Due to the success of the newsletter over the past year, and the kind comments the Parish Council has received regarding the newsletter’s re-instatement as a community resource - it was agreed to sizeably increase the newsletter to provide more information to all parishioners. We have achieved this with the help of many local companies who have bought advert space in the newsletter and we urge all parishioners to support these local companies in thanks for their generosity. The newsletter has been the work of the Parish Clerk Alan Arber, who was assisted by an Editor, Holly Potter, who is currently studying at Royal Holloway University of London. The Parish Council are undertaking many good projects for the whole Parish including new benches around the Parish for walkers and parishioners to enjoy the views across the Tas Valley. Remedial work at Tharston Church which includes levelling the ground, installing a new notice board and bench. Finally, the Parish Council are pleased to announce that they have received a grant for a new Speed Awareness machine allowing them to have one in Tharston and one in Hapton always. This will allow us to download the data they collect and submit to the police to show areas that suffer from speeding and high traffic volumes. If you feel you would like to contribute to the newsletter in any way, to publish an article or buy advert space, then please contact the clerk on the following email address, he would be happy to assist you in ensuring your work is included: [email protected] Wishing you an enjoyable summer – The Parish Council

The Firework Specialists

We are pleased to support the re-launch of the Tharston Firework Spectacular on Saturday 4th November 2017

Special announcement for organisers of firework events and enthusiasts: Fireworks inaugural demonstration event is scheduled to take place on Friday 6th October 2017 - a new range of 1.3G display quality retail fireworks will be fired along with new products from our 2017 range for advance ordering. Entry will be FREE via ticket only available on a first come first served basis.

NEW The Bhuti Wellbeing & Yoga Retreat Studio opens Saturday 3 June

A spacious and bright studio offering various styles of yoga, classes, workshops, intensives, day and weekend retreats, mindfulness, relaxation, yoga for sleep and relaxation, private appointments, life and business coaching and Nordic walking. Bookings are now being taken, Contact: Barbara, T: 07788581662, E: [email protected] www.yoganorfolk.com Nether Langleys, Bungay Rd, Tharston, NR15 2YL.

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Picture 2: Diss Express 06 June 1941 Picture 1: White Horse, Hapton Hole 1917

For more information on joining the Hapton History Society or just coming to the event please contact David Gunton on [email protected] 12


It has been a busy year so far at Hapton Primary School. There has been some new play equipment installed on the back field, which was purchased with help from the Friends of Hapton Primary. The whole school went to see the pantomime in Norwich and was enjoyed by all. Then, children from years 3, 4, 5 and 6 visited London to see the musical Aladdin. These children have also visited the Science Museum in London. Long days but lots of fun! The younger children in the school have had visits from Banham Zoo and attended dance and PE cluster events held at High School, which were all a great success! Recently all the children took part in a science week which culminated in an assorted display of experiments that parents came to watch. Children were able to explain in detail the science behind their experiments. Both classes had a visit from the Dogs Trust who explained about the work they do and brought to life different lessons. The Friends have organised many events such as the Christmas fete, Valentine’s disco and they are busy organising the summer fete for July. They have raised a fantastic amount so far and shows the dedication and support we have. The events of this year have been very exciting, and we look forward to what the rest of the year holds! If you would like further information about Hapton CE VA Primary, or wish to make an appointment to visit, please do not hesitate to contact the school on 01508 489395 or by e-mail head@hapton..sch.uk. We would love to hear from you!

Hapton CEVA Primary School (part of a federation with All Saints and St Andrew's, North Lopham) currently have a vacancy on their governing body and would welcome somebody from the local community. Governors are one of the largest volunteer forces in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards. The role of the governing board is absolutely key to the effectiveness of a school and being a governor can be very enjoyable and a worthwhile role within the school community. Please contact 01508 489395 if you would like some more information. Maxine McGarr, headteacher, on behalf of Sue Savereux, Chair of Governors.

As many of you may already know, on the 12th of January Long Stratton saw the opening of their new 3G football pitch. This amazing new facility is a great opportunity for the people of Hapton and Tharston as it is also available for our use.

Since the opening of the 3G pitch, it has proven to be very popular among locals and despite the wind and rain which appeared during the opening, many people came together to participate in football games, including students from Long Stratton High School, and even former-Canaries star Darren Huckerby.

