State of Nature 2016 STATE OF NATURE 2016: WALES

rom coastal , rocky shores and offshore Wales has a deserved reputation for its inherent sense of islands, through oak woods and pastures, up to peat wildness. But when you explore more closely, its stunning The wider context Fmoorlands and high mountains, the Welsh landscape landscapes, coastlines and sea cannot completely mask the is made up of a rich mosaic of habitats, despite being fact that there have been considerable changes in Welsh his report is a companion to the State of Nature 2016 This assessment of the degradation of natural ecosystems predominantly farmed. wildlife in recent decades, as shown by the measures we report, which makes an assessment of the fortunes should, in fact, come as no great surprise given what we present in this report. Wales is thought to be home to over Tof wildlife across the UK, its Crown Dependencies and know of the loss of wildlife-rich habitat before we were able The varied and the wet climate for which 50,000 species1, but the diversity of species and the extent Overseas Territories. We encourage readers to refer to that to assess the state of nature using the measures presented it is renowned, has enabled an abundance of bryophytes of natural and semi-natural habitats has declined markedly, report (available online at for in this report. Little of this earlier loss has been quantified, (mosses and liverworts), lichens and fungi to thrive here. with many culturally and ecologically important species the wider context within which the state of nature in Wales, and that which has, has usually been measured at a UK scale. In fact, Wales supports the highest diversity of bryophytes disappearing completely. the pressures acting upon that nature, and the conservation However, there is evidence that demonstrates some of the in the UK. The terrestrial habitats of Wales are home to a responses required to help it, should be considered. past impacts upon Welsh habitats. The facts are stark: variety of flora and fauna, including species that are not Despite the long-standing interest in nature in Wales, it Furthermore, our ability to measure change in nature is found elsewhere in the UK. These include striking wild is only recently that systematic monitoring has enabled better at a UK scale – we can draw upon a greater volume 90% of lowland grassland has been “improved” since flowers such as the Radnor lily, the spotted rock-rose and changes in species’ populations to be measured, and only for of data, for more species and from more sources, as most the 1930s, resulting in the loss of the specialist wildlife the lily. The latter is a vulnerable Arctic-alpine a small proportion of species. Data are lacking for a number biological monitoring and recording is conducted at the that semi-natural grasslands support3. species of cold, north-facing slopes in . of groups, including non-vascular plants, amphibians and UK level. reptiles, and moths. Marine species are considered at a UK Although woodland cover tripled over the 20th century, Having a large tidal range and being situated at the boundary level and are included in the State of Nature 2016 UK report. That said, this State of Nature 2016: Wales report represents this was from an all-time low. Only 12% of woodland of three oceanic climate zones means that Wales’ seas are In this report, we are able to draw upon measures of change a step forward in our ability to report on Wales’ biodiversity. in Wales is ancient and semi-natural, and much of it is rich in marine life. For example, hosts one of for vascular plants, birds, butterflies and mammals. Since the first report was published back in 2013, we have degraded and fragmented. Coppicing has disappeared just two semi-resident populations of bottlenose dolphins developed new country-specific metrics of change for all of as a form of management3. in Britain. Risso’s and common dolphins are also found in Well-planned, targeted and sufficiently resourced the UK’s four nations. The new Welsh measures, presented Welsh waters. conservation action can turn around the fortunes of our alongside existing national biodiversity indicators and Between the 1940s and late 1980s, 44% of upland wildlife. Throughout this report we showcase conservation alongside UK metrics, improve our understanding of how heathland (including dry heath and wet heath) was lost, Around the coast, seagrass beds, honeycomb worm reefs and projects that are addressing some of the key threats and Wales’ nature has changed, and the scale of the challenge mainly as a result of agricultural “improvement” and horse mussel reefs create complex habitats, which support problems facing Welsh wildlife, and that are fine examples that faces us. afforestation, predominantly with Sitka spruce and larch4. high levels of associated biodiversity, including species like of how partnership projects are bringing nature back at a the heart urchin. Onshore, Wales’ internationally important range of scales. A look back Across Wales, approximately 12% of former floodplain seabird colonies are truly spectacular, with the Pembrokeshire A new, objective approach to measuring the depletion and coastal levels habitats have now been built on, islands of Skomer and Skokholm holding more than half the For guidance on how to understand the graphs and results of nature compared to natural, undamaged ecosystems and a significant proportion of the rest has been heavily world’s population of Manx shearwaters. presented in this report, please turn to pages 20–21. is featured in the UK report. National measures of the modified by years of fertiliser use. Biodiversity Intactness Index (BII) provide us with one way to assess the extent of the loss of nature due to Around its coasts, Wales still has wonderful, wildlife-rich human activities going back centuries2. It has been systems (see page 15), but it is likely that around suggested that BII values below 90% indicate that 30% of the sand dune area has been lost since 19003. ecosystems may have fallen below the point at which Over the long term, 57% of vascular plant species declined and 43% increased. they can reliably meet society’s needs. Therefore the value Hence, while State of Nature 2016: Wales focuses on recent for Wales – 82.8% – gives great cause for concern; of the and ongoing change, it should be remembered that there This pattern was unchanged over the short term. 218 countries for which BII values have been calculated, were dramatic changes prior to this. All the evidence suggests Wales is ranked 49th from the bottom. This puts Wales that the starting “baseline” used for the measures in this 60% of butterfly species declined and 40% increased over the long term, in the lowest fifth of all the countries analysed. report is that of a country already much poorer in nature. while over the short term, 37% of species declined and 63% increased.

Over the long term, 40% of bird species declined and 60% increased. Over the short term, 58% of species declined and 42% increased.

Over 5,000 of the species that are known to occur in Wales have been assessed using modern Red List criteria. 354 (7%) of these are at risk of extinction from Great Britain. Guy Rogers (

These measures are available for the first time because of the dedicated work of expert volunteers. It is largely thanks to their efforts, and the role of the organisations supporting them, that we are able to chart how our nature is faring.

