GCSAA SHOW WRAP UP Seay accepts Don Rossi Award for Palmer By MARK LESLIE of golf similar to Don said: "If there is any- ANAHEIM, Calif. — Saying Rossi kicking off our or- one who appreciates a "some of the accolades we get as ganization." Rossi was a group of people more architects start righti n this room," founder of GCBAA and than I appreciate [you], Ed Seay stood in for served as its executive I don't know where who received the Don Rossi Hu- vice president when he they are — because manitarian Award from the Golf died six years ago. you have helped pro- Course Builders Association of In a prerecorded, vid- tect the integrity and America (GCBAA). eotaped message, Palmer al- the tradition of the game of golf. A partner in Arnold Palmer luded to the approximately 200 And I might add that I feel that Golf Design who has worked golf courses on which he has you have an obligation to con- with Palmer since 1971, Seay told been a design consultant and Continued on page 41 the annual GCBAA banquet here that he first spoke to the organi- Golf Course News publisher Charlie von Brecht (right) presents award to BillKubly zation in its fledging stages in 1973. "Then you were not recog- Landscapes' Kubly credits nized much," he said. "Today you are not recognized as you should be — as the backbone of our hardworking staff industry — but pat yourselves By MARK LESLIE Best Small Builder of the Year on your back. You have made it. ANAHEIM, Calif. — Golf Award for Quality Grassing You're here and all of us archi- Course Builder of the Year & Services, and President tect and owners are very proud Landscapes Unlimited earned Geoffrey Corlett accepted a of your efforts." its award because of "the hard special Honorable Mention In presenting the award in ab- work of our staff," said its Small Builder Award for Turf sentia to Palmer, outgoing GCBAA president. Drain, Inc. President Paul Eldredge of Accepting the honor from The Builder of the Year Wadsworth Golf Construction Co. Charles von Brecht, publisher Award has been presented for cited the Golf Hall of Famer as of the sponsoring Golf Course nine years and the Small "the one who kicked off the game News, Bill Kubly said his com- Builder of the Year for two. pany "works hard all year to Wadsworth Golf Construction provide a quality product. I want Co., Paul Clute and SAJO as ADA an issue to thank the architects, suppli- well as Landscapes Unlimited ers and distributors who help have won previous Best at GCSAA us all have this opportunity to Builder honors. MacCurrach have a wonderful livelihood." Golf Construction was the By BOB SPIWAK President Howard Barnes first winner of the Small ANAHEIM, Calif. — As accepted Golf Course News' Builder citation in 1997. the future of tour golfer Casey Martin was being decided in an Oregon court- Venturi puts maintenance into room, a panel was discuss- ing the Americans with Dis- perspective/ wins abilities Act (ADA) at the GCSAA conference here. By MARK LESLIE four things: small greens, hard As the lawyers argued in ANAHEIM, Calif. — Golf greens, fast greens and narrow Eugene, the panel and at- course conditioning, not playing fairways." tendees were watching a equipment, has created the big- He lamented that an entire video news replay, head- gest change in the game of golf, field of golfers too often will play lined with, "Golf course according to Ken Venturi. a hole in the same way. For that cares more about grass than Venturi, here to accept the Old reason, for instance, Venturi obeying the law." Tom Morris Award from the Golf doesn't like island greens be- The news replay was pre- course Superintendents Associa- cause "they don't give you mul- sented by Steve Gervais of For Up To 16 Weeks! tion of America, told a press con- tiple choice... It doesn't give you Suncor Development Co. in The Andersons' Tee Time with NUTRALENE ference: "The courses are so the chance to protect a lead." Arizona, who was one of formulations incorporate the industry's ideal perfect. [In the past] you had to The annual Old Tom Morris the panelists moderated by have imagination. You had to Award honors individuals who GCSAA Government Rela- nitrogen source together with advanced, small create something that wasn't have made a lifetime commit- tions Counsel Cynthia particle fertilizer. In these or other fertilizer there. Now, look at Augusta Na- ment to the game of golf, to pro- Kelly Smith. NUTRALENE tional and you can putt on the mote the welfare of the game in Other speakers included formulas