and the Smedley Butler “Business Plot”

The BBC’s “Exposé” of Prescott Bush and Wall Street’s Attempted Fascist Coup of FDR in 1934

Prescott Bush and the Smedley Butler “Business Plot”

Buchanan’s video continues: Bush's Grandfather Planned “…Now you look at the Republican National Convention this Fascist Coup In America week [2004?] and you bring in Arnold Schwarzenegger to speak last night. Schwarzenegger is the son of a Nazi, he has praised Nazis, he has praised Hitler, he talked last night in terms like ‘we Verbatim [time 4:26] from John Buchanan: will not falter, we will not waver, we will win this war on terror.” Well that’s exactly the speeches that Hitler made after the “Some very shocking documents that I saw at the library of ; terrorism and the homeland being under attack are Congress … had to do with the hearings of the MacCormick- precisely the issues that Hitler used to subvert everything within the Dickstein Committee of Nov 1934, show that Prescott Bush and German system of government. This is a criminal regime, they not the Dupont Family, the Remington Family, and JP Morgan tried to only emulate Hitler but its genesis comes from Hitler and I defy overthrow the US Government and assassinate FDR and put a anyone … to come forward and disprove my premise that you Hitler-style Fascist state in place. I have in my possession testimony cannot differentiate Hitler’s invasion of Poland in 1939 and then from the MacCormick-Dickstein Committee in Nov of 1934 by one the Reichstag fire and his attempt to dominate the world from of the fascist plotters that they were going to follow Hitler’s model George W Bush’s unprovoked invasion of Iraq and subversion of exactly and impose martial law on the United States, round up the constitution through the Patriot Act after 911, which I submit is unemployed people that were worthless to the economy and his Reichstag fire. Karl Rove and his minions are every bit the troublemakers and Jews and put them into internment camps and masters of Propaganda that Josef Goebbels was. their plan was if necessary to exterminate the people that could not be part of the effort.” “They literally took lessons from Goebbels and Goering about how to create such brilliant propaganda that unreality can become reality and reality can be subverted to fantasy political subterfuge right before your eyes. So there’s just an endless broken record that is leading up to the present era that the Bush family has had a single goal for a hundred years, which is to become the most powerful family on the planet and to rule the world and they are on the verge of doing that under George W. Bush. “It’s critical that every citizen rise up and do … something; because the day of reckoning is at hand at these people are Nazis, they are practicing the Nazi philosophy, they are mimicking Nazi tactics, and time is running out.” --John Buchanan

Prescott Bush and the Smedley Butler “Business Plot”

Two Different Events Buchanan’s web page (see Figure 9) asserts: John Buchanan (video), Paul Joseph Watson (text) and the According to the BBC, the plotters intended to impose a fascist BBC’s reporter, Mike Thompson (web) are, intentionally or takeover and "Adopt the policies of Hitler and Mussolini to beat the unintentionally, confusing two events that occurred during the great depression." 1930s and 40s: The link, “According to the BBC” above takes us to the BBC • The “Business Plot, of 1933, in which various wealthy History page, “The Whitehouse Coup,” with Mike Thompson. businessmen were alleged to be planning to overthrow FDR.

• The seizure on October 20, 1942 of the Harriman Bank1 (operated by W. Averell Harriman, Democratic Party politician and son of railroad baron E._Roland_Harriman, Roland Harriman, and Prescott Bush) under terms of the “Trading with the Enemy Act.” Mike Thompson, BBC The BBC/Mike Thompson asserts (see Figure 10):

This confusion begins when Buchanan, Watson, and the BBC “The [1933] coup was aimed at toppling President Franklin D (Mike Thompson) allege that: Roosevelt with the help of half-a-million war veterans. The plotters, who were alleged to involve some of the most famous families in “… a group of influential powerbrokers, led by Prescott Bush, to America, (owners of Heinz, Birds Eye, Goodtea, Maxwell Hse & overthrow FDR and implement a fascist dictatorship in the U.S. George Bush’s Grandfather, Prescott) believed that their country based around the ideology of Mussolini and Hitler.” should adopt the policies of Hitler and Mussolini to beat the great depression.” Para 1: John Buchanan initiates the allegation with a video that states: ...“Now we will explore how an American branch of the aided and abetted Adolph Hitler...”

