Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Release Compensation Board P.O. Box 2280  Westerville, 43086-2280 Phone: (614) 752-8963  Fax: (614) 752-8397

AGENDA Petroleum UST Release Compensation Board November 18, 2020 – 10:00 a.m.

I. Chairman’s Call to Order

II. Approval of Minutes – September 9, 2020 Tab 1

III. BUSTR Report – Chief Verne Ord Tab 2

IV. Financial Reports – Don Leasor A. Audit Report B. August and September Financials Tab 3 C. Fee Statement Statistics Tab 4

V. Compliance and Fee Assessment Report – Madelin Esquivel Tab 5

VI. Claims Reports – Rick Trippel Tab 6

VII. Finance Committee Report – Chairman Rocco

VIII. Certificates of Coverage Ratification A. 2019 Certificates – Issued & Denied Tab 7 B. 2020 Certificates – Issued Tab 8

IX. Executive Session

X. Confirm Next Meeting Date – January 13, 2021, and Adjourn

Memorandum To: The Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Release Compensation Board From: Chief -Verne Ord, BUSTR Re: BUSTR Report Date: November 18, 2020


One field inspection position has been vacant since April 10, 2020. The Commerce Human Resource Department has posted the position internally and has applications. Due to the Governor’s directive, this position is currently on hold.


Responsible Party Search Project

The FY21 responsible party search program commenced on July 1, 2020. There is $25,000 in LUST grant dollars dedicated for this program being used to perform 25 responsible party searches. To date, 14 responsible party searches have been submitted by the vendors and deemed complete.

Customer Centric Activities/Service

The corrective action staff is successfully reviewing electronically submitted reports in a timely manner while the field inspection staff are having success communicating with facility owners and their contractors to take the steps necessary to close out previously cited violations via electronically submitted documentation. In addition, BUSTR field staff are performing operational compliance inspections using social distancing and PPE protocol. 12 Letters of Support for communities seeking a U.S. EPA Petroleum Brownfields program grant have been timely processed with electronic signature and submittal.

FY21 & FY22 LUST Grant Application

The FY21 & FY22 LUST grant application submitted to the U.S. EPA Region 5 in Chicago has been approved for FY21 only at $1,957,490. U.S EPA Region 5 has not received the FY22 allocation dollar amount from the Office of Underground Storage Tanks (OUST). BUSTR will resubmit the original application, with adjustments, once the Region receives the award from OUST. The anticipated dollar amount is not expected to vary much from the FY21 award.

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All staff have completed “Ethics” and “Securing Commerce” training through the ELM portal with future training to beheld via the “Ohio Learn” web portal. In addition, 2 stages of diversity training have been completed by all BUSTR staff.


Annually, BUSTR has provided annual “Certified Installers” and “Certified Inspectors” courses during February and March. Due to the COVID event, future certified installer and inspector course training events are not certain for 2021. Scheduling of these courses are being evaluated.


Click Scheduling

The OTTER data base is now being used to successfully schedule operational compliance inspections of UST facilities. The Click program was taken off-line on June 30, 2020.

U.S. EPA All-States Meeting

The U.S.EPA Region 5 All-States Meeting was originally scheduled for April 9 & 10, 2020 in Chicago, Illinois. This meeting was delayed due to the COVID-19 and held virtually on August 12 and 13, 2020. Ohio participated as the host for this meeting with Steven Krichbaum and Scott Sigler leading. Steven and Scott worked with the Region 5 states in putting together the agenda that was used for this meeting.


Release Prevention UST Operation Compliance Inspections The current 3-year inspection cycle ends May 1, 2022. For the week ending November 6, 2020 68 new inspections were performed for a total of 2,874 inspections. (2nd year of 3-year inspection cycle).

Corrective Action No Further Action Letters (NFA) The current grant cycle ends September 30, 2021. For the week ending November 6, 2020 13 NFA’s were generated, for a total of 42 NFA’s To - date target projection of total NFA’s is 47

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Statistic Count as of 11/6/2020 Number of Registered Tanks 21,018 Number of Owners of Registered Facilities 3,476 Number of Registered Facilities 7,065 Number of Active Releases 2,166 Number of Active Closures 1,567 Number of Program No Further Actions 31,225


Fiscal 2021 % Of FY 2021 July August September Total YTD Budget Budget Tank Revenue In house collections * 7,998,964.08 384,645.00 106,755.00 8,490,364.08 Net refunds paid (20.00) (800.00) (7,750.00) (8,570.00) AG collections ** 2,414.00 19,702.12 11,792.07 33,908.19 Collection costs paid by owner (514.00) (1,652.12) (596.40) (2,762.52) Total Tank Revenue 8,000,844.08 401,895.00 110,200.67 8,512,939.75 101.71% 8,370,000 Interest Income Interest Earned 22,043.76 17,343.60 15,841.86 55,229.22 26.30% 210,000 Unearned Gain/(Loss) on Investments (6,797.70) (11,639.50) (8,376.70) (26,813.90) Total Interest Income 15,246.06 5,704.10 7,465.16 28,415.32 Miscellaneous Income 3.10 111.02 22.01 136.13 13.61% 1,000

Total Income 8,016,093.24 407,710.12 117,687.84 8,541,491.20 99.54% 8,581,000

Claims Expense 4,019,144.14 272,642.08 531,052.22 4,822,838.44 37.10% 13,000,000

Operating Expenses Salaries 124,231.78 111,959.22 120,681.11 356,872.11 24.96% 1,430,000 Temp Services 3,870.00 0.00 0.00 3,870.00 12.90% 30,000 Rent 0.00 12,746.52 25,493.04 38,239.56 24.67% 155,000 Office Supplies 1,171.72 350.76 1,730.80 3,253.28 16.27% 20,000 Printing & Copying * 608.82 733.24 467.62 1,809.68 12.06% 15,000 Legal & Professional L&P services 24,063.59 1,340.00 1,250.00 26,653.59 Collection costs 490.07 2,023.97 458.96 2,973.00 Collection costs paid by owner (514.00) (1,652.12) (596.40) (2,762.52) Total L & P Expense 24,039.66 1,711.85 1,112.56 26,864.07 10.75% 250,000 Travel 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 6,000 Employee Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 1,000 Telephone 1,419.08 128.01 2,403.69 3,950.78 25.99% 15,200 Postage * 522.08 16,193.58 849.25 17,564.91 58.55% 30,000 Depreciation 2,469.48 2,415.55 2,415.72 7,300.75 24.50% 29,800

Total Operating Expenses 158,332.62 146,238.73 155,153.79 459,725.14 23.20% 1,982,000 Net Income (Cash method) 3,258,927.62

* Extremely cylical; occurs mainly during and as a result of the fee assessment period. ** Includes monies collected by AGO and Board Staff for delinquent accounts previously certified to AGO for collections. Petroleum UST Release Compensation Board Balance Sheet As of 09/30/2020

Assets Current Assets 108 State Cash Balance 455,448.23 114 Treasury Notes 17,041,678.44 138 Unclaimed Monies Trust Account 160,005.49 140 Investments - Obligated 8,177,161.56 141 Reinvested Interest - Obligated 7,630.62 142 Investments - Unobligated 4,584,057.45 143 Reinvested Interest-Unobligated 3,777.17 Total Current Assets 30,429,758.96 Fixed Assets 160 Fixed Asset-Furniture 118,454.48 165 Fixed Asset-Data Processing 916,150.20 169 Accumulated Depreciation (953,197.57) Total Fixed Assets 81,407.11 Total Assets $30,511,166.07

Liabilities Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities 0.00 Long Term Liabilities Total Long Term Liabilities 0.00 Total Liabilities $0.00

Equity Equity Accounts 283 Retained Earnings (Deficiency) 16,519,052.62 Current Year Income (Loss) 13,992,113.45 Total Equity 30,511,166.07

Total Liabilities and Equity $30,511,166.07

Printed: 11/09/2020 9:53 am rpt0105 Page 1 of 1 Petroleum UST Release Compensation Board Income Statement For the Month Ended 09/30/2020

Operating Income Year To Date 301 Tank Fees 110,200.67 9,996,750.22 303 Investment Income 7,465.16 28,415.32 Total Operating Income 117,665.83 10,025,165.54 Operating Expenses 350 Claims Paid 531,052.22 (4,148,096.59) Total Operating Expenses 531,052.22 (4,148,096.59) Administrative Expenses 621 Salaries 107,700.00 123,039.75 626 Temporary Services 0.00 1,170.00 634 Rent 25,493.04 38,239.56 638 Office Supplies 1,730.80 2,090.27 639 Printing & Copying 467.62 1,147.12 668 Legal & Professional 1,112.56 3,299.46 669 Depreciation Expense 2,415.72 7,300.75 680 Telephone 2,403.69 3,789.48 681 Postage 849.25 1,208.42 Total Administrative Expenses 142,172.68 181,284.81 Other Income 701 Miscellaneous Income 22.01 136.13 Total Other Income 22.01 136.13

Net Income (Loss) ($555,537.06) $13,992,113.45

Printed: 11/09/2020 9:55 am rpt0106 Page 1 of 1 Petroleum UST Release Compensation Board Trial Balance Transaction Dates 09/01/2020 to 09/30/2020

Account Account Beginning Balance Transaction Ending Balance 108 State Cash Balance 484,527.13 (29,078.90) 455,448.23 114 Treasury Notes 17,036,666.95 5,011.49 17,041,678.44 138 Unclaimed Monies Trust Account 159,975.68 29.81 160,005.49 140 Investments - Obligated 8,708,667.69 (531,506.13) 8,177,161.56 141 Reinvested Interest - Obligated 6,062.89 1,567.73 7,630.62 142 Investments - Unobligated 4,584,057.45 0.00 4,584,057.45 143 Reinvested Interest-Unobligated 2,922.51 854.66 3,777.17 160 Fixed Asset-Furniture 118,454.48 0.00 118,454.48 165 Fixed Asset-Data Processing 916,150.20 0.00 916,150.20 169 Accumulated Depreciation (950,781.85) (2,415.72) (953,197.57) 283 Retained Earnings (Deficiency) (16,519,052.62) 0.00 (16,519,052.62) 301 Tank Fees (9,886,549.55) (110,200.67) (9,996,750.22) 303 Investment Income (20,950.16) (7,465.16) (28,415.32) 350 Claims Paid (4,679,148.81) 531,052.22 (4,148,096.59) 621 Salaries 15,339.75 107,700.00 123,039.75 626 Temporary Services 1,170.00 0.00 1,170.00 634 Rent 12,746.52 25,493.04 38,239.56 638 Office Supplies 359.47 1,730.80 2,090.27 639 Printing & Copying 679.50 467.62 1,147.12 668 Legal & Professional 2,186.90 1,112.56 3,299.46 669 Depreciation Expense 4,885.03 2,415.72 7,300.75 680 Telephone 1,385.79 2,403.69 3,789.48 681 Postage 359.17 849.25 1,208.42 701 Miscellaneous Income (114.12) (22.01) (136.13) 0.00 0.00 0.00

Printed: 11/09/2020 10:13 am rpt0104 Page 1 of 1 MONTHLY INCOME FIGURES AS OF AUGUST 31, 2020 (CASH BASIS)

Fiscal 2021 % Of FY 2021 July August Total YTD Budget Budget Tank Revenue In house collections * 7,998,964.08 384,645.00 8,383,609.08 Net refunds paid (20.00) (800.00) (820.00) AG collections ** 2,414.00 19,702.12 22,116.12 Collection costs paid by owner (514.00) (1,652.12) (2,166.12) Total Tank Revenue 8,000,844.08 401,895.00 8,402,739.08 100.39% 8,370,000 Interest Income Interest Earned 22,043.76 17,343.60 39,387.36 18.76% 210,000 Unearned Gain/(Loss) on Investments (6,797.70) (11,639.50) (18,437.20) Total Interest Income 15,246.06 5,704.10 20,950.16 Miscellaneous Income 3.10 111.02 114.12 11.41% 1,000

Total Income 8,016,093.24 407,710.12 8,423,803.36 98.17% 8,581,000

Claims Expense 4,019,144.14 272,642.08 4,291,786.22 33.01% 13,000,000

Operating Expenses Salaries 124,231.78 111,959.22 236,191.00 16.52% 1,430,000 Temp Services 3,870.00 0.00 3,870.00 12.90% 30,000 Rent 0.00 12,746.52 12,746.52 8.22% 155,000 Office Supplies 1,171.72 350.76 1,522.48 7.61% 20,000 Printing & Copying * 608.82 733.24 1,342.06 8.95% 15,000 Legal & Professional L&P services 24,063.59 1,340.00 25,403.59 Collection costs 490.07 2,023.97 2,514.04 Collection costs paid by owner (514.00) (1,652.12) (2,166.12) Total L & P Expense 24,039.66 1,711.85 25,751.51 10.30% 250,000 Travel 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 6,000 Employee Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 1,000 Telephone 1,419.08 128.01 1,547.09 10.18% 15,200 Postage * 522.08 16,193.58 16,715.66 55.72% 30,000 Depreciation 2,469.48 2,415.55 4,885.03 16.39% 29,800

Total Operating Expenses 158,332.62 146,238.73 304,571.35 15.37% 1,982,000 Net Income (Cash method) 3,827,445.79

* Extremely cylical; occurs mainly during and as a result of the fee assessment period. ** Includes monies collected by AGO and Board Staff for delinquent accounts previously certified to AGO for collections. Petroleum UST Release Compensation Board Balance Sheet As of 08/31/2020

Assets Current Assets 108 State Cash Balance 484,527.13 114 Treasury Notes 17,036,666.95 138 Unclaimed Monies Trust Account 159,975.68 140 Investments - Obligated 8,708,667.69 141 Reinvested Interest - Obligated 6,062.89 142 Investments - Unobligated 4,584,057.45 143 Reinvested Interest-Unobligated 2,922.51 Total Current Assets 30,982,880.30 Fixed Assets 160 Fixed Asset-Furniture 118,454.48 165 Fixed Asset-Data Processing 916,150.20 169 Accumulated Depreciation (950,781.85) Total Fixed Assets 83,822.83 Total Assets $31,066,703.13

Liabilities Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities 0.00 Long Term Liabilities Total Long Term Liabilities 0.00 Total Liabilities $0.00

Equity Equity Accounts 283 Retained Earnings (Deficiency) 16,519,052.62 Current Year Income (Loss) 14,547,650.51 Total Equity 31,066,703.13

Total Liabilities and Equity $31,066,703.13

Printed: 11/09/2020 9:53 am rpt0105 Page 1 of 1 Petroleum UST Release Compensation Board Income Statement For the Month Ended 08/31/2020

Operating Income Year To Date 301 Tank Fees 401,895.00 9,886,549.55 303 Investment Income 5,704.10 20,950.16 Total Operating Income 407,599.10 9,907,499.71 Operating Expenses 350 Claims Paid 272,642.08 (4,679,148.81) Total Operating Expenses 272,642.08 (4,679,148.81) Administrative Expenses 621 Salaries 108,500.00 15,339.75 626 Temporary Services 0.00 1,170.00 634 Rent 12,746.52 12,746.52 638 Office Supplies 350.76 359.47 639 Printing & Copying 733.24 679.50 668 Legal & Professional 1,711.85 2,186.90 669 Depreciation Expense 2,415.55 4,885.03 680 Telephone 128.01 1,385.79 681 Postage 16,193.58 359.17 Total Administrative Expenses 142,779.51 39,112.13 Other Income 701 Miscellaneous Income 111.02 114.12 Total Other Income 111.02 114.12

Net Income (Loss) ($7,711.47) $14,547,650.51

Printed: 11/09/2020 9:54 am rpt0106 Page 1 of 1 Petroleum UST Release Compensation Board Trial Balance Transaction Dates 08/01/2020 to 08/31/2020

Account Account Beginning Balance Transaction Ending Balance 108 State Cash Balance 1,423,444.57 (938,917.44) 484,527.13 114 Treasury Notes 17,034,263.83 2,403.12 17,036,666.95 138 Unclaimed Monies Trust Account 159,936.07 39.61 159,975.68 140 Investments - Obligated 8,980,729.36 (272,061.67) 8,708,667.69 141 Reinvested Interest - Obligated 3,889.30 2,173.59 6,062.89 142 Investments - Unobligated 3,384,057.45 1,200,000.00 4,584,057.45 143 Reinvested Interest-Unobligated 1,855.64 1,066.87 2,922.51 160 Fixed Asset-Furniture 118,454.48 0.00 118,454.48 165 Fixed Asset-Data Processing 916,150.20 0.00 916,150.20 169 Accumulated Depreciation (948,366.30) (2,415.55) (950,781.85) 283 Retained Earnings (Deficiency) (16,519,052.62) 0.00 (16,519,052.62) 301 Tank Fees (9,484,654.55) (401,895.00) (9,886,549.55) 303 Investment Income (15,246.06) (5,704.10) (20,950.16) 350 Claims Paid (4,951,790.89) 272,642.08 (4,679,148.81) 621 Salaries (93,160.25) 108,500.00 15,339.75 626 Temporary Services 1,170.00 0.00 1,170.00 634 Rent 0.00 12,746.52 12,746.52 638 Office Supplies 8.71 350.76 359.47 639 Printing & Copying (53.74) 733.24 679.50 668 Legal & Professional 475.05 1,711.85 2,186.90 669 Depreciation Expense 2,469.48 2,415.55 4,885.03 680 Telephone 1,257.78 128.01 1,385.79 681 Postage (15,834.41) 16,193.58 359.17 701 Miscellaneous Income (3.10) (111.02) (114.12) 0.00 0.00 0.00

Printed: 11/09/2020 10:13 am rpt0104 Page 1 of 1 PETROLEUM UST RELEASE COMPENSATION BOARD PROGRAM YEAR 2020 FEE STATEMENT STATISTICS AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2020 PY 2019 / FY 2020 October 31, 2020 October 31, 2019 Percent of Actual PY 2020 / FY 2021 PY 2019 / FY 2020 PY 2019 / FY 2020 To Date (7/1/2020 - 6/30/2021) (7/1/2019 - 6/30/2020) Billed Paid ACTUAL COLLECTIONS:

Fees: Current Year Fees $8,318,550 $8,201,737 99% $8,135,371 100.82% $8,387,496 Prior Year Fees (a) 114,950 136,825 219,971 (b) Total Fees Collected to Date $8,316,687 $8,272,196 $8,607,467

Number of Tanks: Standard Deductible 15,412 14,582 95% 14,714 99.10% 15,005 Reduced Deductible (c) 5,317 5,485 103% 5,315 103.20% 5,369 Total Tanks 20,729 20,067 97% 20,029 100.19% 20,374

Number of Owners: Standard Deductible 1,008 1,013 99.51% 1,087 Reduced Deductible 2,049 2,033 100.79% 2,018 Total Owners 3,242 3,057 94% 3,046 100.36% 3,105

PY 2020 PY 2020 Recommended % Actual vs Actual To Date Budget Projected


Fee Revenue $8,316,687 $8,370,000 99.36%

Number of Paid Tanks 20,067 20,220 99.24%

(a) Net of refunds paid (b) As of June 30 2020, net of refunds paid of $57,235 (c) As of October 31, 2020, the percentage of tanks paid at the reduced deductible is 27.3% of the total number of tanks paid for PY 2020, and was 26.5% for the same period in PY 2019. PETROLEUM UST RELEASE COMPENSATION BOARD PROGRAM YEAR 2020 COMPLIANCE / FEE ASSESSMENT REPORT AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2020

PY 2020 PY 2020 Increase from PY 2019 PY 2018 PY 2017 PY 2016 Percent of As of 10/31/20 (7/1/20 - 8/31/20) Sept. Meeting (7/1/19 - 6/30/19) (7/1/18 - 6/30/19) (7/1/17 - 6/30/18) (7/1/16 - 6/30/17) PY 2020/PY 2019 Refunds Amount of Refunds Paid $12,750 (a) $1,500 $11,250 $57,235 $95,305 $31,368 $29,801 13% Number of Refunds Paid 12 4 8 145 172 56 116 7% Number of Owners Paid Refunds 10 3 7 68 105 31 19 10% Number of Pending Refunds 2,721 2,663 58 Amount of Pending Refunds $1,515,497 $1,426,997 $88,500

Collections Amount of Refunds Used to Offset Outstanding Fees $2,000 $0 $2,000 $20,412 $35,270 $14,745 $44,204

Amount Collected by Attorney General/Special Counsel $43,241 $22,116 $21,125 $91,022 $204,467 $156,904 $299,807 Collection Costs $4,124 $2,514 $1,610 $17,077 $27,523 $33,970 $59,320 Amount Collected by AG/SC, Less Collection Costs $39,117 $19,602 $19,515 $73,945 $176,944 $122,934 $240,487

Number of Accounts Certified to the AG's office 0 0 0 339 23 205 321 Number of Owners Certified to the AG's office 0 0 0 263 16 146 174 Amount Certified to the AG's office $0 $0 $0 $1,085,529 $64,220 $664,750 $1,124,050 Appeals Orders Pursuant to Law 8 7 - information to support appeal is expected; 1 - information received and under review Determination to Deny a Certificate of Coverage 0 Ability to Pay Applications Ability to Pay Applications Pending Review 0 COC Applications (As of 11/6/20) COC Application/Fee Statements Sent - annual mailing 3,242 3,254 3,276 3,327 3,418 # of Owners Issued COC 2,627 1,729 3,047 3,064 3,102 3,136 # of Owners w/COCs In-Process 431 1,177 28 32 26 n/a # of Owners w/Unresolved Pending Denials of COC 7 0 0 0 0 0 # of Owners w/Unresolved Determinations Denying COC 0 0 108 127 135 126 Unclaimed Monies/Refunds Pending Owners on Unclaimed Monies List (Uncashed Checks) 31 30 Amount of Unclaimed Monies (Uncashed Checks) $23,308 $29,208 Owners with Refunds Pending - More Info Requested 8 9 Amount of Refunds Pending with More Info Requested $32,096 $32,895 Owners with Refunds Pending – No Response to MIR 34 34 Amount with Refunds Pending – No Response to MIR $60,745 $60,745

(a) PY 2020 refund/offsets as of 10/31/20: $14,750. PY 2019 refund/offsets: $77,647. PY 2018 refund/offsets: $130,575. PY 2017 refunds/offsets: $46,113. PY 2016 refund/offsets: $74,005. CLAIMS STATISTICS REPORT November 2, 2020

Total Number of all Releases 3,235 Face Value of all Claims $506,887,024 Total Deductible Used for Settled Claims ($109,808,715) Deductible Remaining for Open Claims ($3,841,824) Net Value $393,236,485 Total Disallowed Costs ($101,992,266) Total Payments & Installments ($280,849,560) Maximum Liability of Unpaid Claims $10,394,659

Average Clean-up Costs for All Releases Received NFA: Total Average Gross Value per Release $141,969 Total Average Net Value per Release $107,458 Total Average Payout per Release (2,719 releases) $77,568

Costs for Releases Cleaned Up Exclusively Under BUSTR's Risk Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Rules:

Above and Below the Deductible (654 releases): Average clean-up costs per release: $85,152 Average claim payout per release: $31,373

Above the Deductible (360 releases): Average clean-up costs per release: $131,895 Average claim payout per release: $56,995

Work in Progress: Open Claims Number of Claims with More Information Requested 4 Number of Claims with More Information Received 16 Number of Pending Above Deductible Claims 563

Total 583 Settled/Closed Claims Number of Settled Claims 4,932 Number of Closed Claims 13,277 Below Deductible/NFA closed without review/Elig. Revoked 947 Number of Claims on Waiting List 493

Total 19,649 Held Claims Number of Claims with Appeals Outstanding 28 Number of Claims Below the Deductible 186

Total 214 Total Number of Claims 20,446

Page 1 CLAIM SETTLEMENT SUMMARY CLAIMS REC'D SETTLED RVK/BD-NFA† FACE VALUE DISALLOWED DEDUCTIBLE USED SETTLEMENT 2010 808 ($11.406 M) 705 52 $12,639,804 $3,001,516 $2,583,509 $ 7,054,779 AVG/MONTH 67 ($0.951 M) 63 AVERAGE PAYOUT PER CLAIM $ 10,007 PERCENTAGES 23.7% 70.2% 2011 795 ($10.545 M) 725 94 $13,320,431 $2,753,772 $3,537,439 $ 7,029,220 AVG/MONTH 66 ($0.878 M) 68 AVERAGE PAYOUT PER CLAIM $ 9,695 PERCENTAGES 20.7% 71.9% 2012 732 ($10.130 M) 697 53 $11,779,357 $2,405,669 $2,374,716 $ 6,740,405 AVG/MONTH 61 ($0.844M) 63 AVERAGE PAYOUT PER CLAIM $ 9,671 PERCENTAGES 20.4% 71.7% 2013 932 ($12.134 M) 891 55 $12,513,139 $2,334,057 $2,874,260 $ 7,304,822 AVG/MONTH 78 ($1.011 M) 79 AVERAGE PAYOUT PER CLAIM $ 8,198 PERCENTAGES 18.7% 75.8% 2014 768 ($10.541 M) 898 58 $13,546,097 $2,466,260 $3,040,313 $ 8,039,525 AVG/MONTH 64 ($0.878 M) 80 AVERAGE PAYOUT PER CLAIM $ 8,953 PERCENTAGES 18.2% 76.5% 2015 790 ($11.089 M) 792 67 $12,587,087 $2,517,791 $2,451,880 $ 7,617,416 AVG/MONTH 66 ($0.924 M) 72 AVERAGE PAYOUT PER CLAIM $ 9,618 PERCENTAGES 20.0% 75.2% 2016 678 ($ 9.953 M) 705 21 $11,300,759 $2,247,136 $2,174,478 $ 6,879,146 AVG/MONTH 57 ($0.829 M) 60 AVERAGE PAYOUT PER CLAIM $ 9,758 PERCENTAGES 19.9% 75.4% 2017 592 ($10.061 M) 627 68 $12,059,956 $1,775,926 $2,079,620 $ 8,204,410 AVG/MONTH 49 ($0.838 M) 58 AVERAGE PAYOUT PER CLAIM $ 13,085 PERCENTAGES 14.7% 82.2% 2018 637 ($12.179 M) 416 31 $7,688,727 $1,831,396 $1,167,125 $ 4,690,207 AVG/MONTH 53 ($1.015 M) 37 AVERAGE PAYOUT PER CLAIM $ 11,271 PERCENTAGES 23.8% 71.9% 2019 522 ($9.060 M) 467 20 $8,804,678 $1,495,572 $1,039,836 $6,269,386 AVG/MONTH 44 ($0.755 M) 41 AVERAGE PAYOUT PER CLAIM $13,425 PERCENTAGES 17.0% 80.7% 2019 w/MAJOR OILᴬ 522 ($9.060 M) 1560 20 $34,782,236 $11,746,028 $4,166,938 $18,869,386 AVG/MONTH 44 ($0.755M) 132 AVERAGE PAYOUT PER CLAIM $12,096 PERCENTAGES 33.8% 61.6%

PROGRAM YEAR 2020 MONTH CLAIMS REC'D SETTLED RVK/BD-NFA† FACE VALUE DISALLOWED DEDUCTIBLE USED SETTLEMENT Jul-20 56 ($1.088 M) 30 0 $619,006 $149,221 $110,000 $359,785 Aug-20 56 ($1.293 M) 59 0 $823,739 $127,903 $70,493 $625,343 Sep-20 48 ($0.827 M) 57 11 $1,031,474 $60,618 $118,892 $851,964 Oct-20 43 ($0.795 M) 45 0 $846,658 $250,203 $150,332 $446,123 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 TOTAL 203 ($4.003 M) 191 11 $3,320,877 $587,944 $449,717 $2,283,215 AVG/MONTH 51 ($1.001 M) 51 AVERAGE PAYOUT PER CLAIM $11,954 PERCENTAGES 17.7% 79.5%

†Eligibility revoked and/or Below Deductible claims with an NFA are not included in the claims payout statistics.