Wales has lost 30% of its sand dunes since 1900


Key findings Rigid apple moss is Critically Endangered Welsh Red List analysis

e show trends in Welsh species over the long term (around 1970 to 2013) and the short term (2002 to 2013). It is ed Lists attempt to identify species at risk of important to bear in mind that all the evidence suggests that the starting “baseline” used for these measures is that extinction, using a standardised approach that allows Wof a country already much poorer in nature. These measures were based on quantitative trends in either abundance Rfor comparison across species and geographic regions. or distribution for 1,026 terrestrial and freshwater species. Guidance on how to interpret them is given on pages 20–21. All species (5,221) Trends in the abundance and distribution of species

Long term (1970–2013) Short term (2002–2013) Plants (1,946)

Vascular plants (920) (920) Butterflies (30) (30) Invertebrates (1,971) Birds (76) (76)

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Fungi and lichens (1,304) Percentage of species Percentage of species

Strong decrease Moderate decrease Little change Moderate increase Strong increase 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Figure 1 Percentage of species The percentage of species in each trend category over the long term and the short term. The line in the “little change” category shows the division between declining species on the left, and increasing species on the right. The values in brackets show the number of species assessed. Extinct Critically Endangered Endangered Vulnerable Near Threatened Data Deficient Least Concern We have quantitative assessments of the change in population or distribution for terrestrial and freshwater species across three taxonomic groups: birds, butterflies and vascular plants. Figure 3 The percentage of species in each risk category, across all species Over the long term, 57% of vascular plant species declined and 43% increased. Among these, 46% assessed (top bar) and by broad taxonomic group, based on the likelihood of extinction from Great Britain. Species considered showed strong or moderate declines, 24% showed little change, and 30% showed strong or moderate threatened with extinction from Great Britain are those classified increases. This pattern was unchanged over the short term. as Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable in the latest IUCN Red List assessments. 60% of butterfly species declined and 40% increased over the long term. Among these, 27% showed strong or moderate declines, 56% showed little change, and 17% showed strong or moderate increases. Of the 5,221 species in Wales that were Over the short term, 37% of species declined and 63% increased. assessed using modern Red List criteria, 354 (7%) are thought to be at risk of extinction Over the long term, 40% of bird species declined and 60% increased. Among these, 21% showed from Great Britain. This includes 10% of plants, strong or moderate declines, 39% showed little change, and 40% showed strong or moderate increases. 5% of invertebrates and 6% of fungi and lichens. Over the short term, 58% of species declined and 42% increased. Of those species, 14 (<1%) are known to have gone extinct from Great Britain, including four 180 Wintering waterbirds Over the long term, the indicator of butterflies lichens and three butterfly species. 160 Breeding birds declined by 31%, whereas over the short term it Butterflies 140 Bats increased by 18%. The recent Birds of Conservation Concern Wales 6 120 3 assessment , which used different criteria from Two indicators are shown for birds. The indicator IUCN Red Lists, assessed 213 bird species that 100 of breeding birds has increased by 14% since occur regularly in Wales. 54 of these species 80 1986, while the indicator of wintering waterbirds (25%) were red-listed. 60 has increased by 3% since 1975.

Index (1975 = 100) The Red List has grown by eight since the last 40 The indicator for six common bat species review in 2009, and there are more birds of upland 20 has increased by 40% since 1997 and by 25% and upland margins on the Red Lists than from 0 since 2002. Photoshot/Mauritius Images any other habitat. Whinchats and merlins are the 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 latest additions. Year The only other mammal for which suitable data Figure 2 are available is the polecat. Polecats have been This assessment highlights the differences between An index of change in the abundance of 30 butterfly species surveyed twice in Wales over the period of our the state of some species in Wales when compared (red) from 1976–2013; 34 wintering waterbird species (blue) from report and show a 39% increase in abundance to the UK. For example, golden plovers and choughs 1975–2013; 52 breeding bird species, including 47 terrestrial species 5 and 5 seabirds (yellow) from 1986–2013; and 6 common bat species between 1994 and 2005 . are on the Green List at a UK level, but remain on (green) from 1997–2013. the Red and Amber lists in Wales, respectively.


Summary of UK key findings

ince the first State of Nature report was published in 2013, substantial effort has been made to improve our ability to All species (7,964) report on how wildlife is faring across Wales and the rest of the UK. Here we present a summary of the UK findings Summer lady’s-tresses is extinct in the UK Sto add further context to the Wales-specific results in the rest of the report. These measures were based on quantitative trends in either abundance or distribution for 3,816 terrestrial and freshwater species over the long term and 3,794 over the short term. 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Percentage of species Long term (1970–2013) Short term (2002–2013) Extinct Critically Endangered Endangered Vulnerable Near Threatened Data Deficient All species (3,816) (3,794) Least Concern Marcos Veiga (Alamy Stock Photo)

Figure 7 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% The percentage of species in each category, based on the Percentage of species Percentage of species likelihood of extinction from Great Britain. Species considered threatened with extinction from Great Britain are those classified Strong decrease Moderate decrease Little change Moderate increase Strong increase as Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable in the latest IUCN Red List assessments. Figure 4 The percentage of species in each trend category across the UK over the long term and the short term. The line in the “little change” category Of the nearly 8,000 species assessed using shows the division between declining species on the left, and increasing species on the right. The values in brackets show the number of modern Red List criteria, 15% are extinct or species assessed. threatened with extinction from Great Britain.

Over the long term, 56% of species declined and 44% increased. Among these, 40% showed strong Long term (1970–2013) Short term (2002–2013)

or moderate declines, 31% showed little change, and 29% showed strong or moderate increases. Vertebrates (205) (185) Plants and lichens (1,810) (1,810) Over the short term, 53% of species declined and 47% increased. Among these, 41% showed strong or moderate declines, 25% showed little change, and 34% showed strong or moderate increases. Invertebrates (1,801) (1,799) 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Percentage of species Percentage of species 160 160

140 140 Strong decrease Moderate decrease Little change Moderate increase Strong increase Figure 8 120 120 The percentage of species in each trend category over the long and the short term. The line in the “little change” category shows the division 100 100 between declining species on the left and increasing species on the right. The values in brackets show the number of species assessed.

80 80 Over the long term, 47% of vertebrate species declined and 53% increased. Among these, 31% showed 60 60 strong or moderate declines, 31% showed little change, and 38% showed strong or moderate increases. Index (1970 = 100) Index (1970 = 100) 40 40 55% of species declined and 45% increased over the short term.

