimulating company, and as an as a Lecturer in the Deoartment of TICCIH conference, and went on more excellent paper on Steel and Concrete added bonus I had the best walking Economic & Social History at the than one study tour of the United Construction in the North of England tour of the architecture of Glasgow University of Birmingham, though States where his knowledge of from 1860-1939 (publication that anyone could hope for. We will little of his time was to be spent on terracotta and allied topics was pending). He had several projects all miss him greatly. the main campus at Edgbaston. He particularly valued. under way when his illness was John Powell was outstationed at lronbridge, where his particular brief was to make a success of the embryonic Institute of Industrial Archaeology, the brainchild of his Head of Department, Professor John Harris, and the Director of the lronbridge Gorge Museum, Neil (later Sir Neil) Cossons. Michael set about this task with great enthusiasm, his capacity for hard work and his personal charm winning over many of the doubters (including more than a few lukewarm members of this Association!) who thought it would never happen. He developed what was to be a long and fruitful partnership with the Institute's second resident lecturer, Barrie Trinder, and by the summer of 1 983 the first intake of students had completed their studies at lronbridge. Many more were to follow during the ensuing years, the hallmarks of the Institute being not only its high quality teaching and excellent field trips, but also a relaxed atmosphere where Michael and Barrie often became lasting friends of their students, as well as their mentors. 0nce the Institute was firmly established, Michael Stratton was able to devote more of his time and Michael Stratton (fifth fron right), as nany will remenber hin, passing on his knowledge and enthusiasm to students. The group, hon the his considerable energy to writing, Ironbridge lnstitute, has just reached the surface after an arduous underground tour of the now closed Hen Heath Cotliery in Stoke on frent. and from the mid-1980s onwards Photo: John Powell