ᴬ2019 w/Major Oil includes a settlement agreement with a major oil company for 1,093 claims totaling $12,600,000.00 (payout percentage of 55.1%)

Page 2 ELIGIBILITY STATISTICS REPORT November 2, 2020 Breakdown of Applications

More Info Requested 6 Unreviewable 9 In Review 93 Total Open Applications 108 Eligibility Determinations Under Appeal 6

REC'D APP'D DENIED PY 2004 72 81 47 Average/mo. 6 11 PY 2005 97 72 33 Average/mo. 8 9 Denial Reasons PY 2004-2019 % PY 2006 109 73 32 No Release 107 27.2% Average/mo. 9 9 Late Filing 63 16.0% PY 2007 108 74 28 No Valid COC 42 10.7% Average/mo. 9 9 Abandoned/OOC Tank 40 10.2% PY 2008 99 68 26 No CA Required 90 22.8% Average/mo. 8 8 Pre-Fund Release 7 1.8% PY 2009 95 84 19 Incomplete App 12 3.0% Average/mo. 8 9 Untimely Fees 3 0.8% PY 2010 48 51 16 No Fee Payment 1 0.3% Average/mo. 4 6 No Response 3 0.8% PY 2011 67 47 14 Other 26 6.6% Average/mo. 6 5 Total 394 100.0% PY 2012 87 54 17 Average/mo. 7 6 PY 2013 53 65 7 Average/mo. 4 6 PY 2014 80 64 15 Average/mo. 7 7 PY 2015 77 43 26 Average/mo. 6 6 PY 2016 76 42 27 Average/mo. 6 6 PY 2017 78 42 40 Average/mo. 7 7 PY 2018 91 37 21 Average/mo. 8 5 PY 2019 115 51 26 Average/mo. 10 6

Program Year 2020 REC'D APP'D DENIED Denial Reasons PY 2020 % Jul-20 6 1 1 No Release 0 0.0% Aug-20 6 4 0 Late Filing 0 0.0% Sep-20 8 5 2 No Valid COC 1 25.0% Oct-20 7 5 1 Abandoned/OOC 1 25.0% Nov-20 No CA Required 2 50.0% Dec-20 Pre-Fund Release 0 0.0% Jan-21 Incomplete App 0 0.0% Feb-21 Untimely Fees 0 0.0% Mar-21 No Fee Payment 0 0.0% Apr-21 No Response 0 0.0% May-21 Other 0 0.0% Jun-21 Total 4 100.0% PY 2020 27 15 4 Average/mo. 7 5


Mandatory Cost Pre-Approvals Voluntary Pre-Approvals Number Annual RAPs in Review 10 Number in Review 2 Number Annual FPR in Review 3 All Other Mandatory Open Cost Pre-Approvals: 21 Notification of Cost Exceedance Total Open Mandatory Cost Pre-Approvals 34 Number in Review 1

Annual RAP Annual FPR Monitoring / Notification of Cost Pre- Cost Pre- Mandatory Calibration Cost New RAPs Approvals Approvals IRA Tier 3 Plan Exceedance Voluntary TOTALS REC'D DET'D REC'D DET'D REC'D DET'D REC'D DET'D REC'D DET'D REC'D DET'D REC'D DET'D REC'D DET'D REC'D DET'D PY 2010 22 22 21 24 52 66 8 9 23 28 34 38 Previously 31 30 191 217 PY 2011 36 30 18 17 56 55 5 2 22 17 45 43 included in 41 46 223 210 PY 2012 26 39 18 18 57 68 7 10 13 23 30 41 Annual RAP 35 35 186 234 PY 2013 30 29 36 38 51 54 5 4 14 16 20 21 Cost Pre- 18 22 174 184 PY 2014 32 35 31 33 30 33 6 5 13 9 22 20 Approval column 21 20 155 155 PY 2015 23 31 21 19 38 37 8 9 10 13 22 18 23 26 17 16 162 169 PY 2016 18 17 21 21 22 28 2 2 11 10 21 27 14 16 21 22 130 143 PY 2017 25 15 30 36 16 20 4 4 6 8 18 20 6 6 24 23 129 132 PY 2018 27 23 37 36 19 15 3 4 4 3 17 15 16 16 18 20 141 132 PY 2019 13 20 42 33 14 19 2 1 5 7 10 9 19 14 17 13 122 116

Annual RAP Annual FPR Monitoring / Notification of Cost Pre- Cost Pre- Mandatory Calibration Cost PY 2020 New RAPs Approvals Approvals IRA Tier 3 Plan Exceedance Voluntary TOTALS REC'D DET'D REC'D DET'D REC'D DET'D REC'D DET'D REC'D DET'D REC'D DET'D REC'D DET'D REC'D DET'D REC'D DET'D Jul-20 3 0 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 4 0 1 12 7 Aug-20 3 2 5 5 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 1 2 2 14 15 Sep-20 2 6 0 4 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 2 4 2 2 9 19 Oct-20 3 2 2 3 1 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 3 0 3 9 14 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 TOTALS 11 10 11 14 7 5 1 1 2 1 1 4 7 12 4 8 44 55 Avg./Mo 2.75 3 3 4 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 11 14

Page 4 Petroleum UST Release Compensation Board Facility Certificate Listing Program Year 2019 COC Eff Date: Yes COC Print Date: Yes

Printed from 9/9/2020 to 11/10/2020

Owner/Fac UST Cnt Own / Fac Name Own / Fac Address Eff Date Print Date Override Reason Denial Status

10994-0010 1 - HOS 3065 Arlington Avenue, Toledo OH 07/01/2019 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18877-0207 3 True North Location 1727 125 Byers Road, Miamisburg OH 05/26/2020 09/21/2020 PD Response Accepted Accepted 18914-0001 2 Spencerville Quick Stop 202 N. Broadway Street, Spencerville OH 07/01/2019 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18914-0002 4 National Oil & Gas 305 S. Main Street, New Knoxville OH 07/01/2019 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18914-0003 3 The Point 1150 Elida Road, Delphos OH 07/01/2019 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18914-0005 4 Antwerp Deli River And Monroe St, Antwerp OH 07/01/2019 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18914-0006 4 Wapakoneta Marathon 1003 Defiance Avenue, Wapakoneta OH 07/01/2019 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18914-0007 4 St Marys Marathon 202 W. South Street, St. Marys OH 07/01/2019 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18914-0008 3 National Oil & Gas, Inc. 4970 State Route 66, New Bremen OH 07/01/2019 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18914-0009 2 Black Gold Ventures Ohio, LLC 515 E. Market Street, Celina OH 07/01/2019 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18914-0011 3 Mendon Motor Inn 10391 US Route 127, Mendon OH 07/01/2019 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21616-0001 3 PAP Oil Company, LLC 602 Lincoln Avenue, Lancaster OH 07/01/2019 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21616-0002 3 PAP Oil Company 1326 Oakland Park Avenue, Columbus O 07/01/2019 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21616-0003 1 PAP Oil Company, LLC 6901 Franklin Lebanon Road, Franklin OH 07/18/2019 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21616-0004 2 PAP Oil Company, LLC 12500 State Route 235 N., Lakeview OH 07/01/2019 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21616-0006 3 PAP Oil Company, LLC 3494 State Route 741, Lebanon OH 07/01/2019 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21616-0008 4 PAP Oil Company, LLC 7077 Harrison Avenue, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2019 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21616-0009 3 PAP Oil Company, LLC 750 Lexington Avenue, Mansfield OH 07/01/2019 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21616-0010 5 PAP Oil Company, LLC 104 E. Main Street, St. Paris OH 07/01/2019 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21616-0011 3 PAP Oil Company, LLC 296 Home Avenue, Xenia OH 07/01/2019 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24645-0001 1 1215 Superior Holdings LLC 1215 Superior Avenue, Cleveland OH 06/24/2020 10/14/2020 PD Response Accepted Accepted 24692-0001 3 27179 Detroit Road, Westlake OH 07/01/2019 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

Total Owners 6

Total Facilities 22

Total USTs 64

Total Determinations 20

Printed: 11/10/2020 1:59 pm rpt0542 Page 1 of 1 Petroleum UST Release Compensation Board Facility Certificate Listing Program Year 2019 COC Eff Date: No COC Print Date: No Denial Status: DETERMINATION

Date of Determination from 9/9/2020 to 11/10/20 Owner/Fac UST Cnt Own / Fac Name Own / Fac Address Eff Date Print Date Override Reason Denial Status

457-0001 4 Licatas Sunoco 4001 Holland Sylvania Road, Toledo OH N/A Determination 457-0002 4 Licatas Sunoco Franklin Park 4828 Monroe Street, Toledo OH N/A Determination 457-0003 4 Licatas Sunoco Toledo 4142 Monroe Street, Toledo OH N/A Determination 18914-0012 1 Black Gold Ventures Ohio LLC 402 S. Main Street, Bryan OH N/A Determination 20533-0026 3 Stop N Shop 10195 Airport Highway, Monclova OH N/A Determination 24391-0001 3 Vine Street Market 7111 Vine Street, Cincinnati OH N/A Determination 24663-0001 2 Nadtar 4468 Monroe Street, Toledo OH N/A Determination

Total Owners 5

Total Facilities 7

Total USTs 21

Total Determinations 7

Printed: 11/10/2020 2:05 pm rpt0542 Page 1 of 1 Petroleum UST Release Compensation Board Facility Certificate Listing Program Year 2020 COC Eff Date: Yes COC Print Date: Yes

Printed from 9/9/2020 to 11/10/2020

Owner/Fac UST Cnt Own / Fac Name Own / Fac Address Eff Date Print Date Override Reason Denial Status