20 20 50% of plant and lichen species declined and 50% increased over the long term. Among these, 30% 0 0 showed strong or moderate declines, 36% showed little change, and 34% showed strong or moderate 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 increases. Over the short term, 53% of species declined and 47% increased. Year Year Figure 5 Figure 6 Over the long term, 59% of invertebrate species declined and 41% increased. Among these, 42% showed The Abundance and Occupancy Index shows the change in The UK Priority Species Indicator shows the Abundance Index strong or moderate declines, 31% showed little change, and 27% showed strong or moderate increases. the status of 2,501 terrestrial and freshwater species, based on (blue) for 213 priority species, and the Occupancy Index (red) for 111 54% of species declined and 46% increased over the short term. abundance data (899 species) and occupancy data (1,602 species). priority species7. The shaded areas show 95% confidence intervals. Trends in the abundance and distribution of marine species by broad taxonomic group (not pictured) The Abundance and Occupancy Index has The official UK Priority Species Indicator7 34% of marine vertebrate species declined and 66% increased over the long term. Among these, fallen by 0.4% each year, on average, over our reports on the trends in the UK’s highest 28% showed strong or moderate declines, 14% showed little change, and 58% showed strong or long-term period, resulting in a 16% decline in conservation priorities. The indicator has moderate increases. Over the short term, 46% of species declined and 54% increased. total. Over our short-term period, the decline two measures, one of abundance, the other was 0.18% per year, and 3% in total. There was of occupancy: since 1970 they have fallen Over the long term, 38% of marine plant species declined and 62% increased. Among these, 6% showed no significant difference in the rate of change by 67% and 35% respectively. strong or moderate declines, 69% showed little change, and 25% showed strong or moderate increases. over the two periods. 31% of species declined and 69% increased over the short term. Over our short-term period, the indicator of average abundance fell by 12%. Over the same 75% of marine invertebrate species declined and 25% increased over the long term. Among these, short-term period, the indicator of occupancy 38% showed strong or moderate declines, 49% showed little change, and 13% showed strong or fell by 6%. moderate increases. Over the short term, 50% of species declined and 50% increased.


The state of Welsh priority species Patterns of change Pressures and threats

he Environment (Wales) Act 2016 created new For 24% of the species assessed, the outlook was in Welsh nature cross the UK, the net loss of biodiversity described biodiversity duties, linked to a new overarching considered to have improved. in the first State of Nature report appears to be Tframework for the “sustainable management of n addition to the measures of population change Aongoing, with no statistically significant difference natural resources”. Public bodies are required to plan, report Looking in more detail at broad taxonomic groups: presented in this report, we can draw on a range of between our long and short-term measures. Despite some on and review the actions they take for biodiversity and Iother sources of information, in particular those that success in Wales, such as the recovery of otters and red kites, seek to “maintain and enhance biodiversity, and in so doing Of the 104 invertebrate species listed as priorities, have mapped the distribution of species, to tell us how the loss of biodiversity and the declines in the favourable promote the resilience of ecosystems”. In complying with 67 were assessed. 21% of these were declining, nature has changed in Wales. conservation status of many habitats, species and designated this, they must consider evidence and priorities, including the outlook was improving for 25%, and the sites is continuing, even though Welsh, UK and international the list of priority species and habitats published by Welsh remaining 54% showed little change in their status. The Bird Atlas 2007–118 collected over 19 million records of legislation and policies to combat this are in place. Ministers (under section 7 of the Environment Act, which 502 bird species in Britain and Ireland. The maps generated replaces section 42 of the Natural Environment and Rural 83 vertebrate species appear on the list of priority from this data can be compared with those from previous For example, we have seen the near disappearance of water Communities Act). species and we assessed 78 of them. 37% of these atlases in 1968–729 and 1988–9110, allowing us to see voles; curlews have declined across their range in Wales; were declining and the outlook was improving for 21%. whether species’ ranges have expanded, contracted or and golden plovers have been lost from a number of areas. The UK Priority Species Indicator (Figure 6) shows that the The remaining 42% showed little change in their status. shifted over the intervening periods. Alongside these larger and more noticeable species, declines abundance and occupancy of UK priority species declined of invertebrates and lower plants are less well recognised. by 67% and 35% respectively, between 1970 and 2013. Of the 87 fungi and lichens listed as priorities, 55 were In Wales, breeding species were split fairly evenly between assessed. 29% of these were declining, the outlook was those expanding, stable or contracting. Unsurprisingly, The continued loss of habitats and declines of species are a Here we present a “rapid review” assessment of the status improving for 27% and the remaining 44% showed little species of conservation concern have fared poorly; of the result of persistent and in some cases intensifying pressures. of Welsh priority species in 2016, compared to 2007 when change in their status. 12 woodland birds listed as conservation priorities11, eight A number of global pressures outlined by the third UN Global the priority list was drawn up. This review looked at changes have declined in range since the first breeding bird atlas. Biodiversity Outlook14 are important in Wales: based on available evidence, published data and expert 52 bryophytes feature on the priority species list and The ranges of two of these birds – the willow tit and lesser opinion. Species were categorised as: we assessed 49 of them. 47% of these were declining, spotted woodpecker – declined by over a quarter. Habitat loss and degradation, such as the loss of the outlook was improving for 24% and the remaining blanket bog; Declining: where evidence demonstrates, or expert 29% showed little change in their status. The ranges of farmland birds have also contracted; those Fragmentation and isolation of habitats for many reasons, opinion concludes, a continued decline. of grey partridges, yellow wagtails, tree sparrows and turtle such as inappropriate development; doves have more than halved, with turtle doves no longer Human population increases; Little change/stable: where evidence indicates that The outlook is improving for the Welsh clearwing moth breeding regularly in Wales. Similarly, the breeding ranges Climate change; a species’ status is stable, or there is no evidence to of curlews, golden plovers, ring ouzels, and black Excessive nutrient input and other forms of pollution; demonstrate a change, or where there has been no grouse have contracted in the Welsh uplands. Over-exploitation and unsustainable use, including change in the amount or quality of habitat available agricultural pressures; for that species. Extinctions Invasive alien species, for example rhododendron The ultimate measure of our impact on nature is the in Snowdonia. Outlook improved: when evidence demonstrates, extinction of species; Wales has lost 86 species of plants or expert opinion concludes, improvement in a (including flowering plants, mosses, liverworts and lichens) Where upland moorlands are severely degraded, or where species’ conservation prospects. since the 17th century. Patterns of loss vary across Wales; large tracts of eroding peat are exposed, soil carbon is already in the east, a species has been lost every 1–4 years compared being washed or evaporated out. In these areas, the growth Where a species occurs in Wales and in the UK, UK-level with every 5–7 years in the west12. This pattern is also of Sphagnum moss has been suppressed and heather plants evidence was considered in cases where there was no reflected in other taxonomic groups, with birds like corn have largely disappeared or are very stunted. This has climate reason to suggest any difference from the species’ status buntings, nightingales and turtle doves once predominantly change implications; a 1% loss of soil carbon per year could in Wales. Further details of this assessment are available at found in the east of Wales, now slipping towards officially increase net Welsh carbon emissions by 10%15. being declared extinct in the country. It is essential that we take urgent action to reverse the 575 species feature on the list of Welsh priority species, Recoveries decline in nature and achieve our national and international and 249 (43%) of them were assessed. The broad species On the opposite end of the scale, the ranges of a number commitments to halt biodiversity loss. These include the groups in this summary include: 67 terrestrial invertebrates, of species have recovered in the last 20 years, following current targets set under the Convention on Biological 78 vertebrates, 55 fungi and lichens and 49 bryophytes Conservation) Iain H Leach (Butterfly declines in the longer term. The Bird Atlas illustrates Diversity (the Aichi targets)16. Wales has recently introduced (non-vascular plants). Vascular plant species were still being recoveries in species such as the coal tit and nightjar, important legislation that captures this commitment as part assessed when this report went to print. Marine species were and Welsh bats appear to be faring well. The National Bat of a public sector duty to deliver sustainable development. not assessed in this process. Monitoring Programme13 provides trends for seven of Wales’ One of the seven goals set out in the Well-being of Future 12 species of bat; all appear to be stable or increasing, Generations (Wales) Act 2015 is for “a resilient Wales: a Overall, 33% of the priority species assessed although these positive results should be considered in the nation that maintains and enhances a biodiverse natural are classified as declining over the last decade. context of severe declines previously, particularly in the environment with healthy, functioning ecosystems that second half of the 20th century. support social, economic and ecological resilience and the 43% of the species assessed were classified as capacity to adapt to change (for example climate change)”. stable/little change.