1 Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. (BBH) is the oldest and largest partnership bank in the United States.[citation needed]. The bank was founded by descendents of Northern Irishman Alexander Brown and railroader E.H. Harriman. It is a private banks specializing in asset management, wealth management, securities brokerage, global custody, banking, foreign exchange, mergers and acquisitions.[citation needed] The firm has 40 partners, over $43.9 billion in assets, and employs over 3,500 people in fifteen locations around the world

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The Confusion: Intentional or Accidental? Meanwhile, on the PrisonPlanet web page, Paul Joseph Watson writes: To reiterate: Buchanan, Watson, and Thompson (BBC) are conflating the Business Plot (1933) with the War Seizures “A BBC Radio 4 investigation sheds new light on a major subject controversy (1940s). that has received little historical attention, the on behalf of a group of influential powerbrokers, led by Prescott Bush, to Thompson (BBC) begins his examination of “proof” of Prescott overthrow FDR and implement a fascist dictatorship in the U.S. Bush’s complicity in the 1933 coup by traveling to the National based around the ideology of Mussolini and Hitler.” Archives in Washington DC. His narration states: Watson, the BBC, and Thompson clearly are asserting that "…If these long-forgotten accounts can be relied on, I seem to be Prescott Bush was involved in the Smedley Butler “Business Plot” looking at an attempt to set up a Fascist government in the land of of 1933.: “…led by Prescott Bush.” the free." Watson/PrisonPlanet continue:

“ In 1933, Marine Corps Maj.-Gen. Smedley Butler was approached by a wealthy and secretive group of industrialists and bankers, including Prescott Bush the current President's grandfather, who asked him to command a 500,000 strong rogue army of veterans that would help stage a coup to topple then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.” (Figure 9.) The next paragraph links the Prescott Bush-coup allegation to the BBC page: “According to the BBC, the plotters intended to impose a fascist takeover and "Adopt the policies of Hitler and Mussolini to beat the great depression." (Figure 9.)

This “According to the BBC” link takes you from the Figure 1. Prescott/GHW Bush Buchanan/Watson website to a BBC sidebar "The Whitehouse Coup." “Can be relied on.” "Seem to be." This is the journalistic language of equivocation and prevarication. This sidebar presents testimony given before the McCormack- Dickstein Committee, which was the 1930s predecessor of HUAC.

According to Watson, Buchanan, Thompson, and the BBC, this testimony proves Prescott Bush was actively involved in the attempted fascist coup against the president of the United States.

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But does it? Now we come to the BBC’s audio reconstruction of the Committee hearings. According to the BBC, the plan was for a The BBC narrator, Mike Thompson, continues his journey group of "super-wealthy capitalists" to rouse the (vets towards proof of this conspiracy – housed deep in the National who had not been given the bonus promised them for service in Archives building in Washington DC. WWI) and overthrow FDR -- a 500,000-man army led by Gen "National Archives Research Center. Fantastically ... grand Smedley Butler. In 1932, under Patton and MacArthur, this Bonus building. Looks like there's strict security in operation here. Army’s “Hooverville” (shanty shacks across the Anacostia River Airport scanner machine ... 'Hello. I'm from the BBC and I've from Washington DC) was burned and the bonus army forcibly got an appointment with archivist Jessica Kratz.' Jessica led me dispersed. down increasingly claustrophobic corridors into the heart of the “The Bonus Army veterans were led by Walter W. Waters, a Archive. ... The documents I'm after are from a committee known former Army sergeant, and were encouraged in their demand for as the McCormack-Dickstein Committee after the two men that immediate monetary payment by an appearance from retired chaired it." Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler, one of the most Thompson is looking for Committee pages HR 73A-f. popular military figures of the time.” "Despite the paucity of documents, there are some that catch my eye."

Figure 3. Shacks, Put up by the Bonus Army on the Anacostia flats, Washington, DC, burning after the battle with the military, 1932

Figure 2. Bonus Army, Washington DC, 1932

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John Buchanan again: case of trouble, to sustain him. But that set-up would not suit us at all. The soldiers of America would not like that. I then "These super-wealthy capitalists essentially wanted to pose such a went to Germany to see what Hitler was doing, and his whole threat to Roosevelt that he would basically step aside. If FDR strength lies in organizations of soldiers, too. But that would would not cooperate and step aside, they would execute him. Kill not do. I looked into the Russian business. I found that the use him." of the soldiers over there would never appeal to our men. Then I went to France, and I found just exactly the This “threat” was to be Smedley Butler’s Bonus Army. organization we are going to have. It is an organization of Butler subsequently blew the whistle on the plot before the 500,000 super soldiers.' " [End MacGuire quote by Butler.] McCormack-Dickstein Committee (predecessor to HUAC). [Butler]: "Here in America."