Home Counties of the founder, closed the business. The south side of the market olace in Since then the'Arbery Building Wantage contains many buildings Preservation Trust' has been formed, DOROTHEA which, like the structures lining the and much support has been streets on a 'Wild West Town' movie forthcoming from individuals and set, are false-fronted. Georgian, or local businesses. An application has RESTORATIONS sometimes slightly later flat fronts, been made for a Lottery Grant, and it often with fake windows at third- is hoped that one part of the building LTD floor level, from street level ooscure will reopen selling Victorian style the sloping roofs of the buildings haberdashery, and another section Incorporating Ernest Hole (Engineers) of Sussex behind. Although in some cases the will be a 1930s theme shop. ground Remaining portions are earmarked floor shop facias are rather CONTRACTORSAND CONSALTANTS IN THE hideous, reflecting modern corporate for community use and craft CONSERVATION OF HISTORIC METALWORK, identities, many of the buildings workshops. Details of the project are MACHINERY contain considerable amounts of available from Elizabeth Lambert at AND WINDMATER MILLS Garston Close, sixteenth-century (sometimes earlier) Dunholme, Wantage, work, and the relationship of their 0x12 7AH. Recent contracts include designs for an atmospheric floor plans to the burgage plots of Not far from Wantage is the railway and a replica steam locomotive, restoration of the early town can be easily village of Charney Bassett where the l8C lead sculptures, repair and gilding of the Albert smallwatermill has for 20 years been identified. Memorial bronze decoration, conservation work on One such building is 'London the restoration project of the Vale of (working Thrbinia, Lion, Sans Pareil and Locomotion, and even House', adjacent to the nineteenth- White Horse lA Group on behalf 0xfordshire the restoration of an hydraulic catafalque! century 'Victoria Cross Gallery', and of County Council the Georgian 'Bear Hotel', the former who inherited the building and surrounding land from Berkshire in premises of Arbery & Son Ltd. The Over 100 man years expenence founder was a silk merchant who 1974). As I write there is some cause moved to Wantage from Wellington, for concern over the long-term Somerset. In 1894. John Nicholas ownership of the building, and the Northern Works: New Road, Whaley Bridge, via Stockport, Arbery, who had previously run the Group is currently having talks with Cheshire SK23 7JG. Contact: Dave Hodgson representatives its business with a Jesse Lay, as Lay & County about Tel: (01663) 133544 Fax: (01663) 734521 future. The adjacent miller's house Arbery, continued the enterprise as has already been sold as private John N. Arbery; later J.N. Arbery & a Southern Works: Riverside Business Park, St Annes Road, residence. Son. St. Annes Park. Bristol. BS4 4ED. Contact: Geoff Wallis A l91l advertisement for this In previous notes, I mentioned Tel: (0117) 9715337 Fax: (0117\9771677 remarkable small town draoers and the efforts being made to ensure outfitters mentions: linoleums, future publication of lhe Bedfordshire carpets mattings and rugs; lady's Magazine, which since 1947 had publicise millinery, costumes and rainproof done much to heritage. most active lA societies in Home groups coats, and mens, youths and boys Bedfordshire's industrial the from or individuals concerned ready to wear clothing and Sadly, issue 208, Spring 1999, was Counties region, has had a very with items of lA interest in 'Gentlemen's Tailoring'. Also, the last. lf you are interested in the positive year, with numerous field Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire 'Mourning Orders executed on the local history/family history, excursions and a steam-hauled rail for my next report. However, that 'The shortest notice.' archaeology, buildings etc of tour organised by Watercress does not rule out contributions from Under the Wantage brick Bedfordshire, please contact Ann Line'. Probably the Group's main Beds, Berks. and Oxon! Collett-White, Simla House, 34 Spring achievement has been the hosting of Phil Morris Georgian frontage is a fine Victorian cast-iron shopfront, with striking Road, Kempston, Bedford, MK42 8LP. the 5E Region lA Conference at (BIAG), 'barley sugar twist' window corner Berkshire lA Group Reading in April. West Midlands probably the largest and one of the I would particularly like hear posts. Still today, the first floor frosted to Bank Holiday Monday, 31 May, saw window panes advertise C05TUME5, the long-awaited opening of the MILLINERY, CORSETS, MANTLES. Midlands Metro, re-introducing tram Behind the Georgian brickwork is an travel to this region after a gap of L-shaoed timber-framed three- some 40 or 50 years. Southbound storeyed Elizabethan structure. passengers can join the Metro at a During the Second World War some new terminus adjacent to the main damage was sustained from the shopping area in Wolverhampton, movement of heavy traffic through from where it oroceeds over an the Market Place, but this was attractive new bridge and then, repaired under the watchful eye of intermingling with road traffic, along John Betjemen who then lived locally. the Bilston Road. After about a mile Many elderly Wantage people or so, it swings southwards off the still recall visits to the shop, and its road and joins the trackbed of the unique character, not least the former Great Western Railway route pneumatic tube system (sadly now from Wolverhampton Low Level to gone) which transferred change, Birmingham Snow Hill, where there notes and sales slios from counters is now a rejuvenated station with on all floors to the cashiers cubicle. cross-platform connections to In 1997, John Arbery, grandson Today, the appearance of Wantage's Arbery building is unchanged from this engraving Stourbridge, Stratford-on-Avon and


London Marylebone. There are 21 be remembered for her association new stations on the route, as with Greenfield Valley, near Holywell, opposed to nine during the British Flintshire, the early eighteenth- Railways era and, although the ride century copper works ofthe so-called will give the traveller glimpses of 'Copper King' Thomas Williams. canals, factories and industrial Diana's association with the site went