81-00015 Par Mar Store #101 2889 State Route 821, Marietta OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 97-00011 SYSCO Food Services of Central Ohio, I 2400 Harrison Road, Columbus OH 08/12/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 121-0001 3 Ace 13920 State Route 107, Montpelier OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 300-0002 1 Alliance Community Hospital 200 E. State Street, Alliance OH 08/24/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 359-0001 2 American Elec Pwr Svc Corp 1 Riverside Plaza, Columbus OH 07/15/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 391-0001 2 Amherst Exempted Village 255 Washington Street, Amherst OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 464-0001 3 Anthony Wayne Local Schools 6320 Industrial Park, Whitehouse OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 511-0001 2 AK Steel Corp Middleton Works 1801 Crawford Street, Middletown OH 07/06/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 569-0001 3 Ashtabula Yacht Sales and Service 970 Bridge Street, Ashtabula OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 649-0004 1 Avery Dennison Corporation 170 Monarch Lane, Miamisburg OH 07/13/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 655-0004 1 Avis Rent A Car System LLC 3801 International Gateway, Columbus OH 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 655-0008 2 Avis Rent A Car System LLC 18923 Maplewood Avenue, Cleveland OH 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 657-0001 2 Avon Lake High School 175 Avon Belden Road, Avon Lake OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 685-00012 B A Miller and Sons Trucking Inc St Rt 109 South, Liberty Center OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 766-00013 Baron Enterprises 1530 Pole Lane Road, Marion OH 07/16/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 794-00012 Bath Local Schools 2650 Bible Road, Lima OH 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 815-00011 Public Safety Building 120 N. Fountain Avenue, Springfield OH 09/03/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 826-00013 Beachwood Board of Education 23757 Commerce Park, Beachwood OH 08/19/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 852-00012 Beaver Excavating Co 2000 Beaver Place Avenue, Canton OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00063 Friendship Food Store #72 323 W. Water Street, Oak Harbor OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00103 Friendship Food Store #73 1925 W. State Street, Fremont OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00116 Fremont Bulk Plant 1000 N. Front Street, Fremont OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00122 Friendship Food Store 914 W. State Street, Fremont OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00175 Friendship Food Store #70 3800 E. State Street, Port Clinton OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00183 Friendship Food Store #74 1965 Byrne Road, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00203 Friendship Food Store #77 712 N. State Street, Bettsville OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00224 Friendship Food Store #84 1318 Cleveland Road, Sandusky OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00242 Friendship Food Store #87 1045 Myrtle Avenue, Willard OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00473 Freindship Food Store #75 64 E. Main Street, Wakeman OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00483 Friendship Food Store #78 3273 Defiance Pike, Wayne OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00522 Friendship Food Store #80 1744 Tiffin Road, Fremont OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00563 Rapids Marathon 24010 Front Street, Grand Rapids OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00596 Friendship Food Store #71 1 E. Tiffin Street, Attica OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00705 Becks Bulk Plant 3515 Tiffin Avenue, Sandusky OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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862-00753 Vermilion Friendship 98 1810 State Route 60, Vermilion OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00764 New Haven Corner Carry Out Inc. 2700 US Route 224, New Haven OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00772 Huron Market 525 Cleveland Rd. West, Huron OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-0079 3 Archbold Wash-N-Fill Marathon 1911 S. Defiance Street, Archbold OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00813 089 Norwalk Friendship 275 Milan Avenue, Norwalk OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00834 Beck Suppliers Inc. 100 N. Vance Street, Carey OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00845 079 Oregon Fuel Mart 5805 Navarre Avenue, Oregon OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00853 76 Port Clinton Marathon 1810 E. Perry Street, Port Clinton OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-0086 3 Amherst Friendship 47505 Cooper Foster Park Road, Amherst O 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00873 Friendship #95 600 North Center Street, Lagrange OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00883 Plain City Shell 440 S. Jefferson Avenue, Plain City OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00894 91 Oak Harbor BP 101 E Water St, Oak Harbor OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00903 Friendship #93 38800 Center Ridge Road, North Ridgevi 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00913 91 Oakwood Friendship 22775 Broadway Avenue, Oakwood Villa 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00923 090 Elyria Friendship 41186 Beechwood Drive, Elyria OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00933 Olmsted Friendship 88 27133 Bagley Road, Olmsted OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00943 083 Friendship Kitchen 4024 Hayes Avenue, Sandusky OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 862-00953 86 Lewis Center Friendship 45 Coal Bend, Delaware OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 922-00012 Benton Carroll Salem Bus G 601 N Benton St, Oak Harbor OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 957-0001 3 Bertone Inc. dba Bertone's Gas and Serv 222 E. Erie Street, Painesville OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1103-00042 Boardman Township 8299 Market Street, Boardman Township O 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1249-00011 Brookfield Local School Dist 7015 Grove St, Brookfield OH 07/06/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1257-00014 Brookside 1301 West Main Street, Van Wert OH 07/06/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1267-0001 1 Adult Detention Ctr 750 Mt Orab Pike, Georgetown OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1267-00043 Brown County Maintenance Facility 25 Veterans Drive, Georgetown OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1267-00051 Brown County Sheriff's Building 800 Mount Orab Pike, Georgetown OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1369-00016 Buckley Bros. Inc. Property 143 N. Plains Road, The Plains OH 07/14/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1402-00094 Main Express Citgo 502 West Main Street, McArthur OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1554-00012 Cantini Inc 3459 S Main St, Rock Creek OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1694-00012 Hartzell Hardwoods Inc. 1025 S. Roosevelt Avenue, Piqua OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1733-00022 Transportation Department 10256 Sheehan Road, Centerville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1739-00012 Central Cadillac Co 2801 Carnegie Ave, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00111 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 204 Latin Street, Cortland OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00121 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 13474 Cygnet Road, Cygnet OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00131 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 415 Second Street, Defiance OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00141 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 60 Eastern Road, Doylestown OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00151 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 127 N. Main Street, Bellefontaine OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00161 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 2303 State Route 88, Bristolville OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00171 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 123 S. Walnut Street, Bucyrus OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00181 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 4529 Mahoning Avenue N.W., Warren OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00191 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 715 E. Main Street, Elida OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00201 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 2169 Elm Road N.E., Warren OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00211 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 10 N. Pleasant Street, Fredericktown OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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1762-00221 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 200 S. Broadway Street, Greenville OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00231 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 135 Niles Cortland Road, Howland OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00241 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 103 S. Main Street, Johnstown OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00251 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 323 Grandview Boulevard, Lake Milton OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00261 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 20 N. Mechanic Street, Lebanon OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00271 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 20 Frederick Street, Lexington OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00281 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 122 S. Elizabeth Street, Lima OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00291 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 50 S. Main Street, Marengo OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00301 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 322 W. Main Street, Mason OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00311 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 15 E. Gambier Street, Mount Vernon OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00321 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 115 N. Plum Street, Marysville OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00331 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu Rear 2031 Park Avenue W., Mansfield OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00341 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 25 S. Mulberry Street, Mansfield OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00351 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 654 E. Miltown Road, Madisonburg OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00361 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 15 S. Center Street, Newton Falls OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00371 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 1140 Oak Knoll S.E., Warren OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00381 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 10 E. Walnut Street, Pataskala OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00391 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 125 N. Main Street, Sidney OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00401 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 1107 State Route 430, Mansfield OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00411 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 67 E. Grandville Street, Sunbury OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00421 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 123 Lincoln Street, Swanton OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00431 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 112 N. Market Street, Van Wert OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00441 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 300 W. Grand Street, Versailles OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00451 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 220 S. Park Avenue, Warren OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00461 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 763 Lexington Avenue, Mansfield OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00471 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 10 Water Street, Shelby OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00481 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 14820 Ovitt Road, Waterville OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00491 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 114 E. Elm Street, Wauseon OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00501 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 224 E. Liberty Street, Wooster OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00511 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 4293 Fort Amanda Road, Lima OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00521 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 1317 Hills Miller Road, Delaware OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1762-00531 United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Centu 255 N. Canal Street, Delphos OH 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1806-00014 B E Pizza 18992 Main Street, Broadway OH 07/10/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1806-00022 Raceway Mini-Mart Inc 9039 Larue Prospect Rd, Larue OH 07/10/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1815-00012 Bellbrook Fire Dept 4254 W Franklin St, Bellbrook OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1816-00016 Bootsies Carryout Serv 155 W Columbus St, Lithopolis OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1967-00145 Central Serv Motor Eq 850 E. Market Street, Akron OH 07/02/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1967-0039 3 Akron Fulton Airport 1600 Triplett Blvd, Akron OH 07/02/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1979-00014 Bay Village Service Center 31300 Naigle Road, Bay Village OH 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1979-00041 Huntington Pump Station 431 Longbeach Parkway, Bay Village OH 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 1981-00022 Service Department City 25401 Solon Road, Bedford Heights OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2015-00021 Village of Crestline 100 N. Seltzer St., Crestline OH 07/14/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2023-00032 Delaware Municipal Airport 1075 Dr, Delaware OH 08/05/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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2029-00053 Elyria Central Maintenance 851 Garden Street, Elyria OH 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2029-00063 Elyria W W Pollution Contr 1194 Gulf Rd, Elyria OH 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2029-00071 Elyria Water Works 3628 W. Erie Avenue, Lorain OH 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2030-00012 City of Englewood Service Center 1111 Union Boulevard, Englewood OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2040-00011 Fremont Police Dept 1141 W State St, Fremont OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2040-00051 Water Treatment Plant 1113 Tiffin St, Fremont OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2040-00062 City of Fremont Fueling Station 723 S. Front Street, Fremont OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2049-0001 2 City of Independence Service Departmen 6350 Selig Boulevard, Independence OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2072-00011 City Of Middleburg Heights 15700 E. Bagley Road, Middleburg Height 07/06/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2072-00032 City of Middleburg Heights 7375 Engle Road, Middleburg Heights OH 07/06/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2089-00013 City of North Olmsted 5200 Dover Center Road, North Olmsted O 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2098-00042 City of Oberlin Service Complex 538 Hill Creek Road, Oberlin OH 08/04/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2100-00012 R E Lacy Service Center 415 Pine Street, Orrville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2101-00012 Garage 945 S. Main Street, Oxford OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2101-00021 Waste Water Treatment Plant 501 Mckee Ave, Oxford OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2101-00031 Water Treatment Plant 4935 Oxford Trenton Road, Oxford OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2104-00013 Parma Hts Service Garage 6184 Pearl Rd, Parma Heights OH 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2115-00012 City Of Richmond Heights 26260 Chardonview Road, Richmond Heig 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2116-00012 City of Rocky River 21012 Hilliard Boulevard, Rocky River OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2116-00022 City of Rocky River Service Garage 22401 Lake Road, Rocky River OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2117-00012 City Of South Euclid 1349 S Green Rd, S Euclid OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2117-00021 S Euclid Service Ctr 4224 Monticello Blvd, S Euclid OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2118-00012 Water Treatment Plant 2425 First Street, Sandusky OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2136-00011 City of Struthers 6 Elm Street, Struthers OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2137-00013 City Maintenance Building 5509 Harroun Rd, Sylvania OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2146-00012 Bayview Wastewater Treatment Plant 3900 N. Summit Street, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2146-00032 Fire Station 4 3940 Hill Avenue, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2146-00042 Fire Station 9 920 South Ave, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2146-00052 Fire Station 13 1899 Front St, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2146-00062 Fire Station 18 5221 Lewis Ave, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2146-00112 Muni Service Station Spielbush Southern, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2146-00232 Streets Bridges and Harbor 301 Byrne Rd, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2146-00254 Streets Bridges and Harbor 1189 W Central, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2146-00272 Sewer Maintenance 3930 Creekside, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2146-00282 Water Distribution 401 S Erie, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2146-00321 Windermere Lift Station Windermere Boulevard, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2146-00441 New Fire Station 24 5023 Summitt Street, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2146-00462 Glass City Municipal Marina 1701 Front Street, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2163-00011 City Hall 27200 Hilliard Blvd, Westlake OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2163-00031 Meadowood Golf Course 29694 Center Ridge Rd, Westlake OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2362-00012 Columbiana City Highway Department 315 South Market St, Lisbon OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2618-00031 Dicke Service Station 304 S. Washington Street, New Bremen O 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2656-00052 Cuyahoga City Airport 355 Richmond Road, Richmond Heights O 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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2656-00112 Fitch Maint Yard 7924 Fitch Road, Olmsted Twp OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2656-00192 RTA Harvard District 2501 Harvard Avenue, Newburgh Heights O 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2658-00012 Cuyahoga Community College 11000 Pleasant Valley Road, Parma OH 07/13/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2658-00022 Cuyahoga Community College 2900 Community College Avenue, Clevel 07/13/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2658-00032 Cuyahoga Community College 4250 Richmond Road, Highland Hills OH 07/13/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2775-00014 Energy Plus 24 619 Sater St, Greenville OH 08/10/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2775-00037 McGonigle Facility 2173 Millville Oxford Rd, Hamilton OH 08/10/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2824-00011 Dave's Auto Service 102 East Street, Liberty Center OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2864-00011 Dayton Service Bldg 1900 Dryden Rd, Dayton OH 07/02/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2898-00012 Defiance County Airport 07557 SR 15, Defiance OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2898-00032 Defiance Cty Hwy Garage 7495 SR 15, Defiance OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2911-00012 Delaware County Svc Ctr 1405 US 23 North, Delaware OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2911-00023 Delaware County Engineers 50 Channing St, Delaware OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2911-00031 Olentangy Environmental Con 10333 Olentangy River Rd, Powell OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 2970-00011 Upper Valley Medical Center 3130 N. Co. Rd. 25A , Troy OH 08/24/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 3040-00012 Zeiter Trucking Inc. 2606 State Route 18 E., Norwalk OH 07/06/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 3238-00011 Drawbridge Marina Inc 247 Lake Shore Drive, Port Clinton OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 3269-00022 Duncan Oil Company 849 Factory Road, Beavercreek OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 3269-00352 Clark 8097 5450 Glenway Ave, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 3269-00403 Bellbrook Citgo 34 West Franklin, Bellbrook OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 3269-0041 5 All In One Food & Fuel 119 N. James H McGee Boulevard, Dayto 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 3269-00454 Strategic Bio Energy 3287 Hart Road, Lebanon OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 3269-00487 Fat Daddy's Road Dog, LLC 2901 Main Street, Moraine OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 3269-00495 Rockford Road Dog LLC 301 N. Main Street, Rockford OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 3269-00504 Willshire Road Dog LLC 603 Rockford Road, Willshire OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 3269-00514 B&C Carryout 7841 St Rt 93, Shawnee OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 3380-00011 Eastwood Schools 4800 Sugar Ridge, Pemberville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 3590-00063 Huron Basin Wastewater Treatment Pla 554 River Road, Huron OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 3590-00082 Erie County Service Center 2900 Columbus Avenue, Sandusky OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 3590-00091 Erie County Jail 2800 Columbus Avenue, Sandusky OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 3593-00011 Erie Concrete and Steel Supply 490 North River Road, Warren OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 3605-00763 Esber Beverage Co 2217 Bolivar Rd SW, Canton OH 07/02/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 3617-00012 Euclid City Schools Bus 463 Babbitt Road, Euclid OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 3618-00013 Erie Vu Maintenance 38303 Airport Parkway, Willoughby OH 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 3879-0001 2 Andy Barnhart Memorial Airport 10639 Milton Carlisle Rd, New Carlisle OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4007-00012 Frank City Schools Bus Garage 150 E. 6th Street, Franklin OH 07/23/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4154-00021 Earl K. Estep 899 Reed Road, Mansfield OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4244-00019 GE Aircraft Engines 1 Neumann Way Md N123, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4420-00023 Neil's Dyna Gard 3031 Clark Ave, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4420-00053 Harvard Ave Serv 9015 Harvard Ave, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4420-00094 Mikes Marathon Inc 5075 Lee Rd, Maple Heights OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4420-00125 El Hage Marathon 5571 Turney Road, Garfield Heights OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4420-00134 57 Marathon 8775 Wadsworth Ave, Wadsworth OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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4420-00174 Garfield & Missouri Marathon 2312 Garfield Blvd, Lorain OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4420-00187 Rudas Marathon 13915 Brookpark Road, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4420-00202 Express Muffler and Brake Corp 9247 Chillicothe Road, Kirtland OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4420-00213 Dave's Auto Service 4095 Colorado Ave, Sheffield Village OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4420-00223 Broadview and Wallings Marathon 8109 Broadview Rd, Broadview Hts OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4420-00244 Broadview Schaaf Marathon 4661 Broadview Road, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4556-00025 RTA Comm Respon Transit Service 4601 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4556-00033 RTA Service Building 6000 Grand Avenue, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4556-00043 RTA Triskett District 13405 Lakewood Heights Boulevard, Clev 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4556-00094 RTA Central Bus Maintenance Facility 2500 Woodhill Road, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4572-00022 Green Township Fire Station 55 5410 Audro Drive, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4641-00011 SE Ohio Regional Medical Center 1341 N. Clark Street, Cambridge OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4683-00012 Borden Dairy Co. of Cincinnati 757 Elliott Avenue, Cincinnati OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4729-00013 Hamilton County Engineers 223 W Galbraith Rd, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4729-00022 Hamilton County Engineers 3504 Round Bottom Rd, Newtown OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4729-00032 Hamilton County Engineers 6950 Ripple Rd, Cleves OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4729-00052 Hamilton County Engineers 934 Neeb Road, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4829-00011 Harris Motor Express 4261 Crawford Avenue, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 4968-00012 Henry Jergens Contractor 1280 Brandt Pike, Dayton OH 07/24/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5034-00011 Hilliard Transportation Facility 4970 Davidson Road, Hilliard OH 07/28/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5052-00012 Skeets Airport Inc. 3599 Herr Fieldhouse Road, Southington O 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5176-00012 Howard's Friendly Service, LLC 808 N. Perry Street, Napoleon OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5200-00011 Hull Builders Supply Inc. 685 Main Street, Vermilion OH 09/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5212-00017 Sunrise Cooperative, Inc. 82 Townsend Avenue, Norwalk OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5212-00087 Sunrise Cooperative, Inc. 1425 Rombach Avenue, Wilmington OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5212-00092 Sunrise Cooperative, Inc. 1860 Columbus Avenue, Springfield OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5212-00103 Sunrise Cooperative, Inc. 555 N. Broadway Street, Lebanon OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5212-00114 Sunrise Cooperative, Inc. 230 S. Ohio Street, Minster OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5505-00011 Glenmont Station 808 Depot Street, Glenmont OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5866-00014 Stroble Mini Mart St Rt 141, Ironton OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5866-00024 South Point BP 132 County Road 450, South Point OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5866-00044 Oak Hill BP Morgans and Rt 93, Oak Hill OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5866-00054 Whittingtons BP Service 309 Upper River Road, Gallipolis OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5866-00064 Rio Grande BP - Clark's Pump N Shop # 11381 State Route 588, Rio Grande OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5866-00083 Chesapeake BP 2927 Co Rd 44, South Point OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5866-00093 Ironton BP 824 Park Avenue, Ironton OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5866-00104 Waverly BP #39 506 East Emmitt, Waverly OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5866-00113 Wheelersburg BP 312 Center Street, Wheelerburg OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5866-00124 Portsmouth BP 3008 Scioto Trail, Portsmouth OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5866-00133 Newsome C Store 2626 Gallia Street, Portsmouth OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5866-00143 Lucasville B.P. #29 10863 ST Rt 23, Lucasville OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5866-00163 Clark's Pump N Shop #38 6288 State Route 7, Proctorville OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5866-00192 University Mart BP 1813 Liberty Street, Ironton OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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5866-00204 Jackson BP 90 Twin Oaks Drive, Jackson OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5866-00212 Meenachs Ashland 4440 Gallia St, New Boston OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5866-00224 Piketon BP 833 Beaver Creek Road, Piketon OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5866-00243 Portsmouth B.P. #12 11th & Gay Street, Portsmouth OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5866-00253 McArthur Marathon 301 S Market Street, McArthur OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5866-00264 Clark's Pump N Shop #25 7575 State Route 7, Procterville OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5866-00274 Hollidays Quick Stop 3302 State Route 243, Ironton OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5866-00282 Rosemount Rd. BP 1701 St Rt 139, Portsmouth OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 5896-00011 Jonathan Alder Junior High School 6440 Kilbury-Huber Road, Plain City OH 08/24/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6012-00021 Kealy Trucking 3184 E 79th St., Cleveland OH 07/08/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6038-00011 Jacobs and Sons Logging, LTD 132 Sycamore, St Henry OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6052-00014 Kenmore Construction Co Inc 700 Home Ave, Akron OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6090-00011 Kent State University Airport 4020 Kent Road, Stow OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6104-00012 Bus Garage 2640 Wilmingtom Pike, Kettering OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6104-00021 Kettering Fairmont High School 3301 Shroyer Rd, Kettering OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6105-00012 Kettering Medical Center 3535 Southern Boulevard, Kettering OH 08/12/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6105-00021 Sycamore Medical Hospital 4000 Miamisburg-Centerville Road, Miami 08/12/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6105-00041 Soin Medical Center 3535 Pentagon Boulevard, Beavercreek O 08/12/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6105-00051 Grandview Medical Center 405 W. Grand Avenue, Dayton OH 08/12/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6105-00071 Troy Hospital and Medical Center 600 West Main Street, Troy OH 08/12/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6137-00011 Kings Island 6300 Kings Island Dr, Kings Island OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6294-00013 Gtr Mentor Waste Wtr Treat 8471 Lakeshore Blvd, Mentor OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6294-0003 1 Aquarius Water Plant 38265 Aquarius Parkway, Willoughby OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6294-0009 2 Aquarius Water Plant 38270 Aquarius Parkway, Willoghby OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6294-00101 Redmill Creek Pump Station 4169 Middle Ridge Road, Perry OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6294-00151 Lake County Jail 74 East Erie Street, Painesville OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6324-00012 Lakeside Yacht Club Inc 4851 N Marginal Road, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6332-00011 Lakota Bus Garage 5200 County Road 13, Kansas OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6333-00012 Lakota Local School District 6947 Yankee Road, Middletown OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6368-000111 Port Columbus International Airport Tan 4800 Sawyer Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6368-00029 Lane Aviation Pt Cols 4925 Sawyer Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6371-00014 Dba Langs Marathon 5994 Mayfield Rd, Mayfield Heights OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6545-00081 Licking County Justice Center 155 E. Main Street, Newark OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6545-00093 Licking County Regional Airport Authorit 530 Heath Road, Heath OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6552-00011 Liebert Corp 1050 Dearborn Drive, Columbus OH 10/09/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6552-00031 Liebert Corp. 3040 S. 9th Street, Ironton OH 10/09/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6670-00022 Transportation Ctr 1154 Larc Lane, Toledo OH 07/02/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6671-00011 Lucas County Corrections Center 1622 Spielbush Ave, Toledo OH 07/02/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6671-00021 Family Court Center 429 Michigan St, Toledo OH 07/02/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6671-00041 Vehicle Maint 644 State Street, Toledo OH 07/02/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6671-00101 Lucas Co Correctional Treatmen 1100 Jefferson Avenue, Toledo OH 07/02/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6671-0011 1 Lucas County Commissioners- Sanitary E 2639 Holloway Rd, Maumee OH 07/02/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6671-0012 1 Lucas County Commissioners - Sanitary E3945 N Holland Sylvania Rd, Sylvania OH 07/02/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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6671-00131 The Source 1301 Monroe Street, Toledo OH 07/02/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6671-00142 Lucas County Engineer Rd Maintenance 1049 South McCord Road, Holland OH 07/02/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6705-00011 Lychburg Clay Middle School 8250 State Route 134, Lynchburg OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6719-00011 MA Brienza Field - Noble County Airport 48501 County Road 14A, Caldwell OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6759-00013 Mad River Local Schools 1837 Harshman Road, Riverside OH 08/11/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6784-00012 MCBDD 4791 Woodridge Dr, Austintown OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6790-00012 Sanitary Engineering Dept 761 Industrial Road, Youngstown OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6790-00031 Boardman Wastewater Plant 7980 E Parkside Drive, Boardman Twp OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6790-00061 Craig Beach Waste Wtr Trtmt 2599 Grandview Road, Lake Milton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6790-00071 New Middletown Wastewater 11435 Unity Road, New Springfield OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6790-00082 Campbell Wastewater Treatment 4200 Wilson Avenue, Campbell OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6790-00092 Juvenile Justice Center 300 E. Scott Street, Youngstown OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6812-00011 Tremco Incorporated 4475 E. 175th Street, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6885-00012 Mariner's Landing Inc. 7405 Forbes Road, Cincinnati OH 07/13/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6924-00012 Marlington Local Schls 10320 Moulin Ave NE, Alliance OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 6986-00023 Mason School Bus Garage 5025 Enterprise Drive, Mason OH 08/24/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7032-00011 Bus Garage 1115 Som Center Road, Mayfield Heights O 08/14/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7114-00011 Medina Recycling, Inc. 370 Lake Rd, Medina OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00025 Meijer Gas Station #51 2200 Tiffin Avenue, Findlay OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00045 Meijer Gas Station #61 3651 Towne Boulevard, Franklin OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00065 Meijer Gas Station #102 4095 Wilmington Pike, Kettering OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00075 Meijer Gas Station #103 5888 Springboro Pike, Dayton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00086 Meijer Gas Station #106 9210 N. Main Street, Englewood OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00096 Meijer Gas Station #104 1675 Hilliard Rome Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00106 Meijer Gas Station #111 2153 Marion Mt Gilead Road, Marion OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00116 Meijer Gas Station #112 1990 W. Main Street, Troy OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00126 Meijer Gas Station #110 3180 Elida Road, Lima OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00136 Meijer Gas Station #107 3928 Colonel Glen Highway, Fairborn OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00206 Meijer Gas Station #114 5030 N. Hamilton Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00216 Meijer Gas Station #116 2801 Curtice Road, Northwood OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00224 Meijer Gas Station #117 7240 W. Central Avenue, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00236 Meijer Gas Station #118 1500 E. Alexis Road, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00245 Meijer Gas Station #126 1321 N. Lexington Springmill Road, Mansf 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00255 Meijer Gas Station #144 3000 Columbus Lancaster, Lancaster OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00265 Meijer Gas Station #142 4714 Milan Road, Sandusky OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00275 Meijer Gas Station #135 1554 Main Street, Hamilton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00284 Meijer Gas Station #143 8870 Columbus Pike, Westerville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00294 Meijer Gas Station #147 7420 Tylersville Road, Westchester OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00304 Meijer Gas Station #148 887 Eastgate N. Drive, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00315 Meijer Gas Station #150 4039 W. State Route 22-3, Loveland OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00324 Meijer Gas Station #157 1084 State Route 28, Milford OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00334 Meijer Gas Station #156 2029 E. Wooster Street, Bowling Green O 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00344 Meijer Gas Station #181 50 Polaris Parkway, Westerville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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7119-00355 