Conservation work is helping green-winged orchids How are we helping Helping species to recover

nature in Wales? here are times when a species has suffered such a catastrophic decline that the only option remaining is targeted, species-focused action to return it to its former range. Many questions must be considered beforehand, not least This report highlights the pressures acting on Welsh Tassessing why and how a species became locally extinct in the first place, and ensuring that those threats are no wildlife. It showcases projects across the country that longer prevalent18. This sort of positive decision not only secures or restores a species’ range, but it can reactivate beneficial are working to address these pressures through a range land management in an area, raise awareness about conservation issues, and include the local community in a unique of approaches, including species recovery programmes, nature experience. landscape-scale partnerships and enhanced community involvement. We also highlight the positive action being taken in partnership to find sustainable solutions to the Case study many problems facing our wildlife. Returning pine martens to Wales

Protecting the best places for nature is a key part of our Pine martens became extinct in much Consequently, the Vincent Wildlife Trust the woodland that will become the pine conservation response, and designated sites, such as of England and Wales by the early 20th (VWT) felt that the time was right for martens’ home. It is also hoped that Special Protection Areas, cover 12% of Wales. However, century, as a result of woodland clearance the first native carnivore release in the boosting a native carnivore population will this total falls short of the global target of at least 17% of and persecution on game estates and UK24. Working with several partners have wider implications for the ecosystem. land area managed for nature17. It is also important to note farms19. Scattered records have been and funders, VWT released 20 animals that a protected area designation does not ensure that a reported over the past century, but at carefully selected sites during the Anecdotal evidence from Ireland suggests site is safe from pressures, or that it is managed effectively. no natural recovery occurred20. However, autumn of 2015, with plans to release that increasing pine marten numbers there is reason for optimism that persecution a further 20 animals in 2016. The hope might be reducing numbers of grey Habitats that receive protection and positive management pressures have been reduced significantly21, is that these 40 pine martens will not squirrels, to the benefit of our native through the reserve network include substantial areas of habitat loss has been halted and there are only create a self-sustaining population in red squirrels. If bringing back the pine broadleaved woodland, heathland, grassland, and marine sufficient protected areas to allow the the immediate area, but that over time marten helps to restore a wider balance in and coastal habitats. In addition to the species featured species to survive here once again. their numbers will increase sufficiently woodland ecology, the positive outcomes here in our case studies, other key target species that to spread to other forests in Wales and of the project will be much greater than benefit from conservation in Wales include the puffin, Meanwhile, the Scottish population across the border into England. simply benefitting one iconic species. Manx shearwater, pied flycatcher, grizzled skipper, harvest has been faring well22,23, and numbers mouse, dormouse, lesser horseshoe bat, otter, water vole, have increased sufficiently to provide a Such a high-profile project will help to Nida Al-Fulaij golden hair lichen, globeflower, greater butterfly orchid source population for a release in Wales. ensure the longevity and protection of People’s Trust for Endangered Species and green winged orchid.

We have chosen to showcase projects that feature most of Wales’ key habitats. However, they reflect only a sample of the ongoing conservation work across Wales. The projects demonstrate just how effective conservation can be when targeted correctly, but also highlight the problems we must tackle given the scale of the threats facing nature and the limited resources available for conservation action. Kevin Sawford (

Returning pine martens could help to restore diversity in woodland ecology David J Slater ( David


Restoring special places for nature at a landscape scale Pearl-bordered fritillary

pecies recovery needs good quality habitat and is most effective when this can be provided across numerous sites in a landscape, creating networks of suitable habitat and joining up species’ populations. Such restoration work depends on Sboth landowner co-operation and input, and the hard work of volunteers during the lifetime of any funded project and beyond, as we explain in the following examples of landscape-scale conservation.

Case study Conserving fritillaries across landscapes

Following a decline of 88% in Wales over Monitoring shows a positive long-term Butterfly Conservation is working with the last 20 years, the pearl-bordered trend for the pearl-bordered fritillary in Neath Port Talbot, NRW and landowners fritillary survives at just 12 sites, mostly Wales, demonstrating how successful to create habitat links between the in Montgomeryshire. It is threatened the management has been. However, marsh fritillary populations, and over by the abandonment of grazing, which this population trajectory is extremely 100 hectares of land are now being can result in denser vegetation, and fragile, as the condition of the remaining grazed sympathetically for the butterfly. conversely, by over-grazing by in fritillary sites will deteriorate rapidly if some areas. Both of these changes lead management is not sustained. Marsh fritillaries have colonised new land, to a loss of plant diversity; this includes and local communities can now see what violets, which pearl-bordered fritillary Another butterfly that has undergone was perceived as waste ground being put larvae feed on, and other flowering plants, dramatic declines is the marsh fritillary. to good use again. which the adults rely on25. Between 1976 and 2014 it declined by 79% in the UK26, and it has become Tammy Stretton Thanks to a partnership project by extinct over a large part of its former Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust, Butterfly range in England, Wales and Northern Conservation and Natural Resources Ireland. This butterfly is typically Russell Hobson Wales (NRW), the future is looking associated with extensive grazing by Butterfly Conservation brighter for the pearl-bordered fritillary. cattle and ponies, which creates the Habitat has been carefully managed at varied sward required for breeding27. Richard Smith key sites, and from 2009 to 2011, adult A project is underway to bring back Butterfly Conservation butterflies and pupae were released beneficial grazing on a neglected area of branch at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve. hillside at Seven Sisters in south Wales. Phil Corley (Butterfly Conservation) Phil Corley (Butterfly Tamasine Stretton (MWT)