landscapes not seen from the roads, back to the early 1 970s when she was the oveniding impression is of just employed by the Welsh Development how much industry has disappeared Agency to undertake major from this traditional'metal-bashing' excavations as part of the area since passenger trains last reclamation scheme. This led to the traversed the line in the early I 970s. establishment of The Greenfield Still standing at the time of writing, Valley Heritage Park and her but about to be demolished, is the employment by Delyn Borough huge gasholder at Swan Village, Council as the park's resident which has been a landmark in this archaeologist. part of the Black Country for Greenfield with its complexes of generations. A years few ago, English The Swan Village gasholder, a landmark in the Elack Country for generations, which is shortly eighteenth-century brick buildings heritage raised the possibility of to disappear Photo: lohn Powell posed a very difficult and expensive possibly listing, and preserving, this conservation problem and being a structure but the suggestion was met in captivity, however. A steam hooter unveiled a plaque at the Parkside local authority site, funding problems with hostility by local residents. The is sounded at regular intervals at the Works site on 8 June to set in as soon as the initial WDA site willnow be redeveloped, though Blists Hill lronworks, lronbridge, to commemorate the significant role money had been used up. During the another attractive gasholder survives signify to visitors that rolling is about played by Armstrong-Siddeley in the 1980s and early 1990s, Diana was nearDy. to commence, as happened over the history of the city's motor industry. forced to witness the gradual decay A once common sound from the Easter weekend. 0n the Tuesday after John Powell of the original copper works industrial era was silenced forever in Easter, Fred Dibnah was at the buildings, while at the same time Kidderminster where the hooter - or museum to launch and sign copies Wales other, more popularist, developments to be more precise, the Bull steam of his book, which is a spin-off from lf there was a single event which took place within the Park; such as whistle - was heard for the last time the successful television series, seen dominated the news in 1997 it was the St Fagans-like reconstructions of on I 8 March. lt had sounded six times as rather simplistic by some, but the untimely demise of Diana, historic buildings from elsewhere in per day since I 882, and was a feature welcome nonetheless for spreading Princess of Wales. More relevantly, the area and the development of of everyday life not only for the many the word about industrial 1998 saw the tragic and untimely other attractions such as petting zoos, carpet factory workers, but also for archaeology to a wider audience. death from a brain haemorrhage of etc. the townspeople as a whole. In Coventry, Audrey Birmingham, another Diana - Diana Morgan. More Local government re- There are one or two such items grand-daughter of John Siddeley, than any other monument, Diana will organisation in '1996 eventually led to Diana