you may select, works fairways. That has been one of a manner and style exemplified Greg Jones of the Associa- two ways. You get an initial release of nitrogen the greatest changes in golf. You by the award's namesake, a four- tion of Disabled American followed up with a slow, controlled-release can talk about equipment. But time British Open champion and Golfers, Peggy Greenwell I'm talking about conditions. a golf course architect, of the Access Board (a that can feed up to 16 weeks. That has made the game much, groundskeeper and professional branch of the Justice De- You get it green and it stays green longer. much different/' at Old St. Andrews in Scotland. partment), Jack Andre of Tee Time Fertilizers with NUTRALENE: Saying he is inspired by tradi- "Looking at the life of Ken the National Park Service, tion, Venturi spoke of Ireland and Venturi you can see many paral- and Jerry Coldiron, super- Uniformly the best in the business. Scotland where "they play 'down' lels with the life of Old Tom," intendent at Lassing Pointe golf instead of 'up' golf. said outgoing GCSAA President GC in Kentucky where a the professional's 'The ball is made to run," he Paul McGinnis. "They both met high profile situation in- said. "You can never make a obstacles, and both overcame volving a disabled golfer green hard enough." setbacks to find success on and had recently been resolved Irish and Scottish golf, he said, off the course. Old Tom Morris 0GCN December '97 and give the golfer multiple choices. had a passion for the game that January '98). "It allows you to use your imagi- he exuberantly shared with oth- Smith led the discussion nation." ers so that they, too, could enjoy with an explanation of the "Ask good shot-makers what his experiences. Ken Venturi has Continued on page 40 they like," he said, "and they like Continued on page 40 GOLF COURSE NEWS "W 1998 GCSAA SHOW WRAP UP -winner: younger ages today because So it's all relative." televising, and after 18 holes you Venturi • "I don't think I've ever played there are no wars; and they can • "I don't think it will be an have me eight down who's going Continued from page 39 a round of golf when I wasn't get points easier. "I missed three Olympic sport. We have our to watch us play? That's the one done the same thing. He has humbled. I never played the per- Ryder Cups because I had to wait Olympics. I look at the Olympics key to match play. I've always taught the game of golf to the fect game. Golf is like humility. five years to get enough points." as amateurs. I don't get a kick loved match play, and that's one modern world, whether doing When you think you have it, • 'Today, someone makes $2 out of watching our professional thing I missed as a pro." special schools, or as a golf ana- you've lost it... It will teach you million, and it's all relative. It's NBA players winning the Olym- • "Golf courses are becoming lyst on TV." personality. By playing a round hard to make $2 million when pics. That's no contest." obsolete — like Marion... I would Telling Venturi the public has in competition with a person I first prize is $2,000. In 1958 I • "Match play will not survive like to see a [distance] limit on the enjoyed the game through his can tell you a lot about them, won four times and finished in over here [America] because of golf ball itself. And on equipment. words and actions, McGinnis about their business, their per- the top ten 15 times and earned television. Television prevents you We used to have a sweet spot the said: "Although more than a cen- sonality, how they handle life." $49,500... But today you don't from having match play. If you size of a nickle to hit an iron shot. tury apart, there is no mistake • Golfers are winning at get to sit next to a . and I are in the finals and they are Now it's the size of a lemon." Old Tom Morris and Ken Ven- turi share a special kinship as guardians of the game of golf." While Venturi suffered a hand injury that ended his competitive career and missed out on the big paydays of modern times, he said: Tm very fortunate... What price would you put on being able to dine with and and having take you under his wing, and having say he would like to play with me when we play the Masters?" He said he would like to see younger players "come up and introduced himself to an older player and thank them for being able to play today for the mil- lions of dollars they make." Other comments from the 1998


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40 March 1998