[...] [BUTLER] "I said, "What do you want to do with it Committee Testimony, Business Plot, 1933-4 when you get it up?"

Butler’s testimony before the committee is purportedly quoted "Well," he said, "we want to support the President." in Buchanan’s tape (time: 11:30 at the link). I said, "The President does not need the support of Purportedly, because comparing it with the original reveals the that kind of an organization. Since when did you become a BBC/Buchanan/PrisonPlanet version is seriously flawed and has supporter of the President? The last time I talked to you you been *highly* edited, as shown below. (More in App. C, “Proof?”) were against him." • Green text is testimony in the Committee record which is left He said, "Well, he is going to go along with us now." out of the BBC audio; "Is he?" • Red is text inserted by BBC that was not in the original Committee record; "Yes." • Black text is in both. "Well, I said, what are you going to do with these men, suppose you get these 500,000 men in America? What are

you going to do with them?"

"Well," he said, "they will be the support of the [Butler]"MacGuire [alleged plotter] said to me, "I President." went abroad to study the part that the veteran[s] play[s ]in I said, "The President has got the whole American the various set-ups of the governments that they have people. Why does he want them?" abroad. Like France. I went to Italy for 2 or 3 months and studied the position that the veterans of Italy occupy in the He said, "Don't you understand the set-up has got to Fascist set-up of Government, and I discovered that they are be changed a bit? Now, we have got him—we have got the the background of Mussolini. They keep them on the pay rolls President. He has got to have more money. There is not any in various ways and keep them contented and happy; and they more money to give him. Eighty percent of the money now is are his real backbone, the force on which he may depend, in in Government bonds, and he cannot keep this racket up much

Page 6 of 21 Prescott Bush and the Smedley Butler “Business Plot” longer. He has got to do something about it. He has either got details off of his shoulders, and then he will be like the to get more money out of us or he has got to change the President of France. I said, "So that is where you got this method of financing the Government, and we are going to see idea?" to it that he does not change that method. He will not change He said: "I have been traveling around looking it." around. Now, about this super organization—would you be I said, "The idea of this great group of soldiers, then, interested in heading it?" is to sort of frighten him, is it?" I said, "I am interested in it, but I do not know about "No, no, no; not to frighten him. This is to sustain him heading it. I am very greatly interested in it, because you when others assault him." know. Jerry, my interest is, my one hobby is, maintaining a democracy. If you get these 500,000 soldiers advocating I said, "Well I do not know about that. How would the anything smelling of , I am going to get 500,000 more President explain it?" and lick the hell out of you, and we will have a real war right He said: "He will not necessarily have to explain it, at home. You know that." because we are going to help him out. Now, did it ever occur "Oh, no. We do not want that. We want to ease up on to you that the President is overworked? We might have an the President." Assistant President, somebody to take the blame; and if things do not work out, he can drop him." "Yes; and then you will put somebody in there you can run; is that the idea? The President will go around and He went on to say that it did not take any christen babies and dedicate bridges, and kiss children. Mr. constitutional change to authorize another Cabinet official, Roosevelt will never agree to that himself." somebody to take over the details of the office—take them off the President's shoulders. He mentioned that the position "Oh yes; he will. He will agree to that."1 would be a secretary of general affairs—a sort of super secretary. [1] House of Representatives, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other CHAIRMAN [Congressman McCormack]. A secretary of Propaganda Activities, Hearings No. 73-D.C.-6, op. cit., pp. 17-18. general affairs? BBC audio: BUTLER. That is the term used by him—or a secretary of general welfare—I cannot recall which. I came out of the interview with that name in my head. I got that idea from There is no mention of Prescott Bush in this testimony. talking to both of them, you see. They had both talked about the same kind of relief that ought to be given the President, and he said: "You know, the American people will swallow Gen. Smedley Butler also related his conversation with that. We have got the newspapers. We will start a campaign MacGuire to Paul Comley French, a reporter for the Philadelphia that the President's health is failing. Everybody can tell that Record and New York Evening Post. French subsequently testified by looking at him, and the dumb American people will fall for before the Committee; his testimony is similarly cited by the BBC, it in a second." And I could see it. They had that sympathy with similar lacunae. racket, that they were going to have somebody take the patronage off of his shoulders and take all the worries and