having a wider responsibility REGIONAT CORRESPONDENTS for archaeology within the new Flintshire Coung Council (north east Wales is the only part of Wales to Please support your Regional Conespondent by sending relevant material which may be of interest to our readers. have local authority archaeologists). Region l: SCOTLAND Region 6: WATES Region 10: cREATER LONDON At the same time the advent of the Dr Miles Oglethorpe, Royal Stephen Grenter, 16 Ffordd Trem-y- Dr R.J.M. Can,127 Queen's Drive, Heritage Lottery Fund at last raised Commission on the Ancient and Foel, Parc Bryn Coch, Mold, Clwyd London N4 2BB the possibility of funding the Historical Monuments of Scotland, CH7 1 NG conservation of the copper works and Region 11: HOME COUNTIES John Sinclair House, 16 Bernard Region 7: WEST MIDLANDS Ortordshhe, Bedfordshire, Berkshire, she was quick to submit an Tenace, Edinburgh EH8 gNX S h ropsh i re, Staffo rdsh i re, West Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire application forthe now urgentworks. Region 2: IRELAND Midlands, Warwickshire, Hereford and Phil Monis, 71 Van Diemans Road, Tragically, it was at this point in Michael Coulter, Department of Worcester Stanford in the Vale, Oxon, SN7 8HW her career with Greenfield at last on Environment, Historic Monuments and John Powell, lronbridge Gorge the verge of Region 12:SOUTH EAST significant funding and Buildings, 5-33 Hill Street, Belfast 1 Museum Trust, The Wharfage, ENGI.AND with her secure as County Region NORTHERN lronbridge, Telford, Shropshire 3: ENGUND Hampshire and lsle of Wight, Suney, Archaeologist, that Diana fell ill and Cumbria, TF8 7AW Northumberland, Tyne and Sussex and Kent within two weeks had passed away. Wean Durham and Cleveland Region 8: EAST MIDIANDS Chris Shepheard, Rose Cottage, 22 To add to the loss, her post in Fred Brook, Hartland, Redburn. Derbyshire, Nottinghamsh ire, Ridgeway Hill Road, Farnham, Suney Flintshire is not to be filled and may Hexham, Northumberland NE47 7EA Lincolnshire, Leicestershire and GUg 815 even be scrapped, leaving a large Northamptonshire Region 4: YORKSHIRE AND area of north east Wales without in- '10 Region 13: WEST 0F ENGTAND HUMBERSIDE David Lyne, Somerville Road, Som ersel Avo n, G I ouceste rsh i re, house archaeological provision. Leicester LE3 2ET Notth, South and West Yorkshire. and Wiltshire and Dorset Thankfully, however, the HLF bid was Humberside Region 9: EAST ANGIIA Mike Bone, Sunnyside, Avon Close, successful and work will start soon Derek Bayliss, 30 Muskoka Avenue, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, Suffolk and Keynsham, Bristol BS18 1LQ to conserve the remains. The Bents Green, Sheffield Sl 1 7RL Essex Region 14: SOUTH WEST completion of the scheme will see a David Alderton, 48 Quay Street, Region 5: NORTH WEST ENGTAND lasting memorial to the life and works Halesworth, Suffolk lPl9 8EY ENG[AND Devon and Cornwall not only of Thomas Williams, but also La n cash i re, M erseys i de. G reater VACANT of Diana Morgan. We shall miss her Manchester and Cheshire a great deal. Mrs Edwina Alcock, 5 Friars Walk, Stephen Grenter Formby, Merseyside 137 4EU