Des Fulcher, former member of the Leisure Committee for and District Councillor for Stratton Ward, expressed his excitement and pride for the success of the project and hopes that many other people from surrounding areas will support the development and come and enjoy the facility which is open to all.

The new 3G pitch is just one of many future developments for the sports facilities in Long Stratton, which will no doubt also benefit the residents of our parish.

The 3G pitch is available for anyone to book, every day of the week, in afternoons and evenings.

Picture Above Right: 3G Pitch under construction Opening times

Picture Above Left: (from left to right) Monday, Tuesday Friday: 16:00 - 22:00 Cllr Ellis ( Ward), Debbie Wednesday, Thursday: 17:00 - 22:00 Lorimer (SNDC - Director of Business Saturday and Sunday: 08:30 - 18:00 Development), Steve Goddard (SNDC - Head of Leisure Services), Details for costs and bookings are myself, Darren, Cllr Hudson available on the South Norfolk Council (Cabinet Member), Cllr Thomas (County), Website or 01508 531444 Cllr Hornby (Cabinet Member) and Mark Heazle (SNDC - Leisure Services)

We are holding a series of Coffee & Cake Mornings at different venues throughout the Village so that everyone will have somewhere near them to attend. The first Coffee & Cake Morning was held on May 13th, we were pleased that so many were able join us.

The second such morning will be held on Saturday June 17th between 10.00 to 12.00 and will be at Mill Cottage, Lower Tharston by the kind invitation of Kamena & David Henshaw. Entry is £4.00 per person and there will also be a raffle.

Next on the list will be Tea & Cakes, which will be held on Saturday July 8th between 2.00 to 4.00 at The Poplars, The Street, Tharston by the kind invitation of Mr & Mrs E Lambert. Entry will be £4.00 per person and again, there will be a raffle.

All proceeds will be specifically for the Church re-ordering Fund, which is a protected Fund within the Church accounts.

The Annual Church Fete will be held on Saturday 22nd July at a venue to be advised soon. We will have all the usual stalls such as Tombola, Tea, Cakes, Bric a Brac, Books, Putting and other games, plus a Raffle. There will be other competitions held, with the chance of winning a bottle of Champagne and a £20 note. We hope to have stalls for younger children as well, but we will need some volunteers to run them. All profits will go to the general Church Funds; the Fete continues to play a major role in ensuring that the Church remains open.

Please make a diary note of these dates and we hope that you will be able to support our efforts. There will be notices displayed around the village and flyers will be distributed prior to the event.

There will also be a Church Open Day on September 17th with complimentary coffee and cakes as we share our plans and ideas for the future of the Church. We hope to be able to answer any questions you may have. Full details will appear in the next newsletter and we will also be distributing a note throughout the village nearer the time.

If you have any queries or would like to help in any way with these activities please contact: Chris Lawson, Holbrook, The Street, Tharston, NR15 2YP. or by Tel 530055 or [email protected]

Borderhoppa Members Outings Borderhoppa has lots going on for our members in 2017 including lunches out, visits to gardern centres and places of interest. If you or someone you know would like to join us, please call us on 01379 854800. Membership is £6 for 6 months or £10 for 12 months, outings are individually priced. We currently have spaces available on the following trips: July 2017

Thurs 13th – Lunch at The Chip Inn, Long Stratton - £6 (lunch extra) Mon 24th – Garden Centre & Gardens - £7 Thurs 27th – Gorleston - £16

August 2017

Thurs 3rd – Aldeburgh - £17 Thurs 10th – Lunch at The Chip Inn, Long Stratton - £6 (lunch extra) Thurs 17th – Beccles - £10 Mon 21st – Wroxham Barns - £15 Thurs 31st – Highways Garden Centre - £15

Tharston Church would like to invite you to support them on Sunday September 17th between 11:00 and 3:00 :

ome to the hurch and join us for omplimentary coffee and ak e to help us re-instate the ommunity spirit. Perhaps you ould bring a can for the foodbank as the hurch contains the Village’s ollection point, you could also onsider our plans for the futurehurch’s if the future. C Better Broadband for Norfolk Campaign

We hold information by village rather than parish, so do let me know if your Parish Council covers any other villages

Norfolk has extended its contract with BT to expand Superfast broadband coverage across the county. I can confirm that most properties in the Hapton area are within the scope of this extended Better Broadband for Norfolk Programme rollout.