Sites must be carefully managed to cater for all the needs of fritillary butterflies


Reversing environmental damage Restoring dynamic coastal habitats

s well as habitat restoration across the lowland landscape, the Welsh uplands are in need of conservation attention. oastal habitats are dynamic and experience extreme pressure from humans. For example, dune systems are a constantly Large-scale projects to restore peatlands are underway in several upland river catchments, and much of the work changing environment, with areas of shifting sand, but also they include more consolidated habitats such as grassland Ainvolves undoing misguided efforts to “improve” drainage from earlier decades. Very simple actions can be Cand wetlands. Human influence can result in stabilisation, making those species that depend on the ephemeral implemented on a broad scale and show results quickly, as we explain here. grassland very vulnerable. The pressure of human use can also be very high, especially near to coastal towns. Plantlife has started a project in South Wales to restore some of these ephemeral dune habitats. Their approach employs big, earth-moving interventions, and is proving effective. Case study Restoring precious blanket bog Case study The -Arenig- (Migneint) ditches dried the bog surface out, exposing the deposition of new peat. Not only is Turning back the clock at Kenfig Special Area of Conservation covers the peat to oxygen and allowing it to this good news for the blanket bog and 5,300 hectares (ha) of Snowdonia and decompose. This released large quantities the wildlife that lives there, it’s good Kenfig is one of the last remnants of the are pyramidal, bee, early purple, early of sand and new scrapes (damp hollows) makes up roughly 10% of the total area of carbon into water as dissolved news for people too; healthy blanket huge dune systems that once stretched marsh and common spotted orchids, amongst the dunes, where the water table of blanket bog in Wales. Much of the organic carbon, and into the atmosphere, bogs mitigate against climate change along the coast of southern Wales from broad-leaved helleborine and large is close to the surface. The fen orchid is Migneint’s blanket bog is nationally contributing to climate change28. and help to alleviate flooding. the River Ogmore to the Gower Peninsula. colonies of marsh helleborine. already responding well – it is up from important sub-montane heather and The large expanse of sand dunes at Kenfig 44 to 396 plants in just two years. hare’s-tail cottongrass bog, and is Through collaborative projects funded From the farmers’ point of view, ditch leads down the coast to Sker Point, with In partnership with Natural Resources Our volunteers will continue to monitor found within the ’s by EU LIFE and the ’s blocking has resulted in an improvement views across Swansea Bay to the Gower. Wales and Bridgend County Borough the impact of the projects. 8,000-ha Ysbyty Ifan Estate. Ecosystem Resilience Fund, a huge amount in grazing, with more grasses, sedges Council, Plantlife is turning back the clock of work has gone into blocking the drainage and rushes becoming established. Leggy Its special features include extensive to restore an area of these dunes to the This simple and cost-effective work has Between the 1930s and 1970s, drainage ditches. With the support of local farmers heather is also less dominant, which sand dune habitats and standing waters, state many will remember from their now been extended to rejuvenate dunes in ditches were dug all over the blanket over a period of five years, thousands reduces the risk of damaging wildfires, with a mixture of associated coastal childhood: shifting hills of golden sands Carmarthern Bay, which is home to nearly bog in an attempt to increase farming of dams were built to block over 400km and sheep are able to move safely through habitats, such as saltmarsh, intertidal and wispy marram grass, where pioneer 20% of Wales’ sand dunes. productivity. However, the anticipated of ditches. At one stage, eight 12-tonne the bog without getting trapped. areas, swamp, woodland and scrub. species like petalwort can find a niche gains did not materialise as the drains had diggers were creating a series of small These support a variety of plants and that has been lost for so long. Colin Cheesman only a very local effect on the water table. dams every few metres, carefully lifting Anecdotal evidence suggests that flooding fungi, including about half of the UK’s fen Plantlife They also gradually became deeper and vegetation to one side and replacing it of lower-lying land has declined, and water orchid population, as well as important Following topographical and hydrological sheep got trapped in them, often dying once the ground had been profiled. quality has also improved. One of the local populations of petalwort and sea stock. surveys, areas were selected for as a result. farmers reported that the river water is destabilisation. This involved using heavy Ditch blocking had an instant effect – much clearer these days: he can see the Among the many other beautiful wild machinery to break down the “crust” of In addition, the ditches had a dramatic water levels rose and peat loss was slowed stones at the bottom of the river beneath flowers to be found at Kenfig, there fixed grassland and create open areas effect on peat, which is the product of – and the bog is recovering well. Within the bridge in Ysbyty Ifan, something that dead vegetation that is unable to decompose three years there has been a wonderful had never been possible before. due to the absence of oxygen in the wet, growth of bog mosses behind the peat acidic conditions of the bog. The drainage dams, creating the right conditions for Dewi Davies, National Trust Scott Hand (Countryside Council forScott Hand (Countryside Wales) Richard Challis (Alamy Stock Photo)

Drainage ditches have been blocked in the Migneint area, helping to restore the blanket bog Dune restoration requires management on a large scale


Protecting our spectacular sealife Managing the exploitation of natural resources

he seas around Wales support amazing wildlife, from anemones and sponges, to dolphins and basking sharks. ommercial fishing is not only a pressure on our marine species; it also affects the European eel, a fish that spends part But they face pressures from human activities, including commercial fishing, pollution and development, such as of its life at sea, but also a key part of it in our rivers and a range of other wetland habitats. Despite declines in its Tfor the renewable energy industry29. The Welsh islands are famed for their seabird colonies, but are equally important Cpopulation, it is still fished commercially and the reasons for its decline are not fully understood. The solution to this for the grey seal, a species found on both sides of the Atlantic, but for which the British Isles has a global responsibility. problem is still unclear, but increasing our understanding of the requirements of eels at different stages of their life cycle, The RSPB monitors populations in order to detect any changes in trends and animal behaviour. and tackling commercial exploitation, may be key to the survival of this species.