Local Society and other periodicals received years ago to the greatest cotton spinning town and textile machinery manufacturer in the world. The book, with many illustrations, will be the Abstracts will appear in lndustrial Archaeology Review. substantive and accessible record of Oldham's past for the foreseeable future. BlAGscope, lssues 42 & 43, Spring & Summer 1999 (eds.) in BIAS lournal,3'1, 1999 Susan Lawrence & Mark Staniforth The Archaeology of Whaling IVo. 10 (The BW Monthly, March, April & MaY 1999 Southern Australia and New Zealand Special Publication Institute for Condensation (Newsletter of the Westonzoyland Engine Trust) April | 999 Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology & The Australian 1 99S) ISBN 875 495 22 3, 115pp, 107 ills, f 22'00. Conservation Bulletin, lssue 35, April 1 999 Maritime Archaeology, I settlement of FOCIJS on industrial archaeology (SU|AG), 52, June 1999 Whaling has been of great significance in the colonial papers are the result GLIAS Newsleffer, 180, 181 & 182, February, April & June 1999 Australia and New Zealand. The fifteen in this volume by Greenwich lndustrial History, Volume 2, lssues 2 & 3, April & May 1999 of a conference held in 1 997 in La Trobe University, Melbourne, sponsored Australia and tA: The lournal of the Society for lndustrial Archeology. Volume 24, the AWSANZ Project, The Archaeology of Whaling in Southern case studies and No.2, 1998 New Zealand. The papers comprise regional overviews, The Mundling Stick, Volume 5, No.1, Spring 1999 thematic studies in the archaeology of whaling. The NIAS tournal, Volume 24, Part 1, March 1999 years the Dome PHEW Newsleffet No.8l, March 1999 Mary Mills, Greenwich Marsh - The i00 before 100+ ills, f9.95 incl. p&p from Society for tndustrial Archeology Newsletter, Volume 27, No.4, Winter (M. Wright, 1999) ISBN 0 9535245 0 7, 240pp, M. Wright, 24 Humber Road, London 5E3 7LT. 1 998 the diverse Somerset lndustrial Archaeology Society Bulletin, No.80, April 1999 With all eyes now on the Millennium Dome, this book charts on the Greenwich peninsula, many forgotten or unrealised Suney lndustrial History Group Newsletter, Nos' 1 07, 1 08 & 1 09, January' industries once seen years development of Greenwich March & May 1999 by the public. Topics include the early and and the sea trade, soap Sussex lndustrial Archaeology Society Newsletter, No. 102, April 1999 Marsh, Enderby Wharf and the Atlantic cable, colliers (an 'immense factory on an ugly and TtCCtH Bulletin, Nos. 3 & 4, Winter 1998 & Summer 1999 manufacturing, patent stone works guns, barge and Trevithick Trust Newsletter, No.17, April 1999 pestiferous marsh'), Henry Bessemer's steel works, Blakeley (including 1870), the great Warp and Weft (Newsletter of the Stroudwater Textile Trust) lssue 1, May ship building the sailing clipper Blackadder in Gasworks, and many more small industries' 1 999 Greenwich Wind and Watermills, No.18, 1999 and the Built Yorkshi re Archaeology Society I ndustrial H istory Section N ewsl etter, Planning Policy Statement 6: Planning, Archaeology (DoE 66pp' No. 49, Spring 1999 Heritage for Northern lreland, 1999), Planning Policy Statements set out the policies of the DoE on particular llniversity lndustrial Archaeology Group lournal, No.7, Southampton aspects of land-use-planning in Northern lreland. This publication concerns articles on filming Cornish engines, 1998, ISSN 0967-3474.lssue containing policies for the protection and conservation of archaeological remains and industry, Twlord Waterworks, two pumping stations in Petersfield rubber features of the built heritage. lt embodies the Government's commitment to and the rise and decline of dry docks in the port of the Somerset wetlands, sustainable development and environmental stewardship' Southampton. Preserved Power: A Guide to Hampshire's Rural lndustrial Past Sussex lndustrial History: lournal of the Sussex lndustrial Archaeology (Hampshire County Council Museums Service, 1999) leaflet, free from Society, lssue 28, 199S, ISSN 0263 5151, 2.95' Articles include Brighton Hampshire Museums Service, Winchester. Railway Station, construction of South Heighton secret tunnels (HMS Forward), A useful A3-sized leaflet giving brief details on opening times and access Bevendean lsolation Hospital (Brighton), tank roads on the downs, and to nine industrial sites, including Botley Mills, Bursledon brickworks and Hastings early power suPPlY. windmill, Whitchurch silk mill, Chase Mill and Twyford watenruorks. All the sites offer and encourage interest in their educational resources. Short Notices and Books Received Book Launch Ken Andrews, Mr Bowler of Bath: Victorian entrepreneur and engineer (Author, 1998) ISBN 0 9534201 0 8, 96pp, 22 ills, f5'95. Surrey lndustrial History Group is launching a new book, Suney's lndustrial activities of the The author has used the Bowler Archive to chronicle the Past, at Dorking Christian Centre on Friday 29 October 1999. Everyone is Bowler family from 1872 to the closure in 1969 of their business making invited to meet the authors and members of the group before a brief A mineral waters, as well as the machinery for manufacturing the same. presentation about the book at 8pm. The book will be on sale at f12.95 at included. (see guide to the items in the Bath Industrial Heritage Centre is also the event. Copies can be ordered from John Mills, 35 Trotsworth Avenue, page 2). Virgina Water, GU25 4AN, enclosing a cheque lor f12.95 payable to 'SIHG'.