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[Green text is testimony in the Committee record which is left out of the BBC During the course of the conversation he continually audio; red is text inserted by BBC that was not in the original Committee record; discussed the need of a man on a white horse, as he called it, black text is in both.] a dictator who would come galloping in on his white horse. He said that was the only way; either through the threat of armed force or the delegation of power, and the use of a group of organized veterans, to save the capitalistic system. MR. FRENCH. [I saw] Gerald P. MacGuire in the offices of Grayson M.-P. Murphy & Co., the twelfth floor of 52 He warmed up considerably after we got under way Broadway, shortly after 1 o'clock in the afternoon. He has a and he said, "We might go along with Roosevelt, and then do small private office there and I went into his office. I have with him what Mussolini did with the King of Italy." It fits in here some direct quotes from him. As soon as I left his office I with what he told the general [Butler], that we would have a got to a typewriter and made a memorandum of everything Secretary of General Affairs, and if Roosevelt played ball, 2 that he told me. "We need a Fascist government in this swell; and if he did not, they would push him out. country," he insisted, "to save the Nation from the communists who want to tear it down and wreck all that we have built in

America. The only men who have the, patriotism to do it are 2. House of Representatives, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other the soldiers and Smedley Butler is the ideal leader. He could Propaganda Activities, Hearings No. 73-D.C.-6, op. cit., p. 26. organize a million men over night." During the conversation he told me he had been in Italy and Germany during the summer Still no mention of Prescott Bush. of 1934 and the spring of 1934 and had made an intensive study of the background of the Nazi and Fascist movements and how the veterans had played a part in them. He said he had obtained enough information on the Fascist and Nazi movements and of the part played by the veterans, to properly set up one in this country.

He emphasized throughout his conversation with me that the whole thing was tremendously patriotic, that it was saving the Nation from communists, and that the men they deal with have that crackbrained idea that the Communists are going to take it apart. He said the only safeguard would be the soldiers. At first he suggested that the General organize this outfit himself and ask a dollar a year dues from everybody. We discussed that, and then he came around to the point of getting outside financial funds, and he said that it would not be any trouble to raise a million dollars.

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Non-Confirmative Testimony War Seizures Controversy Jules Archer was the next to be interviewed by the BBC; There is a well-documented charge that Prescott Bush and his Archer, in 1973, wrote “The Plot to Seize the White House: The business partner Averell Harriman – a career Democrat who Shocking True Story of the Conspiracy to Overthrow FDR.” served in the FDR, Truman, Kennedy, and Johnson However in this book there is no mention of or reference to administrations -- were both involved in industrial pacts with Nazi Prescott Bush. (You can do a keyword search here.) businessman Fritz Thyssen. Several of the Harriman-Bush businesses were seized during WWII under the Trading with the So how and where does Prescott Bush fit into this “attempted Enemy Act. fascist overthrow of FDR” known as the Business Plot? Equating the War Seizures Controversy with the Smedley Read carefully the BBC page again: Prescott Bush never does. Butler-Business Plot is like bl;aming the Kennedy on The only mention of Prescott Bush occurs when the the 9-11 terrorists — on the sole basis both events were investigated McCormack-Dickstein Committee later makes an unrelated by the same House Select Committee. examination (time: 20:20 of BBC audio) of a shipping line called Mike Thompson/BBC continues: "Hamburg-American." "Of course, at the time, it was perfectly legal to have dealings with “Later in the McCormack-Dickstein Report, a shipping company Hitler's Germany. Prescott Bush was not called to account for this called Hamburg America Line was accused of providing free until America entered the War. Neither was it a crime to be a passage to Germany to American journalists willing to write member of the lobby group like the Liberty League. And I found favorable copy on Hitler’s rise to power. The company is also no firm evidence that the Liberty League itself was behind the plot alleged to have brought Nazi spies and pro-Fascist sympathizers into to overthrow their country's democratically elected president [time: America. John Buchanan has studied this latest section of the 21:49]. But academics like professor Tony Badger believe ... it was a Report, and has discovered that one of the company’s managers magnet for those with such intentions." came from a very famous family.” And still no mention of any Prescott Bush connection The report is available here. with the Smedley Butler plot. What appears to be happening is an intentional blurring by the Furthermore: BBC/John Buchanan of the lines between Prescott’ Bush’s Nazi "The [Committee] investigations mysteriously turn to vapor business connections (the “War Seizures Controversy” in 1942), when it comes time to call them [backers of the coup] to testify. and the Smedley Butler fascist coup (in 1933). FDR ... struck a deal in which it was agreed that the plotters would walk free if Wall Street would back off of their opposition to the and let FDR do what he wanted." [24:38] And still no mention of Prescott Bush.