Case study Case study Monitoring the grey seals of Ramsey Island A slippery slope: tackling the decline of the European eel

The grey seal is one of the many marine The latest global IUCN Red List assessment previously thought or acknowledged, ecosystem and ecosystem services of the species studied by RSPB reserve staff lists the European eel as being Critically although this is not accepted by all. Severn itself – particularly removing glass and visiting researchers on Ramsey Island Endangered. The number of adult eels A more sustainable approach to eels and elvers (the next life stage) from each year. Approximately 4% of the UK leaving rivers has declined by 50–60% commercial eel fisheries could play a the river system at the edge of or even population of Atlantic grey seals breed over the last 45 years35, while glass eels major part in combating illegal exports beyond the tidal range. in Wales and most of these are found in (an early life stage) have declined by up to of all life stages of the eel, and there is a Pembrokeshire. A third of all the pups 95% over the same period. The population range of organisations and partnerships Since 2013, far more glass eels and born in Pembrokeshire each year are born of eels has failed to recover and remains working across Europe to achieve elvers have been re-stocked in the Severn on Ramsey, so it’s an important site for at a historic low. sustainable levels of eel fishing, with the than was previously the case. However, their conservation. aim of ensuring population recovery. current approaches still tend to view the Due to their complex lifestyle, eels are eel as a commercial species rather than The number of pups born on Ramsey, exposed to a range of natural and The UK’s main glass eel fishery is based a keystone species in complex aquatic and in Pembrokeshire as a whole, has human pressures. Key issues are thought in the Severn River Basin District36 and ecosystems, and this issue needs to be increased substantially over the last 25 to include barriers and obstacles remains a major cause for concern; it is taken very seriously. In the last few years, years. Similarly, the grey seal population affecting the migration of young eels into difficult to know how many silver eels elvers have been re-stocked at Llangorse across the UK has recovered since seals freshwater habitats and the movements leave this catchment, as systematic data Lake and other locations in the upper were first afforded legal protection in of silver eels back to the sea to breed; are not collected37. There are concerns Wye and Severn catchments, although 1914 and hunting during the breeding damage from water abstraction and that the River Severn glass eel fishery the effect this will have on the long-term season was banned in the 1970s30. hydro-schemes; wetland habitat loss continues to be used as the basis for success of the species and its role in and degradation; over-fishing; and the aquaculture and re-stocking in the UK the aquatic environment of Wales is As well as breeding on the island, Mark Sisson ( impacts of climate change35. and across Europe, without consideration not yet known. large numbers of seals use Ramsey’s for the numbers left to mature in the beaches as a refuge during their annual In 2012, the Environment Agency catchment. The view that the glass eel Julian Jones post-breeding moult. In excess of reported that the anthropogenic effect of resource needs to be “shared around” Radnorshire Wildlife Trust 300 individuals can be seen hauled-out commercial fisheries is far greater than could have a negative impact on the on these pebble beaches over winter. Ramsey is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and lies within the Ramsey Island is a key breeding site for grey seals Pembrokeshire Marine Special Area of Conservation, and the grey seal is a qualifying feature for both designations. and the movement of animals outside The waters around Ramsey are popular of the breeding season. for eco-tourism boat trips and the Monitoring has been carried out by the creation and ongoing development RSPB’s resident wardens for 25 years31, Our marine mammals continue to face of a marine code of conduct for all and in 2015 the estimated number of numerous threats in an over-exploited water users34 is a major achievement. pups born topped 750 for the first time. and increasingly pressurised marine Adherence to this voluntary code Cliff-top monitoring of the main rookeries environment; entanglement in marine is essential to avoid disturbance to Graham ( Eaton (breeding areas) is carried out every litter and fishing nets are potentially seals and cetaceans in west Wales. third day between August and November, lethal risks faced by seals in the Irish The continuation of Ramsey’s long and involves counting and ageing Sea33. Ramsey Sound is also a trial site running seal survey is a priority if we pups, allowing long-term changes in for tidal turbine technology and the are to ensure Ramsey remains a breeding phenology to be investigated32. potential impacts on resident marine sanctuary for grey seals in the future. Photographing breeding females has life are as yet unknown. Monitoring allowed researchers to recognise and seabirds, cetaceans and seals in the Lisa Morgan identify the same cows each year, vicinity will allow us to respond in the RSPB Ramsey Island warden A sustainable approach to eel fisheries is required at all life stages, from river to sea providing information on site fidelity unlikely event that any issues arise.


The vital role of volunteers in Welsh nature conservation Water vole surveyor Case study he species’ trends we present at the start of this report are dependent on the volunteer surveyors who participate in monitoring programmes; Using people power Twithout them and the data they collect, we would lack the vital evidence to monitor bats that underpins conservation work. Volunteers who help with monitoring on specific habitat restoration projects, with national recording schemes and with We know that bats declined on-the-ground management work are all equally important. This is especially so if dramatically over the last century and funding ceases and the efforts of volunteers become necessary to maintain the although some species have started to status quo, let alone achieve further improvements. show signs of recovery in recent years, bats still face many threats. Monitoring Many of the conservation projects already described depend on volunteers, our bat populations is vitally important but the following case studies give further detail on the role of volunteers, to understand how they are faring. and how projects can recruit and retain volunteers for the future. Run by the Bat Conservation Trust (BCT) since 1997, the National Bat Case study Monitoring Programme (NBMP) is The role of Local Environmental Records Centres the longest running, purpose-built, in volunteer surveys and data gathering multi-species monitoring programme for mammals in the UK. Thanks to data In 2007, Wales became the first of underway on the next generation LERC collected from field and waterway the UK’s nations to have complete Wales online biodiversity data portal, surveys, hibernation surveys and roost coverage by Local Environmental which will provide a focal point for the counts at summer maternity roosts, Records Centres (LERCs). Each of the delivery of a wide range of products we are able to produce statistically four centres38 work to collate existing and services. robust bat population trends40. biological data, to encourage volunteers to participate in biological recording and In addition to collating and providing Volunteers are crucial to the success to sustain and support local biological access to biodiversity data, the Welsh of the NBMP, and the BCT is indebted recording communities. LERCs have a critical role in building and to all who contribute. In 2014, over sustaining a community of biological 182 volunteers took part in NBMP During 2015, the four LERCs formed recorders across Wales. Each LERC surveys in Wales, contributing an a consortium – known as Local provides an annual programme of species estimated 6,314 hours of their time, Environmental Records Centres Wales identification training sessions, which valued at £60,000. To help volunteers Limited – to cement the ethos of focus on poorly-recorded taxonomic develop their skills and ensure surveys partnership working, to share best groups or on building capacity to support are conducted in a standardised practice and skills, and to provide a ongoing surveys. way, a network of regional trainers simpler means of serving the needs run workshops teaching volunteers of national partners. LERCs also lead and attend a number of surveying techniques. field recording days, known as Bioblitzes, Between them, the four Welsh LERCs each year, and produce newsletters, The first trends for seven different now hold over 9 million biological organise Recorders’ Forum events and bat species in Wales were produced records. A range of ways exist to access maintain strong social media interaction in 201341. Populations of both the these data, including the LERC Wales to engage with wider audiences. Daubenton’s bat and greater horseshoe Data Access Tool39, which allows the bat have increased in Wales, but stayed public access to non-sensitive local and LERCs provide technical advice to relatively stable in England, suggesting national species’ distribution information. recorders, helping them to manage and that these species are doing better in Registered users can gain full access to share their data, and also provide online Wales. Longer-term monitoring and these data. data entry portals which have collectively increased survey coverage are needed gathered almost 100,000 records in the to give us more robust trends for more Coarse-level data (and full-resolution past two years. species in Wales. data on invasive non-native species) Nick Upton ( are also available via the NBN Gateway. Adam Rowe The NBMP is a partnership between the The Welsh LERCs are working with South East Wales Biodiversity BCT and the Joint Nature Conservation partnerships across Wales to ensure their Records Centre Committee, supported and steered by comprehensive data are fully utilised in a and other range of national applications, including country agencies. monitoring schemes and national sustainability indicators. Work is well Steve Lucas, Bat Conservation Trust