Wayne Cocroft, Dangerous Energy: The archaeology of gunpowder and mititary explosives manufacture (English Heritage, 1999) ISBN 'l 85074 718 0, f45. Anne Jones Booksearch Service This book provides for the first time, an overview of the sites and monuments associated with the manufacture of gunpowder, propellants and 'Bryher' Barncoose Terrace high explosives for mili erously illustrated Redruth, Cornwall TR15 3EP text drawing on surviv it documents site Telephone 01209 211180 layouts, building types, ns networks of an industry fundamental ation state in an A selection ofsecondhand and out ofprint books for sale international arena. A gazefteer contains 385 sites. Industrial Archaeology:- Canals, Railways, Bridges, early Engineers, Steam and Engineering interest Brian Law, Oldham Brave Otdham; A Reflective History of a Determined Please phone or write for list (Oldham Council, 1999) ISBN 0 902809490 350pp' 350 ills, f25 Borough Free book search also available hardback or fl 5 softback. on request As part of Oldham's 1 50th Anniversary Celebrations, this book captures Details the essence of a town which developed from 40 houses and two pubs 250


27-29 August 1999 1O-17 September 1999 9 October 1999 landscape and products. Hosted by THE ENVIRONMENTAT AIA ANNUAT CONFERENCE THIRD WATERWAYS Northamptonshire lA Group and lA ARCHAEOLOGY OF 1999 HISTORY CONFERENCE section of University College, INDUSTRY at Chatham, Kent. Details are given at Birmingham Central Library, Northampton. For details, send SAE at the University of Suney, Guildford, on the AIA News page inside this organised by the National Watenivays to: Mrs Susan Ranson, Gordons annual conference of Association of r55Ue. Museum and the Railway & Canal Lodge, Ashton, Northampton, NN7 Environmental Archaeologists. To Historical Society, to follow up the 22-28 September 1999 ZJP. focus attention on environmental progress made previous ECONOMIC STRUCTURE IN with aspects of past industry - including CHANGE, INDUSTRIAL conferences and to concentrate on any process involving the use of HERITAGE IN DANGER steps leading to publication alongside organic raw materials - aiming to at Budapest and Miskolc, conference case studies and histories. For further bridge the gap between industrial which will focus mainly on mining information, booking forms and and environmental archaeology. and metallurgical heritage, with offers of papers, contact Judy Papers are invited on aspects of the lnfornation for ilrc diary shwld fu sent support ofTlCClH. For details, contact Wootton, The National Watenruays bio- and geoarchaeology of all kinds dirxdy to he Edhw a s;oon as it is avail- Gyorgyi Nemeth, University of Museum, Llanthony Warehouse, of industry. Please send enquiries to able. Datu of nailing and last dates for Miskolc, Department of Hungarian Gloucester Docks, Gloucester GL1 Patricia Wiltshire (p.wilthire@ rxeipt of cog are givu below. ftens History, H-3515 Miskolc- 2EH. 8 01452 318053. Peter Murphy will normally Epear in successive isues or Egyetemvaros, Hungary, e-mail: ([email protected]). 14- 16 October 1999 up to he date of he event. Please en- [email protected] THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF sure fuhils are smt in if you wish your 7-10 September 1999 INDUSTRIALISATION 2 October 1999 event to fu advised, PRESERVATION OF THE WANHS INDUSTRIAL at Bristol University, joint conference ENGINEERING HERITAGE: ARCHAEOLOGY organised by the AIA and the Society GDANSK OUTTOOK 2OOO CONFERENCE for Post-Medieval Archaeology. the third conference on industrial at the Wharf Theatre, Devizes, Details are given on the AIA News history to be held at the Technical organised by the Wiltshire page inside this issue. University. Their home page is at: Archaeological & Natural History pehgo2 000/ 16 October 1999 Society, topics including museums, For details contact International EMIAC 58: THE canals, limekilns, civil engineering, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE Conference Preservation of the wind engines and street furniture. FOOTWEAR WORKER Engineering Heritage - Gdansk Details from lA Symposium, Devizes at Avenue Campus, University Outlook 2000, Secretary, Waldemar INDUSTRIAT ARCHAEOLOGY NEWS Museum, 41 Long Street, Devizes, College, Northampton, to explore the Affelt, Wydxial Budownictwa (formerly AIA Eulletin ISSN 0309-0051) Wiltshire 5N101NS. social dimension of the footwear Ladowego, Politechnika Gdanska, ul. rSsN 1354-1455 industry in Northamptonshire, with G. Narutowicza 11112. 80-952 afternoon exploration of the footwear Editor: Dr Peter Stanier Gdansk. Poland.

Published by the Association for lndustrial Archaeology. Contributions should be sent to the Editor, Dr Peter Stanier, 49 Breach Lane, ihaftesbury, Dorset 5P7 8LF. News and press releases may be sent to the Editor or the appropriate AIA Regional Correspondents. The Editor nay be telephoned on 01747 854707.

Final copy dates are as follows:

30 March for May mailing 30 June for August mailing 30 September for November mailing 30 December for February mailing

The AIA was established in 1973 to promote the study of lndustrial Archaeology and encourage improved standards of recording, research, conservation and publication. lt aims to assist and support regional and specialist survey groups and bodies involved in the preservation of industrial monuments, to represent the interests of lndustrial Archaeology at national level, to hold conferences and seminars and to oublish the results of research. The AIA publishes an annual Review and quarterly News bulletin. Fufther details nay be obtained from the Liaison 0fficer, AIA Office. School of Archaeological Studies, University of Leicester, Leicester LEI 7RH. 80116 252 5337 Fax: 0ll6 252 5005.

The views exoressed in this bulletin are not necessarily those of the Association for Industrial Archaeology.

16 @ Association for lndustrial Archaeology, August 1999

Pre-press origination by TBC Electronic Publishing, Shaftesbury, Do6et Printed by Graphikon, Gillingham, Do6et