Meijer Gas Station #189 1961 N. Clinton Street, Defiance OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00364 Meijer Gas Station #212 7930 E. Broad Street, Reynoldsburg OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00373 Meijer Gas Station #211 10075 Meijer Drive, Rossford OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00385 Meijer Gas Station #241 7266 Executive Boulevard, Huber Heights O 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00395 Meijer Gas Station #234 2859 London Groveport Road, Grove City O 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00405 Meijer Gas Station #246 7685 Kings Crossing, Canal Winchester O 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00415 Meijer Gas Station #249 1380 Sunbury Road, Delaware OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00421 Meijer Tipp City Distribution Center 4200 S. County Road 25A, Tipp City OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00434 Meijer Gas Station #308 1820 Nagel Road, Avon OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00444 Meier Gas Station #317 255 Tallmadge Road, Kent OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7119-00454 Meijer Store #318 5310 Leavitt Road, Lorain OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7132-00013 Mentor Schools Service Building 7060 Hopkins Road, Mentor OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7209-00013 Miami Valley Construction 11997 Runyan Drive, Sharonville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7210-00017 Miami Valley Hospital 1 Wyoming Street, Dayton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7210-00022 Miami Valley Hospital South Campus 5801 Clyo Road, Centerville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7210-00041 Miami Valley Hospital - North Campus 9000 North Main Street, Dayton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7222-0001 2 Alger Carryout 106 E. Lee Street, Alger OH 07/08/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7286-00032 Sysco Food Services of Cleveland 4747 Grayton Road, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7292-00012 Mike Coates Const Co Inc 800 Summit Ave, Niles OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7299-00014 Mike's Amoco 3 East Avenue, Tallmadge OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7409-00011 Montgomery County DDS 5450 Salem Avenue, Dayton OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7466-00021 Motorists Mutual Insurance Co. 6650 New Albany Road E., New Albany O 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7490-00011 Mt Calvary Cemetery Mt Calvary Lane, Steubenville OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7563-00014 Sahlani Bros Inc 3161 Mayfield, Cleveland Hts OH 07/16/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7571-00023 Defiance Wash N Fill 619 Davidson St, Defiance OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7623-00011 NCR Corp. 1560 S. Patterson Boulevard, Dayton OH 08/04/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7777-00031 Northeastern Boad Of Education 1414 Bowman Road, Springfield OH 07/20/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7806-00011 N W Local School Bus Garage 7569 N. Elyria Road, West Salem OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7812-00012 Norton City Schools 4128 Cleveland Massillon Road, Barberton 07/30/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7859-00012 Oak Hills Loc Sch District 6465 Bridgetown Rd, Cincinnati OH 08/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7874-00011 Oclc Online Comp Lib Ctr 6565 Kilgour Place, Dublin OH 08/31/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00022 Canton South Service Center 2100 Shepler Church Avenue SW, Canton 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00032 New Serv Ctr 337 S Broadway, New Philadephia OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00042 Wooster Service Center 500 Maple Street, Wooster OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00073 Newark Service Center 777 Hopewell Drive, Heath OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00082 Mt Vernon Service Center Boyle Street, Mt Vernon OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00092 Lancaster Service Center 1320 Sugar Grove Road, Lancaster OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00121 Fremont Off Serv Bldg 1408 Oakwood StPO428, Fremont OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00132 Tiffin Service Center 2622 State Route 100 S., Tiffin OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00142 Bucyrus Serv Center 2552 Quaker Rd, Bucyrus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00182 Steubenville Service Center 120 John Scott Hwy, Steubenville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-002613 General Service Center 5300 Navarre Rd SW, Canton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00272 Columbia Center 12220 Columbus Rd SW SR 16, Pataskal 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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7883-00293 Lima Service Building 369 E O'Connor Ave, Lima OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00302 Findlay Service Center 430 Emma St, Findlay OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00322 Van Wert Service Center 690 N. Cherry Street, Van Wert OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00332 Zanesville Service Center 1900 Licking Rd, Zanesville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00342 Cambridge Service Center 6558 Glenn Highway (Route 40), Cambridg 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00382 Belmont Service Center 47687 National Road, St Clairsville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00392 Mcconnelsville Serv Ctr 4991 SR 60, Mcconnelsville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00402 Canton North East Serv Ctr 3525 Middle Branch Rd NE, Canton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00422 Chillicothe Serv 701 Hardin Drive, Chillicothe OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00434 Grandview Service 1333 Goodale Boulevard, Grandview Heig 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00441 Central Operations Center 4500 S. Hamilton Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00452 Northeast Quadrant 4909 Westerville Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00462 Northwest Quadrant 5721 Shier-Rings Road, Dublin OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00472 Southeast Quadrant 5900 Refugee Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-00482 Southwest Quadrant 1770 Georgesville Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-0049 2 Athens Service Center 9135 State Route 682, Athens OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7883-0050 2 AEP - Transmission Operation Center 8400 Smith's Mill Road, New Albany OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 7941-00012 Corr Choice Massillon 777 3rd Street NW, Massillon OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8017-00011 Oregon Board of Education 5721 Seaman Road, Oregon OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8056-00031 Mercy Health Care Center 2200 Jefferson Avenue, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8056-00051 Mercy Franciscan at West Park 2950 W. Park Drive, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8056-00072 St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center 2213 Cherry Street, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8056-00082 Mercy Memorial Hospital 904 Scioto Street, Urbana OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8056-00102 Springfield Regional Medical Center 100 Medical Center Drive, Springfield OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8056-00114 St. Charles Hospital 2600 Navarre Avenue, Oregon OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8056-00121 St Rita's Medical Center 730 W. Market Street, Lima OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8056-00133 St. Elizabeth Health Center 1044 Belmont Avenue, Youngstown OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8056-00141 St. Elizabeth Boardman Health Center 8401 Market Street, Boardman OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8056-00152 Mercy Hospital West 3300 Mercy West Boulevard, Cincinnati O 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8056-00161 St. Joseph Health Center 667 Eastland Avenue S.E., Warren OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8056-00171 Jewish Hospital 4777 East Galbraith Road, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8056-00181 Mercy Regional Medical Center 3700 Kolbe Road, Lorain OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8063-00011 Owens Corning World Headquarters One Owens Corning Parkway, Toledo OH 07/24/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8136-00022 School Bus Garage 7600 Day Drive, Parma OH 07/24/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8242-00011 Peoples Cartage Inc 8045 Navarre Road SW, Massillon OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8314-00103 Petron 24 Hr Feul Stop 199 W Main St, Chillicothe OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00019 Pilot Travel Center #281 2786 Salt Springs Road, Girard OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00028 Pilot Travel Center #285 10258 Lancaster Road S.W., Hebron OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00039 Pilot Travel Center #286 6141 US Route 127 N., Eaton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00047 Pilot Travel Center #360 11471 State Route 613 W, Van Buren OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00057 Pilot Travel Center #287 10048 Avon Lake Road, Burbank OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00065 Pilot Travel Center #213 3600 Interchange Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00076 Pilot Travel Center #309 44133 Fairground Road, Caldwell OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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8377-00086 Pilot Travel Center #014 7680 E. State Route 36, Sunbury OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00098 Pilot Travel Center #002 2246 State Route 45, Austinburg OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00108 Pilot Travel Center #003 1150 N. Canfield-Niles Road, Austintown O 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00115 Pilot Travel Center #004 39115 Colorado Road, Avon OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00134 Pilot Travel Center #006 61700 Southgate Road, Cambridge OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00156 Pilot Travel Center #008 25600 U.S. Route 23, Circleville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-001611 Pilot Travel Center #009 6830 Franklin Lebanon Road, Franklin OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00186 Pilot Travel Center #011 10920 Market Street, North Lima OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00197 Pilot Travel Center #012 3430 Libbey Road, Perrysburg OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00209 Pilot Travel Center #013 8924 Lake Road, Seville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-002110 Pilot Travel Center #015 5820 Hagman Road, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00226 Pilot Travel Center #454 1365 State Route 42 N.E., London OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00238 Pilot Travel Center #457 427 E. Main Street, Beaverdam OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00259 Pilot Travel Center #455 488 State Route 61, Marengo OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00267 Pilot Travel Center #016 5572 N. US Route 68, Wilmington OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00275 Pilot Travel Center #130 5219 Brecksville Road, Richfield OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00286 Pilot Travel Center #239 1600 E. Wyandot Avenue, Upper Sandusk 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00294 Pilot Travel Center #303 905 American Road, Napoleon OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00308 #700 26415 Warns Road, Perrysburg OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00316 Pilot Flying J #696 7735 E. State Route 37, Sunbury OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00327 Pilot Flying J #695 420 E. Main Street, Beaverdam OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00335 Pilot Flying J #699 10480 Baltimore Road N.E., Millersport O 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00346 Pilot Flying J #694 2349 Center Road, Austinburg OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00356 Pilot Travel Center #698 9935 State Route 41, Jeffersonville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00366 Pilot Flying J #697 2226 N. Main Street, Hubbard OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00386 Pilot Travel Center #469 2320 Faircrest SW, Canton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00396 Pilot Travel Center #597 1111-A East Main Street, Chillicothe OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00406 Flying J Travel Plaza #097 175 Northwoods Boulevard, I-75 (Exit 64), V 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00415 Pilot Travel Center #449 66377 Belmont-Morristown Road, Belmont 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00425 Pilot Travel Center #552 3150 State Route 350, Lebanon OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00436 Mr. Fuel #7 2840 Salt Springs Road, Girard OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8377-00454 Pilot Express #1032 435 South 3rd Street, Steubenville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8386-00011 Pioneer Rural Elec Inc 344 West US Route 36, Piqua OH 07/08/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8406-00012 Plain Township Fire Dept 3625 Middlebranch NE, Canton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8406-00022 Plain Township Road Department 6300 Heminger Avenue NE, North Canton O 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8416-00012 Plastipak Packaging Inc 18015 State Route 65, Jackson Center OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8418-00011 Pleasant Local School 3507 Smeltzer Road, Marion OH 07/28/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8439-00012 Polaris Joint Vocational School 7285 Old Oak Boulevard, Middleburg Heig 07/13/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8484-00012 Preble County Hwy Dept 1000 Preble Dr, Eaton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8560-00011 Pymatuning Valley Schools 191 W. Main Street, Andover OH 07/23/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8616-00011 R C Hemm Glass Shops Inc 514 S Main St, Piqua OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8745-00014 Hemmelgarn Marathon & Detailing, LLC 121 E. Main Street, St Henry OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8895-00012 Richcreek's Amoco 38 State Route 7, Pierpont OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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8897-00012 Richland Aviation Inc. Mansfield Lahm Airport, Mansfield OH 07/30/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8905-00012 Richland Township Trustees Rt 9 South, St Clairsville OH 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8908-00014 Dale's Marathon 175 E. Ohio Avenue, Rittman OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8950-00011 River View Yacht Club 5981 Edgewater Dr, Toledo OH 09/24/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8955-00014 Riverside Methodist Hospital 3535 Olentangy River Road, Columbus O 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8955-00031 McConnell ED/Heart Bldg 714 W. North Broadway Street, Columbus O 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8955-00041 Grant Medical Center 111 S. Grant Avenue, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8955-00051 Grant Eye & Ear Hospital 323 E. Town Street, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8955-00072 Doctors Hospital 5100 W. Broad Street, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8955-00081 Grady Memorial Hospital 561 W. Central Avenue, Delaware OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8955-00091 Dublin Methodist Hospital 7500 Hospital Drive, Dublin OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8955-00101 Hardin Memorial Hospital 921 E. Franklin Street, Kenton OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8955-00111 Surgical and Heart Center 300 E. Town Street, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8955-00122 Mansfield Hospital 335 Glessner Ave, Mansfield OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8955-00131 MedCentral Shelby Hosptial 199 W. Main Street, Shelby OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 8955-00141 Marion General Hospital 1000 McKinley Park Drive, Marion OH 07/01/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9042-00018 Marshall's Shell 2190 S. Hamilton Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9042-00026 Eastland Shell 2191 S. Hamilton Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9153-00012 Bus Garage 9968 Lucasburg Rd, Byesville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9202-00011 Rood Trucking Co., Inc. 3505 Union Street, Mineral Ridge OH 07/02/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9282-00024 Rumpke Sanitary Landfill Inc 3800 Struble Rd, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9284-00054 Rumpke Container & Portable Restroo 3975 Wagner Ford Road, Dayton OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9284-00062 Rumpke Waste Inc. 1601 East 4th Street, Lima OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9354-00012 S Euclid-Lyndhurst Board Of 5044 Mayfield Rd, Lyndhurst OH 08/05/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9395-00012 Regional Airport 9732 Brick Church Road, Cambridge OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9568-00022 Seneca County Highway Garag 3210 S State Route 100, Tiffin OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9568-00041 Seneca County Jail 3040 State Route 100, Tiffin OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9590-00025 FedEx Ground 6120 S. Meadows Drive, Grove City OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9590-00052 Fed Ex Ground 3201 Columbia Road, Richfield OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9590-00063 FedEx Ground 100 J. Street, Perrysburg OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9590-00071 FedEx Ground 4600 Poth Road, Whitehall OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9697-00011 Sidney Transportation Services, LLC 777 W. Russell Road, Sidney OH 07/10/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9728-00013 North Ridge Marathon 1750 North Ridge Road, Painesville OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9728-00025 Narrows Marathon 2481 North Ridge Rd, Painesville OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9728-0003 4 Antioch Road Bulk Plant 4683 Antioch Road, Perry OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9728-00053 South Madison Marathon 4393 Madison Road, Madison OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9728-00072 Chardon Marathon 380 Center St, Chardon OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9728-00092 Little Mountain Marathon 8745 Johnnycake Ridge Rd, Mentor OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9740-00011 Skypark Inc 3071 Greenwich Rd, Wadsworth OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9748-00013 Sherwood Marathon 542 North Harrison Street, Sherwood OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9748-00024 Slattery Oil Co Inc 506 E High St, Hicksville OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9748-00044 Slattery Marathon 107 W Indiana, Edon OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9748-00064 Slattery Oil Co RR 3 13454 SR 15, Montipelier OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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9748-00072 Slattery Oil Co. Inc. 102 N. Main Street, Antwerp OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9750-00012 Slesnick Iron and Metal 927 Warner Rd SE, Canton OH 07/24/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9761-00031 Smiths Dairy 135 Sara Ave, Marion OH 07/27/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9761-00042 Smith Dairy Products 1201 Sterling Ave, Orrville OH 07/27/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9803-00013 Solon Bus Facility 33600 Inwood Drive, Solon OH 08/10/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9836-00011 Southern Local Bus Garage 37382 State Route 39, Salineville OH 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9847-00012 Watkins Middle School 8808 Watkins Rd, Pataskala OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9890-00013 Grafton Main Street Marathon 879 Main Street, Grafton OH 07/02/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 9916-00011 Springfield Twp Police Dept 1130 Compton Rd, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10090-00012 Stocker Concrete Co 7574 State Route 36 SE, Gnadenhutten O 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10091-00012 Stocker Sand & Gravel Co. 7574 State Route 36 SE, Gnadenhutten O 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10092-00014 Stocker Trucking Inc. 537 Frys Valley Road, Gnadenhutten OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10120-00013 Stow Munroe Falls City School 4158 Newcomer Road, Stow OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10137-00022 Strongsville City Schools 15650 Pearl Road, Strongsville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10201-00021 Superior Honda 4777 Spring Grove Avenue, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10244-00034 Support Services Facility 7400 Cougar Lane, Sylvania OH 07/20/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10247-00012 Sylvania Township Building 4927 Holland Sylvania Road, Sylvania OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10247-00051 Sylvania Township Police Department 4420 King Road, Sylvania OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10399-00011 Defiance College-Physical P 825 Webster St, Defiance OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10418-00023 Great Lakes Construction Co. 2608 Great Lakes Way, Hinckley OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10644-00013 Ernst Service Ctr Inc 10685 St Rt 66, Ft Loramie OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10668-00012 The Toledo Hospital 2142 N. Cove Boulevard, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10773-00011 Tri Fab Inc 10370 W South Range Rd, Salem OH 07/02/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10783-00021 Triad Local Bd Of Education 7920 Brush Lake Rd, North Lewisburg OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10804-00014 Troutwine Auto Sales Inc 9 N. Main Street, Arcanum OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10893-00012 Unibilt Industries Inc 4671 Poplar Creek Rd, Vandalia OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10916-00012 Union Local Bus Garage 66861 Belmont Morristown Rd, Belmont O 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10989-00012 University Circle Inc. 12100 Euclid Ave., Cleveland OH 07/27/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10990-00024 University Hospital of Cleveland 11100 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10990-0004 2 Ahuja Medical Center 3999 Richmond Road, Beachwood OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10990-00061 University Hospital Amherst Medical Cen 254 Cleveland Avenue, Amherst OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10990-00072 UHHS-Richmond Heights Hospital Inc 27100 Chardon Rd, Richmond Heights OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10990-00081 Geneva Medical Center 870 W. Main Street, Geneva OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10990-00092 St. John Medical Center 29000 Center Ridge Road, Westlake OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10990-00102 Parma Community General Hospital 7007 Powers Blvd, Parma OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10990-00111 Samaritan Hospital 1025 Center Street, Ashland OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10991-00022 University of Akron/ Purchasing 100 Lincoln Street, Akron OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10991-00041 Institute of Polymer Science 170 University Avenue, Akron OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10991-00051 University of Akron - Leigh Hall 308 Buchtel Common, Akron OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10991-00061 College of Business Administration 259 S. Broadway Street, Akron OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10992-00041 University of Cincinnati 231 Albert Sabin Way, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10992-00071 University Cincinnati East Campus 3220 Eden Ave, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10992-00121 University Of Cincinnati West Campus 345 Clifton Court, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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10992-00131 University Of Cincinnati West Campus 2925 Campus Green Drive, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10992-00162 University of Cincinnati Hoxworth Blood 667 Lincoln Ave, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10992-00171 University if Cincinnati Inst Of Env Hlth 123 E Shields St, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10992-00201 University of Cincinnati 2190 E. Galbraith Rd., Reading OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10992-00216 UC Scioto Hall Tank Farm 2921 Scioto Lane, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10992-00221 UC Central Utility Plant 3000 Glendora Avenue, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 10999-00012 Upper Arli Cy Sch Trans Dep 4104 Roberts Rd, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 11082-00012 Pats Place 223 North Main Street, Waynesville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 11087-00012 Vermilion Power Boats Inc 5054 Liberty Ave, Vermilion OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 11376-00011 Warren Local School District 220 Sweetapple Road, Vincent OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 11385-00012 Warrensville Heights Bus Garage 4285 Warrensville Center Road, Warrensv 08/20/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 11440-00012 Wayne Oil Co., Inc. 92 Railroad Street, Ft Recovery OH 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 11468-00013 7 & 14 Plaza 44952 State Route 14, Columbiana OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 11503-00012 Wenger Excavating Inc 26 N Cochran St, Dalton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 11617-00012 Wickliffe City Schools 2221 Rockefeller Rd, Wickliffe OH 07/27/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 11732-00012 Transportation Department 33505 Curtis Road, Eastlake OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 11809-00012 Worthington Steel Company 1127 Dearborn Drive, Columbus OH 08/13/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 11813-00014 Wright Bros Fuel Farm-Ctr 2 Dixie Drive, Vandalia OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 11813-00041 Wright Brothers Aero 3603 Cargo Road, Vandalia OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 11813-00051 Wright Bros. Aero, Inc. - Hangar 5 3550 Wright Drive, Vandalia OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 11869-00013 Zachrich Trucking Inc Route 2 State Rt 281 & Rd 18, Holgate OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 11947-0001 1 Ainsley Oil Co Inc 440 South Mecca Street, Cortland OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 11983-00014 Laccheo's Marathon 30490 Euclid Avenue, Wickliffe OH 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 12200-00014 Par Mar Store #83 26960 State Route 7, Marrietta OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 12200-00023 Par Mar Store #82 38175 State Route 7, Newport OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 12269-00011 Chagrin Falls Exempted 1155 Bell Street, Chagrin Falls OH 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 12316-00011 Bucyrus Airport 2254 Isaac Beal Road, Bucyrus OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 12373-00021 City of Seven Hills 7325 Summitview Drive, Seven Hills OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 12379-00102 Springfield Beckly Airport 1251 W Blee Rd, Springfield OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 12379-00112 Bus Maintenance Facility 100 West Jefferson St, Springfield OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 12379-00122 City Services Center 2100 Lagonda Avenue, Springfield OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 12393-00162 Street Dept 1475 Teamster Dr, Youngstown OH 09/11/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 12393-00212 Henry Stambaugh Golf Course 202 Gypsy Lane, Youngstown OH 09/11/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 12393-00221 City Water Department 160 N. West Ave., Youngstown OH 09/11/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 12536-00015 Dave Gill Chevrolet, Inc. 4700 E. Broad Street, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 12626-00011 Drake Farms 31251 US Route 35, Chillicothe OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 12678-00012 Elpe Co. 650 N. Meridian Road, Youngstown OH 08/24/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 12708-00013 Fairfield County Airport 3430 Old Columbus Road NW, Carroll OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 12709-00011 Fairfield County Board Of DD 795 College Ave., Lancaster OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 12757-00015 Frank Sunoco Food Mart 5391 State Road, Parma OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 12892-00011 Green Local School District 1888 Greensburg Road, Green OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 13027-00011 Brubakers Ashland 53261 Steinersville Road, Powhatan Point O 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 13166-00021 Floro's Marina 6627 N Thompson Rd, Oak Harbor OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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13193-00012 Glenn's Market 6085 Fallsburg Rd NE, Newark OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 13208-00011 Lakewood Country Club Co 2613 Bradley Rd, Westlake OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 13282-00033 Lube Stop 5010 Mahoning Avenue, Youngstown OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 13306-00013 Madison Auto 14588 Madison, Lakewood OH 07/27/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 13394-00087 Cw Service-Bulk Plant 5215 St Rt 118, Coldwater OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 13429-0002 1 Atrium Medical Center 1 Medical Center Drive, Franklin OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 13477-00024 Mount Carmel East Hospital 6001 E. Broad Street, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 13477-00043 St Anns Hospital 500 S. Cleveland Avenue, Westerville OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 13477-00051 Diley Ridge Medical Park 7911 Diley Ridge, Canal Winchester OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 13477-00063 Mount Carmel Medical Center - Grove C 5300 North Meadows Drive, Grove City O 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 13542-00031 Northwest Transportation Department 3113 Springdale Road, Cincinnati OH 08/07/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 13643-00031 PC Campana Inc 1374 E 28th St, Lorain OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 13646-00013 Steve's Bp 110 S Bierley Ave, Pemberville OH 08/31/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 13712-00022 Putnam County Airport 10218 Road 5-H, Ottawa OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 13746-00011 R+L Carriers - Delaware Data Center 268 Greif Parkway, Delaware OH 08/14/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 13830-00011 Bob's M Trkg Inc 8251 Claude Thomas Rd, Franklin OH 07/01/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14111-00012 The Medical Center Co 2250 Circle Drive, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14287-00012 Village Of Gates Mills 1470 Chagrin River Road, Gates Mills OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14316-0001 3 Atwood Deli Ltd 3 Smith St, Dellroy OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14466-00012 Scioto Country Club 2196 Riverside Dr, Columbus OH 07/16/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14492-00011 Yacht Club 5847 Edgewater Dr, Toledo OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14502-00034 State of Ohio Computer Center 1320 Arthur E. Adams Drive, Columbus O 07/13/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14502-00051 Frank J. Lausche State Office Building 615 W. Superior Avenue, Cleveland OH 07/13/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14502-00061 Vern Riffe Center for Government 77 S. High Street, Columbus OH 07/13/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14512-00021 Chillicothe Corr Institute 15802 SR 104 North, Chillicothe OH 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14512-00032 Correction Reception Ctr 11271 State Route 762, Orient OH 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14512-00042 Dayton Correctional Inst 4104 Germantown Street, Dayton OH 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14512-00051 Grafton Correctional Institution 2500 S. Avon Belden Road, Grafton OH 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14512-00061 Hocking Correctional Inst 16759 Snake Hollow Road, Nelsonville OH 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14512-00074 Lebanon Correctional Inst 3791 State Route 63, Lebanon OH 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14512-00094 London Correctional Institution 1580 State Route 56, London OH 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14512-00102 Lorain Correctional Inst 2075 South Avon-Belden Road, Grafton O 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14512-00121 Marion Correctional Inst 940 Marion-Williamsport Road, Marion OH 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14512-00151 Ohio Reformatory For Women 1479 Collins Avunue, Marysville OH 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14512-00172 Pickaway Correctional Inst 11781 State Route 762, Orient OH 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14512-00184 Ross Correctional Inst 16149 State Route 104, Chillicothe OH 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14512-00193 Mansfield Correctional Inst State Route 13, Mansfield OH 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14512-00201 Southeastern Corrr Inst 5900 Bis Rd, Lancaster OH 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14512-00214 Southern Oh Corr Inst Lucasville-Minford Rd, Lucasville OH 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14512-00221 Warren Corr Inst 5787 St 63, Lebanon OH 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14512-00233 Belmont Correctional Instit 68513 Bannick Road, St Clairsville OH 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14512-00252 Corrections Medical Center 1990 Harmon Ave, Columbus OH 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14512-00261 Trumbull Correctional Institution 5701 Burnett Road, Leavittsburg OH 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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14512-00273 Noble Correctional Institute 15708 St Rt 78, Caldwell OH 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14512-00283 Richland Correctional Inst 1001 Olivesburg Rd, Mansfield OH 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14512-00292 Ohio State Penitentiary 878 Coitsville-Hubbard Rd, Youngstown O 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14512-00311 Toledo Correctional Institution 2001 E Central Ave, Toledo OH 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14512-00364 Oakwood Correctional Facility 3200 North West Street, Lima OH 10/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 14594-00013 West River Marathon 803 W River Rd, Elyria OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15028-00012 FPT Cleveland LLC 8550 Aetna Road, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15080-00011 Harbor View Yacht Club 2180 Autokee, Oregon OH 07/23/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15082-00013 Surfside Sunoco 36241 Lakehore Blvd, Eastlake OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15147-00011 Corp Data Center 9935 Carver Road, Blue Ash OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15197-00012 West Side Marathon 503 Huron St, Elyria OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15293-00011 Bay Point Management 10948 E. Bayshore Road, Marblehead OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15307-00022 Mid-Ohio Aviation Inc. 6250 N. Honeytown Road, Smithville OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15310-00011 Hocking Valley Concrete St Rt 56/ 748 W. Union Street, Athens OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15323-00012 Sheely's Furniture Appl 11450 South Ave Ext, North Lima OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15341-00012 Shaker Hts Country Club 3300 Courtland Blvd, Shaker Hts OH 08/07/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15370-00013 Bay View Yacht Club 3902 North Summit Street, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15444-00014 Ross Service Station 710 Dryden Road, Zanesville OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15511-00023 Port Columbus Airport Term 4600 International Gateway, Columbus OH 07/20/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15511-00032 Port Columbus Airport Maintenance 4605 Bridgeway Avenue, Columbus OH 07/20/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15511-00104 Port Columbus Rent-A Car 4600 International Gateway, Columbus OH 07/20/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15511-00149 Columbus Regional Airport Authority 7400 Alum Creek Building 1076, Columbu 07/20/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15634-00012 City Of Twinsburg, Service Garage 10231 Ravenna Rd, Twinsburg OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15709-00012 Guenther Mechanical Inc 1248 Middle Rowsburg Road, Ashland OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15747-00021 VZB-WYVLOH 9073-9172 Lytle Ferry Rd, Waynesville OH 07/08/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15747-00031 VZB-HOGFOH Rt 108 & Railway 3/4 Mi E Holg, Holgate O 07/08/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15747-00041 VZB-HYVFOH Hwy 18, Hoytville OH 07/08/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15747-00051 VZB-KNTROH MOGADORE RD, Kent OH 07/08/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15747-00061 VZB-CRENOH Hays St, Creston OH 07/08/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15747-00071 VZB-EVEROH Riverview Rd, Everett OH 07/08/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15747-00081 VZB-FSTFOH 536 Columbus Ave, Fostoria OH 07/08/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15747-00091 VZB-LESTOH 7060 SPIETH RD, Lester OH 07/08/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15747-00101 VZB-NOVFOH 219 State Route 511, Nova OH 07/08/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15747-00121 VZB-RBLFOH Kilbaum Rd, Republic OH 07/08/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15747-00131 VZB-WAYLOH Minyoung Rd3, Wayland OH 07/08/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15747-00141 VZB-WLDFOH Woodland St, Willard OH 07/08/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15747-00166 VZB-NRYLOH 12300 Ridge Rd, North Royalton OH 07/08/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15747-00181 VZB-LEMFOH Lemoyne Rd & Fremont Pk, Lemoyne OH 07/08/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15747-00191 VZB-TBNFOH City Rd 134, Defiance OH 07/08/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15803-00013 Huron Yacht Club 350 Huron Street, Huron OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15822-00011 Genesis Hospital 2951 Maple Avenue, Zanesville OH 07/27/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15989-00021 