How to interpret this report

e have included this section to help you understand the different measures presented in the State of Nature 2016 Change over time Extinction risk UK and country reports and how they should be interpreted. These graphs combine abundance data (based on a We summarised the Great Britain Red Lists to present W species’ population size) across species into geometric the proportion of species in each threat category overall, mean indicators for taxonomic groups for which data are and by different taxonomic groups. We interpret existing WHAT DATA HAVE WE USED FOR WALES? WHAT ARE THE GRAPHS TELLING ME? available. In the case of the UK, the indicator also combines Great Britain Red Lists, based on those species occurring In each section of the report we present the relevant results occupancy data (the proportion of 1-km2 grid cells occupied in Wales and in the UK. We have quantitative assessments of the change in for Wales or the UK to show the following: by a species). This relies on the assumption that proportional population or distribution in Wales for 1,026 terrestrial changes in occupancy and distribution are equivalent (for These figures represent the ultimate threat of extinction and freshwater species. For the UK summary, we present Categories of change more detail, see page 76 of the UK report). from Great Britain. While the proportion of species listed as trends in species’ abundance and occupancy for 3,816 The percentage of species in each trend category. Least Concern is considerable, the number of species that native terrestrial and freshwater species. 160 are considered threatened with extinction from Great Britain Change over time and Ireland is worthy of note. 140 These trends came from a wide range of sources. The change in the status of species, based on abundance over the last 50 years in Wales. The UK results show this 120 All species (607) Details of the datasets behind our analyses, change based on abundance and occupancy data. 100 and the species they covered, are given online at Extinction risk 80 An assessment for each species occurring in Wales, 60 of the likelihood of extinction in Great Britain. 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Index (1970 = 100) WHAT TIME PERIOD DOES THIS 40 Percentage of species REPORT COVER? Further details on how these measures were calculated, 20 Extinct Critically Endangered Endangered and caveats around how they should be interpreted, Vulnerable Near Threatened Data Deficient 0 Least Concern For Welsh and UK results we show trends in our species are given on pages 74–77 of the UK report (available at 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 from around 1970 to 2013 (our long-term period) and Year from 2002 to 2013 (our short-term period). Results reported for each figure include: Please note that due to the change in species composition, and in some cases data sources, our measures are not directly Results reported for each figure include: comparable with those presented in the first State of Nature report. The overall percentage of species that occur in Wales, Total percentage change in the indicator over the long and were assessed, that are regarded as threatened with Categories of change term and the short term. extinction from Great Britain. This includes species that Each species was placed into one of five trend categories based on annual percentage changes. Due to differing data have been classified as Critically Endangered, Endangered availability, the species composition of the long and short-term measures varied; in general, we had data for fewer species Annual percentage change over the long term and the or Vulnerable in the latest IUCN Red List assessments. over the short-term period. short term.

Long term (1970–2013) Short term (2002–2013) At the UK level, we assessed change over the period by comparing the rate of change of the indicators between All species (761) (751) the prior (~1970–2002) and recent (2002–2013) time Vertebrates (30) (20) series, and report the test statistic (t) and the level Plants and lichens (352) (352) of significance (p). Invertebrates (379) (379) 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Percentage of species Percentage of species

Strong decrease Moderate decrease Little change Moderate increase Strong increase

Results reported for each figure include: Sue Kennedy (

The overall percentage of species that increased and decreased in each time period. The vertical line in the white “little change” segment of the graph shows the division between declining species on the left, and increasing species on the right (this is broadly equivalent to the metric reported for the first State of Nature report).

The percentage of species that showed strong or moderate changes, and those showing little change, in each time period.

Thresholds for assigning species’ trends to the five categories are given in the methods section of the UK report, on page 75. Seven-spot ladybird


References The greater horseshoe bat population is increasing in Wales Acknowledgements