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Appendices Source of the Tale So whence this story? App A. Censorship of the Committee Record Go back and read more-carefully the Watson paragraph. "Journalist John L. Spivak, researching Nazism and anti- Semitism for New Masses maga In 1933, Marine Corps Maj.-Gen. Smedley Butler was Dickstein to examine HUAC's public documents and was (it approached by a wealthy and secretive group of industrialists seems unwittingly) given the unexpurgated testimony amid and bankers, including Prescott Bush the current President's stacks of other papers. Spivak's two-part feature "Wall Street's Fascist Conspiracy" appeared in early 1935, a month zine, got permission from grandfather, who asked him to command a 500,000 strong after the hearings closed. He cogently developed a case for rogue army of veterans that would help stage a coup to topple taking the suppressed testimony seriously. But this relevant grindingmaterial his ownwas embellishedaxes, and elucidationwith overblown of theaspersions plot was against then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.. obscured."Jewish The financiers suppressed working Butl with fascist groups" -- a mishmash It becomes clear they are not actually claiming (despite the could ofhardly guilt-by-association support all thatthis. connectedMoreover Morgan New interestsMasses with possessed a limited readership; the scoop was stigmatized as Jewish financier Felix Warburg,. Spivak HUAC, was and intent certain upon members of headline, “BBC: Bush's Grandfather Planned Fascist Coup In "red" propagandathe and generally not cited elsewhere." America American Jewish Committee “) Prescott Bush was involved in the coup attempt -- that some of the "most important" er-MacGuireportions of hisconversations testimony rather that Prescott Bush was a member of a "wealthy and secretive had been suppressed in the McCormack-Dickstein report to Congress. The committee, he growled, had "stopped dead in its group of industrialists and bankers.” [15] tracks when it got near the top." He added angrily:" Like most committees,“After being ittold has about slaughtered the del the little and allowed the big to In other words, despite the accusatory headline, Prescott Bush broadcast over WCAU on was not involved in the fascist plot to overthrow the government. escape. The big shots weren't even, 1935 called, Butler to revealedtestify. Why wasn't Colonel called? Why wasn't GraysonFebruary M.-P.etions Murphy17 by Spivak, in Butler's Trafficking with the enemy is whole ’nuther thang. the United States, called? . . . Why wasn't Al Smith called? , called? And why wasn't And why wasn't Gen.Louis Howe Links , New York broker ... , Secretary to the President of Douglas MacArthur , Chief of Staff of the MacNiderwere all ,mentioned former American in the testimony. Legion commander, And why was called? all mention They Conspiracy/dp/1602390363/ref=si3_rdr_bb_product/103-1611469-9043833 of these names suppressed from the committee report?"Hanford Committee testimony:

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App B. Evidence? As noted at the beginning of this article, Buchanan states: Buchanan continues, linking the past to the present: [YouTube, 4:26]: “George Bush doesn’t take his philosophical foundation from the “… Prescott Bush … tried to overthrow the US Government and bible or the teachings of Jesus or the Sermon on the Mount, George 2 assassinate FDR and put a Hitler-style Fascist state in place. I have Bush takes his inspiration from what he learned in Skull & Bones 3 in my possession testimony from the MacCormick-Dickstein and from the Thule Society that Hitler and Goebbels and Goering Committee in Nov of 1934 by one of the fascist plotters that they cut their teeth in.” were going to follow Hitler’s model exactly and impose martial law Unfortunately for Buchanan, the Thule Society was not on the United States, round up unemployed people that were supported by the Nazis; it was persecuted and forcibly disbanded: worthless to the economy and troublemakers and Jews and put them into internment camps and their plan was if necessary to Early in 1920 Karl Harrer was forced out … as Hitler exterminate the people that could not be part of the effort.” moved to sever the party's link with the Thule Society, which However, unfortunately for Buchanan all of the committee subsequently fell into decline and was dissolved about five years later (Goodrick-Clarke 1985: 221 testimony regarding the Smedley Butler plot, including those to power. portions which had previously been suppressed, are now available as Rudolf von Sebottendorff had withdrawn from the Thule scanned PDFs: one, two, and three. The full content of Committee Society in 1919 , but in 1933 he returned to Germany in the investigation is also now available as text at: hope of reviving it. In that year he), wellpublished before aHitler book came entitled Bevor Hitler kam (Before Hitler Dickstein_Committee#Public_Statment_on_Preliminary_findings_of_HUAC.2C_November_24.2C_1934 the Thule Society had paved the way for the Führer:

"Thulers were the ones to whom Hitler first came, and In contrast to Buchanan’s allegations, a search of the Thulers were the first to unite themselves with Hitler." Came), in which he claimed that unexpurgated committee record for keywords “Prescott” or This claim was not favourably received by the Nazi “Bush” results in “phrase not found.” authorities: after 1933, esoter völkisch occultists) were suppressed, many closed down by So where does Buchanan get this proof that Prescott Bush was anti-Masonic legislation in 1935. Sebottendorff's book was a Business Plotter, and that “If FDR would not cooperate and step prohibited and he himself was arrested and imprisoned for a short period in 1934, afterwards departing into a lonely exile in aside, they would execute him. Kill him." ic organisations (including Turkey. Apparently he’s concocted it. Because nowhere does Buchanan present evidence of Prescott Bush’s involvement in plot to assassinate FDR. Moving on to more recent “conspiracies”:

2 As did John Kerry. 3 Buchanan pronounces it “thool” instead of “thoo-lee” (Θούλη)

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“… , these evil organizations that perpetrate the ugly things that these criminals are doing to this country for which “It’s critical that every citizen rise up and do … something; because they must be held accountable…” the day of reckoning is at hand at these people are Nazis, they are […] practicing the Nazi philosophy, they are mimicking Nazi tactics, and time is running out.” “…Now you look at the Republican National Convention this week and you bring in Arnold Schwarzenegger to speak last John Buchanan, “Keeping It In the Family.” night. Schwarzenegger is the son of a Nazi, he has praised Nazis, he has praised Hitler, he talked last night in terms like ‘we will not falter, we will not waver, we will win this war on terror. Well that’s exactly the speeches that Hitler made after the Reichstag fire; terrorism and the homeland being under attack are precisely the issues that Hitler used to subvert everything within the German system of government.


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App C. App D. Reputed Members of the Business Plot War Seizures Controversy • Irenee Du Pont - Right-wing chemical industrialist and From: founder of the , the organization assigned to execute the plot. “Harriman Bank was the main Wall Street connection for German • Grayson Murphy - Director of Goodyear, Bethlehem Steel companies and the varied U.S. financial interests of Fritz Thyssen, who had and a group of J.P. Morgan banks. been an early financial backer of the Nazi party until 1938, but who by 1939 • had fled Germany and was bitterly denouncing Hitler. Business transactions for William Doyle - Former state commander of the American profit with Nazi Germany were not illegal when Hitler declared war on the Legion and a central plotter of the coup. United States (December 11, 1941), but, six days after the attack on Pearl • John Davis - Former Democratic presidential candidate and a Harbor, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the Trading With the senior attorney for J.P. Morgan. Enemy Act after it had been made public that U.S. companies were doing • Al Smith - Roosevelt's bitter political foe from New York. business with the declared enemy of the United States. On October 20, 1942, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of Nazi German banking operations Smith was a former governor of New York and a codirector in New York City. President Franklin Roosevelt's Alien Property Custodian, of the American Liberty League. Leo T. Crowley, signed Vesting Order Number 248 seizing the property of • Robert Clark - One of Wall Street's richest bankers and Prescott Bush under the Trading with the Enemy Act. The order, published in stockbrokers. obscure government record books and kept out of the news, cited only the • Gerald MacGuire - Bond salesman for Clark, and a former Union Banking Corporation (UBC) connections with Von Thyssen. Fox News has reported that recently declassified material "The 4,000 Union Banking commander of the Connecticut . MacGuire readers that the devastation of the Great Depression had shares owned by the Dutch bank were registered in the names of the seven causedwas themany key Americans recruiter to to question General the Butler. foundations of liberal U.S. directors, according a document signed by Homer Jones, chief of the democracy. "Many traditionalist division of investigation and research of the Office of Alien Property Custodian, a World War II-era agency that no longer exists"[2]. with the ideas of Fascism and National Socialism; many liberals dallied with Socialism and Communism." This helps • E. Roland Harriman--3991 shares (managed and under voting control of “explainClayton whyCramer some, in Americana 1995 History business Today leaders article, viewed reminded fascism Prescott Bush) as a viable system to both s,preserve here and their in interestsEurope, toyedand end the economic woes of the Depression.” • Cornelis Lievense--4 shares (He was the New York banker of the German Nazi Party) • Harold D. Pennington--1 share (Employed by Prescott Bush at Brown Brothers Harriman) • Ray Morris--1 share (a business partner of the Bush and Harriman families) • Prescott S. Bush--1 share (director of UBC, which was co-founded and sponsored by his father-in-law George Walker; senior managing partner for E. Roland Harriman and Averell Harriman)