Lake Hospital System West 36000 Euclid Avenue, Willoughby OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 15989-00042 Tripoint Medical Center 7590 Auburn Road, Concord Township OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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16017-00011 10 Wilmington Place 10 Wilmington Ave, Dayton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16051-00021 Jiffy Lube 909 6410 Glenway Avenue, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16051-00031 Jiffy Lube 1220 5013 Cooper Road, Blue Ash OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16051-00051 Jiffy Lube 1263 9435 Fields Ertel Road, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16051-00061 Jiffy Lube 1306 4403 Gleneste/Withamsville Rd, Cincinnati 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16095-00012 Belden Brick Co. 475 Dover Road, Sugar Creek OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16106-00032 FedEx Freight-CMH 10 Commerce Parkway, West Jefferson O 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16106-00042 Fedex Freight, Inc. - TOL 7779 Arbor Drive, Northwood OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16106-00051 FedEx Freight Inc. - MFD 160 Industrial Pkwy Dr, Mansfield OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16106-00065 FedEx Freight Inc. - DAY 8101 Terminal Place, Huber Heights OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16106-00081 FedEx Freight Inc. - CCI 590 Quality Blvd, Fairfield OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16106-00092 FedEx Freight Inc. - YNG 415 South Bailey Road, North Jackson OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16106-00101 FedEx Freight Lima 3200 McClain Road, Lima OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16106-00111 FedEx Freight - AKR 5077 Global Gateway, Green OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16152-00011 Mount Augustine Regina Health 5232 Broadview Road, Richfield OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16184-00011 Trumbull County Vehicle Maintenance 605 Panther Drive, Warren OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16184-00023 Fairhaven School 420 Lincoln Way, Niles OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16184-00043 Trumbull County Engineer 650 N. River Road NW, Warren OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16324-00015 Wilson B P 100 S Main St, Prospect OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16337-0004 15 Air Bp Cleveland Cleveland Hopkins Airport, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16371-00012 Great Lakes Western Star Td 6003 Benore Road, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16468-00014 Main Express 116 N Front St, Oakhill OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16791-00012 Meinke Marina West 10955 Corduroy Rd, Curtice OH 07/27/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16791-00021 Meinke Marina East 12805 Bono Rd, Curtice OH 07/27/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16791-00031 Meinke Marina West-Annex 11109 Cordoroy Rd, Curtice OH 07/27/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16806-00011 Mullins Construction Co, Inc 8867 Green Street, Wheelersburg OH 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16829-00011 Terminal Leasing, Inc. 15220 Industrial Parkway, Cleveland OH 07/27/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16829-00021 Terminal Leasing, Inc. 2101 Hardy Parkway Street, Grove City O 07/27/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16829-00031 Pitt Ohio 5000 Duff Drive, Cincinnati OH 07/27/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16855-00012 Middleburg Service Center 12020 Green Street, Middleburg OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16856-00012 Children's Hospital Medical Center 3333 Burnet Avenue, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16856-00021 Children's Outpatient North 9560 Children's Drive, Mason OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16856-00031 Bethesda Oak Inc 619 Oak Street, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16898-00013 City Of Galion 301 Harding Way East, Galion OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16898-0002 1 City of Galion - Waste Water Treatment P 6374 Hosford Road, Galion OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16898-00031 City of Galion Airport 8240 State Route 309, Galion OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 16992-00014 Baxters General Store 7339 Roswell Rd, Sherrodsville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17092-00011 Riverfront Marina & Campgrounds 4257 N. State Route 53, Fremont OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17127-00023 Clark Gas 39479 Center Ridge Road, North Ridgevi 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17251-0001 5 Aldi Inc - Warehouse 1319 W 130th Street, Hinckley OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17251-0002 2 Aldi Distribution Center 4400 S. Charleston Pike, Springfield OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17257-00013 Lakers, Inc. 15723 Mahoning Avenue, Diamond OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17274-00014 Pioneer Main Stop 600 S State Street, Pioneer OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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17306-00031 Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio 4109 London-Groveport Rd., Grove City O 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17306-00041 SWACO 3859 London Groveport Rd., Grove City O 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17308-00012 Gene's Auto Service 43 Noble Street, Marengo OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17367-00012 Hittle Buick GMC Inc. 1270 Sweitzer Street, Greenville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17396-00011 Expresslane Oil Change 121 Lake Avenue, Elyria OH 07/13/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17535-00012 City Of Oregon 5330 Seaman Road, Oregon OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17535-00032 Wastewater Treatment Plant 4657 Dupont Road, Oregon OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17569-00014 Seabreeze North Corporation 2920 Brecksville Road, Richfield OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17647-00015 Werner Enterprises, Inc. 4395 Layborn Road, Springfield OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17651-00011 South Campus 1248 Kinneys Lane, Portsmouth OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17651-00021 Southern Ohio Medical Center 1805 27th Street, Portsmouth OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17711-00015 Clinger's Bp Service 806 N. Market Street, Felicity OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17729-00012 Erie Ottawa Regional Airport 3255 East State Street, Port Clinton OH 07/23/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17749-00015 Phillips Grocey Inc 16117 State Route 93, Pedro OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17760-00011 Great Lakes Packers Inc 400 Great Lakes Parkway, Bellevue OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17854-00011 Kuchta Brothers 14255 Granger Road, Maple Heights OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17861-0001 1 Anthony Thomas Candy Co 1777 Arlingate Lane, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17862-00013 Barber's Ashland 119 S High Street, Mt Orab OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17907-00011 Emergency Operations Center 2855 W. Dublin Granville Road, Columbus 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17911-00013 Tnt Pit Stop 1 28451 State Route 7, Middleport OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17911-00026 TNT Pit Stop 2 36270 State Route 7, Chester OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17911-00035 TNT Pit Stop 3 2377 3rd Street, Syracuse OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17911-00044 TNT Pit Stop 382 N. 2nd Street, Middleport OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17911-00053 TNT Pit Stop 540 General Hartinger Parkway, Middlepo 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17933-00013 Plevris Auto Service 3902 Copley Road, Copley OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 17940-00012 Cleveland Hopkins Airport 6100 Cargo Road, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18011-00015 Richwood Mini-Mart 3 E. Bomford Street, Richwood OH 07/10/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18061-00012 Moreland Hills Auto Service, Inc. 4975 Som Center Road, Moreland Hills O 08/12/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18104-00011 US Foods, Inc. 8000 Bavaria Rd, Twinsburg OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18105-00014 Uncle Max 1221 E Hudson St, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18129-00011 Progressive Insurance 755 Alpha Drive, Highland Heights OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18129-00021 Progressive Insurance 26260 Curtis Wright Parkway, Richmond H 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18132-00012 Tic Toc Food Mart 206 1109 State Route 14, Columbiana OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18132-00023 Tic Toc Food Mart 10020 Youngstown Pittsburgh Road, New M 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18132-00033 Tic Toc Food Mart #203 6922 McCartney Road (Route 422), Coits 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18187-0001 2 Ashland County Airport Authority 700 Township Road 1102, Ashland OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18219-00012 Subi Inc 863 W Exchange St, Akron OH 07/16/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18232-00014 Turner's 1 Stop Shop 18971 State Route 339, Waterford OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18245-00012 Freeway Marathon 15504 Waterloo Rd, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18267-00013 Zeakes Sunoco 401 Main Street, Bridgeport OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18307-00014 Shurfast Food Mart 217 E. Market Street, Cadiz OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18310-00014 Terry's Grocery 1505 US 50, Lynchburg OH 08/10/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18389-00016 Cole Distributing Inc. 6312 State Route 598, Shelby OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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18389-00025 Cole Distributing Inc. 3851 W. 4th Street, Ontario OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18429-0016 3 Adapt 05635 188 N Portage Street, Doylestown OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18444-00812 Marthon Petroleum Company 003 224 E. Hardin Street, Findlay OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18444-00823 Marathon Petroleum Company LLC 539 S. Main Street, Findlay OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18449-00011 State Teachers Retirement Sys 275 E Broad St, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18450-00014 Railway Express 13040 Pleasant Valley Road, Chillicothe O 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18450-03773 Little Bear Market 131 Harrison Street, Circleville OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18457-00013 S Taylor Amoco 1895 S Taylor, Cleveland Heights OH 07/09/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18466-00014 Becks Petro Country Store Ltd 20813 US Route 6, Ridgeville Corners OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18474-00011 Former Abf 7400 Wall Street, Cleveland OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18502-00012 Dachisen Marathon 305 W Main St, Marblehead OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00014 Sheetz Inc #248 2721 Salt Springs Road, Girard OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00025 Sheetz Inc #251 15744 Saint Claire Avenue, East Liverpool O 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00034 Sheetz Inc 266 9745 St Rt 14 (E Liverpool&mondial), Stre 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00044 Sheetz Inc 274 2411 North Ridge Road, Ashtabula OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00054 Sheetz 282 1162 Niles Cortland Road, Warren OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00064 Sheetz 281 5499 Mahoning Avenue, Austintown OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00074 Sheetz 294 3379 Elm Road, Warren OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00084 Sheetz 296 950 East Steels Corner Road, Stow OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00094 Sheetz Inc #301 6941 State Route 44, Ravenna OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00104 Sheetz Inc #310 9010 Market Street, North Lima OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00114 Sheetz Inc # 311 20 W. Waterloo Road, Akron OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00124 Sheetz Inc. #317 1210 Main Street, Cuyahoga Falls OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00134 Sheetz Inc. #324 5100 Ridge Road, Medina OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00144 Sheetz Inc #328 4585 Boardman Canfield Road, Canfield O 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00154 Sheetz #342 5057 Tuscarawas Street West, Canton OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00164 Sheetz #347 32390 Lorain Rd, North Ridgeville OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00175 Sheetz 357 1281 West High Street, New Philadelphia O 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00185 Sheetz #368 1651 Turkeyfoot Lake Road, Green OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00195 Sheetz #375 236 W. State Street, Alliance OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00205 Sheetz # 389 2939 Whipple Avenue N.W., Canton OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00215 Sheetz # 393 2495 E. Aurora Road, Twinsburg OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00225 Sheetz # 394 7777 Reynolds Road, Mentor OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00235 Sheetz Convenience Store #390 1762 E. Main Street, Kent OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00245 Sheetz - Cambridge #387 2101 Southgate Parkway, Cambridge OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00255 Sheetz # 406 225 N. Maysville Avenue, South Zanesville 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00265 Sheetz Store - Perry Ohio #404 2800 Northridge Road, Perry OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00275 Sheetz #422 21034 Royalton Road, Strongsville OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00285 Sheetz Convenience #435 435 Water Street, Chardon OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00295 Sheffield Village Ohio Sheetz #441 5295 Detroit Road, Sheffield OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00305 Sheetz Convenience #431 1415 Pittsburg Avenue NW, North Canton O 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00315 Sheetz, Inc. #452 600 N. Mantua Street, Kent OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00324 Sheetz #465 6767 Ridge Road, Parma OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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18540-00335 Sheetz Inc 526 7766 Lake Shore Boulevard, Mentor OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00344 Sheetz Inc 529 1280 West Maple Street, Hartville OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00354 Sheetz 533 10315 Cascade Crossing, Brooklyn OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00364 Sheetz #552 9037 Pearl Road, Strongsville OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00374 Sheetz #605 68500 Addie Way, St Clairsville OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00384 Sheetz #609 5795 West 130th Street, Parma OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00394 Sheetz #639 Austintown 1101 North Canfield Niles Road, Austintow 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00404 Sheetz 648 Brunswick 2771 Center Road, Brunswick OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00414 Sheetz 6035 Som Center Road, Willoughby OH 10/01/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18540-00424 Sheetz 134 Boardman Poland Road, Boardman O 10/01/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18572-00013 Main Street Convenience 8509 Main Street, Kinsman OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18580-00014 Marshalls Amaco 9990 St Rt 36, Bradford OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18592-00013 Save A Step 6390 Youngstown Hubbard Rd SE, Hubbar 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18604-00012 Ted's Ashland 17769 Mahoning Ave, Lake Milton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18618-00014 Hanini Marathon 5307 Woodland Ave, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18633-0001 1 Autoplas 560 Goodrich Rd, Bellvue OH 07/13/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18633-00021 Precision Automotive Plastics 122 Hirt Drive, Bellvue OH 07/13/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18661-00012 L & L Ok Car Wash 31625 Vine St, Willowick OH 08/31/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18667-00012 Jet Resource 455 Wilmer Ave, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18692-00013 Harwoods 299 Indian Drive (Route 728), Lucasville O 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18715-00013 Carryout Express 8400 St Rt 43, East Springfield OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18774-00015 T D Fuel Mart Inc. 25889 New Guilford Road, Bladensburg O 07/13/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18785-00013 Marty's Coaches Corner 323 E High Avenue, New Philadelphia OH 08/17/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18792-00025 Community Fuel 9668 State Route 125, West Union OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18805-00012 Solomon Oil Company 1555 Polaris Pkwy, Columbus OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18825-00012 Grange Insurance 650 S. Front Street, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18841-00012 Quality Food Mart 502 S. Yellow Spring Street, Springfield O 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18845-00022 Johnston Farm and Indian Agency 9845 N. Hardin Road, Piqua OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18845-00031 Fort Ancient State Memorial 6123 State Route 350, Oregonia OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18845-00042 Ohio Historical Society 800 E. 17th Ave, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18860-00012 Reed's Service Station 29703 State Route 41 N, Peebles OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18867-00012 Truck Sales and Service, Inc. 1700 Shepler Church Ave., SW, Canton O 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18877-02073 True North Location 1727 125 Byers Road, Miamisburg OH 07/27/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00052 Get Go #3656 45 5th St, Barberton OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00072 GetGo #3657 185 West Ave, Tallmadge OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00082 GetGo #3658 6542 N Ridge Rd, North Madison OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00102 GetGo #3501 1310 N Hamilton Rd, Columbus OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00112 GetGo #3617 6079 Andrews Rd, Mentor on the Lake OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00132 Get go #3364 104 Raff Road SW, Canton OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00153 GetGo #3220 2223 Kresge Drive, Amherst OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00163 GetGo #3388 7418 Broadview Road, Parma OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00173 GetGo #3124 488 East Waterloo Rd., Akron OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00203 GetGo from #3507 672 N State Street, Westerville OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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18887-00213 Get Go #3297 22150 Center Ridge Rd., Rocky River OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00223 Get Go #3075 6911 South Ave., Boardman OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00233 GetGo #3356 2800 Mahoning Ave., Warren OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00254 GetGo #3201 25500 Miles Rd, Warrensville Heights OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00264 GetGo # 3132 5163 Mahoning Ave, Austintown OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00274 GetGo # 3383 318 Center Street, Chardon OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00282 GetGo #3224 8901 Hadden Road, Twinsburg OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00293 GetGo #3216 30200 Lake Shore Blvd, Willowick OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00303 GetGo # 3504 2888 Bethel Road, Columbus OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00314 Get Go #3523 625 S. 30th Street, Heath OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00323 Get Go #3029 1796 Canton Road, Akron OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00334 Get Go #3204 10151 W. 130th Street, North Royalton OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00353 GetGo #3199 34179 Center Ridge Road, North Ridgevi 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00363 GetGo #3152 2046 Lincoln Way East, Massilon OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00373 Getgo #3621 2390 W. Prospect Road, Ashtabula OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00383 GetGo #3620 1711 Corporate Woods Parkway, Unionto 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00394 GetGo #3627 1759 S. Broadway Avenue, Geneva OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00403 GetGo # 3465 14600 Snow Road, Brook Park OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00413 GetGo # 3151 119 Niles Cortland Road, Warren OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00423 GetGo # 3513 6825 E. Broad Street, Columbus OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00433 GetGo # 3526 2165 Stringtown Road, Grove City OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00442 GetGo # 3509 1825 W. 5th Avenue, Columbus OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00453 GetGo #3514 1020 Hill Road North, Pickerington OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00463 GetGo # 3503 9151 Columbus Pike, Lewis Center OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00483 GetGo # 3231 4660 Abbe Road, Sheffield Village OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00493 GetGo # 3218 5637 Transportation Boulevard, Garfield H 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00504 GetGo # 3284 1501 Travelers Pointe, Avon OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00514 GetGo # 3511 1640 Fishinger Road, Upper Arlington OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00523 GetGo # 3203 6730 Pearl Road, Parma Heights OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00532 GetGo # 3092 5275 Mayfield Road, Lyndhurst OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00543 GetGo # 3527 9590 Sawmill Parkway, Powell OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00573 GetGo #3515 17675 Chillicothe Road, Chagrin Falls OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00583 Getgo #3389 302 S. Court Street, Medina OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00593 GetGo # 3519 4758 W. Broad Street, Columbus OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00603 GetGo #3703 4072 Medina Road, Fairlawn OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00613 GetGo # 3664 2345 E. State Street, Salem OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00622 GetGo # 3238 1317 State Route 60N, Vermillion OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00634 GetGo # 3528 5465 New Albany Road W., New Albany O 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00642 GetGo # 3811 209 E. Bridge Street, Elyria OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00653 GetGo # 3512 2845 N. High Street, Columbus OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00662 GetGo # 3376 21991 Lorain Road, Fairview Park OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00673 GetGo #3529 6780 Hayden Run Road, Dublin OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00682 GetGo # 3396 Stow 3845 Darrow Road, Stow OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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18887-00702 GetGo #3689 501 Union Avenue, Dover OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00712 GetGo #3618 907 W. Maple Street, Hartville OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00722 GetGo #3648 15400 W. High Street, Middlefield OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00734 GetGo #3230 3036 W. 117th Street, Cleveland OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00744 GetGo #3517 2920 Stelzer Road, Columbus OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00752 GetGo #3387 3070 Cromer Avenue NW, Canton OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00764 GetGo #3537 3765 S. Hamilton Road, Groveport OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00773 GetGo #3817 8039 Day Drive, Parma OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00782 GetGo #3632 15905 State Route 170, East Liverpool OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00793 GetGo #3601 1056 Akron Road, Wadsworth OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00803 GetGo #3538 1416 Ety Shops Way, Lancaster OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00822 GetGo #3395 6215 Whipple Avenue NW, North Canton O 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00832 GetGo #3359 9075 State Route 43, Streetsboro OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-0084 1 American Seaway Foods, Inc 5300 Richmond Road, Bedford Heights O 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00862 GetGo #3361 4951 Ridge Road, Cleveland OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00872 GetGo #3360 27268 Lorain Road, North Olmsted OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00883 GetGo #3088 4955 Royalton Road, Broadview Heights O 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00892 GetGo #3878 1125 Main Street, Cuyahoga Falls OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00902 GetGo #3440 4254 Mayfield Road, South Euclid OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00912 GetGo #3401 6725 Perimeter Loop Drive, Dublin OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00923 GetGo #3425 3120 W. Market Street, Fairlawn OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00932 GetGo #3228 6477 Som Center Road, Solon OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00942 GetGo #3219 2109 Elm Road N.E., Warren OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00953 GetGo #3403 115 N. Chapel Street, Louisville OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00963 GetGo #3431 14013 Detroit Avenue, Cleveland OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00973 GetGo #3036 2816 State Road, Cuyahoga Falls OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00983 GetGo #3316 25476 Center Ridge Road, Westlake OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-00993 GetGo #3357 1235 Mentor Avenue, Painesville OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-01003 GetGo #3086 17573 Pearl Road, Strongsville OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-01013 GetGo #3638 7750 Reynolds Road, Mentor OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-01023 GetGo #3531 4051 Britton Parkway, Hilliard OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-01033 GetGo #3539 820 West 3rd Avenue, Columbus OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-01043 GetGo #3279 265 E. Highland Road, Macedonia OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-01053 GetGo #3015 33501 Just Imagine Drive, Avon OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-01063 GetGo #3625 1896 West State Street, Alliance OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-01073 GetGo #3390 3351 Center Road, Brunswick OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-01083 GetGo #3393 142 Park Centre Drive, Wadsworth OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-01093 GetGo #3358 6479 S. Raccoon Road, Canfield OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-01103 GetGo #3327 1363 E. Main Street, Ravenna OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-01113 GetGo #3285 3080 Medina Road, Medina OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-01123 GetGo #3328 133 Boardman Canfield Road, Youngstow 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18887-01133 GetGo #3214 1330 Youngstown Warren Road, Niles OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18920-0001 2 A and B Iron and Metal 329 Washington Street, Dayton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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18922-00015 Greuey Fuel & Farm Supply LLC 1250 Front St, Malta OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18943-00013 Savko Bros Properties II, LLC 875 Jason Way, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18944-00012 Mesopotamia 4366 St. Rt 87, Mesopotamia OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18949-00012 Big Daddy Mini Mart, Inc. 1627 E. 3rd Street, Dayton OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00013 Kroger Fuel Center #808 1428 Marion Waldo, Marion OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00022 Kroger Fuel Center #542 31550 Chieftan Drive, Logan OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00043 Kroger Fuel Center #538 1045 Hill Road North, Pickerington OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00054 Kroger Fuel Center #548 27386 Carronade Drive, Perrysburg OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00062 Kroger Fuel Center #891 3387 Maple Ave, Zanesville OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00072 Kroger Fuel Center #938 3301 Navarre Avenue, Oregon OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00083 Kroger Fuel Center #511 4925 Jackman Road, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00092 Kroger Fuel Center #327 1996 E. Tiffin Avenue, Findlay OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00103 Kroger Fuel Center #895 7545 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00112 Kroger Fuel Center #557 1060 Ashland Road, Mansfield OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00123 Kroger Fuel Center #842 5965 Hoover Road, Grove City OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00132 Kroger Fuel Center #591 350 E. Broad Street, Pataskala OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00142 Kroger Fuel Center #878 1094 N. Main Street, Bowling Green OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00152 Kroger Fuel Center #804 801 N. Houk Road, Delaware OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00163 Kroger Fuel Center #519 1585 Georgesville Square Drive, Columbu 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00172 Kroger Fuel Center #822 548 Clinton Avenue, Washington Court Ho 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00182 Kroger Fuel Center #836 1500 Lexington Avenue, Mansfield OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00192 Kroger Fuel Center #299 4485 Refugee Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00203 Kroger Fuel Center #641 2028 E. Harbor Road, Port Clinton OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00212 Kroger Fuel Center #312 1165 Western Avenue, Chillicothe OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00222 Kroger Fuel Center #575 811 Gay Street, Portsmouth OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00232 Kroger Fuel Center #623 5750 W. Broad Street, Galloway OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00242 Kroger Fuel Center #861 6011 Groveport Road, Groveport OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00252 Kroger Fuel Center #898 3975 W. Powell Road, Powell OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00262 Kroger Fuel Center #558 400 28th Street, Bellaire OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00272 Kroger Fuel Center #621 600 E. Main Street, Hebron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00282 Kroger Fuel Center #388 230 Lafayette Street, London OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00292 Kroger Fuel Center #315 2000 E. Main Street, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00304 Kroger Fuel Center #853 7000 E. Broad Street, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00313 Kroger Fuel Center #867 2525 Hilliard-Rome Road, Hilliard OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00322 Kroger Fuel Center #851 6095 Gender Road, Canal Winchester OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00332 Kroger Fuel Center #313 610 Carrol Street, New Lexington OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00342 Kroger Fuel Center #664 9190 Ohio River Road, Wheelersburg OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00352 Kroger Fuel Center #514 3598 Gender Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00363 Kroger Fuel Center #844 175 Lancaster Pike, Circleville OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00383 Kroger Fuel Center #815 3637 S. High Street, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00392 Kroger Fuel Center #532 7833 Refugee Road NW, Pickerington OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00402 Kroger Fuel Center #879 1425 Worthington Centre, Worthington OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00413 Kroger Fuel Center #518 1240 Park Avenue West, Mansfield OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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18954-00423 Kroger Fuel Center #800 555 W. Marion Road, Mt. Gilead OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00432 Kroger Great Lakes Distribution Center 2000 Nutter Farms Center Lane, Delaware 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00443 Kroger Fuel Center #901 919 E. State Street, Athens OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00463 Kroger Fuel Center #617 4633 Suder Avenue, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00473 Kroger Fuel Center #581 7635 Sawmill Road, Dublin OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00482 Kroger Fuel Center #856 126 N. High Street, Fostoria OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00492 Kroger Fuel Center #940 6235 Monroe Street, Sylvania OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00513 Kroger Fuel Center #832 2129 S. Main Street, Bellefontaine OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00533 Kroger Fuel Center #543 8480 Main Street, Reynoldsburg OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00542 Kroger Fuel Center #963 858 Main Street, Wintersville OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00563 Kroger Fuel Center #522 300 S. Hamilton Road, Gahanna OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00573 Kroger Fuel Center #839 1169 Polaris Parkway, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00583 Kroger Fuel Center #363 220 Waverly Plaza, Waverly OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00593 Kroger Fuel Center #965 5991 S. Sunbury Road, Westerville OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00603 Kroger Fuel Center #818 2090 Crown Plaza Drive, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00613 Kroger Fuel Center #802 131 State Route 3, Sunbury OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00623 Kroger Fuel Center #594 790 W. Market Steet, Tiffin OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00633 Kroger Fuel Center #546 659 W. Coshocton Street, Johnstown OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00643 Kroger Fuel Center #870 2257 N. Holland Sylvania Road, Toledo O 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00653 Kroger Fuel Center #805 6417 Columbus Pike, Lewis Center OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00663 Kroger Fuel Center #824 1637 US Highway 36 E., Urbana OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00683 Kroger Fuel Center #555 981 E. Columbus Street, Kenton OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00703 Kroger Fuel Center #810 841 W. Alexis Road, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00733 Kroger Fuel Center #920 55 W. Schrock Road, Westerville OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00742 Kroger Fuel Center #881 5161 Hampstead Village Center Way, New 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00753 Kroger Fuel Center #820 853 Coshocton Avenue, Mount Vernon OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00773 Kroger Fuel Center #893 1441 Parsons Avenue, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00783 Kroger Fuel Center #942 1735 Northwest Boulevard, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00793 Kroger Fuel Center #531 8730 Waterville Swanton Road, Waterville O 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00803 Kroger Fuel Center #512 264 S. Hollywood Boulevard, Steubenville O 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00812 Kroger Fuel Center #990 1319 Harrisburg Pike, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00823 Kroger Fuel Center #506 334 N. Sandusky Avenue, Bucyrus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00833 Kroger Fuel Center #931 108 E. 6th Avenue, Lancaster OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00843 Kroger Fuel Center #957 4630 Monroe Street, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00853 Kroger Fuel Center #264 1735 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00863 Kroger Fuel Center #590 526 E. Main Street, Jackson OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00873 Kroger Fuel Center #817 7100 Hospital Drive, Dublin OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00883 Kroger Fuel Center #504 121 E. Airport Highway, Swanton OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00893 Kroger Fuel Center #529 911 E. Canal Street, Nelsonville OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00903 Kroger Fuel Center #422 524 East State, Fremont OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00913 Kroger Fuel Center #525 1429 South Reynolds Road, Maumee OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00923 Kroger Fuel Center #907 7010 Orchard Centre Drive, Holland OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00933 Kroger Fuel Center #982 1522 South Detroit Avenue, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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18954-00943 Kroger Fuel Center #341 2874 Stringtown Road, Grove City OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00953 Kroger Fuel Center #348 887 North Bridge Street, Chillicothe OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00963 Kroger Fuel Center #776 40 Acme Street, Marietta OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00973 Kroger Fuel Center #812 50840 Valley Frontage Road, St Clairsville O 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00983 Kroger Fuel Center N598 85 N. Wilson Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-00993 Kroger Fuel Center N549 1511 West 5th Street, Marysville OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-01003 Kroger Fuel Center N128 1153 N 21st St, Newark OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-01013 Kroger Fuel Center #N871 5420 N. Hamilton Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-01033 Kroger Fuel Center N858 326 E. Perkins Avenue, Sandusky OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-01043 Kroger Fuel Center N232 6620 E. Main Street, Reynoldsburg OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18954-01053 Kroger Fuel Center #536 1700 Cedar Street, Fremont OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18956-00011 Triner Oil Co. 4325 Manchester Avenue, Navarre OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18957-00011 Qualico Incorporated 3201 E. 66th St., Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18977-00013 Sterling One Stop 35 W Columbus St, Mt Sterling OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18977-00023 Sterling BP 227 W. Columbus Street, Mt. Sterling OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 18990-00013 Beach City Convenience Store 110 3rd Avenue NW, Beach City OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19002-00011 Dalzell Cash & Carry 8233 Dalzell Road, Lower Salem OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19021-00012 Mike's Marathon 4561 E. 131st St., Garfield Heights OH 08/24/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19035-00014 The Depot 7056 State Route 73, Otway OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19044-00011 Hoovestol 3401 Latcha Road, Millbury OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19057-00012 Kroger 799 Fuel Center 1008 Washington Boulevard, Belpre OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19076-00014 Liberty General Store 12425 Beaver Pike, Jackson OH 08/07/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19099-00021 West Chester Township 9577 Beckett Road, West Chester OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19103-00012 Charloe Store 20144 Road 138, Oakwood OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19110-00013 Citgo 3501 Lorain Avenue, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19116-00011 Wild Wings Inc 6395 N Russell Rd, Oak Harbor OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19124-00014 Barberton Marathon 1159 Wooster Road N., Barberton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19129-00015 Beard Oil Co 6990 State Route 117, Huntsville OH 07/13/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19149-00016 Wichard Oil LLC 518 West Plane Street, Bethel OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19170-00014 Five Star BP Parkman 16220 Main Market Rd, Parkman OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19183-00012 Three Village Condominiums 5150 Three Village Drive, Lyndhurst OH 07/14/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19184-00012 Uhl's IGA Grocery 440 East Washington Street, Sabina OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19193-00015 Scheetz Fuel Stop 46473 US Route 36, Coshocton OH 07/09/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19198-00012 Express Mart 5394 North Bend Road, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19235-00013 Mason Quick Mart 131 E. Main Street, Mason OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19241-00011 Maple Knoll Village 11100 Springfield Pike, Springdale OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19245-00011 Kanynn's Karry Out 3819 US 52, Georgetown OH 08/17/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19256-00074 BJ's Wholesale Club 36595 Euclid Avenue, Willoughby OH 08/27/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19260-00014 Sunoco Food Mart 2001 Needmore Road, Dayton OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19260-00023 Gateway Sunoco 750 E. Xenia Drive, Fairborn OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19260-00033 Marathon 10 W. Dayton Drive, Fairborn OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19306-00013 New Miami Quick Stop 667 Riverside Drive NW, New Miami OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19311-00011 Richs Towing & Service 20529 First Ave, Middleburg Heights OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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19314-00013 JAH Incorporated 3907 Wheatley Rd, Richfield OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19324-00012 The Store on Broadway and Penn 7 S , Wellston OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19331-00013 CFM Express #1 431 Howard Street, Bridgeport OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19338-00013 Wernerts Corner Station 5001 Douglas Road, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19339-00015 EZ Stop Convenience Store 3363 State Route 376, Stockport OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19413-00014 The Filling Station 214 Bridge Street, Jackson OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19413-00023 Quick Stop 430 E. Broadway Street, Jackson OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19415-0002 2 A & K Gas 693 E. Fifth Avenue, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19451-0001 6 Abdul W. Dada 1799 Hudson & Joyce, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19451-00025 Kama Market 1800 E Hudson Street, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00023 #5204 1150 S Broadway, Geneva OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00033 Circle K #5206 5713 St Rt 193, Kingsville OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00063 Dairy Mart 5217 2166 Pleasant Ave, Hamilton OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00072 Circle K #5220 5035 Hamilton Middletown Rd, Hamilton O 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00083 Dairy Mart 5222 327 W Spring Street, Oxford OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00093 Dairy Mart 5225 264 W Main St, Carrollton OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-0010 3 Circle K # 5228 1600 State Route 28, Loveland OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00113 Circle K #5232 190 N Market St, East Palestine OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00123 Circle K #5234 1827 S Lincoln, Salem OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00133 Circle K #5237 327 Main Street, W Lafayette OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00142 Circle K #5241 13933 Lakewood Hts Blvd, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00152 Circle K #5243 27190 Center Ridge Rd, Westlake OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00163 Circle K 5248 825 N Rocky River Dr, Berea OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00173 Dairy Mart #5250 7895 York Rd, Parma OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00183 Circle K #5251 25605 Miles Road, Warrensville Heights O 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00192 Circle K #5257 10215 Sawmill Pkwy, Liberty Township OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00213 Dairy Mart 5265 8303 Sancus Rd, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00223 Dairy Mart 5268 5499 Hall Rd, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00233 Circle K #5278 15560 West High St, Middlefield OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00252 Dairy Mart 5280 60 S Progress Dr, Xenia OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00263 Circle K #5286 287 Main St, Byesville OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00273 Circle K #5292 11435 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00283 Circle K #5295 101 E. Main Street, Scio OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00293 Circle K #5297 1000 Lincoln, Steubenville OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00303 Dairy Mart 5318 2806 Grove Ave, Lorain OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00313 Circle K# 5320 36071 Chester Road, Avon OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00323 Circle K# 5330 1821 Mahoning Avenue, Youngstown OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00333 Circle K #5335 1051 N High St, Wadsworth OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00343 Dairy Mart 5337 521 Pearl Rd, Brunswick OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00353 Circle K# 5338 3809 Pearl Road, Medina OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00362 Circle K #5339 2770 Boston Rd, Brunswick OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00373 Circle K #5353 901 Main St, Dresden OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00384 Circle K #5357 5065 South Walnut Street, South Bloomfi 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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19469-00393 Circle K #5360 4307 SR 44, Rootstown OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00403 Circle K #5364 530 Chestnut St, North Ravenna OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00413 Circle K #5365 1370 East Main St, Ravenna Township OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00423 Circle K #5368 9425 State Route 14, Streetsboro OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00433 Circle K #5369 1343 Tallmadge, Brimfield OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00443 Circle K #5371 1304 SR 183 and 224, Atwater OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00453 Circle K #5380 73 Melmore St, Tiffin OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00463 Circle K #5381 272 North Sandusky, Tiffin OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00473 Dairy Mart 5385 6341 Navarre Rd SW, Navarre OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00483 Circle K #5386 1198 Harrisburg Rd, Alliance OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00492 Circle K #5398 2640 Fulton Drive NW, Canton OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00503 Dairy Mart 5407 1383 Wooster Road, Barberton OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00513 Circle K #5413 3634 Massilon Road, Uniontown OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00523 Circle K #5417 750 Steels Corner Rd, Stow OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00533 Circle K #5419 1830 East Waterloo Rd, Akron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00552 Circle K #5441 134 Main St, Creston OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00563 Circle K #5443 28350 Oregon Rd, Perrysburg OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00583 Dairy Mart 5460 4251 N Kimberly Parkway, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00593 Dairy Mart 5464 4242 Morse Rd, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00614 Macs #5485 130 W. High Street, Oxford OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00623 Circle K #5322 1225 Holland Sylvania Rd, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00633 Dairy Mart 5402 310 Tallmadge Rd, Cuyahoga Falls OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00642 Circle K #5304 8860 East Broad St, Reynoldsburg OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00653 Dairy Mart #5355 254 E Broadway, New Lexington OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00662 Circle K #5267 1573 Schrock Rd, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00682 Circle K #5266 3043 London Groveport Rd, Grove City O 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00692 Circle K #5223 5677 West Chester, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00702 Dairy Mart 5227 1114 Ohio Pike, Amelia (Union Township 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00722 Circle K #5374 2094 Park Ave West, Ontario OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00733 Circle K #5238 105 East Street, Galion OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00744 Circle K 5416 4936 Fishcreek Rd, Stow OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00753 Dairy Mart 5341 3519 S County Rd, 25-A, Tipp City OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00763 Dairy Mart 5351 60 W Main St, New Concord OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00773 Circle K #5259 11005 Huron-Avery Rd, Milan Township O 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00783 Circle K #5410 5075 Darrow Road, Hudson OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00792 Circle K #5252 36170 Lakeshore Blvd, Eastlake OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00802 Dairy Mart #5282 1150 E Dayton-Yellow Springs Rd, Fairbo 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00813 Dairy Mart #5288 7701 Main Street, Newton OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00822 Circle K #5314 4819 Broadway, Sheffield OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00832 Dairy Mart #5387 4163 Portage Street NW, Canton OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00843 Circle K #5440 2349 Akron Rd, Wooster OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00852 Dairy Mart #5216 6100 Dixie Hwy (SR 4), Fairfield OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00862 Dairy Mart #5229 1213 St Rt 28, Milford OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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19469-00873 Circle K #5253 1480 Broadway Avenue, Bedford OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00882 Circle K #5254 8911 Day Dr, Parma OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00893 Circle K #5269 3749 Twin Creeks Drive, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00902 Dairy Mart #5272 1497 N Shoop Ave, Wauseon OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00912 Circle K #5281 600 Orchard Lane, Beavercreek OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00923 Dairy Mart #5468 3760 Snouffer Rd, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00933 Circle K #5233 335 N Market St, Lisbon OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00943 Circle K #5202 411 E. Main Street, Ashland OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00952 Circle K #5328 205 Ohio Street E., Sebring OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00963 Circle K #5215 3871 Noble Ave, Bellaire OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00973 Circle K #5236 502 S 7th St, Coshocton OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00983 Dairy Mart #5399 707 N Union St, Alliance OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-00993 Dairy Mart #5356 141 Main Street, Crooksville OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01013 Dairy Mart #5379 551 East Lytle Street, Fostoria OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01062 Circle K #5501 26003 Broadway Avenue, Bedford OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01075 Circle K #5500 1524 State Street Route 303, Streetsboro O 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01092 Circle K #5231 780 State Street, Salem OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01105 Circle K # 5557 10630 Loveland Maderia Rd, Loveland OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01114 Circle K # 5556 1299 N Memorial Dr, Lancaster OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01125 Circle K # 5558 1101 State Rt 28, Milford OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01135 Circle K # 5559 3200 S High St, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01144 Circle K #5570 221 W. Main Street, Bellevue OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01154 Circle K #5566 1103 N. Water Street, Uhrichsville OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01165 Circle K #5567 8035 Darrow Rd., Twinsburg OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01173 Circle K #5568 1029 W. Main Street, Ravenna OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01185 Circle K #5571 8154 Airport Highway, Holland OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01194 Circle K #5569 100 Crystal Avenue, Findlay OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01207 Circle K #5564 5569 State Route 193, Kingsville OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01224 Circle K # 5575 935 E. Tallmadge Avenue, Akron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01233 Circle K # 5576 1750 Brittain Road, Akron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01243 Circkle K # 5577 997 Brown Street, Akron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01254 Circle K # 5578 3955 State Road, Cuyahoga Falls OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01263 Circkle K # 5579 85 S. Main Street, Munroe Falls OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01273 Circle K # 5580 13951 Triskett Road, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01283 Circle K # 5581 1456 S. Cleveland-Massillon Road, Copley 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01293 Circle K # 5582 1683 W. Market Street, Akron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01303 Circkle K # 5583 444 S. Maple Street, Akron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01314 Circle K # 5584 550 W. Waterloo Road, Akron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01323 Circle K # 5585 170 Tallmadge Circle, Tallmadge OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01333 Circle K # 5586 11 S. Cleveland-Massillon Road, Fairlawn O 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01344 Circle K # 5587 10302 Akron Road, Rittman OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01353 Circle K # 5588 3130 S. Main Street, Coventry Twp OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01363 Circle K # 5589 7498 Broadview Road, Parma OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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19469-01373 Circle K # 5590 1559 E. Market Street, Akron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01383 Circle K # 5591 3357 Manchester Road, Akron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01393 Circle K # 5592 1949 N. Cleveland-Massillon Road, Bath O 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01403 Circle K # 5593 641 W. Portage Trail, Cuyahoga Falls OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01413 Circle K # 5594 224 31st Street Southwest, Barberton OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01423 Circle K # 5595 2806 Copley Road, Copley OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01433 Circle K # 5596 2767 Albrecht Avenue, Akron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01443 Circle K # 5597 1178 S. Arlington Street, Akron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01453 Circle K # 5598 1526 S. Hawkins Avenue, Akron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01463 Circle K # 5599 850 N. Mantua Street, Kent OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01473 Circle K # 5600 1608 East Avenue, Akron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01483 Circle K # 5601 635 N. Main Street, Akron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01493 Circle K # 5602 344 5th Streeet, Barberton OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01503 Circle K # 5603 940 S. Arlington Street, Akron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01513 Circle K # 5604 1985 W. Market Street, Akron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01523 Circle K # 5605 650 E. Market Street, Akron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01533 Circle K # 5606 465 E. Cuyahoga Falls Avenue, Akron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01544 Circle K # 5607 440 W. Market Street, Akron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01553 Circle K # 5608 273 Darrow Road, Akron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01563 Circle K # 5609 1710 Wooster Road, Barberton OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01573 Circle K # 5610 4155 S. Cleveland-Massillon Road, Norton 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01583 Circle K # 5611 11133 Ravenna Road, Twinsburg OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01593 Circle K # 5612 1281 Copley Road, Akron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01603 Circle K # 5613 791 N. Cleveland-Massillon Road, Akron O 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01614 Circle K # 5614 1225 Pearl Road, Brunswick OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01623 Circle K # 5615 2386 Bailey Road, Cuyahoga Falls OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01633 Circle K # 5616 37032 Vine Street, Willoughby OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01643 Circle K # 5617 2610 Ridgewood Road, Akron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01653 Circle K # 5618 1212 12th Street N.W., Canton OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01663 Circle K # 5619 2709 Front Street, Cuyahoga Falls OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01673 Circle K # 5620 924 E. Exchange Street, Akron OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01683 Circle K # 5621 5270 Northfield Road, Maple Heights OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01693 Circle K # 5622 5878 Smith Road, Brookpark OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01703 Circle K # 5623 530 Center Road, Bedford OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01714 Circle K # 5624 8700 Center Street, Seville OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01723 Circle K # 5625 489 E. Bath Road, Cuyahoga Falls OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01734 Circle K # 5626 3920 W. Tuscarawas Street, Canton OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01743 Circle K # 5627 10216 Northfield Road, Northfield OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01753 Circle K # 5628 3899 Eastern Road, Norton OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01762 Circle K #5630 815 Broad Street, Wadsworth OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01783 Circle K # 5631 248 N. Fulton Street, Wauseon OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01792 Circle K # 5632 103 N. Defiance Street, Archbold OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01804 Circle K # 5633 106 Main Street, Montpelier OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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19469-01814 Circle K # 5634 401 S. Wheeling Street, Oregon OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01824 Circle K # 5635 5342 Lewis Avenue, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01834 Circle K # 5636 1245 N. Countyline Street, Fostoria OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01843 Circle K # 5637 403 East Street, Liberty Center OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01854 Circle K # 5638 2969 Tremainsville Road, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01865 Circle K # 5639 6008 Secor Road, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01872 Circle K # 5640 103 N. Prospect Street, Bowling Green OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01883 Circle K # 5641 777 Scott Street, Napoleon OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01893 Circle K # 5642 923 S. Main Street, Bryan OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01903 Circle K # 5643 200 E. Main Street, Fayette OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01912 Circle K # 5644 495 E. Airport Highway, Wauseon OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01924 Circle K # 5645 26480 N. Dixie Highway, Perrysburg OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01932 Circle K # 5646 111 Commerce Lane, Bluffton OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01944 Circle K # 5647 4562 Woodville Road, Northwood OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01954 Circle K # 5648 1444 W. Alexis Road, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01963 Circle K # 5649 904 E. 5th Street, Delphos OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01973 Circle K # 5650 806 W. Market Street, Tiffin OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01984 Circle K # 5651 6775 Dorr Street, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-01994 Circle K # 5652 2054 N. West Street (State Route 65), Lim 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02004 Circle K # 5653 405 N. Sandusky Avenue, Bucyrus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02014 Circle K # 5654 923 W. McPherson Way, Clyde OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02022 Circle K # 5655 286 Eastown Road, Lima OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02032 Circle K # 5656 1219 W. Robb Avenue, Lima OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02044 Circle K # 5657 1220 Tiffin Avenue, Findlay OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02054 Circle K # 5658 117 N. Clinton Avenue, Defiance OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02062 Circle K # 5665 2535 Fulton Drive NW, Canton OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02094 Circle K # 5668 911 W. State Street, Alliance OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02103 Circle K #5681 500 E. State Street, Botkins OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02117 Circle K # 5671 103 Anthony Wayne Trail, Waterville OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02123 Circle K # 5670 1091 N. Main Street, Bowling Green OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02138 Circle K # 5669 996 S. Main Street, Bowling Green OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02145 Circle K # 5672 1602 E. Wooster Street, Bowling Green O 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02154 Circle K # 5673 1565 E. Alexis Road, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02163 Macs Convenience Stores, LLC - 5666 464 E. Sandusky Street, Findlay OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02174 Circle K #5684 2727 N. Main Street, Findlay OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02192 Circle K # 5686 2481 Petzinger Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02203 Circle K # 5687 902 Ohio Pike, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02213 Circle K # 5689 29605 Aurora Road, Solon OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02224 CIrcle K # 5688 320 E. Columbus Street, Thornville OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02234 Circle K #5691 12080 Lancaster Street, Millersport OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02244 Circle K #5692 249 S. Main Street, Utica OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02253 Circle K #5694 211 Cleveland Road, Norwalk OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02262 Macs Convenience Stores, LLC #5696 3575 Main Street, Hilliard OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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19469-02273 Circle K #5697 4021 Parkman Road NW, Warren OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02283 Circle K #5661 105 North Spruce Street, St Marys OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02293 Circle K #5701 6665 Mayfield Road, Mayfield Heights OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02303 Circle K #5693 5999 North Ridge Road, Madison OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02313 Circle K #5708 3640 State Route 5, Cortland OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02323 Circle K #5704 9204 Reading Road, Reading OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02333 Circle K #5703 5127 Fulton Drive NW, Canton OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02343 Circle K #5702 3520 S. Arlington Road, Green OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02353 Circle K #5705 30 E. Cook Road, Mansfield OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02363 Circle K Store #5706 418 Walton St E., Willard OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02373 Circle K# 5685 11800 Mayfield Road, Munson OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02383 Circle K #5710 1901 W. Main Street, Troy OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02393 Circle K #5709 3240 Mahoning Road, Canton OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02403 Circle K #5264 907 E. Main Street, Lancaster OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02414 Circle K #5573 36024 Royalton Road, Grafton OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02423 Circle K #5714 917 Lake Avenue, Ashtabula OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02435 Circle K #5717 950 Baltimore Somerset Rd NE, Baltimore 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02443 Circle K #5713 250 West Main Street, Geneva OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02453 Circle K #5707 3039 Morse Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02464 Circle K #5712 35779 Vine Street, Eastlake OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02473 Circle K #5715 5758 Main Avenue, Ashtabula OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02483 Circle K #5721 3819 Haverhill Drive, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02493 Circle K #5722 305 Clayton Street, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02505 Circle K #5720 2460 Navarre Avenue, Oregon OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02516 Circle K #5726 4400 Coonpath Road, Carroll OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02524 Circle K #5718 2755 Dorothy Lane, Moraine OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02534 Circle K #5428 211 West Liberty Street, Hubbard OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02544 Circle K #5719 411 Georgesville Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19469-02554 Circle K #5727 3516 Airport Highway, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19482-00012 Cooke's Service, Inc. 400 Water Street, Chardon OH 07/13/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19489-00013 Pit Stop 2 1001 Elm Rd, Warren OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19581-00013 Delphos Fuel & Truck Wash 1770 E Fifth St, Delphos OH 07/23/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19599-00012 Witten Grocery 6216 Limerick Rd, Jackson OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19620-00011 Graves Lumber Company 1315 S Cleveland-Massillon Rd, Copley O 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19632-00012 Holiday Point Marina 141F Tylers Way, Franklin Furnace OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19654-00014 Salem Ave Sunoco 3900 Salem Avenue, Dayton OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19663-0001 4 A & T Mart Inc. 5721 Market St, Youngstown OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19706-00013 GetGo #3510 331 Pike Street, Marietta OH 07/06/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19711-00012 Browns Marathon 5806 Storer Ave, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19713-00013 Dixie Marathon 2693 Dixie Hwy/ Laurel, Hamilton OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19719-00013 #22 Dublin-Granville Sunoco 1623 E Dublin Granville Rd, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19727-00013 R & C Quick Stop 63867 US Route 50 W, McArthur OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19743-00014 Marathon 1226 Georgesville Rd, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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19747-00012 Kishmans IGA 202 E High Street, Minerva OH 07/28/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19756-00013 Lima Memorial Hospital 1001 Bellefontaine Avenue, Lima OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19763-00011 Ohio Valley Coal Co. 56854 Pleasant Ridge Road, Alledonia OH 07/27/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19775-00011 Lake Tomahawk Marina 47519 Tomahawk Dr., Negley OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19779-00011 The Renaissance 26376 John Road, Olmsted Township OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19781-00011 Home City Ice 20282 Hannan Pkwy, Walton Hills OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19781-00021 Home City Ice 11920 Kempersprings Dr., Forest Park OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19789-00011 WJW Television 5800 S. Marginal Rd., Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19789-00021 WJW Transmittor 4501 W. Pleasant Valley Rd., Parma OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19790-00021 Enterprise Rent A Car 18715 Maplewood Avenue, Cleveland OH 08/27/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19790-00032 National Car Rental 18809 Maplewood Avenue, Cleveland OH 08/27/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19797-0001 1 A. R. S. 200 Taylor Pkwy, Archbold OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19806-00012 Delaware Marathon 715 Sunbury Rd., Delaware OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19815-00011 Eastland Crane Co. 4645 Groves Rd., Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19824-00011 Henry County Hospital 1600 East Riverview Avenue, Napoleon O 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19837-00015 Forward Air 6800 Port Road, Groveport OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19840-00014 Sam's Deli 812 Matzinger Road, Toledo OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19853-00012 Children's Hospital 1 Perkins Square, Akron OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19853-00021 Bowery Professional Building 215 Bowery Street, Akron OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19864-0001 1 Aultman Hospital 2600 6th Street S.W., Canton OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19880-00014 Genoa Mini Mart 22210 State Route 51, Genoa OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 19890-00013 Sylvania Shell 4002 Secor Rd, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20018-00011 Marina del Isle 6801 E Harbor Rd, Marblehead OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20024-00012 Tri-State Service Station Maintenance, I 6830 Chrisman Lane, Middletown OH 08/31/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20032-00014 Pearl Bagley Enterprises 7250 Pearl Road, Middleburg Heights OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20043-0001 3 ATD Enterprises Inc. 6154 State Route 95, Mt. Gilead OH 07/14/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20055-00012 Subham, Inc. 8186 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20060-00073 Sunoco 2080 Summit Row Blvd, Powell OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20064-00012 Hamilton & Main Sunoco 4600 E. Main Street, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20068-00023 Blue Ash Marathon 9210 Plainfield Road, Blue Ash OH 07/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20078-00014 Newton Falls Sunoco 190 Milton Blvd, Newton Falls OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20079-00014 Shell 1002 Alexis Road, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20081-00013 Shell 1538 Highland Ave, Lakewood OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20084-00016 Crown East Ltd dba Marathon 4501 S Dixie Highway, Franklin OH 07/14/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20093-00054 Transportation Facility 6371 Shier-Rings Road, Dublin OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20097-00014 Gorby's Grocery 50571 Richardson Ave, Negley OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20113-00011 Unknown 7648 Wastler Rd., Clayton OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20156-0001 3 Avon Lake Shell 33433 Lake Road, Avon Lake OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20161-00013 Mohammad Khan 15550 Lake Shore Boulevard, Cleveland O 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20162-00044 J & J Petroleum 300 Rome Hillard Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20175-0001 4 Amawi Brothers LLC 15237 Euclid Ave, East Cleveland OH 07/09/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20198-00015 Batavia Mobil 520 W Main St, Batavia OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20208-00022 Mail Contractors of America, Inc. 3065 Crescentville Road, West Chester O 07/13/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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20237-00012 Hahnco (Arcadia Marathon) 106 W. Fremont Street, Arcadia OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20237-00034 North Baltimore Convenience 101 S. Main Street, North Baltimore OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20237-00043 Weston Marathon 13170 Mill Street, Weston OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20247-00011 University Healthcare Center 2186 Ambleside Dr., Cleveland OH 08/17/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20250-00014 Former Otermats Sunoco 242 W Main St, Bellevue OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20262-00012 Clark Station 427 N. Court St., Medina OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20263-00013 West Park Shell 13960 Lorain Ave, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20266-00014 Sharp Automotive 310 Second Street, Defiance OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20272-00012 Grab and Go 5760 State Route 193, Kingsville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20286-00012 Cornell's Express 147 Mansfield Avenue, Shelby OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20301-00013 St Paris Petroleum LLC 1242 St Paris Pike, Springfield OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20315-00011 Salem Air Park Ltd. 11718 Salem-Warren Rd, Salem OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20334-00014 Sukmany, LLC 1050 McGuffey Road, Youngstown OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20337-00013 Marathon 303 N. Detroit Street, Kenton OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20343-00014 Brandt Pike Duke 2100 Brandt Pike, Dayton OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20348-00013 Fast Lane Food Mart 2974 Colerain Ave, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20370-00013 Lancaster Shell 829 N. High Street, Lancaster OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20380-00013 Retha F. Walker 220 S. Mulberry Street, Logan OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20399-00013 Kileys Market 60 W Pike, Fayetteville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20403-00013 Crown Mini Mart 3675 Troy Road, Springfield OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20410-00013 Vedmata Incorporated 6363 Pearl Road, Parma Heights OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20424-00013 Union Street Auto 736 N. Union Street, Fostoria OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20434-0001 3 Akron Food Mart 737 Kenmore Boulevard, Akron OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20435-00011 U.S. Food Service, Inc. 5445 Spellmire Drive, Cincinnati OH 09/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20473-00013 Fairfield County Engineer 3026 W. Fair Avenue, Lancaster OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20484-00043 R & R Takhar Operations 419 N. Main Street, New Carlisle OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20503-00014 Sunoco 10485 Northfield Road, Northfield Village O 07/24/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20517-00013 Pippens Market 5440 Olive Road, Dayton OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20518-00011 Bucyrus Community Hospital 629 N. Sandusky Avenue, Bucyrus OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20527-00013 Main Street Marathon 1007 Main Street, Hamilton OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20537-00014 The Roadside Hotspot 53160 Nu Beginning Road, Portland OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20579-00015 Silver Star Fuel, Inc. 7929 County Road 107, Proctorville OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20579-00022 Silver Star Fuel, Inc. 25981 State Route 7 S, Crown City OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20582-00023 4680 Corduroy Road, Mentor OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20592-00013 Marathon 1705 Diagonal Road, Akron OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20607-00013 Freeport Sunoco 237 Main Street, Freeport OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20613-00012 Frank's Gas 1976 Hubbard Road, Madison OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20642-00013 Petro to Go Inc., Shell Family Foods Exp 19300 Hilliard Boulevard, Rocky River OH 08/21/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20645-00013 Marathon 205 S. Main Street, Bluffton OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20654-00014 The Amboy Mart 512 W. Main Road, Conneaut OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20662-00016 4223 E. 49th Street Property 4223 E. 49th Street, Cuyahoga Heights O 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20668-00012 Nihayah Amad Esmail Property 311 Columbia Street, Leetonia OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20669-00014 Shawnee Grocery 721 US Highway 52, Stout OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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20672-00014 Thind Petroleum Facility 1570 Morse Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20673-00013 Convenient Food Mart 7413 N. Center Street, Mentor OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20675-00013 Schild's IGA SuperCenter 171 Milan Avenue, Norwalk OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20690-0001 2 Andrews Connell Property 464 Andrews Avenue, Youngstown OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20700-00014 Buch's 828 Kingsdale Road, Steubenville OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20742-00013 Newton Falls Convenient Mart 321 Milton Boulevard, Newton Falls OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20745-00012 RAQBA Inc. dba Brookville Express 237 Market Street, Brookville OH 07/15/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20755-0001 3 Alexandria Service Center 261 W. Main Street, Alexandria OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20797-00013 Southland Automotive Inc. 7026 W. 130th Street, Middleburg Heights O 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20801-00012 Soin International Hangar #4 3540 Hangar Drive, Hangar #4, Dayton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20813-00013 Marathon Gas 1504 S. Main Street, Bellefontaine OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20819-00015 Quick Mart 3594 Liberty Avenue, Vermilion OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20821-00017 New Paris Food Mart 9592 US Route 40 W., New Paris OH 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20823-00011 Franklin Park Conservatory 1777 E. Broad Street, Columbus OH 08/24/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20844-00014 Nickel Saver 21 US Route 40 E., Lewisburg OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20847-00011 CarMax # 7176 2700 Farmers Drive, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20847-00021 CarMax Store #7175 12105 Omni Plex Court, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20847-00031 CarMax #7240 3555 Miamisburg Centerville Road, West C 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20847-00041 CarMax #7165 4900 East Pointe Parkway, Warrensville H 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20896-00013 Seville Citgo 8851 Wooster Pike, Seville OH 07/27/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20916-00013 Gas U.S.A. 12797 Mayfield Road, Chardon OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20929-00011 Budget Rent A Car System, Inc. 3300 Valet Road, Vandalia OH 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20929-00031 Budget Rent A Car System, Inc. 19719 Maplewood Avenue, Cleveland OH 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20954-00013 Hudson Sunoco 5915 Darrow Road, Hudson OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20956-00013 Shell 3613 North Main Street, Dayton OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20973-00012 Clark Oil 201 Richmond Street, Painesville OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20993-00012 Baltimore Sunoco 539 S. Main Street, Baltimore OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20994-00014 Lakeside Plaza 3180 Old Columbus Road, London OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 20999-00012 P M Gas Mart 4818 Pershing Avenue, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21013-00013 Shell 5810 Poland Struthers Road, Struthers OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21015-00012 Marathon 4351 Riverside Drive, Dayton OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21020-00013 Bridgetown Mini-Mart 4258 Harrison Avenue, Cincinnati OH 07/15/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21023-00011 RJ's General Store & Service Station 51812 Seneca Lake Road, Sarahsville OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21026-00014 Baltic & Clifton Shell 9510 Baltic Road, Cleveland OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21027-00014 Bagley & Shell 17777 Bagley Road, Cleveland OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00014 Giant Ohio, LLC DBA Giant 441 2836 E. Waterloo Road, Akron OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00023 Giant Ohio, LLC DBA Giant 446 1406 N. Main Street, North Canton OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00033 Giant Ohio, LLC DBA Giant 445 5467 Wales Avenue NW, Massillon OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00043 Giant Ohio, LLC DBA Giant 447 2211 Tuscarawas Street W., Canton OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00054 Giant Ohio, LLC DBA Giant 440 10134 Avon Lake Road, Burbank OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00062 Giant Ohio, LLC DBA Giant 438 3171 S. Arlington Street, Akron OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00074 Giant Ohio, LLC DBA Giant #439 4625 Portage Street NW, North Canton O 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00084 Giant Ohio, LLC DBA Giant 433 1450 Brittain Road, Akron OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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21032-00094 Giant Ohio, LLC DBA Giant 434 1609 Copley Road, Akron OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00103 Giant Ohio, LLC DBA Giant 4423 778 Grant Street, Akron OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00113 Giant Ohio, LLC DBA Giant 436 571 W. Waterloo Road, Akron OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00124 Giant Ohio, LLC DBA Giant 437 316 E. Market Street, Akron OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00134 Giant Ohio, LLC DBA Giant 443 4415 State Route 43, Kent OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00143 Giant Ohio, LLC DBA Giant 432 3705 Cleveland-Massillon Road, Norton O 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00153 Giant Ohio, LLC DBA Giant 4419 1434 E. Main Street, Kent OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00163 Giant Ohio, LLCGiant Ohio, LLC DBA Gi 3110 W. Market Street, Akron OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00173 Giant Ohio, LLC DBA Giant 431 4471 State Route 44, Ravenna OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00184 Giant Ohio, LLC DBA Giant 4424 6134 State Route 14, Ravenna OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00203 Giant Ohio, LLC DBA Giant 444 3811 Cleveland Avenue NW, Canton OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00213 Giant Ohio, LLC DBA Giant 429 1200 N. Market Street, Canton OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00224 Giant Ohio, LLCGiant Ohio, LLC DBA Gi 3101 Middlebranch Road, Canton OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00233 Giant Ohio, LLC DBA Giant 425 2711 Lincoln Way E, Massillon OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00253 Giant Ohio, LLC DBA Giant 427 13066 Cleveland Avenue, Uniontown OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00264 Giant Ohio, LLC 801 Arlington Road, Brookville OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00603 Giant #449 110 Shoup Mill Road, Dayton OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00614 Giant #451 2253 S. Limestone Street, Springfield OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00624 Giant #452 4401 Portage Street N.W., N Canton OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00633 Giant #453 654 US Highway 250 E., Ashland OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00642 Giant #4417 579 N. Main Street, Akron OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00655 Giant #450 13182 Shank Road, Doylestown OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21032-00665 Giant #448 1980 S. Arlington Road, Akron OH 07/01/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21064-00014 Cross Creek General Store 58522 US Highway 50, McArthur OH 07/02/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21065-00012 Broadway Carryout 660 N. Broadway Street, Lebanon OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21066-00013 Suffield Carryout 1435 State Route 43, Mogadore OH 08/19/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21072-00012 Marathon Food Mart 8811 N. Dixie Road, Dayton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21080-00012 Fifth Third Center at One SeaGate 1 Seagate, Toledo OH 07/13/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21094-00013 Fulton Denison Sunoco 3742 Fulton Avenue, Cleveland OH 07/10/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21107-00013 East 47 Marathon 1001 Milligan Court, Sidney OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21129-00014 The Korner Convenience Stores Enterpr 9457 State Route 160, Bidwell OH 07/17/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21147-00013 Russell Shell 14900 Chillicothe Road, Novelty OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21181-0001 4 A & L National LLC 230 S. Main Street, Urbana OH 07/24/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21181-0002 5 A & L National LLC 355 W. Main Street, St Paris OH 07/24/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21210-00016 Midway Gas Mart (Midway Marathon) 2822 Old Dayton Pike, Germantown OH 07/14/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21233-00013 Village Pantry #5712 16350 Allenby Drive, Marysville OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21233-0002 5 Village Variety Store Operations LLC #5718565 Magellan Pkwy, Richmond OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21233-0003 2 Village Variety Store Operations LLC #5718565 Magellan Pkwy, Richmond VA 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21233-0004 3 Village Variety Store Operations LLC #5718565 Magellan Pkwy, Richmond VA 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21233-0005 5 Village Variety Store Operations LLC #5718565 Magellan Pkwy, Richmond VA 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21233-0006 3 Village Variety Store Operations LLC #5728565 Magellan Pkwy, Richmond VA 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21233-0007 5 Village Variety Store Operations LLC #5728565 Magellan Pkwy, Richmond VA 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21233-0008 3 Village Variety Store Operations LLC #5728565 Magellan Pkwy, Richmond VA 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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21233-0009 5 Village Variety Store Operations LLC #5728565 Magellan Pkwy, Richmond VA 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21242-00011 Water Plant 445 Palmer Lane, Granville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21291-00015 Rocky's Drive Thru 560 Norton Avenue, Barberton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21328-00013 Shell Service Station 501 N. Abbe Road, Elyria OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21330-00023 Beloit Fuel LLC 13765 Main Street, Beloit OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21346-00012 Bushnell Store 5915 Bushnell Road, Conneaut OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21349-00011 Parks General Store 36800 State Route 260, Graysville OH 07/08/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21355-00011 Channel Grove Marina 389 Channel Grove, Lakeside Marblehead O 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21356-00014 Oak Speed Check 1904 Oak Street, Youngstown OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21359-00012 Taylorsville Petroleum LLC 4774 Taylorsville Road, Huber Heights OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21362-00013 Buckeye Truck Stop 5055 State Route 613, Leipsic OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21370-00013 Sunoco 10 Northfield Road, Bedford OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21379-00013 7820 Reynoldsburg Sunoco Inc. 7820 E. Main Street, Reynoldsburg OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21395-00014 Landmark Aviation 1601 N. Marginal Road, Cleveland OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21395-00033 Landmark Aviation 358 Wilmer Avenue, Cincinnati OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21397-00011 National Church Residences Bristol Vill 444 Cherry Street, Waverly OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21410-0001 4 Ashville Express 320 Long Street, Ashville OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21418-00013 Swaran Realty Inc. 1744 W. Market Street, Warren OH 07/14/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21425-00013 Broad & York Convenience Store 7032 E. Broad Street, Pataskala OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21428-00014 Sunoco 204 204 E. Market Street, Celina OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21431-00014 Geneva Food Mart 148 S. Broadway Street, Geneva OH 07/27/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21481-00013 Mansfield Fuel & Food Mart 3880 W. 4th Street, Mansfield OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21482-00014 Rushsylvania One Stop 125 N. Sandusky Street, Rushsylvania OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21485-00012 StoneWater Golf Club 6019 Aberdeen Boulevard, Highland Heigh 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21503-00013 Orient Sunoco 6997 Harrisburg Pike, Orient OH 07/28/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21517-00044 US 42 Properties 4491 State Route 725, Bellbrook OH 08/20/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21521-00014 Par Mar Store #108 10238 State Route 159, Kingston OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21527-00012 Belmont County Regional Airport Autho 62215 Fairview Road, Barnesville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21531-00012 Manysha, Inc. 2019 Harrisburg Road, Canton OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21545-00013 Khushubu LLC 6050 Cheviot Road, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21548-00013 Kasey's Gas Mart 1341 W. Market Street, Germantown OH 09/17/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21554-00012 Perleen's Gas Services Inc. 220 State Street, Conneaut OH 07/13/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21559-00013 Bell's Station Service 703 Columbus Avenue, Washington Court H 07/15/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21562-00013 Gas N Stuff 144 S. Main Street, Hamden OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21576-00015 Sober Systems LLC 50708 National Road, St Clairsville OH 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21607-00014 VPL Holding LLC 911 E. High Street, Bryan OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21607-00023 Holiday City Sunoco 13441 State Route 15, Montpelier OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21612-00013 Stake's Shortstop 3052 State Route 3 S., Loudenville OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21623-00013 Sunrise Sunoco 616 N. Vance Street, Carey OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21630-00012 Gas Land No. 2 860 Parkman Road NW, Warren OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21641-00013 Onkar Investments, LLC 3337 Clifton Avenue, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21641-00023 Onkar Investments, LLC 3093 Queen City Avenue, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21644-00015 Pump N Pack, LLC 1115 Celina Road, Saint Marys OH 07/09/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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21653-00013 Tom's Wholesale Tires 66 E. Main Street, East Palestine OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21656-00012 Western Reserve Hospital, LLC 1900 23rd Street, Cuyahoga Falls OH 07/02/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21672-00011 Grover C. Matthews Property 20388 N. Benton West Road, North Bento 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21675-00015 West Jefferson Marathon 66 W. Main Street, West Jefferson OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21676-00014 Kwik Stop Sunoco 320 W. Main Street, Circleville OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21689-00014 MMS Petroleum Inc. 1905 Lee Road, Cleveland Heights OH 07/16/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21691-00015 DT Petroleum Service, Inc. 1105 W. Mansfield Street, Bucyrus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21704-00013 Marathon #6430 6430 Springfield Xenia Road, Springfield O 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21706-00012 Mt. Healthy Food Mart, LLC 8061 Hamilton Avenue, Mt. Healthy OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21706-00023 Manya Properties, LLC 5085 Pleasant Avenue, Fairfield OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21706-00035 Manya Properties, LLC 3406 Warsaw Avenue, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21715-00012 Turney Town Sunoco 4935 Turney Road, Garfield Heights OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21825-00022 F&D Gas, Ltd. 15222 Waterloo Road, Cleveland OH 07/10/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21825-00032 F&D Gas, Ltd. 3474 W. 25th Street, Cleveland OH 07/10/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21828-00024 BOA Investment, LLC 7908 W. 130th Street, Strongsville OH 07/10/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21858-0001 4 Angel Petroleum, LLC 22492 Brookpark Road, Cleveland OH 07/23/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21868-00013 North Reynolds Road Center, LLC 541 N. Reynolds Road, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21869-00013 Suder Avenue Center, LLC 4810 Suder Avenue, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21870-00014 Hill Avenue Center, LLC 3503 Hill Avenue, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21871-00013 North Holland Sylvania Road Center, LL 2205 N. Holland Sylvania Road, Toledo O 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21872-00014 South Byrne Road Center, LLC 1455 S. Byrne Road, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21873-00014 East Manhattan Boulevard Center, LLC 1407 E. Manhattan Boulevard, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21874-00014 Oberlin Avenue Center, LLC 3105 Oberlin Avenue, Lorain OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21875-00013 East Main Street Center, LLC 1836 E. Main Street, Kent OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21876-00014 East 185th Street Center, LLC 910 E. 185th Street, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21877-00015 Moline Martin Road Center, LLC 3510 Moline Martin Road, Millbury OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21878-00014 Richmond Road Center, LLC 798 Richmond Road, Richmond Heights O 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21879-00014 Turney Road Center, LLC 700 Turney Road, Bedford OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21881-00014 Cleveland Street Center, LLC 645 Cleveland Street, Elyria OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21882-00014 Heatherdowns Boulevard Center, LLC 4411 Heatherdowns Boulevard, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21883-00013 Vine Street Center, LLC 33945 Vine Street, Eastlake OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21884-00013 State Road Center, LLC 2113 State Road, Cuyahoga Falls OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21885-00014 North Leavitt Road Center, LLC 979 N. Leavitt Road, Amherst OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21886-00013 Warrensville Center Road Center, LLC 5270 Warrensville Center Road, Maple He 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21887-00015 Woodville Road Center, LLC 1855 Woodville Road, Oregon OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21924-00012 Warrmike, Inc. 4351 Northfield Road, Warrensville Height 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21925-00041 PNC Bank 1900 E. 9th Street, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21937-00014 Gill Oil LLC 2289 Middletown Eaton Road, Middletown O 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21940-00013 Rozelle Creek Market Inc. 4152 Rozelle Creek Road, Chillicothe OH 07/13/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21949-00013 J & V, Inc. d/b/a Ameristop 3791 Woodridge Boulevard, Fairfield OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21961-00013 Platinum Petroleum, LLC 1601 Tuscarawas Avenue, Canton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21963-00015 Miller Crossroads, LLC 8309 Germany Road, Waverly OH 07/13/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21975-00011 Ohio Judicial Center 65 S. Front Street, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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21986-00015 OM Shri Laxmi LLC 2145 Needmore Road, Dayton OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21988-00015 Uhrichsville Food Mart 1200 N. Water Street, Uhrichsville OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21991-00013 Lealh & Singh, Inc. 6171 Manchester Road, Akron OH 07/10/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 21995-00013 Difesa Solutions, LLC 704 Sherrick Road S.E., Canton OH 09/10/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22002-00012 JK & RK Investments, LLC 6004 N. Dixie Drive, Dayton OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22004-00013 Two Towns Real Estate LLC 104 E. South Street, Arcanum OH 09/17/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22004-00023 Two Towns Real Estate LLC 425 S. Barron Street, Eaton OH 09/17/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22008-00012 LCS Petroleum, LLC 325 N. Cole Street, Lima OH 07/13/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22012-00014 Bassi5, LLC 2531 Valley Street, Dayton OH 07/09/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22024-00013 Five Points Country Conveneince Co. 8430 State Route 305, Burghill OH 07/23/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22026-00013 Chehar, Inc. 1150 Tower Boulevard, Lorain OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22037-00013 West Pike Market Inc. 9765 West Pike, Hopewell OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22064-00013 Gas Zone Inc. 3980 Erie Avenue, Cincinnati OH 07/07/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22075-00013 Par Mar Store #110 41 Jones Road, Chillicothe OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22075-00023 Par Mar Store #111 21 Star Drive, Chillicothe OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00011 Frontier Communications Corporation 1039 Wilson Drive, Marion OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00021 Frontier Communications Corporation 111 S. Elmwood Avenue, Medina OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00031 Frontier Communications Corporation 53 N. Cleveland Massillon Road, Akron O 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00041 Frontier Communications Corporation 29 W. Main Street, Norwalk OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00051 Frontier Communications Corporation 56 S. Main Street, Oberlin OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00061 Frontier Communications Corporation 124 N. Lyman Street, Wadsworth OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00071 Frontier Communications Corporation 167 E. Herrick Avenue, Wellington OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00081 Frontier Communications Corporation 229 W. Main Street, Oak Harbor OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00091 Frontier Communications Corporation 140 N. Main Street, Cadiz OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00101 Frontier Communications Corporation 320 Front Avenue S.W., New Philadelphia O 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00111 Frontier Communications Corporation 1315 Albert Street, Portsmouth OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00121 Frontier Communications Corporation 112 2nd Street S.W., Carrollton OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00131 Frontier Communications Corporation Sandusky Road, Burlington OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00141 Frontier Communications Corporation 602 Ridge Lane, Lucasville OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00151 Frontier Communications Corporation 518 Main Street, Piketon OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00171 Frontier Communications Corporation 215 E. Main Street, Wilmington OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00191 Frontier Communications Corporation 326 Pearl Street, Jackson OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00211 Frontier Communications Corporation 113 Pinckney Street, Circleville OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00221 Frontier Communications Corporation 10 Mulberry Street, Brookville OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00231 Frontier Communications Corporation 23 Overlook Street, Englewood OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00241 Frontier Communications Corporation 17-19 S. Market Street, Troy OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00251 Frontier Communications Corporation 107 N. Broadway Street, Trotwood OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00271 Frontier Communications Corporation 226 N. Main Street, Celina OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00281 Frontier Communications Corporation 222 S. Prospect Street, Marion OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00291 Frontier Communications Corporation 6627 Maplewood Avenue, Sylvania OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00301 Frontier Communications Corporation 3126 McCord Road, Sylvania OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00311 Frontier Communications Corporation 315 Broad Street, Ashland OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00322 Frontier Communications Corporation 1300 Columbus Sandusky Road N., Mario 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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22081-00331 Frontier Communications Corporation 119 S. Market Street, Galion OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00341 Frontier Communications Corporation 1121 Tuscarawas Avenue N.W., New Phi 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00351 Frontier Communications Corporation 160 W. Wooster Street, Bowling Green O 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00361 Frontier Communications Corporation 18 S. 4th Street, Tipp City OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00371 Frontier Communications Corporation 114 N. Pleasant Street, Georgetown OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00381 Frontier Communications Corporation 120 Buckeye Street, Clyde OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00391 Frontier Communications Corporation N. Curtice Road, Curtice OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00401 Frontier Communications Corporation 203 W. Market Street, Baltimore OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00411 Frontier Communications Corporation 921 Steubenville Avenue, Cambridge OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00421 Frontier Communications Corporation 303 W. Main Street, West Union OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00431 Frontier Communications Corporation 25 E. Sandusky Street, Mechanicsburg O 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00441 Frontier Communications Corporation 19 E. Central Avenue, Delaware OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00451 Frontier Communications Corporation Main Street and Shirley Street, Huron OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00461 Frontier Communications Corporation Huron Street and Front Street, Milan OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00471 Frontier Communications Corporation 419 3rd Avenue, Chesapeake OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00481 Frontier Communications Corporation 114 W. Church Street, Oxford OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22081-00501 Frontier Communications Corporation 100 N. Main Street, Minerva OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22183-00012 JWW Realty, LLC 6295 Wilson Mills Road, Highland Heights O 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22194-00013 Rodney L. Stevenson Facility 110 Walton Street West, Willard OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22215-00013 Euclid Marathon 470 E. 200th Street, Euclid OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22219-00013 GBS Sawmill, LLC 3446 O'Connell Street, Powell OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22227-00013 Singh Main Street, LLC 3140 E. Main Street, Columbus OH 08/03/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22233-00011 Heather Hill Care Communities 12340 Bass Lake, Chardon OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22237-00012 Sunview Petroleum, Inc. 813 Lovers Lane Road, Akron OH 08/20/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22248-00013 Milford Food & Gas, Inc. 1279 State Route 28, Loveland OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22259-00014 Hamad Investment Group #2 1201 Dorr Street, Toledo OH 08/27/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22263-00012 KHT Properties, LLC 6614 Norwalk Road, Medina OH 07/10/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22269-00013 Yashvi, LLC 3749 Glenway Avenue, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22271-00014 Isho's Bros Fuel Ventures, Inc. 2446 Alexis Road, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22272-00013 Isho's Oil, Inc. 1289 Conant Street, Maumee OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22278-00013 Par Mar Store #109 11342 State Route 50, Bourneville OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22281-00013 Belfast Market 1901 State Route 73, Hillsboro OH 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22289-00014 Greentown, LLC 841 Martin Street, Greenville OH 09/17/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22294-00014 J & P Petroleum, LLC 1192 S. Pennsylvania Avenue, Wellston O 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22298-00013 GBS Waggoner, LLC 7700 Kennedy Road, Blacklick OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22320-00014 Gas USA #2 3266 W. 117th Street, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22320-00023 Gas USA #3 3101 Scranton Road, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22320-00033 Gas City 3074 W. 14th Street, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22323-00015 Doran-McQuiston, LLC 201 W. Central Avenue, Camden OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22329-00014 Fares, Inc. 4953 Springboro Pike, West Carrollton OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22330-00013 665 Parsons, Inc. 665 Parsons Avenue, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22335-00013 H & F Food Mart, Inc. 803 Apollo Drive, Wapakoneta OH 07/23/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22335-00024 H & F Food Mart, Inc. 109 Defiance Street, Wapokeneta OH 07/23/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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22336-00014 Ravenna Petroleum, LLC 527 North Freedom Street, Ravenna OH 07/23/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22338-00013 Gabriels Shell 2249 W. 117th Street, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22338-00024 Gabriels Marathon 4480 Rocky River Drive, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22342-00014 4751 East Main Street, LLC 4751 E. Main Street, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22350-0001 2 Aouichi Corporation 3100 N. Detroit Avenue, Toledo OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22359-00013 Gas USA - St. Clair 12307 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22364-00013 Safa Properties, LLC 7318 Superior Avenue, Cleveland OH 07/20/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22368-00013 Kaleshwari, Inc. 6380 Branch Hill Guinea Pike, Loveland O 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22408-00013 Ozzies General Market 9980 West Central Avenue, Sylvania OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22411-00011 FedEx Freight Inc. 67200 Executive Drive, Saint Clairsville O 10/13/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22464-00012 Enterprise Hill Farm, Inc. 5264 Huber Road, Norwalk OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22467-00011 EMD Millipore Corporation 2909 Highland Avenue, Norwood OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22473-00014 RAH III, LLC 779 E. Main Street, Jackson OH 07/07/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22476-0001 3 Arpita Fuels, Inc. 650 Central Avenue, Carlisle OH 08/04/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22484-00013 Sun Shop Gas and Carry-Out 1002 N. Lincoln Avenue, Bridgeport OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22500-00014 Clark Gas and Foodmart 934 Marion Road, Bucyrus OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22501-00024 Pit Stop 2 North Zane Highway, Martins Ferry OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22508-00013 Hanini Express 12800 Euclid Avenue, East Cleveland OH 08/31/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22513-00012 Lakewood Petroleum, LLC 9109 US 62, Harrisburg OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22514-00014 Westerville Petroleum, LLC 5870 Westerville Road, Westerville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22525-00043 RKDJ Petroleum, LLC 210 Main Street, Byesville OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22538-00024 Uni-Mart 5941 Vrooman Road, Painesville OH 07/27/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22542-00013 B & H Resources, LLC 28925 Lorain Road, North Olmsted OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22553-00013 Devine's Shop N Save 368 N. Main Street, Hubbard OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22561-00012 Harbor Point Marina 205 Harbor Point Drive, Celina OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22583-00013 Ganesh Canton, LLC 2557 Cleveland Avenue NW, Canton OH 08/12/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22588-0001 3 Armit Blaze Oil, Inc. 220 McCartney Road, Campbell OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22592-00014 Herd Holdings, LLC 8 W. Coshocton Street, Johnstown OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22608-00013 Kennedy Avenue Food Mart 5361 Kennedy Avenue, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22609-00025 Nandini Oil, LLC 700 Dalton Avenue, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22617-00012 Royal Gas Mart 2850 W. 25th Street, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22625-00014 Five Points Marathon, LLC 969 E. 152nd Street, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22632-00013 Best Oil 1822 Mahoning Avenue, Youngstown OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22634-00013 Habbas Enterprises, LLC 6310 N. Center Street, Mentor OH 07/16/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22636-00014 Gurnam S. Lealh Property 134 E. Tuscarawas Avenue, Barberton OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22644-00014 Sahib Petroleum, LLC 2455 Compton Road, Cincinnati OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22645-00011 Shenandoah General Store 12 State Route 603 W., Shiloh OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22650-00013 Main Marathon 1845 N. Main Street, Dayton OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22651-00013 Convenient Food Mart 3119 Hubbard Road, Madison OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22662-0001 6 Arpita Properties, LLC 15 S. State Street, Phillipsburg OH 08/04/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22663-00013 Colorado Avenue Partners, LLC 1800 Colorado Avenue, Lorain OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22679-00012 Medina Petroleum, Inc. 6392 Lafayette Road, Medina OH 07/09/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22710-0001 6 Anna Truck Stop, LLC 14262 State Route 119, Anna OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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22713-00013 Eshaan Properties, LLC 5104 Lake Road W., Ashtabula OH 07/13/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22734-00013 400 High Street, Inc. 410 High Street, Fairport Harbor OH 08/27/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22736-00014 Valero Gas Station 322 W. Market Street, Troy OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22737-00014 Valero Gas Station 1116 Bechtle Avenue, Springfield OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22760-00011 Stream's Edge Properties, LLC 8150 Tyler Boulevard, Mentor OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22760-00021 Stream's Edge Properties, LLC 103 Cairns Road, Mansfield OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22760-00031 Dayton Freight Lines, Inc 1406 Blatt Boulevard, Gahanna OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22760-00041 Dayton Freight Kent 280 Progress Boulevard, Kent OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22766-00013 Forest Park Sunoco 11010 Southland Boulevard, Forest Park O 07/29/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22779-00012 Bryan Wash N Fill 1114 S. Main Streeet, Bryan OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22794-00013 27645 Lorain Road, LLC 27645 Lorain Road, North Olmsted OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22796-00011 Cyrus One Data Center 4800 Parkway Drive, Mason OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22809-00014 SS Petroleum, Inc. 23255 State Route 4, Marysville OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22821-00015 Williamsburg Market Inc. 609 W Main St, Williamsburg OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22825-00012 Spearman's Restaurant 26155 Coshocton Road, Howard OH 08/19/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22840-00014 Midd-Town Carryout Drive-Thru 2000 Central Avenue, Middletown OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22844-00012 Chesterland Gas and Go 8247 Mayfield Road, Chesterland OH 07/30/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22847-00015 Little General Stores, Inc. 5321 Washington Rd, Albany OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22852-00013 Obay KTB Properties LLC 642 E. State Street, Alliance OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22854-00011 Rush Truck Centers of Ohio, Inc. 7655 Poe Avenue, Dayton OH 07/08/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22860-00012 Marathon Refugee LLC 6750 Refugee Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22869-00014 U Save Food Mart 66190 Hendrysburg Road, Barnesville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22871-0001 1 Allstate Insurance Company 75 West Executive Parkway, Hudson OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22887-00012 Harrison Shamrock 4150 Harrison Ave, Cincinnati OH 08/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22908-00015 Shell 352 W. Court Street, Washington Court Ho 08/04/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22914-00015 Hillsboro Convenient Food Mart, LLC 5828 W. New Market Road, Hillsboro OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22923-00012 Midway Quick Mart, Inc. 137 E. Huron Street, Jackson OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22928-00013 White Eyes Fuel 26366 County Road 171, Fresno OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22937-00013 Mo's Blue Ash Marathon 4116 Glendale Milford Road, Blue Ash OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22939-00012 River Road Food Mart 5040 River Road, Fairfield OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22968-00014 Bedford Sunoco 667 Northfield Rd, Bedford OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22973-00011 Island Productions, LLC 1233 Fox Road, Middle Bass Island OH 07/09/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22977-0001 4 Shubh Ashish, LLC dba Marathon, Stop N43520 Middle Ridge Road, Lorain OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22982-00011 Courtyard at Seasons 7300 Dearwester Drive, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22990-00013 Memorial One Stop Shop 215 Memorial Parkway, Akron OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22991-00011 MCC-Norwood, LLC 4500 Beech Street, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22994-0001 3 Asad Shell 2330 Reading Road, Cincinnati OH 08/31/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22996-00014 Williamsburg Property Management Inc. 15130 Eastwood Road, Williamsburg OH 07/20/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 22998-00014 Fendi 166 N Broad St, Bremen OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23004-00014 MEHG Management, LLC 18740 State Route 62, Beloit OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23007-0001 4 A & J Petroleum Inc. 213 East Main Street, Gnadenhutten OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23058-00012 