Rollout will follow on immediately after the completion of the current deployment which concludes at the end of June 2018. This further extension of the rollout is extensive and will be completed by the end of March 2020, by which point 95% of Norfolk properties will have access to Superfast broadband speeds (24Mbps+).

A new fibre cabinet which is planned for Hapton with implementation expected October 2018 – March 2019. 70 properties are currently served by Exchange Only Lines connected directly to the Fundenhall local exchange. 62 of these properties will have access to superfast broadband once this new fibre cabinet is live. There are eight properties that will not be served by this new cabinet:

NR151AD – Haptn House Barn and another unidentified property NR151SG – Bridge Farm, Conifers, Green Mantle, Hillside Farm and Saddleback Barn NR151SH – Bayes Farm

A further property is served from Fundenhall cabinet 1 which has been fibre enabled, speed available 17Mbps

A further three properties is served from cabinet 4 which has been fibre enabled, speed available 5–10Mbps

The order for the rollout will be based on achieving the most efficient deployment possible, this is to ensure access to Superfast broadband for the maximum number of properties possible for the available funding.

Survey and design work will take place in phases, as the survey for each new cabinet is completed details will be provided to the relevant Parish Council.

Once fibre infrastructure is available in your area, you’ll need to contact your Internet Service Provider, or another, to discuss suitable services packages. Over 100 Internet Service Providers offer fibre based broadband service.

One slight caveat, this is subject to survey and there always remains the small chance that this reveals something that would require more work than expected which could cause a delay or, in extreme cases, it is possible that severe technical issues will be discovered that prevent implementation altogether.

C Lawson, Holbrook, The Street, Tharston, NR15 2YP. Tel 530055 or [email protected]


To All Residents of Tharston,

We would like to share with you, our plans and hopes for the future of the Church so that you can see how we hope to ensure that the Church will remain at the centre of community life, as it has done so for hundreds of years.

The long-term aim is to turn the Church into a Community Centre for the village, by changing the function of the old school rooms which are no longer in use, to help to secure the future of the Church itself. Clearly, this will take a great effort and therefore, we will need the help and support of the whole village if our aims are to be achieved.

We are only too aware that the community spirit which used to exist in Tharston, helped by events such as the Harvest Supper, Firework displays, the Nelson celebrations and others, has been lost and we wish to re-establish this, as it will be vital if we are to succeed with our plans.

The immediate aim is to renovate the Church floor, made necessary by the rotting of the floor in the Nave, and to do so we must remove all the Pews. This presents us with the ideal opportunity to introduce other changes to the Church layout. Initially, we intend to change the old heating system to a more appropriate one, as well as to improve the lighting. The next stage will consist of making use of this large functional space which we will then have.

To make full use of this we would like to turn the Chancel into the area where usual Church Services would be held, as this would better serve the needs of the normal congregation. In the main area, the Pews will be replaced by stackable chairs so that we will still be able to cater for larger functions such as weddings, funerals and other services.

Following this we then hope to move the Font next to the Chancel and to replace the choir stalls with shorter Pews to ensure we make use of the Medieval Pew ends which MUST be preserved within the Church. We are also looking to remove the rarely used Organ, replacing it with a portable model, thus giving more space for the new Pews in the Chancel.

Finally, we plan to install a kitchen at the Western end of the Nave which will incorporate the small vestry on the right as you enter the Church, with outside toilet facilities also envisaged.

We intend to hold regular fundraising events for this project and initially these will consist of monthly coffee mornings and the like at the Church and at homes throughout the Village, which we hope you will support. We also hope to introduce a Supper Club, so please keep your eyes on the Newsletter and the Church magazine, both of which will contain details of these events (posters will also be displayed throughout the village). Other fundraising ideas are being considered with the aim of attracting larger numbers will contain details of these events (posters will also be displayed throughout the to single events. Once these are planned, full details will again be given and we may village). even have another Open Gardens weekend which proved so successful in 2015. Other fundraising ideas are being considered with the aim of attracting larger numbers toThe single intention events. is to Once show these Grant are bodies planned that , thefull villagedetails has will madeagain anbe effortgiven to and raise we funds may eventowards have this another project Open, as Gardens this will weekend increase which our provedchance so of successful successful in 2015.applications, esp ecially those that offer matched funding. We are also pleased to tell you that the The intention is to show Grant bodies that the village has made an effort to raise funds Parish Council have agreed to support our project and this is very much welcomed by thetowards PCC. this project, as this will increase our chance of successful applications, esp ecially those that offer matched funding. We are also pleased to tell you that the ParishYou can Council play a havemore agreedactive role to support in this campaign our project by and joining this us is asvery part much of the welcomed fundraising by teamthe PCC. or by offering your property as a venue for one of the events. We are hopeful that someone living on the new estates off Chequers Road might support these functions You can play a more active role in this campaign by joining us as part of the fundraising and indeed offer to host one as it would make it easier for us to cover all areas of the village.team or by offering your property as a venue for one of the events. We are hopeful that someone living on the new estates off Chequers Road might support these functions andIf you indeed would offer like to hosthelp oneor receive as it would more makedetails it ofeasier forthcoming for us to events, cover allplease areas contact of the village.me and provide an email address, as this would be very helpful.