1: Wales Biodiversity Distribution of the pine 1992 to 2014. Draft NRW he monitoring and research that underpins this report, Partnership. Available at: Environment-Wales-Bill marten (Martes martes) in Evidence Report. Natural and our wider knowledge of the state of nature in 12: Plantlife (2012) Our southern in 2013. Resources Wales, Bangor. Tthe UK, its four constituent countries and its Crown Species-in-Wales vanishing flora – how wild In Scottish Natural Heritage 32: Morgan LH (2016) Grey Dependencies and Overseas Territories, is conducted by a 2: Newbold T, et al. (2016) flowers are disappearing Commissioned Report. Seal pupping phenology wide variety of organisations and thousands of individuals. Has land use pushed across Britain. Plantlife, 23: Croose E, et al. (2013) on Ramsey Island, We do not have space here to recognise their contributions terrestrial biodiversity Salisbury. Expansion Zone Survey Pembrokeshire. Draft NRW individually, but offer our collected thanks to them all. beyond the planetary 13: Bat Conservation Trust of Pine Marten (Martes Evidence Report. Natural boundary? A global (2014) The State of the martes) Distribution in Resources Wales, Bangor. Conservationists and scientists from the State of Nature assessment. Science UK’s Bats 2014: National Scotland. In Scottish 33: Allen R, et al. (2012) partners and other organisations have provided data, analyses, 353: 288–291. Bat Monitoring Programme Natural Heritage Entanglement of grey seals case studies and guidance, and have given their time to review 3: NEA (2011) The UK National Population Trends. Bat Commissioned Report. Halichoerus grypus at a haul drafts during the production of State of Nature 2016: Wales. Ecosystem Assessment. Conservation, . 24: MacPherson J (2014) out site in Cornwall, UK. In particular, we wish to thank Julie Boswell, Annie Smith, Peter UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge. 14: Secretariat of the Feasibility Assessment for Marine Pollution Bulletin Jones and Elwyn Sharps. We would also like to thank all the 4: Walker F and Elias D Convention on Biological Reinforcing Pine Marten 64: 2815–2819. photographers for the use of their images. (1989) Heather regeneration Diversity (2010) Global Numbers in England and 34: Strong P and Morris scheme: the Berwyn Biodiversity Outlook 3. Wales. The Vincent S (2010) Grey seal We are grateful to the many charitable trusts, grant-giving Mountains case study. Available at: Wildlife Trust, Ledbury. (Halichoerus grypus) bodies, companies and private individuals that provide NCC Region 15: LUCCG (2010) 25: Feber RE, et al. (2001) disturbance, ecotourism vital funding towards the monitoring of wildlife in Wales. Report, NW89/1. Nature Land Use and The impacts of deer on and the Pembrokeshire Additionally, government agencies conduct or support much Conservancy Council, Climate Change Report. woodland butterflies: Marine Code around Ramsey of the recording, data collation, analysis and reporting of the Bangor. Welsh Government. the good, the bad Island. Journal of Ecotourism state of the UK’s wildlife that has made this report possible. 5: Birks JDS (2008) Available at: and the complex. 9: 117–132. In particular, the Joint Nature Conservation Committee and The Polecat Survey of 16: Aichi Biodiversity Targets Forestry 74: 271–276. 35: Jacoby D and Gollock M Natural Resources Wales make significant contributions to Britain 2004–2006: A under the Convention 26: Fox R, et al. (2015) (2014) The IUCN Red List the provision of monitoring across the separate parts of the Report on the Polecat’s on Biological Diversity. The State of the UK’s of Threatened Species, UK. Other Welsh, national and local government bodies also Distribution, Status and Available at: Butterflies 2015. Version 2014.3: Anguilla do much to support the recording of wildlife and habitats, Conservation. The Vincent Butterfly Conservation anguilla. Available at: as do a wide variety of non-governmental organisations not Wildlife Trust, Ledbury. 17: Aichi Biodiversity Target and the Centre for represented within the State of Nature partnership. 6: Johnstone I and Bladwell 11 under the Convention Ecology & Hydrology, 36: Defra (2010) S (2016). Birds of on Biological Diversity. Wareham, Dorset. Eel Management plans for the Finally, we wish to thank the thousands of dedicated Conservation Concern Available at: 27: Hobson R, et al. (2001) The Severn River volunteer recorders who collect much of the data upon which in Wales 3: the revised Marsh Fritillary in England: A Basin District. Defra. our knowledge of the state of nature is based. Many are population status of birds 18: IUCN (1998) Guidelines review of status and habitat 37: Defra (2010) Eel supporters of the organisations within the State of Nature in Wales. Welsh Birds for re-introductions. IUCN/ condition. In Butterfly Management plans for the partnership and contribute to systematic monitoring and (in press.) SSC Re-introduction Conservation Report. United Kingdom Overview for recording schemes (for full details of the schemes, please 7: JNCC (2014) Status of UK Specialist Group. IUCN, 28: Freeman C, et al. (2001) England and Wales. Defra. visit Without their efforts, our priority species. Available at: Gland, Switzerland and An enzymic ‘latch’ on a 38: Local Environmental knowledge of the health of Welsh nature would be just a Cambridge, UK. global carbon store. Records Centres in fraction of what it is. We hope we can continue to work 8: Balmer DE, et al. (2013) 19: Bright PWS and Smithson Nature 409: 149–149. Wales. Available at: together with these volunteers to improve our knowledge, and Bird Atlas 2007–11: TJ (1997) Species Recovery 29: Halpern BS, et al. (2008) thus provide an increasingly robust basis for informing future the breeding and wintering Programme for the pine A Global Map of 39: LERC Wales Data Access conservation efforts. Additionally we would like to thank all birds of Britain and Ireland. marten in England: 1995– Human Impact on Tool. Available at: of the volunteers who are involved in the many conservation BTO Books, Thetford. 96. In English Nature Marine Ecosystems. projects underway around Wales, which aim to address the 9: Sharrock JTR (2010) Research Report 240. Science 319: 948–952. 40: Barlow K, et al. (2015) issues facing our wildlife. Without them, the challenge would The atlas of breeding 20: Bright PW and Halliwell E 30: Sea Mammal Research Citizen science reveals be much greater. Unit (2014) Scientific trends in bat populations: birds in Britain and Ireland. (1999) Recovery Programme ( Sutton A&C Black. for the pine marten in England Advice on Matters Related The national bat This report should be cited as: 10: Gibbons DW, et al. (1994) 1996–1998. In English to the Management of monitoring programme The new atlas of breeding Nature Research Report 306. Seal Populations: 2014. in Great Britain. Biological Hayhow DB, Burns F, Eaton MA, Bacon L, Al-Fulaij N, Bladwell birds in Britain and Ireland: 21: Yalden DW (1986) Special Committee on Conservation 182: 14–26. S, Brookman E, Byrne J, Cheesman C, Davies D, De Massimi S, 1988–1991. T&AD Poyser, Opportunities for Seals. Available at: 41: Bat Conservation Trust Elding C, Hobson R, Jones J, Lucas SR, Lynch S, Morgan L, Rowe London. reintroducing British (2015) Summary trends A, Sharp R, Smith RG, Stevenson K, Stretton TA, Taylor R and 11: Section 7 of the mammals. Mammal Review 31: Strong PG, et al. (2016) for England, Scotland and Gregory RD (2016) State of Nature 2016: Wales. The State of Environment (Wales) 16: 53–63. North Pembrokeshire grey Wales. Available at: Nature partnership. Act 2016. Available at: 22: Croose E, et al. (2014) seal pup production trends

22 STATE OF NATURE 2016 STATE OF NATURE 2016 23 og-vision State of Nature 2016: Walesreportisacollaborationbetweentheconservationandresearchorganisationslistedbelow: Nature2016: The Stateof THE THE THE THE THE CONSERVATION TRUST FUNGUS CONSERVATION TRUST FUNGUS CONSERVATION TRUST FUNGUS CONSERVATION TRUST FUNGUS CONSERVATION TRUST FUNGUS D-009 D-008 D-007 D-006 D-005 SAHFOS ®