• H.J. Kouwenhoven--1 share (organized UBC for Von Thyssen, managed UBC in Nazi occupied Netherlands) • Johann G. Groeninger--1 share (German Industrial Executive, a not unimportant member of the Nazi party)

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App E. The Harriman business interests seized under the act in October and Bohemian Grove November 1942 included: Union Banking Corporation (UBC) (for Thyssen and Brown Brothers Harriman). The “For a definitive look at the history of the Grove and the • composition of Bohemian Club members and their social, President of UBC at that time was George Herbert Walker, Prescott Bush's father-in- Professor of Sociology at Sonoma State University in law. He is the grandfather and great-grandfather of the former and current Presidents business and political affiliations, updating Domhoff's book California. The dissertation covers 167 pdf pages and contains Bush. (below), see:A Relative Advantage: Sociology of the San appendices and a bibliography. Phillips attended the Grove and • Holland-American Trading Corporation (with Harriman) Francisco Bohemian Club by Peter Martin Phillips, current conducted scores of interviews with attendees in his • the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation (with Harriman) research. • Silesian-American Corporation (this company was partially owned by a German entity; [3] during the war the Germans tried to take full control of Silesian-American. In response to that, the American government seized German owned minority shares in the ” company, leaving the U.S. partners to carry on the business.) The assets were held by the government for the duration of the war, then —+— returned afterward. UBC was dissolved in 1951. Prescott Bush was on the Professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz, who has board of directors of UBC and held one share in the company. For it, he was “Social Cohesion & the Bohemian Grove: The Power Elite attended the Grove.” reimbursed $1,500,000. These assets were later used to launch Bush family at Summer Camp By G. William Domhoff, the current Research investments in the Texas energy industry. Toby Rogers has claimed that Bush's connections to Silesian businesses —+— (with Thyssen and Flick) make him complicit with the mining operations in “The protest group BGAN was formed in 1980 by Mary Poland which used slave labor out of Auschwitz, where the Auschwitz Moore and is still operative; it concentration camp was later constructed. the Grove and has been given selected Grove Camp Membership (2004) and Guest (1979) lists.” The New York Herald-Tribune referred to the German industrialist, Fritz Thyssen, as "Hitler's Angel" and mentioned Bush as an employee of the has employee contacts inside investment banking firm Thyssen used in the USA. The underlying importance is Hitler's known ideology; intelligent business partners like Bush and Thyssen and Harriman clearly knew who they were doing business with and were willing to do so. Some records in the National Archives, including the Harriman App F. papers, document the continued relationship of Brown Brothers Harriman with War Seizures Controversy Thyssen and some of his German investments up until his 1951 death.[4] Investigator John Loftus has said, "As a former federal prosecutor, I would Figure 4 through Figure 8 provide scans of pages ordering make a case for Prescott Bush, his father-in-law (George Walker) and Averell seizure of the Hamburg American Line. Harriman [to be prosecuted] for giving aid and comfort to the enemy. They remained on the boards of these companies knowing that they were of financial benefit to the nation of Germany." Two former slave laborers from Poland have filed suit in London against the government of the United States and the heirs of Prescott Bush in the amount of $40 billion. A class-action lawsuit filed in the U.S. in 2001 was dismissed based on the principle of state sovereignty.[5]

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Figure 4. (37)

Prescott Bush and the Smedley Butler “Business Plot”

Figure 5. (38)

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Figure 6. (39)

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Figure 7. (40)

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Figure 8. (41)

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Figure 9. Watson/Buchanan Accusations

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Figure 10. BBC/Thompson Accusations

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