IIf look you forwardwould like to hearing to help fromor receive you, more details of forthcoming events, please contact me and provide an email address, as this would be very helpful. C E Lawson. I look forward to hearing from you, On Behalf of Tharston St Mary’s PCC

C E Lawson. MARCH APRIL MAY On Behalf of TharstonAgree St Mary’s the first PCC letter Issue the above 1st Coffee morning

TIMETABLE for Village, letter and publish MARCH APRIL st MAY FOR Agreeannouncing the first what letter we Issuedetails the of 1above Coffee 1st Coffee morning FUNDRAISINGTIMETABLE forintend Village, to do with morningletter and publish FOR announcingthe Church (at what PCC we details of 1st Coffee FUNDRAISING intendmeeting). to do with morning JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT. the Church (at PCC Publish details of 2nd Coffee morning Agree the events for Open day at Church meeting). 2nd Coffee the next months and (Coffee & Cakes) JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT. Publishmorning details of 2nd Coffee morning Agreeproduce the a eventsletter, and for OpenPublish day details at Church of 2nd Coffee thepublicity next monthsfor the and (Coffeenext coffee & Cakes) morning morning produceOpen Day a letter,to and PublishIssuing ofdetails letter of for publicitydistribute for to theVillage nexthelp coffeein future morning OCT. NOV. OpenDEC. Day to Issuing(ALSO MAY)of letter for rd 3 Coffee morning Publish details of a distributeChristmas to Coffee Village help in future Review the whole Christmas Coffee morning Possible Open OCT. NOV. DEC. Gardens(ALSO MAY) project3rd Coffee in morningthe Publishmorning details of a Christmas Coffee Reviewlight of responsethe whole Christmas Coffee morning Possible Open Gardens receivedproject in to the date. morning light of response received to date.

See behind the scenes at the ited! e inv UK’s largest You’r horse sanctuary

Redwings Hapton Open Day Sunday 23rd July 10am to 4pm Free entry!

Tours | Demonstrations | Food | Family fun Redwings Hapton, Norwich, NR15 1SP 01508 481000 www.redwings.org.uk Hello from IT Tech Partner

My name is Adrian Bowden and together with my business partner, Elliott Humphrey, we supply computer equipment and services via our company, IT Tech Partner, based in Drayton, Norwich. We have over 30 years of experience in the computer industry, covering everything from laptops and tablets through to large office computer installations and websites.

We provide ad-hoc and contract based support to small and medium businesses throughout Norwich and North Norfolk. We’ve been providing help and support to your Parish Clerk, Alan Arber, for several years with new computers and equipment, software upgrades and backup solutions and by introducing a new website for the Parish Council.

We’re not just for business people though – we also offer home user support at very competitive prices. Whether it’s a quick fix or a complex problem, we can provide on- site or remote IT support to get you up and running. Our prices start from as little as £20 for a remote support session and £40 for a home visit.

So, if you need any help with your computers, phones, tablets, software or websites, or you are a company and would like to discuss a business support contract, please give us a call on 01603 865664. We’d love to hear from you!

Ade & Elliott

The Street, Long Stratton, NR15 2XG

Family restaurant featuring a large rear garden

Monday to Saturday Lunch 12-3pm & Dinner 6-9pm

Sunday 12-6pm – Main menu & Full Roast

Wide choice of meals & children’s menu available

Function room & Marquee available for hire

Enjoy 17 th century interior dining or have a Pizza in our walled garden (weather permitting at weekends)

Booking advisable at busy times; call 01508 531500

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