Soft Touch Auto Spa 325 N. Sandusky Avenue, Upper Sandusk 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23061-00013 K Foods Inc. 308 W. Dayton Street, West Alexandria O 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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23072-00014 Williams Fuel Stop 106 N. Jackson Street, Oak Hill OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23073-00014 Mike's BP 5 N Pennsylvania Ave, Wellston OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23074-00012 Park Marathon 530 Cherry Street, Tuscarawas OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23088-00013 SPV Wayne & Keowee Sunoco 912 Wayne Avenue, Dayton OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23088-00023 SPV Wayne & Wyoming Sunoco 1502 Wayne Street, Dayton OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23089-00012 Ohio Veterans Home 3416 Avenue, Sandusky O 08/27/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23091-00013 SSK Petroleum LLC 1975 N. Danbury Road, Marblehead OH 07/27/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23096-00014 J R & R Property Investment LLC 6101 W. 3rd Street, Dayton OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23096-00023 R & R Tarhar - Tratwood Marathon 3031 Shiloh Springs Road, Trotwood OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23099-00014 Venkateshwara LLC 24655 US Highway 23 S., Circleville OH 08/04/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23102-00016 1303 N. Main St Inc. dba Valero 1303 N. Main Street, Marion OH 08/14/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23103-00014 Market Fresh Foods 301 E. Troy Pike, Covington OH 08/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23121-00014 Swifty 256 Lafayette Rd., London OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23129-00013 The GC Net Lease (Westerville) Invest 800 Brooksedge Boulevard, Westerville O 07/13/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23132-00013 I-71 Pit Stop 1301 ST RT 123, Lebanon OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23136-00011 GSA #G5TSB-17909 2012 Ronald Reagan Drive, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23155-00015 Speed Check Food Mart 2847 Parkman Road NW, Warren OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23162-00013 456 Richmond LLC 456 Richmond Rd, Richmond Hts OH 07/10/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23172-00012 Valero 3217 Oberlin Avenue, Lorain OH 07/09/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23215-00013 Classy Clean Car Wash/Gulf Gas 5373 Youngstown Warren Road, Niles OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23252-00015 Mickey Mart #59 203 S Main St, Willard OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23252-00025 Sycamore BP 103 W. Saffel Street, Sycamore OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23252-00033 Greenwich Mickey Mart 47 E. Main Street, Greenwich OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23252-00043 Berlin Heights Carry Out, Inc 5 South Street, Berlin Heights OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23252-00055 Sandusky 250 Mickey Mart #61 4701 Milan Road, Sandusky OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23252-00063 Green Springs Mickey Mart #65 101 South Broadway St, Green Springs O 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23252-00073 Oak Harbor Mickey Mart #66 4975 N. State Route 2, Oak Harbor OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23252-00084 Bellevue Mickey Mart #63 227 East Main Street, Bellevue OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23257-00014 Norwood Sunoco 2265 Norwood Avenue, Norwood OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23257-00024 3 S Property LLC 1145 West Ohio Pike, Amelia OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23257-00034 3 S Property LLC 987 State Route 28, Milford OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23263-00012 Rasul Bro (S.K. Market) 920 W Main Street, Washingtonville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23273-00011 CAK Building 39 LLC 5430 Lauby Road, Bld #25, North Canton O 07/14/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23279-00013 Lewisville Carryout, LLC 33276 State Route 78, Lewisville OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23284-0001 2 Aksharvinay LLC 5375 W Erie Ave, Lorain OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23285-00024 RCJ Petroleum 6, LLC 2496 E. Aurora Road, Twinsburg OH 09/03/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23288-00011 R-J Diesel, LLC 35500 State Route 78, Lewisville OH 08/19/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23300-00012 Buford Store 2510 State Route 134, Buford OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23364-00013 VGV Properties, LLC 3069 State Rt 213, Steubenville OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23390-00015 Turnpike Sunoco 8150 SH 108, Wauseon OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23393-00013 Turk Gas 1949 Schrock Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23399-00013 8397 Vine Street LLC 8397 Vine Street, Cincinnati OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23407-0001 4 American Natural 30 2245 Southgate Parkway, Cambridge OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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23415-00013 Chet and Fran's Country Store 27050 State Route 58, Wellington OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23419-00015 Swiss Valley Oil Co. 223 Yoder Avenue, Sugarcreek OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23419-00025 Swiss Valley Oil Co. 399 Browns Lane, Coshocton OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23419-00032 Village Marathon 390 S. Whitewoman Street, Coshocton O 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23419-00046 Ullman Oil Co Hitchn Post 9810 Washington Street, Chagrin Falls OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23430-00012 H & D Petroleum Ltd. 800 S. Prospect Street, Ravenna OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23432-00013 BS Market, LLC 6364 Bridgetown Road, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23439-00012 Hogues IGA 855 Kilbourne Street, Bellevue OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23443-00011 Mentor Lumber 7180 Center Street, Mentor OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23444-00013 56 Mini Mart 10472 State Route 56 E., Circleville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23445-00013 4200 Mahoning Avenue, LLC 4200 Mahoning Avenue, Youngstown OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23450-00013 Trotwood Shell 5201 Salem Avenue, Dayton OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23453-00014 Mantua EZ Mart 10719 N. Main Street, Mantua OH 07/20/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23456-00013 Nashport 6220 Frazeysburg Road, Nashport OH 07/01/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23456-00023 Starfire 781 S. 2nd Street, Coshocton OH 07/01/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23483-00014 N & M Enterprises LLC 110 S Main Street, Union OH 07/28/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23577-00013 Sahjanand, LLC 703 2nd Street, Portsmouth OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23593-00015 Eagle Fuel LLC 3851 E. Livingston Avenue, Columbus OH 07/09/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23788-00014 PawPaw's Country Mart 4235 Middlebranch Avenue NE, Canton O 07/24/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23797-00023 Local Mkt #718 930 N. Waggoner Road, Columbus OH 07/27/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23797-00033 Fresh Eats Mkt #723 620 Norton Road, Columbus OH 07/27/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23802-00013 Fifth Avenue Mobil 1773 E. 5th Avenue, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23803-00014 Ontario Food Mart, Inc. (Marathon) 3636 Park Avenue W., Ontario OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23804-00012 7809 Old Rockside Road (OH), LLC 7809 Old Rockside Road, Independence O 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23805-00012 16891 Brookpark Road (OH), LLC 16891 Brookpark Road, Brookpark OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23815-00011 The Ridge Project J-169 St Rt 65, McClure OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23818-00011 Sandusky Harbor Marina One Huron Street, Sandusky OH 07/22/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23820-00012 Woods Market, LLC 15 Commerce Street, Lockbourne OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23838-00014 Norton Sunoco 552 Norton Road, Columbus OH 08/24/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23843-00014 Salem Gas Stop 445 Prospect Street, Salem OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23848-00011 United Rentals Branch 01N 28363 Glenwood Road, Perrysburg OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23849-00013 GAR-CNG, LLC 706 S. Friendship Drive, New Concord OH 08/31/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23855-00014 598 East Waterloo Road Realty, LLC 598 E Waterloo Road, Akron OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23862-00013 RKG2801 LLC 2801 Perry Drive SW, Canton OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23871-0001 4 Archbold Sunoco 1500 S. Defiance Street, Archbold OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23873-00011 Mentor Mitsubishi 8505 Mentor Avenue, Mentor OH 08/17/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23874-00013 Trenton Veer, Inc. 302 East Avenue, Hamilton OH 07/08/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23876-00015 Par Mar Store #5 521 N. Main Street, Malta OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23876-00022 Par Mar Store #6 101 Alta Street, Marietta OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23876-00032 Par Mar Store #7 17785 State Route 7, Marietta OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23876-00044 Par Mar Store #11 100 5th Street, Beverly OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23876-00055 Par Mar Store #4 1033 State Route 7 N., New Matamoras O 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23876-00065 Par Mar Store #14 66 Arrowhead Road, Little Hocking OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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23876-00074 Par Mar Store #13 40019 State Route 7, Hannibal OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23876-00083 Par Mar Store #1 4796 State Route 60, Marietta OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23876-00094 Par Mar Store #33 3355 State Route 821, Marietta OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23877-00015 West Jeff Express 63 W. Main Street, West Jefferson OH 07/01/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23878-00012 Village Sunoco 211 S. Main Street, Pleasant Hill OH 09/17/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23878-00024 JK Property, LLC 85 E. Dayton Street, West Alexandria OH 09/17/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23879-00012 West Alex Property 2 E. Franklin Street, Gratis OH 09/17/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23882-00014 New Richmond Fuel Inc. 410 Sycamore Street, New Richmond OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23895-00015 Canal Winchester Shell Gas 3480 Gender Road, Canal Winchester OH 09/21/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00013 Daridi Inc dba S&G #4 3504 Lagrange Street, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00024 Ridi Oil LLC dba S&G #17 3730 Monroe Street, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00084 Ridi Oil LLC dba S&G #18 1027 N. Reynolds Road, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00093 Ridi Oil LLC DBA S&G #32 1401 South Avenue, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00102 Ridi Oil LLC dba S&G #33 2062 Woodville Road, Oregon OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00113 Ridi Oil LLC, dba S & G #3 1223 North Byrne Road, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00122 Ridi Oil LLC dba S&G #26 1301 Sylvania Avenue, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00133 S and G Stores LLC dba S&G #37 2445 West Alexis Road, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00144 S and G Stores LLC dba S&G #43 5101 W Alexis Road, Sylvania OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00154 Ridi Oil LLC dba S&G #50 2710 Tremainsville Road, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00164 Ridi Oil LLC dba S&G #44 4315 West Alexis Road, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00174 S and G Stores LLC dba s&G #40 8249 Sylvania Metamora Rd, Sylvania OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00184 S and G Stores LLC dba S&G #42 5544 W. Alexis Road, Sylvania OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00193 Ridi Oil LLC dba S&G #47 4721 Lewis Avenue, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00223 S and G Stores LLC dba S&G #57 5424 Telegraph Road, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00233 S and G Stores LLC dba S&G #56 6437 W. Central Avenue, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00244 S and G Stores LLC dba S&G #60 1200 North Shoop Road, Wauseon OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00253 S and G Stores dba S&G #65 1831 Fostoria Avenue, Findlay OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00264 S and G Stores LLC dba S&G #64 800 Trenton Street, Findlay OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00275 S and G Stores LLC dba S&G #63 429 West Alexis Road, Toledo OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00282 S and G Stores LLC dba S&G #66 54 South Main Street, Minster OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00294 S and G Stores LLC dba S&G #67 410 North Main Street, Minster OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00303 S and G Stores LLC dba S&G #68 555 North Second Street, Coldwater OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00313 S and G Stores LLC dba S&G #69 7 North 2nd Street, Versailles OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00324 S and G Stores LLC dba S&G #70 6529 West National Road, Brookville OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00333 S and G Stores LLC dba S&G #71 500 West Main Street, New Lebanon OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00343 S and G Stores LLC dba S&G #72 311 South Main Street, Englewood OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00355 S and G Stores LLC dba S&G #73 801 West Main Street, Troy OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00365 S and G Stores LLC dba S&G #74 226 West Water Street, Piqua OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00373 S and G Stores LLC dba S&G #75 2190 Fair Road, Sidney OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00383 S and G Management dba S&G #77 11960 US 224, Alvada OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00394 S and G Management dba S&G #78 1201 Russ Road, Greenville OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00402 S and G Management dba S&G #79 5502 Monroe Street, Sylvania OH 09/21/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00415 S and G Management dba S&G #90 900 American Road, Napoleon OH 09/21/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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23901-00424 S and G Management dba S&G #80 4142 Monroe Street, Toledo OH 09/21/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00433 S and G Management dba S&G #82 1702 West Laskey Road, Toledo OH 09/21/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00444 S and G Management dba S&G #83 4828 Monroe Street, Toledo OH 09/21/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00454 S and G Management dba S&G #84 4001 Holland Sylvania Road, Toledo OH 09/21/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00463 S and G Management dba S&G #85 10195 Airport Highway, Monclova OH 09/21/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00474 S and G Management dba S&G #86 801 South Byrne Road, Toledo OH 09/21/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00482 S and G Management dba S&G #87 1910 East 2nd Street, Defiance OH 09/21/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23901-00494 S and G Management dba S&G #88 8256 Central Avenue, Sylvania OH 09/21/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23903-00013 Siri Inc. 2740 Spring Grove Avenue, Cincinnati OH 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23908-00011 Clean Harbors Environmental Services, I 256-260 W. North Bend Road, Cincinnati O 09/30/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23909-00013 Fateh Property LLC 1015 West Main, Tipp City OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23917-00012 Ohio Gas 1980 Noble Road, East Cleveland OH 08/17/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23921-00265 Casey's General Store 1615 North Detroit Street, Xenia OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23933-00013 Virk Properties LLC 5777 Ottawa Road, Elida OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23933-00023 Convoy Kwik Mart 143 W. Tully Street, Convoy OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23933-00032 Paulding Kwik Mart 602 E. Perry Street, Paulding OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23944-00013 Shell 501 Vienna Avenue, Niles OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23947-00016 Williams Fuel Stop 488 Pike Street, Gallipolis OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23947-00021 Williams Fuel Stop 683 State Route 7 North, Gallipolis OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23955-00012 Langsville Gas & Grocery 33186 State Route 124, Langsville OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23957-00011 Silica Property, LLC 7901 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania OH 08/13/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23959-00013 786 Kharian Ltd DBA Mobil Mart 2635 W. Broad Street, Columbus OH 07/23/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23964-00013 Gels IGA 451 Stachler Drive, St. Henry OH 08/11/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23984-00011 McCluskey Automotive 179 Commerce Drive, Loveland OH 07/20/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23991-00012 Tom's Carry Out 329 Highway 7 N., Powhatan Point OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 23998-00014 One Stop, LLC 647 Old State Route 74, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24003-00023 Sunoco Youngstown Warren Road 5020 Youngstown-Warren Road, Niles OH 07/13/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24005-00013 Uptown Mart 24662 Lorain Road, North Olmsted OH 07/27/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24008-00012 Reliance Gas 4889 Northfield Road, North Randall OH 08/05/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24013-00013 Sitara Devi, LLC Sunoco 6795 Glenn Highway, Cambridge OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24015-00012 Jay Laxmi Mart, Inc. 6325 Newark Road, Nashport OH 07/17/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24017-00013 TJ Petroleum LLC 3120 Parkman Road, Warren OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24026-00014 Mobil 403 Georgesville Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24027-00012 OM Sai Marathon LLC 6790 Kellogg Avenue, Cincinnati OH 08/20/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24063-00013 Kingsville Fuel Mart LLC 6314 Main St, N Kingsville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24067-0001 3 AJ Foodmart LLC 304 S. Main Street, Orrville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24069-00013 McNeal's Stop N Shop 164 McDermott Rushtown Road, McDermo 09/14/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24071-00013 DL Boone LLC 5012 State Route 229, Marengo OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24076-00011 WKBN-TV 3930 Sunset Boulevard, Youngstown OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24078-00013 JNT Family Properties LLC dba Green C 201 Main Street, Green Camp OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24079-00014 H & T Chahal LLC 110 N. Main Street, Ridgeway OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24081-00013 Plaza Mini Mart, LLC 481 S. Main Street, Mt Victory OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24085-00013 Express Gas 15400 Euclid Avenue, East Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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24088-00015 Juman Inc 515 State Street, Zanesville OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24089-00014 Coshocton BP and Convenience Inc. 205 Chestnut Street, Coshocton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24090-00013 Gulf Newcomerstown Inc. 129 W. State Street, Newcomerstown OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24094-00011 Steward Hillside Rehabilitation Hospital 8747 Squires Lane, Warren OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24099-00013 Plaza 23, LLC 7144 US Route 23, Piketon OH 07/13/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24101-00016 FCA US LLC 8000 Chrysler Drive, Perrysburg OH 08/20/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24120-0001 2 Kretz Carryout, LLC dba Evansport Carry 1582 Evensport Road, Defiance OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24133-00013 Batavia C-Store 4118 Curliss Lane, Batavia OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24138-00014 Duchess 1263 E. Dublin-Granville Road, Columbus O 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24146-00013 Styx Acquisition, LLC 1401 Old Mansfield Rd, Wooster OH 07/02/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24148-00013 Exbo Services, Inc. 11622 Bellaire Road, Cleveland OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24153-00012 Sunoco Gas Station 863 S South Street, Wilmington OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24204-00013 Broadway BP 2803 Broadway Avenue, Lorain OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24213-00014 Woodville One Stop Market 1115 W. Main Street, Woodville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24215-00012 Hupp's Sunoco 1218 Lincoln Way W, Massillon OH 08/31/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24216-00014 L and M Automotive 2120 Sylvania Avenue, Toledo OH 07/06/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24218-00013 Shell Gas Station 1131 East Tallmadge Avenue, Akron OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24220-00014 Par Mar Store #31 1 McCarty Lane, Jackson OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24225-00013 NSJ Hospitality 125 West Court Street, Sidney OH 07/23/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24227-00012 IMAR Investments, LLC 425 South Mill Street, Sugarcreek OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24229-00015 Burton Gas USA 13819 West Center Street, Burton OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24236-00013 Heritage Co-Op Inc 1062 West High Avenue, New Philadelph 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24236-00028 Heritage Co-Op, Inc. 47345 Stumptown Road, Cadiz OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24236-00031 Heritage Co-Op, Inc. 1541 Canton Road, Carrollton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24236-0004 5 Alliance Bulk Plant 14949 Oyster Road, Alliance OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24236-00054 Carrollton Bulk Plant 258 5th Street, Carrollton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24236-00062 Bellville Bulk Plant 32 Fitting Avenue, Bellville OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24236-00073 Heritage Co-Op, Inc. 2000 Beeson Street N.E., Alliance OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24241-00012 H. J. Petroleum, Inc. 1505 St. Johns Road, Lima OH 07/10/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24248-00012 Rosiers Deli Mart 1428 S State Route 53, Tiffin OH 07/08/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24258-00013 Marion Sky Inc. 590 Georgesville Road, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24265-00014 Heffelfinger Marathon 236 North Union Street, Loudonville OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24267-00013 Lima Marathon Food 601 West Market Street, Lima OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24270-00014 Sardinia Food Mart 153 Winchester Street, Sardinia OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24289-00011 GECMC 2006-C1 North Ludlow Street, L 30 West Second Street, Dayton OH 10/05/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24291-00012 JVille Station 103 West Main Street, Jeromesville OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24292-00012 Quick Stop Gas 20 Johnsville Road, Centerburg OH 07/23/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24294-00014 Batavia Marathon 2199 Winemiller Lane, Batavia OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24294-00024 Marathon 201 South High Street, Mount Orab OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24294-00034 Marathon 570 North High Street, Mount Orab OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24299-00011 Terminal Limited, LLC 1708 Sawmill Creek Parkway, Huron OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24303-00015 Strebers Market 299 North South Street, New Vienna OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24304-00013 Hot Rods Food Mart 1616 Coshocton Avenue, Mount Vernon O 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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24305-00013 10-K Korner Mart 204 West Main Street, Deshler OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24314-00011 Bay Shore Plant 4701 Bay Shore Road, Oregon OH 07/28/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24339-00011 Nemo's Inc. 4302 County Road 16, Rayland OH 07/30/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24343-00014 Louisville Foodmart 2120 East Main Street, Louisville OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24346-00015 Pataskala Shell 13075 Worthington Road S.W., Pataskala O 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24348-00012 SAS Property 6685 Salem Road, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24349-00011 Pitt Ohio Parma 5570 Chevrolet Boulevard, Parma OH 07/27/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24356-00014 Jefferson Auto Service LLC 4 South Chestnut Street, Jefferson OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24360-00013 C J's Market 5 South Mill Street, Milford Center OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24372-00013 Shree Ghanshayam, LLC 827 Front Street, Berea OH 08/14/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24374-00012 Doylestown 221 North Portage Street, Doylestown OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24374-00022 Minit Mart Creston 228 South Main Street, Creston OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24374-00022 Minit Mart Creston 228 South Main Street, Creston OH 10/27/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24374-00032 Minit Mart Chippewa Lake 590 Lake Road, Chippewa Lake OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24374-00044 Minit Mart Medina 1 828 West Liberty Street, Medina OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24374-00052 Minit Mart Medina 2 1033 South Court Street, Medina OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24374-00062 Minit Mart Rittman 10 East Sunset Street, Rittman OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24374-00072 Minit Mart Valley City 6550 Center Road, Valley City OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24374-00083 Minit Mart Medina 3 1010 West Lafayette Road, Medina OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24374-00093 Minit Mart Wooster 825 Dover Road, Wooster OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24375-00013 Singh & Singh, LLC 101 Aetna Street, Bridgeport OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24378-00013 D&M Gasoline 500 East Erie Avenue, Lorain OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24386-00013 Shell Stop 101 North Quarry Street, Bainbridge OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24391-00013 Vine Street Market 7111 Vine Street, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24395-0001 3 A Food Mart 1920 East Whipp Road, Kettering OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24398-00012 BFR Cincinnati DC, LLC 925 Dalton Avenue, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24399-00013 BFR Cleveland DC, LLC 4100 West 150th Street, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24415-00012 Hop Shop #1414 3189 Western Row Road, Mason OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24415-00024 HOP Shop #1408 6778 Goshen Road, Goshen OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24424-00012 Cologix Columbus 585 Scherers Court, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24425-00012 SSMJ Solon 33200 Aurora Road, Solon OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24428-00011 Select Speciality Hospital 200 East Market Street, Akron OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24433-00012 Lovejoy Foodmart 525 West Main Street, Plain City OH 07/30/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24437-00012 Hide-A-Way Carryout 28521 Hide A Way Hills, Sugar Grove OH 08/05/2020 10/19/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24438-00012 200 Public Square 200 Public Square, Suite 215, Cleveland O 08/27/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24441-00011 Stratacache Tower 40 North Main Street, Dayton OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24443-00013 Midway Mart, Inc. 13458 State Route 38, South Solon OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24454-00013 Cedar Gas 2165 East 55th Street, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24458-00015 Muletown Mini Mart 9445 State Route 335, Minford OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24463-00012 Jeffrey Noe 12302 Sylvania Metamora Road, Berkey O 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24464-00014 Spremulli Holdings 19548 Detroit Road, Rocky River OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24466-00015 Fair Petroleum 3830 State Route 444, Fairborn OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24467-00013 Ohio York Food 1200 West Galbraith Road, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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24469-00013 Thorntons # 36 4600 Winchester Pike, Columbus OH 07/09/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24469-00024 Thorntons # 67 4360 Newberry Drive, Batavia OH 07/09/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24469-00034 Thorntons # 74 1030 Reading Road, Mason OH 07/09/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24469-00045 Thorntons # 75 664 Riverside Drive, Hamilton OH 07/09/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24469-00055 Thorntons # 65 4530 Reading Road, Cincinnati OH 07/09/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24469-00065 Thorntons # 70 4990 West Broad Street, Columbus OH 07/09/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24469-00075 Thortons # 63 2568 West North Bend Road, Cincinnati O 07/09/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24469-00085 Thorntons # 66 1771 Norton Road, Galloway OH 07/09/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24469-00095 Thorntons # 550 6347 Dixie Highway, Fairfield OH 07/09/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24469-00105 Thorntons # 500 3898 Alum Creek Drive, Columbus OH 07/09/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24469-00114 Thorntons # 552 7301 Kingsgate Way, West Chester OH 07/09/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24469-00124 Thorntons # 551 2225 Sharon Road, Sharonville OH 07/09/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24469-00134 Thorntons #501 2333 North Wilson Road, Columbus OH 07/09/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24469-00143 Thorntons #554 798 State Route 28, Milford OH 07/09/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24469-00154 Thornton's #557 945 West Central Avenue, Springboro OH 07/09/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24469-00164 Thornton's #559 1550 Grand Boulevard, Hamilton OH 07/09/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24469-00174 Thornton's #560 12185 Princeton Pike, Springdale OH 07/09/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24469-00184 Thornton's #558 3196 West Galbraith Road, Cincinnati OH 07/09/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24473-00013 Valero 1271 Yellow Springs Fairfield Road, Fairb 07/13/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24474-00012 Keystone Local Schools 409 Liberty Street, LaGrange OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24476-00014 McClure Carry Out 137 South East Street, McClure OH 07/06/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24480-00014 Red Rover Wooster 1055 Lincoln Way W, Wooster OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24480-00025 Red Rover Ashland 1011 Jacobson Avenue, Ashland OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24480-00034 Red Rover Wooster Mobil 1058 Lincolnway West, Wooster OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24480-00046 Red Rover Mount Vernon Marathon 9090 Columbus Road, Mt Vernon OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24481-00014 Red Rover Millersburg 5868 County Road 201, Millersburg OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24481-00023 Red Rover Sugarcreek 754 State Route 93, Sugarcreek OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24481-00033 Red Rover Millersburg East 7244 County Road 623, Millersburg OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24481-00044 Red Rover Wooster 585 2990 Old Airport Road, Wooster OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24481-00053 Red Rover North Canton 4704 Wayview Road, North Canton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24481-00063 Red Rover Dalton 39 Cochran Street, Dalton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24482-00014 Red Rover Apple Valley Marathon 21971 Coshocton Road, Howard OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24482-00023 Red Rover Marengo Marathon 619 State Route 61, Marengo OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24482-00032 Red Rover Winesburg Marathon 2595 US Route 62, Winesburg OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24483-00013 Maineville Shell 34 Grandin Road, Maineville OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24485-00014 Brook Park Sunoco 6313 Engle Road, Brookpark OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24486-00013 HYG Alum LLC 1001 Alum Creek Drive, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24487-00013 HYG Grandview 658 Grandview Avenue, Columbus OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24490-00014 Roberts Rd Marathon 4400 Roberts Rd, Columbus OH 07/02/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24498-00013 Risingsun Market 100 West Main Street, Risingsun OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24499-00011 Baruch Superior LLC 1111 Superior Avenue, Suite 530, Clevela 08/12/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24505-00013 New Horizon Properties 9609 Cincinnati Columbus Road, Cincinna 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24507-00012 Pitt's Stop 26 Broadway Street, Coalton OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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24511-00013 Uni-Mart 04768 4000 Park Avenue, Ashtabula OH 08/26/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24517-00013 St. Bernard Shell 10 West Mitchell Avenue, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24530-00014 Prospect Petroleum Inc. 2260 Heller Drive, Beavercreek OH 07/20/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24533-00012 United Garage & Service Corp. 2069 West 3rd Street, Cleveland OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24535-00014 Pearl Road Station, LLC 7606 Pearl Road, Middleburg Heights OH 08/03/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24538-00014 Newmans Carry Out 1421 Ralston Avenue, Defiance OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24539-00013 Keck's Market 1970 South Jefferson Avenue, Defiance O 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24540-00013 McComb Carry Out 305 East Main Street, McComb OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24551-00014 Bethel Sunoco 622 West Plane Street, Bethel OH 08/20/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24560-00014 SI NAL01 LLC 7300 Souder Road, New Albany OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24569-00012 Westwood Mini Mart 2454 Harrison Avenue, Cincinnati OH 08/11/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24574-00013 OnWay Convenience Store & Fuel Stop 2954 Cincinnati Dayton Road, Middletown O 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24582-00013 Saint Henry Food Mart Shell Facility 502 North Eastern Avenue, St. Henry OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24584-00015 Richies Corner Shop 10846 Lower Valley Pike, Medway OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24588-00022 Khushi Kaur 102 North Turkeyfoot Avenue, Malinta OH 09/25/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24591-00012 Par Mar Store #121 104 East Main Street, South Amherst OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24599-00014 Par Mar Store #122 5023 North Walnut Street, Ashville OH 07/01/2020 10/05/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24605-00011 Windy Point LLC 5275 Windy Point Road, Celina OH 07/27/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24623-00012 Sander's Markets 653 South Union Avenue, Alliance OH 07/01/2020 09/21/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24641-00013 First Stop Mini Mart 4501 West 8th Street, Cincinnati OH 07/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24655-00013 Cleveland Ave Sunoco 3317 Cleveland Avenue, Columbus OH 08/31/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24659-00014 Ridis #30 7422 Wales Road, Northwood OH 07/01/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24663-00012 Nadtar 4468 Monroe Street, Toledo OH 09/23/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24671-00014 LP Hanover 2732 East High Street, Newark OH 08/31/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24672-00011 Kuldip Singh 1514 Parkman Road, Warren OH 08/04/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24681-00011 Gang of One, Ltd. 949 King Avenue, Columbus OH 10/14/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24687-0001 3 Aksharm 5205 State Route 22 West, Wilmington O 08/31/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24689-00013 Payless Mini Mart 617 Market Street, Felicity OH 08/25/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24690-00013 Turnpike Petroleum LLC 505 Braceville Robinson Road SW, Newto 07/30/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24690-00023 Turnpike Petroleum LLC 91 Public Square, Andover OH 07/30/2020 09/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24691-00012 Gateway 3216 South Avenue, Youngstown OH 08/24/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24692-00013 Sunoco 27179 Detroit Road, Westlake OH 09/29/2020 10/26/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24698-00013 Cin-Air Management LLC 400 Wilmer Avenue, Cincinnati OH 10/05/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24699-00014 Hirns Corner Market 3504 US Route 50, Bainbridge OH 10/05/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24702-00013 Timycha Hockingport Holdings 20 Orange Street, Hockingport OH 09/22/2020 11/10/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24705-00015 Former Certified Oil #217 5323 Westerville Road, Columbus OH 10/14/2020 11/02/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A 24707-00014 Lucky Brothers 4615 Leavitt Road, Lorain OH 10/01/2020 10/14/2020 Not Required: Post 11-30-09 Pa N/A

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Total Owners 966

Total Facilities 2,091

Total USTs 5,991

Total Determinations 0

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